Notice by Landlord to Tenant to Remedy
Breach of Agreement Unpaid Rent
Please complete this form using BLOCK LETTERS
To Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss
(insert name of tenant)
Address of
Premises: Postcode:
A. I give notice that you are in breach of the residential tenancy agreement that relates to the premises
referred to above on the ground that you have failed to pay rent and the rent has been in arrears for
not less than 14 days.
You must remedy the breach by paying the amount of $ _______________________________
This amount takes your rent up to and including ___ / ___ / ___
This amount has been calculated on the basis of the following terms of your tenancy agreement:-
1. Your obligation to pay rent commenced on ___________________________________
2. The current rent payable is $ _______________ per ________________________
3. The frequency that rent is payable is ________________________________ in advance.
B. In accordance with section 96A of the Residential Tenancies Act 1999 you are required to remedy this breach by
paying the amount specified above before ___ / ___ / ___ (see note 1 on page 2 giving of Notices)
Failure to remedy the breach as required could result in the landlord applying to the Tribunal for an order for
termination of the tenancy and possession of the premises.
C. The last rent payment received from you was $ __________ on____________
If the breach is remedied the next rent amount due and payable by you will be
$ ____________ on ____________
Signature of landlord/agent: __________________________ Date ____ /____ /____
Full name of landlord/agent: ______________________________________________________________
Address of landlord/agent: ________________________________________________________________
This Notice was given on ____/____/_____by: Personally handing to the tenant
Mailing it to the tenant
Via electronic service
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Floor, The Met Building, 13 Scaturchio Street
PO Box, Casuarina NT 0811
Tel: (08) 8999 1999 or 1800 019 319
Fax: (08) 8935 7738
Ground Floor, Green Well Building
50 Bath Street
PO Box 1745, Alice Springs, NT 0871
Tel: (08) 8924 7052 Fax: (08) 8935 7738
Note 1
The date that the breach must be remedied by must be MORE than 7 days after this notice is received by the tenant.
Important information regarding the giving of Notices
Notices under the Residential Tenancies Act 1999 are permitted to be given to a person personally, by post or via electronic
means. When you are giving a Notice to a person, address it to that person’s last known postal address, email address or
place of business or residence. When you are giving a Notice to a corporation, address it to the corporation’s registered
office in the Territory.
For electronic service, service must be carried out in accordance with the Electronic Transactions (Northern Territory) Act
If 2 or more persons are the landlords or tenants under a tenancy agreement, a Notice is duly given if given to any one of
The Interpretation Act 1978 specifies how a Notice should be given and the calculation of how the time and actions required
must be completed.
A Notice sent by post must be properly addressed and posted by prepaid post, and the giving of the Notice is deemed to have
been effected at the time at which the Notice would be delivered to the person or corporation in the ordinary course of the
post. It should be noted that this will only apply in the absence of any contrary evidence.
When advising of the period in which an action must be completed, the period is counted in clear days starting the day after
notice is given. Where the last day of any period falls on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday, the action required may be
done on the next working day.
Consumer Affairs complies with the Information Privacy Principles scheduled to the Information Act 2002.
To view the NT Consumer Affairs Privacy Statement, please access or 08 8999 1999
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I, (1) …………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………….
do solemnly and sincerely declare (2)
I did at ……………………. on …………… …………. 20………
(time) (day) (month) (year)
duly serve the Tenant/s …………………………………………………………………………………………….
(tenant / landlords name)
of which is annexed hereto and marked “A”) by delivering a true copy of this Notice personally / by
mail / by electronic service (delete whichever is not applicable) to the Tenant/s at
(fully describe address/place of service)
I identified the Tenant/s as follows:
(include how you identified the person served) (include any other details/conversations necessary including how service was
effected e.g. handing documents to person, placing documents on ground before the person)
This declaration is true and I know it is an offence to make a declaration knowing it is false in a
material particular.
Declared at ………………………the …………….…… of …………………..… 20….
NOTE: This declaration does not have to be witnessed
NOTE: This written declaration must comply with Part 4 of the Oaths Affidavits and Declarations
Act 2010.
NOTE: Making a declaration knowing it is false in a material particular is an offence for which you
may be fined or imprisoned.