Installation Guide
Content Gateway
Websense Web Security Gateway
Installation Guide for Websense Content Gateway / Websense Web Security Gateway
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Installation Guide 3
Chapter 1 Prerequisites and Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Pre-installation considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Upgrading from a previous version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Physical security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Implementing security through software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
IPTables Firewall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Configuring the router. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Configuring client browsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Network configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Explicit deployment, single proxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Explicit deployment, multiple proxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Transparent deployment, single proxy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Transparent deployment, multiple proxies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Cache Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Websense filtering software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Online Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Technical Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Chapter 2 Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Operating system information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Information needed when you install Websense Content Gateway. . . . 26
Information needed for proxy deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Hardware checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Chapter 3 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Downloading Websense Content Gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Installing Websense Content Gateway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Uninstalling Websense Content Gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Chapter 4 Post-Installation Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Running with Web Filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
TRITON - Web Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Content Gateway Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Enable SSL Manager and WCCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Running with Websense Data Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Installation Guide 5
Prerequisites and
Websense Content Gateway runs with either Websense Web Security or Websense
Web Filter to provide the advantages of a proxy cache, improving bandwidth usage
and network performance by storing requested Web pages and, while a stored page is
considered fresh, serving that Web page to the requesting client.
In addition, Websense Content Gateway can scan for content categorization. This
feature examines the content on Web pages that are not included in the Websense
Master Database and on pages that Websense has determined to have rapidly changing
content. After this examination, Websense Content Gateway returns a recommended
category to Websense filtering software, which then permits or blocks the Web page
depending on the policy in effect.
Websense Web Security Gateway and Web Security Gateway Anywhere subscribers
get the following features, in addition to the standard Websense filtering and proxy
Security scanning, which inspects incoming Web pages to immediately block
malicious code, such as phishing, malware, and viruses.
Advanced file scanning, which offers both traditional antivirus scanning and
advanced detection techniques for discovering and blocking infected and
malicious files users are attempting to download.
Content stripping, which removes active content (code written in selected
scripting languages) from incoming Web pages.
See the TRITON - Web Security Help for information on the scanning options.
When installed as part of Websense Web Security Gateway Anywhere, Websense
Content Gateway also works with Websense Data Security Management Server to
prevent data loss over Web channels. For more information, see the Websense Web
Security Gateway Anywhere Getting Started Guide.
Websense Content Gateway can behave as an explicit or transparent proxy.
In an explicit proxy deployment, client browsers must be configured to point to
Websense Content Gateway.
In a transparent proxy deployment, client requests are intercepted and redirected
to Websense Content Gateway by an external network device (required).
Prerequisites and Preparation
6 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
If you enable SSL Manager, in addition to filtering HTTPS URLs, the content on
those pages is decrypted, examined for security issues, and, if appropriate, re-
encrypted and forwarded to the destination.
When you run Websense Content Gateway with Websense Data Security, which
inspects HTTPS and FTP traffic, you must enable the SSL Manager feature. See the
Content Gateway Manager Help for information on SSL Manager.
Pre-installation considerations
Before you install Websense Content Gateway, consider:
System security. Your network can carry sensitive data. SSL Manager lets you
have data decrypted and then re-encrypted on the way to its destination. Consider
locking down your system as much as possible to prevent others from seeing your
data. See Security, page 7.
Network configuration. Websense Content Gateway can run as an explicit proxy
(where browsers point to Websense Content Gateway), or a transparent proxy
(where traffic is redirected through a WCCP-enabled router or a Layer 4 switch in
your network and the ARM, Adaptive Redirection Module, feature of Websense
Content Gateway). See Network configuration, page 16 and see the Content
Gateway Manager Help for information on the ARM.
Websense Content Gateway can proxy HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and other protocols.
To transparently proxy protocols other than HTTP through a WCCP-enabled
router, the router must use WCCP v2, which supports redirection of multiple
System requirements. Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements
listed in System requirements, page 17.
Upgrading from a previous version
Websense Content Gateway version 7.5 is certified on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5,
update 3 and update 4. These Red Hat versions were not supported by any prior
version of Websense Content Gateway. A direct upgrade from a prior version of
Websense Content Gateway to version 7.5 is not possible.
To migrate to Websense Content Gateway 7.5, update your operating system to the
required version (see System requirements, page 17) or obtain a machine running the
required operating system. Then install Websense Content Gateway 7.5 as a new
Installation Guide 7
Prerequisites and Preparation
As noted in Pre-installation considerations, Websense Content Gateway can run in
either an explicit or transparent deployment. In explicit deployments, client browsers
are pointed to Websense Content Gateway. You accomplish this with a PAC file, with
WPAD, or by having the user edit browser settings to point to Websense Content
Gateway. See the Content Gateway Manager Help for information on PAC files and
In transparent deployments, client requests are intercepted and redirected to Websense
Content Gateway without client involvement. See the Content Gateway Manager Help
for additional information on configuring a WCCP-enabled router or a Layer 4 switch,
and about the ARM (Adaptive Redirection Module).
One issue to consider with explicit deployment is that a user can point his or her
browser to another destination to bypass Websense Content Gateway. You can address
this concern by setting and propagating browser configuration in your organization
through Group Policy. For more information about Group Policy, search the Microsoft
TechNet Web site at
This section covers:
Physical security, page 7
Implementing security through software, page 7
IPTables Firewall, page 9
Configuring the router, page 14
Configuring client browsers, page 15
Physical security
Physical access to the system can be a security risk. Unauthorized users could gain
access to the file system, and under more extreme circumstances, examine traffic
passing through Websense Content Gateway. It is strongly recommended that the
Websense Content Gateway server be locked in an IT closet and that a BIOS password
be enabled.
Implementing security through software
Implement the following recommendations, as appropriate, to ensure the tightest
security possible:
Root permissions, page 8
Ports, page 8
Prerequisites and Preparation
8 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Root permissions
Ensure that root permissions are restricted to a select few persons. This important
restriction helps preclude unauthorized access to the Websense Content Gateway file
Websense Content Gateway uses the following ports. They must be open to support
the full set of Websense Web Security Gateway features. These are all TCP ports,
unless otherwise noted.
Restrict inbound traffic to as many other ports as possible on the Websense Content
Gateway server. In addition, if your subscription does not include certain features, you
can restrict inbound traffic to the unneeded ports. For example, if your subscription
does not include Websense Data Security, you may choose to restrict inbound traffic to
those ports related to Websense Data Security (e.g., 5819, 5820, 5821, and so forth).
If you customized any ports that Websense software uses
for communication, replace the default port shown below
with the custom port you implemented.
Port Function
21 FTP
22 SSH for command-line access
53 DNS
443 Inbound for transparent HTTPS proxy
2121 FTP
2048 WCCP for transparent proxy (if used)
3130 (UDP) ICP for ICP Cache Hierarchy
5819 Websense Data Security fingerprint detection
5820 Websense Data Security fingerprint synchronization
5821 Websense Data Security fingerprint configuration
5822 Websense Data Security fingerprint configuration
5823 Websense Data Security fingerprint configuration
8071 SSL Manager interface
8080 Inbound for explicit HTTP and HTTPS proxy
8081 Websense Content Gateway management interface
8082 Overseer for clustering
Installation Guide 9
Prerequisites and Preparation
IPTables Firewall
If your server is running the Linux IPTables firewall, you must configure the rules in a
way that enables Websense Content Gateway to operate effectively.
The following list of rules is organized into groups that address different deployments.
Be sure the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file contains all the rules from each section that
apply to your network:
All deployments, page 10
Local Policy Server, page 11
Remote Policy Server, page 12
Local Filtering Service, page 12
Remote Filtering Service, page 12
Websense Data Security, page 13
Cluster, page 13
8083 Autoconfiguration for clustering
8084 Process Manager for clustering
8085 Logging server for clustering
8086 Clustering
8087 Reliable service for clustering
8088 (UDP) Multicast for clustering
8089 (UDP) SNMP encapsulation
8090 HTTPS outbound (between Websense Content Gateway
and the SSL outbound proxy)
8880 Websense Data Security configuration
8888 Websense Data Security configuration deployment and
system health information
8889 Websense Data Security configuration deployment and
system health information
8892 Websense Data Security system logging
9080 Websense Data Security statistics and system health
9081 Websense Data Security statistics and system health
9090 Websense Data Security diagnostics
9091 Websense Data Security diagnostics
18303 Websense Data Security local analysis
18404 Websense Data Security remote analysis
Port Function
Prerequisites and Preparation
10 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Cache hierarchy, page 13
Transparent proxy, page 14
FTP, page 14
Optional features, page 14
If Websense Content Gateway is configured to use multiple NICs, for each rule that
applies to an interface, specify the appropriate NIC with the “-i” option (“-i” means
only match if the incoming packet is on the specified interface). Typically, multiple
interfaces are divided into these roles:
Management interface (MGMT_NIC) - The physical interface used by the system
administrator to manage the computer.
Internet-facing interface (WAN_NIC) - The physical interface used to request
pages from the Internet (usually the most secure interface).
Client-facing interface (CLIENT_NIC) - The physical interface used by the
clients to request data from Websense Content Gateway.
Cluster interface (CLUSTER_NIC) - The physical interface used by Websense
Content Gateway to communicate with members of the cluster.
In the list of rules, the associated interface is shown with the “-i” option. In one rule
“lo” is specified; “lo” is the local loopback interface.
All the rules in the following sections must be preceded by
iptables in the file. For
iptables -i eth0 -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
For a list of rules that shows each complete command, go to the Websense Knowledge
Base, log in to the Web Security Gateway area, and search for the article titled
Configuring IPTables for Websense Content Gateway. The article also links to an
example iptables script.
All deployments
These rules are required to enable Content Gateway communications, regardless of
the deployment.
The following rules should be first.
If you customized any ports that Websense software uses
for communication, replace the default port shown in the
following rules with the custom port you implemented.
Disable tracking of internal
-I OUTPUT -o lo -t raw -j NOTRACK
Note:This rule must be the first output rule invoked.
Block ALL inbound
--policy INPUT DROP
Installation Guide 11
Prerequisites and Preparation
The following rules are important for general system security, and should be entered
immediately after the first rule:
The next group is required for Websense Content Gateway to receive and proxy
In addition to the above rules, it is a best practice to increase the size of
ip_conntrack_max to 100000 to improve performance. Typically, this can be done
using the following command:
/sbin/sysctl net.ipv4.ip_conntrack_max=100000
Note that this should be done after iptables is invoked. Also, this change in value will
not be preserved after reboot unless you configure your system to set this value upon
startup. To do so, add the following line to /etc/sysctl.conf:
Local Policy Server
Include these rules in your IPTables firewall if the Websense Policy Server runs on the
Content Gateway machine.
Allow ALL outbound
Block ALL forward requests
Allow ALL traffic on the local
(loopback) interface
-I INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL responses on
established connections
-I INPUT -m state --state
Allow ALL inbound port 22
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22
Allow ALL inbound ICMP
Allow ALL inbound port 8070
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8070 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 8071
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8071 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 8080
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8080 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 8081
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8081 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 40000
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
40000 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 55806
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
55806 -j ACCEPT
Prerequisites and Preparation
12 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Remote Policy Server
Include this rule in your IPTables firewall if the Websense Policy Server does not run
on the Content Gateway machine. This is required because Websense Content
Gateway has bidirectional communication over ephemeral ports.
Be sure to replace <Policy Server IP> in the command with the actual IP address of
the Policy Server machine.
Local Filtering Service
Include these rules in your IPTables firewall if the Websense Filtering Service runs on
the Content Gateway machine.
Remote Filtering Service
Include this rule in your IPTables firewall if the Websense Filtering Service does not
run on the Content Gateway machine. This is required because Websense Content
Gateway has bidirectional communication over ephemeral ports.
Be sure to replace <Filtering Service IP> in the command with the actual IP address
of the Filtering Service machine.
Allow ALL inbound port 55880
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
55880 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 55905
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p udp --dport
55905 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL from
<Policy Server IP>
ports 1024+
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp
-s <Policy Server IP> --dport 1024:65535
Allow ALL inbound port 55807
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
55807 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 15868
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
15868 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL from
<Filtering Service IP>
ports 1024+
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp
-s <Filtering Service IP> --dport 1024:65535
Installation Guide 13
Prerequisites and Preparation
Websense Data Security
Include the following rules in your IPTables firewall if Websense Content Gateway is
installed as part of Websense Web Security Gateway Anywhere or deployed with
Websense Data Security.
Include the following rules in your IPTables firewall if you have multiple instances of
Websense Content Gateway in a cluster.
Cache hierarchy
Include the following rule in your IPTables firewall if you have multiple instances of
Websense Content Gateway in a cache hierarchy.
Allow ALL inbound port 5820
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
5820 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 8880
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8880 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 8888
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8888 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 8889
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8889 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 9080
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
9080 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 9090
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
9090 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound tcp on port
-i <CLUSTER_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp
--dport 8086 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound udp on port
-i <CLUSTER_NIC> -I INPUT -p udp
--dport 8086 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound tcp on port
-i <CLUSTER_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp
--dport 8087 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound udp on port
-i <CLUSTER_NIC> -I INPUT -p udp
--dport 8088 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound udp on the
multicast IP address
-i <CLUSTER_NIC> -I INPUT -p udp
-d <Multicast_IP_Address> -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 3130
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p udp --dport
3130 -j ACCEPT
Prerequisites and Preparation
14 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Transparent proxy
Include the following rules in your IPTables firewall if your network uses transparent
Include the appropriate rules, below, in your IPTables firewall if you plan to proxy
FTP traffic (optional).
Optional features
Include the appropriate rules, below, in your IPTables firewall if you use the features
Configuring the router
For transparent proxy deployment, it is recommended that you configure your router
to use WCCP v2, which can support both the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. See the
Content Gateway Manager Help for additional information on configuring a WCCP-
enabled router or a Layer 4 switch and on the ARM (Adaptive Redirection Module).
Allow ALL inbound port 80
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
80 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 443
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
443 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 2048 -
for WCCP
(used only if your network uses
WCCP for transparent proxy)
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p udp --dport
2048 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 53 - for
DNS (optional)
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p udp --dport
53 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 5353 -
for DNS (optional)
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p udp --dport
5353 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 21 - for
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
21 -j ACCEPT
Allow ALL inbound port 2121 -
for FTP
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
2121 -j ACCEPT
Allow gathering of statistics over
the overseer port
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8082 -j ACCEPT
Allow PAC file distribution from
Websense Content Gateway
(Browser Auto-Config)
-i <CLIENT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8083 -j ACCEPT
Allow collation of logs for
multiple proxies
-i <MGMT_NIC> -I INPUT -p tcp --dport
8085 -j ACCEPT
Installation Guide 15
Prerequisites and Preparation
Configuring client browsers
For explicit proxy deployments, you must configure each client browser to send
Internet requests to Websense Content Gateway, over the ports that Websense Content
Gateway uses for the associated protocol.
The default proxy port in Websense Content Gateway for both HTTP and HTTPS
traffic is 8080.
Use the instructions below to configure client browsers manually. Alternatively, use a
PAC or WPAD file to configure client browsers.
Configuring Internet Explorer 7.0 and later
1. From the Internet Explorer browser, select Tools > Internet Options >
Connections > LAN Settings.
2. Select Use a proxy server for your LAN.
3. Click Advanced.
4. For HTTP, enter the Websense Content Gateway IP address and specify port
5. For Secure, enter the Websense Content Gateway IP address and specify port
6. Clear Use the same proxy server for all protocols.
7. Click OK to close each screen in this dialog box.
Configuring Firefox 3.0
1. From the Firefox browser, select Tools > Options > Advanced, and then select
the Network tab.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select Manual proxy configuration.
4. For HTTP Proxy, enter the Websense Content Gateway IP address and specify
port 8080.
5. For SSL Proxy, enter the Websense Content Gateway IP address and specify port
6. Click OK to close each screen in this dialog box.
The instructions below are for the most common client
browsers. For other client browsers refer to the browser’s
documentation for instructions on manual explicit proxy
Prerequisites and Preparation
16 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Network configuration
Consider how Websense Content Gateway will be used in your network:
Explicit deployment, single proxy
Explicit deployment, multiple proxies
Transparent deployment, single proxy
Transparent deployment, multiple proxies
These configurations are described below. For other deployment options, see the
Websense Deployment Guide Supplement, Deploying with Websense Content
Explicit deployment, single proxy
Explicit proxy deployment requires pointing the client browser to Websense Content
Gateway. HTTP, or HTTPS, or FTP over HTTP traffic gets to Websense Content
Gateway because you configure the browser manually, or through a PAC or WPAD
file. Explicit proxy deployment does not require a WCCP-enabled router. The
configuration can also be through a Group Policy.
Because the client browser must be configured to point to Websense Content
Gateway, there is some risk that users will edit their browser settings to avoid
Websense Content Gateway. This risk can be mitigated by corporate outbound
firewall rules.
Explicit deployment, multiple proxies
Multiple proxies can provide for redundancy using Virtual Router Redundancy
Protocol (VRRP). Using a single IP address, requests are sent to an alternate proxy in
the event of failure. VRRP is not invoked until there is a failure with one of the
proxies. See RFC 3768
for information on VRRP.
Transparent deployment, single proxy
In transparent deployment, traffic is redirected to Websense Content Gateway via a
WCCP-enabled router or Layer 4 switch in your network.
See the Content Gateway Manager Help for additional information on configuring a
WCCP-enabled router or a Layer 4 switch, and about the ARM (Adaptive Redirection
Transparent deployment, multiple proxies
A WCCP-enabled router can help facilitate load balancing among proxies.
Installation Guide 17
Prerequisites and Preparation
System requirements
Hardware, page 17
Software, page 18
Cache Disk, page 19
CPU Quad-core running at 2.8 GHz or faster
Memory 4 GB
Disk space 2 disks:
100 GB for the operating system, Websense Content
Gateway, and temporary data.
147 GB for caching
If caching will not be used, this disk is not required.
The caching disk:
Should have minimum size of 2 GB, maximum
147 GB for optimal performance
Must be a raw disk, not a mounted file system (for
instructions on creating a raw disk from a mounted
file system, see Cache Disk, page 19.)
Must be dedicated
–Must not be part of a software RAID
Should be, for best performance, a 10K RPM SAS
disk on a controller that has at least 64MB of write-
through cache
Network Interfaces 2
Prerequisites and Preparation
18 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
To support transparent proxy deployments:
Linux operating system:
Websense Content Gateway version 7.5 is certified on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5, update 3 and update 4, base or Advanced Platform (32-bit only)
Although not certified, Websense, Inc. provides "best effort" support for
newer versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Under "best effort" support,
Websense Technical Support makes a best effort to troubleshoot cases in
standard fashion unless the issue is deemed a Red Hat Enterprise Linux-
specific issue, at which point you must contact Red Hat directly for
Only kernels shipped with the above Linux versions are supported by
Websense Content Gateway. Visit for kernel
information. To display the kernel version installed on your system, enter
the command:
/bin/uname -r
PAE (Physical Address Extension)-enabled kernel required
By default, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, update 3 and later has PAE
enabled. If you are running the non-PAE kernel, reboot with the PAE-
enabled kernel before installing Websense Content Gateway.
RPM compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3.i386.rpm (or higher version of this
Router WCCP v1 routers support redirection of HTTP only. If
your deployment requires additional protocols, such as
HTTPS, your router must support WCCP v2.
A Cisco router must run IOS 12.2 or later.
The clients, the destination Web server, and Websense
Content Gateway must reside on different subnets.
Layer 4 switch You may use a Layer 4 switch rather than a router.
To support WCCP, a Cisco switch requires the EMI or IP
services image of the 12.2SE IOS release (or later).
Websense Content Gateway must be Layer 2 adjacent to
the switch.
The switch must be able to rewrite the destination MAC
address of frames traversing the switch.
The switch must be able to match traffic based on the
layer 4 protocol port (i.e., TCP port 80).
If SELinux is enabled, disable it before installing
Websense Content Gateway.
Installation Guide 19
Prerequisites and Preparation
To display a list of RPMs installed on your system with the string “compat-
libstdc” in their name, enter the command:
rpm -qa |grep compat-libstdc
GNU C library (glibc) version 2.5-42 or later
Note that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, update 3 ships with glibc version
2.5-34. Be sure to update it to version 2.5-42 or later.
Example command to update this library (running as
root): yum update
Websense Web filtering products
Websense Web Security Gateway, Websense
Web Security, Websense Web Filter:
Ver sion 7. 5
Integration with Websense Data Security:
Version 7.5
The order of installation does not matter. Websense Data Security may be
installed before or after Websense Content Gateway.
Version 7.x prior to 7.5
Must use ICAP. See the Content Gateway Manager Help for configuration
Web browsers:
Websense Content Gateway is configured and maintained with a Web-based
user interface called the Content Gateway Manager. Content Gateway
Manager supports the following Web browsers:
Internet Explorer 7 or 8
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.x - 3.5.x
Cache Disk
For Websense Content Gateway to operate as a caching proxy, it must have access to
at least one raw disk. Otherwise, Content Gateway can function as a proxy only.
Websense filtering software must be installed prior to
Websense Content Gateway. When the filtering software is
installed, Websense Content Gateway must be specified as
the integration product. For more information, see
Websense filtering software, page 21.
The browser restrictions mentioned above apply only to
the Content Gateway Manager and not to client browsers
proxied by Websense Content Gateway.
Prerequisites and Preparation
20 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
To create a raw disk for the proxy cache when all disks have a mounted file system:
1. Enter the following command at the prompt to examine which file systems are
mounted on the disk you want to use for the proxy cache:
df -k
2. Open the file /etc/fstab and comment out or delete the file system entries for the
3. Save and close the file.
4. Enter the following command for each file system you want to unmount:
umount <file_system>
where <file_system> is the file system you want to unmount.
When the Content Gateway installer prompts you for a cache disk, select the raw disk
you created.
This procedure is necessary only if you want to use a disk
already mounted to a file system as a cache disk for
Content Gateway. Perform this procedure before installing
Content Gateway.
Do not use an LVM (Logical Volume Manager) volume as
a cache disk.
The Content Gateway installer will irretrievably clear the
contents of cache disks.
It is possible to add cache disks after Content Gateway is
installed. For instructions, see the Websense Security
Gateway Knowledge Base:
1. Log into
2. Click Support.
3. Under Knowledge Base, select Websense
Security Gateway.
4. Search for Adding cache disks after installation.
Installation Guide 21
Prerequisites and Preparation
Websense filtering software
You must install your Websense filtering software (Websense Web Filter or Websense
Web Security) before installing Websense Content Gateway. Be sure to install your
filtering software in integrated mode, selecting Websense Content Gateway as the
integration product. See the Websense Web Security and Websense Web Filter
Installation Guide.
Be sure to note the IP addresses of Policy Server and Filtering Service. You will need
them when installing Websense Content Gateway.
Online Help
Select the Help option in Websense Content Gateway Manager to display detailed
information about using the product.
To view Websense Content Gateway Knowledge Base articles:
1. Log in to MyWebsense
2. Click the Support tab and select Websense Security Gateway from the
Knowledge Base drop down list.
3. Enter the article title or number in the Search box.
Be sure that hostname and DNS are configured before
installing your Websense products (see Operating system
information, page 25). In addition, synchronize the time on
the filtering-software and Content Gateway machines. It is
a best practice to use a Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Default Microsoft Internet Explorer settings may block
operation of the Help. If a security alert appears, select
Allow Blocked Content to display Help.
If your organization’s security standards permit, you can
permanently disable the warning message on the
Advanced tab of the Tools > Internet Options interface.
(Check Allow active content to run in files on My
Computer under Security options.)
Prerequisites and Preparation
22 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Technical Support
Technical information about Websense software and services is available 24 hours a
day at:
the latest release information
the searchable Websense Knowledge Base
Support Forums
Support Webinars
show-me tutorials
product documents
answers to frequently asked questions
Top Customer Issues
in-depth technical papers
For additional questions, click the Contact Support tab at the top of the page.
If your issue is urgent, please call one of the offices listed below. You will be routed to
the first available technician, who will gladly assist you.
For less urgent cases, use our online Support Request Portal at
For faster phone response, please use your Support Account ID, which you can find
in the Profile section at MyWebsense.
Location Contact information
North America
Contact your Websense Reseller. If you cannot
locate your Reseller: +33 (0) 1 5732 3227
Contact your Websense Reseller. If you cannot
locate your Reseller: +49 (0) 69 517 09347
Contact your Websense Reseller. If you cannot
locate your Reseller: +44 (0) 20 3024 4401
Rest of Europe
Contact your Websense Reseller. If you cannot
locate your Reseller: +44 (0) 20 3024 4401
Middle East
Contact your Websense Reseller. If you cannot
locate your Reseller: +44 (0) 20 3024 4401
Contact your Websense Reseller. If you cannot
locate your Reseller: +44 (0) 20 3024 4401
Contact your Websense Reseller. If you cannot
locate your Reseller: +61 (0) 2 9414 0033
Installation Guide 23
Prerequisites and Preparation
For telephone requests, please have ready:
Websense subscription key
Access to the Websense management console.
Access to the machine running reporting tools and the database server (Microsoft
SQL Server or MSDE)
Familiarity with your network’s architecture, or access to a specialist
Contact your Websense Reseller. If you cannot
locate your Reseller: +86 (10) 5884 4200
Latin America
and Caribbean
Location Contact information
Prerequisites and Preparation
24 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Installation Guide 25
Install your Websense filtering product before installing Websense Content Gateway
(proxy). Note: This is not required when you are running with only Websense Data
Review the Deployment Guide for Websense Web Security Solutions and the
Deploying with Websense Content Gateway deployment guide supplement. Then,
configure your network to support Websense Web Security Gateway Anywhere,
Websense Web Security Gateway, or your Websense filtering software plus Websense
Content Gateway (depending on the solution your subscription includes). This
includes configuring DNS.
Use this checklist in preparation for installing Websense Content Gateway:
Operating system information, page 25
Information needed when you install Websense Content Gateway, page 26
Information needed for proxy deployment, page 27
Hardware checklist, page 27
Operating system information
Complete these steps on the Websense Content Gateway server:
1. Configure the hostname:
hostname <host>
where <host> is the name you are assigning this machine.
2. Update the HOSTNAME entry in the /etc/sysconfig/network file:
where <host> is the same as in Step 1.
3. Specify the IP address to associate with the hostname in the /etc/hosts file. This
should be static, and not served by DHCP. The proxy uses this IP address in
features such as transparent authentication and hierarchical caching. This must be
the first line in the file. Do not delete the second line in the file (the one that
begins with <FQDN> <host> localhost.localdomain localhost
26 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
where <FQDN> is the fully-qualified domain name of this machine (i.e.,
host>.<subdomain(s)>.<top-level domain>)—for example,—and <
host> is the same as in Step 1.
4. Configure DNS in the /etc/resolv.conf file.
search <subdomain1>.<top-level domain> <subdomain2>.<top-
level domain> <subdomain3>.<top-level domain>
This example demonstrates that more than one domain can be listed on the search
line. Listing several domains may have an impact on performance, because each
domain is searched until a match is found. Also, this example shows a primary
and secondary nameserver being specified.
5. Gather this information:
Default gateway (or other routing information)
List of your company’s DNS servers and their IP addresses
DNS domains to search, such as internal domain names. Include any legacy
domain names that your company might have acquired.
List of additional firewall ports to open beyond SSH (22) and the proxy ports
(8080-8090). See Ports, page 8.
In addition:
1. Make sure your operating system meets the requirements listed under Software,
page 18.
2. Set the system time to match that of the filtering software machine. It is a best
practice to use a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
3. If you are using a Cisco router, ensure that the operating system is IOS v12.x.
Information needed when you install Websense Content
Deployment type (Websense Web Security Gateway Anywhere, Websense Web
Security Gateway, or Websense Data Security only)
IP address of Policy Server. Be sure to install your Websense filtering product
before installing Websense Content Gateway. (This is not needed when you are
running with only Websense Data Security.)
IP address of Filtering Service. (This is not needed when Websense Content
Gateway runs with only Websense Data Security.)
Which disk will be used to hold the cache
For clustering:
Name of the interface used for cluster communication. This must be a
dedicated network interface.
Multicast group IP address.
Installation Guide 27
Enter the following at the command line to define the multicast route:
route add < address>/32 dev <interface_name>
where <interface_name> is the name of the interface used for cluster
communication. For example:
route add dev eth1
In addition:
Ensure that the Web browser on the Content Gateway machine is one of those
listed under Software, page 18. This is required to run the Websense Content
Gateway management interface (Content Gateway Manager).
Information needed for proxy deployment
Will this be an explicit or transparent proxy deployment? See Network
configuration, page 16.
List of hosts or Web sites that have special requirements, such as access control
lists (ACLs) and security key fobs.
List of all internal networks that should not go through the proxy.
List of all trusted partner Web sites that do not need to be decrypted and inspected.
Hardware checklist
Your CPU is quad-core running at 2.8 GHz or faster.
Your system has 4 GB of RAM.
Your system has 2 disks:
100 GB disk for the operating system and Websense Content Gateway.
147 GB disk for caching (2 GB minimum, 147 GB maximum for optimal
If Websense Content Gateway will be run in
proxy-only mode, a cache disk is not required.
See Hardware, page 17 for detailed requirements.
28 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Installation Guide 29
This chapter covers:
Downloading Websense Content Gateway, page 29
Installing Websense Content Gateway, page 30
Uninstalling Websense Content Gateway, page 36
Before installing Websense Content Gateway:
Put proper security measures in place. (See Security, page 7.)
Install Websense filtering software, and note the IP addresses for Policy Server
and Filtering Service. Install the filtering software in integrated mode, with
Websense Content Gateway as the integration product. (Filtering software is not
needed when you are running with only Websense Data Security.)
Configure DNS. (See Operating system information, page 25.)
For transparent proxy deployment, configure your WCCP-enabled router or Layer
4 switch. In addition, you must complete router configuration in Websense
Content Gateway after the installation is done. Note the IP addresses and ensure
that the router or switch is running the correct IOS version. See System
requirements, page 17.
Ensure that the Websense Content Gateway host computer has Internet
connectivity. If the system does not have access to the Internet, Websense Content
Gateway will fail to install.
For Websense Content Gateway to operate as a caching proxy, at least one raw
disk must be available for use as a cache disk. The installer will detect raw disks
and allow you to select which you want to use as cache disks. For more
information, see Cache Disk, page 19.
Downloading Websense Content Gateway
1. Download the installer tar archive to a temporary directory.
Go to the Websense Knowledge Base,
log in to the Web Security Gateway area,
and search for the article titled v7: Accessing Websense Content Gateway
30 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
2. Create a directory for the tar archive, and then move the archive to the new
directory. For example:
mkdir wcg_v75
mv <installer tar archive> wcg_v75
3. Change to the directory you created in Step 2.
cd wcg_v75
4. Unpack the tar archive:
tar -xvzf <installer tar archive>
Installing Websense Content Gateway
Use the following procedure to install the software.
1. Make sure you have root permissions:
su root
2. In the directory where you unpacked the tar archive, begin the installation, and
respond to the prompts to configure the application.
3. If your system does not meet the minimum recommended requirements, you
receive a warning. For example:
Warning: Websense Content Gateway requires at least 2
gigabytes of RAM.
Do you wish to continue [y/n]?
Enter n to end the installation, and return to the system prompt.
Up to the configuration summary (Step 16 below), you can
quit the installer by pressing CTRL-C. The installation will
be cancelled. If you choose to continue the installation past
the configuration summary and you want to quit, do not
use CTRL-C. Instead, allow the installation to complete
and then uninstall it.
If you want to change your answer to any of the installer
prompts, you will be given a chance to start over at the first
prompt once you reach the configuration summary; you do
not have to quit the installer.
If SELinux is enabled, disable it before installing
Websense Content Gateway. Do not install or run
Websense Content Gateway with SELinux enabled.
Installation Guide 31
Enter y to continue the installation. If you choose to run Websense Content
Gateway after receiving a warning, performance may be affected
4. If you choose to continue, accept the subscription agreement. If you do not accept
the subscription agreement, the installation stops.
Do you accept the above agreement [y/n]? y
5. Specify the full path to the Websense Content Gateway installation directory. The
default is /opt/WCG. Press Enter to accept the default.
Enter the full path of the directory to install Websense
Content Gateway: [/opt/WCG]
6. Enter and confirm the password for the administrator account. This account
enables you to log on to the management interface for Websense Content
Gateway, known as Content Gateway Manager. The default username is admin.
To create a strong password (recommended), use 8 or more characters, with at
least 1 each of the following: capital letter, lower case letter, number, special
Enter the administrator password for the Websense Content
Gateway management interface.
Username: admin
Password:> (your password does not appear)
Confirm password:> (your password does not appear)
7. Enter an email address where Websense Content Gateway can send alarm
messages. Be sure to use @ notation. Do not enter more than 64 characters for this
Websense Content Gateway requires an email address for alarm
Enter an email address using @ notation: [] >
The password length must be 16 characters or less. Also, it
cannot contain the following characters:
$ (dollar symbol)
: (colon)
(backtick; typically shares a key with tilde, ~)
\ (backslash)
“ (double-quote)
As you type a password, the cursor does not move and
masked characters are not shown. After typing a password,
press Enter. Then repeat to confirm it.
32 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
8. Enter the IP address for Policy Server. Use dot notation. Press Enter to leave this
field blank if this Websense Content Gateway deployment is with Websense Data
Security only.
Enter the Policy Server IP address (leave blank if
integrating with Data Security only): [] >
9. Enter the IP address for Filtering Service.The default is the same address as Policy
Server. This field does not appear if you did not enter an IP address for Policy
Server in Step 8.
Enter the Filtering Service IP address: [] >
10. Websense Content Gateway uses 13 ports on your server. Review a listing of these
ports to determine if you will encounter any port conflicts.
Ports preceded by numbers in the list are considered the 9 ports for Websense
Content Gateway. Ports preceded by letters are needed if you have subscribed to
Websense Web Security Gateway or Web Security Gateway Anywhere.
Current port assignments:
'1' Websense Content Gateway Proxy Port 8080
'2' Web Interface port 8081
'3' Overseer port 8082
'4' Auto config port 8083
'5' Process manager port 8084
'6' Logging server port 8085
'7' Clustering port 8086
'8' Reliable service port 8087
'9' Multicast port 8088
'E' HTTPS inbound port 8070
'N' HTTPS outbound port 8090
'M' HTTPS management port 8071
'D' Download Service port 30900
11. If you do not want to use these ports for Content Gateway, or if the installation
program indicates that a port conflict exists, indicate any necessary changes. Any
new port numbers you assign must be between 1025 and 65535, inclusive. The
default is that no changes are required. It is a best practice to accept the default
port assignments unless a port conflict exists.
Enter the port assignment you would like to change:
'1-9,E,M,N,D' - specific port changes
'X' - no change
'H' - help
[X] >
12. If only one network interface is detected, the installation script indicates that two
are required for clustering and prompts you to continue the installation.
Otherwise, enter the number that represents your clustering environment.
'1' - Select '1' to configure Websense Content Gateway
for full clustering. The nodes in the cluster will
Installation Guide 33
act as a single aggregate cache, including the
functionality of a management cluster.
'2' - Select '2' to configure Websense Content Gateway
for management clustering. The nodes in the cluster
will share configuration/management information
'3' - Select '3' to operate this Websense Content Gateway
as a single node.
Enter the cluster type for this Websense Content Gateway
[3] > 3
13. If you select 1 or 2, provide information about the cluster. Note that the listed
interfaces are examples.
Enter the cluster type of this Websense Content Gateway
[3] >1
Enter the name of this Websense Content Gateway cluster.
Enter a network interface for cluster communication.
Available interfaces:
Enter the desired cluster network interface:
Enter a multicast group address for cluster cluster0.
Address must be in the range -
[] >
14. Provide information about cache disks. If no raw disks are detected, Websense
Content Gateway runs in proxy-only mode, and no Web pages are cached.
Would you like to enable raw disk cache [y/n]? y
a. Select available disks from the list. Selected disks become dedicated cache
disks and cannot be used for any other purpose. Cache disks must be raw.
Aggregate disk cache size should not exceed 147 GB.
If you choose to not enable raw disk cache now, cache
disks may be added after Content Gateway has been
installed. For instructions, search the Websense Security
Gateway Knowledge Base for Adding cache disks after
34 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Select available disk resources to use for the cache.
Remember that space used for the cache cannot be used for
any other purpose.
Here are the available drives
(1) /dev/sdb 146778685440 0x0
Note: The above drive is only an example.
b. Indicate if you want to add or remove disks individually or as a group.
Choose one of the following options:
'A' - Add disk(s) to cache
'R' - Remove disk(s) from cache
'S' - Add all available disks to cache
'U' - Remove all disks from cache
'X' - Done with selection, continue Websense
Content Gateway installation.
Option: > A
[ ] (1) /dev/sdb 146778685440 0x0
c. Specify which disk(s) to use for the cache.
Enter number to add item, press 'F' when finished:
[F] >1
Item '1' is selected
[F] >
d. Your selections are confirmed. Note the “x” before the name of the disk.
Here is the current selection
[X] (1) /dev/sdb 146778685440 0x0
e. Continue based on your choice in Step b, pressing X when you have finished
configuring cache disks.
Choose one of the following options:
'A' - Add disk(s) to cache
'R' - Remove disk(s) from cache
'S' - Add all available disks to cache
'U' - Remove all disks from cache
'X' - Done with selection, continue Websense
Content Gateway installation.
Option: >X
15. You can elect to send Websense, Inc., information about scanned content.
Individual users are never identified.
Although it might be listed as available, do not use an
LVM (Logical Volume Manager) volume as a cache disk.
Installation Guide 35
Websense Content Gateway can send information about scanned
content to Websense, Inc. This information helps Websense,
Inc. improve filtering and scanning technology and accuracy.
Websense software never includes information that would
identify specific users.
Do you want to enable the Websense Content Gateway Feedback
Agent [y/n]?
16. You are then shown the configuration options you entered, and prompted to
complete the installation.
Configuration Summary
Websense Content Gateway Install Directory : /opt/WCG
Admin Username for Content Gateway Manager: admin
Alarm Email Address : [email protected]
Policy Server IP Address :
Filtering Service IP Address :
Websense Content Gateway Cluster Type : NO_CLUSTER
Websense Content Gateway Cache Type : LRAW_DISK
Cache Disk : /dev/sdb
Total Cache Partition Used : 1
* W A R N I N G *
Installer CANNOT detect all potential disk mirroring
systems. Please make sure the cache disks listed
above are not in use as mirrors of active file
systems and do not contain any useful data.
Do you want to continue installation with this configuration
[y/n]? y
If you want to make changes, enter n to restart the installation process at the first
prompt. If the configuration is satisfactory, enter y.
17. Wait for the installation to complete.
If you enter y to proceed but you decide you want to cancel
the installation, do not attempt to quit the installer by
pressing CTRL-C. Allow the installation to complete.
Then uninstall it.
36 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Note the location of the certificate required for Content Gateway Manager:
/home/Websense/content_gateway_ca.cer. See the Getting Started section of the
Content Gateway Manager Help for information on importing this certificate.
You may receive an email from Websense Content Gateway (to the address you
specified during installation for receiving alerts) with “WCG license download
failed” in the subject line. This does not mean a problem occurred with the
installation; this alert is generated because a subscription key has not been entered
yet. You will enter a key as part of post-installation tasks.
18. When installation is complete, reboot the Websense Content Gateway server.
19. Perform the post-installation steps described under Post-Installation Tasks, page
Uninstalling Websense Content Gateway
To uninstall Websense Content Gateway, use the uninstall script (/home/Websense/
1. Make sure you have root permissions.
su root
2. Change to the /../Websense/Current directory:
cd /home/Websense/Current
3. Run the uninstaller:
4. Confirm that you want to uninstall the product. You must enter y or n.
Are you sure you want to remove Websense Content Gateway
5. When a message indicates that Websense Content Gateway has been uninstalled,
reboot the system.
Installation Guide 37
Post-Installation Tasks
This chapter lists tasks you must perform after installing Websense Content Gateway.
The tasks depend on whether Websense Content Gateway is with a Websense Web
filtering product or with Websense Data Security.
Running with Web Filtering, page 37
Running with Websense Data Security, page 40
Running with Web Filtering
To complete the configuration, follow these steps in your Websense filtering product,
and in Websense Content Gateway:
TRITON - Web Security, page 37
Content Gateway Manager, page 38
Enable SSL Manager and WCCP, page 40
TRITON - Web Security
Perform the following steps to configure Websense filtering software to communicate
with Websense Content Gateway.
1. Log on to TRITON - Web Security as WebsenseAdministrator or another
unconditional Super Administrator.
Open a Web browser on any machine in your network and enter the following
https://<IP address>:9443/mng
where <IP address> is the IP address of the TRITON - Web Security machine.
Only Internet Explorer 7 and 8, or Firefox 3.0.x - 3.5.x, are
supported by TRITON - Web Security. On Linux, use
Firefox 3.5.x to access all reporting features of TRITON -
Web Security.
Post-Installation Tasks
38 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
For more information about logging on to TRITON - Web Security, see the
TRITON - Web Security Help available in PDF format on the Websense Support
2. Click the Settings tab of the left navigation pane.
3. Click Account.
4. Enter your Websense subscription key.
5. Click OK, and then Save All (upper right of screen). This initiates a download of
the Master Database. A status window shows the progress of the download.
6. When the download is complete, it is recommended that you log off from
TRITON - Web Security and log on again before performing any policy
7. Configure policies and reporting.
8. If you have subscribed to Websense Web Security Gateway:
a. Enter your subscription key in Websense Content Gateway Manager. See
Content Gateway Manager below.
b. Return to TRITON - Web Security and configure scanning options in your
Websense filtering software. Go to Settings > Scanning. This option appears
in the Settings pane only after Websense Content Gateway has identified itself
to the filtering software. It may take a few minutes for this identification to
Content Gateway Manager
Follow these steps to complete the initial configuration of Websense Content
1. Open a Web browser supported by Content Gateway Manager (see Software, page
18) and enter the following URL:
https://<IP address>:8081
where <IP address> is the IP address of the Content Gateway machine. Note:
8081 is the default port.
If the browser warns you about the site’s security certificate, choose to proceed to
the site anyway:
Internet Explorer: Click Continue to this website (not recommended).
Installation Guide 39
Post-Installation Tasks
Firefox: Scroll to the bottom of the invalid certificate message and click
Or you can add an exception. Next, click Add Exception > Get
Certificate. Select Permanently store this exception. Then click
Confirm Security Exception.
2. Enter the user name (admin) and password for the Content Gateway Manager
default administrator user.
The password was set up during installation.
3. If you are using Internet Explorer, install the Content Gateway Managers security
a. Next to the address bar, click Certificate Error.
b. Click View certificates.
c. Click Install Certificate.
d. In the Certificate Import Wizard, click Next on the welcome dialog box.
Select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of
certificate and click Next. On the last dialog box, click Finish.
e. You are asked if you want to install the certificate. Click Yes.
f. An Import was successful message appears. Click Ye s.
g. You are returned to the Certificate dialog box. Click OK.
4. Click the Configure tab on the upper left of the screen.
5. Enter your Websense subscription key:
a. Click My Proxy > Subscription > Subscription Management.
b. Enter your Websense subscription key and click Apply.
c. Click Basic > General and then the Restart button to restart Content
6. Choose the basic proxy features you want to enable:
a. Click My Proxy > Basic > General.
b. Under Features, click On to enable a feature.
A pending alarm may be indicated on the screen. Clicking
it will display more information. If it is a “WCG license
download failed” alarm, you may clear it. This condition is
resolved by entering a subscription key, which you will do
in the next few steps.
The subscription key is the same for both Websense
Content Gateway and your Websense filtering product.
You must enter the key in both products.
Post-Installation Tasks
40 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
See the Content Gateway Manager Help for details. You can access help by
clicking Get Help in the top right corner of each page of Content Gateway
7. At the top of the General tab, click the Restart button to restart Content Gateway.
Enable SSL Manager and WCCP
In Content Gateway Manager:
1. Click Configure > My Proxy > Basic > General.
2. If it is not already enabled, set HTTPS to On. Then click Apply and the Restart
3. Confirm the ports listed on Configure > Protocols > HTTPS > General.
4. Add the Content Gateway Manager root security certificate:
a. In the left navigation pane, click SSL > Certificates > Add Root CA.
b. Click Browse.
c. Select /home/Websense/content_gateway_ca.cer and click Open.
d. Click Add Certificate Authority.
“Issuer successfully imported!” appears.
5. Configure SSL Manager by providing information on the Configure > SSL pages
in Content Gateway Manager.
Make sure the Enable the certificate verification engine option is cleared
(default) on the Configure > SSL > Validation > General page. When this
selection is cleared, HTTPS traffic is decrypted and re-encrypted, but certificates
are not checked against the certificate tree on Configure > SSL > Certificates >
Certificate Authorities.
Then, monitor HTTPS activity and create incidents to instruct Websense SSL
Manager how to process HTTPS traffic. See Working with Encrypted Data in the
Content Gateway Manager Help.
6. If you are supporting transparent proxy through WCCP-enabled routers, enable
WCCP in Content Gateway Manager, and configure the WCCP settings. See the
Content Gateway Manager Help for details.
Running with Websense Data Security
Websense Content Gateway can be configured to work with Websense Data Security
in the following deployments:
Websense Content Gateway as part of a Websense Web Security Gateway
Anywhere deployment (software or appliance)
Websense Content Gateway integrated with Websense Data Security
In both cases, you must install the Data Security Management Server on a Windows
server, and you must register Content Gateway with it.
Installation Guide 41
Post-Installation Tasks
To complete the registration, you must choose Deploy in TRITON - Data Security and
can perform additional configuration there if desired.
See Chapter 5 of the Websense Data Security Deployment and Installation Guide for
more information.
Post-Installation Tasks
42 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Installation Guide 43
access control list. See ACL
Adaptive Redirection Module. See ARM
advanced file scanning,5
ARM,6, 14
BIOS password,7
bypassing a proxy,7
cache hierarchy
Content Gateway Manager,36
Cisco router,26
client browser
explicit proxy deployment,15
Content Gateway Manager
administrator password,31
administrator user,39
content stripping,5
Data Security Management Server,40
disk cache,33
DNS, 25, 26
explicit proxy deployment,5
client browser,15
Group Policy,7
Internet Explorer,15
multiple proxies,16
PAC file,7, 15
single proxy,16
WPAD file,7, 15
Filtering Service,12
explicit proxy deployment,15
glibc 2.5-42,19
Group Policy,7
hosts file,25
network file,25
resolv.conf file,26
hosts file,25
Internet Explorer
explicit proxy deployment,15
cache hierarchy,13
Filtering Service,12
Policy Server,11, 12
transparent proxy,14
Websense Content Gateway cluster,13
Websense Data Security,13
Websense Web Security Gateway Anywhere,13
Layer 4 switch,7, 14
not for cache disk,34
network file,25
NTP server,26
PAC file,7, 15
explicit proxy deployment,15
44 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway
Physical Address Extension. See PAE
Policy Server,11, 12
(UDP) ICP for ICP cache hierarchy,8
(UDP) multicast for clustering,9
(UDP) SNMP encapsulation,9
autoconfiguration for clustering,9
HTTPS outbound,9
inbound for explicit HTTP proxy,8
inbound for transparent HTTPS proxy,8
logging server for clustering,9
overseer for clustering,8
process manager for clustering,9
reliable service for clustering,9
SSL Manager interface,8
Websense Content Gateway management
Websense Data Security configuration,9
Websense Data Security configuration
deployment and system health information,9
Websense Data Security diagnostics,9
Websense Data Security fingerprint
Websense Data Security fingerprint detection,8
Websense Data Security fingerprint
Websense Data Security local analysis,9
Websense Data Security remote analysis,9
Websense Data Security statistics and system
health information,9
Websense Data Security system logging,9
proxy auto-config file. See PAC file
Red Hat Enterprise Linux,6
glibc 2.5-42,19
Red hat Enterprise Linux
resolv.conf file,26
root permissions
security scanning,5
SELinux, 18, 30
SSL Manager,6, 40
system requirements,17
transparent HTTPS proxy
inbound port,8
transparent proxy deployment,5, 14
ARM, 7, 14, 16
Layer 4 switch, 7, 14, 16
multiple proxies,16
single proxy,16
WCCP-enabled router, 7, 14, 16
Installation Guide 45
TRITON - Web Security,37
supported browsers,37
Websense Content Gateway,36
upgrading from previous version
not supported,6
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. See VRRP
WCCP, 6, 14, 40
WCCP-enabled router,7, 14
WCG license download failed alarm,39,30,36
Web Cache Communication Protocol. See WCCP
Web Proxy Auto-Discovery. See WPAD
Filtering Service,12
Policy Server,11, 12
Websense Content Gateway
downloading installer,29
iptables and clusters,13
upgrading from previous version,6
Websense Data Security,6, 40
fingerprint synchronization port,8
Websense Data Security Management Server,5
Websense Web Security Gateway,5, 25
advanced file scanning,5
content stripping,5
security scanning,5
Websense Web Security Gateway Anywhere,5, 25
advanced file scanning,5
content stripping,5
security scanning,5
Websense Data Security Management Server,5
WPAD file,7
explicit proxy deployment,15
46 Websense Content Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway