18 JUNE 2020
Vitamin D and COVID-19
This rapid review of the science of Vitamin D and COVID-19 from the Royal Society
is provided to assist in the understanding of COVID-19.
This paper is a pre-print and has not been subject to formal peer-review.
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of
both respiratory viral infections and inflammatory conditions.
Vitamin D has an important regulatory role in the human
immune system, so a deficiency of Vitamin D is likely to
cause immune dysregulation, which may reduce the first line
of our defence against COVID-19. It is therefore biologically
plausible that Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to
susceptibility to COVID-19 infection. However, there is no
direct causal link yet between Vitamin D deficiency and
increased susceptibility to COVID-19.
Deficiency in Vitamin D is more commonly found in older
individuals, those of black or Asian ethnic origin, and people
who are obese. These are also factors known to increase
risk of more severe COVID-19. However, correlations are not
the same as causality.
The UK has one of the highest levels of Vitamin D deficiency in
Europe. There is a direct causal relationship between Vitamin
D deficiency and bone, tooth and muscle health. Vitamin D also
has an important regulatory role in the human immune system.
It is clearly prudent to prevent Vitamin D deficiency as part of
a healthy lifestyle strategy. NICE recommends that “all adults
living in the UK should be advised to take a daily supplement
containing 400 international units (10 micrograms) of Vitamin
D throughout the year, including in the winter months.” High
doses of Vitamin D supplements are unnecessary in most
individuals and very high doses can be toxic. We recommend
that HMG provides a stronger public message about the
importance of preventing Vitamin D deficiency.
More research is required to test the possibility that
Vitamin D deficiency predisposes to COVID-19, particularly
in those groups with a high risk of COVID-19 mortality, such
as the institutionalised elderly and people with a black, Asian or
minority ethnic (BAME) background. We also recommend that
hospitals consider assaying serum Vitamin D levels in patients
with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Vitamin D is essential for good health. Ninety percent of the
Vitamin D in the human body is produced in the skin from
exposure to the sun. Only about 10% comes from food. It
is only relatively recently that humans have moved from a
mainly outdoor lifestyle (farming, etc.) to one which is mainly
indoors (oce work, etc.). It is reasonable to suppose that
a deficiency of Vitamin D in many humans is therefore a
modern phenomenon, mainly due to a lack of sunlight.
The spectrum of visible light from the sun, from red to violet,
has insucient energy to generate Vitamin D in the skin. It is
the higher energy ultra-violet (UV) light that is needed. The
UVB part of the spectrum (290-315 nm) generates Vitamin
D, as well as causing damage to the DNA in most vertebrate
skin. UVB is almost 100% blocked by standard window glass,
unlike visible light: direct exposure to sunlight is required.
1. Vitamin D deficiency
NICE estimates that about one-quarter of the UK population
is deficient in Vitamin D, rising to about one-third in winter
months, owing to reduced sun exposure
. Vitamin D status
is reflected by the level of serum 25OHD. There is no
consensus on a precise definition of Vitamin D deficiency,
but the NICE guidelines are that serum 25OHD levels greater
than 50 nmol/L are sucient, and less than 30 nmol/L are
. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with a
variety of health problems: weak immune system, rickets,
fatigue, bone fractures, headaches and cancers, with varying
degrees of evidence to support the claims. Vitamin D
toxicity, from taking too high a dose of Vitamin D, is rare and
associated with serum levels of at least 300 nmol/L, and
usually above 600 nmol/L
Low Vitamin D status is expected to be exacerbated
in many people by staying indoors during lockdown.
It is therefore important that individuals take outside
activity where possible. NICE’s recommended oral
supplement is 10 micrograms/day
, however, in the
USA the recommendation is 15 micrograms/day for
those under 70 years old, and 20 micrograms/day
for the over 70s
1.1 Vitamin D deficiency in Europe
The UK has one of the highest levels of Vitamin D
deficiency in Europe. Serum 25OHD levels in adults in
17 dierent European countries show that only Finland
and Norway are more deficient than the UK
It is interesting to compare the prevalence of Vitamin D
deficiency (serum 25OHD concentrations less than
30 nmol/L) in the UK, Germany and Ireland, countries
of broadly similar latitudes. Averaged over a year,
Germany has 13.8% deficient, Ireland has 12.4% and
the UK has 22.1%. The UK population is 32% Vitamin D
deficient in the winter and 15% deficient in summer
Some northerly countries strongly fortify their food with
Vitamin D to counter their lack of sunlight, for example,
Canada, whose population is only 10% Vitamin D
deficient following their Vitamin D food fortification.
2. Vitamin D and acute respiratory infections
Numerous laboratory studies report that Vitamin D
metabolites support innate immune responses to respiratory
viruses other than SARS-CoV-2
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
, the virus that causes
COVID-19. Clinically, Vitamin D deficiency has been shown
to associate independently with an increased risk of diverse
acute respiratory infections (ARI)
. A 2017 meta-analysis of
data from 11,321 participants in 25 randomised controlled
trials (RCTs) of Vitamin D supplementation to prevent ARI
revealed a modest protective eect of the intervention
(OR 0.88, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.96) that was stronger in those
with the lowest baseline Vitamin D status (OR 0.58, 95%
CI 0.40 to 0.82)
. It is unknown whether Vitamin D deficiency
also predisposes to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Importantly,
Vitamin D also diminishes the production of inflammatory
cytokines, which appear to play a central part in the
pathogenesis of severe COVID-19
2.1 Vitamin D and COVID-19
RCTs of Vitamin D supplementation for the prevention
or attenuation of COVID-19 have yet to be published, but
several lines of evidence suggest a possible role of Vitamin
D deficiency in its pathogenesis. First, an epidemiological
reported that severe outbreaks with high fatality rates
have occurred exclusively above the +30ºN latitude line,
in the winter hemisphere, where deaths per million ranged
from 3% to 37% with (mean = 11%) in latitudes between 30ºN
and 55ºN. By contrast, outbreaks in the tropics and southern
summer hemisphere were very mild with an average of 0.2%
deaths per million. This pattern was not explained by the
trajectory of spread of infection
. COVID-19 mortality has
been concentrated in groups at increased risk of Vitamin D
deficiency including people of black, Asian or minority ethnic
(BAME) background; people with higher body mass index;
and the institutionalised elderly. Where Vitamin D status has
been measured, a lower 25OHD level was associated with
higher mortality
. Third, adverse outcomes of COVID-19 are
associated with virus-driven hyper-inflammation
: evidence
from an RCT indicated that Vitamin D supplementation
accelerates resolution of systemic inflammation in another
pulmonary infection (tuberculosis)
3. Next steps
3.1 Further research
More research is required to test the possibility that
Vitamin D deficiency predisposes to COVID-19. We also
recommend that hospitals consider assaying serum
Vitamin D levels in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
It will be important to compare the 25OHD levels between
those with asymptomatic or mild SARS-CoV-2 infection
and those with COVID-19.
3.2 Vitamin D supplementation
In order to prevent Vitamin D deficiency, NICE proposes
All adults living in the UK should be advised to take
a daily supplement containing 400 international units
(10 micrograms) of Vitamin D throughout the year,
including in the winter months.
Dietary and lifestyle advice should also be given.
We recommend that HMG provides a stronger approach
to Vitamin D intake. The magnitude of the dose should
be updated as more evidence becomes available. It is
important to emphasise that higher doses of Vitamin D
supplements are unnecessary in most individuals and
very high doses can be toxic.
1. NICE. 2018 Vitamin D deficiency in adults – treatment and prevention.
prevention#!topicSummary (accessed 10 June 2020).
2. SACN. 2016 Vitamin D and Health. The Scientific Advisory Committee on
Nutrition (SACN) recommendations on Vitamin D. See
uk/government/publications/sacn-vitamin-d-and-health-report (accessed
10 June 2020).
3. Op. cit., note 1
4. Institute of Medicine (US) Committee to Review Dietary Reference
Intakes for Vitamin D and Calcium. 2011 Dietary Reference Intakes
for Calcium and Vitamin D. National Academies Press (US). (doi:
5. Cashman KD et al. 2016 Vitamin D deficiency in Europe: pandemic?
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 103, 1033-1044. (doi:10.3945/
6. Op. cit., note 4
7. Bryson KJ, Nash AA, Norval M. 2014 Does Vitamin D protect against
respiratory viral infections? Epidemiol Infect, 142, 1789-1801. (doi:10.1017/
8. Greiller CL, Martineau AR. 2015 Modulation of the Immune Response to
Respiratory Viruses by Vitamin D. Nutrients, 7, 4240-4270. (doi:10.3390/
9. Greiller CL et al. 2019 Vitamin D attenuates rhinovirus-induced
expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and platelet-
activating factor receptor (PAFR) in respiratory epithelial cells. The
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 187, 152-159.
10. Telcian AG et al. 2017 Vitamin D increases the antiviral activity of
bronchial epithelial cells in vitro. Antiviral Research, 137, 93-101.
11. Hansdottir S et al. 2010 Vitamin D decreases respiratory syncytial virus
induction of NF-kappaB-linked chemokines and cytokines in airway
epithelium while maintaining the antiviral state. Journal of Immunology,
184, 965-74. (doi:10.4049/jimmunol.0902840).
12. Hansdottir, S et al. 2008 Respiratory epithelial cells convert inactive
Vitamin D to its active form: potential eects on host defense. Journal
of Immunology. 181, 7090-9. (doi:10.4049/jimmunol.181.10.7090).
13. Jolie DA, Griths, CJ, Martineau AR. 2013 Vitamin D in the prevention
of acute respiratory infection: systematic review of clinical studies.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 136, 321-329.
14. Martineau AR et al. 2017 Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute
respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of
individual participant data. BMJ, 356, i6583. (doi:10.1136/bmj.i6583).
15. Op. cit., note 5
16. Davies G, Garami AR, Byers JC. 2020 Evidence supports a
causal model for Vitamin D in COVID-19 Outcomes. medRxiv. (doi:
17. Op. cit., note 13
18. Raharusun P et al. 2020 Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D:
An Indonesian Study. SSRN. (doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3585561).
19. Ruan Q et al. 2020 Clinical predictors of mortality due to COVID-19
based on an analysis of data of 150 patients from Wuhan, China.
Intensive Care Medicine. 2020. 46, 846-848. (doi: 10.1007/s00134-020-
20. Coussens AK et al. 2012 Vitamin D accelerates resolution of
inflammatory responses during tuberculosis treatment. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
109, 15449-54. (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1200072109).
21. Op. cit., note 1
This paper has drawn on the most recent evidence up to 18 June 2020 and has not been subject to formal peer-review. Further evidence on this topic
is constantly published and the Royal Society may return to this topic in the future. This independent overview of the science has been provided in
good faith by subject experts and the Royal Society and paper authors accept no legal liability for decisions made based on this evidence.
The Royal Society is grateful to the Leverhulme Trust for its support for the Society’s pandemic response work.
The text of this work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, provided the original
author and source are credited. The license is available at:
Issued: June 2020 DES7067 © The Royal Society