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Electronic Journal of General Medicine
2021, 18(5), em311
e-ISSN: 2516-3507 Letter to the Editor OPEN ACCESS
Current Evidence on Vitamin C, D, and Zinc Supplementation for
COVID-19 Prevention and/or Treatment
Andrea Giacalone
, Luca Marin
, Massimiliano Febbi
, Marcos Roberto Tovani-Palone
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Department of Industrial Engineering, Rome, ITALY
Asomi College of Sciences, Department of Research, Marsa, MALTA
Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, BRAZIL
*Corresponding Author:
**Corresponding Author:
Citation: Giacalone A, Marin L, Febbi M, Tovani-Palone MR. Current Evidence on Vitamin C, D, and Zinc Supplementation for COVID-19 Prevention
and/or Treatment. Electron J Gen Med. 2021;18(5):em311.
5 Jun. 2021
11 Jul. 2021
this article, we discuss current evidence on some of the dietary supplements that have been most
for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) prevention and/or treatment, including vitamin C, vitamin D,
Keywords: COVID-19, pandemics, ascorbic acid, vitamin D, zinc
Dear Editor,
The role of food sources immune-boosting nutrients has
been much discussed during the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) pandemic. Moreover, a nutritional deficiency could
be a predisposing factor to development and progression of a
viral infection [1]. However, there is still no global consensus
regarding the use of dietary supplements and/or medicines in
the recommendations for COVID-19 management [2,3].
Knowledge of the benefits and risks associated with the use of
dietary supplements is of considerable importance, especially
if they are used in order to prevent and/or treat severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection
cases. In this context, pharmacists should ensure that patients
are informed of the current lack of evidence to demonstrate the
effectiveness of dietary supplements for that purpose [4]. Here,
we discuss some of the dietary supplements that have been
most commonly used for COVID-19 prevention and/or
treatment, including vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc.
Vitamin C has a number of physiological properties and its
intravenous use is believed to be effective in inhibiting
cytokines production in acute respiratory distress syndrome
cases [5]. Vitamin C properties include its acting as an
enzymatic cofactor and antioxidant factor, roles in
proteoglycan deglycanation, in the free radicals scavenger
process, histone dealkylation, and homeostasis of subcellular
compartments [6]. Some clinical trials have looked at the use
of vitamin C as part of a respiratory diseases management plan
[7]. Recently, a team of Chinese doctors stated that they have
effectively treated over 50 patients affected by mild to acute
COVID-19 with large intravenous (IV) vitamin C doses (10,000-
20,000 mg/d) for a period of 8-10 hours [8]. In fact, vitamin C has
modes of action that could be relevant to acute respiratory
infections management, such as antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, antithrombotic, and immunomodulatory
functions [9]. However, it should be borne in mind that high
doses of vitamin C can promote the development of kidney
stones, especially in people with high oxalate levels [4].
In addition, surprisingly, in an open randomized clinical
trial conducted in Pakistan, the use of standard therapy in
combination with IV vitamin C resulted in early regression of
COVID-19 symptoms and reduced length of hospital stay [10].
In contrast, other studies performed in the USA show that
vitamin C treatment caused no change in COVID-19 patients
[11,12]. It should be noted that the results of many ongoing
randomized clinical trials are still pending and currently
available studies do not provide scientifically strong evidence
for the use of vitamin C as a treatment for COVID-19.
Vitamin D obtained by sun exposure, food, and
supplements must undergo two hydroxylation reactions to be
converted into calcitriol (the biologically active form of vitamin
D) [13]. Maintaining sufficient vitamin D levels through
adopting a healthy diet, consuming vitamin supplements, and
sun exposure is essential for good health. Patients should
carefully follow the guiding principles for daily vitamin D intake
based on: maximum intake levels to optimize general health
and a need for intake due to vitamin deficiency. It is
recommended to follow medical advice and avoid doses higher
than the upper limit (4000IU/day; 100µg/day) in the hope of
treating or preventing COVID-19 [14]. Prolonged intake of more
2 / 3 Giacalone et al. / ELECTRON J GEN MED, 2021;18(5):em311
than 4000 IU of vitamin D is considered to be potentially
dangerous and may cause hypercalcemia [4].
On the other hand, given the possible association between
hypovitaminosis D and COVID-19, vitamin D supplementation
has been indicated as a useful treatment due to its anti-
inflammatory and antithrombotic properties [15]. Vitamin D
deficiency appears to be associated with more severe clinical
stages of COVID-19, so its assessment may be a useful analysis
for possible therapeutic interventions [16]. However, the use of
high doses of vitamin D does not significantly reduce the
mortality rate or length of stay [17].
Administration of zinc lozenges has been associated with a
reduction in the duration and severity of cold symptoms. In this
case, zinc should be administered within 24 hours of symptoms
development, at doses around 80 mg/day and for less than two
weeks [18-20]. Zinc supplementation increases mucociliary
clearance, anti-oxidative effects, and epithelial integrity.
Furthermore, it decreases viral replication and the likelihood of
hyperinflammation, as well as maintains antiviral immunity,
reducing lung damage and the risk of secondary infections [21].
In this regard, zinc combined with medicines could eventually
be effective in COVID-19 patients only if administered prior to
the onset of the cytokine storm [22].
Current COVID-19 treatment recommendations make no
mention of dietary supplements and do not include the use of
drugs not tested in clinical trials [23,24]. Although the use of
dietary supplements has created high expectations in the
population, there is no robust evidence in the literature
supporting the effectiveness of their use for COVID-19
prevention and/or treatment.
Author contributions: All authors have sufficiently contributed to the
study, and agreed with the results and conclusions.
Funding: No funding source is reported for this study.
Declaration of interest: No conflict of interest is declared by authors.
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