By Alexandra Haigler,
Mortgage and
Deed Taxes
July 2019
What are the mortgage registry and deed taxes?
The mortgage registry tax (MRT) and deed taxes are two separate state taxes that apply to many real
estate transactions. While these taxes are independent of each other, they are often thought of
together, since many property transactions trigger both taxes. Both taxes can be found under Minn.
Stat. ch. 287.
How does it work?
The MRT is based on the amount of debt secured by a mortgage of real property and is imposed when
the mortgage is recorded. The MRT rate is 0.23 percent of the total debt. The deed tax is a transfer tax.
It is imposed on the value of real property transferred. The deed tax rate is 0.33 percent of net
consideration (i.e., the price paid for the real property). However, for deeds recorded after December
31, 2019, the deed tax will not apply to deeds valued less than $3,000.
These rates have been in effect since 1987. The following example illustrates how each tax applies to a
typical home purchase.
Mortgage Registry Tax
The Andersons buy a home with a purchase price of $150,000. The Andersons make a $20,000
down payment and take out a home loan with a principal amount of $130,000.
How much mortgage registry tax do the Andersons owe?
Principal debt x 0.23% = MRT liability
$130,000 x 0.23% = $299
The Andersons owe $299 in MRT.
Deed Tax
The Andersons record the deed for their new home. The deed is valued at $150,000.
How much deed tax must be paid?
Value of the deed recorded x 0.33% = deed tax liability
$150,000 x 0.33% = $495
$495 must be paid when the deed is recorded.
Who is responsible for paying the tax?
The mortgagor (borrower) is liable for the MRT, while the seller is liable for the deed tax. As a practical
matter, the lender usually collects both of the taxes at closing and remits them to the county when the
mortgage and deed are recorded.
The seller is ultimately liable for the deed tax. However, statute does not prohibit
the seller from
assigning the tax to the buyer in a private contract. Thus, a buyer may be assigned the deed tax via a
purchase agreement or other contract.
Mortgage and Deed Taxes
Who collects the money?
County treasurers collect these taxes. Each month, each county remits 97 percent of the revenues to the
state for deposit in the state general fund. The county retains the other 3 percent for its administrative
How much is collected?
The table below shows the MRT and deed tax collected by the state since 2008. The amounts reflect
only the state’s 97 percent share. Collections are sensitive to the volume and value of real estate
transactions and heavily depend on the state of the real estate market; MRT collections are also
sensitive to refinancing activity.
State MRT and Deed Tax Revenue (in millions)
Mortgage Deed Total
(from previous
(from previous
2008 114.4 84.3 198.7 -62.5 -23.9%
2009 101.2 59.7 160.9 -37.8 -19.0%
2010 94.6 58.5 153.1 -7.8 -4.8%
2011 98.9 54.6 153.5 0.4 2.6%
2012 103.0 57.1 160.1 6.6 4.3%
2013 139.9 73.6 215.5 55.4 34.6%
2014 93.4 87.1 180.5 -35.0 -16.2%
2015 107.4 99.8 207.2 26.7 14.89%
2016 115.6 110.4 226 18.8 9.07%
2017 125.2 118.4 243.6 17.6 7.79%
2018 119.6 128.2 247.8 4.2 1.72%
Source: Minnesota Department of Revenue, Special Taxes Division.
Are there exemptions from the taxes?
Both taxes have multiple exemptions. MRT exemptions include contracts for deed, certain agricultural
mortgages, marriage dissolution decrees, and certain low- and moderate-income housing mortgages.
Common deed tax exemptions are mortgages, plats, wills and testamentary distributions, leases,
sheriff’s foreclosure sale certificates, and marriage dissolution decrees.
Can local governments also impose mortgage and deed taxes?
State law authorizes Ramsey and Hennepin counties to impose local mortgage and deed taxes at a rate
of 0.0001 (or 0.01 percent) for both taxes. The taxes expire on January 1, 2028, unless extended by the
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