University of Illinois #92630
Effective April 1, 2020
Issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America
Help protect your most valuable asset…
your income.
Long Term Disability Insurance coverage, issued by The Prudential
Insurance Company of America (Prudential), may be the single
most important coverage an employee can have to help protect
against the loss of the ability to work and earn an income.
While nearly everyone has auto and home insurance, many people
probably have not insured their most valuable asset…their
paycheck. Would you and your family be able to keep your home,
auto, and other prized possessions, and be able to pay your bills,
if you stopped receiving your paycheck? If you’re like most people,
you wouldn’t be able to meet your financial obligations if you were
disabled and unable to work for an extended period of time.
The State Universities Retirement System of Illinois (SURS) provides
basic disability coverage a voluntary supplement is required to
make coverage comparable to a corporate plan of benefits. Now you
have an opportunity to enroll in a disability insurance plan that can
help provide the protection you need to help safeguard your lifestyle
and provide you and your family with greater peace of mind.
Advantages of participating in this Voluntary
Supplemental Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan
Economical Group Rates which are typically lower than
individual rates.
Convenient Payroll Deductions so there are no checks to write
or remember to mail.
Disability Benefits Not Subject to Income Tax — when premiums
are paid with employee after-tax dollars.
Partial Income Replacement when you are unable to work
due to sickness, injury, or pregnancy.
Helpful Assistance in Returning to Work — through rehabilitation
programs, worksite modifications, and benefits while working.
How do I become eligible to enroll for coverage,
and what is the effective date of coverage?
Each active employee or faculty-staff member who is (a) a
participant in SURS, and (b) a continuing employee with an
appointment of 50% time or more; or an employee with a term
contract with an appointment of 50% time or more for at least nine
months, is eligible.
Coverage begins the first day of the month following the date you
apply for insurance, if you apply within 60 days of your first day of
active employment in a benefits-eligible job. When you apply for
insurance after the 60-day period, coverage begins the first day of
the month following the date Prudential approves your application,
if evidence of insurability is required. If you are absent from work
due to injury, sickness, temporary layoff, or leave of absence, your
coverage will begin on the date you are actively at work.
How long is my benet period?
The longest period of time that payments can be made for any one
period of disability may be up to age 65 or your normal retirement
age under the Social Security Act, but not less than 60 months.
If disabled at or after age 65, benefits are payable according to
an age-based schedule.
When will my benets begin?
Your LTD benefit becomes payable after you have been continuously
disabled through the elimination period, which is the greater of 90
days or the exhaustion of accumulated sick leave. This period can be
satisfied with days of total or partial disability or a combination
of both.
What will my benets be?
Your monthly LTD benefits will be 66.67%* of your monthly
pre-disability earnings, less deductible sources of income and
disability earnings, up to a maximum monthly benefit of $12,000.
The minimum monthly benefit is $100. Please refer to your
Prudential LTD certificate for the earnings definition.
This plan includes several benefits that could be important to you
and your family:
Catastrophic Disability Benefit This benefit is available if you
are unable to perform at least two activities of daily living or have
severe cognitive impairment that requires substantial supervision.
This benefit provides an additional 20% of your monthly earnings,
up to $12,000, and it will not be reduced by deductible sources
of income.
Critical Illness Benefit This benefit is available if you have an
illness such as heart attack, life-threatening cancer, major organ
or tissue transplant, renal failure, or stroke. It provides you with an
additional monthly benefit of 10% of your monthly earnings, up to a
maximum of $1,000. This benefit will not be reduced by other sources
of income if your long-term disability is caused by a critical illness.
Survivor Benefit — This benefit provides a lump sum benefit,
equal to six months of your gross disability payment, to your eligible
survivor when Prudential receives proof that you have passed away.
What are deductible sources of income?
Deductible sources of income include benefits from SURS, statutory
plans, Social Security benefits to you and your dependents, workers’
compensation, and other sources. Please refer to your Prudential LTD
Certificate for other deductible sources of income.
*See page 5 for additional information.
When am I considered disabled?
You are considered disabled when, because of injury, sickness,
or pregnancy, you are unable to perform the material duties of your
regular occupation and your disability results in a loss of income
of at least 20%. After receiving benefits for 60 months, you may
continue to receive benefits if you are unable to perform the material
duties of any gainful occupation for which you are reasonably fitted
by education, training, or experience.
What if I’m still disabled and attempt to return to
work part-time…would my benets continue?
Yes. The Voluntary Supplemental Long Term Disability plan allows
you to remain eligible for benefits while you are working part-time
and are still disabled. Your monthly benefits may be reduced by a
portion of your disability earnings.
What does the SURS Disability plan pay
if I’m disabled?
The amount of SURS disability benefit will be the greater of (1) 50%
of your basic compensation* on the day you became disabled or (2)
50% of your average earnings for the 24 months prior to the date
you became disabled. The SURS disability benefit is taxable.**
It is paid until you have received 50% of your accumulated earnings
while a participant of SURS, or you no longer meet the eligibility
requirements outlined in the SURS Member Guide (www.surs.org).
If the disability benefit is terminated because of the 50% earnings
limit, and you are not a Self-Managed Plan participant, then you may
re-qualify for the 35% SURS Disability Retirement Allowance (DRA),
which is also taxable.** To qualify, you must be unable to perform
any substantial gainful activity. For additional information, see your
SURS Member Guide.
Voluntary Supplemental LTD benefits are tax free** and they
supplement SURS disability or SURS DRA benefits. They pay a
benefit when SURS does not pay, provided you have qualified
for disability.
*Basic compensation is your normal contract salary; it does not include your earnings
for summer sessions or overtime. Note: the basic compensation will be subject to the
Maximum Pensionable Earnings limit.
**Based on the current Internal Revenue Code. See the Booklet-Certicate issued by The
Prudential Insurance Company of America for coverage details.
Example of Benet Payments to a Totally Disabled SURS Employee
Employee 45-year-old employee, totally disabled
Annual Salary $60,444
Monthly Salary $5,037
Months of Employment 48 months
State Universities Retirement System
of Illinois (SURS) Monthly Disability
50% (before tax) of monthly salary up to 50% of SURS accumulated earnings,
less certain reductions. See SURS Member Guide at www.surs.org for more details.
Two years of SURS service credit are required to be eligible,* and benefits
commence the later of exhaustion of sick days or 60-day elimination period.
*2-year service requirement is waived in the event of an accident
In this example, $2,518.50 is payable until you’ve received 50% of your earnings
under SURS.
SURS Disability Retirement Allowance
(DRA) Monthly Disability Benefit
35% (before tax) of monthly salary to age 65. In this example, $1,762.95
is payable to age 65, assuming continuation of total disability
Voluntary Supplemental LTD Benefit Up to 66.67% (tax-free) of monthly pre-disability earnings to age 65 after a
90-day elimination period, reduced by SURS or SURS DRA disability benefit(s)
described above. Please refer to your Prudential LTD certificate for the earnings
definition. Therefore:
u If you are receiving the Voluntary Supplemental LTD Benefit only, you are
eligible for 66.67%.
u If you are receiving a SURS DRA benefit, you are eligible for 31.67%.
u If you are receiving a SURS benefit, you are eligible for 16.67%.
In this example, $3,358 is payable monthly to age 65, reduced by SURS disability
or SURS DRA (if payable), assuming continuation of total disability.
Monthly Benet ($) when Totally Disabled
1/46 2/47 3/48 4/49 5/50 6/51 7/52 8/53 9/54 19/64 20/65
Years of Duration/Attained Age
$5,037 Pre-Disability Salary
$3,358 Voluntary Supplemental Long Term Disability Insurance Plan Payment (Tax-Free)
For Illustrative Purposes Only.
If this employee partially recovers…
(thereby not qualifying for SURS DRA benefits), SURS would pay
50% (before tax) of salary for approximately 2½ years, at which
point benefits would end because the employee doesn’t qualify
for SURS DRA continuation. Voluntary Supplemental LTD benefits
would supplement the SURS payment up to 66.67% (tax-free)
of pre-disability earnings, and then continue up to age 65 or
normal Social Security retirement age.
Are any disabilities excluded from coverage?
Yes. You are not covered for a disability caused by war or any act
of war, an intentionally self-inflicted injury, active participation in
a riot, and commission of a crime for which you have been convicted.
Benefits are not payable for any period of incarceration as a result
of a conviction.
During the first 24 months of coverage, no LTD benefits will
be paid for a disability that is due to a pre-existing condition.
A pre-existing condition is an injury or sickness for which you
received medical treatment, consultation, care, or services,
including diagnostic measures; took prescribed drugs or medicines;
or followed treatment recommendations during the six (6) months
prior to your effective date of coverage. But, a condition will no longer
be considered a pre-existing condition if, after the date your coverage
under the plan becomes effective, there is a period of six (6)
months or more during which you do not receive medical treatment,
consultation, care, or services, including diagnostic measures; take
prescribed drugs or medicines; or follow treatment recommendation
for that condition. The pre-existing condition provision also applies
if you did not consult a physician when an ordinarily prudent person
would have.
Are any disabilities limited in coverage?
Yes. Disabilities due to mental illness may have a limited pay period
of 24 months during your lifetime. Examples of mental illness include
schizophrenia, depression, manic depressive or bipolar illness,
anxiety, somatization, substance-related disorders (including drug
and alcohol abuse), and/or adjustment disorders. Disabilities with
a limited pay period do not extend the maximum period of benefits.
Do I have to pay premiums if I am disabled?
No. While you are collecting disability benefits, you do not have
to pay premiums.
Do I need to answer any medical questions
or be examined by a doctor to enroll?
There are no medical questions or physical examinations required to
enroll for this coverage at open enrollment or within 60 days of your
first day of active employment in a benefits-eligible job. However,
coverage is subject to a pre-existing condition exclusion.
Can I convert my coverage if I leave my
present employment?
Yes. If your employment ends for reasons other than retirement,
you may convert your Disability plan to the Prudential Conversion
Trust plan. You must have been covered for LTD for at least 12
consecutive months, not be disabled, and be less than age 70.
What is the cost for this plan?
The cost is based on your age and salary. Follow the steps below to estimate your total monthly LTD cost.
Step 1: Indicate your annual salary. $__________
Step 2: Divide your annual salary by 12 to get your monthly salary. $__________
Step 3: Multiply your monthly salary by 0.6667. (66.67% Scheduled Benefit) $__________
Step 4: The maximum monthly benefit is $12,000. If the amount in Step 3 is greater
than $12,000, indicate $12,000 here. Otherwise, indicate the amount in
Step 3. $__________
Step 5: Multiply the amount in Step 4 by the rate corresponding to your age.
Age Rate
Through age 24 $0.00140
25 – 29 $0.00169
30 – 34 $0.00205
35 – 39 $0.00258
40 – 44 $0.00373
45 – 49 $0.00619
50 – 54 $0.00836
55 – 59 $0.00953
60 – 64 $0.00987
65 – 69 $0.01238
70+ $0.01419
Total Monthly Cost* $_____
* Rates are effective April 1, 2020. All changes of premium due to age and/or salary level will occur in December (policy anniversary date) of each year.
The premium includes 93% for the cost of the plan, 5% for Prudential’s administrative costs, and 2% for the University of Illinois System’s
administrative costs.
Rates are subject to change based on plan experience.
Enroll for this valuable insurance TODAY!
Enroll using the U of I System’s self-service application at https://go.uillinois.edu/EnrollLTD,
or contact University Payroll & Benefits. A Booklet-Certificate, which details the plan provisions,
is available at https://go.uillinois.edu/EnrollLTD.
This brochure is a summary of benets. It does not include all plan provisions, exclusions, and limitations. Availability of provisions and services may vary.
A Booklet-Certicate with complete plan information will be provided. If there is a discrepancy between this document and the Booklet-Certicate issued by Prudential,
the terms of the Booklet-Certicate will govern.
This coverage is not health insurance coverage (often referred to as “Major Medical Coverage”).
This type of plan is NOT considered “minimum essential coverage” under the Affordable Care Act and therefore does NOT satisfy
the individual mandate that you have health insurance coverage.
Group Critical Illness Insurance coverage is a limited benet policy issued by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark,
NJ. Prudential’s Critical Illness Insurance is not a substitute for medical coverage that provides benets for medical treatment, including hospital, surgical, and
medical expenses, and it does not provide reimbursement for such expenses. The Booklet-Certicate contains all details, including policy exclusions, limitations, and
restrictions, which may apply. If there is a discrepancy between this document and the Booklet-Certicate/Group Contract issued by The Prudential Insurance Company
of America, the Group Contract will govern. A more detailed description of the benets, limitations, and exclusions applicable are contained in the Outline of Coverage
provided at time of enrollment. Please contact Prudential for more information. Contract provisions may vary by state. Contract Series: 114774.
Long Term Disability Insurance coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, a Prudential Financial company, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certicate
contains all details, including any policy exclusions, limitations, and restrictions, which may apply. Contract Series: 83500.
© 2022 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities. Prudential, the Prudential logo, and the Rock symbol are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its
related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. .