City of Stone Mountain, Georgia
-Accounting/Budget Software Solution-
The City is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purpose of soliciting vendor proposals for an
Accounting/Budget data processing system (the system) to serve the current and projected needs of
the City. The application software and hardware configuration should comply with the minimum
specifications as outlined in this RFP.
The City intends to seek the best solution, based on the representative criteria contained in this RFP, for
its Accounting data processing needs. The successful vendor(s) will seek to establish a turnkey,
integrated hardware/software environment for the City, which will satisfy the specifications contained in
this RFP, bringing to bear whatever vendor resources are required from the areas of computer systems
software, technical training, conversion, maintenance, and support services. The City currently uses
Incode 9 for its’ Accounting System. The City desires to contract with a single vendor for all software and
software maintenance, installation, conversion and support.
Proposals will be accepted until Monday July 1,2024 5:00pm. Proposals submitted must be binding for
no less than ninety (90) days after the date received. The City will select the proposal, or combination of
proposals, that, in its opinion, is in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any or
all proposals or portions of a proposal. The City also reserves the right to waive minor technicalities in
the proposal. The City not only reserves the right at the sole discretion of the City to reject any or all
proposals and to waive technicalities, but also reserves the right of evaluation and the right to determine
the methodology for evaluation of the proposals to determine which is the best proposal. In addition, to
accept the proposal (or proposals) deemed to be in the best interest of the City, i.e., the most qualified
proposal will not necessarily be the proposal with the lowest cost. Further, the City reserves the right to
accept a proposal (or proposals) for any or all items separately or together.
Vendor inquiries are to be directed to [Danny Lamonte, Finance Director], via email at Three originals of the proposal, marked ‘original’ and clearly marked
as an "Accounting/Budget System Proposal", signed by an officer of the company, are to be submitted
and addressed on the outside as follows:
City of Stone Mountain, Georgia
ATTN: Danny Lamonte
875 Main Street
Stone Mountain, Ga 30083
You may email your complete proposal in .PDF format to
Proposals may also be hand-delivered to the above address by the date and time specified. It is the
responsibility of the Proposer to deliver the proposal in accordance with these instructions contained
above and/or elsewhere in the RFP. Proposals dispatched, but not received by the City by proposal
closing time, will be kept by the City, unopened.
The written proposal should address items A-H of the criteria described in the “Required Content for
Proposal” section of this RFP.
Selection Process
The selection process will be conducted as follows:
Review of Written Proposals
Using the criteria given in items A through H described in the ‘Required Content for Proposal’
section of the RFP and with emphasis on application software specifications, the Proposer’s
project group shall review all proposals received to determine those software vendors who are
fully qualified to provide the software, services, and support set forth by this RFP.
Discussion and Interviews
The Proposer’s project group may hold one or more discussions with the top ranked vendors who
have been deemed by the group to be fully qualified to provide software, services, and support as
set forth by this RFP. Such discussions will be for the purpose of gathering additional information
and understanding the firm’s qualifications, expertise and experience.
Evaluation and Ranking
Using all of the information developed during the proposal review and discussion stages, the
project group shall rank the top firms based on the information provided and present a
recommendation to enter into contract with the top ranked vendor to the Mayor and City Council.
The Proposer will consider the following information in the evaluation and ranking process.
A. Company Background
Provide information pertaining to the type of business, i.e., proprietorship, partnership, corporation;
primary contact information; years in business; brief company history; number of employees; % of
employees devoting 100% of their time to development and support.
Include how many public sector installations are currently live. Include any information
pertaining to any currently outstanding lawsuits against the company.
Please provide the names and resumes of the project team that would be working with the
Proposer. Provide any other company information the applicant may wish to supply.
B. Hardware Specifications
The City is seeking an open systems solution that can be hosted in the cloud and accessed using
windows-based workstations. Provide the hardware specifications needed for client workstations.
C. Operating System Software Specifications
Describe and propose the operating system software licensing required to implement the application so as
to support five concurrent users and up to 25 total users.
D. Application Software Specifications
Each specification must be answered with one of the responses described below followed by an
appropriate description.
[ A ] The current release of the software supports this specification/item. This feature is currently
installed and in successful operation at one or more of the vendor’s customer sites.
[ F ] This specification/item is not currently supported but will be supported in a future release.
[ C ] This specification/item is not currently supported but could be a custom development project.
[ N ] This specification/item is not supported, and no modifications will be provided.
Mandatory Requirements
- Must be a totally cloud based system with secure data backup.
- All application modules must be developed and maintained by the proposing company
- All application modules must be integrated and user interface identical in “look & feel”
- All application modules must maintain at least ten (10) years of detailed transaction history available for
reporting and inquiry.
General Features
- Ability for users to easily export data to Excel, CSV, PDF, etc.
- Ability for end-users to run ad-hoc reports.
- Upgrades to application software included in annual support fees.
- System must be cloud based with secure data storage.
- Financial Reporting Capabilities.
- Export budget functionality.
- Ability for department heads to see previous year actual, current year budgeted, YTD Actual, and then
enter requested amount for next budget year.
- Special budget administrator functionality.
- Ability to save historical development during budget preparation.
- Ability for users to enter justifications by line item as part of the entry screen.
- Ability to display summary data by funds, accounts, and departments.
- Ability to enter multiple funds per department.
- Ability to easily print customized budget pages for presentations.
- Ability to enter workload data, performance measurement and annual goals. Ability for requestor to
describe goals and why they are requesting the funds for an overall project or request.
- Ability to provide automatic updates to excel spreadsheets as updates are made to live database.
- Capital project tracking ability by fund and by year.
Purchasing/Accounts Payable
- Ability to integrate fixed asset management with Payables.
- Ability to create a paperless Accounts Payable Process.
- Ability to have a built-in encumbrance System
- Contract management system including items like renewal alerts for expiring contracts.
- Automatic budget verifications for purchase orders and contracts.
- Purchasing controls by various thresholds (IE - ability to manage different signers based on financial
levels, or council approval on items over set amounts.)
- Ability to see any history with a particular vendor.
Web Inquiry & Payment Portal
Developed and hosted by software provider
Displays customers account information including owner of record, property location, meter reading,
meter reading date and consumption, billed amount, payment amount and balance due
Customer can pay by; credit card, debit card or eCheck
Ability to assign a pin number for customer validation
Ability for real time verification of online payments
Email notification of payment files and verification reports
Accounts Receivable & Business Licensing
Integrates with the general ledger
- Ability to an unlimited number of miscellaneous invoices
Ability to create an unlimited number of business licenses or business privilege tax
Ability to duplicate (renew) invoices and / or business licenses
Ability to “write-off” accounts receivables
Ability to print and send customer statements
Training and Ongoing Support
- The City expects the selected vendor to provide training on the new system to all staff that will be using
the different modules. In addition, Ongoing support is vital and will be a point of emphasis in
choosing the next vendor.
E. Data Conversion
The City expects the selected vendor to have a data conversion process to convert our current data to the
new system. We are currently using a server-based software package and thus will need to be
converted to the cloud-based version of the selected vendor.
F. Project Schedule
The City plans to have a selected vendor identified within 30 days of the RFP close date of July 1, 2024.
Our fiscal year starts in January and ends in December. Thus, we would like to get the process started
as soon as possible to move to the new system.
G. Cost Detail
Provide an itemized list of all charges in the following order: operating system licensing, operating
system software installation charges, application cost breakdown by module, training, conversion,
software customization, maintenance, data conversion, and any other cost associated with the acquisition
of the system.
Amounts should contain no taxes and include all transportation and delivery, FOB, Stone Mountain, GA.
All costs shall be in actual dollar and cent amounts, “Time and Material” quotation is not acceptable.
Please provide the best estimate for travel costs, cables, and other miscellaneous items.
H. Contract Documents
The proposer should include a sample purchase contract, maintenance agreement, and license fee and/or
franchise agreement with proposal.
Date and Receipt of RFP
Formally advertised Request for Proposal indicates a time and a date for receipt of the RFP. Responses
are date stamped upon receipt, those received after the scheduled closing time will be kept unopened by
the Proposer.
Withdrawal or Modification of RFP
The proposing firm may request withdrawal or modification of their sealed proposal prior to the scheduled
closing date and time. You will be required to produce photo identification that satisfies the City prior to
withdrawal or modification of your qualifications package. After being opened, the RFP will be valid for
90 calendar days.
Contract Award
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities and
technicalities, and to request resubmission or additional information. The City reserves the right to award
the contract to the most responsible and responsive proposing firm, resulting in an agreement which is
most advantageous to and in the best interest of the Proposer. The City shall be the sole judge as to
whether the proposal and the resulting agreement are in the best interest of the City, and the Proposer’s
decision shall be final.
Contract Documents
Within ten (7) calendar days after the City’s notification of intent to award, any successful proposer must
furnish all documentation required to support the City’s intent. If any successful proposer fails to furnish
the required deliverables within the required time frame, the award to that proposer may be withdrawn and
award made to the next highest rated proposer.
Addenda and Interpretations
If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, a written addendum will be provided to all known
proposing firms. Interpretations, corrections, and changes shall not be binding unless made by
Addendum. The proposing firm shall not rely upon interpretations, corrections or changes made in any
other manner, whether by telephone, or in person. All Addenda issued shall become part of the Contract
documents. It is the proposing firm’s responsibility to ascertain that it has received all addenda issued for
this solicitation. All addenda must be acknowledged by the proposing firm.
Termination for Convenience
The Proposer shall have the right to terminate at the City’s convenience, with or without cause, any
contract resulting from this RFP by specifying the date of termination in a written notice. In this event, the
firm shall be entitled to just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed. All work
produced shall become the property of the Proposer.
Assignment of Contractual Rights
It is agreed that the successful proposer will not assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of the
contract or its right, title, interest in whole or any part thereof, without previous written consent of the City
and any sureties, of which the City shall be under no obligation to grant. The Proposer must receive
notification of any change in the members of the project team identified in this proposal.
RFP Proposal and Clarifications
The Proposer reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and to request additional
information about one or more Proposing firms. Any inquiries, suggestions or requests concerning
interpretation, clarification or additional information pertaining to the RFP shall be made in writing to
Danny Lamonte The Proposer shall not be responsible for oral
interpretations given by any employee, representative, or others. The issuance of a written addendum
signed by Danny Lamonte of City of Stone Mountain, GA is the only official method whereby
interpretation, clarification, or additional information can be given. The Proposer will provide by email to all
official RFP holders any addenda which is issued to this RFP Official RFP holders are those who obtain
an RFP from the Proposer.
Indemnification Requirement
The City shall require the following or similar indemnification paragraphs to be made part of the
contract(s) as entered into with the successful proposer(s):
• The City shall be held harmless against all claims for bodily injury, sickness, disease, death or personal
injury or damage to property or loss of use resulting there from arising out of performance of the
agreement or contract, unless such claims are a result of the City’s own negligence.
• The City shall also be held harmless against all claims for financial loss with respect to the provision of
or failure to provide professional or other services resulting in professional, malpractice, or errors or
omissions liability arising out of performance of the agreement or contract, unless such claims are a result
of the City’s own negligence.
Confidentiality of Documents
All proposals that have been submitted shall be open for public inspection.
Contact with City Employees.
In order to ensure fair and objective evaluation, all questions related to this RFP should be addressed only
to the person(s) named in this RFP. Contact with any other City employee, except at the vendor pre-bid
meeting, (if conducted), is expressly prohibited without prior consent of the person(s) so named herein.
Vendors directly contacting other City employees will risk elimination of their proposal from further
Software Defects
The vendor shall properly correct all software defects for which the vendor is responsible, within the time
period agreed upon by the City and the vendor.
The vendor shall provide a minimum of a one-year warranty from the date of the installation. Vendor shall
warranty that, during the minimum period, the system will be free of defects in material and workmanship.
Response Preparation Costs
The City will not pay any costs incurred by any vendor in the proposal preparation, printing, demonstration
or negotiation process. All costs shall be borne by the proposing vendors with the exception of costs
associated with any City personnel visits to Vendor offices or other client sites.
Certificates of insurance shall be addressed to the City. All insurance shall be in effect during the term of
the contract. Vendor shall provide the following coverage:
• General liability, errors, and omissions insurance not less than $1 million for bodily injury including
accidental death, to any one person and aggregate. Property damage not less than $1 million for any one
accident or aggregate.
• Vendor's Protective Liability Damage Insurance in the same minimum coverage as under General
Liability Insurance.
• Worker compensation insurance in accordance with provisions of the Labor Code of Georgia.