TestBed V24-1
1. Table of contents
1. Table of contents 2
2. About this document 4
2.1. Legend 4
3. Introduction 5
4. Installation and settings 6
4.1. Extension TestBed settings 8
5. Defining the channel list and automatic export 10
5.1. Channel setup TestBed Settings 11
5.2. Channel Transfer list Tab 12
5.3. Transfer condition 13
5.4. Settings Tab 14
6. Basic AK protocol syntax 17
6.1. Request telegram 17
6.2. Response telegram 18
6.3. Error handling and response 18
6.4. Command examples with response 20
7.1. SRES - stop and load last setup 21
7.2. SREM - activate remote control 22
7.3. SMAN - deactivate remote control 22
7.4. SMON - start measurement without storing 22
7.5. SMES - start measurement with storing 22
7.6. SMEC - start measurement with auto restart 23
7.7. STBY - change to setup mode 23
7.8. SLSD x - load setup file 23
7.9. SSTP - stop measurement 23
7.10. SSTO x - rename Datafile 24
7.11. SECD x y - export CEA data 24
7.13. SPRT x - set trigger pre time 25
8. READ COMMANDS (Axxx) 26
8.1. AIDN - read identification 27
8.2. AKEN - read identification 27
8.3. AVER - read actual version number 27
8.4. ASTA - read statistic type of transfer list 27
8.5. ASTZ - read actual remote/run state 28
8.6. ASTF - read last error code 28
8.7. ANAM - read channel names of transfer list 29
8.8. AUNT - read units of transfer list 29
8.9. AMES - read channel data of transfer list 30
8.10. ALST - read immediate statistic result of transfer list 31
8.11. AACT - read actual value of transfer list 31
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8.12. AMIN - read actual value of transfer list 32
8.13. AMAX - read actual value of transfer list 32
8.14. AAVE - read actual value of transfer list 32
8.15. ASTD - read actual value of transfer list 32
8.16. AVAR - read actual value of transfer list 32
8.17. ACOV - read actual value of transfer list 33
8.18. ARES - read actual value of transfer list 33
8.19. AMEC - read actual value of transfer list 33
8.20. ACYC - read actual cycle number 33
8.21. ACFG - read actual protocol definition 33
8.22. APRT - read trigger pretime 34
8.23. ASTN - read setup name and full path 34
9.1. ESPD x - set the file name 35
9.2. ESPS x - set the store mode 35
9.3. ESPC x - set number of cycles 35
9.7. EPCV x - set polytropic number 36
9.8. ECDV x - cylinder deactivation 37
11. Warranty information 40
11.1. Calibration 40
11.2. Support 40
11.3. Service/repair 40
11.4. Restricted Rights 40
11.5. Printing History 41
11.6. Copyright 41
11.7. Trademarks 41
12. Safety instructions 42
12.1. Safety symbols in the manual 42
12.2. General Safety Instructions 42
12.2.1. Environmental Considerations 42
12.2.2. Product End-of-Life Handling 42
12.2.3. System and Components Recycling 42
12.2.4. General safety and hazard warnings for all Dewesoft systems 43
13. Documentation version history 46
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2. About this document
This is the users manual for the Test Bed module.
2.1. Legend
The following symbols and formats will be used throughout the document.
It gives you important information about the subject.
Please read carefully!
It gives you a hint or provides additional information about a subject.
Gives you an example of a specific subject.
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3. Introduction
Testbed module is an interface between DewesoftX and testbed control systems. It can be used with the
combustion engine analyser (CEA) module where engine cycles are used for storing and calculation
conditions. Alternatively, it can also be used in time-mode where any channel or value can be sent from
DewesoftX and measurement time is used for triggering and calculation interval.
The communication to the testbed server is implemented as a dedicated Test Bed module. You can
choose between:
IndiMaster 670 compatible,
AK Protocol,
Puma Open AK,
D2T AK, and
Tornado AK.
For all of these protocols the RS232 or TCP/IP connection is possible.
TestBed uses the Request/Response working principle and can be pre-set and used independently of
DewesoftX. In this way it is controlled only by the master system that is requesting a certain data from
the TestBed module, which gives the response then back to the master system. There are 2 modes that
can be used:
Remote on (online) - Dewesoft's TestBed is controlled by some other Testbed, where you do not
need to touch Dewesoft anymore.
Remote off (offline) - Dewesoft's TestBed is not controlled by any outside source. In this mode can
be set and configured.
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4. Installation and settings
In case you can't find the TestBed Plug-In inside Dewesoft X: Settings -> Extensions -> TestBed Plugin,
please contact your local support to get the TestBed driver. Then copy the file called Testbed.dll” in the
Addons folder of your current DewesoftX installation. Addons is a sub-directory of your used
DEWESoftX.exe. Depending on the installation this may be in:
D:\DEWESoft\Bin\X2\Addons, or
C:\Program Files\DEWESoft\Bin\X2\Addons
After this simple installation, please perform “Register plugins” and restart Dewesoft X.
Image 1: Register plugins refresh button
If you don't have administrator rights on your PC, the registration of the Testbed.dll may not
work. If so, please execute “DCOMReg.exe” from your DewesoftX.exe directory as
administrator (right click and choose Run as Administrator from the Menu.
Now you are ready to choose between several Testbed types and two Protocol types: the TCP/IP or RS232
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Image 2: TestBed settings
In addition to the communication port settings (eg. Baud Rate in case of RS232 or the Port No. in case of
TCP/IP) additional settings are possible:
Added user defined custom delimiter as a string for testbed responses and values.
use DEWESoft filename (ignore fixed filename “Last”). If activated, the stored file name is defined
by the setup or by the host PC. Otherwise, the stored file is always named with “LastCEA.dxd”.
allow to open a 2nd instance of Dewesoft for export. The TestBed PlugIn allows automatic export
of the data files into different data formats. When enabling the second instance, Dewesoft CEA
can be used in parallel during the data export.
write a log file to the system-logs folder.
For debug purpose, the complete communication is logged into a file (TestBed_Log_date
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When you change the protocol type or the COM port, please restart DewesoftX!
The type AK Protocol” (R232 or TCP/IP) has limited functionality (e.g. no statistic values) and
should not be used in new applications!
4.1. Extension TestBed settings
In the Settings -> Extension area, the following settings can be applied:
TestBed settings
TestBed type
AK Protocol
Puma Open
Protocol Type
TCP port number
TCP port
Type in the port number
COM port
COM port
Select the COM port of the RS232 connection
Bits per second
Select bitrate from the dropdown menu
Data bits
Select number of data bits from the dropdown menu
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Stop bits
Select the number of stop bits from dropdown menu
General settings
Use second Dewesoft instance when exporting
When enabling the second instance, Dewesoft CEA can be
used in parallel during the data export.
Use filename defined in Dewesoft or TestBed (if not checked
LastCA name is used)
If activated, the stored file name is defined by the setup or by
the host PC. Otherwise, the stored file is always named with
Auto restart on 1st trigger with un-armed measurement (only
valid for Remote off)
Will auto restart the measurement on the 1st trigger.
Output log file
It will write a log file to the system-logs folder, with the user
defined size (Maximum log file size).
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5. Defining the channel list and automatic export
In the next step we need to define the channel transfer list. Any DEWESoft® channel can be selected.
The final step is to define the statistical calculation method for each channel. The statistic values are
calculated over a definable number of cycles.
Transfer condition was added after Testbed v7.0.19!
More details can be found in chapter 5.3.
With channels can be added and with already selected channels can be removed from the
transfer channel list. Use and for moving the channels in a specific order.
Image 3: TestBed plugin integration
Additionally, the data can also be automatically exported at the end of the measurement. This automatic
export can even be performed without the TestBed (in REMOTE OFF mode).
In remote operation, additional options are available:
Export can be performed in parallel by enabling a 2nd instance of Dewesoft.
Please refer to chapter 4 Installation and settings for settings.
The Dewesoft data file (raw data) can be automatically deleted after successful export.
Please refer as well to chapter 8.3 Export angle domain data for further information about the
export settings.
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5.1. Channel setup TestBed Settings
In order to use TestBed, the Combustion Engine Analyzer (CEA) usually needs to be used as well. CEA is
the reference module for the TestBed module. CEA is not needed only in cases where the Statistics
interval is selected in ‘Seconds’ units.
Image 4: TestBed Channel setup settings
Reference CA - the CEA (CA) of interest should be selected. This can be selected only when the
Statistics interval has the Cycles unit.
Statistics interval - defines intervals used for statistical calculations measured in Cycles or in
Seconds, which will then be applied for the calculation of the statistics defined for each channel
in the channel transfer list.
Cycles - are used only for Combustion calculation, where number of cycles is important.
As well the corresponding CEA module then needs to be selected.
Seconds - are used for any other TestBed cases, where number of cycles are not
important and they do not use CEA (for example E-vehicles).
Transfer time - the message response will include the time value as well. Time value will be then
positioned first in the response message.
Create trigger - in offline mode only, it is possible to create a trigger by clicking on the Create
trigger button. Click on the button will create the trigger based on Statistics interval value and its
unit - Cycles or Seconds inside the Storing tab. So in case of the upper image, it will create a
storing trigger for 120 cycles. See image 5.
Maximum channel count to transfer - limits the number of channels that can be transferred
over the TestBed module.
After TestBed v7.0.19 the maximum number of transfer channels is set to 1000, earlier versions to
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Image 5: Created trigger from the TestBed module
5.2. Channel Transfer list Tab
In the Channel transfer list any Dewesoft channel can be selected, which includes statistical calculations
as well. Statistical values are calculated over a defined number of cycles. You can also select
Image 6: Channel transfer List
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There are a few options of choosing the Statistic type for each channel separately:
Image 7: Statistic type options
5.3. Transfer condition
Transfer conditions are used for defining conditions where a channel should or shouldn’t be transferred.
The defined conditions are cases where the Channel value should not be transferred.
For example: In the case of the first Transfer condition, it will not send data if the value of Formula 1 is
more or equal than the threshold value (in this case 0,00).
Image 8: Transfer condition panel
Transfer conditions take in a few inputs:
Name - Optional condition name that is used for transfer condition in channel list.
Threshold - Value which defines the limit.
Channel - The channel that is referenced when determining whether to send or not.
Condition - In which case to send data. We have the following options:
Image 9: Conditions
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The defined Transfer conditions can then be assigned to channels in the transfer list. Which means that
the value of the channel, which has a Transfer condition assigned will not be transferred if the condition
is met. In which case the Value on error will be transferred.
Image 10: Response diagram
5.4. Settings Tab
There are a number of settings that can be set under the Settings tab in the TestBed module.
Image 11: Settings Tab settings
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Allows to enable option Run measurement in fullscreen
Option to automatically add a suffix for all channels that are not sent as actual values (Min,
Max, Average,...)
Image 12: General settings
Storing options
Allows to enable stop of storing, in case there is no new cycle within 10 seconds
Option to continue storing after the defined statistics cycle period in the testbed plugin
Image 13: Storing options settings
Datafile settings - allows enabling of multi file indexing, and, or creating a subfolder with a
datafile name. Both options are available only in remote mode.
NOTE, that Multifile storing option has to be enabled under Storing settings then as well!
Image 14: Datafile settings
Export - allows to choose:
Image 15: Export settings
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Export type and Data type
Image 16, 17: Export type and Data Type drop-down options
For different Export types and Data types combinations, different options for
Export sampling type selection can be chosen:
For example, with Flexpro export, all possible sampling types can be
selected at once, but for Excel, only one sampling type can be selected. Also
with IFile CA export it is allowed to select the following combinations:
Only each single option
Once per cycle and Cycle OR Once per cycle and Averaged cycle
Cycle OR Average cycle - selecting both is not possible
Export sampling rate:
Once per cycle, or
Averaged cycle.
Export condition:
TestBed command only
TestBedCmd or StopStore (remote off only)
Image 18: Export condition selection
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6. Basic AK protocol syntax
6.1. Request telegram
Image 19: Request telegram
Each request telegram begins with STX (Start of Text) in the first byte and indicates a new request.
Previous requests will be ignored if not finished with ETX (End of Text) for last byte. If the complete
telegram has less than the minimum of 10 bytes a "????" function code is sent with a response. If the
request function code is unknown the response is also a "????" function code instead of an echo.
The “don't care” byte can be any ASCII character, usually an underscore '_' or blank ' ' is used. The 4
function bytes represent the AK command followed by a blank, a fixed character "K" and the channel
number. The channel number has variable length, but usually one byte. Dewesoft CEA does not need
but accepts the channel number “K0”. If data in variable length are included a blank is used to separate
it from channel number.
In general, AK function codes are divided into three classes:
Control commands (Sxxx)
Read commands (Axxx)
Configuration/Write commands (Exxx)
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6.2. Response telegram
Image 20: Response diagram
Each response telegram begins with STX (Start of Text) in the first byte and with ETX (End of Text) for the
last byte. The “don't care” byte can be any ASCII character, usually an underscore (_) or blank is used. The
4 function bytes are the echo of the request function bytes followed by a blank and the error status byte.
The 4 function bytes can be also "????" in case of a basic error in request (see error handling). The error
status number in the response telegram tells if internal errors in the responding device occurred. It is
zero when no error appears, and it is 1 - 9 when one or more errors occurred. The error status number will
be incremented by one with each change in error status of the device . The value 10 will wrap to 1. The
error status number will be reset to zero when all errors on the device are removed.
If data in variable length are included a blank is used to separate it from error status or error code.
6.3. Error handling and response
If any of the following error conditions occurs, the error counter will be increased by 1:
an unknown request,
the analyser is busy,
an error occurred in the command parameters.
When the error counter exceeds 9”, it will start at 1” again. Each command returns this error counter
[ErrCnt], even if the actual command was successful.
Response at invalid command or communication error
X\02_???? [ErrCnt] x\03
[ErrCnt] : The error counter will not be increased
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Response at valid command but not possible to execute, an additional error code is returned.
Command is the request command
[ErrCnt] is the standard internal error counter (will be not increased)
[ErrCod] is the additional error code with following definition:
DF: Data Error: Received values are outside the permissible range
OF: Offline: Device is in local mode
BS: Device is currently busy with another function execution
Example: When the host tries to load a setup, but the Dewesoft CEA is not in the correct
state (SMAN)
x\02_SLSD 0 OFx\03
Response at any other internal error
Command is the request command
[ErrCnt] will be increased at any error by 1. If the error counter exceeds 9”, it will start at 1”
again. Each command returns this error counter [ErrCnt], even if the actual command was
Example: When the host tries to load a setup, which does not exist on Dewesoft CEA
x\02_SLSD 1x\03
Below you can find the Error Code definition:
0 = es_None
1 = es_NotRemote
2 = es_UnknownCommand
3 = es_NoDataForOutput
4 = es_CanNotLoadSetup
5 = es_StoreModeNotSet
6 = es_StoreNameExists
7 = es_StoreNameNotDefined
8 = es_StoreNameSetNotAllowed
9 = es_SetParamNotAllowed
Refer to command ASTF read the last error code on page 63 to reset the error counter and get
the last Error Code.
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6.4. Command examples with response
Request: x\02_AKENx\03
Response: x\02_AKEN 0 DEWESOFT_CEAx\03
Request: x\02_ESPC K0 120x\03
Response: x\02_ESPC 0 x\03
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Command - short description
Puma Open
SRES stop and load last setup
SREM activate remote control
SMAN deactivate remote control
SMON start measurement without storing
SMES start measurement with storing
SMEC start measurement with auto restart
STBY change to setup mode
SLSD x load setup file
SSTP stop measurement
SSTO x rename datafile
SECD x y export CEA data
Same function as
STRG x trigger command
SPRT x set pretime trigger
7.1. SRES - stop and load last setup
Request: x\02_SRES K0x\03
Response: x\02_SRES 0x\03
Stops, load last setup and goes to setups screen of Dewesoft CEA:
This command is working in MANUAL and REMOTE Mode.
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The internal error-counter is reset.
7.2. SREM - activate remote control
Request: x\02_SREM K0x\03
Response: x\02_SREM 0x\03
Activates the remote connection to the Dewesoft CEA to the testbed.
7.3. SMAN - deactivate remote control
Request: x\02_SMANx\03
Response: x\02_SMAN 0x\03
Deactivates the remote connection to the Dewesoft CEA and for manual operation.
Tornado only sets the RemoteFlag to Off.
All others also stop the measurements.
7.4. SMON - start measurement without storing
Request: x\02_SMON K0x\03
Response: x\02_SMON 0x\03
Dewesoft CEA changes to measure mode without storing
7.5. SMES - start measurement with storing
Request: x\02_SMES K0x\03
Response: x\02_SMES 0x\03
Dewesoft CEA changes to measure mode, and stores the data
If it was already in measure mode only storing is started
At start storing all the statistic values and also the cycle count is reset and starts from 0
After NoOfCycles are acquired, Dewesoft CEA stops automatically
AK and Puma Open does store only, if the Store Flag was set with ESPS command
Therefore the response with ASTZ is either SMES STOREON or SMES STOREOFF
The stop of measurement can be indicated either with:
the commando ASTZ - read actual remote/run state (chapter,
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the actual cycle number has reached the NrOfCycles,
the statistic values changes from default value (IE10 or 0) to a discrete value.
7.6. SMEC - start measurement with auto restart
Request: x\02_SMEC K0x\03
Response: x\02_SMEC 0x\03
This commando is similar to SMES start measurement with storing. But Dewesoft CEA will
automatically restart the measurement without storing after NoOfCycles are reached. This gives the
possibility to continue the monitoring of the testbed although the data file is already stored.
With “_AMES K0” the actual values can be transferred
With “_AMES K0 MEC” the results stored in the data file are transferred
The operation state with SMEC is either storing (like SMES) or monitoring (SMON).
Therefore the result with ASTZ is SMES or SMON (never SMEC).
7.7. STBY - change to setup mode
Request: x\02_STBY K0x\03
Response: x\02_STBY 0x\03
Dewesoft CEA will change to setup mode.
7.8. SLSD x - load setup file
Request: x\02_SLSD CEASetupFileNamex\03
Response: x\02_SLSD 0x\03
The file name is followed after the SLSD command without any extension, and without path.
Error code 0 indicates a successful load.
After loading the setup, Dewesoft CEA is in STBY = Setupmode.
7.9. SSTP - stop measurement
Request: x\02_SSTP K0x\03
Response: x\02_SSTP 0x\03
Dewesoft CEA will stop the measurement either with or without storing.
Dewesoft CEA will stay in the measurement mode.
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To restart either SMON(without storing) or SMES(with storing) can be used.
7.10. SSTO x - rename Datafile
Request: x\02_SSTO [DataFileName]x\03
Response: x\02_SSTO 0x\03
This commando is only valid if “use Dewesoft filename (ignore fixed filename “Last”) is not used
Please refer to chapter 4 Installation and settings for defining this setting
In this mode, Dewesoft CEA is automatically storing each file with the default name
This command only renames this data file and have to be performed after each measurement
[DataFileName] must be without extension and without path (default Data directory is used)
It is not possible to get the data back, if this command is not performed
Error code 0 indicates the successful renaming of the data file
7.11. SECD x y - export CEA data
Request: x\02_SECD SourceFileName TargetFileName x\03
Response: x\02_SECD 0x\03
SourceFileName and TargetFileName must be without extension and path (default Data
directory is used).
If no parameter is defined, then automatically the last stored data file is exported with the same
file name.
If the SourceFileName is not defined, then automatically the last stored data file is exported.
The TargetFileName gets automatically the extension from the selected export type.
If the TragetFileName already exists, it will be overwritten
Deleting the raw file after export is an optional definition and should be used with care.
Raw file is only deleted after a successful export.
Deleting the raw file is only supported in remote operation.
We have two main options how the export is performed:
As default, Dewesoft exports after the measurement the data (sequential).
In parallel by starting a second instance of Dewesoft.
Please refer to 4 Installation and settings on page 9 for the setup.
In case of sequential exporting:
At the end of the Export, the Response is sent.
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Error code 0 indicates the successful export of the data file (else error code 7 or 12).
During exporting, Dewesoft CEA doesn’t accept any commando from the Host.
Host must wait with new commands until getting the response.
In case of parallel export (on 2nd instance):
The response for the export is immediately sent and the export starts in parallel on the
2nd instance.
If the second instance of Dewesoft CEA is still occupied from previous export it will queue
it and perform all queued requests.
Export at the second instance is supported in remote operation.
7.12. STRG x y - Trigger command
Request: x\02_STRG x\03
Response: x\02_STRG 0x\03
Command to trigger a measurement or other function in Dewesoft. When STRG command is
received, the TestBedTrig” channel will briefly go from 0 to 1 and back to 0.
Image 21: Triggers in DewesoftX called from TestBed
7.13. SPRT x - set trigger pre time
Request: x\02_SPRT K0 [pre time]x\03
Response: x\02_SPRT 0 [pre time]x\03
Set the value of trigger pre time. This command only works if pre time is enabled and Dewesoft is
in channel setup.
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Puma Open
Several optional
Same function as
Same function as
Same function as
Same function as
Same function as
Same function as
Same function as
Same function as
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Same as AMES
Same as AMES
8.1. AIDN - read identification
Request: x\02_AIDN K0x\03
Response: x\02_AIDN 0 DEWESOFT_CEA\03
Is used to check if the right device is connected to the interface.
8.2. AKEN - read identification
Request: x\02_AKEN K0x\03
Response: x\02_AKEN 0 DEWESOFT_CEA\03
Is used to check if the right device is connected to the interface.
8.3. AVER - read actual version number
Request: x\02_AVER K0x\03
Response: x\02_AVER 0 X3 SP11 (build 299)\03
Is used to check the actual software version of Dewesoft CEA.
8.4. ASTA - read statistic type of transfer list
Request: x\02_ASTA K0x\03
Response: x\02_ASTA 0 AVE Actual Actual AVEx\03
Read the actual statistic types of the transfer list, the types are separated with a blank character.
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Keywords for the statistics types:
Actual - actual value
AVE - average value
MAX - maximum value
MIN - minimum value
STD - standard deviation
Var - variance
COV - coefficient of variation
8.5. ASTZ - read actual remote/run state
Request: x\02_ASTZ K0x\03
Response: x\02_ASTZ 0 [RemoteState] [RunState]\03
Returns the actual states of the Dewesoft CEA unit.
SREM - Dewesoft CEA is in remote mode
SMAN - Dewesoft CEA is in manual mode
STOP - CEA is in measure mode and stopped, no update on display
Note: Tornado answers with “SSTP” instead of STOP”
STBY - Standby = CEA is in Setup Screen
SMES - Measure Mode with storing
When PumaOpen or standard AK is used, additionally STOREON or STOREOFF is
SMON - Measure Mode without storing
SANA - CEA is in analyse mode
SHWS - CEA is in Hardware setup screen
SUKN - CEA is in an unknown state
Example for response: x\02_ASTZ 0 SREM SMESx\03
8.6. ASTF - read last error code
Request: x\02_ASTF K0x\03
Response: x\02_ASTF 0 [ErrCnt] [ErrCod]x\03
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[ErrCnt] - The internal error-counter (increased by 1’ at each error)
[ErrCod] - Error code list:
0 = es_None
1 = es_NotRemote
2 = es_UnknownCommand
3 = es_NoDataForOutput
4 = es_CanNotLoadSetup
5 = es_StoreModeNotSet
6 = es_StoreNameExists
7 = es_StoreNameNotDefined
8 = es_StoreNameSetNotAllowed
9 = es_SetParamNotAllowed
This command resets the [ErrCnt]and the [ErrCod]. A second request will always return “0 0”.
Additionally also command SRES stop and load last setup (58) resets the [ErrCnt]and the
Example for response: x\02_ASTF 2 4x\03
8.7. ANAM - read channel names of transfer list
Request: x\02_ANAM K0x\03
Response: x\02_ANAM 0 APMax1 Pmax1 EngAve/I50 APMax2x\03
Read the actual channel names of the transfer list, the channel names are separated with a blank
Image 22: Actual channel names of the transfer list
8.8. AUNT - read units of transfer list
Request: x\02_AUNT K0x\03
Response: x\02_AUNT 0 deg bar deg degx\03
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Read the actual channel units of the transfer list, the units are separated with a blank character.
8.9. AMES - read channel data of transfer list
Request: x\02_AMES K0 [Type]x\03
Response: x\02_AMES 0 [ActCycleCnt] value1 value2 value3 value4 … value’n’ x\03
Without optional parameter [Type], the statistic result type is defined in the transfer list.
[Type] forces the result to the defined statistic value:
LST: statistic like defined in transfer list, but results are calculated immediately after
ACT: always actual value of transfer list
MIN: always minimum result of transfer list
MAX: always maximum result of transfer list
AVE: always average result of transfer list
STD: always standard deviation result of transfer list
VAR: always variance result of transfer list
COV: always coefficient of variance result of transfer list
RES or MEC: always value after last store of transfer list
Standard AK protocol does not support [Type]. Always actual values are transferred.
Except standard AK protocol, each response starts with the actual cycle count [ActCycleCnt]
If the channel CycleCount is missing in DEWESoft, then “-2” and [DummyVal] is
transferred (except [Type] = ACT).
If CycleCount value has no data yet, “-1” is transferred for CycleCount and LastKnown
values for transfer list (except [Type] = ACT). This might happen, if the engine is not
running or AMES is called directly after SMES or SMON.
The values are separated with the space character x\20
The length of the answer is depending the protocol type:
Standard AK protocol has variable length (depending on channel number defined in
transfer list)
Length for D2T and Tornado can be defined in settings: Please refer to 4 Installation and
PumaOpen has fixed transfer length of 50
Not defined channels or statistic results
Actual values are filled with [DummyVal], until the first cycle is measured
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“_AMES” without [Type]: statistical values are filled with [DummyVal], until wanted
NoOfCycle is reached
“_AMES” with [Type]: statistical values are transferred based on [ActCycleCnt]
If CycleCnt is 0, then [DummyVal] is transferred
If CylceCnt is 1, then actual value is transferred
If CylceCnt > 1, then statistic results over available CycleCnt is transferred (max.=
wanted NoOfCycle)
[DummyVal] is depending on the protocol type
Standard AK protocol has no dummy values: Transfer list length is depending on
defined channel number.
The dummy value Tornado is “#”
The dummy value for PumaOpen or D2T is 1E10”
If a channel in the transfer list is not defined, then [DummyVal] is transferred!
If storing is activated with SMES start measurement with storing, Dewesoft CEA stops
acquisition after wanted NoOfCycles are reached. If you request data after the Dewesoft
CEA has stopped, then the last values are returned.
If storing is activated with SMEC start measurement with auto restart, “_AMES MEC will
response the values related to the stored data file.
The stop of measurement can be indicated either with:
the commando ASTZ - read actual remote/run state (CEA manual)
the actual cycle number has reached the NrOfCycles
the statistic values changes from default value (IE10 or #) to a discrete value
8.10. ALST - read immediate statistic result of transfer list
Request: x\02_ALST K0x\03
Response: x\02_ALST 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 LST x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES read
channel data of transfer list.
8.11. AACT - read actual value of transfer list
Request: x\02_AACT K0x\03
Response: x\02_AACT 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
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This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 ACT x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES
read channel data of transfer list.
Even if no CycleCount value is defined, this command will always response the actual values for
the defined transfer list. This allows to transmit any DEWESoft channel over the AK protocol (eg.
D2T) even without the Combustion analyser option.
8.12. AMIN - read actual value of transfer list
Request: x\02_AMIN K0x\03
Response: x\02_AMIN 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 MIN x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES
read channel data of transfer list.
8.13. AMAX - read actual value of transfer list
Request: x\02_AMAX Kx\03
Response: x\02_AMAX 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 MAX x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES
read channel data of transfer list.
8.14. AAVE - read actual value of transfer list
Request: x\02_AAVE K0x\03
Response: x\02_AAVE 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 AVE x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES
read channel data of transfer list.
8.15. ASTD - read actual value of transfer list
Request: x\02_ASTD K0x\03
Response: x\02_ASTD 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 STD x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES
read channel data of transfer list.
8.16. AVAR - read actual value of transfer list
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Request: x\02_AVAR K0x\03
Response: x\02_AVAR 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 VAR x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES
read channel data of transfer list.
8.17. ACOV - read actual value of transfer list
Request: x\02_ACOV K0x\03
Response: x\02_ACOV 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 ACT K0x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES
read channel data of transfer list.
8.18. ARES - read actual value of transfer list
Request: x\02_ARES K0x\03
Response: x\02_ARES 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 RESx\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES read
channel data of transfer list.
8.19. AMEC - read actual value of transfer list
Request: x\02_AMEC K0x\03
Response: x\02_AMEC 0 ActCycleCnt value1 value2 value3 value4 value’n’ x\03
This command is equal to x\02_AMES K0 MEC x\03. For further information please refer to 8.9 AMES
read channel data of transfer list.
8.20. ACYC - read actual cycle number
Request: x\02_ACYC K0x\03
Response: x\02_ACYC 0 35x\03
Read the actual cycle number, in this case 35 cycles have been acquired.
8.21. ACFG - read actual protocol definition
Request: x\02_ACFG K0x\03
Response: x\02_ACYC 0 [Config]x\03
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Example response for D2T setting with TCP/IP protocol:
x\02_ACFG 0 Protocol(D2T-AK-TCP/IP) Interface(PC-Name,22221) TransferMaxCh(10)x\03
8.22. APRT - read trigger pretime
Request: x\02_APRT K0x\03
Response: x\02_ACYC 0 100x\03
Read the trigger pre time, in this case it is 100ms.
8.23. ASTN - read setup name and full path
Request: x\02_ASTN K0x\03
Response: x\02_ASTN 0 C:\Program Files\DewesoftX\Dewesoft\Setups\Setup.dxsx\03
Read the setup name, with the full path to it.
Puma Open
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9.1. ESPD x - set the file name
Request: x\02_ESPD [DataFileName]x\03
Response: x\02_ESPD 0x\03
This command is only valid if “use Dewesoft filename (ignore fixed filename “Last”) is checked!
Please refer to chapter 4 Installation and settings for defining this setting
This command overwrites the file name defined in the DEWESoft setup
[DataFileName] must be without extension and without path (default Data directory is used)
It is recommended to enable “Create a multifile” in Dewesoft CEA setup
Then automatically storing cycle gets its own data file name
Otherwise existing data files might be overwritten!!
Image 23: Storing CEA data
9.2. ESPS x - set the store mode
Request: x\02_ESPS [Store] x\03
Response: x\02_ESPS 0x\03
This commando defines the storing condition for Standard AK and PumaOpen protocol.
If [Store] is set to 1”, then data will be stored with the command SMES start measurement with
If [Store] is set to “0”, then data will not be stored.
9.3. ESPC x - set number of cycles
Request: x\02_ESPC 80x\03
Response: x\02_ESPC 0x\03
The cycle number is used for statistic calculation and stops storing after this number of cycles
(eg. 80)
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This command overwrites the Statistic over xxx cycles value from the CEA setup file
9.4. ECMD - write comment to CEA Export
Request: x\02_ECMD MyComment x\03
Response: x\02_ECMD 0x\03
This command adds a comment to the exported file.
MyComment must be defined before the start of the measurement.
With each stop of acquisition “MyComment” is cleared.
Maximum length of MyComment: 80 characters
9.5. EXPO x y - Export CEA data
Request: x\02_ESPS SourceFileName TargetFileName x\03
Response x\02_ESPS 0x\03
This command is equal to SECD x y Export CEA data please to 7.11 section for further information.
9.6. EDBG - only response to this command
Request: x\02_EDBGx\03
Response: x\02_EDBG 0x\03
This command is used for checking the communication without interrupting the measurement.
9.7. EPCV x - set polytropic number
Request: x\02_EPCV Value1 Value2x\03
Response: x\02_EPCV 0x\03
Input for changing the polytropic number in the combustion engine analyser from the testbed
Two channels are created by the testbed plugin that output Value1 and Value2:
- Polytropic coefficient 1 Value1
- Polytropic coefficient 2 Value2
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9.8. ECDV x - cylinder deactivation
Request: x\02_ESPC 1x\03
Response: x\02_ESPC 0x\03
Input for deactivating cylinders in the combustion engine analyser from the testbed
A channel is created by the testbed plugin that outputs the value that is sent directly.
- Cylinder deactivation number that is sent as input for cylinder deactivation in the combustion
engine analysis module
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Below the basic command flow is shown. To keep the overview simple, the error handling is skipped. The
basic steps for the communication are:
Initialisation and configuration
Reading the configuration (from host)
Reading data with following options:
without storing,
with storing, test bed defines the file name,
with storing, Dewesoft CEA defines the file name.
De initialisation
Step 1: Initialisation and configuration of the Dewesoft CEA
AIDN - read identification to check if Dewesoft CEA is connected
SREM activate remote control to allow the control of the unit
SLSD x load setup file This must be predefined
ESPC x set number of cycles (optional)
Step 2: Reading the configuration of the Dewesoft CEA
ANAM read channel names of transfer list
AUNT read units of transfer list
Fehler: Referenz nicht gefunden
Step 3a: Reading data without storing them on Dewesoft CEA
SMON start measurement without storing
AMES read channel data of transfer list repeat AMES command for getting actual data
SSTP stop measurement you can restart the measurement (SMON) or change to the setup at
the end (STBY)
Step 3b: Reading data with storing (test bed host defines the file name)
SMES start measurement with storing Measurement is stopped after reaching defined cycle
AMES read channel data of transfer list reading data is possible during measurement and after
SSTO x rename Datafile test overwrites the default file name “LastCEA
STBY change to setup mode or restart with SMES the next measurement
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Step 3c: Reading data with storing (Dewesoft CEA defines the file name)
ESPD x set the file name optional overwrite the file name from the CEA setup file
SMES start measurement with storing Measurement is stopped after reaching defined cycle
AMES read channel data of transfer list reading data is possible during measurement and after
STBY change to setup mode or restart with SMES the next measurement
Step 4: De-initialisation
SMAN deactivate remote control
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11. Warranty information
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Dewesoft d.o.o. shall not be liable for any errors contained in this document. Dewesoft MAKES NO
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Dewesoft shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or
consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory, in connection with
the furnishing of this document or the use of the information in this document.
The copy of the specific warranty terms applicable to your Dewesoft product and replacement parts can
be obtained from your local sales and service office. To find a local dealer for your country, please visit
11.1. Calibration
Every instrument needs to be calibrated at regular intervals. The standard norm across nearly every
industry is annual calibration. Before your Dewesoft data acquisition system is delivered, it is calibrated.
Detailed calibration reports for your Dewesoft system can be requested. We retain them for at least one
year, after system delivery.
11.2. Support
Dewesoft has a team of people ready to assist you if you have any questions or any technical difficulties
regarding the system. For any support please contact your local distributor first or Dewesoft directly.
Dewesoft d.o.o.
Gabrsko 11a
1420 Trbovlje Slovenia
Europe Tel.: +386 356 25 300
Web: http://www.dewesoft.com
The telephone hotline is available Monday to Friday from 07:00 to 16:00 CET (GMT +1:00)
11.3. Service/repair
The team of Dewesoft also performs any kinds of repairs to your system to assure a safe and proper
operation in the future. For information regarding service and repairs please contact your local
distributor first or Dewesoft directly on https://dewesoft.com/support/rma-service.
11.4. Restricted Rights
Use Slovenian law for duplication or disclosure. Dewesoft d.o.o. Gabrsko 11a, 1420 Trbovlje, Slovenia /
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11.5. Printing History
Version 2.0.0, Revision 217 Released 2015 Last changed: 23. July 2018 at 16:54.
11.6. Copyright
Copyright © 2015-2019 Dewesoft d.o.o. This document contains information which is protected by
copyright. All rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written
permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws. All trademarks and registered
trademarks are acknowledged to be the property of their owners.
11.7. Trademarks
We take pride in our products and we take care that all key products and technologies are registered as
trademarks all over the world. The Dewesoft name is a registered trademark. Product families (KRYPTON,
SIRIUS, DSI, DS-NET) and technologies (DualCoreADC, SuperCounter, GrandView) are registered
trademarks as well. When used as the logo or as part of any graphic material, the registered trademark
sign is used as a part of the logo. When used in text representing the company, product or technology
name, the ® sign is not used. The Dewesoft triangle logo is a registered trademark but the ® sign is not
used in the visual representation of the triangle logo.
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12. Safety instructions
Your safety is our primary concern! Please be safe!
12.1. Safety symbols in the manual
Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or condition that could cause the body injury or death
Calls attention to a procedure, practice, or condition that could possibly cause damage to
equipment or permanent loss of data.
12.2. General Safety Instructions
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and
repair of this product. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in
this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the product. Dewesoft
d.o.o. assumes no liability for the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements.
All accessories shown in this document are available as an option and will not be shipped as standard
12.2.1. Environmental Considerations
Information about the environmental impact of the product.
12.2.2. Product End-of-Life Handling
Observe the following guidelines when recycling a Dewesoft system:
12.2.3. System and Components Recycling
Production of these components required the extraction and use of natural resources. The substances
contained in the system could be harmful to your health and to the environment if the system is
improperly handled at its end of life! Please recycle this product in an appropriate way to avoid
unnecessary pollution of the environment and to keep natural resources.
This symbol indicates that this system complies with the European Union’s requirements
according to Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
Please find further information about recycling on the Dewesoft web site www.dewesoft.com
Restriction of Hazardous Substances
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This product has been classified as Monitoring and Control equipment and is outside the scope of the
2002/95/EC RoHS Directive. However, we take care of our environment and the product is lead-free.
12.2.4. General safety and hazard warnings for all Dewesoft systems
Safety of the operator and the unit depend on following these rules.
Use this system under the terms of the specifications only to avoid any possible danger.
Read your manual before operating the system.
Observe local laws when using the instrument.
DO NOT touch internal wiring!
DO NOT use higher supply voltage than specified!
Use only original plugs and cables for harnessing.
You may not connect higher voltages than rated to any connectors.
The power cable and connector serve as Power-Breaker. The cable must not exceed 3 meters, the
disconnect function must be possible without tools.
Maintenance must be executed by qualified staff only.
During the use of the system, it might be possible to access other parts of a more comprehensive
system. Please read and follow the safety instructions provided in the manuals of all other
components regarding warning and security advice for using the system.
With this product, only use the power cable delivered or defined for the host country.
DO NOT connect or disconnect sensors, probes or test leads, as these parts are connected to a
voltage supply unit.
Ground the equipment: For Safety Class 1 equipment (equipment having a protective earth
terminal), a non-interruptible safety earth ground must be provided from the mains power
source to the product input wiring terminals.
Please note the characteristics and indicators on the system to avoid fire or electric shocks. Before
connecting the system, please read the corresponding specifications in the product manual
The inputs must not, unless otherwise noted (CATx identification), be connected to the main
circuit of category II, III and IV.
The power cord separates the system from the power supply. Do not block the power cord, since
it has to be accessible for the users.
DO NOT use the system if equipment covers or shields are removed.
If you assume the system is damaged, get it examined by authorized personnel only.
Adverse environmental conditions are Moisture or high humidity Dust, flammable gases, fumes
or dissolver Thunderstorm or thunderstorm conditions (except assembly PNA) Electrostatic fields,
The measurement category can be adjusted depending on module configuration.
Any other use than described above may damage your system and is attended with dangers like
short-circuiting, fire or electric shocks.
The whole system must not be changed, rebuilt or opened.
DO NOT operate damaged equipment: Whenever it is possible that the safety protection features
built into this product have been impaired, either through physical damage, excessive moisture,
or any other reason, REMOVE POWER and do not use the product until the safe operation can be
verified by service-trained personnel. If necessary, return the product to Dewesoft sales and
service office for service and repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.
If you assume a more riskless use is not provided anymore, the system has to be rendered
inoperative and should be protected against inadvertent operation. It is assumed that a more
riskless operation is not possible anymore if the system is damaged obviously or causes strange
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noises. The system does not work anymore. The system has been exposed to long storage in
adverse environments. The system has been exposed to heavy shipment strain.
Warranty void if damages caused by disregarding this manual. For consequential damages, NO
liability will be assumed!
Warranty void if damage to property or persons caused by improper use or disregarding the
safety instructions.
Unauthorized changing or rebuilding the system is prohibited due to safety and permission
reasons (CE).
Be careful with voltages >25 VAC or >35 VDC! These voltages are already high enough in order to
get a perilous electric shock by touching the wiring.
The product heats during operation. Make sure there is adequate ventilation. Ventilation slots
must not be covered!
Only fuses of the specified type and nominal current may be used. The use of patched fuses is
Prevent using metal bare wires! Risk of short circuit and fire hazard!
DO NOT use the system before, during or shortly after a thunderstorm (risk of lightning and high
energy over-voltage). An advanced range of application under certain conditions is allowed with
therefore designed products only. For details please refer to the specifications.
Make sure that your hands, shoes, clothes, the floor, the system or measuring leads, integrated
circuits and so on, are dry.
DO NOT use the system in rooms with flammable gases, fumes or dust or in adverse
environmental conditions.
Avoid operation in the immediate vicinity of high magnetic or electromagnetic fields,
transmitting antennas or high-frequency generators, for exact values please refer to enclosed
Use measurement leads or measurement accessories aligned with the specification of the
system only. Fire hazard in case of overload!
Do not switch on the system after transporting it from a cold into a warm room and vice versa.
The thereby created condensation may damage your system. Acclimatise the system unpowered
to room temperature.
Do not disassemble the system! There is a high risk of getting a perilous electric shock. Capacitors
still might be charged, even if the system has been removed from the power supply.
The electrical installations and equipment in industrial facilities must be observed by the security
regulations and insurance institutions.
The use of the measuring system in schools and other training facilities must be observed by
skilled personnel.
The measuring systems are not designed for use in humans and animals.
Please contact a professional if you have doubts about the method of operation, safety or the
connection of the system.
Please be careful with the product. Shocks, hits and dropping it from already- lower level may
damage your system.
Please also consider the detailed technical reference manual as well as the security advice of the
connected systems.
This product has left the factory in safety-related flawlessness and in proper condition. In order to
maintain this condition and guarantee safety use, the user has to consider the security advice
and warnings in this manual.
EN 61326-3-1:2008
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IEC 61326-1 applies to this part of IEC 61326 but is limited to systems and equipment for industrial
applications intended to perform safety functions as defined in IEC 61508 with SIL 1-3.
The electromagnetic environments encompassed by this product family standard are industrial, both
indoor and outdoor, as described for industrial locations in IEC 61000-6-2 or defined in 3.7 of IEC 61326-1.
Equipment and systems intended for use in other electromagnetic environments, for example, in the
process industry or in environments with potentially explosive atmospheres, are excluded from the
scope of this product family standard, IEC 61326-3-1.
Devices and systems according to IEC 61508 or IEC 61511 which are considered as “operationally
well-tried”, are excluded from the scope of IEC 61326-3-1.
Fire-alarm and safety-alarm systems, intended for the protection of buildings, are excluded from the
scope of IEC 61326-3-1.
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13. Documentation version history
Updated content and template.
Template corrections.
STRG command added
EPCV, ECDV, storing and
statistic names update
- Dxz export type
- Max Ch. transfer count
- ASTN Command
- APRT Command
- SPRT Command
- Transfer condition
Added custom delimiter as a
string for testbed responses and
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