Keeping Top
AI Talent in the
United States
Remco Zwetsloot
James Dunham
Zachary Arnold
Tina Huang
Center for Security and Emerging Technology2
Established in January 2019, the Center for Security and
Emerging Technology (CSET) at Georgetowns Walsh
School of Foreign Service is a research organization fo-
cused on studying the security impacts of emerging tech-
nologies, supporting academic work in security and tech-
nology studies, and delivering nonpartisan analysis to the
policy community. CSET aims to prepare a generation of
policymakers, analysts, and diplomats to address the chal-
lenges and opportunities of emerging technologies. During
its first two years, CSET will focus on the effects of progress
in artificial intelligence and advanced computing.
Keeping Top AI Talent
in the United States
Remco Zwetsloot
James Dunham
Zachary Arnold
Tina Huang
For comments and conversations that inf
ormed the content of this pa-
per, we thank Tarun Chhabra, Teddy Collins, Richard Danzig, Jeff Ding,
Melissa Flagg, Joy Ma, Jason Matheny, Doug Rand, Igor Mikolic-Tor-
reira, Josh Trapani, Allie Vreeman, and others we talked to who prefer to
remain unnamed. Thanks also to Maura McCarthy and Lynne Weil for
editorial support.
For help with original data collection (see Appendix A), we are
grateful to our dedicated research assistants Kiren Chaudry, Christina
Huntzinger, Jonathan Murdick, Santiago Mutis, Daniel Zhang, and Kath-
erine Zhuo. Data collection was also supported by Ben Murphy, Philippe
Loustaunau, Jennifer Melot, and Dewey Murdick. Roxanne Heston and
Will Hunt provided valuable further research assistance.
For sharing their data and insights with us, we thank the Computing
Research Association (especially Betsy Bizot and Burcin Tamer) and the
National Science Foundation (especially Darius Singpurwalla). The use
of NSF data does not imply NSF endorsement of the research, research
methods, or conclusions contained in this report. Any opinions, findings,
and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF or
© 2019 by the Center for Security and Emerging Technology. This work
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0
International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
Document Identifier:10.51593/20190007
Cover photo: Trombax/Adobe Stock.
Strengthening the U.S. AI Workforce: A Policy and Research
Agenda, by Remco Zwetsloot, Roxanne Heston, and
Zachary Arnold
Immigration Policy and the U.S. AI Sector: A Preliminary
Assessment, by Zachary Arnold, Remco Zwetsloot, Roxanne
Heston, and Tina Huang
China’s Access to U.S. AI Technology: An Assessment, by
William Hannas and Huey-meei Chang
Center for Security and Emerging Technology i
Center for Security and Emerging Technologyiv
Center for Security and Emerging Technology iii
alent is core to U.S. competitiveness in artificial intelligence, and
international graduate students are a large source of AI talent for
the United States. More than half of the AI workforce in the United
States was born abroad, as were around two-thirds of current graduate
students in AI-related fields. Tens of thousands of international students
get AI-related degrees at U.S. universities every year. Retaining them,
and ensuring a steady future talent inflow, is among the most important
things the United States can do to address persistent domestic AI work-
force shortages and to remain the global leader in AI.
This paper holds both good news and bad news for the United States.
The good news is that student retention has historically been a core
U.S. strength, with well over 80 percent of international U.S.-trained AI
PhDs staying in the country, including those from AI competitors such as
China. By contrast, other studies have found that the vast majority of Chi-
na-trained AI talent currently lives outside China. Moreover, contrary to
popular perception and anecdotal reports, there is no evidence of recent
declines in U.S. retention rates.
The bad news is that two trends are placing this U.S. strength
in student retention at risk. The immigration obstacles international
graduates face have grown steadily in the past two decades and have
worsened in recent years. At the same time, other countries are investing
heavily in AI talent attraction and retention, pumping money into their do-
mestic AI ecosystems and opening up their immigration systems to foreign
AI talent. In the past, the United States could rely on its status as the world’s
sole science and technology superpower to compensate for the flaws of
Executive Summary
Center for Security and Emerging Technologyiv
its immigration system, but in todays more competitive world, complacency is likely
to come at a higher cost. Without serious immigration policy changes, the United
States stands to lose a vital asset in the international competition for AI leadership.
Results presented below are based on CSET-collected comprehensive career
data on 2,000 recent AI PhD graduates from U.S. universities, as well as original
analysis of 43,000 immigration records of AI professionals and multiple AI-related
survey instruments. Key findings include the following:
International students are a key source for graduate-level U.S. talent
in AI.
Two-thirds of graduate students in AI-related programs are inter-
national students, and the number of domestic graduate students in
these programs has not increased since 1990. Currently, U.S. uni-
versities graduate around 50,000 international graduate students
(44,000 masters, 3,000 PhDs) in AI-related fields per year.
About 70 percent of immigrants sponsored by AI companies for per-
manent residency studied at U.S. universities, as did more than half of
all international AI workers entering the U.S. labor market each year.
International graduates fill critical AI talent gaps in the U.S. labor
market. Objective labor market indicators and expert assessments
suggest demand for AI talent will far outstrip supply for the foresee-
able future.
Stay rates among international graduates in AI are persistently high.
Around 90 percent of international AI PhD students take a job in the
United States after graduating, and more than 80 percent stay in the
country for at least five years. Past studies strongly suggest stay rates
are likely to be high beyond the five-year window for which there is
hard AI-specific data.
Multiple data sources indicate retention rates have not fallen in re-
cent years, contrary to popular perception and anecdotal reports.
Stay rates are highest—exceeding 90 percent—among students from
Taiwan, India, Iran, and China, and lower—around 75 percent—
among students from European countries.
Among the few graduates who leave the United States, the large
majority go to U.S. allies and partners in Europe and Asia, such as
the U.K., Canada, Singapore, and South Korea. Less than 20 percent
of those leaving go to China.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology v
Professional considerations are the main reasons for international
talent to stay in the United States, while immigration difficulties and
cultural factors are the most important issues pushing away talent.
The U.S. private sector is especially attractive to graduates; around
60 percent go on to work for companies after completing their de-
gree, with most of the remainder going into academia.
Graduates with ambitions to launch or work at startups are particularly
hampered by immigration obstacles. Whereas more than 40 percent
of domestic graduates who go into the private sector work at small
companies, less than 20 percent of international graduates do so.
On the policy front, research highlights two important trends that, together,
could erode the U.S. AI talent advantage:
Domestically, international graduates who want to stay are faced
with significant obstacles in the U.S. immigration system, and these
problems are getting worse.
Green card wait times have increased significantly in recent years.
One study estimates that an Indian AI PhD graduate sponsored for a
green card today would face a wait time of around 50 years in the
absence of immigration reforms.
Optional Practical Training, a program used by tens of thousands of
international graduates from AI-related programs every year, is cur-
rently facing significant legal and policy challenges. Given the lack
of available alternative visas for these graduates, many would likely
be forced to leave the United States if OPT were eliminated.
There is no suitable U.S. entrepreneur visa for international graduates
who want to start AI companies. Sponsoring employees for visas is
often too costly for startups, in large part due to inflexible and long
application timelines.
Internationally, the United States faces increasing competition for top
AI talent.
The United States has lost its historical near-monopoly on AI R&D
and commercial activity. In 2013, the United States accounted for
more than 70 percent of funding deals for AI startups. By 2018, this
number had dropped to 40 percent.
Other countries are opening their immigration systems and aggres-
sively recruiting U.S.-trained AI talent. Nearly two dozen countries
Center for Security and Emerging Technologyvi
have recently launched startup visa programs marketed mainly to
tech entrepreneurs.
Other countries are also investing heavily in their education systems.
The number of U.S. universities reporting international students de-
clining admission offers because they preferred to study at home or in
third countries increased three-fold between 2016 and 2018.
Based on these findings, the report lays out two priorities and several concrete
options for U.S. policymakers.
First, policymakers need to reform high-skill immigration rules in
order to maintain and improve U.S. international AI talent retention.
Options for achieving this include:
Reforming student visa regulations and procedures, for example by
codifying OPT in statute and eliminating processing backlogs.
Streamlining post-graduation transitions into the U.S. labor force, as
could be done through the creation of a statutory student-to-work
pathway and a dedicated visa program for entrepreneurs.
Shortening the path to permanent residency and citizenship, for ex-
ample by removing numerical caps for in-demand graduate talent or
creating accelerated citizenship-through-service programs.
Second, policymakers should address legitimate security concerns
around foreign AI talent while avoiding broad and potentially coun-
terproductive restrictions. This can be done by:
Improving policy coordination domestically and internationally by
creating a new interagency task force and increasing engagement
with allies, without whom counter-transfer efforts for diffuse technolo-
gies such as AI would almost certainly be ineffective.
Raising awareness of transfer practices through open-source collec-
tion and dissemination, for example by allocating more resources to
open-source intelligence activities or adopting FARA-like legislation
for foreign talent recruitment activities.
Collecting more and better data about student retention trends,
including among masters students, for whom there is no govern-
ment survey or other data source that tracks post-graduation career
Center for Security and Emerging Technology vii
The Importance of International Graduate
Students to U.S. AI Competitiveness
here is widespread consensus among U.S. policymakers that AI is
central to the future of U.S. security and economic competitive-
Improving the retention of international AI graduate students
should be a key part of U.S. AI policy because talent is core to compet-
itiveness in AI and because international graduate students are a key
source of U.S. AI talent.
Talent is crucial for building and deploying the different parts of AI
systems—algorithms, hardware, and data. Much of the knowledge for how
to work with AI systems is tacit and acquired through experience, and con-
tinuous progress in the field means that todays cutting-edge models could
be outdated tomorrow. Countries and companies thus require adaptable
skilled individuals who can continuously learn by doing and keep up with
rapid changes. Xi Jinping has called talent “the first resource” in China’s
push for “independent innovation.”
As analyst Elsa Kania has put it, in a
sentiment echoed by many industry observers, “the real ‘arms race’ in [AI]
is not military competition but the battle for talent.”
Yet domestic AI talent in the United States is—and will for the foresee-
able future remain—inadequate to fill rapidly rising demand. More than
half of the AI workforce in both academia and the private sector was born
abroad, and U.S. companies are increasingly setting up AI labs abroad
because they cannot find enough talent at home. For example, on job site
Indeed, the number of AI job postings in the United States more than dou-
bled between 2015 and 2018, while the number of job searches increased
only marginally.
Expert consensus about workforce shortages in AI sets
the field apart from other fields with many international students, including
STEM fields, where labor shortages claims are heavily debated.
Talent remains the
most important
driver of progress
in all facets of AI.”
—U.S. National
Security Commission
for Artificial
Intelligence (2019)
Center for Security and Emerging Technologyviii
International students are an especially valuable source of talent for the U.S. AI
workforce. Most top AI programs in the world are at U.S. universities, and the stu-
dents accepted into and trained in those programs represent the world’s top talent.
Employers also prefer students with a U.S. education because employers are better
able to assess the reliability of prospective employees’ qualifications and evaluate
them through internships.
Lastly, workers who come into a country as students tend
to remain longer and integrate better than those who initially enter through a tempo-
rary employment visa.
One study showed that international students co-founded
21 of the 87 “unicorns” the United States had in 2016, cumulatively worth $60
billion and responsible for nearly 20,000 U.S. jobs.
It should come as no surprise, then, that the majority of foreign-born workers
hired today by American AI companies are former international students. In abso-
lute terms, the number of international students graduating from U.S. universities with
AI-related degrees stands at more than 50,000 per year, and nearly all of them
are graduate students. By comparison, the annual number of domestic graduates
with AI-related graduate degrees is around 23,000. In short, international graduate
students are a main source of AI talent for the United States.
This paper asks what can be done to retain this source of AI talent, and its find-
ings highlight the need for urgent action. The United States has historically excelled
at international graduate recruitment and retention. But there are warning signs in
the form of mounting domestic immigration difficulties and increased international
competition. While it is conceivable that the strength of the U.S. AI ecosystem will
continue to draw international talent despite these trends, complacency carries
significant risks. It is much easier to maintain than to recover an advantage. And
because talent attracts talent and ecosystems grow in self-reinforcing ways, any
short-term increase in other states’ relative attractiveness—even if counteracted after
the fact—can have long-term and potentially irreversible consequences. U.S. poli-
cymakers have a window of opportunity for reform that they should not let pass.
To help policymakers bolster U.S. competitiveness in AI, this paper proceeds in
three steps. First, it draws on evidence from a wide range of sources to show how
the United States performs when it comes to graduate student retention in AI (Chap-
ter 1: “Understanding Student Retention”). Second, it examines relevant policy
trends, focusing on student-related U.S. immigration policies and recent measures
adopted by other countries competing for U.S.-trained AI talent (Chapter 2: “The
Policy Context”). Third, it lays out targeted policy options for improving graduate
student retention and recruitment while also addressing security concerns around
foreign talent (Chapter 3: “Priorities and Options for U.S. Policymakers”).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 1
his chapter provides data and other evidence on the number of
international AI students in the United States, how many and who
among them stay in the country after graduating, why they decide
to stay or leave, and what work they end up doing after graduating.
Many of the findings and figures are based on original data collection
and analysis that CSET conducted. Data sources and methodology are
outlined in Box 1 and discussed in more detail in Appendix A.
Student Retention
Data sources analyzed in this report
Data newly collected by CSET on the career and educational histories of
1,999 AI PhDs who graduated from top U.S. universities between 2014
and 2019.
Data from the National Science Foundation’s Survey of Earned Doctor-
ates on CS PhD students’ countries of origin and post-graduation profes-
sional plans.
Data from the National Science Foundation and Department of Educa-
tion on national enrollment trends in AI-related programs.
Data from the Computing Research Associations Taulbee and Data
Buddies surveys on computing students’ fields of specialization and
post-graduation professional plans.
Data from the Department of Labors PERM labor certification process on
the educational and professional backgrounds of nearly 900,000 green
card applicants (43,000 of whom we classify as AI-related).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology2
Because AI is a new field, it is not clear which students should be counted as
doing AI-relevant work or having AI-relevant skills, or what the most important
degrees are. Yet answering those questions, even provisionally, is necessary for
the analysis this paper sets out to do. Our research led us to focus on graduate
students and look primarily at the fields of computer science and computer engi-
We focus on graduate students because they represent around 85 percent of
all U.S.-based international students in AI-relevant disciplines (see Table 1) and be-
cause most international workers hired by AI companies hold graduate degrees. For
example, our analysis of data on AI companies’ sponsorship of green cards shows
that roughly 70 percent of individuals sponsored for technical jobs at these compa-
nies hold graduate degrees.
We focus primarily on computer science and computer engineering because
those seem to be the main feeder fields into AI jobs and thus the most representative
measure for AI talent pipelines.
Among workers sponsored for green cards for
technical jobs at AI companies, about two thirds have computer science, computer
engineering, or electrical engineering degrees.
(This does not mean, of course,
that everyone in CS, CE, or EE does AI-focused work; in fact, even in these fields AI
appears to be the focus of only about a quarter of all students, though data on this
question is sparse.
International students first accounted for more than 50 percent of total CS/EE
graduate students in the United States after 2000, with a rapid rise starting in
2013 bringing them to approximately 65 percent of the 150,000 total today
(Figure 1).
Number of domestic and international gr
in AI-relevant fields,
Source: Depar
tment of Education Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 3
Looking at students’ countries of origin (Figure 2), for which NSF PhD data is
currently available to us only for CS students, Chinese and Indian nationals made
up a majority of international CS PhD graduates in 2016. Together, they slightly
outnumbered domestic U.S. graduates: 36 percent for China and India versus 35
percent for Americans. They are distantly followed by Iran (4 percent), South Korea
(4 percent), Bangladesh (2 percent), Taiwan (2 percent), and Turkey (2 percent).
What do these percentages translate into in terms of absolute numbers? Table 1
shows that U.S. universities graduate roughly 45,000 international masters students
and 3,000 international PhD students in CS/EE per year (67 and 64 percent of
total graduates respectively). At the bachelors level, there is a much lower share of
international students (9 percent) and about 9,000 international graduates per year.
(Note that these numbers refer to annual graduates; the number of enrolled students is
significantly higher at the undergraduate and doctoral levels since those degrees take
multiple years to complete.)
There is also a significant number of U.S.-based international post-doctoral
researchers in CS/EE. There were a total of 2,100 CS/EE postdocs in 2016, for
example, of which roughly 70 percent were international.
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Number of CS/EE graduate students enrolled at U.S. universities,
Foreign United States
Source: NSF Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (see Appendix A).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology4
Calculating stay rates is complicated because of the different ways in which one
can define and measure what it means to “stay” in the United States. One common
approach is to ask students if they intend to stay or have plans to stay in the United
States after completing their degree. Another is to track where graduates end up
working and to see if they actually stay based on publicly available career data
(e.g., from CVs).
Both measures have advantages and disadvantages. One advantage of us-
ing CV data is that it provides reliable longitudinal data on the same individual.
Intention-to-stay data, on the other hand, has the advantage of reflecting students’
underlying preferences more closely than their behavior does (which reflects legal
restrictions as well as their preferences). Intentions are also prospective, while stay
behavior is historical and thus a lagging indicator of changes in retention trends. This
report therefore presents data on both measures.
Looking first at data on intentions, the vast majority of international PhD
students want to stay.* This finding is consistent across different data sources. In
a survey by the National Science Foundation (NSF) of CS PhD graduates, roughly
75 percent said they intend to stay (Figure 3a). A survey by the Computing Research
*No data source that we know of tracks stay rates among masters students, so we report results
specific to PhD students in this report. In Chapter 3, we recommend that the National Science
Foundation fill this informational gap by launching a survey of graduating master’s students similar
to the survey it runs of graduating PhD students.
Country of origin among CS PhD gr
aduates in the United States,
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
United States Other
China OECD
Source: NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates (see Appendix A).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 5
Percentage of international CS PhD students intending to stay in the
United States after graduating, 1998-2016.
Intend to stay
Intend to leave
Source: NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates (see Appendix A).
1998 2002 2006 2010 20142000 2004 2008 2012
2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Intend to stay UnknownIntend to leave
Source: CRA Taulbee Survey (see Appendix A).
Percentage of international AI PhD students intending to stay in the
United States after graduating, 2005-2018.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology6
Association (CRA), which collects information on students’ subfields and thus allows
us to look specifically at doctoral graduates doing AI research, also finds inten-
tion-to-stay rates around 80 percent (Figure 3b). About half of the remaining stu-
dents surveyed by NSF and CRA had not yet made up their mind about post-grad-
uation plans when asked (around 10 percent of total), while the other half intended
to leave the United States (also around 10 percent of total).
To study stay rates, CSET also undertook a months-long data collection effort
on the pre- and post-PhD educational and professional histories of 1,999 PhDs
who completed an AI-related dissertation at a U.S. university ranked in the top 20
nationally for AI between 2014 and 2019 (described in more detail in Appendix
A). Looking at this group, there are also very high stay rates when it comes to
actual behavior, with more than 90 percent staying in the United States initially
and more than 80 percent remaining in the United States five years after graduat-
ing (Figure 4).
Percentage of top international U.S. AI PhD graduates still in the
United States, by years since graduation.
Source: CSET U.S. AI PhD Career Data (see Appendix A).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 7Center for Security and Emerging Technology
While CSET’s AI-specific data cannot speak to retention beyond a five-year pe-
riod, prior research on PhD stay rates more broadly suggests that if graduates stay
for five years, they are also very likely to stay for a much longer period. For exam-
ple, Michael Finn at the Department of Energy, who has studied retention for years,
finds that a large majority of attrition has historically happened in the first few years
after graduating; while 30 percent of all international PhD students leave within two
years, in the subsequent ten years only another 10 percent leave.
Other studies
confirm this.
For example, a survey by Nature finds that younger researchers are
more open to moving “because their career paths were not settled and they were
less likely to be tied down by relationships and families.”
Experts and media outlets have claimed that an increasing number of internation-
al AI graduates are leaving the United States, especially Chinese students due to
recent tensions and a booming domestic tech sector and Indian students due to
the incredibly long green card queues.
However, the multiple datasets examined in this report show no evidence of
downward retention trends in either the overall PhD graduate population or for
these specific countries of origin. For example, neither NSF or CRA surveys on
intention-to-stay data (Figure 3) nor CSET-collected career data broken down
by graduation cohort (Figure 5) show any signs of recent decline. And NSF data
shows that there arent notable differences in retention trends across students from
different countries (Figure 6).
Still, we do not interpret our findings as entirely disproving claims about declining
stay rates. First, there is good retention data only on PhD students, and it could be
that stay rate patterns among bachelors or masters students are different. Sec-
ond, most data sources lag by one or two years, while many of the events cited
as decreasing students’ desire or ability to stay—such as rising feelings of discrim-
ination among Chinese students and perceived upticks in visa processing times,
denials, and cancellations—have occurred recently.
Third, it could be that the same percentage of graduates stay in the United States
immediately after graduation but that the duration of (intended) stay is declining
Have stay rates been declining recently?
Center for Security and Emerging Technology8
Percentage of international AI PhD students who remain in the
United States directly after graduating, by year of graduation.
Source: CSET U.S. AI PhD Career Data (see Appendix A).
91% 91%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
for recent cohorts, which would not show up in the data for a while.
For exam-
ple, while it is possible to know what the five-year stay rate for the 2013 cohort
is, we won’t know that stay rate for the 2018 cohort is until 2023. Given how fast
the field of AI is changing, it’s important to be cautious about extrapolating past
trends into the future.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 9
One of the most consistent predictors of a student’s decision to stay or leave is
their country of origin. As Figure 6 shows, there are a lot of differences across
nationality in how many students want to stay. The highest intention-to-stay rates
are among Chinese and Indian students, with lower rates among citizens of highly
developed Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
member countries. Unsurprisingly, U.S. citizens also tend to remain in the Unit-
ed States at very high rates, but there have been years when more Indians than
Americans intended to stay in the country.
This same cross-country stay rate pattern is also reflected in CSET’s top U.S.-
trained AI PhD career history data, where we estimate a student’s nationality by
the county where they did their undergraduate studies (Figure 7).
For example,
more than 90 percent of Indian and Iranian students are still in the United States five
years after obtaining their PhD, compared to around 75 percent for many European
Interestingly, there are lower stay rates among students from traditional U.S.
allies than among students from countries with which the United States has less
friendly relations. The most common explanation for this pattern is wealth: as coun-
tries become richer, they tend to have more professional opportunities and higher
Percentage of CS PhD students intending to stay in the United States
after graduating by nationality, 1998-2016.
United States OtherChina India OECD
Source: NSF Survey of Earned Doctorates (see Appendix A).
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
Center for Security and Emerging Technology10
quality of life, and so they will see more top talent returning home. From the per-
spective of the United States losing valuable talent, then, its allies have been a much
more persistent challenge than potential adversaries (as is underscored in Figure 9).
Past research has also identified other factors that predict leaving. For example,
older international students or those who receive home government funding tend to
return at much greater rates.
Studies of other fields such as economics indicate that
the highest-quality international students generally have the highest likelihood of
remaining in the United States,
but there is no evidence available on whether this
is also true for AI.
Unfortunately, no systematic data addresses the “why” question for the AI-rele-
vant graduate student population specifically.
However, research on other fields
points to factors that affect whether international graduate students—among the
Percentage of top AI PhD students still in the United States five years
after graduating, by country of undergraduate degree.
Source: CSET U.S. AI PhD Career Data (see Appendix A).
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 11
most mobile migrant populations in the world—decide to stay in their country of ed-
ucation. The most important factors are professional opportunities, immigration rules,
and personal and cultural considerations.
(Appendix C contains a more in-depth
review of evidence on return decisions among Chinese and Indian graduates.)
Professional opportunities. Several types of evidence point to professional
considerations as being decisive for many graduate students. For example:
Job opportunities and the ability to stay and work after graduation are often
among the main reasons that students decide to study abroad in the first
When the U.K. closed its “post-study work route” immigration cat-
egory in 2010, international student applications fell by an unprecedented
30 percent.
Historically, return rates have increased when domestic labor markets
For example, return rates among Taiwanese and South Korean
graduates rose sharply after their home countries underwent rapid industri-
alization in the 1980s
but briefly fell again during the financial crises of the
In surveys, most graduating students cite career prospects as their main
reason for staying.
This pattern also holds for more senior migrants; for
example, a plurality of international scientists who initially stayed abroad
after obtaining their PhD report “job opportunities” as the main determinant
of whether they’ll eventually return to their home country.
Immigration rules. Immigration restrictions, including those that do not bar
graduates from staying outright, have also been found to reduce stay rates
In interviews and surveys, one of the most common reasons graduates cite
for not attempting to stay in the United States is “uncertainties about obtain-
ing green cards following graduation.”
Even if graduates can find ways to
stay in the short term, long-term uncertainty and unpredictability are strong
Due to numerical caps in the U.S. system, students from certain countries,
especially India and China, face years- or even (for Indians) decades-long
waitlists for permanent residency (see Chapter 2). One study estimates that
the number of Indian and Chinese graduates staying in the United States
drops by several percentage points for each year of extra delay due to
green card waitlists.
Another study focused specifically on Indian high-skill
immigrants found 94 percent concerned about green card wait times and
70 percent actively considering emigrating to a more visa-friendly country.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology12
Restrictions on the type of work international graduates are allowed to do
also affects stay rates. For example, the lack of a U.S. visa category for
those wishing to start their own business has driven away many graduates
with entrepreneurial ambitions.
Lack of work authorization for spouses can
have similar effects.
Personal and cultural considerations. Personal and cultural considerations
often both pull students back to their home country and push them away from their
host country:
Social ties are important pull factors; family is usually an especially
important consideration.
Research finds that “professional factors were
generally cited as encouraging students to stay in the United States, while
societal and personal factors were more likely to draw them back to their
home countries.”
Social and cultural concerns can also serve as push factors. In one recent
survey, roughly 60 percent of international STEM graduate students report
experiencing cultural and/or social challenges.
Amid geopolitical ten-
sions and security measures, many international students, especially from
China and Iran, have felt less welcome in the United States due to a sense
of discrimination.
In summary, an accommodating immigration system is a necessary but not a
sufficient reason for students to remain in the United States, with professional rea-
sons typically being decisive in motivating people to stay. Even when immigration
barriers are absent, people may still leave for professional or personal reasons. For
example, in one survey of 1,203 Indian and Chinese returnees, around 25 percent
of Indian and 35 percent of Chinese respondents held either permanent residency
or citizenship in the United States at the time of their departure.
Because professional considerations play such a large role in graduates’ deci-
sions about whether to stay or leave, it is useful to understand their career choices
in more detail. Looking at data on career trajectories can also uncover evidence
of immigration rules’ labor-displacing effects and help assess the security risks
that departing students pose to the United States, topics discussed in more detail
in Chapters 2 and 3.
After graduating, doctorate holders could go on to work in the private sector,
academia, nonprofits, or the public sector. Based on CSET-collected data, the
private sector is the most popular sector among top AI PhD graduates who stay in
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 13
the United States (with 60 percent of graduates taking a job there), followed by
academia (about 35 percent), with public sector and nonprofit roles far behind (5
percent combined). There do not appear to be any changes in the relative populari-
ty of the different sectors in the past five years (Table 2).
Of course, not everyone stays in their first job, or even in the same sector.
Looking at where graduates work four years after obtaining their degrees—data
available only for the 2014 and 2015 graduating cohorts—nearly 20 percent have
switched sectors. Of the graduates who start in government or nonprofit jobs, nearly
75 percent leave for either industry or academia within four years. Around 20 per-
cent of the graduates who started off in academia moved to the private sector, and
10 percent of those who started off in private sector traveled the opposite path.
While a large majority of U.S.-trained AI PhDs stay in the United States, 205 stu-
dents (out of the 1,881 for which CSET has complete career data) left the country
after graduating. These graduates face two important choices. Like those who stay,
they have to decide what kind of job to take. But since they are in demand across
the world, they also have to decide on the place where they pursue that path.
Europe and Asia are the most popular destinations for those who leave, with
the United Kingdom and China taking the top spots (Figure 9). In total, about 39
percent go to Europe (18 percent to the United Kingdom, 7 percent to Germany,
4 percent to Switzerland, and 10 percent to other European countries), and about
Private Sector
Sector of first post-graduation job among U.S. AI PhD
graduates staying in the United States, by year of
16 (7%)
123 (53%)
11 (4%)
168 (60%)
28 (7%)
260 (63%)
23 (5%)
305 (62%)
Source: CSET U.S. AI PhD Career Data (see Appendix A).
100 (36%) 126 (30%) 163 (33%)
24 (7%)
204 (57%)
123 (35%)
102 (6%)
1,060 (60%)
607 (34%)
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 due to rounding.
95 (41%)
Center for Security and Emerging Technology14
How does U.S. immigration policy affect career choices?
The choice of career path, like the choice of whether or not to stay in the United
States, can also be affected by immigration rules.
In government, where technical workforce shortages are large, the fact that inter-
national students’ path to citizenship often takes more than a decade means they
cannot fill jobs with security clearance requirements. Since many interesting techni-
cal jobs have such requirements, international students are generally thought to be
much more likely than domestic students to eschew government careers.
In academia, universities are exempt from numerical caps on H-1B visas and are
therefore able to sponsor more international students for employment. Some studies
suggest that this makes international students more likely to “settle” for academia,
even if they might prefer to work in a different sector.
In the private sector, there are two ways in which immigration rules can steer inter-
national students toward large firms. First, the cost of sponsorship to employers—in
both time and money—means that startups and small businesses are much less
likely to sponsor work visas than large firms. Because smaller companies often have
more urgent hiring needs, long and uncertain application timelines for visas also
mean that sponsorship is generally off the table even for those willing to incur these
Second, the lack of a dedicated visa category for entrepreneurs means it is
much riskier for international students to start their own companies. A recent study of
entrepreneurial intentions and outcomes among STEM PhDs finds that international
students are twice as likely to want to start companies (21 percent, versus 10 per-
cent for domestic students) but are less likely to actually do so (4.6 percent, versus
6.3 percent for domestic students).
In CSET data on the career choices of AI PhD graduates who remain in the United
States, the differences between domestic and international students are consistent
with some of these arguments about immigration rules’ effect on career choice
and inconsistent with others. Most strikingly, far fewer foreign nationals work for or
founded startups even though more foreign nationals go into the private sector. This
suggests the U.S. immigration system is harming AI startups.
However, there is no
evidence that foreign graduates are more likely to “settle” for academia (Figure 8).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 15
38 percent to Asia (17 percent to China, 7 percent to Singapore, 4 percent to India,
3 percent each to South Korea and Japan, and 4 percent to other Asian countries).
Canada is another popular destination, attracting 7 percent of those who leave.
Past studies of international students who leave the United States generally find
that most of them return to their home countries,
and this appears to be true in the
field of AI as well. For example, in the CSET dataset, out of those who did their under-
graduate education in China and left the United States after their PhD, 27 out of 38
return to China (with the others mainly going to the United Kingdom and Switzerland).
Western countries attract more international talent than others. Only five of the 17 who
left for Canada, for instance, got their undergraduate degree in Canada.
Sector of first job among AI PhD graduates who
stay in the United States, across domestic and
international students
Foreign Nationals U.S. Nationals
Government/Nonprofit Academic Private Sector Private Sector
Large CompanySmall Company
Source: CSET U.S. AI PhD Career Data (see Appendix A).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology16
Departing graduates make somewhat different career choices than those who
stay. Whereas 60 percent of those who stayed in the United States went into industry,
only 43 percent of those who left did. Academic jobs are more common among those
who leave, with 47 percent going to work at a university (compared to 35 percent of
those who stay). Government and nonprofit jobs are slightly more common among
those who leave, with 10 percent working in those sectors (compared to 5 percent of
those who stay).
What sector graduates take jobs in varies depending on the country they move
to. Graduates who leave for the India, for instance, tend to work in the private sec-
tor at much higher rates (8 out of 10) than graduates who leave for Germany (1 out
of 15) (Figure 10). More research is needed to understand this variation.
Destination countries among the 230 AI PhD students who leave the
United States at any point after graduating (out of 1,999 total).
Source: CSET U.S. AI PhD Career Data (see Appendix A).
United Kingdom
South Korea
15 15
7 7
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 17
International students make up a majority of students in AI-related
graduate programs. About two thirds of graduate students in computer
science and electrical engineering are international students (Figure 1 and
Table 1). At the PhD level, roughly 30 percent of international students come
from China, 15 percent from India, 10 percent from OECD countries, and
the remaining 45 percent from other countries (Figure 2).
International graduates overwhelmingly want to stay in the United
States, primarily for professional reasons. More than 80 percent of stu-
dents in AI-related fields want to and do stay after graduating (Figures 3-5).
Sector of first job among U.S. AI PhD graduates who left the
United States, by destination country.
6 11
United Kingdom
South Korea
Government/Nonprofit Academic Private Sector
Source: CSET U.S. AI PhD Career Data (see Appendix A).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology18
This reflects the historical dominance of the United States in science and
technology; survey evidence shows that job opportunities and other profes-
sional factors are the main reasons graduates want to stay, and retention
rates are generally higher for graduates from developing countries such as
India and China (Figures 6-7).
Immigration difficulties are an important reason for graduates to
leave. Students who want to stay face uncertainty and long waits in their
immigration process, and surveys indicate that this makes many graduates
less likely to stay. Immigration rules also affect the type of jobs open to stu-
dents; data on graduates’ career choices suggest that U.S. immigration rules
prevent international students with entrepreneurial ambitions from working
for startups or starting their own companies (Figure 8).
When graduates leave, they primarily go to U.S. allies and partners.
China is the second most common destination country among those who
leave (17 percent), but a large majority go to countries whose relations with
the United States are much more friendly, such as the United Kingdom, Can-
ada, or South Korea (Figure 9). In some countries, such as the India, those
who leave primarily go on to work in the private sector, whereas in others,
such as Germany, they primarily work in academia (Figure 10).
Of the factors affecting graduates’ choice of whether to stay or leave, immigra-
tion policy is the factor most directly under the control of U.S. policymakers, which is
why Chapters 2 and 3 focus on immigration policy.
Other factors, even if they are not as easy for U.S. policymakers to control,
serve as an important backdrop for policymaking—and this backdrop is largely
bad news for the United States. As Chapter 2 discusses, the United States is losing
its status as the world’s sole science and technology superpower, with other coun-
tries making both large science and technology (S&T) investments and liberalizing
their high-skill immigration systems to attract S&T talent. Given that professional
considerations have been the main reason for most international graduates to stay,
these reforms could draw talent away from the United States. This makes action in
immigration and other areas U.S. policymakers can control all the more important.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 19
hapter 1 showed that the vast majority of graduate students in
AI want to—and do—stay in the United States, but that some are
denied this opportunity due to problems with the U.S. immigration
system. To set the stage for policy recommendations in Chapter 3, this
chapter first outlines the immigration process graduate students have to
go through to stay and provides numerical estimates for the size of the
international student population in different parts of the U.S. immigration
system. Second, it discusses recent policy reforms and trends in both
allied and competitor countries that have been laying the foundations for
increased AI talent competition with the United States.
The Policy Context
Immigration pathways available to international students.
Arrows represent possible transitions between different immigration steps.
(E.G. H1-B)
Center for Security and Emerging Technology20
Students who stay in the United States will typically proceed through some or
all of the following steps in their immigration process: post-graduation Optional
Practical Training (OPT), temporary residency (e.g., an H-1B visa), permanent
residency, and finally citizenship.
Students and OPT
Students in AI-relevant fields generally come into the U.S. on F-1 visas.* The
number of F-1 visas that can be issued each year is unlimited, and F-1 students
can generally stay in the U.S. for the duration of their degrees.
Graduates who were on F-1s are also entitled to up to three additional years
(one year for those studying non-STEM subjects) of Optional Practical Training
(OPT), during which they are authorized to work full-time while retaining their F-1
status. The program is widely used but also controversial. A court challenge to OPT’s
legality has been pending for years, and the Trump administration in fall 2017
declared its intention—though it took no action—to roll back the program, which is
regulatory rather than legislative in nature and can therefore be changed or elim-
inated through executive action alone.
Changes to OPT were re-added to the
administration’s fall 2019 regulatory agenda.
After studying or OPT, graduates can try to get either temporary residency on a
non-immigrant work visa or jump directly into permanent residency (“green card”
status), depending on an employer’s willingness to sponsor and the availability of
green card slots (discussed below).
Temporary residency
Graduates can get temporary work authorization if an employer sponsors them
for a “non-immigrant” employment visa (so-called because ”immigrant” techni-
cally means someone who intends to reside in a new country permanently, not
The most commonly used temporary work visa is the H-1B visa. H-1B visas
are typically valid for three years and can be renewed for another three years
once, with additional indefinite one-year extensions for individuals who are in
the green card queue. The annual number of new H-1B issuances is capped at
85,000, though universities and many nonprofits are exempt from this cap. Because
*This paper uses the term “visa” colloquially to describe a legal right to be physically present in the
United States or a document conferring that right. Legally speaking, a visa is a document allowing
a noncitizen to travel to a port of entry to seek admission to the United States. The separate right
to be present in the United States is often referred to as “legal status” or just “status.” See “Student
Visa vs. Student Status: What is the Difference?,” Department of Homeland Security, https://
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 21
the number of applications usually far exceeds the number of available slots, U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) runs a once-yearly lottery to select
awardees. Less than half of eligible applicants have been able to get an H-1B visa
in recent years.
Many other non-immigran
t employment visas exist. They are not widely used by
international graduates specifically and are thus not discussed here, even though some
of them, like L-1 and J-1 visas, are important to the AI workforce more generally.
Permanent residency
Employers can also sponsor graduates for permanent residency (also known as
“green card” status), either while they are still students (on an F-1 visa) or while
they have a dedicated work visa (most commonly on an H-1B visa).
Relevant employment-based permanent residency categories include EB-1 (for
those with “extraordinary ability” or “outstanding professors and researchers”),
EB-2 (for those with “exceptional ability,” most commonly used by those with grad-
uate degrees), and EB-3 (college graduates). Since this paper is mainly focused
on graduate students, the EB-2 category is the most relevant of the three (though
graduate students are generally also able to apply for EB-3 visas).
About 80,000 slots are available for EB-2 and EB-3 applicants each year, allo-
cated on a first-come-first-served basis. Spouses and children of green card hold-
ers count toward this cap, so the annual number of slots for workers is significantly
lower (typically less than half of the total number of available slots).
There are also
caps on what proportion of green cards can go to people born in a given country in
a single year.
People from India and China face significant backlogs and delays because
there are so many employment-based applicants from those countries. For example,
one study projects the time spent in the “green card queue” for new EB-2 applicants
from China is six years; for Indians, that number is a staggering 54 years.
It is
difficult for employees to get promoted or to switch companies while in this queue,
which means these large backlogs can carry significant professional costs for
prospective immigrants from these countries.
(After getting a green card, changing
jobs or employers no longer requires approval from immigration agencies.)
rmanent residents can generally apply for U.S. citizenship after five years on an
employment-based green card. This step is, for practical purposes, optional; some
permanent residents do not apply for citizenship and instead stay in the United
States by renewing their green card every ten years. From an employment per-
spective, the main difference between permanent residency and citizenship is that
citizenship is required for many government- or defense-related jobs.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology22
The public picture of the immigration pipeline is incomplete due to lack of accessible
data. However, by piecing together information from different data sources, it is still pos-
sible to assess the approximate number of AI-relevant international graduates entering
the U.S. immigration system each year and which status categories are most important to
them (Table 3). When combined with estimates of how much AI talent there is in the U.S.
immigration system as a whole, as outlined in the CSET report Immigration Policy and
the U.S. AI Sector, these findings suggest that former international students make up well
over half of all foreign-born workers entering the U.S. AI labor market each year.
OPT. The most notable recent visa-related trend among international students has been
the very rapid rise in the use of OPT. For example, between 2014 and 2017 the number
of students granted OPT per year increased from 133,000 to 276,500.
Data obtained
by Pew Research Center through a Freedom of Information Act request indicates that
among graduate students, who account for over two thirds of all OPT grantees, roughly
half of those on OPT hold AI-relevant degrees (CS or engineering).
H-1B. Little is known about how many and what kinds of international graduates are on
H-1B visas due to a lack of publicly available data. However, it is clear that internation-
al graduates are an increasingly important source of H-1B entrants. Roughly 50,000
students transitioned from F-1 to H-1B status in 2018, and between 2012 and 2018
international students went from accounting for less than a quarter of H-1B entrants to
accounting for more than half.
It seems likely that a majority of students granted H-1B
status hold AI-relevant degrees given that nearly three quarters of H-1B holders work
Graduates’ U.S. immigration pathways, by the numbers.
Annual number of AI-relevant international
graduates from U.S. universities entering
into OPT, H-1B status, or permanent residency.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 23
The policies and data reviewed point to several immigration challenges for
international graduates. First, large and growing bottlenecks in the immigration
pipeline harm international AI graduates’ prospects. Bottlenecks have grown
because the number of international students—and the number of other immigrants
competing for the same spots—has steadily risen while the numerical caps on the
number of available H-1Bs and green cards have not changed for decades. The
result is that AI graduates face significant uncertainty about whether short-term or
long-term immigration is possible at all, and even those who do manage to get
through the system face long and costly wait periods. Large queues, processing
backlogs, and uncertainty have been a problem for a while, but all have notably
increased in recent years.
Second, rollbacks to OPT would be catastrophic for international AI
graduates. While H-1B visas often dominate many immigration conversations,
OPT—largely due to bottlenecks further down the immigration pipeline—has be-
in computing-related jobs,
though we have not been able to find data on degree fields
among H-1B applicants.
Permanent residency. Labor certification (PERM) data released by the Department of
Labor provides a somewhat detailed picture of permanent residency applicants.
on this data, from 2015 to 2018, roughly 42 percent of workers sponsored for perma-
nent residency had studied at U.S. universities, among whom 90 percent held graduate
degrees and 49 percent had studied in AI-relevant fields (CS or EE). Because PERM
data contains professional information, it is possible to zoom in on green card applicants
whose job title and employer indicate that they could do specifically AI-related work (see
Appendix A). From 2015 to 2018, there were about 26,000 green card applicants who
met these criteria, of whom a large majority (71 percent) had previously studied at U.S.
universities. Their most common countries of origin were India (47 percent), China (24
percent), and Canada (6 percent).
We do not have data on post-permanent-residency naturalization rates among AI-rel-
evant graduates. One study finds that roughly 30 percent of all international doctoral
graduates in the United States naturalize within 12 years of graduating.
many PhD fields have stay rates considerably lower than those in computer science and
engineering, so we expect AI-relevant naturalization rates to be higher than this overall
naturalization rate.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology24
come perhaps even more essential for (initial) graduate retention, with tens of thou-
sands of AI graduates utilizing the program each year. If current legal and policy
challenges to OPT were to succeed and no compensating reforms enacted, these
graduates would likely have to leave the United States.
Third, the employer-driven and inflexible nature of the U.S. immigra-
tion system places serious constraints on international AI graduates. For
example, none of the immigration programs open to graduates are designed for
entrepreneurs, and time- and funding-constrained startups often cannot bear the
costs of visa sponsorship. Moreover, because graduates are generally bound to the
employers that sponsor them, they can face significant difficulties switching jobs or
getting promoted. These features of the system make the United States significantly
less attractive as a place for ambitious AI graduates.
When international U.S. graduates decide where to work after graduation, they
think not only about whether they are able to stay in the United States but also
about how attractive their alternatives are. It is therefore useful to briefly examine
other countries’ policies and reforms aimed at attracting AI talent.
First, “receiving countries” that take in a large number of international students
are important talent competitors for the United States. These countries can also
provide lessons learned and models for policy change, for example in immigration
policy. Second, a small number of “sending countries” produce most internation-
al students. These countries’ policies, such as whether and how they incentivize
post-graduation return, affect the United States’ ability to recruit and retain students.
Receiving countries. After the United States, which had 1,094,792 inter-
national students in 2018, the top receiving countries are the United Kingdom
(506,480), China (489,200), Australia (371,885), and Canada (370,710).
of these countries have a dedicated pathway for top students to become permanent
residents that they are actively strengthening and promoting. Many countries have
also launched programs to attract tech talent more generally, programs for which
U.S. graduates are eligible and a prominent recruitment target. These receiving
country efforts are discussed in more detail in Appendix B.
Sending countries. The top sending countries for international students, both in
general and in AI-relevant fields, are China and India. Two trends contribute to an
increase in the attractiveness of returning home after studying abroad. First, many
sending countries are becoming more professionally and personally attractive due
to their economic development (e.g., more robust domestic tech ecosystems, high-
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 25
er quality of life). Second, sending-country governments are increasingly offering
incentives to attract returnees (e.g., start-up subsidies, tax breaks, and scientific
although experts have questioned the effectiveness of these programs,
for example China’s Thousand Talents program. Appendix C discusses these points
and the relevant evidence in more detail.
The broader lens through which to look at policy developments in these other
countries is the globalization of science, R&D, and innovation. As noted in Chapter 1,
career considerations tend to be the most important factor shaping the migration choices
of high-skilled STEM talent. This means that welcoming immigration policies will not
work without attractive professional ecosystems, and that attractive professional eco-
systems can to some extent compensate for bad immigration policies.
For top technical talent, the United States’ status as the sole global S&T super-
power was historically attractive enough to compensate for the flaws of the U.S.
immigration system. Today, however, the United States is losing its S&T superpower
status and facing competitors with increasingly robust private sector and academic
ecosystems of their own.
For example, between 2013 and 2018, the United States
went from accounting for more than 70 percent of funding deals for AI startups to
40 percent.
A recent analysis of 18 national AI strategies found that “AI talent
policies” were included in every strategy.
The view from China: Talent is an important factor for the future
development of AI. Currently, the US remains the world’s gathering
place for research talent, but the strength of Chinese people in the
fields of AI research and applications, together with the Trump ad-
ministration’s immigration policies, have provided China opportuni-
ties to bolster its ranks of high-end talent.”
—CCID, state-run Chinese consulting firm, CSET translation of “White Paper
on Chinese Cities’ Development of Artificial Intelligence” (2018)
Center for Security and Emerging Technology26
In summary, as surveys of prospective and current STEM students confirm,
“the U.S. is no longer an automatic choice for obtaining the best PhD education in
science and engineering,”
nor can one assume it will remain the automatic choice
for top careers. The effects of these trends, if not yet apparent in retention statistics,
are seen clearly in enrollment figures.
For example, in 2016, 14 percent of col-
leges had students decline admission offers because they decided to study at home,
and 19 percent because they went to a third country. Two years later, in 2018, these
proportions had risen to 39 percent and 59 percent.
The view from Canada: Talent is a key factor of success in the era
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Canada’s world-class research
universities already attract international STEM talent and organiza-
tions. … As the U.S. continues to build a wall to exclude researchers
from countries that it deems hostile, Canada should not only keep
its doors open, but also actively attract and retain international
talent seeking opportunities outside the U.S.”
— Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada (2019)
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 27
reserving the United States’ leadership position in science and
technology generally and AI specifically is essential for the
countrys economic and national security. Talent has been and
will continue to be a crucial factor in that effort. From an economic
perspective, more AI talent means more growth and innovation—labor
market indicators point to a large talent shortage in AI, and experts are
concerned that this shortage will persist and “slow the rate of diffusion
of [AI] and any productivity gains that accompany it.”
From a security
perspective, more AI talent means more people who can work toward
ensuring that AI systems are effective, safe, and secure.
As explained in Chapter 1, international graduate students are a large
source of AI talent for the United States, accounting for two thirds of grad-
uates in AI-related fields. And more than 80 percent of these international
graduates have historically stayed in the United States. However, Chapter
2 highlighted two trends that could erode this U.S. strengths in AI graduate
student attraction and retention: increasing immigration obstacles for grad-
uates who want to stay in the United States and increasing international
competition for AI talent.
This chapter builds on these findings to offer concrete actions for pol-
icymakers to work toward two overarching priorities: first, attracting and
retaining international graduate students, and second, addressing security
concerns about foreign talent.
Attracting and retaining top AI graduate students can be broken down
into three steps. First, students should want to come to the United States
Priorities and
Options for U.S.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology28
to study. Second, they should want to remain and work in the country after grad-
uating. Third, they should be able to obtain permanent residency so that they can
stay indefinitely and have a pathway to citizenship. Policies targeting these steps
will be mutually reinforcing. If long-term job prospects are good, more students
will want to come study in the United States. Similarly, if students feel welcomed
when they first arrive and are helped with their initial transition into the labor mar-
ket, they are also more likely to want to stay long-term.
Today, U.S. immigration policies hamper both the attraction and retention of top
AI talent. In a 2018 survey, more than 80 percent of universities said visa delays
and denials contributed to declines in the number of international students accept-
ing offers, up from 36 percent in 2016.
Moreover, students who do come face
several constraints and limitations that can reduce their desire to stay and—if they
decide to stay—their ability to contribute to innovation and growth.
The following policy options address these and other problems with the current
U.S. system. Together, they would improve both attraction and retention and sub-
stantially increase U.S. competitiveness in the international battle for AI talent.
Reform student visa regulations and procedures
Codify the Optional Practical Training program. Available data suggest tens
of thousands of graduate students with AI-relevant degrees use the F-1 visa’s OPT
program every year and depend on it for initial entry into the U.S. labor force
(Table 3). However, OPT was created via regulation and faces serious legal and
policy challenges.
To safeguard the status of this important part of the AI talent
pipeline, Congress should codify the existence of OPT in legislation. (The codi-
fication of OPT would be unnecessary if, as discussed below, Congress were to
create a statutory student-to-work pathway separate from the F-1 student visa.)
Address backlogs in F-1 and OPT processing. Significant increases in
processing times of F-1 and OPT applications have forced many students to delay
or entirely forego education and employment.
For example, in the summer of
2019, processing times for OPT employment authorization regularly exceeded the
90-day window in which students were allowed to apply for OPT, meaning they
were not allowed to show up to work on their jobs’ purported start date. To address
these issues, USCIS could reinstate a recently rolled back internal rule mandating
processing of employment authorization requests within 90 days,
and similar time
constraints could be introduced, where feasible, for the interagency security review
(SAO) process that some F-1 applicants must go through. Congress, for its part,
could conduct further oversight over backlogs and allocate additional resources to
agencies where necessary.
Retain and improve flexibility in student visa conditions. Experts predict
that pre-existing administrative backlogs—and the costs they impose on students—
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 29
would grow even larger if certain pending F-1 regulatory proposals were imple-
mented. Several policies, such as changing the duration of status from a flexible to
a fixed term, could also directly and negatively impact students. To avoid this, the
administration should amend or withdraw the relevant F-1 regulations and guid-
Given the desire expressed by policymakers across the political spectrum to
have students stay in the United States after graduating, Congress could also amend
the Immigration Nationality Act (INA) to allow students to express intent to stay in
the United States long-term without putting their visa at risk.
Streamline post-graduation transition into U.S. labor market
The policy options outlined in this section mostly concern temporary (“non-immi-
grant”) employment programs. However, if Congress adopts legislation allowing
graduate students to receive permanent residency (“immigrant” status) immedi-
ately after graduation, reform to non-immigrant programs could be partially or
entirely redundant. Policy options for permanent residency reform are discussed in
the next section.
Create a statutory student-to-work pathway. In contrast to Canada and
some other countries, the United States has no dedicated post-graduation employ-
ment visa for international students, and there are many more graduates than there
are available visa slots in current non-student-specific programs. To alleviate this
bottleneck and to help U.S. universities compete for top international talent, Con-
gress could create a student-specific temporary employment visa program akin to
successful programs in other countries with many international students (see Appen-
dix B). Such a program could include especially favorable conditions (e.g., duration
of visa, increased processing speed, more flexible certification requirement) for
students with job offers in labor-constrained fields like AI.
Allow entrepreneurial graduate students to start companies. There is
currently no visa program tailored to entrepreneurs in the U.S. immigration system,
as most visas require a formal employer-employee relationship. To fill this gap,
Congress could create a visa category that allows international graduate—or
foreign-born workers more generally—to obtain either temporary or (condition-
al) permanent residency status if they start their own company. Barring legislative
changes, the White House could reverse its process of rolling back the International
Entrepreneur Rule, an Obama-era regulatory program intended to facilitate entre-
preneurship among immigrants.
Improve the flexibility of employment visas. Graduates and employers in
fast-changing emerging technology fields such as AI face additional barriers due
to certain inflexibilities in the immigration system. For example, there are reports of
Center for Security and Emerging Technology30
people with physics degrees having trouble getting H-1Bs for data science roles
on the grounds that their degrees are insufficiently related to their jobs.
flexibility issues such as difficulties transferring H-1Bs between jobs or employers
also affect AI talent, as does spousal employment authorization. Because statuto-
ry language on such matters is typically broad, many of these problems could be
addressed by USCIS through guidance or regulations.
Reduce the burdens of visa allocation processes. To facilitate more efficient
and timely hiring, the relevant agencies should work to increase the frequency of
visa allocations and decrease processing times. For example, USCIS could hold an
H-1B lottery quarterly as opposed to just once a year,
and the Department of La-
bor could reduce labor certification requirements in labor-constrained fields such as
These measures would be especially beneficial to smaller employers, like start-
ups, who work on tighter timelines and face more resource constraints than large
firms. (AI employers have likely already benefited from certain recent USCIS-led
changes that favor higher-paying and higher-degree H-1B applicants.
Shorten the path to permanent residency and citizenship
Remove country-based caps on the number of available green cards.
Country-based caps have led to prohibitively long green card backlogs among
Chinese and especially Indian nationals. As noted in Chapter 2, an Indian PhD
entering the green card queue today is projected to face a wait time of around
50 years. This harms U.S. competitiveness in AI because approximately half of
international graduate students in AI-relevant fields are from India and China
(Figure 1). To reduce backlogs for AI talent source countries such as India and
China, Congress could eliminate country-based caps from the INA (or raise caps
more generally).*
Automatically grant green cards to postgraduate degree holders. An-
other approach to the green card backlog problem for AI students is to guarantee
international graduate (or only PhD) students conditional permanent residency upon
graduation from U.S. universities, either in general or for a smaller set of labor-con-
strained and strategically relevant fields such as AI.
To alleviate critics’ concerns
about automatic green cards incentivizing “diploma mills,” labor market pressures,
*A bill to this effect, the “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act,” passed the House and is
currently stalled in the Senate. The consequences of removing country-based caps are complex,
and before taking this step Congress should carefully assess its potential negative side-effects.
Increasing the overall number of available green cards could achieve many of the same benefits to
the AI sector as removing country-based caps without the latters potential negative side-effects, but
such a measure is likely politically infeasible today.
Guaranteed green cards can also take the form of cap-exemptions, meaning that graduate
students from U.S. universities who meet certain requirements could obtain permanent residency
without entering lengthy green card queues. This was the approach taken in the Border Security,
Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, S. 744, 114th Cong. (2013).
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 31
and dual residency,
the program could be made specific to students graduating
from highly-ranked universities and include strict domestic residency requirements.
Create and utilize accelerated paths to citizenship in exchange for gov-
ernment service. Congress and agencies should work together to create programs
whereby in-demand international talent can receive green cards and citizenship
on accelerated timelines in exchange for a number of years of government service.
To inform program design, studies should be commissioned to inventory and derive
lessons learned from related past programs such as the Military Accessions Vital
to National Security (MAVNI) program.
(While a secure statutory program is
preferable, MAVNI was created by executive order, suggesting similar AI-specific
programs could be as well.)
Policy priorities besides immigration
It is not enough for a country to be welcoming. Graduates, in order to come and
stay, also need to see a country as professionally attractive. The United States
is already strong on this front, but it is facing increased competition from China,
Canada, the U.K., and other countries. Policies that bolster the U.S. academic and
commercial AI ecosystems—for example by addressing AI faculty shortages at
universities—would therefore also aid graduate retention. Future CSET reports will
provide more specific policy options on this front.
Policymakers should also act to address security concerns around the training and
presence of foreign talent in dual-use fields such as AI.
Other countries, most notably China, are actively engaged in trying to ex-
tract and absorb AI-relevant technology and knowledge from the United States to
strengthen their economies and militaries.
Students are one vector through which
these countries hope to achieve such technology transfer. U.S. law enforcement
agencies are now focusing on “non-traditional collectors” and calling out gradu-
ate students as a population of concern,
and commentators outside of govern-
ment have echoed their concerns.
Recent FBI enforcement actions and policy
changes at federal funding agencies have, in turn, sparked pushback from affect-
ed communities.
Given the dual-use nature and strategic value of AI, there are legitimate reasons
for U.S. policymakers to worry about technology transfer. Some specific concerns,
however, seem to be based at least partially on misperceptions. A prominent 2018
report by the Defense Innovation Unit notes that 25 percent of graduate students in
STEM fields are Chinese and that “nearly all [of them] will take their knowledge and
skills back to China” because they “do not have visas to remain in the U.S.,” the im-
plication being that U.S. universities are educating the countrys competitors without
Center for Security and Emerging Technology32
much benefit to the United States.
As this report shows, that is not the case—with
the vast majority of Chinese graduate students in fact staying in the United States—
despite longstanding efforts by the Chinese government to draw them back.
Other disagreements stem from real uncertainty about the nature and extent
of risk. For example, CSET data collection found that out of the small number of
students who return to China after completing their PhD in the United States, most
go to work for the private sector and none directly for the Chinese government or
military (Figure 10). To what extent this assuages concerns about “educating our
competitors” depends on whether one believes China’s military-civil fusion plans,
whereby the government intends to convert civilian technological successes into a
long-term military advantage, will actually bear fruit. This is a question that China
experts continue to debate.
Other areas of potential disagreement include how
easy it is to militarize AI, or how difficult it will be to distinguish between civilian and
military lines of AI R&D as the technology advances.
A lack of systematic data
and analysis on these and related questions makes it hard for governments and
other stakeholders to conduct risk assessments and develop countermeasures.
However, even if technology transfer risks are potentially substantial, policies
must also account for the serious security risks from not attracting and retaining
foreign students in the same way the United States does today. Given that there are
large talent shortages in AI, any decrease in international talent inflow and retention
would hurt U.S. industry and, by extension, the defense industrial base. Talent short-
ages also increase the risk of technology transfer by incentivizing U.S. companies
to set up labs in countries where protections against transfer are worse than in the
United States, as has already started happening in the AI sector.
11 0
Conversely, competitors would benefit from decreased U.S. openness. One
study of top Chinese-trained AI researchers finds that 75 percent currently live
outside of China, nearly all of them in the United States.
China’s aggressive talent
recruitment efforts (discussed in more detail in Appendix C) show that its leadership
is unhappy with this situation and thinks its competitiveness in AI would increase
if more of this talent returned from abroad. Lastly, because the United States does
not have a monopoly on AI, it is likely that any unilateral counter-transfer measures
would simply displace, not decrease, transfer activities.
For these reasons, we do not recommend adopting policies targeting
broad student populations, such as the recent shortening of visa durations for
Chinese graduate students in certain technology fields.
Such measures put a core
U.S. advantage in technology competition at risk. Many are also likely to be inef-
fective. For example, Nicholas Eftimiades, a former senior U.S. counterintelligence
official and author of a book on Chinese intelligence practices, said of proposals
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 33
to broadly enhance screening of Chinese students and scholars, “Not a good idea.
The process will almost certainly fail at determining an individual’s future course of
Instead, the United States should adopt a more targeted approach to
countering the risks of technology transfer via talent flow. First, it is important
to acknowledge that there is a clear need to encourage more domestic students to
pursue graduate degrees in AI-related fields,* and that most large-scale transfers of
data and intellectual property involve not individual researchers but cyber breach-
es or private investment and acquisitions. Much can still be done on those fronts
without running the risk of harming U.S. talent competitiveness.
Even when it comes
to addressing transfer occurring through individual students and scientists, however,
there are relatively low-risk measures U.S. policymakers can take today that would
help lay the groundwork for better and more targeted policy decisions down the
line. The remainder of this section outlines some of these measures.
Enhance domestic and international policy coordination
Create an interagency task force charged with improving both screening
and retention. A wide range of organizations, including the Departments of
State, Defense, Homeland Security, Commerce, and Education; the intelligence
community (IC); and various science funding agencies, are involved in creat-
ing and implementing U.S. policies relevant to foreign S&T talent screening and
retention. There is no U.S. government entity with a policy focus and a mission that
includes both the screening and retention of foreign S&T talent, two goals essen-
tial to U.S. security and affected by many of the same policy decisions.
This can
lead to a disproportionate focus on some policy goals at the expense of others.
In designing a new entity to fill this gap, policymakers could take inspiration from
the membership structure and certain other aspects of the Committee on Foreign
Investment in the United States (CFIUS). The tradeoffs CFIUS navigates—between
the national security benefits and risks of foreign investment—are similar to those
that crop up with foreign S&T talent and similarly require cross-agency input and
*How to encourage more domestic students to do graduate studies—and understanding domestic
students’ educational and career decisions more broadly—will be the focus of future CSET research.
There are entities that bring together different agencies to execute specific functions, such as making
individual student and scholar visa vetting decisions, or adjudicating deemed export control licenses.
However, these groups are typically not focused on policy-level activities and have narrow remits.
Recently, a subcommittee within the Office of Science and Technology Policy, JCORE, took on a
coordinating function for certain research security policies. This is a step in the right direction, but
JCORE’s mission does not explicitly include talent retention, and it is unclear whether the committee
will have sufficient resources or institutional clout. See “Letter to the Research Community,” Office of
Science and Technology Policy, September 16, 2019,
Center for Security and Emerging Technology34
expertise. At minimum, a new interagency task force or other entity should get an
advisory and coordinating role.
Engage international allies about knowledge transfer concerns. To
avoid having to act unilaterally, the White House should engage allies with robust
emerging technology ecosystems to discuss how harmful knowledge transfer can
be avoided in an internationally coordinated fashion. Absent coordination, U.S.
countermeasures are likely to steer international talent toward other AI hubs such
as the U.K. and Canada without achieving any of the desired outcomes. Recent
multilateral initiatives organized by the State Department are a good first step and
should be expanded.
Raise awareness and improve screening through open-source collec-
tion and dissemination
Allocate more resources to open-source intelligence collection. Many indi-
cators of transfer activity and evidence of potentially illegal behavior are avail-
able in the public domain, as recent indictments and agency enforcement actions
For example, one recently indicted Chinese researcher accused
of hiding his employment at a Chinese university had his dual affiliation listed on
multiple public scientific papers. Unfortunately, open-source intelligence (OSINT)
collection and analysis currently get short shrift in the intelligence community,
leading one former deputy CIA director to argue “open-source intelligence
deserves its own agency.”
One advantage of such OSINT reforms would be to
improve vetting and monitoring capability when it comes to foreign researchers
in sensitive fields. Another is that open-source analysis can—to some extent—be
shared with professors and university administrators, some of whom are currently
mistrustful of transfer-related warnings from the intelligence community because
they are not able to scrutinize the evidence for themselves.
Consider expanding the scope of the Foreign Agents Registration Act
(FARA) to cover foreign talent recruitment efforts. FARA is a law aimed at
increasing public disclosure of foreign propaganda activity, with the intent not of
banning such activity but of educating the American public and relevant stakehold-
Analysts have suggested this same framework might be appropriate for tech-
nology transfer activity.
Congress should study whether and how it should adapt
or expand FARA to increase the visibility of foreign recruitment efforts of U.S.-based
talent and other transfer activities.
Collect more and better data about student retention trends
Expand agency surveys of U.S. student populations to include master’s
students and more retention-related questions. The National Science Foun-
dation and other agencies administer many useful surveys of student populations
in the United States, some of which this report draws on. However, these surveys
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 35
can be expanded in both who and what they cover. For example, there are cur-
rently no regular government agency surveys of masters students—even though
there are now many times more masters students than there are PhD students in
important fields like computer science (see Table 1). Existing surveys also often
do not ask how long students intend to stay after graduating or what factors drive
those decisions. To fill these informational gaps, Congress should ask—and allo-
cate the necessary resources to—the National Science Foundation to expand its
existing portfolio of student surveys. Congress could also require periodic reports
on retention trends and their causes from the relevant agencies.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology36
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 37
alent is a crucial competitive advantage for the United States in
AI, in large part because of the countrys ability to attract and
retain the best technical minds in the world. Many of these minds
first come to the United States as students and subsequently stay to be-
come some of the countrys best AI scientists, engineers, and leaders. In
doing so, they help fill critical talent gaps in the U.S. AI sector.
Despite its historical strength in student attraction and retention, the Unit-
ed States needs to act if it wants to maintain the countrys AI talent ad-
vantages. These advantages are being challenged by two trends. First,
the U.S. immigration system is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate
even for the most highly skilled. And whereas U.S. primacy in science
and technology used to be such that the United States was virtually the
only place where AI talent could do cutting-edge work, today other
countries are rapidly building up their domestic tech and AI ecosystems
and becoming attractive professional destinations.
While there is little that U.S. policymakers can do to halt the rise of com-
petition, they can control whether the United States remains an attractive
and welcoming destination for international talent. The primary tool they
have for this is immigration policy. Immigration reforms must go hand in
hand with policies aimed at expanding the domestic talent pipeline. But
domestic talent policies will take years to pay dividends, and domestic
talent will never be able to fully substitute for international talent.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology38
Overview of immigration policy options
Potential legislative actions Potential executive actions
Codify the Optional Practical Training
program in statute.
Increase oversight of processing backlogs
in F-1 applications and OPT employment
Allow students to express a desire to re-
main in the U.S. upon graduation (“dual
Avoid restrictions on the OPT program
that hurt AI employers.
Adopt and implement rules that limit F-1
and OPT processing times to reasonable
Potential legislative actions
Potential executive actions
Create a new student-to-work pathway
with a dedicated employment visa for
former international students.
Create a visa category for entrepreneurs
that allows international students to start
their own companies upon graduation.
Hold H-1B lotteries quarterly in order to
increase time-constrained AI startups’
ability to utilize the H-1B visa.
Reduce labor certification requirements for
labor-constrained fields such as AI.
Reverse the rollback process for the Inter-
national Entrepreneur Rule.
Potential legislative actions Potential executive actions
Eliminate country-based caps on the
annual number of green cards that can be
Automatically grant green cards to (or
exempt from green card caps) international
graduate students from select universities.
Create accelerated paths to citizenship for
international graduates in exchange for
government service.
Create accelerated paths to citizenship for
international graduates in exchange for
government service.
Several of these actions could be implemented in ways that either apply to international
graduate students broadly or to AI graduates specifically, as discussed above.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 39
At the same time, the United States must balance the security and economic bene-
fits it derives from being the global hub for AI talent with security concerns around
training foreign talent that might later work for U.S. competitors. This balancing
act is a delicate one. The easiest way for the United States to hurt itself in compet-
ing with China is to help the Chinese government recruit U.S.-based AI talent by
becoming less welcoming. To avoid such outcomes, U.S. policymakers should first
focus on implementing necessary counter-transfer reforms that pose fewer risks to
talent competitiveness, such as strengthening investment and cyber protections,
improving domestic and international policy coordination, and shoring up the
countrys open-source intelligence apparatus.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology52
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 41
In the future, CSET aims to build on the research presented in this paper in several ways:
Conduct career choice surveys. In its future surveys of AI students and faculty, CSET will
fill informational gaps in existing surveys and learn more about career choices, the factors
that influence moving decisions, and the destination countries students consider attractive.
Further analyze administrative immigration data. Available data from immigration
agencies is helpful but incomplete. Pending responses to agency requests, CSET will
conduct further analyses of administrative immigration data to form a better picture of the
pathways students travel through the immigration system and where they most frequently
encounter problems.
Continuously track retention rates. Existing survey-based approaches to measuring
stay rates often provide incomplete coverage and suffer from delays in data availability.
In the future, CSET aims to continuously track retention rates via publicly available re-
sume data in order to provide timely information about changing patterns and trends in
post-graduation choices.
Mapping graduate flows internationally. This report focused on graduate students
in the United States, but the career and destination choices of graduate students in other
countries also provide valuable information about the attractiveness of different AI ecosys-
tems and global talent flows. CSET aims to expand data collection efforts to other coun-
tries as well, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and China.
Track enrollment trends. From a workforce perspective, it matters not only where stu-
dents go after graduating but also where they decide to enroll in the first place. In future
work, CSET hopes to get a better picture of enrollment trends both in the United States and
other countries across different degree levels and AI-relevant fields.
Better understand AI source fields. Since AI is a rapidly growing and changing field,
the picture of the educational and employment routes into the AI workforce is imperfect.
Examining the career histories of those currently employed in AI jobs can offer a better
sense of the backgrounds and skills AI employers look for. This information could inform,
for example, immigration officers' decisions about whether an applicant's skills and edu-
cation meet the legal criteria for employment-based visas, or Department of Labor assess-
ments of labor supply and shortages.
Future Work
Center for Security and Emerging Technology42
Further assess security concerns. Student retention rates are only one part of the
discussion about the potential security risks of foreign talent in dual-use fields such as AI.
CSET will also study other questions that are part of this discussion, including further data
collection and assessments of potential countermeasures.
We welcome questions, feedback, and collaboration proposals on these topics; please feel
free to contact
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 43
We drew on several data sources in Chapters 1 and 2 of this report. This Appendix briefly discusses each of them,
describing the information available in the sources and the analytical choices we made in working with the data.
Original CSET data collection: top U.S. AI PhD graduates
For data on the education and career histories of AI PhD graduates from U.S. universities, CSET launched a large-
scale collection effort in early 2019. We started by creating a population list of recent PhD graduates on the basis
of a ProQuest dissertation search using AI-ML keywords. For this initial effort, we looked at students who graduated
between 2014-2019 from one of the 20 universities with the highest-ranked AI departments in the U.S.
A team of
research assistants took this list and manually collected data on their pre- and post-PhD educational history, their
professional activities, and their scientific publications from sources such as LinkedIn and Google Scholar. This paper
reports results on 1,999 graduates for whom we have collected complete histories so far. This data forms the basis for
Figures 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10, and Table 2.
Data collection for the United States is ongoing, and collection is also expanding into other countries (initially
Canada, the United Kingdom, and China). In future publications we will expand on the data collection methodology
and highlight further findings. Readers interested in discussing the data in more detail in the meantime are welcome to
contact us.
Administrative immigration data
Several U.S. departments charged with administering and enforcing immigration regulations regularly release
data on the number and characteristics of immigrants. The most detailed of these is the Department of Labors
“PERM” data, which includes information on foreign workers for whom employers initiated a labor certification
process since 2010. This process is a prerequisite for green card sponsorship. Data on these workers includes their
country of citizenship, their educational and professional backgrounds, and characteristics of their prospective jobs.
Approximately 888,000 individuals are included in the 2010-2019 data.* We used the PERM dataset to study the
main feeder fields into AI jobs (Chapter 1) and the backgrounds of foreign workers sponsored for green cards (Box
4). To do this analysis, we needed working definitions of “AI employers” and “AI jobs.” We outline these definitions
briefly and will elaborate on them in future work.
There is no widely agreed-upon definition or list of “AI employers.” For the purposes of this paper and the PERM
dataset, where we were primarily interested in identifying individuals with AI skills, our goal was to find employers
who have hired significant amounts of AI talent, even if AI represents a minority of what the employer does. We
ultimately compiled a list of several hundred AI companies from several sources: (1) companies that had been
identified in Crunchbase as specializing in AI and that (a) are publicly listed, (b) have 50 or more employees, or (c)
have raised at least $10 million in funding;
(2) leading AI startups, as identified by market research firm CB Insights;
and (3) companies that are especially active in hiring personnel with AI skills, as identified by market research firm
There were 50,391 entries (sponsored individuals) at these AI employers in our database.
It is similarly difficult to define what counts as an “AI job,” especially with access to only a job title. A “software
engineer” at Google, for example, could work on an AI team or could be doing something else entirely. For this
paper we took a broad approach, reporting statistics for people who worked in broadly “technical” roles.
approach prioritizes minimizing the number of “false negatives” over minimizing the number of “false positives,”
*Data for 2019 were downloaded in spring and are thus not comprehensive for that year.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology44
leaving in some non-AI-related technical jobs but at least excluding management, sales, accounting, and similar
“non-technical” jobs. Roughly 15 percent of jobs at AI employers in the PERM database were non-technical or
difficult to classify and thus dropped, leaving us with a total of 43,070 potentially AI-related jobs at AI employers.
Other publicly available immigration datasets and statistics (e.g. on OPT or H-1B entrants) contained too little
information to do similarly detailed analysis, but they were used in Table 2 for aggregate statistics. To address
these data gaps and allow us to conduct further analysis, we have several FOIA requests pending with the relevant
Existing surveys
We also analyzed data from existing surveys of AI-relevant student populations and university departments. Our
primary sources of survey data were:
The Survey of Earned Doctorates (used in Figures 2, 3a, and 6), an annual census of PhD graduates conducted
by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
The survey collects individual-level data on graduates’ academic
field, country of origin, and career plans, generally achieving response rates exceeding 90 percent. Researchers
must request a license in order to access the data.
The Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (used in Figure 1 and
note 15), an annual census of research university science and engineering departments conducted by the NSF.
It asks departments for the number of enrolled students and postdocs and their demographic profiles, among other
information. It does not contain questions on students’ specific countries of origin, only whether they are domestic or
international. Its 2017 survey, the latest for which data is publicly available, was the first that asked departments to
report statistics for masters and PhD students separately (see note 15).
The Taulbee Survey (used in Figure 3b and note 14), an annual survey of PhD-granting computer science,
computer engineering, and informatics departments in the United States and Canada run by the Computing
Research Association (CRA).
It asks departments to provide information about PhD, masters, and bachelor’s
students’ demographic background, and about PhD graduates’ fields of specialization and post-graduation plans.
CRA surveys nearly 300 departments, with response rates of 60-70 percent. Notes 14 and 52 also draw on data
from CRAs separate Data Buddies survey.
We thank these organizations for sharing their data and insights with us, which we will continue to draw on in future
publications. CSET will also field its own surveys; readers interested in providing input on such surveys are welcome
to reach out.
The United States leads the world in international student enrollment, followed by the United Kingdom, Canada,
and Australia. Comparing student retention policies across these countries, however, the United States does
substantially worse.
Student-to-work pathways. Most countries with significant international student populations have created
specific “student-to-work” pathway. These are generally similar to Optional Practical Training (OPT) in the United
States. Unlike in the United States, however, these countries’ student-to-work routes are generally more securely
codified in law and more widely supported among policymakers. Indeed, many countries have recently reformed
and expanded the immigration options available to international students.
In Australia, students can obtain a post-study work visa that is valid for two to four years (depending on
education level) and participate in a year-long professional program that prepares students for a career
in Australia.
These two professional activities yield graduates extra points in Australia’s points-based
immigration system, thereby increasing a graduate’s chances of obtaining permanent residency.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 45
In Canada, the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) allows students to work up to three years without
restrictions after getting their degree. As in Australia, a major benefit of the PGWP is that graduates can use
Canadian work experience to boost their rank in the recently launched points-based Express Entry system
to secure permanent residency.
In early 2019, Canada liberalized PGWP regulations by extending the
deadline to apply from 90 days after graduation to six months.
The United Kingdom terminated its two-year post-study work visa in 2012, and since then students have
had to compete with other immigrants for a general work visa capped at 20,700 spots per year. In a recent
effort to carve out a new student-to-work pathway, the government has proposed extending the time gradu-
ates can seek a job, reinstating the post-study work visa, and eliminating the cap on the general work visa by
20 21.
In October 2019, the government already exempted PhD level occupations from the general work
visa cap.
Other countries with straightforward student-to-work pathways include France, Germany, and New Zealand.
Besides having codified student-to-work pathways, other countries’ immigration systems also differ from the U.S.
system in other ways relevant for the AI workforce.
Entrepreneurial visas. Nearly 20 other countries—including Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and Israel—
have recently introduced specific visa programs for entrepreneurs (especially in tech), which make it possible for
domestically- and internationally-trained students to start businesses after graduating.
As previously noted, the
United States currently has no operational visa category for entrepreneurs.
Permanent residency. Many other countries provide easier paths to permanent residence than the United States,
which—since most student-to-worker pathways are initially temporary in nature—is important for graduates’ ability to
stay in the long term. In the United States,
as noted in Chapter 2, the number of eligible graduates and workers far
exceeds the number of available green card slots, especially among Indian and Chinese nationals. The United States
is not unique in this—prior to its recent reforms, caps on the number of skilled workers that can get permanent residency
in the United Kingdom led to similar bottlenecks in their system.
13 6
The majority of foreign-born AI-relevant graduate students come from just two countries: China and India. While
some generalizations can be made about why students decide to stay in or leave the United States, in many cases
the relative importance and salience of different factors depends on country-specific details. Because of the outsize
importance of China and India, and to see stay-departure decision-making play out at a more granular level, this
section describes returnee dynamics among these two countries’ students specifically.
To summarize, there are both similarities and differences between the two communities. The main similarity is that
professional opportunities resulting from economic development are the prime reason that students and workers return
home. A salient difference is that Indian students face a much tougher immigration environment due to green card
queues. Many more Indian returnees report going home for immigration-related reasons. On the policy front, the
Indian government has been much less aggressive than the Chinese government in trying to recruit full-time returnees,
instead focusing on attracting diaspora financial investment and remittances.
Indian students and policy
Professional opportunities. Around half of Indian returnees cite professional opportunities as their main
reason for returning across a range of surveys.
Many private sector returnees cite budding startup ecosys-
tems in places like Bangalore and Hyderabad as particularly attractive.
13 8
Immigration rules. As noted in Chapter 2, green card queues for Indian in the U.S. are very long; current
PhD graduates can expect to wait around 50 years for permanent residency.
Some high-tech immigrants
stuck on temporary status or in the queue now consider their decision to move to the United States the “worst
Center for Security and Emerging Technology46
decision of my life.”
In a survey of academics who returned to India, 26 percent of respondents said that
immigration problems were an important factor in their decision. For many academics, though, the main
problem was their inability to get work authorization for their spouse, as opposed to their own status.
another survey of mostly private sector returnees, 30 percent said visa issues were significant.
Personal and cultural considerations. In one survey of returnees, over 30 percent state they had fami-
ly-related reasons for returning.
In another, about 25 percent report either family reunification or “Indian
cultural identity” as their primary reason.
A study of Indian medical doctors based abroad found that
40 percent were “ready to return,” “mainly for personal reasons.”
Interestingly, there have not been many Indian policy efforts to attract returnees, in contrast to China. One study
concludes that “the government in New Delhi has done little or nothing” to encourage high-skilled in-migration
because it is more concerned about increasing investment and remittances from abroad.
Another similarly
concludes that “there has not been any concerted effort to induce return migration in India, except in some
indirect and limited ways,” hypothesizing that an excess of domestic labor reduces the need for returnees and that
bureaucratic problems hampered the few nascent programs that did get launched.
Chinese students and policy
Professional opportunities. One survey of Chinese returnees found that professional opportunities were
a “very” or “extremely” important factor for 70 percent of respondents.
Another study that focused
specifically on returned STEM faculty in China found that “job opportunities” was the most common rea-
son for return (cited by 46 percent of respondents).
Experimental research with U.S.-educated Chinese
STEM students has found that salary is an important determinant of returnee preferences;
the fact that
economic growth and investment in high-tech fields have driven up salaries and created more interesting
jobs in China is a big factor for many returnees.
Many returnees also feel they have better professional
networks in China than in the United States.
Immigration rules. Visa problems do not seem to be a very important reason for return among academ-
or prospective entrepreneurs (20 percent of whom rated expiring visas as an extremely to moderate-
ly important reason for return),
though in some surveys Chinese graduate students do report difficulties
finding employment as non-citizens,
which is likely at least partially visa-related.
Personal and cultural considerations. In the same study of STEM faculty who returned to China pre-
viously cited, “family” was the second most important reason for returning, cited by 45 percent of re-
Other commonly cited reasons were “wanting children to receive a Chinese education” (18
percent) and “did not adjust well to foreign culture” (10 percent). Another survey finds that 84 percent of
Chinese graduate students in the United States who intended to return home after their studies considered
“missing family/friends” an important reason for returning, with the second most important factor being
cultural comfort” in China (79 percent).
There are many factors that disincentivize U.S.-educated students from returning to China. Salary gaps between the
United States and China are still large, even though Chinese salaries have been rising,
and roughly 80 percent
of returnees report lower-than-expected salaries.
Returnees also often experience challenges integrating into the
Chinese labor market, with 70 percent saying that their position did not match their experience and skills.
Many in
academia consider the research environment in China to be less merit-based, leading to frequent complaints about
plagiarism and the political nature of promotions.
Governments and university administrators also try to dictate
much of the content and output of research. One survey of academics finds that “the goal of research in China is
no longer seen as about the pursuit of knowledge; rather, it has become a pursuit designed to meet quantitative
indicators for one’s evaluation.”
Potential returnees who are thinking about going into the private sector have felt
deterred by the political environment as well.
The Chinese government has been very active in trying to encourage return, for example by offering financial
incentives to both returnees and Chinese institutions, using a combination of embassy and other official networks to
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 47
create linkages, and providing job search and other administrative support. The most well-known returnee program is
the “Thousand Talents Program,” but there are many more.
Many analysts, however, doubt that government policies have been central in shaping returnee patterns to China,
and they may even unintentionally increase emigration. As a literature review on this topic states, “Most studies argue
that governments have limited impact on the return tide. Preferential policies for returnees can, in fact, increase the
numbers going abroad, since preferred benefits are available only to returnees.”
Tensions between returnees and
“domestic” workers and scientists are currently commonplace, with those who have never gone abroad alleging
discrimination and those who have finding it hard to break into longer-standing domestic networks.
returnees are often thought to be of lower quality on average than those who remain abroad.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology48
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 49
1. “Artificial Intelligence for the American People,” White House,
2. CCTV, “Why Is Xi Jinping’s ‘First Resource’ So Important? (“习近平眼里的“第一资源”为何如此重
要”), July 18, 2018,
3. Elsa Kania, “China’s AI Talent ‘Arms Race,’” The Strategist, April 23, 2018, https://www.aspistrategist. People in industry, such as David Wipf, a Principal Researcher at
Microsoft Research, similarly talk about a “battle for talent” and its importance to AI leadership; see e.g.
David Cyranoski, “China Enters the Battle for AI Talent,” Nature, January 15, 2018, https://www.nature.
4. “Interim Report to Congress,” National Security Commission for Artificial Intelligence (November 2019),
5. Daniel Culbertson, “Demand for AI Talent on the Rise,” Indeed Hiring Lab (blog), March 1, 2018,
6. For a more extensive discussion of talent shortages in AI and the proportion of foreign-born workers in
the U.S. AI workforce, see Remco Zwetsloot, Roxanne Heston, and Zachary Arnold, Strengthening the U.S.
AI Workforce: A Policy and Research Agenda (Center for Security and Emerging Technology: September
7. “CSRankings: Computer Science Rankings,” CSRankings, accessed August 12, 2019, http://csrankings.
8. Lesleyanne Hawthorne, “Attracting and Retaining International Students as Skilled Migrants,” in
High-Skilled Migration: Drivers and Policies, Mathias Czaika (Oxford University Press, 2018), http://
chapter-10. This is also better for the employees, who tend to find better employment matches more easily
and receive higher starting wages; see John Bound, Murat Demirci, Gaurav Khanna, and Sarah Turner,
“Finishing Degrees and Finding Jobs: US Higher Education and the Flow of Foreign IT Workers,” National
Bureau of Economic Research (University of Chicago Press, 2015): 64-65, https://www.journals.
9. Bound et al., “Finishing Degrees and Finding Jobs”; Christiane Kuptsch, “Students and Talent Flow - the
Case of Europe: From Castle to Harbour?,” in Competing for Global Talent, ed. Christiane Kuptsch and
Pang Eng Fong (International Institute for Labour Studies, 2006): 41,
10. Stuart Anderson, “Immigrants and Billion Dollar Startups,” National Foundation for American Policy,
March 2016,
NFAP-Policy-Brief.March-2016.pdf. Between 1995 and 2005, roughly 50 percent of U.S. technology
and engineering companies founded by immigrants were founded by former international students; see
Vivek Wadhwa, Ben A. Rissing, AnnaLee Saxenian, and G. Gereffi, “Education, Entrepreneurship and
Center for Security and Emerging Technology50
Immigration: America’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs, Part II,” SSRN, June 2007, https://papers.ssrn.
11. CSET analysis of Department of Labor PERM data, 2015-2019 (see Appendix A). Only 60 percent
of applications describe workers’ education history, so this is an estimate with some uncertainty. Among
applicants who reported their highest degree, 60 percent reported a masters degree and 9 percent
reported a PhD degree. This compares to 41 percent and 5 percent at non-AI employers. No comparably
detailed data is available for domestic workers or for foreign-born workers on other visa categories.
12. Jean-Francois Gagne, “Global AI Talent Report 2019,”
13. CSET analysis of Department of Labor PERM data, 2015-2019 (see Appendix A). Other fields all
accounted for less than two percent of workers in the dataset. Note that computer engineering (CE) is a
subfield of electrical engineering (EE), and often not reported by students or universities as a separate
field. Universities also often do their CS and EE training within a single department; Berkeley, for example,
teaches AI in its “Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.” For these reasons, we
report statistics on CS/EE student populations below when CE-specific data is unavailable.
14. CSET analysis of Computing Research Association data (see Appendix A). In the Fall 2017 CRA Data
Buddies survey of graduate students in computing programs, 1,437 out of 4,550 respondents (32 percent)
report “Artificial Intelligence” as one of their specialties. In the 2018 CRA Taulbee survey of PhD students
in computing programs, roughly 20 percent selected “Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning” as their
specialty, up from 14 percent in 2016 and 2017 and 10 percent in prior years.
15. The 2017 version of this survey was the first to publish separate statistics for master’s and PhD students.
At that time there were, at the masters level, 75,618 CS students (of which 58 percent were temporary
visa holders) and 29,816 EE students (of which 68 percent were temporary visa holders). At the PhD level,
there were 14,291 CS students (of which 63 percent were temporary visa holders) and 17,936 EE students
(of which 71 percent were temporary visa holders). Master’s students thus make up roughly 75 percent of
all graduate students. See “Table 4-4b. Citizenship, Ethnicity, and Race of Masters Students, By Detailed
Field: 2017,” National Science Foundation, last accessed August 12, 2019,
gradpostdoc/2017/html/gss17-dt-tab004-4b.html and “Table 4-4c. Citizenship, Ethnicity, and Race of
Doctoral Students, By Detailed Field: 2017,” National Science Foundation, last accessed August 12, 2019,
16. Students from Russia, a geopolitically relevant country with significant ambitions in AI, accounted for
only 0.4 percent of U.S. CS PhD graduates in 2016.
17. CSET calculations based on data from NSF’s Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in
Science and Engineering.
18. Michael G. Finn and Leigh Ann Pennington, Stay Rates of Foreign Doctorate Recipients from U.S.
Universities, 2013 (Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Engineering Education: January 2018), Figure 2,
19. Patrick Gaule, “Who Comes Back and When? Return Migration Decisions of Academic Scientists,”
Economcis Letters 124, no. 3 (September 2014),
20. Richard van Noorden, “Global Mobility: Science on the Move,” Nature 490 (October 2012),
21. For example, Yolanda Gil, writing on behalf of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial
Intelligence (AAAI), states that “International PhD graduates are leaving the US in larger numbers than
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 51
before, in part due to immigration constraints but also due to the availability of attractive opportunities
for AI overseas.” See “AAAI Response to NITRD RFI: National Artificial Intelligence Research and
Development Strategic Plan,” Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, October 26, 2018:
8, Some, such as
Vivek Wadhwa and co-authors, already stated that “it appears likely that the trend of skilled workers to
return has accelerated [since 2000]” roughly a decade ago; see Vivek Wadhwa, AnnaLee Saxenian,
Richard B. Freeman, and G. Gereffi, “America’s Loss is the World’s Gain: America’s New Immigrant
Entrepreneurs, Part 4,” SSRN, March 2, 2009, 6
id=1348616. For China-specific examples of claims about increased returnee rates, see Meng Jing, “Why
Trump’s Clampdown on Academia is Forcing Many Chinese Researchers into a Difficult Corner,” South
China Morning Post, June 13, 2019,
clampdown-academia-forcing-many-chinese-researchers, Bloomberg Businessweek, “Chinese Workers
Abandon Silicon Valley for Riches Back Home,” January 10, 2018,
articles/2018-01-10/chinese-workers-abandon-silicon-valley-for-riches-back-home, and Richard Engel
and Kennett Werner, “China’s Rising Tech Scene Threatens U.S. Brain Drain as ‘Sea Turtles’ Return Home,”
NBC News, July 14, 2019,
22. Emily Feng, “Chinese Students are Under Suspicion in China and the U.S.,” NPR, June 4, 2019,
china-and-the-u-s; Elizabeth Redden, “Science vs. Security,” Inside Higher Ed, April 16, 2019, https://
23. Some research indicates that there have been increases in the number of Chinese students who say
they eventually want to return home, even if they initially stay; see Ryan P. Kellogg, “China’s Brain Gain?
Attitudes and Future Plans of Overseas Chinese Students in the US,” Journal of Chinese Overseas 8, no.
1 (September 2010),'s_Brain_Gain_
Attitudes_and_Future_Plans_of_Overseas_Chinese_Students_in_the_US. In a recent survey, 54 percent
of Chinese STEM PhD students in the U.S. said they intended to work in the U.S. first before eventually
returning home; see Michael Roach, Henry Sauermann, and John Skrentny, “Are Foreign STEM PhDs More
Entrepreneurial? Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Preferences and Employment Outcomes of Native and
Foreign Science & Engineering PhD Students,” NBER Working Paper, September 2019, https://www.nber.
org/papers/w26225. However, in the past many such surveys have seen higher intention to depart rates
than were later found in actual departure rate statistics, so it’s hard to know how much faith to put in such
24. Country of undergraduate education is commonly used as a proxy for nationality in academic studies
when researchers do not have access to underlying citizenship data. The proxy has clear shortcomings,
however, the main one of which is that many non-Western international students do their undergraduate
education in the United States or Europe and that this proxy would misclassify their nationality. The
undergraduate proxy in our data would imply that about 47 percent of AI PhDs in our data are American
and 15 percent from OECD countries. From NSF survey data it is known that these figures are lower for
CS PhDs more broadly (35 and 5 percent, respectively; see Figure 1). This suggests our proxy could
misclassify the nationality of about 20 percent of our sample; a large number, but at the same time not so
large that it could qualitatively change the results of the paper.
25. Grant C. Black and Paula E. Stephan, "The Importance of Foreign PhD Students to U.S. Science," in
Science and the University, ed. Paula E. Stephan and Ronald G. Ehrenberg (Madison: The University of
Wisconsin Press, 2007): 113-130.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology52
26. Jeffrey Grogger and Gordon H. Hanson, “Attracting Talent: Location Choices of Foreign-Born PhDs
in the United States,” Journal of Labor Economics 33, no. 3 (2015); Linda Van Bouwel and Reinhilde
Veugelers, “An ‘Elite Brain Drain’: Are Foreign Top PhDs More Likely to Stay in the U.S.?,” SSRN,
January 15, 2012, Other studies find
no correlation between measures of students’ or scientists’ ability (e.g. publications, degree-granting
institution, awards) and their decision to return to their home country. See for example Gaule, “Who
Comes Back and When?”
27. CSET plans to collect this data in future research.
28. Other factors that have been found to matter that are not in this list include domestic political stability,
the level of democracy, and general quality of life (e.g. environmental) factors. See for example Dongbin
Kim, Charles A. S. Bankart, and Laura Isdell, “International Doctorates: Trends Analysis on Their Decision
to Stay in US,” Higher Education 62, no. 2 (August 2011): 145-146 and Grogger and Hanson, “Attracting
29. Drawing on survey evidence, Xueying Han and Richard P. Appelbaum, “Will They Stay or Will They
Go? International STEM Students Are Up for Grabs,” Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, July 2016,
found 74 percent of international graduate students in STEM fields reported future career opportunities as
a reason to come, though only 22 percent came specifically because they wanted to stay in the United
States. See also Paula Stephan, Giuseppe Scellato, and Chiara Franzoni, “International Competition for
PhDs and Postdoctoral Scholars: What Does (and Does Not) Matter,” Innovation Policy and the Economy
15, ed. William R. Kerr, Josh Lerner, and Scott Stern (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2015):
73-133. Researchers have also found evidence of international students’ educational choices changing
depending on post-graduation job prospects; see Takao Kato and Chad Sparber, “Quotas and Quality:
The Effect of H-1B Visa Restrictions on the Pool of Prospective Undergraduate Students from Abroad,” The
Review of Economics and Statistics 95, no. 1 (March 2013),;
Bound et al., “Finishing Degrees,” and Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Delia Furtado, and Huanan Xu, “Did
OPT Policy Chances Help Steer and Retain Foreign Talent into STEM?,” IZA Discussion Papers No. 11548,
Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), 2018.
30. Hawthorne, “Attracting and Retaining,” 202.
31. Shulamit Kahn and Megan MacGarvie, “The Impact of Permanent Residency Delays for STEM PhDs:
Who Leaves and Why,” National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2018,
papers/w25175. See also Gaule, “Who Comes Back and When,” and Grogger and Hanson, “Attracting
Talent.” Except in Kahn and McGarvie, “Impact of Permanent Residency,” who use measures of a countrys
domestic S&T environment, most studies use GDP per capita in home country as proxies for professional
opportunities. It is hard to parse out how much of GDP’s effect comes from job opportunities specifically
versus general quality of life improvements.
32. Philip G. Altbach, “Impact and Adjustment: Foreign Students in Comparative Perspective,” Higher
Education 21, no. 3 (April 1991),
33. Richard Freeman, Paula Stephan, and John Trumbour, “Career Patterns of Foreign Born Scientists and
Engineers Trained and or Working in the U.S.,” National Bureau of Economic Research Workshop Report
(January 2008): 3,
34. In Han and Appelbaum, “Will They Stay,” 80 percent of those who wish to remain in the United States
cite “job opportunities” as their main reason, and over 50 percent also mention professional networks and
salary as important reasons. See also Mark Musumba, Yanhong H. Jin, and James W. Mjelde, “Factors
Influencing Career Location Preferences of International Graduate Students in the United States,” Education
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 53
Economics 19, no. 5 (September 2009): 501-517,
35. Chiara Franzoni, Giuseppe Scellato, Paula Stephan, “Foreign Born Scientists: Mobility Patterns for
16 Countries,” Nature Biotechnology 30, no. 12 (December 2012), Figure 2,
articles/nbt.2449.pdf; Reinhilde Veugelers and Linda Van Bouwel, “Destinations of Mobile European
Researchers: Europe versus the United States,” in Global Mobility of Research Scientists: The Economics of
Who Goes Where and Why, ed. Aldo Geuna (London: Academic Press, 2015), 215-237, also find that,
among European-born researchers who got their PhDs in Europe, “career motivations are more strongly
related to mobility to the United States.” See also Susan Guthrie, Catherine Lichten, Jennie Corbett, and
Steven Wooding, International Mobility of Researchers: A Review of the Literature (Santa Monica, CA:
RAND Corporation, 2017),
36. While immigration difficulties are universally agreed to be important, some consider them secondary
to professional considerations. For example, William Kerr argues: “Restrictive US immigration policy plays
a role [in encouraging return migration], but this role is likely secondary to the attractive opportunities for
many in returning home.” William R. Kerr, “US High-Skilled Immigration, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship:
Empirical Approaches and Evidence,” in The International Mobility of Talent and Innovation: New
Evidence and Policy Implications, ed. Carsten Fink and Ernest Miguelez (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2017).
37. Han and Appelbaum, “Will They Stay,” 15.
38. Hawthorne, “Attracting and Retaining,” 201-202.
39. Kahn and McGarvie, “Impact of Permanent Residency.” Some of the effects found in this paper are
complex and non-linear (i.e. the effects of an extra year of delay likely depend on how much delay
students already faced).
40. Pooja B. Vijayakumar and Christopher J. L. Cunningham, “An Indentured Servant: The Impact of
Green Card Waiting Time on the Life of Highly Skilled Indian Immigrants in the United States,” Industrial
and Organizational Psychology Translational Research and Working Papers,
41. Vivek Wadhwa, The Immigrant Exodus: Why America is Losing the Global Race to Capture
Entrepreneurial Talent (Philadelphia: Wharton Digital Press, 2012).
42. Sonia Paul, “In Limbo, Some Families in the US with H-1B Visas Begin to Make Other Plans,” PRI,
September 18, 2018,
43. Han and Appelbaum, “Will They Stay,” finds that 80 percent of international STEM graduate students
who intend to leave the U.S. cited family as an influential factor in their decision. The next most common
factors are “cultural reasons” (37 percent), “friends” (35 percent), and “social reasons” (32 percent).
44. Heike C. Alberts and Helen D. Hazen, ““There Are Always Two Voices…”: International Students’
Intentions to Stay in the United States or Return to Their Home Countries,” International Migration 43, no. 3
(November 2005); see also Guthrie et al., International Mobility of Researchers.
45. Han and Appelbaum, “Will They Stay.” These challenges are typically greater for students from
countries whose first language is not English, such as China.
46. Jing, “Why Trump’s Clampdown.”
47. Wadhwa et al., “America’s Loss,” Figure 6.
48. There are not many instances of dual affiliations in our dataset, i.e. of people who hold simultaneous
positions in two sectors. Out of a sample of 1,000 individuals for whom we looked into this question, 48
have simultaneous affiliations with academia and the private sector, 12 with academia and government or
nonprofit institutions, and 12 with the private sector and government or nonprofit institutions.
49. Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Delia Furtado, “Settling for Academia? H-1B Visas and the Career
Choices of International Students in the United States,” The Journal of Human Resources 54, no. 2 (Spring
2019): 401-429. Different studies come to different conclusions about how much of this “settling for
academia” effect can be explained by immigration restrictions versus students’ preferences (see Xiaohuan
Lan, “Permanent Visas and Temporary Jobs: Evidence from Postdoctoral Participation of Foreign PhDs in
the United States,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31, no. 3 (2012): 623-640; Ina Ganguli
and Patrick Gaulé, “Will the U.S. Keep the Best and the Brightest (As Post-Docs)? Career and Location
Preferences of Foreign STEM PhDs,” NBER Working Paper Series 24838, National Bureau of Economic
Research, Cambridge, MA, July 2018.
50. Michael Roach and John Skrentny, “Why Foreign STEM PhDs are Unlikely to Work for US Technology
Startups,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 34 (August 2019), https://doi.
51. Roach et al., “Are Foreign STEM PhDs More Entrepreneurial?”, Figure 1.
52. An alternative explanation for this finding is that foreign nationals could simply have different career
preferences. However, research has consistently shown greater, not lesser, entrepreneurial ambitions
among international than among domestic students, which favors the immigration regulation-focused
explanation of our findings; see Roach et al., “Are Foreign STEM PhDs More Entrepreneurial?”. CSET
analysis of CRA Data Buddies data, available upon request, confirms that this finding also holds for
graduate students in AI specifically.
53. Kahn and McGarvie, “Impact of Permanent Residency”; Roach et al., “Are Foreign STEM PhDs More
54. Possible explanatory factors include differences in the relative attractiveness of countries’ universities
and private sectors in AI, differences in general career preferences among nationals from these countries,
differences in the availability of domestically trained talent, and differences in the openness of countries’
universities to those trained abroad. Some of the variation may also be due to random chance, since many
countries have relatively few data points.
55. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, “Practical Training Reform,” Fall 2017, available at On
subsequent inaction, see Laura D. Francis, “Foreign Student Training Program Gets Little Notice From Trump
(2),” Bloomberg Law, March 26, 2019,
56. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, “Practical Training Reform,” Fall 2019, available at The Fall
2019 rule description is more generic than the Fall 2017: “ICE will amend existing regulations and revise
the practical training options available to nonimmigrant students on F and M visas” (2019), compared to
“ICE will propose this rule to improve protections of U.S. workers who may be negatively impacted by
employment of nonimmigrant students on F and M visas. The rule is a comprehensive reform of practical
training options intended to reduce fraud and abuse” (2017).
57. Laura D. Francis, “H-1B Program ‘Alive and Well,’ Latest Visa Lottery Results Show,” Bloomberg Law,
April 17, 2019,
Center for Security and Emerging Technology54
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 55
58. The L-1 visa is used by multinational U.S. AI companies to transfer employees from foreign offices to
U.S. offices; since students are already based in the country this visa category is at best indirectly relevant
(e.g. if students first go abroad before coming back to the United States). The J-1 visa is used by interns,
post-docs, and scholars. The O-1 visa is for individuals with “extraordinary ability,” a qualification that
most recent PhD graduates do not meet (according to the current legal interpretation of the term).
59. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, “Estimated Dependent Multiplier for Employment Based
Visa Categories, FY2016,” 2018,
60. David Bier, “Immigration Wait Times from Quotas Have Doubled: Green Card Backlogs Are Long,
Growing, and Inequitable,” CATO Institute, June 18, 2019, Table 4,
61. Jennifer Hunt and Bin Xie, “How Restricted is the Job Mobility of Skilled Temporary Work Visa
Holders?,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 38, no. 1 (Winter 2019), https://onlinelibrary.
62. Other benefits of citizenship (compared to permanent residency) include the eligibility to vote and
the ability to apply for a green card for relatives. One common explanation for why permanent residents
choose not to naturalize is that such benefits are not worth the cost and effort of the required application
process. Another is that certain countries do not allow dual citizenship, meaning naturalization in the
United States would require someone to give up their citizenship in their country of birth.
63. Foreign-born workers who had not previously studied in the United States would most commonly enter
the U.S. labor force on H-1B, L-1, J-1, or O-1 visas. Out of those, the H-1B is by far the most numerous,
but as Table 3 notes, more than half of new H-1B entrants are now former international students. We have
been unable to find good data on the background of J-1, L-1, or O-1 holders, but even if none of them
were previously international students—which we consider highly unlikely—they would be outnumbered
by OPT and H-1B holders. For more details, see Zachary Arnold, Roxanne Heston, Remco Zwetsloot, and
Tina Huang, Immigration Policy and the U.S. AI Sector: A Preliminary Assessment (Center for Security and
Emerging Technology: September 2019), Table 1,
64. Neil G. Ruiz and Abby Budiman, “Number of Foreign College Students Staying and Working in
U.S. After Graduation Surges,” Pew Research Center, May 10, 2018,
65. “F-1 Students Obtaining Another Non-Immigrant Classification: Fiscal Year 2008-2018 Approvals,”
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services,
Resources/Reports/Report_-_F-1_Students_Obtaining_Another_Nonimmigrant_Classification.pdf, Figure
3. Whereas most other figures in the table are for FY2017, this percentage is available for FY2018.
66. “Characteristics of H-1B Specialty Occupation Workers: Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report to
Congress,” U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services,
nativedocuments/Characteristics_of_H-1B_Specialty_Occupation_Workers_FY17.pdf, Table 6.
67. USCIS has, to our knowledge, not released information about the educational fields that H-1B holders
received their training in. We estimate that more than 35 percent of H-1B holders got their training in
AI-relevant fields because roughly 70 percent of H-1B holders work in “computer-related occupations,”
and, because H-1B workers are required to have degrees relevant to the job they work in, it seems
very likely that at least half of these workers trained in computer science or computer engineering. See
Center for Security and Emerging Technology56
“Characteristics of H-1B Specialty Occupation Workers,” Tables 8A and 8B.
68. CSET calculations from Department of Labor PERM data (see Appendix A). Percentages indicate
proportions among principal applicants, excluding dependents.
69. Neil G. Ruiz and Abby Budiman, “Number of Foreign College Graduates Staying in U.S. to Work
Climbed Again in 2017, but Growth has Slowed,” Pew Research Center, July 25, 2018, https://www.
70. Specifically, masters students account for 57 percent of all OPT grantees between 2004-2016 (for
a total of 841,000), with doctoral students accounting for approximately another 15 percent. Among
masters students, 27 percent of OPT grantees had degrees in engineering and 22 percent in computer and
information sciences. Among doctoral students, 34 percent of grantees had degrees in engineering and 6
percent in computer and information sciences. The data reported by Pew is not disaggregated within the
field of engineering. See Ruiz and Budiman, “Number of Foreign College Students.”
71. “F-1 Students Obtaining Another Non-Immigrant Classification: Fiscal Year 2008-2018 Approvals,”
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services,
72. Neil G. Ruiz, “Key Facts About the U.S. H-1B Visa Program,” Pew Research Center, April 27, 2017,
73. Note that this data is on applicants for permanent residency, not those actually granted permanent
residency. However, because the PERM process “involves a set of technical, expensive, and highly time-
consuming steps [and] complex strategies that extend over a period of typically six to eight months,”
employers are likely to complete the process only for highly desirable employees with a strong chance of
obtaining green cards and staying employed in the United States; see Anna Angel, “5 Key Considerations
When Initiating a PERM Labor Certification for Your Employee,” Ogletree Deakins, published June 9,
certification-for-your-employee/. For more on the permanent residency application process, see Maggio
Kattar, “The Three Stages of Employer Sponsored Permanent Residence via PERM,” https://maggio-
74. Michael G. Finn and Leigh Ann Pennington, Stay Rates of Foreign Doctorate Recipients from U.S.
Universities, 2013 (Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Foundation: January 2018), https://orise.orau.
gov/stem/reports/stay-rates-foreign-doctorate-recipients-2013.pdf#page=13. CSET plans to calculate
AI-specific naturalization rates in future research pending the necessary data access.
75. For data on long-term trends, see David Bier, “Immigration Wait Times from Quotas Have Doubled:
Green Card Backlogs Are Long, Growing, and Inequitable,” CATO Institute, June 18, 2019, https://
backlogs-are-long. For data on recent changes, see National Foundation for American Policy, “H-1B
Denial Rates: Analysis of H-1B Data for First Three Quarters of FY2019,” NFAP Policy Brief, October 2019,
76. “Infographics and Data,” Institute for International Education, accessed August 13, 2019, https://
77. Original CSET translation of “中国人工智能城市发展白皮书” by 赛迪顾问股份有限公司, available
in Chinese at Full translation of the
document available from CSET upon request.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 57
78. Xueying Han, Galen Stocking, Matthew A. Gebbie, and Richard P. Appelbaum, “Will They Stay
or Will They Go? International Graduate Students and Their Decisions to Stay or Leave the U.S. upon
Graduation,” PLoS ONE (March 2015), Table 1.
79. For evidence of this on a range of S&T metrics, see Task Force on American Innovation, Second Place
America? Increasing Challenges to U.S. Scientific Leadership 2019 Benchmarks, May 2019, http://
80. Dion Rabouin, “The World is Catching up on AI,” Axios, July 29, 2019,
81. Tim Dutton, Brent Barron and Gaga Boskovic, Building an AI World: Report on National and
Regional AI Strategies, CIFAR, December 2018, 10,
82. “Technology and Geopolitics: Navigating a Future of Tech Uncertainty,” Asia Pacific Foundation
of Canada (conference report), October, 2019,
83. Han et al., “Will They Stay,” 15.
84. National Foundation for American Policy, “Declining International Student Enrollment at U.S.
Universities,” NFAP Policy Brief, February 2018,
85. NAFSA, Losing Talent: An Economic and Foreign Policy Risk America Can’t Ignore, May 2019,
86. Ann Saphir, “As Companies Embrace AI, It’s a Job-Seekers Market,” Reuters, October 15, 2018,
87. Alex Usher, “Has President Trump Scared Away All the Foreign Students? The Facts Behind Fears of a
Higher-Education Revenue Recession,” Education Next,
88. Specifically, the three challenges to OPT are:
An active lawsuit by the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers arguing that the Department of
Homeland Security overstepped its regulatory authority in creating OPT.
A proposed rule on the DHS Fall 2019 regulatory agenda making changes to the OPT program (discussed
and referenced in Chapter 2 of this paper).
A proposed bill that would eliminate OPT, the Fairness for High-Skill Americans Act of 2019, H.R. 3564,
116th Cong. (2019).
For more background, see Elizabeth Redden, “Is OPT in Peril?”, Inside Higher Ed, November 26,
89. Erica L. Green, “Visa Delays at Backlogged Immigration Service Strand International Students,”
The New York Times, June 16, 2019,
90. Elizabeth Redden, “Waiting for Work Authorization,” Inside Higher Ed, June 25, 2019, https://www.
longer-wait-times. Attorneys report that even when the rule was in place, USCIS had stopped adhering
to it in recent years. Reinstatement of the formal rule would thus have to be paired with supportive
guidance and, where necessary, additional resources.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology58
91. Congress recently conducted its first backlog oversight hearing: “Policy Changes and Processing
Delays at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services,” U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, July 16,
92. For more details on the various relevant F-1 policies, see Marnette Federis, “Visa Rules Are Restricting
the Future of International Students in the US,” PRI’s The World, June 20, 2019,
stories/2019-06-20/visa-rules-are-restricting-future-international-students-us; and Stuart Anderson,
“USCIS Policy Change Could Bar Many International Students,” Forbes, June 1, 2018, https://www.
93. Currently, students are not allowed to express an intention to stay in the United States past the
expiration of their nonimmigrant (temporary) student visa. This rule has been waived for certain other
nonimmigrant visa holders, including those on H-1Bs, meaning they can express what is generally referred
to as “dual intent.”
94. International students in fact do sometimes start companies today, either during their OPT time or
by structuring their company in such a way that they can technically be employed by it so that they
become eligible for an employment visa such as an H-1B. Both of these options involve large downsides,
however. The former means that students are only guaranteed residency in the United States for three
years (the maximum duration of OPT), which is often too short a timeline for an ambitious entrepreneur.
The latter often involves the immigrant founders having to forfeit legal ownership, which makes the
prospect of starting companies less attractive. A third option is to use an O visa, but only a small number
of prospective entrepreneurs will be eligible. See Pavithra Mohan, “With the U.S. Startup Visa on Hold,
Immigrant Entrepreneurs Get Creative,” Fast Company, September 17, 2019, https://www.fastcompany.
95. CSET interview with U.S. immigration lawyer (anonymous), August 2019.
96. For a more detailed discussion, see Arnold et al., Immigration Policy and the U.S. AI Sector, 17-22.
97. William R. Kerr, The Gift of Global Talent (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019), 174.
98. To obtain a labor certification from the Department of Labor, as is currently required for EB-2 and
EB-3 green card applicants, sponsoring companies are required to attempt recruitment of alternative
candidates for a certain period with proscribed methods, request a “prevailing wage determination” for
the job they are hiring for, and submit complex paperwork. This can take months or even over a year,
thereby making hiring prospective green card applicants burdensome (or, for certain short-term needs,
impossible). If the Department of Labor added AI professionals (appropriately defined) to its “Schedule
A” list of occupations with labor shortages, employers sponsoring AI professionals for EB-3 green cards
would be exempted from the recruitment requirements. Currently, only physical therapists and professional
nurses are counted at Schedule A professions; see “Permanent Labor Certification Details,” Department of
99. For more discussion of how changes to the H-1B allocation process benefit (or not) U.S. AI employers,
see Arnold et al., Immigration Policy and the U.S. AI Sector, 17-18.
100. For concerns about diploma mills and labor market pressures, see Ron Hira, “Congressional
Testimony: The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Workers,” Economic Policy Institute, March 1,
on-u-s-workers-4/. On the possibility that automatic green cards could incentivize dual residency, analyst
Matt Sheehan explains: “I’ve spoken to multiple Chinese PhDs in Silicon Valley who told me they stayed in
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 59
the United States until they got a green card. Once they had the security of knowing they could return to
the United States any time for the next ten years, they headed back home for better opportunities.” Matt
Sheehan, “Who Loses from Restricting Chinese Student Visas?” Macro Polo, May 31, 2018, https://
101. For one in-depth evaluation of MAVNI, see Beth J. Asch, Jennie W. Wenger, Troy D. Smith, The
Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest (MAVNI) Program, RAND Corporation, July 21, 2017, For a legislative
model of an accelerated citizenship path in exchange for national security service, see the Border
Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, S. 744, 114th Cong. (2013), Sec.
102. William Hannas and Huey Chang, Chinas Access to Foreign AI Technology: An Assessment
(Center for Security and Emerging Technology: September 2019),
content/uploads/CSET_China_Access_To_Foreign_AI_Technology.pdf. For an illustrative case, see,
e.g., Zachary Cohen and Alex Marquardt, “US Intelligence Warns China Is Using Student Spies to
Steal Secrets,” CNN, February 1, 2019,
103. See, e.g., FBI Director Christopher Wrays speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in April
2019 (available at or December 2018
Congressional testimony by the head of the FBI’s China Initiative, John Demers (available at https://
104. See, e.g., Dan Cadman, How U.S. Foreign Student and Exchange Visitor Policies Undercut
National Security, (Center for Immigration Studies: August 2019),
105. For overviews of these debates and pushback, see, e.g., Elizabeth Redden, “Science vs. Security,”
Inside Higher Ed, April 16, 2019,
granting-agencies-and-lawmakers-step-scrutiny-foreign-research, and SupChina, “The U.S. Sinophobia
Tracker: How America Is Becoming Unfriendly to Chinese Students, Scientists, and Scholars,” https://
106. Michael Brown and Pavneet Singh, Chinas Technology Transfer Strategy: How Chinese
Investments in Emerging Technology Enable A Strategic Competitor to Access the Crown Jewels of
U.S. Innovation (Defense Innovation Unit Experimental: January 2018), 18, https://admin.govexec.
com/media/diux_chinatechnologytransferstudy_jan_2018_(1).pdf. Another recent Department of
Defense report similarly states that “American universities are major enablers of China’s economic
and military rise.” See Office of Industrial Policy, “Assessing and Strengthening the Manufacturing
and Defense Industrial Base and Supply Chain Resiliency of the United States,” 44, https://media.
107. For background on China’s military-civil fusion strategy and its implementation, see e.g. Lorand
Laskai, “Civil-Military Fusion and the PLA’s Pursuit of Dominance in Emerging Technologies,” China
Brief 18, no. 6 (2018),
dominance-in-emerging-technologies/, and Elsa Kania, “In Military-Civil Fusion, China Is Learning
Lessons from the United States and Starting to Innovate,” RealClearDefense, August 27, 2019, https://
Center for Security and Emerging Technology60
108. See, e.g., Michael Horowitz, “Artificial Intelligence, International Competition, and the Balance
of Power,” Texas National Security Review 1, no. 3 (2018),
intelligence-international-competition-and-the-balance-of-power/ and Maaike Verbruggen, “The Role
of Civilian Innovation in the Development of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems,” Global Policy 10,
no. 3 (September 2019),
109. For systematic work beginning to be done in this space (though not on AI specifically), see, e.g.,
Alex Joske, “The China Defence Universities Tracker” (Australian Strategic Policy Institute, November
25, 2019),; Alex Joske, “Picking
Flowers, Making Honey” (Australian Strategic Policy Institute, October 30, 2019), https://www.; and Marcel Angliviel de la Beaumelle, Benjamin
Spevack, and Devin Thorne, “Open Arms: Evaluating Global Exposure to China’s Defense-Industrial
Base” (C4ADS, October 17, 2019),
110. See Zwetsloot, Heston, and Arnold, Strengthening the U.S. AI Workforce, 5.
111. Joy Dantong Ma, “China’s AI Talent Base is Growing and then Leaving,” MacroPolo (blog), July 30,
112. Josh Lederman and Ted Bidris, “AP Sources: US to Impose Limits on Some Chinese Visas,”
Associated Press, May 29, 2018,
113. Nicholas Eftimiades, “China’s Theft & Espionage: What Must be Done,” Breaking Defense, April
19, 2019,
Similarly, a decade ago, a high-level advisory committee on knowledge transfer concerns advised
against using visas for screening because “the personnel supporting the visa processing system are, in
most instances, not equipped to make judgments as to the commercial and security implications of fast-
changing leading-edge scientific and technologic advancements.” Deemed Export Advisory Committee,
The Deemed Export Rule in the Era of Globalization, December 20, 2007,
library/deemedexports.pdf. A former CIA Director recently argued that “placing restrictions on foreign
graduate students … conflicts with the open structure of admission, research, and publication that keeps
the US innovative ecosystem fresh, exciting, and agile.” John Deutch, “Is Innovation China’s Next Great
Leap Forward?,” Issues in Science and Technology 34, no. 4, (Summer 2018),
114. See, e.g., James Andrew Lewis, Emerging Technologies and Managing the Risk of Tech Transfer to
China (Center for Strategic and International Studies: September 2019), 7-10 and 21-22, https://csis-
115. Peter Waldman and Robert Burnson, “U.S. Says Scientist Hid Job in China. Web Search Tells
Otherwise,” Bloomberg, August 21, 2019,
21/u-s-industrial-researcher-charged-with-hiding-his-job-in-china. For an example of how Chinese tech
transfer activities can be analyzed in-depth exclusive using open-source data, see William C. Hannas,
James Mulvenon, and Anna B. Puglisi, Chinese Industrial Espionage: Technology Acquisition and
Military Modernization (Routledge: 2013).
116. Michael Morrell and Amy Zegart, “Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: Why U.S. Intelligence
Agencies Must Adapt or Fail,” Foreign Affairs, May/June 2019,
117. Cynthia Brown, “The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA): A Legal Overview,” Congressional
Research Service, December 4, 2017,
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 61
118. See, e.g., Elsa Kania, “Chinese Military Innovation in Artificial Intelligence,” testimony before the
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, June 7, 2019, 35,
119. To define our list of universities we relied on the U.S. News & World Report, which put the following
universities in the top 20 in 2018: Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Stanford University, University of California Berkeley, University of Washington, Cornell University,
Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, University of Texas-Austin,
University of Michigan, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Columbia University, University of
Pennsylvania, University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, University of
Maryland-College Park, Princeton University, Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, and
University of Wisconsin-Madison. See “Best Artificial Intelligence Programs,” U.S. News & World Report,
120. “Crunchbase Database,” Crunchbase,
121. “AI 100: The Artificial Intelligence Startups Redefining Industries,” CB Insights, February 6, 2019,; “Learning and the Machine,”
Paysa, April 2017,
122. As examples of the kinds of roles included under this label, the most common “technical” job titles in
the database—not tagged as potentially “AI-related” unless the job was at a company categorized as an
AI employer—were Software Engineer, Computer Systems Analyst, Senior Software Engineer, Software
Development Engineer, and Software Developer.
123. “Survey of Earned Doctorates,” NSF National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics,
124. “Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering,” NSF National
Center for Science and Engineering Statistics,
125. “The CRA Taulbee Survey,” Computing Research Association,
126. “The Data Buddies Project,” CRA Center for Evaluating the Research Pipeline,
127. “Professional Year Program,” ACS,
128. “Points Table for Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189),” Australian Government Department of
Home Affairs Immigration and Citizenship,
129. “Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP),” Government of Canada, 2019, https://www.
130. Green and Spiegel, Important Changes to the Post Graduate Work Permit Program, March 2019,
131. Home Office in the Media, Fact Sheet: Graduate Immigration Route, October 2019, https://; HM Government,
Center for Security and Emerging Technology62
The UK’s Future Skills-Based Immigration System, December 2018,
132. Parliament of the United Kingdom, Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules (London: The U.K.
Parliament, September 9, 2019),
133. Migration Advisory Committee, Impact of International Students in the UK, September 2018, 43,
file/739089/Impact_intl_students_report_published_v1.1.pdf. In the European Union, international
students from other EU countries have an automatic and indefinite right to stay and work.
134. Dominic Lau, “The International Startup Visa Guide,” Medium, February 25, 2018, https://medium.
135. Luke Klimaviciute, “To Stay or Not to Stay: The Calculus for International STEM Students in the
United States,” Migration Policy Institute, January 4, 2017,
136. “Visa Refusals: The Figures, the Problem, and the Solution,” Campaign for Science and Engineering,
May 16, 2018,
137. Meghna Sabharwal and Roli Varma, “Grass is Greener on the Other Side: Return Migration of
Indian Engineers and Scientists in Academia,” Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 37, no. 1,, 34-44; Wadhwa et al.,
America’s Loss.”
138. Elizabeth Chacko, “From Brain Drain to Brain Gain: Reverse Migration to Bangalore and
Hyderabad, India’s Globalizing High Tech Cities,” GeoJournal 68, no. 2 (June 2007): 131-140.
139. Bier, “Immigration Wait Times.”
140. Vijayakumar and Cunningham, “An Indentured Servant,” 29.
141. Sabharwal and Varma, “Grass is Greener,” Table 1, 40.
142. Wadhwa et al., “America’s Loss,” Figure 28.
143. S Irudaya Rajan, V Kurusu, and Saramma Panicker, C.K, Return of Diasporas: India’s Growth Story
vs. Global Crisis, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs Research Unit on International Migration, 2013,
Figure 4,
144. Sabharwal and Varma, “Grass is Greener,” Table 1.
145. Rupa Chanda and Niranjana Sreenivasan, “India’s Experience with Skilled Migration,” in
Competing for Global Talent, ed. Christiane Kuptsch and Pang Eng Fong (International Institute for
Labour Studies, 2006): 233,
146. Alfonso Giordano and Giuseppe Terranova, “The Indian Policy of Skilled Migration: Brain Return
Versus Diaspora Benefits,” Journal of Global Policy and Governance 1, no. 1 (December 2012): 20, 25,
147. Chanda and Sreenivasan, “India’s Experience,” 240-242.
148. Wadhwa, Saxenian, Freeman, and Gereffi, “America’s Loss is the World’s Gain,” Figure 16.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 63
149. Xueying Han and Richard P. Appelbaum, “China’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Research Environment: A Snapshot,” PLoS ONE 13, no. 4 (April 2018), https://
150. Robert Zeithammer and Ryan P. Kellogg, “The Hesitant Hai Gui: Return-Migration Preferences of
U.S.-Educated Chinese Scientists and Engineers,” Journal of Marketing Research 50, no. 5 (October
151. Xue Hao, Kun Yan, Shibao Guo, and Meiling Wang, “Chinese Returnees’ Motivation, Post-Return
Status and Impact of Return: A Systematic Review,” Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 26, no. 1
(March 2017): 147,; David Zweig,
“Learning to Compete: China’s Efforts to Encourage a “Reverse Brain Drain,”” Competing for Global
Talent, ed. Christiane Kuptsch and Pang Eng Fong, (International Institute for Labour Studies, 2006): 208
152. Han and Appelbaum, “China’s STEM Research Environment.”
153. Han and Appelbaum, “China’s STEM Research Environment,” 8.
154. Vivek Wadhwa, Sonali Jain, AnnaLee Saxenian, G. Gereffi, Huiyao Wang, “The Grass is Indeed
Greener in India and China for Returnee Entrepreneurs: America’s New Immigrant Entrepreneurs - Part
VI,” SSRN, April 8, 2011, Figure 14,
155. Kellogg, “China’s Brain Gain?,” Table 10.
156. Han and Appelbaum, “China’s STEM Research Environment,” 7.
157. Hao et al., “Chinese Returnees’ Motivations.”
158. Zeithammer and Kellogg, “Hesitant Hai Gui.”
159. Mandy Zuo, “Why China’s Overseas Students Find Things Arent Always Better Back Home,”
South China Morning Post, September 1, 2018,
160. Zuo, “Why China’s Overseas Students.” Job application callback rates from Chinese employers
are actually higher for Chinese-educated than for U.S.-educated students, primarily because
employers consider U.S.-educated students to be more in demand and harder to attract and retain;
see Mingyu Chen, “The Value of U.S. College Education in Global Labor Markets: Experimental
Evidence from China,” (PhD Diss., Princeton University, 2019),
161. Cong Cao, “China’s Brain Drain at the High End,” Asian Population Studies 4, no. 3 (November
2008),, Hao, “Chinese Returnees’ Motivations,” 147-
162. Han and Appelbaum, “China’s STEM Research Environment,” 17.
163. Zweig, “Learning to Compete,” 210.
164. Zweig, “Learning to Compete,” 188.
165. Hao et al., “Chinese Returnees’ Motivations.”
166. Zweig, “Learning to Compete,” 203-205.
Center for Security and Emerging Technology 77