new left review 112
july aug 2018
robert pollin
Debating Green Strategy—4
limate change necessarily presents a profound political
challenge in the present historical era, for the simple reason
that we are courting ecological disaster by not advancing a
viable global climate-stabilization project.
There are no certain-
ties about what will transpire if we allow the average global temperature
to continue rising. But as a basis for action, we only need to understand
that there is a non-trivial possibility that the continuation of life on earth
as we know it is at stake. Climate change therefore poses perhaps the
ultimate ‘what is to be done’ question. There is no shortage of proposals
for action, including, of course, the plan to do nothing at all advanced by
Trump and his acolytes. In recent numbers of nlr, Herman Daly and
Benjamin Kunkel have discussed a programme for a sustainable ‘steady-
state’ economy, and Troy Vettese has proposed re-wilding as a means
for natural geo-engineering. In this contribution, I examine and com-
pare two dramatically divergent approaches developed by analysts and
activists on the left. The first is what I variously call ‘egalitarian green
growth’ or a ‘green new deal’.
The second has been termed ‘degrowth
by its proponents.
Versions of degrowth have been developed in recent work by Tim Jackson,
Juliet Schor and Peter Victor. A recent collection, Degrowth: A Vocabulary
for a New Era, offers a good representation of the range of thinking
among degrowth proponents. As the editors put it: ‘The foundational
theses of degrowth are that growth is uneconomic and unjust, that it is
ecologically unsustainable and that it will never be enough.’
As is evident
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from the fifty-one distinctly themed chapters in their collection, degrowth
addresses a much broader range of questions than climate change alone.
In fact, as I will discuss, a major weakness of the degrowth literature
is that, in concerning itself with such broad themes, it gives very little
detailed attention to developing an effective climate-stabilization project.
This deficiency was noted by Herman Daly himself, without question a
major intellectual progenitor of the degrowth movement, in his recent
nlr interview. Daly said he was ‘favourably inclined’ toward degrowth,
but nevertheless demurred that he was ‘still waiting for them to get
beyond the slogan and develop something a little more concrete.’
Let’s dispose of some red herrings at the outset. First, I share virtually
all the values and concerns of degrowth advocates. I agree that uncon-
trolled economic growth produces serious environmental damage, along
with increases in the supply of goods and services that households,
businesses and governments consume. I also agree that a significant
share of what is produced and consumed in the current global-capitalist
economy is wasteful, especially most of what high-income people
I am grateful to John O’Neill at Manchester University for generously bringing me
up to date on the degrowth literature, despite our differences on this question; Mark
Lawrence of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, for shar-
ing his current research findings on co
removal proposals; and especially to Mara
Prentiss at Harvard for patiently instructing me on the land-use requirements for
building a 100 per cent renewable energy economy. The Review of Radical Political
Economics plans to publish a shorter version of this article in a forthcoming forum.
My approach is developed in Pollin, Greening the Global Economy, Cambridge
ma 2015. Underlying the results in that monograph are two more detailed stud-
ies: Pollin, Heidi Garrett-Peltier, James Heintz and Bracken Hendricks, Green
Growth, Center for American Progress, 2014; and Pollin, Garrett-Peltier, Heintz
and Shouvik Chakraborty, Global Green Growth, un Industrial Development
Organization and Global Green Growth Institute, 2015. Further country-specific
studies are Pollin and Chakraborty, ‘An Egalitarian Green Growth Program for
India’, Economic and Political Weekly, L, 42, 10/17/15, pp. 38–51; Pollin, Garrett-
Peltier and Chakraborty, ‘An Egalitarian Clean Energy Investment Program for
Spain, 2015, Political Economy Research Institute Working Paper no. 390; and
Amanda Page-Hoongrajok, Chakraborty and Pollin, ‘Austerity vs Green Growth for
Puerto Rico,’ Challenge, 2017, 60:6, pp. 543–73. Unless otherwise indicated, the
research findings that I report here can be found in these references.
Giacomo D’Alisa, Frederico Demaria and Giorgos Kallis, Degrowth: A Vocabulary
for a New Era, London 2015, p. 6.
Herman Daly, ‘Ecologies of Scale: Interview by Benjamin Kunkel’, nlr 109,
Jan–Feb 2018, p. 102.
Green Strategy
consume. It is obvious that growth per se, as an economic category,
makes no reference to the distribution of the costs and benefits of an
expanding economy. As for Gross Domestic Product as a statistical con-
struct, aiming to measure economic growth, there is no disputing that
it fails to account for the production of environmental bads, as well as
consumer goods. It does not account for unpaid labor, most of which
is performed by women, and gdp per capita tells us nothing about the
distribution of income or wealth.
One further general point. Introducing his nlr interview with Daly,
Benjamin Kunkel states that ‘fidelity to gdp growth amounts to the reli-
gion of the modern world.’
A large number of degrowth proponents
express similar views. This perspective makes the critical error of ignor-
ing the reality of neoliberalism in the contemporary world. Neoliberalism
became the predominant economic-policy model with the military coup
of Pinochet in Chile in 1973, and the elections of Thatcher in 1979 and
Reagan in 1980. It has been clear for decades that, under neoliberalism,
the real religion is maximizing profits for business in order to deliver
maximum incomes and wealth for the rich. The financialization of the
global economy under Wall Street’s firm direction has been central to
the neoliberal project. As is well known, the concentration of income
and wealth in the advanced economies has proceeded apace under neo-
liberalism even while average economic growth has fallen to less than
half the rate that was sustained during the initial postwar ‘golden age
of capitalism’ that ended in the mid-1970s. If economic growth were
really the ‘religion of the modern world’, then its high priests would
be concentrating on how to put capitalism back on the leash that pre-
vailed during the ‘golden age’ rather than on consolidating the victories
achieved under neoliberalism.
Returning to climate change, it is in fact absolutely imperative that some
categories of economic activity should now grow massively—those asso-
ciated with the production and distribution of clean energy. Concurrently,
the global fossil-fuel industry needs to contract massively—that is, to ‘de-
grow’ relentlessly over the next forty or fifty years until it has virtually
Benjamin Kunkel, ‘Introduction to Daly’, nlr 109, Jan–Feb 2018, p. 80.
This ‘unleashing’ of capitalism through the ascendance of neoliberalism is pow-
erfully documented in the late Andrew Glyn’s (aptly titled) Capitalism Unleashed,
Oxford 2006.
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shut down. In my view, addressing these matters in terms of their specif-
ics is more constructive in addressing climate change than presenting
broad generalities about the nature of economic growth, positive or neg-
ative. I develop these points in what follows.
Absolute decoupling
To make real progress on climate stabilization, the single most critical
project is to cut the consumption of oil, coal and natural gas dramati-
cally and without delay. The reason why this is so crucial is because
producing and consuming energy from fossil fuel is responsible for
generating about 70 per cent of the greenhouse-gas emissions that
are causing climate change. Carbon dioxide emissions from burn-
ing coal, oil and natural gas alone produce about 66 per cent of all
greenhouse-gas emissions, with another 2 per cent caused mainly by
methane leakages during extraction. The most recent worldwide data
from the International Energy Agency (iea) indicate that global co
emissions were around 32 billion tons in 2015.
The reports of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (ipcc), which provide
conservative benchmarks for what is required to stabilize the average
global temperature at no more than 2
Celsius above the pre-industrial
average, suggest that global co
emissions need to fall by about 40 per
cent within twenty years, to 20 billion tons per year, and by 80 per cent
as of 2050, to 7 billion tons.
The global economy is nowhere near on track to meet these goals.
Overall global emissions rose by 43 per cent between 2000 and 2015,
from 23 to 32 billion tons per year, as economies throughout the world
continued to burn increasing amounts of oil, coal and natural gas to
produce energy. According to the iea’s 2017 forecasting model, if cur-
rent global policies remain on a steady trajectory through 2040, global
emissions will rise to 43 billion tons per year. The iea also presents
what it terms a ‘New Policies’ forecast for 2040, with the global ‘new
policies’ corresponding closely to the agreements reached at the un-
sponsored 2015 Paris Climate Summit. Coming out of the conference,
International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2017, oecd/iea, pp. 650–1.
The ipcc presents its benchmarks in terms of ranges and probabilities, but this
would be a fair summary of its Fourth Assessment Report (2007) and Fifth Assessment
Report (2014), both available from the ipcc website.
Green Strategy
all 196 countries formally recognized the grave dangers posed by cli-
mate change and committed to substantially lowering their emissions.
Nevertheless, the iea estimates that, under its New Policies scenario,
global co
emissions will still rise to 36 billion tons per year as of 2040.
Moreover, the iea’s forecast takes no account of the fact that the Paris
commitments were non-binding on the signatory governments, nor
that the United States under Trump has renounced the agreement.
In short, there is at present nothing close to an international project
in place capable of moving the global economy onto a viable climate-
stabilization path.
People still need to consume energy—to light, heat and cool buildings; to
power cars, buses, trains and planes; to operate computers and industrial
machinery, among other uses. As such, to make progress toward climate
stabilization requires a viable alternative to the existing fossil-fuel infra-
structure for meeting the world’s energy needs. Energy consumption,
and economic activity more generally, therefore need to be absolutely
decoupled from the consumption of fossil fuels—that is, fossil-fuel con-
sumption will need to fall steadily and dramatically in absolute terms,
even while people must still be able to consume energy resources to meet
their various demands. The more modest goal of relative decoupling
through which fossil-fuel consumption and co
emissions continue
to increase, but at a slower rate than gdp growth—is therefore not a
solution. Economies can continue to grow—and even grow rapidly, as
in China and India—while still advancing a viable climate-stabilization
project, as long as the growth process is absolutely decoupled from
fossil-fuel consumption. In fact, between 2000 and 2014, twenty-one
countries, including the us, Germany, the uk, Spain and Sweden, all
managed to absolutely decouple gdp growth from co
is, gdp in these countries expanded over this fourteen-year period, while
These projections refer only to net increases in co
emissions through the
on going combustion of fossil fuels. The climate-stabilization project becomes more
challenging still once we recognize that a significant share of the accumulated stock
of co
in the atmosphere will need to be removed—that is, the co
removal rate
will need to exceed gross emissions, at least by 2050. For careful discussions on
this issue, see Mark Lawrence et al., ‘Evaluating Climate Geoengineering Proposals
in the Context of the Paris Agreement Temperature Goals’, 2018, forthcoming from
Nature Communications; and Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows, ‘Beyond “Dangerous
Climate Change: Emission Scenarios for a New World’, Philosophical Transactions of
the Royal Society, vol. 369, no. 1934, January 2011, pp. 20–44.
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emissions fell.
This is a positive development, but only a small
step in the right direction.
Basics of a green new deal
The core feature of the Green New Deal needs to be a worldwide pro-
gramme to invest between 1.5 and 2 per cent of global gdp every year
to raise energy-efficiency standards and expand clean renewable-energy
supplies. Through this investment programme, it becomes realistic to
drive down global co
emissions relative to today by 40 per cent within
twenty years, while also supporting rising living standards and expanding
job opportunities. co
emissions could be eliminated altogether in forty
to fifty years through continuing this clean-energy investment project at
roughly the same rate of about 1.5–2 per cent of global gdp per year. It
is critical to recognize that, within this framework, a higher economic-
growth rate will also accelerate the rate at which clean energy supplants
fossil fuels, since higher levels of gdp will correspondingly mean a
higher level of investment being channeled into clean-energy projects.
In 2016, global clean-energy investment was about $300 billion, or 0.4
per cent of global gdp. Thus, the increase in investments will need to
be in the range of 1–1.5 per cent of global gdp—about $1 trillion at the
current global gdp of $80 trillion, then rising in step with global growth
thereafter—to achieve a 40 per cent emissions reduction within twenty
years. The consumption of oil, coal and natural gas will also need to
fall by about 35 per cent over this same twenty-year period—an aver-
age rate of decline of 2.2 per cent per year. Pursuing this same basic
investment pattern beyond the initial 20-year programme, along with
the continued contraction of fossil-fuel consumption, could realistically
achieve a zero-emissions standard within roughly the next fifty years.
Of course, both privately owned fossil-fuel companies, such as Exxon-
Mobil and Chevron, and publicly owned companies like Saudi Aramco
and Gazprom have massive interests at stake in preventing reductions
in fossil-fuel consumption; they also wield enormous political power.
These powerful vested interests will have to be defeated.
Investments aimed at raising energy-efficiency standards and expanding
the supply of clean renewable energy will also generate tens of millions
of new jobs in all regions of the world. In general, building a green
Nate Aden, ‘The Roads to Decoupling: 21 Countries Are Reducing Carbon
Emissions While Growing gdp’, World Resources Institute blog, 5 April 2016.
Green Strategy
economy entails more labour-intensive activities than maintaining the
world’s current fossil fuel-based energy infrastructure. At the same
time, unavoidably, workers and communities whose livelihoods depend
on the fossil-fuel industry will lose out in the clean-energy transition.
Unless strong policies are advanced to support these workers, they will
face layoffs, falling incomes and declining public-sector budgets to sup-
port schools, health clinics and public safety. It follows that the global
green-growth project must commit to providing generous transitional
support for workers and communities tied to the fossil-fuel industry.
There are major variations in the emissions produced by burning oil,
coal and natural gas. To produce a given amount of energy, natural gas
will generate about 40 per cent fewer emissions than coal, and 15 per
cent less than oil. It is therefore widely argued that natural gas can be
a ‘bridge fuel’ to a clean-energy future, through switching to it from
coal. Such claims do not withstand scrutiny. At best, an implausibly
large 50 per cent global fuel switch to natural gas would reduce emis-
sions by only 8 per cent. But even this calculation does not take account
of the methane gas that leaks into the atmosphere when natural gas
is extracted through fracking. Recent research has shown that when
more than about 5 per cent of the gas extracted by fracking leaks into
the atmosphere, the impact eliminates any environmental benefit from
burning natural gas relative to coal. Various studies have reported a
wide range of estimates as to what leakage rates have actually been in
the United States, as fracking operations have grown rapidly. A recent
survey puts that range between 0.18 and 11.7 per cent for different
sites in North Dakota, Utah, Colorado, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and
Pennsylvania. It would be reasonable to assume that if fracking expands
on a large scale in regions outside the us, it is likely that leakage rates
will fall closer to the higher-end figures of 12 per cent, at least until
serious controls could be established. This then would diminish, if not
eliminate altogether, any emission-reduction benefits from a coal-to-
natural gas fuel switch.
Ramon Alvarez et al., ‘Greater Focus Needed on Methane Leakage from Natural
Gas Infrastructure’, Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences (pnas),
2012; Joe Romm, ‘Methane Leaks Wipe Out any Climate Benefit of Fracking,
Satellite Observations Confirm,’ Think Progress, 2014; Robert Howarth, ‘Methane
Emissions and Climactic Warming Risk from Hydraulic Fracturing and Shale Gas
Development: Implications for Policy’, Energy and Emission Control Technologies,
2015:3, pp. 45–54; and J. Peischl et al. ‘Quantifying atmospheric methane emis-
sions from oil and natural gas production in the Bakken shale region of North
Dakota.’ Journal of Geophysical Research, 2016, pp. 6101–11.
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For some analysts, ‘clean energy’ includes nuclear power and carbon cap-
ture and sequestration (ccs) technologies. Nuclear power does generate
electricity without producing co
emissions. But it also creates major
environmental and public-safety concerns, which have only intensified
since the March 2011 meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in
Japan. Similarly ccs presents hazards. These technologies aim to capture
emitted carbon and transport it, usually through pipelines, to subsurface
geological formations, where it would be stored permanently. But such
technologies have not been proven at a commercial scale. The dangers of
carbon leakage from flawed transportation and storage systems will only
increase if ccs technologies are commercialized and operating under
an incentive structure where maintaining safety standards will reduce
profits. An appropriately cautious clean-energy transition programme
requires investment in technologies that are well understood, already
operating at large-scale and, without question, safe.
Thus, the first critical project for a global green-growth programme is to
dramatically raise energy-efficiency levels—that is, using less energy to
achieve the same, or higher, levels of energy service through the adoption
of improved technologies and practices. Examples include insulating
buildings more effectively to stabilize indoor temperatures, driving
more fuel-efficient cars—or, better yet, relying on well-functioning
public-transport systems—and reducing the amount of energy wasted
through generating and transmitting electricity, and through operating
industrial machinery. Expanding energy-efficiency investment supports
rising living standards because, by definition, it saves money for energy
consumers. A major study by the us Academy of Sciences found that,
for the us economy, ‘energy-efficient technologies . . . exist today, or are
expected to be developed in the normal course of business, that could
potentially save 30 per cent of the energy used in the us economy while
also saving money.’ Similarly, a McKinsey study focused on developing
countries found that, using existing technologies only, energy-efficiency
investments could generate savings in energy costs in the range of 10
per cent of total gdp, for all low- and middle-income countries. In Energy
Revolution: The Physics and Promise of Efficient Technology, Mara Prentiss
argues further that such estimates understate the realistic savings poten-
tial of energy-efficiency investments.
National Academy of Sciences, ‘Real Prospects for Energy Efficiency in the
United States’, 2010; McKinsey & Co., ‘Energy Efficiency: A Compelling Global
Resource’, 2010; Mara Prentiss, Energy Revolution: The Physics and Promise of
Efficient Technology, Harvard 2015, passim.
Green Strategy
Raising energy-efficiency levels will generate ‘rebound effects’—that
is, increased energy consumption resulting from lower energy costs.
But such rebound effects are likely to be modest within the context
of a global project focused on reducing co
emissions and stabiliz-
ing the climate. Among other factors, energy-consumption levels in
advanced economies are close to saturation point in the use of home
appliances and lighting—we are not likely to clean dishes more fre-
quently because we have a more efficient dishwasher. The evidence
shows that consumers in advanced economies are more likely to heat
and cool their homes and drive their cars when they have access to
more efficient equipment—but again, these increased consumption
levels are usually modest. Average rebound effects are likely to be sig-
nificantly larger in developing economies. It is critical, however, that
all energy-efficiency gains be accompanied by complementary policies
(as discussed below), including setting a price on carbon emissions
to discourage fossil-fuel consumption. Most significantly, expanding
the supply of clean renewable energy will allow for higher levels of
energy consumption without leading to increases in co
It is important to recognize, finally, that different countries operate at
widely varying levels of energy efficiency. For example, Germany pres-
ently operates at an efficiency level roughly 50 per cent higher than
that of the United States. Brazil is at more than twice the efficiency
level of South Korea and nearly three times that of South Africa. There
is no evidence that large rebound effects have emerged as a result of
these high efficiency standards in Germany and Brazil.
As for renewable energy, the International Renewable Energy Agency
(irena) estimated in 2018 that, in all regions of the world, average costs
of generating electricity with clean, renewable energy sources—wind,
hydro, geo-thermal, low-emissions bioenergy—are now roughly at parity
with fossil fuels.
This is without factoring in the environmental costs of
burning oil, coal and natural gas. Solar-energy costs remain somewhat
higher on average but, according to irena, as a global-weighted average,
solar photovoltaic costs fell by over 70 per cent between 2010 and 2017.
Average solar photovoltaic costs are likely to fall to parity with fossil fuels
as an electricity source within five years. Adnan Amin of irena sum-
marizes the global cost trajectory: ‘By 2020, all mainstream renewable
power generation technologies can be expected to provide average costs
at the lower end of the fossil-fuel cost range. In addition, several solar pv
irena, Renewable Capacity Statistics, Abu Dhabi 2018.
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and wind power projects will provide some of the lowest-cost electricity
from any source’.
Land-use requirements
In the last number of nlr, Troy Vettese argued that it would be unreal-
istic to expect that a global renewable-energy infrastructure could be the
foundation for a viable climate-stabilization project because, at present
consumption levels, it would take up enormous amounts of the earth’s
land surface. Vettese writes: ‘A fully renewable system will probably
occupy a hundred times more land than a fossil-fuel powered one. In the
case of the us, between 25 and 50 per cent of its territory, and in cloudy,
densely populated countries such as the uk and Germany, all of the
national territory might have to be covered in wind turbines, solar pan-
els and biofuel crops to maintain current levels of energy production.’
The primary focus of Vettese’s article is not renewable energy and land
use. Instead he presents an extended case for what he terms ‘natural
geo-engineering’ as a climate solution, with global ‘afforestation’ being
the main driver. This involves increasing forest cover or density in previ-
ously non-forested or deforested areas, with ‘reforestation’—the more
commonly used term—as one component. The case Vettese makes for
afforestation is valuable, but it is undermined by his initial discussion on
renewables and land use.
Vettese provides virtually no evidence to support his claims on the
land-use requirements for renewables. In fact, his claims cannot be
supported, as a review of the relevant evidence makes amply clear. A
critical contribution here is Mara Prentiss’s Energy Revolution, which
offers a rigorous account. Focusing on the us economy to illustrate the
main issues, Prentiss shows that, relying on existing solar technologies,
the us could meet its entire energy consumption needs through solar
energy alone, while utilizing just 0.8 per cent of the total us land area.
The figures I am citing from the 2018 irena study are for ‘Levelized Costs of
Electricity’, which include: levelized capital costs; fixed operations and mainte-
nance; variable operations and maintenance, including fuel costs; transmission;
and the capacity factor for the equipment in use. irena reports lcoe figures on a
national, regional, and global basis.
Troy Vettese, ‘To Freeze the Thames’, nlr 111, May–June 2018, p. 66. Vettese
goes on to argue that energy consumption must therefore be cut to 2,000 watts per
capita per day, in a programme that would marry E. O. Wilson’s ‘half-earthing’ with
egalitarian eco-austerity’.
Green Strategy
If we allow that energy-efficient investment, as described above, can cut
us per capita energy consumption by roughly 50 per cent over twenty
years, this would then mean that solar energy could supply 100 per cent
of us energy demand through utilizing 0.4 per cent of the country’s total
landmass. Moreover, with the us as a high-efficiency economy, more
than half of the necessary surface area could be provided through locat-
ing solar panels on rooftops and parking lots throughout the country.
this is taken into account, solar-energy sources using existing technolo-
gies could supply 100 per cent of us energy demand while consuming
somewhere between 0.1 and 0.2 per cent of additional us land area.
Wind power does require more land. Prentiss estimates that wind power
could provide 100 per cent of existing us energy demand through using
15 per cent of the country’s land area. Again, assuming investment in
energy efficiency lowers per capita energy consumption by half, then
only 7.5 per cent of total us land area would be needed to produce 100
per cent of energy demand through wind power. Further, wind turbines
can be placed on land currently used for agriculture with only minor
losses of agricultural productivity. The turbines would need to be located
on about 17 per cent of the existing farmland to generate 100 per cent
of us energy supply with high efficiency. Farmers should welcome this
dual use of their land, since it provides them with a major additional
income source. At present, the states of Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma and
South Dakota generate more than 30 per cent of their electricity supply
through wind turbines.
Of course, neither solar nor wind power need to be the sole energy
source, in the us or elsewhere. The most effective renewable-energy
infrastructure would combine solar and wind, along with geothermal,
hydro and clean bioenergy as supplemental sources. Overall land-use
requirements can be minimized through an integrated renewable-
energy infrastructure. For example: roughly half of all us energy supply
could be provided by solar panels on rooftops and parking lots, another
40 per cent by wind turbines mounted on about 7 per cent of us
farmland and the remaining 10 per cent by geothermal, hydro and low-
emissions bioenergy. This is without including contributions from solar
farms in desert areas, solar panels mounted on highways or offshore
wind projects, among other supplemental renewable energy sources.
For a detailed analysis, see the us National Renewable Energy Research Laboratory
study, Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Technical Potential in the United States, 2016.
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Moreover, it is through combining these sources that we can effectively
address some of the real challenges in building a renewable-energy infra-
structure: intermittency, transmission and storage. Intermittency refers
to the fact that the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow 24
hours a day. Moreover, on average, different geographical areas receive
different levels of sunshine and wind. As such, the solar and wind power
that are generated in the sunnier and windier areas of the us—such as
Southern California, Florida and the Midwest farm belt—will need to be
stored and transmitted at reasonable cost to the less sunny and windy
areas. Investments in advancing storage and transmission technologies
therefore need to be included in the overall clean-energy investment pro-
gramme at roughly 1.5 per cent of annual gdp.
It is true that conditions in the United States are more favourable than
those in some other countries. Germany and the uk, the two countries
cited by Vettese, have population densities seven or eight times greater
than the us and receive less sunlight over the course of a year. As such,
these countries, operating at high efficiency levels, would need to use
about 3 per cent of their total land area to generate 100 per cent of their
energy demand through domestically produced solar energy. Wind
power would require a significant share of their land area. But here again,
farmlands could be converted to dual use with only minor reductions in
productivity. The uk and Germany could also supplement their solar
and wind supply with domestically produced geothermal, hydro and
clean bioenergy. Using cost-effective storage and transmission technolo-
gies, they could also import energy generated by solar and wind power
in other countries, just as, in the United States, wind power generated
in Iowa could be transmitted to New York City. Any such import require-
ments are likely to be modest. Both the uk and Germany are already net
energy importers in any case. With respect to population density and the
availability of sunlight to harvest, and factoring in likely global energy
consumption levels over the next forty years, average requirements for
renewables are much closer to those in the us than to Germany and the
uk. Overall then, the work by Prentiss and others demonstrates that, in
fact, requirements for land use present no constraint on developing a
global clean-energy infrastructure.
The late David MacKay provided the most detailed arguments on the heavy land-
use requirements associated with renewable energy in his Renewable Energy without
the Hot Air (2009). But, as Prentiss has pointed out (private correspondence), some
of MacKay’s key assumptions—including those on solar conversion rates and
costs—are significantly in error.
Green Strategy
Vettese is correct to emphasize the importance of afforestation as a
climate-stabilization project, because forested areas naturally absorb
significant amounts of co
. He does not present estimates as to how
much of the co
already accumulated in the atmosphere afforestation
would be able to absorb, nor for how far it could offset newly gener-
ated emissions produced by ongoing fossil-fuel consumption. Recent
analysis by Mark Lawrence and colleagues at the Institute for Advanced
Sustainability Studies in Potsdam concluded that afforestation could
realistically reduce co
levels by between 0.5 and 3.5 billion tons per year
through 2050, with the figure rising to 4–12 billion tons per year from
As noted above, current global co
emissions levels are at
32 billion tons per year, and the iea estimates this figure rising through
2040, even if the Paris Agreement is fully implemented. As such, the
figures provided by Lawrence demonstrate that afforestation can cer-
tainly serve as a critical complementary intervention within a broader
clean-energy transition programme, because it is a natural and proven
method of absorbing a significant share of the accumulated stock of co
in the atmosphere. But afforestation cannot bear the major burden of a
viable climate-stabilization project in the absence of global clean-energy
investments at the scale I have described above—that is, about 1.5 per
cent of global gdp per year until new emissions have been driven to
near-zero within roughly forty years.
Job creation and a just transition
Countries at all levels of development will experience significant gains
in job creation through clean-energy investments relative to maintain-
ing their existing fossil-fuel infrastructure. Our research at the Political
Economy Research Institute, cited below, has found this relationship to
hold in Brazil, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, South
Africa, South Korea, Spain and the United States. For a given level of
spending, the percentage increases in job creation range from about 75
per cent in Brazil to 350 per cent in Indonesia. For India, as a specific
example, we found that increasing clean-energy investments by 1.5 per
cent of gdp every year for twenty years will generate a net increase of
about 10 million jobs per year. This is after factoring in job losses result-
ing from retrenchments in the country’s fossil-fuel industries. There
is no guarantee that the jobs being generated through clean-energy
Lawrence et al., ‘Evaluating Climate Geoengineering Proposals in the Context of
the Paris Agreement Temperature Goals’.
nlr 112
investments will provide decent compensation to workers. Nor will
they necessarily deliver improved workplace conditions, stronger union
representation or reduced employment discrimination against women,
minorities or other under-represented groups. But the fact that new
investments will be occurring will create increased leverage for politi-
cal mobilization across the board—for improving job quality, expanded
union coverage and more jobs for under-represented groups.
At the same time, workers and communities throughout the world
whose livelihoods depend on oil, coal and natural gas will lose out in
the clean-energy transition. In order for the global clean energy pro-
ject to succeed, it must provide adequate transitional support for these
workers and communities. Brian Callaci and I have developed a ‘just
transition’ policy framework in some detail for the us economy; and
Heidi Garrett-Peltier, Jeannette Wicks-Lim and I have developed more
detailed approaches around these issues for the us states of New York
and Washington.
Considering the us as a whole, Callaci and I estimate
that a rough high-end cost for such a programme is a relatively modest
$600 million per year, which is less than 0.2 per cent of the 2018 us
Federal budget. This level of funding would provide strong support in
three areas: income, retraining and relocation support for workers facing
retrenchments; guaranteeing the pensions for workers in the affected
industries; and mounting effective transition programmes for what are
now fossil-fuel dependent communities. Comparable programmes will
need to be implemented in other country settings.
Industrial policies and ownership forms
Increasing clean-energy investment by 1.5 per cent of global gdp will
not happen without strong industrial policies. Even though, for example,
Robert Pollin and Brian Callaci, ‘A Just Transition for us Fossil Fuel Industry
Workers’, American Prospect, 2016; Pollin and Callaci, ‘The Economics of Just
Transition: A Framework for Supporting Fossil Fuel-Dependent Workers and
Communities in the United States’, Labor Studies Journal, 2018, pp. 1–46; Pollin,
Garrett-Peltier and Jeannette Wicks-Lim, Clean Energy Investments for New York State,
Political Economy Research Institute (peri), University of Massachusetts Amherst,
2017; Pollin, Garrett-Peltier and Wicks-Lim, A Green New Deal for Washington State,
peri, 2017. Sasha Abramsky reports on the progress of the Green New Deal move-
ment in Washington State in ‘This Washington State Ballot Measure Fights for
Both Jobs and Climate Justice’, The Nation, 20 July 2018.
Green Strategy
energy-efficiency investments generally pay for themselves over three
to five years, and the average costs of producing renewable energy are
at rough parity with fossil fuels, it is still the case that some entities—
public enterprises, private firms or a combination of both—will have
to advance the initial capital and bear the project risk. Depending on
specific conditions within each country, industrial policies will be
needed to promote technical innovation and, more broadly, adaptations
of existing clean-energy technology. Governments will need to deploy a
combination of policy instruments, including research and development
support, preferential tax treatment for clean-energy investments and sta-
ble long-term market arrangements through government-procurement
contracts. Clean-energy industrial policies also need to include emission
standards for utilities and transport, and price regulation for both fos-
sil fuel and clean energy. The widely discussed tool of pricing carbon
emissions through either a carbon tax or a cap on permissible emissions
certainly needs to be a major component of the overall industrial-policy
mix. A carbon tax in particular can raise large amounts of revenue that
can then be used to help finance clean-energy investments as well as
redistributing funds to lower-income households. Germany’s experi-
ence of financing is valuable here, since it has been the most successful
advanced economy in developing its clean-energy economy. According
to the International Energy Agency, a major factor in Germany’s suc-
cess is that its state-owned development bank, kfw, ‘plays a crucial role
by providing loans and subsidies for investment in energy efficiency
measures in buildings and industry, which have leveraged significant
private funds.’
This Germany development banking approach could be
adapted throughout the world.
Another critical measure in supporting clean-energy investments at 1.5
per cent of annual global gdp will be to lower the profitability require-
ments for these investments. This in turn raises the issue of ownership
of newly created energy enterprises and assets. Specifically: how might
alternative ownership forms—including public ownership, community
ownership and small-scale private companies—play a role in advancing
the clean-energy investment agenda? Throughout the world, the energy
sector has long operated under a variety of ownership structures, includ-
ing public or municipal ownership, and forms of private cooperative
International Energy Agency, Energy Efficiency Market Report, 2013: Market Trends
and Medium-Term Prospects, oecd–iea, Paris 2013.
nlr 112
ownership as well as private corporations. Indeed, in the oil and natural-
gas industry, publicly owned national companies control approximately
90 per cent of the world’s reserves and 75 per cent of production, as well
as many of the oil and gas infrastructure systems. These national cor-
porations include Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, China National Petroleum
Corporation, the National Iranian Oil Company, Petroleos de Venezuela,
Petrobras in Brazil and Petronas in Malaysia. There is no evidence to
suggest that these publicly owned companies are likely to be more
supportive of a clean-energy transition than the private corporations.
National development projects, lucrative careers and political power all
depend on continuing the flow of fossil-fuel revenues. In and of itself,
public ownership is not a solution.
Clean-energy investments will nevertheless create major new opportu-
nities for alternative ownership forms, including various combinations
of smaller-scale public, private and cooperative ownership. For exam-
ple, community-based wind farms have been highly successful for
nearly two decades in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and the uk. A major
reason for their success is that they operate with lower profit require-
ments than large-scale private corporations. On this point, my Green
New Deal perspective converges with positions supported by degrowth
proponents. For example, Juliet Schor describes in True Wealth (2011)
what she calls ‘a prima facie case that the emerging green sector will be
powered by small and medium-size firms, with their agility, dynamism
and entrepreneurial determination’. Over time, Schor writes, ‘these
entities can become a sizeable sector of low-impact enterprises, which
form the basis of animated local communities and provide livelihood
on a wide scale.’
It is one thing to conclude that all countries—or at least those countries
with either large gdps or populations—should invest about 1.5 per cent
of gdp per year in energy efficiency and clean renewable investments.
But it is another matter to determine what standard of fairness should
be applied in allocating the costs of such investments among the vari-
ous people, countries and regions of the globe. What would be a fair
procedure? If the global clean-energy investment project sketched here
Juliet Schor, True Wealth: How and Why Millions of Americans Are Creating a
Time-Rich, Ecologically Light, Small-Scale, High-Satisfaction Economy, London 2011,
pp. 156–57. More generally, this aspect of the clean-energy investment project is
very much in the spirit of E. F. Schumacher’s classic Small is Beautiful (1973).
Green Strategy
is successful, average per capita co
emissions will fall within twenty
years from its current level of 4.6 tons to 2.3 tons. This corresponds
to a fall in total emissions from 32 to 20 billion tons. Still, at the end
of this 20-year investment cycle, average us emissions will be 5.8 tons
per capita, nearly three times the averages for China and the world as
a whole, and five times the average for India. At a basic level, this is
unfair—particularly given that, over the past century of the fossil-fuel
era, us emissions have exceeded those in India and China combined
by around 400 per cent. As a standard of fairness, one could, with good
reason, insist that the United States and other rich countries be required
to bring down per capita co
emissions to the same level as low-income
countries. We could also insist that high-income people—regardless
of their countries of residence—be permitted to produce no more co
emissions than anyone else.
There is a solid ethical case for such measures. But there is absolutely
no chance that they will be implemented. Given the climate-stabilization
imperative facing the global economy, we do not have the luxury to waste
time on huge global efforts fighting for unattainable goals. Consider the
us case: on grounds of both ethics and realism, it will be much more
constructive to require that, in addition to bringing its own emissions
down to about 6 tons per capita within twenty years, the us should also
provide large-scale assistance to other countries in financing and bring-
ing to scale their own transformative clean-energy projects.
Problems with degrowth
As I emphasized at the outset, degrowth proponents have made valuable
contributions in addressing many of the untenable features of economic
growth. But on the specific issue of climate change, degrowth does not
provide anything like a viable stabilization framework. Consider some
very simple arithmetic. Following the ipcc, we know that global co
emissions need to fall from their current level of 32 billion tons to 20
billion tons within twenty years. If we assume that, following a degrowth
agenda, global gdp contracts by 10 per cent over the next two decades,
that would entail a reduction of global gdp four times greater than dur-
ing the 2007–09 financial crisis and Great Recession. In terms of co
emissions, the net effect of this 10 per cent gdp contraction, considered
on its own, would be to push emissions down by precisely 10 per cent—
that is, from 32 to 29 billion tons. It would not come close to bringing
emissions down to 20 billion tons by 2040.
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Clearly then, even under a degrowth scenario, the overwhelming fac-
tor pushing emissions down will not be a contraction of overall gdp
but massive growth in energy efficiency and clean renewable-energy
investments—which, for accounting purposes, will contribute towards
increasing gdp—along with similarly dramatic cuts in fossil-fuel produc-
tion and consumption, which will register as reducing gdp. Moreover,
the immediate effect of any global gdp contraction would be huge job
losses and declining living standards for working people and the poor.
During the Great Recession, global unemployment rose by over 30 mil-
lion. I have not seen a convincing argument from a degrowth advocate
as to how we could avoid a severe rise in mass unemployment if gdp
were to fall by twice as much.
These fundamental problems with degrowth are illustrated by the case
of Japan, which has been a slow-growing economy for a generation now,
even while maintaining high per capita incomes. Herman Daly himself
describes Japan as being ‘halfway to becoming a steady-state economy
already, whether they call it that or not.’
Daly is referring to the fact that,
between 1996 and 2015, gdp growth in Japan averaged an anemic 0.7
per cent per year. This compares with an average Japanese growth rate of
4.8 per cent per year for the 30-year period 1966 to 1995. Nevertheless,
as of 2017, Japan remained in the ranks of the large, upper-income
economies, with average gdp per capita at about $40,000. Yet despite
the fact that Japan has been close to a no-growth economy for twenty
years, its co
emissions remain among the highest in the world, at 9.5
tons per capita. This is 40 per cent below the figure for the United States,
but it is four times higher than the average global level of 2.5 tons per
capita that must be achieved if global emissions are to drop by 40 per
cent by 2040. Moreover, Japan’s per capita emissions have not fallen at
all since the mid-1990s. The reason is straightforward: as of 2015, 92 per
cent of Japan’s total energy consumption comes from burning oil, coal
and natural gas.
Thus, despite ‘being halfway to becoming a steady-state economy’,
Japan has accomplished virtually nothing in advancing a viable
climate-stabilization path. The only way it will make progress is to
replace its existing, predominantly fossil-fuel energy system with a
clean-energy infrastructure. At present, hydro power supplies 5 per cent
of Japan’s total energy needs, and other renewable sources only 3 per
Daly & Kunkel, ‘Ecologies of Scale’, p. 102.
Green Strategy
cent. Overall then, like all large economies—whether they are growing
rapidly or not at all—Japan needs to embrace the Green New Deal.
A green great depression?
The majority of degrowth proponents pay almost no attention to emis-
sion levels. Thus the introduction to a special issue of Ecological Economics
focused on degrowth, edited by leading contemporary degrowthers
Giorgos Kallis, Christian Kerschner and Joan Martinez-Alier, devoted
precisely one paragraph to the issue. This described a proposal for
cap-and-share’ which, the authors explained, would involve placing ‘a
declining annual global cap on the tonnage of co
emitted by fossil
fuels’ and ‘allocating a large part of each year’s tonnage to everyone in
the world on an equal per capita basis’.
Kallis, Kerschner and Martinez-
Alier recognize that the political economy of such a proposal would be
highly complex; but they do not take it upon themselves to examine any
of these complexities. In the same issue of Ecological Economics Peter
Victor, author of Managing without Growth (2008), did develop a series
of models for evaluating the relationship between economic growth and
emissions for the Canadian economy.
Under Victor’s baseline sce-
nario, Canadian gdp would grow by an average of 2.3 per cent between
2005 and 2035, resulting in a doubling of per capita gdp, while co
emissions would rise by 77 per cent. Victor then presented both low-
growth and degrowth scenarios for the same period. He reports that,
under degrowth, greenhouse-gas emissions would fall by 88 per cent,
relative to the 2035 ‘business-as-usual’ growth scenario. But he also
concludes that Canada’s per capita gdp under degrowth would fall to 26
per cent of the business-as-usual scenario by 2035.
Victor does not flesh out his results with actual data on the Canadian
economy, but it is illuminating to do so. In 2005, Canada’s per capita
gdp was $53,336 (expressed in 2018 Canadian dollars). Thus, under the
business-as-usual scenario, per capita gdp rises to about $107,000 as
Giorgos Kallis, Christian Kerschner and Joan Martinez-Alier, ‘The Economics of
Degrowth’, Ecological Economics, vol. 84, 2012, p. 4. The special issue of Ecological
Economics collected contributions from the second International Conference on
Economic Degrowth, held in Barcelona in 2010.
Peter Victor, ‘Growth, Degrowth and Climate Change: A Scenario Analysis’,
Ecological Economics, vol. 84, 2012, p. 212. Victor’s Managing without Growth: Slower
by Design, not Disaster, Cheltenham 2008, presented his models in a broader
degrowth framework.
nlr 112
of 2035. Alternatively, under the degrowth scenario, Canada’s per capita
gdp in 2035 would plummet to $28,000. This per capita gdp level for
2035 is 48 per cent below Canada’s actual per capita gdp for 2005. In
other words, under Victor’s degrowth scenario, the emissions reduction
achieved over a 30-year period would be only modestly greater than what
would be achieved under a clean-energy investment programme at 1.5
per cent of annual gdp, but with this fundamental difference: under
the clean-energy investment project, average incomes would roughly
double, while under degrowth, average incomes would experience a
historically unprecedented collapse. Victor doesn’t ask whether an eco-
nomic depression of this magnitude under degrowth, in Canada or
elsewhere, is either economically or politically viable. He doesn’t exam-
ine what impact this loss of gdp would have in funding for health care,
education or, for that matter, environmental protection. Nor does he
explain what policy tools would be deployed to force Canada’s gdp to
halve within thirty years. Victor’s article is further remarkable in that, in
an analysis focused on the relationship between economic growth and
climate change, it includes only one brief mention of renewable energy
and no reference whatsoever to energy efficiency.
Perhaps the most influential contemporary discussion on the eco-
nomics of climate change and degrowth is Tim Jackson’s Prosperity
without Growth.
Jackson begins by emphasizing that a viable climate-
stabilization path requires absolute decoupling between growth and
emissions on a global scale, not merely relative decoupling. This point
is indisputable. Jackson then reviews data for 1965–2015, showing that
absolute decoupling has not occurred either at a global level or among,
respectively, low-, middle- or high-income countries. Again, there is no
disputing this evidence—although, as noted above, several individual
countries did achieve absolute decoupling between gdp growth and co
emissions for 2000–14. In fact, there are only two major issues to debate
with Jackson. The first is whether absolute decoupling is a realistic pos-
sibility, moving forward. Jackson is dubious, writing that ‘the evidence
that decoupling offers a coherent escape from the dilemma of growth is,
ultimately, far from convincing. The speed at which resource and emis-
sions efficiencies have to improve if we are going to meet carbon targets
are at best heroic, if the economy is growing relentlessly.’
Tim Jackson, Prosperity without Growth: Economics for a Finite Planet [2009],
London 2017.
Jackson, Prosperity without Growth, p. 87.
Green Strategy
But is it really the case that absolute decoupling requires ‘heroic
advances in building a clean-energy economy? It is true that absolute
decoupling on a global scale is a highly challenging project. But we can
be fairly precise in measuring the magnitude of the challenge. As dis-
cussed above, it will require an investment level in clean renewables and
energy efficiency at about 1.5–2 per cent of global gdp annually. This
amounts to about $1 trillion at today’s global economy level and $1.5
trillion average over the next twenty years. These are large but realistic
investment goals which could be embraced by economies at all levels
of development, in every region of the globe. One reason why this is a
realistic project is that it would support rising average living standards
and expanding job opportunities, in low-income countries in particu-
lar. For nearly forty years now, the gains from economic growth have
persistently favoured the rich. Nevertheless, the prospects for reversing
inequality in all countries will be far greater when the overall economy
is growing than when the rich are fighting everyone else for shares of
a shrinking pie. How sanguine, for example, would we expect affluent
Canadians to be over the prospect of their incomes being cut by half or
more in absolute dollars over the next thirty years? In political terms, the
attempt to implement a degrowth agenda would render the global clean-
energy project utterly unrealistic.
The second issue to raise with Jackson is still more to the point: does
degrowth offer a viable alternative to absolute decoupling as a climate-
stabilization project? As we have seen, the answer is ‘No.’ Jackson
himself provides no substantive discussion to demonstrate otherwise.
Indeed, on the issue of climate stabilization, Jackson offers no basis
for disputing Herman Daly’s charactization of degrowth as a slogan
in search of a programme. Overall, then, if the left is serious about
mounting a viable, global, climate-stabilization project, it should not
be losing time seeking to build an all-purpose, broad-brush degrowth
movement—which, for the reasons outlined, cannot succeed in actually
stabilizing the climate. This is even more emphatically the case when a
fair and workable approach to climate stabilization lies right before us,
by way of the Green New Deal.