February 17, 2016
On February 17, 2016, the Treasury Department released a revised 2016 U.S. Model Income Tax
Convention (the 2016 Model), which is the baseline text the Treasury Department uses when it
negotiates tax treaties. The U.S. Model Income Tax Convention was last updated in 2006 (the
2006 Model). This preamble highlights the significant features of the 2016 Model.
Many of the 2016 Model updates reflect technical improvements developed in the context of
bilateral tax treaty negotiations and do not represent substantive changes to the 2006 Model. The
2016 Model also includes a number of new provisions intended to more clearly implement the
Treasury Department’s longstanding policy that tax treaties should eliminate double taxation
without creating opportunities for non-taxation or reduced taxation through tax evasion or
avoidance. For example, to protect against treaty abuse, the 2016 Model contains rules that
would deny treaty benefits on deductible payments of highly mobile income that are made to
related persons that enjoy low or no taxation with respect to that income under a preferential tax
regime. In addition, new Article 28 (Subsequent Changes in Law) obligates the treaty partners to
consult with a view to amending the treaty as necessary when changes in the domestic law of a
treaty partner draw into question the treaty’s original balance of negotiated benefits and the need
for the treaty to reduce double taxation. The 2016 Model also includes provisions to reduce the
tax benefits of corporate inversions by denying reduced withholding taxes on U.S. source
payments made by expatriated entities to related foreign persons.
In addition to these new provisions, the 2016 Model includes a number of technical
improvements and certain policy changes to longstanding Article 22 (Limitation on Benefits),
which is intended to prevent so-called “treaty shopping” by third-country residents that are not
intended beneficiaries of the treaty. The 2016 Model also includes a rule (located in new
paragraph 8 of Article 1 (General Scope)) that is a revised version of the so-called triangular
permanent establishment” rule that has been included in some of the United States’ income
treaties since the 1990s. The new version of the rule addresses income treated by a residence
country as attributable to a permanent establishment and subject to little or no tax, as well as
income that is excluded from the tax base of the residence country and attributable to a
permanent establishment located in a third country that does not have a tax treaty with the source
Draft versions of these new model treaty provisions, as well as proposed changes to Article 22
(Limitation on Benefits), were released on May 20, 2015 (the May 2015 draft) for public
comment. The Treasury Department carefully considered all the comments it received and made
a number of significant modifications to the proposed model treaty provisions in response to
those comments. This preamble discusses the most significant changes made in response to
The 2016 Model also contains rules to make more efficient and effective dispute resolution
mechanisms between tax authorities through the use of mandatory binding arbitration.
February 17, 2016
Special Tax Regimes
The Treasury Department received several comments on the proposed rules contained in the May
2015 draft that would deny reductions to withholding taxes under the treaty for deductible
related-party payments when the beneficial owner of the payment pays little or no tax on the
related income as a result of a “special tax regime” (STR).
Purpose of the STR provisions
Some countries have implemented preferential regimes to attract highly mobile incomeincome
that taxpayers can easily shift around the globe through deductible payments such as royalties
and interest expenseby allowing resident companies to pay no or very little tax on that income.
Consistent with the G20-OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative, the STR
provisions are intended to mitigate instances of double non-taxation whereby a taxpayer uses
provisions in the tax treaty, combined with special tax regimes, to pay no or very low tax in
either treaty country. However, the new provisions also reflect the United States preference for
addressing BEPS concerns through changes to objective rules that apply on a prospective basis,
rather than introducing subjective standards that could call into question agreed treaty benefits or
applying wholly new concepts to prior years.
It is inappropriate for tax treaties to reduce U.S. statutory withholding rates on deductible U.S.
source payments when the related income is subject to no or very little tax. The current ability of
foreign-parented companies to engage in these types of transactions creates strong incentives to
erode the U.S. tax base and gives foreign-parented companies an advantage over U.S.-parented
companies, which cannot use these regimes to avoid paying tax on their U.S. income. To
address this unintended result, the 2016 Model would deny treaty benefits for payments of
interest, royalties, and certain guarantee fees between related parties if the beneficial owner of
the payment benefits from a special tax regime with respect to the payment.
Changes to the STR provisions in response to comments
Comments on the May 2015 draft expressed concern that the proposed definition of STR was too
broad and would result in uncertainty as to when treaty benefits would be denied. Comments
also requested that tax administrators be required to provide a public notification before the
provisions would apply to a particular STR in order to assist taxpayers in applying the treaty.
In response to these comments, the STR provisions have been significantly revised to both limit
and clarify their application:
The scope of when the STR provisions can apply has been narrowed to cases when the
resident benefits from an STR with respect to a particular related-party interest payment,
royalty payment, or guarantee fee that is within the scope of Article 21 (Other Income).
In contrast to the May 2015 draft, the definition of STR has been tightened to provide an
exclusive list of the circumstances in which a statute, regulation, or administrative
practice will be treated as an STR. To qualify as an STR, the regime must provide
February 17, 2016
preferential treatment to interest, royalties, or guarantee fees as compared to income from
sales of goods or services. Such preferential treatment must be in the form of either a
preferential rate for such income, a permanent reduction in the tax base with respect to
such income (as compared to preferences that merely defer the taxation of income for a
reasonable period of time), or a preferential regime for companies that do not engage in
an active business in the residence state.
Regimes that provide “notional interest deductions” (NIDs) with respect to equity are no
longer treated as STRs. Instead, Article 11 (Interest) includes a new rule that would
allow a treaty partner to tax interest arising in that country in accordance with domestic
law if the interest is beneficially owned by a related person that benefits from a NID.
This change represents a more focused approach to addressing the policy concern that
interest income that benefits from a NID is often subject to no or very little tax because
(i) a NID, in effect, allows for a deduction on equity with respect to the time value of
money, which is a very significant component of interest income, and (ii) in the related-
party context, the holder of the equity often benefits from a participation exemption with
respect to any returns on that equity.
The 2016 Model requires a country invoking the STR provisions to, after consultation
with the other country, notify the other country of its intention through a diplomatic note
and issue a written public notification.
In response to comments on how to determine when a payee that benefits from an STR is
“related to the payor” of an item of income, the 2016 Model provides that the STR
provisions will only apply when the payee is a connected person” with respect to the
payor of the income and provides a definition of that term.
The exceptions from the STR provisions for collective investment vehicles such as U.S.
regulated investment companies and U.S. real estate investment trusts that are designed to
achieve a single level of current tax (at either the entity level or the shareholder level)
have been clarified.
The 2016 Model provides an exception for preferential regimes that are generally
expected to result in a rate of taxation that is at least 15 percent, or 60 percent of the
general statutory rate of company tax in the source country, whichever is lower. In order
to provide additional clarity, the 2016 Model provides language that would be included in
an instrument reflecting an agreed interpretation between the two treaty countries. Such
instrument would provide that the rate of taxation generally would be calculated based on
the income tax principles of the country that has implemented the regime in question.
Payments by Expatriated Entities
The 2016 Model contains provisions that would reduce the benefits of corporate inversions by
denying treaty benefits for U.S. withholding taxes on U.S. source dividends, interest, royalties,
and certain guarantee fees paid by U.S. companies that are expatriated entities,” as defined
under the Internal Revenue Code.
February 17, 2016
In response to comments, the Treasury Department has made several revisions to the version of
these provisions included in the May 2015 draft. First, the 2016 Model provisions will apply
only when the beneficial owner of a dividend, interest payment, royalty, or guarantee fee
characterized as other income is a connected person with respect to the expatriated entity.
Second, to provide certainty about the scope of the rule notwithstanding any future changes to
U.S. law, the 2016 Model fixes the definition of “expatriated entity” to the meaning it has under
Internal Revenue Code section 7874(a)(2)(A) as of the date the bilateral tax treaty is signed.
Third, the 2016 Model provides that, under certain circumstances, preexisting U.S. subsidiaries
of the foreign acquirer would not be considered expatriated entities for purposes of the treaty.
Revised Limitation on Benefits (LOB) Article
The May 2015 draft included a number of proposed changes to Article 22 (Limitation on
Benefits). The 2016 Model contains significant revisions in response to comments received on
those proposals.
A fundamental pillar of U.S. tax treaty policy for over two decades has been to include objective
LOB rules to prevent a practice known as “treaty shopping,” in which an investor from a third
country routes investment into the United States through a company resident in a treaty partner
that does not have sufficient nexus to that country with respect to the treaty-benefitted income.
While protecting the U.S. tax treaty network from abuse is the overarching objective of Article
22, the Treasury Department also recognizes that multinationals often have operations dispersed
through many subsidiaries around the globe. Accordingly, the May 2015 draft proposed to
include for the first time in a U.S. model a “derivative benefits” test as an additional method for
satisfying LOB. As described below, the 2016 Model retains a modified version of this test that
was developed in response to comments and adds a second new test, a “headquarters company”
test. In addition, a number of the preexisting LOB tests have been tightened to prevent abuse by
third-country residents.
Active-trade-or-business test
The May 2015 draft proposed a new limitation on the ability of connected companies to
aggregate their activities for purposes of satisfying the LOB test that grants benefits with respect
to income that is derived by a company in connection with the active conduct of a trade or
business in its country of residence (the active-trade-or-business test). The change would, for
example, have prevented a holding company from relying on the activities of connected active
companies in the same country to satisfy the active-trade-or-business test.
The change to the active-trade-or-business test in the May 2015 draft was motivated by a
concern that the existing active-trade-or-business test can, in certain circumstances, allow third-
country residents to treaty shop through an entity that has an active trade or business in a treaty
partner with respect to income, in particular intra-group dividends and interest, that does not in
fact have a nexus to the activities in the treaty partner. After further consideration, the Treasury
Department has determined that the treaty-shopping concern is not driven by the division of
activities among connected persons. Rather, the concern arises from the standard applied to
February 17, 2016
determine whether income is “derived in connection with” an active trade or business in the
residence country, which was not addressed in the May 2015 draft. To more directly address this
concern, the active-trade-or-business test of the 2016 Model has been changed to require a
factual connection between an active trade or business in the residence country and the item of
income for which benefits are sought. Specifically, the 2016 Model requires that the treaty-
benefitted income emanates from, or is incidental to,” a trade or business that is actively
conducted by the resident in the residence state. With this change, the 2016 Model also restores
the provision that allows activities to be attributed from connected persons.
The technical explanation of the 2016 Model, which the Treasury Department plans to release
this spring, will provide guidance on when an item of income, in particular an intra-group
dividend or interest payment, is considered to emanate from the active conduct of a trade or
business of a resident. This guidance is expected to differ from the 2006 Model technical
explanation of the meaning of the term “derived in connection with.” An example that the
Treasury Department is considering including in the technical explanation is dividends and
interest paid by a commodity-supplying subsidiary that was acquired by a company whose
business in the residence state depends on a reliable source for the commodity supplied by the
subsidiary. Under this example, such dividends and interest would be considered to emanate
from the active trade or business of the parent. Another possible example could involve
dividends and interest paid by a subsidiary that distributes products that were manufactured by
the parent company in its state of residence. In contrast, the mere fact that two companies are in
similar lines of businesses would not be sufficient to establish that dividends or interest paid
between them are related to the active conduct of a trade or business.
The Treasury Department invites comments with additional examples for potential inclusion in
the technical explanation that would illustrate dividend or interest income that should be
considered to emanate from an active trade or business in the residence state. Comments should
take into account the extent to which suggested interpretations could facilitate treaty shopping by
third-country residents with large global operations, and the extent to which the new derivative
benefits and headquarters company tests—including the treatment of a headquarters company as
a potential equivalent beneficiary with respect to intra-group dividends and interest income for
purposes of the derivative benefits test—provide the more appropriate LOB tests for dividends
and interest income and supplant any role for the active-trade-or-business test with respect to
such income. The deadline for public comments is April 18, 2016.
Derivative benefits
The 2016 Model allows companies to qualify for treaty benefits under a “derivative benefits”
test, which is based on a broader concept of the longstanding “ownership-and-base erosion” test
(contained in paragraph 2(f) of Article 22 of the 2016 Model). While a form of derivative
benefits is included in most existing U.S. tax treaties with countries in the European Union, those
treaties limit third-country ownership to seven or fewer “equivalent beneficiaries,which
generally must be resident in a member country of the European Union or North American Free
Trade Area trading blocs. In contrast, the derivative benefits rule in the 2016 Model contains no
such geographic restriction, instead requiring only that 95 percent of the tested company’s shares
be owned, directly or indirectly, by seven or fewer persons that are equivalent beneficiaries.
February 17, 2016
Additionally, in response to comments received on the May 2015 draft, the 2016 Model allows
certain categories of qualified persons in the state of source to be treated as equivalent
beneficiaries, provided that such persons in the aggregate do not own more than 25percent of the
tested company. However, in contrast to the derivative benefits provisions in existing U.S. tax
treaties, the 2016 Model would restrict intermediate ownership to companies resident in the same
state as the company seeking benefits or in a country that has a comprehensive income tax treaty
in force with the country of source that contains rules addressing STRs and NIDs that are
analogous to the rules in the 2016 Model.
Under all derivative benefits provisions in existing U.S. tax treaties, in order to qualify as an
equivalent beneficiary with respect to income referred to in Article 10 (Dividends), 11 (Interest),
or 12 (Royalties), a third-country resident must be entitled, either under a comprehensive
convention for the avoidance of double taxation between its country of residence and the source
country or otherwise, to a rate of tax with respect to the particular category of income that is less
than or equal to the rate applicable under the tax treaty pursuant to which benefits are being
claimed. Companies that fail to satisfy this rate comparison test are not entitled to treaty
benefits, and therefore are generally subject to 30-percent gross basis withholding tax on U.S.
source payments of dividends, interest (other than interest of a portfolio nature), and royalties.
The Treasury Department received comments requesting the elimination of this so-called “cliff
effect.” In response to these comments, the 2016 Model would remove the cliff effect in these
cases, and instead entitle a resident of the treaty partner to the highest rate of withholding to
which its third-country resident owners would be entitled.
In crafting the LOB article in the 2016 Model, the Treasury Department revised the various tests
to provide an appropriate scope of benefits. In particular, the May 2015 draft stated in a footnote
that the Treasury Department believed that the new derivative benefits test was a more
appropriate test than the active-trade-or-business test for holding companies. However, under
existing treaties that include a derivative benefits test, subsidiaries of private companies are
unable to qualify for benefits with respect to dividends under the derivative benefits test because
individual shareholders are only entitled to a 15-percent rate on dividends, and therefore the cliff
effect described above would preclude any reduction in dividend withholding. The 2016 Model
goes beyond solving this cliff effect by allowing certain companies relying on derivative benefits
to qualify for the five-percent rate of withholding on dividends even if the company’s
shareholders are individuals who would not be entitled to the five-percent rate. To achieve this,
the definition of equivalent beneficiary in the 2016 Model has been modified to allow individual
shareholders to be treated as companies for purposes of the rate comparison test with respect to
dividends, provided that the company seeking to qualify under derivative benefits has sufficient
substance in its residence country to indicate that the individual shareholders are not simply
routing income through a corporate entity in order to benefit from the lower company rate.
Headquarters companies
Comments to the May 2015 draft requested that the LOB article include a rule that would entitle
companies that serve as the active headquarters company of a multinational corporate group
(“headquarters companies”) to treaty benefits. In response, the 2016 Model LOB includes a
headquarters-company rule that is based on analogous tests found in some existing U.S. tax
February 17, 2016
treaties, but with important modifications. Most significantly, the 2016 Model requires a
headquarters company to exercise primary management and control functions (and not just
supervision and administration) in its residence country with respect to itself and its
geographically diverse subsidiaries. The headquarters company rule in the 2016 Model also
differs from existing headquarters company rules by including a base erosion test. Furthermore,
a headquarters company is only entitled to benefits with respect to dividends and interest paid by
members of its multinational corporate group; in the case of interest, this benefit is limited to a
10-percent cap on withholding in the source state, which is consistent with the general rate of
withholding on interest that is permitted under the OECD’s Model Income Tax Convention.
The new headquarters company test is analogous to the active-trade-or-business test in
paragraph 3 of Article 22, which (as described above) generally entitles a company to treaty
benefits without regard to the residence of its owners when the company derives income from
the source state that emanates from, or is incidental to, such company’s trade or business in the
residence country. The Treasury Department concluded that locating the strategic, financial, and
operational policy decision-making for a multinational corporate group in a country establishes
sufficient nexus to that country with respect to interest and dividends paid by members of the
multinational corporate group for the company to be entitled to treaty benefits, as well as
equivalent-beneficiary status for purposes of the derivative benefits test with respect to such
dividend and interest income. The Treasury Department continues to believe that the active-
trade-or-business test in paragraph 3 of Article 22 is the more appropriate test for other types of
benefits provided under a treaty.
Rules for intermediate ownership
Comments requested that the rules for intermediate ownership contained in the various
ownership-based LOB tests in the May 2015 draft be relaxed. In response to these comments,
the intermediate ownership rules in the LOB test for subsidiaries of publicly-traded companies
(paragraph 2(d) of Article 22) and the general ownership-base erosion test (paragraph 2(f) of
Article 22) in the 2016 Model LOB have been revised to permit as an intermediate owner any
company that is a resident of a country that has in effect a comprehensive tax treaty that contains
rules addressing special tax regimes and notional interest deductions.
Mandatory Binding Arbitration to Facilitate the Resolution of Disputes Between the Tax
The Treasury Department is a strong proponent of developing ways to facilitate the resolution of
disputes with treaty partners regarding the application of tax treaties. In this regard, Article 25
(Mutual Agreement Procedure) of the 2016 Model contains rules requiring that certain disputes
between tax authorities be resolved through mandatory binding arbitration. The “last-best offer
arbitration approach in the 2016 Model is substantively the same as the arbitration provision that
is found in four U.S. tax treaties in force and three additional U.S. tax treaties that are awaiting
the advice and consent of the Senate.
February 17, 2016
New Article 28 (Subsequent Changes in Law)
Article 28 (Subsequent Changes in Law) has been added to the 2016 Model to address situations
in which, after a treaty is signed, one of the treaty partners changes its overall corporate tax
system to no longer impose significant tax on cross-border income of resident companies. Such
a fundamental change could call into question the original balance of negotiated benefits and the
extent to which the tax treaty is needed to eliminate double taxation. The Treasury Department
has made a number of changes to the version of Article 28 contained in the May 2015 draft in
response to comments.
Comments raised questions regarding the application of Article 28 with respect to changes in the
laws of a country governing the taxation of individuals. In response to these comments, the
scope of Article 28 in the 2016 Model has been narrowed to address only changes in the laws
governing the taxation of companies. To address concerns regarding individuals, the 2016
Model contains discrete rules in other articles that address the availability of tax treaty benefits
for individuals who are taxed on a remittance, fixed fee, “forfeit,” or similar basis.
When implicated, Article 28 requires the treaty partners to consult to determine if amendments to
the treaty are necessary to restore an appropriate allocation of taxing rights between the two
countries, consistent with the purpose of the treaty to eliminate double taxation without creating
opportunities for non-taxation. In contrast to the May 2015 draft, the 2016 Model explicitly
provides that it is only after such consultations fail to progress that a treaty partner may issue a
diplomatic note stating that it will cease to grant certain benefits under the treaty for payments to
companies. The May 2015 draft provided that Article 28 would be triggered if the general rate of
company tax fell below 15 percent. The Treasury Department did not intend for the use of a
fixed rate to imply support for a floor on appropriate corporate tax rates, but rather only intended
for the rate test to serve as a signal for when the original balance of negotiated benefits between
the two countries had been significantly altered. However, if both the United States and its treaty
partner substantially reduce their general rates of company tax, the fact that one country’s
general rate falls below 15 percent may not be indicative of a shifting of the balance of benefits
under the treaty. In order to better effectuate the policy underlying Article 28, the 2016 Model
provides that Article 28 is triggered if a treaty partner’s general rate of company tax falls below
the lesser of either 15 percent, or 60 percent of the other country’s general statutory rate of
company tax.
Incorporation of Select Other Measures Developed by the OECD-G20 BEPS Initiative
A number of the key recommendations regarding bilateral income tax treaties from the OECD-
G20 BEPS initiative have been fundamental parts of U.S. tax treaty policy for many years. For
example, U.S. tax treaties have since the 1990s contained robust LOB provisions and rules that
determine when treaty benefits should be available for payments through fiscally transparent
entities. The 2016 Model incorporates certain other BEPS recommendations for the first time:
A revised preamble for tax treaties that makes clear the intentions of the treaty partners
that the purpose of a tax treaty is the elimination of double taxation with respect to taxes
February 17, 2016
on income without creating opportunities for non-taxation or reduced taxation through
tax evasion or avoidance.
A rule intended to protect against contract-splitting abuses of the twelve-month
permanent establishment threshold for building sites or construction or installation
A twelve-month ownership requirement for the five-percent withholding rate for direct
dividends, with refinements in the 2016 Model to impose a twelve-month residence
requirement to prevent companies from circumventing the ownership period as well as to
allow the payee company to take into account certain prior ownership.
The 2016 Model has not adopted the other BEPS recommendations regarding the permanent
establishment threshold, notably the revised rules related to dependent and independent agents
and the exemption for preparatory and auxiliary activities. It is important to ensure that the
implications from any modifications to these treaty provisions are commonly understood and
consistently administered by treaty partners. Accordingly, the Treasury Department is working
with OECD and G20 member countries to create a common global understanding regarding
profit attribution that will address the concerns raised by these BEPS permanent establishment
recommendations. Furthermore, the Treasury Department is interested in developing ways to
mitigate the compliance burdens on businesses and tax administrations that the new permanent
establishment rules could create.