Personal Message Sender
Prayers and best wishes!! Brenda
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving
Giving you wishes of comfort and joy today. You are thought of often and prayed for daily.
Never give up hope. God is with you all the way. Leave this in Gods Hands Mary
Thinking of you this holiday season and hope you feel the love and warm wishes of many who are supporting and encouraging you from afar. Stay strong and hopeful!💗
May God bless you!! He loves you so very much!!! Cammie
Sending prayers of strength and comfort this holiday season. Know that you are loved and cared for. Sarah
Praying for complete healing! Olivia
Happy Thanksgiving! My father received excellent care at Markey and I’m sorry you have to spend this holiday there . Praying that you heal quickly, best this cancer and celebrate a huge Thanksgiving with your family
next year!
Prayers happy thanksgiving Ocie
Wishing you all the happiness that life has to offer! I hope you are able to take pleasure from every moment and have a wonderful holiday! Jane
Never give up keep Faith and pray. The power of prayer is real. You are loved and thought of everyday. Rebecca
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, I Ask for total Healing for you all In JESUS HOLY Name 🙏🙏 GOD Bless you all !! 🙏 💖
Hope you have blessed Thanksgiving!! Praying for you. Kim
May God bless you sir. I will be praying for you and am thankful for all those who care for the sick. I pray you can find hope and something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, mainly that God loves you🙏🏻😊
Isaiah 41:10 – So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
God bless you during these challenging times. May your thanksgiving be filled with joy, hope, and many blessings. Maddie
Thankful for your strength and courage. Continue fighting! God bless and have a wonderful holiday!! Kellie
Wishing you the best during your treatment and fight against cancer. Thanksgiving is a time to share and show gratitude with our loved ones and community. My hope is that you feel a strong sense of love and support from
all around you (even strangers) during this season and chapter of life. May the road ahead bring you health and happiness. Betsy
Happy Thanksgiving to you! I pray you are healing and know you are loved and not alone. We are all brothers and sisters sharing this world together. Be strong stay positive! My family and I will pray for you and we love
you. Mary
You are doing great just hang in there and think positive and know you are not alone. I have faith and love your strength and courage. Me and my family will pray for you and we love you. Mary
Have a blessed thanksgiving! Prayers for you. You got this! Heather
Hope you have a happy holiday. One day at a time and remember how amazing you are:) Jaclyn
Try to keep a smile and positive attitude. Jane
I wish you a happy Thanksgiving and I want you to know you are not alone. I am a cancer survivor stage 3 renal carcinoma. I keep in my my mind the old saying, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight
in the dog! I pray this letter finds you well!!! James
Happy Thanksgiving To such a brave soul!! God loves you! Katie
Thinking of you and sending hugs! Sara
You are loved John
Keep on fighting 💕 I’ll be in prayer for you and your family.
My dad has been fighting blood cancer (from Agent Orange) for ten years, and recently had intestinal and prostate cancer. You are Warriors!! Jonda
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Brooke
I pray that this message finds you at peace and brings you joy. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and bring you healing. Maggie
You can do this, i just know it. I hope you enjoy thanksgiving and I am sending all hope and smiles to you! BE SAFE Lexie
Happy Thanksgiving! I know that this year there are lots of uncertainties for so many people, yourself included. But one thing that is certain is that you are loved and that someone believes in you. I hope the hospital
thanksgiving food is better than you expect it to be. You've got this! Anne Claire
Hello! I know the world is a scary and cruel place, but know that even strangers think and care for you!! I hope this thanksgiving and holiday season you’re able to find some comfort and peace despite everything going on.
Much love! Lexi
Many prayers for you, prayers God heals you. Keep your faith strong and always remember God is always with you. God bless you and your family. Sierra
Hope you remember that many are praying for you this holiday season, even those who do not know you. <3 Jennifer
Wishing you peace, love, relaxation and blessings.
-Nakayle Nakayle
Hey dear patients! Having a little cousin currently enduring treatment for Stage IV colon cancer at MCF, my heart goes out to all of you. May God's healing touch be his plan for each and every single one of you. This year
was already challenging but with the holiday season upon us and y'all fighting another evil, safety is of utmost importance and so my prayers are for your safety, no matter how you choose to share with family. Many
blessings to you and yours. Happy Holidays!!
I hope you have a good Thanksgiving and I will be praying for you. I am a patient of Markey and a 12 year survivor of esophageal cancer. Elaine
Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up. Even when you think you can’t do anymore, push even harder. I pray for you all so much. You’ll never be forgotten in my prayers. God bless you. Cheyenne
I’ll be praying for you
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a wonderful day and get lots of yummy food! Sending you tons of love and warm wishes! I understand how hard things can be, but you can get through it! I know it! You’re a soldier!
Say it with me, “I’m a soldier!” Have a great day! Hope this message can bring you some joy! Maston
Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope this note adds a little bit of comfort to you in these hard times. I would like to remind you that you are not alone and you are loved. Continue your brave strong fight! You are amazing! Know that
there are people all around sending prayers and comforting thoughts your way! Take care of yourself!! I hope you enjoy this Thanksgiving! God Bless you! Hope
"May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his people with peace." Psalm 29:11
May God comfort and bless you and make you prosper! Best wishes for you friend
Keep your head up and your faith high. God bless and keep up the good fight you amazing warrior. You’re a inspiration. Ruth
Just remember that every name that is named is under the feet of Jesus. Going through cancer with Him was the best choice that I made. Teresa
May GOD BLESS everyone Charlotte
I know that this year has made coming together next to impossible but please remember there are people holding you near and dear in the heart. Keep fighting.🧡
I would like to wish you a Happy Holidays. When I battled cancer,stayed at Markey Cancer Center. They were wonderful. You can beat this cancer,keep fighting. Sending prayers💙
I wish to whoever is reading this a very happy thanksgiving! i know this year has been rough but with love and hope we will all get through it together. Though you may be alone this thanksgiving know you are cared about
by so many and i’m hoping you get much better so so soon!! maddey
We wanted to take a moment and let you know that you are loved and that we were praying for you. Niki and Chris
Keep fighting!!! You are amazing and I believe in you:) Hallie
Wishing you a happy thanksgiving and praying for everything that you are going through. You are so loved. Skylar
happy thanksgiving
never give up, you got this fight. prayers for all you cancer patients! trust in god! terri
You are strong, brave, and fighting a battle not many people understand. Keep your head up and keep fighting, and know that you are loved beyond measure. You’ve got this! Enjoy your holiday season, and never let life
dull the light in your courageous soul. Sending love, prayers, and comfort to you and your loved ones. Mackenzie
happy thanksgiving! i am praying for you and your strength as you walk through this difficult battle. i pray you find joy in the small things everyday and that you feel God's comfort. hope you have a wonderful day! Lauren
Happy thanksgiving! You are loved and special! I hope this brings you a smile today! Elizabeth
prayers for each and everyone. I'm a survivor or rectal cancer by the grace of God and I'm praying he heals each and everyone there. Love you all. Derrick
Happy Thanksgiving! Praying for peace and comfort for you on this day.
Much Love,
Jess Jessica
Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you enjoy your day and have blessed days to come! Lorena
Happy Thanksgiving. May God comfort you.. Melinda
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my thoughts and prayers are with you Terrill
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Remember you have survived 100% of your worst days! Much love!! Kristie
May God bring you comfort through your battle, and bless you with a happy holidays! Your a strong person, hold on a little longer your fight is not over
I will be praying for you. Susan
Happy Thanksgiving prayers Keep fight up Wendy
I hope you have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. Samantha
Many hugs and love to you! Please know your never alone, many are thinking of you during this season and all year long. Heather
So inspired by you and your strength in this fight! Happy thanksgiving! Nicole
I will say a prayer for you and continue to pray for you. Don’t forget God is always with you. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁🍽
You are stronger than the storm.💕
God Bless You and Heal You in Jesus Christ name amen .Happy Holidays patty
For the person reading this, I want you to have a very very special Thanksgiving. I hope your days are filled with joy and peace and love. I'll be praying for you and may god bless you. Mark
Prayers and hugs to all! Unfortunately, we are all in a club we never signed up for. I’m a one and a half year breast cancer survivor. Cancer is not for sissies. Stay as positive as you can and continue to FIGHT! 💕
My brother in law is also fighting c Martha
You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this message brings you comfort and encouragement. You are stronger than you know, braver than you think, and more loved than you can imagine. Caitlin
God bless you. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I will always keep you in my prayers. Never give up and always remember God only gives his toughest battles to strongest soldiers. Shelly
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting the good fight! Happy Holidays! 💕
Prayers for you. Brenda
Keep your chin up and know that you are not forgotten and being prayed for. I hope you can find joy this holiday season. Pam
May God bless and keep you today and every day. I pray this for you in Jesus’ holy name. Amen Melanie
Keep your eye on the top of the hill and keep climbing, I have been where you are and it is really tough but doable. Elaine
HI! Hope your day/night is going well! I may not know who you are but I hope you know that you are a special person. You're tough as nails! I hope you have a WONDERFUL thanksgiving and an even better Christmas! You
are never alone and you are so LOVED! Keep up the good fight, You're doing fantastic! -Sending my love and well wishes! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!! Brandy
My family and I are thinking of you during this season and beyond. Wishing you strength and goodness through the days ahead. Stay strong and know that you have so many behind and with you my friend!🙏
May God bless you with peace and healing during this time of Thanksgiving Loretta
Happy Thanksgiving! Many blessings Emilea
I wish for you all that you find the joy that this season can bring if you stand still and feel the hope in our savior Jesus Christ. He may not give us all we want but he will give us what we need.
Sending everybody,lots of healing prayers and lots of hugs for comfort and lots of love ,to let you know,that i care.not,just for the holidays but throughout the years,with loving thoughts and prayers for a complete healing.
wishing just the very,very best prayers.amen. Ingrid
For ,specially,you. Ingrid
Happy Thanksgiving! May God bless you! Tiffany
Praying for strength and healing! May god bless you. Kourtnee
Happy Thanksgiving! Prayers of Strength from a Survivor! Cindy
Happy thanksgiving! Stay strong during these uncertain times, hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Take care of yourself xoxo Abi
I hope you feel better and you can beat this!! I believe in you!! 😊
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a joyful holiday season!! Thinking of you and wishing you the best!! Miranda
Happy Thanksgiving. I am praying for you. Becky
God bless everyone and prayers for a wonderful Thanksgiving Dorothy
Having gone through cancer twice I know how much it takes to keep your spirits high. You are strong and have the fight to conquer this demon! Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and more. Jane
Sending warm thoughts of love and comfort and praying for complete healing. Carol
After winning a 18 month battle with stage 3 rectal cancer. I want to encourage you to keep your eyes focused on JESUS, he is still healing today. I pray for whoever receives this message to experience the healing in the
prayers behind this message. Robert
God’s Blessings to you Amanda
You are beautiful and kind. You are loved. You are a warrior. You are not alone in your fight. Hang tough, be good to yourself! Laurabeth
Sending much love, support and positive vibes for a positive outcome From one cancer survivor to another😊 this Thanksgiving may be more difficult with Covid limitations but keep being positive. It’s just another day in the
grand scheme of things. 😊
Wishing you happiness prayers and thoughts!!! Tina
Have faith! And stay positive! Jesus saves and heals! Lacey
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving! My 19 year old son is battling Leukemia right now so I know how hard it is. We pray for you and all cancer fighting warriors, especially during this time. Stay strong! Happy
Thanksgiving! Shay
Happy Holidays! Know that God has your back! Prayers for recovery! 🙏
You are so much stronger than you think!
You are extraordinary! Ashley
Happy Thanksgiving God Bless you Sharon
Happy Thanksgiving from Nich, KY Please know that you are thought of even by strangers, we've all had our battles....and warm wishes for a good day to come your way. God bless.... Valerie
I am a survivor of two cancers myself (brain at age 10 & kidney at age 3). I am 18 now and so blessed. I’m also autistic, so my sister is typing this for me. I wanted to tell you to stay strong! You’re never fighting alone. We’ll
get through this together! The team at UK are amazing. Never ever lose hope!💙🎗
Prayers and Hugs..May you find peace and happiness..You are the strongest humans on earth.. Rebecca
Happy Thanksgiving from Corbin, KY! Keep the faith! Catherine
Praying for you all🙏🙏🙏
I'm sending love and PRAYERS just always remember God is THERE for you talk often and give your life to him and let him do the rest I may not know you personally but God knew you before your were born he knew your
name so when I pray for all he knows thank HAPPY Thanksgiving and MERRY CHRISTMAS TONYA
Happy Thanksgiving to you and God bless you and know that you can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you pray for your healing and your salvation in Jesus name Linda
I’m so proud of you. You are an incredible person, and you are the strongest person I (dont) know. 😊 I hope you have a wonderful day! -Your new friend
Praying so hard for you! Stay strong and keep fighting! I work in Oncology and I live for the joy of beating cancer! God bless you and may god wrap his arms around you in this time of need. You’re amazing and can win this
fight! Savannah
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Holiday session. You are a strong and brave person whom I look up to. My papaw also fought this fight. I wish you nothing but happiness, love and comfort I all the days
Star 🌟
God Bless
I am sending you warm wishes of hope with care on are part of a caring community. I support you and stand with you to fight against cancer....God bless. Sherri
May you have a blessed thanksgiving! Serenity
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a day filled with smiles and warmth. Please know you will be in our prayers on this special day. Melissa
May this Thanksgiving bring you something to be thankful for. Anne
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas! Your strength every day inspires me. You are loved. Happy holidays! Taylor
Hope you feel better soon
Hi there you lovely human!! I just thought I would remind you that brighter days are ahead. I wish you much love & strength. Brittany
Remember, even thunderstorms run out of rain. You got this, you are a strong soul. Samatha
Happy thanksgiving and many warm wishes to you. I hope god blesses you with comfort and wraps his hands around you and healing you quickly to return home to spend your future holidays with family. Sherri
Praying your day is filled with hope, strength, and love. You are not alone . Those of us who have experienced the battle of cancer in our families are with you in spirit. We are cheering you on and lifting you up in our
prayers. Lisa
I was a patient there once. Diagnosed with fast growing nhl. I beat it and you will beat yours too. Keep your sense of humor and gratitude.
Stay positive and laugh often. 💙 Happy Thanksgiving.
Praying for you!
Romans 12:12
Romans 8:28
Psalm 34:18 Kalie
God bless you on your journey.
I pray for you to have a good holiday and remember there is someone praying for you. You're beautiful!
Happy Thanksgiving! Renee
I’m wishing all you a happy thanksgiving even though 2020 Isn’t normal. Hoping that your strength and fight return
Thinking of you and praying for you!! Bonnie
My God laying his healing hand on you today! Prayers for strength and healing! Lisa
Stay strong! Tamara
I hope you get well. We had this issue in the past with my grandpa and I hope you get better. Happy holidays and we’re sending you lots of virtual hugs! -Matthew, age 10 Matthew
May God bless you
watch over you
wrap his arms around you and help you through each and every day of your struggles
you are tough you are strong my continued prayers will always be with you as well as our God will be with you Stephanie
Keep up your positive spirit and see in your mind all of your cells as healthy and cancer-free. Take this downtime to focus on self-love and reflection. Happy Thanksgiving! 💜
Wishing you comfort and peace during this holiday season. I hope my message brings you joy knowing someone was thinking of you during this Thanksgiving. Get well and keep fighting hard! Tiffany
Beloved - you are not alone! You are loved and prayed for. Jillian
Happy Thanksgiving and my prayers are with you! God Bless Ruth
Praying for you i too had cancer in my left lung Ocie
thoughts and prayers coming your way. Dorothy
Praying for you! Happy Thanksgiving! Chasity
Wishing you the best thanksgiving and a speedy recovery! Alyssa
May God bless you with healing and comfort. Amen. Margaret
No one fights alone !!! Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Melinda
You are in our prayers. I know how difficult this is. My husband has been battling stomach cancer spread to his lungs for 2 years. God has been good to us. He loves you, too. Vickie
God bless you, keep the faith, we will get there. Janet
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m sorry that things are different this year. My son , niece, and nephew are all immunocompromised. It’s hard being apart, but we are all together in love and spirit. I will put you all in my heart and you
will be with us this holiday season, too. Love and prayers! Katherine
Thinking of you during this time! Have a happy happy thanksgiving and I will keep you in my prayers
Asking God to help you in your fight.🙏
I hope today is filled with so many special moments and a few sweet surprises!! Jennifer
Hello dear one, you’re on a journey that I have not been on. I want you to know that I think you’re brave and you mean something to this world. May God’s healing light shine down on you my friend love abounds Tanya
I don’t think everything happens for a reason. I don’t think you could have prevented this. I’m sorry if sometimes people have said hurtful things to try to make you feel better. I do believe you are strong and loved and
beautiful. I also believe that there are small moments of beauty even in the hardest circumstances. May you find them dear one. Tria
Know that you are a fighter and you’re not in this alone. Many prayers and lots of love. Lynsay
You are incredibly strong.
Happy Thanksgiving! From our family to yours!
Tom, Laurel, Adelyn and Kennedy Laurel
I pray every night before I close my eyes that you have love, comfort, healing, and God with you every moment of every day. May his love and healing light shine upon you. I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving. tammy
Get Well Soon! You got this! Also know that you are not alone that someone out there loves and cares about you, that someone would be me!!! Prayers & Love & Positivity & Good Energy sent your way!!! Tara
Hello, while I don’t know you personally.. I know what you are going through. My Dad had stage 4 colon cancer, and I watched him fight that hard fight. I know how hard the battle is. Just know that I am rooting for you and
will pray for your healing and comfort and peace for your difficult journey. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and just remember that God is with you every step of the way. Peace and love. Sarah
Praying for the cure. Peace to you during this special season. We are thankful for scientists searching for YOUR cure! OUR cure. You are not alone in this struggle. Pat
Wanted to drop in to lift your spirits today. I know first hand what you are going through, that you feel you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, but I promise you that you will 🧡 My mother was in the exact spot your in
this time last year battling Acute Myloid leukemia (AML) & has had transplant, now home enjoying life to the fullest & I know that will be you too! You are in the best care at UK hospital know that! & as hard as this
thanksgiving may seem I still must wish you a happy thanksgiving & I hope you are up to eating plenty of Turkey & looking forward to getting home where you belong ♥🙏
Happy thanksgiving to you! Stay strong and continue to be brave! Ashley
My thoughts and prayers are with you today and always. May God strengthen and comfort you every step of your battle and shine bright in your victory. Jawana
“I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 Amber
Dear Friend,
I just wanted to let you know how much of an inspiration you are and how strong I find you to be. Alot of the times you cant always see how strong you truly are through all the things we go through and struggle with, but i
promise you are. You are a hero!
I hope you have a lovely day and Im sending prayers for you and lots of love your way!
Love always,
A third grade student,
Hunter Hunter
I think that you are very brave for fighting your sickness. Sometimes the bravest thing to do is fight. I will pray that you get better and your times get easier along the way. Keep being brave.
A thirs grade student.
Waylin Waylin
Lots of love and many prayers Amanda
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comfort you and heal you. Everyone keep the faith and continue your fight and know you are loved . You are warriors and examples to all . God bless you all in the precious name of
Jesus we ask him to intervene on your behalf and give you his peace. Mike
God gives us our own destiny. I believe with all my heart that God has blessed me. I am a three time cancer survivor and God helped me through it..breast and brain..51 and still moving, still alive Lynda
You are in our thoughts and prayers - We pray many warm blessings on you during this season of Thanksgiving! God Bless!! Alex and Elise
You got this!!! Elizabeth
Thoughts and prayers are with you! Having to walk this road is hard enough without the restrictions this pandemic has brought. Just know you are not alone. Remember there is always someone with you and He will never
leave your side. Praying that you're home with your family soon and that you have the best holiday under the circumstances. Wanda
I will be thinking of you!! Many prayers for Lori
"One day at a time, one step at a time. Do what you can, do your best. Let God handle the rest." Chelsey
Just wanted to say stay strong and keep your FAITH during this trial of life. You’ve got this, many prayers for you. 💛
I hope you have a good thanksgiving! Stay strong! I know this is such a difficult time but you are so much stronger than this! I am praying for you and i hope this message can bring a little joy to your day!
Wishing you the best, Lynzie Lynzie
My husband was on the Markey floor. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Stay strong and fight hard! Rhonda
Stay strong in this difficult time. Sending all my love your way. Maddie
May God Bless you! April
I’ve been where you are - spending special days in the hospital (with my Mom when she was receiving treatment for melanoma). Sending you all the love, and light, and happiness and hope that I have. Make sure to get the
Thanksgiving parade turned on in your room. It’ll be a “television special” this year - whatever that means - but it’s supposed to still be worth watching. Happy Thanksgiving. “Spirit shall be the stouter, heart the bolder,
courage the greater, as our might lessens.” All my love. Xo Taylor
You are SO strong. Always remember that. Krista
Hey! I don’t know who will receive this message but just know I’m praying for you. You’re strong, you’re loved, and you matter. You’re not fighting alone! Josh
God bless you and keep you on your journey to better health. Lori
Fear is faith in the enemy. This is why I don’t live in fear-I choose to live! May the Lord bless you and keep you!!! Many prayers going up for you do not worry about what GOD already has control of! Ashley
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Think positive and have faith. Tabitha
Cancer is a terrible disease. I hope and pray that your treatment is effective and your symptoms are minimal.
Just wanted to let you know our family is thinking of you and holding you up in prayer Carolyn
I'm super awkward and I dont know what to say, so I'll do a joke: Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.
I really hope this got a chuckle 😂
Happy Thanksgiving. I to a year ago didn't think my husband was going to make it. He also is battling cancer. I will pray that you have a happy Thanksgiving and for god to lay his healing hads upon you like he did my
husband Melissa
May God bless and heal you and bring you peace! Charly
I know this is a hard journey especially during the holidays. I found myself fighting cancer this time six years ago but I made it through and so can you. Hang in there! You are a SURVIVOR! Tracey
You are a blessing and the world is a better place because of you. Lifting you up in prayer & prayer the holidays and new year ahead bring such healing and happiness! God bless Crystal
Happy Thanksgiving. I lost my mom to,breast cancer when I was 13. I have been having my own issues not cancerous yet but I'm fixing to do a preventive surgery to reduce my risk. Courtney
From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving! I am thinking of you and cheering you on during this battle from a far! This cancer is no match for you! Mackenzie
Many prayers sent your way!! Kim
Hi! I hope this message can bring a bit of joy to you. Just know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you are never alone. 💛
Praying for all of you every night Nancy
Keep your chin up. Put your trust and faith in the Lord and he will walk with you.Look to the future and a year from now things will be so much brighter. My 19 yr old granddaughter was where you are now and 1 yr later she
is moving her life forward with a positive attitude. Jeanne
Stay strong! Know that prayers and good thoughts and hugs are coming your way! Amy
Sending warm thoughts and prayers for you! Just know that people care! Linda
May you have a blessed Holiday season, many prayers being sent to all those fighting cancer as to their families as well. I pray for healing, strength and comfort. Hugs and love sent your way. Just know that there is
someone always praying. God bless Kristie
Today I send you warm wishes for a special Thanksgiving. I hope my note brightens your day and reminds you that you have a loving community of people supporting you. Five your ago I became a caretaker for my sister
who had cancer and received a bone marrow transplant. We conjured cancer and today she is happy and healthy. We have been where you are. Brighter days are ahead for you. Sending warm hugs and lots of love. Mau
God bless you. Love and prayers. Kellee
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! I’ve been there in that hospital bed before. Praise God for healing!!! Many prayers and blessings to you🙏🏻
You are in our thoughts this thanksgiving, we send nothing but love and good energy your way. Keep fighting
All of our love,
Abbie, Micah, Lady & Daisy Abbiegale
Hi Dr Alpert, this is Julie and Sams friend, Leann McConnell. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping you’re home for the Holidays. Take care. Dr Brian
May God Bless you and comfort you today and always! Jessica
God bless you. Keep on praying. Keep in fighting Brenda
I can only imagine how it must feel to be separated from family during the holiday season. I hope when this message reaches you that you are in good spirits! Take care and hold onto every bit of love you get! Savannah
Keep fighting! Amanda
Happy Holidays! You are so brave and strong! Keep pushing and keep smiling, You can do anything! A big heart and kind soul is always looking over you with your best interest in mind (: Ashley
Sending my love and many prayers! I wish you a happy thanksgiving. I just want you to know that your not ever alone, quite often I think of people fighting cancer and pray often. I hope this note puts a smile on your face I
would love to see it 🙏
I’m praying for each and every one of you! I know being away from home, especially during the holidays, can be hard and I’m hoping you get to see your families soon! You are so brave and strong and I love the courage
that you portray. God is in control and will take care of each and everyone one of you. Happy holidays and blessings. Bryanna
Hope your day is as amazing
As you are! Have a Happy Thanksgiving! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Shanna
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 Brady
I want you to know how incredibly strong you are. You are loved by so many. I wish you happiness and peace. Sending you lots of love! Hayley
May God bless you and keep you always! Amanda
Sending you well wishes this holiday season! I hope for your safety and happiness in the remainder of, as well as this upcoming year. Kelsey
You are so strong and amazing. Keep hanging on, you can do this. Megan
May God bless you today and days to come. Prayers for your healing and strength during this time of your life. God loves you and is always with you. Heather
Merry Christmas! Xoxo Aly
I pray you have a wonderful holiday season & that God will wrap his arms around you & yours! Merry Christmas xoxo! Aly
Blessings during the season Brittany
Happy Thanksgivingsending my Love & prayers to you! I hope you have a Blessed day!
Dear Jesus, I know you are still in the miracle working business and I believe that You can do anything if we have faith. I pray You put Your healing hand on those affected by cancer to restore them back to their health.
In Jesus Name I pray,
Amen 🙏
You are loved. Stay strong! Katie
Thinking of you and hope you feel better.(From Case (4)and Ellie(7).)😁
Prayers for comfort and healing
My prayers are with you. Your strength and courage doesn’t go unnoticed. You are a true hero. Tiffany
Keep fighting! You’re kicking cancers ass and for that I’m thankful! I pray you continue too fight and gods will to bring you peace, comfort, and recovery Billie
I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. You are in my thoughts and prayers! Have a blessed day! Tia
I am thankful for each we are both alive. Joyce
Happy Thanksgiving from the litteral family! If I've learned anything this year, its that nothing is too big for our God. I pray that you'll feel his peace and you hold on to your hope and trust in him. He is our comforter and
salvation. He will bring you peace and co.fort if you simply ask, and believe he will. He loves you, and so do we. We are standing with you and praying! Princess
lean not on your understanding , Jesus and God and i love you , GREGORY
Praying for brighter days and a wonderful Thanksgiving! Martha
Praying for peace and recovery for you. You are so loved. Philippians 4:13
Mom—sending our love!!
Hope to see you soon!! Keep up the good fight!! You’ve got a great team on your side, wanting you to get better!!
Rhonda and Dave
Warmest wishes that you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving. My prayers are with you
May this note send you encouragement and make you smile...may your Thanksgiving be filled with love and happiness. Nacetia
Happy Thanksgiving I also am a cancer person and was in the hospital last Thanksgiving you are strong we love you all you are not alone Pam
Continue to fight and never give up! Keep hope alive! You are absolutely not forgotten! In the name of Jesus I ask that he place his healing hands on you and rid your body of this disease. Dear lord hear my prayer. Brandon
Continue to fight and never give up! Keep hope alive! You are absolutely not forgotten! In the name of Jesus I ask that he place his healing hands on you and rid your body of this disease. Dear lord hear my prayer. Brandon
Love,Blessings and Hugs Vickie
Stay strong! Katie
May god bless you and comfort you through this holiday season cancer is a beast but you are a warrior Brandi
I know 2020 has been a tough year, but I hope you have a wonderful holiday season and know you are not alone. I am praying for you and your battle. You’ve got this! Emily
GOD Bless You! Jessica
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Melinda
I am a breast cancer survivor and my husband is now fighting stage 4 lung cancer. I hope that you can find peace and joy during the holidays while dealing with such a terrible disease. Best wishes from my family to yours!! Rebecca
Hi, i’m Hayley, I hope you have a good thanksgiving and and a merry Christmas and get to spend it with your family. Hayley
Prayers for your recovery. Happy Thanksgiving! Janet
Prayers for you during this journey. I know this is a difficult time, especially with COVID. Stay strong and hopeful. Psalm 33:22. Sandy
Happy Thanksgiving! Never stop praying and fighting Sheila
Hello!!! I am Elizabeth and I’m currently a college student 3 hours away from home, I say this because this showed me the importance of family. I never knew how much I needed my family until I was away from them. This
holiday season I am praying for you. Your family misses you dearly. You’re so strong!!! Keep fighting!!!!! Elizabeth
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thinking of you and I hope you have a happy holiday! You have my support. Claire
God bless you!!
Praying for your complete healing. I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember you are loved . Vanessa
Happy Thanksgiving!🍁🦃 Prayers for healings
Prayers for you!!!! Thinking of you today and sending love!! Amanda
Praying you will feel God’s presence in a mighty way this Thanksgiving! ♥ Cheryl
You are braver than I could imagine. ♥ Morgan
God bless your heart. Prayers for strength, healing and peace. Watch a movie you always wanted to watch or a book you always wanted to read. Watch funny videos during treatment. I used to play my Mom crazy YouTube
videos to pass those long days in chemo. 😘
Love and prayers 💕
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are doing great. Trust in God, and you will be okay. Praying for everyone, especially during this pandemic. Jaden
With mom in my mind( who died of leukemia 4 years ago), I wish you peace and inner joy... Love, Corina Corina
Praying for you! Happy Thanksgiving 💗
I’m sending warm wishes to you on this Thanksgiving. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope this will make your day a little brighter. Keep fighting. Keep strong and keep the faith ♥ Patsy
May you know that you are thought of, prayed for and loved today and always. God has put it on the hearts of many to send this note of encouragement and we lift you in prayer that our Lord heals you fully. Amy
From our family to youGod bless you with strength and love 🙏😘💕🥰
Susan lykins
Your strength and resilience is so inspiring! Keep fighting you’ve got this! Lindsey
I hope god brings you peace this holiday season as you fight your battle. You are strong ! You are courageous! You are beautiful!! You are a soldier. I pray you have happiness and comfort during these times. God Bless
you!! Sending all the love and prayers to you!! Lindsay
You can do this! Allison
May you have many blessings during this time and prayers of healing and strength Jolene
I hope you have a peaceful, happy Thanksgiving and know that you are loved and appreciated by so many people. Keep up the fight! Alison
Hang in there!! You are a fighter!! - From Claire, age 3 Claire
I’m a breast cancer survivor and the power of positivity is key. And drink all the malt shakes you want. Anna
My family and I are praying for you during this trying time. We've been where you are and oh my, it's so hard. Please know we care and we will always lift you up in prayer. We claim healing over you in his name. Amen!! Brittany
I pray that you will find health and happiness this holiday season and that you are blessed to see many more holidays with those you love! Donna
Stay strong and keep fighting. You're a rockstar! Sarah
I can understand your struggles better than some.... my mom was a 3 time cancer survivor. Prayers do wonders. So I will be praying for you. May God bless and keep you strong. Cynthia
You are brave! You are strong! Never looks hope! Happy Holidays and prayers for comfort! Nichole
Praying faithfully for you! My big sister was a Markey patient and I know you’re in good hands. God bless! Gayle
My prayers are with you
Hang tough and let God take control and give you peace
Happy thanksgiving to you and your family Jackie
Although, you are not home for the holidays you’re loved ones are with you in spirit. The homes, halls, work, and friends aren’t the same with out your smiling face around.
I hope no matter what you face today, you find just a moment that gives you hope for tomorrow, wisdom for the present moment, and forgiveness for yourself tomorrow.
From all of my family to yours.
I pray you have a great thanksgiving!
I am thankful for you! Whoever’s reading this. You make the world brighter!
La Shawna Bass Lashawna
Stay Strong
I pray for your health daily. Hugs and prayers Jan
You are so special and loved!! Hannah
God bless you! We are praying for you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Joe, Sara, Shine, Truly, and
Prayer hugs 💕
Happy Thanksgiving Be strong God is with you all. Brenda
As a cancer survivor, I am sending healing prayers!! Sara
You have got this!! God will see you through this..dont give up!! Beth
Happy Thanksgiving . I hope you have a great day and I am praying so hard for your recovery.
Put your trust in God Brenda
I came through ovarian cancer last year.. I pray to God to touch and heal all cancer Brenda
Sending many prayers and blessings your way. You are amazing, loved, and strong. Happy Thanksgiving! Letha
My prayers are with you. 🙏🙏🙏
I am praying for a cure everyday Becky
Wishing you well soon. You're in our hearts and prayers. Hope you get lots of turkey for Thanksgiving and Hugs - Sending big hugs your way. Karin
God bless you. Have a happy thanksgiving Lisa
Asking our Lord to give you comfort and added strength. Mike
Prayers for you and your family. Hang in there and know you’ve got this. Happy Thanksgiving. Whitney
I hope this helps during these very stressful and painful times . I was diagnosed with stage 4 Melanoma Oct.28th 2017 so I can relate to the feeling .. The Precious man I serve called Jesus saved my life and he can yours to
just Pray .. I will be Praying for you .. Sending lots of Love and Prayers your way .. Always on my mind and in my Heart .
If nobody has told you, you are courageous and strong. I wish you the happiest holidays. <3 Jasmine
Keep fighting even on the days you don't think you can. Soak in every moment possible. Hope you have wonderful holidays Logan
praying for you  madyson
Keep fighting and god bless happy thanksgiving Toni
I fought breast cancer and won. For each of you battling cancer I think of you and pray for you. Prayers that each of you have a special Thanksgiving and you win your battle against this beast called cancer. Doris
May you Day be bright and happy ! Much Love and prayers heading your way !! Amber
Prayers stay strong God bless you and your s Virginia
I hope this small gesture brightens your day and brings a smile to your face! Always remember you are loved
Sending you love and strength. Grace
You are stronger than you know. Taylor
Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you are eating as much delicious food as you want (whether that’s mashed potatoes and turkey or McDonalds is up to you). I really hope you’re able to spend time with your family, whatever
that may look like. Thinking of you!
An almost nurse Hannah
I pray whatever you are going through to keep up your spirits an keep a positive outlook, I had cancer six years ago and still free, treatments are rough, but keep at it, my thoughts and prayers are with each an everyone of
you. Much love an have a Happy Holidays 🙏
I hope you have a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving. Many prayers for you as you kick cancer’s butt! Genia
Don't give up hope remember that God has a plan for you and the ability to work miricales. You are strong.
This year, I am thankful for your courage and strength to continue to fight this ugly monster we call cancer. Just know, that at this very moment, there are people you don’t even know, praying for you! My prayer for you is to
stay strong, think positive and never give up! You can and will beat this! I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving spent with family and friends, even if only over the phone. Envision yourself walking out of that office visit with a
clean bill of health and in remission! Love to you and yours
Lee Ann
Many prayers for you and yours this holiday season! You are a true warrior! Hugs! Kasandra
Beloved! Keep your faith. God is always with you. I send you my love as well! Happy Thanksgiving 2020, and many years to come! ♥ Anne
YOU are a hero. Never give up. This year, I am thankful for your strength and courage to get up every day and keep fighting! Happy thanksgiving, we’re all with you. Bailey
Hey, hope you have a wonderful day, know you are loved , wonderful and beautiful.. Drayson
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you have the best holiday season imaginable and know that you have the support of entire communities behind you. Prayers always
Thinking of you and your loved ones in this season of life. Praying for your continued health and hoping you have a happy and safe holiday season Erin
I wanted to reach out and let you know I am thinking and praying for you. I lost my dad to cancer, and I understand how challenging the disease can be. But I also know how strong you must be to take on the challenge to
battle this disease head on! I am so proud of you and your determination to always take one step further. I can't imagine not being able to see your family for Thanksgivng, and I want you to remember how big of a support
system you have here at UK that is cheering you on! I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with time for personal rejuvenation and remembering to give thanks for each and everyday. I believe in you and I am praying for you.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :) Ellen
Wishing you all the best and a happy holiday season! Even though things may look a bit different this year, there is always a reason to be thankful. Keegan
Remember that anything is possible! You will be in my thoughts and prayers always! Summer
Happy Thanksgiving 🍁 I hope your day is full of love and happiness
He only is my rock and my salvation:he is my defence,I shall not be moved. Psalms 62:6 Misty
I want to wish you many blessing for Thanksgiving this year! I hope that your day is filled with love and hope. Many prayers for healing! Tracey
You are brave and strong and the world is better because you are part of it! Keep your chin up even on the tough days and know that you are loved! Holland
Praying God will Touch and Heal Every Cancer Patient Everywhere.In te Mighty Name of jesus
I Pray and Ask This. AMEN Charlcie
Today I send you the warmest wishes for a very special Thanksgiving. I hope my note brightens your days and reminds you that have a large community supporting you in your fight against cancer - not just today, but
everyday. Praying for healing and strength for you. Kathryn
I am from a family that has been through cancer, and I am Wishing you strength as you battle your illness. Being at Markey means you are getting the best care possible! My mother swears by grapefruit and soup when she
Is sick. Never neglect your nutrition! Healing thoughts and positive energy. Sincerely,
Mark Russell, Lexington
Happy Happy Thanksgiving! Blessings and much love! Kaye
You are stronger than you feel! You can win this battle! Keep fighting. I am praying for you! Have a great Thanksgiving, with many more to come! Whitney
You are stronger than you think, you have cancer, it doesn’t have you. Love, hugs and strength being sent to you! Jody
Praying for strength, comfort, & healing to come your way.
In 2012, I was in your shoes. It’s hard to stay focused and upbeat during these difficult times, but I believe in you. You have an amazing staff and doctors there. Remember this too shall pass. Thinking of you not only this
holiday season, but every day. Let’s beat cancer! Peggy
Bless you and your fighting spirit this holiday season and always. If ever there is a moment of doubt or of fear, know that you are not alone...that someone out there wishes you well. I pray total healing and restoration and
peace upon you. Be well. Jennifer
I was in marquee myself,
I spent nearly all of October there.
I had a total laryngectomy.
I know how it feels to be scared, I just want you to know, it gets better.
It takes time and patience and strength.
People do care.
The nurse's and doctors are best I have ever seen.
I am very thankful for them.
My message to each of you is to never give up. Mae
I am thankful you are still here and fighting
HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the Sparks household! We hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving filled with good foodand memories that you will cherish forever. We are praying for you that God will give you strength, joy
and surround you with his love.
Seth, Keesha, Ben, Banjo and
Happppppppppiest of Thanksgivings to YOU!
We are thinking about you and hope that you are happy and eating some yummy food. Stay cozy and warm! We hope to hear back from
Ps. Our papaw was in here and he fought cancer. You can do it too!
Keesha, Seth, Ben, Banjo, and
Always know there’s good people out here praying everyday for everyone. I love you and wish you peace and joy in your heart. And never forget your sense of humor, it never fails you. Stay strong and know that even
though I’m a stranger, I care and we are all family when we think of it that way. Happy Thanksgiving my friend. LK
I hope you have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving! God bless you and keep you, and my family and I will be praying for you. Nikki
I love the world Kennly
My mother and grandmother are both cancer survivor's ( different cancers). I have seen, with my mother, how debilitating and hard this sickness is. I pray God will heal all cancer patients and cancer will be curable in the
near future. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Rebekah
Hi, hope you are feeling ok. I hope you get better soon! I will pray for you. Leah
Hello! My name is Rachel and I am about to graduate college with a degree in nursing! I hope you have a great thanksgiving! You are so strong and just know that people are thinking about you! Rachel
I hope you have a blessed day! Happy thanksgiving You got this!! 💓💓
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for you. I hope you have a good thanksgiving even if you can't be there in person with your family. We are going to try to video chat with our family on thanksgiving, hopefully you can do
the same. Keep your head up and kick cancers butt. I will be praying for you and cheering you on. Dela'reigh
Sending you love, prayers, and healing this holiday season!! Nicole
Praying for you as you fight with cancer. Hoping your day is a blessed one. Cindy
I am so sorry of all that you are going through.I want you to know that you are in my prayers and thoughts everyday.I pray that God will touch you in a very special way.Ibpray he will you of all the dreadful disease.G is bless
you and keep you always Martha
Hi, I know times are hard right now and I'm so sorry for what you're going through but I hope this holiday season brings you some Joy and peace.  Happy Thanksgiving!
Sending you warm thoughts and wishing you a happy Thanksgiving! Dawn
I can see the Markey Cancer Center from my apartment window and I pray daily over you, your family, and your providers. Thank you for your strong spirit and impact on others. You are loved and never alone! Happy
Thanksgiving Katie
i am praying for a cure and safe recovery pason
Happy Holidays! I hope this message finds you today, content and peaceful. Today is all about loving and being thankful, and while that may not be an easy feat to accomplish, today you deserve to feel CHERISHED. The
biggest support system is here for you, no matter the day. We are all fighting for you. I hope this note brightens your day :) and that you know moving forward that you always have so many more in your corner than you
may even know. Amelia
Stay hopeful. Keep fighting. Know that someone is thinking of you during this time.
I can only imagine what you are going through at this time. Just know that you may feel different and maybe look different but that does not represent your worth. There are people out there that are rooting for you and care
about you and are praying for you. Micha
I’m wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from Crestwood, KY in Oldham Co. I hope you have a wonderful day of thanks full of awesome family/visitors and tasty food. My husband is currently fighting cancer, so we will be
enjoying our family and counting our blessings and saying our prayers.
Our peace and love go out to you.
The Laws Family Lisa
I hope your Thanksgiving is a day of joy. God knows the trials you are going thru. He is with you every step of the way. God bless you. Georgia
I am thankful for people like you who continue to fight every single day! You are so strong, and your strength is such a beautiful gift to be thankful for! Rebecca
I hope you have a good Thanksgiving and get better soon. I will be praying that you get better quick and can be back home with your family very soon. Cayson
Sending hugs and sunshine! Judy
Hope you have a very happy thanksgiving! Megan
Happy Thanksgiving, friend! While this holiday may be different than years pasts know we are all going to get through this year. Me, my family and the whole UK fam are rooting for you! Stay well! Michaela
I am praying for you every day!!! Rev Pat
My mother has ovarian cancer. Cancer patients are true warriors indeed. As you fight your battle, please know that you are not alone. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with good food and and lots of happiness. Sherry
Although I don’t know you personally I’m praying daily that your health is restored. Stay strong! You’ve got this. Jessica
I am sorry, I hope you feel better and hope you have a good Thanksgiving. jj
The holidays are time spent gathered around friends and family. Though your situation has made the holidays different for you, I hope the joy and spirit these holidays brings finds you well. Your strength and determination
during this time is admirable and a feat itself. I wish you comfort and healing during this time! MacKenzie
Hope your feeling a little better today, hang in there and be brave and strong, god is watching over u. Hugs Rosemary
Stay Strong! Have Faith! Connie
Praying for you. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Keep your head up and positive thoughts! You have got this!!! Angela
My prayer is for you and your family have a miraculous Thanksgiving! In His love Sherry Sherry
This year is different and rough. I hope this note can bring you a little bit of comfort and let you know that there are people who care about you out in this world. And I hope the hospital turkey isn't too bad :) Reagan
I pray this message finds you well and can bring some comfort during your courageous fight. Please know my family will pray and think of everyone battling this disease this year. Jamie
Praying for a quick recovery and peace through the process to get there! Kelsey
Best wishes for a bright and happy Thanksgiving. Sending you love and healing. May You be surrounded by caring people that help you return home quickly. Rebecca
prayers for Gods peace and healing. So sorry your going through this just keep praying. Lois
Your strength is an inspiration. Sending you love, courage, and wishing you a warm and safe holiday. Alyssa
I'm praying for you and your health every day. Stay strong. God doesn't give his toughest battles to just anyone. Happy Holidays . Kristin
You and your family are in our prayers
Love And Prayers Tina
Please know that you are loved beyond words and you are so, unbelievably strong. Keep fighting, warrior. You are not alone. Savanna
I send you my love durning our Holiday Season for continued strength and comfort. You are loved! You are thought of, you have a whole slew of cheerleaders that are on your sides. Stay strong!! And Hear that End Bell In
YOUR EARS!! You are loved!! 💗
You are a fighter and you are loved! May you feel God’s presence! Brandy
Praying for healing and comfort Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃
Wishing you peace and comfort! Jeannie
I will be praying for you. Diana
I survived! Get well soon Praying Sandra
God Bless you today and always! Keep the faith and keep fighting the good fight! You will move mountains!! So proud of you!!
Stay strong and keep a sense of humor. I've been there. Trust me it helps. I don't know if you believe in God but if you do, hand everything over to him. Everything!!! Stacy
You’ve got this daaahlin!!!! Sending up lots of hugs and prayers for you! Sheena
Count your many blessings this Thanksgiving... your still here for a reason. natasha
Wishing you an wonderful Thanksgiving and 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Fir your treatment and recovery hiurney!
Keep up the fight! Many many thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving! Christina
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Shelby
You are Loved!! Malina
God bless you Elisha
Your strength is so inspiring! May God always be with you
You don’t have to know someone to be praying and thinking good thoughts for them. I am for you! Lisa
Sending you well wishes, hugs, prayers, and strength this holiday season! I hope this message brightens your day and reminds you of how loved you are in this life. Keep up the brave fight. Your strength is admirable and
my family will always pray for you! Happy Thanksgiving! Alley
You’ve got this! The
Happy holidays to you!!
I know what it is like to feel isolated or sick during the holidays and every day. I have two chronic illnesses that have really got me down over the pandemic.
So, I want to remind YOU that you are never alone.
I am here cheering you on.
We are fighting the good fight together.
My wish for you is to feel something good this holiday season. I wish you love and light.
Please know you are in my prayers this Thanksgiving holiday. May God give you strength and hope. Please know there are many who are praying for you! Amy
Love and Prayers Angela
God bless you. Keep fighting. Chris
I have been in Markey with both my mom and dad. I know it is hard, but please know you are in my prayers. Keep fighting. Keep laughing! Watch comedies! Read funny things and know, KNOW DEEP IN YOUR SOUL I
care about you! Rhonda
Praying healing prayers for you! Jessica
Happy Thanksgiving. May God bless and comfort you. Nola
Hope you have an amazing holiday! Love the Gollihue family Shelbi
You are strong!! I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery. Leeann
Wishing you peace, blessings, love, and light through this holiday season. You are loved💓 keep fighting the good fight!
Prayers for you. Stay strong.
God is here with us, supporting you
In your time of need.
Happy Thanksgiving Tillie
Happy Thanksgiving! Praying God’s blessings upon you!
"Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow." I admire your courage and hope you feel the love and support of your family and friends. FrancesCourage
Hang in there! Fight the good fight...praying the precious blood of Jesus over you. Sending lots of hugs your way..💖💖
I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving. I support your fight against cancer and wish you lots of love and healing.
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. I hope you feel better soon. Grady
Just faced a bump in the road am there with you..positive will be ok...Blessings to all Mary
May this Thanksgiving bring miracles in your lives. My prayers for all battling cancer. God bless each of you. Mary
Everyday, I pray that God gives you more strength than he did yesterday. You are so brave and strong!
Wishing you a very special Thanksgiving and sending positive thoughts your way. Kayla
Happy Thanksgiving. I don't know you, but I know you are another human soul. Sending positive love and thoughts. I can't imagine what you must be fighting. Stay strong and stay positive. Erica
Hi, I’m Mia. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you get better soon. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. - Mia Hall, 4 years old. Mia
Keep up the fight! We're cheering you on! Praying for you! God is good! Hope
Dear Joyce, I know you aren't feeling good. I am decorating you a Christmas sweater. It will have red, green,and gold rhinestones and little snowmen and snow flakes. I know you will love it.I'll bring it to you soon. Zayda
Wishing you all the strength and love on this special Holiday. I am so thankful you are showing others how to fight and win. I’m sure you have been the biggest blessing in someone’s life. Jeannie
Happy Thanksgiving! I know you could feel better since you’re sick. But I am thankful that you’re here with us. God is with you! Try to have the best day you possibly can.Make memories with family or friends. My prayers
are with you! I’ll pray for a healing. Sending hugs and love. Dottie
Hang in there! You are a WARRIOR! Alexa
Godspeed and May you find a smile or many to brighten your day! Sherri
““ ‘ “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” ’”
Numbers 6:24-26 NIV Belinda
God’s blessings to you and the rest of your family. We are cheering for you every day! Katie
sending prayers. you got this! laura
Stay Strong 💪
As a fellow cancer patient, I pray for your comfort and blessings for Thanksgiving! Susan
Hi today I hope you are filling really well and happy we all pray that all of you guys get better soon . Bella
I’m praying that today is a good day! As a cancer patient myself, I know that each new day is a gift! Take care of yourself! 🥰
God bless you Brenda
May God be with you! You can fight through this! Heather
The battle may be hard now but just know there is a sunshine at the end. Just keep fighting and don't give up. It's may be hard now but when life comes to push and shove. You push and shove even harder then life. I don't
know you, but I love you!! Keep fighting!! God bless♥ Mackenzie
You are in my prayers Donna
I hope you get better, keep fighting, be brave and strong! I will say a prayer for you. Abram
Stay you Are!..Happy Thanksgiving...Love you Shirley
God is with you always! Amber
Praying for the Lord’s healing touch for you. Prayers for wisdom and knowledge for your entire medical staff to care for you. Wishing you a very blessed day and know someone is lifting you up in prayer. God bless. Stephanie
 Happy Day my friend!!!
keep going i love you Alyssa
It has been a tough year with the COVID Virus and just put having cancer on top of that has to be horrible. Please know that my prayers go up for anyone fighting cancer (and their families).🙏🙏. My family has been
touched several times with this horrible disease. Keep fighting and try to have a nice Thanksgiving!💙🥰
I hope you are okay and get better soon. I will say a prayer that God will heal you and get you back home to your families. Cade
I know you don’t know me but I just want you to know you are loved.
God loves you and so do I
You are bravery than you think! Keep fighting and know that I care. Hope you are having a good day today. Never get up, you got this! Luke
Sending you a big hug today to let you know you got this and you can beat cancer! I am on your team in this fight! Alyssa
I hope you are feeling good. I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you will get better. Harrison
I’m so sorry if you won’t be seeing any family this Thanksgiving. I often take mine for granted, and I truly couldn’t imagine what this holiday would be like without them. I am sending you so much love, and I will be praying
hard for you. Blair
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Much love to you. Eloise
Happy Thanksgiving!! Send love and positive thoughts to you. Kelly Chalfant
Have a good Christmas Nova
Happy holidays, praying and thinking of you and your loved ones Kristen
You are beautiful. You are a masterpiece.
You are valuable. You are strong. You are powerful. You are brave. You are not alone. Kristen
HI my name is Bryden i am 8 years old. I like to play video games and play out side. I hope that you are having a good day today. I hope that you have a good Thanksgiving. Bryden
May God bless each and everyone of you! I’m sorry you are in Markey but want to tell you that you are in the best hands!
My brother Troy had CML in 2008 and did a Bone Marrow transplant. He had some complications afterwards but pulled through spectacularly! Markey Center was amazing. Every worker kind and considerate! I can’t
Thank them enough!
Just keep your chin up and know you are in great hands!! God Bless Brenda
Sorry you don't have your family with you during Thanksgiving. Hopefully you are feeling better. The hospital and doctors are working hard for you. I hope you will feel better soon.Good Luck, keep on fighting.
Love Edie Edie
Hope this Thanksgiving will give you new strength to keep on keeping on. Sending Love and Prayers Ute
Happy Thanksgiving! Sending you lots of love and courage this Thanksgiving! You are so strong and I’m so proud of you!! I know it’s not easy, but keep fighting—we are all here to support you!! You got this! Happy
Thanksgiving! Lilly
I am sorry you are sick. I hope you feel better soon and I wish you a wonerful holdiay season, Have a merry christmas Chance
You are so strong!!! Keep making everyone proud. Lots of prayers for you!!!!! Caroline
My daughter is fighting ovarian cancer and God is watching over her and had been with her every step of the way he can for you.If you don’t know Jesus Christ please ask him in your heart and to forgive you of your sins.
The Drs can only do what man can do but GOD is the only one that can heal you from cancer and he know your pain and suffering.Please speak to him this day May GOD Bless You 💕
If you do not know you have a big community around you to support your fight through cancer. you have us praying for you. Jacob
Hello im Isabella!
I hope you get better soon and happy
from: Isabella :] Isabella
i hope you get well maverick
I hope you are having a good day; you are so brave. I hope my message brought a smile to your face. And remember you aren’t alone. Thinking of you! Keaton
I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving. sending love and prayers always. . we are all praying for a cure. shayla
Happy thanksgiving! Wishing you and your family a happy holiday season! Celebrate today and stay strong:) Katherine
Here in Texas, we are praying for you. Amy
I hope this note brings you warm Thanksgiving wishes!! Thinking of you and want you to know you have a whole community rooting and cheering you on! Always know you have people thinking of you and fighting with you
to battle cancer. You are incredibly strong and brave💗 have a blessed holiday season!
I hope you feel better! :) Joseph
Happy thanksgiving! I do not know you personally, but I am praying for you personally, whoever this note may go to. You were created with purpose and for a purpose, intentionally placed in the lives of your loved ones for a
reason. You are amazing- never let yourself tell you otherwise. You’ve got this!! Happy holidays. Katie
You got this! Ain’t nobody stronger than you! Lindsay
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because,having stood the test,that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.
James 1:12
Praying you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and feel better soon. May God Bless you
I hop you have a great Thanksgiving this year.
I hope you get feeling better. Brantley
Thinking of you Sara
Sending prayers, love and hugs this Thanksgiving to you and hoping this message helps to brighten you day🙏
Prayers for you this Thanksgiving & the days to follow. May you receive comfort & healing. Happy Thanksgiving! Karen
Psalm 37:23-24 “The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.” Arial
You will be in my thoughts and prayers! Tirah
Sending you this message to give you encouragement as you are going thru this difficult time.. I pray complete healing for you and that You feel a refreshing spirit over you. May God bless you and may He bring you
God Bless and be with you.Prayers for a Happy Thanksgiving... Monnie
Take care and know you are Loved! Your illness does not define you. There is hope for he future!!
We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Big virtual hugs!!! Allison Sadler
May God shower you with blessings and wrap you in His love. Sharon
Prayers, virtual hugs and Happy Holidays!!! Susan
Praying for you and you family God bless you today and the days a head🙏🏼
May God comfort heal and hold you in the palm of his hand always. ((((Hugs)))) Stacey
I pray you have strength and healing. Beth
Lots of love and prayers to you! Melissa
Keep fighting Christy
Dear Friend, I know this Thanksgiving is really rough for you. But please know you are cared for and Loved very much! Surrounding you with rich hugs and loving words. And continued thoughts and prayers of healing for
your body and mind. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to meet you and make a new friend.
God bless!!!! Sending my 💖 love...
Today I am sending warm wishes to have a special thanksgiving. I know this may be a thanksgiving you may not want to remember but I hope the message brightens your day. My dad also has cancer and every day I am
so thankful he is able to be here with us and I am so thankful you are here and fighting too! One verse that gives me that helps me is 1 Thessalonians 5:18, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in
Christ Jesus." I know from my dad fighting cancer that it can be hard to remember your blessings but I for me to send you this note is I am very thankful to be able to do and I hope it reminds you that your community and
family are supporting your fight! God bless. Erika
You are not just another case. You matter toni
You guys are awesome and nothing can change that I hope you get better have a good Thanksgiving and I love you guys. Bentley
Happy thanksgiving and may God lay his healing touch on you. With GOD all things are possible 🙏❤🙏
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Get well soon! Maryn
Stay strong! I’m proud of the fighter that you are. Happy Holiday and sending you love! Jennifer
Hoping you feel the comfort in knowing I am praying for you Kathy
To whom ever may be reading this I hope you have a wonderful and blessed thanksgiving this year. I can’t imagine how you must feel this thanksgiving. I just want to say you are doing great! Keep your head held high and
pray everyday! He can work miracles of any kind! He healed the blind, deaf, mute, and most importantly the sick. He works wonders, so I pray to him that he will help give you strength this thanksgiving. To hopefully let you
see your family and friends and to heal you! Have a great thanksgiving! Alana
Sending you a big hug and prayers for a speedy recovery. Theresa
Hope your day is filled with many blessings Crystal
Happy Thanksgiving! Sending lots of love and prayers your way! Channing
Praying for healing and strength! Keep your head up, be brave, be strong and fight every single day..."until the battle is won"! DeLanna
Hi there, I hope you have the best Thanksgiving possible and know that there is someone thinking of you and sending you lots of love. Keep up the fight! Caitlyn
I pray that God blesses you with much to be thankful for this upcoming year! Lexi
Praying and thinking of you. I pray that God gives you the strength, courage, and peace as you go through this journey. You are strong and have purpose. Brooke
Sending you prayers for healing and happiness this holiday season! God Bless ♥ Shelisa
My Thanksgiving wish would be for you to have healing, and happiness. Katie
Everyone in the hospital I hope you feel better. Happy Thanksgiving. Harley
i hope you fell better. I'm sorry your sick Aleiah
Hello!! I didn’t want to send you an automated message for this holiday season because I want it to be personal. So, to whomever receives this, hello! My name is Hannah and I’m writing to you to wish YOU a happy holiday
season and well wishes. Things are tough right now, in more ways than I could ever imagine. And things aren’t easier with COVID. However, your strength is admirable and we see you. We hear you. We love you. Every
day when you are visited by a healthcare worker, understand how much they love their patients which means they love you, and wish you a happy holiday season. We’re in this together. Hannah
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and I hope you get to feeling better. Always remember that God loves you! Bryson
Remember, God is in control. He is always with you. You are never alone.  Sharlene
Get well soon! Jonzi
Get well soon! Hope you have Happy Holidays! Hope this brightens your Holiday.
Love, Ariel ariel
Hope you have a good Thanksgiving and stay positive Amanda
May God continue to bless you and keep you through life’s journey!
Praying for you! Madilyn
God Bless You Jessica
Hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving 🙏🙏
hi this is Kandace Smith and i'm so proud of you. i want to wish you a happy thanksgiving and a merry Christmas from me and my family this year. i hope all your wishes come true and your holidays are blessed. Kandace
Hey! I hope you boys and girls have a good day today and happy thanksgiving day. Jaylynn
All things are possible with God. Mark 10:27 May God send His love like sunshine in His warm way, to fill each corner of your heart each moment of the day. Thinking of you and wishing you a happy Thanksgiving! Sonya
Happy Thanksgiving!! Lyndzee
As a cancer survivor myself, I understand what you are going through. I pray that God gives you the strength to fight this battle! Stay strong. Never give up, never slow down!!! Best wishes. Daniel
Happy Thanksgiving! Many prayers to you and your family to win this battle. God is good! Bless you. Jennifer
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you have a blessed day filled with love! Sending you hugs! Katherine
God bless you! I hope you have a very blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving! Marcella
Lots of prayers for complete healing, peace, and comfort! Tiffany
Praying for you today! 🙏🏼✝
Happy Thanksgiving! You are in my prayers! With God all things are possible! I hope your day is bright and filled with happiness! Nancy
You’re amazing and you inspire me with your strength. Thoughts and prayers 🥰
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!! Rebekah
You are the bravest of the brave! Thinking of you today! I admire your courage! Sending a big hug! Caryl
May God take ever pain from your body and remove all cancer.sending you love and prayers. Just know that God loves you and so do I Christie
Sending love and hugs this holiday season. Happy thanksgiving! Keep kicking cancer’s rear! Skylar
Peace and love to you this holiday season. Tonya
Also, wishing you a blessed holiday season. Prayers to you. Becky
Love and prayers! Happy Thanksgiving!
You got this and God has you wrapped in his arms... May God provide a healing on you. Anna
God Bless you, and know your fight is our fight. Sarah
I hope you are feeling well and continue for better days! God heals all. Much love and prayers! Megan
I just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Know that you are important and that you matter! Heather
May God Bless you in many ways this Holiday season. Linda
Happy Thanksgiving! God bless you and your family
Sending love and prayers🙏❤ May your day be blessed
I was once where you are. There is hope for a future full of healing. Prayers for complete healing for every cell. Becky
Happy Thanksgiving! Praying for a healthy holiday! Make sure to remembers what blessings you have and be thankful for them today!!! Keep fighting! Kerie
Praying for you this Thanksgiving and every day! Tara
Praying for your healing! Debra
You are beautiful! You are loved! You are stronger than you think you are! Prayers for peace, strength, comfort, healing and guidance! Happy Thanksgiving!
Keep going!! Your strength inspires so many around you. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mackenzie
Happy Thanksgiving! Hi there, I am writing you to hopefully provide some sense of community and support! That’s right! Support from a stranger, but far from distant. I am right here in the UKHC community, and I am
backing YOU 1000% of the way. I may not know you and you may not know me, but I am always thinking of you. I hope that makes sense! I am happy you’re being cared for by such an amazing team at UKHC Markey
cancer! You see I’m in the pool, which means I work everywhere at UK, and the floor you’re on is one of the best. It is filled with WONDERFUL people like yourself and the many nurses and doctors and techs caring for you.
I am so amazed by your strength and in awe of your courage. I know this year has been rough for so many reasons, and I truly don’t understand the trials you’ve had to overcome. I try my best, but it’s no where near the
same. It’s not enough to take the hardships of this year away, but I truly wish I could. I continue to think of you and send you my well wishes. All my love is given to you this holiday season especially as things are different.
With the ongoing events it’s so hard to have the comfort and support you need, but I hope you know the ENTIRE UKHC team is backing you without a doubt. I hope you continue to brighten the lives of those around you
with your amazing spirit and positivity. You shine even on the darkest days!!
Xoxoxo Amy
Praying for your healing, Bridget
Hope you have a great holiday and stay safe and healthy! Olivia
Prayers for your comfort, healing and peace today and always! Sally
I support you! Remember that you will get through this and no one fights alone! Jessica
Hang in there!!! You got this!!! Have a happy Thanksgiving!!!! ;) Theresa
I am a cancer survivor. Prayers for you all.! VICKIE. Evans
God bless you! Mary
hello! my name is hope and i wanted to personally deliver this message to you because it is a very special topic to me. i am now one year cancer free and i know how hard it is to be going through such a tough time but i
promise you there is always light at the end of the tunnel and you will get through this! never give up. you have so many who love you and this will be a part of your story to tell in the future when you win your battle!! have a
blessed holiday, i am praying for you. all of my love, Hope Hope
Praying for you that God will give you the strength, hope, and healing you need. Sharla
You are a brave hero fighting for all that you love! Jennifer
You are very special. You are not alone. Jessica
Hope you are having a great day!! Happy Thanksgiving!! Brenda
I hope some holiday spirit gets passed to you & I hope you know that god is by your side! Happy Holidays. I pray you start to feel some relief. Lauryn
Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving! You’ve got this! God Bless
May God wrap His arms around you and give you peace and comfort during this trial in your life. May He heal your body, mind, and spirit. Many blessings to you and your family during this holiday season. Jill
Happy Thanksgiving! Christine
Get well soon! Shelby
I am praying for you to receive God’s strength and healing, in the mighty name of Jesus!🙏🏻❤
As a CRC chemo patient at KDMC, I want to send you greetings, hugs and prayers for healing and a Happy Thanksgiving. God is Good all the time. 🙏❤
Wishing you a blessed holiday. Brandy
You are so brave and strong!!! I will be praying for you, happy thanksgiving! Jenna
Praying for you Hope you have a great blessed day 🙏
Have a blessed Thanksgiving. My heart is with you! Kim
Praying for you Alexis
“Be strong and courageous! Do not be Afraid or discouraged. For the Lord Your God is with you wherever you go!” Joshua 1:9. My husband has stem cell transplant there and has been in remission for 6 years now. All
things are possible through God and prayers. I’m praying 🙏 got U!!!! Keep the faith!!!🙏✝💜
We wish you the most wonderful thanks giving may God bless you and your family this year never give up hope always stay strong and brave Amber donald
I hope my message brings you a smile. Big hugs to you
Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving. God bless each and everyone.🙏🏻
My family is praying for you. Emmy
God bless you
May God bless you now and always. Many, many prayers for healing. Much love coming your way. Karen
God bless you this holiday season! April
Just know I pray for all you every day. Sandra
Thinking about you during this time. Let your light continue to shine and have a Happy Holiday. I love you. Stay strong Becca
I can’t imagine what you are going thorough due to having to be treated during a pandemic, but I can tell you what it’s like to be treated for it at the Markey Center. I pray that you find comfort there knowing that you are in
good snd caring hands. I hope that you knew many who have never met you, still care out you. Rest when you need to and fight when you can. Carmen
Praying for you during this time. Angela
praying for you and sending so much love :) hannah
Hi! I just wanted to tell you that, I have been through really dark seasons in my life, where I watched God rescue me and do miracles in my life. Although I don’t know what having cancer feels like; I can tell you that Jesus
Christ (God) has healed even worse sicknesses and he can heal you too! Have faith! I do! Let’s pray! Read this prayer with faith and you will see.
Dear Heavenly Father, you who is greater than any other being; I surrender my life before you and I ask in Jesus name, that you heal me from my sickness. I know that you’re healer and that this is no match for you! Thank
you I’m advance for healing me. In Jesus’s name I pray, amen!
The word of God says “Ask and ye shall receive.” So, ask God and you will receive. God bless you and once you’re healed, pass this prayer along in faith! God bless you!!!! Lianet
Thinking of and praying for you. Tammy
Love and blessings to you. God is by your side. Shawna
Prayers and well wishes for days, weeks and years to come  You can do this!
God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers. I’ll be praying for complete health and healing for you Julie
Prayers that God will remain by your side and know your thought of and being prayed for 💗
Sending prayers and blessings that you have a Happy Thanksgiving! Praying for your healing and comfort. God bless you and your loved ones. Michelle
I am with you in spirit. Keep fighting the good fight. Sending you love, hugs, and prayers
Blessings surround you during this Thanksgiving! Sharon
Many prayers and blessings for strength and understanding during these uncertain times! You are loved!! Jessica
My wish for you is to know and feel God’s love for you! And to realize me..a perfect stranger..cares
Gobble gobble. Happy Thanksgiving. God bless you and give your strength and quick recovery. April
I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving. Keep fighting and kicking cancer’s butt- you are truly an inspiration!! Brooke
Happy thanksgiving! Stay strong in your faith! Rebecca
Prayers for strength and courage during this difficult time. Tonya
Praying for you and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. Hoping that you will feel like enjoying it. Lisa
In memory of my courageous dad who fought with stages 4 colon,liver cancer . We pray for you’re healing Melissa
I pray that God wraps His arms around you this Thanksgiving season and gives you peace that passes all understanding. Lydia
Though we have never met and I do not know you, I am thinking of you. I empathize with what you are going through, and I am proud of you. I pray that God grants you peace and wellbeing. Laura
Praying for you Fiane
Hi! I just want you to keep the faith and don't give up! God is constantly working. Deck those holiday halls. You are in my prayers Rebecca
I am praying for you God bless Debbie
Your strength inspires me to be a better person! Evelyn
I send you a message of hope. Don’t quit fighting! I’ve beat cancer twice. Sending love and prayers for you. Mary
Always remember God loves you and someone in Greenville,KY lifts you up in prayer daily. Mary
Prayers for your recover! Lesley
Praying for your healing, peace, and comfort!! Hillary
God loves you and so do I
God bless you during this season. May He wrap you in His healing and love. Fight on! You got this!!! Melanie
Praying for healing and blessings for you. God so always with you 🙏🙏
I too am dealing with this terrible disease however, my hope and faith is in God. May God bless you and keep you. Debbie
Keep up the Fight!! Cindy
Always thinking of you and never loose hope, bless you! Renita
Warm hugs to you. Fight hard
Dont give up hope. Know you are loved. Debra
Wishing you so much cheer and good food this holiday season Haeli
Praying for you and sending you hugs! Lisa
I’ve been in your shoes, never give up. Praying for all those fighting! Elizabeth
May God be with you for strength, comfort and peace. Vicki
Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
Sending love your way Beth
I beat lymphoma. I pray for every warrior who has to face this beast!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and many more to come!!!! Carolyn
You've got this! Warm wishes for you and prayers for healing and comfort! Monica
Wishing you a goo day everyday. Ruth
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to you! I hope you have the best day and get to eat all your favorite foods ! You are loved by many and your faith and love is truly amazing. You stay strong and know that you have the
most important person on your side, God! He will take good care of you. God bless you.
Keep fighting, you’ve got this. Kirstin
I’m sending warm and positive vibes your way this thanksgiving. You are the reason someone is thankful this year. I hope the best for you and wish you a wonderful holiday season! Sadonna
God bless Danna
You are brave and can beat it! Kathy
Prayers for the holidays, that you have good days. Judy
Get well soon! Jesus loves you and so do I! You are in my thoughts and prayers💕
I am thinking of you and your family this season. Stay strong and keep fighting your fight. I wish for comfort for you and your family during this hard time. Larissa
Prayers for healing comfort and peace,may you always feel Gods presence in your daily life. Carolyn
I am a recent cancer survivor, and I believe in you! You are strong and courageous! Keep fighting and know that you are surrounded with prayer, love, and positive thoughts!
You can do this .May God bless you and guide you through. Rebecca
I want you to encourage you to stay positive. Always remember to have faith God bless you always. Debby
Dear Friend,
I send you many good wishes today. I was there last November, so I do know some of what it's about. The people at Markey are the most kind, caring people I've met, so you are in very good hands. Stay strong. Be at
peace as best you can. With much love. Deborah
You are stronger than you believe!! Keep fighting for your miracle!! Kamey
I hope this Thanksgiving fills your heart with much happiness and peace. Just know you are loved and a blessing to many .. Happy Thanksgiving Patty
I pray you can lean on the Lord for strength and healing- Charlotte
I Pray for you that God wraps you all up in His Arms of comfort. Heartfelt prayers Loretta
Sending love ,and healing thoughts. Faith
Happy thanksgiving 🙏🏻
Blessing for this holiday season. Prayers for healing, comfort, and love. Nancy
Be strong, be brave... you are loved and encouraged!
I know being in the hospital is far from easy especially when you are bravely fighting a battle as big as cancer. But hopefully this message brings you some joy this thanksgiving. Continue to fight on and know you have the
best staff in Kentucky to take care of you and that will support you along the way! Abdullah
Wishing everyone love hope and most of all getting well soon Beatrice
You are strong. Even when your eyes are of sorrow, when your body seems to be of traitorous intent, and when it seems like you cannot bear another day, always remember that your strength cannot be taken from you.
Your strength is born from your spirit, and like a spirit, it can never truly be broken.
You are strong, and maybe even stronger than you know.
With warm regards and eternal hope during this holiday season. Kasie
Stay positive and many prayers coming your way! Kristy
Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving. May God watch over you give you strength , courage and take your pain and cancer from you.
Don’t ever give up🙏
The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. – Numbers 6:24-26 Kelly
God bless you!! You’re so brave and such an inspiration. Hugs Alicia
May God bless you! Priscilla
Know you not alone and you are loved!!!! Need a friend, I'm with you and so is God Stacey
Praying for you and your strength to overcome this fight. You’ve got this! Amanda
Happy Thanksgiving! You’re so strong & courageous. Keep fighting hard, but remember to eat a lot of turkey :) Sydney
Prayers to you and your family/friends. It's such a hard thing for you all to have to go through but only those physically fighting it knows just how so. I pray you heal and I pray that life is good to you. God bless..... Pamela
Sending you warm wishes and many blessings this Thanksgiving!!
Stay strong!!! Crystal
Happy Thanksgiving you beautiful warrior! I know things are harder this year and the world seems like such a messy place, but there are better days coming and your strength will get you through. Sending prayers and hugs
to you this Holiday season. Stay strong and keep fighting!
May God give you peace and healing. Missy
Hang in there! Fight your best fight. Cassey
Sending you love & light this holiday season. May God Bless you & keep you wrapped in his love. Keep fighting on, you’ve got this 💗
Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving as a cancer survivor I know how hard and scary going through cancer can be but just take one day at a time and put your trust in the Lord. Candiss
Stay Strong you are brave and courageous you've got this and God has you and is with you Jaclyn
Sending love and prayer's this holiday season Opal
You are in my prayers!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Hang in there!! 🤗❤
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
God bless you, keep fighting! You are strong, you are brave, and you've got this !!! Chelsey
Your are stronger than you believe. God is a amazing God and he will bring you through this storm. Happy Thanksgiving to you from me. Jenniferleigh
Just remember God is with you. He will never leave or forsake you. By his would you are healed. Smile God loves you.😄
Healing blessings🙏🏻 Have a blessed thanksgiving!
God bless you & I am praying for quick healing Jane
You've got this. I promise. 💜
Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍁
I hope that your holidays are full of warmth and that courage and strength continue to radiate from you. Though this Thanksgiving may be less social than usual, know that you are loved and appreciated with a large
community of supporters cheering you on always. Stay strong! Sarah Ann
You are strong and you are a warrior... Lisa
I hope you know that you have the BEST people in the world watching over you and taking care of you!!!! You won't find a better group anywhere. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Pam Pamela
You all are a true inspiration..never stop fighting.. true hero’s Dawn
Lifting you in my prayers and keeping you in my thoughts! Michele
I hope this brightens your day a little bit! Prayers for you throughout your journey! Sent from a survivor to a warrior
Happy Thanksgiving! Our thoughts and prayers are with you for God’s healing hands to make you well.
The Hanners’ Family, Bob, Kim, Evan, Calli & Sydni, Amanda and Family, Alexander & Family, Andrew & Family Kim
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them. For it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 Melissa
Hope your days are still filled with joy and happiness. I have wore your shoes as I am 3 years out. Sabrina
Only positive thoughts coming your way
You are so brave keep fighting Our oncology unit is cheering you on!! Abby
I pray and wish all the best health for you may you recover and never catch it again. You are strong and warrior keep fighting! Sean
Praying that next Thanksgiving can be spent with family and friends! Lynne
I've been there so I know that sickness, uncertainty, and sometimes fear. But , throw the latter two away and replace it with, "Gods got it fixed and its gonna be fine in time." It worked for me. I was stage 4 neck cancer,
bilateral neck dissection, 48 nodes removed, both tonsils. Followed up with horrible chemo, 33 radiations, no taste, 50 pounds lost, very sick for the first month of treatment. After that, I had it licked. Cancer free since 2010.
You got this!! Talk to Jesus every day, try hard to eat protein, drink milk, water. I could taste NOTHING except milk, pinto beans, onions, broccoli and eggs. God had me covered. Literally everything else was like
cardboard. I escaped the feeding tube that many had to have. God bless you. Stay strong. Stay active but rest plenty. Spring time will come again.
Never ever give up! Megan
I am thinking about you and sending you love and strength today and always! April
I am a breast cancer survivor. Keep your eyes and on the Lord, don’t give up, keep a good attitude and use your situation for the glory of the Lord. He will help you through this. You will get back to a new normal. God
will use your life to help others going through cancer treatment. I pray for cancer patients every day. If I can help you, let me know. Prayers and don’t give up, you can do this! Sarah
Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Happy Thanksgiving! Dyella
Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving and happy holiday season! Ashley
Wishing you health and a wonderful day! Nona
God Bless you! May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Andrea
May God Bless you .be strong and have God with you . i was there having surgery in my cancer last year Nov 6 . there at Uk hospital for 14 days Now thank God i got through it i know you can also .my son and his wife help
me get through it and my son kept playing the song of what dont kill you make you stronger .i still have a caner spot but im not giving up and dont you . play kelly clarkson son . what dont kill you make you stronger . my son
played it for me and it gave me stronger . it took 7.5 hrs surgey in me but i did it and you can too dont give up . much love and prayers
Sending prayers and hugs to brighten your day! Lilith
Always thinking of you and admiring your strength. Keep fighting and know the best is yet to come. Praying and hoping your battle is full of triumphs and victories. Dominique
Wishing you a wonderful thanksgiving! God bless you and your family this holiday season! Taylor
Happy Thanksgiving to all you warriors!!! God bless! Mary
Today I send you my warmest blessings for a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I hope my note brightens your day and reminds you of all the community you have supporting you in your fight against cancer, not just today but
every day. WENDY
Hope u are having a blessed day! Larry
Prayers for you all! God loves you and so do I! 🙏❤
Keep fighting and continue to keep up your strength. Know that God is with you!!! Austin
I just want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you have a wonderful day! I pray for God’s complete healing for you. I know that we serve an Almighty God that is still on the throne, in total control, and
HE’s still in the healing business. When your days get hard and long, happy and sad just remember HE’s always there for you, all you have to do is call out his name and he will hear your cries. I pray and asked that if you
don't know Jesus as your personal Savior that you ask him to come into your life and save you. My family has been where you are and there’s no greater thing in this world than to have God on your side through this
journey and times of pain and struggle. If you need to pray, please reach out! Lora
I understand what your going through was diagnosed with endometrial cancer stage 4 in Feb. After chemo spot on lungs determined not cancer went back to stage 3 had total hysterectomy and radiation, now I am cancer
free. Keep fighting I know it is so scary and hard but if you keep your faith in God he will not fail you. Sending you lots of Love and prayers. Tami
Strength is not always obvious. But it shows up when you need it. You have it. Betty
Wishing you strength and courage every day. Kathleen
Hello, I am praying this is a better day for you. I know it must be very difficult to not have family with you at this time. This virus has made things so hard to cope with in so many ways. Please know you are being thought if,
cared for and loved very very much. May this day of Thanksgiving makes us all better caring and loving people. Much love, prayers and big hugs are sent your way. Always Susan
Praying for healing and comfort May God wrap his loving arms around you and take this sickness away Minda
I am a resident physician currently working in the hospital. My patients constantly remind me why I chose this profession. I often think about whether or not I would battle these horrible diseases as gracefully and honorably
as some of my patients do.
For Thanksgiving this year I’m going to give thanks that I have the honor and privilege to help those going through some of their toughest times. In addition I will always be fiercely grateful for the patients who have allowed
me to gain an education and who have therefore participated in the care of all of my future patients.
Whoever gets this message, I hope you smile when you do. You are so much more than your disease and I hope you can leave the hospital soon feeling better than when you first arrived.
Happy Thanksgiving! Erin
You are so strong and brave. I know how hard your battle is and how hard the days are right now for you, but I promise it is all worth it! Never give up! And keep on fighting! God bless you! Erin
To whomever im writing this message to know that you are beautiful & strong and you are not alone in this fight, just know God is Good..1 day at a time..hope this messsge. Cheers you up & hve a wonderful
Holiday😄😄keep Smiling?😃 God loves you
You are brave and strong, and oh what an inspiration. You are not alone, even if you feel like you are. I am thankful for you. You are loved. Rachel
May the Lord bless and keep you,. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you and give you peace. Laura
GOD HASN'T DESSERTED YOU. He promised to always be beside you and NEVER leave you. Start praying every morning and evening before going to bed. Confess your sins to Him and He will forgive you. Start a
new life with Jesus Christ! Dave
My family will be thinking of you.
At our table we will pray for You! Beverly
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m sorry you have to spend it in the hospital but know I will say a special prayer for everyone battling cancer. I pray you will soon be home, celebrating with your family. You are not alone. Jill
Thinking of you and praying for your spirits to be lifted, especially today. Keep on fighting! Melissa
Thinking of you. Happy Thanksgiving. I pray for healing. Tisha
Praying for you! Courtney
Keep fighting the good fight! Kimberly
God bless you, I pray for you as you continue on this journey. You are stronger and braver than you know. Philippians 4:6 is a verse that has been my motto in life and I hope you can partially adopt it as yours. I pray that
you are having a blessed thanksgiving. Much love, Astoria M! Astoria
Prayers for all u brave fighters God Bless u in my thoughts and prayers,u can do this regina
Praying for god to put his healing hands on you...❤❤🙏🙏
Blessings to you warrior! I wish you peace and wellness. There is life in the other side! I was in your place three years ago. One day at a time. 💝💝💝
Everyone of you are so strong and so tough. I have never had cancer but at the age 10/11 I watched my mother battle cancer and watching her struggle and staying sick all the time hurt me so much. You all are super brave
and you have so much courage! I may not know you all but I love each and every one of you so much and I want you to know you’ve got what it takes to keep going!
I'm sending prayers you will get well very soon 🙏
May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.—Colossians 1:11 Jennifer
Sending you prayers and hope this thanksgiving! Wishing you faith in God that never fails and hope for the future. God sees you and loves you, he will fight for you, protect you, and strengthen you if you only put your full
trust in him then all will be well with your soul, the fight has already been won for you on the cross. Ashton
You are stronger than you know! Tough times never last but tough people do! God Bless You and Happy Thanksgiving! Jennie
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.
I pray God will heal you and rid you from cancer.
I pray you get stronger and feel much better.
My heart goes out to you.
I don’t know you but i love you.
Keep fighting. Teresa
Take a turkey, stuff it fat,
Some of this and some of that.
Get some turnips, peel them well.
Cook a big squash in its shell.
Now potatoes, big and white,
Mash till they are soft and white!!!!! Bekah
I want you to know that good can come from cancer if you wish to see it. It’s a time to connect with family, see the best in others, appreciate the creation all around you, set your priorities and live your life on your terms.
Take care of yourself and let others help you. Cancer is not who you are, but if you choose, it can change you to your strongest self. Kim
Wishing you a blessed and happy day! I pray that each day you get stronger and God blesses you. Jessica
You got this!!! Stay strong and continue to be brave!! My Mother beat stage 3 lung cancer a few years!!! Just when she felt she couldn’t anymore things started look up for her! So never give up!! Your in my prayers and
thoughts!!! Michalla
Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving and aa wonderful and precious recovery. You will continue to be in my prayers and wishing and praying they find a cure. Mary
God will give you strength to keep up the good fight!! Lanetta
I’m a breast cancer survivor for 15 wonderful years! God gives us strength every day! I just looked at cancer as another hurdle to jump.. I never doubted that God would get me through! I kept a daily journal. It helped. I
read it and do not remember the chemo being so tough! I’m thankful for every bonus day...I gained 6 grandchildren and blessed to be in their daily lives!! May God bless you in your journey to getting better! 🙏🏼💙
I wanted to say hello to you and to let you know that i am praying for you.May your Thanksgiving bring you so much peace,happiness and love.May God bless you and your family.Stay strong Sending much love to you and
your family. Theresa
Sending my love and prayers to you for healing. Vickie
Being a 20 yr cancer survivor I know first hand how much prayers mean! Know I am praying for you even tho I do not know you! I know the Lord knows who you are and what you need! Ruby
Hi there! My family and I are sending lots of love and prayers to each and every one of you. I've have several family members who have been there during the holidays like you. I just want all of you to know we are all
praying and fighting for a cure! Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and happy new year! Xoxo Kasey
May God continue to be with you and your family! YOU ARE STRONG, LOVED AND BRAVE! Patricia
I understand what your going through. I went through breast cancer 1 year ago. Chemo, bone pain 7 different surgeries. Hang in there and just know your not alone. Sending love and prayers. Nicole
I'm praying for you during this season of life. Jesus loves you. Savannah
Stay strong! I love you! Lauren
You are so courageous, please know you are being thought of and are loved. Jennifer
Wishing you a beautiful day! Patricia
Best wishes and prayers Renee
God will wrap his arms around you and carry you through this. Do not give up!!! Much love and prayers Misty
Daily Prayers for Strength Stephanie
God Bless You! Nancy
My daughter had cancer and is doing good now. I pray you will soon be well too. I will be oraying for you. Ella Ellai
I hope this holiday season that you will feel loved .God will give you the courage and strength to see you through the tough days . You are a fighter . My family will be praying for you and your family . May God bless you. colleen
Hello! I’m Adam and I’m from Southern Ohio. I may never meet who this message goes to, but please know that I’m thinking and praying for you this Thanksgiving. My life has been forever touched by a cancer patient (my
Mama) and I’m currently in nursing school at Kentucky Christian University to join the fight against this disease. Remember...God loves you and Jesus loves you more than you could EVER know. In fact, He died for you.
May remembering this help to see you through your battles. Much love. Your friend, Adam. Adam
Keep fighting! Many people love you and are praying for your health, strength and perseverance! Amanda
Best wishes, always. Kathleen
Happy Thanksgiving. Amanda
You are stronger than you know! Tough times never last but tough people do!
Happy Thanksgiving! Prayers and God Bless you! Becky
Have a Thankful and Grateful day!!!! Bekah
God bless and prayers for healthy healing. Stay strong and keep fighting!
Have a very happy Thanksgiving. Sue
Keep on keeping on! Sending all of my love and warm wishes this holiday season! <3 Ashton
My 5 year old daughter Stella Moon is fighting ALL Leukemia at the DanceBlue clinic. You're not alone, we're all in this together. We got this! We will win! Happy Thanksgiving from my Cancer Family to yours.
Emily look fabulous! Allison
You are awesome!!! Keep fighting if this year has taught us anything it’s that we need to fight. You can do this! Maranda
Stay strong and keep your faith in God. I battled stage three cancer a few years ago. I was a patient at Markey Cancer Center also. They can do amazing things. I pray for you during your battle. You got this. Teresa
You Are Strong and Brave, Keep The Faith, You Have People Praying For You That You Don't Even Know. One Is Me.Many Hugs and Love Agnes
Happy Thanksgiving!
Prayers are being sent your way! Stay strong! Heather
You are in my family’s thoughts and prayers Chelsea
In a time of anxiety and uncertainty, I am sending love and good thoughts your way as you battle cancer. As a healthcare worker, I am inspired by your strength and bravery everyday. Keep up the fight, you’ve got this! All
the best, Nicole Nicole
Thinking and praying for you. Madie
I am sending you love, light, and positive energy! Take this one day at a time and know that others are thinking of you! Laura
Happy Thanksgiving! May your day be blessed with love and care. I hope your day is bright and enjoyable; you deserve all the good vibes in the world! Abbie
Know that many are praying for you for comfort. You are in our hearts! Barb
I’m a stage 3 colon cancer survivor. I know some days are harder than others. You are strong! You got this! Gods got this! Have yourself a Happy Thanksgiving. Big hugs to you. Ella
Stay strong! You’ve got this!
Thankful for the care you are receiving during this season. Leah