Magmatic rifting of Pangaea linked to onset of South American plate motion
Erin K. Beutel
Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, College of Charleston, 66 George St., Charleston, SC 29424, United States
Article history:
Received 30 August 2007
Accepted 5 June 2008
Available online 21 June 2008
Finite element
Magmatic rifting
Amagmatic rifting
The causes of the transition from amagmatic to magmatic rifting during continental break-up are not always
clear and have been often linked to the break-through of a plume. However, stress elds recorded in the crust
may offer new insights into the relationship between changes in the stress eld and the onset of magmatism.
In this paper stress elds recorded in the crust of North America are used to test possible causes of the break-
up of Pangaea and the transition from amagmatic to magmatic rifting. Finite element models reveal that the
most likely scenario for the break-up involves the initial northwest motion of North America at 230 Ma,
followed by a south-southeast motion of South America at 200 Ma with the initiation of magmatism, and
nally a weakened area between North and South America sometime soon after 200 Ma which resulted in
North America being dominated by northwest motion once again. It was also determined that plate
boundary structure and orientation play a large part in the recorded stress elds and must be taken into
consideration when modeling continental break-ups and rifting.
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Background
Continental rifting and the transition from pure continental rifting
to seaoor spreading may be investigated from both present day
activity, such as rifting in East Africathe Red Sea, and from past
rifting events, such as the break-up of Pangaea. Present day studies,
such as those on the East African rift and Red Sea rift have the
advantage of real-time measurements and observations, while studies
of the past rifting events have the advantage of a completed timeline
rather than a snapshot waiting to develop. However, because of the
amount of time that has passed, investigations of past rifting events
sometimes smooth over the details such as rift orientation and
propagation because of a lack of data or because of scale issues. In this
paper I use these details to understand the stress eld in North
America at the time of the break-up of Pangaea, specically the time
when the rifting went from amagmatic to magmatic. The possible
causes of these stress elds, and therefore the break-up of Pangaea,
are then determined using nite element models.
The break-up of Pangaea began around 230 Ma with the initial
rifting of the southeastern portion of North America (Schlische, 2002).
These early rifts can be found in both North and South Carolina
(Schlische, 20 02) a nd generally trend Northeast with regional
variations, however, it is unclear if this initial rifting also occurred
along the southern margin of North America as the few Mesozoic rift
basins from Georgia, Northern Florida, and Alabama are not precisely
dated. Around 200 Ma+/ 2Ma(Nomade et al., 2007) magmatic
injection in the form of a giant dike swarm began approximately
synchronously with the progression of rifting to the North-Northeast
(Hames et al., 2000; McHone, 2000; Salters et al., 2003; Schlische
et al., 2003; Beutel et al., 2005). Because most of the dikes and the
exposed ows are dated to around 200 Ma, it is assumed that the
majority of the voluminous mac magmas along the North American
margin from Florida to New England were emplaced within a 2
3 million time period (Nomade et al., 2007). Initial maps combined
with new eld work indicate that the southeastern margin of North
America is dominated by NW trending dikes cross-cut by infrequent to
frequent N and NE trending dikes, however, as the swarm progresses
to the northeast the overall dike trend slowly rotates to become
predominantly NE (May, 1971; Ragland et al., 1983; McHone, 1988;
Marzoli et al., 1999; Salters et al., 2003; Beutel et al., 2005). Cross-
cutting relationships and geochemistry suggest that the NW trending
dikes were emplaced rst, followed by the N and nally the NE trending
dikes (Ragland et al.,1983; Beutel et al., 2005). Because of sedimentation
and logistical issues, it is not clear what the relationship between these
200 Ma dikes and the formation of the rstoceanic crust around 180 Ma.
However, it is clear that they represent the transition between the
amagmatic phase of rifting and magmaticrifting phase. This information
can be used in conjunction with a nite element model to determine the
stress eld during the break-up of Pangaea and the possible causes of
this stress eld as the rifting progresses from magmatic to amagmatic.
Because the regional stresses recorded in the rock represent snapshots
of what was occurring at the time, nding the sources of these stresses
should clarify possible causes for the break-up of the Pangaea by
indicating what was occurring prior to and during the break-up and
transition from amagmatic to magmatic.
Tectonophysics 468 (2009) 149-157
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1.1. Dikes and stress
Dikes record the stress eld during their emplacement and thus the
stress eld during the change from amagmatic to magmatic rifting
during the break-up o f Pangaea. In general dikes a re injected
perpendicular to the least least-compressive regional stress eld,
however, pre-existing fractures, local stress elds, and basement
structures can cause deviation from the regional (state-wide) stress
eld (de Boer and Snider, 1979; Mchone et al., 1987; Fialko and Rubin,
1999; Ziv et al., 2000; Jourdan et al., 2006). According to Ziv et al. (2000),
one of three criteria must be met for dikes to follow pre-existing
fractures; one, that the fractures are close to perpendicular to the least
least-compressive stress eld (which means that the dikes will still give
us a general view of the stress eld at the time of their emplacement);
two, that the magma pressure is so high that it creates a scenario where
the shear to the opening of the dike walls is small; and three, the
effective dike-normal stress is small compared to the rock tensile
strength. Because these conditions are difcult to maintain over long
distances and/or depths, most dikes affected by fractures rotate within a
short distance to become parallel to the ambient compressive stress eld
(Ziv et al., 2000). Local stress elds that affect dikes can be caused by the
injection of the dike itself and/or the magma body, the classic example of
magma bodies affecting dike orientation is seen at volcanoes where
dikes are injected radially about the domal uplift (Johnson, 1 96 1). The
best evidence for basement control of dike orientation comes from the
Karoo swarm in South Africa where Jourdan et al. (2006) recognized that
the Karoo swarm consists of both Proterozoic and Mesozoic dikes, both
of which follow the cratonic margin. This suggests that cratonic margins
and basement structures may strongly affect dike orientation.
1.1.1. Can CAMP dikes be used to reveal a regional (eastern North America)
stress history or are they affected by local (10's of km) structures and stress
The dikes and other Mesozoic igneous features of the east coast of
North America have been co llectively grouped into the Central
Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) and have been used as evidence
both for a plume and against a plume (May, 1971; de Boer and Snider,
1979; McHone et al., 1987; Ernst and Buchan, 1997; King and
Anderson, 1998; Marzoli et al., 1999; Courtillot et al., 1999; Dalziel
et al., 2000; McHone, 2000; Janney and Castillo, 2001; Beutel et al.,
2005). In this study I will use the dike patterns to understand the
least-compressive stress regime during the transition from amagmatic
to magmatic in the break-up of Pangaea, however, this will only be
possible if none of the previously discussed outside inuences have
has affected their orientation. Because the conditions under which
dikes follow pre-existing fractures cannot be maintained over long
distances unless the fractures are extensional stress perpendicular to
begin with, it is unlikely that the giant dike swarms of CAMP are overly
inuenced by any non-stress responsive fractures. While the inuence
of a large magma chamber due to a plume has been proposed to
explain the CAMP dikes, the dikes are not radial and in fact cross-cut.
Further, unless the plume was a moving target, the regional stress eld
would have exerted some inuence on the dikes at a distance and no
evidence of a change in orientation along the strike of the dikes is
seen, suggesting that any magma chamber inuence was extremely
localized (10s of km) and not visible. The other possibility, that pre-
existing basement structures could have inuenced dike orientation,
is also unlikely given the multiple orientation of dikes within the
Carolinas, and because many of the dikes cross-cut or stop against the
Fig. 1. Sketch map of 200 my Pangaea with pre-South Carolina regional studies dike orientations (e.g. Marzoli et al., 1999), continental boundaries, and normal faults. Previously
mapped dikes are shown as short thick black lines (e.g. Marzoli et al., 1999), rough sketches of major normal faults in North America are shown as thin lines. Rose diagram in corner
shows true orientation of dikes in South Carolina and parts of North Carolina based on new eldwork and map compilations, while the adjacent grey box illustrates how the all the
mapped dikes and faults would overlie each other in the region indicated by the connecting lines. Light gray shading of 3 states along the southeastern portion of North America
indicates from North to South, the locations of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The stippled area between the major continental outlines indicates both the continental
shelves, which we do not have good data for and missing continental pieces from the time of the sutureit is assumed that all three continents were acting as one at this time.
150 E.K. Beutel / Tectonophysics 468 (2009) 149-157
pre-existing structures (Ragland et al., 1983; Beutel et al., 2005). Thus,
it appears that the CAMP dikes were most likely inuenced by regional
least-compressive stress elds rather than either pre-existing stress
elds or a magma body.
1.1.2. What do the dikes tell us?
Previous interpretations of the dike orientations have focused on
an explanation for the NW trending dikes that dominate South
Carolina and parts of Georgia and North Carolina because based on
sketch maps of the region they are both at a high angle to the expected
regional least-compressive stress eld during rifting and to the pre-
existing crustal structures (e.g. Schlische et al., 2003). Further, when
presented as a group on a sketch map, the CAMP dikes are often
mistaken as being regionally separate swarms of NW, N, and NE
trending dikes (Fig. 1). However, detailed mapping in South and North
Carolina suggests that the swarms overlap and cross-cut indicating a
non-radial source and a change in local conditions during emplace-
ment (Fig. 1). While only general maps of dike locations are available
for Georgia and Alabama, detailed eldwork and consolidation of
USGS quadrangle information indicates that a series of 200 Ma NW,
N, and NE trending igneous dikes are found throughout the Carolinas
(Beutel et al., 2005). Cross-cutting relationships indicate that the
oldest dikes are NW trending and the NE trending dikes are the
youngest with the N trending dikes coming in between. Though
all dike trends can be found in the Carolinas, the NW trending
dikes dominate in the south, while the NE trending dikes are more
dominant from Virginia north and N trending dikes are more domi-
nant in the middle. This indicates that the least-compressive stress
eld during emplacement of the dikes was rotating from NE ex-
tensional, to E extensional, to NW extensional in the southeastern
United States as rifting progressed northward (Fig. 2).
Therefore based on eld evidence from dikes and rif ts I
reconstructed the following stress changes along the east coast of
North America from ~230 Ma to 190 Ma and conclude based on these
changes that a plume as the cause of them is unlikely. Between 230 Ma
and ~200 Ma the southeastern edge of North America was slowly
rifting and undergoing a NW extensional stress while the rest of the
continental edge appears to be quiescent (though a lack of data from
the southern margin does not preclude early rifting here) (Fig. 2).
Around 200 Ma eastwest rifts started to develop along the southern
margin of North America and northeast trending rifts began appearing
along the present day northeastern United States, this indicates that
the extensional stress eld was NS along the southern margin of
North America, NWSE along the southeastern margin of North
America, and NNWSSE along the eastern margin of North America
(Fig. 2). However, based on the dike orientations, there existed at the
same time a NESW extensional stress eld in the southeast that
rapidly (~2 Ma) rotated to NWSE. Dikes along the eastern margin of
North America north of Virginia are parallel to the rifts and therefore
apparently emplaced by the same least-compressive stress eld that
generated the rifts, indicating that unlike in the south the extensional
stress that created the rifts was likely responsible for the dike
orientation as well. This stress story, as summarized below, is used to
determine the viability of the nite element models via stress
orientation comparison.
2. Model
A quadrilateral plane strain nite element grid using Gobalt and
Atkinson's (1996) FElt model was constructed to determine the
possible causes of the rotating stress elds during the transition from
amagmatic to magmatic rifting of Pangaea. These static elastic models
are essentially solutions to Hooke's law, which describes the
deformation of elastic solids. If we view the models as simple grids
of elastic springs and nodes, we provide the construction of the grids,
the properties of the springs, and the initial forces. The program solves
for the propagation of these forces across the grid, taking into account
the neighboring springs. Overall, the grid is isotropic and composed of
plane stress quadrilateral elements, except at the plate boundary zones
between the continents and the South Georgia Rift, which feature
elements specially aligned and shaped to represent these boundaries.
The nite element code requires thickness for the z-dire ction,
Poisson's ratio, Young's Modulus, and densities for all materials in
the program. Strength of the continents is given based on the elastic
moduli and an input thickness. The following parameters were input;
continental and rift mechanical properties and locations, stress/force
properties and locations, and motion constraints. Essentially the
model started with the outline of the continental shelves input into
the nite strain grid with a one order of magnitude weaker elastic
moduli and 3 times thinner than the surrounding continents (original
continental material properties: Young's Modulus 40 GPa, Poisson's
ratio .2, density of 2650 kg/m
). As an elastic model the results show
only the instantaneous stress and do not take into account viscous
Fig. 2. From top to bottom the left column shows the estimated stress directions per
time period based on the faults and dikes of that age. The right column is a series of
cartoons illustrating the general orientation of the resultant extensional stress features
(dikes and faults) created at that time, these are underlain by the dikes and faults
created at the previous time and shown in grey. Double headed arrows indicate
tensional stress directions, shorter arrows indicate estimated smaller magnitude
stresses based on the prevalence of faulting or diking in that area, in the right-hand
column the thick bars indicate dikes while the lines with arrows indicate normal faults.
Stress Field Summary Time 1: NW trending extensional stress concentrated along the
southeast coast of North America. Time 2: N trending extensional stress along the south
margin of North America, NE trending stress along the southeast coast of North America
decreasing and/or rotating to NW extensional as you move northeast along the present
day coast of North America. Time 3: NW extensional stress along the eastern margin of
North America, concentrated along the present day northeast coast of the United States
portion of North America.
151E.K. Beutel / Tectonophysics 468 (2009) 149-157
Applied forces were calculated based on a general rate of motion
and mass for continents, because I am examining relative stress
orientation and strength rather than absolute numbers within an
order of magnitude will give the same results. Constraints on motion
were simplied into able to move in all directions or xed in space and
unable to move at all. Several models were constructed to test
numerous possibilities including a radial slab suction/rollback, a
vertical plume with radial compressional stress, and different applied
stresses to the continents. The radial slab pull model is constructed
based on the reconstructions of Pangaea that show it completely
surrounded by inward dipping slabs (Golonka, 2007). Approximate
slab-suction forces were based on the average rates of continental
motion, which was then translated into an outward force applied to
the margin. Vertical loading and topographic doming with radial
compression were combined to determine the approximate magni-
tude of the radial compressive force that might have been caused by
the intrusion of a plume. The other possible force tested was the
motion of the continents as driven by a mantle basal drag force. This
was also approximated based on the approximate rate and direction of
motion of the continents. The assumption being that the continents
are more likely to be driven by mantle ow against a continental keel
and not asthenospheric ow along the bottom of an oceanic plate, the
relative importance of this force is highlighted in Conrad and Lithgow-
Bertelloni (2006).
Model tests within four orders of magnitude were conducted for all
applied forces and the relative strength and orientation of the
resulting stresses did not change. Therefore, the forces chosen for
the models were based on the approximate relative strength of the
forces in general and on the approximate magnitude of those stresses
as listed in Fowler (1997).
Constraints on the motion of continents was limited to the end-
members of either free to move in three-dimensions or xed in space.
When constraints on motion were applied they were applied to all of
the nodes in the center of a continent assuming that the mechanism
holding the continent in place would be a lack of forces moving it and
a resistance to motion along the base of the cratonic portions of the
continent as a whole.
Given the scale of the elements in the model the only pre-existing
crustal elements portrayed are the plate boundary zones (or zones
where the continents meet) and the South Georgia Rift, which was
Fig. 3. AJ: Each gure AJ is divided into three boxes. The rst box to the far left is the result of the nite element model and shows the maximum stress intensity as background
colors, blue is compressional and red is extensional, and the maximum and minimum stress vectors, black is extensional and white is compressional. The north arrow indicates
present day north while the orientation of the continents reects their approximate position at 230 Ma. The second box shows possible rift and/or dike orientations given the stress
orientations shown in the rst box. Dikes and faults are only indicated for the margins of the North American continent despite stresses being transmitted throughout the continent
because eld work suggests that the dikes stop at the Brevard fault, a major Appalachian plate boundary zone that runs parallel to the east coast. The fault is not in the model, but any
stresses behind its approximate location on the model should be viewed with suspicion. And the third box shows a cartoon of model parameters, plate boundary lines are shown
(note that a plate boundary line is shown between Florida and the red of North America, this actually represents the South Georgia rift and a possible plate boundary attachment of
Florida, models run without it are mildly different), as are the applied stresses (shown as arrows), and the constraints on movement (xed areas are shown with black dots). Finally,
areas of extreme weakness (areas of crust 3-orders of magnitude weaker than the surrounding crust) are shown as shaded grey.
152 E.K. Beutel / Tectonophysics 468 (2009) 149-157
believed to be active during this time. For this reason the only inter-
pretations of stress results that will be analyzed are those on the
margins as other, non-modeled crustal zones would affect stress
distribution in the interior.
The locations and shapes of the plate boundaries or margins of the
continents are based on reconstructions of Pangaea and current
continental crust outlines (e.g. Torsvik and Van der Voo, 2002). The
addition of a boundary between Florida and the rest of North America
is based on multiple lines of evidence that there was a zone of
thinning there. Several researchers have pointed out that Florida does
not appear to be North American in origin and it is of ten not even
depicted as attached until during/after the break-up of Pangaea and it
is separated from North America by the Brunswick Magnetic anomaly
(e.g. Heatherington and Mueller, 1999; Heatherington et al., 1999;
Ford and Golonka, 2003). The Brunswick Magnetic anomaly also
marks the South Georgia Rift system, which appears to cut parallel to
the probable suture between the Suwanee Terrane (Florida) and the
rest of North America (McBride, 1991).
3. Results (Table 1)
Fig. 3 shows several example model results, the postulated dike
elds, and the applied forces and Table 1 is a verbal summary of Fig. 3.
Postulated dike and fault orientations are only modeled for the South
and Eastern margins of North America despite the transmissions of
stresses into the continent because the model does not take into
account faults and plate boundaries within the continent known to
have halted the progression fractures. For example, the CAMP dikes
along the southeastern margin of North America all cease (except one)
at the Brevard fault zone in the Appalachians. Because these barriers
and crustal features were not taken into account the stresses from the
interior of the continent are less likely to be accurate.
In the rst set of three models there are no xed continents, the
plate boundary between the continents is modeled as one order of
magnitude lower strength than the surrounding crust, and the only
force is a force applied to the North American craton. In the rst
column the results of the models are displayed as a background
maximum stress intensity with the maximum and minimum stresses
plotted on top. Fig. 3A shows the results of a NW stress on the North
American continent, which results in a relatively uniform magnitude
stress eld with the correct distribution of stresses to have produced
NW trending dikes in the far southern United States and northeast
trending stresses along the east coast. By changing the applied stress
to more northerly the assumed dike orientation (perpendicular to the
least least-compressive stress) becomes predominantly NW trending
along the east coast of North America, once again the stress magnitude
is relatively uniform. Finally, in Fig. 3C the actual areas of weakness are
changed to become much sharper with dened strong transform
Fig. 3 (continued ).
153E.K. Beutel / Tectonophysics 468 (2009) 149-157
Fig. 3 (continued ).
154 E.K. Beutel / Tectonophysics 468 (2009) 149-157
zones between them and the stress applied to North America is once
again northeast and an increase in NW trending dikes along the
southeastern North American continent is observed.
In Fig. 3DF a northeastern trending force is applied to North
America, Africa is xed and the stress on South America and the
strength and the width of the plate boundary area is changed. In Fig. 3D
Africa is xed, North America is pushed to the northeast, and the plate
boundary zones remain linear and one order of magnitude lower
strength than the surrounding crust. This results in a concentration of
stress along the east coast of North America, including northwest
trending tensional stress along the southeastern coast, which would
create northeast trending dikes or rifts, and decreasing and more varied
tensional stress along the northeastern coast of North America. In
Fig. 3E the applied force to North America remains northeast and an
applied south-southeasterly force is applied to South America, the plate
boundary remains the same. This results in an almost radial stress
pattern around the three continents with northeastern trending
tensional stresses along the southeast coast of North America changing
to northwestern trending tensional stresses northward along the coast.
It is inferred that the results would be dominantly northwest trending
dikes or rifts in the southeastern United States and northeast trending
dikes or rifts in the northeastern United States. Finally, in Fig. 3F the
applied forces to North and South America remain the same, but an
area of signicantly weakened crust is placed along the northern edge
of South America. This results in the east coast of North America being
subject to a northwesterly tensional stress that would result in north-
east trending dikes or rifts mostly concentrated along the northeast
margin of the present day United States.
In Fig. 3G and H the effect of weak plate boundary zones is
examined for the scenario of a xed Africa, a northeast trending North
America, and a south-southeast trending South America. While there
is some small-scale variation along the rifts, strengthening (but not
removing the changes in the grid shape) the South Georgia Rift or the
other plate boundaries, has little effect on the overall stress eld.
In Fig. 3I the force applied to South America is changed from south-
southeast to southeast, this dramatically changes the stress eld in
Table 1
Refers to Fig. 3 Results: Listed as probable dike
and normal fault trends along
the south and eastern coasts of
North America
Model parameters: Unless
otherwise specied suture
zones between continents are
modeled as one order of
magnitude weaker and thinner
than surrounding continental
crust. The South Georgia Rift is
modeled in the same manner.
A N to NW trending along the
Southern margin of North
America, abrupt change in trend
around Georgia/South Carolina
border to NE trending.
NW trending motion for North
Americano motion or
resistance to motion for Africa
or South America.
B NW trending along South and
Southeastern margin of North
NNW trending motion of North
Americano motion or
resistance to motion for Africa
or South America
C N to NW trending along the
Southern and Southeastern
margin of North America,
change in trend around Georgia/
South Carolina border to NE
trending, trend change is
marked by an area of highly
variable stress direction
coinciding with the area of most
dened rift basins.
NW trending motion for North
Americano motion or
resistance to motion for Africa or
South America. Suture zones
along east coast made to
resemble rift basins with north
south trending rift basins of one
order of magnitude weaker and
thinner crust separated by strong
(same as the rest of the
continent) areas of continent
with structures at right angles to
the rift zones.
D Generally NE trending along the
Southeastern margin of North
America with possible
N trending along the Southern
NW trending motion for North
Americano motion or
resistance to motion for South
America. Africa is held xed'
xed in place so it cannot
move in response to North
America's motion.
E NE trending along the Southern
margin of North America
changing to NW trending along
the Southeastern margin and
nally changing to NE trending
along the Northeastern margin
of North America.
NW trending motion for North
America and a SSW trending
motion for South America.
Africa is held xed in place so
it cannot move in response to
North America's motion.
F Generally NE trending along the
entire Eastern margin of North
NW trending motion for North
America and a SSW trending
motion for South America.
Africa is held xedxed in
place so it cannot move in
response to North America's
motion. The area between
South and North America is
modeled as 3 orders of
magnitude lower strength than
the continental crust.
G NE trending along the Southern
margin of North America
abruptly switching to NW
trending along the Eastern
margin of North America.
Applied continental motions are
thesameAsinFig. 3F, North
America is moving to the NW,
South America is moving to the
SSW , and Africa is held xed. The
suture between South America
and North America is removed as
a zone of weakness to see the
effect this suture had on the
distribution of stress along the
H NE trending along the Southern
margin of North America,
switching gradual to NW
trending along the Eastern
margin of North America.
As in
Fig. 3F, North America is
moving to the NW, South
America is moving to the SSW,
and Africa is held xed. The
suture between South America
and North America is only
modeled as weak around Florida
and through the South Georgia
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued)
Refers to Fig. 3 Results: Listed as probable dike
and normal fault trends along
the south and eastern coasts of
North America
Model parameters: Unless
otherwise specied suture
zones between continents are
modeled as one order of
magnitude weaker and thinner
than surrounding continental
crust. The South Georgia Rift is
modeled in the same manner.
I NE trending along the Southern
and Southeastern margins of
North America, switching to NW
trending in the mid-section of
the Eastern margin.
As in Fig. 3F, North America is
moving to the NW, South
America is moving to the SSW,
and Africa is held xed. In this
model the suture between
North and South America is
simplied and the South
Georgia Rift is removed from
the zones of weakness.
J N trending dikes throughout the
North American Eastern margin.
All of the continents are subject
to an outward motion (radial
about the triple junction)
applied to their outer
boundaries due to a likely slab-
suction force.
K Small stresses in the continents
result in small N trending dikes
along the Southeastern margin
and NW trending dikes along the
Southern Margin.
A negative vertical loading is
applied to an area around the
triple junction and a radial
outward force modeled on
expected topographic
expression is emplaced around
the vertical load.
155E.K. Beutel / Tectonophysics 468 (2009) 149-157
North America including northwest trending stresses in the south-
eastern United States and northeast trending tensional stresses in the
northeastern United States.
In Fig. 3J and K two other possible scenarios are examined. In Fig. 3J
the results of a slab-rollback force applied to the edge of the model
such that a radial tensional stress was applied to the margins of the
supercontinent is examined. This results in a non-radial stress pattern
with eastwest stresses dominating along the coast of North America.
In Fig. 3K the results of a plume model are examined. A large area of
radial stress around the triple junction between North America, South
America, and Africa, was applied similar to what might be expected
from a plume dome. Interestingly, though this creates extremely large
tensional stress at the triple junction, there is very little stress
transmitted through the continents, though some eastwest tensional
stresses were located along the east coast of North America. This
would result in northsouth trending rifts or dikes.
4. Analysis
Given the results of the models, it appears that the most likely
scenario for the creation of initial northeast trending rifts along the
southeastern United States followed by northwest trending dikes in
the southeast with northeast trending dikes and rifts in the north-
eastern United States is the following: Africa is xed (or resistant to
movement); North America begins to move to the northwest around
230 Ma creating northeast trending rifts in the southeastern United
States (Fig. 3D); Around 200 Ma South America begins to move to the
south-southwest, this creates enough of a stretch in the crust to cause
decompression melting which leads to the injection of northwest
trending dikes in the southeastern United States and northeastern
trending rifts and dikes along the northeastern coast of the United
States (Fig. 3 E); Finally, as South America pulls away from North
America an area of weakened crust decouples South America's
inuence on North America's stress eld and results in a concentration
of northwestern trending tensional stress along the east coast of North
America, this results in the injection of northeast trending dikes along
the east coast, but predominantly in the northeast (Fig. 3F). The
generation of the melt volumes generally associated with volcanic
margins via stretching of the continental crust has been shown to be
viable and is inuenced by lithospheric architecture, mantle tem-
perature, and the rate of spreading (Van Wijk et al., 2001). Given these
parameters it appears that continental thinning could produce the
melt volumes seen in the CAMP province. Further, because the CAMP
dike swarms consist of the three geochemically distinct sources, with
probable depth constraints on their origin (e.g. McHone, 2000), it is
more likely that decompression melting at various depths and of a
heterogeneous mantle would result in the observed geochemical
variabilities observed in the North American Central Atlantic
Magmatic Province volcanics associated with the break-up of Pangaea.
This model explains the apparently rapidly changing stress eld in
southeastern North America (from NW tensional to NE tensional and
back to NW tensional) and why the northeastern coast of North
America has a different stress history (dominantly NW tensional).
These nite element model results suggest that the initial north-
eastern motion of North America resulted in the opening of rifts along
the southeast coast and not the northeast coast because of the
orientation of the weakened plate boundary, which acted as a stress
guide. Further the models suggest that the initiation of the movement
of South America to the south-southeast not only acted as a catalyst
for magmatism, but also rotated only the southern stresses in North
America to northeast tensional. This suggests that the stress eld
generated by South America's motion was diminished with distance
from the source and by the trend of the weakened plate boundary
zones. Finally, it appears that continued magmatism and stretching in
the Gulf of Mexico would have essentially detached South America
from North America. This would have resulted in the stress eld in
North America changing back to what it was before South America
began to move (hence beginning with NE trending normal faulting
and ending with NE trending dikes with NW trending dikes in be-
tween while South America was exerting some inuence). Because the
exerted stress eld along the southern portion of North America de-
creased dramatically with the complete separation of South America
from North America, it appears that tensional stress in the crust is
most amplied when there is resistance to the tension.
4.1. Other scenarios
It is also clear from the models that while plate boundary orien-
tation may be important in affecting where stress elds change, the
plate boundary zone does not have to be weak and areas of xed crust
or applied force that mimic the plate boundary zone shape have the
same effect (Fig. 3G and H). The effect of the shape of the plate
boundary zone is also seen in Fig. 3C where transforms were inserted
between the rifts, this causes localized (directly adjacent to the margin
probably 10s10's of km) changes in the stress eld, but does not
signicantly deviate the regional (eastern North America) stress eld.
Two non-craton driven scenarios were also examined, that of a radial
slab-retreat tensional force applied to the supercontinent and a radial
stress pattern caused by a plume. While the radial slab retreat did not
create the stress elds preserved in the rocks, it is also clear that slab
retreat can affect the stress eld within the continent and it likely was
similar in orientation to the modeled craton driven forces in models
3DF during the break-up of Pangaea. The plume scenario has been
given much credence as a cause of the break-up of Pangaea and the
radial' radial dike swarm in the southeastern United States (May,
1971; de Boer and Snider, 1979; Wilson, 1997; Ernst and Buchan, 1997;
Courtillot et al., 1999; Marzoli et al., 1999; McHone, 2000; Dalziel et al.,
2000; Janney and Castillo, 2001; Storey et al., 2001), however, model
results suggest that the stress generated by a plume would not be
transmitted very far in a continent and that the orientation of that
stress is incompatible with the observed dikes and rifts. Certainly the
presence of zones of weakness between the continents may have
affected the ability of stresses to propagate into continent. However,
the orientation of the stresses around a domal plume feature would
not result in the multiple stress elds indicated by the overlapping
dike swarms in Southeastern North America and there must have
been some zone of thinning or weakness prior to rifting or doming for
the continents to break as they did.
5. Conclusions
The break-up of Pangaea and the transition from amagmatic rifting
to magmatic rifting was likely driven by the craton driven motion of
North and South America. Finite element models indicate that the
complicated stress regime recorded along North Americas east coast is
best recreated by assuming a structural boundary between the con-
tinents and an initial northwestern motion of North America followed
by a south-southwest motion of South America and the initiation of
magmatic rifting. The nal changes in the stress eld appear to have
been caused by the separation of North America and South America by
an area of weakness. The onset of magmatic rifting is clearly asso-
ciated with a change in the stress eld in the southeastern United
States (going from Northeast rifting to Northwest trending dikes) and
therefore the initiation of the movement of South America. This sug-
gests that magmatism is a result of lithospheric thinning rather than
a particular upwelling, as an upwelling would have initiated motion
in North America and South America at the same time, whereas a
combination of slab retreat and mantle ow might allow for the
30 million year delay in onset of South America's movement. It is also
clear that magmatism and weakened crust strongly affect the regional
continental stress eld as shown by the period of weakened crust
north of South America and its effective decoupling of the South
156 E.K. Beutel / Tectonophysics 468 (2009) 149-157
American continent. Thus it is apparent that the complicated stress
elds preserved in amagmatic and magmatic features can illustrate
the importance of continental motion, boundary shape, and coupling
when considering the break-up of Pangaea and the transition from
amagmatic to magmatic rifting. The results also suggest that a plume
is an unlikely source of the CAMP magmatic province and the break-
up of Pangaea.
Sincere thanks to 3 anonymousreviewers for their helpful comments
on content and presentation, model clarity and gure clarity were
greatly improved by their comments. Special thanks to my chair, Mitch
Colgan for supporting my research efforts via meeting support and
fostering a supportive environment within the department.
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