Summoner Spell List
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other lights.
Daze: A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.
Detect Magic: Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Drench: A sudden downpour soaks a target creature or object.
Elemental Orb: Orb deals 1d3 elemental damage of chosen type.
Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Ignite: Ignites flammable objects.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whisper conversation at distance.
Read Magic: Read magical scrolls.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Summon Minor Food and Water: Summons food and water to sustain 1 person.
Torchlight: Object shines like a torch.
Aerospark: Ixion fires a ray of lightning at two different enemy targets, dealing 1d6 lightning damage + 1
damage per level.
Chocobo Kick: Chocobo kicks a single enemy, dealing 1d4 non-elemental damage + Charisma modifier.
Energy Beam: Valefor fires a beam of energy in a 30-ft.-line, dealing 1d4 non-elemental damage per level.
Expeditious Construction: You create a low wall or other simple structure of packed earth or loose stone
measuring 3 feet thick, 3 feet tall, and 10 feet long per 3 caster levels you possess (minimum 10 feet).
Goblin Punch: Goblin throws a blast of wind in a 15-ft.-cone.
Moogle Charm: Mogri heals allies for 1d4 damage per level.
Oil: Makes 10-ft. square or one object or creature slippery.
Photosynthesis: Mandragora grants your allies Fast Healing 1.
Sonic Dive: Quetzalli grants your allies to deal an extra 1d6 damage on charging attacks.
Summon Ammunition: Summons ammo for a container.
Summon Equipment I: Summons a magical +1 suit of armor, shield, or weapon temporarily.
Summon Mage's Robes: Grants caster +4 armor bonus +1 per 4 caster levels after 1st.
Summon Minor Monster: Summon 1d3 Tiny animals.
Summon Monster I: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Unseen Servant: Invisible force obeys your commands.
Anti-Summoning Shield: Within the area of effect, this spell impedes the use of spells of the summoning
school and other effects that summon creatures.
Chocobo Stomp: Fat Chocobo falls upon your enemies, dealing 1d6 non-elemental damage and makes them
fall prone.
Cleansing: Crusader cures allies of Disease and Poison status effects.
Deathblow: Choco/Mog charges and attacks a single enemy, dealing 5d4 non-elemental damage and inflicts
Stun status.
Fog Cloud: Summons a fog that obscures vision.
Gird Ally: You summon a magical field around summoned creatures you control that deflects attacks made
against them. The targets gain a deflection bonus to their AC equal to 1 + 1 for every 6 caster levels you possess
(maximum +4 deflection bonus at 18th level).
Instant Weapon: You create a masterwork melee weapon sized appropriately for you from opaque force. As a
non-elemental effect, it can strike and damage incorporeal creatures.
Lunatic Voice: Siren inflicts the Silence status upon one enemy.
Magic Shield: Zona Seeker grants allies a +2 bonus to Saving Throws versus spells.
Summon Avatar: Summons your avatar for a brief duration.
Summon Chocobo: Summon a chocobo to ride.
Summon Monster II: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Summon Pit: Summons an extradimensional pit.
Summon Swarm: Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.
Terra Homing: Madeen sends a blast of holy energy at one enemy, dealing 5d4 holy damage and inflicts
Dazzled status.
Thousand Needles: Cactuar fires needles for 1d4 points of non-elemental damage, in a 15-ft.-cone.
Web: Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can grapple foes and impair movement.
Asura’s Boon: Asura either casts Protect II, Raise, or Cure II on your allies.
Brotherly Love: Brothers throws a large boulder at your enemies, dealing 1d6 earth damage per level and
inflicts Weighted status.
Constrict: Remora inflicts the Slow status upon one enemy.
Counter Rockets: Cerberus bestows the Haste status effect on an ally.
Fey Light: Faerie heals your allies for 1d6 damage per level.
Insect Scouts: Summon vermin to investigate a location or building you can see.
Life Guard: Kirin blesses your allies with Fast Healing 2.
Mad Monkeys: Summon a swarm of mischievous monkeys.
Minor Summoning: Summons a non-magical unattended object of nonliving vegetable matter.
Secret Coffer: As secret chest, except the coffer is only 1 foot square.
Self-Destruct: Bomb explodes, dealing 1d6 fire damage per level and inflicts Burning status.
Summon Carriage: Summons a fine wooden carriage with a team of two light horses.
Summon Chocobo, Communal: As summon chocobo, but able to summon up to 6 chocobos.
Summon Driver: Summons a humanoid creature that can drive any vehicle you command it to.
Summon Equipment II: Summons a magical +2 suit of armor, shield, or weapon temporarily.
Summon Food and Water: Summons food and water to sustain up to three humanoids or one horse/level.
Summon Materia I: Summons a common level 1 materia temporarily.
Summon Monster III: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Summon Spiked Pit: As summon pit, but filled with spikes.
Summon Ghost Wolf: As summon chocobo, except Large quasi-real wolf instead of horse and it radiates fear
and can be used in combat.
Swarm of Fangs: You summon a swarm of thousands of animate, flying teeth in a 10-foot-by-10-foot cube.
Breach Blast: Bismarck blasts a line of water, dealing 1d6 water damage per level and inflicts Drenched status.
Climactic Fear: Cyclops causes enemies to become panicked.
Diamond Dust: Shiva conjures a blizzard, dealing 1d6 ice damage per level and inflicts Frozen status.
Insect Plague: Summons wasp swarms to attack creatures.
Judgment Bolt: Ramuh conjures lightning, dealing 1d6 lightning damage per level and inflicts Silence status.
Major Summoning: As minor summoning, but is able to summon objects of mineral nature.
Petrifying Beak: Cockatrice inflicts Petrify status upon on enemy.
Summon Cottage: Summons a sturdy cottage made of material common to the area.
Summon Deadfall: You summon a large metal cube covered in sharp spikes.
Summon Monster IV: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Summon Stampede: You summon a herd of aurochs or similar herd animal that immediately stampedes in the
direction you indicate.
Tornado Zone: Pandemona conjures a tornado, dealing 1d6 wind damage per level and inflicts Squalled status.
Wyrmfire: Salamander breathes 1d6 fire damage per level in a 30-ft.-cone, and inflicting Burning status.
Alluring Embrace: Lakshmi heals allies for 1d6 damage per level.
Bad Breath: Malboro breathes out status effects in a 30-ft.-cone.
Creeping Doom: Summons swarms of centipedes to attack at your command.
Gaia’s Wrath: Titan conjures an earthquake, dealing 1d6 earth damage per level and inflicts Weighted status.
Hellfire: Ifrit conjures a flame storm, dealing 1d6 fire damage per level and inflicts Burning status.
Radiant Breath: Mist Dragon breathes a blast of light, dealing 1d6 holy damage per level and inflicts Dazzled
Release the Hounds: Summon a pack of canines that respond to your commands and act in perfect unison,
causing them to function like a swarm.
Secret Chest: Hides a chest on the Ethereal Plane and can retrieve at will.
Summon Black Pudding: Summon a black pudding.
Summon Demiplane, Lesser: Create your own demiplane.
Summon Equipment III: Summons a magical +3 suit of armor, shield, or weapon temporarily.
Summon Monster V: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Summon Hungry Pit: As summon pit, but dealing 4d6 damage to those in it as it closes.
Tidal Wave: Leviathan conjures a large wave of water, dealing 1d6 water damage per level and inflicts
Drenched status.
Unicorn Horn: Unicorn cures your allies of most status effects of 4th level or lower.
Angel Feathers: Seraph brings back allies from death to 1 hit point.
Dark Messenger: Diablos causes enemies to lose half of their current hit points.
Demon Eye: Catoblepas inflicts the Petrify status effect upon your enemies.
Earthen Wall: Golem bestows Stoneskin and Protect III on allies.
Ghostly Veil: Phantom causes your allies to become invisible.
Oil, Greater: Makes 1 or more 10-ft. squares or one or more objects or creatures slippery.
Ruby Reflect: Carbuncle grants your allies the Reflect status.
Summon Feast: Summons a great feast that bestows the effects of Esuna and grants temporary buffs.
Summon Laborers: This spell summons one humanoid petitioner per caster level.
Summon Materia II: Summons a common or uncommon level 2 materia temporarily.
Summon Monster VI: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Whispering Wind: Sylph drains an enemy and bestows healing upon allies.
Abyssal Maw: Jormungand deals 1d6 earth damage per level and inflicts Petrify status.
Cat Rain: Cait Sith inflicts Confuse status upon your enemies.
Howling Moon: Fenrir grants your allies evasion.
Runaway Train: Doomtrain inflicts status effects in a 120-ft.-line.
Mind Blast: Mind Flayer sends a blast of mind energy, dealing 1d6 non-elemental damage per level and inflicts
Disabled and Sap status.
Rampart: Summons 5-ft.-thick earthen barrier.
Summon Demiplane: As lesser summon demiplane, but larger and with planar traits.
Summon Equipment IV: Summons a magical +4 suit of armor, shield, or weapon temporarily.
Summon Mansion: Summon an extra-dimensional dwelling of a mansion.
Summon Monster VII: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Thunder Storm: Quetzalcoatl conjures a lightning barrage, dealing 1d8 lightning damage per level and inflicts
Static status.
Black Cauldron: Hades deals 1d6 shadow damage per level and inflicts status effects.
Descending Darkness: Lich deals shadow damage equal to half of your enemies’ maximum hit points.
Flames of Rebirth: Phoenix brings back allies from death to 1/4th hit points of their maximum hit points.
Chef’s Knife: Tonberry stabs a single enemy, causing them to drop to 0 hit points.
Rain of Arrows: You summon a cloud of magical arrows that rain down on any creatures and objects in an
Summon Monster VIII: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Tetra-Disaster: Kujata fires a blast of lightning, ice, and fire, dealing 1d8 damage per level and inflicts
Burning, Frozen, and Static status.
True Summoning: Summons a permanent non-magical, unattended object of any sort of matter.
Ultimate End: Knights of the Round attacks a single enemy.
Eternal Breath: Eden orbital bombards your enemies, dealing 1d12 non-elemental damage per level.
Holy Judgment: Alexander deals 1d8 holy damage per level, 30-ft.-radius burst.
Instant Death: Odin strikes a single target, usually killing the caster’s enemy.
Megaflare: Bahamut breaths a cone of flames, dealing 1d8 fire damage per level.
Summon Demiplane, Greater: As summon demiplane, but larger and with more planar traits.
Summon Equipment V: Summons a magical +5 suit of armor, shield, or weapon temporarily.
Summon Materia III: Summons a common, uncommon, or rare level 3 materia temporarily.
Summon Monster IX: Summons extra-planar creature to fight for you.
Summon Resplendent Mansion: Summons an opulent mansion several stories tall.
Swords of Chance: Gilgamesh unleashes one of his four swords upon your enemies.