AstraZeneca General Conditions of Contract UK
Standard Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Goods and Services
1.1 In these Conditions the following words have the following
“Applicable Law” means any law and any rule, policy, guidance or
recommendation issued by any governmental, statutory or
regulatory body and any industry code of conduct or guideline, in
each case which relates to the subject matter of these Conditions
and/or AZ’s business or the business of any Affiliates and which is
in force from time to time;
Adverse Event” or “AEmeans the development of any
untoward medical occurrence (including minor occurrences) in a
subject or clinical study subject which does not have a causal
relationship with the treatment or medicinal product which may
include any unfavourable and unintended sign (e.g. an abnormal
laboratory finding), symptom (for example nausea, chest pain), or
disease temporally associated with the use of a medicinal product,
whether or not considered related to the medicinal product;
Affiliatemeans the holding company of a Party, any subsidiary
of a Party, and any other subsidiary of a Party’s holding company
and, in the case of AZ, includes Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and
its subsidiaries;
AZ” means AstraZeneca UK Limited or the AstraZeneca Affiliate
purchasing Goods and/or acquiring Services from Seller;
Business Day” a day that is not a national, public or bank holiday
or a day which is not free from work in England and Wales or the
country in which the relevant AZ Affiliate is based;
Confidential Information” means any information (in any form)
that is disclosed by Discloser to Recipient at any time and that
relates to Discloser or any Affiliate of Discloser and which is either
specified to be confidential information or which, by its nature,
should be reasonably assumed to be confidential including
personal data, business information, customer information,
technical or commercial know-how, specifications, inventions,
processes or initiatives, technology and security information, and
the terms of or subject matter of the Contract or any discussions
or documents in relation to it;
“Contract” means the contract between AZ and Seller comprising:
(i) the Purchase Order, (ii) these Conditions, and (iii) any other
documents specified in these Conditions or the Purchase Order as
forming part of the Purchase Order. In the event of conflict, these
Conditions shall take precedence;
“Electronic Transaction Program” means AZ’s electronic
transaction program for Purchase Orders, invoices and credit
notes as amended from time to time and as further detailed at
“Goods” means any goods to be purchased by AZ from Seller as
set out in a Purchase Order;
“Intellectual Property Rights” means all intellectual and industrial
property rights of any kind whatsoever including patents,
supplementary protection certificates, rights in know-how,
registered trade marks, registered designs, utility models,
unregistered design rights, unregistered trade marks, rights to
prevent passing off or unfair competition and copyright (whether
in drawings, plans, specifications, designs and computer software
or otherwise), database rights, topography rights, any rights in any
invention, discovery or process, and applications for and rights to
apply for any of the foregoing, in each case in the United Kingdom
and all other countries in the world and together with all renewals,
extensions, continuations, divisions, reissues, re-examinations
and substitutions;
Liability” means liability arising out of or in connection with these
Conditions, whether in contract, tort (including negligence),
misrepresentation, restitution, under statute or otherwise,
including any liability arising from a breach of, or a failure to
perform or defect or delay in performance of, any of a Party’s
obligations under these Conditions, in each case howsoever
“Parties” means AZ and Seller and Party” will mean one of them;
Person” means an individual, sole proprietorship, partnership,
limited partnership, limited liability partnership, corporation,
limited liability company, business trust, joint stock company,
trust, incorporated association, joint venture or similar entity or
organization, including a government or political subdivision,
department or agency of a government;
“Purchase Order” or “PO” means a Purchase Order with a unique
number issued by AZ;
“Seller means the Person, firm or company named as the seller
in the Purchase Order;
“Services means the services to be provided by Seller to AZ under
the terms of the Contract;
“Specification” means the written technical or other
requirements (if any) for the Goods and/or Services referred to in
the Purchase Order;
means commitment to (i) supporting AZ in
working towards a future where all people have access to
affordable, sustainable healthcare for life-changing treatment and
prevention; (ii) taking climate action to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions in line with the science to limit global warming to
<1.5 ͦC, ensuring business operations remain resilient to the
physical and transitional impacts posed by climate change,
working to enhance the quality of the environment, avoiding the
long-term depletion of natural resources, preventing pollution of
the environment, including air, water and land, working towards
a restorative approach by becoming more circular in the use of the
planet's finite natural resources and supporting greater
biodiversity; and (iii) protecting the health, safety, human rights
and welfare of its customers, employees, local communities and
partners, creating a positive societal impact and demonstrating
ethical behaviour beyond its activities by promoting ethical,
transparent, and inclusive policies; and
“Waste” means waste material in connection with manufacture,
supply or handling of the Goods and any material carrying AZ’s
name, insignia, symbol, trade mark, trade name, logotype or
1.2 In these Conditions references to any statute or statutory
provision will be construed as a reference to that statute or
provision as from time to time amended, consolidated, modified,
extended, re-enacted or replaced, and references to the singular
include the plural and vice versa as the context admits or requires.
1.3 If the Parties have entered into a separate master services (or
statement of work under a master services agreement) which is in
full force and effect in relation to the Goods or Services, the terms
of that master services agreement will apply and will take
precedence over these Conditions.
1.4 Any words following the words “include”, “includes”,
“including”, “in particular or any similar words or expressions will
be construed without limitation and accordingly will not limit the
meaning of the words preceding them.
2.1 These Conditions will govern the Contract to the entire
exclusion of Seller’s terms or conditions. No terms or conditions
endorsed upon, delivered with or contained in Seller's quotation,
acknowledgement or acceptance of a Purchase Order,
specification or similar document (whether or not such document
is referred to in the Contract) and any terms and conditions which
may otherwise be implied by trade, custom, practice or course of
dealing will form part of the Contract and Seller waives any right
which it otherwise might have to rely on such terms and
2.2 These Conditions apply to all Goods and/or Services which AZ
purchases and any variation to these Conditions will have no
effect unless expressly agreed in writing and signed by a duly
authorised AZ representative.
2.3 AZ’s rights under these Conditions are in addition to the
statutory terms implied by the UK Sale of Goods Act 1979, the
Supply of Goods & Services Act 1982 and the Sale and Supply of
Goods Act 1994.
3.1 The Contract for the supply of Goods and/or Services to AZ will
be formed when AZ issues the Purchase Order to Seller.
3.2 AZ may, by giving written notice to that effect to the Seller at
least seven (7) days before the delivery date set out in the
Purchase Order, vary the quantity or type of the Goods and/or
Services ordered, the delivery date or address or the Specification.
4.1 Seller represents, warrants and undertakes to AZ that the
Goods and/or Services, (including without limitation their
packaging and labelling) will:
4.1.1 conform as to quantity, quality and description with the
particulars stated in the Contract;
4.1.2 be of satisfactory quality and of sound materials and free
from defects in design, materials and workmanship;
4.1.3 meet the Purchase Order and the Specification in all
4.1.4 be capable of any standard of performance specified in the
Contract; and
4.1.5 be fit for any purpose indicated in the Contract or held out
by Seller or made known to Seller (either expressly or by
implication) and in this respect AZ relies on Seller’s skill and
4.2 Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of AZ
(whether express or implied), if any Goods and/or Services fail to
comply with this Condition 4, AZ will (whether or not the Goods
and/or Services have been accepted) have any one or more of the
remedies listed in Condition 14 (Remedies).
4.3 Seller represents, warrants, and undertakes to AZ that the
Services will be performed:
4.3.1 by appropriately qualified and trained personnel with all due
care and diligence and to the highest standard of quality prevailing
in the industry at the time of performance; and
4.3.2 in a safe manner which is free from any unreasonable or
avoidable risk to any person’s health and well-being and in an
economic and efficient manner.
4.4 If any key personnel identified by Seller become unavailable
for whatever reason, Seller undertakes to procure replacement
key personnel to perform the Services to the same or higher
standard immediately.
4.5 Seller represents, warrants and undertakes that it will not
directly or indirectly be involved in any illegal trade or
counterfeiting activities and will have adequate controls in place
to prevent any such trade or activity.
4.6 Seller will ensure storage and handling of Waste in a manner
which prevents unauthorised access and possible misuse and shall
maintain adequate controls for proper disposal of Waste.
4.7 Seller will not disclose AZ’s pack security features or anti-
counterfeit measures to any third party including to its suppliers
and any authorised sub-contractors without AZs prior written
approval and any disclosure will be in the manner directed by AZ.
Seller will, within twenty-four (24) hours from discovery, report
any incident of breach of security relating to the Goods and/or
Services which could adversely impact AZs reputation or
compromises integrity of the Goods and/or Services. Any breach
of this Condition will be deemed a material breach of the Contract.
4.8 Seller represents, warrants and undertakes that the
manufacture and sale of any Goods and/or provision of Services
complies with Applicable Laws of the country(ies) of origin and
destination, including those relating to manufacture, labelling,
sale, transportation, importation, exportation and licensing.
5.1 Seller represents, warrants and undertakes that it:
5.1.1 will (and will procure that its Affiliates, subcontractors,
consultants, agents and employees engaged in the performing
Seller’s obligations under the Contract) perform the Contract and
operate its business in compliance with all Applicable Laws and
to ethical standards that are consistent with AZ’s Global
Standard: Expectations of Third Parties, a copy of which can be
found at:
ty/Expectations-of-Third-Parties.pdf, as amended from time to
time (Supplier Expectations”), including the principles in section
headed “Ethics” entitled “Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption” and
the section headed Human Rights and Labour”;
5.1.2 has read and received and will perform the Contract and
operate its business in compliance with AZ’s Code of Ethics, which
can be found on
or by clicking the
Resources tab on, (“Code of
5.1.3 will take a proactive role and, wherever possible, act
innovatively to improve its performance in terms of Sustainability
and compliance with Supplier Expectations;
5.1.4 shall on request and at its own cost provide AZ with a current
valid environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) rating report
provided by a globally recognised external organisation (e.g.
EcoVadis or equivalent). Where Seller’s ESG rating is below 45 on
EcoVadis or equivalent, then Seller will undertake, at its own
expense all reasonable measures for improvement. If AZ requires,
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and targets shall be set up to
help scale up positive changes and time-bounded improvements
in-line with AZ’s global sustainability commitments;
5.1.5 will work towards setting Sustainability goals, publicly
reporting its environmental actions to CDP Climate
), committing to setting targets through the Science
Based Targets initiative (SBTi), and engaging its own sub-
contractors to adopt Sustainability practices;
5.1.6 will, to the extent permitted by Applicable Law, provide
diversity data on Seller’s organisation and maximise inclusion of
small and diverseowned businesses where opportunities exist,
including, for example, those owned by minorities or any others
who are socially disadvantaged;
5.1.7 will work transparently and disclose Sustainability-related
information to enable AZ to fulfil reporting requirements under
relevant laws and to demonstrate that Seller will enable AZ to
deliver its Sustainability goals and targets as set out in
5.1.8 will not take any action that will cause AZ to be in breach of
any Applicable Laws for the prevention of fraud, bribery and
corruption, racketeering, money laundering, terrorism, product
security or product safety, including the US Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act and the UK Bribery Act (or equivalent in another
applicable jurisdiction);
5.1.9 will not offer, pay, request or accept any bribe, inducement,
kickback or facilitation payment, and will not make or cause
another to make any offer or payment to any individual or entity
for the purpose of influencing a decision for the benefit of AZ;
5.1.10 will not take any action that will cause AZ to be in breach of
any Applicable Laws related to modern slavery and human
trafficking or other labour rights; and
5.1.11 will not make or cause another to make any offer or
payment to any individual or entity for the purpose of securing or
facilitating forced labour or any other form of modern slavery and
human trafficking.
5.2 Without prejudice to AZ’s other rights and remedies, any
breach of Condition 5.1 will be a material breach of the Contract
that cannot be remedied and AZ will be entitled to terminate the
Contract in accordance with Condition 13 (Termination).
5.3 Audit Rights. Upon AZ’s reasonable request, Seller will allow
AZ or a designated third party to audit Seller’s or its affiliated
companies’ premises, sites and records to verify Seller’s
performance and processes in relation to the maintenance of
appropriate ethical standards, and compliance with the
requirements of this Contract including this Condition 5
(Expectations of Third Parties) and Condition 18 (Compliance
Training). Where AZ requires the audit to be undertaken by a
designated third party, Seller will arrange for the audit to take
place and pay the fees of the designated third party for such audit.
Any audit report generated will be the property of Seller, provided
that AZ will be entitled to review such audit report and all
supporting documents.
5.4 Trade Controls. Seller represents, warrants and undertakes
that it is not on any applicable official national or international
sanctioned party lists and that performance of the Contract will
not violate applicable embargo regulations. AZ has the right, at
AZ’s sole expense, to conduct screening checks of Seller, including
verification of Seller’s identity, including full name, country
location and address, against official national and international
sanctioned party lists and embargo regulations. If the screening
indicates that Seller is an international sanctioned party or is in
violation of embargo regulations, AZ may terminate the Contract
for breach as provided in Condition 13 (Termination) below.
6.1 AZ may inspect and test the Goods and/or Services at any time
prior to delivery of the Goods and/or Services to AZ.
6.2 If the results of such inspection or testing cause AZ to
reasonably believe that the Goods and/or Services do not
conform, or are unlikely to conform, to any of the provisions of
the Contract, AZ will inform Seller and Seller will promptly take
such action as is necessary to ensure conformity (including an
obligation to provide replacement Goods and/or Services that
conform to the Contract) and, in addition, AZ will have the right to
require and participate in further testing and inspection.
6.3 Seller will remain fully responsible for the Goods and/or
Services and any such inspection or testing will not diminish or
otherwise affect Seller's obligations under the Contract.
7.1 Indemnity. Seller will indemnify AZ in full and on demand
against all actions, suits, liabilities, claims, demands, costs,
charges, damages, losses and expenses suffered or incurred by AZ,
or for which AZ may be liable to any third party, due to, arising
from or in connection with:
7.1.1 the negligent or wilful acts or omissions of Seller, its
employees, agents or contractors in supplying, delivering and
installing the Goods or performing the Services;
7.1.2 the breach of any Contract provision by Seller, its
employees, agents or sub-contractors;
7.1.3 any defect in the workmanship, materials or design of the
Goods or their packaging; and
7.1.4 any infringement or alleged infringement of Intellectual
Property Rights for or relating to the Goods or the Services unless
such infringement has occurred directly as a result of any fraud or
negligence by AZ.
7.2 Insurance. Subject to any provision requiring specific
insurance to be taken out in the Purchase Order, Seller shall
maintain at its own expense appropriate insurance coverage with
limits typical to its industry, to mitigate the liability of Seller under
the Contract.
8.1 The Goods will be marked in accordance with AZ’s instructions
and any Applicable Laws and will be properly packed and secured
in such a manner as to reach their destination in good condition
under normal conditions of transport having regard to the nature
of the Goods and other relevant circumstances. Seller will off-
load the Goods as directed by AZ.
8.2 The Goods will be delivered or the Services performed by
Seller at the time or within the period specified in the Contract or,
if no such date is specified, delivery/performance will take place
within twenty-eight (28) days of the date of the Purchase Order.
8.3 The Goods will be delivered (DAP) Delivered at Place Incoterms
2020, at such place or point as AZ specifies, unless AZ specifies an
alternative Incoterm in the PO. Delivery of the Goods will occur
when they have been off-loaded at the delivery address. To the
extent only of any inconsistency between DAP Incoterms 2020
and these Conditions, these Conditions will take precedence.
8.4 Seller will invoice AZ following delivery of the Goods to AZ in
accordance with Conditions 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3.
8.5 Seller will ensure that each delivery is accompanied by a
prominently displayed delivery note which includes, the Purchase
Order number, date of order, number of packages and contents
and, in the case of part delivery, the outstanding balance
remaining to be delivered.
8.6 Time for delivery of the Goods and performance of the
Services will be of the essence of the Contract.
8.7 Unless otherwise stipulated by AZ in the Purchase Order,
deliveries will only be accepted by AZ during normal business
hours in the place where the Goods are being delivered and/or
the Services are being performed.
8.8 If the Goods are not delivered or the Services are not
performed on time in accordance with Condition 8.2 then,
without prejudice to any other rights which it may have, AZ
reserves the right to:
8.8.1 terminate the Contract immediately in whole or in part by
giving written notice to that effect to Seller in which case, Seller
will refund any monies already paid by AZ under the Contract in
relation to the Goods and/or Services that have not been
delivered and/or performed;
8.8.2 refuse to accept any subsequent delivery of the Goods or
performance of the Services which Seller attempts to make;
8.8.3 recover from Seller any and all liabilities, losses, damages,
costs and expenses incurred by AZ as a result of Seller’s failure to
supply Goods and/or Services, including in obtaining substitute
goods and/or services from another supplier; and
8.8.4 cancel any subsequent Purchase Orders without liability.
8.9 If Seller requires AZ to return any packaging material to Seller,
that fact must be clearly stated on any delivery note and any such
packaging material will only be returned at Seller’s cost.
8.10 Where AZ agrees in writing to accept delivery by instalments,
the Contract will be construed as a single contract in respect of
each instalment. Failure by Seller to deliver any one instalment
will entitle AZ at its option to treat the whole Contract as
8.11 If Goods are delivered to AZ in excess of the quantities
ordered, AZ will not be bound to pay for the excess which will be
and will remain at Seller's risk and will be returnable at Seller's
The Goods will remain at Seller’s risk until delivery to AZ is
complete (including off-loading and stacking) when, without
prejudice to AZ’s rights of rejection under the Contract or by law,
ownership of and risk in the Goods will pass to AZ.
10.1 The price of the Goods and/or Services will be stated in the
Purchase Order, and, unless AZ otherwise agrees in writing, will be
exclusive of value-added tax (“VAT), but inclusive of all charges
for packaging, packing, carriage, insurance and delivery of the
Goods to AZ and any duties, taxes, imposts or levies.
10.2 AZ will pay the price of the Goods or for performance of
Services within sixty (60) days following receipt of the undisputed,
relevant invoice (which will include the Purchase Order number
and such other information as AZ may request), unless stated
otherwise in the Purchase Order. AZ will be obligated to pay only
the costs stated in the applicable Purchase Order and will in no
way be considered liable for the costs of other goods or services
unless agreed upon by the Parties in writing.
10.3 Electronic Transactions.
10.3.1 Seller will participate in, and submit all invoices and any
corresponding credit notes through, AZ’s Electronic Transaction
Program in order to ensure timely payment of invoices. AZ will
indicate the Electronic Transaction Program applicable to each
invoice and only valid invoices or credit notes submitted through
such Electronic Transaction Program will be considered received
by AZ. Participation includes the preparation and regular
maintenance of electronic catalogs to support a high-quality
ordering process, electronic transmission of Purchase Orders, and
will allow Seller to create and submit invoices and/or credit notes
electronically. Seller will provide the required data and designate
a representative to assist in ensuring implementation and
maintenance of the of the Electronic Transaction Program.
10.3.2 Seller acknowledges and agrees that the following will
apply to all payments made under these Conditions and any
Contract by AZ: Each invoice or credit note must: (i) comply with
Applicable Law, the European standard and any of the syntaxes
published in Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1870;
(ii) document the different goods and/or services within the
invoice; (iii) not duplicate a pre-existing invoice or credit note for
the relevant goods or services; (iv) contain full details of AZ’s or
the relevant AZ Affiliate’s legal name, address and indirect tax ID
number (if applicable); and (v) be raised by Seller in all
circumstances, unless AZ and Seller mutually agree in writing to a
self-invoicing scheme; and Credit notes should be used to amend incorrect invoices
and should provide full details of the error being corrected and
the invoices affected.
AZ may reasonably reject any invoice or credit note that does not
meet the requirements set out in this condition 10.3.
10.4 AZ reserves the right to set off any amount owing at any time
from Seller to AZ against any amount payable by AZ to Seller under
the Contract.
10.5 AZ will pay any VAT subject to receipt of a valid VAT invoice.
10.6 If AZ fails to pay within fourteen (14) days after payment is
due and Seller has issued a written reminder to AZ, then Seller
shall be entitled to charge interest on the sum outstanding at an
amount equal to the lower of: (i) 200 basis points per annum
above the Bank of England’s base lending rate from time to time;
or (ii) the maximum rate permitted under Applicable Law, from
the due date until the date of payment. Interest will not be
charged on any disputed sums.
10.7 No payment made by AZ will constitute acceptance or
approval by AZ of the Goods or Services or otherwise prejudice
any rights or remedies which AZ may have against Seller including
the right to recover any amount overpaid or wrongfully paid to
Each Party (the “Recipient”) will, during the Contract term, and
for five (5) years after termination or expiry of the Contract, keep
in strict confidence all Confidential Information disclosed by the
other Party (the “Discloser”) or its agents and any other
Confidential Information concerning the Discloser’s business or
products which the Recipient may obtain. The Recipient will
restrict disclosure of such Confidential Information to such of its
employees, agents or contractors as need to know the same for
the purpose of performing the Recipient’s obligations under these
Conditions and will ensure that such employees, agents or
contractors are subject to the same obligations of confidentiality
as set out in this Condition 11.
12.1 All materials, equipment, tools, dies, moulds and any
Intellectual Property Rights in all drawings, specifications,
materials and data supplied by AZ to Seller will at all times be and
remain AZ’s exclusive property but will be held by Seller in safe
custody at its own risk and maintained and kept in good condition
until returned to AZ and will not be licensed, transferred, assigned
or otherwise disposed of other than in accordance with AZ's
written instructions, nor will such items be used otherwise than
as authorised by AZ in writing. Such items will be returned to AZ
on demand.
12.2 AZ will own (and Seller will procure that AZ will receive) all
rights to any Intellectual Property Rights relating to any results,
designs, developments, ideas, discoveries or inventions designed,
developed, made, produced or originated by Seller or any of its
employees, agents or contractors whilst performing the
obligations set out in the Contract. Seller will retain ownership of
its background Intellectual Property Rights.
12.3 Seller will, at its own cost: (a) execute all such documents
and do all such acts and things as AZ may request from time to
time to secure AZ’s full right, title and interest in the Intellectual
Property Rights in the Goods and/or Services; and (b) procure the
irrevocable waiver of all moral rights (and any broadly equivalent
rights which may exist in any territory of the world) arising from
in any and all Intellectual Property Rights in the Goods.
12.4 Seller will comply with all copyrights in written material
including computer software belonging to AZ or any third party
and Seller will not make any unauthorised copies of such material
or software.
13.1 AZ may at any time and for any reason terminate the
Contract, in whole or in part, by giving Seller written notice.
Immediately following termination of the Contract, all work on
the Contract will be discontinued and AZ will pay to Seller fair and
reasonable compensation for work-in-progress at the time of
termination but such compensation will not include loss of profits
(whether direct or indirect and whether actual or anticipated) or
any consequential loss.
13.2 AZ may, at any time by written notice to Seller, terminate the
Contract immediately if:
13.2.1 Seller commits a material breach of any of the terms and
conditions of the Contract and fails to remedy the breach (if
capable of remedy) within thirty (30) days of a notice from AZ
specifying the breach. Without limiting the previous sentence,
Seller agrees that any breach of Condition 5 (Expectations of Third
Parties) is a material breach of the Contract; or
13.2.2 Seller is or becomes subject to an insolvency or winding up
proceeding; or
13.2.3 Seller’s financial position deteriorates to such an extent
that (in AZ’s opinion) Seller is incapable of fulfilling its obligations
under the Contract.
13.3 Termination of the Contract, however arising, will be
without prejudice to the rights of AZ which have accrued prior to
termination. Terms or conditions set out in the Contract which
expressly or impliedly have effect after termination will continue
to be enforceable notwithstanding termination.
14.1 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy which AZ may
have, if any Goods and/or Services are not supplied in accordance
with, or Seller fails to comply with, any of the terms of the
Contract, and whether or not any part of the Goods or Services
have been accepted by AZ, AZ may (at AZ’s entire discretion):
14.1.1 terminate the Contract (in whole or part) by giving
written notice to that effect to Seller; and/or
14.1.2 reject the Goods or Services (in whole or in part) and, in
the case of Goods, return them to Seller at Seller’s risk
and cost on the basis that a full refund for such Goods
(including the costs of returning the Goods) will be paid
immediately by Seller; and/or
14.1.3 at AZ's option, give Seller the opportunity at Seller's cost
either to remedy any defect in the Goods or Services or
to supply replacement Goods or Services and carry out
any other necessary work to ensure that the terms of the
Contract are fulfilled; and/or
14.1.4 refuse to accept any further deliveries of the Goods or
Services but without any liability to Seller; and/or
14.1.5 at Seller's cost, carry out any work necessary to make the
Goods or Services comply with the Contract; and/or
14.1.6 claim any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and
expenses as may have been incurred by AZ in
consequence of Seller's breaches of the Contract
including in obtaining substitute goods from another
supplier and/or
14.1.7 cancel any subsequent Purchase Orders without liability.
15.1 Subject to Condition 15.3, each Party’s maximum aggregate
Liability under the Contract will be limited to the Prices paid or
payable by AZ under the Contract.
15.2 Subject to Condition 15.3, neither Party will have any
Liability to the other for any:
15.2.1 loss of profit;
15.2.2 loss of use, loss of revenue, loss of production or loss of
business, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation or loss of
15.2.3 liability of Seller to third parties;
15.2.4 loss of use or value or any data or software;
15.2.5 wasted management, operational or other time (in each
case for Conditions 15.2.1 to 15.2.5 whether direct,
indirect or consequential); or
15.2.6 indirect, punitive or consequential or special loss.
15.3 Nothing in these Conditions will operate to exclude or
restrict any Liability of a Party:
15.3.1 that cannot be excluded or restricted in these Conditions
in respect of death or personal injury resulting from negligence;
15.3.2 for its wilful misconduct, or fraud or fraudulent
misrepresentation or fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation by a
person for whom it is vicariously liable;
15.3.3 for a breach of Conditions 11, 12 and/or 21 or the Seller
indemnity in Condition 7.1.4; or
15.3.4 for any matter for which it is not permitted by law to
exclude or limit, or to attempt to exclude or limit, its liability.
16.1 Seller will not assign, sub-contract, charge or otherwise
dispose of all or any of its rights and responsibilities under the
Contract without AZ’s prior written consent.
16.2 AZ will have the right to assign, sub-contract, charge or
otherwise dispose of all or any of its rights and responsibilities
under the Contract to any AZ Affiliate or any third party.
16.3 Subject to this Condition 16, these Conditions will be binding
upon, inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by, the Parties
and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Any
attempted assignment in violation of this Condition 16 will be void
and of no effect.
17. F
AZ reserves the right to defer the date of delivery or payment of
the Goods or Services or to terminate the Contract or reduce the
volume of the Goods or Services ordered if it is prevented from or
delayed in carrying on any part of its business due to
circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, without
limitation, acts of God, governmental actions, war or national
emergency, riot, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic
or pandemic, lock-outs, strikes or other labour disputes (whether
or not relating to either Party's workforce), or restraints or delays
affecting carriers or inability or delay in obtaining supplies of
adequate or suitable materials.
18.1 Seller will ensure that all Seller’s employees, agents and
sub-contractors, if applicable who perform the Contract will
successfully complete any required compliance training as
directed by AZ prior to such performance.
18.2 Seller will designate one individual from its senior
management, or other responsible employee, acceptable to and
approved by AZ, who will be responsible for ensuring that Seller’s
employees, agents and subcontractors, if applicable, will have
successfully completed the mandatory compliance training
specified in this Condition 18 and who will certify, if requested by
AZ, that all such persons have successfully completed this
mandatory compliance training prior to any involvement in the
18.3 If AZ reasonably considers that any employees, agents and
sub-contractors of Seller have failed to successfully complete the
mandatory training required by this Condition 18, AZ may require
Seller to substitute such personnel with others who have
successfully completed the training.
If, during the course of performing the Contract, Seller and/or its
employees, become aware of an AE or other reportable safety
information with or without an associated AE, involving any AZ
Affiliate product that is the subject of these Conditions, Seller and
its employees will collect and submit, within one Business Day
from becoming aware, the appropriate information to AZ Affiliate
in accordance with the AZ Affiliate policies, procedures, and any
training provided by AZ Affiliate. AZ Affiliate is responsible for
reporting AEs and other safety information to regulatory and
government authorities.
Any notice or other communication to be given by either Party will
be in writing and will be deemed given as of (a) the date delivered
if delivered by hand, or reputable courier service, (b) the date sent
if sent by email or such other recognised electronic platform
(including DocuSign, Adobe Sign) (with transmission confirmed),
(c) the second Business Day (at the place of delivery) after deposit
with an internationally recognised overnight delivery service, or
(d) the fifth (5th) Business Day after mailing if mailed by registered
or certified mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested,
addressed to the other Party at the addresses notified to the Party
in writing. This Condition is not intended to govern the day-to-day
business communications.
21.1 Seller will maintain adequate administrative, technical, and
physical measures, controls, tools, systems, policies and
procedures in accordance with good cyber security industry
21.2 Seller will comply with AZ’s cyber security policy and
standards, as may be updated from time to time.
21.3 Seller will notify AZ in writing about any security incident or
cyber attack affecting or which may affect any IT infrastructure
or data or facilities owned, leased or used by Seller, which may
affect Seller’s ability to supply Goods and/or Services or
otherwise comply with its obligations under the Contract without
undue delay and in any event within 24 hours after Seller
becomes aware of or suspects that a security incident and/or
cyber attack has occurred. Such notification will be, in the first
instance, sent by e-mail to the following e-mail
and immediately
followed up by telephone to 0044 1625 513080.
22.1 Each AZ right or remedy under the Contract is without
prejudice to any other AZ right or remedy whether under the
Contract or not.
22.2 If any Contract provision is held to be illegal, invalid, or
unenforceable, in any respect, it will, to the extent of such
illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability be deemed severable and
the remaining Contract provisions will continue in full force and
22.3 Failure or delay by AZ in enforcing or partially enforcing any
Contract provision will not be construed as a waiver of any of its
rights under the Contract.
22.4 Any waiver by AZ of any breach of, or any default under, any
Contract provision by Seller will not be deemed a waiver of any
subsequent breach or default and will in no way affect the other
Contract terms.
22.5 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the
Parties and supersedes any prior agreement or arrangement in
respect of its subject matter. Nothing in this Condition 22.5 will
be interpreted or construed as limiting or excluding the liability of
any person for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
22.5 The Contract (and any issues, disputes or claims arising out
of or in connection with it) will be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of England and Wales.
22.6 The Parties irrevocably and unconditionally consent to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
AstraZeneca UK Limited
February 2022