Money Travels: 2024
Digital Remittances
Adoption Report
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2Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Table of
Executive Summary
Asia Pacic
Latin America
Middle East
North America
Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances
Adoption Report: Survey Methodology
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3Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Executive Summary
Billions worth of currency travels around the world every
second. And many of those billions come from individuals
— not just from the trading of stocks from brokers in capital
cities or businesses sending funds over country lines.
Remittances are human to human transactions. Often, these transactions
are from migrant workers who send funds to their loved ones in their
native countries. Remittances act as a lifeline for many families in
countries on every continent. Remittances to low- and middle-income
countries grew an estimated 3.8% in the past year
to reach a staggering
$669 billion in 2023.
By region, remittance inows grew for Latin America and the Caribbean
(8%), South Asia (7.2%), and East Asia and the Pacic (3%). Flows to the
Middle East and North Africa fell for the second year, declining (-5.3%)
mainly due to a sharp drop in ows to Egypt. Remittances to Europe and
Central Asia also fell (-1.4%) after gaining traction (18%+) in 2022.
Visa’s Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report survey
of nearly 45,000 remittance senders and receivers across 20 countries,
looks at some of the progress, and challenges, that exist today. This year’s
report surveyed twice as many countries as the 2023 study, taking a closer
look at remittance patterns, instances, digital app adoption, and barriers
for frictionless remittance payments. Sometimes, sending for a personal,
unexpected need was outweighed by a humanitarian need, showcasing
the true human-to-humanity impact of a digital transaction.
United States, Canada, Mexico,
Peru, Brazil, France, Poland,
United Kingdom, Germany,
Denmark, Sweden, Norway,
Philippines, Singapore, Australia,
Japan, China, India, United Arab
Emirates, and Saudi Arabia
nearly 45,000
remittance senders
and receivers surveyed
20 countries
By the numbers
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4Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Remittances, while transactional, are driven by an array of personal needs,
wants, and worldwide events. To sum up the 2024 survey ndings in a few
short takeaways:
Digital applications (apps) continue to be more and more adopted
— with digital remittances being the preferred method amongst
surveyed consumers across all surveyed countries.
Security is noted as a key benet of digital remittances. And app-
based digital payments are seen as more secure than any other
payment method.
Top reasons for sending remittances include helping those in need,
educational costs, and health costs.
Remitter pain points include — but are not limited to — high fees or
hidden fees that are surprising to both senders and receivers.
Rates of sending and receiving remittances vary widely by country
with a surprising overall slowdown in remittances due to an array of
economic factors.
Continue reading to further explore the rise of sending and receiving
via digital apps, the humanitarian assistance behind many of these
transactions, and how consumers see the safety and security benets of
digital remittances.
Executive Summary
2024 Visa Annual Remittances Adoption Survey conducted by Morning Consult
© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
5Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Money is traveling digitally
more than ever
munities and economies around the world. But money movement across borders can have
many pain points. Visa’s Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report survey
looks at some of those pain points as well as the progress being made today to solve them. It
also reveals new insights into how consumers around the globe see digital remittances. From
those countries surveyed, the highest rate of sending via digital apps are visualized below.
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6Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Global humanitarian aid
Report takes a closer look at remittance payments being sent for humanitarian need
reasons, highlighting the human impact of a digital transaction. Helping those in
lead remittance rationale for many respondents with improving future prospects,
supporting the lives of people in crisis, and educational and health costs rating high in
many countries.
© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
Money movement is personal.
One of our visions for Visa Direct
is to create new opportunities
for nancial inclusion and wealth
building by helping to simplify cross-
border payments and streamline
the way money travels. This
new research shows incredible
acceleration of digital payments, but
there is still more the industry can
do to bring streamlined remittances
within reach for more migrant
workers and their families who rely
on these lifeline payments.”
Vira Platonova
Chief Revenue Ocer, SVP, Global Money Movements at Visa
Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report 7
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8Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Australia, China, India, Japan, Philippines, Singapore Report Findings
Some of Asia Pacic’s participating countries lead the
world in remittance money movement. The frequen-
cy of sending/receiving at least once per year by
respondents is highest in all countries in the study in
China (99%/96%), followed by India (86%/85%), and
Singapore (86%/84%). Singapore respondents have
an active role in cross-border transactions to China
(18%), Malaysia (11%), and Australia (13%). Top coun-
tries for outgoing remittances by those surveyed in
India include the U.S. (31%), Australia (17%), Canada
(16%), and the UK (14%).
While frequency remains high, remittance users
surveyed in previous surveys have actually decreased
year-over-year (March 2024 from December 2022)
the Philippines (-7% sent/-24% received), and Singa-
pore (-9% sent/-10% received).
Throughout Asia, digital apps are the leading meth-
od for sending and receiving remittances abroad by
those surveyed, followed by digital remittances from
a physical location. Adoption of digital methods
is moderately high in this region, as approximate-
ly three quarters of remittance user respondents
in India (76%/77%), the Philippines (75%), China
(71%/71%), and Singapore (69%/71%) have used an
app-based digital payment method to send/receive
money internationally.
The high usage of digital apps is mostly attributed to
ease of use and safety. Those surveyed highest for
ease in sending/receiving in Asia Pacic include the
Philippines (53%/57%), India (53%/52%), and Singapore
(47%/47%). Of respondents who scored the highest
reason as safety were India (48%/50%), Philippines
(46%/49%), and Singapore (44%/47%). While those
surveyed in China didn’t score safety as high for send-
ing/receiving (34%/36%), it was followed up directly by
“peace of mind” by about a third (28%/32%).
High fees are the main pain point for digital remittance
users surveyed in all Asia Pacic markets measured.
In most Asia Pacic markets, 40-50% of respondents
(except in Australia with 33%) indicated they have been
oered a free transfer when sending cash, checks or
money orders, only to nd out there were hidden fees.
Respondents in China believe that receiving a cheque
in the mail/money order is the safest way to receive
money (40%) and is perceived to be safer than cash
due to their traceability and the ability to replace the
money order if it goes missing.
Asia Pacic
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9Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Australia, China, India, Japan, Philippines, Singapore Key Findings
Asia Pacic
The frequency of sending/receiving at least once
per year by respondents is highest in all counties
in the study in China (99%/96%), followed by India
(86%/85%), and Singapore (86%/84%).
Top reasons for sending or receiving remittances by
those surveyed across Asia Pacic are quite dier-
ent. Most surveyed in India (52%), Australia (49%),
and Singapore (49%) said it was for humanitarian
needs. In China (27%) and India (22%), respondents
said they sent money to improve future prospects,
higher than all other Asian markets. In China, those
surveyed indicated that accounts/investments are
a top reason for sending/ receiving remittances
(28%/41%). Interestingly, a top reason for receiving
money from overseas by respondents in Australia
is sending money to themselves from their own
accounts or investments (19%).
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10Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
The high usage of digital
apps is mostly attributed
to ease of use and safety.
Adoption of digital methods is moderately high
in this region, as approximately three quarters of
remittance user respondents in India (76%/77%), the
Philippines (75%), China (71%/71%), and Singapore
(69%/71%) have used an app-based digital payment
method to send/receive money internationally.
Most surveyed in India
(52%), Australia (49%), and
Singapore (49%) said their
top reason for sending or
receiving remittances was
for humanitarian needs.
Australia, China, India, Japan, Philippines, Singapore Key Findings
Asia Pacic
Australia Singapore
49% 49%
Money Travels: 2023 Digital Remittances Adoption
Report from Visa
Money movement is personal.
At Asia United Bank, we deeply understand
the critical role that remittances play in
the lives of countless Filipinos and we are
committed to making a profound dierence
to families, communities and economies,
not just here in the Philippines, but around
the world. Our long standing partnership
with Visa is a testament to this commitment,
enabling us to provide fast, easy, and secure
digital remittance. Our bank app allows
users to make fast, secure, and convenient
digital transfers at their ngertips. These
remittances, sent and received in a day, are
critical to supporting Filipinos’ daily needs
and major milestones. We’re not just moving
money, we’re moving lives forward.”
Abraham T. Co
Vice Chairman, Asia United Bank Corp
© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved. Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report 11
Money movement is personal.
The global payment ecosystem is
complex with banks, digital wallets,
and other highly localized payment
methods, often operating in silos
within very dierent regulatory
parameters. At Thunes, we close
the gap between these payment
systems to allow interoperability
and ensure fast, secure, and cost-
eective remittances. Adapting a
robust compliance framework to
comply with multiple jurisdiction
regulations is crucial for ecient
cross-border payments.”
Chloé Mayenobe
President and COO, Thunes
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© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
13Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the UK
Report Findings
All European countries surveyed except Poland send
money to other countries more frequently than they
receive money from abroad. Poland responders
receive remittances most frequently (65%) at least
once per year. Of those surveyed in Europe, Denmark
responders were least likely to send money to anoth-
er country in the next 12 months, noted by only one-
in-ve (20%). Even fewer Denmark respondents (16%)
noted they were less likely to receive remittances in
the next 12 months.
Both European countries surveyed year-over-year
reported declines in remittance usage: France (-18%
sending/-8% receiving) and Poland (-18% receiv-
ing/-10% sending), aligning with an overall decline
from respondents in all ten countries in the previous
year’s report. Yet the frequency of remittance use in
France is high among senders surveyed, as almost
three quarters (72%) typically send, and over half
(59%) typically receive money at least once per year.
The second highest frequency of remittance users
surveyed in Europe is in the UK, with two-thirds of
respondents (66%) having sent money at least once
per year, and more than half (59%) receiving money at
least once per year.
Digital apps are the leading method for sending and re-
ceiving remittances abroad by those surveyed, followed
by digital remittances from a physical location. Adoption
of digital methods is moderately high by those European
countries in the study. Between 50-71% of remittance
users surveyed in those countries have used an app-
based digital payment method to send/receive money
internationally. The highest percentage of respondents
in the countries surveyed include Germany (71%), UK
(68%), Sweden (67%), and Poland (66%).
All of the European countries’ respondents perceive
digital app payments as the most secure method for
sending/receiving remittances: UK (50%/51%), Germany
(56%/45%), France (47%/43%); Poland (48%/41%); Demark
(48%/48%); Sweden (49%/50%), and Norway (44%/52%).
High fees are the main pain point for digital remittance
users in all European markets measured. Among the
European markets’ respondents in the study, Poland
residents surveyed are most likely (31%) to have been
oered a free transfer when sending cash, checks or
money orders, only to nd out there were hidden fees,
while respondents in Sweden are least likely (18%) to
encounter that issue.
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14Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
surveyed in France (33%). Those surveyed in Norway
cited the top reason for receiving is for accounts or
investments (30%).
Supporting the lives of people in need and with
humanitarian assistance scored highest by those
surveyed in Norway (28%), France (27%), and Po-
land (23%). Only two European countries surveyed
responded to sending remittances for health or
education: Germany respondents sent for educa-
tion costs (41%) and health costs (37%); and France
respondents sent remittances for health costs (58%)
and education (53%).
Few respondents by those countries in the study
in Europe (5-15%) say they sent money to improve
future prospects.
Yet, the majority of respondents in Sweden (64%),
Germany (62%), UK (60%), Norway (59%), and Den-
mark (57%), sent digital remittances with no issues.
Reasons for sending and receiving remittances vary
greatly across surveyed European countries. The
top reason for sending remittances was due to an
unexpected need by those surveyed in France (33%),
Norway (28%), Poland (28%), and Denmark (23%).
Sending remittances for special occasions was the
top reason given by respondents in the UK (33%),
Germany (24%), and Sweden (23%).
The leading occasions for receiving remittances by
those respondents surveyed in all European mar-
kets showed receiving remittances are typically for
a holiday or special occasion with more than a third
Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the UK
Report Findings
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15Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the UK
Key Findings
All of the European countries’
respondents perceive digital
app payments as the most
secure method for sending/
receiving remittances.
High fees are the main pain
point for digital remittance
users in all European markets
Between 50-71% of remittance
users surveyed in those coun-
tries have used an app-based
digital payment method to send/
receive money internationally.
Sweden Poland
67% 66%
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16Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Supporting the lives of
people in need and with
humanitarian assistance
scored highest by those
surveyed in Norway
(28%), France (27%), and
Poland (23%).
France Poland
27% 23%
Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the UK
Key Findings
The top reason for sending remittances was due to an
unexpected need by those surveyed in France (33%),
Norway (28%), Poland (28%), and Denmark (23%).
Sending remittances for special occasions was the
top reason given by respondents in the UK (33%),
Germany (24%), and Sweden (23%).
Money movement is personal.
At Brightwell we know there’s a human
at the end of a payment. Our cross-
border payment services, utilizing
Visa Direct, prioritize real human
connections over technicalities,
understanding that money often
travels from one real person to
another, bridging gaps and supporting
communities in need. We strive to
make this process as frictionless as
possible, allowing global money users
to access their funds and send support
back home with the same ease as
domestic transactions.”
Larry Hipp
CEO, Brightwell
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© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
18Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Brazil, Mexico, Peru Report Findings
Latin American respondents are regular remittance
users. Frequency by those surveyed in Peru and Bra-
zil is moderately high, with three-quarters sending
money at least once a year (75-76%). The frequency
of sending by those surveyed is slightly lower (64%)
in Mexico. Frequency of respondents receiving is
similar among all Latin American countries (70-80%
receive at least once per year). Likewise, nearly two-
in-three (64%) of those respondents in Mexico have
sent money and almost three-in-four (71%) who have
received money do so at least once per year.
Like many countries around the world, remittance
usage of those year-over-year respondents in Mexico
and Peru has softened from March 2024 vs. Decem-
ber 2022
(Mexico -18% received/-5% sent and Peru
-13% received/-10% sent).
Adoption of digital apps for sending/receiving re-
mittances is highest globally by those respondents
in Brazil (80%/84%). Digital apps also are the lead-
ing method in Latin America for sending/receiving
remittances abroad by those surveyed in Mexico
(64%/59%) and Peru (61%/56%). Many remittance
users who responded see themselves using digital
money transfers more often in the future in Brazil
(57%), Peru (36%) and Mexico (35%).
Peru respondents cited “makes it easier” as the top
reason to send/receive remittances via digital app
(39%/40%) — likewise by those surveyed in Brazil
(51%/46%). Another top reason for sending/receiving
via digital app by those surveyed was “safety” in Mexico
(35%/34%), in Peru (30%/34%), and in Brazil (42%/42%).
Top reasons of those surveyed for sending remittanc-
es are due to an unexpected need in Peru (27%) and
Mexico (36%), or own accounts/investments in Brazil
(37%). Leading occasions for receiving remittances
by respondents are for an unexpected need in Peru
(23%), regular remittances in Mexico (29%), or own
accounts/investments in Brazil (34%). Few residents
of Latin America (5-15%) say they sent money to im-
prove future prospects.
High fees are the main pain point for digital remittance
users surveyed in Mexico, Peru and Brazil, though
about two-fths report using digital payments with no
issues. In all three markets, about 3 in 10 respondents
indicated that they have been oered a free transfer
when sending cash, checks or money orders, only to
nd out there were hidden fees. In varying degrees,
these hidden fees when sending cash, checks or
money orders were raised as a concern in all three
countries Brazil (57%), Peru (27%), and Mexico (25%).
Latin America
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19Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Brazil, Mexico, Peru Key Findings
Latin America
Frequency of respondents receiving is similar among
the Latin American countries surveyed (70-80%
receive at least once per year).
Frequency by those surveyed in Peru and Brazil
is moderately high, with three-quarters sending
money at least once a year (75-76%).
In all three markets, about 3 in 10 respondents
indicated that they have been oered a free transfer
when sending cash, checks or money orders, only to
nd out there were hidden fees.
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20Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
Adoption of digital apps for sending/receiving
remittances is highest globally by those respondents
in Brazil (80%/84%).
Brazil, Mexico, Peru Key Findings
Latin America
Many remittance users who re-
sponded see themselves using
digital money transfers more of-
ten in the future in Brazil (57%),
Peru (36%), and Mexico (35%).
Brazil: Receiving
Brazil: Sending
Money Travels: 2023 Digital Remittances Adoption
Report from Visa
Money movement is personal.
As the world becomes more interconnected, the
ow of global remittances continues to play a
pivotal role in supporting and sustaining the
livelihoods of families around the world. These
funds not only foster nancial well-being for
individuals, but also fuel economic stability in
emerging markets. At Remitly, we recognize the
gravity of these funds, and we’re committed to
transforming the global remittance landscape
through innovation, technology, and strategic
partnerships. We strive to delight our customers
with an unparalleled experience marked by trust,
reliability, and transparency.
Our partnership with Visa enhances our ability
to achieve these goals, enabling fast, secure
transactions that support customers sending to
their loved ones across the globe.”
Matt Oppenheimer
Co-founder & CEO, Remitly
Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report 21
© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
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22Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
KSA, UAE Report Findings
Remittance frequency is high by those respondents
in the Middle East. While residents surveyed in both
the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia
(KSA) send remittances to other countries more fre-
quently than they receive from abroad, both were
notable: UAE residents reported that they sent/
received (95%/81%) international remittances once
or more a year compared to respondents in KSA
Overall remittance usage — both sending/receiving
— by those surveyed in the Middle East has declined
year over year (March 2024 v. December 2022)
(-10%/-6%) and KSA (-11%/-13%). Yet, more than half
(59%) of KSA and three-quarters (73%) of UAE resi-
dents surveyed plan on sending more or the same
amount of money to another country in 2024.
When sending remittances abroad, only Middle
East respondents in the global survey reported
that they more frequently send digital remittances
from a physical location in KSA (64%) and UAE (58%)
than using a digital app in KSA (51%) and UAE (57%).
However, digital apps are the most popular format
for receiving remittances by respondents in UAE
(63%) and KSA (67%). Adoption of digital methods
Middle East
by those surveyed is moderately high in the UAE and
KSA as more than half (50-60%) have used a digital
app for sending, while almost two thirds (60-70%) of
respondents have used an app for receiving money
from overseas.
Ease of use in UAE (50%/44%) and KSA (49%/47%)
and security in UAE (43%/43%) and KSA (44%/45%)
are the top benets of sending/receiving international
payments digitally according to respondents those
surveyed in the Middle East. Around half (52%) of KSA
remittance users surveyed and more than half (56%)
of remittance users in the UAE expect to use digital
transfers more often in the future.
Consistent with ndings in other regions, high fees are
the main pain point for digital remittance app users
surveyed in the Middle East. Another common pain
point for respondents in the Middle East relates to
issues calculating the exchange rate. Many surveyed
in the UAE (51%) and KSA (42%) also indicated that they
have been oered a free transfer when sending cash,
checks or money orders, only to nd out there were
hidden fees.
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23Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
About half of those surveyed in the Middle East —
UAE (56%) and KSA (46%) — stated that supporting
the lives of people in crisis was important to them,
sending remittances to specic and general human-
itarian needs. Other top reasons for sending remit-
tances in the UAE are regular remittances (47%) and
unexpected needs (41%) and in the KSA are unex-
pected needs (40%) and regular remittances (38%).
Leading occasions for receiving remittances by
those respondents are for unexpected needs
in KSA (20%) and UAE (30%). That is followed by
receiving for their own accounts/investments in
KSA (27%) and UAE (29%) or special occasions in
KSA (22%) and UAE (27%). A meaningful number of
senders (10-20%) surveyed in both markets say they
sent money to improve future prospects.
UAE residents reported that they sent/received
(95%/81%) international remittances once or more a
year compared to respondents in KSA (87%/73%).
KSA, UAE Key Findings
Middle East
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24Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
When sending remittances abroad, only Middle East
respondents in the global survey reported that they
more frequently send digital remittances from a
physical location in KSA (64%) and UAE (58%) than
using a digital app in KSA (51%) and UAE (57%). How-
ever, digital apps are the most popular format for
receiving remittances by respondents in UAE (63%)
and KSA (67%).
Of those surveyed in the Middle East — UAE (56%)
and KSA (46%) — stated that supporting the lives
of people in crisis was important to them, sending
remittances to specic and general
humanitarian needs.
KSA, UAE Key Findings
Middle East
Money Travels: 2023 Digital Remittances Adoption
Report from Visa
Money movement is personal.
An international money transfer
between two individuals is more
than just a transaction, it’s often a
means of survival. Every day, we see
our customers sending money home
to support basic needs like food and
shelter. That’s why it’s crucial that we
continue to get this right. Thanks to
our partnership with Visa Direct, we’re
able to seamlessly reach millions of
additional digital endpoints, enabling
the quick and easy movement of
money to people around the world.”
Alex Holmes
CEO, MoneyGram
Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report 25© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
26Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
U.S., Canada Report Findings
Frequency of remittances are noticeably dierent
across North America countries surveyed. Most
respondents in the U.S. send/receive international
remittances at least once per year (71%/61%)
compared to respondents in Canada (59%/44%).
Overall sending/receiving remittances has decreased
year-over-year (March 2024 v. December 2022) by
respondents in the U.S. (-5%/12%%) and respondents
in Canada (-13%/-8%).
Digital apps are the leading method for sending/
receiving remittances abroad by respondents in
both the U.S. (68%/66%) and Canada (64%/66%) —
with more than a quarter (27%) of users in Canada
saying they are using this tool more than they were
a year ago.
Those surveyed in North America cite “ease of use”
as a top benet of app-based digital payments for
sending/receiving remittances in the U.S. (43%/44%)
and in Canada (45%/39%). This was followed by
“security” from respondents in the U.S. (36%/43%)
and in Canada (37%/42%).
High fees are the main pain point for digital remittance
users surveyed in the U.S. (28%) and Canada (43%),
though almost half report using digital payments with
no issues. However, in both countries, about 3-in-10
respondents indicated they have been oered a free
transfer when sending cash, checks or money orders,
only to nd out there were hidden fees.
One of the top remittance reasons in both countries
surveyed cited giving to specic and general
humanitarian causes — U.S. (35%) and Canada (27%).
That reason for sending remittances by respondents
was supported by education costs in the U.S. (35%)
and Canada (47%) and health costs in the U.S. (40%)
and Canada (41%).
More than a third of those surveyed in both the U.S. and
Canada send remittances due to an unexpected need,
with a special occasion close behind in the U.S. (27%)
and Canada (31%). Leading occasions for receiving
remittances by respondents are typically for a special
occasion in the U.S. (33%) and Canada (34%), followed
by a holiday (29%) in both countries. Only about one
in ten (10%) surveyed in both Canada and the U.S. say
they sent money to improve future prospects.
North America
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27Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
U.S., Canada Key Findings
Digital apps are the leading method for sending/receiv-
ing remittances abroad by respondents in both the
U.S. (68%/66%) and Canada (64%/66%) — with more
than a quarter (27%) of users in Canada saying they are
using this tool more than they were a year ago.
North America
Most U.S. respondents send/receive international
remittances at least once per year (71%/61%)
compared to respondents in Canada (59%/44%).
© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
28Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
One of the top remittance reasons in both countries
surveyed cited giving to specic and general hu-
manitarian causes — U.S. (35%) and Canada (27%).
That reason for sending remittances by respon-
dents was supported by education costs in the
U.S. (35%) and Canada (47%) and health costs in
the U.S. (40%) and Canada (41%).
Those surveyed in North America cite “ease of use”
as a top benefit of app-based digital payments
for sending/receiving remittances in the U.S.
(43%/44%) and in Canada (45%/39%).
North America
U.S., Canada Key Findings
Money movement is personal.
Western Union and Visa share
a mission to serve aspiring
populations around the world
by providing convenient and
accessible nancial services.
By integrating the collective
global reach of Western Union’s
network with Visa Direct, our
two organizations provide a
vital channel to move money
cross-border, and in turn,
create better lives.”
Sam Jawad
Head of Ecosystem Business, Western Union
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© 2024 Visa. All rights reserved.
Money Travels:
2024 Digital Remittances
Adoption Report:
Survey Methodology
Visa Money Travels: 2024 Digital Remittances Adoption Report
was conducted by Visa and Morning Consult during December
2023 – March 2024, among a sample of nearly 45,000 remittance
senders and receivers across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Peru,
Brazil, France, Poland, UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway,
Philippines, Singapore, Australia, Japan, China, India, UAE, and
KSA. The interviews were conducted online. Within each country
survey respondents are weighted based on census estimates for
age, gender, education, and region.
For More Information on How Money Travels
A new The Connective Power of Remittances” Nonstop Guide explores the rise of digital remittances, the tales
behind these types of payments and how the digital revolution is helping streamline remittance payments.
For more information about Visa Direct, please visit:
United States, Canada, Mexico,
Peru, Brazil, France, Poland,
United Kingdom, Germany,
Denmark, Sweden, Norway,
Philippines, Singapore, Australia,
Japan, China, India, United Arab
Emirates, and Saudi Arabia
nearly 45,000
remittance senders
and receivers surveyed
20 countries
By the numbers