2103 Student Services 2103
PURPOSE: To authorize, under certain circumstances and
conditions, student transfers to attend schools outside their
attendance zones.
Universal Considerations
All transfer requests shall be considered for approval within
the constraints of school, grade level, and classroom capacities
and/or program or curriculum availability. Schools, grade
levels, classrooms, and programs may be closed to transfers by
the superintendent/designee when actual or projected enrollments
meet or exceed the determined threshold for capacity. Requests
to transfer for students who require special programs, services,
and supports will only be considered if the required programs,
services, and supports are available at the requested school.
Reasons for Student Transfers
A request for a student transfer to a school that is not closed
may be approved for the reasons set forth below. At the middle
and high school levels, a closed school is either a school at
90% or more of its design capacity or as designated as a closed
school by the School Board. At the elementary level, a closed
school is either a school at 85% of its program capacity or as
designated as a closed school by the School Board.
1. To accommodate the parents/guardians of elementary and
middle school children when it is necessary for someone in
a different school attendance area to care for the student
before and/or after school. The child care provider’s
residence and/or day care center must be located within the
attendance area of the requested school. Personnel at the
requested school shall verify that (1) the child care
provider is located within the school’s attendance area,
and (2) the child is actually under the supervision of the
child care provider as stated on the student transfer
request. A completed child care verification form must be
included with the student transfer request.
2. To meet the specific medical, emotional, and adjustive
needs of a student. Documentation (e.g., from physicians,
psychologists, or counselors) that addresses the needs and
specifies the manner in which a transfer out of a
2103 Student Services 2103
particular school shall meet the student’s needs is
required and must be included with the student transfer
3. To allow children of part-time or full-time school division
employees who reside in Stafford County to attend the
school in which the parent is employed or the school
nearest the employee’s work location. The student must
reside with the school division employee.
4. To allow a student to enroll and remain for the year in a
sequential (multi-year) curricular program which is not
offered at their base school. Half-day programs (e.g., CGS
or STAT) are not considered sufficient justifications for
approval of a transfer due to transportation being provided
from the base school.
5. To allow a student to transfer who has been the victim of a
violent crime and for whom a new school location is deemed
more appropriate than the base school.
6. To allow students to transfer to a school based on some
other valid need. The reason for transfer must be described
on the student transfer request and any substantiating
documentation must be included with the request.
Closed School Transfers
1. Requests to transfer to a closed school will only be
approved for the following:
extreme hardship case; or
children of part-time or full-time school division
employees who reside in Stafford County and are
employed at the closed school or at the nearest work
location to the closed school. The student must reside
with the school division employee.
children of full-time nonresident, certificated
instructional employees (see SCPS Policy 2105
2. Child care and the school which a sibling attends are not
sufficient justifications for approval of a transfer to a
closed school.
2103 Student Services 2103
Conditions for Student Transfers
1. An approved student transfer request is subject to review
and possible non-renewal in subsequent years based on the
criteria set forth in this policy.
2. Transportation is not provided by SCPS for students
attending a school on an approved student transfer from the
child’s home and/or back.
3. The initial approval of a student transfer request or
continued student enrollment at a school outside the
designated attendance zone will be contingent upon
attendance and behavior. Five unexcused absences or tardies
within the school year will initiate a review and possible
revocation of current transfer status or may serve as
grounds for denial of an initial transfer request. Five
documented discipline referrals within the school year will
initiate a review and possible revocation of current
transfer status or may serve as grounds for denial of an
initial transfer request.
4. Transfers shall be revoked if the reason the transfer was
approved is no longer valid for any reason, including, but
not limited to: not meeting requirements in any curricular
program or changing daycare provider.
5. Students who are granted a transfer to a high school
outside their attendance zone shall be ineligible to
participate in VHSL-sponsored activities for 365
consecutive calendar days; however, a student entering
ninth grade for the first time may be eligible to
participate in VHSL-sponsored activities.
6. Parents/Guardians must provide necessary documentation for
transfer request(s).
2103 Student Services 2103
Appeals of Transfer Decisions
The parent, guardian, or student 18 years old or older may
appeal, in writing, a denial of a request for a student transfer
to the superintendent/designee. An appeal must be received
within 30 calendar days of the receipt of notification of the
decision to deny a student transfer. The decision made by the
superintendent and/or his/her designee shall be final.
06/24/08 Adopted
03/30/09 Edited by Superintendent
10/26/10 Amended
01/17/13 Reviewed
12/12/03 Readopted
02/28/17 Amended
04/25/17 Amended
04/24/18 Amended
04/30/19 Amended
03/10/20 Amended
Legal Refs.: § 7912 (20 U.S.C.); §§ 22.1-3 and 22.1-3.3. (Code
of Virginia, 1950, as amended)
VSBA Cross Ref.: JCA