12 CFR Part 1006
[Docket No. CFPB-2019-0022]
RIN 3170-AA41
Debt Collection Practices (Regulation F)
AGENCY: Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.
ACTION: Final rule; official interpretation.
SUMMARY: The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Bureau) is issuing this final rule
to revise Regulation F, which implements the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). The
final rule governs certain activities by debt collectors, as that term is defined in the FDCPA.
Among other things, the final rule clarifies the information that a debt collector must provide to a
consumer at the outset of debt collection communications, prohibits debt collectors from
bringing or threatening to bring a legal action against a consumer to collect a time-barred debt,
and requires debt collectors to take certain actions before furnishing information about a
consumers debt to a consumer reporting agency.
DATES: This rule is effective on November 30, 2021.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Joel Singerman, Counsel, or Dania Ayoubi,
Joseph Baressi, Seth Caffrey, Brandy Hood, David Jacobs, Courtney Jean, Adam Mayle, Kristin
McPartland, Michael Silver, Senior Counsels, Office of Regulations, at 2024357700. If you
require this document in an alternative electronic format, please contact
I. Summary of the Final Rule
The Bureau is finalizing amendments to Regulation F, 12 CFR part 1006, which
implements the FDCPA.
The amendments prescribe Federal rules governing the activities of
debt collectors, as that term is defined in the FDCPA (debt collectors or FDCPA debt collectors).
The final rule clarifies the information that a debt collector must provide to a consumer at the
outset of debt collection communications and provides a model validation notice containing such
information. The final rule also addresses consumer protection concerns related to passive
collections (i.e., the practice of furnishing information about a debt to a consumer reporting
agency before communicating with the consumer about the debt) and the collection of debt that
is beyond the statute of limitations (i.e., time-barred debt). On November 30, 2020, the Bureau
published a final rule in the Federal Register that focused on debt collection communications
and related practices by debt collectors (November 2020 Final Rule). The November 2020 Final
Rule reserved certain sections of Regulation F in anticipation of this final rule.
As discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, in 1977, Congress passed the FDCPA to
eliminate abusive debt collection practices by debt collectors, to ensure that those debt collectors
who refrain from using abusive debt collection practices are not competitively disadvantaged,
and to promote consistent State action to protect consumers against debt collection abuses.
statute was a response to “abundant evidence of the use of abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt
collection practices by many debt collectors.
According to Congress, these practices
15 U.S.C. 1692 et seq.
15 U.S.C. 1692(e).
15 U.S.C. 1692(a).
“contribute to the number of personal bankruptcies, to marital instability, to the loss of jobs, and
to invasions of individual privacy.
The FDCPA established specific consumer protections, enabling consumers to establish
controls on when and how debt collectors contact them, establishing privacy protections
surrounding the collection of debts, and protecting consumers from certain collection practices.
The FDCPA also established broad consumer protections, prohibiting harassment or abuse, false
or misleading representations, and unfair practices. In the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), Congress provided the Bureau with authority under
the FDCPA to prescribe substantive rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt
collectors. The Bureau issues this final rule, like the November 2020 Final Rule, to implement
and interpret the FDCPA.
A. Coverage and Organization of the Final Rule
The final rule is based primarily on the Bureau’s authority to issue rules to implement the
FDCPA and, consequently, covers debt collectors, as that term is defined in the FDCPA.
As revised in the November 2020 Final Rule, Regulation F contains four subparts.
Subpart A contains generally applicable provisions, such as definitions that apply throughout the
regulation. Subpart B contains rules for FDCPA debt collectors. Subpart C is reserved for any
future debt collection rulemakings. Subpart D contains certain miscellaneous provisions. This
final rule adds additional provisions in subparts A, B, and D.
B. Scope of the Final Rule
FDCPA section 809(a) requires that a debt collector send a written notice containing
certain information about the debt and actions the consumer may take in response (the validation
notice) to a consumer within five days of the initial communication, unless such validation
information was provided in the initial communication or the consumer has paid the debt.
final rule clarifies the information about the debt and the consumers rights with respect to the
debt that a debt collector must provide to a consumer at the outset of debt collection
communications, including (if applicable) on a validation notice. The final rule also requires a
debt collector to provide prompts that a consumer can use to dispute the debt, request
information about the original creditor, or take certain other actions. The final rule provides a
safe harbor for compliance with these disclosure requirements for debt collectors who use the
model validation notice or certain variations of the notice.
The final rule also prohibits a debt collector from suing or threatening to sue a consumer
to collect time-barred debt. In addition, the final rule prohibits a debt collector from furnishing
information about a debt to a consumer reporting agency before engaging in specific outreach to
the consumer about the debt. The final rule also addresses certain other disclosure-focused
provisions, such as clarifying how a debt collector may respond to a consumers request for
original-creditor information if the original creditor is the same as the current creditor.
Additionally, the final rule interprets the definition of consumer under the FDCPA to include
deceased natural persons and, relatedly, provides that, if a debt collector knows or should know
that the a consumer is deceased, and the debt collector has not previously provided the validation
information to the deceased consumer, the debt collector must provide that information to a
person who is authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumers estate.
15 U.S.C. 1692g(a).
II. Background
A. Debt Collection Market Background
A consumer debt is commonly understood to be a consumers obligation to pay money to
another person or entity. Sometimes a debt arises out of a closed-end loan. Other times, a debt
arises from a consumers use of an open-end line of credit, commonly a credit card. And in other
cases, a debt arises from a consumers purchase of goods or services with payment due
thereafter. Often there is an agreed-upon payment schedule or date by which the consumer must
repay the debt.
For a variety of reasons, consumers sometimes are unable or unwilling to make payments
when they are due. Collection efforts may directly recover some or all of the overdue amounts
owed to debt owners and thereby may indirectly help to keep consumer credit available and more
affordable to consumers.
Collection activities also can lead to repayment plans or debt
restructuring that may provide consumers with additional time to make payments or resolve their
debts on more manageable terms.
The November 2020 Final Rule provides an extensive overview of the debt collection
market (including the roles of creditors, third-party debt collectors, debt buyers, and a variety of
service providers in the market), methods of debt collection, and consumer protection concerns
in debt collection.
Below the Bureau summarizes information regarding debt collection
methods and consumer protection concerns specifically related to the topics addressed in this
final rule.
See Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: CFPB Annual Report 2013, at 9 (Ma r. 20,
2013), https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-research/research-reports/annual-report-on-the-fair-debt-collection-
practices-act/ (2013 FDCPA Annual Report).
See id.
See 85 FR 76734, 76735-37 (Nov. 30, 2020).
B. Debt Collection Methods
If a consumers payment obligations remain unmet, a creditor may send the account to a
third-party debt collector to recover on the debt in the third-party debt collectors name. A
creditor typically stops communicating with a consumer once responsibility for an account has
moved to a third-party debt collector. Active debt collection efforts typically begin with the debt
collector attempting to locate the consumer, usually by identifying a valid telephone number or
mailing address, so that the debt collector can establish contact with the consumer. Once a debt
collector has obtained contact information for a consumer, the debt collector typically will seek
to communicate with the consumer to obtain payment on some or all of the debt.
As already noted, FDCPA section 809(a) generally requires a debt collector to provide
certain information to a consumer either at the time that, or shortly after, the debt collector first
communicates with the consumer in connection with the collection of a debt. The required
information includes: (1) certain details about the debt, such as the amount of the debt and the
name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed; and (2) a description of consumer protections,
such as the consumers rights to dispute the debt and to request information about the original
creditor. A debt collector may send a validation notice containing the required information as
the initial communication to the consumer or send the required information in a validation notice
within five days after the initial communication. Currently, validation notices include little or no
information about the debt beyond the information specifically listed in FDCPA section 809(a).
This information may not be sufficient for the consumer to recognize the debt, particularly if, for
example, the amount owed has changed over time due to interest, fees, payment, or credits, or if
the debt collector has changed since an original collection attempt.
A debt collector may tailor the collection strategy depending on a variety of factors,
including the size and age of the debt and the debt collector’s assessment of the likelihood of
obtaining money from the consumer. For example, rather than engage in active debt collection
efforts by affirmatively locating and contacting consumers, some debt collectors collecting
relatively small debtssuch as many medical, utility, and telecommunications debtsreport the
debts to consumer reporting agencies and then wait for consumers to contact them after
discovering the debts on their consumer reports.
As discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, a debt owner may also try to recover on a
debt through litigation.
And debt collectors sometimes attempt to collect debt for which the
applicable statute of limitations has expired. The length of the limitations period for debt
collection claims usually varies by State and debt type; most limitations periods are between
three and six years, although some are as long as 15 years. Currently, in most States, expiration
of the statute of limitations, if raised by the consumer as an affirmative defense, precludes the
debt collector from recovering on the debt through litigation, but it does not extinguish the debt
itself. If the debt is not extinguished, a debt collector may use non-litigation means, such as
letters and telephone calls, to collect a time-barred debt, as long as those means do not violate the
FDCPA or other laws.
Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Consumer Credit Reports: A Study of Medical and Non-Medical Collections, a t 35-
36 (Dec. 2014), http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/201412_cfpb_reports_consumer-credit-medical-and-non-
medical-collections.pdf (CFPB Medical Debt Report).
See 85 FR 76735, 76736 (Nov. 30, 2020).
See 85 FR 12672, 12672-73 (Mar. 3, 2020).
C. Consumer Protection Concerns
As discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, each year consumers submit tens of
thousands of complaints about debt collection to Federal regulators.
A significant proportion
of those complaints involve debts that consumers believe they do not owe, which may be
because the debt is being collected in error or because the consumer does not recognize the debt.
Consumers also file thousands of private actions each year against debt collectors who allegedly
have violated the FDCPA, including many cases alleging violations related to the validation
notice. Since the Bureau began operations in 2011, it has brought numerous debt collection
cases against third-party debt collectors, alleging both FDCPA violations and unfair, deceptive,
or abusive debt collection acts or practices in violation of the Dodd-Frank Act.
In many of
See, e.g., Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Fair Debt Collection Practices Act: CFPB Annual Report 2020, a t 13
(Ma r. 2020), https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_fdcpa_annual-repo rt -congress_03-2020.pdf (2020
FDCPA Annual Report); Fed. Trade Commn, 2019 Consumer Sentinel Network Databook, a t 7 (Jan. 2020),
2019/consumer_sentinel_network_data_book_2019.pdf; Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act: CFPB Annual Report 2019, a t 15-16 (Mar. 2019),
https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_fdcpa_annual-report-congress_03-2019.pdf (2019 FDCPA
Annual Report); Fed. Tra de Comm’n, 2018 Consumer Sentinel Network Databook, at 4, 7 (Feb. 2019),
2018/consumer_sentinel_network_data_book_2018_0.pdf; Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Fair Debt Collection
Practices Act: CFPB Annual Report 2018, a t 14-15 (Mar. 2018),
https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_fdcpa_annual-report-congress_03-2018.pdf (2018 FDCPA
Annual Report); Fed. Tra de Comm’n, 2017 Consumer Sentinel Network Databook, a t 3, 6 (Mar. 2018),
2017/consumer_sentinel_data_book_2017.pdf; Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., 2017 Fair Debt Collection Practices
Act: CFPB Annual Report 2017, at 15-16 (Mar. 2017),
(2017 FDCPA Annual Report); Fed. Trade Commn, Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book for January
December 2016, at 3, 6 (Ma r. 2017), https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/reports/consumer-sentinel-network-
See, e.g., Stipula ted Final Judgment a nd Consent Order, Consumer Fin. Prot. Bureau v. Encore Capital Grp., Inc.,
3:20-cv-01750 (S.D. Cal. Oct. 15, 2020),
https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.casd.686719/gov.uscourts.casd.686719.5.1.pdf; Consent Order,
In re Asset Recovery Assocs., 2019-BCFP-0009 (Aug. 28, 2019),
Consent Order, In re Encore Capital Grp., Inc., 2015-CFPB-0022 (Sept. 9, 2015),
http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/201509_cfpb_consent-order-encore-capital-group.pdf; Consent Order, In re
Portfolio Recovery Assocs., LLC, 2015-CFPB-0023 (Sept. 9, 2015),
these cases, the Bureau has obtained civil penalties, monetary compensation for consumers, and
other relief. In its supervisory work, the Bureau similarly has identified many FDCPA violations
during examinations of debt collectors. Over the past decade, the Federal Trade Commission
(FTC) and State regulators also have brought numerous additional actions against debt collectors
for violating Federal and State debt collection and consumer protection laws.
D. FDCPA and Dodd-Frank Act Protections for Consumers
Federal and State governments historically have sought to protect consumers from
harmful debt collection practices. From 1938 to 1977, the Federal government primarily
protected consumers through FTC enforcement actions against debt collectors who engaged in
unfair or deceptive acts or practices in violation of section 5 of the FTC Act.
When Congress
enacted the FDCPA in 1977, it found that[e]xisting laws and procedures for
redressing . . . injuries [were] inadequate to protect consumers.
Congress found that “[t]here
[was] abundant evidence of the use of abusive, deceptive, and unfair debt collection practices by
many debt collectors and that these practicescontribute to the number of personal
bankruptcies, to marital instability, to the loss of jobs, and to invasions of individual privacy.
The FDCPA was enacted, in part, “to eliminate abusive debt collection practices by debt
collectors, [and] to insure that those debt collectors who refrain from using abusive debt
collection practices are not competitively disadvantaged.”
Among other things, the FDCPA:
http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/201509_cfpb_consent-order-portfolio-recovery-associates-llc.pdf; Complaint,
Consumer Fin. Prot. Bureau v. Natl Corrective Grp., Inc., 1:15-cv-00899-RDB (D. Md. Mar. 30, 2015),
15 U.S.C. 45.
15 U.S.C. 1692(b).
15 U.S.C. 1692(a).
15 U.S.C. 1692(e).
(1) prohibits debt collectors from engaging in harassment or abuse, making false or misleading
representations, and engaging in unfair practices in debt collection; (2) restricts debt collectors
communications with consumers and others; and (3) requires debt collectors to provide
consumers with disclosures concerning the debts they owe or allegedly owe.
The FDCPA, in general, applies to debt collectors as that term is defined under the
statute. As discussed further in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.2(i) of the November
2020 Final Rule, the FDCPA generally provides that a debt collector is any person: (1) who uses
any instrumentality of interstate commerce or the mails in any business the principal purpose of
which is the collection of any debts (i.e., the “principal purpose” prong), or (2) who regularly
collects, or attempts to collect, directly or indirectly, debts owed or due or asserted to be owed or
due to another (i.e., the “regularly collects” prong). FDCPA section 803(6) also sets forth
several exclusions from the general definition.
Until the creation of the Bureau, no Federal agency was authorized to issue regulations to
implement the substantive provisions of the FDCPA. Courts have issued opinions providing
differing interpretations of various FDCPA provisions, and there is considerable uncertainty with
respect to how the FDCPA applies to communication technologies that have developed since
1977. The Dodd-Frank Act amended the FDCPA to provide the Bureau with authority to
“prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors.
III. Summary of the Rulemaking Process
A. The November 2020 Final Rule
The Bureau issued the November 2020 Final Rule to finalize certain provisions of the
proposed rule that the Bureau published in the Federal Register on May 21, 2019, to amend
FDCPA section 814(d), 15 U.S.C. 1692l(d).
Regulation F.
Specifically, the November 2020 Final Rule primarily addressed debt collection
communications and related practices by debt collectors. The November 2020 Final Rule
reserved certain sections of Regulation F in anticipation of this final rule.
B. The 2019 Proposal and 2020 Supplemental Proposal
As noted, on May 21, 2019, the Bureau published a proposed rule (the May 2019
proposal or proposal) in the Federal Register to amend Regulation F.
The proposal provided a
90-day comment period that would have closed on August 19, 2019. To allow interested persons
more time to consider and submit their comments, the Bureau issued an extension of the
comment period until September 18, 2019.
In response to the May 2019 proposal, the Bureau
received more than 14,000 comments from consumers, consumer groups, members of Congress,
other government agencies, creditors, debt collectors, industry trade associations, and others. As
discussed below, the Bureau has considered those comments in deciding to issue this final rule.
As relevant to this final rule, in the May 2019 proposal, the Bureau proposed to
implement and interpret FDCPA section 809(a) and (b) regarding the information that debt
collectors must provide to consumers at the outset of debt collection communications and debt
collectors obligations to respond to consumers disputes and requests for original-creditor
information, including if the consumer obligated or allegedly obligated to pay the debt has died.
The Bureau also proposed to prohibit debt collectors from bringing or threatening to bring a legal
action against a consumer to collect a debt that the debt collector knows or should know is a
time-barred debt. And the Bureau proposed to prohibit debt collectors from furnishing
See 84 FR 23274 (May 21, 2019).
84 FR 37806 (Aug. 2, 2019).
information regarding a debt to a consumer reporting agency before communicating with the
consumer about the debt.
On February 21, 2020, the Bureau released a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking
to amend Regulation F to require debt collectors to make certain disclosures when collecting
time-barred debts (the February 2020 proposal).
The February 2020 proposal provided a 60-
day comment period that would have closed on May 4, 2020. To allow interested persons more
time to consider and submit their comments, the Bureau issued two extensions of the comment
period, the first until June 5, 2020, and the second until August 4, 2020.
In response to the
February 2020 proposal, the Bureau received approximately 90 comments from consumers,
consumer groups, members of Congress, other government agencies, creditors, debt collectors,
industry trade associations, and others. As discussed below, the Bureau has considered those
comments in adopting this final rule.
C. Consumer Testing
The Bureau has undertaken two rounds of qualitative disclosure testing and one round of
quantitative disclosure testing, all of which have informed this final rule.
First, as discussed in more detail in the May 2019 proposal, the Bureau in 2014
contracted with a third-party vendor, Fors Marsh Group (FMG), to assist with developing, and to
conduct qualitative consumer testing of the model validation notice.
This initial qualitative
See 85 FR 12672 (Mar. 3, 2020).
See 85 FR 17299 (Mar. 27, 2020) (first extension); 85 FR 30890 (May 21, 2020) (second extension).
The Bureau also tested a statement of consumer rights disclosure, but the Bureau decided not to propose to require
debt collectors to provide such a disclosure to consumers. Instead, the Bureau proposed in the May 2019 proposal to
require certain debt collectors to provide with the validation information a statement referring consumers to a
Burea u-provided website that would describe certain consumer protections in debt collection. See the section-by-
section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv). Because the Bureau did not propose to require debt collectors to provide
consumers with a statement of consumer rights disclosure, the Bureau did not summarize testing rela ted to that
disclosure in the Ma y 2019 proposal.
testing included focus group testing, cognitive testing, and usability testing conducted by FMG.
Through the testing, the Bureau sought insight into consumers understanding of debt collection
protections and how consumers would interact with the forms if the forms were incorporated into
a final rule. Specific findings from the consumer testing are discussed in more detail in part V
where relevant. In conjunction with the release of the May 2019 proposal, the Bureau made
available a report prepared by FMG regarding the focus group testing,
the cognitive testing,
the usability testing,
and a report prepared by FMG summarizing the focus group testing,
cognitive testing, and usability testing.
Second, to obtain additional information about consumer comprehension and decision-
making in response to sample debt collection disclosures relating to time-barred debt, in 2017 the
Bureau contracted with ICF International, Inc. (ICF) to conduct a web survey of approximately
8,000 individuals possessing a broad range of demographic characteristics.
This quantitative
See 84 FR 23274, 23279 (May 21, 2019).
See generally Fors Marsh Grp., Debt Collection Focus Groups (Aug. 2014),
https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_debt-collection_fmg-focu s-group-report.pdf (FMG Focus Group
Report). The focus group testing wa s conducted in a ccordance with OMB control number 31700022, Generic
Information Collection Plan for the Development and/or Testing of Model Forms, Disclosures, Tools, and Other
Simila r Related Materials.
See generally Fors Marsh Grp., Debt Collection Cognitive Interviews (n.d.),
https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_debt-collection_fmg-cognitive-report.pdf (FMG Cognitive
Report). The cognitive testing wa s conducted in a ccordance with OMB control number 31700022, Generic
Information Collection Plan for the Development and/or Testing of Model Forms, Disclosures, Tools, a nd Other
Simila r Rela ted Materials.
See generally Fors Marsh Grp., Debt Collection User Experience Study (Feb. 2016),
https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_debt-collection_fmg-usability-report.pdf (FMG Usa bility
Report). Like the other testing, the usability testing was conducted in accordance with OMB control number 3170
0022, Generic Information Collection Plan for the Development and/or Testing of Model Forms, Disclosures, Tools,
a nd Other Simila r Rela ted Materials.
See generally Fors Marsh Grp., Debt Collection Validation Notice Research: Summary of Focus Groups,
Cognitive Interviews, and User Experience Testing (Feb. 2016),
https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_debt-collection_fmg-summary-report.pdf (FMG Summary
OMB approved the Bureaus request to conduct the survey on May 7, 2019. See Office of Information &
Regulatory Affairs, Office of Mgmt. & Budget, ICROIRA Conclusion,
https://www.reginfo.gov/public/do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=201902-3170-001# (la st visited Feb. 18, 2020).
testing concluded in late September 2019, and, in conjunction with the release of the February
2020 proposal, the Bureau
and ICF
published detailed reports summarizing the testing
methodology and results. The February 2020 proposal provides an extensive overview of the
quantitative testing.
Third, to further evaluate the effectiveness of the model validation notice, the Bureau
contracted with FMG again in 2019 to conduct an additional round of qualitative testing.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, FMG conducted this consumer testing by telephone,
completing 51 one-on-one usability interviews between October 5 and October 15, 2020. The
qualitative testing showed, among other things, that 80 percent of participants shared positive
initial reactions to the model validation notice and indicated that the information in the notice
was clear and available actions were obvious. In addition, 88 percent of participants rated the
overall model validation notice as “very easy” or “easy” to understand, and no participants rated
the notice asdifficult” or “very difficult” to understand. Finally, 77 percent of participants
answered correctly over 90 percent of the time when, after reviewing the notice, they were asked
to answer certain questions about information included on the notice. In conjunction with
release of this final rule, the Bureau is making available a report prepared by FMG regarding the
qualitative testing.
See Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Disclosure of Time-Barred Debt and Revival: Findings from the CFPB’s
Quantitative Disclosure Testing (Feb. 2020), https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_debt-collection-
quantitative-disclosure-testing_report.pdf (CFPB Quantitative Testing Report).
See ICF Int’l, Inc., Quantitative Survey Testing of Model Disclosure Clauses and Forms for Debt Collection:
Methodology Report (Jan. 21, 2020), https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_icf_debt-
See 85 FR 12672, 12676-77 (Mar. 3, 2020).
See generally Fors Marsh Grp., Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Usability Testing Report: Model
Validation Notice (Nov. 20, 2020), https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_model-validation-
notice_report_2020-12.pdf (November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report).
D. Other Outreach
In November 2013, the Bureau began the rulemaking process with the publication of an
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) regarding debt collection.
As discussed
in the May 2019 proposal, the ANPRM sought information about a wide variety of both first-
and third-party debt collection practices. The Bureau received more than 23,000 comments in
response to the ANPRM, which the Bureau considered when developing the proposals.
To better understand the operational costs of debt collection firms, including law firms,
the Bureau also surveyed debt collection firms and vendors and published a report based on that
study in July 2016 (CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study or Operations Study).
Operations Study focused on understanding how debt collection firms obtain information about
delinquent consumer accounts and attempt to collect on those accounts.
In August 2016, the Bureau convened a Small Business Review Panel (Small Business
Review Panel or Panel) with the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business
Administration (SBA) and the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
As part of this process, the Bureau
prepared an outline of proposals under consideration and the alternatives considered (Small
The preamble to the May 2019 proposal includes a more thorough discussion of the outreach the Bureau
conducted prior to issuing the proposal. See 84 FR 23274, 23278-80 (May 21, 2019).
78 FR 67848 (Nov. 12, 2013).
See generally Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Study of Third-Party Debt Collection Operations (July 2016),
.pdf (CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study).
The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 (SBREFA), a s amended by section 1100G(a)
of the Dodd-Frank Act, requires the Bureau to convene a Small Business Review Panel before proposing a rule that
ma y have a substantial economic im pact on a significant number of small entities. See Pub. L. 104-121, tit. II, 110
Stat. 857 (1996) (a s amended by the Small Business and Work Opportunity Act of 2007, Pub. L. 110-28, tit. VIII,
subtit. C, sec. 8302, 121 Stat. 204 (2007)).
Business Review Panel Outline or Outline),
which the Bureau posted on its website for review
by the small entity representatives participating in the Panel process and by the general public.
The Panel gathered information from the small entity representatives and made findings and
recommendations regarding the potential compliance costs and other impacts on those entities of
the proposals under consideration. Those findings and recommendations are set forth in the
Small Business Review Panel Report, which is part of the administrative record in this
rulemaking and is available to the public.
The Bureau considered these findings and
recommendations in preparing the proposals and this final rule.
The Bureau has also met on many occasions with various stakeholders, including
consumer advocates, debt collection trade associations, industry participants, academics with
expertise in debt collection, Federal prudential regulators, and other Federal and State consumer
protection regulators. The Bureau also received a number of comments specific to the debt
collection rulemaking in response to its Request for Information Regarding the Bureau’s
Adopted Regulations and New Rulemaking Authorities
and its Request for Information
Regarding the Bureau’s Inherited Regulations and Inherited Rulemaking Authorities;
Bureau considered these comments in developing the proposals and this final rule. In addition,
the Bureau has engaged in general outreach, speaking at consumer advocate and industry events
Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Small Business Review Panel for Debt Collector and Debt Buyer Rulemaking:
Outline of Proposals Under Consideration and Alternatives Considered (July 28, 2016),
https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/20160727_cfpb_Outline_of_proposals.pdf (Small Business Review
Panel Outline). The Bureau also gathered feedback on the Small Business Review Panel Outline from other
sta keholders, m embers of the public, a nd the Bureau’s Consumer Advisory Board and Community Bank Advisory
Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., U.S. Small Bus. Admin. & Office of Mgmt. & Budget, Final Report of the Small
Business Review Panel on the CFPBs Proposals Under Consideration for the Debt Collector and Debt Buying
Rulemaking (Oct. 2016), https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_debt-collector-debt-buyer_SBREFA-
report.pdf (Sm all Business Review Panel Report).
83 FR 12286 (Mar. 21, 2018).
83 FR 12881 (Mar. 26, 2018).
and visiting consumer organizations and industry stakeholders. The Bureau has provided other
regulators with information about the proposals and this final rule, has sought their input, and has
received feedback that has helped the Bureau to prepare this final rule.
Under the Dodd-Frank Act, the Bureau is required to conduct an assessment of
significant rules within five years of the rule’s effective date. The Bureau anticipates that this
final rule may be significant and therefore may require an assessment within five years of the
rule’s effective date. The Bureau is preparing now for this possible assessment. Specifically, the
Bureau is considering how best to obtain information now to serve as a baseline for evaluation of
the costs, benefits, and other effects of the final rule. The Bureau expects to collect data and
other information from consumers, debt collectors, and other stakeholders to understand whether
the rule is achieving its goals under the FDCPA and the Dodd-Frank Act, and to help the Bureau
measure the costs and benefits of the rule. Topics of data collection could include: whether
consumers are better able to identify a debt when receiving validation information after the rule
compared to before the rule; whether debt collectors are receiving higher or lower rates of
consumer disputes after the rule compared to before the rule; whether greater clarity about
FDCPA requirements helps reduce litigation related to the validation notice after the rule
compared to before the rule; and costs of the rule, both anticipated and unexpected, for
consumers or for industry. The Bureau expects to conduct outreach in 2021 to explore how best
to obtain such data, including potentially through surveying consumers or firms or by collecting
operational data.
IV. Legal Authority
The Bureau is issuing this final rule primarily pursuant to its authority under the FDCPA
and the Dodd-Frank Act. As amended by the Dodd-Frank Act, FDCPA section 814(d) provides
that the Bureau “may prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors,
as defined in the FDCPA.
Section 1022(a) of the Dodd-Frank Act provides that “[t]he Bureau
is authorized to exercise its authorities under Federal consumer financial law to administer,
enforce, and otherwise implement the provisions of Federal consumer financial law.
1022(b)(1) of the Dodd-Frank Act provides that the Director may prescribe rules and issue orders
and guidance, as may be necessary or appropriate to enable the Bureau to administer and carry
out the purposes and objectives of the Federal consumer financial laws, and to prevent evasions
Federal consumer financial law” includes title X of the Dodd-Frank Act and the
No provisions in this final rule are based on section 1031 of the Dodd-Frank Act.
These and other authorities are discussed in greater detail in parts IV.A through C below.
Part IV.A discusses the Bureau’s authority under sections 806 through 808 of the FDCPA.
Parts IV.B through C discuss the Bureau’s relevant authorities under the Dodd-Frank Act.
A. FDCPA Sections 806 through 808
As discussed in part V, the Bureau is finalizing several provisions, in whole or in part,
pursuant to its authority to interpret FDCPA sections 806 through 808, which set forth general
prohibitions on, and requirements relating to, debt collectors conduct and are accompanied by
15 U.S.C. 1692l(d). As noted, the Bureau is the first Federal agency with authority to prescribe substantive debt
collection rules under the FDCPA. Prior to the Dodd-Frank Acts gra nt of rulemaking a uthority to the Bureau, no
a gency had authority to issue substantive rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors under the
FDCPA, but the FTC published various materials providing guidance on the FDCPA. The FTC’s materials have
informed the Bureaus rulemaking and, if relevant to particular provisions, are discussed in part V.
12 U.S.C. 5512(a).
12 U.S.C. 5512(b)(1).
12 U.S.C. 5481(12)(H), (14).
The Bureau proposed to rely on its Dodd-Frank Act section 1031 authority (relating to unfair, deceptive, or
abusive acts or practices in connection with consumer financial products or services) to support two interventions in
the Ma y 2019 proposal. The Bureau h as not finalized a ny provisions of this final rule (or, as discussed in the
November 2020 Final Rule, of that final rule), pursuant to its authority under Dodd-Frank Act section 1031.
non-exhaustive lists of examples of unlawful conduct. The November 2020 Final Rule provides
an overview of how the Bureau interprets FDCPA sections 806 through 808.
FDCPA section 806 generally prohibits a debt collector from “engag[ing] in any conduct
the natural consequence of which is to harass, oppress, or abuse any person in connection with
the collection of a debt.”
Then, “[w]ithout limiting the general application of the foregoing,” it
lists six examples of conduct that violate that section.
Similarly, FDCPA section 807 generally
prohibits a debt collector from “us[ing] any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or
means in connection with the collection of any debt.
Then,[w]ithout limiting the general
application of the foregoing,” section 807 lists 16 examples of conduct that violate that section.
Finally, FDCPA section 808 prohibits a debt collector from “us[ing] unfair or unconscionable
means to collect or attempt to collect any debt.
Then,[w]ithout limiting the general
application of the foregoing,” FDCPA section 808 lists eight examples of conduct that violate
that section.
Consistent with the approach in the November 2020 Final Rule
and as proposed
in the May 2019 proposal,
the Bureau interprets FDCPA sections 806 through 808 in light of:
(1) the FDCPAs language and purpose; (2) the general types of conduct prohibited by those
15 U.S.C. 1692d.
15 U.S.C. 1692d(1)-(6).
15 U.S.C. 1692e.
15 U.S.C. 1692e(1)-(16).
15 U.S.C. 1692f.
15 U.S.C. 1692f(1)-(8).
See 85 FR 76734, 76738 (Nov. 30, 2020).
84 FR 23274, 23281-82 (May 21, 2019).
sections and, where relevant, the specific examples enumerated in those sections; and (3) judicial
In particular, the Bureau notes that, by their plain terms, FDCPA sections 806 through
808 make clear that their examples of prohibited conduct do not “limit[ ] the general application
of those sections’ general prohibitions. The FDCPA’s legislative history is consistent with this
as are opinions by courts that have addressed this issue.
Accordingly, the
Bureau may interpret the general provisions of FDCPA sections 806 to 808 to prohibit conduct
that the specific examples in FDCPA sections 806 through 808 do not address if the conduct
violates the general prohibitions. In addition, the Bureau uses the specific examples to inform its
understanding of the general prohibitions. The Bureau also interprets FDCPA sections 806
through 808 in light of the significant body of existing court decisions interpreting those
sections, including, where applicable, cases discussing the collection of time-barred debt.
Finally, consistent with the majority of courts, the Bureau interprets FDCPA sections 806
Where the Bureau prescribes requirements pursuant only to its a uthority to implement a nd interpret sections 806
through 808 of the FDCPA, the Bureau does not take a position on whether such practices also would constitute an
unfair, deceptive, or abusive act or practice under section 1031 of the Dodd-Frank Act.
See, e.g., S. Rep. No. 382, 95th
Cong., 1st Sess. 2, 4 (1977), reprinted in 1977 U.S.C.C.A.N. 1695, 1698 (S. Rep.
No. 382) (“[T]his bill prohibits in general terms any harassing, unfair, or deceptive collection practice. This will
enable the courts, where appropriate, to proscribe other improper conduct which is not specifically addressed.”).
Courts have also cited legislative history in noting that, “in passing the FDCPA, Congress identified abusive
collection a ttempts as primary motivations for the Act’s passage.Hart v. FCI Lender Servs., Inc., 797 F.3d 219,
226 (2d Cir. 2015).
See, e.g., Stratton v. Portfolio Recovery Assocs., LLC, 770 F.3d 443, 450 (6th Cir. 2014) (“[T]he listed examples
of illega l a cts a re just thatexamples.”).
Id. See, e.g., Holzman v. Malcolm S. Gerald & Assocs., 920 F.3d 1264 (11th Cir. 2019); Tatis v. Allied Interstate,
LLC, 882 F.3d 422 (3d Cir. 2018); Pantoja v. Portfolio Recovery Assocs., LLC, 852 F.3d 679 (7th Cir. 2017), cert.
denied, 138 S. Ct. 736 (2018); Daugherty v. Convergent Outsourcing Inc., 836 F.3d 507 (5th Cir. 2016); Buchanan
v. Northland Grp., Inc., 776 F.3d 393 (6th Cir. 2015); McMahon v. LVNV Funding, LLC, 744 F.3d 1010, 1020 (7th
Cir. 2014).
through 808 to incorporate an objective, “unsophisticated” or “least sophisticated” consumer
B. Dodd-Frank Act Section 1032
Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(a) provides that the Bureau may prescribe rules to ensure
that the features of any consumer financial product or service,both initially and over the term of
the product or service,” are “fully, accurately, and effectively disclosed to consumers in a
manner that permits consumers to understand the costs, benefits, and risks associated with the
product or service, in light of the facts and circumstances.
Under Dodd-Frank Act section
1032(a), the Bureau is empowered to prescribe rules regarding the disclosure of the “features” of
consumer financial products and services generally. Accordingly, the Bureau may prescribe
rules containing disclosure requirements even if other Federal consumer financial laws do not
specifically require disclosure of such features. Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(c) provides that,
in prescribing rules pursuant to Dodd-Frank Act section 1032, the Bureau “shall consider
available evidence about consumer awareness, understanding of, and responses to disclosures or
communications about the risks, costs, and benefits of consumer financial products or
The Bureau is finalizing §§ 1006.34 and 1006.38 based in part on its authority under
Dodd-Frank Act section 1032.
C. Other Authorities Under the Dodd-Frank Act
Section 1022(b)(1) of the Dodd-Frank Act provides that the Bureau’s Director “may
prescribe rules and issue orders and guidance, as may be necessary or appropriate to enable the
Bureau to administer and carry out the purposes and objectives of the Federal consumer financial
85 FR 76734, 76740 (Nov. 30, 2020); 84 FR 23274, 23282-83 (May 21, 2019).
12 U.S.C. 5532(a).
12 U.S.C. 5532(c).
laws, and to prevent evasions thereof.
“Federal consumer financial laws” include the FDCPA
and title X of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Section 1022(b)(2) of the Dodd-Frank Act prescribes
certain standards for rulemaking that the Bureau must follow in exercising its authority under
Dodd-Frank Act section 1022(b)(1).
See part VII for a discussion of the Bureau’s standards for
rulemaking under Dodd-Frank Act section 1022(b)(2).
V. Section-by-Section Analysis
Subpart AGeneral
Section 1006.1 Authority, Purpose, and Coverage
1(c) Coverage
In the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau adopted § 1006.1(c)(1) to specify that,
except as provided in § 1006.108 and appendix A, Regulation F applies to debt collectors, as
defined in § 1006.2(i), other than a person excluded from coverage by section 1029(a) of the
Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, title X of the Dodd-Frank Act (12 U.S.C.
The Bureau also noted that it was not finalizing, as part of the November 2020 Final
Rule, proposed § 1006.1(c)(2), which provided that certain provisions of Regulation F applied to
debt collectors only when they were collecting consumer financial product or service debt, as
defined in § 1006.2(f). The Bureau explained that it was not finalizing § 1006.1(c)(2) as part of
the November 2020 Final Rule because all of the provisions of that final rule apply to debt
collectors as defined in § 1006.2(i). The Bureau nevertheless reserved § 1006.1(c)(2) so that the
12 U.S.C. 5512(b)(1).
12 U.S.C. 5481(14).
12 U.S.C. 5512(b)(2).
85 FR 76734, 76742 (Nov. 30, 2020).
Bureau could clarify which provisions of this final rule, if any, apply to debt collectors only if
they are collecting debt related to a consumer financial product or service.
For the reasons discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34, two provisions
of that section (§ 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) and (3)(iv)) apply to debt collectors only if they are
collecting debt related to a consumer financial produce or service as defined in § 1006.2(f).
Therefore, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.1(c)(2) to provide that certain provisions of
Regulation F apply to debt collectors only if they are collecting debt related to a consumer
financial product or service as defined in § 1006.2(f), and to specify that those provisions are
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) and (3)(iv).
Section 1006.2 Definitions
2(e) Consumer
FDCPA section 803(3) defines a consumer as any natural person obligated or allegedly
obligated to pay any debt.
The Bureau proposed § 1006.2(e) to implement this definition and
to interpret it to include a deceased natural person who is obligated or allegedly obligated to pay
a debt.
The Bureau explained that this interpretation would ensure that individuals trying to
resolve a deceased consumers debts have the same legal right to receive the validation notice,
and to dispute the debt and request information about the original creditor, as the deceased
consumer would have had.
As the Bureau noted in the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau received a number of
comments regarding its proposal to interpret the term consumer to include deceased natural
persons. The Bureau also noted that it had proposed that interpretation, in large part, to facilitate
15 U.S.C. 1692a(3).
See 84 FR 23274, 23288 (May 21, 2019).
delivery of validation notices under proposed § 1006.34 if the consumer obligated, or allegedly
obligated, on the debt has died. Further, the Bureau noted that it planned to address comments
received regarding that interpretation, and to determine whether to finalize that interpretation, as
part of this final rule. Thus, as finalized in the November 2020 Final Rule, § 1006.2(e) provides
that the term consumer means any natural person obligated or allegedly obligated to pay any
The Bureau now addresses comments received regarding its proposal to interpret the
definition to include deceased natural persons.
Several commenters supported the Bureaus proposed interpretation. One industry
commenter stated that, in the decedent debt context, the person acting on behalf of a deceased
consumer’s estate should have the same rights regarding validation notices and disputes as the
consumer would have had if the consumer were still living. Another industry commenter
reported that many debt collectors currently attempt to treat deceased consumers as “consumers
under the FDCPA and explained that the proposal would provide additional clarity that would
benefit both consumers and debt collectors in resolving the debts of deceased consumers. A
group of consumer advocates supported clarifying the rights of executors, administrators, and
personal representatives regarding validation notices and disputes. However, as discussed
below, these consumer advocate commenters opposed the proposed interpretation and suggested
a different way to address the issue.
Other commenters opposed interpreting the term consumer to include deceased natural
persons who are obligated or allegedly obligated to pay a debt. One industry commenter asserted
that the proposed interpretation would serve no purpose because deceased consumers lacked
For the reasons discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, § 1006.2(e) as finalized in that rule also provides
that, for purposes of § 1006.6, the term consumer includes the persons described in § 1006.6(a). To account for a ny
revisions adopted in this final rule, it also specifies that the Bureau may further define the term in Regulation F to
clarify its application when the consumer is deceased. See 85 FR 76734, 76744-45, 76888 (Nov. 30, 2020).
privacy interests. A trade group commenter stated that no evidence of confusion existed in the
decedent debt context, and that the Bureau’s interpretation would expand the class of individuals
entitled to sue debt collectors for violations of the FDCPA and the final rule. Finally, a group of
consumer advocates suggested that the Bureau’s interpretation was unnecessary because
proposed comments 34(a)(1)–1 and 381 would clarify that a person who is authorized to act on
behalf of the deceased consumers estate operates as the consumer for purposes of
§§ 1006.34(a)(1) and 1006.38.
These commenters also stated that, if the Bureau were
attempting to change the class of individuals who may bring civil actions against debt collectors,
the FDCPA already allows any “person” to bring such claims.
For the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is revising § 1006.2(e), as set forth in the
November 2020 Final Rule, to clarify that the definition of consumer includes deceased natural
persons. As explained in the May 2019 proposal, the FDCPA does not specify whether a
consumer, as defined in section 803(3), includes a deceased consumer (or whether a natural
person, as that term is used in section 803(3), includes a deceased natural person).
Because the
definition of consumer in FDCPA section 803(3) is silent with respect to deceased consumers,
other FDCPA provisions that refer to a debt collectors obligations to a consumer lack clarity in
the decedent debt context. For example, FDCPA provisions requiring debt collectors to provide
validation information, and to respond to disputes and requests for original-creditor information,
do not address situations in which the person obligated or allegedly obligated to pay the debt is
deceased. Uncertainty surrounding these provisions increases the risk of consumer harm in the
decedent debt context. Specifically, without validation information and an opportunity to dispute
See the section-by-section analyses of §§ 1006.34 a nd 1006.38.
See 84 FR 23274, 23288 (May 21, 2019).
the debt, individuals trying to resolve debts in a deceased consumers estate will lack information
needed to determine whether they are being asked to pay the right debt, in the right amount, and
to the right debt collector, and, consequently, whether they should assert dispute rights.
Accordingly, to increase clarity and to decrease the risk of consumer harm, the Bureau is
revising § 1006.2(e) to provide that the term consumer means any natural person, whether living
or deceased, obligated or allegedly obligated to pay any debt. The Bureau also is revising
§ 1006.2(e) to delete the statement that the Bureau may further define the term to clarify its
application when the consumer is deceased, since this final rule contains that further definition.
Relatedly, the Bureau is finalizing the commentary to §§ 1006.34(a)(1) and 1006.38 that clarifies
that a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumers estate, such as the
executor, administrator, or personal representative, operates as the consumer for purposes of
§§ 1006.34(a)(1) and 1006.38.
Regarding the comment that deceased consumers have no privacy rights, the Bureau
disagrees. In its Policy Statement on Decedent Debt, the FTC prohibited debt collectors from
openly referring to a deceased consumer’s debts in communications with third parties, instead
adopting an approach thatbalance[d] the legitimate needs of the collector with the privacy
In the proposal, the Bureau explained that its interpretation was consistent with a modern trend in the la w that
favors recognizing, as a default, the continued existence of a natural person after death. 84 FR 23274, 23288 (May
21, 2019). Consumer advocates pointed out that the authority cited for this proposition comes from contexts other
than the FDCPA. But these commenters do not explain why this fact undermines the existence of the trend
described by the Bureau.
interests of the decedent.”
In the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau took a similar
approach regarding location communications for decedent debt.
Moreover, interpreting the term consumer in § 1006.2(e) to include deceased natural
persons is supported by more than concern for a decedents privacy; it also clarifies debt
collectors obligations to a consumer and, in turn, to those authorized to act on the consumers
behalf, if the consumer has died. This includes clarifying a debt collectors obligations under the
FDCPAs provisions, as implemented in this final rule and in the November 2020 Final Rule,
regarding validation information and disputes and requests for original-creditor information,
which help to ensure that consumers are not paying the wrong debt, in the wrong amount, to the
wrong debt collector.
This interpretation also clarifies the application of § 1006.22(f)(4), which the Bureau
adopted in the November 2020 Final Rule to prohibit debt collectors from communicating or
attempting to communicate with a person in connection with the collection of a debt through a
social media platform if the communication or attempt to communicate is viewable by the
general public or the person’s social media contacts.
In adopting that provision, the Bureau
discussed that a consumer advocate commenter had stated that the Bureau should broaden the
prohibition to apply to deceased consumers, such that debt collectors would be prohibited from
posting publicly about a deceased consumers alleged debt on the consumer’s social media page.
The consumer advocate commenter stated that a debt collector’s only reason for doing so would
Fed. Trade Commn, Statement of Policy Regarding Communications in Connection with the Collection of
Decedents Debts at 44921 (July 27, 2011),
communications-connection-collection-deced ents-debts-policy-statement/110720fdcpa.pdf (FTC Policy Statement
on Decedent Debt).
See 85 FR 76734, 76797-00, 76890, 76900 (Nov. 30, 2020).
See id. at 76836-39, 76892.
be to pressure surviving relatives to pay the debt, either to protect the deceased consumer’s
reputation or out of a sense of moral obligation.
In finalizing § 1006.22(f)(4) in the November 2020 Final Rule, Bureau noted that the
prohibition applied to communications and attempts to communicate with “a person,” and that
person, as defined in § 1006.2(k), includes a consumer. The Bureau again noted that it had
received a number of comments regarding its proposal to interpret the term consumer to include
deceased natural persons and that it would address such comments in this final rule. In
determining to revise § 1006.2(e) to include a deceased natural person who is obligated or
allegedly obligated to pay a debt, the Bureau thus also clarifies that the prohibition in
§ 1006.22(f)(4) includes deceased consumers.
The Bureau disagrees with the industry commenter that there is no evidence of confusion
about the definition of consumer in the decedent debt context. As explained above, the
FDCPA’s current lack of clarity in the decedent debt context creates uncertainty in several
situations arising during the collection of debts belonging to deceased consumers. Therefore, the
Bureau determines that additional clarity will improve the debt collection system for all parties.
Nor does § 1006.2(e) expand the class of potential plaintiffs who may bring suit under the
FDCPA and Regulation F, as an industry commenter alleged. The civil liability provision of the
FDCPA already creates liability for violations committed against any person.
As noted in the
proposal, the trend in the law has been to recognize, as a default, the continued existence of a
natural person after death for purposes of bringing civil actions, particularly for remedial statutes
See id. at 76836-39.
15 U.S.C. 1692k.
like the FDCPA.
This commenter did not explain how the Bureau’s interpretation would result
in a lawsuit by someone other than a “person” under the statute.
Finally, the Bureau disagrees, as suggested by certain commenters, that the commentary
to §§ 1006.34(a)(1) and 1006.38 (final comments 34(a)(1)–1 and 383) provide adequate clarity
without interpreting the term consumer to include deceased natural persons. In fact, interpreting
the term consumer to include deceased natural persons is a necessary predicate to provide that
the persons identified in those comments operate as the consumer for purposes of the
requirements relating to validation information, disputes, and requests for original-creditor
Commenters raised additional issues related to § 1006.2(e). A few industry commenters
suggested that the Bureau’s proposed interpretation was inconsistent with the Bureau’s mortgage
servicing rules regarding successors in interest. One trade group commenter stated that allowing
any individual authorized to act on behalf of a deceased consumer’s estate to meet
Regulation F’s definition of consumer under § 1006.2(e) will complicate and potentially impede
the existing successor in interest process under Regulations X and Z. The commenter explained
that, under proposed comment 34(a)(1)1, mortgage servicers who are also debt collectors under
Regulation F would have to send validation information to the person authorized to act on behalf
of the deceased consumer’s estate but would not be able to send foreclosure-related disclosures
required under State law to the same person, unless that person had assumed ownership of the
obligation. The commenter also suggested that, under proposed comment 381, debt collectors
would be required to focus resources on verifying the identify of an individual asserting to be a
See 84 FR 23274, 23288 (May 21, 2019).
person authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumers estate, which would take away
from legitimate efforts to respond to disputes and requests for original-creditor information.
Another trade group commenter stated that the clarification in proposed comment
34(a)(1)–1 to send the validation notice to the person authorized to act on behalf of the deceased
consumers estate if the debt collector knows or should know that the consumer is deceased
would, unlike the Bureau’s mortgage servicing rules, appear to create an affirmative obligation
for mortgage servicers to track down information about potential successors in interest and cloud
requirements for mortgage servicers under Regulation X. For this reason, a third trade group
commenter suggested that, if a required notice must be sent and no individual has come forward
as a potential or confirmed successor in interest, the Bureau should permit mortgage servicers to
address a validation notice to the deceased consumer or “the estate of” the deceased consumer
rather than require a search for an individual to whom to address the notice.
As the Bureau has previously explained, while many mortgage servicers are not subject
to the FDCPA, mortgage servicers that acquired a mortgage loan at the time that it was in default
may be subject to the FDCPA with respect to that mortgage loan.
As discussed below, the
Bureau concludes that including a deceased natural person who is obligated or allegedly
obligated to pay a debt within the definition of consumer under § 1006.2(e) is not inconsistent
with the Bureau’s mortgage servicing rules on successors in interest. Although one commenter
asserted that finalizing this definition as proposed would complicate and potentially impede the
existing successor in interest process, the commenter failed to explain why that would be the
case and the Bureau does not believe that to be the case.
See 85 FR 76734, 76758 (Nov. 30, 2020); 81 FR 71977, 71978 (Oct. 19, 2016).
Regarding delivery of validation information, as discussed below, comment 34(a)(1)–1
clarifies that, if a debt collector knows or should know that a consumer is deceased, and if the
debt collector has not previously provided the validation information to the deceased consumer,
then in such circumstances, to comply with § 1006.34(a)(1), a debt collector must provide the
validation information to an individual whom the debt collector identifies by name and who is
authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumer’s estate.
A person who is authorized to
act on behalf of a deceased consumer’s estate may include the executor, administrator, or
personal representative. However, as discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, for purposes
of Regulations X and Z, a successor in interest is, in general, a person to whom an ownership
interest either in a property securing a mortgage loan subject to subpart C of Regulation X, or in
a dwelling securing a closed-end consumer credit transaction under Regulation Z, is transferred
under specified circumstances including, for example, after a consumer’s death or as part of a
Therefore, a person who is authorized to act on behalf of a deceased consumer’s
estate for purposes of Regulation F may or may not also be a successor in interest under
Regulations X and Z, depending on whether an ownership interest in a property securing a
mortgage loan or a dwelling securing a closed-end consumer credit transaction is transferred to
that person under the circumstances specified in Regulations X and Z.
Comment 34(a)(1)1 provides debt collectors clarity regarding to whom the validation
information must be provided in the narrow circumstance in which the debt collector knows or
See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(a)(1).
See 85 FR 76734, 76758-59 (Nov. 30, 2020). See a l so 12 CFR 1024.31, 1026.2(a)(27)(i). A confirmed successor
in interest, in turn, means a successor in interest once a mortgage servicer has confirmed the successor in interest’s
identity and ownership interest in the property that secures the mortgage loan or in the dwelling. See 12 CFR
1024.31, 1026.2(a)(27)(ii).
12 CFR 1024.31, 1026.2(a)(27).
should know that a consumer is deceased and the debt collector has not previously provided the
validation information to the deceased consumer. According to the comment, under these
circumstances, a debt collector who is collecting the debt of a deceased consumer must
determine who is authorized to act on behalf of a deceased consumer’s estate. These efforts,
however, do not create an affirmative obligation under the Bureau’s mortgage servicing rule for
a mortgage servicer that is subject to the FDCPA with respect to a mortgage loan to seek out
potential successors in interest within the meaning of the mortgage servicing rules. Under the
mortgage servicing rules, a mortgage servicer is not required to conduct a search for potential
successors in interest if the mortgage servicer has not received actual notice of their existence.
If, in the course of determining who is authorized to act on behalf of a deceased consumers
estate for purposes of § 1006.34(a)(1), a mortgage servicer receives actual notice of the existence
of a potential successor in interest, the mortgage servicer must, as required under Regulation X,
maintain policies and procedures reasonably designed to ensure that the servicer can retain this
information and promptly facilitate communication with the potential successor in interest.
However, because a mortgage servicer that is subject to the FDCPA with respect to a mortgage
loan may comply with both this final rule and the applicable successor in interest provisions
under Regulations X and Z, the Bureau concludes there is no conflict with the mortgage
servicing rules. Additionally, nothing in this final rule is intended to alter the successor in
interest provisions in Regulations X and Z or to impose additional requirements under
Regulations X and Z.
12 CFR 1024.38(b)(1)(vi); comment 38(b)(1)(vi)1.
Id. The general servicing policies, procedures, and requirements in 12 CFR 1024.38 do not apply to a m ortgage
servicer that qualifies as a small servicer pursuant to 12 CFR 1026.41(e). See 12 CFR 1024.30(b)(1).
In response to the commenter’s concern regarding the burdens under comment 381 of
determining who is authorized to act on behalf of a deceased consumers estate before
responding to a dispute or request for original-creditor information, the potential burdens
associated with responding to such incoming disputes and requests will be significantly reduced
once a debt collector has procedures in place to make that threshold determination or has already
made that determination for purposes of providing the validation information as described in
comment 34(a)(1)1.
The Bureau declines to adopt the suggestion to allow mortgage servicers to address a
validation notice to the deceased consumer or to “the estate of” the deceased consumer. As
discussed in the proposal, the Bureau shares the view of the FTC, which stated in its Policy
Statement on Decedent Debt that individuals who lack the authority to resolve the estate but who
wish to be helpful are likely to open communications addressed to the decedents estate, or to an
unnamed executor or administrator, which makes such communications insufficiently targeted to
a consumer with whom the debt collector may generally discuss the debt.
The Bureau,
therefore, shares the view of the FTC that “communication[s] addressed to the decedents estate,
or an unnamed executor or administrator, [are] location communication[s] and must not refer to
the decedents debts.
Accordingly, comment 34(a)(1)–1 specifies that a debt collector must
provide the validation information to an individual that the debt collector identifies by name who
is authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumers estate.
A group of consumer advocates stated that certain other provisions of the Bureau’s
proposal, such as § 1006.14(e)s prohibition on publishing lists of consumers who allegedly
See 84 FR 23274, 23334 (May 21, 2019).
FTC Policy Statement on Decedent Debt, supra note 73, at 44920.
refuse to pay debts and § 1006.18(b)(1)(iv)s prohibition on falsely representing or implying that
the consumer committed any crime or other conduct in order to disgrace the consumer, should
apply to deceased consumers. But, these commenters claimed, other provisions, like
§ 1006.6(b)(1)s restrictions on communicating at inconvenient times or places, were nonsensical
as applied to deceased consumers. Therefore, these commenters argued, the Bureau’s
interpretation in proposed § 1006.2(e) was overbroad.
The Bureau acknowledges that there may be certain provisions in the November 2020
Final Rule and in this final rule that refer to a consumer that simply will be inapplicable in the
context of a deceased consumer.
Nevertheless, as consumer advocates acknowledged, other
provisions that refer to a consumer will apply to deceased consumers. For example, as discussed
above, interpreting the term consumer in § 1006.2(e) to include deceased natural persons means
that, as applied to § 1006.22(f)(4), debt collectors are prohibited from posting publicly about a
deceased consumers alleged debt on a deceased consumer’s public-facing social media page. In
situations that are currently unclear, such as delivery of validation information, the final rule
adopts commentary clarifying debt collectors obligations.
This group of consumer advocates also recommended that the Bureau require debt
collectors to provide a validation notice to the person authorized to act on behalf of the deceased
consumer’s estate even if validation information already was provided to the consumer. These
commenters also asked the Bureau to provide that the validation period starts from the date the
person authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumer’s estate receives the validation
For example, § 1006.6(b) restricts, among other things, the times at which debt collectors can communicate or
attempt to communicate with consumers. See 85 FR 76734, 76889 (Nov. 30, 2020). To the extent that
“communicate includes having a conversation, the Bureau believes it is obvious that this prohibition is simply
inapplicable in the case of a deceased consumer (but does apply to having a conversation with the executor or
a dm inistrator of the consumers estate).
notice, and to require debt collectors to respond to disputes and requests for original-creditor
information submitted by this person, even if a response already was provided to the consumer.
The Bureau declines to adopt these suggestions because the Bureau finds that, in the scenario
described, the debt collector has already satisfied the debt collector’s obligations to the consumer
as set forth in FDCPA section 809 and §§ 1006.34 and 1006.38. Depending on the facts, the
debt collector could be required to provide a validation notice or dispute response to the person
authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumer’s estate,
but the Bureau declines to
require debt collectors to do so in all cases. Nevertheless, the Bureau notes that debt collectors
who voluntarily provide validation notices after a consumer dies (as some industry commenters
reported is done), and who, in doing so, start a new validation period, do not thereby violate the
FDCPA or Regulation F.
For the reasons discussed above, and pursuant to its authority under FDCPA section
814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors, the Bureau is
finalizing § 1006.2(e) as proposed to interpret the definition of consumer in FDCPA section
803(3) to mean any natural person, whether living or deceased, who is obligated or allegedly
obligated to pay any debt.
2(f) Consumer Financial Product or Service
As discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau proposed § 1006.2(f) to
define consumer financial product or service debt to mean any debt related to any consumer
financial product or service, as consumer financial product or service is defined in section
1002(5) of the Dodd-Frank Act.
As also discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, the
See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(5).
85 FR 76734, 76745 (Nov. 30, 2020).
Bureau did not finalize § 1006.2(f) as part of that rulemaking because the Bureau did not finalize
in that rulemaking any provisions for which the definition in proposed § 1006.2(f) would have
been relevant.
For the reasons discussed in the section-by-section analyses of §§ 1006.1(c) and 1006.34,
the Bureau is adopting in this final rule two provisions (§ 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) and (3)(iv)) that
apply to debt collectors only if they are collecting debt related to a consumer financial product or
service. This includes, for example, debt collectors collecting debts related to consumer
mortgage loans or credit cards.
To facilitate compliance with those provisions, the Bureau is
adopting § 1006.2(f) to provide that consumer financial product or service has the meaning in
section 1002(5) of the Dodd-Frank Act (12 U.S.C. 5481(5)).
The Bureau notes that it originally proposed § 1006.2(f) to define the term “consumer
financial product or service debt.” However, because the relevant defined term in the Dodd-
Frank Act is “consumer financial product or service,” and because certain commenters observed
that including two definitions of the term “debt” in the rule would be confusing, the Bureau is
finalizing § 1006.2(f) to provide that the defined term in the rule is “consumer financial product
or service” and that the term has the same meaning given to it in section 1002(5) of the Dodd-
Frank Act.
Subpart BRules for FDCPA Debt Collectors
Section 1006.26 Collection of Time-Barred Debts
The May 2019 proposal and the February 2020 proposal both addressed the collection of
time-barred debt. In the May 2019 proposal, the Bureau proposed to define several terms
(proposed § 1006.26(a)) and to prohibit debt collectors from bringing or threatening to bring
See 84 FR 23274, 23286 (May 21, 2019).
legal actions against consumers to collect certain time-barred debts (proposed § 1006.26(b)). In
the February 2020 proposal, the Bureau proposed to require debt collectors to provide
disclosures if collecting certain time-barred debts (proposed § 1006.26(c)). The February 2020
proposal also included model language and forms that debt collectors could use to comply with
the proposed disclosure requirements. In the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau noted that
it planned to address its proposals regarding time-barred debt in this final rule, and the Bureau
reserved § 1006.26 for that purpose. After considering the comments received in response to
both the May 2019 and February 2020 proposals, the Bureau is now finalizing proposed
§ 1006.26(a) and (b) with modifications as described below. The Bureau is not finalizing
proposed § 1006.26(c).
26(a) Definitions
Proposed § 1006.26(a) defined two terms not defined in the FDCPA: statute of
limitations and time-barred debt. The Bureau proposed to define these terms to facilitate
compliance with proposed § 1006.26(b) and (c). As discussed below, the Bureau is finalizing
§ 1006.26(a) as proposed. The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.26(a) pursuant to its authority under
FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt
26(a)(1) Statute of Limitations
Proposed § 1006.26(a)(1) defined the term statute of limitations to mean the period
prescribed by applicable law for bringing a legal action against the consumer to collect a debt.
Statutes of limitation, which typically are established by State law, provide time limits for
bringing suit on legal claims. As the Bureau explained in the May 2019 proposal, statutes of
See 84 FR 23274, 23327-28 (May 21, 2019).
limitation serve several purposes.
First, statutes of limitations advance a defendant’s interest in
repose. That is, they reflect a legislative judgment that it is unjust to fail to put the adversary on
notice to defend within a specified period of time.”
Second, statutes of limitations eliminate
stale claims. That is, they protect defendants and the courts from having to deal with cases in
which the search for truth may be seriously impaired by the loss of evidence, whether by death
or disappearance of witnesses, fading memories, disappearance of documents, or otherwise.”
Third, statutes of limitations providecertainty about a plaintiff’s opportunity for recovery and a
defendant’s potential liabilities.
For debt collection claims, the length of the applicable statute
of limitations often varies by State and, within each State, by debt type. Although most statutes
of limitations applicable to debt collection claims are between three and six years, some are as
long as 15 years.
Several commenters addressed proposed § 1006.26(a)(1). One industry commenter
confirmed that the proposed definition of statute of limitations comported with debt collectors
understanding of the term. A number of other industry commenters requested that the Bureau
modify the definition to account for the fact that it can be challenging to determine the applicable
statute of limitations in certain circumstances. For example, two industry commenters requested
that the Bureau clarify that, in determining the applicable statute of limitations, a debt collector
need only conduct a reasonable investigation based on objectively ascertainable facts, and that a
debt collector would only be charged with knowing that the statute of limitations has expired if
the law is clearly established. The commenters also requested that the Bureau more specifically
See generally Rotella v. Wood, 528 U.S. 549, 555 (2000) (identifying “the basic policies of all limitations
provisions” as “repose, elimination of stale claims, and certainty”).
United States v. Kubrick, 444 U.S. 111, 117 (1979).
Young v. United States, 535 U.S. 43, 47 (2002) (quoting Rotella, 528 U.S. at 555).
define certain elements of the term statute of limitations to lessen the burden on debt collectors
of determining whether a debt is time barred. For example, they suggested defining “applicable
law” as the law of the jurisdiction where the consumer resides or is believed to reside at the time
collections begin, or the law of the jurisdiction in which the consumer signed any underlying
contract. Commenters suggested that these changes would make it easier for a debt collector to
determine the statute of limitations applicable to a particular debt while protecting a debt
collector from liability when it is difficult determine the exact date on which a debt becomes
time barred.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.26(a)(1) as proposed. As industry commenters
confirmed, the definition of statute of limitations in § 1006.26(a)(1) is consistent with debt
collectors understanding of the term. The Bureau declines to modify the definition to identify
the type of investigation a debt collector must or should undertake to ascertain the applicable
statute of limitations. The Bureau also declines to define the term “applicable law” in the
manner requested by commenters. The Bureau recognizes that, in some cases, it can be
challenging and costly for a debt collector to determine what statute of limitations applies to a
legal action against the consumer to collect a particular debt, and that, in some cases, the
commenters suggestions could reduce those challenges and costs. The Bureau declines,
however, to address the challenges and costs associated with determining whether a debt is time
barred by modifying the definition of statute of limitations, a term with a meaning widely
understood by debt collectors, or by defining new terms. Comments relating to the difficulty of
determining whether a debt is time barred are discussed further in the section-by-section analysis
of § 1006.26(b).
26(a)(2) Time-Barred Debt
Proposed § 1006.26(a)(2) defined the term time-barred debt to mean a debt for which the
applicable statute of limitations has expired.
As the Bureau explained in the May 2019 proposal, many debt collectors already
determine whether the statute of limitations applicable to a debt has expired. Some do so to
comply with State and local disclosure laws that require them to inform consumers when debts
are time barred.
Others do so to assess whether they can sue to collect the debt, which may
affect their collection strategy. In addition, the information that debt buyers generally receive
when bidding on and purchasing debts, and the information that other debt collectors generally
receive at placement, may allow them to determine whether the applicable statute of limitations
has expired.
Several commenters addressed proposed § 1006.26(a)(2). An industry commenter
confirmed that the proposed definition comported with debt collectors understanding of the
term. Two other industry commenters expressed concern that the term time-barred debt may
imply that a debt collector has no right at all to collect the debt, whereas in most jurisdictions a
debt’s time-barred status only limits the debt collector’s right to recover on the debt through a
lawsuit. Several industry commenters expressed concern that the proposal seemed to
See 84 FR 23274, 23328 (May 21, 2019).
See, e.g., Cal. Civ. Code sec. 1788.52(d)(3); Conn. Gen. Stat. sec. 36a-805(a)(14); Mass. Code Regs., tit. 940,
§ 7.07(24); N.M. Code. R. sec.; N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs., tit. 23, sec. 1.3; New York City, N.Y.,
Rules, tit. 6, sec. 2-191(a); W. Va. Code sec. 46a-2-128(f).
See Fed. Tra de Comm’n, The Structure and Practices of the Debt Buying Industry, a t 49 (Ja n. 2013),
industry/debtbuyingreport.pdf (FTC Debt Buying Report) (“The data the Commission received from debt buyers
suggests that debt buyers usually are likely to know or be able to determine whether the debts on which they are
collecting a re beyond the statute of lim ita tions.). Similarly, the majority of respondents to the Bureaus Debt
Collection Operations Study reported always or often receiving certain inf ormation and documentation that may be
relevant to determining whether a debt is time barred, such a s debt balance at charge off, account agreement
documentation, a nd billing sta tements. See CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, at 23.
contemplate that a debt is a single amount that becomes time barred at a single moment in time
and noted that not all debts operate in that manner. For example, these commenters stated that
an installment loan could become time barred on a rolling basis depending on when each
installment was due. In addition, according to some commenters, a legal action to collect a debt
may be based on more than one legal theory or involve more than one cause of action, and each
theory or cause of action may be subject to a different statute of limitations. Similarly, according
to some commenters, certain secured debts may be subject to more than one method of suit and
more than one statute of limitations. For example, these commenters asserted, in some States a
mortgagee may choose whether to pursue a remedy at law on the note, a remedy in equity on the
mortgage, or both, and the statute of limitations applicable to these claims may differ. Relatedly,
one industry commenter asked the Bureau to clarify that debt collectors are not prohibited from
taking legal action to enforce a lien even if a claim on the underlying obligation is time barred.
Alternatively, the commenter asked the Bureau to clarify that the requirements of proposed
§ 1006.26 would apply only when all causes of action associated with the underlying note and
with the security instrument are time barred.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.26(a)(2) as proposed. As industry commenters
confirmed, the definition of time-barred debt in § 1006.26(a)(2) is consistent with debt
collectors understanding of the term. In response to commenters concerns that the term time-
barred debt might imply that a debt collector has no right to collect the debt, the Bureau notes
Another commenter seeking clarification on the scope of proposed § 1006.26(b) a sserted that in rem enforcement
of a security instrument is not inherently debt collection. The Bureau notes that § 1006.26, like the rest of this final
rule, a pplies only to FDCPA debt collectors. The Supreme Court recently held that a business engaged in no more
than nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings is not an FDCPA debt collector, except for the limited purpose of FDCPA
section 808(6). See Obduskey v. McCarthy & Holthus LLP, 139 S. Ct. 1029 (2019). FDCPA section 808(6)
specifically prohibits taking or threatening to take any nonjudicial action in certain circumstances, such as where
there is no present right to possession through an enforceable security instrument.
that, in most jurisdictions, as commenters observed and as is discussed in the section-by-section
analysis of § 1006.26(b), a debt is not extinguished when the statute of limitations expires.
Rather, in these jurisdictions, a debt collector still may collect the debt using non-litigation
means, such as telephone calls and letters, and the Bureau’s use of the term time-barred debt
neither changes that fact nor is meant to imply otherwise. With respect to industry commenters
concern about debts for which multiple statutes of limitation may be relevant, the Bureau notes
that a debt is a time-barred debt under § 1006.26(a)(2) if the applicable statute of limitations has
expired. The applicable statute of limitations depends on the specific legal action the debt
collector takes or represents that it will take. For some debts, such as certain installment loans
and secured debts, it may be the case that one claim associated with a debt is time barred while
another claim associated with the debt is not. In such a case, the prohibitions in § 1006.26(b)
apply to the time-barred claim only.
26(b) Legal Actions and Threats of Legal Actions Prohibited
The Bureau proposed § 1006.26(b) to prohibit a debt collector from bringing or
threatening to bring a legal action against a consumer to collect a debt that the debt collector
knows or should know is a time-barred debt.
In response to comments, the Bureau is
finalizing proposed § 1006.26(b) with two principal changes. First, the Bureau is not adopting
the proposed knows-or-should-know standard; instead, a debt collector may violate final
§ 1006.26(b) even if the debt collector neither knew nor should have known that a debt was time
barred. Second, consistent with the Supreme Courts decision in Midland Funding, LLC v.
See 84 FR 23274, 23328-29 (May 21, 2019).
Johnson, the final rule clarifies that the prohibitions in § 1006.26(b) do not apply to proofs of
claim filed in bankruptcy proceedings.
As the Bureau explained in the May 2019 proposal, in most States the expiration of the
applicable statute of limitations, if raised by the consumer as an affirmative defense, precludes
the debt collector from recovering on the debt using judicial processes, but it does not extinguish
the debt itself.
In other words, in most States a debt collector may use non-litigation means to
collect a time-barred debt, as long as those means do not violate the FDCPA or other laws. If a
debt collector does sue to collect a time-barred debt, and if the consumer proves the expiration of
the statute of limitations as an affirmative defense, the court will dismiss the suit.
Suits and threats of suit on time-barred debts can harm consumers in multiple ways. A
debt collector’s threat to sue on a time-barred debt may prompt some consumers to pay or
prioritize that debt over others in the mistaken belief that doing so is necessary to avoid
litigation. In some jurisdictions, a consumers payment on or acknowledgement of a debt can
revive the debt collector’s right to sue for the entire amount, opening the consumer to new legal
Similarly, suits on time-barred debts may lead to judgments against consumers on
137 S. Ct. 1407 (2017).
See generally Midland Funding, LLC v. Johnson, 137 S. Ct. 1407, 1411-12 (2017) (noting that under “the law of
many States . . . a creditor has the right to payment of a debt even after the limitations period expires, and
collecting Sta te la ws). In Mississippi a nd Wisconsin, however, debts are extinguished when the applicable statute of
limita tions expires. See Miss. Code Ann. sec. 15-1-3 (The completion of the period of limitation prescribed to bar
a ny a ction, shall defeat a nd extinguish the right a s well a s the remedy.); Wis. Sta t. Ann. sec. 893.05 (“When the
period within which an action may be commenced on a Wisconsin cause of action has expired, the right is
extinguished as well as the remedy.).
Revival extinguishes the consumers right to raise the expiration of the statute of lim itations a s an affirmative
defense to litigation; that is, it revives the debt collectors right to sue to collect the debt. Although State revival
laws vary, there are generally several circumstances in which revival occurs. First, in som e States, a consumer’s
partial payment on a time-barred debt revives the debt collectors right to sue. Second, in some States, a consumers
written a cknowledgement of a time-barred debt revives the debt collectors right to sue. Third, a consumer’s oral
claims for which those consumers had meritorious defenses, including defenses based on the
statute of limitations. Few consumers who are sued for allegedly unpaid debtswhether time
barred or notactually defend themselves in court, and those who do often are unrepresented.
As a result, the vast majority of judgments on unpaid debts, including on time-barred debts, are
default judgments, entered solely on the representations contained in the debt collectors
Consumer and consumer advocate commenters generally supported the prohibitions in
proposed § 1006.26(b). Many of these commenters also argued that, to prevent deception, the
Bureau should prohibit the collection of time-barred debt altogether, even though the Bureau did
not propose such a prohibition in the May 2019 proposal or the February 2020 proposal. The
Bureau certainly supports measures to prevent deception because of the harm it causes to
consumers. However, the Bureau concludes that is not necessary to ban the collection of time-
barred debt to prevent potential deception. As discussed in the February 2020 proposal, the
a cknowledgement of a time-barred debt may revive the debt collectors right to sue in some States. See, e.g., Lima
v. Schmidt, 595 So. 2d 624, 631 (La. 1992) (“Our courts have consistently held that renunciation must be clear,
direct, and absolute and manifested by words or actions of the party in whose favor prescription has run.) (citations
omitted); 22 Tenn. Pract. Contract Law and Practice § 12:88 (rev. Aug. 2020) (“[T]he defendant may revive a
plaintiffs remedy that has been barred by the statute of limitations. This event can occur either when the defendant
expressly promises to pay a debt or when the defendant acknowledges the debt and expresses a willingness to pa y it
. . . . The expression of a defendant’s willingness to pay might be implied from the words or action of a
debtor . . . .”) (cita tions and internal quotation marks omitted).
See FTC Debt Buying Report, supra note 98, at 45 (observing that 90 percent or more of consumers sued in
[debt collection actions] do not appear in court to defend, which “creates a risk that consumer will be subject to a
default judgment on a time-barred debt”); Peter A. Holland, The One Hundred Billion Dollar Problem in Small
Claims Court: Robo-Signing and Lack of Proof in Debt Buyer Cases, 6 J. Bus. & Tech. L. 259, 265 (2011) (In the
ma jority of debt buyer cases, the courts gra nt the debt buyer a default judgment because the consumer has failed to
appear for trial. . . . Debtors who do receive notice usually appear without legal representation.”); CFPB Debt
Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, a t 18 (observing that respondents reported obtaining default judgments
in 60 to 90 percent of their filed suits); cf. Kimber v. Fed. Fin. Corp., 668 F. Supp. 1480, 1478 (M.D. Ala. 1987)
(“Because few unsophisticated consumers would be aware that a statute of limitations could be used to defend
against lawsuits based on stale debts, such consumers would unwittingly acquiesce to such lawsuits. And, even if
the consumer realizes that she can use time as a defense, she will more than likely still give in ra ther than f ight the
lawsuit because she must still expend energy and resources and subject herself to the embarrassment of going into
court to present the defense; this is particularly true in light of the costs of attorneys today.”).
Bureau’s quantitative testing generally indicates that disclosures, in certain situations, can be
effective in curing the potential deception associated with the collection of time-barred debt.
The Bureau concludes that a prohibition on the collection of time-barred debt would impose
significant burden on debt collectors to identify such debts and would decrease the value of time-
barred debts to little or nothing; a debt has little or no value if the owner cannot collect the debt
either in litigation or outside of litigation. The Bureau declines to impose such extraordinarily
large costs because much less costly measuresnamely, disclosurescan be effective in
preventing potential deception.
Moreover, the Bureau emphasizes that prohibiting the collection of time-barred debt
when doing so is unnecessary to prevent potential deception is inconsistent with the First
Amendment limitations on the Bureau’s authority to ban commercial speech. Courts have held
that a debt collector who asks a consumer to pay a debt is engaging in commercial speech.
Prohibiting the collection of time-barred debt therefore would restrict commercial speech. The
Supreme Court has held that restrictions on commercial speech are permissible when they:
(1) are supported by a substantial government interest; (2) directly advance that interest; and
(3) are no more extensive than necessary to serve that interest.
If the potential deception
associated with the collection of time-barred debt can be cured by a disclosure, then prohibiting
the collection of time-barred debt would impose a restriction that is more extensive than
As noted above, the Bureau’s quantitative testing generally indicates that, in
certain situations involving the collection of time-barred debt, disclosures can be effective in
See 85 FR 12672, 12677-79 (Mar. 3, 2020).
See, e.g., ACA Int’l v. Healey, 457 F. Supp. 3d 17, 25-26 (D. Ma ss. 2020); Stover v. Fingerhut Direct Mktg., 709
F. Supp. 2d 473, 479 (S.D. W.Va. 2009).
See Cent. Hudson Gas & Elec. Corp. v. Pub. Serv. Commn, 447 U.S. 557, 566 (1980).
In re R.M.J., 455 U.S. 191, 203 (1982); see also Pearson v. Shalala, 164 F.3d 650 (D.C. Cir. 1999).
curing potential deception. Therefore, the Bureau declines to finalize a prohibition on the
collection of time-barred debt.
In addition to consumers and consumer advocates, several industry commenters, Federal
agency staff, and one local government commenter expressed support for the proposed
prohibitions. Commenters who supported the proposed prohibitions asserted that suits and
threats of suit on time-barred debts may induce consumers to make payments they otherwise
would not make. Some consumer advocate commenters noted that these payments can revive
the debt collector’s right to sue in certain jurisdictions. Additionally, consumer advocate
commenters asserted that consumers often assume that the mere filing of a lawsuit means that
they owe the debt, that the amount owed is accurately stated, and that the debt collector has the
legal right to collect the debt, whereas in fact the debt collector may lack support for its claims.
These commenters also asserted that consumers generally lack the knowledge and resources to
defend their rights in court, and, as a consequence, many claims result in default judgments on
debts that were not legally enforceable. Consumer advocate commenters also provided
anecdotes and pointed to recent enforcement actions to show that debt collectors continue to sue
and threaten to sue on time-barred debt.
One industry commenter who supported elements of
proposed § 1006.26(b) acknowledged that proposed § 1006.26(b) is consistent with long-
standing FDCPA case law.
See, e.g., Consent Order ¶¶ 65-69, In re Encore Capital Grp., Inc., No. 2015-CFPB-0022 (Sept. 9, 2015),
http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/201509_cfpb_consent-order-encore-capital-group.pdf; Consent Order ¶¶ 56-59,
In re Portfolio Recovery Assocs. LLC, No. 2015-CFPB-0023 (Sept. 9, 2015),
http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/201509_cfpb_consent-order-portfolio-recovery-associates-llc.pdf; see also
Com plaint ¶¶ 30-35, Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot. v. Encore Capital Grp., Inc., No. 2020CV1750 (S.D. Cal. Sept.
8, 2020), https://www.consumerfinance.gov/documents/9167/cfpb_encore-capital-group-et-al_complaint_2020-
Several industry commenters who opposed proposed § 1006.26(b) argued that the Bureau
should not prohibit suits and threats of suit on time-barred debt because, in most jurisdictions,
expiration of the statute of limitations does not prohibit a debt collector from bringing suit but
rather provides the consumer with an affirmative defense to liability. According to these
commenters, proposed § 1006.26(b) would effectively preempt State affirmative defense laws by
making expiration of the statute of limitations a total bar to suit, thereby interfering with debt
collectors’ right to legal recourse under State law. Relatedly, an industry commenter argued that
State courts are capable of addressing situations in which a debt collector sues to collect a time-
barred debt, including by dismissing the debt collectors claim and awarding sanctions if
appropriate. Another industry commenter asserted that consumers should be responsible for
tracking the legal obligations associated with their debts, and that it would be unduly
burdensome to require debt collectors to determine whether a debt is time barred, particularly for
debt collectors who are small businesses.
Some industry commenters argued that the Bureau lacks the authority to prohibit suits
and threats of suit on time-barred debts. For example, several industry commenters argued that
proposed § 1006.26(b) exceeds the Bureau’s authority because, in their view, nothing in the
FDCPA permits the Bureau to preempt State laws relating to debt collection or access to courts
or establishes a Federal role in determining State law defenses. Similarly, one industry
commenter asserted that proposed § 1006.26(b) contradicts the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
and State-law equivalents and abridges a debt collector’s right to petition the courts. The
commenter pointed to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11, pursuant to which an attorneys
claims, defenses, and other legal contentions must be warranted by existing law or by a
nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law or for establishing
new law. According to this commenter, the proposed prohibitions conflict with Rule 11 and its
equivalents by discouraging debt collectors from filing legitimate lawsuits that argue in good
faith for the modification or reversal of existing law.
Final § 1006.26(b) prohibits a debt collector from bringing or threatening to bring a legal
action against a consumer to collect a time-barred debt. A debt collector who sues or threatens to
sue a consumer to collect a time-barred debt explicitly or implicitly misrepresents to the
consumer that the debt is legally enforceable, and that misrepresentation is material to consumers
because it may affect their conduct with regard to the collection of that debt, including whether
to pay it.
The Bureau’s consumer testing suggests that consumers often are uncertain about
their rights concerning time-barred debt.
Consumers sued or threatened with suit on a time-
barred debt generally do not recognize that the debt is time barred, that time-barred debts are
unenforceable in court, or that they must raise the expiration of the statute of limitations as an
affirmative defense.
The prohibitions in final § 1006.26(b) generally are consistent with the current state of
the law. Multiple courts have held that suits and threats of suit on time-barred debt violate the
FDCPA, reasoning that such practices violate FDCPA section 807’s prohibition on false or
misleading representations, FDCPA section 808’s prohibition on unfair practices, or both.
See, e.g., Kimber, 668 F. Supp. at 1489 (“By threatening to sue Kimber on her alleged debt . . . FFC implicit[ly]
represented that it could recover in a lawsuit, when in fact it cannot properly do so.).
See FMG Focus Group Report, supra note 26, a t 9-10; FMG Cognitive Report, supra note 27, a t 36-37; FMG
Summary Report, supra note 29, a t 35-36; see also Fed. Trade Commn, Repairing a Broken System: Protecting
Consumers in Debt Collection Litigation and Arbitration at iii, 26 (July 2010),
staff-repo rt-repairing-broken-system-protecting/debtcollectionreport.pdf (FTC Litiga tion Report).
See, e.g., Pantoja v. Portfolio Recovery Assocs., LLC, 852 F.3d 679, 683-84 (7th Cir. 2017); McMahon v. LVNV
Funding, LLC, 744 F.3d 1010, 1020 (7th Cir. 2014); Phillips v. Asset Acceptance, LLC, 736 F.3d 1076, 1079 (7th
Cir. 2013); Huertas v. Galaxy Asset Mgmt., 641 F.3d 28, 33 (3d Cir. 2011) (per curia m); Goins v. JBC & Assocs.,
P.C., 352 F. Supp. 2d 262, 273 (D. Conn. 2005); Kimber, 668 F. Supp. at 1487-89.
The FTC also has concluded that the FDCPA bars actual and threatened suits on time-barred
In addition, the prohibitions in final § 1006.26(b) generally are consistent with current
industry practice. For example, a number of industry commenters stated they do not sue or
threaten to sue on time-barred debt as a matter of policy, and one trade group commenter stated
that it requires its members to refrain from suing or threatening to sue on time-barred debts.
The Bureau recognizes that, in most jurisdictions, expiration of the statute of limitations
provides the consumer with an affirmative defense to liability, but it does not bar a debt collector
from bringing suit. The Bureau concludes, however, that consumers are unlikely to know
whether the applicable statute of limitations has expired or that the expiration of the statute of
limitations provides an affirmative defense. Suits and threats of suit on time-barred debts
therefore imply to the least sophisticated consumer not simply that the debt collector may sue or
has sued the consumer but also that the debt collector’s claim is legally enforceable. For time-
barred debts, this is misleading because expiration of the statute of limitations provides the
consumer with a complete defense.
Accordingly, the Bureau concludes that bringing or
threatening to bring a legal action to collect a time-barred debt is a deceptive practice under
FDCPA section 807 even if expiration of the statute of limitations is an affirmative defense
rather than a categorical bar to suit.
As explained below, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.26(b) as an interpretation of FDCPA
section 807’s prohibition on deception; such an interpretation is squarely within the Bureaus
authority under FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts
FTC Litiga tion Report, supra note 111, a t 23.
See, e.g., Goins, 352 F. Supp. 2d at 272 (holding that, a lthough the statute of limitations is a n a ffirmative defense,
threatening to bring suit on time-barred debt “can at best be described as amisleading representation, in violation
of § 1692e, because the statute of limitations is a complete defense to a ny suit).
by debt collectors. Contrary to commenters’ claims, § 1006.26(b) does not preempt State laws
relating to when a debt collector may bring a lawsuit in State court. Rather, it provides that a
debt collector who sues or threatens to sue a consumer to collect a time-barred debt violates the
FDCPA even if applicable State law permits the suit. In addition, contrary to commenters’
assertions, § 1006.26(b) does not exceed the Bureau’s authority by regulating access to the courts
or litigation activities. Debt collectors have repeatedly argued that they cannot be held liable
under the FDCPA for actions taken in litigation because, for example, the United States
Constitution allows debt collectors to petition the courts, or because the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure (or their State equivalents) allow debt collectors to argue for the modification or
reversal of existing law. Many courts have rejected such arguments, generally reasoning that the
FDCPA unquestionably applies to litigation activities.
The fact that expiration of a State’s
statute of limitations may not extinguish a debt under State law or bar a lawsuit in State court
unless an affirmative defense is raised and proven does not render the FDCPAs prohibition on
using deceptive or misleading representations or means in debt collection inapplicable. There is
nothing unusual about the proposition that some behavior permitted by State law may
nevertheless violate Federal law. Moreover, nothing in § 1006.26(b) prohibits a debt collector
from bringing a legal action against a consumer in which the debt collector argues for an
extension, modification, or reversal of existing law or the establishment of new law—including a
legal action in which the debt collector argues that a debt is not time barred. Debt collectors
remain free to do so. But a debt collector who brings such an action may violate § 1006.26(b) if
a court ultimately determines that the debt was time barred.
See, e.g., Aguilar v. LVNV Funding LLC, No. 2:19-cv-105, 2019 WL 3369706, at *3-4 (M.D. Fla. July 26, 2019);
Tobing v. Parker McCay, P.A., No. 3:17-cv-00474, 2018 WL 2002799, at *9 (D.N.J. Apr. 30, 2018); Consumer Fin.
Prot. Bureau v. Frederick J. Hanna & Assocs., P.C., 114 F. Supp. 3d 1342, 1359-61 (N.D. Ga . 2015); Johnson v.
Riddle, 305 F.3d 1107, 1118 (10th Cir. 2002).
Liability Standard
Proposed § 1006.26(b) would have prohibited a debt collector from bringing or
threatening to bring a legal action against a consumer to collect a time-barred debt only if the
debt collector knew or should have known the debt was time barred.
In proposing a knows-or-should-know standard, the Bureau explained that determining
whether a debt is time barred may involve analyzing which State law applies, which statute of
limitations applies, when the statute of limitations began to run, and whether the statute of
limitations has been tolled or reset. In many cases, a debt collector will know, or will be able to
readily determine, whether the statute of limitations has expired. In some instances, however, a
debt collector may be genuinely uncertain even after undertaking a reasonable investigation,
such as if the case law in a State is unclear as to which statute of limitations applies to a
particular type of debt. The proposed knows-or-should-know standard was meant to address this
concern by not imposing liability on a debt collector if it had no way of knowing that a particular
debt was time barred. But the Bureau also acknowledged that it sometimes may be difficult to
determine whether a knows-or-should-know standard has been met. Such uncertainty could
increase litigation costs and make it difficult for consumers and government agencies to bring
actions against debt collectors. To address this concern, the Bureau sought comment on an
alternative strict liability standard pursuant to which a debt collector would be liable for suing or
threatening to sue on a time-barred debt even if the debt collector neither knew nor should have
known that the debt was time barred.
Industry commenters generally did not support a strict liability standard. These
commenters generally agreed that it can be difficult for a debt collector to determine whether a
debt is time barred and asserted that holding debt collectors strictly liable for good faith errors
would be unduly harsh. These commenters stated, for example, that determining the applicable
statute of limitations and whether it has expired may require analyzing a variety of factual and
legal questions specific to the debt, and that, in many cases, a debt collector may reach the wrong
conclusion even after undertaking a reasonable investigation and analysis. Industry commenters
asserted that debt collectors may be unable to reliably determine the statute of limitations before
filing suit because the law is unclear, because some information relevant to the analysis may be
unavailable, or both. Some industry commenters also asserted that the analysis may change over
time. For example, according to these commenters, a consumers decision to move to a different
State after signing a loan agreement could affect a debt collector’s analysis of which State law
applies and whether the statute of limitations has been tolled. As another example, an industry
commenter stated that, in certain jurisdictions, the statute of limitations applicable to mortgage
debt is in flux because of unprecedented access by consumers to loss mitigation and an increase
in bankruptcy filings in the wake of the foreclosure crisis. Several industry commenters also
expressed concern that debt collectors who are not attorneys may have particular difficulty
making an accurate time-barred debt determination. For these reasons, industry commenters
asserted that a strict liability standard, which would leave no room for error, would expose debt
collectors to liability even though it would be challenging or very costly in many circumstances
to determine if a debt is time barred.
Some industry commenters supported the proposed knows-or-should-know standard.
These commenters generally asserted that the proposed standard would help debt collectors
avoid liability for good-faith mistakes in determining whether a debt is time barredsomething
industry commenters argued is important given the complexity and uncertainty of certain time-
barred debt analyses. One industry commenter asserted that the proposed standard also would
adequately protect consumers from harm. However, several industry commenters who expressed
general support for the proposed standard also asked the Bureau to provide additional guidance,
including examples of circumstances in which a debt collector neither knows nor should know
that a debt is time barred.
Not all industry commenters supported the proposed knows-or-should-know standard.
Some industry commenters argued that the proposed standard was vague and subjective and
could increase litigation risk rather than mitigating it. Other industry commenters asked the
Bureau to clarify that the knows-or-should-know standard depends on the specific understanding
and sophistication of the particular debt collector. They asserted, for example, that what an
attorney debt collector knows or should know about a debt’s time-barred status may differ from
what a non-attorney debt collector knows or should know.
Some industry commenters who opposed the proposed knows-or-should-know standard
offered alternative standards. For example, several industry commenters recommended that the
Bureau finalize a reasonable investigation standard such that a debt collector who sued or
threatened to sue to collect a time-barred debt would not be liable if the debt collector undertook
a reasonable investigation before doing so. Similarly, some industry commenters argued that a
debt collector who acts in good faith should not be liable for suits and threats of suit on time-
barred debts. Other industry commenters suggested that the Bureau finalize a liability standard
akin to qualified immunity such that a debt collector who sued or threatened to sue to collect a
time-barred debt would not be liable unless the applicable statute of limitations was clearly
established. Other industry commenters suggested that the Bureau finalize an actual knowledge
standard such that a debt collector who sued or threatened to sue on a time-barred debt would be
liable only if the debt collector knew the debt was time barred.
Some commenters suggested that the Bureau finalize various safe harbors for debt
collectors. For example, industry commenters recommended safe harbors for debt collectors
collecting debts of a certain age and for debt collectors who rely on information provided by the
creditor. Other industry commenters suggested that a debt collector who maintains and follows
reasonable procedures for determining whether a debt is time barred should receive a safe harbor
from liability in the event that the debt collector inadvertently sues or threatens to sue on a time-
barred debt. One industry commenter requested that the Bureau specifically confirm that
FDCPA section 813(c)s bona fide error defense would apply to violations of § 1006.26(b).
Other commenters, including consumers, consumer advocates, academics, some members
of Congress, a group of State Attorneys General, and several local governments, urged the
Bureau to adopt a strict liability standard. Although some of these commenters acknowledged
that determining whether a debt is time barred can be complicated,
others argued that
determining whether a debt is time barred is relatively straightforward in most cases. One
commenter suggested that, if the Bureau finalizes the proposed knows-or-should-know standard,
the Bureau should clarify that in most cases a debt collector will know (or should know) whether
the statute of limitations has run because in most cases debt collectors have the necessary
information to make the determination.
Some consumer advocate commenters who argued for a strict liability standard stated that
it would incentivize debt collectors to determine whether a debt is time barred before threatening
or filing suit. Some consumer advocate commenters suggested that this would help reduce the
A group of academic commenters challenged the Bureaus assertion that debt buyers generally receive enough
inf orm ation to determine whether a debt is time barred. These commenters noted that fewer than half of respondents
to the Bureaus industry survey reported receiving a ccount a greement documentation or billing sta tements,
inf orm ation that the commenters believed would help a debt collector calculate the a pplicable statute of lim itations
and whether it has expired.
consumer protection risks associated with the collection of time-barred debt, including the risk
that consumers may be unable to adequately protect their rights in court and the risk that
consumers may make a payment on the debt under the misimpression that the debt is legally
enforceable, which could revive the debt collector’s right to sue. Some commenters expressed
concern that the proposed knows-or-should-know standard would not adequately incentivize debt
collectors to determine the time-barred status of debts. Around two dozen members of Congress
asserted that finalizing a knows-or-should-know standard without additional protections could
encourage willful ignorance on the part of a debt collector about the time-barred status of a debt.
A group of State Attorneys General and some consumer advocate commenters similarly argued
that a knows-or-should-know standard would promote willful ignorance by debt collectors.
A number of commenters, including consumer advocate commenters and a group of State
Attorneys General, advocated a strict liability standard because, in their view, debt collectors
generally have more resources and expertise and better access to information than consumers.
These commenters generally asserted that it would often be difficult for a consumer to establish
that a debt was time barred and that the debt collector knew or should have known that fact.
Many of these commenters also argued that the proposed knows-or-should-know
standard was inconsistent with the FDCPA (which some commenters described as a strict
liability statute) and with FDCPA section 807’s prohibition on deception (which does not include
a knowledge element). Some commenters pointed out that, because FDCPA section 813(c)
provides debt collectors with a bona fide error defense to liability in certain circumstances, a
strict liability standard would not expose debt collectors to undue liability. Commenters also
argued that the proposed knows-or-should-know standard was inconsistent with case law
imposing or implying a strict liability standard when evaluating claims that a debt collector sued
or threatened to sue to collect a time-barred debt. Several commenters agreed with the Bureau
that a strict liability standard generally would reduce ambiguity and be easier to enforce than the
proposed knows-or-should-know standard. Federal government agency staff encouraged the
Bureau to consider further whether a knows-or-should-know standard would place an
unnecessary burden on law enforcement agencies.
The Bureau is not finalizing the proposed knows-or-should-know standard and is instead
finalizing a strict liability standard. Although determining whether a debt is time barred can be
challenging or costly in certain circumstances, the Bureau concludes that the proposed knows-or-
should-know standard is generally inconsistent with FDCPA section 807, which does not include
an exception or exclusion for debt collectors whose deceptive statements are unintentional or for
whom ensuring that a statement is not deceptive is burdensome.
The Bureau also concludes
that a strict liability standard is more consistent with FDCPA section 807’s prohibition on
deception, as well as case law imposing or implying such a standard when evaluating claims
under FDCPA section 807 generally and claims related to suits and threats of suit on time-barred
debt specifically.
Moreover, the Bureau notes that a knows-or-should-know standard could, in some
circumstances, shift the risk that a claim is deceptive from debt collectors to consumers. As
explained above, suits and threats of suit on time-barred debt can cause consumer harm. In a
case in which it is difficult or costly to determine whether a debt is time barred, a knows-or-
For the same reasons, the Bureau concludes that the alternative standards proposed by industry commenters
including, for example, an actual knowledge standard, a reasonable-investiga tion standard, or a clearly-established-
law standardare generally inconsistent with FDCPA section 807.
See, e.g., Pantoja, v. Portfolio Recovery Assocs., LLC, 852 F.3d 679, 683 (7th Cir. 2017); Buchanan v. Northland
Grp., Inc., 776 F.3d 393, 399 (6th Cir. 2015); Phillips v. Asset Acceptance, LLC, 736 F.3d 1076, 1083-84 (7th Cir.
2013); Clark v. Capital Credit & Collection Servs., 460 F.3d 1162, 1176 (9th Cir. 2006); Gearing v. Check
Brokerage Corp., 233 F.3d 469, 472 (7th Cir. 2000).
should-know standard could allow debt collectors to avoid liability for causing such harm. In
other consumer protection contexts, courts and the FTC have recognized that an advertiser who
makes an unsubstantiated claim may be liable for deception even if the cost of substantiating the
claim is high or prohibitively expensive.
The Bureau’s decision to finalize a strict liability
standard is generally consistent with this principle.
The Bureau emphasizes that, although a strict liability standard might create some risk for
debt collectors if a debt’s time-barred status is unclear, debt collectors have multiple ways to
manage such risk. In particular, a debt collector can avoid liability under § 1006.26(b) by
confirming that the statute of limitations has not expired before bringing or threatening to bring a
legal action. Similarly, a debt collector who is ultimately unable to determine with certainty
whether a debt is time barred can avoid liability under § 1006.26(b) by refraining from bringing
or threatening to bring a legal action while, in most States, continuing with non-litigation
collection activities. Moreover, a debt collector who brings or threatens to bring a legal action
against a consumer to collect a time-barred debt may, depending upon the reason for the debt
collector’s error, have a defense to civil liability under FDCPA section 813 if the debt collector
shows by a preponderance of evidence that the violation was not intentional and resulted from a
bona fide error notwithstanding the maintenance of procedures reasonably adapted to avoid any
See, e.g., POM Wonderful, LLC v. FTC, 777 F.3d 478, 497 (D.C. Cir. 2015) (“We acknowledge that RCTs [i.e.,
ra ndomized clinical tria ls] m a y be costly . . . . Yet if the cost of an RCT proves prohibitive, petitioners can choose
to specify a lower level of substantiation for their cla ims. As the Commission observed, the need for RCTs is driven
by the claims petitioners have chosen to make.”) (internal bra ckets a nd quotation marks omitted); In re POM
Wonderful LLC, 2013 WL 268926, at *50 (F.T.C. Ja n. 16, 2013) (rejecting a rgument that an advertiser may make
pa rticular cla ims that go beyond the substantiation it possesses a nd then ask the Commission to excuse the
inadequacy of its support by asserting that [the] advertiser did the best it could because the proper substantiation for
the actual claim would be too expensive”); In re Kroger Co., 98 F.T.C. 639, 737 (1981) (“Where the demands of the
purse require such compromises, the advertiser must generally limit the claims it makes for its data or make
appropriate disclosures to insure proper consumer understanding of the surveys results.”).
such error.
For these reasons, the Bureau concludes that finalizing a strict liability standard
under § 1006.26(b) does not pose an undue risk of liability for debt collectors, even in cases in
which a debt collector is unable to determine with certainty whether a debt is time barred.
Requests for Clarification
Several commenters asked the Bureau to clarify the scope of proposed § 1006.26(b)s
Two industry commenters suggested that the term “legal action” is unclear and
could be interpreted to encompass any action in any court of law or equity. These commenters
suggested replacing “legal action” with “lawsuit,” asserting that, although “legal action” and
“lawsuit” have overlapping meanings, “lawsuit” has a narrower connotation that excludes certain
legal actions, such as bankruptcy proceedings. Alternatively, these commenters argued that, if
the Bureau declines to change the term legal action, the prohibitions in proposed § 1006.26(b)
should be adjusted to specifically exclude certain types of legal actions, such as garnishment
actions, probate actions, and the filing of proofs of claim in bankruptcy proceedings.
commenter asked the Bureau to clarify that, for purposes of proposed § 1006.26(b), the term
“legal action” does not include “non-original complaints, such as amended complaints,
supplemental complaints, complaints re-filed after a prior dismissal without prejudice, post-
judgment court filings, or post-judgment communications (such as executions or garnishments).
See Jerman v. Carlisle, McNellie, Rini, Kramer & Ulrich LPA, 559 U.S. 573 (2010) (holding that bona fide error
def ense is not a vaila ble when FDCPA viola tion a rises f rom a debt collector’s m istaken interpretation of FDCPA’s
lega l requirements but noting that bona fide error defense is a vaila ble when FDCPA viola tion a rises from certain
other types of errors).
Com menters a lso a sked the Bureau to a dopt a number of interventions that th e Bureau did not propose, such as a
prohibition on revival a nd a prohibition on perpetual tolling, which commenters asserted prevents a statute of
limita tions from ever expiring in certa in circumstances. The Bureau did not propose these interventions and it is not
fina lizing them.
A consumer advocate commenter argued that the rule should expressly prohibit filing a ba nkruptcy proof of
claim to recover a time-barred debt.
Final § 1006.26(b) uses the term “legal action.In Midland Funding, LLC v. Johnson,
the Supreme Court held that filing a proof of claim on a time-barred debt in a bankruptcy
proceeding does not violate the FDCPA sections 807 or 808.
Consistent with Midland, the
final rule clarifies that § 1006.26(b) does not prohibit the filing of proofs of claim in a
bankruptcy proceeding. The Bureau does not see a basis to categorically exclude other types of
legal actions, such as garnishment and probate actions, from the prohibitions in § 1006.26(b).
No other section of the FDCPA pertaining to legal actions contains a similar exclusion, and the
commenters did not explain why they believe an exclusion is merited here.
At least one industry commenter asked the Bureau to clarify the types of actions and
statements that qualify as a threat of legal action or that could be interpreted by a consumer as a
threat of legal action. The Bureau declines to do so at this time. Whether a particular action or
statement constitutes a threat of legal action depends on the facts and circumstances of the
particular case. Nevertheless, the Bureau notes that § 1006.26(b) prohibits not only explicit
threats of legal action but also implicit ones.
For the reasons discussed above, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.26(b), which provides
that a debt collector must not bring or threaten to bring a legal action against a consumer to
collect a time-barred debt. Section 1006.26(b) also states that these prohibitions do not apply to
proofs of claim filed in connection with a bankruptcy proceeding. The Bureau is finalizing
§ 1006.26(b) as an interpretation of FDCPA section 807. FDCPA section 807 generally
prohibits debt collectors from using “any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means
in connection with the collection of any debt, and FDCPA section 807(2)(A) specifically
prohibits falsely representing “the character, amount, or legal status of any debt.” The Bureau
137 S. Ct. 1407 (2017).
interprets FDCPA section 807 and 807(2)(A) to prohibit debt collectors from suing or
threatening to sue consumers on time-barred debts because such suits and threats of suit
explicitly or implicitly misrepresent, and cause consumers to believe, that the debts are legally
enforceable. In addition, threats to sue consumers on time-barred debts are similar to threats to
take actions that cannot legally be taken, which FDCPA section 807(5) specifically prohibits,
because both involve the threat of action to which the consumer has a complete legal defense.
The Bureau’s interpretation of FDCPA section 807 is generally consistent with well-established
case law holding that suits and threats of suits on time-barred debt violate FDCPA section
Proposed Provision Not Finalized
In the February 2020 proposal, the Bureau proposed to require a debt collector collecting
a debt that the debt collector knows or should know is a time-barred debt to provide time-barred
debt disclosures and, if applicable, revival disclosures (proposed § 1006.26(c)(1) and (2)).
The Bureau proposed to require these disclosures in the debt collector’s initial communication
with the consumer, on any validation notice, and in certain situations if the debt became time
barred during collections. The February 2020 proposal also included, among other things, model
forms and language a debt collector could have used to comply with the proposed disclosure
A consumer a dvocate commenter requested that the Bureau clarify that a debt collector who brings or threatens to
bring a lega l a ction against a consumer to collect a tim e-barred debt a lso violates the Dodd-Frank Act. The Bureau
is fina lizing § 1006.26(b) as an interpretation of FDCPA section 807 only.
See, e.g., Pantoja, 852 F.3d a t 683; McMahon, 744 F.3d at 1020; Phillips, 736 F.3d at 1079; Kimber, 668 F.
Supp. at 1488-89.
Specifica lly, proposed § 1006.26(c)(1) would have required a debt collector collecting a debt that the debt
collector knows or should know is a time-barred debt to disclose (i) that the law limits how long a consumer can be
sued for a debt and that, because of the age of the debt, the debt collector will not sue the consumer to collect it; and
(ii) if, under applicable law, the debt collectors right to bring a legal action against the consumer can be revived,
then the fact that revival can occur and the circumstances in which it can occur. 85 FR 12672, 12696 (Mar. 3,
requirements (proposed Model Forms B4 through B7), and it provided a safe harbor to a debt
collector who used the model forms or language (proposed § 1006.26(c)(3)). In support of
proposed § 1006.26(c), the Bureau cited, among other things, the results of its quantitative
testing survey.
Although some commenters expressed general support for the idea of addressing the risk
of deception associated with the collection of time-barred debts by requiring time-barred debt
and revival disclosures, many commenters opposed the Bureaus specific proposal. According to
industry commenters, the proposal would have imposed a significant burden on debt collectors
by requiring them to conduct time-barred debt and revival analyses for each debt in collection.
These commenters also reported that they would face a significant risk of liability given
uncertainty about the statute of limitations and revival law in at least some States. Industry
commenters stated that most debt collectors lack the legal training to determine whether a debt is
time barred or the circumstances in which it can be revived. To comply with the disclosure
requirements, these commenters asserted that debt collectors would need to engage an attorney
or otherwise incur substantial costs. Industry commenters particularly objected to imposing
these costs on debt collectors who never sue to collect debts, or never sue to collect revived
debts. Industry commenters also raised concerns about being required to respond to legal
questions from consumers as a result of providing the disclosures.
Among consumer, consumer advocate, academic, and State Attorneys General
commenters who opposed the Bureau’s proposal, many doubted that disclosures can effectively
convey information about topics as complicated and unfamiliar to consumers as time-barred debt
and revival. These commenters also raised concerns about the Bureau’s proposed model
See id. at 12678-79.
disclosures, characterizing them as confusing, vague, and ineffectiveparticularly for the least
sophisticated consumer.
Some consumer advocate commenters also expressed concern about
the accuracy of the proposed disclosures and the frequency with which the Bureau proposed to
require them. These commenters urged the Bureau to reconsider or significantly revise the
Given industry commenters concerns about the burden on debt collectors of the Bureaus
specific proposal, and consumer advocate commenters’ concerns about whether the Bureau’s
specific proposal would effectively cure consumer deception, the Bureau has decided not to
finalize proposed § 1006.26(c). In deciding not to finalize proposed § 1006.26(c), the Bureau
determines only that the specific disclosure requirements described in the February 2020
proposal may not sufficiently accommodate the concerns raised by different stakeholders.
However, the Bureau concludes, as discussed in the February 2020 proposal, that, in many
circumstances, disclosures can effectively cure the potential deception associated with the
collection of time-barred debt.
Finally, the Bureau emphasizes that the FDCPA, the November 2020 Final Rule, and this
final rule nevertheless apply to debt collectors’ activities involving the collection of time-barred
debts, including debt collectors’ communications when collecting such debts. Accordingly, a
debt collector may not use any false, deceptive, or misleading representation or means in
Courts have applied a n objective standard of a n “unsophisticated” orlea st sophisticated” consumer to cla ims
brought under FDCPA section 807. Jensen v. Pressler & Pressler, 791 F.3d 413, 419 (3d Cir. 2015) (The standard
is an objective one, meaning that the specific plaintiff need not prove that she was actually confused or misled, only
that the objective least sophisticated debtor would be.); Hartman v. Great Seneca Fin. Corp., 569 F.3d 606, 613
(6th Cir. 2009) (a pplying lea st sophisticated consumer standard to section 807 claim); Bentley v. Great Lakes
Collection Bureau, 6 F.3d 60, 62 (2d Cir. 1993) (same); Swanson v. S. Or. Credit Serv., Inc., 869 F.2d 1222, 1227
(9th Cir. 1988) (per curiam) (same). This standard “protects the consumer who is uninformed, naive, or trusting, yet
it a dm its an objective element of reasonableness. Gammon v. GC Servs. Ltd. P’ship, 27 F.3d 1254, 1257 (7th Cir.
1994). As discussed in part IV, the Bureau interprets FDCPA sections 807 to incorporate an objective,
“unsophisticated” or “least sophisticated” consumer standard.
connection with the collection of a time-barred debt. Nor may a debt collector use unfair or
unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect a time-barred debt. Depending on the
circumstances associated with the collection of a specific time-barred debt, a debt collector may
decide that, to avoid violating the FDCPA and the final rule, the debt collector needs to disclose
information to consumers about the debt collector’s ability to sue and the possibility of revival
and, in that case, the debt collector may do so.
Section 1006.30 Other Prohibited Practices
30(a) Required Actions Prior to Furnishing Information
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.30(a) to prohibit so-called passive collections, i.e., the
practice of a debt collector furnishing to a consumer reporting agency, as defined in section
603(f) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA),
information regarding a debt before
communicating with the consumer about the debt. The Bureau proposed § 1006.30(a) pursuant
to its authority under FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of
debts by debt collectors; pursuant to its authority to interpret FDCPA section 806, which
prohibits a debt collector from engaging in any conduct the natural consequence of which is to
harass, oppress, or abuse any person in connection with the collection of a debt; and pursuant to
its authority to interpret FDCPA section 808, which prohibits a debt collector from using unfair
or unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect any debt. Courts have interpreted
FDCPA sections 806 and 808 to prohibit certain coercive collection methods that may cause
consumers to pay debts not actually owed.
15 U.S.C. 1681a(f).
See, e.g., Fox v. Citicorp Credit Servs., Inc., 15 F.3d 1507, 1517 (9th Cir. 1994) (reversing grant of summary
judgment to debt collector in part becausea jury could rationally find” that filing writ of garnishment was unfair or
unconscionable under section 808 when debt was not delinquent); Ferrell v. Midland Funding, LLC, No. 2:15-cv-
For the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is: (1) finalizing § 1006.30(a) as
§ 1006.30(a)(1), with changes to specify the required actions that a debt collector generally must
take before furnishing information to a consumer reporting agency; and (2) finalizing in
§ 1006.30(a)(2) a special rule for information furnished to certain specialty consumer reporting
30(a)(1) In General
The Bureau received comments on proposed § 1006.30(a) from consumer advocates and
individuals, nonprofits, industry commenters, and government agencies. Many commenters
supported the proposed prohibition on passive collections. A consumer group emphasized the
consumer harms identified in the proposal and agreed that, because with passive collections a
consumer does not know a debt is in collection, the practice can cause a consumer’s credit score
to decrease, increase the cost of future credit for the consumer, make it more difficult for a
consumer to obtain affordable housing, and jeopardize some job opportunities, all without the
consumers knowledge. Three government commenters also supported the proposed prohibition;
one of them reported receiving consumer complaints regarding passive collections. An industry
commenter supporting the proposal noted that the commenter provides consumers with a 90-day
grace period before furnishing information to consumer reporting agencies.
A number of comments, primarily from industry or industry trade groups, opposed the
prohibition or suggested changes or clarifications. Two industry trade groups and a law firm
commenter argued that proposed § 1006.30(a) should not be finalized because it conflicts with
00126-JHE, 2015 WL 2450615, at *3-4 (N.D. Ala. May 22, 2015) (denying debt collector's motion to dismiss
section 806 cla im where debt collector a llegedly initia ted collection la wsuit even though it knew plaintiff did not
owe debt); Pittman v. J.J. Mac Intyre Co. of Nev., Inc., 969 F. Supp. 609, 612-13 (D. Nev. 1997) (denying debt
collector's motion to dismiss claims under sections 807 and 808 where debt collector allegedly attempted to collect
fully sa tisfied debt).
the FCRA, including section 623(a)(7), which requires certain financial institutions to provide
written notice to customers if they furnish negative information to a consumer reporting agency,
and section 623(a)(5), which requires furnishers to provide certain information about a reported
delinquency to the consumer reporting agency no later than 90 days after furnishing
Other industry commenters argued that the proposal would encourage consumers
to ignore communications, provide inaccurate forwarding information to the creditor, or falsely
mark mail as undeliverable to avoid having collection items furnished to consumer reporting
agencies. In addition, several industry commenters stated that locating consumers for certain
debts, such as medical debt, telecommunications debt, or rental debt, is costly and may not be
justified for small amounts. If debt collectors cannot passively collect these debts, the
commenters argued, then the debts are effectively uncollectible. One industry trade group
similarly argued that passive collections benefits consumers who otherwise cannot be located,
rather than harming them, because the collection item on their credit report will provide them
contact information for the debt collector, which the consumer can then use to make payment
A number of commenters suggested changing or clarifying the proposed requirement to
communicate before furnishing information to a consumer reporting agency. Some urged the
Bureau to adopt a stricter requirement, such as by requiring written notice to the consumer before
reporting, mandating specific disclosure language, imposing across-the-board waiting periods
before reporting, or prohibiting indirect communications. Others expressed concern that the
proposal would impose more stringent communication requirements than the FDCPA otherwise
requires and asked the Bureau to relax the proposal, such as by clarifying that proof of receipt of
15 U.S.C. 1681s-2(a)(5) and (7).
a communication is not required, by allowing debt collectors to satisfy the proposed requirement
by leaving limited-content messages (as defined in § 1006.2(j) of the November 2020 Final
Rule), or by permitting debt collectors to presume receipt of a communication after a waiting
period expires.
After considering all of the comments, the Bureau is finalizing proposed § 1006.30(a)
and its related commentary with substantial revisions, as follows.
Subject to § 1006.30(a)(2) (discussed below), final § 1006.30(a)(1) requires a debt
collector to take certain actions before furnishing information about a debt to a consumer
reporting agency, as defined in section 603(f) of the FCRA. Specifically, the debt collector must
either: (1) speak to the consumer about the debt in person or by telephone, or (2) place a letter in
the mail or send an electronic message to the consumer about the debt and wait a reasonable
period of time to receive a notice of undeliverability. During the reasonable period, the debt
collector must permit receipt of, and monitor for, notifications of undeliverability from
communications providers. If the debt collector receives such a notification during the
reasonable period, the debt collector must not furnish information about the debt to a consumer
reporting agency until the debt collector otherwise satisfies § 1006.30(a)(1). The Bureau is
finalizing commentary to clarify these requirements as discussed below.
The Bureau finalizes the requirements under § 1006.30(a)(1) to address consumer harms
that may arise if a debt collector furnishes information about a debt to a consumer reporting
agency without first informing the consumer about the debt. As discussed in the proposal,
consumers who have not been informed about the debt are likely to be unaware that they have a
debt in collection unless they obtain and review their consumer report. In turn, many consumers
may not obtain their consumer reports until they apply for credit, housing, employment, or
another product or service provided by an entity that reviews consumer reports during the
application process. At that point, consumers may feel pressure to pay debts that they otherwise
would dispute, including debts they do not owe, or may face the denial of an application, a
higher interest rate, or other negative consequences.
In addition, as discussed in the proposal, debt collectors may attempt to collect debts
passively if the expected return from that technique exceeds the cost of attempting to collect the
debt by communicating with consumers.
The Bureau understands that imposing a
requirement intended to inform the consumer about a debt before f urnishing information about a
debt to consumer reporting agencies will increase costs for debt collectors who do not currently
attempt to do so. However, passive collection practices can harm consumers for the reasons
discussed above. The Bureau has determined that the final rule best balances debt collectors
cost concerns with protections for consumers against the harms imposed by passive collection
practices. Final § 1006.30(a)(1) gives a debt collector flexibility to contact consumers in a
variety of ways, including in person, by telephone, by mail, or by electronic message.
gives debt collectors flexibility to contact the consumer in a manner that works best for their
operations, and debt collectors need not confirm receipt of mail or electronic messages.
Although proposed § 1006.30(a) used the term “communicate,” the proposal did not
clearly specify a debt collector’s obligations if the debt collector learned after furnishing
information to a consumer reporting agency that no communication actually occurred (because,
e.g., the communication was sent by mail to the consumers current address but the debt collector
84 FR 23274, 23330 (May 21, 2019).
Because medical offices, telecommunications companies, and rental offices typically have contact information
for their customers, a nd because a variety of options to verify a nd forward mail to a consumers new address exist, a
debt collector of such debts should be able to satisfy § 1006.30(a)s requirements without incurring significant costs.
later received a notification that the letter was not delivered). Some commenters raised concerns
that the proposal’s use of the term “communicatecould be construed to require debt collectors
to confirm a consumers receipt of the information before furnishing information about a debt to
a consumer reporting agency.
To respond to such comments, and because the proposal was designed to increase the
likelihood that consumers would learn that a debt attributed to them is in collection but was not
intended to be a broader limitation on furnishing valid information about debts to consumer
reporting agencies, the Bureau finalizes specific requirements a debt collector must take before
furnishing. The actions specified in the final rule are ones that increase the likelihood that a
consumer will learn about a debt before a debt collector begins furnishing information about that
debt to a consumer reporting agency. For this reason, after a debt collector has complied with
§ 1006.30(a)(1) and furnished information to a consumer reporting agency, the debt collector
may furnish additional information with respect to that debt without having to repeat the actions
specified in § 1006.30(a)(1). Accordingly, the Bureau does not incorporate a receipt requirement
in final § 1006.30(a)(1) and, instead of using the term “communicate,” sets forth the specific
actions that a debt collector must take before furnishing.
The Bureau has also determined that final § 1006.30(a)(1) does not conflict with FCRA
section 623(a)(7) or (5) because those provisions have different requirements and goals than
§ 1006.30(a)(1). FCRA section 623(a)(7) applies only tofinancial institutions” as defined in
FCRA section 603(t), which will cover few, if any, FDCPA debt collectors. Final
§ 1006.30(a)(1) does not prevent debt collectors from complying with the FCRA, and the FCRA
does not prevent debt collectors from complying with final § 1006.30(a)(1).
The FCRA also
does not state that it is the exclusive Federal law governing credit reporting and, indeed, the
FDCPA also references a debt collector’s interactions with consumer reporting agencies.
Because final § 1006.30(a)(1) clearly describes the specific actions that a debt collector
must take before furnishing information about a debt to a consumer reporting agency, a debt
collector may ensure compliance with the final rule based on the debt collector’s own actions,
such as by placing a letter about the debt in the mail to the consumer and waiting a reasonable
period of time to receive a notice of undeliverability. Therefore, the final rule also resolves
concerns about consumers avoiding a debt collector’s communications to prevent the debt
collector from furnishing information to a consumer reporting agency.
The final rule specifies in § 1006.30(a)(1)(i) and (ii) the methods by which a debt
collector may meet its obligation to take certain actions before furnishing information about a
debt to a consumer reporting agency. All of the methods require that informationabout the
debt” be conveyed to the consumer. Although the final rule does not specify the particular
information required to meet the “about the debt” requirement, the final rule adds comment
30(a)(1)–1 to clarify that the validation information required by § 1006.34(c), including such
information if provided in a validation notice, is informationabout the debt.
Under § 1006.30(a)(1), information about a debt must be transmitted “to the consumer”
as defined in § 1006.2(e). A debt collector who sends information about the debt that reaches a
For example, FCRA section 623(a)(7) requires certain f inancial institutions that furnish negative information to a
consumer reporting agency, as defined in FCRA section 603(p), to provide a written notice to consumers prior to, or
no later than 30 days after, furnishing the negative information. A fina ncial institution that is required to provide a
written notice under FCRA section 623(a)(7) a nd that is a lso a cting a s an FDCPA debt collector could comply with
both requirements by, for example, pla cing a letter in the m ail to the consumer that contains sufficient inf ormation to
satisfy both requirements before furnishing information to a consumer reporting a gency.
See, e.g., 15 U.S.C. 1692c(b), 1692d(3).
“consumer” as defined in § 1006.6(a), which includes additional persons,
may not have
communicated with the consumer as defined in § 1006.2(e).
The Bureau notes that, in taking any of the actions specified in § 1006.30(a)(1), a debt
collector must comply with the FDCPA and the November 2020 Final Rule, including the
prohibition on communicating, in connection with the collection of any debt, with a third
Proposed comment 30(a)1 provided clarifications regarding the term “communicate” in
proposed § 1006.30(a)(1). Because final § 1006.30(a)(1) does not use the term “communicate”
and instead states the specific actions the debt collector must take before furnishing information
about a debt to a consumer reporting agency, proposed comment 30(a)1 is no longer necessary
and the Bureau is not finalizing it.
The final rule specifies in § 1006.30(a)(1)(ii) that a debt collector who places a letter in
the mail or sends an electronic message to the consumer about the debt to satisfy § 1006.30(a)(1)
must wait a reasonable period of time to receive a notice of undeliverability before furnishing
information about a debt to a consumer reporting agency. New comment 30(a)(1)2 clarifies
that the reasonable period of time begins on the date that the debt collector places the letter in the
mail or sends the electronic message. Comment 30(a)(1)2 also provides a safe harbor for
waiting a reasonable period of time by clarifying that a period of 14 consecutive days after the
date that the debt collector places a letter in the mail or sends an electronic message is a
reasonable period of time.
For purposes of § 1006.6(a), the term “consumeralso includes the consumer’s spouse, parent (if the consumer is
a minor), lega l gua rdian, executor or administrator of the consumers estate, if the consumer is deceased, and a
confirmed successor in interest. See 85 FR 76734, 76889 (Nov. 30, 2020).
A debt collector sending an email or text message who uses the procedures provided for in § 1006.6(d)(4) or (5)
as finalized in the November 2020 Final Rule does not violate the prohibition on third-party disclosure under
§ 1006.6(d)(1).
Comment 30(a)(1)3 clarifies that a debt collector who places a letter in the mail or sends
an electronic message to the consumer about the debt to satisfy § 1006.30(a)(1) and does not
receive a notice of undeliverability during the reasonable period of time, and who thereafter
furnishes information about the debt to a consumer reporting agency, does not violate
§ 1006.30(a)(1) even if the debt collector subsequently receives a notice of undeliverability.
Comment 30(a)(1)3 also provides three examples illustrating this requirement.
The Bureau determines that these provisions clarify the proposal with respect to pre-
furnishing outreach by mail or electronic message and provide protection for consumers.
Bureau understands that the U.S. Postal Service typically notifies senders of most undeliverable-
as-addressed mail within 14 days. The amount of time it takes a communications provider to
return a notice of undeliverability with respect to electronic messages is less clear. While an
undeliverability notice is typically received soon after sending an electronic message, the Bureau
understands that the time for receiving a notice of undeliverability with respect to such electronic
messages may vary by provider, and the Bureau does not have sufficient information to
determine a uniform time period for electronic messages. Nevertheless, the Bureau has no
reason to believe that notices of undeliverability are typically received more than 14 days after
an electronic message is sent. Therefore, the Bureau is finalizing the same safe harbor time
period (i.e., 14 consecutive days) for electronic messages as for mailed letters.
The Bureau
may consider revising the safe harbor for electronic messages in the future based on actual
stakeholder experience with this provision.
The Bureau does not impose a sim ila r period when a debt collector speaks to a consumer about the debt in person
or by telephone because these scenarios do not have the potential for an equivalent undeliverable notice outcome.
The Bureau notes that the 14-consecutive-day period is a safe harbor. To comply with the rule, a debt collector
only needs to wait a reasonable period of timeto receive a notice of undeliverability. Therefore, a debt collector
who shows that the debt collector waited a reasonable time period to receive notices of undeliverability for
electronic messages may be able to satisfy the requirements of the final rule without waiting 14 days.
The Bureau recognizes that the final rule may result in instances in which debt collectors
furnish information about a debt to a consumer reporting agency even though the consumer has
not been made aware of the collection item, either because the mail or electronic message is
returned as undeliverable after the reasonable period has passed or is not received but is also not
returned. These consumers will not have the same opportunity to receive a message about their
debt as those consumers for whom the mail or electronic message is delivered. Nevertheless, the
Bureau determines that establishing a requirement that debt collectors wait a reasonable period
of time after placing a letter in the mail or sending an electronic message provides sufficient
consumer protection without unduly prohibiting a debt collector from furnishing information
about a valid debt to a consumer reporting agency.
The Bureau declines commenters other suggestions, such as those to require
communications in writing, dictate specific language, apply longer waiting periods (e.g., 180
days), or establish other safe harbors because the suggestions are unnecessary to achieve the
purpose of the passive collections ban. For example, requiring written communications and
specific disclosure language is unnecessary to put the consumer on notice that a debt is in
collections. Additional safe harbors are unnecessary and unwarranted at this time because the
final rule clarifies the specific actions that must occur before furnishing information to a
consumer reporting agency.
30(a)(2) Special RuleInformation Furnished to Certain Specialty Consumer Reporting
The Bureau did not propose a special rule regarding furnishing to specialty consumer
reporting agencies. An industry commenter and a consumer reporting agency argued in a joint
comment that the final rule should exempt from § 1006.30(a) information furnished to certain
nationwide specialty consumer reporting agencies described in FCRA section 603(x)(3), i.e.,
consumer reporting agencies that maintain and compile files on consumers on a nationwide basis
relating to check writing history (“check verification consumer reporting agencies”).
The commenters explained that merchants use check verification consumer reporting
agencies to determine whether they should accept a particular check. When a merchant seeks
check verification information, the check verification consumer reporting agency issues a check
verification report with a code that will indicate if the check appears acceptable, the check is
potentially fraudulent, or the checking account is likely overdrawn. These inquiries are usually
completed in real time, while a transaction is occurring in a checkout lane or in remote retailing.
The commenters expressed concern that proposed § 1006.30(a) would degrade the timely content
of check verification reports issued by check verification consumer reporting agencies because
debt collectors would be required to delay or refrain from reporting altogether, which would
undermine the accuracy of check verification reports and reduce the willingness of merchants to
accept checks.
The commenters argued that the current system benefits consumers by alerting them to
potential fraud or that their account may be overdrawn. Requiring contact before furnishing
information would harm these consumers because the fraud or overdrawn status of the account
may never be detected and, thus, consumers may not be alerted to potential fraud or may
unknowingly continue writing checks on an overdrawn account. Further, the commenters stated
that these requirements could harm consumers by decreasing the number of merchants that
accept checks or increasing prices at merchants who continue to accept checks.
The commenters also expressly recognized the harm that can occur if a debt unexpectedly
appears on a credit-related consumer reporting agency report if the consumer is applying for
credit, a job, or rental housing, and cannot move forward with the transaction. However, they
noted that check verification reporting does not present comparable risk of harm because
(1) such reports are used to determine whether a particular check should be accepted, not to
evaluate a consumers creditworthiness for credit, a job, or rental housing; and (2) any harm
caused by refusal to accept a check is outweighed by benefits, including alerting the consumer to
potential fraud and preventing them from incurring additional overdraft or non-sufficient funds
After carefully considering the comment, the Bureau has determined that § 1006.30(a)
should not apply to a debt collector’s furnishing of information about a debt to a check
verification consumer reporting agency. The Bureau finds that a debt collector’s furnishing of
information about a debt to a check verification consumer reporting agency before engaging in
outreach to the consumer about the debt is unlikely to undermine the ability of consumers to
decide whether to pay debts in the same manner as the furnishing of information about debts to
other consumer reporting agencies. As a result, the Bureau has not found that furnishing
information about a debt to a check verification consumer reporting agency before engaging in
outreach to the consumer about the debt constitutes conduct that may have the natural
consequence of harassment, oppression, or abuse in violation of FDCPA section 806, or that is
an unfair or unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect a debt under FDCPA section
Immediate and frequent reporting appears to be a critical aspect of check verification
consumer reporting, and it appears that imposing a requirement that debt collectors inform
consumers about debts before furnishing information to those check verification consumer
reporting agencies would require significant operational changes and could significantly reduce
the effectiveness of those reports. This is unlike credit-related reporting, which typically
involves less immediate furnishing. The Bureau also finds that the consumer harm that
§ 1006.30(a)(1) is designed to address is not present for check verification consumer reporting
because these reports are unlikely to be used in making credit, employment, or rental housing
decisions. While consumers could also be harmed if they are unaware of checking account
report items, the harm of reducing the effectiveness of the check verification system, including
the potential harm to consumers if checks are accepted by fewer merchants, outweighs the
benefits of requiring communication before furnishing. In addition, the immediacy of the current
check verification system provides countervailing benefits to consumers who are alerted to
potential fraud or to discontinue writing checks on an overdrawn account. Further, a special rule
for check verification consumer reporting agencies is consistent with several State laws
regulating passive collections.
For these reasons, the Bureau concludes that furnishing of
information to a check verification consumer reporting agency before engaging in outreach to the
consumer does not raise concerns under FDCPA sections 806 and 808 similar to furnishing to
other types of consumer reporting agencies.
Therefore, the final rule adds § 1006.30(a)(2) to state that § 1006.30(a)(1) does not apply
to a debt collector’s furnishing of information about a debt to a nationwide specialty consumer
reporting agency that compiles and maintains information on a consumer’s check writing history,
as described in FCRA section 603(x)(3).
Colo. Rev. Stat. sec. 12-14-108 limits when “debt collectors may furnish information to a consumer reporting
agency, but exempts checks, negotiable instruments, or credit card drafts. California and Utah also lim it when
information can be furnished to a consumer reporting agency, but those laws only apply to “creditors. Cal. Civ.
Code sec. 1785.26; Utah Code sec. 70C-7-107.
If and to the extent a check verification consumer reporting agency compiles and maintains other types of
information specified in FCRA section 603(x) (e.g., residential or tenant history), the special rule in § 1006.30(a)(2)
does not apply with respect to a debt collectors furnishing of that information to the check verification consumer
reporting agency.
For the reasons discussed above, the Bureau is adopting final § 1006.30(a) pursuant to its
authority under FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts
by debt collectors. The Bureau is also adopting final § 1006.30(a) pursuant to its authority to
interpret FDCPA section 806, which prohibits a debt collector from engaging in any conduct the
natural consequence of which is to harass, oppress, or abuse any person in connection with the
collection of a debt, and FDCPA section 808, which prohibits a debt collector from using unfair
or unconscionable means to collect or attempt to collect any debt.
Section 1006.34 Notice for Validation of Debts
FDCPA section 809(a) generally requires a debt collector to provide certain information
to a consumer either at the time that, or shortly after, the debt collector first communicates with
the consumer in connection with the collection of a debt.
The required informationi.e., the
validation informationincludes details about the debt and about consumer protections, such as
the consumers rights to dispute and receive verification of the debt and to request information
about the original creditor. When this validation information is provided in writing, the
document containing the information is commonly referred to as a “validation notice.
The requirement to provide validation information is an important component of the
FDCPA and was intended to improve the debt collection process by helping consumers to
recognize debts that they owe and raise concerns about debts that are unfamiliar. Congress in
1977 considered the requirement a “significant feature” of the FDCPA, explaining that it was
designed to “eliminate the recurring problem of debt collectors dunning the wrong person or
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a).
attempting to collect debts which the consumer has already paid.”
Congress provided the
Bureau with rulemaking authority in 2010 apparently to address continuing inadequacies around
validation information and verification, among other things.
In addition, debt collectors have
sought clarification about how to provide information consistent with the FDCPA, noting, for
instance, that a significant number of lawsuits are filed each year alleging deficiencies in their
validation notices.
For these reasons, the Bureau proposed § 1006.34 to require debt collectors to provide
certain validation information to consumers and to specify when and how the information must
be provided. As discussed in more detail below, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34 with
modifications in response to feedback and for clarity and consistency with other provisions in
this final rule and the November 2020 Final Rule.
Final § 1006.34(a) sets forth the general requirement to provide validation information
and describes how such information may be provided on a validation notice. Section 1006.34(b)
sets forth definitions for purposes of § 1006.34. Section 1006.34(c) sets forth the validation
information, and § 1006.34(d) sets forth a general requirement that such information be clear and
conspicuous. Section 1006.34(d) also provides safe harbors for use of Model Form B–1 in
appendix B to Regulation F, specified variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar
form, and describes optional disclosures that debt collectors may, but are not required to, provide
S. Rep. No. 382, supra n ote 57; see also Jacobson v. Healthcare Fin. Servs., Inc., 516 F.3d 85, 95 (2d Cir. 2008)
(va lida tion noticesmake the rights a nd obliga tions of a potentially hapless debtor a s pellucid a s possible”); Wilson
v. Quadramed Corp., 225 F.3d 350, 354 (3d Cir. 2000); Miller v. Payco-Gen. Am. Credits, Inc., 943 F.2d 482, 484
(4th Cir. 1991); Swanson v. S. Oregon Credit Serv., Inc., 869 F.2d 1222, 1225 (9th Cir. 1988).
See S. Rep. No. 111-176, a t 19 (In addition to concerns a bout debt collection tactics, the Committee is
concerned that consumers have little ability to dispute the validity of a debt that is being collected in error.”).
with the validation information.
Section 1006.34(e) affirmatively permits debt collectors to
provide validation notices translated into other languages and requires debt collectors who offer
to provide consumers translated notices to provide them to consumers who request them.
As discussed in further detail in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d), the
Bureau proposed to require that validation notices must be the same as, or substantially similar
to, the proposed model validation notice. The Bureau is not finalizing that requirement. Instead,
the final rule provides certain safe harbors for compliance with the information and form
requirements in § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1) for debt collectors who use the model validation notice,
specified variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar notice.
34(a) Validation Information Required
34(a)(1) In General
FDCPA section 809(a) provides, in relevant part, that, within five days after the initial
communication with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt, a debt collector
shall send the consumer a written notice containing the validation information, unless that
information is contained in the initial communication or the consumer has paid the debt. The
Bureau proposed § 1006.34(a)(1) to implement and interpret this general requirement.
Specifically, proposed § 1006.34(a)(1) provided that, subject to a limited exception for if a
consumer has already paid a debt, a debt collector must provide a consumer the required
The Bureau proposed a model validation notice as Model Form B3. The Bureau is fina lizing that form, with
revisions, as Model Form B1. This Notice refers to proposed Model Form B3 a s theproposed model va lidation
notice or the “proposed model notice and final Model Form B1 a s the model validation notice or model
notice. This Notice uses the phrase “specified variations of the model notice” to refer to the specifically
enumerated versions of the model notice that receive a safe harbor pursuant to § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) and (ii)
(i.e., notices that are the same as, or substantially simila r to, the model notice but for: omitting some or all of the
optional disclosures that appear on the model notice; including optional disclosures that do not appear on the model
notice; or including certain disclosures on a separate page as permitted by § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) and (5)).
See 84 FR 23274, 23333-34 (May 21, 2019).
validation information either: (1) by sending the consumer a validation notice (i.e., a written or
electronic notice)
in the manner permitted by § 1006.42
in the initial communication with
the consumer in connection with the collection of the debt (proposed § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(A)) or
within five days of that initial communication (proposed § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B)); or (2) by
providing the validation information orally in the initial communication (proposed
§ 1006.34(a)(1)(ii)).
As discussed below, the Bureau is adopting § 1006.34(a)(1) with certain
minor revisions.
Some commenters recommended that the Bureau modify proposed § 1006.34(a)(1)
generally. Some consumer advocate commenters stated that the Bureau should require debt
collectors to provide non-electronic, written validation notices to all consumers. According to at
least one commenter, the Bureau should require a written validation notice even if a debt
collector also provides the validation information electronically. Another consumer advocate
commenter asked the Bureau to require debt collectors to provide a consumer a validation notice
in every communication.
The Bureau declines to require debt collectors to always provide written, non-electronic
validation notices to consumers. For the reasons set forth in the November 2020 Final Rule, the
Bureau interprets FDCPA section 809(a) as not requiring that the notice of debt be provided in
writing when it is contained in the initial communication.
Moreover, if FDCPA section 809(a)
Proposed § 1006.34(b)(4) defined a validation notice as any written or electronic notice that provides the
va lida tion information described in § 1006.34(c).
As fina lized, § 1006.42 generally requires debt collectors to send written disclosures in a manner that is
rea sonably expected to provide a ctual notice, a nd in a form that the consumer may keep a nd access la ter. 85 FR
76734, 76893 (Nov. 30, 2020).
Proposed § 1006.34(b)(2) provided that, with limited exceptions, initia l communication means the f irst tim e that,
in connection with the collection of a debt, a debt collector conveys information, directly or indirectly, to the
consumer regarding the debt.
85 FR 76734, 76854 (Nov. 30, 2020).
does require that the notice of debt be provided in writingi.e., if the validation information is
not contained within the initial communicationnothing in the FDCPA prohibits a debt collector
from providing the required written validation notice electronically in accordance with the
consumer-consent provisions of section 101(c) of the E-SIGN Act. In turn, if a statute (here, the
FDCPA) requires a written disclosure, the E-SIGN Act’s consumer-consent provisions specify
requirements pursuant to which debt collectors may send the required written disclosures
electronically. Accordingly, pursuant to § 1006.42, a debt collector may send the validation
notice electronically under § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(A) (i.e., within the initial communication) if the
debt collector complies with § 1006.42(a)(1), which requires that the debt collector send the
notice in a manner that is reasonably expected to provide actual notice, and in a form that the
consumer may keep and access later. A debt collector may send the validation notice
electronically under § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B) (i.e., not within the initial communication) if the debt
collector complies with § 1006.42(a)(1) and also complies with § 1006.42(b), which requires that
the debt collector send the notice in accordance with section 101(c) of the E-SIGN Act. The
Bureau concludes that, if debt collectors send validation notices electronically as described
above, there is a reasonable likelihood that consumers will receive and be able to retain the
The Bureau determines, therefore, that it is unnecessary and unwarranted to impose the
burden on debt collectors that would result from a requirement to always provide the validation
notice in written, non-electronic form; to provide a validation notice in written form even if the
debt collector also provides the validation notice electronically; or to provide a validation notice
or validation information with every consumer communication.
Such requirements would go
beyond the FDCPAs provisions and would be unduly burdensome on debt collectors, because,
as stated above, the Bureau concludes that the Regulation F provisions that the Bureau is
adopting provide sufficient consumer protection. Accordingly, the Bureau does not impose such
The Bureau received few comments specifically about proposed § 1006.34(a)(1)(i).
Commenters who provided feedback supported the Bureau’s proposal. Thus, the Bureau is
adopting § 1006.34(a)(1)(i) largely as proposed.
A large number of commenters responded to the clarification in proposed
§ 1006.34(a)(1)(ii) that debt collectors may provide validation information orally in the initial
communication. Commenters, including most consumer advocates who addressed the topic,
urged the Bureau to prohibit debt collectors from providing validation information orally. These
commenters stated that debt collectors could not effectively convey orally to consumers the
amount of validation information that the Bureau proposed.
Commenters argued that, if
validation information were conveyed orally, a consumer would be unable to review the
information at a later time, unless the consumer transcribed or recorded the communication with
the debt collector. Commenters stated that this dynamic would place an unreasonable burden on
consumers and would be atypical compared to other consumer law disclosure regimes, which
The Bureau additionally notes that, if a sta tute (here, FDCPA section 809(a)) requires a written disclosure, E-
SIGN Act section 104(c)(1) states that Federal agencies’ authority to interpret E-SIGN Act section 101 (including
the consumer-consent provisions in E-SIGN Act section 101(c)) does not include the “authority to impose or
reimpose any requirement that a record be in a tangible printed or paper form.See 15 U.S.C. 7004(c)(1).
Proposed § 1006.34(c) described the validation information that proposed § 1006.34(a)(1) would have required
debt collectors to provide. As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c), the final rule requires
debt collectors to provide up to 18 items of validation information.
mandate that required notices be provided in written form. At least one commenter stated that
oral delivery would be incompatible with the formatting requirements in proposed § 1006.34(d).
On the other hand, some industry commenters supported the Bureau’s clarification that
debt collectors may provide validation information orally. These commenters asked the Bureau
to provide additional guidance about oral delivery of validation information, including, for
example, specific content for an oral notice, such as a script.
As proposed, the Bureau is finalizing the provision in § 1006.34(a)(1)(ii) that debt
collectors may provide the required validation information orally in the initial communication.
The Bureau agrees that there may be significant challenges to conveying the required validation
information orally.
Nevertheless, FDCPA section 809(a) does not prohibit oral delivery.
FDCPA section 809(a) states that the required validation information may becontained in the
initial communication” and that a written notice is mandatory only if that required information is
not contained in the initial communication. Further, FDCPA section 807(11) indicates that the
initial communication may be oral.
Accordingly, the Bureau concludes that the most
reasonable interpretation of FDCPA sections 809(a) and 807(11) is that the FDCPA permits the
required validation information to be conveyed orally if it is contained in the initial
Section 1006.34(c) requires a significant amount of validation information that debt collectors may not currently
include in the validation information they provide to consumers. It might be difficult for a debt collector to convey
a ll of the required information orally, pa rticularly in a n initia l communication, which is the only context in which a
debt collector could comply with its legal obligation by providing the validation information orally. Further, real-
time communications with consumers are unpredictable. Accordingly, even if the required components of the
va lida tion information a re contained in the oral communication, the debt collector might not convey them in a way
that meets the requirements of the regulation; for example, as commenters noted the debt collector might not convey
the required information clearly and conspicuously.
See 15 U.S.C. 1692e(11).
Moreover, debt collectors providing validation information orally will not be able to use
the model validation notice and therefore will not receive a safe harbor for compliance under
§ 1006.34(d)(2). The Bureau declines to provide additional guidance about oral delivery of
validation information. The Bureau is not aware of debt collectors providing validation
information orally today, and, for the reasons discussed, the Bureau believes they will be
unlikely to do so in the future. As a result, the Bureau concludes that such additional guidance is
not necessary or warranted at this time.
The Bureau proposed comment 34(a)(1)1 to clarify the provision of validation notices if
the consumer is deceased. Proposed comment 34(a)(1)–1 explained that, if the debt collector
knows or should know that the consumer is deceased, and if the debt collector has not previously
provided the deceased consumer the validation information, a person who is authorized to act on
behalf of the deceased consumers estate operates as the consumer for purposes of providing
validation information under § 1006.34(a)(1). Under proposed comment 34(a)(1)–1, a debt
collector attempting to collect a debt from a deceased consumers estate generally would provide
the validation information to the named person who is authorized to act on behalf of the deceased
consumers estate, if the debt collector had not already provided that information to the
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.2(e), the Bureau is interpreting
the term consumer to mean any natural person, whether living or deceased, who is obligated or
allegedly obligated to pay any debt. And the Bureau is adopting commentary clarifying how this
definition operates in the decedent debt context, including with respect to debt collectors
obligations to provide the validation information and respond to disputes and requests for
original-creditor information. Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing comment 34(a)(1)–1 as
For all of these reasons, and pursuant to its authority under FDCPA section 814(d) to
prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors, the Bureau is finalizing
§ 1006.34(a)(1) to implement and interpret the FDCPA section 809(a) requirement that debt
collectors provide validation information to consumers.
34(a)(2) Exception
FDCPA section 809(a) contains a limited exception that provides that, if required
validation information is not contained in the initial communication, a debt collector need not
send the consumer a written validation notice within five days of that communication if the
consumer has paid the debt prior to the time that the notice is required to be sent. The Bureau
proposed in § 1006.34(a)(2) to implement this exception by providing that a debt collector who
otherwise would be required to send a validation notice pursuant to § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B) is not
required to do so if the consumer has paid the debt prior to the time that § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B)
would require the validation notice to be sent. Proposed § 1006.34(a)(2) generally restated the
statute, except for minor changes for organization and clarity.
At least two consumer advocate commenters recommended that debt collectors be
required to provide a validation notice even if a consumer has already paid the debt. According
to these commenters, some consumers, including seniors, will pay a debt that they do not owe or
recognize because they “pay first and ask questions later. These commenters suggested that
validation information would help such consumers assess after the fact whether they paid a debt
that they owed. An industry trade group commenter stated that, for open-end credit, a debt
See 84 FR 23274, 23334-35 (May 21, 2019).
collector should be permitted to satisfy § 1006.34(a)(1) by providing a periodic statement
pursuant to Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.7, because periodic statements disclose sufficient
account information to consumers.
The Bureau declines to require debt collectors to provide a validation notice if a
consumer has already paid the debt. FDCPA section 809(a) explicitly provides that a debt
collector is not required to send the validation notice if the consumer has paid the debt, and the
Bureau has determined that it is neither necessary nor warranted to adopt a rule requiring
The Bureau also declines to adopt recommendations to include an exception to
§ 1006.34(a)(1) for open-end credit, because a periodic statement provided in accordance with
Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.7, is not an adequate substitute for the validation information. Wh ile
such a periodic statement discloses some information about the debt, it typically does not
disclose other information required under the final rule, such as the information about consumer
protections required by FDCPA section 809(a)(3) through (5) and the corresponding provisions
of final § 1006.34.
Accordingly, pursuant to its authority under FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules
with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors, and to implement and interpret FDCPA
section 809(a), the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(a)(2) as proposed.
34(b) Definitions
To facilitate compliance with § 1006.34, proposed § 1006.34(b) defined several terms
that appear throughout the section. As discussed below, the Bureau is finalizing those defin itions
and related commentary with certain modifications in response to feedback. Consistent with the
proposal, unless noted otherwise below, the Bureau is finalizing the definitions to implement and
interpret FDCPA section 809(a) and pursuant to its authority under FDCPA section 814(d) to
prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors.
34(b)(1) Clear and Conspicuous
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(b)(1) to define the term clear and conspicuous for
purposes of Regulation F consistent with the standards used in other consumer financial services
laws and their implementing regulations, including, for example, Regulation E, subpart B
(Remittance Transfers).
Proposed § 1006.34(b)(1) thus provided that disclosures are clear and
conspicuous if they are readily understandable. The proposal provided that, in the case of
written and electronic disclosures, the location and type size also must be readily noticeable to
consumers and that, in the case of oral disclosures, the disclosures must be given at a volume and
speed sufficient for a consumer to hear and comprehend them.
For the reasons discussed
below, the Bureau is adopting § 1006.34(b)(1) largely as proposed but with minor modifications
for clarity and in response to feedback.
An industry commenter objected to the clear and conspicuous definition in proposed
§ 1006.34(b)(1). This commenter stated that a clear-and-conspicuous requirement is
unnecessary in the debt collection context because consumers have an ongoing relationship with
debt collectors, and a consumer therefore has the ability to ask a debt collector to explain a
particular disclosure or communication if the consumer does not understand it.
Other commenters asked the Bureau to clarify the proposed definition. For instance,
industry trade group and consumer advocate commenters offered various suggestions for specific
font size or disclosure placement requirements. At least one industry commenter suggested that
See 12 CFR 1005.31(a)(1), comment 31(a)(1)1.
See 84 FR 23274, 23335 (May 21, 2019).
the Bureau explain how proposed § 1006.34(b)(1) would interact with State disclosure laws,
which may have their own clear-and-conspicuous standards that dictate font size or disclosure
placement. An industry trade group commenter asked the Bureau to provide additional guidance
about oral delivery of the validation information because, in the commenters view, the proposal
that oral communications be “given at a volume and speed sufficient for a consumer to hear and
comprehend them” was ambiguous.
The Bureau disagrees that ongoing relationships between debt collectors and consumers
make a clear and conspicuous definition unnecessary or unwarranted in the debt collection
context. Consumer financial services laws and their implementing regulations commonly
include standards for clear and conspicuous disclosures provided in the context of ongoing
customer and business relationships between consumers and consumer financial services
Additionally, validation information is provided at the outset of collection
communications. If a consumer chooses not to engage with the debt collector, no ongoing
communications will be established.
The Bureau declines to further clarify the clear and conspicuous definition in
§ 1006.34(b)(1) by, for example, dictating font sizes or requirements regarding disclosure
placement as requested by some commenters. Different debt collectors may design their
communications in different ways, and the Bureau does not believe it is necessary or warranted
to specify such details, as long as the disclosure satisfies the clear and conspicuous standard. In
See, e.g., 12 CFR 1026.5(a)(1)(i) (disclosures for open-end credit) a nd 12 CFR 1026.17(a)(1) (disclosures for
closed-end credit). Moreover, a consumer does not typically get to choose which debt collector collects the
consumer’s debt, whereas a consumer does choose his or her financial services providers. Further, some customer
relationships between consumers and debt collectors may be of shorter duration than customer relationships between
consumers and other types of consumer financial services providers. These factors suggest that a standard for clear
and conspicuous disclosures may be even more important in the debt collection context than in other consumer
fina ncial services contexts.
addition, the definition is consistent with, and provides the same level of specificity as, standards
in some other consumer financial services laws and their implementing regulations, including but
not limited to the Bureau’s Remittance Transfers rule,
which do not specify font size or
disclosure placement requirements. Moreover, the Bureau concludes that the lack of more
prescriptive guidance will not impose material burden on debt collectors. As discussed in the
section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2), a debt collector who uses the model validation
notice, specified variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar form, receives a safe
harbor for the information requirements in § 1006.34(c) and for the clear-and-conspicuous
requirement in § 1006.34(d)(1). Because debt collectors may use the model validation notice,
specified variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar form if providing validation
notices, debt collectors need not incur significant expenses ascertaining what meets the clear-
and-conspicuous standard. Nevertheless, the final rule does clarify that, in the case of written
and electronic disclosures, although no minimum font size is required, the location and type size
must be both readily noticeable and legible to consumers.
The Bureau declines to revise § 1006.34(b)(1) to clarify how the definition of clear and
conspicuous interrelates with State disclosure laws. A debt collector can comply with both
§ 1006.34(b)(1) and State disclosure requirements that specify font size or disclosure placement.
With respect to font size, the Bureau concludes, in general, that debt collectors satisfying State-
law minimum-font-size requirements will also satisfy the standard in § 1006.34(b)(1) for a type
size that is readily noticeable and legible to consumers. With respect to disclosure placement, as
See 12 CFR 1005.31(a)(1), comment 31(a)(1)–1. See also, e.g., the general disclosure requirements for open-end
and closed-end credit in, respectively, 12 CFR 1026.5(a)(1) a nd 1026.17(a)(1) a nd their commentary.
The section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.38(b)(2) discusses a new safe harbor from the overshadowing
prohibition in § 1006.38(b)(1) for a debt collector who uses the model validation notice.
discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv), a debt collector may place
disclosures specifically required under other applicable law, which includes disclosures
specifically required by State law, on the reverse (or, in certain specified circumstances, on the
front) of the validation notice. The Bureau believes that § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) will permit debt
collectors to provide State law disclosures in a manner that is clear and conspicuous under
applicable law.
The Bureau also declines to further clarify the meaning of clear and conspicuous in the
context of oral delivery of validation information. The Bureau determines that the proposed and
final regulatory text is sufficiently clear and that the final rule will not impose an undue burden
on debt collectors, particularly in light of the Bureau’s expectation that few, if any, oral
disclosures will be provided.
For the reasons discussed above, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(1) to provide that
clear and conspicuous means readily understandable and that, in the case of written and
electronic disclosures, the location and type size also must be readily noticeable and legible to
consumers, although no minimum type size is mandated. Final § 1006.34(b)(1) also provides
that oral disclosures must be given at a volume and speed sufficient for the consumer to hear and
comprehend them.
34(b)(2) Initial Communication
FDCPA section 809(a) requires debt collectors to provide consumers with certain
validation information either in the debt collector’s initial communication with the consumer in
connection with the collection of the debt, or within five days after that initial communication.
FDCPA section 803(2) defines the term communication broadly to mean the conveying of
information regarding a debt directly or indirectly to any person through any medium.
FDCPA section 809(d) and (e) identifies particular communications that are not initial
communications for purposes of FDCPA section 809(a) and that therefore do not trigger the
validation notice requirement.
Pursuant to FDCPA section 809(d), an initial communication
excludes a communication in the form of a formal pleading in a civil action. Pursuant to FDCPA
section 809(e), an initial communication also excludes the sending or delivery of any form or
notice that does not relate to the collection of the debt and is expressly required by the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, or any provision of Federal or
State law relating to notice of a data security breach or privacy, or any regulation prescribed
under any such provision of law.
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(b)(2) to implement FDCPA section 809(a), (d), and (e)
by defining the term initial communication. The proposed definition largely restated the FDCPA
and defined initial communication as the first time that, in connection with the collection of a
debt, a debt collector conveys information, directly or indirectly, regarding the debt to the
consumer, other than a communication in the form of a formal pleading in a civil action, or a
communication in any form or notice that does not relate to the collection of the debt and is
expressly required by any of the laws referenced in FDCPA section 809(e).
An industry trade group recommended a bankruptcy-specific exception to the definition
of initial communication for debt collectors collecting debts owed by consumers in bankruptcy.
The commenter expressed concern that certain actions by a debt collector in the context of a
See 15 U.S.C. 1692a(2). The November 2020 Final Rule implemented this definition in § 1006.2(d). 85 FR
76734, 76888 (Nov. 30, 2020).
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(d), (e).
See 84 FR 23274, 23335 (May 21, 2019).
consumers bankruptcy proceeding, in particular filing a proof of claim, may be construed to be
an initial communication and therefore trigger the FDCPA section 809(a) validation notice
Additionally, according to the commenter, content on the validation notice,
including the debt collection communication disclosure required by FDCPA section 807(11),
could be construed as a demand for payment that violates the automatic stay provisions of the
United States Bankruptcy Code (Bankruptcy Code)
or, if the consumer has been relieved of
personal liability, the discharge injunction.
According to the commenter, some courts have
opined that a debt collector would face an irreconcilable conflict between complying with the
FDCPA and the Bankruptcy Code if the debt collector were required to provide a validation
notice to a consumer in bankruptcy.
The Bureau has determined to interpret the term initial communication not to include
proofs of claim filed in bankruptcy proceedings. Courts have reached different conclusions
about whether the FDCPA conflicts with the Bankruptcy Code.
The Bureau is unaware of any
case definitively holding that a proof of claim is an initial communication and that a debt
To receive a distribution from a bankruptcy estate, a creditor generally must file with the bankruptcy court a
proof of claim, which includes details about an alleged debt or interest. See Fed. R. Bankr. P. 3002.
See 11 U.S.C. 362.
A debtors bankruptcy petition operates as an a utomatic stay that, among other things, prohibitsany a ct to
collect, assess, or recover a claim against the debtor that arose before the commencement of the case. 11 U.S.C.
362(a)(6). When a debtors liability is discha rged through bankruptcy, the discharge “operates as an injunction
against the commencement or continuation of an action, the employment of process, or an act, to collect, recover or
offset any such debt as a personal liability of the debtor, whether or not discharge of such debt is waived.
11 U.S.C. 524(a )(2).
See, e.g., In re Chaussee, 399 B.R. 225, 238 (B.A.P. 9th Cir. 2008) (“In our opinion, the debt validation
provisions required by the FDCPA clea rly conflict with the claims processing procedures contemplated by the
[Ba nkruptcy] Code a nd Rules.”).
See Walls v. Wells Fargo Bank, 276 F.3d 502, 511 (9th Cir. 2002) (holding that the Bankruptcy Code precludes
application of FDCPA requirements in bankruptcy cases); Chaussee, 399 B.R. at 239 (sa me); contra Simon v. FIA
Card Servs., N.A., 732 F.3d 259, 274 (3d Cir. 2013) (stating that when FDCPA cla ims arise f rom communications
a debt collector sends a bankruptcy debtor in a pending bankruptcy proceeding, a nd the communications are alleged
to violate the Bankruptcy Code or Rules, there is no categorical preclusion of the FDCPA claims).
collector therefore must provide a validation notice after filing a proof of claim. On the other
hand, some courts have held that proofs of claim are not initial communications because, under
FDCPA section 809(d), they are communications in the form of a formal pleading in a civil
Further, the Bureau has decided to permit a debt collector to file a proof of claim in a
bankruptcy proceeding as required by the Bankruptcy Code without thereby triggering the debt
collectors obligation to provide a validation notice under the FDCPA, because the Bureau finds
it unlikely that consumer harm will result if a consumer does not receive a validation notice
subsequent to a proof of claim in bankruptcy. The bankruptcy proof-of-claim form is filed under
penalty of perjury, and a person who files a fraudulent claim could be fined up to $500,000,
imprisoned for up to 5 years, or both.
Thus, the Bureau concludes that bankruptcy proof-of-
claim forms generally are likely to contain accurate information about the debt.
Accordingly, to provide clarity for debt collectors while maintaining protections for
consumers, the Bureau is interpreting the term initial communication not to include proofs of
claim filed in bankruptcy. Specifically, the Bureau is adopting new comment 34(b)(2)1, which
clarifies that a proof of claim that a debt collector files in a bankruptcy proceeding in accordance
with the requirements of the Bankruptcy Code is a communication in the form of a formal
pleading in a civil action and therefore is not an initial communication for purposes of § 1006.34.
The Bureau adopts this comment as an interpretation of the phrase “[a] communication in the
form of a formal pleading in a civil action” in FDCPA section 809(d). The Bureau interprets that
See Simon, 732 F.3d at 273; Townsend v. Quantum3 Grp., LLC, 535 B.R. 415, 423 (M.D. Fla. 2015); In re
Brimmage, 523 B.R. 134, 141-42 (Bankr. N.D. Ill. 2015).
The official bankruptcy proof-of-claim f orm is a vaila ble here: https://www.uscourts.gov/forms/bankruptcy-
phrase to include a proof of claim that a debt collector files in a bankruptcy proceeding in
accordance with the requirements of the Bankruptcy Code.
The Bureau acknowledges that other scenarios may exist in which a debt collector
communicates with a consumer in bankruptcy and subsequently may be required to provide a
validation notice. To the extent that debt collectors do provide validation notices to consumers
in bankruptcy, § 1006.34(a)(1) implements an existing FDCPA disclosure requirement and does
not create a new tension between the FDCPA and the Bankruptcy Code. In addition, nothing in
the final rule requires debt collectors to include payment requests in the validation information;
instead, payment requests are optional disclosures that § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii) permits debt
collectors to include along with the validation information. Consequently, a debt collector
concerned that a payment request would violate the Bankruptcy Code’s automatic stay or
discharge injunction is not required to include a payment request and, additionally, could use the
model validation notice, specified variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar form,
without a payment request and receive a safe harbor under § 1006.34(d)(2).
An industry trade group recommended that the Bureau exclude from the § 1006.34(b)(2)
definition of initial communication the notice of transfer of loan servicing required by
Regulation X.
According to the commenter, after an FDCPA-covered mortgage debt is
transferred and a consumer receives a servicing transfer notice, the transferee may not have
received all the information necessary to send a validation notice within the five-day timeframe
Genera lly, under Regulation X, each transferor servicer and transferee servicer of any mortgage loan shall
provide to the borrower a notice of transfer for any assignment, sale, or transfer of the servicing of the mortgage
loan. 12 CFR 1024.33(b)(1). Generally, the transferor servicer shall provide the notice of transfer to the borrower
not less than 15 days before the effective date of the transfer of the servicing of the mortgage loan. The tra nsferee
servicer shall provide the notice of transfer to the borrower not more than 15 days after the effective date of the
tra nsfer. The transferor and transferee servicers may provide a single notice, in which case the notice shall be
provided not less than 15 days before the effective date of the transfer of the servicing of the m ortgage loa n.
12 CFR 1024.33(b)(3)(i).
required by FDCPA section 809(a). For this reason, the commenter suggested that Regulation X
servicing transfer notices should not trigger the validation information requirement.
The Bureau declines to interpret the term initial communication to exclude servicing
transfer notices required by Regulation X. Section 1006.34(b)(2) largely mirrors existing
language in FDCPA sections 803(2) and 809(a), (d), and (e) and does not impose new
substantive requirements or obligations on covered entities. As discussed in the section-by-
section analysis of § 1006.34(c), Regulation F will result in validation notices containing more
information about the debt than they typically do today, but that information is, generally, either
routine account information that owners of debts currently provide to debt collectors or that
owners of debts can include without significant additional expense. Although the commenter
argues that there may be timing considerations unique to mortgage servicing transfer notices, the
Bureau determines that such timing concerns do not warrant an exception that would deem a
mortgage servicing transfer notice, even one that does convey information, directly or indirectly,
regarding the debt to the consumer to be excluded from the definition of an initial
Other commenters asked the Bureau to clarify whether a consumer-initiated
communication, such as a consumer visiting a debt collectors website or a consumer leaving a
voicemail with a debt collector, would constitute an initial communication under proposed
§ 1006.34(b)(2). The Bureau notes that, under § 1006.34(b)(2), for an initial communication to
occur, a debt collector must “convey[] information, directly or indirectly, regarding the
debt . . . .” Section 1006.34(b)(2) is clear that, if a debt collector conveys no information,
directly or indirectly, regarding the debt, an initial communication has not occurred and,
consequently, the validation notice requirement has not been triggered. Thus, a consumer’s
voicemail left with a debt collector generally would not qualify as an initial communication.
Similarly, an initial communication generally would not include a consumer’s visit to a debt
collectors website, unless during that visit the debt collector conveyed information regarding the
consumers specific debt.
For the reasons discussed above, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(2) largely as
proposed but with a revision to clarify that proofs of claim filed in bankruptcy proceedings are
not initial communications.
34(b)(3) Itemization Date
FDCPA section 809(a)(1) requires debt collectors to disclose to consumers, either in the
debt collector’s initial communication in connection with the collection of the debt, or within
five days after that communication, the amount of the debt.
The Bureau proposed in
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) through (ix) to interpret the phrase “amount of the debt” to mean that debt
collectors must disclose the amount of the debt as of a particular “itemization date.
facilitate compliance with proposed § 1006.34(c)(2), the Bureau proposed § 1006.34(b)(3) to
define itemization date as one of four reference dates for which a debt collector can ascertain the
amount of the debt. The proposed reference dates were the last statement date, the charge-off
date, the last payment date, and the transaction date.
For example, a debt collector potentially could convey information regarding the debt during a consumers visit
to a website through a website chat feature.
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(1).
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) and (viii) would have required debt collectors to disclose, respectively, the
itemization date and the amount of the debt on the itemization date. Proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) would have
required debt collectors to disclose an itemization of the debt reflecting interest, fees, payments, and credits since the
itemization date. For additional discussion of these provisions, which have been renumbered in the final rule, see
the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii).
See 84 FR 23274, 23335-37 (May 21, 2019). The reference dates were set forth in proposed § 1006.34(b)(3)(i)
through (iv) and are discussed in the section-by-section analysis of those paragraphs below.
The proposed definition of itemization date was designed to allow the use of dates that
debt collectors could identify with relative ease because they reflect routine and recurring events,
and that correspond to notable events in the debts history that consumers may recall or be able
to verify with records. The proposed definition also was intended to include dates for which debt
collectors typically may receive account information from debt owners and that, therefore, debt
collectors would be able to use to provide the disclosures proposed in § 1006.34(c)(viii) and (ix).
Proposed comment 34(b)(3)1 explained that a debt collector could select any of the four
reference dates as the itemization date. Once a debt collector used one of the reference dates for
a specific debt in a communication with a consumer, however, the debt collector would be
required to use that reference date for that debt consistently when providing disclosures pursuant
to § 1006.34 to that consumer.
For the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is adopting § 1006.34(b)(3) and its related
commentary largely as proposed but with minor wording changes and to include an additional
reference date in response to feedback: the judgment date. The Bureau also is adopting new
comment 34(b)(3)2, which provides that a debt collector may use a different reference date than
a prior debt collector used for the same debt.
Some industry commenters supported the itemization date definition in proposed
§ 1006.34(b)(3). At least two industry commenters supported providing debt collectors with a
choice of several reference dates because a debt collector might not be able ascertain the amount
of the debt on a single reference date. According to an industry trade group commenter, the
proposed reference dates would provide adequate flexibility, as a creditor’s information systems
will have recorded at least one of those dates for any given debt. Another industry trade group
commenter stated that the proposals standardization of account information would allow debt
collectors to build better internal procedures and improve consumer communication practices.
An industry commenter stated that proposed § 1006.34(b)(3) would require significant client
education and information technology investment but ultimately concluded that the framework
was feasible.
Other commenters objected to proposed § 1006.34(b)(3). An industry commenter stated
that creditors may provide debt collectors information about multiple reference dates. According
to this commenter, analyzing creditor records to identify and organize account information as of
a single reference date would be complicated, costly, and increase the likelihood of validation
notice errors. A group of consumer advocate commenters stated that, instead of permitting debt
collectors to choose between reference dates, § 1006.34(b)(3) should define the itemization date
as a single reference date supported by consumer testing.
The Bureau determines that § 1006.34(b)(3) will facilitate compliance with the
itemization date-related requirements in final § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii). Account
information available to debt collectors may vary by debt type because some account
information is not universally tracked or used across product markets. To facilitate the ability of
debt collectors across debt markets to comply with Regulation F, the final rule permits debt
collectors to determine the itemization date by selecting from one of five reference dates for
which they can ascertain the amount of the debt.
The Bureau finds that this framework will not result in undue industry burden. Debt
collectors today routinely analyze and organize account information included in files from
creditors when creditors place accounts for collection. Debt collectors should be able to use or
build on these existing functions to select an itemization date based on the definition in
§ 1006.34(b)(3). Therefore, even if creditors provide or retain account information based on
multiple reference dates, debt collectors should not face substantial new costs or litigation risks
from complying with § 1006.34(b)(3).
The Bureau declines consumer advocatessuggestion to specify a single reference date.
As discussed in the proposal, the Bureau considered requiring debt collectors to provide an
itemization of the debt based on a single reference date but rejected that approach because of the
infeasibility of identifying a single reference date that applies to all debt types across all relevant
The group of consumer advocate commenters that recommended a single reference
date did not suggest or provide evidence that it would be feasible to identify a single date that
would be appropriate for all types of debt. The Bureau also declines to exercise its discretion to
conduct consumer testing to attempt to determine an optimal itemization date for debt collectors
to use within each debt collection market (e.g., mortgage debt, credit card debt, student loan
debt, medical debt, and so on). The Bureau determines that such testing is not necessary or
warranted, because the Bureau finds that debt collectors use of any one of the five itemization
dates set forth in § 1006.34(b)(3) should correspond, in most cases, to events in the debt’s history
that consumers may recall or be able to verify with records.
In the proposal, the Bureau requested comment on whether the itemization date should be
structured as a prescriptive ordering of reference dates, such as a hierarchy that would permit a
debt collector to use a date listed later in the hierarchy only if the debt collector did not have
information about any dates earlier in the hierarchy. Industry and industry trade group
commenters generally favored the proposed flexible approach. According to commenters, a
prescriptive ordering would significantly increase costs and litigation risk for debt collectors. As
noted above, consumer advocates expressed concern that the proposed approach would result in
See 84 FR 23274, 23336 (May 21, 2019).
disclosure of itemization dates that are not meaningful to consumers and urged the Bureau to use
consumer testing to determine a date that would be meaningful.
The Bureau agrees that a prescriptive ordering could impose undue costs and litigation
risks for debt collectors. In addition, as discussed below in the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(i) through (v), each reference date may be meaningful to consumers because it
corresponds to a notable event in the debt’s history that consumers may recall or be able to verify
with records. Because each reference date may be meaningful to a consumer, and because each
reference date may be more or less meaningful to the consumer than one of the other reference
dates depending on the circumstances surrounding the debt, there may not be a benefit to
consumers if the Bureau were to structure the dates as a hierarchy. The Bureau therefore
declines to adopt a prescriptive ordering of the reference dates.
Some commenters who did not object to the proposed itemization date framework in
principle either raised concerns that the proposed reference dates would not accommodate debts
in all product markets or recommended additional reference dates. At least one industry trade
group commenter asked the Bureau to clarify what reference date debt collectors should use for
debts in bankruptcy. An industry commenter stated that the proposal might not accommodate a
debt a consumer owes to a government, such as a tax debt. According to this commenter,
although the FDCPA does not cover many debts consumers owe to governments,
some debt
collectors who collect debts on behalf of Federal government agencies are legally or
FDCPA section 803(5) defines a “debt” as any obligation arising out of a transaction “primarily for personal,
family, or household purposes. 15 U.S.C. 1692a(5). According to the commenter, a debt a consumer owes to a
government in many cases does not meet this definition.
contractually obliged to abide by the FDCPA.
This commenter stated that the proposed
reference dates might not accommodate tax debt because, in some instances, it will be the case
that no previous statement was provided, no prior payment was made, and there was no
transaction per se between the consumer and the government creditor.
According to another commenter, an additional reference date for student loan debt is
necessary because debt collectors collecting Federal student loans do not receive any of the
proposed reference dates at the time of placement. Some commenters suggested that the Bureau
permit debt collectors to use the date of default as defined by the Higher Education Act of 1965;
commenters argued that this date is a widely used reference date in the student loan market.
By contrast, an FTC commissioner urged the Bureau not to use the Higher Education Acts
definition of default and instead to use the date a student loan borrower becomes 90 days past
In addition, an industry commenter recommended that § 1006.34(b)(3) incorporate:
(1) the date a creditor places a debt with the debt collector, or (2) the date the debt collector
provides validation information to the consumer. Another industry commenter suggested that
§ 1006.34(b)(3) incorporate the date of a previously obtained court judgment.
The Bureau determines that § 1006.34(b)(3)in conjunction with the five reference dates
described in § 1006.34(b)(3)(i) through (v)provides adequate flexibility for debts in all product
For example, debt collectors who collect on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service under a “qualified tax
collection contract” generally are required by statute to comply with the FDCPA. See 26 U.S.C. 6306(g) (The
provisions of the [FDCPA] sha ll a pply to a ny qualified tax collection contract, except to the extent superseded by
section 6304, section 7602(c), or by any other provision of this title.”).
The Higher Education Act defines “default” as the failure of a borrower . . . to m a ke an installm ent payment
when due, or to meet other terms of the promissory note, the Act, or regulations as applicable, if the Secretary or
guaranty agency finds it reasonable to conclude that the borrower and endorser, if any, no longer intend to honor the
obligation to repay, provided that this failure persists for(1) 270 days for a loan repayable in monthly installments;
or (2) 330 days for a loan repayable in less frequent installments. 34 CFR 682.200(b).
markets, including for debts in bankruptcy. A debt collector may choose which of the five
reference dates to use based on the facts and circumstances surrounding the history of the debt
e.g., whether a creditor provided statements, whether the consumer made paymentsand the
information available to the debt collector.
With respect to which reference date a debt collector should use to itemize a tax
obligation a consumer owes to a government, the date the tax was assessed may be a transaction
date for tax debt, as discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(3)(iv). In
addition, a date on which the government provided a written invoice or tax bill may constitute a
last statement date for tax debt under § 1006.34(b)(3)(i).
The Bureau determines that a reference date specific to student loan debt is unnecessary
and unwarranted because the reference dates in § 1006.34(b)(3) are sufficient. For virtually any
student loan debt, there will be a last statement date as described in § 1006.34(b)(3)(i), a last
payment date as described in § 1006.34(b)(3)(ii), or a transaction date as described in
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(iv). For many student loan debts, all three reference dates will exist.
The Bureau also declines to incorporate into § 1006.34(b)(3) the date of placement or the
date the debt collector provides the validation notice. From a consumer’s perspective, these
dates do not correspond to notable events in a debts history that the consumer may recall or be
able to verify. As noted above, however, in response to feedback, the Bureau is adding a new
reference date called the “judgment date, which is the date of a final court judgment that
determines the amount of the debt owed by the consumer. The judgment date is discussed in the
section-by-section analysis of final § 1006.34(b)(3)(v).
With respect to the Bureau’s request for comment about whether a subsequent debt
collector should be permitted to use a different itemization date than a prior debt collector used
for the same debt, industry and industry trade group commenters generally agreed that requiring
debt collectors to use the same reference date as a prior collector would be burdensome and
impractical. These commenters stated that debt collectors would be unable to ensure compliance
with such a requirement because a creditor might not disclose the reference date that a prior debt
collector used. By contrast, an academic and a consumer advocate commenter stated that a debt
collector should be required to use the same itemization date the prior debt collector used
because a consumer may not be able to assess the amount owed if the subsequent debt collector
uses a different reference date.
The final rule permits a debt collector to use a different itemization date than a prior debt
collector used for the same debt. The availability of account information, including about a prior
debt collector’s activities, to a subsequent debt collector depends on the creditor or debt buyer
who places the debt with the subsequent debt collector. If the creditor or debt buyer does not
provide the previously used itemization date, the subsequent debt collector may be unable to
determine that date, and therefore fail to comply with a requirement to use it. It is conceivable
that, were the rule to require use of the same itemization date previously used, debt collectors
and creditors could begin to structure their contracts and processes to enable creditors and debt
collectors to transfer a previously used itemization date. However, establishing such contracts
and processes would likely impose costs on creditors and debt collectors,
and those costs
would likely be passed on to consumers. Further, the Bureau finds that the costs are not
warranted because permitting a subsequent debt collector to use a different itemization date will
In order for the contractual framework and processes to achieve the desired result of a creditor passing the
previously used itemization date to the current debt collector, creditors would have to structure contracts to require
the previous debt collectors to pass back to the creditors the previously used itemization dates so that the creditors,
in turn, can pass them on to the current debt collectors. Developing and implementing such contractual provisions
and processes across the debt collection industry would likely im pose potentially significant co sts.
maintain protections for consumers, as long as the debt collector uses one of the five itemization
dates specified in the rule. As stated above, the Bureau finds that the five itemization dates are
all dates that should result in reasonably meaningful and recognizable debt amounts for
consumers. Accordingly, the Bureau is adopting new comment 34(b)(3)2 to clarify that, when
selecting an itemization date pursuant to § 1006.34(b)(3), a debt collector may use a different
reference date than a prior debt collector who attempted to collect the debt.
For the reasons set forth above, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(3) and its related
commentary with minor wording changes and to include a new reference date, the judgment
date, in § 1006.34(b)(3)(v). In addition, the Bureau is adopting new comment 34(b)(3)2 to
explain that a debt collector may use a different reference date than a prior debt collector. The
Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(3) and § 1006.34(b)(3)(i) through (v), discussed below,
pursuant to its authority under FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the
collection of debts by debt collectors and pursuant to its authority under Dodd-Frank Act section
1032(a) to prescribe rules to ensure that the features of consumer financial products and services
are disclosed to consumers fully, accurately, and effectively.
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.34(b)(3)(i) to permit debt collectors to use as the
itemization date the date of the last periodic statement or written account statement or invoice
provided to the consumer. Proposed comment 34(b)(3)(i)1 explained that a statement provided
by a creditor or a third party acting on the creditors behalf, including a creditors service
provider, may constitute the last statement provided to the consumer for purposes of
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(i).
Commenters disagreed about whether the Bureau should adopt the last statement date as
a permissible reference date. Several industry and industry trade group commenters supported
the proposal, stating that, for some debts, the last statement date is readily available to debt
collectors and recognizable to consumers. Some commenters stated that, even when creditors do
not initially provide periodic statements to debt collectors, such statements are available upon
request. However, some consumer advocate commenters stated that the last statement date may
not be meaningful to some consumers and may not help them recognize a debt. For example, a
commenter stated that a creditor may send duplicates of the same periodic statement or invoice
to a consumer multiple times, even when the balance is changing due to interest or fees. In this
scenario, the commenter said, the last statement a consumer received would not reflect the actual
amount owed and would not be helpful to the consumer.
At least two commenters stated that a validation notice provided by a prior debt collector
should not constitute a last statement for purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3)(i). According to a
consumer advocate commenter, the date of a prior validation notice will not be meaningful to
consumers and, consequently, an itemization as of that date will not help consumers recognize an
alleged debt. An industry trade group commenter advised against relying on a validation notice
provided by a prior debt collector because creditors generally do not provide previously sent
validation notices to subsequent debt collectors.
The Bureau determines that the last statement date may be used as a reference date.
Many creditors or third parties acting on a creditor’s behalf routinely provide consumers with
account statements, such as periodic statements or invoices. If a consumer has received an
account statement from a creditor, the consumer either may recognize the date that they last
received a statement or may be able to verify that date in their records.
Further, last statement
information is often readily available to debt collectors, as debt collectors frequently receive, or
have the ability to request, last statement information or records from creditors.
The Bureau determines that only a last statement or invoice provided to a consumer by a
creditor, as opposed to a statement, such as a validation notice, provided by a debt collector,
should serve as a basis for a last statement date as defined in § 1006.34(b)(3)(i) because
consumers may be more likely to recall or be able to verify a statement sent by a creditor than by
a debt collector. This may be true even if a creditor issues a statement after the debt has gone
into collection. Under § 1006.34(b)(3)(i), such a new statement may serve as the last statement
for purposes of the itemization date.
For these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(3)(i) and its related commentary
with revisions to provide that only a statement or invoice provided by a creditor qualifies as a
last statement for purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3)(i). Specifically, the Bureau is revising
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(i) to state that the last statement date is the date of the last periodic statement or
written account statement or invoice provided to the consumer by a creditor. The Bureau also is
revising comment 34(b)(3)(i)1 to provide that a statement or invoice provided by a debt
collector is not a last statement for purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3)(i), unless the debt collector is
also a creditor.
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.34(b)(3)(ii) to permit debt collectors to use the date that
the debt was charged off as the itemization date.
This is likely to be true even if the consumer has received a duplicative statement as the last statement. In that
scenario, under § 1006.34(c)(2)(vii), which requires a debt collector to disclose the amount of the debt on the
item iza tion date, the debt a mount that the debt collector discloses to the consumer m ust be the debt a mount as of that
last statement date.
An industry trade group and an industry commenter supported the use of the charge-off
date, particularly for debts associated with open-end credit, such as credit cards. The
commenters stated that charge off is a regulated Federal standard for consumer credit
would be a reliable reference date for itemization-related disclosures in some circumstances. An
industry trade group commenter stated that creditors frequently provide debt collectors account
information as of the charge-off date. Commenters stated that consumers may recognize the
amount due as of the charge-off date because some creditors provide charge-off statements that
reflect the charge-off balance and, they said, consumers have the ability to review these charge-
off statements.
Other commenters objected to including the charge-off date as a permissible reference
date. An industry commenter stated that not all creditors maintain account information as of the
charge-off date or communicate that information to debt collectors at placement. Consumer
advocates and at least two industry trade group commenters stated that, although the charge-off
date may be widely used for some financial products, it may not resonate with consumers or help
them recognize a debt because consumers might not know the charge-off date.
The Bureau determines that the charge-off date may be used as a reference date.
Creditors frequently provide account information as of the charge-off date for various types of
debts, including credit card debt, to debt collectors. The Bureau acknowledges that not all
creditors maintain account information as of the charge-off date or provide such information to
debt collectors, but the charge-off date is only one of five reference dates specified in the final
65 FR 36903 (June 12, 2000); Off. of the Comptroller of the Cu rrency, Bulletin 2000-20, Uniform Retail Credit
Classification and Account Management Policy (June 20, 2000).
An individual commenter requested clarification whether, for medical debt, the date of charge off is the date a
creditor places the account for collection. The Bureau is not aware that such a definition is commonly used.
rule. Further, account information at charge off is readily available to a sufficiently large
number of debt collectorsincluding collectors of credit card debtto justify its adoption as a
reference date. In addition, while consumers might not know the specific charge-off date, they
may, in fact, recognize account information as of approximately the charge-off date because
charge off often occurs at around the time the creditor provided a last account statement.
Further, as noted by commenters, some creditors may provide consumers with charge-off
statements that reflect the balance as of the charge-off date.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(3)(ii) as proposed.
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.34(b)(3)(iii) to permit debt collectors to use the date the
last payment was applied to the debt as the itemization date.
Industry and consumer advocate commenters generally supported proposed
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(iii). These commenters agreed that account information as of the last payment
date is readily available to debt collectors and recognizable to consumers. According to one
consumer advocate, a consumer may have a general idea of when a bill was last paid, especially
if the consumers delinquency was related to a significant life event, such as a job loss, a divorce,
or an illness. Accordingly, the Bureau determines that the last payment date as defined in
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(iii) is an appropriate reference date.
Commenters asked the Bureau to clarify whether a third-party payment could serve as the
basis for the last payment date. For example, several trade group commenters stated that, if a
consumers car is repossessed, the sale of the collateral may be applied to the consumers
balance after receipt of the consumers last payment. Another commenter raised the possibility
of third-party payments and insurance adjustments in the medical debt context. A group of
consumer advocates recommended that only a payment from a consumer to a creditor should
serve as the basis for a last payment date. According to this commenter, a last consumer
payment to a prior debt collector may not be significant or recognizable to a consumer.
The Bureau determines that third-party payments may serve as the basis for the last
payment date under § 1006.34(b)(3)(iii). The Bureau finds that the date of a third-party payment
on the debt, such as a payment from an auto repossession agent or an insurance company, may
be meaningful to a consumer because such payments may be accompanied by a notice to the
consumer, and therefore the consumer could recognize or verify with records the date of such
The Bureau also determines that a consumer’s payment to a prior debt collector may
serve as the last payment date. The Bureau finds that consumers are at least as likely to
recognize or be able to verify with records the status of the debt as of the consumer’s last
payment to a prior debt collector as consumers are able to recognize or verify an earlier (perhaps
much earlier) payment to the creditor, particularly if the debt has been outstanding for a long
For these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(3)(iii) as proposed to provide that
the last payment date is the date the last payment was applied to the debt. The Bureau also is
adopting new comment 34(b)(3)(iii)1, which clarifies that a third-party payment applied to the
debt, such as a payment from an auto repossession agent or an insurance company, can be a last
payment for purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3)(iii).
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.34(b)(3)(iv) to permit debt collectors to use as the
itemization date the date of the transaction that gave rise to the debt. Proposed comment
34(b)(3)(iv)–1 explained that the transaction date is the date that a creditor provided, or made
available, a good or service to a consumer, and it included examples of transaction dates. The
comment also explained that, if a debt has more than one potential transaction date, a debt
collector may use any such date as the transaction date but must use whichever transaction date it
selects consistently.
A number of commenters, including consumer advocates, industry trade groups, and at
least one industry commenter, supported including the transaction date in the itemization date
definition. According to several commenters, consumers likely would recognize the transaction
date as defined by proposed § 1006.34(b)(3)(iv). At least one commenter stated that creditors
provide account information as of the transaction date for some debt types.
With respect to proposed comment 34(b)(3)(iv)1, a consumer advocate commenter
stated that, if a debt has more than one potential transaction date, the debt collector should not be
permitted to choose which date to use as the transaction date for purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3)(iv).
The commenter urged the Bureau to develop a prescriptive standard for identifying the
appropriate transaction date for scenarios where multiple transaction dates exist.
Several commenters also stated that determining the transaction date may be problematic
in some circumstances. For example, a consumer advocate commenter explained that, while
determining the transaction date is straightforward with one-time transactions, identifying the
transaction date may be more difficult with respect to contracts for ongoing services, such as
gym memberships, cellular telephone contracts, or lawn care service contracts. In addition, an
industry commenter stated that medical providers may combine multiple dates of service into
one account or use family billing that combines separate bills for family members into one
account. The commenter suggested that, if an account in collection reflects services on multiple
dates or for multiple individuals, identifying a transaction date may be difficult for the debt
The Bureau finds that, for some debts, creditors may provide debt collectors with account
information related to the transaction date. In addition, consumers may recognize the amount of
a debt on the transaction date, which may be reflected on a copy of a contract or a bill provided
by a creditor. For this reason, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(3)(iv) as proposed to provide
that the transaction date, which is the date of the transaction that gave rise to the debt, can be the
itemization date for purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3).
As commenters noted, various dates may serve as potential transaction dates under
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(iv). For example, potential transaction dates may include the date a service or
good was provided to a consumer or the date that a consumer signed a contract for a service or
good. In the case of a consumer’s tax debt, the date a government assessed the tax may be a
transaction date for purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3)(iv).
Nevertheless, the Bureau declines to
adopt a prescriptive standard for identifying the only transaction date debt collectors may use.
Both the contract date and the service date are significant dates that may resonate with a
consumer. Because the consumer may recognize the amount of the debt on those dates, the
Bureau finds that either date may serve as the transaction date. Further, the Bureau determines
that developing a more prescriptive standard that would apply to all debt types is not feasible.
For this reason, the Bureau is finalizing comment 34(b)(3)(iv)1, with minor changes for clarity,
to provide that, if a debt has more than one transaction date, a debt collector may use any such
date as the transaction date, but the debt collector must use whichever date the debt collector
selects consistently, as described in comment 34(b)(3)1. Comment 34(b)(3)(iv)1 also
See the discussion of tax debts in the introductory section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(b)(3).
addresses concerns regarding identifying the transaction date for medical debt that includes
services on multiple dates or for multiple individuals.
The Bureau recognizes that the transaction date may be difficult to determine in some
circumstances. However, under the framework in § 1006.34(b)(3) for determining the
itemization date, the transaction date is one of five reference dates from which a debt collector
may choose. Section 1006.34(b)(3) does not require a debt collector to use the transaction date
as the reference date for itemization-related disclosures. If a debt collector cannot determine the
transaction date, the debt collector may use another reference date.
As discussed above, the proposed definition of itemization date included four reference
dates. In response to the proposed definition, an industry commenter suggested that the Bureau
add a fifth datethe date of a court judgment. The Bureau has determined to adopt this
recommendation. As a general matter, debt collectors will know if a court judgment against a
consumer exists and consumers are likely to recognize the date of a court judgment against them
or be able to verify the date with records. Further, the amount of the debt as of the date of a
court judgment is verifiable as it will have been memorialized in court records. Accordingly, the
Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(b)(3)(v) to permit debt collectors to use as the itemization date the
judgment date, which is the date of a final court judgment that determines the amount of the debt
owed by the consumer.
Because of differences between various debt types and the particular facts and circumstances of any given
transaction, § 1006.34(b)(3)(iv) provides debt collectors flexibility when selecting a transaction date. However, if
the total amount of a debt in collection includes amounts incurred on different dates of service, the Bureau believes
that, even though § 1006.34(b)(3)(iv) does not require it, debt collectors generally will select the last date of service
as the transaction date. This date may be most recognizable to consumers. Further, disclosing itemization-related
information as of the last date, as opposed to an earlier date, likely would be easier for a debt collector.
34(b)(4) Validation Notice
FDCPA section 809(a) provides, in relevant part, that, within five days after the initial
communication with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt, a debt collector
shall send the consumer a written notice containing specified information (i.e., validation
information), unless that information is contained in the initial communication or the consumer
has paid the debt. Debt collectors and others commonly ref er to the written notice required by
FDCPA section 809(a) as a “validation notice” or a “g notice.” The Bureau proposed in
§ 1006.34(b)(4) to define validation notice to mean a written or electronic notice that provides
the validation information described in § 1006.34(c).
The Bureau received no comments
regarding proposed § 1006.34(b)(4) and is finalizing it with a minor wording change for
consistency with final § 1006.34(c).
34(b)(5) Validation Period
FDCPA section 809(b) contains certain requirements that a debt collector must satisfy if
a consumer disputes a debt or requests the name and address of the original creditor.
If a
consumer disputes a debt in writing within 30 days of receiving the validation information, a
debt collector must stop collection of the debt until the debt collector obtains verification of the
debt or a copy of a judgment against the consumer and mails it to the consumer. Similarly, if a
consumer requests the name and address of the original creditor in writing within 30 days of
receiving the validation information, the debt collector must cease collection of the debt until the
debt collector obtains and mails such information to the consumer. FDCPA section 809(b) also
prohibits a debt collector, during the 30-day period for written disputes and original-creditor
See 84 FR 23274, 23337 (May 21, 2019).
15 U.S.C. 1692g(b).
information requests, from engaging in collection activities and communications that
overshadow, or are inconsistent with, the disclosure of the consumers rights to dispute the debt
and request original-creditor information, which are sometimes referred to as “verification
As described in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) through (iii), the
Bureau proposed to require debt collectors to disclose to a consumer the date certain on which
the consumers verification rights under FDCPA section 809(b) expire. To facilitate compliance
with that proposed requirement, proposed § 1006.34(b)(5) defined the term validation period to
mean the period starting on the date that a debt collector provides the validation information
described in § 1006.34(c) and ending 30 days after the consumer receives or is assumed to
receive the validation information.
To clarify how to calculate the end of the validation
periodincluding how debt collectors may disclose a period that provides consumers additional
time beyond the required 30 days to exercise their validation rightsproposed § 1006.34(b)(5)
provided that a debt collector may assume that a consumer receives the validation information on
any day that is at least five days (excluding legal public holidays, Saturdays, and Sundays) after
the debt collector provides it. Proposed comment 34(b)(5)1 clarified that, if a debt collector
sends an initial validation notice that was not received and then sends a subsequent validation
notice, the validation period ends 30 days after the consumer receives or is assumed to receive
the subsequent validation notice.
For the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is finalizing proposed § 1006.34(b)(5) and
proposed comment 34(b)(5)1 (which is renumbered as comment 34(b)(5)2) with minor
wording changes for clarity and consistency with other provisions of Regulation F. The Bureau
84 FR 23274, 23337-38 (May 21, 2019).
is adopting new comment 34(b)(5)1 to illustrate how a debt collector may calculate the end of
the validation period before sending the validation notice.
A number of commenters, including industry commenters, supported proposed
§ 1006.34(b)(5). According to several commenters, the proposed definition is consistent with
current industry practices. For example, with respect to the proposed five-day delivery timing
assumption, industry commenters stated that debt collectors generally assume that a consumer
receives a validation notice five to eight days after mailing. Consumer advocate commenters
objected to the proposed definition, stating that debt collectors should be obligated to honor
consumer verification requests at any time, not only during the validation period.
Some commenters recommended lengthening the proposed five-day delivery timing
assumption. A consumer advocate commenter and an industry trade group commenter suggested
that the validation period definition should assume that the consumer receives the validation
notice seven days after the debt collector mails it to account for delays or bulk mail delivery.
Another trade group commenter recommended a fixed ten-day assumption that omits
consideration of weekends and holidays.
Other commenters recommended shortening the delivery timing assumption. For
example, an industry trade group commenter recommended that the Bureau eliminate the
assumption entirely and clarify that the validation period commences upon mailing of a
validation notice. Other industry commenters urged the Bureau to shorten the assumption for
near-instantaneous communication methods, such as electronic or oral delivery. In contrast, at
United Sta tes Postal Service (USPS) delivery times for Standard Mail, commonly referred to as bulk mail, a re
typically longer than delivery times for first-class mail. For example, based on the USPS Originating Service
Standards, bulk mail originated in Washington, DC takes six days to reach New York City, seven days to rea ch
Denver, and nine days to reach Seattle. By contrast, first-class mail from Wa shington, DC rea ches New York City
in two days and Denver and Seattle in three days. See U.S. Postal Serv., Service Standards Maps,
https://postalpro.usps.com/ppro-tools/service-standards-maps (la st visited Nov. 16, 2020).
least two industry trade groups commenters and a consumer advocate commenter recommended
a uniform validation period across delivery methods. According to an industry trade group
commenter, if the validation period is not the same for all delivery methods, consumers may be
confused if they receive validation notices through different delivery methods with different due
After considering this feedback, the Bureau determines that a validation period definition
will facilitate debt collectors’ compliance with the requirement in § 1006.34(c)(3) to disclose to a
consumer the date certain on which the consumer’s FDCPA section 809(b) verification rights
expire. The Bureau declines, as requested by consumer advocate commenters, to require a debt
collector to comply with a verification request that a consumer submits after the 30-day period
provided by the statute has expired. FDCPA section 809(b) establishes a 30-day period for
consumers to exercise their verification rights.
The Bureau also declines to modify the length of the five-day delivery timing
assumption. The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(b)(5) on the basis that a consumer typically
receives a validation notice no more than five days (excluding legal public holidays, Saturdays,
and Sundays) after the debt collector provides the notice. Based on its market monitoring
activities, the Bureau understands that debt collectors typically send consumer communications
by first-class mail, which generally is delivered in three business days or less.
The Bureau is
unaware that debt collectors typically use bulk mail to deliver validation notices, and
Although the FDCPA and this implementing regulation do not require a debt collector to provide verification
after the validation period expires, a debt collector nevertheless may choose to do so. The Bureau has received
feedback from debt collectors and at least one industry trade group that many debt collectors respond to disputes
with verifica tion, a nd to origina l-creditor-information requests, after the validation period has expired.
See U.S. Postal Serv., Service Standards Maps, https://postalpro.usps.com/ppro-tools/service-standards-maps
(la st visited Dec. 1, 2020).
commenters offered no evidence otherwise. For these reasons, the Bureau declines to extend the
five-day delivery timing assumption.
The Bureau also declines to shorten the validation period’s five-day delivery timing
assumption. The FDCPA’s 30-day validation period begins to run when the consumer receives
the validation information.
If the 30-day clock began to run upon the debt collectors mailing
of the validation notice, as some commenters suggested, the consumer would be deprived of the
full 30-day period provided by the FDCPA to respond to the notice. Further, the Bureau declines
to shorten the length of the validation period for validation information provided by
communication methods such as electronic delivery. A delivery timing assumption that varied
by delivery method could pose compliance challenges and incentivize use of one communication
method over another. Therefore, as proposed, the five-day delivery timing assumption applies
uniformly to all validation information delivery methods.
A group of consumer advocates asked the Bureau to define the validation period based
solely on when the consumer is assumed to receive the validation information. In other words,
this commenter requested that the rule not permit the date that a consumer actually received the
validation notice to serve as the basis of the validation period. According to this commenter,
relying solely on the date that the consumer is assumed to receive the information would prevent
confusion if the date the consumer received the notice and the date the debt collector assumed
the consumer received it are different.
The Bureau declines to adopt this suggestion. The FDCPA’s 30-day validation period
begins to run when the consumer receives the validation information. Nevertheless, the Bureau
FDCPA section 809(a)(3) requires the validation notice to include “a statement that unless the consumer, within
thirty days after receipt of the notice, disputes the validity of the debt, or any portion thereof, the debt will be
assumed to be valid by the debt collector.” 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(3) (emphasis a dded).
determines that, at least in certain contexts, the date that the consumer is assumed to receive the
validation notice is the only date information that a debt collector will have at the time the
validation information is generated. Specifically, a debt collector who sends a written or
electronic validation notice will not know, at the time the notice is generated, the date on which
the consumer will receive the notice and, therefore, must be able to use the date of assumed
receipt to calculate the validation period end date. The Bureau is adding new comment
34(b)(5)1 to clarify that, in such circumstances, debt collectors may rely on the date of assumed
receipt, even if they learn after sending the notice that the consumer received the validation
information on a different date.
Several industry and industry trade group commenters expressed concern about the use of
the term “legal public holiday” in proposed § 1006.34(b)(5). According to these commenters,
legal public holidays may include State and local holidays that the debt collector is not aware of
and cannot reasonably ascertain. In response to these concerns, and consistent with
§ 1006.22(c)(1) in the November 2020 Final Rule,
the Bureau is revising § 1006.34(b)(5) to
provide that a debt collector may assume that a consumer receives the validation information on
any date that is at least five days (excluding legal public holidays identified in 5 U.S.C. 6103(a),
Saturdays, and Sundays) after the debt collector provides it.
Several industry commenters asked the Bureau to clarify whether a debt collector must
receive a consumer’s verification request before the validation period end date, or whether the
consumer need only send the request by the validation period end date for the request to be
effective. The Bureau determines that a consumer’s verification requestwhether an original-
creditor information request or a disputeis effective if the consumer sends or submits the
85 FR 76734, 76833-34, 76892 (Nov. 30, 2020).
request within the 30-day period established in § 1006.34(b)(5), even if the debt collector does
not receive the request until after the 30-day period. In specifying requirements for debt
collectors responses to consumers’ verification requests, § 1006.38(c) and (d)(2) of the Bureaus
November 2020 Final Rule implemented FDCPA section 809(b) by providing that, upon receipt
of an original-creditor information request (§ 1006.38(c)) or a dispute (§ 1006.38(d)(2))
submitted by the consumer in writing within the validation period, a debt collector must cease
collection of the debt . . . .” (emphasis added). The Bureau determines that a consumer’s
original-creditor information request or dispute has been “submitted by the consumer for
purposes of § 1006.38(c) and (d)(2) if the consumer sends or submits the request within the 30-
day period established in § 1006.34(b)(5), even if the debt collector does not receive the request
until after the 30-day period.
For the reasons discussed above, the Bureau is adopting § 1006.34(b)(5) to provide that
validation period means the period starting on the date that a debt collector provides the
validation information and ending 30 days after the consumer receives or is assumed to receive
it. Section 1006.34(b)(5) also specifies that a debt collector may assume that a consumer
receives the validation information on any date that is at least five days (excluding legal public
holidays identified in 5 U.S.C. 6103(a) (i.e., federally recognized public holidays), Saturdays,
and Sundays) after the debt collector provides it.
Proposed comment 34(b)(5)1 clarified that, if a debt collector sends a subsequent
validation notice to a consumer because the consumer did not receive the original validation
notice and the consumer has not otherwise received the validation information, the debt collector
must calculate the end of the validation period based on the date the consumer receives or is
assumed to receive the subsequent validation notice.
At least two industry trade group commenters stated that proposed comment 34(b)(5)1
was consistent with current industry practice. According to these commenters, if a validation
notice is returned as undeliverable, debt collectors typically send a new validation notice and
provide a new period for consumers to exercise their verification rights. A law firm commenter
asked the Bureau to provide additional guidance on a debt collectors duties if a validation notice
is returned as undeliverable after the validation period has expired.
The Bureau concludes based on feedback received and its own market-monitoring,
supervision, and enforcement experience that proposed comment 34(b)(5)1 is consistent with
existing industry practice and therefore is adopting it largely as proposed but renumbered as
comment 34(b)(5)–2. If a validation notice is returned as undeliverable after the validation
period has expired and the debt collector sends a subsequent notice, then, as stated in the
comment, the debt collector must calculate the end of the validation period based on the date the
consumer receives or is assumed to receive the subsequent validation notice.
34(c) Validation Information
Proposed § 1006.34(c) set forth the validation information that proposed § 1006.34(a)(1)
would have required debt collectors to disclose. The validation information consisted of four
general categories: information to help consumers identify debts (including the information
specifically referenced in FDCPA section 809(a)); information about consumers protections in
debt collection; information to facilitate consumers’ ability to exercise their rights with respect to
debt collection; and certain other statutorily required information. Each of those categories is
addressed separately in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(1) through (4).
34(c)(1) Debt Collector Communication Disclosure
FDCPA section 807(11) requires a debt collector to disclose in its initial written
communication with a consumerand, if the initial communication is oral, in that oral
communication as wellthat the debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and that any
information obtained will be used for that purpose.
A debt collector must also disclose in each
subsequent communication that the communication is from a debt collector. If a debt collector
provides validation information, the debt collector engages in a debt collection communication
and must make an appropriate FDCPA section 807(11) disclosure.
The Bureau proposed to implement the FDCPA section 807(11) disclosures in
§ 1006.18(e).
In turn, the Bureau proposed in § 1006.34(c)(1) that the § 1006.18(e) disclosure
is required validation information. The Bureau finalized § 1006.18(e) in the November 2020
Final Rule.
Section 1006.18(e)(1) requires a debt collector to disclose in its initial
communication that the debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and that any information
obtained will be used for that purpose. Section 1006.18(e)(2) requires a debt collector to
disclose in each subsequent communication that the communication is from a debt collector.
At least one industry trade group supported proposed § 1006.34(c)(1)’s cross-reference to
the FDCPA section 807(11) requirement. A consumer advocate commenter asked the Bureau to
clarify what version of the FDCPA section 807(11) disclosure should appear on the validation
notice: the longer, initial disclosure described in § 1006.18(e)(1) or the shorter, subsequent
disclosure described in § 1006.18(e)(2).
See 15 U.S.C. 1692e(11).
See, e.g., Dorsey v. Morgan, 760 F. Supp. 509 (D. Md. 1991).
See 84 FR 23274, 23322-23, 23402 (May 21, 2019).
See 85 FR 76734, 76830-31, 76891-92 (Nov. 30, 2020).
The Bureau is adopting new comment 34(c)(1)1 to clarify that a debt collector who
provides the validation notice required by § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(A)—i.e., a debt collector who
provides the validation notice in the initial communicationcomplies with § 1006.34(c)(1) by
providing the disclosure described in § 1006.18(e)(1). The disclosure described in
§ 1006.18(e)(1) is broader than, and incorporates the content of, the disclosure described in
§ 1006.18(e)(2). Accordingly, new comment 34(c)(1)–1 also clarifies that a debt collector who
provides the validation notice required by § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B)—i.e., a debt collector who
provides the validation notice within five days of the initial communicationcomplies with
§ 1006.34(c)(1) by providing either the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(1) or the disclosure
required by § 1006.18(e)(2).
The Bureau determines that this clarification will facilitate
compliance, encourage use of the model validation notice, and protect consumers.
The consumer advocate commenter also recommended that the Bureau require every
validation notice to include a Spanish translation of the FDCPA section 807(11) disclosure to
assist Spanish-speaking consumers. The Bureau declines to do so. Mandating that every debt
collector provide a Spanish translation of the disclosure is unnecessary for the majority of
consumers, who are not Spanish speakers. Further, a mandatory translation could undermine the
effectiveness of the other validation information disclosures. Moreover, the November 2020
Final Rule contained a targeted language access intervention on this topic. Pursuant to
§ 1006.18(e)(4) in that rule, debt collectors will be required to make the FDCPA section 807(11)
disclosure in the same language or languages used for the rest of the communication in which the
The model validation notice includes the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(1). As explained in the section-by-
section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2), new comment 34(d)(2)(i)1 clarifies that a debt collector who uses the model
notice to provide a validation notice as described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B) may replace the disclosure required by
§ 1006.18(e)(1) with the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(2) without losing the safe harbor provided by use of
the model notice.
disclosures are conveyed. Thus, if a debt collector provides a consumer a validation notice in
Spanish pursuant to § 1006.34(e), the debt collector must include on that notice a Spanish
translation of the FDCPA section 807(11) disclosure.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(1) as proposed and is finalizing new
comment 34(c)(1)–1 as described above.
34(c)(2) Information About the Debt
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(2) specified that certain information about the debt and the parties
related to the debt was required validation information.
The section-by-section analysis of
proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(i) through (x) discussed the specific items of information, which were
designed to help consumers recognize debts and included existing disclosures. The Bureau
addresses comments related to specific disclosures in the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(i) through (x). In this section-by-section analysis, the Bureau addresses
comments related to § 1006.34(c)(2) more generally.
Some commenters supported proposed § 1006.34(c)(2). A consumer advocate and a
municipal government commenter stated that the proposed validation information would help
consumers determine whether they owe a debt. A group of State Attorneys General stated that
consumers today do not consistently receive the information they need to identify debts.
According to these commenters, consumers routinely submit complaints that they do not
recognize the debts or creditors disclosed on validation notices. An industry trade group stated
that it would be feasible for debt collectors to disclose the proposed information because debt
buyers routinely obtain such information at purchase.
84 FR 23274, 23338-42, 23404 (May 21, 2019). Proposed § 1006.34(c)(5) set forth a special rule for information
about the debt for certain residential mortgage debt.
Other commenters objected to proposed § 1006.34(c)(2) and suggested that consumers do
not need information beyond what the FDCPA expressly requires. An industry trade group
stated, without providing verifiable evidence, that most debts are valid and asserted that less than
one-half of 1 percent of debts lack a contractual basis or are miscalculated. According to this
commenter, the small number of debts that are problematic can be resolved by consumers
invoking their FDCPA verification rights.
Other commenters who objected to proposed § 1006.34(c)(2) cited industry burden. For
example, one industry commenter stated that requiring debt collectors to disclose the proposed
information about the debt and parties related to the debt would increase costs for debt collectors
as well as for creditors. Another industry commenter suggested that proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)
was not feasible because debt collectors rely on creditors for account information and records.
According to this commenter, if creditors did not provide the information, debt collectors would
be unable to comply with § 1006.34(c)(2).
Some commenters stated that the information proposed § 1006.34(c)(2) would require
might confuse consumers and questioned whether it was supported by the Bureau’s consumer
Some commenters recommended that the Bureau revise proposed § 1006.34(c)(2) to
require additional validation information. Federal government agency staff, a group of State
Attorneys General, and a government commenter suggested that the name of the original creditor
and the date of the original transaction should be required validation information. A group of
State Attorneys General suggested that the Bureau require debt collectors to provide information
about the debt as of the charge-off date. Two associations representing State regulatory agencies
recommended that the Bureau require disclosure of a debt collector’s State license or registration
number, such as the Nationwide Multi-State Licensing System identification. According to these
commenters, requiring debt collectors to disclose license or registration information would assist
regulators examining for compliance with State debt collection laws. In addition, a consumer
advocate, an industry trade group, and an industry commenter recommended that, for medical
debt, validation information should include the facility name associated with the debt.
According to these commenters, a consumer may be more likely to recognize a facility where
treatment was provided than the name of the physician or healthcare provider to whom the
consumer owes the debt.
After considering the feedback, the Bureau has determined to finalize § 1006.34(c)(2).
The Bureau determines that validation notices in use today frequently lack sufficient information
about the debt and the parties related to the debt, and this lack of information undermines the
ability of consumers to determine whether they owe an alleged debt. This conclusion is
consistent with feedback from Federal and State government commenters, including the FTC and
a group of State Attorneys General. The Bureau’s testing also supports this conclusion.
The Bureau determines that requiring debt collectors to disclose the information about the
debt and parties related to the debt in § 1006.34(c)(2) is necessary. Industry commenters did not
support their claims about the relative infrequency of problematic debts with verifiable
In addition, a group of State Attorneys General stated that consumers routinely
complain that they do not recognize debts being collected, and the Bureau’s complaint statistics
Certa in information that Bureau qualitative testing indicates helps consumers to recognize a debtincluding a
debts original account number or an itemization of interest and feesmay not consistently appear on validation
notices. See FMG Cognitive Report, supra note 27, a t 8-11.
Even assuming one commenters claim that only one-half of 1 percent of debts lack a contractual basis or are
miscalculated, this error rate would impact hundreds of thousands of consumers annually. As the proposal noted,
49 million consumers are contacted by debt collectors every year. See 84 FR 23274, 23382 n.656 (May 21, 2019).
If one-half of 1 percent of these consumers received validation notices for debts they did not owe, 245,000
consumers could be impacted.
indicate similar concerns about debts among consumers.
Thus, the Bureau is finalizing
§ 1006.34(c)(2) to require information about the debt and parties related to the debt.
The Bureau also determines that § 1006.34(c)(2) will not impose undue industry burden.
As discussed in part VII, while § 1006.34(c)(2) may increase some costs for debt collectors, as
well as cause some indirect costs for creditors, the Bureau does not expect these costs to be
substantial. The Bureau disagrees that a significant number of debt collectors will be unable to
comply with § 1006.34(c)(2). The Bureau acknowledges that debt collectors depend on creditors
to provide account information and that creditors will not be required by the final rule to provide
the information that § 1006.34(c)(2) will require. Notwithstanding this fact, the Bureau has
received feedback that many creditors today make available much of the information mandated
by § 1006.34(c)(2). To the extent that creditors do not already provide debt collectors with this
information, the Bureau determines that creditors will be incentivized to do so after
§ 1006.34(c)(2)’s effective date because the debt collectors they hire or sell debts to will be
unable to legally collect without it.
The Bureau determines that the information required by § 1006.34(c)(2) will not confuse
consumers. As discussed in part III.C, the Bureau has validated the model validation notice and
the validation information contained therein through four rounds of consumer testing.
The Bureau declines the recommendation to add certain disclosures to § 1006.34(c)(2).
First, the Bureau declines to require the name of the original creditor and the date of the original
transaction. Requiring this additional information on validation notices may overwhelm
consumers, may be repetitive, or may otherwise not add to consumer understanding because the
The most common debt collection complaint received by the Bureau continues to be about attempts to collect a
debt that the consumer reports is not owed. See 2020 FDCPA Annual Report, supra note 12, a t 14. Consumers may
report that a debt is not owed for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, that the debt is being collected in
error or that the consumer does not recognize the debt.
validation information already includes items such as the debt collector’s name
1006.34(c)(2)(i)), the name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the itemization date
1006.34(c)(2)(iii)), and the name of the creditor to whom debt is currently owed
The Bureau also declines to tie information disclosure requirements to the date that a debt
was charged off because charge off is not relevant to all debt types. However, as discussed in the
section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(3)(ii), a debt collector may use the charge-off date as
the itemization date, in which case consumers will receive information about the amount of the
date as of the charge-off date, as well as information about interest, fees, payments, and credits
since that date.
The Bureau also declines to require a debt collector to disclose a State license or
registration number. If a debt collector is specifically required by applicable law to disclose such
information, a debt collector may do so as an optional disclosure under final
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A).
The Bureau does agree that a facility name associated with a debt may be helpful to
consumers in the medical debt context. The Bureau is not modifying § 1006.34(c)(2) to require
this information, but final § 1006.34(d)(3)(vii) permits debt collectors to include facility name as
an optional disclosure.
Accordingly, as noted above, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2) to require debt
collectors to provide certain information about the debt and the parties related to the debt.
Except with respect to final § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii), the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2)
pursuant to its authority under FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the
See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) and (viii).
collection of debts by debt collectors and, as described more fully below, its authority to
implement and interpret FDCPA section 809. In addition, except with respect to final
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(v) and (ix), the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2) pursuant to its authority
under section 1032(a) of the Dodd-Frank Act, on the basis that the validation information
describes the debt, which is a feature of debt collection.
FDCPA section 809(b) provides that a consumer may notify a debt collector in writing,
within 30 days after receipt of the information required by FDCPA section 809(a), that the
consumer is exercising certain verification rights, including the right to dispute the debt.
FDCPA section 809(a)(3) through (5), in turn, requires debt collectors to disclose how
consumers may exercise their verification rights. The proposal stated that to notify a debt
collector in writing that the consumer is exercising the consumer’s verification rights, the
consumer must have the debt collector’s name and address.
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(i)
therefore provided that the debt collectors name and mailing address are required validation
Industry and industry trade group commenters recommended various revisions to
proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(i). First, some industry trade group commenters suggested that the
Bureau permit a debt collector to disclose a trade name or doing-business-as name (DBA), in lieu
of the debt collectors legal name. According to these commenters, because a debt collector may
not use its legal name when communicating with consumers, a consumer may be more likely to
recognize the debt collectors trade name or DBA.
15 U.S.C. 1692g(b).
84 FR 23274, 23339, 23404 (May 21, 2019).
Next, one industry trade group commenter recommended that the Bureau permit a debt
collector to disclose a vendors mailing address because some debt collectors do not receive mail
from consumers at their office locations and instead use letter vendors.
Finally, some industry and industry trade group commenters recommended that the
Bureau permit debt collectors to disclose multiple addresses. Some of these commenters stated
that debt collectors may use separate addresses for payments and other correspondence,
including disputes. For example, an industry trade group stated that some clients of debt
collectors, including the Department of Education, do not permit debt collectors to receive
payments at their office locations and instead require debt collectors to direct payments to a
“lockbox,” which is a post office box administered by a third party for the receipt of payments.
A consumer advocate asked the Bureau to modify proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(i) to require
debt collectors to also disclose a telephone number, an email address, and any other method the
debt collector uses for consumer communications.
After considering the feedback, the Bureau is adopting § 1006.34(c)(2)(i) with a revision
for clarity and is also adopting two new comments to incorporate certain suggestions made by
As noted, some commenters suggested that debt collectors who use multiple mailing
addresses be permitted to include more than one mailing address as validation information. The
Bureau declines to affirmatively permit the use of more than one mailing address as validation
information. As discussed in the proposal, the purpose of validation information is to facilitate a
consumer’s exercise of their rights in debt collection, namely, the right to dispute the debt or to
request original-creditor information. Accordingly, the mailing address included in the
validation information must be an address at which the debt collector accepts disputes and
original-creditor information requests. The Bureau is revising § 1006.34(c)(2)(i) to affirmatively
state this requirement. If a debt collector only accepts payments at a different address than the
address at which it accepts disputes and original-creditor information requests, the Bureau notes
that the debt collector need not include payment disclosures with the validation information; they
are optional disclosures under § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii).
Moreover, if a debt collector omits the
optional payment disclosures, the validation notice will continue to contain contact information
for the debt collector, including, at the debt collector’s option, the debt collector’s telephone
number pursuant to § 1006.34(d)(3)(i), should the consumer wish to reach out for payment
information or to make a payment.
The Bureau is also adopting new comment 34(c)(2)(i)1 to clarify that a debt collector
may disclose the debt collectors trade name or DBA in lieu of the debt collector’s legal name.
The Bureau observes that, in some cases, a debt collectors trade name or DBA may be more
recognizable to consumers than the debt collector’s legal name. The Bureau therefore
determines that a debt collector may use its trade name or DBA when communicating with
consumers. However, when disclosing a trade name or DBA, the debt collector may not do so in
a manner that violates the FDCPA section 807 prohibition on false or misleading representations.
For example, a debt collector may violate the FDCPA and this final rule if the debt collector
The Bureau also notes that nothing in Regula tion F prevents a debt collector from using a different mailing
address in communications that do not contain the validation information. For example, if a debt collector accepts
payments at a different address, the payment address may be included in a separate communication seeking
payment. Additionally, as noted at the outset of the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34, the Bureau is not
fina lizing the proposed requirement that all va lidation notices be substantially sim ila r to the Bureau’s m odel
validation notice. Therefore, a debt collector may include a separate payment address on a validation notice, but a
debt collector who does so will not receive safe harbors pursuant to §§ 1006.34(d)(2) a nd 1006.38(b)(2) a nd m ust
otherwise comply with the FDCPA and Regulation F.
discloses a trade name or DBA that falsely represents or implies that the debt collector is an
attorney, when that is not the case.
Second, the Bureau is adopting new comment 34(c)(2)(i)2 to clarify that a debt collector
may disclose a vendors mailing address, if that is an address at which the debt collector accepts
disputes and requests for original-creditor information. As one commenter observed, some debt
collectors may use a vendor to receive mail from consumers. The Bureau is finalizing comment
34(c)(2)(i)–2 to accommodate this business practice.
The Bureau declines to adopt the recommendation of some commenters to require debt
collectors to disclose other contact methods, including a telephone number or an email address.
The FDCPA does not require debt collectors to communicate by telephone or email. However,
as noted, § 1006.34(d)(3)(i) permits a debt collector to disclose the debt collector’s telephone
number. Likewise, § 1006.34(d)(3)(v)(A), permits a debt collector to disclose the debt
collectors website and email address.
FDCPA section 809(a) requires debt collectors to disclose information about the debt that
helps consumers identify the debt and facilitates resolution of the debt. The proposal stated that,
like the information FDCPA section 809(a) expressly requires, the consumer’s name and address
is essential information about the debt that may help a consumer determine whether the
consumer owes a debt and is the intended recipient of a validation notice.
The Bureau
therefore proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ii) to provide that the consumer’s name and mailing address
See 15 U.S.C. 1692e(3).
84 FR 23274, 23339 (May 21, 2019).
is required validation information. As discussed below, proposed comment 34(c)(2)(ii)1
clarified the meaning of the term “consumer’s name.”
A consumer advocate and an industry trade group expressed overall support for the
proposed provision. The consumer advocate stated that consumer name information would help
a consumer identify an alleged debt. The consumer advocate also stated that complete name
informationsuch as a first name, middle name, last name, and suffixwould help consumers
determine whether a debt collector is seeking a different consumer with a similar name.
According to the industry trade group, it would be unreasonable for a debt collector to omit
known name information. For the reasons discussed in the proposal, the Bureau is finalizing
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(ii) as proposed.
Proposed comment 34(c)(2)(ii)1 clarified that the consumers name should reflect what
the debt collector reasonably determines is the most complete version of the name information
about which the debt collector has knowledge, whether obtained from the creditor or another
source. Proposed comment 34(c)(2)(ii)1 further explained that a debt collector would not be
able to omit name information in a manner that would create a false, misleading, or confusing
impression about the consumers identity and provided an example.
Some commenters raised concerns about proposed comment 34(c)(2)(ii)–1. A number of
industry and industry trade group commenters objected to the statement that debt collectors
would be required to determine the most complete version of the name about which the debt
collector has knowledge, whether obtained from the creditor or another source. These
commenters stated that the reference to “another source” was ambiguous and would create
litigation risk and compel debt collectors to conduct open-ended research about a consumer’s
name. Several commenters urged the Bureau to omit the reference to “another source.”
The Bureau is finalizing comment 34(c)(2)–1 with revisions in response to feedback and
for clarity. First, the Bureau is deleting the phrase “whether obtained from the creditor or
another source.” This phrase is unnecessary as it does not alter the fundamental expectation that
a debt collector will disclose the most complete and accurate name about which the debt
collector has knowledge. In addition, the Bureau determines that the reference to “another
source” is ambiguous and may create unjustified litigation risk and industry burden.
Second, the Bureau is revising the comment to clarify that a debt collector must
reasonably determine “the most complete and accurate version” of a consumer’s name. The
Bureau intended that a debt collector would be required to disclose “accurate” consumer name
information, but proposed comment 34(c)(2)1 only referred to “the most complete version” of
the consumer’s name. Finally, the Bureau has elaborated on the example of a debt collector
omitting a consumers name information.
FDCPA section 809(a)(2), which requires debt collectors to disclose to consumers the
name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed, typically is understood to refer to the current
As the proposal stated, if the original creditor (or the creditor as of the itemization
date) and the current creditor are the same, a consumer is more likely to recognize the creditors
name. If they are different, however, a consumer may be less likely to recognize the current
creditor than the name of the creditor as of the itemization date. Proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(iv)
provided that, if a debt collector is collecting a consumer financial product or service debt (as
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) generally provided that the merchant brand, if any, associated with a credit card
debt wa s required validation information. The Bureau is fina lizing m erchant brand information a s an optional
disclosure. See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(3)(vii). The Bureau therefore is fina lizing proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(iv) through (x) as § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) through (ix).
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(2). See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(v).
that term was defined in proposed § 1006.2(f)), the name of the creditor to whom the debt was
owed on the itemization date is required validation information.
For the reasons discussed
below, the Bureau is finalizing proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(iv) with minor wording changes and
renumbered as § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii), and is adopting new comment 34(c)(2)(iii)1 to clarify that a
debt collector may disclose the trade name or DBA of the creditor to whom the debt was owed
on the itemization date.
An industry trade group commenter expressed support for requiring debt collectors to
disclose the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the itemization date but asked the Bureau to
clarify that a debt collector may disclose this creditors trade name or DBA, as opposed to its
legal name, which a consumer may not recognize.
A consumer advocate objected to the proposal because a consumer may not recognize the
creditor to whom the debt was owed on the itemization date. According to the commenter, in
some cases, the itemization date may have occurred years after the debt was incurred. And,
particularly if the debt was transferred before the itemization date, the consumer may not
recognize the creditor as of that date. As an alternative, the commenter suggested that a debt
collector be required to disclose the name of the original creditor.
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(i), an entity’s trade
name or DBA may be more recognizable to consumers than an entity’s legal name. It may be
appropriate for a debt collector to disclose a creditor’s trade name or DBA, in lieu of the
creditors legal name, when communicating with consumers. Thus, the Bureau is adopting new
comment 34(c)(2)(iii)1 to clarify that a debt collector may disclose as validation information
the trade name or DBA of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the itemization date.
84 FR 23274, 23404 (May 21, 2019).
The Bureau declines to require a debt collector to disclose the name of the original
creditor as validation information under § 1006.34(c). FDCPA section 809(a)(5) and (b) require
a debt collector to provide the name and address of the original creditor in response to a
consumer request. While the Bureau acknowledges that, in some cases, a consumer may not
recognize the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the itemization date, this information will
still benefit some consumers. For an older debt or a debt that has been transferred, consumers
may be more likely to recognize the creditor as of the itemization date than the current creditor.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) to provide that, if the debt
collector is collecting debt related to a consumer financial product or service as defined in
§ 1006.2(f), the name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the itemization date is
required validation information. In addition, the Bureau is finalizing comment 34(c)(2)(iii)1 to
clarify that a debt collector may disclose the trade name or DBA of the creditor to whom the debt
was owed on the itemization date.
The purpose of FDCPA section 809 is to “eliminate the recurring problem of debt
collectors dunning the wrong person or attempting to collect debts which the consumer has
already paid.”
Consistent with the FDCPAs purpose, FDCPA section 809(a) requires debt
collectors to disclose to consumers certain information, such as the amount of the debt, to help
consumers identify debts. According to the proposal, an account number associated with a debt
on the itemization date may be integral information that a consumer uses to identify the debt.
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(v) to provide that the account number, if any, associated
S. Rep. No. 382, supra note 57, a t 4.
84 FR 23274, 23340 (May 21, 2019).
with the debt on the itemization date, or a truncated version of that number, is required validation
information. Proposed comment 34(c)(2)(v)–1 explained that a debt collector may truncate an
account number provided that the account number remains recognizable. For the reasons
discussed below, the Bureau is adopting proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(v), renumbered as
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(iv), and its related commentary with minor wording changes.
Industry commenters, a consumer advocate, and a group of State Attorneys General,
expressed overall support for proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(v). However, one industry commenter
recommended that the Bureau exempt debt collectors collecting residential mortgage debt from
the requirement to disclose an account number. According to the commenter, the account
number for a residential mortgage that has had a servicing transfer may not be the current
account number, which might confuse consumers.
The Bureau concludes that an account number associated with a debt on the itemization
date may help some consumers recognize the debt. The Bureau declines to adopt the
recommendation to exempt debt collectors collecting residential mortgage debt from disclosing
an account number. As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(3), the
Bureau has determined that the reference dates that a debt collector may use to determine the
itemization date may be meaningful to consumers because they correspond to a notable event in
the debt’s history that consumers may recall or be able to verify with records. By extension, the
Bureau determines that an account number associated with a debt as of one of those dates will
also likely resonate with a consumer, even if it is not the current account number.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2)(iv) and its related commentary
largely as proposed, with only minor wording changes to the commentary for clarity. No
substantive change is intended.
FDCPA section 809(a)(2) requires debt collectors to disclose to consumers the name of
the creditor to whom the debt is owed.
By using the present tense “is owed, the statute
appears to refer to the creditor to whom the debt is owed when the debt collector makes the
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) to provide that the name of the current
creditor is required validation information. For the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is
finalizing the proposal, renumbered as § 1006.34(c)(2)(v), and is adopting new comment
34(c)(2)(v)–1 to clarify that a debt collector may disclose the trade name or DBA of the creditor
to whom the debt is currently owed, instead of its legal name.
The Bureau received no comments specifically addressing proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi)
and is finalizing it as proposed but renumbered as § 1006.34(c)(2)(v). An industry trade group
commenter recommended that the Bureau permit debt collectors to disclose, along with the
required validation information, all current and past creditors associated with the debt.
According to the commenter, some creditors, such as healthcare and financial services providers,
may have multiple sub-entities with different corporate names. This commenter suggested that
disclosing more names of creditors will increase the likelihood that a consumer will recognize
one of them.
The Bureau declines to adopt this recommendation. Disclosing all current and past
creditors along with the validation information could overwhelm and confuse consumers.
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(2).
84 FR 23274, 23341 (May 21, 2019).
During one round of cognitive testing, participants were shown disclosure language that included a list of prior
creditors. Confusion was observed when participants tried to explain the difference between prior and current
creditors. The unclear relationship between creditors was highlighted when participants attempted to identify the
creditor that currently owned the debt. See FMG Cognitive Report, supra n ote 27, a t 3-4.
Thus, as discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c), the Bureau is requiring
debt collectors to disclose as validation information only two creditors: the creditor to whom the
debt was owed on the itemization date (§ 1006.34(c)(2)(iii)) and the creditor to whom the debt is
currently owed (§ 1006.34(c)(2)(v)). Nothing in the final rule prohibits a debt collector from
including the name of another creditor on a validation notice, but a debt collector who does so
will not receive the § 1006.34(d)(2) safe harbor and will risk not complying with the
requirements of § 1006.34, including the § 1006.34(b)(1) clear and conspicuous standard.
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(i) and (iii), the Bureau
is finalizing new comments 34(c)(2)(i)1 and 34(c)(2)(iii)1 to clarify that a debt collector may
disclose an entity’s trade name or DBA, instead of its legal name. The Bureau concludes that it
is also appropriate to permit a debt collector to disclose the trade name or DBA of a current
creditor. Thus, the Bureau is adopting new comment 34(c)(2)(v)1 to clarify that a debt
collector may disclose the trade name or a DBA of the creditor to whom the debt is currently
owed, instead of its legal name.
FDCPA section 809(a)(1) requires debt collectors to disclose to consumers the amount of
the debt.
In § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), the Bureau proposed to interpret FDCPA section 809(a)(1),
and to use its authority under Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(a), to provide that the amount of the
debt on the itemization date is required validation information.
Consistent with proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), the Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) to provide that the itemization
date, as defined in § 1006.34(b)(3), also is required validation information. For the reasons
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(1).
84 FR 23274, 23341 (May 21, 2019).
discussed below, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) as proposed but renumbered as
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(vi).
Several commenters, including an industry commenter, an industry trade group
commenter, and a group of consumer advocates, stated that the itemization date may not be
meaningful to consumers or help them recognize debts, if disclosed without an explanation of its
relevance. These commenters, along with Federal government agency staff, recommended
requiring debt collectors to disclose with the itemization date a statement explaining which
reference date the debt collector used to determine that date.
The Bureau declines to adopt this recommendation. As discussed in the section-by-
section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(3), the Bureau determines that the reference dates that a debt
collector may use to determine the itemization date have a significant likelihood of being
meaningful to consumers because they correspond to notable events in a debt’s history that
consumers may recall or be able to verify with records. Because each of the reference dates may
be meaningful to consumers, the Bureau determines that no additional disclosure explaining their
relevance is necessary. Moreover, the Bureau determines that an additional disclosure
explaining the reference date may confuse or overwhelm some consumers. While a debt
collector likely could describe some reference dates (e.g., a last statement date) in a
straightforward manner, other reference dates (e.g., the charge-off date and the transaction date)
do not lend themselves to a succinct explanation. That is because some reference dates reflect
financial concepts that are inherently complex (i.e., charge off) or that could vary by debt type
and the facts and circumstances surrounding a particular debt (i.e., transaction dates). For such
As discussed in the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(b)(3), the Bureau defines itemization date to mean
one of five reference dates for which a debt collector can ascertain the amount of the debt.
reference dates, a statement explaining their relevance could distract or confuse consumers,
thereby undermining the efficacy of the other validation information.
As noted, FDCPA section 809(a)(1) requires debt collectors to disclose to consumers the
amount of the debt. As discussed in the proposal, the phrase “the amount of the debt” is
ambiguous; it does not specify which debt amount is being referred to, even though the debt
amount may change over time. As also discussed in the proposal, consumers may recognize the
amount of the debt as of the itemization date (as the Bureau proposed to define that term in
§ 1006.34(b)(3)). Because the amount of the debt on the itemization date may help a consumer
recognize a debt and determine whether the amount of a debt is accurate, the Bureau proposed to
interpret FDCPA section 809(a)(1), and to use its authority under Dodd-Frank Act section
1032(a), to provide in proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) that the amount of the debt on the
itemization date is required validation information.
Proposed comment 34(c)(2)(viii)1
explained that this amount includes any fees, interest, or other charges owed as of the itemization
An industry commenter questioned whether proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) would
significantly improve consumer understanding. According to the commenter, if a debt collector
determines the itemization date based on the last statement date pursuant to § 1006.34(b)(3)(i),
and if the debt is placed for collection shortly after the last statement was provided, the current
amount of the debt (which the Bureau proposed as a separate item of required validation
information) and the amount of the debt on the itemization date would be approximately the
84 FR 23274, 23341 (May 21, 2019). As proposed, the Bureau is fina lizing § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) (renumbered
from proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(x)) separately to provide that the current a mount of the debt also is required
va lida tion information.
same. The commenter stated that, in this scenario, disclosing the amount of the debt on the
itemization date would not benefit the consumer.
The Bureau acknowledges that, for a given debt, the amount owed on the itemization date
and the current amount of the debt may be similar or even the same. However, as discussed
below in the section-by-section analysis of final § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), even in these cases, the
itemization of the debt will still be required, and, as clarified in final comment 34(c)(2)(viii)1,
the itemization (if the amounts are the same) will show $0 in interest, fees, payments, and
credits. As such, it should be clear to the consumer why the two amounts are the same. In many
other cases, these amounts will differ, sometimes substantially. In these cases, the amount of the
debt on the itemization date will help consumers recognize or evaluate the debt.
For these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) and its related
commentary as proposed but renumbered as § 1006.34(c)(2)(vii).
As noted, FDCPA section 809(a)(1) requires a debt collector to disclose to consumers the
amount of the debt. As discussed, the Bureau proposed to implement and interpret FDCPA
section 809(a)(1) to provide that debt collectors must disclose to consumers both the amount of
the debt on the itemization date and the current amount of the debt (i.e., the amount of the debt
on the date that the validation information is provided).
In conjunction with the amount of the
debt on the itemization date and the current amount of the debt, the Bureau proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) to provide that an itemization of the current amount of the debt, in a tabular
format reflecting interest, fees, payments, and credits since the itemization date, is required
84 FR 23274, 23341 (May 21, 2019).
validation information. Proposed comment 34(c)(2)(ix)1 clarified how debt collectors could
disclose that no interest, fees, payments, or credits were assessed or applied to a debt.
For the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is finalizing the proposal, renumbered as
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), with revisions to permit debt collectors to disclose the itemization on a
separate page provided in the same communication with a validation notice, if the debt collector
includes on the validation notice, where the itemization would have appeared, a statement
referring to that separate page. The Bureau also is finalizing comment 34(c)(2)(ix)1 with a
substantive modification and renumbered as comment 34(c)(2)(viii)1, and is adopting new
comments 34(c)(2)(viii)2 through4 to clarify other aspects of final § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii).
Commenters offered differing opinions regarding proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix). A group
of State Attorneys General, Federal government agency staff, consumer advocate commenters,
some industry trade group commenters, and at least one industry commenter supported the
proposed provision. These commenters generally agreed that an itemization of the debt would
help consumers recognize an alleged debt and understand how the debt had evolved over time
due to interest, fees, payments, and credits. Further, the Bureau received feedback that the
proposal was consistent with some industry practice. For instance, a commenter noted an
industry certification standard that, during the sales of certain debt types, requires debt buyers to
obtain or provide the unpaid balance due on the account, with a breakdown of the post-charge-
off balance, interest, fees, payments, and credits or adjustments.
The majority of industry and industry trade group commenters objected to proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(ix). Some such commenters stated that the proposed itemization requirement
See Receivables Mgmt. Ass’n Int’l, Receivables Management Certification Program, at 41-45 (Mar. 1, 2020),
https://rmaintl.org/RMCP (la st visited Dec. 9, 2020).
would be burdensome. According to several industry commenters, debt collectors would either
have to manually access itemization information in creditor files or implement costly information
technology solutions to comply with the proposed requirement. Some industry commenters,
industry trade groups, and the SBA argued that the proposed requirement would impose burdens
on creditors. Commenters stated that some creditors may not maintain all of the itemization
information that the proposal would require or do not typically provide itemization information
at placement and that to do so would involve significant expense. Some commenters speculated
that, to avoid such costs, creditors might refer fewer accounts for collection or file more
collections lawsuits against consumers. The SBA, an industry trade group, and industry
commenters argued that compliance costs could be onerous for smaller creditors and debt
collectors. For the most part, commenters offered qualitative assessments of industry burden, but
one industry trade group did estimate that proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) would impose billions of
dollars in compliance costs on industry.
Some commenters stated that proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) is unnecessary or unhelpful.
Multiple industry commenters asserted that an itemization is superfluous because consumers can
exercise their FDCPA section 809 verification rights to receive more account information if
desired. With respect to medical debt, an industry trade group stated that proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) is unnecessary because the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires non-
profit hospitals to send letters with itemized information to consumers, and health insurance
companies routinely mail to responsible partiesExplanation of Benefits documents that
One industry trade group estimated that a n itemization requirement would cost $600 m illion in professional f ees
to conduct legal analyses of HIPAA complia nce f or medical debt, $30 m illion f or one-time system reprogramming
for debt collectors, and $3 billion for one-time system reprogramming for creditors. The proposal a llegedly would
a lso result in billions of dolla rs in ongoing support costs and uncompensated medical care because, a ccording to the
commenter, the proposed requirement, if adopted, would increase the risks that hospitals might be unable to use debt
provide details about coverage, payments, and co-pays. Some commenters expressed concern
that proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) could increase legal risk for debt collectors if the itemization
information confused consumers. At least one industry commenter stated that the Bureau’s
consumer testing did not support proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) because the testing did not
involve actual consumers assessing debts in a real-world setting.
A few industry commenters objected to proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) because the
FDCPA does not expressly require an itemization of the current amount of the debt.
Some industry and industry trade group commenters objected to proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) because the itemization that appears on the model validation notice is
formatted for a single debt. According to commenters, the proposal would not accommodate
debt collectors who combine multiple debts in a single validation notice. Several commenters
stated that not permitting debt collectors to include multiple debts in one validation notice would
dramatically increase the volume of mail sent to consumers and would require consumers to
exercise their verification rights for each individual debt in the event that a consumer has a
global dispute. Industry and industry trade group commenters stated that the inability to
combine multiple debts would be particularly challenging for medical debt collectors.
According to some commenters, healthcare providers routinely combine multiple debts, in part
because they utilize family billing, which involves combining the separate bills for family
members of a primary insured party. Commenters stated that itemizations for medical debt may
be further complicated by the fact that healthcare providers typically do not maintain a rolling
total of charges for a general service and instead individually bill for each good or service
provided. At least one trade group stated that student loan debt presents comparable itemization-
related challenges because student loan debt may be provided through multiple disbursements
with separate account numbers.
An industry trade group suggested that proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) would not
accommodate debts in bankruptcy. According to the commenter, the proposal did not have the
specificity necessary to account for how the Bankruptcy Code permits a debtor to cure pre-
bankruptcy defaults over the term of the bankruptcy plan while maintaining regular post-
bankruptcy payments. In addition, the commenter argued, the proposal would not accommodate
the nuances that arise in the context of certain bankruptcy scenarios, such as a cramdown plan or
a lien strip.
With regard to medical debt, industry commenters, an industry trade group, and the SBA
stated that healthcare providers might violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
Privacy Rule if they provided the proposed itemization.
to these commenters, proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) would require debt collectors to disclose
more information than the minimum necessary for treatment of the patient, payment of the bill,
or healthcare operations, in violation of HIPAA.
Commenters recommended various modifications to proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix).
Industry and industry trade group commenters suggested that debt collectors should not need to
comply with proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) if interest and fees are not charged on an account.
Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 1322(b)(5), a bankruptcy court may change the underlying terms of a debt, which is
referred to as a “cramdown.Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. 1322(c)(2), a secured claim can be converted to an unsecured
cla im, which is ref erred to a s a “lien strip.
Pub. L. 104-191, 110 Stat. 1936 (1996).
45 CFR pa rt 160 and part 164 subparts A and E.
In addition, an industry trade group suggested that debt collectors should not be required to comply with the
item iza tion requirement for pre-charge-off debts, particularly if periodic statements continue to be provided. The
An industry commenter stated that debt collectors should be permitted to indicate “U” for
“unknown” orunavailable” in fields for which a creditor did not provide the relevant
Several commenters asked the Bureau to clarify the proposal. An industry commenter
asked how a debt collector could disclose third-party payments or insurance adjustments,
particularly in the context of medical debt. An industry trade group sought additional guidance
about how to disclose balance increases that are not caused by interest or fees, such as a balance
increase caused by a returned payment. Noting the existence of validation notice itemization
requirements imposed by other applicable law, such as New York State regulations, two industry
trade groups requested guidance about how a debt collector should simultaneously comply with
those requirements and proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix).
With respect to the Bureau’s request for comment about whether the proposed
itemization should be more detailedfor example, by reflecting each fee charged and each
payment receivedor whether certain itemization categories should be combined as proposed,
industry commenters suggested that the Bureau not deviate from the proposal. For instance, a
commenter stated that, in the context of medical debts, listing all payments and credits
individually could result in multiple additional pages because of the number of third-party
payments. In contrast, citing the Bureau’s consumer testing, an academic commenter argued that
the itemization should be more detailed because consumers prefer to see penalties and fees
broken down into individual charges.
Bureau notes that, in many cases, a person collecting a debt that was not in default at the time it was obtained by
such person will not be a debt collector subject to the FDCPA or Regulation F. See FDCPA section 803(6)(F)(iii),
15 U.S.C. 1692a(6)(F)(iii).
See 23 NYCRR 1.2(b)(2).
FMG Sum mary Report, supra note 29.
After considering these comments, and for the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is
adopting the proposed requirement, renumbered as § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), with revisions to
provide that validation information includes an itemization of the current amount of the debt
reflecting interest, fees, payments, and credits since the itemization date. Final
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) further provides that a debt collector may disclose the itemization on a
separate page provided in the same communication with a validation notice, if the debt collector
includes on the validation notice, where the itemization would have appeared, a statement
referring to that separate page.
The Bureau determines that an itemization of the debt will help a significant number of
consumers recognize whether they owe a debt and evaluate whether the debt is accurate, because
the itemization will disclose how the amount may have changed over time due, for example, to
interest, fees, payments, and credits that have been assessed or applied to the debt.
The Bureau determines that § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) will not create undue industry burden in
light of modifications made in response to comments.
The Bureau acknowledges that
complying with the itemization requirement may result in some additional costs to debt
collectors, particularly if they do not currently provide itemization information at placement or
on validation notices, as well as in some indirect costs to creditors. However, the Bureau
concludes that these costs will not substantially impact companies business operations because
the final rule provides sufficient flexibility to debt collectors to tailor the itemization to specific
business practices and types of debt. Accordingly, the Bureau does not conclude, as some
For example, as noted in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(3)(i), a creditor or a third-party servicer
acting on the creditors behalf may issue a statement even after the debt has gone into collection. In that case, under
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(i), that new statement may serve as the last statement for purposes of the itemization date.
commenters suggested, that the itemization requirement will result in creditors referring
significantly fewer accounts for collections or filing more lawsuits against consumers.
Although several commenters stated that the required itemization information may not be
available for every debt, the Bureau notes that the itemization of the debt is based on the type of
routine account information that debt collectors typically provide in response to consumer
verification requests and that, as such, debt collectors should be able to obtain such information
to comply with the final rule. While some debt collectors do not currently provide this itemized
information at the outset of collection communications, providing such itemization information
to consumers already is considered a best practice in some segments of the debt buying industry,
including for credit card debt and student loan debt.
Further, debt collectors are already
required to disclose an itemization for some types of debt in at least one jurisdiction, New York
In addition, as discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(3), the final
rule’s itemization date definition permits debt collectors to select an itemization date that is
feasible for the type of debt in collection and the information debt collectors receive. And
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) requires itemization of fees, interest, and credits only subsequent to the
selected itemization date. Thus, for example, if a debt collector selects the last statement date as
An industry trade group cited a n a rticle to suggest that collection la wsuits nearly doubled in New York City since
2015 because of New York Sta te’s debt collection rules, which mandate an itemization.
See Yuka Hayashi, Debt
Collectors Wage a Comeback, Wall Street Journal (July 5, 2019). The Bureau notes that the article did not cite a
connection between higher rates of lawsuits and the itemization requirement. I nstead, the article discussed the
phenomenon of increasing lawsuits nationwide, including in Sta tes like Texas, which had not recently introduced a
significa nt debt collection rule.
See Receivables Mgmt. Ass’n Int’l, Receivables Management Certification Program, at 41-45 (Mar. 1, 2020),
https://rmaintl.org/RMCP (la st visited Dec. 9, 2020).
See 23 NYCRR 1.2(b) (requiring debt collectors to provide an itemized accounting of the debt within five days
a fter the initia l communication with a consumer in connection with the collection of certain types of charged-off
debt, such as credit card debt).
the itemization date under § 1006.34(b)(3), and if the creditor has recently issued a statement to
the consumer, the debt collector need only obtain and provide to the consumer an itemization
with fees, interest, and credits subsequent to that last statement date. And, as discussed in the
section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2), a debt collector may provide the itemization on a
separate page and retain the safe harbor for the rest of the validation notice. For all of these
reasons, the Bureau concludes that the final rule will not impose undue burdens on debt
collectors and will provide consumers with useful information. The Bureau will monitor
whether the itemization date definition, including the last statement date definition, meets these
The Bureau disagrees that § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) is unnecessary or unhelpful. The
verification rights afforded by FDCPA section 809 are an important statutory protection;
however, they do not serve the same purpose or provide an adequate substitute to the itemization
of the debt that § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) will require. The Bureau disagrees that an itemization of
the current amount of the debt is unnecessary for medical debt, as some commenters argued.
Although some non-profit hospitals or insurance companies may provide itemization information
to some consumers, commenters did not suggest, and the Bureau is not aware of other evidence
indicating, that all consumers with medical debt receive itemization information such that
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) would be unnecessary. The Bureau also disagrees with comments that an
itemization will confuse consumers. As the proposal noted, the Bureaus qualitative consumer
testing indicates that an itemization improves consumer understanding about the debt.
The Bureau also disagrees that the FDCPAs not expressly requiring an itemization is a
sufficient reason for the Bureau not to require it by rule. The Bureau proposed and is finalizing
See 84 FR 23274, 23341 (May 21, 2019); FMG Usa bility Report, supra note 28, a t 16-19.
the itemization requirement pursuant to its authority to interpret FDCPA section 809(a), as well
as pursuant to its authority under Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(a) to prescribe rules to ensure
that the features of debt collection are fully, accurately, and effectively disclosed to consumers.
The Bureau is revising § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) to permit debt collectors to disclose the
itemization on a separate page.
The itemization that appears on the model validation notice
may not accommodate all debt types in every instance. Some debt collectors may have
legitimate reasons to combine multiple debts on a single validation notice. This may be the case
with respect to medical debt (for instance, owing to healthcare provider billing practices) and
student loan debt (because consumers may receive loans through multiple disbursements with
separate account numbers). As finalized, § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) states that a debt collector may
disclose the itemization on a separate page provided in the same communication with a
validation notice, if the debt collector includes on the validation notice, where the itemization
would have appeared, a statement referring to that separate page.
New comment
34(c)(2)(viii)–3 clarifies that a debt collector may comply with the requirement to refer to the
separate page by, for example, including on the validation notice the statement, “See the
enclosed separate page for an itemization of the debt,” situated next to the information about the
current amount of the debt required by § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix).
Under § 1006.34(d)(2)(ii), a debt collector who otherwise uses the model validation notice or a substantially
sim ila r form, but who provides the itemization of the current amount of the debt on separate page, receives a saf e
harbor for compliance with the information and form requirements of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1) except with respect to
the itemization that appears on the separate page.
For example, when delivering a validation notice by mail, a debt collector may include the separate itemization in
the sa me envelope a s the validation notice. Simila rly, when delivering a validation notice electronically, a debt
collector may include the separate itemization in the same email as the validation notice.
Section 1006.34(d)(2)(iii) establishes that a debt collector who uses the model validation notice and who provides
an itemization on a separate page receives a safe harbor for compliance with the information a nd form requirements
of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1), except with respect to the disclosures that appear on the separate page.
The Bureau is making an additional change to § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii). As finalized,
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) omits the proposed language that an itemization must be “in a tabular
format.” The Bureau determined that it is unnecessary and unwarranted to mandate the use of a
tabular format because, if the itemization information is provided on a separate page or orally,
using a tabular format may be impractical or infeasible and, if the itemization information is
provided on a validation notice, debt collectors likely will use the tabular format shown on the
model notice such that they may receive a safe harbor for compliance with the information and
form requirements of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1).
To accommodate debt collectors who wish to combine multiple debts on a single
validation notice, the Bureau is adopting new comment 34(c)(2)(viii)–4 to clarify that a debt
collector who combines multiple debts on a single validation notice complies with
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) by disclosing either a single, cumulative itemization on the validation
notice or a separate itemization of each debt on a separate page or pages provided in the same
communication as the validation notice.
The Bureau concludes that the itemization requirement will not cause healthcare
providers or debt collectors to violate the HIPAA Privacy Rule. HHS staff has advised the
Bureau that the HIPAA Privacy Rule generally permits covered entities to disclose protected
health information required by applicable law.
Because disclosure of itemization information
Rela tedly, as discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix), the Bureau is adopting new
comment 34(c)(2)(ix)2 to clarify that a debt collector who combines multiple debts on a single va lidation notice
com plies with § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix)’s requirement to disclose the “current amount of the debt by disclosing on the
va lida tion notice a single, cumulative figure that is the sum of the current amount of all the debts.
See 45 CFR 164.512(a)(1) (“A covered entity may use or disclose protected health information to the extent that
such use or disclosure is required by law and the use or disclosure complies with and is limited to the relevant
requirements of such law.); see also U.S. Dept of Health & Human Servs., Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule prevent
health plans and providers from using debt collection agencies? Does the Privacy Rule conflict with the Fair Debt
Collection Practices Act?, https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/faq/268/does-the-hipaa-privacy-rule-
will be necessary to comply with § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), this guidance indicates that the HIPAA
Privacy Rule will permit its disclosure.
The Bureau declines to modify § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) as commenters otherwise
recommended. An itemization, even if no interest and fees have been assessed or charged on an
account, remains relevant information about the debt. Further, complying with
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) if no interest and fees have been assessed or charged is relatively
straightforward, and comment 34(c)(2)(viii)1 clarifies how debt collectors may do so.
However, the Bureau is finalizing proposed comment 34(c)(2)(viii)1 with a
modification to delete language stating that debt collectors may indicateN/A” in a required
field when no interest, fees, payments, or creditors have been assessed or applied to the account
because different consumers may interpret N/A” differently. For example, some consumers
might understand it as indicating “not available,and others might construe it as meaning “not
applicable. To eliminate this potential ambiguity, the Bureau is revising comment
34(c)(2)(viii)–1 to provide that a debt collector may indicate that the value of a required field is
“0,” “none,” or may state that no interest, fees, payments, or credits have been assessed or
applied to the debt. The Bureau also is revising the comment to clarify, as was intended in the
proposal, that a debt collector may not leave a required field blank.
The Bureau declines the recommendation that debt collectors be permitted to indicate
“U” for “unknown” or “unavailable” in the itemization if a creditor did not provide the relevant
information. Allowing debt collectors to omit specific itemization information in this manner
prevent-health-care-providers-from-usi ng-debt-collection-agencies/index.html (la st visited Dec. 1, 2020) (noting
that the H IPAA Privacy Rule permits healthcare providers to provide the minimum necessary patient information to
debt collectors for the purpose of receiving payment).
could incentivize debt collectors to avoid receiving it, thereby undermining the effectiveness of
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii).
Debt collectors sought clarification as to how they should comply with
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) in various scenarios. Depending on the facts and circumstances, a third-
party payment or insurance adjustment may be disclosed as a “paymentor a “credit” in the
itemization. Also depending on the facts and circumstances, a payment that is returned may be
omitted from the itemization provided that the payment and the return offset each other, and
provided that the amount of the debt owed on the itemization date pursuant to
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) and the current amount of the debt pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) are
accurately disclosed.
Regarding § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii)’s interaction with itemization requirements in other
applicable law, the Bureau is finalizing new comment 34(c)(2)(viii)–2, which states that, if a
debt collector is required by other applicable law to provide an itemization of the current amount
of the debt with the validation information, the debt collector may comply with
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) by disclosing the itemization required by other applicable law in lieu of the
itemization described in § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), if the itemization required by other applicable law
is substantially similar to the itemization that appears on the model validation notice. The
Bureau is aware of only one jurisdiction that requires debt collectors to provide an itemization
with the validation information, and that itemization is substantially similar to the itemization
required by § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii).
Further, consumers likely would not benefitand, in fact,
may be disadvantagedby receiving multiple itemizations with the validation information. For
instance, although a debt collector could include both the itemization required by
See 23 NYCRR 1.2(b)(2).
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) on the front of a validation notice, and, on the reverse, an itemization
specifically required by other applicable law (as an optional disclosure pursuant to
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)), a consumer would be unlikely to benefit from receiving two itemizations.
In addition, permitting debt collectors to simultaneously satisfy the Bureau’s itemization
requirement and a substantially similar requirement under other applicable law with one
itemization avoids burdening debt collectors with the costs of creating redundant disclosures.
The Bureau determines that the itemization of the current amount of the debt should not
be more detailed (e.g., it should not include a detailed list of all payments). The itemization that
appears on the model validation notice has been validated through four rounds of consumer
testing and is effective, and the Bureau agrees with commenters who observed that a detailed
disclosure of, for example, all payments could be overwhelming and not logistically feasible.
For all of these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix),
renumbered as § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), to provide that required validation information includes an
itemization of the current amount of the debt reflecting interest, fees, payments, and credits since
the itemization date. Final § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) also provides that a debt collector may disclose
the itemization on a separate page provided in the same communication with a validation notice
if the debt collector includes on the validation notice, where the itemization would have
appeared, a statement referring to that separate page. The Bureau is finalizing comment
34(c)(2)(ix)–1 with revisions and renumbered as comment 34(c)(2)(viii)–1 and is adding
comments 34(c)(2)(viii)2 through 4 to clarify various aspects of final § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), as
discussed above. The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) and its related commentary
pursuant to its authority to interpret FDCPA section 809(a), as well as its authority under Dodd-
Frank Act section 1032(a).
FDCPA section 809(a)(1) requires debt collectors to disclose to consumers the amount of
the debt. Proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(x) provided that the current amount of the debt is required
validation information.
Proposed comment 34(c)(2)(x)1 explained that, for residential
mortgage debt subject to Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.41, a debt collector could comply with
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(x) by including in the validation notice the total balance of the outstanding
mortgage, including principal, interest, fees, and other charges.
Some commenters raised concerns about how proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(x) would
disclose the current amount of the debt. Industry and industry trade group commenters stated
that, if interest and fees are increasing, the current amount of the debt that appears on a
validation notice may no longer be accurate by the time the consumer receives the notice. Some
commenters stated that some State laws and court decisions require debt collectors to disclose if
the current amount of the debt may change due to interest and fees.
To address these
concerns, industry and industry trade group commenters suggested that the Bureau should either
develop a stand-alone increasing-interest-and-fee disclosure or structure § 1006.34(c)(2)(x) to
permit debt collectors to disclose that the itemized current amount of the debt may increase or
84 FR 23274, 23342, 23415 (May 21, 2019).
See Avila v. Riexinger & Assocs., LLC, 817 F.3d 72, 76 (2d Cir. 2016) (holding that 15 U.S.C. 1692e requires
debt collectors to disclose if the amount of a debt may increase due to interest and fees).
A trade group commenter recommended the following dynamic balance disclosure: “As of the date of this letter,
the balance due on the account is <current>. Because interest, fees, and/or other charges may change the total owed
from day to day, the amount due on the day you pay may be greater. If you pay the amount shown a bove, a n
adjustment may be necessary after we receive your payment, in which event you may be informed of any other
a m ount due.”
An industry trade group stated that disclosing the current amount of the debt as proposed
would present challenges for some reverse mortgage debt because that amount might differ from
the amount disclosed in monthly statements.
The commenter recommended that, to avoid
potential confusion in the context of reverse mortgage debt, a debt collector should be permitted
to provide the last monthly account statement in lieu of disclosing the current amount of the debt.
A group of consumer advocates recommended that, for residential mortgage debt, the
Bureau should require debt collectors to disclose the current amount of the total unpaid balance
owed as well as the arrearage owed. According to this commenter, the arrearage owed is
important information because, in many jurisdictions, homeowners in default can pay the
arrearage to stop a foreclosure and reinstate a mortgage.
After considering these comments, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2)(x) as
proposed but renumbered as § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix). In addition, the Bureau is finalizing comment
34(c)(2)(x)–1 as proposed and is adopting new comment 34(c)(2)(ix)2 to clarify how a debt
collector who combines multiple debts on a single validation notice complies with
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(ix).
With respect to interest and fee accrual when disclosing the current amount of the debt,
the Bureau declines to incorporate an increasing-interest-or-fee disclosure or to structure the
current amount of the debt as a dynamic balance in § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix). The Bureau notes,
however, that comment 34(c)(2)(ix)1 (proposed as comment 34(c)(2)(x)1) clarifies that the
current amount of the debt is the amount of the debt as of the date that the validation information
is provided. Therefore, a debt collector satisfies the requirement in § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) without
The Bureau understands that, for some reverse m ortgages, including Home Equity Conversion Mortgages insured
by the FHA, when the reverse mortgage is due and payable, the amount due from the borrower may not be the
amount of outstanding debt because these reverse mortgages are non-recourse loans and a borrower will never owe
more than a portion of the appraised value of the home. See 24 CFR 206.125.
providing a dynamic balance or increasing-interest-or-fee disclosure. Additionally, as discussed
in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv), the final rule affirmatively permits debt
collectors to include along with the required validation information other disclosures specifically
required by applicable law. As such, debt collectors may include a disclosure pursuant to a
judicial decision or order that the current amount of the debt may increase or vary due to interest,
fees, or other charges. This modification addresses the challenges debt collectors face related to
interest and fee accrual in disclosing the current amount of the debt.
The Bureau declines to permit debt collectors collecting reverse mortgage debt to include
a last monthly account statement in place of disclosing the current amount of the debt. Unlike
the special rule for certain residential mortgage debt discussed in the section-by-section analysis
of § 1006.34(c)(5), reverse mortgages are not generally subject to a separate disclosure
requirement, such as 12 CFR 1026.41(b)’s periodic statement requirement, that is functionally
equivalent to, or as useful to consumers as, certain disclosures required by § 1006.34(c)(2).
Reverse mortgages generally are exempt from providing periodic statements under the Truth in
Lending Act (TILA)
and its implementing Regulation Z.
While reverse mortgages may be
subject to a monthly statement requirement that would require entities to disclose thetotal
outstanding loan balance,” this regulatory requirement is not as prescriptive as the Bureau’s
periodic statement requirement for other residential mortgage debt.
Thus, the Bureau
15 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.
See 12 CFR 1026.41(e)(1).
The regulation provides:The mortgagee shall provide to the borrower a monthly statement regarding the a ctivity
of the mortgage for each month, as well as for the calendar year. The statement shall summarize the total principal
amount which has been paid to the borrower under the mortgage during that calendar year, the MIP paid to the
Com missioner a nd charged to the borrower, the total a mount of deferred interest added to the outstanding loa n
balance, the total outstanding loan balance, and the current principal lim it. The mortgagee shall include an
accounting of all payments for property charges. The statement shall be provided to the borrower monthly until the
determines that a last monthly statement for a reverse mortgage debt is not an adequate substitute
for § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix).
The Bureau declines to require debt collectors to separately disclose an arrearage owed
for residential mortgage debt. Because the Bureau did not propose this disclosure, it lacks the
benefit of public comment and concludes that additional information, including through public
comment, would be advisable before adopting any such interpretation. However, the Bureau
notes that a debt collector who utilizes the special rule for certain residential mortgage debt
described in § 1006.34(c)(5) to comply with § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii) will provide a
periodic statement that may disclose such information.
Although a mortgage servicer is not
required to use the special rule for certain residential mortgage debt, a mortgage servicer who
does so and who otherwise uses the model validation notice or a substantially similar form
receives a safe harbor for compliance pursuant to § 1006.34(d)(2)(ii). The Bureau therefore
expects that, in many circumstances, a debt collector who is also a mortgage servicer that is
required to provide periodic statements under Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.41 will disclose
arrearage information.
As noted in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), industry commenters
requested further guidance about how to combine multiple debts on a single validation notice.
The Bureau is adopting new comment 34(c)(2)(ix)–2 to clarify that a debt collector who
combines multiple debts on a single validation notice complies with § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) by
mortgage is paid in full by the borrower. The mortgagee shall provide the borrower with a new payment plan every
time it recalculates monthly payments or the payment option is changed. The statements shall be in a format
acceptable to the Commissioner. See 24 CFR 206.203(a).
12 CFR 1026.41(d)(8)(vi) requires a periodic statement to include, if the consumer is more than 45 days
delinquent, the total payment amount needed to bring the account current.
disclosing on the validation notice a single, cumulative figure that is the sum of the current
amount of all the debts.
Proposed Provision Not Finalized
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.26(c), in the February 2020
proposal, the Bureau proposed to require debt collectors collecting time-barred debt to include
time-barred debt and revival disclosures on the validation notice.
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(xi) provided that validation information included those disclosures, as
applicable, if the debt collector determined after a reasonable investigation that such disclosures
were required by § 1006.26(c).
For the reasons discussed in the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.26(c), the Bureau is not finalizing the proposed time-barred debt disclosure requirements
and, accordingly, the Bureau is not finalizing proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(xi). However, as
discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(B), any disclosures relating to
time-barred debt that are specifically required by applicable law or that provide safe harbors
under applicable law are optional disclosures that the final rule affirmatively permits debt
collectors to include on the validation notice.
34(c)(3) Information About Consumer Protections
The disclosures in FDCPA section 809(a) help consumers to determine if a particular
debt is theirs and to facilitate action in response to the receipt of validation information.
However, as the proposal stated, debt collectors typically disclose only the information that
FDCPA section 809(a) specifically references and provide the FDCPA section 809 information
using statutory language, rather than plain language that consumers can more easily
See 85 FR 12672 (Mar. 3, 2020).
Id. at 12685, 12696.
To address these concerns, proposed § 1006.34(c)(3) provided that certain
information about a consumer’s rights with respect to debt collection is required validation
information. This information, which is discussed in the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(i) through (vi) below, included disclosures specifically referenced in FDCPA
section 809(a)(4) and (5), as well as additional disclosures intended to help consumers
understand their debt collection rights.
Commenters generally supported requiring debt collectors to disclose information about a
consumers rights with respect to debt collection. Federal government agency staff and a
consumer advocate commenter stated that proposed § 1006.34(c)(3) would improve consumers
understanding of their rights in debt collection. Some industry and industry trade group
commenters supported using plain language disclosures to explain consumer protections in debt
Some commenters recommended that the Bureau require additional disclosures about
consumers rights with respect to debt collection. Federal government agency staff, a group of
28 State Attorneys General, and a number of consumer advocate commenters recommended that
debt collectors be required to disclose the FDCPA section 805(c) cease communication right.
A State regulatory agency recommended that the Bureau require debt collectors to disclose that a
consumers failure to act or to dispute a debt may have credit reporting implications. This
commenter also recommended that § 1006.34(c)(3) require debt collectors to disclose how
84 FR 23274, 23342 (May 21, 2019).
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(4) and (5).
In the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau finalized § 1006.6(c)(1) to implement FDCPA section 805(c) and
to provide that,if a consumer notifies a debt collector in writing that the consumer refuses to pay a debt or that the
consumer wants the debt collector to cease further communication with the consumer, the debt collector must not
communicate or attempt to communicate further with the consumer with respect to such debt. 85 FR 76734, 78889
(Nov. 30, 2020).
consumers may obtain an annual credit report, which consumers are entitled to under the FCRA
and its implementing Regulation V.
The Bureau determines, as discussed in the proposal, that consumers will benefit from
receiving additional information about their rights in debt collection and from plain language
disclosures rather than disclosures that parrot the FDCPA’s statutory text.
The Bureau
therefore is adopting § 1006.34(c)(3). Specifically, as discussed further in the section-by-section
analysis below, the Bureau is adopting § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) through (v) and its related commentary
with minor modifications, but is not finalizing proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(vi), which addressed the
opt-out notice required by § 1006.6(e) for electronic communications or attempts to
The Bureau declines to require additional disclosures about consumer protections in debt
collection, as some commenters suggested. In particular, the Bureau concludes that, although
consumers may benefit from understanding the rights the commenters discussed, those rights are
not sufficiently related to the purposes of FDCPA section 809i.e., helping consumers to
determine if a debt is theirs and to facilitate action in response to the receipt of validation
informationto require debt collectors to include them as validation information.
In addition,
as discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv), the final rule generally
requires debt collectors to include a statement that informs consumers that additional information
regarding consumer protections in debt collection is available on the Bureaus website, with a
See 15 U.S.C. 1681j(a); 12 CFR 1022.136.
84 FR 23274, 23342 (May 21, 2019).
For exa mple, when Congress established the cease communication right pursuant to FDCPA section 805(c),
Congress did not require its disclosure pursuant to FDCPA section 809. The Bureau concludes that wa s intentional.
Thus, the Bureau declines to include the cease communication right as validation information that debt collectors
must disclose.
link to the information.
The Bureau’s website will disclose more information about consumer
protections in debt collection, including about the cease communication right.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) through (iii) and (v) pursuant to its authority
under FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt
collectors and, as described more fully below, its authority to implement and interpret FDCPA
section 809. The Bureau also is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(3) pursuant to its authority under section
1032(a) of the Dodd-Frank Act, on the basis that a consumer’s rights are a feature of debt
FDCPA section 809(a)(4) requires debt collectors to disclose to consumers their right
under FDCPA section 809(b) to dispute the validity of the debt within 30 days after receipt of the
validation information (i.e., during the validation period).
If a consumer disputes a debt in
accordance with FDCPA section 809(b), a debt collector must cease collecting the debt until the
debt collector provides verification to the consumer; this is sometimes referred to as the
collections pause. FDCPA section 809(a)(4) does not expressly indicate that a debt collector
must disclose to consumers that a dispute triggers FDCPA section 809(b)’s collections pause, or
whether a debt collector must disclose the end date of the validation period.
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) to provide that validation information includes a
statement that specifies the end date of the validation period and states that, if the consumer
notifies the debt collector in writing before the end of the validation period that the debt, or any
Section 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) requires debt collectors to include the disclosure if they are collecting debt related to a
consumer financial product or service, as defined in § 1006.2(f). Otherwise, debt collectors ca n optionally include
the disclosure under § 1006.34(d)(3)(viii).
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(4).
portion of the debt, is disputed, the debt collector must cease collection of the debt until the debt
collector sends the consumer either the verification of the debt or a copy of a judgment.
The Bureau received a variety of comments in response to proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(i)’s
incorporation of the validation period end date.
On the one hand, an industry trade group and
a group of consumer advocate commenters supported the inclusion, asserting the validation
period end date would provide certainty to consumers about the timeframe within which to
exercise their verification rights.
However, other commenters opposed the inclusion because, if delivery of a validation
notice is delayed and the consumer receives the notice later than the debt collector presumed, the
validation period end date would be inaccurate. Commenters suggested this could pose legal risk
to debt collectors. To address this concern, an industry commenter recommended that the
Bureau modify proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) to replace the validation period end date with a
generic statement that a consumer may request verification within 30 days after receiving the
validation notice.
Some commenters, including consumer advocate commenters and an industry trade
group, stated that disclosing the validation period end date might leave consumers with the false
impression that they could not raise concerns about a debt after the validation period expires. A
group of academic commenters argued that a study suggested that a significant number of
consumers believed that, if they did not dispute a debt during the validation period, they would
84 FR 23274, 23343, 23404 (May 21, 2019).
The discussion under the Model Va lidation Noticeheading in the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.34(d)(2) provides details about how the statement required by § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) is disclosed on the model
va lida tion notice.
be unable to assert later that they did not owe the debt.
Similarly, an industry commenter
stated that disclosing the validation period end date might dissuade consumers from making
verification requests after that date even though debt collectors sometimes honor such requests.
To address this potential misunderstanding, some commenters recommended that the final rule
require debt collectors to inform consumers that they can raise concerns about a debt after the
validation period end date.
Commenters also addressed the Bureau’s proposal to require debt collectors to disclose
FDCPA section 809(b)’s collections pause. Federal government agency staff and a group of
consumer advocate commenters supported the collections pause disclosure. However, industry
commenters stated that the disclosure would be burdensome because it would encourage
consumers to dispute the debt for the purpose of delaying or avoiding debt collection. According
to an industry commenter, consumers do not need to be informed about FDCPA section 809(b)s
collections pause because debt collectors are aware of it and observe it.
The Bureau determines that consumers will benefit from § 1006.34(c)(3)(i)’s disclosure
of the validation period end date. As discussed in the proposal, the validation period end date is
an integral feature of consumers dispute right. Among other things, the validation period end
date will provide certainty to consumers about the timeframe provided by the FDCPA to exercise
their verification rights.
The Bureau disagrees that a validation period end date that is inaccurate because a
validation notice was delayed will present significant legal risk to debt collectors. Final
§ 1006.34(b)(5) and comment 34(b)(5)1 provide that, for purposes of determining the end of the
Jeff Sovern & Ka te Walton, Are Validation Notices Valid? An Empirical Evaluation of Consumer Understanding
of Debt Collection Validation Notices, 70 SMU L. Rev. 63, 128 (2017) (“Our study indicated that more than a third
of the respondents believed that if they failed to meet the thirty-day deadline, they would either have to pay a debt
they did not owe or would not be able to argue in court that they didnt owe the debt.”).
validation period, a debt collector who provides the validation information in writing or
electronically may assume that a consumer receives the validation information on any date that is
at least five business days after the debt collector provides it. If a debt collector calculates the
validation period end date in accordance with this presumption, the debt collector will not violate
the FDCPA or its implementing Regulation F, even if, as final comment 34(b)(5)1 clarifies, the
consumer receives the validation notice later than the debt collector assumed. Further, the
Bureau determines that a generic statement that a consumer may request verification within 30
days after receiving the validation notice is not an adequate substitute for disclosing the
validation period end date. Such a generic statement could leave many consumers unsure about
when the validation period ends. For example, consumers might receive a validation notice in
the mail but not open it immediately, or they might open it and return to it later without keeping
track of how much time has passed. In these and similar scenarios, consumers would not be able
to determine the validation period end date.
Regarding commenters suggestion that the Bureau require debt collectors to inform
consumers that they can raise concerns about a debt after the validation period end date, the
Bureau concludes that it is not necessary to require such a disclosure. FDCPA section 809(a)
requires specific consumer disclosures, including statements about the consumer’s rights within
30 days of receipt of the notice, but does not require any additional statement addressing
consumer actions after the expiration of that period. The Bureau determines that a specific end
date will not increase consumer confusion more than general language such as “within 30 days.
The Bureau’s testing shows that, while some confusion does occur, about 40 percent of
participants said they could still dispute the debt after the validation period end date.
Of the
remaining 60 percent of participants, about 40 percent were unclear what would happen if they
wrote to dispute the debt, and only about 20 percent specifically said that they could not write to
dispute the debt.
When asked whether the debt collector would be required to send
information saying they owe the debt if they wrote to dispute after the validation period end date,
a small majority of consumers assumed that the debt collector would be required to do so.
Thus, although consumers may not be certain of the effect of writing to dispute the debt after the
validation period end date, the Bureau’s testing indicates that a sizeable majority of consumers
would not be inhibited about raising general concerns about the debt after the validation notice
end date. As discussed above, the final rule’s enhanced and plain-language disclosures should
improve overall consumer understanding and empower consumers to respond, should they
choose, to debt collectors. The Bureau therefore declines to require as part of the validation
information an explicit statement informing consumers that they may continue to raise concerns
about the debt after the validation period end date.
The Bureau also determines that § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) should not omit the collections pause
disclosure. As the proposal noted, consumer testing indicates that knowing about the collections
pause was important to consumers and would encourage them to exercise their dispute right if
they questioned a debts validity.
Debt collectors have not provided evidence to support the
premise that a significant number of consumers exercise their FDCPA section 809 verification
See November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report, supra note 34, at 13. Simila rly, the Bureau’s prior testing
suggested that “[o]verall, participants comments suggest that they understood the difference between writing before
the specified date [and] writing after that date.FMG Usability Report, supra note 28, a t 56.
Id. at 13-14.
FMG Cognitive Report, supra note 27, a t 30; see also FMG Summary Report, supra note 29, a t 25.
rights solely to evade or delay paying debts that they owe. Absent such evidence, the Bureau
declines to conclude that consumers will exercise their rights for such purposes. Further,
regardless of whether debt collectors are aware of and comply with FDCPA section 809(b)’s
collections pause requirement, the Bureau concludes that consumers will benefit from this
disclosure because it will provide them with more complete information about the actions that
debt collectors must take if consumers notify them that the debt is disputed.
For all of these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) as proposed, with
minor wording changes to clarify the content of the required disclosure, including by specifying
that the consumer must notify the debt collector in writing “on or before” the end of the
validation period, as opposed to “before” the end of the validation period, as proposed.
FDCPA section 809(a)(5) requires debt collectors to disclose to consumers their right
under FDCPA section 809(b) to request, within 30 days after receipt of the validation
information, the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current
FDCPA section 809(a)(5) does not expressly indicate that a debt collector must
disclose to consumers that an original-creditor information request invokes FDCPA section
809(b)’s collections pause, or whether a debt collector must disclose the end date of the
validation period. The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii) to provide that validation
information includes a statement that specifies the end date of the validation period and states
that, if the consumer requests in writing before the end of the validation period the name and
address of the original creditor, the debt collector must cease collection of the debt until the debt
The model validation notice uses the term “byinstead of “on or beforefor pla in la nguage purposes.
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(5).
collector sends the consumer the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the
current creditor.
Some industry and industry trade group commenters recommended that the Bureau not
finalize proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii).
Some commenters stated that the validation information
need not include a statement informing consumers of their right to request original-creditor
information because, under the Bureau’s rule, the validation information will include the creditor
as of the itemization date and, according to the commenters, that creditor and the original
creditor often will be the same. Relatedly, some commenters suggested that, because the
validation information will include the names of the itemization-date creditor and the current
creditor, debt collectors should be permitted to omit the statement informing consumers of their
right to request original-creditor information if the original creditor is the same as either of those
Some commenters recommended that the Bureau modify proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii) to
omit the validation period end date and the collections pause disclosures. These comments were
substantially similar to comments discussed in the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(i).
After considering the feedback, the Bureau has determined to finalize § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii).
FDCPA section 809(a)(5) expressly requires debt collectors to include in the validation
information a statement that, upon the consumers written request within 30 days after receipt of
84 FR 23274, 23343, 23404 (May 21, 2019).
See the “Model Va lidation Notice” discussion in the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(d)(2) for a dditional
details about how the statement required by § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii) is disclosed on the model validation notice.
As a n a lternative to complying with § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii), an industry trade group commenter recommended that
debt collectors be permitted to proactively disclose the original-creditor information that a consumer would receive
in response to an FDCPA section 809(b) request. This comment is addressed in the section-by-section a nalysis of
§ 1006.38.
the validation information, the debt collector will provide the consumer with the name and
address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. The Bureau proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(ii) to implement that requirement and to clarify the content of the disclosures for
debt collectors. The Bureau did not propose an exception to this disclosure requirement if the
original creditor and the current creditor are the same and therefore does not have information
regarding the costs or benefits of finalizing such an exception. To the extent that commenters
were concerned about the burden of responding to original-creditor information requests when
the original creditor and the current creditor are the same, the Bureau is finalizing a special rule
for that scenario in § 1006.38(c)(2).
For these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(ii) as proposed, with minor wording changes to clarify the content of the
required disclosure, including by specifying that the consumer must notify the debt collector in
writing “on or before” the end date of the validation period, as opposed to “before” the end of the
validation period, as proposed.
The Bureau declines to omit the validation period end date and the collections pause
disclosures from § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii) for the same reasons discussed in the section-by-section
analysis of § 1006.34(c)(3)(i).
FDCPA section 809(a)(3) requires a debt collector to disclose to a consumer that, unless
the consumer disputes the validity of the debt within 30 days of receipt of the validation
information, the debt collector will assume the debt to be valid.
The Bureau proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(iii) to provide that validation information includes a statement that specifies the
See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.38(c)(2).
The model validation notice uses the term “by” instead of “on or before” for pla in la nguage purposes.
15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(3).
end date of the validation period and states that, unless the consumer contacts the debt collector
to dispute the validity of the debt, or any portion of the debt, before the end of the validation
period, the debt collector will assume that the debt is valid.
At the time of the proposal, courts in various jurisdictions had reached different
conclusions about whether FDCPA section 809(a)(3) requires debt collectors to recognize oral
disputes about the validity of a debt.
These differing decisions principally arose from the fact
that, whereas FDCPA section 809(a)(4) and (5) explicitly state that a consumer must notify a
debt collector in writing, FDCPA section 809(a)(3) does not refer to a writing requirement. In
the absence of an express writing requirement in FDCPA section 809(a)(3), the majority of
circuit courts that considered the issue had determined that a consumer’s oral dispute triggers
certain FDCPA protections, including, for example, FDCPA section 810’s payment application
Consistent with this majority position, and pursuant to its authority to implement
and interpret FDCPA section 809(a)(3) as well as its authority under Dodd-Frank Act section
1032(a), the Bureau proposed to interpret FDCPA section 809(a)(3) to allow oral disputes.
84 FR 23274, 23343-44, 23404 (May 21, 2019).
Compare Clark v. Absolute Collection Serv., Inc., 741 F.3d 487, 490 (4th Cir. 2014) (per curiam) (holding that
oral disputes trigger certain FDCPA protections, including under FDCPA section 809(a)(3)), Hooks v. Forman,
Holt, Eliades & Ravin, LLC, 717 F.3d 282, 286 (2d Cir. 2013) (same), and Camacho v. Bridgeport Fin. Inc., 430
F.3d 1078, 1082 (9th Cir. 2005) (same), with Graziano v. Harrison, 950 F.2d 107, 112 (3d Cir. 1991) (“[A] dispute,
to be effective, must be in writing.).
FDCPA section 810 is implemented by § 1006.30(c). See 85 FR 76734, 76843 (Nov. 30, 2020); see also
Camacho, 430 F.3d at 1081-82 (holding that oral disputes trigger certain FDCPA protections, including under
FDCPA sections 807(8) and 810).
After the proposal was published, the circuit split was resolved. In Riccio v. Sentry Credit, Inc., the Third Circuit
sitting en banc overruled its prior decision a nd determined that FDCPA section 809(a)(3) does not require a dispute
to be in writing. Riccio v. Sentry Credit, Inc., 954 F.3d 582, 594 (3d Cir. 2020) (en banc) (“In short, we conclude
that debt collection notices sent under § 1692g need not require that disputes be expressed in writing. In doing so,
we overrule Graziano’s contrary holding.”).
Industry commenters, industry trade group commenters, and a group of academic
commenters supported the Bureaus proposed interpretation that FDCPA section 809(a)(3)
permits consumers to dispute the validity of a debt orally or in writing.
Several industry and industry trade group commenters expressed concerns about how
proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(iii) was disclosed on the proposed model validation notice, perceiving
a tension between the regulatory text and the proposed model notice text. Specifically, whereas
the proposed model validation notice stated that a consumer may “call or write” to dispute all or
part of the debt, proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(iii) did not specify the manner in which a consumer
must contact the debt collector and instead used the general term “contact.”
As proposed, the Bureau determines that FDCPA section 809(a)(3) permits both oral and
written disputes. The Bureau agrees with every circuit court that has addressed this issue and
interprets the absence of a reference to a writing requirement in FDCPA section 809(a)(3) to
mean that a writing is not required. Further, commenters overall supported this interpretation.
The Bureau declines to modify how § 1006.34(c)(3)(iii) is phrased on the model
validation notice. The Bureau developed the phrase “call or write” for comprehension purposes.
The model notice’s language is intended to be plain language and consumer-friendly and was
validated through multiple rounds of qualitative and quantitative consumer testing.
Regulatory text and the model notice language reflecting that regulatory text need not be
identical in every case. For instance, if consumers may not understand a requirement as
described in regulatory text, it is appropriate to express that requirement in plain language in
consumer disclosures.
See pa rt III.C.
See the “Model Va lidation Notice” discussion in the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(d)(2) for a dditional
details about how the statement required by § 1006.34(c)(3)(iii) is disclosed on the model validation notice.
For these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(3)(iii) as proposed, with minor
wording changes to clarify the content of the required disclosure, including by specifying that the
consumer must notify the debt collector in writing “on or before” the end of the validation
period, rather than “before” the end of the validation period, as proposed.
Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(a) permits the Bureau to prescribe rules to ensure that the
features of any consumer financial product or service, both initially and over the term of the
product or service, are fully, accurately, and effectively disclosed to consumers in a manner that
permits consumers to understand the costs, benefits, and risks associated with the product or
service, in light of the facts and circumstances. To enhance consumer understanding of
protections available during the debt collection process, and pursuant to its authority under
Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(a), the Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) to provide that, if a
debt collector is collecting a consumer financial product or service debt, as defined in
§ 1006.2(f), then validation information includes a statement that informs the consumer that
additional information regarding consumer rights in debt collection is available on the Bureau’s
website at https://www.consumerfinance.gov.
Commenters generally agreed that consumers would benefit from information about
additional protections available to consumers experiencing debt collection. However,
commenters disagreed about the best way to provide that information.
A large number of consumer advocate and academic commenters recommended that,
rather than a statement that additional information is available on the Bureau’s website, the
Bureau should require debt collectors to provide consumers, along with the validation notice, a
The model validation notice uses the term “by” instead of “on or before” for plain language purposes.
reference document describing consumer protections in debt collection, similar to the document
that the Bureau developed prior to the SBREFA process.
Commenters stated that a reference
document would be more useful to consumers than a statement appearing on a validation notice.
Further, some such commenters stated that proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) would not help
consumers without internet access who are unable to visit the Bureau’s website.
Consumer advocate commenters and a group of academics also stated that, if the Bureau
does not require a reference document, the Bureau should revise proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) to
require debt collectors to include a web address that directs consumers to a Bureau page
dedicated to consumer protections in debt collection, instead of to the Bureau’s general website
landing page.
Other commenters stated that requiring consumers to click on a hyperlink if the
validation notice is delivered electronically would create procedural hurdles that reduce
consumer follow through and would pose security risks to consumers.
At least one industry trade group commenter disagreed and supported proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) on the grounds that including a reference document with the validation notice
would overwhelm consumers.
For the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) as proposed
with a revision in response to feedback.
The Bureau declines to require debt collectors to provide consumers a reference
document describing consumer protections in debt collection. Because the Bureau did not
For additional detail about information that the Bureau considered including in the reference document, see
appendix G of the Small Business Review Pa nel Outline, supra note 39.
Also, in response to proposed § 1006.34(d)(4)(ii), a consumer advocate commenter recommended that the Bureau
permit debt collectors to embed a hyperlink that directs consumers to the Bureaus website address described in
proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv). As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(4)(ii), the Bureau is
adopting this recommendation to permit debt collectors to include a hyperlink without losing the safe harbor in
§ 1006.34(d)(2).
propose such a requirement, the Bureau did not receive robust feedback in response to the
proposal about what such a required form should look like and how a requirement to provide it
might operate. Further, the Bureau expects that most consumers will receive the disclosure
referring to the Bureau’s website and will be able to access the website; most consumers use the
internet and have experience navigating to websites.
The Bureau determines that consumers would benefit from being directed to a page
dedicated to consumer protections in debt collection instead of the Bureau’s website landing
page. Accordingly, the Bureau is modifying § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) to specifically reference the
webpage www.cfpb.gov/debt-collection instead of the Bureau’s general landing page. The
Bureau is also making a conforming change to how the statement described in
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) is disclosed on the model validation notice.
The Bureau determines that consumers will not face significant security risks when
accessing the Bureau’s website. The vast majority of validation notices today are delivered by
mail, so an active hyperlink is not possible. In the case of electronic communications, the
Bureau recognizes that active hyperlinks can present security concerns to consumers, including,
among other things, phishing risks.
But the Bureau is not requiring debt collectors to include
an active hyperlink to the Bureau’s website in validation notices. In other words, even if the
validation information is provided electronically, § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) only requires that the text
www.cfpb.gov/debt-collection be displayed in the information. As discussed in the section-by-
section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(4)(ii), a debt collector is permitted, but not required, to include
For example, a Pew Research Center study in 2019 found that 90 percent of U.S. adults use the internet. See Pew
Research Ctr., Internet/Broadband Fact Sheet, https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/internet-
broadband/#who-uses-the-internet (la st visited Dec. 1, 2020).
See, e.g., Fed. Trade Commn, How to Recognize and Avoid Phishing Scams (May 2019),
https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-recognize-and-avoid-phishing-scams (la st visited Dec. 1, 2020).
an active hyperlink to the Bureau’s website. This is because hyperlinks are a common feature of
electronic commercial communications. A validation notice that includes a hyperlink to the
Bureau’s website may be safe and convenient for a consumer. This would particularly be the
case if the debt collector had prior contact with the consumer and the consumer recognizes that
the validation notice was sent by a familiar source. If a consumer is unfamiliar with the debt
collector or otherwise has concerns about clicking on an active hyperlink, the consumer could
choose, rather than clicking on the hyperlink, to navigate independently to the Bureau’s website
to obtain more information about consumer protections in debt collection.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) to provide that, if a debt
collector is collecting debt related to a consumer financial product or service as defined in
§ 1006.2(f), validation information includes a statement that informs the consumer that
additional information regarding consumer protections in debt collection is available on the
Bureau’s website at www.cfpb.gov/debt-collection.
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(4) provided that validation information includes information that
a consumer can use to take certain actions, including disputing a debt or requesting original-
creditor information.
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) and
(ii), FDCPA section 809(b) provides that consumers must notify a debt collector “in writing” to
dispute a debt or request original-creditor information. Under § 1006.38, this writing
requirement is satisfied if a consumer provides a dispute or request for original-creditor
information to the debt collector using a medium of electronic communication through which a
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(4) set forth required consumer-response information. Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(B)
a nd (vi)(B) set forth certain other consumer-response information rela ted to payment requests a nd requests for
Spanish-language validation notices.
debt collector accepts electronic communications from consumers, such as an email address or a
website portal.
Thus, debt collectors are required to give legal effect to consumer disputes or
requests for original-creditor information submitted electronically only if a debt collector
chooses to accept electronic communications from consumers. The Bureau proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(v) to provide that validation information includes a statement explaining how a
consumer can take the actions described in proposed § 1006.34(c)(4) and (d)(3), as applicable,
electronically, if the debt collector sends a validation notice electronically.
Proposed comment 34(c)(3)(v)1 explained that a debt collector may provide the
information described in § 1006.34(c)(3)(v) by including the statements,We accept disputes
electronically,” using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase, followed by an email address
or website portal that a consumer can use to take the action described in § 1006.34(c)(4)(i), and
“We accept original-creditor information requests electronically,” using that phrase or a
substantially similar phrase, followed by an email address or website portal that a consumer can
use to take the action described in § 1006.34(c)(4)(ii).
Proposed comment 34(c)(3)(v)1 also
clarified that, if a debt collector accepts electronic communications from consumers through
more than one medium, such as by email and through a website portal, the debt collector is only
required to provide information regarding one of these media but may provide information about
additional media.
An industry commenter and an industry trade group commenter supported proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(v) because it would inform consumers about alternative methods to contact debt
collectors and would increase the likelihood that consumers would engage with debt collectors.
See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.38 and comment 381.
On the model validation notice, this phrase appears as “We accept such requests electronically.This wording
devia tes from the regulatory text due to space considerations and the context of surrounding disclosures.
However, another industry commenter objected to the proposal because, the commenter argued,
allowing consumers to exercise verification rights electronically would encourage consumers to
submit verification requests for the purpose of delaying or avoiding paying a debt.
The Bureau determines that requiring debt collectors who provide validation notices
electronically to include statements on the validation notice explaining how consumers can
dispute the debt or request original-creditor information electronically will benefit consumers by
facilitating their ability to exercise those verification rights electronically. The Bureau agrees
that such disclosures will increase the likelihood of engagement between consumers and debt
collectors but does not agree that they will encourage consumers to submit disputes or original-
creditor-information requests to delay or avoid paying the debt. As discussed in the section-by-
section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(3)(i), commenters have not provided evidence demonstrating
that a significant number of consumers exercise their verification rights with the principal
purpose of avoiding paying debts that they owe. Absent such evidence, the Bureau declines to
conclude that consumers will exercise verification rights for this purpose.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(3)(v) and its related commentary
largely as proposed, except that the final rule does not require debt collectors who provide
validation notices electronically to include statements stating how consumers can take the actions
described in § 1006.34(d)(3) (i.e., responding to a payment prompt (§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)) or
requesting a Spanish-language translation (§ 1006.34(d)(3)(vi))) electronically.
The Bureau notes that § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(A) affirmatively permits a debt collector to
include supplemental information in Spanish specifying how a consumer may request a Spanish-
language validation notice, and such information could include how the consumer may do so
electronically. In addition, as discussed at the outset of the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.34, the Bureau is not finalizing the proposed requirement that all validation notices must
be substantially similar to the model validation notice in order to avoid violating the rule.
Therefore, under the final rule, a debt collector who chooses to include either or both of the
optional payment disclosures in § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii) is not prohibited by Regulation F from
including a statement about how the consumer can make a payment electronically (although
including such a statement will take the debt collector out of the safe harbor in § 1006.34(d)(2)).
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(3)(v) pursuant to its authority to interpret FDCPA section
809(a) and (b), as well as its authority under Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(a).
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(vi) to provide that, for a validation notice delivered
in the body of an email pursuant to procedures set forth in the proposal, validation information
includes the opt-out statement required by § 1006.6(e).
Proposed comment 34(c)(3)(vi)1
clarified certain details, including that the requirement would not apply in the case of validation
notices delivered by hyperlink and that electronic delivery of a validation notice is not rendered
ineffective if a consumer opts out of future electronic communications pursuant to § 1006.6(e).
Although no commenters objected to proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(vi), the Bureau is not
finalizing it. The Bureau has determined that it is not necessary to require debt collectors to
include the § 1006.6(e) opt-out instructions on validation notices sent electronically because
§ 1006.6(e) itself already requires those instructions in every electronic communication or
As fina lized in the November 2020 Final Rule, § 1006.6(e) requires a debt collector who communicates or
attempts to communicate with a consumer electronically in connection with the collection of a debt using a specific
email address, telephone number for text messages, or other electronic-medium address to include in such
communication or a ttempt to communicate a clear a nd conspicuous statement describing a rea sonable a nd simple
method by which the consumer can opt out of further electronic communications or attempts to communicate by the
debt collector to that address or telephone number. See 85 FR 76734, 76890 (Nov. 30, 2020).
communication attempt, which will includes every electronic communication transmitting a
validation notice. Thus, § 1006.34(c)(3)(vi) would be redundant.
A debt collector who sends a validation notice electronically may provide the § 1006.6(e)
disclosure in the electronic communication outside of the validation notice. A debt collector
who provides the model validation notice electronically will not lose the safe harbor described in
§ 1006.34(d)(2) by including the § 1006.6(e) disclosure in the electronic communication outside
the model notice. Accordingly, the Bureau determines that the § 1006.6(e) opt-out disclosure is
not necessary to include as validation information. Although the Bureau is not finalizing
proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(vi), the Bureau reaffirms the clarification in proposed comment
34(c)(3)(vi)–1 that electronic delivery of a validation notice is not rendered ineffective merely
because a consumer opts out of future electronic communications pursuant to the instructions in
§ 1006.6(e).
34(c)(4) Consumer-Response Information
FDCPA section 809(b) contains certain requirements that a debt collector must satisfy if
a consumer exercises the consumer’s right to dispute the validity of the debt or request the name
and address of the original creditor. If a consumer disputes a debt in writing within 30 days of
receiving the validation information, a debt collector must stop collection of the debt until the
debt collector obtains verification of the debt or a copy of a judgment against the consumer and
mails it to the consumer. Similarly, if a consumer requests the name and address of the original
creditor in writing within 30 days of receiving the validation information, FDCPA section 809(b)
requires the debt collector to cease collection of the debt until the debt collector obtains and
mails such information to the consumer. FDCPA section 809(b) also prohibits a debt collector,
during the 30-day period consumers have to dispute a debt or request information about the
original creditor, from engaging in collection activities and communications that overshadow, or
are inconsistent with, the disclosure of the right to dispute the debt or request original-creditor
information, which the Bureau collectively refers to asverification rights.
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(4) to require a consumer-response information section
to help consumers exercise their FDCPA section 809(b) verification rights.
proposed § 1006.34(c)(4) provided that required validation information includes certain
consumer-response information situated next to prompts that consumers could use to indicate
that they want to take action or make a request. The proposed information, which is discussed in
the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) through (iii), included statements describing
certain actions that a consumer could take, including submitting a dispute, identifying the reason
for the dispute, providing additional detail about the dispute, and requesting original-creditor
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(4) provided that the consumer-response information
section must be segregated from the validation information described in § 1006.34(c)(1) through
(3) and from any optional information included pursuant to proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(i), (ii),
(iv), or (v) and, if the validation information is provided in writing or electronically, located at
the bottom of the notice and under the headings, “How do you want to respond?” and “Check all
that apply:”. As shown on the proposed model validation notice, the consumer-response
information section appeared as a tear-off portion of the form. Proposed comment 34(c)(4)1
clarified that, if the validation information is provided in writing or electronically, a prompt
84 FR 23275, 23404 (May 21, 2019).
As discussed in the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(d)(3), proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(B) a nd (vi)(B)
provided that a debt collector also could include a payment disclosure and Spanish-language validation notice
request disclosure as consumer-response information.
described in § 1006.34(c)(4) may be formatted as a checkbox, as shown on the model validation
A group of academic commenters expressed general support for proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(4). However, some industry commenters objected to the proposed consumer-
response information section. According to a depository institution, the proposed consumer-
response information formatted as a tear-off is an obsolete approach because physical mail is
increasingly less relevant as consumers prefer electronic communications. An industry
commenter stated that the proposed consumer-response information section would encourage
consumers to communicate through mail, which is more expensive and time-intensive than other
communication methods, such as email.
Several commenters raised concerns about proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)s use of the heading
“How do you want to respond?” A group of State Attorneys General and at least one industry
commenter stated that consumers may incorrectly infer from this phrase that they must use the
consumer-response information section to respond to a debt collector. Some commenters
suggested that this phrase created the false impression that consumers must engage with the debt
collector, even if they prefer not to. To address this concern, consumer advocate commenters
and a group of State Attorneys General recommended that the consumer-response information
section include “Do Nothing” as a response option.
Some industry trade group commenters objected to proposed § 1006.34(c)(4) being
formatted for use with a return envelope. According to these commenters, some debt collectors
do not include return envelopes with validation notices and instituting such a practice would
entail significant costs. However, a consumer group commenter disagreed and stated that the
Bureau should require debt collectors to include a return envelope with prepaid postage to
facilitate use of the proposed consumer-response information section.
After considering comments, the Bureau is adopting § 1006.34(c)(4) with minor wording
changes to conform to changes in § 1006.34(d).
The Bureau acknowledges that electronic communications are increasingly prevalent in
society at large; however, most debt collectors do not presently communicate with consumers
electronically, particularly to provide validation notices.
Further, many consumers still prefer
to communicate with debt collectors via mail instead of email or other electronic media.
Given communication practices in the debt collection industry and consumer preferences, the
Bureau determines that formatting the model validation notice consumer-response information
section as a tear-off so that a consumer can return that portion of the form by mail if the
consumer so chooses will benefit both debt collectors and consumers. Thus, if debt collectors
opt not to format the consumer-response information section as a tear-off, the § 1006.34(d)(2)
safe harbor will not apply to their validation notices.
The Bureau concludes that the heading “How do you want to respond?” likely will not
lead consumers to believe that they must respond to the debt collector or use the consumer-
response information section to do so. Consumer testing indicated that consumers paid relatively
little attention to this heading.
Further, consumers generally grasped the consequences of not
See 85 FR 76734, 76852 (Nov. 30, 2020).
According to the CFPB Debt Collection Consumer Survey, 71 percent of consumers preferred to be contacted by
a debt collector by mail. Only 12 percent of consumers preferred email. Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Consumer
Experience with Debt Collection: Findings from CFPBs Survey of Consumer Views on Debt, a t 29-30 (Jan. 12,
2017), http://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/201701_cfpb_Debt-Collection-Survey-Report.pdf (CFPB Debt
Collection Consumer Survey).
TheYou Have Rights’ and ‘How do you want to respond to this notice? sections had a comparatively low
number of fixations (i.e., a testing participants eyes resting on a piece of information) compared to other parts of the
responding to a validation notice.
These findings suggest that the heading will not induce
otherwise unwilling consumers to engage with debt collectors. This conclusion is bolstered by
findings from the Bureau’s most recent qualitative consumer testing. The Bureau’s consumer
testing suggests that consumers understand that they have the option of not engaging with a debt
collector in response to a validation notice.
This testing also indicates that consumers
understand that, if they choose to communicate with a debt collector, they do not have to use the
consumer-response information section to do so.
The Bureau therefore determines that it is
unnecessary to include a “Do Nothing” response option, as some commenters suggested.
The consumer-response information section should be formatted for use with a return
envelope. The fact that the consumer-response information established by § 1006.34(c)(4) is
formatted on the model validation notice for use with a return envelope does not require debt
collectors to include return envelopes with validation notices, even if they use the model notice.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(4) with minor wording changes
to conform to changes in § 1006.34(d). The Bureau also is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) through
(iii) and their related commentary with certain modifications that are discussed in the section-by-
section analysis below.
notice. These two sections were often discussed during the interview as being important so the fewer number of
fixa tions suggests that this information might have been easy to rea d a nd comprehend. Pa rticipants also commented
that these sections only needed to be scanned, further suggesting that fewer fixations on this section might have been
due to ease of processing the information rather than a disinterest in the information. See FMG Usability Report,
supra note 28, a t 7.
See id. at 83-84.
When asked about whether they were lega lly required respond to the m odel validation notice, a pproximately
90 percent of participants reported that they were not. See November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report, supra note
34, at 11.
During testing, participants generally understood that they could dispute the debt by telephone, electronically, or
writing with or without the “tear-off.” See id. at 15.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(4) pursuant to its authority under FDCPA section
814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors and, as
described more fully below, its authority to implement and interpret FDCPA section 809. The
Bureau is also finalizing § 1006.34(c)(4) pursuant to its authority under section 1032(a) of the
Dodd-Frank Act, on the basis that the information in § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) through (iii) informs
consumers how to exercise their rights under FDCPA section 809(b) and therefore is a feature of
debt collection. Requiring disclosure of consumer-response information will help to ensure that
the features of debt collection are fully, accurately, and effectively disclosed to consumers, such
that consumers may better understand the costs, benefits and risks associated with debt
34(c)(4)(i) Dispute Prompts
FDCPA section 809(a)(4) requires a debt collector to disclose to consumers their right
under FDCPA section 809(b) to dispute the validity of the debt within 30 days after receipt of the
validation notice.
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) provided that consumer-response information
includes statements, situated next to prompts, that the consumer can use to dispute the validity of
a debt and to specify a reason for that dispute.
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i), which was
designed to work in tandem with § 1006.34(c)(3)(i),
provided that consumer-response
information includes the following four statements, listed in the following order, using the
following phrasing or substantially similar phrasing, each next to a prompt: “I want to dispute the
15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(4).
84 FR 23274, 23404-05 (May 21, 2019).
As fina lized, § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) provides that validation information includes the date the debt collector will
consider the end date of the validation period and a statement that, if the consumer notifies the debt collector in
writing on or before that date that the debt, or any portion of the debt, is disputed, the debt collector must cease
collection of the debt, or the disputed portion of the debt, until the debt collector sends the consumer either the
verification of the debt or a copy of a judgment.
debt because I think:”; “This is not my debt.”; “The amount is wrong.”; and “Other: (please
describe on reverse or attach additional information).”
A group of academic commenters and some consumer advocate commenters supported
the dispute prompts described in proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i). The academic commenters stated
that the prompts would facilitate consumer disputes because consumers are accustomed to using
forms with prompts, such as drop-down menus in online transactions. According to these
commenters, the Bureau should facilitate consumer disputes given the low consumer literacy
levels in the United Statesparticularly among consumers with limited English proficiency
(LEP consumers)and the FDCPA’s least-sophisticated-consumer standard.
commenters stated that facilitating disputes will also benefit industry because consumer disputes
may lead to questionable or invalid debts being removed from the market.
Other commenters objected to proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i). Industry trade group
commenters stated that the proposed dispute prompts would increase dispute volume and,
consequently, debt collectors would incur additional costs responding to disputes. Industry
commenters stated that higher dispute volumes would overwhelm debt collectors, making it
difficult to identify and process valid disputes. Industry and industry trade group commenters
stated that the proposed dispute prompts would lead consumers to believe that they had to
dispute the debt, even if they recognized the debt as valid. Industry and industry trade groups
argued that streamlining the dispute process would encourage frivolous disputes. One industry
See, e.g., Rosenau v. Unifund Corp., 539 F.3d 218, 221 (3d Cir. 2008) (“We use theleast sophisticated debtor
standard in order to effectuate the basic purpose of the FDCPA: to protect all consumers, the gullible as well as the
shrewd.) (cita tions and some internal quotation marks omitted); Clomon v. Jackson, 988 F.2d 1314, 1319 (2d Cir.
1993) (“To serve the purposes of the consumer-protection la ws, courts have attempted to articulate a standard for
evaluating deceptiveness that does not rely on assumptions about thea verage or ‘normal’ consumer. This effort is
grounded, quite sensibly, in the assumption that consumers of below-average sophistication or intelligence are
especially vulnerable to fraudulent schemes. The least-sophisticated-consumer standard protects these consumers in
a va riety of wa ys.”).
trade group stated that requiring a lawyer engaged in debt collection to include the proposed
dispute prompts on a validation notice would constitute providing legal advice to unrepresented
persons, which is a violation of attorney rules of professional conduct.
Industry and industry trade group commenters stated the proposed dispute prompts would
not solicit enough information for debt collectors to evaluate disputes. According to
commenters, the proposed dispute prompts are too general and would result in generic disputes
that would increase compliance costs, frustrate dispute investigation, undermine consumer
communication, and increase litigation risk. To address these concerns, commenters
recommended modifications to proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i). Some commenters suggested that
the validation notice provide additional space where a consumer could include additional dispute
detail, update contact information, or provide communication preferences. Other commenters
recommended replacing the proposed dispute prompts with narrative instructions that solicit
dispute detail and supporting documentation.
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(i), commenters stated
that some debt collectors receive payments and other correspondence, including disputes, at
separate addresses. Industry commenters stated that proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) would
effectively combine a dispute form with a payment coupon. According to commenters, a
consumers dispute may not be processed in a timely fashion if a consumer returns a consumer-
response information form with a dispute to a dedicated payment address.
Several consumer advocate commenters recommended combining the proposed dispute
prompts into a single prompt. According to these commenters, a single dispute prompt would be
appropriate because the FDCPA does not require a consumer to specify a reason for a dispute
and a consumer may make unintentional admissions against their interest by providing details.
Some commenters suggested additional dispute-related prompts. Consumer advocate
commenters recommended prompts for debts discharged in bankruptcy, debts resulting from
identity theft, and debts that were previously paid or settled. Industry commenters urged the
Bureau to add a general account inquiry prompt. According to one industry commenter,
consumers with an account inquiry may perceive that they have no alternative but to select a
dispute prompt if proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) does not include a general account inquiry prompt.
An industry commenter asked for additional guidance about how the proposed dispute
prompts should be formatted when validation information is provided on a website.
Consistent with the rationale discussed in the proposal and for the following reasons, the
Bureau is adopting proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i).
The Bureau determines that § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) will help consumers exercise their FDCPA
section 809 dispute rights, in part because prompts are a common feature in written and
electronic communications and most consumers are familiar with the concept. The Bureau
determines that facilitating consumer disputes under FDCPA section 809 is beneficial,
particularly for less sophisticated consumers. Further, to the extent consumer disputes help
remove invalid debts from circulation, § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) will improve the efficiency of debt
It is also not clear that finalizing the dispute prompts will result in a significant increase
in consumer disputes compared to current dispute rates. Section 1006.34(c)(2) will require debt
collectors to disclose more information about the debt and will help consumers recognize debts
they owe. Thus, § 1006.34(c)(2) may reduce the number of disputes arising from lack of
consumer recognition.
The Bureau disagrees that § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) will make it more difficult for debt
collectors to identify and process valid disputes. As noted above, § 1006.34(c)(2) should reduce
the number of disputes arising from lack of consumer recognition. Therefore, the disputes debt
collectors receive will be more likely to reflect problems with the underlying debt. Further,
§ 1006.34(c)(4)(i)s dispute promptsincluding § 1006.34(c)(4)(i)(D)’s free-form dispute
promptmay help consumers articulate and provide more detailed information about the nature
of their disputes. Thus, debt collectors may better understand the nature of a consumers dispute
and be able to respond more efficiently than if consumers had provided generic disputes.
Further, dispute prompts likely will not lead consumers to believe that they must dispute
the debt. The Bureau’s consumer testing indicates that consumers who receive a validation
notice understand that they are not required to dispute a debt.
Further, the Bureau disagrees
that streamlining the dispute process will significantly increase the frequency of frivolous
disputes. As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(3)(i) and (v), debt
collectors have not provided evidence that supports the premise that a significant number of
consumers exercise their FDCPA section 809 verification rights solely to evade or avoid paying
debts that they owe. Absent such evidence, the Bureau declines to conclude that consumers will
dispute for such purposes.
The Bureau determines that requiring debt collectors who are attorneys to include dispute
prompts in the consumer-response information will not cause those debt collectors to violate the
During one round of testing, a pproximately 50 percent of participants stated that they would attempt to “confirm”
a debt in response to receiving a validation notice. Participants stated that they would do so by, for example,
contacting either the creditor or the debt collector. Participants did not report that they would dispute solely for the
purposes of confirming the details of the debt. See November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report, supra note 34, at 11.
professional rule of conduct against providing legal advice to an unrepresented person.
FDCPA requires all debt collectors, including debt collectors who are attorneys, to include in the
validation information statements relating to the consumer’s right to dispute the debt. The
dispute prompt merely provides consumers a simple way to exercise that right if the consumer so
chooses; it does not advise the consumer whether to do so. In addition, the commenter that
raised this concern cited no case law, legal interpretation, or comparable evidence to support the
proposition that including the dispute prompt will be problematic.
The Bureau is not modifying § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) to provide additional space for
consumers to provide dispute details or to replace the dispute prompts with narrative instructions.
As discussed above, the Bureau finds that it is unlikely that § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) will increase
generic dispute volume. On the contrary, the dispute promptsincluding the free-form dispute
prompt in § 1006.34(c)(4)(i)(D)—will provide debt collectors with more detailed dispute
information than they receive in many cases today. Further, the free-form dispute prompt
informs consumers that they can provide additional information on the reverse of the consumer-
response-information section (which is formatted as a tear-off on the model validation notice) or
on a separate page. Thus, there is no need to provide additional space for dispute detail on the
validation notice itself.
Section 1006.34(c)(4)(i) will not lead to disputes being misdirected to dedicated payment
addresses. As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(4)(iii), the debt
collector must disclose in the consumer-response information section the same mailing address
See Am. Ba r Ass’n, Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 4.3: Dealing with Unrepresented Person
t/rule_4_3_dealing_with_unrepresented_person/ (last visited Dec. 2, 2020).
disclosed pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(i), which is the mailing address where the debt collector
accepts disputes and requests for original-creditor information.
The Bureau declines to structure § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) as a single dispute prompt. As
discussed above, the dispute prompts are designed to help consumers articulate, and debt
collectors better understand, the nature of a consumer’s dispute and respond more efficiently
than if consumers had provided generic disputes. Reformulating § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) as a single
prompt would undermine this goal. Meanwhile, the dispute prompts described in
§ 1006.34(c)(4)(i) do not contain individualized information that could reasonably result in a
consumer making an unintentional admission against their interest.
The Bureau declines to adopt additional dispute-related prompts. Additional prompts for
debts discharged in bankruptcy, debts resulting from identity theft, and debts that were
previously paid or settled are, in the aggregate, not feasible and would likely overwhelm
consumers. Further, the Bureau believes the dispute prompts in § 1006.34(c)(4)(i)(B) (this is not
my debt) and (C) (the amount is wrong) essentially capture these scenarios.
The Bureau also declines to add a general account inquiry prompt distinct from the
dispute prompt, as suggested by some commenters who argued that consumers would use the
dispute prompts to obtain general information. The Bureau’s testing has shown that consumers
generally understand that their response options are not limited to selecting a dispute prompt and
that disputing the debt is not the appropriate method to raise a general question about the
During usa bility testing, when participants were a sked what they could do if they did not think they owed the
debt, a ll pa rticipants understood that they had options for contacting the debt collector to dispute the debt,” which
included calling a nd writing. FMG Usa bility Report, supra note 28, a t 48. See a l so November 2020 Qualitative
Testing Report, supra note 34, at 11 (discussion in “Response to the model validation notice section).
The Bureau declines to provide additional guidance about formatting the dispute prompts
if validation information is provided on a website. As discussed in the November 2020 Final
Rule, the Bureau did not finalize several proposed interventions related to electronic delivery of
required notices, including proposed alternative procedures for providing the validation
information on a secure website (proposed § 1006.42(c)(2)(ii)).
Because the Bureau is not
addressing electronic delivery more broadly, the Bureau declines here to provide guidance about
disclosing validation information on websites. However, as discussed in the section-by-section
analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2), in contrast to the proposal, debt collectors are not required to use the
model validation notice or a substantially similar form.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) pursuant to its
authority to implement and interpret FDCPA section 809, as well as its authority under Dodd-
Frank Act section 1032(a).
34(c)(4)(ii) Original-Creditor Information Prompt
FDCPA section 809(a)(5) requires a debt collector to disclose to consumers their right
under FDCPA section 809(b) to request the name and address of the original creditor, if different
from the current creditor.
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(ii) provided that consumer-response
information includes the statement,I want you to send me the name and address of the original
creditor,” using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase, next to a prompt the consumer could
use to request original-creditor information.
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(ii) was intended to
85 FR 76734, 76850-55 (Nov. 30, 2020).
15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(5).
84 FR 23274, 23405 (May 21, 2019).
work in tandem with proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii).
The Bureau received no comments
specifically addressing proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(ii) and is finalizing it as proposed.
FDCPA section 809(b) assumes that a consumer has the ability to write to a debt
collector to exercise the consumer’s verification rights.
Requiring a debt collector to include
mailing addresses for the consumer and the debt collector, along with the consumer-response
information described in § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) and (ii), may facilitate a consumer’s ability to
exercise the consumer’s verification rights. The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(iii) to provide
that consumer-response information includes mailing addresses for the consumer and the debt
An industry trade group stated that some debt collectors use vendors to receive and
process mail from consumers. According to this commenter, the Bureau should permit a debt
collector to disclose the address at which a debt collector receives mail, even if that address is
not the debt collectors physical address.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(4)(iii) with a clarifying revision that addresses the
commenters request regarding letter vendor mailing addresses. The Bureau is revising
§ 1006.34(c)(4)(iii) to provide that the mailing addresses disclosed for the consumer and the debt
collector in the consumer-response information must include the debt collector’s and the
consumers names and mailing addresses as disclosed pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(i) and (ii). In
As fina lized, § 1006.34(c)(3)(ii) provides that validation information includes the date that the debt collector will
consider the end date of the validation period and a statement that, if the consumer requests in writing on or before
that date the name and address of the original creditor, the debt collector must cease collection of the debt until the
debt collector sends the consumer the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current
See 15 U.S.C. 1692g(b).
84 FR 23274, 23405 (May 21, 2019).
turn, the Bureau notes that final § 1006.34(c)(2)(i) and comment 34(c)(2)(i)2 permit debt
collectors to disclose a vendors mailing address, if that is an address at which the debt collector
accepts disputes and requests for original-creditor information. Thus, under the final rule, a debt
collector may include a vendor’s address in the consumer-response information if that is the
address that the debt collector discloses pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(i).
The Bureau notes that final § 1006.34(c)(2)(i) and comment 34(c)(2)(i)–1 permit a debt
collector to disclose its trade name or DBA, instead of its legal name. Thus, under the final rule,
a debt collector must disclose its trade name or DBA in the consumer-response information if
that is the name that the debt collector discloses pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(i).
34(c)(5) Special Rule for Certain Residential Mortgage Debt
FDCPA section 809(a)(1) requires a debt collector to disclose to consumers the amount
of the debt.
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through
(viii), the Bureau interprets FDCPA section 809(a)(1) to require debt collectors to disclose three
pieces of itemization-related information: the itemization date; the amount of the debt on the
itemization date; and an itemization of the debt reflecting interest, fees, payments, and credits
since the itemization date.
For certain residential mortgage debt covered by TILA, as implemented by Regulation Z,
12 CFR 1026, 12 CFR 1026.41(b) generally requires that a periodic statement be delivered or
placed in the mail within a reasonably prompt time after the payment due date or the end of any
courtesy period provided for the previous billing cycle. The Bureau understands that most
15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(1).
residential mortgage debt is subject to this requirement, although exceptions exist.
Bureau further understands that a consumer is provided with such a periodic statement every
billing cycle, even if a loan is transferred between servicers. Pursuant to 12 CFR 1026.41(d)(3),
such a periodic statement must include a past payment breakdown, which shows the total of all
payments received since the last statement, including a breakdown showing the amount, if any,
that was applied to principal, interest, escrow, fees, and charges, and the amount, if any, sent to
any suspense or unapplied funds account. The proposal stated that these periodic statement
disclosures may be functionally equivalent to, and as useful for the consumer as, the information
described in proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) through (ix).
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(5) therefore provided that, for debts subject to Regulation Z,
12 CFR 1026.41, a debt collector need not provide the validation information described in
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) through (ix) if the debt collector provided the consumer, at the same time as
the validation notice, a copy of the most recent periodic statement provided to the consumer
under 12 CFR 1026.41(b), and referred to that periodic statement in the validation notice.
Proposed comment 34(c)(5)1 provided examples clarifying how debt collectors could comply
with § 1006.34(c)(5). Consistent with the proposal’s rationale, and for the reasons discussed
below, the Bureau is adopting § 1006.34(c)(5) and its related commentary with a substantive
modification and a clarification.
The periodic statement requirement pursuant to 12 CFR 1026.41(b) does not apply to open-end consumer credit
transactions, such as a home equity line of credit. See 12 CFR 1026.41(a)(1). Pursuant to 12 CFR 1026.41(e),
certain types of transactions are exempt from § 1026.41(b)’s periodic statement requirement, including reverse
mortgages, timeshare plans, certain charged-off mortgage loans, mortgage loans with certain consumers in
bankruptcy, and fixed-rate mortgage loans where a servicer provides the consumer with a coupon book for payment.
Further, small servicers as defined by 12 CFR 1026.41(e)(4)(ii) are exempt from the periodic sta tement requirement.
84 FR 23274, 23348 (May 21, 2019).
Some commenters recommended that the Bureau expand proposed § 1006.34(c)(5) to
cover additional debt types. An industry trade group commenter stated that the Bureau should
revise proposed § 1006.34(c)(5) to apply to all residential mortgage debt, including to
transactions that are exempt from § 1026.41(b)s periodic statement requirement, such as
mortgage loans with certain consumers in bankruptcy. As discussed in detail in the section-by-
section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), the Bureau received feedback that its proposed
itemization would be incompatible with the account characteristics of debts in bankruptcy. Thus,
this commenter suggested that the Bureau should revise proposed § 1006.34(c)(5) to permit a
debt collector to reference the consumers bankruptcy case and the filed or pending proof of
claim instead of providing the itemization-related disclosures required by § 1006.34(c)(2). Other
industry trade group commenters variously recommended that the special rule extend to reverse
mortgages structured as open-end credit, home-equity lines of credit, and credit cards.
A consumer advocate commenter recommended that the Bureau revise proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(5) to apply only to debts that are currently subject to Regulation Z, 12 CFR
1026.41, to reduce the likelihood that a debt collector provides an outdated periodic statement.
According to the commenter, TILA coverage is fluid and a significant amount of time can elapse
between when the creditor provides a last periodic statement and when the debt collector
provides a validation notice. This commenter recommended that the Bureau revise proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(5) to provide that the previous periodic statement must have been provided no more
than 31 days before the validation notice is sent. The commenter also recommended that, if any
entity other than the current servicer provided the most recent periodic statement, the debt
collector must conduct a reasonable investigation to verify the accuracy of the prior entity’s
periodic statement or prepare its own periodic statement.
The Bureau declines to expand § 1006.34(c)(5) to cover additional debt types. For
certain residential mortgage debt, the final rule permits debt collectors to provide a periodic
statement that was provided under 12 CFR 1026.41(d)(3) in lieu of the information described in
final § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii) because those periodic statement disclosures are
functionally equivalent to, and as useful for the consumer as, that itemization information. This
special rule is not appropriate for the additional debt types recommended by commenters
because those debt types are not subject to prescriptive disclosure regimes, such as Regulation Z.
The Bureau doubts that disclosures used for those other debt types relate to information that is
functionally equivalent to, or as useful as, the information § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii)
requires. For instance, mortgage loans with certain consumers in bankruptcy are exempt from
§ 1026.41(b)s periodic statement requirement.
With respect to debts in bankruptcy in
general, the Bankruptcy Code does not prescribe disclosure requirements for proofs of claim that
are comparable to Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.41(d)(3). As discussed in the section-by-section
analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix), reverse mortgages are not subject to prescriptive regulatory
requirements for periodic statements. The periodic statement requirement in 12 CFR 1026.41(b)
does not cover open-end consumer credit transactions, including home-equity lines of credit.
With respect to credit card debt, no special accommodation is necessary as debt collectors can
readily disclose the itemization information pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii).
The Bureau determines that § 1006.34(c)(5) should apply only to debts that are currently
subject to Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.41. Modifying the proposal to this effect is appropriate to
reduce the likelihood that a debt collector provides an outdated periodic statement, which may
See 12 CFR 1026.41(e).
See 12 CFR 1026.41(a)(1).
not provide information that is functionally equivalent to, or as useful as, the information
described in § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii). The Bureau therefore is revising proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(5) and its related commentary to provide that the special rule only applies to
residential mortgage debt if a periodic statement is required under Regulation Z, 12 CFR
1026.41, at the time a debt collector provides the validation notice.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(c)(5) as described above and is finalizing
comment 34(c)(5)1 with minor revisions for clarity and consistency with provisions of the final
34(d) Form of Validation Information
34(d)(1) In General
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(i) to require that the validation information
described in § 1006.34(c) be conveyed in a clear and conspicuous manner. The Bureau reasoned
that FDCPA section 809(a)s required disclosures would be ineffective unless a debt collector
disclosed them in a manner that was readily understandable to consumers.
The Bureau
received no comments specifically addressing proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(i). The Bureau
therefore is finalizing it largely as proposed but renumbered as § 1006.34(d)(1)
and with a
wording change solely for consistency with final § 1006.34(c). The Bureau adopts
§ 1006.34(d)(1) to implement and interpret FDCPA section 809(a) and pursuant to its authority
Under § 1006.34(d)(2)(ii), a debt collector who uses the m odel validation notice a nd who also uses the special
rule for certain residential mortgage debt under § 1006.34(c)(5) receives a safe harbor for use of the model notice
except with respect to the disclosures that appear on the separate page.
84 FR 23274, 23348 (May 21, 2019). Section 1006.34(b)(1) defines clear and conspicuous, and the Bureau
responded to comments on that definition in the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(b)(1).
As discussed under the heading Proposed Provision Not Finalized in this section-by-section analysis, the Bureau
is not finalizing proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(ii) and therefore is finalizing proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(i) as
§ 1006.34(d)(1).
under FDCPA section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt
collectors. The Bureau also adopts § 1006.34(d)(1) pursuant to its authority under section
1032(a) of the Dodd-Frank Act to prescribe rules to ensure that the features of consumer
financial products and services are disclosed fully, accurately, and effectively. The Bureau
finalizes this requirement on the basis that validation information is a feature of debt collection
and this information must be readily understandable to be effectively and accurately disclosed.
Proposed Provision Not Finalized
As noted at the outset of the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34, the Bureau
proposed that debt collectors could use the model validation notice to comply with the disclosure
requirements proposed in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i) and (d)(1).
In turn, the Bureau proposed
§ 1006.34(d)(1)(ii) to require that, if provided in a validation notice, the content, format, and
placement of the validation information in § 1006.34(c) and the optional disclosures in
§ 1006.34(d)(3) must be substantially similar to the model validation notice. Proposed comment
34(d)(1)(ii)–1 explained that a debt collector could make certain changes as long as the resulting
disclosures were substantially similar to the model validation notice, and it provided an example
of a change that debt collectors may make to the validation notice if the consumer is deceased.
While some industry, industry trade group, and consumer advocate commenters
supported proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(ii), other industry and industry trade group commenters
raised concerns that the proposed model validation notice would not accommodate all debt types
and debt collection practices, suggesting that some debt collectors therefore would be unable to
comply with proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(ii). At least two commenters, including a debt buyer
As discussed in the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(d)(1), the Bureau proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(i) to
require that required validation information be provided in a clear and conspicuous manner.
specializing in medical debt, stated that the proposed model validation notice was not well-suited
for non-financial debts, such as medical debts. A number of commenters objected to the
proposal because it would not allow debt collectors to combine multiple debts in a single
validation notice or place multiple validation notices in one envelope. Commenters asked the
Bureau to modify proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(ii) to provide debt collectors more flexibility to
customize validation notices to accommodate their business practices and the types of debts they
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2), the Bureau has
determined that a model validation notice will benefit consumers and industry. However, based
in part on feedback from commenters, the Bureau also has determined that proposed
§ 1006.34(d)(1)(ii) was overly prescriptive. Proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(ii) would have required
any validation notice provided by a debt collector to be substantially similar to the model
validation notice. Such a requirement could cause some debt collectors to face undue
compliance challenges depending on their business practices and the types of debts they collect.
For this reason, the Bureau is not finalizing proposed § 1006.34(d)(1)(ii) and its related
commentary. Instead, as discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2), the
Bureau is adopting a more flexible framework in which debt collectors need not use either the
model validation notice, specified variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar form,
but debt collectors who do so will receive a safe harbor for compliance with the information and
form requirements of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1).
This flexible framework is more consistent
with model form safe harbors in other consumer financial regulations.
The Bureau determines
The Bureau is relocating and repurposing some of the proposed text of § 1006.34(d)(1)(ii) and comment
34(d)(1)(ii)1 to § 1006.34(d)(2). See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2).
15 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.
that this new framework will accommodate industry without significantly increasing risks to
consumers because the Bureau believes it is likely that, if possible, debt collectors will use the
model validation notice, specified variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar form
to receive the compliance safe harbor. The Bureau notes that a debt collector who provides the
validation information in a form that is not substantially similar either to the model validation
notice or to a specified variation of the model notice also is subject to the FDCPA section 807
prohibition on false or misleading representations and the FDCPA section 809(b) prohibition on
34(d)(2) Safe Harbor
As discussed, the Bureau proposed § 1006.34(d)(2) to provide, pursuant to its authority
under Dodd-Frank Act section 1032(b), that a debt collector who uses the model validation
complies with the disclosure requirements of § 1006.34(a)(1)(i) and (d)(1).
comment 34(d)(2)1 provided certain details regarding use of the model validation notice.
Under proposed § 1006.34(d)(2) and as explained in proposed comment 34(d)(2)1, although use
of the model validation notice was not required, debt collectors would have received a saf e
harbor for compliance only if they used the model validation notice. Under proposed
§ 1006.34(d)(2), debt collectors would not have received a safe harbor if they used a f orm that
was substantially similar to the model validation notice.
As discussed below, the Bureau is finalizing proposed § 1006.34(d)(2) and comment
34(d)(2)1 with significant revisions to, among other things, provide that debt collectors may
84 FR 23274, 23405 (May 21, 2019). As discussed elsewhere in part V, proposed § 1006.34(a)(1)(i) provided
that debt collectors must send validation notices containing the information described in proposed § 1006.34(c) to
consumers in a manner permitted by § 1006.42 (i.e., in a manner reasonably expected to provide actual notice and in
a form that the consumer may keep and access later). And proposed § 1006.34(d)(1) provided that debt collectors
must provide such validation information clearly and conspicuously.
obtain a safe harbor for compliance with the validation information disclosure requirements by
using either the model validation notice, specified variations of the model notice, or a
substantially similar form. The Bureau is finalizing new commentary to provide additional
details regarding the revised safe harbor framework.
Industry and industry trade group commenters overall supported providing a safe harbor
to debt collectors who use the model validation notice. An industry and an industry trade group
commenter stated that a safe harbor would reduce frivolous litigation and compliance costs. An
industry commenter stated that not requiring debt collectors to use the model validation notice
would help to ensure that debt collectors can provide validation notices in a manner consistent
with their business practices and the debt types they collect.
Some industry commenters asked the Bureau to specify what optional disclosures could
be added to the model notice. A number of industry and industry trade group commenters also
asked the Bureau to further clarify what changes debt collectors could make to the model
validation notice and still receive the safe harbor.
Relatedly, some industry and industry trade group commenters asked the Bureau to
clarify the meaning of substantially similar,” and two industry trade group commenters
recommended that the Bureau adopt Regulation Z’s definition of substantially similar. Some
industry and industry trade group commenters recommended that the Bureau expand
§ 1006.34(d)(2) to provide that debt collectors who use the model validation notice comply with
FDCPA section 807’s prohibition on false or misleading statements and FDCPA section 809(b)s
overshadowing prohibition.
See 15 U.S.C. 1692e; see also 15 U.S.C. 1692g(b) (Any collection activities and communication during the 30-
day period may not overshadow or be inconsistent with the disclosure of the consumers right to dispute the debt or
request the name and address of the original creditor.”).
A group of consumer advocate commenters stated that proposed § 1006.34(d)(2) was too
broad. Specifically, according to the commenter, the safe harbor’s cross-reference to
§ 1006.34(a)(1)(i) was overbroad because simply using the model validation notice does not
mean that the debt collector sent the validation notice in an initial communication or within five
days of the initial communication as required by § 1006.34(a)(1)(i). This commenter
recommended that the Bureau remove the reference to § 1006.34(a)(1)(i) from § 1006.34(d)(2).
After considering this feedback, and to clarify each of the ways in which a debt collector
may receive a safe harbor for compliance with the final rule’s validation information disclosure
requirements, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(2) and its related commentary with
significant revisions, as follows.
34(d)(2)(i) In General
First, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) to provide that, as proposed, a debt
collector who uses the model validation notice receives a safe harbor for compliance with the
final rule’s validation information disclosure requirements. The Bureau determines that a safe
harbor is appropriate because the model validation notice will effectively disclose information
required by § 1006.34(c), and the safe harbor will incentivize debt collectors to use the model
The Bureau agrees that the § 1006.34(d)(2) safe harbor should not cover delivery of the
validation notice. The Bureau recognizes the risk that a debt collector could deliver the model
validation notice in an ineffective manner and that, as a result, the notice would be delayed or
never received by the consumer. The Bureau does not intend § 1006.34(d)(2) to provide a safe
harbor in such a scenario. For this reason, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) to specify
that the safe harbor for use of the model notice covers only compliance with the information and
form requirements of final § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1).
In response to comments requesting clarity about the use of optional disclosures on the
model notice, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) to squarely address how the safe harbor
applies with respect to the § 1006.34(d)(3) optional disclosures.
First, the Bureau clarifies, as
was intended in the proposal, that a debt collector may include any or all of the § 1006.34(d)(3)
optional disclosures without losing the safe harbor pursuant to § 1006.34(d)(2). Specifically,
final § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) provides that the model validation notice contains the validation
information required by § 1006.34(c) and certain optional disclosures permitted by
§ 1006.34(d)(3). Section 1006.34(d)(2)(i) further provides that a debt collector who uses the
model validation notice complies with the information and form requirements of § 1006.34(c)
and (d)(1), including if the debt collector: omits any or all of the optional disclosures shown on
the model notice (see § 1006.34(d)(2)(i)(A)); or adds any or all of the optional disclosures
described in § 1006.34(d)(3) that are not shown on the model notice (see § 1006.34(d)(2)(i)(B)),
provided that any such optional disclosures are no more prominent than any of the required
validation information.
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3) specified that a debt collector who used the model validation notice could include a ny
of the optional disclosures along with the validation information without losing the § 1006.34(d)(2) sa fe harbor for
The model va lidation notice includes the following optional disclosures permitted by § 1006.34(d)(3), ea ch of
which is described in more detail in the section-by-section analysis below: (1) debt collector telephone contact
inf orm ation (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(i)); (2) reference code (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(ii)); (3) pa yment disclosures (see
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)); (4) a statement referring to disclosures made under a pplicable la w on the reverse of the
va lida tion notice (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A)); (5) debt collectors website (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(v)(A));
(6) sta tement explaining how a consumer ca n dispute the debt or request origina l-creditor information electronically
(see § 1006.34(d)(3)(v)(B)); (7) Spa nish-language translation disclosures (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)); (8) merchant
brand information (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(vii)); a nd (9) for debt not related to a consumer financial product or service,
the information specified in § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) or (c)(3)(iv) (i.e., name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed
on the itemization date a nd Bureaus debt collection website, respectively) (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(viii)). The model
The requirement that any § 1006.34(d)(3) optional disclosures that are added to the model
validation notice be no more prominent than any of the validation information is designed to
ensure that any such optional disclosures do not overload consumers with information or distract
them from the required validation information. A debt collector who chooses to include one or
more of the § 1006.34(d)(3) optional disclosures that do not appear on the model validation
notice, but who violates the no-more-prominent requirement, loses the safe harbor under
§ 1006.34(d)(2) and may violate § 1006.34 depending on the facts and circumstances.
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(1), a consumer advocate
commenter asked the Bureau to clarify what version of the FDCPA section 807(11) disclosure
should appear on the validation notice: the longer, initial disclosure described in § 1006.18(e)(1)
or the shorter, subsequent disclosure described in § 1006.18(e)(2). The model validation notice
includes the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(1). The Bureau is adopting new comment
34(d)(2)(i)–1 to clarify that a debt collector who uses the model notice to provide a validation
notice as described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B)—i.e., a debt collector who provides the validation
notice within five days of the initial communicationmay replace the disclosure required by
§ 1006.18(e)(1) with the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(2) without losing the safe harbor
provided by use of the model notice. Comment 34(d)(2)(i)1 also refers to comment 34(c)(1)1
for further guidance related to providing the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e) on a validation
validation notice does not include the following optional disclosures permitted by § 1006.34(d)(3): (1) tim e-barred
debt disclosures m ade under a pplicable la w on the front of the validation notice (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(B));
(2) debt collector email address (see § 1006.34(d)(3)(v)(A)); and (3) a ffinity brand or facility name information (but,
a s noted a bove, merchant brand information is shown on the model notice in the same location) (see
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(vii)).
The Bureau declines to extend the § 1006.34(d)(2) safe harbor to cover compliance with
FDCPA section 807’s prohibition on false or misleading statements. A debt collector who uses
the model validation notice is still capable of making false or misleading statements to
consumers in the notice. For example, a debt collector using the model validation notice could
include false or misleading information about the debt, such as an inflated current amount of the
However, the Bureau agrees that debt collectors who use the model validation notice
should have a safe harbor for compliance with FDCPA section 809(b)’s overshadowing
prohibition. The Bureau provides a safe harbor to that effect in § 1006.38(b). The section-by-
section analysis of § 1006.38(b) discusses this change in further detail.
34(d)(2)(ii) Certain Disclosures on a Separate Page
To conform with modifications in other sections of the Rule that permit debt collectors to
make certain itemization-related disclosures on separate pages, the Bureau is finalizing new
§ 1006.34(d)(2)(ii). As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii),
when disclosing the itemization of the current amount of the debt, a debt collector has the option
of disclosing that itemization on a separate page. As discussed in the section-by-section analysis
of § 1006.34(c)(5), the final rule establishes a special rule for certain residential mortgage debt
that permits a debt collector, subject to certain conditions, to provide a periodic statement under
Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.41, instead of the itemization-related validation information required
by § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii).
Section 1006.34(d)(2)(ii) establishes how these provisions interact with the safe harbor
provided by use of the model notice. Specifically, § 1006.34(d)(2)(ii) establishes that a debt
collector who uses the model validation notice and makes certain disclosures on a separate page
pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) or (5) may still receive a safe harbor for use of the model notice
except with respect to the disclosures that appear on the separate page.
34(d)(2)(iii) Substantially Similar Form
As discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(1), the Bureau has
determined that debt collectors should receive a safe harbor for the information and form
requirements of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1) if they use a form that is substantially similar to the
model validation notice. The Bureau determines that, so long as a form is substantially similar to
the model notice, the validation information disclosures will remain effective; the Bureau
therefore is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(2) to provide this flexibility for debt collectors.
For this reason, final § 1006.34(d)(2)(iii) provides that a debt collector who uses the
model validation notice as described in § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) or (ii) may make changes to the form
and retain a safe harbor for compliance with the information and form requirements of
§ 1006.34(c) and (d)(1), provided that the form remains substantially similar to the model notice.
(As discussed elsewhere in this Notice, a debt collector may comply with the requirements in
§ 1006.34(c) and (d)(1) without using the model validation notice.)
Final comment 34(d)(2)(iii)1 provides details regarding the meaning of substantially
similar, as requested by commenters, including examples of permissible changes. The Bureau
believes that these are differences that may be useful to debt collectors and consumers and will
not increase the risk of consumer harm.
One permissible change relates to deceased consumers. Comment 34(d)(2)(iii)1
incorporates proposed comment 34(d)(1)(ii)1, which discussed changes that debt collectors
could make if the consumer were deceased. The Bureau proposed comment 34(d)(1)(ii)–1 to
explain that a debt collector may make certain changes to the content, format, and placement of
the validation information described in § 1006.34(c) as long as the resulting disclosures are
substantially similar to the model notice. Proposed comment 34(d)(1)(ii)1 also provided an
example of a change that debt collectors may make to the model validation notice if the
consumer is deceased.
The Bureau explained that, although the model validation notice will contain the name of
the deceased consumer, some persons who are authorized to act on behalf of the deceased
consumers estate may be misled by the use of second person pronouns such as “you” in the
validation notice. For example, the proposed model validation notice stated that “you owe the
debt collector. While nothing in the proposal would have prohibited a debt collector from
including a cover letter to explain the nature of the validation notice, proposed comment
34(d)(1)(ii)–1 also clarified that a debt collector could modify inapplicable language in the
validation notice that could suggest that the recipient of the notice was liable for the debt. For
example, if a debt collector sent a validation notice to a person authorized to act on behalf of the
deceased consumer’s estate, and if that person was not liable for the debt, the debt collector
could use the deceased consumers name instead of “you.
The Bureau received a few comments on proposed comment 34(d)(1)(ii)1. One trade
group commenter recommended that the Bureau allow debt collectors to replace second-person
pronouns with references to the estate, such as “the estate’s bill.” A group of consumer
advocates stated that, although the comments example would be appropriate in certain
circumstances, the Bureau should provide an entirely separate model validation notice for
decedent debt because, these commenters believed, debt collectors would be unlikely to diverge
from the model notice. Two trade group commenters also asked the Bureau to create a second
model validation notice for decedent debt.
The Bureau is incorporating proposed comment 34(d)(1)(ii)1 into comment
34(d)(2)(iii)1, which clarifies that a debt collector may make changes to the model validation
notice and retain the safe harbor provided by use of the model notice. Because the example
regarding decedent debt is illustrative, nothing in comment 34(d)(2)(iii)1 prohibits a debt
collector from making other substantially similar modifications, such as referring to the estate
rather than “you,” while still retaining the safe harbor. As explained elsewhere in this section-
by-section analysis, the Bureau declines to create separate model forms for certain types of debt.
The Bureau has modified the model-form-safe-harbor framework under § 1006.34(d)(2) to afford
debt collectors more flexibility to customize validation information to accommodate their
business practices and the types of debts they collect. Within identified limits, debt collectors
may make changes to the model validation notice and still meet the standard for a safe harbor
under § 1006.34(d)(2).
Comment 34(d)(2)(iii)1 also includes four new examples of other permissible changes:
relocating the consumer-response information required by § 1006.34(c)(4) to facilitate mailing;
adding barcodes or QR codes, as long as the inclusion of such items does not violate
§ 1006.38(b); adding the date the form is generated; and embedding hyperlinks, if delivering the
form electronically, which was proposed in comment 34(d)(2)1.
The Bureau clarifies that, if a debt collector includes disclosures other than (1) the
required validation information, (2) any optional disclosures described in § 1006.34(d)(3), or
(3) any disclosures that, if included, still leave the form substantially similar in substance, clarity,
and meaningful sequence to the model notice, then the safe harbor does not apply with respect to
the entirety of the validation notice. Except as described in § 1006.34(d)(2)(ii), the Bureau has
determined not to apply the safe harbor on a partial (i.e., disclosure-by-disclosure) basis because
it is not clear how disclosures other than those referenced above would interact with the
validation information.
Final comment 34(d)(2)1 clarifies that a debt collector who provides
a validation notice that is neither a notice described in § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) or (ii), nor a
substantially similar notice as described in § 1006.34(d)(2)(iii), does not receive a safe harbor for
compliance with the information and form requirements of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1). The Bureau
notes that a debt collector who adds disclosures to the model validation notice that are not
referenced above nevertheless may be able to comply with the requirements in § 1006.34(c) and
(d)(1), § 1006.38(b)(1), and other requirements of the FDCPA and this final rule.
Model Validation Notice
While the majority of industry commenters who commented on the topic supported the
idea of a model form, some criticized the design of the proposed model validation notice. At
least two industry commenters stated that the proposed model notice contained too much content
and would overwhelm consumers. One commenter criticized the proposed model notice for
departing from the prevailing industry design for validation notices. A number of identical or
nearly identical comments suggested that consumers would confuse the proposed model notice
for a government document, such as an IRS notice, but did not explain what in particular about
the model notice they believed would cause such consumer confusion.
The Bureau’s findings do not support the conclusions that the model notice contains too
much content or will overwhelm consumers. The model validation notice was developed and
validated over multiple rounds of consumer testing that support its efficacy and
comprehensibility. The fact that the model validation notice departs from prevailing industry
As described in § 1006.34(d)(2)(ii), a debt collector who includes certain item ization-related disclosures on a
separate page in the same communication with the validation notice, and who includes on the front of the notice th e
required statement referring to those disclosures, receives a safe harbor for compliance with the information and
form requirements of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1) except with respect to the disclosures that appear on the separate page.
design is intended. As the proposal noted, many validation notices used today are confusing and
lack sufficient information to help consumers recognize their debts or exercise their FDCPA
verification rights.
With the model validation notice, the Bureau has developed an improved
validation notice that benefits both consumers and debt collectors. In quantitative testing, the
model validation notice consistently performed better than or equal to a “status quo” notice
designed to resemble validation notices that some debt collectors use today.
The Bureau also
disagrees that the model validation notice resembles a government document; the form clearly
discloses that it is from a debt collector, not the government.
A number of consumer advocate and academic commenters asserted that the proposed
model notice was not adequately tested. Some of these commenters stated that the Bureau’s
testing included too few participants to generate valid conclusions about the proposed model
notices efficacy or to evaluate the comprehension of consumers, particularly of the least
sophisticated consumers. For instance, a consumer advocate commenter expressed concern that
only 60 consumers were included in the cognitive and usability testing rounds.
Likewise, an
academic commenter stated that the Bureaus consumer testing focused too heavily on observing
what testing participants looked at on the model notice (based on the use of eye tracking
techniques) at the expense of testing participants’ comprehension of the notice. Another
commenter stated that the Bureau should have tested more diverse groups, including consumers
with limited English proficiency, students, older consumers, and consumers from more diverse
socioeconomic backgrounds. Some consumer advocate and academic commenters
recommended that the Bureau field test the proposed model notice with consumers with real
See 84 FR 23274, 23338 (May 21, 2019).
CFPB Qua ntitative Testing Report, supra note 31, at 13-16.
See FMG Summary Report, supra note 29, at 5-7.
debts. A consumer advocate expressed concern about the performance of certain aspects of the
proposed model notice in quantitative testing, noting in particular that approximately 40 percent
of respondents who received the model notice failed to identify the correct entity the consumer
should pay.
The Bureau disagrees that the model notice was not adequately tested. The model
validation notice was developed and validated over multiple rounds of testing between 2014 and
2020, and the Bureau determines that these multiple rounds of testing were sufficient to assess
the model validation notice’s efficacy and comprehensibility. Further, the Bureau disagrees that
its testing focused on eye-tracking at the expense of comprehension testing as consumer
comprehension of the model validation notice was assessed in three rounds of testing. The
Bureau’s testing used eye-tracking in conjunction with consumer responses to inform its
The Bureau disagrees that it did not sample sufficiently diverse groups. The Bureau
selected respondents with the goal of developing diverse testing pools that would serve as a
proxy for the population at large. For example, in one round of usability testing, participants
reflected a range of demographic characteristics broken down by race and ethnicity, household
income, education level, and employment status.
With respect to criticism that the Bureau did
not “field test” the model validation notice, testing the form with consumers with real debts
would have been impractical. Regarding comments that the model validation notice did not
perform well during the quantitative testing round, the Bureau disagrees. As noted above, in that
Several comments in response to the May 2019 proposal also criticized the consumer testing as being outdated
because, when that proposal was published, the most recent testing had occurred in 2016. However, the Bureau
does not find any reason to believe that consumer understanding of the model notice has changed since 2016, and
the commenters did not provide any evidence to support such a claim. Moreover, since the May 2019 proposal, the
Burea u has conducted two a dditional testing rounds.
FMG Usa bility Report, supra note 28, at 85-87.
testing round, the model validation notice consistently performed better than or equal to the
status quo notice, including on the question of to whom the consumer should send a payment.
Commenters provided feedback on specific aspects of the proposed validation notice,
including the notice’s disclosure of the FDCPA section 809(a)(4) dispute right. As discussed,
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(i), which implements FDCPA section 809(a)(4), requires debt collectors to:
(1) disclose the date the debt collector will consider the end date of the validation period; and
(2) state that, if the consumer notifies the debt collector in writing on or before that date that the
debt, or any portion of the debt, is disputed, the debt collector must cease collection of the debt,
or the disputed portion of the debt, until the debt collector sends the consumer either verification
of the debt or a copy of a judgment. The proposed model notice showed this disclosure as: Call
or write to us by November 12, 2019, to dispute all or part of the debt . . . . If you write to us by
November 12, 2019, we must stop collection on any amount you dispute until we send you
information that shows you owe the debt.”
Some commenters criticized the phrase “shows you owe the debt.” Industry and industry
trade group commenters stated that “shows you owe the debt” would require debt collectors to
prove that consumers owe the debt. According to these commenters, this would modify the
verification standard established by FDCPA section 809 and expose debt collectors to increased
litigation risk.
Thus, these commenters recommended that the Bureau revise the proposed
In response to the question “According to the notice, if Person A wanted to make a payment on the debt, who
should he or she sent the payment to?” approximately 60 percent of consumers who received the model validation
notice answered correctly compared to approximately 40 percent of consumers who received a status quo notice.
CFPB Qua ntitative Testing Report, supra note 31, a t 14.
An industry commenter stated that courts define verification narrowly and have not imposed a duty upon debt
collectors to establish that a debt is owed. See Walton v. EOS CCA, 885 F.3d 1024, 1027-28 (7th Cir. 2018) (“The
verification assures the consumer that the creditor actually made the demand the debt collector said it did and equips
the consumer to evaluate the validity of the creditor’s cla im. It would be both burdensome and significantly beyond
the Acts purpose to interpret § 1692g as requiring a debt collector to undertake an investigation into whether the
model notice to mirror the FDCPA’s statutory text.
In contrast, a group of academic
commenters stated that the verification standard established by case law is more robust than the
phrase “shows you owe the debt suggests.
These commenters expressed concerns that the
proposed model notice would diminish the FDCPA’s verification standard.
The Bureau is not changing the final model validation notices disclosure of the FDCPA
section 809(a)(4) dispute right. The Bureau does not intend to modify FDCPA section 809’s
verification standard and disagrees that the phrase “shows you owe the debt” has that effect.
“Shows you owe the debt” is a plain-language phrase that the Bureau is adopting to improve
consumer understanding. This rulemaking does not interpret what constitutes verification under
FDCPA section 809.
The Bureau received comments on the model notice’s description of the dispute rights
under FDCPA section 809(a)(3) and (4). Under FDCPA section 809(a)(3), disputes can be made
orally or in writing, which the proposed model notice showed in part as: Call or write to us by
November 12, 2019, to dispute all or part of the debt.” However, under FDCPA section
809(a)(4) and (b), requests for verification must be made in writing to have effect under the
An academic commenter and at least two consumer advocates expressed concern that
the proposed model notices description of these dispute rights was too nuanced, and consumers
creditor is actually entitled to the money it seeks.”); Haddad v. Alexander, Zelmanski, Danner & Fioritto, 758 F.3d
777 (6th Cir. 2014); Dunham v. Portfolio Recovery Assocs., 663 F.3d 997, 1003 (8th Cir. 2001) (citing Chaudhry v.
Gallerizzo, 174 F.3d 394 (4th Cir. 1999)).
For instance, one commenter recommended that the model notice should state verifies the amount of the debt
claimed” instead of “shows you owe the debt.
In Haddad, the court wrote that a verifying debt collectorshould provide the date and nature of the transaction
that led to the debt, such as a purchase on a particular date, a missed rental payment for a specific month, a fee for a
particular service provided at a specified time, or a fine for a particular offense assessed on a certain date.” 758 F.3d
at 786.
While FDCPA section 809 requires a debt collector to honor only written verification requests, the Bureau
understands that some debt collectors honor both written and non-written verification requests. Nothing in the
FDCPA, the November 2020 Final Rule, or this rule prevents such debt collectors from continuing to do so.
would not understand that they must write to request verification. To address this concern, a
commenter recommended that the Bureau revise the model notice to state, “Call us to dispute.
But if you do call, we may not be required to send information that shows you owe the debt.”
An industry trade group expressed uncertainty about why the proposed model notice used the
phrase “call or write” as opposed to “write” in different sentences.
The Bureau acknowledges that the dispute rights under FDCPA section 809(a)(3) and (4)
may not be intuitive to some consumers. Nevertheless, the Bureau settled on the current
phrasing in the model validation notice to emphasize the validation period end date as opposed to
the actionsi.e., calling or writingthat a consumer may take. In general, the model validation
notice has tested well. The Bureau is concerned that revising or adding content to clarify the
consequences of writing versus calling may undermine the overall efficacy of the form. Further,
this clarification would be unnecessary in many cases. The Bureau expects that many consumers
will visit the Bureau’s website for more detailed information regarding consumer protections in
debt collection.
However, to provide further clarity, the Bureau has reformatted how these
dispute rights appear on the model validation notice. Specifically, the dispute rights now appear
in separate bullets with bolded text for comprehension purposes.
Commenters provided feedback on the proposed model validation notice’s original-
creditor-information request disclosure pursuant to FDCPA section 809(a)(5). Section
This recommendation is based on phrasing that the Bureau adopted for usability testing. As noted in the usability
testing report, consumers who reviewed validation notices using this phrasing “exhibited less confusion” about the
distinction between how a debt collector would be required to respond when receiving a dispute in writing or by
telephone. See FMG Usa bility Report, supra note 28, at 55-56.
If the debt collector is collecting debt related to a consumer financial product or service as defined in
§ 1006.34.2(f), a statement that informs the consumer that additional information regarding consumer protections in
debt collection is a vailable on the Bureaus website is required under § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv). If the debt collector is
collecting debt other than debt related to a consumer financial product or service, such a statement is optional under
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(viii).
1006.34(c)(3)(ii), which implements this provision, requires debt collectors to disclose the date
the debt collector will consider the end date of the validation period and a statement that, if the
consumer requests in writing on or before that date the name and address of the original creditor,
the debt collector must cease collection of the debt until the debt collector sends the consumer
the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. The proposed
model notice showed this disclosure as: “Write to ask for the name and address of the original
creditor. If you write by November 12, 2019, we will stop collection until we send you that
information. An industry commenter stated that, by omitting the phrase “if different from the
current creditor,” the proposed model notice would compel debt collectors to respond to original-
creditor-information requests, even if the current creditor is the original creditor. A consumer
advocate supported the omission, arguing that debt collectors should be required to respond to all
original-creditor-information requests, even if the current creditor and the original creditor are
the same.
The Bureau concludes that the model validation notice should include the statutory
phrase “if different from the current creditor when disclosing the original-creditor-information
request right. Thus, as finalized, the model validation notice includes the phraseif different
from the current creditor. Further, as discussed below, the Bureau is finalizing new
§ 1006.38(c)(2), which sets forth an alternative procedure that a debt collector may use to
respond to a consumers request for original-creditor information when the original creditor is
the same as the current creditor.
Commenters recommended two other modifications to the proposed model notice. To
emphasize the distinction between the debt collector and the creditor, an industry trade group
commenter suggested that the Bureau revise the proposed model notice to emphasize that “North
South Group is a debt collector, not a creditor. Another industry trade group stated that the
model notice should incorporate account information into the mini-Miranda disclosure, which
would frontload information that would help consumers recognize alleged debts and thereby
reduce the number of disputes debt collectors receive. An industry trade group commenter stated
that the proposed model notice is not properly formatted for standard mailing envelopes.
According to the commenter, § 1006.34(c)(4)’s consumer-response information section will not
fit a standard glassine window return envelope.
The Bureau declines other recommendations to modify the model validation notice. The
Bureau declines to specify that North South Group is “not a creditor,” as consumer testing
indicates that consumers generally have a functional understanding that North South Group is a
debt collector.
The Bureau declines to modify the debt collection disclosure required by
FDCPA section 807(11) and § 1006.18(e) as finalized in the November 2020 Final Rule. The
Bureau concludes that combining this statutory disclosure with account information would
undermine its clarity and purpose. The Bureau declines to modify the model notice in response
to feedback that the form is not properly formatted for standard mailing envelopes. Comment
34(d)(2)(iii)1 clarifies that debt collectors may relocate the consumer-response information
required by § 1006.34(c)(4) to facilitate mailing without losing the safe harbor provided by
§ 1006.34(d)(2). Thus, the Bureau determines that debt collectors will be able to format the form
for mailing.
Various commenters requested that the Bureau publish additional model validation
notices to address specific scenarios. Several consumer advocate commenters urged the Bureau
During November 2020 usability testing, 98 percent of participants correctly identified North South Group as the
correct party to send payments to. Further, participants generally understood that they could dispute the debt with
North South Group. See November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report, supra note 34, at 15.
to translate the model notice into other languages, including Spanish. An industry trade group
commenter recommended that the Bureau develop a model notice that debt collectors could use
with consumers who are not obligated on the debt, such as heirs, successors in interest, and
consumers whose debts were discharged in bankruptcy. An industry commenter recommended
that the Bureau create a model notice that omits all optional disclosures.
The Bureau declines to create additional model validation notice forms. As discussed
earlier in this section-by-section analysis, the Bureau has modified the model-form-safe-harbor
framework under § 1006.34(d)(2) to afford debt collectors more flexibility to customize
validation information to accommodate their business practices and the types of debts they
collect. Within identified limits, debt collectors may make changes to the model validation
notice and still meet the standard for a safe harbor under § 1006.34(d)(2).
The Bureau is making an additional change to the model validation notice in response to
testing. The statement required by § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) informs the consumer that additional
information regarding consumer protections in debt collection is available on the Bureaus
website. The Bureau’s most recent consumer testing indicated that a small number of
participants who used the model validation notice were uncertain about where to find more
information about consumers’ protections in debt collection.
In response to this finding, the
Bureau is modifying how the statement required by § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) appears on the model
validation notice to further emphasize this disclosure and the Bureau’s website address.
During the most recent round of qualitative testing, a few participants stated that they were unsure how to learn
more about debt collection in general. For example, one participant was unable to find the statement required by
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(iv) on the model notice. See November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report, supra note 34, at 13.
34(d)(3) Optional Disclosures
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3) provided that a debt collector could include the optional
information described in § 1006.34(d)(3)(i) through (vi) when providing the validation
information. The Bureau received no comments specifically addressing the language in
proposed § 1006.34(d)(3). Commenters did suggest a variety of optional disclosures to add to
§ 1006.34(d)(3), such as barcodes or QR codes, the date a validation notice was created and sent,
disclosures required by government creditors, and a disclosure notifying the consumer if the debt
collector will record telephone calls. Some of these suggested disclosures are permissible
changes to the model notice under § 1006.34(d)(2)(iii)
or optional disclosures under
§ 1006.34(d)(3), and debt collectors can choose to make other suggested disclosures without safe
harbor protection.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3) largely as proposed but with minor technical
revisions for clarity and with one substantive revision to clarify that a debt collector who
includes any of the optional disclosures receives the safe harbor described in § 1006.34(d)(2),
provided that the debt collector otherwise uses the model validation notice or a variation of the
model notice as described in § 1006.34(d)(2). This revision harmonizes § 1006.34(d)(3) with
certain revisions to § 1006.34(d)(2) in the final rule.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3) and the related provisions of § 1006.34(d)(2),
including each of the optional disclosures that § 1006.34(d)(3) permits debt collectors to provide,
to implement and interpret FDCPA section 809(a) and (b) and pursuant to its FDCPA section
See comment 34(d)(2)(iii)1 (examples of permissible changes to the model notice include (1) adding barcodes
or QR codes as long as their inclusion does not violate § 1006.38(b), a nd (2) adding the date the form is genera ted).
See the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(d)(2)(i), pa rticularly the discussion of new § 1006.34(d)(2)(i)(A)
and (B), which refers to the optional disclosures.
814(d) authority to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors. The
Bureau also is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3) and the optional disclosures pursuant to its authority
under section 1032(a) of the Dodd-Frank Act to prescribe rules to ensure that the features of
consumer financial products and services are disclosed fully, accurately, and effectively.
34(d)(3)(i) Telephone Contact Information
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(i) provided that a debt collector could include, along with the
validation information, the debt collector’s telephone contact information, including telephone
number and the times that the debt collector accepts consumer telephone calls.
Two industry trade group commenters supported permitting debt collectors to disclose
telephone contact information, with one such commenter noting that it would facilitate
communication with consumers, and the other noting that some State laws require debt collectors
to disclose telephone contact information. A group of consumer advocate commenters
recommended that the Bureau make telephone contact information a mandatory disclosure.
The Bureau determines that debt collectors should be permitted to include their telephone
contact information along with the validation information. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(i) will
accommodate debt collectors who choose to communicate with consumers by telephone or who
are required to disclose telephone contact information by applicable State law. The Bureau
declines to make telephone contact information a mandatory disclosure because, while many
debt collectors likely will provide telephone contact information, either by choice or because of a
State-law requirement, some debt collectors may not need or want to do so. In such cases,
consumers can use other contact information required in the validation information to contact the
debt collector. For these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(i) largely as proposed,
except that the Bureau is finalizing the clarification that telephone contact information may
include, for example, a telephone number as well as the times that the debt collector accepts
consumer telephone calls, as new comment 34(d)(3)(i)1, rather than in the regulation text as
34(d)(3)(ii) Reference Code
Many debt collectors include reference codes on validation notices for administrative
purposes. The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(ii) to accommodate this practice by permitting
a debt collector to include, along with the validation information, a number or code that the debt
collector uses to identify the debt or the consumer. One industry commenter asked the Bureau to
create a safe harbor for debt collectors to use an account number as a reference code, if that
number is labeled as a reference code. The Bureau determines that creating such a safe harbor is
unnecessary because debt collectors may use any number they choose as a reference code.
The Bureau therefore is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(ii) as proposed.
34(d)(3)(iii) Payment Disclosures
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii) to allow debt collectors to include certain
payment disclosures along with the validation information, provided that such disclosures were
no more prominent than any of the validation information. Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(A)
provided that a debt collector could include in the validation notice the statement “Contact us
about your payment options, using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase. Proposed
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(B) provided that a debt collector could include in the consumer-response
information section described in proposed § 1006.34(c)(4) the statement, “I enclosed this
amount, using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase, payment instructions after that
Although § 1006.34(d)(3)(ii) permits debt collectors to use any number they choose as a reference code, debt
collectors may be prohibited from using certain numbers by other applicable laws, such as privacy or data security
rules or regulations.
statement, and a prompt for a consumer to write in a payment amount. As discussed below, the
Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii) largely as proposed, but with certain revisions for clarity
and consistency with other provisions in the final rule.
Industry and industry trade group commenters supported permitting debt collectors to
include optional payment disclosures. One industry trade group stated that the proposed optional
payment disclosures were appropriate because they would not violate FDCPA section 809(b)s
overshadowing prohibition.
Consumer advocate commenters generally objected to proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii). A
number of these commenters stated that consumers may perceive the payment disclosures as
threatening, may misconstrue the disclosures as stating that consumers must make a payment to
exercise their FDCPA dispute right, or may be confused about whether a payment is in their
interest. Some commenters stated that the proposed disclosures could lead consumers to make
payments that they might not otherwise have made, which some commenters noted could cause
consumers to inadvertently revive previously time-barred debts. These commenters asked the
Bureau not to finalize proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii).
Some commenters suggested revisions to the proposed optional payment disclosures.
Industry and industry trade group commenters recommended that the Bureau make the proposed
optional payment disclosures more prominent. For example, some commenters suggested that
the proposed optional payment disclosures be placed at the top of the consumer-response
information section. An industry commenter recommended that the model validation notice
include additional optional payment disclosures. Industry trade group commenters
recommended that the Bureau permit debt collectors to include instructions about how a
consumer could make a payment by telephone, website, or alternative payment methods, such as
debit card or ACH. Based on the concerns noted above about potential consumer
misunderstanding of the payment disclosures, a group of consumer advocate commenters urged
the Bureau to amend the validation notice to segregate the payment disclosures from the other
disclosures and to eliminate the payment prompt on the consumer response form.
For the reasons discussed in the proposal, the Bureau determines that the proposed
optional payment disclosures facilitate payments that may benefit both consumers and debt
collectors. For consumers who recognize and choose to repay all or part of a debt, payment
disclosures may make the transaction more efficient and convenient. In addition, for consumers
who determine that they owe a debt but may not be ready to repay all of it at that time, payment
disclosures may facilitate a discussion that can lead to repayment, settlement, or a payment
The Bureau also has determined that the optional payment disclosures do not
overshadow, and are not inconsistent with, consumers’ verification rights pursuant to FDCPA
section 809(b).
Further, the Bureau’s testing found that the model validation notice, which was tested
with the optional payment disclosures, was not threatening or intimidating.
The Bureau
disagrees that consumers will believe mistakenly that they must make a payment to exercise their
verification rights. As the proposal noted, consumer testing indicates that consumers who
encounter a payment disclosure on a validation notice understand that a payment is not required
See 84 FR 23274, 23350 (May 21, 2019).
For example, during consumer testing, participants reported a variety of actions they thought they could take, and
approximately 50 percent of respondents sa id they would confirm the debt is accurate before responding. Sim ila rly,
participants who received the model validation notice, which included the optional payment disclosures, generally
understood from the notice how they could dispute the debt. See November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report, supra
note 34, a t 11, 15.
Pa rticipa nts with prior debt collection experience observed that the m odel notice was “different” than other
validation notices they had received because the notice did not include threatening or intim idating la nguage. See
November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report, supra note 34, a t 10.
to dispute a debt.
The Bureau determines that inclusion of the neutral, non-threatening
optional payment disclosures will not confuse consumers about whether making a payment is in
their best interest. For the same reasons, the Bureau declines the suggestion to segregate the
payment disclosures from the other disclosures and to eliminate the payment prompt on the
consumer response form.
The Bureau declines recommendations to permit debt collectors to emphasize or
highlight the payment option disclosures. Making the payment disclosures more prominent, as
some industry commenters suggested, would reduce the efficacy of the model validation notice
and risk overshadowing the validation information in violation of FDCPA section 809(b). The
Bureau also determines that the optional payment disclosures in § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(A) and (B)
are sufficient to facilitate payments
and that additional prominence for the payment
disclosures is not justified. The Bureau also declines to permit debt collectors to include specific
instructions about other payment methods. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(A) permits debt collectors
to invite consumers to contact them about payment options, and debt collectors have the ability
to provide information about alternative payment methods in subsequent communications.
For these reasons, this Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii) largely as proposed but
with several revisions for clarity and for consistency with other provisions in the final rule. First,
the Bureau is deleting the sentences that specified that the optional payment disclosures in both
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(A) and (B) must be no more prominent than any of the validation
information. These deleted sentences are unnecessary in view of revisions to the final rule in
FMG Usa bility Report, supra note 28, at 59-61.
During usability testing, participants expressed an understanding that one purpose of the model validation notice
was to solicit payment on a debt. When asked about their payment options based on the model validation notice,
approximately 80 percent of participants stated that they would contact the debt collector by telephone, website,
email, or write to explore payment options. See November 2020 Qualitative Testing Report, supra note 34, a t 10,12.
§ 1006.34(d)(2) that apply to all of the optional disclosures, which makes the deleted sentences
In addition, the Bureau is adding language to clarify that a debt collector may
choose to include either of the optional payment disclosures, or both of them. Lastly, the Bureau
is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(B) to clarify that the optional payment disclosure must appear
“below” (rather than merely “with”) the consumer-response information required by
§ 1006.34(c)(4)(i) and (ii).
Accordingly, final § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii) provides that debt collectors may include either or
both of the following payment disclosures: (1) the statement, Contact us about your payment
options,” using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase; and (2) below the consumer-
response information required by § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) and (ii), the statement, “I enclosed this
amount, using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase, payment instructions after that
statement, and a prompt.
34(d)(3)(iv) Disclosures Under Applicable Law
Some States require specific disclosures to appear on validation notices. To enable debt
collectors to comply with both § 1006.34(a)(1) and disclosure requirements under other
applicable law, the Bureau proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) to permit a debt collector to include, on
the front of the validation notice, a statement that other disclosures required by applicable law
appear on the reverse of the form and, on the reverse of the validation notice, any such legally
required disclosures. Proposed comment 34(d)(3)(iv)1 provided examples of disclosure
requirements that proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) would cover, including disclosures required by
Fina l § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) sta tes that certain optional disclosures permitted by § 1006.34(d)(3) a re contained on the
model notice; those optional disclosures satisfy the requirement to be no more prominent than any validation
inf orm ation. Fina l § 1006.34(d)(2)(i)(B) a lso permits inclusion of the optional disclosures described by
§ 1006.34(d)(3) that are not included on the model notice so long as they are no more prominent than any validation
inf orm ation; see the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) for more detail.
State statutes or regulations and disclosures required by judicial opinions or orders. For the
reasons discussed below, the Bureau is adopting proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) with revisions,
including the addition of new regulatory text subsections and commentary.
A number of industry and industry trade group commenters stated that the Bureau’s
proposal regarding disclosures required by other applicable law would either conflict with or not
accommodate such disclosures. Commenters stated that some States require disclosures to
appear on the front of a validation notice.
To address such concerns, commenters
recommended that the Bureau allow debt collectors to include required State law disclosures on
the front of the validation notice. One commenter, an industry trade group, urged the Bureau to
allow for formatting flexibility for such State law disclosures while still affording safe harbor
protection. At least one commenter suggested that the Bureau preempt State laws that require
disclosures on the front of a validation notice.
The Bureau determines that, particularly with the changes to the model validation notice
discussed in the section-by-section analysis, final § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) generally will
accommodate disclosures required by other applicable law.
As noted above, a few States
require time-barred debt disclosures to appear on the front of a validation notice; time-barred
debt disclosures are discussed further below. The Bureau is not aware that States specifically
require any other disclosures to appear on the front of the validation notice; as such, the Bureau
Although these commenters cited various State laws requiring disclosures, they primarily referred to State laws
requiring time-barred debt disclosures and revival disclosures. For example, one industry trade group commenter
noted that Massachusetts, New Mexico, and New York State and City require disclosures a bout tim e-barred debt
and revival that specifically or pra ctically m ust a ppear on the front page of the validation notice.
As discussed in the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(d)(2), the final rule permits a debt collector who
uses the m odel validation notice, specified varia tions of the m odel notice, or a substantially sim ila r form to receive a
sa fe harbor. Mo reover, a s discussed below in this section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv), the Bureau is
modifying how the statement required by § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) is disclosed on the model validation notice to mirror
language on a disclosure required under Wisconsin law.
concludes that disclosures specifically required by applicable law, other than in those few
instances relating to time-barred debt, can be accommodated on the reverse of the validation
notice. The Bureau also is not aware of font size, prominence, or placement requirements
established by State or other applicable law that final § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) will not accommodate,
as discussed further below. Further, the statement that § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) permits on the front
of a validation notice is consistent with State laws that require statements on the front of the
The Bureau will continue to monitor whether disclosures required by other applicable
law are inconsistent or conflict with § 1006.34 or Regulation F generally, and if such an
inconsistency or conflict is identified, the Bureau will endeavor to take action to address it. The
Bureau also reiterates that, unlike the proposal, the final rule does not require the validation
notice to be substantially similar to the model validation notice; thus, if § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) does
not accommodate a disclosure required under State or other applicable law, then debt collectors
can provide such a disclosure without necessarily violating the rule, but they would lose the
§ 1006.34(d)(2) safe harbor.
The Bureau has revised § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) in response to feedback and for clarity. Final
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) provides that the debt collector may include, on the reverse of the
validation notice, any disclosures that are specifically required by, or that provide safe harbors
under, applicable law and, if any such disclosures are included, a statement on the front of the
See, e.g., Colo. Rev. Stat. sec. 12-14-105(3)(c) (“In its initia l written communication to a consumer, a collection
a gency shall include the following statement: For information about the Colorado Fair Debt Collection Pra ctices
Act, see www.ago.state.co.us/cadc/cadcmain.cfm. If the notification is placed on the back of the written
communication, there shall be a statement on the front notifying the consumer of such fact.); Wis. Admin. Code
DFI-Bkg sec. 74.13 (“Unless the initia l communication is written a nd contains the following notice or the debtor has
paid the debt, a licensee shall send the debtor the following notice within 5 days after the initial communication with
a debtor: ‘This collection agency is licensed by the Division of Banking in the Wisconsin Department of Financial
Institutions, www.wdfi.org. . . . here the notice required by sub. (1) is printed on the reverse side of any collection
notice or validation sent by the licensee, the front of such notice shall bear the following statement in not less than
8 point type: “Notice: See Reverse Side for Important Information.).
validation notice referring to those disclosures. Final comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)1 clarifies that
disclosures permitted by § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) include, for example, specific disclosures
required by Federal, State, or municipal statutes or regulations, and specific disclosures required
by judicial or administrative decisions or orders, including administrative consent orders. The
comment also describes how such disclosures could include, for example, time-barred debt
disclosures and disclosures that the current amount of the debt may increase or vary due to
interest, fees, or other charges, provided that such disclosures are specifically required by
applicable law.
The Bureau has revised § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) and its accompanying commentary from the
proposal to clarify the disclosures that are permitted by § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv). Specifically, the
revisions clarify that the provision applies if a debt collector must comply with a specific
disclosure requirement under Federal, State, or local law, or under a judicial or administrative
decision or order. As such, the Bureau emphasizes that this provision is not intended to capture
circumstances in which a debt collector is not providing a disclosure that is required under a
specific law, decision, or order, but rather the debt collector is providing a disclosure to try to
comply with a more general legal requirement. For example, if the debt collector were to add
language to the validation notice to try to avoid a finding of an unfair, deceptive, or abusive
practice under Dodd-Frank Act section 1031 or the FDCPA, that is not an optional disclosure
covered by § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv). Debt collectors are not precluded from making such disclosures,
but they will not receive the safe harbor under § 1006.34(d)(2).
The Bureau has made modifications to the final rule, moreover, to provide additional
flexibility with respect to time-barred debt disclosures, in response to feedback to the proposal.
Under new § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(B),
if a debt collector is collecting time-barred debt, the debt
collector may include on the front of the validation notice any time-barred debt disclosure that is
specifically required by, or that provides a safe harbor under, applicable law, provided that
applicable law specifies the content of the disclosure.
New comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(B)–1
clarifies that, for example, if applicable State law requires a debt collector who is collecting
time-barred debt to disclose to the consumer that the law limits how long a consumer can be sued
on a debt and that the debt collector cannot or will not sue the consumer to collect it, the debt
collector may include that disclosure on the front of the validation notice. New comment
34(d)(3)(iv)(B)–1 also includes a cross-reference to the definition of time-barred debt under
§ 1006.26(a)(2) and clarifies that, for purposes of § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(B), time-barred debt
disclosures may include disclosures about revival of debt collectors’ right to bring a legal action
to enforce the debt. The Bureau concludes that providing additional flexibility to debt collectors
to make these optional disclosures either on the front or reverse of the validation notice is
warranted in view of circumstances in which it may be difficult to discern under applicable State
or local law whether time-barred debt disclosures must appear on the front of a validation notice.
Moreover, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(B) in view of the Bureaus decision not to
finalize a requirement for debt collectors to provide disclosures relating to time-barred debt or
revival laws, described in more detail in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.26.
To permit this a dditional f lexibility for tim e-barred debt disclosures as distinguished from other disclosures made
under a pplicable la w, the f inal rule ha s re-numbered proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv), which would have specified that
the a pplicable la w disclosures are placed on the reverse side of the validation notice only, as § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A).
As with other disclosures required by or providing sa fe harbors under a pplicable la w, debt collectors can also
m a ke the time-barred debt disclosures on the reverse of the validation notice pursuant to § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A).
See comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)1, which gives an example of a time-barred debt disclosure as a disclosure permitted
by § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A).
The Bureau received feedback about modifying the scope of proposed
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv). An industry trade group commenter stated that the Bureau should limit
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) to State laws and exclude disclosures required by judicial decisions or
orders. According to the commenter, courts should not be permitted to dictate non-standard
disclosures that would limit the efficacy of the model validation notice and result in validation
notices that vary by jurisdiction. This commenter asserted that permitting courts to vary the
model validation notice would be inconsistent with the framework in other consumer financial
laws and regulations, such as TILA and Regulation Z, which do not permit courts to add
disclosures to model forms. A group of consumer advocate commenters asked the Bureau to
prohibit debt collectors from including disclosures that are permitted, but not required, by
applicable law, because including all possible disclosures would overwhelm consumers. On the
other hand, an industry trade group commenter asked the Bureau to allow debt collectors to
include such disclosures.
The Bureau determines that § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) should cover disclosures required
pursuant to judicial or administrative decisions or orders, including administrative consent
orders. Permitting disclosures required by judicial or administrative decisions or orders to
appear, like any State-law-required disclosures, on the reverse of a validation notice will neither
undermine the efficacy of the model validation notice nor create validation notices that
significantly vary by jurisdiction, other than on the reverse of the notice. Further, the Bureau
concludes that permitting judicially mandated disclosures to appear on validation notices is not
inconsistent with other consumer financial laws, as some commenters suggested. For instance,
the Bureau understands that nothing in TILA and its implementing Regulation Z prohibit, as
those commenters appeared to believe, creditors from making disclosures required pursuant to
judicial orders or decisions. As noted above, final comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)1 clarifies that the
disclosures permitted by § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) include specific disclosures required by judicial
decisions or orders.
In response to feedback, the Bureau also is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) and
comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)–1 to permit debt collectors to include disclosures that provide safe
harbors under applicable law without losing the safe harbor for compliance under
§ 1006.34(d)(2). Such disclosures can mitigate legal risks for debt collectors and reduce the
potential for consumer harm.
On the other hand, the Bureau declines to allow debt collectors
to include disclosures on the validation notice that are merely permitted by other applicable law
and still retain the safe harbor.
Such disclosures may be irrelevant to consumers, and their
inclusion on the validation notice may overwhelm consumers or overshadow more relevant
disclosures. Nevertheless, as noted elsewhere, a debt collector who included such a disclosure
would not necessarily violate Regulation F; that debt collector would, however, be outside the
safe harbor for compliance.
Some commenters suggested that the Bureau revise the text and placement of the
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) disclosure that appeared on the model validation notice. An industry trade
group commenter noted that Wisconsin law allows disclosures on the reverse of the notice but
requires the statement, “Notice: See Reverse Side for Important Information.” A group of
consumer advocate commenters suggested that disclosures required by applicable law should be
Avila, 817 F.3d at 76 (a dopting the safe harbor a pproach for debt collectors disclosing the amount of the debt
when the balance may increase due to interest and fees a dopted in Miller v. McCalla, Raymer, Padrick, Cobb,
Nichols, & Clark, LLC, 214 F.3d 872, 876 (7th Cir. 2000)).
As discussed earlier in this section-by-section a nalysis, § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) has been revised in the final rule to
cla rify that the optional disclosures are those that are “specifically required by a pplicable la w or that provide a sa fe
harbor under applicable law.
separately labeled as “Disclosures Required by Your State” and “Disclosures Required by Local
Federal Courts.”
Relatedly, some commenters noted that some State laws include specific prominence or
font size requirements for validation notice disclosures. A comment letter from two associations
of State regulatory agencies expressed concerns that proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv), as disclosed
on the model validation notice, was not sufficiently prominent. In particular, these commenters
objected that the statement about disclosures required by applicable law appeared below the
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(A) payment disclosure.
In response to feedback, the Bureau is including a new comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)2 to
clarify how the disclosure described in § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) may appear depending on the
delivery mechanism. The comment clarifies that, if a debt collector includes disclosures
pursuant to § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A), the debt collector must include a statement on the front of the
validation notice referring to those disclosures; and a debt collector may comply with the
requirement to refer to the disclosures by including on the front of the validation notice the
statement,Notice: See reverse side for important information,” or a substantially similar
statement. The comment further notes that if, as permitted by comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)1, a
debt collector places the disclosures below the content of the validation notice, the debt collector
may comply with the requirement to refer to the disclosures by stating,Notice: See below for
important information, or a substantially similar statement.
In response to feedback, the Bureau is also modifying how the statement required by
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) is disclosed on the model validation notice. Specifically, the
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) statement appears on the final model notice as: “Notice: See Reverse Side
for Important Information.”
The Bureau finds that this phrase is clearer, more conspicuous,
and more likely to encourage consumer action than the proposed phrase, “Review state law
disclosures on reverse side, if applicable.” Finally, the Bureau declines the suggestion to require
debt collectors to label which disclosures are included pursuant to State law and which are
included pursuant to judicial orders and decisions. That distinction likely makes little practical
difference to consumers.
The Bureau also determines that the § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) disclosure should be more
prominent than in the proposed model validation notice, in part to account for the fact noted by
some commenters that disclosures required by other applicable law may have prominence
requirements, including clear and conspicuous requirements. The Bureau therefore has modified
the model validation notice to further emphasize the § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) disclosure. Specifically,
in contrast to the proposed model validation notice, on which the disclosure appeared in regular
font in the middle of a list of other disclosures, the disclosure appears on the final model
validation notice underlined and in bold font and separated from other disclosures.
Commenters sought additional guidance about what constitutes the “reverse side” of the
validation notice. Two industry trade group commenters recommended that the Bureau interpret
“reverse side” as synonymous with “next page” to allow debt collectors to use a second page to
provide disclosures required by other applicable law. Relatedly, one commenter stated that
requiring a debt collector to print on both sides of a validation notice would increase costs. Two
associations of State regulatory agencies asked the Bureau to clarify where State law disclosures
The Bureau based this sta tement on a Wisconsin disclosure requirement. See Wis. Admin. Code DFI-Bkg
sec. 74.13.
should be placed on validation notices delivered electronically, since disclosures delivered
electronically will not have a reverse side.
The Bureau recognizes that the meaning of “on the reverse” may vary by delivery method
and format and that clarification is warranted, particularly as to validation notices delivered
electronically. As such, the Bureau is adopting new comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)–1, which clarifies,
in relevant part, that if a debt collector provides a validation notice in the body of an email, the
debt collector may, in lieu of including the disclosures permitted by § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) on
the reverse of the validation notice, include them in the same communication below the content
of the validation notice. Furthermore, as discussed above, comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)–2 notes
that, if a debt collector places the disclosures below the content of the validation notice, the debt
collector may comply with the requirement to refer to the disclosures by including the statement,
Notice: See below for important information, or a substantially similar statement. These
commentary provisions, therefore, address circumstances in which the validation notice is
delivered in the body of an email.
The Bureau declines to permit debt collectors to place disclosures required by other
applicable law on a second page while maintaining the § 1006.34(d)(2) safe harbor, as some
commenters requested. In § 1006.34(d)(2)(ii), the Bureau specifies two narrow circumstances in
which debt collectors are permitted to include validation information on a second page because
such information, presented on a second page, is likely to benefit consumers.
And, in both
cases, if a debt collector includes the disclosures on a second page, the debt collector loses the
§ 1006.34(d)(2) safe harbor with respect to the second page. The Bureau determines that it is
Fina l § 1006.34(d)(2)(ii) allows a second page for debt collectors to provide information that would otherwise be
provided in a rela tively a bbreviated itemization of the debt (i.e., itemization on a second page and for the special
rule regarding certain residential mortgage debt). This narrow exception allows the debt collector to potentially
provide significantly more information to the consumer on a second page.
unwarranted to provide a safe harbor that would be more expansive both in scope and protection
than the other targeted exceptions to debt collectors providing other applicable law disclosures
on a second page. The Bureau notes that debt collectors may include such disclosures on a
second page without necessarily violating the rule.
The Bureau is making one additional change not in response to comments.
Section 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) provides, in relevant part, that disclosures made under
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) must not appear directly on the reverse of the consumer-response
information required by § 1006.34(c)(4), which appears on the front of the notice. This revision
is included to ensure that debt collectors who choose to make the optional disclosures under
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) do not provide the disclosures in a place where the disclosures would be
returned with the consumer-response information.
The Bureau notes that if, as permitted by § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv), a debt collector includes on
the front of a validation notice the required statement regarding disclosures under other
applicable law (i.e.,Notice: See reverse side for important information), the debt collector
must actually place such disclosures on the reverse. Conversely, a debt collector may not
include disclosures under other applicable law on the reverse of a validation notice without
including the statement about those disclosures on the front of the validation notice. The Bureau
intended this effect when it proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) and notes it here for clarity.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv) and its related commentary
with both substantive revisions and minor wording changes.
34(d)(3)(v) Information about Electronic Communications
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(v) provided that debt collectors could include certain
information about electronic communications along with the validation information. First,
proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(v)(A) provided that a debt collector could include the debt collector’s
website and email address. Second, proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(v)(B) provided that a debt
collector could include, for validation information not provided electronically, the statement
described in § 1006.34(c)(3)(v) explaining how a consumer could take the actions described in
§ 1006.34(c)(4) and § 1006.34(d)(3) electronically.
One industry commenter supported
proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(v), and the Bureau is finalizing it as proposed, with technical revisions
to reflect conforming changes to final § 1006.34(c)(3)(v). For example, final
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(v)(B) no longer contains a reference to § 1006.34(d)(3) because final
§ 1006.34(c)(3)(v) itself no longer refers to § 1006.34(d)(3).
34(d)(3)(vi) Spanish-Language Translation Disclosures
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi) provided that a debt collector could include, along with the
validation information, optional Spanish-language disclosures that consumers could use to
request a Spanish-language validation notice. The proposal stated that Spanish-speaking LEP
consumers may benefit from a Spanish-language disclosure informing them of their ability to
request a Spanish-language translation, if a debt collector chooses to make such a translation
The proposal stated that debt collectors may wish to provide validation information
in Spanish, as doing so may facilitate their communications with consumers.
Proposed § 1006.34(c)(3)(v) provided that such a statement was required validation information for validation
notices provided electronically.
As discussed in the section-by-section a nalysis of § 1006.34(c)(3)(v), the final rule does not require debt
collectors who provide validation notices electronically to include statements explaining how consumers can take
the actions described in § 1006.34(d)(3) electronically.
Spanish speakers represent the second-largest la nguage group in the United States after English speakers. As of
2016, 40 million residents in the United States ages five and older spoke Spanish at home. See U.S. Census Bureau,
Profile America for Facts for Features CB17FF.17: Hispanic Heritage Month 2017, at 4 (Oct. 17, 2017),
Consumer advocate commenters generally supported permitting debt collectors to
provide certain Spanish-language disclosures along with the validation information. Some
consumer advocate commenters recommended that the Bureau also require debt collectors to
provide the disclosures described in proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi). A group of consumer
advocate commenters urged the Bureau to require a debt collector to send a translated validation
notice if the debt collector receives a request from a consumer seeking information in the
consumer’s preferred language, including a request received using the proposed tear off portion
of the validation notice.
An industry commenter supported proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi) on the understanding
that the Spanish-language disclosures would be optional. According to the commenter, requiring
debt collectors to provide foreign language disclosures would entail significant costs. An
industry commenter and an industry trade group commenter asked the Bureau to clarify whether
providing the proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi) disclosures would obligate a debt collector to provide
future communications in Spanish to the consumer. Some commenters raised questions about
whether the validation period would be paused when a consumer requests a Spanish-language
translation of the validation notice and then restart when it is received, with a local government
commenter supporting such a revision in the final rule.
The Bureau declines to make the Spanish-language disclosures described in
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(vi) mandatory. A requirement to provide the § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi) disclosures,
standing alone, would not be overly burdensome because the translation language is precisely
described in the regulation and is also included on the model validation notice. However, the
content of those disclosures means that mandating them would effectively compel debt collectors
to provide translated validation notices to certain consumers (i.e., consumers who respond to the
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(vi) disclosures by requesting a Spanish-language validation notice).
discussed in the proposal, the Bureau did not propose to require debt collectors to provide
translated validation notices because of the associated costs of such a requirement,
and the
Bureau is declining to finalize such a requirement in this final rule.
A debt collector who provides the optional disclosure described in § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)
must honor a consumers request for a translated validation notice or risk violating FDCPA
section 807. However, the proposal did not expressly state that the debt collector would be
obligated to provide the Spanish-language translation of the validation notice in this
circumstance. The proposal only implied such an obligation. To make the rule clearer, the
Bureau is finalizing a new § 1006.34(e)(2), which provides that a debt collector who includes in
the validation information either or both of the optional disclosures described in
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(vi), and who thereafter receives a request from the consumer for a Spanish-
language validation notice, must provide the consumer a validation notice completely and
accurately translated into Spanish.
The Bureau clarifies that, other than with respect to
§ 1006.34(e)(2), nothing in the rule obligates a debt collector to provide future communications
in Spanish solely because the debt collector provided a disclosure described in
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(vi) in Spanish.
Regarding the commenters who asked for clarification about, or supported, restarting the
validation period when the consumer requests a Spanish-language validation notice, the Bureau
declines to mandate such a change but notes that debt collectors who voluntarily restart the
15 U.S.C. 1692e.
84 FR 23274, 23352 (May 21, 2019).
See the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(e).
validation period after providing a copy of the Spanish-language validation notice following the
consumers request do not violate the FDCPA or Regulation F.
For these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi) largely as proposed but
with a revision to clarify that a debt collector may include either of the optional Spanish-
language translation disclosures, or both of them.
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(A) provided that a debt collector could include a statement
in Spanish informing a consumer that the consumer could request a Spanish-language validation
notice. Specifically, the Bureau proposed in § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(A) to permit the statement,
“Póngase en contacto con nosotros para solicitar una copia de este formulario en español,” using
that phrase or a substantially similar phrase in Spanish. In English, this phrase means, “You may
contact us to request a copy of this form in Spanish.” The proposal clarified that a debt collector
who provided this optional disclosure could also include supplemental information in Spanish
specifying how a consumer could request a Spanish-language validation notice. Proposed
comment 34(d)(3)(vi)(A)1 explained that, for example, a debt collector could provide a
statement in Spanish that a consumer could request a Spanish-language validation notice by
telephone or email.
Consumer advocate commenters supported the Spanish-language disclosure described in
proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(A). The Bureau received no other comments specifically
addressing the disclosure. Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(A) and its
related commentary as proposed, with only minor wording changes.
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(B) provided that debt collectors could include in the
consumer-response information section of the validation notice a statement in Spanish that a
consumer could use to request a Spanish-language validation notice. Specifically, the Bureau
proposed in § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(B) to permit debt collectors to include the statement, “Quiero
esta forma en español, using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase in Spanish. In English,
this phrase means, “I want this form in Spanish.Proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(B) would have
required this statement to be next to a prompt that the consumer could use to request a Spanish-
language validation notice.
Consumer advocate commenters generally supported the Spanish-language disclosure
described in proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(B). However, a group of consumer advocate
commenters stated that the Spanish translation in proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(B) was
inaccurate. Specifically, the commenters stated that the correct Spanish translation of “form is
“formulario,” notforma.” The word “forma appeared in both proposed § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(B)
and in the sample disclosure on the proposed model validation notice. The Bureau finds that
“formulario,” not “forma,” is the correct Spanish translation of “form.” The Bureau also finds
that, for gender agreement, § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(B) should read “este formulario,” not “esta
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(B), its related commentary, and the
disclosure on the model validation notice as proposed, but with revisions to correct the
translation errors and with other, minor wording changes for consistency with other provisions of
the final rule.
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) to provide that the merchant brand, if any,
associated with a credit card debt, to the extent available to the debt collector, is validation
information that must be provided to the consumer. Proposed comment 34(c)(2)(iii)1 provided
an example of merchant brand information that the Bureau initially determined would be
available to a debt collector and that, therefore, would be required on a validation notice.
For the reasons discussed below, the Bureau is not finalizing § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) and its
related commentary. Instead, the Bureau is restructuring and renumbering proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) as a new optional disclosure under § 1006.34(d)(3)(vii), which permits, but
does not require, debt collectors to disclose the merchant brand, affinity brand, or facility name,
if any, associated with the debt (and does not limit the optional disclosure to credit card debt).
Industry, industry trade group, and consumer advocate commenters uniformly agreed
that, if available, merchant brand information may help consumers recognize debts. For
example, consumer advocate commenters stated that, in the case of a store-branded credit card, a
consumer may not associate the debt with the original creditor (often a bank) and may be more
likely to recognize the merchant, whose name appears on the credit card. A group of consumer
advocate commenters asserted that such information was important, impliedly suggesting that the
Bureau require its disclosure as part of the validation information.
Although supportive of the proposed disclosure in principle, some industry trade group
commenters asked the Bureau to clarify the circumstances in which merchant brand information
would be deemed available. According to these commenters, whether merchant brand
information is available may be unclear because it is not always identifiable in a consumer’s file
or a creditor may not have provided it. One industry trade group commenter stated that the
proposed provision requiring disclosure of merchant brand information for credit cards as part of
the validation information would better serve consumers and reduce compliance costs if the
provision included broader categories than merchant brand names and was an optional, rather
than mandatory, disclosure.
The Bureau received other comments about expanding the scope of proposed
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(iii). An industry trade group commenter recommended that § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii)
also encompass affinity brand information (e.g., the name of a college). Other commenters
recommended that debt collectors be permitted or required to disclose the facility name
associated with a medical debt (e.g., the name of a hospital). According to commenters, a
consumer may be more likely to recognize a facility where treatment was provided than the
healthcare service provider that is the creditor. A group of consumer advocate commenters
noted that increasingly a hospital name may act as a brand for an umbrella of service providers
and thus should be treated in the same manner as a merchant brand.
The Bureau determines that merchant brand information may help consumers recognize
debts. However, the Bureau agrees with the feedback that whether merchant brand information
is available may not always be clear to a debt collector. This ambiguity is particularly likely
with respect to debts that have been sold or transferred multiple times. Furthermore, not all
creditors will have an associated merchant brand, at least one that is distinct from the creditor
Accordingly, in lieu of finalizing the requirement in proposed § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii), the
Bureau is adopting new § 1006.34(d)(3)(vii), which permits, rather than requires, debt collectors
to disclose the merchant brand information, if any, associated with a debt. By making merchant
brand an optional disclosure, the Bureau eliminates a source of potential ambiguity that could
expose debt collectors to legal risk. In addition, notwithstanding this modification, the Bureau
concludes that debt collectors will be incentivized to provide merchant brand information if it is
available. Commenters uniformly agreed that merchant brand information helps consumers
recognize debts.
Thus, debt collectors likely will benefit from including merchant brand
information if possible.
Providing merchant brand information will also benefit consumers by
allowing them to more easily identify debts, determine whether they owe them, and avoid the
confusion resulting from seeing a validation notice with an unfamiliar name (which potentially
leads to the consumer ignoring the notice).
The Bureau finds that affinity brand information and facility name information also may
help consumers recognize debts they owe. Whereas a merchant brand can be generally
understood as the labelling or branding of a commercial entity, such as a retail store, an affinity
brand may reflect the labelling or branding of an entity that is not necessarily commercial but
one with which the consumer has a relationship. For example, a higher education institution
(e.g., “College of Columbia”) or a charity may be associated with a consumer financial product
(e.g., a credit card provided by ABC Bank) as an affinity brand. See comment 34(d)(3)(vii)–2.
Moreover, facility name information (e.g.,ABC Hospital”) may prove more recognizable to
consumers with respect to a medical debt than the name of, for example, the physicians group or
laboratory that is the actual creditor (particularly if the consumer has one appointment or
procedure at one facility that results in multiple bills from multiple providers). See comment
See 84 FR 23274, 23340 (May 21, 2019) (citing the Bureau’s consumer focus group findings that indicate
consumers use merchant brands to recognize credit card debts).
34(d)(3)(vii)–3. Thus, § 1006.34(d)(3)(vii) also permits debt collectors to disclose an affinity
brand or a facility name, if any, associated with a debt.
For these reasons, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(vii) to provide that, along with
the validation information, debt collectors may disclose the merchant brand, affinity brand, or
facility name, if any, associated with a debt. The Bureau also is adopting new comments
34(d)(3)(vii)–1 through 3 to provide examples of a merchant brand, an affinity brand, and a
facility name, respectively.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(3)(viii) to provide that, although it is not required,
a debt collector who is collecting debt not related to a consumer financial product or service may
disclose certain additional information without losing the safe harbor provided by
§ 1006.34(d)(2) (assuming the debt collector otherwise satisfies the conditions for the safe
harbor). Specifically, § 1006.34(d)(3)(viii) provides that, if a debt collector is collecting debt
other than debt related to a consumer financial product or service as defined in § 1006.2(f), the
debt collector may disclose: (1) the name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the
itemization date (i.e., the information specified in § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii)); or (2) a statement that
informs the consumer that additional information regarding consumer protections in debt
collection is available on the Bureau’s website at www.cfpb.gov/debt-collection (i.e., the
information specified in § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv)). The Bureau determines that receipt of this
information may be helpful for consumers.
Although § 1006.34(d)(3)(vii) permits debt collectors to disclose the f acility name associated with a medical debt
along with the validation information, debt collectors m ay be prohibited from doing so by other a pplicable la ws,
such as healthcare privacy rules or regulations.
34(d)(4) Validation Notices Delivered Electronically
As discussed in the proposal and in the November 2020 Final Rule, promoting electronic
communications may benefit consumers and debt collectors.
As also discussed in the
proposal, allowing debt collectors to make certain formatting modifications to validation notices
delivered electronically may help consumers exercise their verification rights under FDCPA
section 809 and may facilitate a debt collector’s ability to process and understand a consumers
response to such an electronically delivered validation notice. Proposed § 1006.34(d)(4)
therefore provided several modifications, discussed in the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.34(d)(4)(i) and (ii) below, that a debt collector could make, at its option, to the formatting
of a validation notice delivered electronically.
An industry trade group commenter expressed support for proposed § 1006.34(d)(4)’s
facilitation of validation notices delivered electronically. The Bureau received no other
comments specifically addressing proposed § 1006.34(d). Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing
§ 1006.34(d)(4) with only minor wording changes.
The Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(4) to implement and interpret FDCPA section
809(b) by establishing formatting requirements that facilitate the consumer’s right to dispute a
debt and request original-creditor information, and pursuant to its FDCPA section 814(d)
authority to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors. The Bureau
also is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(4) pursuant to its authority under section 1032(a) of the Dodd-
Frank Act to prescribe rules to ensure that the features of consumer financial products and
services are disclosed fully, accurately, and effectively.
See 84 FR 23274, 23351 (May 21, 2019); 85 FR 76734, 76755 (Nov. 30, 2020).
34(d)(4)(i) Prompts
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(4)(i) provided that a debt collector delivering a validation notice
electronically pursuant to § 1006.42 could display any prompt required by § 1006.34(c)(4)(i) or
(ii) or (d)(3)(iii)(B) or (vi)(B) as a fillable field.
One industry trade group commenter supported proposed § 1006.34(d)(4)(i). According
to the commenter, if a validation notice is delivered by email, a debt collector should be
permitted to format the prompts in the consumer-response information section so that the debt
collector receives an email if a consumer selects them. Another industry trade group commenter
asked the Bureau to clarify whether a fillable field includes a checkbox.
A consumer advocate commenter raised concerns about permitting a debt collector to
format the payment prompt described in § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(B) as a fillable field. According to
the commenter, scammers could impersonate legitimate debt collectors and attempt to convince
consumers to make payments on fraudulent debts using the payment prompts. The commenter
urged the Bureau to evaluate the security risks associated with fillable payment prompts and
consider other approaches.
The Bureau determines that allowing a debt collector to design a validation notice
delivered electronically to include fillable prompts will benefit consumers and industry by
making it easier for consumers to exercise their verification rights, make a payment, or request a
Spanish-language translation of the notice. The Bureau does not find that permitting a debt
collector to format the payment prompt described in § 1006.34(d)(3)(iii)(B) as a fillable field
entails substantial security risks. The Bureau acknowledges that, in general, electronic
communications present certain security risks to consumers. However, the Bureau finds that
84 FR 23274, 23405 (May 21, 2019).
these general risks do not justify preventing debt collectors from including in electronic
communications common design modifications, such as prompts, that are convenient to
consumers. Thus, the Bureau declines to limit the ability of legitimate debt collectors to include
on validation notices a common design modification that will benefit consumers.
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(4)(i) largely as proposed, with only
minor wording changes for consistency with other provisions in the final rule.
34(d)(4)(ii) Hyperlinks
Proposed § 1006.34(d)(4)(ii) provided that a debt collector delivering a validation notice
electronically could embed hyperlinks in the validation notice that, when clicked, would connect
consumers to the debt collectors website or permit consumers to dispute a debt or request
original-creditor information.
Industry trade group commenters supported proposed § 1006.34(d)(4)(ii). For example, a
commenter stated that hyperlinks are an important feature used to reduce the complexity of email
and text messages while allowing readers to access important information. A consumer advocate
commenter recommended that the Bureau also permit debt collectors to embed a hyperlink that
connects consumers to the Bureau’s website address described in § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv).
The Bureau determines that hyperlinks are a formatting modification that may benefit
consumers and debt collectors if included in validation notices that are delivered electronically.
And the Bureau agrees that debt collectors should be permitted to include a hyperlink that
connects consumers to the Bureau’s website address described in § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv).
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(d)(4)(ii) to provide that debt collectors may
With respect to the comment about whether a fillable field includes a checkbox, the Bureau confirms that a
filla ble field m a y a ppear a s a n unmarked checkbox that a consumer ca n select.
embed hyperlinks that, when clicked, connect consumers to the debt collectors website, connect
consumers to the Bureau’s debt collection website as disclosed pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(3)(iv),
or permit consumers to dispute the debt or request original-creditor information.
34(e) Translation into Other Languages
The Bureau proposed § 1006.34(e) to provide that a debt collector could send a consumer
a validation notice completely and accurately translated into any language if the debt collector
also sent an English-language validation notice that satisfied § 1006.34(a)(1). Proposed
§ 1006.34(e) also provided that, if a debt collector already provided a consumer an English-
language validation notice that satisfied § 1006.34(a)(1) and subsequently provided the consumer
a validation notice translated into any other language, the debt collector would not need to
provide an additional copy of the English-language notice. Proposed comment 34(e)1 clarified
that the language of a validation notice obtained from the Bureau’s website would be considered
a complete and accurate translation, although debt collectors would be permitted to use other
validation notice translations if they were accurate and complete.
Industry and industry trade group commenters supported proposed § 1006.34(e) and its
optional approach to providing validation notices translated into other languages. An industry
trade group commenter stated that this approach was appropriate because some debt collectors
may not have the resources to conduct collections activities in languages other than English.
Other industry trade group commenters stated that requiring debt collectors to provide validation
notices in other languages would be burdensome and costly. An industry trade group commenter
stated that, if a debt collector provided a validation notice in another language, a consumer
would expect the debt collector to communicate in that language. According to this commenter,
if the debt collector was unable to do so, this unfulfilled expectation would frustrate consumers
and expose debt collectors to litigation risk.
Other commenters, including consumer advocates, legal aid providers, and faith groups,
recommended that debt collectors be required to provide non-English validation notices to LEP
consumers. According to these commenters, LEP consumers tend to experience poverty at much
greater rates, face significant challenges navigating the debt collection process, and are often
subject to harassment and deception. Commenters stated that English-language validation
notices would not enable LEP consumers to understand their rights in debt collection or to take
appropriate action if they did not believe that they owed a debt. Commenters cited demographic
statistics showing the growing population of LEP consumers, particularly in certain localities. A
consumer advocate commenter stated that case law suggests that a debt collector’s failure to
provide a non-English validation notice to an LEP consumer may violate the FDCPA.
To address these concerns, these commenters suggested various mandatory frameworks
that would require debt collectors to provide translated validation notices to consumers. These
suggested alternative frameworks included requiring debt collectors to provide a translated
validation notice: (1) in Spanish and located on the back of every English-language validation
notice; (2) with every English-language validation notice if the debt collector knows or should
know the consumer has another language preference; (3) if the original transaction or the debt
collector’s prior communication was conducted in a foreign language; (4) upon a consumers
The commenter cited, for example, Evory v. RJM Acquisitions Funding LLC, 505 F.3d 769, 774 (7th Cir. 2007).
However, the Bureau disagrees with the commenters premise that this opinion and the others it cited im ply a
general requirement under the FDCPA to provide translated notices to all Spanish-speaking LEP consumers. The
Bureau believes, instead, that those holdings were dependent on the facts of those cases. For example, Evory
discussed in dicta a hypothetical in which a debt collector targeted vulnerable Spanish-speaking LEP consumers
with English-language validation notices, 505 F.3d at 774, but that particular scenario involved targeting, which is
beyond the scope of § 1006.34(e).
request; (5) if the debt collector received information in the file from the creditor or a prior debt
collector indicating the consumers non-English language preference; or (6) if and when the debt
collector at a later point communicates with the consumer in a foreign language. In some cases,
commenters framed these interventions as narrow or measured. A group of consumer advocates
also urged the Bureau to make available on its website Spanish-translated validation notices as
well as translations in the next seven most common languages spoken by LEP consumers in the
United States.
The Bureau determines that LEP consumers may benefit from translated validation
notices. Further, some debt collectors may want to provide translated validation notices to LEP
consumers, if doing so is consistent with their business practices.
The Bureau, however, declines commenters requests to require debt collectors to provide
a Spanish-language translation to all consumers on the back of every English-language validation
notice or a translated notice to consumers in other languages if the debt collector knows or
should know the consumer has a different language preference. As discussed in the proposal,
these types of mandatory approaches would result in significant, industry-wide costs on both an
upfront (implementation) basis and an ongoing basis, especially for smaller debt collectors and in
connection with translations of the validation notice in languages whose use is not prevalent in
the United States.
The Bureau acknowledges that some LEP consumers may experience
particular challenges in the debt collection process. However, commenters did not provide
information about the costs and benefits of requiring debt collectors to provide translated
validation notices to all consumers, regardless of whether the consumer requests the translation,
See also the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi).
See 84 FR 23274, 23352 (May 21, 2019).
that persuades the Bureau that such mandatory requirements are justified. The Bureau, as stated
above, recognizes the benefits of providing translated disclosures to consumers. However, the
Bureau concludes that the approach in the proposal, supplemented by certain changes in the final
rule, strikes a better balance than a mandatory requirement. The final rule permits debt
collectors to provide disclosures carrying safe harbor protection that notify and encourage
consumers to request a Spanish-language translation of the validation notice or additional
information in Spanish, which can assist the largest group of LEP consumers in the United States
by a wide margin compared to other languages. At the same time, the final rule does not require
debt collectors to provide all consumers with translated validation notices, whether in Spanish or
other languages, and irrespective of whether the consumers request it or speak a language that is
uncommon among LEP consumers in the United States.
Regarding the request by a group of consumer advocate commenters that the Bureau
translate the validation notice into Spanish and seven other languages and deem the Bureau
translations as complete and accurate, the Bureau plans to make available on its website, prior to
the effective date of the final rule, a Spanish-language translation of the validation notice, and it
will consider taking such action in the future with respect to one or more of the other languages
cited by these commenters following implementation of the final rule.
The Bureau also declines to implement the other mandatory approaches suggested by
consumer advocate, faith group, and legal aid provider commenters. As discussed above, these
commenters suggested a variety of interventions, such as requiring the debt collector provide the
translated notice in circumstances in which the consumer had expressed a language preference to
a prior debt collector or the creditor and that preference is noted in the file for the debt, or in
which, at a later point in the process, the consumer communicates in a foreign language.
The Bureau disagrees with some commenterscharacterization of these interventions as
targeted or narrow in scope, as each suggestion would entail a mandatory requirement with
associated upfront and ongoing costs and complexity (which would be compounded if more than
one or even all of these interventions were adopted collectively). In some cases, these suggested
interventions are beyond the scope of the proposal. As to others, the Bureau concludes that the
costs of such interventions to debt collectors, particularly smaller entities, would not outweigh
the benefits to consumers because they would add undue complexity to the rule from an
operational, compliance, and supervisory perspective.
For these reasons, the Bureau declines to adopt a final rule that requires debt collectors to
provide translated validation notices. Nevertheless, because the Bureau determines that, as
discussed in the proposal, LEP consumers may benefit from receiving translated validation
notices, the Bureau is finalizing § 1006.34(e) to clarify how debt collectors may provide such
notices if they choose. The Bureau is finalizing proposed § 1006.34(e) as § 1006.34(e)(1), with
certain revisions and organizational changes for clarity; no substantive change is intended.
Furthermore, as discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(3)(vi), the Bureau is
finalizing new § 1006.34(e)(2) to provide that, if a debt collector includes in the validation
information either or both of the optional disclosures notifying a consumer that the consumer can
request a copy of the validation notice in Spanish, the debt collector must provide the consumer a
Spanish-language validation notice if the consumer requests one. The Bureau intended this
result in the proposal and is including § 1006.34(e)(2) for clarity and in response to feedback.
Finally, the Bureau is finalizing comment 34(e)1 with revisions to conform to the revisions and
organizational changes made to § 1006.34(e); no substantive change is intended.
Section 1006.38 Disputes and Requests for Original-Creditor Information
FDCPA section 809(b) requires debt collectors both to refrain from taking certain actions
during the 30 days after the consumer receives the validation information or notice described in
FDCPA section 809(a) (i.e., during the validation period) and to take certain actions if a
consumer either disputes the debt in writing, or requests the name and address of the original
creditor in writing, during the validation period. The Bureau proposed § 1006.38 to implement
and interpret FDCPA section 809(b) and (c), and the Bureau finalized the majority of proposed
§ 1006.38 in the November 2020 Final Rule.
The Bureau now is finalizing the remainder of
proposed § 1006.38 as follows.
Comment 381
The Bureau proposed comment 382 (renumbered in the November 2020 Final Rule as
comment 381) to set forth examples of written and electronic communications consumers can
use in disputing the debt or requesting the name and address of the original creditor.
second proposed example, proposed comment 382.ii, would have clarified that a consumer
could return to the debt collector the consumer-response form that proposed § 1006.34(c)(4)(i)
would have required to appear on the validation notice and indicate on the form a dispute or
request. The Bureau received no comments on proposed comment 382.ii.
The Bureau did
not finalize proposed comment 382.ii in the November 2020 Final Rule because the Bureau did
not finalize § 1006.34 as part of that final rule. The Bureau now is finalizing comment 382.ii as
proposed, renumbered as comment 381.ii, except that the Bureau is correcting a typographical
85 FR 76734, 74843-48, 76893 (Nov. 30, 2020).
84 FR 23274, 23353 (May 21, 2019).
The Bureau addressed comments received on other aspects of proposed comment 382 in the November 2020
Fina l Rule. 85 FR 76734, 76843-44 (Nov. 30, 2020).
error in the proposed comment such that the final comment cross references § 1006.34(c)(4)
rather than § 1006.34(c)(4)(i).
Comment 383
The Bureau proposed comment 381 (renumbered in this final rule as comment 383) to
clarify the applicability of § 1006.38 in the decedent debt context. Proposed comment 381
would have clarified that, if the consumer has not previously disputed the debt or requested the
name and address of the original creditor, then a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the
deceased consumers estate operates as the consumer for purposes of § 1006.38. Proposed
comment 381 also would have clarified that, if a person who is authorized to act on behalf of
the deceased consumer’s estate submits either a written request for original-creditor information
or a written dispute to the debt collector during the validation period, then § 1006.38(c) or (d)(2),
respectively, would require the debt collector to cease collection of the debt until the debt
collector has responded to that request or dispute.
For the reasons discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.2(e), the Bureau is
interpreting the term consumer to mean any natural person, whether living or deceased, who is
obligated or allegedly obligated to pay any debt. And, pursuant to its authority under FDCPA
section 814(d) to prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors, the
Bureau is adopting commentary clarifying how this definition operates in the decedent debt
context, including debt collectors obligations for providing the validation information and
responding to disputes and requests for original-creditor information. Accordingly, the Bureau is
finalizing comment 381 as proposed, renumbered as comment 383 in this final rule.
38(a) Definitions
38(a)(2) Validation Period
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.38(a)(2) to provide that the term validation period as
used in § 1006.38 has the same meaning given to it in proposed § 1006.34(b)(5).
Because the
Bureau did not finalize § 1006.34 in the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau finalized the
definition in § 1006.38(a)(2) with revised wording to refer to the 30-day period described in
FDCPA section 809 as defined by Regulation F.
The Bureau noted that it might, as part of
this final rule, revise the definition of validation period as finalized in the November 2020 Final
Rule to cross-reference any definition of that term that the Bureau adopts in this final rule. As
discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(5), the Bureau is finalizing the
definition of validation period.
Therefore, the Bureau is making a technical change revising
§ 1006.38(a)(2), as finalized in the November 2020 Final Rule, to provide that the term
validation period as used in § 1006.38 has the same meaning given to it in § 1006.34(b)(5).
38(b) Overshadowing of Rights to Dispute or Request Original-Creditor Information
FDCPA section 809(b) provides that, for 30 days after the consumer receives the
validation information described in FDCPA section 809(a), a debt collector must not engage in
collection activities or communications that overshadow or are inconsistent with the disclosure
of the consumers right to dispute the debt or request information about the original creditor.
84 FR 23274, 23353 (May 21, 2019).
85 FR 76734, 76844, 76893 (Nov. 30, 2020).
The Bureau addresses comments received regarding the definition of validation period in the section-by-section
a nalysis of § 1006.34(b)(5).
This language was added to the FDCPA by the Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006, Pub. L. 109-
351, sec. 802(c), 120 Stat. 1966, 2006 (2006), after an FTC advisory opinion on the same subject. See Fed. Tra de
Com m’n, Advisory Opinion to American Collector’s Ass’n (Mar. 31, 2000) (opining that the 30-day period set forth
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.38(b) to implement this prohibition and generally restate the
relevant statutory language, with only minor changes for style and clarity.
As the Bureau discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule,
the Bureau received a few
substantive comments addressing proposed § 1006.38(b). Two industry commenters requested
that the final rule define the term “overshadowing.” These commenters observed that debt
collectors’ communications of validation information almost always expressly advise the
consumer of the right to dispute the debt and to request the name and address of the original
creditor. These commenters asserted that overshadowing claims are nonetheless some of the
most common allegations in FDCPA lawsuits. These commenters also requested clarity as to
whether the safe harbor in proposed § 1006.34(d)(2) for debt collectors who use the model
validation notice also would provide a safe harbor for compliance with the overshadowing
prohibition in proposed § 1006.38(b). One industry commenter requested that the final rule
clarify that credit reporting during the validation period does not constitute overshadowing.
In the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau finalized proposed § 1006.38(b) as
§ 1006.38(b)(1) and reserved § 1006.38(b)(2).
As noted above, proposed § 1006.38(b)
generally restated the relevant statutory language, with only minor changes for style and clarity,
and § 1006.38(b)(1) in the November 2020 Final Rule did the same. In the November 2020
Final Rule, the Bureau stated that it expected to address, as part of this final rule, the comments it
in FDCPA section 809(a) “is a dispute period within which the consumer may insist that the debt collector verify the
debt, and not a grace period within which collection efforts a re prohibited” but that[t]he collection a gency m ust
ensure, however, that its collection activity does not overshadow and is not inconsistent with the disclosure of the
consumers right to dispute the debt specified by [s]ection 809(a)”).
84 FR 23274, 23353-54 (May 21, 2019).
85 FR 76734, 76844 (Nov. 30, 2020).
In addition, one industry commenter stated that it generally agreed with proposed § 1006.38, a nd a group of
consumer a d vocates that a ddressed proposed § 1006.38(b) did not object to the proposal.
85 FR 76734, 76844, 76893 (Nov. 30, 2020).
received requesting further clarity about the safe harbor provided by § 1006.34(d)(2), and the
Bureau reserved § 1006.38(b)(2) for that purpose.
After considering the comments, the Bureau is finalizing in § 1006.38(b)(2) a safe harbor
from the prohibition in § 1006.38(b)(1) against overshadowing.
Section 1006.38(b)(2)
provides that a debt collector who uses Model Form B1 in appendix B of this part in a manner
described in § 1006.34(d)(2) has not thereby violated § 1006.38(b)(1). Therefore, a debt
collector who uses Model Form B1 in appendix B to Regulation F, specified variations of the
model notice, or a substantially similar form, has not thereby violated § 1006.38(b)(1). The safe
harbor protects only the use of the model validation notice to comply with the information and
form requirements of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1). If a debt collector uses the model validation
notice as described in § 1006.34(d)(2) and conducts other collection activities during the
validation period, the debt collector does not receive a safe harbor for those other collection
activities. A debt collector also does not receive a safe harbor for the manner in which a model
validation notice is provided, such as the envelope in which a model validation notice is
The Bureau declines to otherwise define the term “overshadow” or to clarify whether
other collection activities during the validation period either violate or comply with the
prohibition in final § 1006.38(b)(1). The Bureau finds that the safe harbor in § 1006.38(b)(2)
provides sufficient clarity for debt collectors.
Accordingly, the heading for final § 1006.38(b)(2) refers to the safe harbor, and the Bureau is revising: (1) the
heading for § 1006.38(b)(1) as finalized in the November 2020 Final Rule to clarify that that paragraph relates to the
overshadowing prohibition; and (2) § 1006.38(b)(1) to omit a reference to the fact that the Bureau may provide in
this part a safe harbor for debt collectors when they use certain Bureau-approved disclosures because the Bureau is
providing that safe harbor in this fina l rule.
38(c) Requests for Original-Creditor Information
FDCPA section 809(a)(5) states that the validation information a debt collector provides
to a consumer must include a statement that, upon the consumers written request within the 30-
day validation period, the debt collector will provide the consumer with the name and address of
the original creditor, if different from the current creditor. FDCPA section 809(b) provides that,
if a consumer requests the name and address of the original creditor in writing within 30 days of
receiving the validation information described in FDCPA section 809(a), the debt collector must
cease collection of the debt until the debt collector obtains and mails that information to the
consumer. The Bureau proposed in § 1006.38(c) to implement this prohibition and generally
restate the relevant statutory language.
As the Bureau discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau received a number
of comments addressing proposed § 1006.38(c).
Three industry commenters requested that
the final rule provide that, if a debt collector’s communication of the validation information to a
consumer identifies the original creditor, the debt collector need not give the consumer the
option of requesting original-creditor information from the debt collector. These commenters
stated that, if the original creditor has already been identified to a consumer, it would be
confusing to the consumer to provide the option to request the name and address of the original
creditor. Further, they stated, consumers could use unnecessary requests for original-creditor
information as a tactic to delay or avoid collection. One industry commenter requested that the
final rule clarify that a debt collector is not required to include original-creditor information in its
communication of validation information to a consumer. This commenter stated that lawsuits are
85 FR 76734, 76844-45 (Nov. 30, 2020).
often filed alleging that a debt collector has violated the FDCPA by not identifying the original
creditor in the validation information.
Several commenters recommended that the Bureau define “original creditor to mean the
creditor at the time of charge off. According to an industry trade group, this definition would be
consistent with other laws, including the Uniform Rules for New York State Trial Courts.
Other industry and industry trade group commenters stated that this definition would be
appropriate for older debts because a consumer may no longer recognize the original creditor,
particularly if an account has been sold. An industry trade group suggested that defining
“original creditor” as the creditor at the time of charge off may resolve some compliance
challenges in the retail installment sales context. According to the commenter, in retail
installment sales, the original creditor is the retail seller, not the entity that ultimately buys the
contract, and retail-seller information may not be readily available to the debt collector or helpful
to the consumer.
A group of consumer advocate commenters who addressed proposed § 1006.38(c)
generally noted the importance of original-creditor information to consumers in helping them
recognize the debt in question. One commenter stated that the rule should require debt collectors
to identify the original creditor in the validation information.
Original creditor means the financial institution that owned the consumer credit account at the time the account
was charged off, even if that financial institution did not originate the account. Charged-off consumer debt m eans a
consumer debt that has been removed from an original creditors books as an asset and treated as a loss or expense.
22 NYCRR 208.14-a(a)(2).
Consumer advocates also addressed the proposals provisions regarding electronic delivery of original-creditor
information (and other information) in proposed § 1006.42. These comments regarding electronic delivery were
addressed in the November 2020 Final Rule. Id. at 76848.
In the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau finalized proposed § 1006.38(c) as
§ 1006.38(c)(1) and reserved § 1006.38(c)(2).
As noted above, proposed § 1006.38(c)
generally restated the relevant statutory language, and § 1006.38(c)(1) in the November 2020
Final Rule did the same.
In the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau stated that it expected
to address, as part of this final rule, how a debt collector may respond to a request for original-
creditor information if the original creditor is the same as the current creditor, and the Bureau
reserved § 1006.38(c)(2) for that purpose.
The Bureau also noted that it would respond in this
final rule to the comments asking the Bureau to define the term original creditor.
The Bureau has determined that a debt collectors communication of the validation
information must include disclosure of the option to request original-creditor information. As
noted above, FDCPA section 809(a)(5) states that the validation information must includea
statement that, upon the consumers written request within the thirty-day period, the debt
collector will provide the consumer with the name and address of the original creditor, if
different from the current creditor.
Because FDCPA section 809(a) requires the validation
information to include disclosure of the consumers right to request original-creditor information,
the Bureau finds that consumer confusion would result if the final rule were to permit a debt
collector not to respond to a consumers timely request for that information if the original
creditor is the same as the current creditor. Further, FDCPA section 809(b) states that[a]ny
collection activities and communication during the 30-day period may not overshadow or be
Id. at 76893.
While this fina l rule republishes in § 1006.38(c) some of the text of § 1006.38(c)(1) as finalized in the November
2020 Final Rule, this final rule makes no change to the substance of § 1006.38(c)(1) from what the Bureau f inalized
in the November 2020 Final Rule.
85 FR 76734, 76845 n.557 (Nov. 30, 2020).
15 U.S.C. 1692g(a)(5).
inconsistent with the disclosure of the consumer’s right to dispute the debt or request the name
and address of the original creditor.”
The Bureau therefore has determined to require a debt
collector to respond to a consumers request for original-creditor information if the original
creditor is the same as the current creditor.
However, the Bureau also has determined that FDCPA section 809(a)(5) and (b) permits
a debt collector to respond differently to the consumers request for original-creditor information
when the original creditor is the same as the current creditor. Specifically, the Bureau has
determined that FDCPA section 809(b), when read together with FDCPA section 809(a)(5),
requires the debt collector to provide the name and address of the original creditor to the
consumer only if the original creditor is different from the current creditor. Accordingly, the
Bureau is finalizing new § 1006.38(c)(2) to set forth an alternative procedure that a debt collector
may use to respond to a consumer’s request for original-creditor information if the original
creditor is the same as the current creditor. Specifically, if a debt collector receives a request for
the name and address of the original creditor submitted by the consumer in writing within the
validation period, the special rule set forth in § 1006.38(c)(2) provides that the debt collector
must cease collection of the debt until the debt collector reasonably determines that the original
creditor is the same as the current creditor and either (i) notifies the consumer in writing or
electronically in the manner required by § 1006.42 that the original creditor is the same as the
current creditor and refers the consumer to the debt collector’s earlier provision of the validation
information or (ii) satisfies § 1006.38(c)(1).
Under the final rule, a debt collector is not required to use the alternative procedure in
§ 1006.38(c)(2); a debt collector can always comply with the rule by complying with
15 U.S.C. 1692g(b) (emphasis a dded).
§ 1006.38(c)(1). By adopting the § 1006.38(c)(2) alternative procedure, the Bureau strikes the
best balance between providing debt collectors with a less burdensome method of responding to
consumer requests for original-creditor information and protecting consumers.
The Bureau adopts the alternative procedure in § 1006.38(c)(2) as an interpretation of
FDCPA section 809(a)(5) and (b), and pursuant to its authority under FDCPA section 814(d). In
particular, § 1006.38(c)(2) is an interpretation of what it means for a debt collector, pursuant to
FDCPA section 809(b), toobtain[ ] . . . the name and address of the original creditor” and send
that information to the consumer when, pursuant to FDCPA section 809(a)(5), the debt collector
already provided the name of the current creditor to the consumer within the validation
information (as required by FDCPA section 809(a)(2) and § 1006.34(c)(2)(v)) and the original
creditor is not different from the current creditor. If the original creditor is the same as the
current creditor, the Bureau interprets FDCPA section 809(b)’s requirement to provide original-
creditor information to the consumer to mean that a debt collector must cease collection of the
debt until the debt collector either provides the name and address of the original creditor to the
consumer in compliance with § 1006.38(c)(1) or, in compliance with § 1006.38(c)(2), notifies
the consumer in writing or electronically in the manner required by § 1006.42 that the original
creditor is the same as the current creditor and refers the consumer to the debt collectors earlier
provision of the validation information.
The Bureau declines to require all debt collectors to include the name of the original
creditor in the validation information because the Bureau believes such a requirement is not
necessary or warranted. The statute prescribes a method for a consumer to obtain this
information upon request. Further, the Bureau interprets FDCPA section 809(a)(2) as requiring
debt collectors to disclose in the validation information the name of the current creditor; i.e., “the
name of the creditor to whom the debt is owed.
The Bureau declines to define “original creditor” in the manner commenters suggested.
Although the definition suggested by commenters might be accurate for some debts, it is not
clear to the Bureau that the suggested definition would be accurate for all debts. The Bureau did
not propose such a definition and the Bureau does not have sufficient information to develop and
include a definition of “original creditor” in the rule.
Taking into consideration the provisions of FDCPA section 809(a) and (b), the final rule
provides debt collectors an alternative response procedure, described above, when the original
creditorwhich in many cases will be the creditor as of the itemization dateis the same as the
current creditor. The alternative procedure permits debt collectors to respond to some consumer
requests for original-creditor information in a less burdensome way, while also protecting
consumers. Therefore, the Bureau believes that defining original creditor in the final rule is
unnecessary and unwarranted.
Section 1006.42 Sending Required Disclosures
42(a) Sending Required Disclosures
42(a)(2) Exceptions
The Bureau proposed in § 1006.42(a)(2) to provide that a debt collector need not comply
with § 1006.42(a)(1) when providing the disclosure required by § 1006.6(e) or § 1006.18(e) in
writing or electronically, unless the disclosure was included on a notice required by
§ 1006.34(a)(1)(i) or § 1006.38(c) or (d)(2).
Because the Bureau did not finalize § 1006.34 in
the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau finalized § 1006.42(a)(2) with a reference to the
84 FR 23274, 23357-59 (May 21, 2019).
notice required by FDCPA section 809(a), as implemented by Regulation F, in lieu of a ref erence
to the notice required by § 1006.34(a)(1)(i).
Because the Bureau is now finalizing § 1006.34,
the Bureau is making a technical change revising § 1006.42(a)(2) to refer to the notice required
by § 1006.34(a)(1)(i), as originally proposed. The Bureau addressed comments received
regarding proposed § 1006.42(a)(2) in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.42(a)(2) in the
November 2020 Final Rule.
42(b) Requirements for Certain Disclosures Sent Electronically
Proposed § 1006.42(b)(1) generally would have required a debt collector who provided
the validation notice described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B) electronically to do so in accordance with
section 101(c) of the E-SIGN Act.
Because the Bureau did not finalize § 1006.34 in the
November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau finalized § 1006.42(b) with a reference to the notice
required by FDCPA section 809(a), as implemented by Regulation F, in lieu of a reference to the
validation notice described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B).
Because the Bureau is now finalizing
§ 1006.34, the Bureau is making a technical change revising § 1006.42(b) to refer to the
validation notice required by § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B), as originally proposed. The Bureau
addressed comments received regarding proposed § 1006.42(b)(1) in the section-by-section
analysis of § 1006.42(b) in the November 2020 Final Rule.
85 FR 76734, 76893 (Nov. 30, 2020).
Id. at 76850-51.
84 FR 23274, 23356-57 (May 21, 2019).
85 FR 76734, 76893 (Nov. 30, 2020).
Id. at 76850-51.
Subpart CReserved
Subpart D—Miscellaneous
Section 1006.100 Record Retention
100(a) In General
Section 1006.100(a), as finalized in the November 2020 Final Rule, requires a debt
collector to retain records that are evidence of compliance or non-compliance with the FDCPA
and Regulation F. The Bureau proposed comment 1001 to clarify that, for purposes of
§ 1006.100(a), evidence of compliance includes, among other things, copies of documents
provided by the debt collector to the consumer in accordance with the requirements of proposed
§ 1006.34.
Because the Bureau did not finalize § 1006.34 in the November 2020 Final Rule,
the Bureau finalized comment 100(a)1 to include, as an example of evidence of compliance,
copies of documents provided by the debt collector to the consumer in accordance with FDCPA
section 809(a), as implemented by Bureau regulation.
Because the Bureau now is finalizing
§ 1006.34, the Bureau is making a technical change revising comment 100(a)1 to include, as an
example of evidence of compliance, copies of documents provided by the debt collector to the
consumer in accordance with § 1006.34, as originally proposed. The Bureau addressed
comments received regarding proposed comment 1001 in the section-by-section analysis of
§ 1006.100(a) and comment 100(a)1 in the November 2020 Final Rule.
Section 1006.104 Relation to State Laws
FDCPA section 816 provides that the FDCPA does not annul, alter, or affect, or exempt
any person subject to the provisions of the FDCPA from complying with the laws of any State
84 FR 23274, 23367 (May 21, 2019).
85 FR 76734, 76907 (Nov. 30, 2020).
Id. at 76858 n.600.
with respect to debt collection practices, except to the extent that those laws are inconsistent with
any provision of the FDCPA, and then only to the extent of the inconsistency. FDCPA section
816 also provides that, for purposes of that section, a State law is not inconsistent with the
FDCPA if the protection such law affords any consumer is greater than the protection provided
by the FDCPA.
The November 2020 Final Rule finalized § 1006.104 to implement FDCPA
section 816.
Proposed comment 1041 clarified that a disclosure required by applicable State law that
describes additional protections under State law does not contradict the requirements of the
FDCPA or the corresponding provisions of Regulation F.
In the November 2020 Final Rule,
the Bureau indicated that it was not finalizing proposed comment 1041 as part of that rule and
would determine whether and how to finalize the comment as part of this final rule.
As discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, some commenters asked the Bureau to
clarify how proposed comment 1041 would interact with State law disclosure requirements.
According to these commenters, the proposed commentary did not track FDCPA section 816’s
statutory language and therefore would be susceptible to competing interpretations. These
commenters expressed concern that proposed comment 1041 could be interpreted to mean that
§ 1006.104 would preempt State law disclosure requirements that afford the same protections as
the FDCPA and the corresponding provisions of Regulation F. These commenters opposed such
an interpretation as inconsistent with FDCPA section 816.
15 U.S.C. 1692n.
85 FR 76734 at 76860 (Nov. 30, 2020).
84 FR 23274, 23368 (May 21, 2019).
85 FR 76734, 76860 (Nov. 30, 2020).
With proposed comment 1041, the Bureau did not intend to communicate that
§ 1006.104 would preempt disclosures required by State law that describe State laws that afford
the same protections as the FDCPA and the corresponding provisions of Regulation F. To
mitigate the risk that the proposed commentary could be interpreted in this manner, the Bureau is
modifying proposed comment 1041 to more closely track FDCPA section 816’s statutory
Accordingly, the Bureau is finalizing comment 1041 to clarify that the FDCPA and the
corresponding provisions of Regulation F do not annul, alter, or affect, or exempt any person
subject to these requirements from complying with a disclosure requirement under applicable
State law that describes additional protections under State law that are not inconsistent with the
FDCPA and Regulation F. In addition, comment 1041 clarifies that a disclosure required by
State law is not inconsistent with the FDCPA or Regulation F if the disclosure describes a
protection such law affords any consumer that is greater than the protection provided by the
FDCPA or Regulation F.
VI. Effective Date
As discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau proposed an implementation
period of one year after publication of the final rule in the Federal Register.
The Bureau
received several comments on the proposed effective date. As noted in the November 2020 Final
Rule, a few industry commenters supported the proposed effective date, stating that a one-year
implementation period would provide debt collectors with enough time to comply with the rule.
Two other industry commenters supported an 18-month and a 24-month implementation period,
respectively, arguing that it would take longer than one year to update policies and procedures,
85 FR 76734, 76863 (Nov. 30, 2020); see also 84 FR 23274, 23276 (May 21, 2019).
train employees, and make programming changes necessary to come into compliance. A
government commenter encouraged the Bureau to provide small entities more than one year to
comply, if such entities were not exempted from the rule altogether. Several industry
commenters asked the Bureau to clarify that a debt collector is permitted to comply with all or
part of the final rule before the effective date.
The Bureau considered those comments in finalizing the November 2020 Final Rule and
determined that that final rule would take effect one year after publication in the Federal
Register. The Bureau determined that the revisions made to the proposal and discussed in that
Final Rule would permit debt collectors to meet that effective date. The Bureau also recognized
that all stakeholders might benefit if the November 2020 Final Rule and this final rule had the
same effective date.
As noted in part III, the November 2020 Final Rule was published in the Federal Register
on November 30, 2020 and will take effect on November 30, 2021. The Bureau concludes that
all stakeholders will benefit if the November 2020 Final Rule and this final rule have the same
effective date. The Bureau also determines that setting the effective date for this final rule as
November 30, 2021, consistent with the effective date of the November 2020 Final Rule, will
provide debt collectors nearly one year, and therefore sufficient time, to come into compliance
with this final rule.
The Bureau notes that debt collectors may, but are not required to, comply with the final
rule’s requirements and prohibitions before the effective date. Until that date, the FDCPA and
other applicable law continue to govern the conduct of FDCPA debt collectors. Similarly, to the
extent the final rule establishes a safe harbor from liability for certain conduct or a presumption
that certain conduct complies with or violates the rule, those safe harbors and presumptions are
not effective until the final rule’s effective date.
VII. Dodd-Frank Act Section 1022(b) Analysis
A. Overview
In developing the final rule, the Bureau has considered the potential benefits, costs, and
impacts as required by section 1022(b)(2)(A) of the Dodd-Frank Act.
Debt collectors play a critical role in markets for consumer financial products and
services. Credit markets function because lenders expect that borrowers will pay them back. In
consumer credit markets, if borrowers fail to repay what they owe per the terms of their loan
agreement, creditors often engage debt collectors to attempt to recover amounts owed, whether
through the court system or through less formal demands for repayment.
In general, third-party debt collection creates the potential for market failures.
Consumers do not choose their debt collectors, and, as a result, debt collectors do not have the
same incentives that creditors have to treat consumers fairly.
Certain provisions of the
Specifica lly, section 1022(b)(2)(A) of the Dodd-Frank Act (12 U.S.C. 5512(b)(2)(A)) requires the Bureau to
consider the potential benefits and costs of the regulation to consumers and covered persons, including the potential
reduction of access by consumers to consumer financial products and services; the impact of the rule on insured
depository institutions and insured credit unions with less than $10 billion in total assets as described in section 1026
of the Dodd-Frank Act (12 U.S.C. 5516); and the impact on consumers in rural areas.
Consumers do choose their lenders, and, in principle, consumer loan contracts could specify which debt collector
would be used or what debt collection practices would be in the event a loan is not repaid. Some economists have
identified potential m arket failures that prevent loan contracts from including such terms even when they could
make both borrowers and lenders better off. For example, terms related to debt collection may not be salient to
consumers at the time a loan is made. Alternatively, if such terms are salient, a contract that provides for m ore
lenient collection practices may lead to adverse selection, attracting a disproportionate share of borrowers who know
they are more likely to default. See Thomas A. Durkin et al., Consumer Credit and the American Economy 521-25
(Oxford U. Press 2014) (discussing potential sources of market failure and potential problems with some of those
a rguments). See also Erik Durbin & Charles Romeo, The Economics of Debt Collection: with attention to the issue
of salience of collections at the time credit is granted, Journal of Credit Risk (Sept. 4, 2020) (discussing how rules
that limit debt collection affect consumer welfare when debt collection is not salient to consumers when they
FDCPA may help mitigate such market failures in debt collection, for example by prohibiting
unfair, deceptive, or abusive debt collection practices by third-party debt collectors.
Any restriction on debt collection may reduce repayment of debts, providing a benefit to
some consumers who owe debts and an offsetting cost to creditors and debt collectors. A
decrease in repayment will in turn lower the expected return to lending. This can lead lenders to
increase interest rates and other borrowing costs and to restrict availability of credit, particularly
to higher-risk borrowers.
Because of this, policies that increase protections for consumers
with debts in collection involve a tradeoff between the benefits of protections for those
consumers and the possibility of increased costs of credit and reduced availability of credit for all
consumers. Whether there is a net benefit from such protections depends on whether consumers
value the protections enough to outweigh any associated increase in the cost of credit or
reduction in availability of credit.
The final rule will further the FDCPA’s goals of eliminating abusive debt collection
practices and ensuring that debt collectors who refrain from such practices are not competitively
However, as discussed below, it is not clear based on the information
available to the Bureau whether the net effect of the final rule will be to make it more costly or
less costly for debt collectors to recover unpaid amounts, and therefore not clear whether the rule
will tend to increase or decrease the supply of credit. The final rule will benefit both consumers
See Thomas A. Durkin et al., Consumer Credit and the American Economy 521-25 (Oxford U. Press 2014)
(discussing theory and evidence on how restrictions on creditor remedies affect the supply of credit). Empirical
evidence on the impact of State laws restricting debt collection is discussed in section G below. The provisions in
this fina l rule could also affect consumer demand for credit, to the extent that consumers contemplate collection
practices when making borrowing decisions. However, there is evidence suggesting that consumer demand for
credit is generally not responsive to differences in creditor remedies. See James Barth et al., Benefits and Costs of
Legal Restrictions on Personal Loan Markets, Journal of Law & Economics, 29(2) (1986).
See 15 U.S.C. 1692(e).
See id.
and debt collectors by increasing clarity and certainty about what the FDCPA prohibits and
requires. When a law is unclear, it is more likely that parties will disagree about what the law
requires, that legal disputes will arise, and that litigation will be required to resolve disputes.
Since 2010, consumers have filed approximately 8,000 to 12,000 lawsuits under the FDCPA
each year, some of which involve issues on which the law is unclear.
The number of disputes
settled without litigation has likely been much greater.
Perhaps more important than the costs
of resolving legal disputes are the steps that debt collectors take to prevent legal disputes from
arising in the first place. This includes direct costs of legal compliance, such as auditing and
legal advice, as well as indirect costs from avoiding collection practices that might be both
effective and legal but that raise potential legal risks. In some cases, debt collectors seeking to
follow the law and avoid litigation have adopted practices that appear to be economically
inefficient, with costs that exceed the benefits to consumers or even impose net costs on
This final rule relating to disclosures could make debt collection either more or less
costly in ways that are difficult to predict. For example, the validation notice requirements will
provide consumers with more information than they currently receive about debts, which could
reduce costs to consumers and debt collectors from disputes that arise when consumers do not
recognize the debt or do not understand the basis for the alleged amount due. At the same time,
See WebRecon LLC, WebRecon Stats for Dec 2019 & Year in Review, https://webrecon.com/webrecon-stats-for-
dec-2019-and-year-in-review-how-did-your-favorite-statutes-fare/ (la st visited Dec. 1, 2020). Greater clarity about
legal requirements could reduce unintentional violations and could also reduce lawsuits because, when parties can
better predict the outcome of a lawsuit, they may be more likely to settle claims out of court.
Some debt collectors have reported that they receive approximately 10 demand letters from a ttorneys a sserting a
violation of the FDCPA f or ea ch la wsuit filed. See Small Business Review Panel Outline, supra note 39, a t 69
For exa mple, as discussed further below, debt collectors typically may disclose only the information that FDCPA
section 809(a) specifically references and may provide the FDCPA section 809 information using statutory
la nguage, ra ther than pla in la nguage that consumers can more easily comprehend.
the final rule’s clearer explanation of dispute rights could make consumers more likely to
dispute, which could provide benefits to consumers while increasing costs for debt collectors.
Disputes are costly for debt collectors to process, so these requirements could either increase or
decrease debt collector and consumer costs depending on the net effect on dispute rates.
In developing the final rule, the Bureau has consulted, or offered to consult with, the
appropriate prudential regulators and other Federal agencies, including regarding consistency
with any prudential, market, or systemic objectives administered by such agencies.
B. Provisions to Be Analyzed
The analysis below considers the potential benefits, costs, and impacts to consumers and
covered persons of key provisions of the final rule (provisions), which include:
1. Time-barred debt: prohibiting suits and threats of suit.
2. Notice for validation of debts.
3. Required actions prior to furnishing information.
C. Data Limitations and Quantification of Benefits, Costs, and Impacts
The discussion in this part VII relies on publicly available information as well as
information the Bureau has obtained. To better understand consumer experiences with debt
collection, the Bureau developed its 2015 Survey of Consumer Views on Debt, which provided
the first comprehensive and nationally representative data on consumers experiences and
preferences related to debt collection.
In addition, the Bureau relies on its Consumer Credit
Panel (CCP) to understand potential benefits and costs to consumers of the rule.
To better
See CFPB Debt Collection Consumer Survey, supra note 292.
For more information about Bureau data sources, see Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Sources and uses of data at
the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Sept. 26, 2018), https://www.consumerfinance.gov/data-
understand potential effects of the rule on industry, the Bureau has engaged in significant
outreach to industry, including through the CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study.
In July
2016, the Bureau consulted with small entities as part of the SBREFA process and obtained
important information on the potential impacts of proposals that the Bureau was considering at
the time for the topics covered by the final rule; many of those proposals are included in the final
The sources described above, together with other sources of information and the Bureaus
market knowledge, form the basis for the Bureaus consideration of the likely impacts of the
final rule. The Bureau makes every attempt to provide reasonable estimates of the potential
benefits and costs to consumers and covered persons of this final rule given available data.
However, available data sources generally do not permit the Bureau to quantify, in dollar terms,
how particular provisions will affect consumers. With respect to industry impacts, much of the
Bureau’s existing data come from qualitative input from debt collectors and other entities that
operate in the debt collection market rather than from representative sampling that would allow
the Bureau to estimate total benefits and costs.
General economic principles and the Bureau’s expertise in consumer financial markets,
together with the data and findings that are available, provide insight into the potential benefits,
costs, and impacts of the final rule. Where possible, the Bureau has made quantitative estimates
based on these principles and the data available. Some benefits and costs, however, are not
amenable to quantification, or are not quantifiable given the data available to the Bureau. The
Bureau provides a qualitative discussion of those benefits, costs, and impacts. The Bureau
See CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study, supra note 37.
See Sma ll Business Review Panel Report, supra note 40.
requested additional data or studies that could help quantify the benefits and costs to consumers
and covered persons of the May 2019 Proposed Rule and the February 2020 Proposed Rule. The
Bureau summarizes comments on this subject below, but few comments explicitly addressed
quantifying the costs and benefits of the rule or provided additional data or studies. Comments
on the benefits and costs of the rule are also discussed in part V above.
D. Baseline for Analysis
In evaluating the potential benefits, costs, and impacts of the final rule, the Bureau takes
as a baseline the current legal framework governing debt collection. This includes debt collector
practices as they currently exist, responding to the requirements of the FDCPA as currently
interpreted by courts and law enforcement agencies, other Federal laws, and the rules and
statutory requirements promulgated by the States.
In the consideration of potential benefits,
costs, and impacts below, the Bureau discusses its understanding of practices in the debt
collection market under this baseline and how those practices are likely to change under the final
Until the creation of the Bureau, no Federal agency was given the authority to write
substantive regulations implementing the FDCPA, meaning that many of the FDCPAs
requirements are subject to interpretations in court decisions that are not always consistent or do
not always definitely resolve an issue, such as a single district court opinion on an issue. Debt
collectors’ practices reflect their interpretations of the FDCPA and their decisions about how to
balance effective collection practices against litigation risk. Many of the impacts of the final rule
relative to the baseline would arise from changes that debt collectors would make in response to
These requirements, and the specificity of the requirements, may vary depending upon the jurisdiction in which
the collection occurs. This baseline does not include any potential impacts of the November 2020 Final Rule,
however. The November 2020 Final Rule included a separate Dodd-Frank Act Section 1022(b) a nalysis, a nd that
rule’s provisions do not go into effect until November 30, 2021.
additional clarity about the most appropriate interpretation of what conduct is permissible and
not permissible under the FDCPA’s provisions.
The Bureau received no comments regarding its choice of baseline for its section 1022(b)
E. Goals of the Rule
The final rule is intended to further the FDCPA’s goals of eliminating abusive debt
collection practices and ensuring that debt collectors who refrain from such practices are not
competitively disadvantaged. To these ends, an important goal of the rule is to benefit both
consumers and debt collectors by increasing clarity and certainty about what the FDCPA
prohibits and requires, which could improve compliance with the FDCPA while reducing
unnecessary litigation regarding the FDCPA’s requirements.
As discussed in part V and in this part VII, other goals of the rule’s provisions regarding
validation information include providing more information to consumers about their debts, which
may help consumers determine whether a debt is theirs and whether the reported amount owed is
accurate and may reduce unnecessary disputes. The validation information is also intended to
help consumers to know their rights and be able to exercise them, including by disputing a debt.
In addition, the model validation notice is intended to provide information to consumers in a
more appealing and easy-to-read format, making it more likely that consumers read and
comprehend the information than with the validation notices currently in use.
The rules provision requiring debt collectors to take certain actions prior to furnishing
information about a debt to a consumer reporting agency is intended to increase the likelihood
that consumers learn about an alleged debt before furnishing occurs, giving them an opportunity
to resolve the debt or dispute it if appropriate.
The rule’s provision prohibiting debt collectors from suing or threatening to sue on time-
barred debts is intended to mitigate the consumer harms that can result from such actions,
including causing some consumers to pay or prioritize time-barred debts over other debts in the
mistaken belief that doing so is necessary to avoid litigation or adverse judgments, when in fact
consumers have meritorious defenses based on the statute of limitations.
F. Coverage of the Rule
The final rule applies to debt collectors as defined in the FDCPA and § 1006.2(i) of the
November 2020 Final Rule. Creditors that collect on debts they own generally will not be
affected directly by the final rule because they typically are not debt collectors for purposes of
the FDCPA. Creditors, however, may experience indirect effects if debt collectors’ costs
increase and if those costs are passed on to creditors.
G. Potential Benefits and Costs to Consumers and Covered Persons
The Bureau discusses the benefits and costs of the rule to consumers and covered persons
(generally FDCPA debt collectors) in detail below.
The Bureau believes that an important
benefit of many of the provisions to both consumers and covered personscompared to the
baseline of the FDCPA as currently interpreted by courts and law enforcement agenciesis an
increase in clarity and precision of the law governing debt collection. Greater certainty about
legal requirements can benefit both consumers and debt collectors, making it easier for
consumers to understand and assert their rights and easier for firms to ensure they are in
compliance. The Bureau discusses these benefits in more detail with respect to certain
For purposes of the section 1022(b)(2) analysis, the Bureau considers any consequences that consumers perceive
as harmful to be a cost to consumers. In considering whether consumers might perceive certain activities as
harmful, the Bureau is not analyzing whether those activities would be unlawful under the FDCPA or the Dodd-
Frank Act.
provisions below but believes that they generally apply, in varying degrees, to all of the
provisions discussed below.
1. Time-barred debt: prohibiting suits and threats of suit
Section 1006.26(b) prohibits a debt collector from suing or threatening to sue a consumer
to collect a time-barred debt.
As discussed in part V above, multiple courts have held that the FDCPA prohibits suits
and threats of suit on time-barred debt. The Bureau understands that most debt collectors do not
knowingly sue or threaten to sue consumers to collect time-barred debts. Although the final rule
applies a strict liability standard to this prohibition, under which debt collectors may be liable for
suits or threats of suit even if they do not know that the debt is time-barred, the Bureau believes
that debt collectors have multiple ways of managing such risk including, but not limited to,
confirming that the statute of limitations has not expired before bringing or threatening to bring a
legal action or, if a debt collector is unable to make such a determination, refraining from
bringing or threatening to bring a legal action while, in most States, continuing with non-
litigation collection activities. Therefore, the Bureau does not expect this provision of the rule to
have a significant effect on most debt collectors.
To the extent that there are costs to covered persons or benefits to consumers from this
provision, they will most likely come from reduced payments on time-barred debts, to the extent
that some debt collectors currently sue or threaten to sue on time-barred debts as a strategy to
elicit payment.
If it is currently true that (1) suing or threatening to sue on debts is an
The fina l rule m a y also increase costs to covered persons to the extent that debt collectors who currently sue or
threaten to sue to collect time-barred debt increase their efforts to determine whether or not a debt is time barred. As
discussed above in pa rt V, The Bureau recognizes that, in most jurisdictions, expira tion of the statute of lim ita tions
provides the consumer with an affirmative defense to liability, but it does not bar a debt collector from bringing suit.
As such, some debt collectors who sue or threaten to sue on older debts may currently expend less tim e a nd effort
verifying the time-barred status of a debt than they will under the final rule.
important means of collection for debts for which the statute of limitations is close to expiring,
and (2) most debt collectors stop suing or threatening to sue once the statute of limitations for a
debt expires, then one would expect repayment rates to drop after the statute of limitations
expires, and that drop might be made more significant by the provision. Such a reduction in
payments would benefit consumers who owe the debts while imposing costs on debt collectors
and creditors and potentially increasing the cost of credit generally.
The Bureau therefore attempted to indirectly measure the potential effect of the provision
by examining the behavior of consumers who owe debts that either recently expired or are close
to expiring under their State’s statute of limitations. To do so, the Bureau used data from its
Consumer Credit Panel (CCP), which contains information from one of the three nationwide
CRAs. The Bureau used data from the CCP to attempt to estimate the current effect of State
statutes of limitation on the propensity of consumers to pay old debts in collection.
The CCP contains information on collections tradelinesrecords that were furnished to
this nationwide CRA by third-party debt collectors or debt buyers. The Bureau analyzed these
data to determine whether the probability of payment declines around the expiration of the
statute of limitations in the consumer’s State. Specifically, the Bureau followed debts reported in
the CCP from the time they were first reported on a consumers credit record until they either
showed some record of payment or disappeared from the credit record. In this analysis, the
Bureau assumed that the applicable statute of limitations is the one applicable to written
contracts in the consumers State of residence and that the statute of limitations begins for a debt
on the date that the debt first appears on the consumers credit report. The Bureau assumed this
starting date because there was no other date in the available data on which to reasonably base
the beginning of the statute of limitations. There is likely to be some inaccuracy in this
assumption due to a variety of factors, including delays between the beginning of the period
defined by the statute of limitations and the first report of information to the CRA and cases in
which the applicable statute of limitations is not the one in the consumer’s State. However, if the
estimated expiration of the statute of limitations is at least approximately correct in most cases,
then one would expect to observe whether the expiration of the statute of limitations has an effect
on the likelihood that a debt is reported to have been paid.
The Bureau calculated the probability of payment occurring after a given number of days,
conditional on no payment occurring beforein technical terms, the “hazard rate” for
paymentsfor all collections tradelines in the CCP. The Bureau then calculated the average
hazard rate based on the number of months before or after the estimated expiration of the
applicable statute of limitations. This calculation is plotted in Figure 1, below. The figure shows
that the probability of a collections tradeline showing evidence of payment declines steadily for
at least a year leading up to the estimated expiration of the statute of limitations and continues to
decline at roughly the same rate afterwards. Thus, while the probability of payment declines
over time, the reduced ability of debt collectors to pursue litigation does not seem to materially
affect payments on collections tradelines. Combined with the Bureaus understanding that debt
collectors generally do not knowingly sue or threaten to sue on time-barred debt, this suggests
that the provision would be unlikely to cause any further reduction in the rate of repayment on
time-barred debt.
Figure 1: Probability of Payment
Because the available data do not permit the Bureau to identify the expiration of the
statute of limitations precisely, the analysis above may fail to identify some effects.
2. Notice for validation of debts
Section 1006.34 implements and interprets FDCPA section 809(a), (b), (d), and (e).
Specifically, § 1006.34(a) provides that, subject to certain exceptions, a debt collector must
provide a consumer the validation information described in § 1006.34(c). Section 1006.34(c)
implements FDCPA section 809(a)’s content requirements and specifies that validation
information includes certain information about the debt and the consumers protections with
respect to debt collection that debt collectors do not currently provide to consumers. Section
1006.34(d) sets forth a general requirement that such information be clear and conspicuous.
Section 1006.34(d) also provides safe harbors for using the model validation notice, specified
variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar form, and permits the inclusion of
certain optional information. Section 1006.34(e) affirmatively permits debt collectors to provide
validation notices translated into other languages and requires debt collectors who offer to
provide consumers translated notices to provide them to consumers who request them.
Potential benefits and costs to consumers. The required validation information may
benefit consumers in four ways. First, the disclosures will provide more information about the
debt, which may help consumers determine whether the debt is theirs and whether the reported
amount owed is accurate. Second, the notice will provide a plain-language disclosure of the
consumers rights in debt collection, in particular the right to dispute, which should help
consumers to know their rights and be able to exercise them. Third, the validation information
will include consumer-response information that should make it easier for consumers to take
certain actions, including disputing a debt. Finally, the model validation notice form is intended
to provide information to consumers in a more plain-language and visually appealing format,
making it more likely that consumers will read and comprehend the information than with the
validation notices currently in use.
To quantify the benefit of providing more and clearer validation information, the Bureau
would need to estimate the impact of this additional information on consumers’ ability to
recognize their debts compared to what is currently provided on validation notices, as well as
how consumers would respond to that additional information. Although the Bureau is not aware
of data that would permit a full accounting of these benefits, below is a summary of information
the Bureau is aware of that is relevant to assessing these benefits.
The Bureau understands that, in general, validation notices currently include little or no
information about the debt beyond the information specifically listed in section 809(a) of the
FDCPA (e.g., the current amount of the debt and the name of the current creditor). This
information may not be sufficient for the consumer to recognize the debt, particularly if: (1) the
amount owed has changed over time due to interest, fees, payments, or credits; (2) the debt
collector has changed since an original collection attempt; or (3) the creditors name is not one
the consumer associates with the debt (as with some store-branded credit cards issued by third-
party financial institutions). Consumers who do not recognize a debt because the information on
a validation notice is insufficient may incur costs if they mistakenly dispute a debt they owe,
make a payment on a debt they do not owe, or ignore a debt on the assumption that the collection
attempt is in error.
Relative to current validation notices, the validation information under the final rule will
include more specific details about the debt, such as the debts account number and an
itemization of the debt. The Bureau has determined that this information will benefit consumers
by making it easier for them to determine whether they owe a debt and, therefore, reducing the
likelihood of incurring costs due to mistakes like those noted above. The consumer can also use
the consumer-response information to request the name and address of the original creditor,
which may further help the consumer to recognize the debt.
To fully evaluate the benefits to consumers of disclosing this additional information, the
Bureau would need representative data to estimate how often consumers would read and
understand the additional information on the notice and the extent to which that information
increases consumer recognition and understanding compared to a notice without it. For example,
the Bureau could further quantify some of the consumer benefits of the additional information if
the Bureau were able to estimate: (1) how many consumers ignore notices out of a mistaken
conclusion that the debt is not theirs; (2) how many consumers dispute correct debts, and
subsequently, how much time the validation notice saves by obviating later interactions that
result from improper disputes; and (3) how many consumers fail to dispute or make payments on
incorrect debts. The Bureau is not aware of a source of information on the number of consumers
in these categories or the possible time savings that could result from the validation information.
The Bureau’s Debt Collection Consumer Survey suggests that the required validation
information would likely be helpful in recognizing a debt. Specifically, when asked how helpful
various pieces of information would be in figuring out whether they owed a debt, consumers
were most likely to indicate that the creditor name, type of debt, and an itemization of the
amount owed (such as principal, interest, and fees) were especially valuable.
These opinions
were echoed in focus groups in which consumers noted that, after a debt is sold, it is more
difficult to recognize, and that they wanted as much information as possible to help them
recognize the debt as theirs (especially the account number, creditor, and amount due) with the
exception of sensitive information like social security numbers.
To quantify the benefits of the provision requiring a clear and conspicuous disclosure of a
consumers right to dispute a debt, the Bureau would need to estimate the number of consumers
who fail to dispute debts that they do not owe because they are unaware of, or do not
comprehend, their right to dispute. The Bureau cannot precisely quantify this benefit; however,
the discussion below identifies several applicable considerations and estimates.
The Bureau estimates that at least 49 million consumers are contacted by debt collectors
each year.
Twenty-eight percent of consumers who said they had been contacted about one or
more debts in collection reported that the contacts included attempts to collect at least one debt
CFPB Debt Collection Consumer Survey, supra note 292.
FMG Focus Group Report, supra note 26, at 15-16.
See CFPB Debt Collection Consumer Survey, supra note 292, at 13, 40-41.
that the consumers believed they did not owe.
One-third of consumers who had been
contacted said the amount the creditor or debt collector was trying to collect was wrong for at
least one of these debts, and 16 percent said the contacts included at least one contact about a
debt that was instead owed by a family member. (Some consumers reported more than one of
these issues). Taken together, more than half of consumers (53 percent) who said they had been
contacted about one or more debts in collection reported that they thought at least one of the
debts they were contacted about was in error. This suggests that there are many consumers who
receive the validation notices in use today who might be likely to dispute based on their
perception that either the debt is not theirs or is wrong.
Among the 53 percent of consumers who cited one of the issues noted above, 42 percent
reported that they disputed a collection in the prior year, and 11 percent of consumers who had
not cited one of those issues indicated that they had disputed a debt. The fact that less than half
of consumers who questioned a debt about which the creditor or debt collector contacted them
reported disputing a debt
is consistent with the possibility that some consumers do not dispute in
response to a collection effort because they are not aware of the option to dispute or do not
understand the steps required to do so. The required clear-and-conspicuous statement of the
dispute right could benefit these consumers by making them aware of their right to dispute and
informing them how to dispute.
The survey’s finding that only 42 percent of consumers who thought they experienced an
error with a debt in collection disputed the error suggests consumers are uncertain about how to
The survey questions concerning consumer beliefs about errors in collections did not ask respondents to
distinguish between debts owed to a debt collector and debts owed to a creditor. If consumers a re more or less
likely to believe there is an error for collection attempts by debt collectors, then this percentage and those below
may over- or under-estimate the likelihood that a consumer believes a debt is in error when the consumer is
contacted by a debt collector.
dispute a debt in collection or that they believe that disputes require too much time and effort
relative to the expected benefit. The required consumer-response information could reduce these
impediments to disputing debts that consumers believe are in error. Specifically, the consumer-
response information will provide a clear means of disputing a debt in a way that triggers the
protections provided by the FDCPA and this rule. Furthermore, the convenience of the
consumer-response information, which is formatted on the model validation notice as a tear-off
with prompts for various actions, could reduce barriers to responding by eliminating or reducing
the burden of, for example, deciding what information is relevant and how to phrase the
This could allow some consumers to save time and avoid other negative
consequences, such as lower credit scores due to a debt they may not owe being listed as unpaid
on their credit reports.
Additionally, the consumer-response information includes an option to request
information about the original creditor. Original-creditor information may help consumers in
determining whether the debt is theirs.
The Bureau has tested a model validation notice. Several considerations went into the
content and design of the model validation notice. First, consumers must have relevant and
accurate information to make informed decisions about how to act with regard to the debt. The
Bureau therefore conducted consumer testing to identify what pieces of information consumers
considered to be important to help them identify whether a debt was theirs, whether the amount
stated was correct, and how the amount the debt collector was attempting to collect has changed
A 2016 research report by the United Kingdoms Financial Conduct Authority showed that, in a large
randomized control trial, a tear-off form (with a text or email reminder) led to more consumers switching from a
current sa vings a ccount to one with a better interest rate relative to getting only a n inf ormational text or email
reminder and relative to an informational box with instructions on how to switch. Paul Adams et al., Attention,
Search and Switching: Evidence on Mandated Disclosure from the Savings Market (UK Fin. Conduct Authority,
Occasional Paper No. 19 2016), https://www.fca.org.uk/publication/occasional-papers/occasional-paper-19.pdf.
over time (e.g., due to fees, interest, and payments).
However, there is some indication that
consumers tend to not read certain types of standard-form disclosures.
To try to avoid this
result, the Bureau conducted consumer testing exploring how consumers interacted and engaged
with the notice and the pieces of information contained therein.
This helped the Bureau
understand whether consumers were inclined to engage with the document in general and which
pieces of the validation notice received more or less consumer attention.
The Bureau incorporated the findings from this consumer testing in its design of the
model validation notice. To increase both consumer engagement with and comprehension of the
validation information, the Bureau designed the model notice to be visually engaging. The
notice uses plain language wherever possible and conforms to recommendations the Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) set forth in its plain English handbook.
To reduce the
perceived complexity of the information, the form uses a clear hierarchy of information through
positioning in a columnar format, varying type size, and bold-faced type for subsection headings.
It uses shading to highlight the amount due and plain language rather than technical terms.
Usability testing analyzing eye-tracking suggests that participants were able to locate relevant
information on the form, with most participants able to quickly locate their account number and
the contact information of the creditor.
The information presented in the form is also concise,
FMG Sum mary Report, supra note 29.
See, e.g., Ian Ayres & Alan Schwartz, The No-Reading Problem in Consumer Contract Law, 66 Stan. L. Rev.
545 (2014); Yannis Bakos et al., Does Anyone Read the Fine Print? Consumer Attention to Standard-Form
Contracts, 43 J. Legal Studies 1, 1-35 (2014); George R. Milne & Mary J. Culnan, Strategies for Reducing Online
Privacy Risks: Why Consumers Read (or Don’t Read) Online Privacy Notices, 18 J. Interactive Mktg. 3, 15-29
(2004); Jonathan A. Oba r & Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, The Biggest Lie on the Internet: Ignoring the Privacy Policies
and Terms of Service Policies of Social Networking Services (York U., draft version, 2018),
FMG Cognitive Report, supra note 27.
See Sec. & Exchange Comm’n, A Plain English Handbook (Aug. 1998), https://www.sec.gov/pdf/handbook.pdf.
FMG Sum mary Report, supra note 29.
presenting consumers with a manageable amount of information about the debt and what they
can do in response to the information. This is important, as the perceived and actual cost to a
consumer of reading a disclosure increases with the amount of information provided.
A number of consumer advocate and academic commenters asserted that the proposed
model notice was not adequately tested. Some of these commenters stated that the Bureau’s
testing included too few participants to generate valid conclusions about the proposed model
notice’s efficacy or to evaluate the comprehension of consumers, particularly of the least
sophisticated consumers. For instance, a consumer advocate expressed concern that only 60
consumers were included in the cognitive and usability testing rounds.
Likewise, an academic
commenter stated that the Bureau’s consumer testing focused too heavily on observing what
testing participants looked at on the model notice (based on the use of eye tracking techniques) at
the expense of testing participants comprehension of the notice. Another commenter stated that
the Bureau should have tested more diverse groups, including consumers with limited English
proficiency, students, older consumers, and consumers from more diverse socioeconomic
backgrounds. Some consumer advocate and academic commenters recommended that the
Bureau field test the proposed model notice with consumers with real debts. A consumer
advocate expressed concern about the performance of certain aspects of the proposed model
The idea that consumers may decrease their engagement with information when more information is provided is
somewhat supported by research on “choice overload.” This work indicates that, if choice sets are large, some
people opt to make no choice at all. See, e.g., Sheena Iyengar et al., How Much Choice is Too Much? Contributions
to 401(k) Retirement Plans, in Pension Design and Structure: New Lessons from Behavioral Finance, at 83 (Oxford
U. Press 2004).
See FMG Summary Report, supra note 29, at 5-7.
notice in quantitative testing, noting in particular that approximately 40 percent of respondents
who received the model notice failed to identify the correct entity the consumer should pay.
The Bureau disagrees that the model validation notice was not adequately tested. The
model validation notice was developed and validated over multiple rounds of testing between
2014 and 2020, and the Bureau determines that these multiple rounds of testing were sufficient to
assess the model validation notice’s efficacy and comprehensibility. Further, the Bureau
disagrees that its testing focused on eye-tracking at the expense of comprehension testing as
consumer comprehension of the model validation notice was assessed in three rounds of testing.
The Bureau’s testing used eye-tracking in conjunction with consumer responses to inform its
The Bureau disagrees that it did not sample sufficiently diverse groups. The Bureau
selected respondents with the goal of developing diverse testing pools that would serve as a
proxy for the population at large. For example, in one round of usability testing, participants
reflected a range of demographic characteristics broken down by race and ethnicity, household
income, education level, and employment status.
With respect to the criticism that the Bureau
did not “field test” the model validation notice, testing the form with consumers with real debts
would have been impractical.
Regarding comments that the model validation notice did not perform well during the
quantitative testing round, the Bureau disagrees. As noted above, in that testing round, the
model validation notice consistently performed better than or equal to the status quo notice,
Several comments in response to the May 2019 proposal also criticized the consumer testing as being outdated
because, when that proposal was published, the most recent testing had occurred in 2016. However, the Bureau
does not find any reason to believe that consumer understanding of the model notice has changed since 2016, and
the commenters did not provide any evidence to support such a claim. Mo reover, since the May 2019 proposal, the
Burea u has conducted two a dditional testing rounds.
FMG Usa bility Report, supra note 28, at 85-87.
including on the question of to whom the consumer should send a payment.
Additionally, the
Bureau conducted qualitative follow-up testing of the model notice in October 2020. In this
testing 88 percent of respondents reported that the notice was either “very easy” or “easy” to
Between 71 percent and 100 percent of participants responded correctly to
14 different comprehension questions. Although some participants expressed confusion about a
few aspects of the notice, the initial reactions to the notice were that information was clear and
the available actions were obvious.
In summary, the Bureau’s testing establishes that consumers will benefit from the use of
the model notice compared to the baseline of status quo validation notices.
The Bureau expects consumers to experience few costs as a result of the provision.
Potential benefits to covered persons. The provision provides debt collectors with a safe
harbor if they use the model validation notice, specified variations of the model notice, or a
substantially similar form to meet the requirements in § 1006.34(c). The Bureau understands
that debt collectors currently face litigation risk associated with the validation notices they send,
reflecting, in part, conflicting court decisions about what language is required and what language
is permitted in the notices.
The Bureau expects a significant number of debt collectors will
use the model notice, specified variations of the model notice, or a substantially similar form
and, therefore, will face significantly reduced litigation risk when providing validation notices
because they will receive the safe harbor. This will benefit debt collectors directly, by reducing
In response to the question “According to the notice, if Person A wanted to make a payment on the debt, who
should he or she sent the payment to?” approximately 60 percent of consumers who received the model validation
notice answered correctly compared to approximately 40 percent of consumers who received a status quo notice.
CFPB Qua ntitative Testing Report, supra note 31, a t 14.
See id. at 16.
See Sma ll Business Review Panel Report, supra note 40, at 22.
litigation costs related to validation notices. The provision’s requirements to provide specific
information about the debt and about a consumers protections in debt collection could also
indirectly benefit debt collectors by adding information to validation notices that would be
helpful to consumers but that debt collectors currently do not include for fear that it would
increase litigation risk. The validation information may also make consumers more likely to
dispute, which could increase costs for debt collectors, as discussed under “Potential costs to
covered persons” below.
The validation information includes specific information about the debt intended to help
consumers identify the debt and understand the amount the debt collector claims is owed. The
Bureaus qualitative consumer research and the Bureau’s complaint data suggest that the
information currently included in validation notices is often not sufficient for consumers to
identify a debt or whether the amount owed is correct. If consumers are better able to identify
debts, they may be less likely to dispute or ignore a debt that they in fact owe, and at the same
time may be better able to articulate the basis for a dispute of a debt that they do not owe. These
effects could benefit debt collectors by reducing the costs associated with consumer disputes.
Although it is possible that debt collectors could currently provide such information on
validation notices, the Bureau understands that some debt collectors who would like to provide
additional information do not do so largely due to the legal risks associated with including
information in the validation notice beyond what is expressly required by the FDCPA.
form will significantly reduce this legal risk. To quantify the benefits of this provision to
covered persons, the Bureau would need data on how frequently consumers do not recognize the
See Sma ll Business Review Panel Report, supra note 40, at 22 (finding that small entities would benefit from a
model notice that reduced litiga tion risk a rising from conflicting court decisions a bout what information is perm itted
on a validation notice).
debt or the amount owed as identified on a validation notice, how many consumers would better
recognize the debt if they received the required validation information, and how consumers
would act in response to that information. While the Bureau is not aware of available data that
would permit it to estimate these numbers, the Debt Collection Consumer Survey does provide
some basis for concluding that the required validation information will be helpful to consumers
and, therefore, beneficial for debt collectors.
The validation information could reduce debt collector costs associated with disputes by
preventing some disputes from consumers who are more likely to recognize that they owe a debt
and by making the disputes that debt collectors receive clearer and easier to resolve.
Debt collectors report that processing disputes is a costly activity and that it can be
especially difficult to process disputes if the consumer provides little or no detail about the basis
for a dispute. Debt collectors surveyed by the Bureau indicated that most disputes took between
five minutes and one hour of staff time to resolve, with 15 to 30 minutes being the most common
amount of time.
Respondents said that disputes took the longest amount of time to resolve if
the basis of the dispute was unclear or if the consumer said the debt was not theirs.
One commenter noted that 40 percent of disputes at their debt collection agency are non-
generic and generally resolvable. This commenter asserted that the tear offs on the model
validation notice will make these non-generic disputes less informative. An industry commenter
noted that 99.4 percent of accounts it received were not disputed. Of the 0.6 percent that are
disputed, 80 percent are accurate once more information is gathered. Given this, the commenter
CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, at 31.
argued that providing consumers itemized statements for medical bills, which can run into many
pages, is unnecessary.
The Bureau does not have a basis to estimate how much the validation information might
affect dispute rates. As an illustration of potential cost savings if dispute rates fall, if the
information were to reduce the number of consumers who dispute by 1 percent of all validation
notices sent, and assuming that there are 140 million validation notices sent per year,
overall number of annual disputes would fall by 1.4 million. Assuming time to process each
dispute of 0.375 hours, the overall savings to industry would be estimated at 525,000 person-
hours, or approximately 250 full-time equivalents. Assuming labor costs for debt collectors of
$22 per hour,
this would represent industry cost savings of about $11.5 million.
The validation notice could also reduce the cost of processing disputes by making it
easier for consumers who dispute to provide at least some information about the basis of their
disputes. This could reduce the costs to covered persons of processing disputes by making it
easier for debt collectors to investigate disputed debts in order to verify the debt.
Potential costs to covered persons. Debt collectors already send validation notices to
consumers to comply with the FDCPA, so the validation information will generally affect the
content of existing disclosures debt collectors are sending rather than require debt collectors to
send entirely new disclosures. Nonetheless, debt collectors will incur certain costs to comply
with the form. These include one-time compliance costs, the ongoing costs of obtaining the
The assumption of 140 million validation notices per year is based on an estimated 49 million consumers
contacted by debt collectors each year and an assumption that each consumer receives an average of approximately
2.8 notices during the year.
This assumes an hourly wage of $15 and taxes, benefits, and incentives of $7 per hour. See CFPB Debt
Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, at 17 (reporting estimated debt collector wages between $10 and $20
per hour plus incentives).
required validation information, and potentially ongoing costs of responding to a potential
increase in the number of disputes.
The provision will require debt collectors to reformat their validation notices to
accommodate the validation information requirements. The Bureau expects that any one-time
costs to debt collectors of reformatting the validation notice will be relatively small, particularly
for debt collectors who rely on vendors, because the Bureau expects that most vendors will
provide an updated notice at no additional cost.
The Bureau understands from its outreach
that many covered persons currently use vendors to provide validation notices.
firms, and their vendors, told the Bureau that vendors do not typically charge an additional cost
to modify an existing template (although this practice might not apply given that the final rule
likely will require more extensive changes to validation notices than vendors typically make
Debt collectors and vendors will bear costs to understand the requirements of the
provision and to ensure that their systems generate notices that comply with the requirements,
although these costs will be mitigated somewhat by the availability of a model notice.
The validation information will require debt collectors to provide certain additional
information about the debt, which will require that debt collectors receive and maintain certain
data fields and incorporate them into the notices. The Bureau believes that the large majority of
debt collectors already receive and maintain most data fields included in the final validation
information. However, some respondents to the Debt Collection Operations Study reported that
they do not receive from creditors information about post-default interest, fees, payments, and
See id. at 33.
In the Operations Study, over 85 percent of debt collectors surveyed by the Bureau reported using letter vendors.
Id. at 32.
Id. at 33.
These debt collectors will have to update their systems to track these fields. The
Bureau understands that such system updates would be likely to cost less than $1,000 for each
debt collector.
At least one industry commenter asserted that one-time compliance costs would be
significantly higher than $1,000, at least for collectors of medical debt. This commenter
estimated costs of between $22,000 and $31,000 for implementation. The commenter noted that,
for collectors of medical debt, an itemization of charges requires information about payments by
the consumer’s health insurance, increasing the complexity and cost of tracking the necessary
information. The Bureau acknowledges that costs may be higher for some debt collectors.
However, the Bureau’s estimate is based on responses to the CFPB Debt Collection Operations
Study, more than half of which came from debt collectors of medical debt. As such, the Bureau
believes that, on average, its estimate of less than $1,000 in one-time costs is reasonable.
If debt collectors adjust their systems to produce notices including the new validation
information, the Bureau does not expect there would be an increase in the ongoing costs of
printing and sending validation notices. However, there could be ongoing costs related to the
validation information requirements if the required data are not always available to debt
The Bureau understands that some creditors do not currently track post-default
In the Bureaus Operations Study, 52 of 58 respondents reported receiving itemization of post-charge-off fees on
at least some of their accounts. Id. at 23.
Id. at 26.
One industry trade group estimated that a n itemization requirement would cost $600 m illion in professional f ees
to conduct legal analyses of HIPAA complia nce for medical debt, $30 m illion for one-time system reprogramming
for debt collectors, and $3 billion for one-time system reprogramming for creditors. The proposal a llegedly would
also result in billions of dollars in ongoing support costs and uncompensated medical care because, a ccording to the
commenter, the proposed requirement, if a dopted, would increase the risks that hospitals might be unable to use debt
collectors. As discussed in part V, the itemization requirement should not raise issues of HIPAA compliance that
would require creditors to engage legal counsel in order to provide the required information, as HIPAA privacy
charges and credits in a way that can be readily transferred to debt collectors. However, the
Bureau’s understanding is that most creditors, including medical providers, do track this
information, and many debt collectors already provide this information on validation notices.
Further, debt collectors are already required to disclose an itemization for some types of debt in
at least one jurisdiction, New York State.
In addition, as discussed in the section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(b)(3), the final
rule’s itemization date definition permits debt collectors to select an itemization date that is
feasible for the type of debt in collection and the information debt collectors receive. And
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) requires itemization of fees, interest, and credits only subsequent to the
selected itemization date. Thus, for example, if a debt collector selects the last statement date as
the itemization date under § 1006.34(b)(3), and if the creditor has recently issued a statement to
the consumer, the debt collector need only obtain and provide to the consumer an itemization
with fees, interest, and credits subsequent to that last statement date. And, as discussed in the
section-by-section analysis of § 1006.34(d)(2), a debt collector may provide the itemization on a
separate page and retain the safe harbor for the rest of the validation notice.
regulations explicitly permit disclosure where required by law. While some one-time costs will be required so that
collection a nd billing systems can incorporate the data needed to comply with the requirement, as discussed in this
section, the Bureau understands that the required changes would not be far outside the scope of normal adjustments
to billing and collection systems and does not have reason to believe the changes would be so expensive as to
prevent hospitals from using debt collectors. The final rule permits debt collectors to use the date of the last
statement or invoice provided to the consumer by a creditor a s the itemization date. If providing a debt collector
with itemization information were prohibitively expensive for a medical provider, such providers could avoid these
costs by simply issuing a statement to the consumer.
See 23 NYCRR 1.2(b) (requiring debt collectors to provide an itemized accounting of the debt within five days
a fter the initia l communication with a consumer in connection with the collection of certain types of charged-off
debt, such as credit card debt). The fact that debt collectors subject to New Yorks requirements continue to operate
and send validation notices in New York suggests that, although the itemization requirement may impose one-time
adjustment costs on some creditors and debt collectors, ongoing costs are not prohibitive, at least for the types of
debts for which New York has required itemization.
Industry commenters asserted that there would be additional printing and mailing costs of
the provision due to the tear-off portion of the model notice, which is formatted for use with a
return envelope. The commenters argued that many debt collectors do not currently include
return envelopes with their validation notices and that including a return envelope would
increase mailing costs. The Bureau disagrees that this would be a cost of the rule, as the rule
does not require including a return envelope with a mailed validation notice, the format of the
tear-off portion notwithstanding. Given that it is not required, the Bureau expects that debt
collectors will only begin including return envelopes if they find, in their own analysis, that the
benefit exceeds the additional costs.
Several commenters discussed the potential for ongoing costs of providing the new
validation information. One industry commenter expressed concern about the availability of the
information required on the model validation notice for medical debt, as the commenter believed
that the only available itemization date permitted by the proposal for these debts would be date
of service (i.e., the transaction date), and the commenter stated that date of service was currently
only available from 17.2 percent of its clients. Another industry commenter noted that there
would be costs associated with providing updated itemization dates for a debt that transfers
between debt collectors.
Industry trade association commenters noted that there would be costs to creditors of
providing the fields to debt collectors and that not all of the required fields are necessarily
tracked by all creditors currently, particularly credit unions. The Bureau acknowledges that the
FDCPA and this final rule may create indirect costs for creditors that use debt collectors, because
the costs to debt collectors of complying with FDCPA requirements may be passed on to
creditors and because debt collectors must receive certain information about debts in order to
comply with FDCPA requirements. The information available to the Bureau does not suggest
that any indirect costs to creditors of this provision will be large.
Further, one industry commenter asserted that the itemization requirement could
competitively harm collectors of medical debt. This commenter asserted that medical care
providers are currently unable to provide the required itemization information, and rather than
incurring costs to provide this information, would switch to using debt collectors who do not
comply with the law. This would put compliant debt collectors at a competitive disadvantage.
As noted above, the Bureau acknowledges that the provision may affect the costs to creditors,
including medical care providers, of using FDCPA debt collectors, because creditors must
provide debt collectors with the necessary information for the validation notice. It is also
possible that in some cases a less sophisticated creditor may employ a debt collector who does
not attempt to comply with the rule. However, the Bureau finds it unlikely that this provision of
the rule would lead to widespread non-compliance, at the expense of debt collectors who comply
with the requirements of the rule. The Bureau, the FTC, and other Federal and State law
enforcement agencies have and will continue to maintain vigorous enforcement of the
Any debt collector who obtained enough business through non-compliance with the
rule to do material harm to debt collectors who comply with the rule would be likely to attract
enforcement action from regulators. Moreover, the risk of reputational harm is likely to deter
some medical providers from intentionally employing debt collectors who knowingly do not
comply with the rule.
See, e.g., Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., CFPB, FTC, State, and Federal Law Enforcement Partners Announce
Nationwide Crackdown on Phantom and Abusive Debt Collection (Sept. 29, 2020),
Other potential costs to debt collectors could arise if changes to the validation
information affect how consumers respond, particularly whether they dispute the debt. As
discussed above, because the validation information would include more detail, consumers might
be more likely to recognize the debt and less likely to mistakenly dispute debts that they owe.
On the other hand, the new consumer-response information would make it easier to dispute debts
or request the name and address of the original creditor. Together with the additional
information about consumers’ ability to dispute that will be provided, this could increase the
number of consumers who dispute or request original-creditor information. Similarly, some
industry commenters argued that the tear-off portion of the model notice would make disputes
easier, resulting in more disputes. The overall impact on dispute rates is unclear.
Any increases in dispute rates would not be likely to substantially reduce collection
revenue, but increased dispute rates would increase debt collector costs. With respect to
collections revenue, the Bureau expects that, with some fairly limited exceptions, consumers
who choose to pay a debt are generally those who recognize that they owe the debt and want to
pay it, and that in most cases the validation information would be unlikely to cause such
consumers to dispute rather than pay.
With respect to costs, the disclosures could lead
consumers who do not recognize the debt or who believe there is a problem with the amount
demanded to dispute the debt rather than ignoring it. Responding to disputes is a costly activity
for debt collectors, so an increase in dispute rates would increase these costs. As discussed
above, covered persons surveyed by the Bureau indicated that most disputes took between five
While there is some evidence that consumers sometimes pay alleged debts even though they do not believe they
owe them, such consumers may be motivated by factors, such a s credit reporting concerns, that a re not addressed by
the va lidation notice itself. See Jeff Sovern et al., Validation and Verification Vignettes: More Results from an
Empirical Study of Consumer Understanding of Debt Collection Validation Notices, at 46-47 (St. John’s U.,
Working Paper No. 18-0016, 2018), https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3219171.
minutes and one hour of staff time to resolve, with 15 to 30 minutes being the most common
amount of time.
Alternative proposals to require Spanish-language disclosures. The Bureau considered
proposals that would require debt collectors to provide a Spanish-language translation of the
validation information under certain circumstances, such as on the reverse side of any English-
language validation notice or if requested by a consumer. Consumers with limited English
proficiency may benefit from translations of the validation information, and Spanish speakers
represent the second-largest language group in the United States after English speakers.
Requiring Spanish-language disclosures would impose costs on some debt collectors. A
requirement to send a Spanish-language disclosure on the back of each validation notice could
increase mailing costs for all validation notices that are sent by mail, because it would require
information that would otherwise be printed on the back of validation notices, such as State-
mandated disclosures, to be provided on a separate page. A requirement to provide Spanish-
language validation notices upon request could lead to a smaller increase in mailing costs but
could require debt collectors to develop and maintain systems for tracking a consumers
language preference and responding to that preference.
The Bureau understands that some debt collectors currently send validation notices in
Spanish to some consumers. These debt collectors presumably believe that the increase in
revenues from sending them to these consumers exceeds the costs of doing so. To the extent
CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, at 31. The discussion in “Benefits to covered persons
above provides an illustration of the potential impact on debt collectors of a change in dispute rates. Using the
a ssumptions in that illustration, if the net im pact of the proposal were to increase industrywide disputes by 1 million
disputes per year, it could imply increased industry costs totaling around $8.25 million per year.
In 2013, 38.4 million residents in the United States aged five and older spoke Spanish at home. See U.S. Census
Burea u, Facts for Features: Hispanic Heritage Month 2015 (Sept. 14, 2015),
sending such notices is already prevalent, it would limit the consumer benefits of a provision that
requires Spanish-language translations as well as the costs to debt collectors of such a provision,
although there would still be costs associated with ensuring that such disclosures were made as
required by regulation.
Consumer advocate and academic commenters argued that the Bureau should have
required that the validation notice be in the language of the original transaction, including
languages other than English or Spanish. The commenters noted that procedural hurdles, such as
a mismatch between the consumers primary language and the language of a disclosure, can have
large effects on behavior. The Bureau notes that this alternative would impose significantly
greater costs on debt collectors than the final rule, as they would need to maintain versions of the
model notice for each such language. At the same time, the marginal benefit to consumers of the
alternative suggested by commenters would be smaller, as fewer consumers communicate in
languages other than English and Spanish.
3. Required actions prior to furnishing information
Section 1006.30(a)(1) prohibits a debt collector from furnishing information to a
consumer reporting agency (CRA) about a debt before taking specific actions to contact the
consumer about that debt. A debt collector can satisfy this requirement by: (i) speaking to the
consumer about the debt in person or by telephone; or (ii) placing a letter in the mail or sending
an electronic message to the consumer about the debt and waiting a reasonable period of time to
receive a notice of undeliverability, provided certain other conditions are satisfied. A validation
notice is one type of letter or electronic communication debt collectors can use to satisfy
§ 1006.30(a)(1)(ii).
Potential benefits and costs to consumers. The final rule will help consumers to learn
about an alleged debt before a debt collector furnishes adverse information to a CRA. If
consumers believe that the information is incorrect, they will have an opportunity to dispute the
When debt collectors furnish information about unpaid debts to CRAs, that information
can appear on consumer credit reports, potentially limiting consumers ability to obtain credit,
employment, or housing. If consumers are unaware that information about a possible unpaid
debt is being furnished to a CRA, then they may not realize that their ability to obtain credit,
employment or housing may be affected by the debts presence on their credit reports. They may
pay more for credit or lose out on employment or housing because they are unaware that their
credit scores have been negatively affected or they may discover the adverse information only
when they apply for credit, employment, or housing.
To quantify the potential consumer benefits from the final rule, the Bureau would need to
know: (1) how frequently consumers are unaware that debt collectors furnished information
about their debts to CRAs but would become aware of it if debt collectors informed consumers
prior to furnishing information; and (2) the benefit to these consumers of becoming aware they
had a debt in collections.
In many cases, consumers will not be affected by the provision because many debt
collectors already take one of the actions required by the final rule before furnishing information
to CRAs. Many other consumers will not be affected by the provision because not all debt
collectors furnish information to CRAs about the debts on which they are seeking to recover.
The Bureau understands that most debt collectors mail validation notices to consumers
shortly after they receive accounts for collection.
A minority of debt collectors sometimes or
always mail validation notices only after speaking with consumers (whether contact was initiated
by the debt collector or the consumer).
The Bureau does not have representative data to
estimate how often consumers would be affected by the provision, but the evidence suggests that
a relatively small share of debt collectors furnish information to CRAs before providing a
validation notice or taking one of the other actions required by the final rule. If, for example,
debt collectors sent validation notices for an additional five percent of debts in collection, the
provision could result in up to approximately seven million additional validation notices sent
each year (assuming that no debt collectors would cease furnishing in response to the
Learning that a debt is in collections shortly after the collections process begins can help
consumers prevent or mitigate harm from adverse information on their credit reports. This can
be particularly important if the information about the debt is inaccurate because in those cases
consumers who learn of the alleged debt can dispute the debt under the FDCPA or dispute the
item of information under the FCRA. By informing consumers about the collection item before
See CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, at 28. One large industry commenter, which does
furnish to the CRAs, a lso confirmed that it a lm ost always mails a validation notice before furnishing. To comply
with the fina l rule, these debt collectors would also need to wait a reasonable period of time to allow for
notifications of non-delivery, and only furnish if they dont receive such notifications. The Bureau does not have
inf orm ation a s to how many of these debt collectors currently take these additional steps. However, the Bureau
expects that taking these additional steps would impose minimal costs on debt collectors that do not already take
In the Bureaus Operations Study, 53 of 58 respondents sa id that they send a validation notice shortly a fter debt
placement, and of those that do not, three respondents that said that they furnish data to CRAs. Id. During the
meeting of the SBREFA Panel, only one small entity representative described additional burdens it would face as a
result of a requirement to communicate with consumers before furnishing information to credit bureaus.
This estim a te a ssumes 140 million validation notices are sent ea ch year, based on a n estimated 49 m illion
consumers contacted by debt collectors each year and an assumption that each receives an average of approximately
2.8 notices during the year.
it is furnished to a CRA, the final rule will make it less likely that consumers learn about a
collection item when they are in the process of applying for credit or other benefits, at which
point they may feel pressure to resolve the item and may not have the opportunity to fully
dispute the item.
An FTC report addressed the prevalence of collections-related errors in credit reports.
The FTC report analyzed data from a sample of 1,001 consumers and identified errors in the
credit records of three nationwide CRAs. The report found collections-related errors in
4.9 percent of credit reports, and credit reports with documented errors contained, on average,
1.8 errors per report. The Bureau’s Debt Collection Consumer Survey also suggests that debt
collectors make collection errors, finding that 53 percent of consumers who said they had been
contacted about one or more debts in collection said that these contacts included at least one debt
the consumer thought was in error.
Credit scores are based on a wide variety of information in consumer credit files. While
many errors have only small effects on consumers credit scores,
in some cases information in
credit files about unpaid debts can have a reasonably large impact on credit scores. For example,
analysis of telecommunications collection items in credit reports has shown that, while additional
collection items have relatively small effects in some cases, they can have substantial effects for
some consumers, with an average reduction in credit score of more than 41 points for super-
Fed. Trade Commn, Report to Congress under Section 319 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of
2003, (Dec. 2012) https://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/reports/section-319-fair-and-accurate-credit-
transactions-act-2003-fifth-interim-federal-trade-commission/130211factareport.pdf (FTC Report to Congress).
CFPB Debt Collection Consumer Survey, supra note 292, at 24.
See FTC Report to Congress, supra note 459, a t 43.
prime consumers.
In some circumstances, these changes could lead to higher interest rates for
consumers or denial of credit, particularly for borrowers with otherwise high credit scores.
Potential benefits and costs to covered persons. The final rule will affect the practices of
debt collectors who sometimes furnish information about consumersdebts to CRAs before
taking one of the required actions under the final rule. The Bureau understands that most debt
collectors mail validation notices to consumers shortly after they receive the accounts for
collections and before they furnish information on those accounts. These debt collectors either
already would be in compliance with the final rule or could come into compliance with minimal
additional cost.
Forty-five out of 58 debt collectors responding to the Bureau’s Operations
Study said that they furnish information to CRAs.
Of these respondents, all but three said that
they send a validation notice upon account placement, such that the final rule’s requirement
would be satisfied as long as the debt collectors also wait a reasonable period of time to allow for
notifications of non-delivery, and only furnish if they do not receive such notifications. These
debt collectors will likely need to review their policies to ensure that validation notices are
always sent (or validation information is provided in an initial communication) prior to reporting
on the account, which the Bureau expects would involve a small one-time cost. Debt collectors
that do not currently wait a reasonable period of time prior to furnishing to allow for notifications
of non-delivery, accept non-delivery notifications, and only furnish if they do not receive such
See Brian Bucks et al., Bureau of Consumer Fin. Prot., Collection of Telecommunication Debt,
debt_082018.pdf (Aug. 2018).
In the Operations Study, 53 of 58 respondents said that they send a validation notice shortly after debt placement.
CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, a t 28. To comply with the final rule, these debt collectors
would also need to wait a reasonable period of time to allow for notifications of non-delivery, a ccept non-delivery
notifications and only furnish if they dont receive such notifications. The Bureau does not have information as to
how many of these debt collectors currently ta ke these a dditional steps. However, the Bureau expects that taking
these additional steps would impose minimal costs on debt collectors that do not already take them.
Id. at 19.
notifications would need to adopt these practices, but the Bureau expects this would impose
minimal ongoing operational costs. Other debt collectors do not furnish information to CRAs at
all and will not be affected by the requirement.
Debt collectors who furnish information to CRAs prior to communicating with
consumers but provide validation notices to consumers only after they have been in contact with
consumers will need to change their practices and would face increased costs as a result of the
final rule. Because these debt collectors are already required to provide validation notices to
consumers (unless validation information is provided in an initial communication or the debt has
been paid), the Bureau expects that many already have systems in place for sending notices and
will not face one-time compliance costs greater than those of other debt collectors.
these debt collectors will face ongoing costs from sending validation notices to more consumers
than they otherwise would, at an estimated cost of $0.50 to $0.80 per debt if sent by mail.
the extent debt collectors take advantage of opportunities to send validation notices
electronically, the marginal cost of sending each notice is likely to be approximately zero.
Alternatively, these debt collectors could cease furnishing information to CRAs until after they
take the specific steps identified in the final rule, which could impact the effectiveness of their
collection efforts.
Because debt collectors could choose the less burdensome of these options,
Debt collectors who do not currently have systems in place for sending notices will face one-time compliance
costs to implement those systems.
See CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, a t 32-33. One small entity representative on the
Bureaus SBREFA Panel indicated that, for a bout one-half of its a ccounts, it currently sends validation notices only
a fter speaking with a consumer, a nd that, if it were required to send validation notices to all consumers, it would
incur additional mailing costs of $0.63 per mailing for an estimated 400,000 accounts per year. A sma ll industry
com menter a sserted that mailing costs were significantly higher than $0.50-$0.80 per debt but did not provide an
a lternative figure.
If debt collectors furnish information to CRAs less frequently this could make consumer reports less informative
in general, which could have negative effects on the credit system by making it harder for creditors to assess credit
the additional costs of delivering notices represent an upper bound on the burden of the provision
for debt collectors.
Commenters noted several specific situations in which the proposed provision could, in
the commenters view, unduly burden debt collectors. One small industry commenter raised the
concern that a bad address, which occurs in 15 percent of accounts at their agency, would stop
collections. Another industry commenter noted that 3 percent of its notices are returned as
undeliverable and argued that attempting to deliver a validation notice should count as a
communication and thus allow furnishing. Another industry commenter noted that some States
are “closed” in the sense that debt collectors based in other States are not allowed to deliver
notices into those States. This commenter was concerned that the proposed provision would not
allow furnishing of information about consumers in those States and argued that this will reduce
credit report accuracy. A joint comment by an industry commenter and CRA argued that the
proposed provision would be particularly problematic in the check verification space. The
commenter noted that, in the case of bad checks, the debt collector generally does not have the
consumers address or telephone number and cannot communicate with the consumer directly.
In these cases, the debt collector would report the bad check to a check verification CRA, but
this could be prohibited under the proposed provision. The commenter argued that the proposed
provision could undermine the reliability of the check payment system by making it impossible
to track check fraud, among other things.
The Bureau agrees with some of the commenters with respect to these additional costs
and has revised the final rule from the proposal to reduce or eliminate these costs. In particular,
the Bureau has revised § 1006.30(a) to specify that, if a debt collector places a letter in the mail
or sends an electronic message to the consumer about the debt, the debt collector must wait a
reasonable period of time (with a safe harbor for waiting 14 consecutive days) before furnishing
information about the debt to a CRA and, during that period, permit receipt of, and monitor for,
notifications of undeliverability for mail and electronic messages. A debt collector who places a
letter in the mail or sends an electronic message, does not receive a notice of undeliverability
during that period, and furnishes information to a consumer reporting agency after the period
ends has not violated the rule even if the debt collector subsequently receives a notice of
undeliverability. Section 1006.30(a)(2) of the final rule also specifies that § 1006.30(a)(1) does
not apply to the furnishing of information about a debt to a specialty check verification CRA.
The Bureau believes these changes will reduce or eliminate many of the costs cited by the
H. Potential Reduction of Access by Consumers to Consumer Financial Products and Services
Economic theory indicates that it is possible for changes in debt collection rules, such as
those contained in this final rule, to affect consumers’ access to credit. Under economic theory,
creditors should decide to extend credit based on the discounted expected value of the revenue
stream from that extension of credit. This entails considering the possibility that the consumer
will ultimately default and expected payments will decrease. If this final rule addressing
disclosures were to increase collection costs or reduce revenue collected from delinquent debt,
then this would reduce the return to lending, which in theory could lead lenders to increase the
cost of lending, restrict availability of credit, or both.
As discussed in the November 2020 Final Rule, the Bureau has considered the available
empirical data and research on the effect of State debt collection laws on the price and
availability of credit.
That research shows that State debt collection laws affect the price and
See 84 FR 23274, 23389-91 (May 21, 2019).
availability of credit in ways that theory would predict, but that effects are relatively small even
for changes in State laws that are likely more significant than the provisions in this final rule.
In light of that research and the CCP analysis above, the Bureau concludes that the provisions in
this final rule are unlikely to cause any significant reduction in access to consumer credit.
I. Potential Specific Impacts of the Rule
1. Depository Institutions and Credit Unions With $10 Billion or Less in Total Assets, as
Described in Section 1026
Depository institutions and credit unions are generally not debt collectors under the
FDCPA and therefore would not be covered under the final rule. Creditors could experience
indirect effects from the final rule to the extent they hire FDCPA debt collectors or sell debt in
default to such debt collectors. Such creditors could experience higher costs if debt collectors
costs increase and if debt collectors are able to pass those costs on to creditors. The Bureau
understands that many depository institutions and credit unions with $10 billion or less in total
assets rely on FDCPA debt collectors to collect uncollected amounts, but the Bureau does not
have data indicating whether such institutions are more or less likely than other creditors to do
so. The Bureau did not receive any comments on this issue with respect to the provisions in this
final rule.
2. Impact of the Final Rule on Consumers in Rural Areas
Consumers in rural areas may experience benefits from the final rule that are different in
certain respects from the benefits experienced by consumers in general. For example, consumers
For exa mple, one study found that additional Sta te regulations on debt collectors’ conduct ca used the ra te at
which a credit inquiry led to a successful account opening to decline by less than 0.02 percentage points off a base
rate of about 43 percent. See id. at 23389-90.
in rural areas may be more likely to borrow from small local banks and credit unions that may be
less likely to outsource debt collection to FDCPA debt collectors.
The Bureau requested interested parties to provide data, research results, and other factual
information on the impact of the proposed rule on consumers in rural areas, but the Bureau did
not receive any comments on this subject.
VIII. Final Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) generally requires an agency to conduct an Initial
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (IRFA) and a Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) of
any rule subject to notice-and-comment rulemaking requirements.
Section 604(a) of the RFA
sets forth the required elements of the FRFA. Section 604(a)(1) requires a statement of the
objectives of, and the legal basis for, the rule.
Section 604(a)(2) requires a statement of the
significant issues raised by the public comments in response to the initial regulatory flexibility
analysis, a statement of the assessment of the agency of such issues, and a statement of any
changes made in the proposed rule as a result of such comments. Section 604(a)(3) requires the
response of the agency to any comments filed by the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small
Business Administration in response to the proposed rule and a detailed statement of any change
made to the proposed rule in the final rule as a result of the comments. Section 604(a)(4)
requires a description of and, where feasible, an estimate of the number of small entities to which
the rule will apply.
Section 604(a)(5) requires a description of the projected reporting,
recordkeeping, and other compliance requirements of the rule, including an estimate of the
classes of small entities that will be subject to the requirement and the types of professional skills
5 U.S.C. 603(a), 604(a).
5 U.S.C. 604(a)(1).
5 U.S.C. 604(a)(4).
necessary for the preparation of the report or record.
Section 604(a)(6) requires a description
of any significant alternatives to the rule that accomplish the stated objectives of applicable
statutes and that minimize any significant economic impact of the rule on small entities.
Finally, section 604(a)(7) requires a description of the steps the agency has taken to minimize
any additional cost of credit for small entities.
A. Statement of the Objectives of, and Legal Basis for, the Final Rule
As discussed in part IV, the Bureau issues this rule pursuant to its authority under the
FDCPA and the Dodd-Frank Act. The objectives of the final rule are to clarify and implement
the FDCPA’s provisions and to further the FDCPA’s goals of eliminating abusive debt collection
practices and ensuring that debt collectors who refrain from abusive debt collection practices are
not competitively disadvantaged.
As the first Federal agency with authority under the FDCPA
to prescribe substantive rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors, the
Bureau is requiring consumer disclosure requirements to provide greater clarity for both
consumers and industry participants as to the information debt collectors must provide
consumers to comply with the law. The Bureau intends that these clarifications will help to
eliminate abusive debt collection practices and ensure that debt collectors who refrain from
abusive debt collection practices are not competitively disadvantaged.
As amended by the Dodd-Frank Act, FDCPA section 814(d) provides that the Bureau
may “prescribe rules with respect to the collection of debts by debt collectors,” as that term is
5 U.S.C. 604(a)(5).
5 U.S.C. 604(a)(6).
See 15 U.S.C. 1692(e).
See id.
defined in the FDCPA.
Section 1022(a) of the Dodd-Frank Act provides that[t]he Bureau is
authorized to exercise its authorities under Federal consumer financial law to administer,
enforce, and otherwise implement the provisions of Federal consumer financial law.
“Federal consumer financial law” includes title X of the Dodd-Frank Act and the FDCPA. The
legal basis for the final rule is discussed in detail in the legal authority analysis in part IV and in
the section-by-section analysis in part V.
B. Significant Issues Raised by the Public Comments in Response to the Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis
The Bureau received comments on the IRFA from the Acting Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business Administration, which are discussed in the next section. The
Bureau did not receive other comments that referenced the IRFA specifically; however, several
commenters did raise issues about the burdens of the proposed rule’s provisions, and the
Bureau’s response to these issues is discussed in parts V and VII above and in this part below.
C. Response to Any Comments Filed by the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business
The Acting Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration filed a
public comment letter on the May 2019 proposed rule that discusses both the IRFA and certain
of the proposed requirements (the “first SBA letter”). The Acting Chief Counsel for Advocacy
of the Small Business Administration also filed a public comment letter on the February 2020
supplemental proposed rule that discusses both the IRFA and the proposed requirements (the
15 U.S.C. 1692l(d).
12 U.S.C. 5512(a).
second SBA letter”). This section first responds to comments on the IRFA and then responds to
the substantive comments on the proposed rule’s provisions.
The first SBA letter notes that the proposed rule could impose costs to read and
understand the rule and to train employees in new practices. The Bureau had discussed these
costs in the context of some specific provisions but has added a more general discussion of these
costs to section E of the FRFA, below.
The first SBA letter also notes that the Bureau claims some provisions will cause no
significant impact because those provisions are already part of debt collectors business
practices, and argues that the Bureau should clarify what the benefit of such provisions is to
consumers if they will not change debt collector practices. As discussed in part V above and the
section 1022(b)(2) analysis of the proposed rule, the Bureau believes that, by clarifying the
FDCPA’s requirements, the rule will benefit both consumers and debt collectors, including small
entities. Many market participants have identified a need for greater clarity in interpreting many
of the FDCPA’s provisions. For example, a trade group commenter emphasized that ambiguities
in the FDCPA lead to unnecessary and costly litigation. The Bureau believes that there is a
benefit to providing additional clarity about the FDCPA’s requirements even where the vast
majority of debt collectors follow practices that meet those requirements. The additional clarity
helps those debt collectors to avoid unnecessary litigation and to have confidence in what
practices do and do not violate the FDCPA. The additional clarity also makes it easier to
establish when less scrupulous debt collectors have violated the statute and to hold them
accountable, which benefits consumers as well as debt collectors who do comply with the law.
The first SBA letter points out that the proposed rule’s Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
section estimates 1,029,500 burden hours and argues that this could translate into millions of
dollars in recordkeeping and reporting costs. Most of this burden is not attributable to the rule
itself but rather to the requirements of the FDCPA. As discussed in the supporting statement
accompanying the Bureau’s information collection request, the PRA estimates include the
burden not only of complying with the new requirements introduced by the final rule but also of
complying with the FDCPA itself. These burdens had not previously been accounted for under
the PRA. Thus, the large majority of the estimated burden hours represent the burden of
complying with existing FDCPA provisions that exist independent of the rule, in particular the
requirement to provide a validation notice under § 809(a) of the FDCPA and the requirement to
respond to consumer disputes under § 809(b) of the FDCPA. There are, of course, burdens
associated with other information collections that are being introduced or modified by the final
rule, and those burdens are discussed in this FRFA as well as in the supporting statement.
The SBA letters also expressed several concerns about specific provisions of the
proposed rule and recommended changes to those provisions. These concerns and
recommendations, and the Bureau’s response, are discussed in the section-by-section analysis of
the relevant provisions in part V above.
D. Description and, Where Feasible, Provision of an Estimate of the Number of Small Entities to
which the Final Rule Will Apply
As discussed in the Small Business Review Panel Report, for the purposes of assessing
the impacts of this final rule on small entities,small entities is defined in the RFA to include
small businesses, small nonprofit organizations, and small government jurisdictions.
business is determined by application of SBA regulations in reference to the North American
5 U.S.C. 601(6).
Industry Classification System (NAICS) classifications and size standards.
Under such
standards, the Small Business Review Panel (Panel) identified four categories of small entities
that may be subject to the final rule: collection agencies (NAICS 561440) with annual receipts at
or below the SBA size standard (currently $16.5 million), debt buyers (NAICS 522298) with
annual receipts at or below the size standard (currently $41.5 million), collection law firms
(NAICS 541110) with annual receipts at or below the size standard (currently $12 million), and
servicers who acquire accounts in default. These servicers include depository institutions
(NAICS 522110, 522120, and 522130) with assets at or below the size standard (currently $600
million) or non-depository institutions (NAICS 522390) with annual receipts at or below the size
standard (currently $22 million). The Panel did not meet with small nonprofit organizations or
small government jurisdictions.
The following table provides the Bureau’s estimate of the number and types of entities
that may be affected by the final rule:
Table 1: Estimated number of affected entities and small entities by category
Category NAICS Small-Entity
Estimated total
number of debt
within category
number of
debt collectors
within category
$16.5 million in
annual receipts
9,000 8,800
Debt buyers
$41.5 million in
annual receipts
330 300
Collection law
$12.0 million in
annual receipts
1,000 950
The current SBA size standards are found on SBAs website, http://www.sba.gov/content/table-small-business-
Sm a ll Business Review Pa nel Report, supra note 40, a t 29.
Category NAICS Small-Entity
Estimated total
number of debt
within category
number of
debt collectors
within category
Loan servicers
522110, 522120,
and 522130
522390 (non-
$600 million in
annual receipts
for depository
$22.0 million or
less for non-
700 200
Descriptions of the four categories:
Collection agencies. The Census Bureau defines “collection agencies” (NAICS code
561440) asestablishments primarily engaged in collecting payments for claims and remitting
payments collected to their clients.
According to the Census Bureau, in 2012 (the most
recent year for which detailed data are available), there were approximately 4,000 collection
agencies with paid employees in the United States. Of these, the Bureau estimates that 3,800
collection agencies have $16.5 million or less in annual receipts and are therefore small
Census Bureau estimates indicate that in 2012 there were also more than 5,000
collection agencies without employees, all of which are presumably small entities.
Debt buyers. Debt buyers purchase delinquent accounts and attempt to collect amounts
owed, either themselves or through agents. The Bureau estimates that there are approximately
330 debt buyers in the United States, and that a substantial majority of these are small entities.
As defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, collection agencies include entities that collect only commercial debt, and
the proposed rule would a pply only to debt collectors of consumer debt. However, the Bureau understands that
relatively few collection agencies collect only commercial debt.
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates average annual receipts of $95,000 per employee for collection agencies.
Given this, the Bureau assumes that all firms with fewer than 100 employees and approximately one-half of the
firms with 100 to 499 employees are small entities, which implies approximately 3,800 firms.
The Receivables Management Association, the largest trade group for debt buyers, states that it has
approximately 300 debt buyer members and believes that 90 percent of debt buyers are current members.
Many debt buyersparticularly those that are small entitiesalso collect debt on behalf of other
debt owners.
Collection law firms. The Bureau estimates that there are 1,000 law firms in the United
States that either have as their principal purpose the collection of consumer debt or regularly
collect consumer debt owed to others, so that the proposed rule would apply to them. The
Bureau estimates that 95 percent of such law firms are small entities.
Loan servicers. Loan servicers would be covered by the final rule if they are covered by
the FDCPA because, among other things, they acquire the right to service loans already in
The Bureau believes that this is most likely to occur with regard to companies that
service mortgage loans or student loans. The Bureau estimates that approximately 200 such
mortgage servicers may be small entities and that few, if any, student loan servicers that would
be covered by the final rule are small.
The Bureau understands that debt buyers are generally nondepositories that specialize in debt buying and, in
some cases, debt collection. The Bureau expects that debt buyers that are not collection agencies would be
classified by the U.S. Census Bureau under “all other nondepository credit intermediation (NAICS Code 522298).
The primary tra de a ssociation for collection a ttorneys, the National Creditors Bar Association (NCBA), states
that it has approximately 600 law firm members, 95 percent of which are small entities. The Bureau estimates that
approximately 60 percent of law firms that collect debt are NCBA members and that a similar fraction of non-
member law firms are small entities.
The Bureau expects that loan servicers are generally classified under NAICS code 522390, “Other Activities
Rela ted to Credit Intermediation. Some depository institutions (NAICS codes 522110, 522120, a nd 522130) a lso
service loans for others and may be covered by the f inal rule.
Based on the December 2015 Call Report data as compiled by SNL Financial (with respect to insured
depositories) and December 2015 data from the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (with respect
to non-depositories), the Bureau estimates that there are approximately 9,000 small entities engaged in mortgage
servicing, of which approximately 100 service more than 5,000 loans. See 81 FR 72160, 72363 (Oct. 19, 2016).
The Bureau’s estimate is based on the assumption that all those servicing more than 5,000 loa ns may acquire
servicing of loans when loans are in default and that at most 100 of those servicing 5,000 loans or fewer acquire
servicing of loans when loans are in default.
E. Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and other Compliance Requirements of the Rule,
Including an Estimate of Classes of Small Entities that Will Be Subject to the Requirements and
the Type of Professional Skills Necessary for the Preparation of the Report or Record
The final rule will not impose new reporting or recordkeeping requirements, but it will
impose new compliance requirements on small entities subject to the rule.
The requirements
and the costs associated with them are discussed below. In addition to the specific costs
discussed below, all small entities will incur costs to read the rule and incorporate its provisions
into their policies and procedures, and small entities with employees will need to train employees
in new policies and procedures. The extent of training required will depend on debt collectors
existing practices and on the roles performed by individual employees. Debt collectors employ
an estimated 123,000 workers.
If, on average, the rule required an additional hour of training
for each of these employees, at an average cost of $22 per hour, the total training cost would be
approximately $2,700,000.
In evaluating the potential impacts of the rule on small entities, the Bureau takes as a
baseline conduct in debt collection markets under the current legal framework governing debt
collection. This includes debt collector practices as they currently exist, responding to the
requirements of the FDCPA as currently interpreted by courts and law enforcement agencies,
While the final rule does not include new recordkeeping requirements, the Bureau notes that, by introducing a
new compliance requirement, the rule may increase the cost of complying with recordkeeping requirements of the
November 2020 Final Rule. This is because debt collectors would need to retain evidence of complia nce with a ny
a dditional compliance requirement.
2020 FDCPA Annual Report, supra note 12, at 7.
The estimated hourly cost is based on an estimated wa ge of $15 per hour a nd taxes, benefits, a nd incentives of $7
per hour. See CFPB Debt Collection Operations Study, supra note 37, at 17 (describing estimated debt collector
wages ranging from $10 to $20 per hour).
other Federal laws, and the rules and statutory requirements promulgated by the States. This
baseline represents the status quo from which the impacts of this rule will be evaluated.
The Bureau requested that interested parties provide data and quantitative analysis of the
benefits, costs, or impacts of the proposed rule on small entities but did not receive any
comments on this subject.
The Bureau believes that, except where otherwise noted, the impacts discussed in
part VII would apply to small entities to the same extent as to larger entities.
F. Description of Any Significant Alternatives to the Rule that Accomplish the Stated Objectives
of the Applicable Statutes and Minimize Any Significant Economic Impact of the Rule on Small
Section 604(a)(6) of the RFA requires the Bureau to describe in the FRFA any significant
alternatives to the rule that accomplish the stated objectives of applicable statutes and that
minimize any significant economic impact of the rule on small entities.
In developing the
rule, the Bureau has considered alternative provisions and believes that none of the alternatives
considered would be as effective at accomplishing the stated objectives of the FDCPA and the
applicable provisions of title X of the Dodd-Frank Act while minimizing the impact of the rule
on small entities. Some of these alternatives are discussed in part V, above.
G. Discussion of Impact on Cost of Credit for Small Entities
Section 603(d) of the RFA requires the Bureau to consult with small entities regarding
the potential impact of the proposed rule on the cost of credit for small entities and related
To satisfy these statutory requirements, the Bureau provided notification to the Chief
5 U.S.C. 604(a )(6).
5 U.S.C. 603(d).
Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration (Chief Counsel) that the Bureau
would collect the advice and recommendations of the same small entity representatives identified
in consultation with the Chief Counsel through the SBREFA process concerning any projected
impact of the proposed rule on the cost of credit for small entities. The Bureau sought to collect
the advice and recommendations of the small entity representatives during the Small Business
Review Panel meeting regarding the potential impact on the cost of business credit because, as
small debt collectors with credit needs, the small entity representatives could provide valuable
input on any such impact related to the proposed rule.
The Bureau’s Small Business Review Panel Outline asked small entity representatives to
comment on how the proposals under consideration would affect the cost of credit to small
entities. During the SBREFA process, several small entity representatives said that the proposals
under consideration at that time, which included time-barred debt disclosures among several
other proposals, could have an impact on the cost of credit for them and for their small business
clients. Some small entity representatives said that they use lines of credit in their business and
that regulations that raise their costs or reduce their revenue could mean they are unable to meet
covenants in their loan agreements, causing lenders to reduce access to capital or increase their
borrowing costs.
The Bureau believes that the disclosures in the final rule will have little impact on the
cost of credit to small entities. The Bureau does recognize that consumer credit could become
more expensive and less available as a result of requirements that restrict the collection of debt;
however, the Bureau does not anticipate that the requirements of this final rule will have any
significant impact on the cost or availability of consumer credit. Many small entities affected by
the disclosures in the final rule use consumer credit as a source of credit and may, therefore, see
costs rise if consumer credit availability decreases. The Bureau does not expect this to be a large
effect and does not anticipate measurable impact.
IX. Paperwork Reduction Act
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA),
Federal agencies are generally
required to seek approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for information
collection requirements prior to implementation. Under the PRA, the Bureau may not conduct or
sponsor, and, notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person is not required to respond to,
an information collection unless the information collection displays a valid control number
assigned by OMB.
As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, the Bureau
conducts a preclearance consultation program to provide the general public and Federal agencies
with an opportunity to comment on the information collection requirements in accordance with
the PRA. This helps ensure that the public understands the Bureau’s requirements or
instructions, respondents can provide the requested data in the desired format, reporting burden
(time and financial resources) is minimized, collection instruments are clearly understood, and
the Bureau can properly assess the impact of collection requirements on respondents.
The final rule amends 12 CFR part 1006 (Regulation F), which implements the FDCPA.
The Bureau’s OMB control number for Regulation F is 3170-0056; it expires April 30, 2022.
This final rule along with the November 2020 Final Rule would revise the information collection
requirements contained in Regulation F that OMB has approved under that OMB control
44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.
Under the final rule, the Bureau requires two information collection requirements in
Regulation F beyond those required by the November 2020 Final Rule:
1. Validation notices (final rule § 1006.34).
2. Communication with consumers prior to furnishing information (final rule
§ 1006.30(a)).
These information collections are required to provide benefits for consumers and will be
mandatory. Because the Bureau does not collect any information, no issue of confidentiality
arises. The likely respondents are for-profit businesses that are FDCPA debt collectors.
The collections of information contained in this rule, and identified as such, as well as the
information collections contained in the November 2020 final rule have been submitted to OMB
for review under section 3507(d) of the PRA. A complete description of the information
collection requirement, including the burden estimate methods, is provided in the information
collection request (ICR) supporting statement that the Bureau has submitted to OMB under the
requirements of the PRA. The Bureau will publish a separate notice in the Federal Register
when these information collections have been approved by OMB.
Please send your comments to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB,
Attention: Desk Officer for the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. Send these comments
by email to oira_submission@omb.eop.gov or by fax to (202) 395-6974. If you wish to share
your comments with the Bureau, please send a copy of these comments as described in the
Addresses section above. The ICR submitted to OMB requesting approval under the PRA for
the information collection requirements contained herein is available at www.regulations.gov as
well as on OMB’s public-facing docket at www.reginfo.gov.
Title of Collection: Regulation F: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
OMB Control Number: 3170-0056.
Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Private Sector.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 12,027.
Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 881,000.
The Bureau has a continuing interest in the publics opinion of its collections of
information. At any time, comments regarding the burden estimate, or any other aspect of the
information collection, including suggestions for reducing the burden, may be sent to the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Attention: PRA Office), 1700 G Street NW,
Washington, DC 20552, or by email to CFPB_PRA@cfpb.gov.
Where applicable, the Bureau will display the control number assigned by OMB to any
documents associated with any information collection requirements adopted in this rule.
X. Congressional Review Act
Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act,
the Bureau will submit a report containing
this rule and other required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives,
and the Comptroller General of the United States at least 60 days prior to the rule’s published
effective date. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has designated this rule as a
“major rule as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
The Burea u shares enforcement authority under the FDCPA with the Federal Trade Commission. To avoid
double-counting, the Bureau allocates to itself half of the estimated paperwork burden under the final rule by
dividing the burden hours even between the agencies. However, since the Bureau has joint authority over the
respondents themselves, the Bureau retains the entity count of a ll affected respondents as shown a bove.
5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.
XI. Signing Authority
The Director of the Bureau, Kathleen L. Kraninger, having reviewed and approved this
document, is delegating the authority to electronically sign this document to Grace Feola, a
Bureau Federal Register Liaison, for purposes of publication in the Federal Register.
List of Subjects in 12 CFR Part 1006
Administrative practice and procedure, Consumer protection, Credit, Debt collection,
Intergovernmental relations.
Authority and Issuance
For the reasons set forth above, the Bureau is further amending Regulation F, 12 CFR
part 1006, as revised on November 30, 2020, at 85 FR 76734, as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 1006 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 12 U.S.C. 5512, 5514(b), 5532; 15 U.S.C. 1692l(d), 1692o, 7004.
Subpart AGeneral
2. Section 1006.1 is amended by adding paragraph (c)(2) to read as follows:
§ 1006.1 Authority, purpose, and coverage.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(2) Section 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) and (3)(iv) applies to debt collectors only when they are
collecting debt related to a consumer financial product or service as defined in § 1006.2(f).
3. Section 1006.2 is amended by revising paragraph (e) and adding paragraph (f) to read
as follows:
§ 1006.2 Definitions.
* * * * *
(e) Consumer means any natural person, whether living or deceased, obligated or
allegedly obligated to pay any debt. For purposes of § 1006.6, the term consumer includes the
persons described in § 1006.6(a).
(f) Consumer financial product or service has the same meaning given to it in section
1002(5) of the Dodd-Frank Act (12 U.S.C. 5481(5)).
* * * * *
Subpart BRules for FDCPA Debt Collectors
4. Section 1006.26 is added to read as follows:
§ 1006.26 Collection of time-barred debts.
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section:
(1) Statute of limitations means the period prescribed by applicable law for bringing a
legal action against the consumer to collect a debt.
(2) Time-barred debt means a debt for which the applicable statute of limitations has
(b) Legal actions and threats of legal actions prohibited. A debt collector must not bring
or threaten to bring a legal action against a consumer to collect a time-barred debt. This
paragraph (b) does not apply to proofs of claim filed in connection with a bankruptcy
5. Section 1006.30 is amended by adding paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 1006.30 Other prohibited practices.
(a) Required actions prior to furnishing information. (1) In general. Except as provided
in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, a debt collector must not furnish to a consumer reporting
agency, as defined in section 603(f) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681a(f)),
information about a debt before the debt collector:
(i) Speaks to the consumer about the debt in person or by telephone; or
(ii) Places a letter in the mail or sends an electronic message to the consumer about the
debt and waits a reasonable period of time to receive a notice of undeliverability. During the
reasonable period, the debt collector must permit receipt of, and monitor for, notifications of
undeliverability from communications providers. If the debt collector receives such a
notification during the reasonable period, the debt collector must not furnish information about
the debt to a consumer reporting agency until the debt collector otherwise satisfies paragraph
(a)(1) of this section.
(2) Special ruleinformation furnished to certain specialty consumer reporting agencies.
Paragraph (a)(1) of this section does not apply to a debt collectors furnishing of information
about a debt to a nationwide specialty consumer reporting agency that compiles and maintains
information on a consumer’s check writing history, as described in section 603(x)(3) of the Fair
Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681a(x)(3)).
* * * * *
6. Section 1006.34 is added to read as follows:
§ 1006.34 Notice for validation of debts.
(a) Validation information required. (1) In general. Except as provided in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, a debt collector must provide a consumer with the validation information
required by paragraph (c) of this section either:
(i) By sending the consumer a validation notice in the manner required by § 1006.42:
(A) In the initial communication, as defined in paragraph (b)(2) of this section; or
(B) Within five days of that initial communication; or
(ii) By providing the validation information orally in the initial communication.
(2) Exception. A debt collector who otherwise would be required to send a validation
notice pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(i)(B) of this section is not required to do so if the consumer
has paid the debt prior to the time that paragraph (a)(1)(i)(B) of this section would require the
validation notice to be sent.
(b) Definitions. For purposes of this section:
(1) Clear and conspicuous means readily understandable. In the case of written and
electronic disclosures, the location and type size also must be readily noticeable and legible to
consumers, although no minimum type size is mandated. In the case of oral disclosures, the
disclosures also must be given at a volume and speed sufficient for the consumer to hear and
comprehend them.
(2) Initial communication means the first time that, in connection with the collection of a
debt, a debt collector conveys information, directly or indirectly, regarding the debt to the
consumer, other than a communication in the form of a formal pleading in a civil action, or any
form or notice that does not relate to the collection of the debt and is expressly required by:
(i) The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 1 et seq.);
(ii) Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (15 U.S.C. 6801 through 6827); or
(iii) Any provision of Federal or State law or regulation mandating notice of a data
security breach or privacy risk.
(3) Itemization date means any one of the following five reference dates for which a debt
collector can ascertain the amount of the debt:
(i) The last statement date, which is the date of the last periodic statement or written
account statement or invoice provided to the consumer by a creditor;
(ii) The charge-off date, which is the date the debt was charged off;
(iii) The last payment date, which is the date the last payment was applied to the debt;
(iv) The transaction date, which is the date of the transaction that gave rise to the debt; or
(v) The judgment date, which is the date of a final court judgment that determines the
amount of the debt owed by the consumer.
(4) Validation notice means a written or electronic notice that provides the validation
information required by paragraph (c) of this section.
(5) Validation period means the period starting on the date that a debt collector provides
the validation information required by paragraph (c) of this section and ending 30 days after the
consumer receives or is assumed to receive the validation information. For purposes of
determining the end of the validation period, the debt collector may assume that a consumer
receives the validation information on any date that is at least five days (excluding legal public
holidays identified in 5 U.S.C. 6103(a), Saturdays, and Sundays) after the debt collector provides
(c) Validation information. Pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this section, a debt collector
must provide the following validation information.
(1) Debt collector communication disclosure. The statement required by § 1006.18(e).
(2) Information about the debt. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(5) of this section:
(i) The debt collectors name and the mailing address at which the debt collector accepts
disputes and requests for original-creditor information.
(ii) The consumers name and mailing address.
(iii) If the debt collector is collecting a debt related to a consumer financial product or
service as defined in § 1006.2(f), the name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the
itemization date.
(iv) The account number, if any, associated with the debt on the itemization date, or a
truncated version of that number.
(v) The name of the creditor to whom the debt currently is owed.
(vi) The itemization date.
(vii) The amount of the debt on the itemization date.
(viii) An itemization of the current amount of the debt reflecting interest, fees, payments,
and credits since the itemization date. A debt collector may disclose the itemization on a
separate page provided in the same communication with a validation notice, if the debt collector
includes on the validation notice, where the itemization would have appeared, a statement
referring to that separate page.
(ix) The current amount of the debt.
(3) Information about consumer protections. (i) The date that the debt collector will
consider the end date of the validation period and a statement that, if the consumer notifies the
debt collector in writing on or before that date that the debt, or any portion of the debt, is
disputed, the debt collector must cease collection of the debt, or the disputed portion of the debt,
until the debt collector sends the consumer either verification of the debt or a copy of a
(ii) The date that the debt collector will consider the end date of the validation period and
a statement that, if the consumer requests in writing on or before that date the name and address
of the original creditor, the debt collector must cease collection of the debt until the debt
collector sends the consumer the name and address of the original creditor, if different from the
current creditor.
(iii) The date that the debt collector will consider the end date of the validation period and
a statement that, unless the consumer contacts the debt collector to dispute the validity of the
debt, or any portion of the debt, on or before that date, the debt collector will assume that the
debt is valid.
(iv) If the debt collector is collecting debt related to a consumer financial product or
service as defined in § 1006.2(f), a statement that informs the consumer that additional
information regarding consumer protections in debt collection is available on the Bureau’s
website at www.cfpb.gov/debt-collection.
(v) If the debt collector sends the validation notice electronically, a statement explaining
how a consumer can, as described in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section, dispute the debt
or request original-creditor information electronically.
(4) Consumer-response information. The following information, segregated from the
validation information required by paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section and from any
optional information included pursuant to paragraphs (d)(3)(i), (ii), (iii)(A), (iv), (v), (vi)(A),
(vii), and (viii) of this section, and, if provided on a validation notice, located at the bottom of the
notice under the headings,How do you want to respond?” and “Check all that apply:”:
(i) Dispute prompts. The following statements, listed in the following order, and using
the following phrasing or substantially similar phrasing, each next to a prompt:
(A) “I want to dispute the debt because I think:;
(B) “This is not my debt.;
(C) “The amount is wrong.”; and
(D) “Other (please describe on reverse or attach additional information).”
(ii) Original-creditor information prompt. The statement, “I want you to send me the
name and address of the original creditor., using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase,
next to a prompt.
(iii) Mailing addresses. Mailing addresses for the consumer and the debt collector, which
are the debt collectors and the consumer’s names and mailing addresses as disclosed pursuant to
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(i) and (ii).
(5) Special rule for certain residential mortgage debt. For residential mortgage debt, if a
periodic statement is required under Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.41, at the time a debt collector
provides the validation notice, a debt collector need not provide the validation information
required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) through (viii) of this section if the debt collector:
(i) Provides the consumer, in the same communication with the validation notice, a copy
of the most recent periodic statement provided to the consumer under Regulation Z, 12 CFR
1026.41(b); and
(ii) Includes on the validation notice, where the validation information required by
paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) through (viii) of this section would have appeared, a statement referring to
that periodic statement.
(d) Form of validation information. (1) In general. The validation information required
by paragraph (c) of this section must be clear and conspicuous.
(2) Safe harbor. (i) In general. Model Form B1 in appendix B to this part contains the
validation information required by paragraph (c) of this section and certain optional disclosures
permitted by paragraph (d)(3) of this section. A debt collector who uses Model Form B1
complies with the information and form requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d)(1) of this section,
including if the debt collector:
(A) Omits any or all of the optional disclosures shown on Model Form B1; or
(B) Adds any or all of the optional disclosures described in paragraph (d)(3) of this
section that are not shown on Model Form B1, provided that any such optional disclosures are
no more prominent than any of the validation information required by paragraph (c) of this
(ii) Certain disclosures on a separate page. A debt collector who uses Model Form B1
as described in paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section and who, pursuant to paragraphs (c)(2)(viii) or
(5) of this section, includes certain disclosures on a separate page in the same communication
with the validation notice and, on the notice, the required statement referring to those
disclosures, receives a safe harbor for compliance with the information and form requirements of
paragraphs (c) and (d)(1) of this section except with respect to the disclosures on the separate
(iii) Substantially similar form. A debt collector who uses Model Form B1 as described
in paragraphs (d)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section may make changes to the form and retain a safe
harbor for compliance with the information and form requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d)(1)
of this section provided that the form remains substantially similar to Model Form B1.
(3) Optional disclosures. A debt collector may include any of the following information
when providing the validation information required by paragraph (c) of this section. A debt
collector who includes any of the following information receives the safe harbor described in
paragraph (d)(2) of this section, provided that the debt collector otherwise uses Model Form B1
in appendix B to this part, or a variation of Model Form B1, as described in paragraph (d)(2) of
this section.
(i) Telephone contact information. The debt collector’s telephone contact information.
(ii) Reference code. A number or code that the debt collector uses to identify the debt or
the consumer.
(iii) Payment disclosures. Either or both of the following phrases: (A) The statement,
“Contact us about your payment options.”, using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase;
(B) Below the consumer-response information required by paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (ii) of
this section, the statement, “I enclosed this amount:”, using that phrase or a substantially similar
phrase, payment instructions after that statement, and a prompt.
(iv) Disclosures under applicable law. (A) Disclosures on the reverse of the validation
notice. On the reverse of the validation notice, any disclosures that are specifically required by,
or that provide safe harbors under, applicable law and, if any such disclosures are included, a
statement on the front of the validation notice referring to those disclosures. Any such
disclosures must not appear directly on the reverse of the consumer-response information
required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section.
(B) Disclosures on the front of the validation notice. If a debt collector is collecting
time-barred debt, on the front of the validation notice below the disclosure required by paragraph
(c)(2)(ix) of this section, any time-barred debt disclosure that is specifically required by, or that
provides a safe harbor under, applicable law, provided that applicable law specifies the content
of the disclosure.
(v) Information about electronic communications. The following information:
(A) The debt collector’s website and email address.
(B) If the validation information is not provided electronically, a statement explaining
how a consumer can, as described in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section, dispute the debt
or request original-creditor information electronically.
(vi) Spanish-language translation disclosures. Either or both of the following disclosures
regarding a consumer’s ability to request a Spanish-language translation of a validation notice:
(A) The statement, “Póngase en contacto con nosotros para solicitar una copia de este
formulario en español (which means “Contact us to request a copy of this form in Spanish”),
using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase in Spanish. If providing this optional
disclosure, a debt collector may include supplemental information in Spanish that specifies how
a consumer may request a Spanish-language validation notice.
(B) With the consumer-response information required by paragraph (c)(4) of this section,
the statement “Quiero este formulario en español (which means “I want this form in Spanish”),
using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase in Spanish, next to a prompt.
(vii) The merchant brand, affinity brand, or facility name, if any, associated with the debt.
(viii) If a debt collector is collecting debt other than debt related to a consumer financial
product or service as defined in § 1006.2(f), the information specified in paragraphs (c)(2)(iii) or
(c)(3)(iv) of this section.
(4) Validation notices delivered electronically. If a debt collector delivers a validation
notice electronically, a debt collector may, at its option, format the validation notice as follows:
(i) Prompts. Any prompt required by paragraphs (c)(4)(i) or (ii) or paragraphs
(d)(3)(iii)(B) or (vi)(B) of this section may be displayed electronically as a fillable field.
(ii) Hyperlinks. Hyperlinks may be embedded that, when clicked:
(A) Connect a consumer to the debt collector’s website;
(B) Connect a consumer to the Bureau’s debt collection website as disclosed pursuant to
paragraph (c)(3)(iv) of this section; or
(C) Permit a consumer to respond to the dispute and original-creditor information
prompts required by paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(e) Translation into other languages. (1) In general. A debt collector may send a
consumer a validation notice completely and accurately translated into any language if the debt
(i) Sends the consumer an English-language validation notice in the same communication
as the translated validation notice; or
(ii) Previously provided the consumer an English-language validation notice, in which
case the debt collector need not send the consumer an English-language validation notice in the
same communication as the translated validation notice.
(2) Spanish-language validation noticerequirement to provide after optional
disclosure. A debt collector who includes in the validation information either or both of the
optional disclosures described in paragraph (d)(3)(vi) of this section, and who thereafter receives
a request from the consumer for a Spanish-language validation notice, must provide the
consumer a validation notice completely and accurately translated into Spanish.
7. Section 1006.38 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2), (b), and (c) to read as
§ 1006.38 Disputes and requests for original-creditor information.
(a) * * *
(2) Validation period has the same meaning given to it in § 1006.34(b)(5).
(b) Overshadowing of rights to dispute or request original-creditor information.
(1) Prohibition. During the validation period, a debt collector must not engage in any
collection activities or communications that overshadow or are inconsistent with the disclosure
of the consumers rights to dispute the debt and to request the name and address of the original
(2) Safe harbor. A debt collector who uses Model Form B1 in appendix B to this part in
a manner described in § 1006.34(d)(2) has not thereby violated paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(c) Requests for original-creditor information. Upon receipt of a request for the name
and address of the original creditor submitted by the consumer in writing within the validation
period, a debt collector must cease collection of the debt until the debt collector:
(1) In general. Sends the name and address of the original creditor to the consumer in
writing or electronically in the manner required by § 1006.42; or
(2) Special rule if the current creditor and the original creditor are the same. In lieu of
taking the actions described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section, reasonably determines that the
original creditor is the same as the current creditor, notifies the consumer of that fact in writing
or electronically in the manner required by § 1006.42, and refers the consumer to the validation
information previously provided pursuant to § 1006.34(a)(1).
* * * * *
8. Section 1006.42 is amended by revising paragraphs (a)(2) and (b) to read as follows:
§ 1006.42 Sending required disclosures.
(a) * * *
(2) Exceptions. A debt collector need not comply with paragraph (a)(1) of this section
when sending the disclosure required by § 1006.6(e) or § 1006.18(e) in writing or electronically,
unless the disclosure is included on a notice required by § 1006.34(a)(1)(i) or § 1006.38(c) or
(b) Requirements for certain disclosures sent electronically. To comply with paragraph
(a) of this section, a debt collector who sends the notice required by § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B), or the
disclosures described in § 1006.38(c) or (d)(2)(i), electronically must do so in accordance with
section 101(c) of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-SIGN Act)
(15 U.S.C. 7001(c)).
9. Appendix B to part 1006 is amended by adding the heading and Model Form B1 to
read as follows:
10. In Supplement I to Part 1006Official Interpretations:
a. Under Section 1006.30Other Prohibited Practices, 30(a) Required actions prior to
furnishing information, 30(a)(1) In general, and paragraphs 1 and 2 are added.
b. Section 1006.34Notice for Validation of Debts is added.
c. Under Section 1006.38Disputes and Requests for Original-Creditor Information, the
introductory text before 38(a) Definitions is revised.
d. Under Section 1006.100Record Retention, 100(a) In general, including the heading,
is revised.
e. Section 1006.104Relation to State Laws is added.
The additions and revisions read as follows:
Supplement I to Part 1006Official Interpretations
* * * * *
Subpart BRules for FDCPA Debt Collectors
* * * * *
Section 1006.30Other Prohibited Practices
30(a) Required actions prior to furnishing information.
30(a)(1) In general.
1. About the debt. Section 1006.30(a)(1) provides, in relevant part, that a debt collector
must not furnish to a consumer reporting agency, as defined in section 603(f) of the Fair Credit
Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. 1681a(f)), information about a debt before taking one of the actions
described in § 1006.30(a)(1)(i) or (ii). Each of the actions includes conveying information
about the debtto the consumer. The validation information required by § 1006.34(c),
including such information if provided in a validation notice, is information “about the debt.”
2. Reasonable period of time. Section 1006.30(a)(1)(ii) provides, in relevant part, that a
debt collector who places a letter about a debt in the mail, or who sends an electronic message
about a debt to the consumer, must wait a reasonable period of time to receive a notice of
undeliverability before furnishing information about the debt to a consumer reporting agency.
The reasonable period of time begins on the date that the debt collector places the letter in the
mail or sends the electronic message. A period of 14 consecutive days after the date that the debt
collector places a letter in the mail or sends an electronic message is a reasonable period of time.
3. Notices of undeliverability. Section 1006.30(a)(1)(ii) provides, in relevant part, that, if
a debt collector who places a letter about a debt in the mail, or who sends an electronic message
about a debt to the consumer, receives a notice of undeliverability during the reasonable period
of time, the debt collector must not furnish information about the debt to a consumer reporting
agency until the debt collector otherwise satisfies paragraph (a)(1) of this section. A debt
collector who does not receive a notice of undeliverability during the reasonable period and who
thereafter furnishes information about the debt to a consumer reporting agency does not violate
paragraph (a)(1) of this section even if the debt collector subsequently receives a notice of
undeliverability. The following examples illustrate the rule:
i. Assume that, on May 1, a debt collector mails the consumer a validation notice as
described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(A). On May 10, the debt collector receives a notice of
undeliverability and, without taking any additional action described in § 1006.30(a)(1),
subsequently furnishes information regarding the debt to a consumer reporting agency. The debt
collector has violated § 1006.30(a)(1).
ii. Assume that, on May 1, a debt collector mails the consumer a validation notice as
described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(A). On May 10, the debt collector receives a notice of
undeliverability. On May 11, the debt collector mails the consumer another validation notice as
described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(A). From May 11 to May 24, the debt collector permits receipt
of, monitors for, and does not receive, a notice of undeliverability and thereafter furnishes
information regarding the debt to a consumer reporting agency. The debt collector has not
violated § 1006.30(a)(1).
iii. Assume that, on May 1, a debt collector mails the consumer a validation notice as
described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(A). From May 1 to May 14, the debt collector permits receipt of,
monitors for, and does not receive, a notice of undeliverability and thereafter furnishes
information regarding the debt to a consumer reporting agency. After furnishing the
information, the debt collector receives a notice of undeliverability. The debt collector has not
violated § 1006.30(a)(1) and, without taking any further action, may furnish additional
information about the debt to a consumer reporting agency.
* * * * *
Section 1006.34Notice for Validation of Debts
34(a) Validation information required.
34(a)(1) In general.
1. Deceased consumers. Section 1006.34(a)(1) generally requires a debt collector to
provide the validation information required by § 1006.34(c) either by sending the consumer a
validation notice in the manner required by § 1006.42, or by providing the information orally in
the debt collector’s initial communication. If the debt collector knows or should know that the
consumer is deceased, and if the debt collector has not previously provided the validation
information to the deceased consumer, a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the
deceased consumer’s estate operates as the consumer for purposes of § 1006.34(a)(1). In such
circumstances, to comply with § 1006.34(a)(1), a debt collector must provide the validation
information to an individual that the debt collector identifies by name who is authorized to act on
behalf of the deceased consumer’s estate.
34(b) Definitions.
34(b)(2) Initial communication.
1. Bankruptcy proofs of claim. Section 1006.34(b)(2) defines initial communication and
states that the term does not include a communication in the form of a formal pleading in a civil
action. A proof of claim that a debt collector files in a bankruptcy proceeding in accordance with
the requirements of the United States Bankruptcy Code (Title 11 of the U.S. Code) is a
communication in the form of a formal pleading in a civil action and therefore is not an initial
communication for purposes of § 1006.34.
34(b)(3) Itemization date.
1. In general. Section 1006.34(b)(3) defines itemization date for purposes of § 1006.34.
Section 1006.34(b)(3) states that the itemization date is any one of five reference dates for which
a debt collector can ascertain the amount of the debt. The reference dates are the last statement
date, the charge-off date, the last payment date, the transaction date, and the judgment date. A
debt collector may select any of these dates as the itemization date to comply with § 1006.34.
Once a debt collector uses a reference date for a debt in a communication with a consumer, the
debt collector must use that reference date for that debt consistently when providing the
information required by § 1006.34(c) to that consumer. For example, if a debt collector uses the
last statement date to determine and disclose the account number associated with the debt
pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(iv), the debt collector may not use the charge-off date to determine
and disclose the amount of the debt pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(vii).
2. Subsequent debt collectors. When selecting an itemization date pursuant to
§ 1006.34(b)(3), a debt collector may use a different reference date than a prior debt collector
who attempted to collect the debt.
Paragraph 34(b)(3)(i).
1. Last statement date. Under § 1006.34(b)(3)(i), the last statement date is the date of the
last periodic statement or written account statement or invoice provided to the consumer by a
creditor. For purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3)(i), the last statement may be provided by a creditor or
a third party acting on the creditors behalf, including a creditors service provider. However, a
statement or invoice provided by a debt collector is not a last statement for purposes of
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(i), unless the debt collector is also a creditor.
Paragraph 34(b)(3)(iii).
1. Last payment date. Under § 1006.34(b)(3)(iii), the last payment date is the date the
last payment was applied to the debt. A third-party payment applied to the debt, such as a
payment from an auto repossession agent or an insurance company, can be a last payment for
purposes of § 1006.34(b)(3)(iii).
Paragraph 34(b)(3)(iv).
1. Transaction date. Section 1006.34(b)(3)(iv) provides that the itemization date may be
the date of the transaction that gave rise to the debt. The transaction date is the date that the
good or service that gave rise to the debt was provided or made available to the consumer. For
example, the transaction date for a debt arising from a medical procedure may be the date the
medical procedure was performed, and the transaction date for a consumer’s gym membership
may be the date the membership contract was executed. In some cases, a debt may have more
than one transaction date. This could occur, for example, if a contract for a service is executed
on one date and the service is performed on another date. If a debt has more than one transaction
date, a debt collector may use any such date as the transaction date for purposes of
§ 1006.34(b)(3)(iv), but the debt collector must use whichever transaction date is selected
consistently, as described in comment 34(b)(3)1.
34(b)(5) Validation period.
1. Assumed receipt of validation information. Section 1006.34(b)(5) defines the
validation period as the period starting on the date that a debt collector provides the validation
information required by § 1006.34(c) and ending 30 days after the consumer receives or is
assumed to receive it. Section 1006.34(c)(3)(i) through (iii) requires statements that specify the
end date of the validation period. If a debt collector provides the validation information in
writing or electronically, then, at the time that the debt collector calculates the validation period
end date, the debt collector will know only the date on which the consumer is assumed to receive
the validation information. In such cases, the debt collector may use that date to calculate the
validation period end date even if the debt collector later learns that the consumer received the
validation information on a different date.
2. Updated validation period. If a debt collector sends a subsequent validation notice to a
consumer because the consumer did not receive the original validation notice and the consumer
has not otherwise received the validation information required by § 1006.34(c), the debt collector
must calculate the end date of the validation period specified in the § 1006.34(c)(3) disclosures
based on the date the consumer receives or is assumed to receive the subsequent validation
notice. For example, assume a debt collector sends a consumer a validation notice on January 1,
and that notice is returned as undeliverable. After obtaining accurate location information, the
debt collector sends the consumer a subsequent validation notice on January 15. Pursuant to
§ 1006.34(b)(5), the end date of the validation period specified in the § 1006.34(c)(3) disclosures
is based on the date the consumer receives or is assumed to receive the validation notice sent on
January 15.
34(c) Validation information.
34(c)(1) Debt collector communication disclosure.
1. Statement required by § 1006.18(e). Section 1006.34(c)(1) provides that validation
information includes the statement required by § 1006.18(e). Section 1006.18(e)(1) requires a
debt collector to disclose in its initial communication that the debt collector is attempting to
collect a debt and that any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Section
1006.18(e)(2) requires a debt collector to disclose in each subsequent communication that the
communication is from a debt collector. A debt collector who provides a validation notice as
described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(A) complies with § 1006.34(c)(1) by providing on the validation
notice the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(1). A debt collector who provides a validation
notice as described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B) complies with § 1006.34(c)(1) by providing either
the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(1) or the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(2). The
following example illustrates the rule:
i. ABC debt collector has an initial communication with the consumer by telephone.
Within five days of that initial communication, ABC debt collector sends the consumer a
validation notice using Model Form B1 in appendix B to this part. ABC debt collector has
complied with § 1006.34(c)(1) even though Model Form B1 includes the disclosure described
in § 1006.18(e)(1) rather than the disclosure described in § 1006.18(e)(2).
34(c)(2) Information about the debt.
Paragraph 34(c)(2)(i).
1. Debt collector’s name. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(i) provides, in part, that validation
information includes the debt collector’s name. A debt collector may disclose its trade or doing-
business-as name, instead of its legal name.
2. Debt collector’s mailing address. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(i) provides, in part, that
validation information includes the mailing address at which the debt collector accepts disputes
and requests for original-creditor information. A debt collector may disclose a vendors mailing
address, if that is an address at which the debt collector accepts disputes and requests for
original-creditor information.
Paragraph 34(c)(2)(ii).
1. Consumer’s name. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(ii) provides, in part, that validation
information includes the consumers name. To satisfy the requirement to provide this validation
information, a debt collector must disclose the version of the consumers name that the debt
collector reasonably determines is the most complete and accurate version of the name about
which the debt collector has knowledge. A debt collector does not disclose the most complete
and accurate version of the consumer’s name if the debt collector omits known na me inf ormation
in a manner that creates a false, misleading, or confusing impression about the consumers
identity. For example, assume the creditor provides the consumers first name, middle name, last
name, and name suffix to the debt collector. In this scenario, the debt collector would reasonably
determine that the most complete and accurate version of the consumers name about which the
debt collector has knowledge includes the first name, middle name, last name, and name suffix.
If the debt collector omits any of this information, the debt collector has not satisfied the
requirement to provide the consumers name pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(ii).
Paragraph 34(c)(2)(iii).
1. Creditor’s name. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(iii) provides that, if a debt collector is
collecting debt related to a consumer financial product or service as defined in § 1006.2(f),
validation information includes the name of the creditor to whom the debt was owed on the
itemization date. Pursuant to § 1006.34(c)(2)(iii), a debt collector may disclose this creditor’s
trade or doing-business-as name, instead of its legal name.
Paragraph 34(c)(2)(iv).
1. Account number truncation. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(iv) provides that validation
information includes the account number, if any, associated with the debt on the itemization date,
or a truncated version of that number. If a debt collector uses a truncated account number, the
account number must remain recognizable. For example, a debt collector may truncate a credit
card account number so that only the last four digits are provided.
Paragraph 34(c)(2)(v).
1. Creditor’s name. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(v) provides that validation information
includes the name of the creditor to whom the debt currently is owed. A debt collector may
disclose this creditors trade or doing-business-as name, instead of its legal name.
Paragraph 34(c)(2)(vii).
1. Amount of the debt on the itemization date. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(vii) provides that
validation information includes the amount of the debt on the itemization date. The amount of
the debt on the itemization date includes any fees, interest, or other charges owed as of that date.
Paragraph 34(c)(2)(viii).
1. Itemization of the debt. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) provides that validation
information includes an itemization of the current amount of the debt reflecting interest, fees,
payments, and credits since the itemization date. If providing a validation notice, a debt collector
must include fields in the notice for all of these items even if none of the items have been
assessed or applied to the debt since the itemization date. A debt collector may indicate that the
value of a required field is0, “none, or may state that no interest, fees, payments, or credits
have been assessed or applied to the debt; a debt collector may not leave a required field blank.
2. Itemization required by other applicable law. If a debt collector is required by other
applicable law to provide an itemization of the current amount of the debt with the validation
information, the debt collector may comply with § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) by disclosing the
itemization required by other applicable law in lieu of the itemization described in
§ 1006.34(c)(2)(viii), if the itemization required by other applicable law is substantially similar
to the itemization that appears on Model Form B1 in appendix B to this part.
3. Itemization on a separate page. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) provides that a debt
collector may disclose the itemization of the current amount of the debt on a separate page
provided in the same communication with a validation notice if the debt collector includes on the
validation notice, where the itemization would have appeared, a statement referring to that
separate page. A debt collector may comply with the requirement to refer to the separate page
by, for example, including on the validation notice the statement, “See the enclosed separate
page for an itemization of the debt,” situated next to the information about the current amount of
the debt required by § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix).
4. Debt collectors collecting multiple debts. A debt collector who combines multiple
debts on a single validation notice complies with § 1006.34(c)(2)(viii) by disclosing either a
single, cumulative itemization on the validation notice or a separate itemization of each debt on a
separate page or pages provided in the same communication as the validation notice.
Paragraph 34(c)(2)(ix).
1. Current amount of the debt. Section 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) provides that validation
information includes the current amount of the debt (i.e., the amount as of when the validation
information is provided). For residential mortgage debt subject to Regulation Z, 12 CFR
1026.41, a debt collector may comply with the requirement to provide the current amount of the
debt by providing the consumer the total balance of the outstanding mortgage, including
principal, interest, fees, and other charges.
2. Debt collectors collecting multiple debts. A debt collector who combines multiple
debts on a single validation notice complies with § 1006.34(c)(2)(ix) by disclosing on the
validation notice a single cumulative figure that is the sum of the current amount of all the debts.
34(c)(3) Information about consumer protections.
Paragraph 34(c)(3)(v).
1. Electronic communication media. Section 1006.34(c)(3)(v) provides that, if the debt
collector provides the validation notice electronically, validation information includes a
statement explaining how a consumer can, as described in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) and (ii) of this
section, dispute the debt or request original-creditor information electronically. A debt collector
may provide the information required by § 1006.34(c)(3)(v) by including the statements, “We
accept disputes electronically at, using that phrase or a substantially similar phrase, followed by
an email address or website portal that a consumer can use to take the action described in
§ 1006.34(c)(4)(i), and “We accept original creditor information requests electronically,” using
that phrase or a substantially similar phrase, followed by an email address or website portal that a
consumer can use to take the action described in § 1006.34(c)(4)(ii). If a debt collector accepts
electronic communications from consumers through more than one medium, such as by email
and through a website portal, the debt collector is required to provide information regarding only
one of these media but may provide information on any additional media.
34(c)(4) Consumer-response information.
1. Prompts. If the validation information is provided in writing or electronically, a
prompt required by § 1006.34(c)(4) may be formatted as a checkbox as in Model Form B1 in
appendix B to this part.
34(c)(5) Special rule for certain residential mortgage debt.
1. In general. Section 1006.34(c)(5) provides that, for residential mortgage debt, if a
periodic statement is required under Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.41, at the time a debt collector
provides the validation notice, a debt collector need not provide the validation information
required by § 1006.34(c)(2)(vi) through (viii) if the debt collector provides the consumer, in the
same communication with the validation notice, a copy of the most recent periodic statement
provided to the consumer under 12 CFR 1026.41(b), and the debt collector includes on the
validation notice, where the validation information required by paragraphs (c)(2)(vi) through
(viii) of this section would have appeared, a statement referring to that periodic statement. A
debt collector may comply with the requirement to refer to the periodic statement in the
validation notice by, for example, including on the validation notice the statement,See the
enclosed periodic statement for an itemization of the debt.”
34(d) Form of validation information.
34(d)(2) Safe harbor.
1. In general. A debt collector who provides a validation notice that is neither a notice
described in § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) or (ii), nor a substantially similar notice as described in
§ 1006.34(d)(2)(iii), does not receive a safe harbor for compliance with the information and form
requirements of § 1006.34(c) and (d)(1).
34(d)(2)(i) In general.
1. Disclosure required by § 1006.18(e). Section 1006.18(e)(1) requires a debt collector
to disclose in its initial communication that the debt collector is attempting to collect a debt and
that any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Section 1006.18(e)(2) requires a
debt collector to disclose in each subsequent communication that the communication is from a
debt collector. Model Form B1 in appendix B to this part includes the disclosure required by
§ 1006.18(e)(1). A debt collector who uses Model Form B1 to provide a validation notice as
described in § 1006.34(a)(1)(i)(B) may replace the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(1) with
the disclosure required by § 1006.18(e)(2) without losing the safe harbor described in
§ 1006.34(d)(2). See comment 34(c)(1)1 for further guidance related to providing the
disclosure required by § 1006.18(e) on a validation notice.
34(d)(2)(iii) Substantially similar form.
1. Substantially similar form. Pursuant to § 1006.34(d)(2)(iii), a debt collector who uses
Model Form B1 as described in § 1006.34(d)(2)(i) may make changes to the form and retain the
safe harbor for compliance with the information and form requirements of § 1006.34(c) and
(d)(1) provided that the form remains substantially similar in substance, clarity, and meaningful
sequence to Model Form B1. Permissible changes include, for example:
i. Modifications to remove language that could suggest liability for the debt if such
language is not applicable. For example, if a debt collector sends a validation notice to a person
who is authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumer’s estate (see comment 34(a)(1)1),
and that person is not liable for the debt, the debt collector may use the name of the deceased
consumer instead of “you”;
ii. Relocating the consumer-response information required by § 1006.34(c)(4) to facilitate
iii. Adding barcodes or QR codes, as long as the inclusion of such items does not violate
§ 1006.38(b);
iv. Adding the date the form is generated; and
v. Embedding hyperlinks, if delivering the form electronically.
34(d)(3) Optional disclosures.
34(d)(3)(i) Telephone contact information.
1. In general. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(i) permits a debt collector to include telephone
contact information. Telephone contact information may include, for example, a telephone
number as well as the times that the debt collector accepts consumer telephone calls.
34(d)(3)(iv) Disclosures under applicable law.
34(d)(3)(iv)(A) Disclosures on the reverse of the validation notice.
1. In general. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) permits, in relevant part, a debt collector to
include on the reverse of the validation notice any disclosures that are specifically required by, or
that provide safe harbors under, applicable law. If a debt collector provides a validation notice in
the body of an email, the debt collector may, in lieu of including the disclosures permitted by
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) on the reverse of the validation notice, include them in the same
communication below the content of the validation notice. Disclosures permitted by
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A) include, for example, specific disclosures required by Federal, State, or
municipal statutes or regulations, and specific disclosures required by judicial or administrative
decisions or orders, including administrative consent orders. Such disclosures could include, for
example, time-barred debt disclosures and disclosures that the current amount of the debt may
increase or vary due to interest, fees, or other charges, provided that such disclosures are
specifically required by applicable law.
2. Statement referring to disclosures. If a debt collector includes disclosures pursuant to
§ 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(A), the debt collector must include a statement on the front of the validation
notice referring to those disclosures. A debt collector may comply with the requirement to refer
to the disclosures by including on the front of the validation notice the statement, Notice: See
reverse side for important information,” or a substantially similar statement. If, as permitted by
comment 34(d)(3)(iv)(A)1, a debt collector places the disclosures below the content of the
validation notice, the debt collector may comply with the requirement to refer to the disclosures
by stating, Notice: See below for important information, or a substantially similar statement.
34(d)(3)(iv)(B) Disclosures on the front of the validation notice.
1. In general. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(B) provides, in relevant part that, if a debt
collector is collecting time-barred debt, the debt collector may include on the front of the
validation notice any time-barred debt disclosure that is specifically required by, or that provides
a safe harbor under, applicable law, provided that applicable law specifies the content of the
disclosure. For example, if applicable State law requires a debt collector who is collecting time-
barred debt to disclose to the consumer that the law limits how long a consumer can be sued on a
debt and that the debt collector cannot or will not sue the consumer to collect it, the debt
collector may include that disclosure on the front of the validation notice. See § 1006.26(a)(2)
for the definition of time-barred debt. For purposes of § 1006.34(d)(3)(iv)(B), time-barred debt
disclosures may include disclosures about revival of debt collectors’ right to bring a legal action
to enforce the debt.
34(d)(3)(vi) Spanish-language translation disclosures.
Paragraph 34(d)(3)(vi)(A).
1. Supplemental information in Spanish. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(vi)(A) permits a debt
collector to include supplemental information in Spanish that specifies how a consumer may
request a Spanish-language validation notice. For example, a debt collector may include a
statement in Spanish that a consumer can request a Spanish-language validation notice by
telephone or email, if the debt collector accepts consumer requests through those communication
Paragraph 34(d)(3)(vii).
1. Merchant brand. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(vii) permits a debt collector to include the
merchant brand, if any, associated with debt. For example, assume that a debt collector is
attempting to collect a consumers credit card debt. The credit card was issued by ABC Bank
and was co-branded XYZ Store. “XYZ Store is the merchant brand.
2. Affinity brand. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(vii) permits a debt collector to include the
affinity brand, if any, associated with the debt. For example, assume that a debt collector is
attempting to collect a consumers credit card debt. The credit card was issued by ABC Bank,
and the logo for the College of Columbia appears on the credit card. “College of Columbia is
the affinity brand.
3. Facility name. Section 1006.34(d)(3)(vii) permits a debt collector to include the
facility name, if any, associated with the debt. For example, assume that a debt collector is
attempting to collect a consumer’s medical debt. The medical debt relates to a treatment that the
consumer received at ABC Hospital. ABC Hospital” is the facility name.
34(e) Translation into other languages.
1. Safe harbor for complete and accurate translation. Section 1006.34(e) provides,
among other things, that, if a debt collector sends a consumer a validation notice translated into a
language other than English, the translation must be complete and accurate. The language of a
validation notice that a debt collector obtains from the Bureau’s website is considered a complete
and accurate translation. Debt collectors are permitted to use other validation notice translations
if they are complete and accurate.
Section 1006.38Disputes and Requests for Original-Creditor Information
1. In writing. Section 1006.38 contains requirements related to a dispute or request for
the name and address of the original creditor timely submitted in writing by the consumer. A
consumer has disputed the debt or requested the name and address of the original creditor in
writing for purposes of § 1006.38(c) or (d)(2) if the consumer, for example:
i. Mails the written dispute or request to the debt collector;
ii. Returns to the debt collector the consumer-response form that § 1006.34(c)(4) requires
to appear on the validation notice and indicates on the form the dispute or request;
iii. Provides the dispute or request to the debt collector using a medium of electronic
communication through which the debt collector accepts electronic communications from
consumers, such as an email address or a website portal; or
iv. Delivers the written dispute or request in person or by courier to the debt collector.
* * * * *
3. Deceased consumers. If the debt collector knows or should know that the consumer is
deceased, and if the consumer has not previously disputed the debt or requested the name and
address of the original creditor, a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the deceased
consumers estate operates as the consumer for purposes of § 1006.38. In such circumstances, to
comply with § 1006.38(c) or (d)(2), respectively, a debt collector must respond to a request for
the name and address of the original creditor or to a dispute timely submitted in writing by a
person who is authorized to act on behalf of the deceased consumers estate.
* * * * *
Subpart DMiscellaneous
Section 1006.100Record Retention
* * * * *
100(a) In general.
1. Records that evidence compliance. Section 1006.100(a) provides, in part, that a debt
collector must retain records that are evidence of compliance or noncompliance with the FDCPA
and this part. Thus, under § 1006.100(a), a debt collector must retain records that evidence that
the debt collector performed the actions and made the disclosures required by the FDCPA and
this part, as well as records that evidence that the debt collector refrained from conduct
prohibited by the FDCPA and this part. If a record is of a type that could evidence compliance
or noncompliance depending on the conduct of the debt collector that is revealed within the
record, then the record is one that is evidence of compliance or noncompliance, and the debt
collector must retain it. Such records include, but are not limited to, records that evidence that
the debt collector’s communications and attempts to communicate in connection with the
collection of a debt complied (or did not comply) with the FDCPA and this part. For example, a
debt collector must retain:
i. Telephone call logs as evidence of compliance or noncompliance with the prohibition
against harassing telephone calls in § 1006.14(b)(1); and
ii. Copies of documents provided to consumers as evidence that the debt collector
provided the information required by §§ 1006.34 and 1006.38 and met the delivery requirements
of § 1006.42.
* * * * *
Section 1006.104Relation to State Laws
1. State law disclosure requirements. The Act and the corresponding provisions of
Regulation F do not annul, alter, or affect, or exempt any person subject to these requirements
from complying with a disclosure requirement under applicable State law that describes
additional protections under State law that are not inconsistent with the Act and Regulation F. A
disclosure required by State law is not inconsistent with the FDCPA or Regulation F if the
disclosure describes a protection that such law affords any consumer that is greater than the
protection provided by the FDCPA or Regulation F.
Dated: December 18, 2020.
/s/Grace Feola
Grace Feola,
Federal Register Liaison, Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.