The Praxis®
Study Companion
English to Speakers of
Other Languages (5362)
The Praxis® Study Companion 2
Welcome to the Praxis® Study Companion
Welcome to The Praxis®Study Companion
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You have been working to acquire the knowledge and skills you need for your teaching career. Now you are
ready to demonstrate your abilities by taking a Praxis® test.
Using the Praxis Study Companion is a smart way to prepare for the test so you can do your best on test day. This
guide can help keep you on track and make the most efficient use of your study time.
The Study Companion contains practical information and helpful tools, including:
An overview of the Praxis tests
Specific information on the Praxis test you are taking
A template study plan
• Study topics
Practice questions and explanations of correct answers
Test-taking tips and strategies
Frequently asked questions
Links to more detailed information
So where should you start? Begin by reviewing this guide in its entirety and note those sections that you need
to revisit. Then you can create your own personalized study plan and schedule based on your individual needs
and how much time you have before test day.
Keep in mind that study habits are individual. There are many different ways to successfully prepare for your
test. Some people study better on their own, while others prefer a group dynamic. You may have more energy
early in the day, but another test taker may concentrate better in the evening. So use this guide to develop the
approach that works best for you.
Your teaching career begins with preparation. Good luck!
Know What to Expect
Which tests should I take?
Each state or agency that uses the Praxis tests sets its own requirements for which test or tests you must take for
the teaching area you wish to pursue.
Before you register for a test, confirm your state or agencys testing requirements at
How are the Praxis tests given?
Praxis tests are given on computer. Other formats are available for test takers approved for accommodations (see
page 38).
The Praxis® Study Companion 3
Welcome to the Praxis® Study Companion
What should I expect when taking the test on computer?
When taking the test on computer, you can expect to be asked to provide proper identification at the test
center. Once admitted, you will be given the opportunity to learn how the computer interface works (how to
answer questions, how to skip questions, how to go back to questions you skipped, etc.) before the testing time
begins. Watch the What to Expect on Test Day video to see what the experience is like.
Where and when are the Praxis tests oered?
You can select the test center that is most convenient for you. The Praxis tests are administered through an
international network of test centers, which includes Prometric® Testing Centers, some universities, and other
locations throughout the world.
Testing schedules may differ, so see the Praxis web site for more detailed test registration information at www.
The Praxis® Study Companion 4
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
The Praxis
Study Companion guides you through the steps to success
1. Learn About Your Test ....................................................................................................5
Learn about the specic test you will be taking
2. Understanding Question Types .................................................................................. 18
Become comfortable with the types of questions you’ll nd on the Praxis tests
3. Practice with Sample Test Questions ......................................................................... 20
Answer practice questions and nd explanations for correct answers
4. Determine Your Strategy for Success ......................................................................... 29
Set clear goals and deadlines so your test preparation is focused and ecient
5. Develop Your Study Plan ............................................................................................. 32
Develop a personalized study plan and schedule
6. Review Smart Tips for Success .................................................................................... 36
Follow test-taking tips developed by experts
7. Check on Testing Accommodations ........................................................................... 38
See if you qualify for accommodations to take the Praxis test
8. Do Your Best on Test Day ............................................................................................. 39
Get ready for test day so you will be calm and condent
9. Understand Your Scores .............................................................................................. 41
Understand how tests are scored and how to interpret your test scores
Appendix: Other Questions You May Have ................................................................... 43
The Praxis® Study Companion 5
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
1. Learn About Your Test
Learn about the specic test you will be taking
English to Speakers of Other Languages (5362)
Test at a Glance
Test Name English to Speakers of Other Languages
Test Code 5362
Time 120 minutes
Number of Questions 120 selected-response questions
Format Selected-response questions; This test may include questions with an audio
Test Delivery Computer delivered
Approximate Approximate
Content Categories Number of Percentage of
Questions Examination
I. Foundations of Linguistics 22 18%
II. Foundations of Language Learning 26 22%
III. Planning and Implementing Instruction 28 23%
IV. Assessment and Evaluation 18 15%
V. Culture 13 11%
VI. Professionalism and Advocacy 13 11%
About This Test
The English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) test is designed to measure basic linguistic and pedagogical
knowledge for those interested in working in the context of teaching ESOL in elementary or secondary schools.
Candidates usually come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are preservice teachers who are recent graduates
of an ESOL degree program, some may be experienced ESOL teachers moving from a different state, while
others are current teachers who have changed from their content area of education to ESOL.
The Praxis ESOL test is categorized into six content categories of expertise, as shown in the pie chart above.
Candidates are expected to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required of a beginner-level K-12 ESOL
teacher. The six content categories were identified, via rigorous content analyses, by nationally recognized
thought leaders in the field of TESOL and applied linguistics. Having basic knowledge in each category was
deemed critical for the beginning-level ESOL teacher.
ETS works in collaboration with teacher educators, higher-education content specialists, and accomplished
teachers to keep the test updated and representative of current and relevant standards.
ETS has aligned the questions on this test with the Standards for the Recognition of Initial TESOL Programs in P-12
ESL Teacher Education, developed by TESOL International Association and the Council for the Accreditation of
Educator Preparation (CAEP).
The Praxis® Study Companion 6
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
Test takers have two hours to complete 120 multiple-
choice questions, which have listening questions
embedded throughout the test. For the listening
questions, test takers have an opportunity to listen
to a recorded prompt multiple times, taking into
account time considerations. Some of the questions
ask candidates to choose more than one answer,
which helps to capture the breadth of a candidate’s
This test may contain some questions that will not
count toward the test takers total score.
Content Topics
In this section, discussion questions are open-ended
questions or statements intended to help test your
knowledge of fundamental concepts and your
ability to apply those concepts to classroom or real-
world situations. We do not provide answers for the
discussion questions but thinking about the answers
will help improve your understanding of fundamental
concepts and may help you answer a broad range
of questions on the test. Most of the questions
require you to combine several pieces of knowledge
to formulate an integrated understanding and
response. They are written to help you gain increased
understanding and facility with the tests subject
matter. You may want to discuss these questions with
a teacher or mentor
I. Foundations of Linguistics
A. Understands phonetics, stress and intonation
patterns, and the eects of phonetic
environment on pronunciation
1. Correctly identifies, stressed syllables, rising
and falling intonation, minimal pairs, and
intonation patterns
B. Is familiar with IPA (the International Phonetic
1. Correctly identifies and transcribes phonetic
C. Understands the various types of morphemes
and how they are used in word formation
1. Correctly identifies derivational morphemes,
inflectional morphemes, and distinguishes
between derivational and inflection
D. Understands the usage of English syntax
1. Correctly identifies correct and incorrect syntax
in statements, questions, negations
E. Understands the parts of speech, including
their structural, semantic, and functional
1. Identifies parts of speech
F. Understands semantics and how
combinations of words convey meaning
1. Identifies the following
a. collocations
b. synonyms
c. homophones
d. idioms
G. Knows that languages dier from or are
similar to each other in their phonology,
morphology, syntax, semantics, and
1. Identifies cognates
H. Understands the concepts of pragmatics
1. Identifies the following
a. definitions of pragmatics
b. implications
c. pragmatic failure
d. intended meaning
e. code-switching
I. Understands the concepts of sociolinguistics
1. Identifies the definition of sociolinguistics,
dialects, sociolects, speech community norms,
and social functions of language
J. Knows the concept of World Englishes
1. Identifies a definition of World English
2. Knows examples of World Englishes
K. Understands the conventions of written
English (i.e., mechanics)
1. Identifies errors in the
a. spelling
b. punctuation
c. capitalization
d. formation of paragraph
L. Understands the rhetorical patterns and
range of genres used in written English
1. Identifies correct genre and rhetorical devices
(e.g., alliteration, metaphor, simile, etc.)
M. Understands communicative competence
1. Identifies sociolinguistic competence,
grammatical competence, discourse
competence, and strategic competence
The Praxis® Study Companion 7
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
N. Knows about the inconsistencies and
irregularities of the English language
1. Identifies irregular verbs, irregular nouns
(plurals), and irregular spelling
Discussion Questions: Foundations of
What is communicative competence?
What are two ways that spoken English differs
syntactically from written English?
What are common phonetic transcriptions of
the vowel and consonant sounds in Standard
American English using the International
Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)?
What are three ways to spell the English
phoneme /i/ ?
What kinds of words most frequently occur in
a reduced form in natural speech?
What types of utterances have a rising
intonation pattern?
If an EL consistently pronounces [z] as [s],
how can a teacher help the student learn to
correct the error?
Which suffix is best to teach when showing
students how to change an adjective to an
What is the root of the word unbelievable”?
What five words could a teacher use in a
lesson on Greek or Latin roots in a secondary
school ESOL class?
How are declarative and interrogative
sentences formed in English?
What is an example of a tag question?
How does the word treat” function differently
in the following sentences? Let me treat you
to dinner versus Ice cream is a special treat.
Why is an indefinite article used in the
following sentence?
I would like an apple.
In English, which verb tense is used for
actions that started in the past and continue
up to the present?
What is an idiom? Give some examples.
What kind of lesson could help ELs learn
common phrasal verbs?
What are three ways that intermediate-level
ELs could expand their repertoire of
What is one sound in English that is typically
problematic for speakers of each of the
following languages? (Arabic, Spanish, and
How does word order in English compare
with word order in a language other than
English that you know?
What is the function of English in a
multilingual society? Give a specific example
of its use in one such society.
II. Foundations of Language Learning
A. Understands the distinction between social
and academic language functions
1. Identifies the following
a. registers
b. BICS and CALP as concepts
c. rate of acquisition of BICS and CALP
B. Understands the similarities and dierences
between rst and second language
acquisition, and how learners rst language
can aect their second-language production
and reception
1. Identifies the following
a. code-switching
b. positive/negative transfer
c. simultaneous/sequential bilingualism
d. external and environmental factors
C. Understands the processes of second-
language acquisition, including research-
based models
1. Identifies various types of research and
theories on how receptive skills precede
productive skills, on the characteristics of
interlanguage, and on the definition of
D. Knows the dierent types of aective factors
and their implications for the second-
language learning process
1. Identifies influence of anxiety of SLA and
various types of motivation
The Praxis® Study Companion 8
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
E. Understands the relationship between
English phonemes and graphemes and the
rules of phonics
1. Identifies appropriate decoding skills and
invented spelling
F. Understands the literacy development of ELs
1. Identifies stages of reading development,
stages of writing development, transfer from
L1 literacy to L2 literacy, purposes of reading,
and difference between simple decoding and
G. Understands how rst-language literacy
inuences the development of English literacy
1. Identifies the features of first language literacy,
positive and negative transfer, rhetoric
patterns, orthographic systems, and structural
H. Understands that, in addition to language,
student performance may be aected by
various factors (e.g., socioeconomic, physical,
1. Can identify the impact of poverty and
characteristics of at-risk students
Discussion Questions: Foundations of
Language Learning
What are the differences between basic
interpersonal communication skills (BICS) and
cognitive academic language proficiency
What is an activity that could help ELs
become aware of appropriate register use in
common social interactions?
How could a teacher explain to a colleague
why a student from Jamaica was not placed
in the ESOL program at their school?
How is a classroom practice designed to
foster communicative competence different
from one used in another approach to
language learning?
What is one example of an utterance that
shows evidence of language transfer?
What psycholinguistic concept is associated
with the following student utterance?
I writed a letter yesterday.
What is a likely explanation for a student’s
pronunciation of the word “people as
What is code-switching?
What are the principal features of the
constructivist model of second-language
How does Vygotskys zone of proximal
development relate to L2 learning?
What are the notable features of the following
utterances in terms of interlanguage,
morpheme acquisition order, and formulaic
John no come.
What is one key finding of the L2 research on
the order of morpheme acquisition in
What is one classroom practice that could
foster intrinsic motivation for reading?
Why is portfolio assessment likely to have
positive effects on student motivation?
How does strategy training enhance
motivation for learning?
What is an ideal classroom environment for
ELs? Give at least three features and explain
why they are important.
What is phonemic awareness?
What is one lesson that could help
beginning-level ELs learn a word-decoding
What are the stages of literacy development?
Why is oral language skill crucial for literacy
development in English?
What are sight words?
How does the amount of schooling in an
ESOL students native language affect
second- language acquisition?
What advice could an ESOL teacher give to
the parents of primary-grade-level ELs to
improve their literacy development?
The Praxis® Study Companion 9
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
III. Planning and Implementing Instruction
A. Knows the implication of dialect variation for
the instruction of English learners
1. Understands colloquial language and different
language pronunciation of North American
dialects, and confusion about meanings
B. Understands various methods and
approaches in teaching ELs and knows how to
select the most appropriate methods for the
1. Understands in which contexts to use
scaffolded texts
C. Knows a variety of instructional delivery
models specic for ELs
1. Understands the following different delivery
a. TPR
b. push-in
c. pull-out
d. inclusion
D. Knows how to identify appropriate and
measureable objectives that align to
language and content standards
1. Understands lesson plans
E. Knows how to design appropriate classroom
activities that connect to learning objectives
for ELs
1. Understands activities and lesson
F. Knows how to design appropriate
assessments that connect to learning
objectives for ELs
1. Understands learning objectives and
appropriate assessments
G. Is familiar with ways to collaborate with other
educators in designing classroom activities
appropriate to the prociency levels of
English learners
1. Understands effective ways to collaborate with
a variety of colleagues on activities focusing
across different proficiency levels of ELs
H. Knows how to eectively integrate the four
domains of language (i.e., speaking, listening,
reading, and writing) into instruction
1. Understands the most effective use of
language domains
I. Knows how to promote ELs’ acquisition of
receptive and productive skills
1. Understands acquisition of receptive skills and
acquisition of productive skills
J. Knows how and when to apply a variety of
strategies for teaching language skills
contextually or targeting them discretely
1. Understands lists of scaffolding techniques
K. Knows how to promote autonomous learning
through cognitive and metacognitive
strategies with ELs
1. Understands graphic organizers or best
contextual technique to promote a skill
L. Understands techniques that activate
students’ prior knowledge and that build new
knowledge to support acquisition of content
and language
1. Understands scenario, learning theory, and
strategy that demonstrate constructivism and
activate prior knowledge
2. Understands the need to facilitate learning in
the content areas for ELs
M. Knows how to organize instruction that
provides students with meaningful
opportunities to use language
1. Knows teaching strategies: grouping and
N. Understands eective practices for teaching
literacy to English learners
1. Understands balanced literacy and best
literacy practices for emerging learners
O. Understands how to select, modify, and/or
create culturally responsive, age-appropriate,
and linguistically accessible teaching
materials and resources to support ELs’ needs
1. Understands scenarios that portray
appropriate activities
P. Is familiar with how technologies can be used
to support language development,
instruction, and learning
1. Understands scenarios that portray
appropriate activities
Q. Understands how to create a secure,
supportive, and culturally respectful learning
environment for ELs
1. Understands scenarios that portray
appropriate activities
R. Knows how and when to use constructive
feedback to facilitate English-language
1. Understands possible responses to student
The Praxis® Study Companion 10
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
S. Knows how to create a language-, text-, and
print-rich environment at a linguistic and
age-appropriate level that promotes
academic growth
1. Understands print-rich environment
T. Understands how to dierentiate instruction
for ELs based on individual student needs and
language prociency levels
1. Understands scenarios of different student
U. Knows how to recognize and be
instructionally responsive to Students with
Interrupted Formal Education (SIFEs)
1. Can create learning sequences that effectively
address SIFEs needs
V. Understands that instruction will need to be
adapted for ELs receiving special education or
gifted services
1. Understands scenarios or lists of instructional
adaptive strategies that are appropriate for ELs
that have learning disabilities and/or those ELs
who are gifted
W. Understands the importance of language
modeling, comprehensible input and output,
and scaolding for English language learning
1. Understands CALP versus BICS
Discussion Questions: Planning and
Implementing Instruction
What are strategies that ESOL and general
education teachers can use to adapt
instruction for ELs at different proficiency
What can teachers do to select the most
appropriate materials for their students?
What is the relationship between Chamot
and O’Malleys CALLA (Cognitive Academic
Language Learning Approach) and Cummins’
How do the significant aspects of Krashens
Natural Approach apply to second-language
Which theorist is associated with the zone of
proximal development, and how can the
concept be used to guide learning?
What is a silent period in an ESOL students
language development, and what are some
activities that accommodate a student in that
What is sheltered instruction?
What are the characteristics of a sheltered ESL
What are the benefits of dual-immersion
What is one lesson that could teach ELs polite
ways to refuse an invitation, to ask for
information about an unclear assignment, or
to offer a critical comment?
What is English for Specific Purposes (ESP),
and what types of ESOL students are most
likely to benefit from such a design?
What are the core components of the SIOP
What is Total Physical Response?
How does Krashens input hypothesis support
the Total Physical Response technique with
beginning ELs?
What instructional approaches reflect the
behaviorist theory of second-language
What different supplementary materials are
appropriate for each proficiency level of ESL?
How does the Direct Method of language
instruction differ from the Audiolingual
What is one lesson that could teach
beginning-level ELs about the different
sounds that the letter combination “th” can
What is a lesson for beginning-level ELs that
could foster interaction in English with
English-speaking peers?
What is one lesson that could teach an aspect
of CALP to intermediate-level middle school
The Praxis® Study Companion 11
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
What are the advantages and disadvantages
of ESL pull-out and push-in programs?
What are some appropriate language-
learning resources that could be included in a
classroom to create a print-rich environment?
What are the basic principles of content-
based instruction?
What is the role of English-language skill
development in content-area classes?
What are some ways to adapt grade-level
content-area teaching materials for different
proficiency levels?
What modifications can ESOL and general
educators use to make a fourth-grade lesson
on colonial life in the United States more
accessible to beginning-level ELs?
What are appropriate materials for making a
unit on the American Revolution more
accessible to ELs?
What are various pre- and postactivities that
could be incorporated into effective content-
area instruction for ELs?
How can content and language standards be
incorporated into a lesson?
What is an ongoing classroom activity that
could help intermediate-level ELs learn to
improve their reading fluency?
What is an activity or series of activities that
could help intermediate-level ELs understand
a guest speakers talk on the rain forest?
What specific activities help ELs activate their
prior knowledge?
What is one practice that a high school ESOL
teacher could introduce to improve the
written composition abilities of advanced-
level ELs?
What types of activities help ESOL students
monitor and improve their proficiency in
English pronunciation?
What is an activity that could help ELs identify
word stress patterns in English?
What types of activities best assist ESOL
students in their development of English
What types of activities are most effective in
teaching receptive skills and productive skills?
What are the elements of the following kinds
of essays? Compare/contrast and
classification definition.
What are the common genres of writing in
What are the components of a successful
literacy program?
How can morphological knowledge be used
to build students vocabulary level?
What are strategies that teachers could use to
help students focus on specific language
needs, such as improving their pronunciation
or grammatical accuracy?
What are some strategies for strengthening
students’ oral comprehension?
What kinds of activities help students use
their knowledge of words to understand
unfamiliar vocabulary?
How might a lesson on prefixes and suffixes
help improve a student’s ability to derive
meaning from newly encountered words?
What are some ways in which a teacher could
lead students to analyze differences or
similarities in vocabulary, sentence structure,
spelling, and pronunciation between English
and their native languages?
What is one lesson that could teach students
how to monitor their own understanding as
they read?
What kinds of activities help students
comprehend nonfiction texts?
What kinds of skills are most beneficial for a
teacher to focus on with a group of ESOL
students who are almost ready to transition
into mainstream English classes?
What is an activity that incorporates task-
based learning?
How is a jigsaw activity implemented?
How do different techniques maximize
student interaction?
The Praxis® Study Companion 12
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
What are the differences in techniques for
teaching a second language to students who
are literate and students who are illiterate in
their native language?
What types of instructional techniques are
most effective with newcomers?
What are some specific guidelines for student
interaction and appropriate behavior in the
From a classroom management perspective,
why is it important that students respect
differences among their peers?
How does the establishment of classroom
routines help ELs learn both language and
proper school behaviors?
What is the value of collaborative learning?
What are some strategies that teachers could
use to help students become independent
How do appropriate methods of correction
vary when a teacher is dealing with beginner
ESOL students compared with advanced
ESOL students?
IV. Assessment and Evaluation
A. Is familiar with the role of assessment in the
identication, placement, and exit from
language-support programs
1. Uses the United States Department of
Education (DOE) compliance guidelines for
identification, placement, and exit criteria of
B. Understands a variety of formal and informal
methods to assess receptive and productive
language skills
1. Informal methods—running records, SOLOM,
checklists, anecdotal notes, rubrics, reading
inventories, subject area interest and attitude
inventories, portfolios, worksheets, homework
assignments, etc.
2. Formal methods—statewide standardized
assessments, EOCs, teacher-generated formal
assessments (portfolio, unit test, reading
inventory, projects)
C. Knows how to develop and administer
formative and summative classroom
assessments to determine ELs language skills,
inform instruction, and document student
1. Through field placement experiences, teachers
working with ELs would need to document
daily and/or weekly student performance on
selected skills and be able to take that
information to inform subsequent lessons and
reteach as needed; this includes teacher-made
or commercially produced summative unit
tests and/or daily worksheets, textbook
assignments, etc.
2. Identifies tests that can be used for formative
and summative assessments
3. Takes information from instruction/objectives
to inform additional planning
D. Knows there are a variety of accommodations
for state-mandated content-area testing for
1. Knows that teachers can read exam questions
aloud to a student, (re)write and/or translate
exams/assignments for students, provides
extended time, allow use of word-for-word
language dictionaries, use of translation for
test directions (in student’s native language),
use DOE compliance guidelines, and make
sure that these questions are not state specific
E. Knows ways to adapt classroom assessments
for ELs
1. Appropriately adapts assessments by giving
ELs alternatives in responding, such as
illustrating, oral response, fewer test questions,
different formatting, and scaffolding the
content-area testing
F. Knows that some ELs may be eligible for
special education and/or gifted and talented
services and is familiar with how to provide
feedback and input about assessment data
1. Documentation can be laws such as OCR; for
example, providing a scenario with pieces of
data and posing the question What data is
missing/not evident?”
2. Considers rewriting for clarification: knows that
some ELs may be eligible for additional
services (e.g., special education and gifted and
talented) and is familiar with how to provide
feedback and input about assessment data of
said services
The Praxis® Study Companion 13
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
G. Is familiar with assessment-related issues such
as validity, reliability, and language and
cultural bias
1. Can identify cultural bias in test questions,
recognizes how validity and reliability can be
compromised and have most likely been field
tested with proficient English speakers, thereby
skewing test results
H. Knows the dierence between norm-
referenced and criterion-referenced
assessments and how they are used with ELs
1. Recognizes that norm-referenced tests
compare ELs with proficient English speakers
(and that population of test takers may not
reflect ELs’ level of English proficiency) and
how that has consequences for ELs in terms of
teacher perceptions of ELs level of intelligence
and grading, placement remedial, regular or
advanced class as well as possibly failing
2. Recognizes that criterion-referenced tests
provide teachers with specific information
about whether an EL has mastered particular
skills tested and whether teachers can group
students accordingly and reteach specific skills
I. Knows how to interpret assessment data and
use it to assist in planning and dierentiating
instruction for ELs
1. If given a student profile with data, can identify
skills not mastered and determine what group
with similar challenges the student can be
placed into, and reteach
J. Is familiar with strategies for communicating
assessment data to English learners and their
1. Can use graphics to convey test data, provide
specific examples from the ELs work samples,
modify “teacher jargon when speaking with
parents of ELs, uses interpreters to help convey
test data; if sending information home, uses
DOE compliance guidelines
Discussion Questions: Assessment and
What are the primary uses of individual and
group literacy assessments?
What are the advantages and disadvantages
of each?
What are national requirements for exit from
a language-support program?
When and how is a home-language survey
What kinds of assessments best focus on
ESOL students’ comprehension skills in all four
domains of language acquisition?
What types of formative and summative
assessments are effective for measuring ELs
knowledge and/or skills?
What is one test task that could be used to
assess productive language skills?
How can a portfolio assessment be an
effective tool to evaluate ELs’ progress?
What criteria should be taken into account
when selecting the appropriate assessment
instrument for EL skills?
What is the difference between a needs
assessment and a diagnostic assessment?
What different means of evaluation can
teachers use to measure their students
progress toward meeting state and national
How do state and national requirements
affect the reporting of ESOL students’ scores
on standardized tests?
What are some formal and informal
techniques that could be used to assess how
well students are progressing in content-area
What is one assessment on the Industrial
Revolution that is appropriate for an
intermediate-level EL?
Why is it important for teachers to model
techniques for self-assessment?
What is the value of peer assessment?
How can language-proficiency skills affect the
outcome of an assessment of cognitive
What accommodations can be given to ESOL
students to accurately measure their linguistic
and academic proficiencies?
How do special education needs factor into
decisions about ESOL student placement?
The Praxis® Study Companion 14
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
What kind of evidence can indicate that an EL
might be a candidate for a gifted program?
What are examples of concrete evidence that
indicate that an EL has cognitive difficulties in
addition to language-learning difficulties?
How might vastly different scores achieved
by the same ESOL student on the same test
material be explained?
How can cultural bias affect the scores of
ESOL students on standardized tests?
What are the characteristics of a criterion-
referenced assessment?
For what purposes are norm-referenced
assessments used?
How can assessment results be used to
modify classroom instruction to meet
students’ needs?
What are some factors that determine a
students candidacy for an ESOL program?
What criteria should be used to determine
whether an ESOL student is ready to be
exited from an ESOL program?
What important factors contribute to the
decision to advance an ESOL student to the
next level of instruction or retain the student
for further instruction at the current level?
How can assessment results be
communicated to parents who are not
proficient in English?
V. Culture
A. Understands the interrelationship between
language and culture
1. Nativists, nature versus nurture, decision to use
native language or not in the classroom, oral
traditions, how language affects behavior,
identifying cultural mistakes and scenarios, eye
contact, culture of gender/ethnicity/
socioeconomic background, grouping
students who communicate differently based
on their cultural backgrounds, variationist
perspective on sociolinguistics,
miscommunications/misconceptions based
on culture, participation (or lack of
participation) based on cultural backgrounds,
and topics that could be offensive in the
B. Understands the ways cultural variables aect
second-language acquisition and teaching
1. ELs’ usage of nonstandard English(es) in the
school setting and its implications on their
academic performance, inductive versus
deductive, and rhetorical/logical patterns of
C. Understands the ways students’ identities will
vary widely across and within cultures
1. Partnering students together based on
identities (gender, ethnicity, regional, etc.)
D. Understands the implications of cultural
stereotyping, cultural bias, and cultural
bullying in the school setting
1. Dangers of ethnocentric mentalities
E. Knows that cultural experiences inuence
student language development, disposition,
and learning
1. Neighborhoods/communities that students
are coming from, exposure to community, and
culture shock
F. Understands that the teacher’s personal and
cultural experiences inuence teaching style
1. Understands that the teachers personal and
cultural experiences influence teaching style
G. Understands the dierence between
acculturation and assimilation
1. Understands the varied origins of ELs in
schools in the United States
The Praxis® Study Companion 15
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
Discussion Questions: Culture
What are some examples of cultural norms
that affect communication?
Why is it important for language learners to
also learn the cultural norms associated with
a language?
How do cultures vary in terms of norms
concerning eye contact?
How does the student-teacher relationship
vary between cultures, and what kinds of
misunderstandings might the differences
What are the primary differences between
individualist cultures and collectivist cultures?
What is one example of nonverbal behavior
that differs from one culture to another
related to demonstrations of respect?
What are some approaches to learning that
may vary from one culture to another?
How might different experiences with prior
schooling affect an ELs academic success in a
new country?
What is one example of a cultural expectation
that explains why teachers may approach
teaching differently in two different cultures?
What is one way that a student’s behavior
varies from one culture to another?
What are some ways in which a teacher could
incorporate aspects of diverse cultures into a
How could a teacher help build positive
relationships between students from different
cultural backgrounds?
What are some potential effects of
stereotyping on students?
What are some ways that a teacher could
introduce a discussion about the negative
effects of stereotyping?
Why is it important for ESOL teachers to serve
as role models for other teachers regarding
their interaction with ELs?
How does the role of family vary between
cultures, and how might that affect language
How can a teacher effectively work with a
newly arrived EL who does not view formal
education as a priority?
What is one strategy a teacher could use to
work with ELs whose views on gender roles in
their culture heavily affect their educational
What is ethnocentrism?
What are several strategies that could appeal
to learners from diverse cultural
How have changes to immigration patterns in
the United States affected ESOL education?
What constitutes an effective program model
for ESOL students based on evaluation criteria
from the United States Department of
What is the legal basis for initial identification
for an ESL program, advancement through
the program, exit criteria, and Adequate
Yearly Progress (AYP)?
What are some school and community
resources that could be of assistance to ELs
and their families?
What information about cultural differences
might be useful to a general education
teacher who is teaching ESOL students?
What is one situation in which an ESOL
teacher could facilitate effective
communication between ELs, their families,
and school staff?
What types of curricula are most likely to
benefit ELs with specific career goals?
VI. Professionalism and Advocacy
A. Knows the possible dierences between
disabilities and typical language prociency
1. Able to identify a scenario in which a student
might have a possibly disability, as opposed to
demonstrating typical development in
language proficiency
The Praxis® Study Companion 16
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
B. Knows how to value and incorporate diverse
cultures of students into instruction
1. Able to apply knowledge of culturally relevant
pedagogy to scenarios in which the student
population base is diverse
C. Understands the legal provisions and ethical
implications of laws and federal court
decisions related to the education of ELs
1. Has knowledge of various relevant laws (e.g.,
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Plyler v.
Doe, Castañeda v. Pickard)
D. Understands the need to serve as a
professional resource and advocate for ELs
and families
1. Understands possible roles of EL teacher
E. Understands the need to communicate with
school personnel about the characteristics
and emotional, social, and physical needs of
1. Can identify a scenario in which EL teachers
appropriately respond to emotional, social, and
physical needs of their students
F. Knows how to identify appropriate strategies
for planning and collaborating with ELs, their
families, and school and community members
1. Can identify scenarios in which appropriate
strategies can be matched or ranked (e.g., by
their order in importance) in relation to a
particular stakeholder (e.g., relative of student,
community member, etc.)
G. Understands ways to collaborate with other
school personnel regarding the academic
needs of ELs
1. Can identify optimum scenarios in which
successful collaboration occurs between
school personnel (e.g., teachers and guidance
counselor) with regard to the academic needs
of the ELs
H. Is familiar with ways that ELs and their
families may benet from a variety of outside
resources (e.g., services, networks,
1. Can identify a variety of resources outside of
the school context that can help ELs and their
families thrive in their community
I. Knows a variety of strategies for consulting
with guardians and communicating with
them about each student’s progress and
1. Understands a variety of ways to consult and
communicate with students progress and
J. Knows the importance of engaging in
professional development by continually
researching relevant and reliable resources
and organizations in the eld of teaching
1. Can identify various acronyms/initialisms by
their names and functions (e.g., NABE, TESOL,
Discussion Questions: Professionalism and
How can ESL teachers stay up-to-date on
relevant developments in their field?
What kind of information can various
organization offer ESOL teachers (e.g., TESOL,
What are some relevant and reliable resources
that report on current research pertaining to
the education of ELs, and where can they be
What is TESOL, and what types of
requirements are included in the TESOL
standards for ESOL students?
Why is it important for ESOL teachers to
pursue opportunities for growth in their field?
What is one way that ESOL teachers in a
district could collaborate on professional
development activities?
What are some strategies for including
various members of the school community in
meeting with ELs and their families?
What are some examples of supplementary
materials that could provide parents of ELs
with important information about their
How can an ESL teacher effectively integrate
community resources into instruction?
How might a teacher help an EL who
becomes frustrated when learning English?
What are some ways that paraprofessionals
contribute to the ESL classroom?
What are the integral factors for ESL and
content-area teachers to consider when
collaborating on planning instruction for ELs?
The Praxis® Study Companion 17
Step 1: Learn About Your Test
What are some different ways that an ESL
teacher could advocate for ELs within the
school community?
How can an ESL teacher effectively provide
information about available community
resources to ELs and their families?
What are some reasons that ELs and their
families might have a need for resources
provided by the community?
Why is it important to provide feedback to
parents/caregivers regarding their children’s
linguistic and academic progress?
What are several factors that could influence
instructional planning based on feedback
from ELs parents/caregivers?
What are some ways in which teachers could
communicate with parents of ELs?
What are some factors that might hinder the
parent of an EL from being more involved in a
child’s education?
What might a teacher do to ensure that a
student from a country at war feels supported
in the classroom?
What is one type of extra support that could
assist ELs who have experienced previous
traumatic events in their lives, such as family
separation or life as a refugee?
The Praxis® Study Companion 18
Step 2: Understanding Question Types
2. Understanding Question Types
Become comfortable with the types of questions you’ll nd on the Praxis tests
The Praxis® assessments include a variety of question types: constructed response (for which you write a
response of your own); selected response, for which you select one or more answers from a list of choices or
make another kind of selection (e.g., by selecting a sentence in a text or by selecting part of a graphic); and
numeric entry, for which you enter a numeric value in an answer field. You may be familiar with these question
formats from taking other standardized tests. If not, familiarize yourself with them so you don’t spend time
during the test figuring out how to answer them.
Understanding Selected-Response and Numeric-Entry Questions
For most questions, you respond by selecting an oval to select a single answer from a list of answer choices.
However, interactive question types may also ask you to respond by:
Selecting more than one choice from a list of choices.
Typing in a numeric-entry box. When the answer is a number, you may be asked to enter a numerical answer. Some
questions may have more than one entry box to enter a response. Numeric-entry questions typically appear on
mathematics-related tests.
Selecting parts of a graphic. In some questions, you will select your answers by selecting a location (or locations) on
a graphic such as a map or chart, as opposed to choosing your answer from a list.
Selecting sentences. In questions with reading passages, you may be asked to choose your answers by selecting a
sentence (or sentences) within the reading passage.
Dragging and dropping answer choices into targets on the screen. You may be asked to select answers from a list
of choices and to drag your answers to the appropriate location in a table, paragraph of text or graphic.
Selecting answer choices from a drop-down menu. You may be asked to choose answers by selecting choices from
a drop-down menu (e.g., to complete a sentence).
Remember that with every question you will get clear instructions.
Understanding Constructed-Response Questions
Some tests include constructed-response questions, which require you to demonstrate your knowledge
in a subject area by writing your own response to topics. Essays and short-answer questions are types of
constructed-response questions.
For example, an essay question might present you with a topic and ask you to discuss the extent to which you
agree or disagree with the opinion stated. You must support your position with specific reasons and examples
from your own experience, observations, or reading.
The Praxis® Study Companion 19
Step 2: Understanding Question Types
Review a few sample essay topics:
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
We come then to the question presented: Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the
basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors may be equal, deprive the
children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? We believe that it does.
A. What legal doctrine or principle, established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), did the Supreme Court
reverse when it issued the 1954 ruling quoted above?
B. What was the rationale given by the justices for their 1954 ruling?
In his self-analysis, Mr. Payton says that the better-performing students say small-group work is boring and that
they learn more working alone or only with students like themselves. Assume that Mr. Payton wants to continue
using cooperative learning groups because he believes they have value for all students.
o Describe TWO strategies he could use to address the concerns of the students who have
o Explain how each strategy suggested could provide an opportunity to improve the functioning
of cooperative learning groups. Base your response on principles of effective instructional
“Minimum-wage jobs are a ticket to nowhere. They are boring and repetitive and teach employees little or nothing
of value. Minimum-wage employers take advantage of people because they need a job.
o Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with this opinion. Support your views with
specific reasons and examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Keep these things in mind when you respond to a constructed-response question:
1. Answer the question accurately. Analyze what each part of the question is asking you to do. If the question asks
you to describe or discuss, you should provide more than just a list.
2. Answer the question completely. If a question asks you to do three distinct things in your response, you should
cover all three things for the best score. Otherwise, no matter how well you write, you will not be awarded full
3. Answer the question that is asked. Do not change the question or challenge the basis of the question. You will
receive no credit or a low score if you answer another question or if you state, for example, that there is no
possible answer.
4. Give a thorough and detailed response. You must demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of the
subject matter. However, your response should be straightforward and not filled with unnecessary information.
5. Take notes on scratch paper so that you don’t miss any details. Then you’ll be sure to have all the information you
need to answer the question.
6. Reread your response. Check that you have written what you thought you wrote. Be sure not to leave sentences
unfinished or omit clarifying information.
The Praxis® Study Companion 20
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
3. Practice with Sample Test Questions
Answer practice questions and nd explanations for correct answers
Computer Delivery
This test is available via computer delivery. The following sample question provides a preview of an actual
screen used in a computer-delivered test. For the purposes of this Study Companion, the sample questions are
shown as they would appear in a paper-delivered test.
The Praxis® Study Companion 21
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
Sample Test Questions
The sample questions that follow illustrate the kinds of
questions on the test. They are not, however, representative
of the entire scope of the test in either content or difficulty.
The answers and their explanations are provided later in
this chapter.
Terminology: In this test, the following terminology
may appear as described.
English to Speakers of Other Languages may be
referred to as ESOL.
English as a Second Language may be referred to
as ESL.
English as a Foreign Language may be referred to
as EFL
An English-language learner may be referred to as
an EL
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
may be referred to as TESOL.
The National Association for Bilingual Education may be
referred to as NABE.
The Center for Applied Linguistics may be referred to
as CAL.
Basic interpersonal communication skills may be
referred to as BICS.
Cognitive academic language proficiency may be
referred to as CALP.
The Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach
may be referred to as CALLA.
The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Model
may be referred to as the SIOP Model.
A first language may be referred to as the L1.
A second language may be referred to as the L2.
Total Physical Response may be referred to as TPR.
A parent or legal guardian may be referred to as
a parent.
Second Language Acquisition may be referred to as
Directions: Each of the questions or statements below
is followed by four suggested answers or completions.
Select the one that is best in each case.
1. An EL approaches the ESOL teacher and
says, “Give me a piece of paper.” The ELs
utterance is best characterized as an error in
(A) article usage
(B) word order
(C) register
(D) conjugation
2. Which of the following terms refers to how the
level of a language learner’s negative feelings
and motivation correlates to his or her ability
to acquire new language skills?
(A) Deductive reasoning
(B) Extrinsic reinforce
(C) Affective lter
(D) Self-regulated learning
3. Mr. Lewis, a new ESL teacher, is evaluating
several assessments that were used by the
previous ESL teacher. Because of the diverse
cultural backgrounds of his students, Mr.
Lewis wants to ensure that the assessments
he chooses to incorporate into the curriculum
do not exhibit any cultural bias. Which of the
following is the most appropriate question for
Mr. Lewis to use as a guideline when
screening the assessments for cultural bias?
(A) Was the ESL teacher who designed the
assessments uent in more than one
(B) Will the students need a high level of
sociopragmatic competence to complete
the assessments?
(C) Are the scores that students received on
the assessments in the past reliable?
(D) Do the assessments separate content-
area learning from language learning?
The Praxis® Study Companion 22
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
4. A high school ESOL teacher gives students
the following work sheet.
The primary purpose of the work sheet is to
provide instruction on
(A) morphology
(B) stress
(C) intonation
(D) syllabication
5. Which of the following court cases resulted in
a ruling that district-implemented programs
for ELs must be evaluated for effectiveness?
(A) Lau v. Nichols
(B) Brown v. Board of Education
(C) Plyler v. Doe
(D) Castañeda v. Pickard
6. An ESL teacher plans to evaluate the
students’ midyear progress by referencing
various examples of their work taken from the
current semester. Which of the following will
most accurately assist the teacher in
assessing the students’ English-language
(A) Standardized test scores that
demonstrate ESL students’ academic
performance in specic content areas
(B) Report card grades and comments from
all content area classroom teachers
(C) Individualized portfolios that include all
essays, presentation rubrics, and tests
(D) A norm-referenced midterm exam that
was recently administered to ESL
7. Subtractive bilingualism is most likely to occur
in second-language learners who
(A) have difculty understanding content-
area vocabulary
(B) have little opportunity to continue using
their rst language
(C) work to maintain the customs of their
home cultures
(D) had limited formal schooling in their
home countries
8. Which of the following makes the greatest use
of active participation, including gestures and
body movement?
(A) Grammar Translation
(B) Total Physical Response
(C) Suggestopedia
(D) The Direct Method
9. The following is based on an excerpt from an
ELs essay about a summer job.
The errors in the second sentence primarily
(A) word choice
(B) word structure
(C) word order
(D) word spelling
10. Listen to an ESOL student read the following
sentence aloud.
(Recorded excerpt)
He nally went to bed.
(Student pronounces “bed” as [bεt])
The error in pronunciation in the word “bed”
indicates a problem with
(A) nal intonation patterns
(B) places of articulation
(C) voiced and voiceless sounds
(D) word stress patterns
The Praxis® Study Companion 23
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
11. Mr. Abbott notices that a few of his ESL
students have not been doing classwork or
homework assignments because they lack
motivation to learn about certain topics. Mr.
Abbott can best increase his students’
intrinsic motivation to learn by
(A) offering them verbal praise after they
complete an assignment properly
(B) rewarding them with a small prize after
they successfully complete a certain
number of assignments
(C) determining their interests and
incorporating those interests into
classroom lessons
(D) calling their parents to inform them of the
missing assignments
12. Which of the following behaviors is most
consistent with culture shock?
(A) An EL prefers learning activities that
feature pictures, graphic organizers, and
lm clips to present content-area topics.
(B) An EL appears nervous and frustrated in
his or her new surroundings and
expresses a desire to return to the home
(C) An EL prefers learning activities that
feature bodily movement and
manipulatives that reinforce academic
(D) An EL appears to emphasize the context
of a conversation, including gestures,
facial expressions, and tone of voice,
when communicating.
13. Which of the following best summarizes the
critical period hypothesis?
(A) Assimilation to a new culture usually
occurs during a small window of time.
(B) The ease with which one acquires native-
like prociency correlates to a biological
timetable that is connected to age.
(C) Optimal language acquisition occurs
when learners are exposed to the L2 for
at least 50 percent of their day.
(D) L2 grammar is taught most effectively
when learners participate in a series of
translation activities for the rst six
months of study.
14. An ESL teacher is conducting a lesson on the
woolly mammoth. Sandra, an intermediate-
level EL, is having trouble taking notes on the
characteristics of the animal during the
lesson. Based on Sandra’s needs, the ESL
teacher should provide her with a
(A) graphic organizer with a word bank
about the woolly mammoth
(B) collection of photographs of the woolly
(C) multiple-choice work sheet about the
woolly mammoth
(D) textbook passage on the woolly
mammoth from a lower grade level
15. Mr. Jenkins, an ESL teacher, recently took his
students on a eld trip to a museum. The
following day, Mr. Jenkins asks the class to
recount their trip to the museum as he
transcribes their dictated speech. Next, Mr.
Jenkins distributes copies of the
transcriptions and has students work in
groups to nd and correct errors. Finally, he
has the students expand the corrected
transcriptions into a narrative essay as a
homework assignment. Which of the following
best describes the instructional approach
being utilized by Mr. Jenkins?
(A) Language experience approach
(B) Multisensory approach
(C) Natural approach
(D) Phonics approach
16. The following conversation takes place
between an EL and an ESOL teacher.
Student: He read frequently the newspaper.
Teacher: Oh, he frequently reads the
newspaper? So, what sections of the
newspaper does he prefer?
The response that the teacher gives to the EL
can most accurately be described as
(A) metalinguistic feedback
(B) positive feedback
(C) an elicitation
(D) a recast
The Praxis® Study Companion 24
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
17. Which THREE of the following strategies can
an ESOL teacher use to most effectively
create a culturally responsive classroom?
(A) Reecting on the inuence that their
personal bias has on student
(B) Devising ways to reward student
participation to encourage speaking
(C) Integrating a wide range of curricular
(D) Becoming familiar with students’ prior
18. Which of the following is the best example of
an error in sociolinguistic competence?
(A) An EL wants to borrow a pen from the
teacher’s desk and says, “I need this”
while taking it.
(B) An EL doesn’t know the word for
“highway” and describes it as “the big
road where there are a lot of cars.”
(C) A native English speaker asks an EL
where the EL was born, and the EL
responds “I am come from Europe.”
(D) An EL wants to say “Watch out for the
curb” but produces the sentence “Watch
out for the curve.”
19. A middle school English teacher has selected
a reading passage on the history, rules, and
importance of baseball in the United States
for an upcoming reading comprehension test.
The English teacher is worried that the ELs in
the class may have difculty reading and
understanding the passage and consults the
ESL teacher for feedback. To best address the
English teacher’s concern, the ESL teacher
should advise the English teacher to closely
examine the passage for which of the
(A) Statistics that may be too complex for
the ELs with a limited math background
(B) Cultural content that may bias the test
against the ELs
(C) Changes in verb tense that may cause
confusion for the ELs
(D) Abundant usage of gurative language
that the ELs may not recognize
20. A rst grade teacher recently welcomed a new
EL named Hassan into the classroom.
Hassan’s records show that he had limited
exposure to English classes in his home
country and is currently functioning at the
beginning level of English-language
prociency. Which of the following
instructional strategies would most
appropriately assist Hassan in increasing his
communication skills?
(A) Providing Hassan with a study guide that
includes all topics discussed in class
(B) Supplying Hassan with an English
dictionary and a thesaurus to use during
(C) Having Hassan use pictures and
gestures when interacting with others
(D) Setting the expectation that Hassan
must respond in English when called on
in class
The Praxis® Study Companion 25
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
21. In contrast to collectivist cultures, individualist
cultures are more likely to
(A) emphasize the importance of learning a
second language
(B) maintain their traditional customs as
globalization becomes more pervasive
(C) prioritize the needs of social institutions
in their society
(D) regard personal ambition and initiative
22. Listen to an ESOL student talk about her
experience upon arriving in the United States.
(Recorded excerpt)
When I arrive in the United States, the rst
three months for me here were the most
dicult experience in my life . . .
The verb “arrive” in the rst line is incorrect
with respect to
(A) tense
(B) gender
(C) person
(D) number
23. Which of the following situations most likely
indicates that an EL may require testing for
special education services?
(A) The EL often shifts from one language to
another when speaking.
(B) The EL exhibits an English-language
pattern that is highly unusual compared
to that of others who speak the same L1.
(C) The ELs ability to communicate simple
ideas in English is impeded by a heavy
(D) The EL is hesitant to speak and does not
participate in most classroom
24. A social studies teacher plans to administer a
chapter test that includes multiple-choice and
short-answer questions. Which of the
following testing accommodations would be
most appropriate for the intermediate-level
ELs in the class?
(A) Permitting the ELs to use the test study
guide during the test
(B) Allowing the ELs to take the test in their
native languages
(C) Allotting the ELs more time to complete
the test
(D) Reducing the number of questions on
the ELs’ version of the test
25. People across the United States use a variety
of terms to refer to sugary, avored
carbonated beverages, including “soda,”
“pop,” and “soft drink.” Which of the following
best identies this occurrence?
(A) Code-switching
(B) Dialect variation
(C) Language register
(D) Jargon
26. Ms. Yamamoto teaches an introductory
writing class composed of learners from a
variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
Her primary objective is to encourage her
students to brainstorm ideas on a given topic
and develop their English writing skills as a
result of brainstorming. Which of the following
is the most effective strategy Ms. Yamamoto
can use to benet the ELs in the class during
the brainstorming process?
(A) Encouraging ELs to use their rst
languages and cultural knowledge in
brainstorming discussions
(B) Providing ELs with a detailed outline
where they can summarize the
beginning, middle, and end of future
essays during brainstorming discussions
(C) Asking ELs to consult an English
dictionary for all necessary words during
brainstorming discussions
(D) Advising the ELs to look for relevant
outside references prior to their
brainstorming discussions
The Praxis® Study Companion 26
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
27. Which of the following activities most
effectively helps beginning-level ELs develop
decoding skills?
(A) Presenting predictable spelling patterns
in word families to the ELs
(B) Asking the ELs to describe the events of
a story after the teacher has read it aloud
(C) Directing the ELs to select their own
reading materials from the school’s
(D) Having the ELs work in small groups to
categorize nouns and verbs on chart
Questions 2829 refer to the following visual
Mr. Lambert, an elementary ESOL teacher,
provides his students with the following work
sheet and a handful of plastic tokens
First, Mr. Lambert says the word that names
the rst picture on the work sheet, “bee.”
Then, he instructs students to quietly repeat
the word to themselves and segment the
word into its distinct sounds. Once the
students have identied the distinct sounds in
the word, they move one token for each
sound into a box above the picture. Finally,
Mr. Lambert asks the class to share which
sounds they recognize in the word “bee,” and
he moves on to the next picture on the work
28. Which of the following best describes the
primary focus of the activity?
(A) It introduces the concept of
(B) It connects phonemes and graphemes.
(C) It develops phonemic awareness.
(D) It improves translation skills.
29. The activity is most appropriate for students
in which of the following stages of second
language acquisition?
(A) Early production
(B) Speech emergence
(C) Intermediate uency
(D) Advanced uency
The Praxis® Study Companion 27
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
Answers to Sample Questions
1. Option (C) is correct. In this example, the EL has
addressed the teacher in a manner that is too informal
for their relationship, making it an error in the
appropriate use of register (formal vs. informal).
2. Option (C) is correct. Krashen refers to the affective
filter hypothesis as a critical factor that can affect
language learning positively or negatively.
3. Option (B) is correct. If students need a high level of
sociopragmatic competence to understand the
assessments, it means that there could be a heavy
degree of culturally-specific material on the
assessments, which could lead to cultural bias.
4. Option (B) is correct. The work sheet asks students to
identify which part of the sentence they would
emphasize when answering a series of questions. This
illustrates how the way certain words in a sentence are
emphasized can influence the meaning of the
sentence. Thus, the work sheet is primarily providing
instruction on stress.
5. Option (D) is correct. Castañeda v. Pickard ruled that
district programs for ELs must be evaluated for
effectiveness using a set of established criteria.
6. Option (C) is correct. A portfolio that spans the work
completed over the semester and includes a wide
representation of assessment that addresses all four
modes of language learning would be the best tool to
use when evaluating ESL students’ English-language
7. Option (B) is correct. Subtractive bilingualism refers
to the phenomenon in which first-language attrition
occurs in learners as a result of acquiring a new
language. This phenomenon typically occurs in learners
of a second language who no longer have or have
fewer opportunities to use their first language in a new
8. Option (B) is correct. Total Physical Response (TPR) is
a language-teaching method built around the
coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach
language through physical (motor) activity.
9. Option (A) is correct. The second sentence contains
instances of incorrect lexical collocations. That is,
certain words in English cannot idiomatically and
customarily be used to modify certain other words
even though the overall meaning is decipherable (to
speak a language fluently versus to speak a language
greatly). Hence, errors in word choice were made.
10. Option (C) is correct. Stress and intonation do not
determine final consonant forms, and [t] and [d] have
the same place of articulation. However, [t] is a voiceless
sound and [d] is a voiced sound.
11. Option (C) is correct. By incorporating the students’
interests into future lessons, the teacher will help
students gain a sense of personal value from doing
schoolwork. As a result, they may begin to enjoy what
they are learning and develop a sense of personal,
intrinsic motivation to continue learning.
12. Option (B) is correct. Culture shock is a stage that
some ELs may experience upon arrival in the United
States. Typically, an EL going through culture shock may
feel overwhelmed by his or her new environment and
experience homesickness.
13. Option (B) is correct. The critical period hypothesis
states that there is a period of time in childhood when
language can be easily acquired. According to the
hypothesis, language becomes increasingly more
difficult to learn after the onset of puberty.
14. Option (A) is correct. The student is having trouble
taking notes on the woolly mammoth during class
discussions. Based on her needs and proficiency level, a
graphic organizer with a word bank would most likely
assist the student while taking notes on the topic.
15. Option (A) is correct. The language experience
approach uses students spoken language to develop
materials for reading and writing instruction. This
approach incorporates students oral language
proficiency levels and personal experiences.
16. Option (D) is correct. A recast focuses on the
meaning. The teacher casts back the learners utterance
in the correct form but continues with a focus on
meaning. Recast is defined as the reformulation of a
learners utterance minus the error(s).
17. Options (A), (C), and (D) are correct. For (A), this
approach guides teachers to understand that student
behavior is influenced by culture. For (C) and (D), both
strategies guide teachers to understand that student
behavior can be influenced by factors related to settings
that resemble their own communities.
The Praxis® Study Companion 28
Step 3: Practice with Sample Test Questions
18. Option (A) is correct. The appropriate level of
politeness and register contribute to a learners
sociolinguistic competence. In this example, the EL
does not ask to use the pen before taking it. In addition,
because the EL is taking the pen from a teacher
(someone of a different power structure), a more polite
choice of words would typically be used. Sociolinguistic
competence is the knowledge of the sociocultural rules
of language and of discourse. This type of competence
requires an understanding of the social context in
which language is used: the role of the participants, the
information they share, and the function of the
interaction. It is an individual’s knowledge of ways of
speaking and interacting through language, e.g.
politeness, taboos, etc. These different competencies
are used in any given act of communication.
19. Option (B) is correct. Bias in testing may stem from
any one of three characteristics of the tests themselves,
including the cultural content embedded in any given
test. Baseball is considered a sport that is highly specific
to American culture and the ELs may be unfamiliar with
the vocabulary, rules, etc., associated with it. This could
contribute to a lower test score, which is unrelated to
their language proficiency.
20. Option (C) is correct. The instructional goal is to
increase the student’s communication skills. Using
visuals and gestures will help the student communicate
given his current level of language proficiency and his
educational background.
21. Option (D) is correct. Individualist cultures typically
emphasize the needs and wants of the individual over
those of a group or social institution as a whole.
22. Option (A) is correct. In the transcription of the
recorded excerpt, the verb arrive is in the present
tense. The context is the students experience, and the
rest of the sentence is in the past (“the first three
months were”). Arrive should be in the past tense
23. Option (B) is correct. A unique pattern of usage is a
common indicator that a student may have different
cognitive abilities from his peers, which might signal a
need for further investigation.
24. Option (C) is correct. Allotting more time is a
commonly used accommodation with ELs on high-
stakes achievement tests and content-area exams. This
accommodation will not compromise learning
standards and will help the ELs display their
25. Option (B) is correct. A dialect is a form of language
that is specific to a particular region or social group. The
terms presented in the question are indicative of
dialect variation.
26. Option (A) is correct. ELs’ first language and culture
are rich sources of knowledge for the brainstorming
process and will help facilitate the L1-L2 connection.
27. Option (A) is correct. Teaching predictable spelling
patterns in word families will most effectively assist the
ELs in developing their decoding skills, especially if they
are at the beginning level of language proficiency and
are unfamiliar with English spelling conventions/
sound/symbol relationships. A word family is a group of
words sharing a common phonetic element. Children
learn that words often contain these recognizable
chunks. The cracking of this code provides predictable
patterns and is a help in decoding new words. With
practice, children learn to use these chunks instead of
sounding out one letter at a time.
28. Option (C) is correct. The teacher is asking the
students to determine the individual sounds in the
words that the teacher says aloud by moving tokens
into Elkonin boxes. Because the activity focuses on the
sounds that make up each word, it is primarily building
phonemic awareness.
29. Option (A) is correct. In the early production stage
of second language acquisition, students should build
prereading skills that will assist them with future
literacy development. A phonemic awareness activity
that focuses on building knowledge of the sounds in
different English words is most appropriate for students
in this stage.
The Praxis® Study Companion 29
Step 4: Determine Your Strategy for Success
4. Determine Your Strategy for Success
Set clear goals and deadlines so your test preparation is focused and ecient
Effective Praxis test preparation doesn’t just happen. You’ll want to set clear goals and deadlines for yourself
along the way. Otherwise, you may not feel ready and confident on test day.
1) Learn what the test covers.
You may have heard that there are several different versions of the same test. Its true. You may take one
version of the test and your friend may take a different version a few months later. Each test has different
questions covering the same subject area, but both versions of the test measure the same skills and
content knowledge.
You’ll find specific information on the test youre taking on page 5, which outlines the content categories
that the test measures and what percentage of the test covers each topic. Visit
testprep for information on other Praxis tests.
2) Assess how well you know the content.
Research shows that test takers tend to overestimate their preparedness—this is why some test takers
assume they did well and then find out they did not pass.
The Praxis tests are demanding enough to require serious review of likely content, and the longer you’ve
been away from the content, the more preparation you will most likely need. If it has been longer than a few
months since you’ve studied your content area, make a concerted effort to prepare.
3) Collect study materials.
Gathering and organizing your materials for review are critical steps in preparing for the Praxis tests. Consider
the following reference sources as you plan your study:
Did you take a course in which the content area was covered? If yes, do you still have your books or
your notes?
Does your local library have a high school-level textbook in this area? Does your college library have a
good introductory college-level textbook in this area?
Practice materials are available for purchase for many Praxis tests at Test
preparation materials include sample questions and answers with explanations.
4) Plan and organize your time.
You can begin to plan and organize your time while you are still collecting materials. Allow yourself plenty of
review time to avoid cramming new material at the end. Here are a few tips:
Choose a test date far enough in the future to leave you plenty of preparation time. Test dates can be
found at
Work backward from that date to figure out how much time you will need for review.
Set a realistic schedule—and stick to it.
The Praxis® Study Companion 30
Step 4: Determine Your Strategy for Success
5) Practice explaining the key concepts.
Praxis tests with constructed-response questions assess your ability to explain material effectively. As a
teacher, you’ll need to be able to explain concepts and processes to students in a clear, understandable
way. What are the major concepts you will be required to teach? Can you explain them in your own words
accurately, completely, and clearly? Practice explaining these concepts to test your ability to effectively
explain what you know.
6) Understand how questions will be scored.
Scoring information can be found on page 41.
7) Develop a study plan.
A study plan provides a road map to prepare for the Praxis tests. It can help you understand what skills and
knowledge are covered on the test and where to focus your attention. Use the study plan template on page
34 to organize your efforts.
And most important—get started!
Would a Study Group Work for You?
Using this guide as part of a study group
People who have a lot of studying to do sometimes find it helpful to form a study group with others who are
working toward the same goal. Study groups give members opportunities to ask questions and get detailed
answers. In a group, some members usually have a better understanding of certain topics, while others in the
group may be better at other topics. As members take turns explaining concepts to one another, everyone
builds self-confidence.
If the group encounters a question that none of the members can answer well, the group can go to a teacher or
other expert and get answers efficiently. Because study groups schedule regular meetings, members study in a
more disciplined fashion. They also gain emotional support. The group should be large enough so that multiple
people can contribute different kinds of knowledge, but small enough so that it stays focused. Often, three to
six members is a good size.
Here are some ways to use this guide as part of a study group:
Plan the groups study program. Parts of the study plan template, beginning on page 34, can help
to structure your groups study program. By filling out the first five columns and sharing the worksheets,
everyone will learn more about your groups mix of abilities and about the resources, such as textbooks, that
members can share with the group. In the sixth column (“Dates I will study the content”), you can create an
overall schedule for your groups study program.
Plan individual group sessions. At the end of each session, the group should decide what specific
topics will be covered at the next meeting and who will present each topic. Use the topic headings and
subheadings in the Test at a Glance table on page 5 to select topics, and then select practice questions,
beginning on page 21.
Prepare your presentation for the group. When its your turn to present, prepare something that is
more than a lecture. Write two or three original questions to pose to the group. Practicing writing actual
questions can help you better understand the topics covered on the test as well as the types of questions
you will encounter on the test. It will also give other members of the group extra practice at answering
The Praxis® Study Companion 31
Step 4: Determine Your Strategy for Success
Take a practice test together. The idea of a practice test is to simulate an actual administration of the
test, so scheduling a test session with the group will add to the realism and may also help boost everyone’s
confidence. Remember, complete the practice test using only the time that will be allotted for that test on
your administration day.
Learn from the results of the practice test. Review the results of the practice test, including the
number of questions answered correctly in each content category. For tests that contain constructed-
response questions, look at the Sample Test Questions section, which also contain sample responses to
those questions and shows how they were scored. Then try to follow the same guidelines that the test
scorers use.
Be as critical as you can. You’re not doing your study partner(s) any favors by letting them get away with
an answer that does not cover all parts of the question adequately.
Be specic. Write comments that are as detailed as the comments about the sample responses. Indicate
where and how your study partner(s) are doing an inadequate job of answering the question. Writing notes
in the margins of the answer sheet may also help.
Be supportive. Include comments that point out what your study partner(s) got right.
Then plan one or more study sessions based on aspects of the questions on which group members performed
poorly. For example, each group member might be responsible for rewriting one paragraph of a response in
which someone else did an inadequate job.
Whether you decide to study alone or with a group, remember that the best way to prepare is to have an
organized plan. The plan should set goals based on specific topics and skills that you need to learn, and it
should commit you to a realistic set of deadlines for meeting those goals. Then you need to discipline yourself
to stick with your plan and accomplish your goals on schedule.
The Praxis® Study Companion 32
Step 5: Develop Your Study Plan
5. Develop Your Study Plan
Develop a personalized study plan and schedule
Planning your study time is important because it will help ensure that you review all content areas covered on the
test. Use the sample study plan below as a guide. It shows a plan for the Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading
test. Following that is a study plan template that you can fill out to create your own plan. Use the About This Test and
“Content Topics" information beginning on page 5 to help complete it.
Use this worksheet to:
1. Dene Content Areas: List the most important content areas for your test as defined in chapter 1.
2. Determine Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify your strengths and weaknesses in each content area.
3. Identify Resources: Identify the books, courses, and other resources you plan to use for each content area.
4. Study: Create and commit to a schedule that provides for regular study periods.
Praxis Test Name (Test Code): Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading (5713)
Test Date: 9/15/21
Content covered
of content
How well do
I know the
(scale 1–5)
resources do I
have/need for
the content?
Where can I
nd the
resources I
Dates I will
study the
Key Ideas and Details
Close reading
Draw inferences and
implications from the
directly stated content
of a reading selection
Middle school
College library,
middle school
7/15/21 7/15/21
Determining Ideas
Identify summaries or
paraphrases of the main
idea or primary purpose
of a reading selection
Middle school
College library,
middle school
7/17/21 7/17/21
Determining Ideas
Identify summaries
or paraphrases of the
supporting ideas and
specific details in a
reading selection
Middle and
high school
College library,
middle and
high school
7/20/21 7/21/21
Craft, Structure, and Language Skills
Interpreting tone
Determine the authors
attitude toward material
discussed in a reading
Middle and
high school
College library,
middle and
high school
7/25/21 7/26/21
Analysis of
Identify key transition
words and phrases in a
reading selection and
how they are used
Middle and
high school
College library,
middle and
high school
7/25/21 7/27/21
Analysis of
Identify how a reading
selection is organized
in terms of cause/effect,
problem/solution, etc.
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/1/21 8/1/21
Authors purpose
Determine the role that
an idea, reference, or
piece of information
plays in an authors
discussion or argument
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/1/21 8/1/21
(continued on next page)
The Praxis® Study Companion 33
Step 5: Develop Your Study Plan
Content covered
of content
How well do
I know the
(scale 1–5)
resources do I
have/need for
the content?
Where can I
nd the
resources I
I will
study the
Language in
different contexts
Determine whether
information presented
in a reading selection
is presented as fact or
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/1/21 8/1/21
Identify the meanings of
words as they are used in
the context of a reading
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/1/21 8/1/21
Understand figurative
language and nuances in
word meanings
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/8/21 8/8/21
Vocabulary range
Understand a range
of words and phrases
sufficient for reading at
the college and career
readiness level
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/15/21 8/17/21
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
Diverse media and
Analyze content
presented in diverse
media and formats,
including visually and
quantitatively, as well as
in words
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/22/21 8/24/21
Evaluation of
Identify the relationship
among ideas presented
in a reading selection
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/24/21 8/24/21
Evaluation of
Determine whether
evidence strengthens,
weakens, or is relevant
to the arguments in a
reading selection
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/27/21 8/27/21
Evaluation of
Determine the logical
assumptions upon
which an argument or
conclusion is based
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/28/21 8/30/21
Evaluation of
Draw conclusions from
material presented in a
reading selection
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
8/30/21 8/31/21
Comparison of
Recognize or predict
ideas or situations that
are extensions of or
similar to what has been
presented in a reading
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
9/3/21 9/4/21
Comparison of
Apply ideas presented
in a reading selection to
other situations
High school
college course
College library,
course notes,
high school
teacher, college
9/5/21 9/6/21
The Praxis® Study Companion 34
Step 5: Develop Your Study Plan
My Study Plan
Use this worksheet to:
1. Dene Content Areas: List the most important content areas for your test as defined in chapter 1.
2. Determine Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify your strengths and weaknesses in each content area.
3. Identify Resources: Identify the books, courses, and other resources you plan to use for each content area.
4. Study: Create and commit to a schedule that provides for regular study periods.
Praxis Test Name (Test Code): ____________________________________________________________
Test Date: _____________
Content covered
of content
How well do
I know the
(scale 1–5)
resources do I
have/need for
this content?
Where can I
nd the
resources I
Dates I will
study this
(continued on next page)
The Praxis® Study Companion 35
Step 5: Develop Your Study Plan
Content covered
of content
How well do
I know the
(scale 1–5)
resources do I
have/need for
the content?
Where can I
nd the
resources I
Dates I will
study the
The Praxis® Study Companion 36
Step 6: Review Smart Tips for Success
6. Review Smart Tips for Success
Follow test-taking tips developed by experts
Learn from the experts. Take advantage of the following answers to questions you may have and practical tips
to help you navigate the Praxis test and make the best use of your time.
Should I guess?
Yes. Your score is based on the number of questions you answer correctly, with no penalty or subtraction for an
incorrect answer. When you don’t know the answer to a question, try to eliminate any obviously wrong answers
and then guess at the correct one. Try to pace yourself so that you have enough time to carefully consider
every question.
Can I answer the questions in any order?
You can answer the questions in order or skip questions and come back to them later. If you skip a question,
you can also mark it so that you can remember to return and answer it later. Remember that questions left
unanswered are treated the same as questions answered incorrectly, so it is to your advantage to answer every
Are there trick questions on the test?
No. There are no hidden meanings or trick questions. All of the questions on the test ask about subject matter
knowledge in a straightforward manner.
Are there answer patterns on the test?
No. You might have heard this myth: the answers on tests follow patterns. Another myth is that there will never
be more than two questions in a row with the correct answer in the same position among the choices. Neither
myth is true. Select the answer you think is correct based on your knowledge of the subject.
Can I write on the scratch paper I am given?
Yes. You can work out problems on the scratch paper, make notes to yourself, or write anything at all. Your
scratch paper will be destroyed after you are finished with it, so use it in any way that is helpful to you. But make
sure to select or enter your answers on the computer.
Smart Tips for Taking the Test
1. Skip the questions you nd extremely dicult. Rather than trying to answer these on your first pass
through the test, you may want to leave them blank and mark them so that you can return to them later.
Pay attention to the time as you answer the rest of the questions on the test, and try to finish with 10 or
15 minutes remaining so that you can go back over the questions you left blank. Even if you don’t know
the answer the second time you read the questions, see if you can narrow down the possible answers, and
then guess. Your score is based on the number of right answers, so it is to your advantage to answer every
The Praxis® Study Companion 37
Step 6: Review Smart Tips for Success
2. Keep track of the time. The on-screen clock will tell you how much time you have left. You will probably
have plenty of time to answer all of the questions, but if you find yourself becoming bogged down, you
might decide to move on and come back to any unanswered questions later.
3. Read all of the possible answers before selecting one. For questions that require you to select more
than one answer, or to make another kind of selection, consider the most likely answers given what the
question is asking. Then reread the question to be sure the answer(s) you have given really answer the
Check your answers. If you have extra time left over at the end of the test, look over each question and
make sure that you have answered it as you intended. Many test takers make careless mistakes that they
could have corrected if they had checked their answers.
5. Don’t worry about your score when you are taking the test. No one is expected to answer all of the
questions correctly. Your score on this test is not analogous to your score on the GRE® or other tests. It doesn’t
matter on the Praxis tests whether you score very high or barely pass. If you meet the minimum passing
scores for your state and you meet the states other requirements for obtaining a teaching license, you will
receive a license. In other words, what matters is meeting the minimum passing score. You can find passing
scores for all states that use the Praxis tests at or
on the web site of the state for which you are seeking certification/licensure.
6. Use your energy to take the test, not to get frustrated by it. Getting frustrated only increases stress
and decreases the likelihood that you will do your best. Highly qualified educators and test development
professionals, all with backgrounds in teaching, worked diligently to make the test a fair and valid measure
of your knowledge and skills. Your state painstakingly reviewed the test before adopting it as a licensure
requirement. The best thing to do is concentrate on answering the questions.
The Praxis® Study Companion 38
Step 7: Check on Testing Accommodations
7. Check on Testing Accommodations
See if you qualify for accommodations to take the Praxis test
What if English is not my primary language?
Praxis tests are given only in English. If your primary language is not English (PLNE), you may be eligible for
extended testing time. For more details, visit
What if I have a disability or other health-related need?
The following accommodations are available for Praxis test takers who meet the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) Amendments Act disability requirements:
Extended testing time
Additional rest breaks
Separate testing room
Writer/recorder of answers
Test reader
Sign language interpreter for spoken directions only
Perkins Brailler
Braille slate and stylus
Printed copy of spoken directions
Oral interpreter
Audio test
Braille test
Large print test book
Large print answer sheet
Listening section omitted
For more information on these accommodations, visit
Note: Test takers who have health-related needs requiring them to bring equipment, beverages, or snacks
into the testing room or to take extra or extended breaks must request these accommodations by following
the procedures described in the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-Related Needs
(PDF), which can be found at
You can find additional information on available resources for test takers with disabilities or health-related needs
The Praxis® Study Companion 39
Step 8: Do Your Best on Test Day
8. Do Your Best on Test Day
Get ready for test day so you will be calm and condent
You followed your study plan. You prepared for the test. Now its time to prepare for test day.
Plan to end your review a day or two before the actual test date so you avoid cramming. Take a dry run to the
test center so youre sure of the route, traffic conditions, and parking. Most of all, you want to eliminate any
unexpected factors that could distract you from your ultimate goal—passing the Praxis test!
On the day of the test, you should:
be well rested
wear comfortable clothes and dress in layers
eat before you take the test
bring an acceptable and valid photo identification with you
• bring an approved calculator only if one is specifically permitted for the test you are taking (see Calculator
Use, at
be prepared to stand in line to check in or to wait while other test takers check in
You can’t control the testing situation, but you can control yourself. Stay calm. The supervisors are well trained
and make every effort to provide uniform testing conditions, but don’t let it bother you if the test doesn’t start
exactly on time. You will have the allotted amount of time once it does start.
You can think of preparing for this test as training for an athletic event. Once you’ve trained, prepared, and
rested, give it everything you’ve got.
What items am I restricted from bringing into the test center?
You cannot bring into the test center personal items such as:
handbags, knapsacks, or briefcases
water bottles or canned or bottled beverages
study materials, books, or notes
pens, pencils, scrap paper, or calculators, unless specifically permitted for the test you are taking (see
Calculator Use, at
any electronic, photographic, recording, or listening devices
Personal items are not allowed in the testing room and will not be available to you during the test or during
breaks. You may also be asked to empty your pockets. At some centers, you will be assigned a space to store
your belongings, such as handbags and study materials. Some centers do not have secure storage space
available, so please plan accordingly.
Test centers assume no responsibility for your personal items.
The Praxis® Study Companion 40
Step 8: Do Your Best on Test Day
If you have health-related needs requiring you to bring equipment, beverages or snacks into the testing
room or to take extra or extended breaks, you need to request accommodations in advance. Procedures for
requesting accommodations are described in the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or
Health-related Needs (PDF).
Note: All cell phones, smart phones (e.g., Android® devices, iPhones®, etc.), and other electronic, photographic,
recording, or listening devices are strictly prohibited from the test center. If you are seen with such a device, you
will be dismissed from the test, your test scores will be canceled, and you will forfeit your test fees. If you are
seen using such a device, the device will be confiscated and inspected. For more information on what you can
bring to the test center, visit
Are You Ready?
Complete this checklist to determine whether you are ready to take your test.
Do you know the testing requirements for the license or certification you are seeking in the state(s) where
you plan to teach?
Have you followed all of the test registration procedures?
Do you know the topics that will be covered in each test you plan to take?
Have you reviewed any textbooks, class notes, and course readings that relate to the topics covered?
Do you know how long the test will take and the number of questions it contains?
Have you considered how you will pace your work?
Are you familiar with the types of questions for your test?
Are you familiar with the recommended test-taking strategies?
Have you practiced by working through the practice questions in this study companion or in a study
guide or practice test?
If constructed-response questions are part of your test, do you understand the scoring criteria for
these questions?
If you are repeating a Praxis test, have you analyzed your previous score report to determine areas where
additional study and test preparation could be useful?
If you answered “yes” to the questions above, your preparation has paid off. Now take the Praxis test, do your
best, pass it—and begin your teaching career!
The Praxis® Study Companion 41
Step 9: Understand Your Scores
9. Understand Your Scores
Understand how tests are scored and how to interpret your test scores
Of course, passing the Praxis test is important to you so you need to understand what your scores mean and
what your state requirements are.
What are the score requirements for my state?
States, institutions, and associations that require the tests set their own passing scores. Visit for the most up-to-date information.
If I move to another state, will my new state accept my scores?
The Praxis tests are part of a national testing program, meaning that they are required in many states for
licensure. The advantage of a national program is that if you move to another state that also requires Praxis tests,
you can transfer your scores. Each state has specific test requirements and passing scores, which you can find at
How do I know whether I passed the test?
Your score report will include information on passing scores for the states you identified as recipients of your
test results. If you test in a state with automatic score reporting, you will also receive passing score information
for that state.
A list of states and their passing scores for each test are available online at
What your Praxis scores mean
You received your score report. Now what does it mean? Its important to interpret your score report correctly
and to know what to do if you have questions about your scores.
Visit to see a sample score report.
To access Understanding Your Praxis Scores, a document that provides additional information on how to read
your score report, visit
Put your scores in perspective
Your score report indicates:
Your score and whether you passed
The range of possible scores
The raw points available in each content category
The range of the middle 50 percent of scores on the test
If you have taken the same test or other Praxis tests over the last 10 years, your score report also lists the highest
score you earned on each test taken.
The Praxis® Study Companion 42
Step 9: Understand Your Scores
Content category scores and score interpretation
Questions on the Praxis tests are categorized by content. To help you in future study or in preparing to retake
the test, your score report shows how many raw points you earned in each content category. Compare your
“raw points earned with the maximum points you could have earned (“raw points available”). The greater the
difference, the greater the opportunity to improve your score by further study.
Score scale changes
E T S updates Praxis tests on a regular basis to ensure they accurately measure the knowledge and skills that are
required for licensure. When tests are updated, the meaning of the score scale may change, so requirements
may vary between the new and previous versions. All scores for previous, discontinued tests are valid and
reportable for 10 years, provided that your state or licensing agency still accepts them.
These resources may also help you interpret your scores:
Understanding Your Praxis Scores (PDF), found at
Praxis passing scores, found at
State requirements, found at
The Praxis® Study Companion 43
Appendix: Other Questions You May Have
Appendix: Other Questions You May Have
Here is some supplemental information that can give you a better understanding of the Praxis tests.
What do the Praxis tests measure?
The Praxis tests measure the specific knowledge and skills that beginning teachers need. The tests do not
measure an individual’s disposition toward teaching or potential for success, nor do they measure your actual
teaching ability. The assessments are designed to be comprehensive and inclusive but are limited to what can
be covered in a finite number of questions and question types. Teaching requires many complex skills that are
typically measured in other ways, including classroom observation, video recordings, and portfolios.
Ranging from Agriculture to World Languages, there are more than 80 Praxis tests, which contain selected-
response questions or constructed-response questions, or a combination of both.
Who takes the tests and why?
Some colleges and universities use the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators tests (Reading, Writing, and
Mathematics) to evaluate individuals for entry into teacher education programs. The assessments are generally
taken early in your college career. Many states also require Core Academic Skills test scores as part of their
teacher licensing process.
Individuals entering the teaching profession take the Praxis content and pedagogy tests as part of the teacher
licensing and certification process required by many states. In addition, some professional associations and
organizations require the Praxis Subject Assessments for professional licensing.
Do all states require these tests?
The Praxis tests are currently required for teacher licensure in approximately 40 states and United States
territories. These tests are also used by several professional licensing agencies and by several hundred colleges
and universities. Teacher candidates can test in one state and submit their scores in any other state that requires
Praxis testing for licensure. You can find details at
What is licensure/certication?
Licensure in any area—medicine, law, architecture, accounting, cosmetology—is an assurance to the public that
the person holding the license possesses sufficient knowledge and skills to perform important occupational
activities safely and effectively. In the case of teacher licensing, a license tells the public that the individual has
met predefined competency standards for beginning teaching practice.
Because a license makes such a serious claim about its holder, licensure tests are usually quite demanding. In
some fields, licensure tests have more than one part and last for more than one day. Candidates for licensure
in all fields plan intensive study as part of their professional preparation. Some join study groups, others study
alone. But preparing to take a licensure test is, in all cases, a professional activity. Because a licensure exam
surveys a broad body of knowledge, preparing for a licensure exam takes planning, discipline, and sustained
Why does my state require the Praxis tests?
Your state chose the Praxis tests because they assess the breadth and depth of content—called the domain”—
that your state wants its teachers to possess before they begin to teach. The level of content knowledge,
reflected in the passing score, is based on recommendations of panels of teachers and teacher educators in
The Praxis® Study Companion 44
Appendix: Other Questions You May Have
each subject area. The state licensing agency and, in some states, the state legislature ratify the passing scores
that have been recommended by panels of teachers.
How were the tests developed?
E T S consulted with practicing teachers and teacher educators around the country during every step of
the Praxis test development process. First, E T S asked them what knowledge and skills a beginning teacher
needs to be effective. Their responses were then ranked in order of importance and reviewed by hundreds of
After the results were analyzed and consensus was reached, guidelines, or specifications, for the selected-
response and constructed-response tests were developed by teachers and teacher educators. Following these
guidelines, teachers and professional test developers created test questions that met content requirements and
E T S Standards for Quality and Fairness.*
When your state adopted the research-based Praxis tests, local panels of teachers and teacher educators
evaluated each question for its relevance to beginning teachers in your state. During this “validity study, the
panel also provided a passing-score recommendation based on how many of the test questions a beginning
teacher in your state would be able to answer correctly. Your state’s licensing agency determined the final
passing-score requirement.
E T S follows well-established industry procedures and standards designed to ensure that the tests measure what
they are intended to measure. When you pass the Praxis tests your state requires, you are proving that you have
the knowledge and skills you need to begin your teaching career.
How are the tests updated to ensure the content remains current?
Praxis tests are reviewed regularly. During the first phase of review, E T S conducts an analysis of relevant state
and association standards and of the current test content. State licensure titles and the results of relevant
job analyses are also considered. Revised test questions are then produced following the standard test
development methodology. National advisory committees may also be convened to review and revise existing
test specifications and to evaluate test forms for alignment with the specifications.
How long will it take to receive my scores?
Scores for tests that do not include constructed-response questions are available on screen immediately after
the test. Scores for tests that contain constructed-response questions or essays aren’t available immediately after
the test because of the scoring process involved. Official score reports are available to you and your designated
score recipients approximately two to three weeks after the test date for tests delivered continuously, or two to
three weeks after the testing window closes for other tests. See the test dates and deadlines calendar at www. for exact score reporting dates.
Can I access my scores on the web?
All test takers can access their test scores via My Praxis Account free of charge for one year from the posting
date. This online access replaces the mailing of a paper score report.
The process is easy—simply log into My Praxis Account at and click on your score report. If
you do not already have a Praxis account, you must create one to view your scores.
Note: You must create a Praxis account to access your scores, even if you registered by mail or phone.
* E T S Standards for Quality and Fairness (2014, Princeton, N.J.) are consistent with the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing,
industry standards issued jointly by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the
National Council on Measurement in Education (2014, Washington, D.C.).
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