The enclosed REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) and accompanying Specifications are for
your convenience in submitting an offer for the enclosed referenced products and services:
Payroll and Human Resource Software
CLOSING DAY AND TIME : Sealed proposals will be received no later than:
5:00 P.M. CST, January 31, 2012
MARK ENVELOPE: "RFP Payroll and Human Resource Software”
The Woodlands Township
Attn: Susan Welbes, Director of Human Resources
2801 Technology Forest Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77381
THE Woodlands Township appreciates your time and effort in preparing this proposal. Please
note that all proposals must be received at the designated location by the above deadline. Proposals
received after the deadline will not be considered for the award of the contract, and will be
considered void and unacceptable.
The Woodlands Township is very conscious and extremely appreciative of the time and effort you
have expended to submit an offer.
Completed proposals will be received in the Human Resources Office, The Woodlands
Township, 2801 Technology Forest Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77381 until the bid
submission deadline (January 31, 2012, 5:00 pm) as stated on the cover page. Respondents
are to mail their responses to The Woodlands Township, Attn: Susan Welbes, 2801
Technology Forest Drive, The Woodlands, Texas 77381. Respondents are cautioned to mail
proposals early, to allow for proposals to be received before bid submission deadline.
Proposal responses received after the closing time and date will be returned to the sender
All proposals are required to be signed by an authorized representative of the entity
submitting the proposal. Proposals received unsigned will not be considered.
The Township is exempt from Federal Excise and State Sales Tax; therefore, tax must not be
included in the proposal price.
Demonstrations or verifications of the Respondent's ability to provide these services, when
required, must be furnished free of cost to the Township.
Proposals cannot be altered, amended or withdrawn by the Respondent (Vendor) after the
bid submission deadline. Any interlineations, alteration, or erasure made before this
deadline, must be initialed by the signer of the proposal, guaranteeing authenticity.
The Township reserves the right to withdraw the request for proposal for any reason or to
reject any or all proposals or parts of all or any specific proposal or proposals. The
Township further reserves the right to accept part or all of any specific proposals or
proposal, and to accept any proposal or proposals with or without trade-in.
Proposals are not available for public inspection until after the contract award. If the
proposal contains trade secrets and confidential information, then the proposal is not open to
public review even after the proposal award, provided that the Respondent has notified the
Township, in writing, that the proposal contains trade secrets and confidential information.
The Woodlands Township is not responsible for lateness or non-delivery of mail, carrier,
etc. to the Township, and the time and date recorded in the Human Resources Office shall be
the official time of receipt.
Materials delivered or installed in error shall be removed or corrected at the successful
Respondent's expense.
The cost of all special packing, boxing, crating, or cartage shall be included in the pricing
specified on the response unless otherwise specifically stated in the Township's request. At
the Township's option, all packing, crating, or other debris resulting from the delivery or set-
up of the commodity purchased shall be removed and properly disposed of by the successful
The cost of all service and materials used in the original conversion/implementation of the
project shall be included in the quote provided by the Township. Subsequent charges for
labor, travel or upgrades shall be outlined in the proposal. This includes the delivery and
shipping cost of equipment and materials to be installed. The Township does not accept
C.O.D. or collect shipments.
The title and risk of loss of the equipment or materials shall not pass to the Township until
the Township actually receives, takes possession, and accepts the finished installation.
The Township reserves the right to negotiate all elements which comprise the proposal and
to accept or reject part or all of any proposal.
Any deviations from specifications and alternate proposals must be clearly shown with
complete information provided by the Respondent. They may or may not be considered by
the Township.
If unit prices and their extensions do not coincide, the Township may accept the lesser
The successful Respondent's rights and duties awarded by the contract may not be assigned
to another without written consent of the Township signed by the Township's authorized
agent. Such consent shall not relieve the assigner of liability in the event of default by the
Any ambiguity in the proposal as a result of omission, error, lack of clarity or non-
compliance by the Respondent with specifications, instructions and all conditions shall be
construed in the favor of the Township.
No oral statement of any person shall modify or otherwise change, or affect the terms,
conditions or specifications stated in the resulting contract. All change orders to the contract
will be made in writing and shall not be effective unless signed by an authorized
representative of the Township.
The Township shall have the right to modify this order subject to an adjustment in the price
in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Purchase Order, if any, or pursuant to
mutual agreements. No agreement or understanding to modify this order shall be binding on
the Township unless it is in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the
19. LIENS:
The successful Respondent agrees to and shall indemnify and save harmless the Township
against any and all liens and encumbrances for all labor, goods and services which may be
provided under the Township's request, by seller or seller's vendor(s). Should the Township
requests, a proper release of all liens or satisfactory evidence of freedom from liens shall be
delivered to the Township.
The successful Respondent hereby warrants that the use of the products and materials in this
agreement will not infringe on the rights of any patent, copyright, or registered trademark,
covering such materials. The successful Respondent agrees to indemnify and hold harmless
the Township for any and all costs, expenses, judgments and damages which the Township
may have to pay or incur.
The Township may, by written notice to the successful Respondent, cancel this contract
without liability to the Respondent if it is determined by the Township that gratuities or
bribes in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise, were offered or given by the
successful Respondent, or its agent or representative to any Township officer, employee or
elected representative with respect to the performance of the contract. In addition, the
successful Respondent may be subject to penalties stated in Title 8 of the Texas Penal Code.
This request for proposal (RFP) is classified as high technology under Texas State
Purchasing Law. As such, proposals are not available for public inspection until after the
contract award. If the proposal contains trade secrets and confidential information, then the
proposal is not open to public review even after the proposal award, provided that the
respondent has notified the Township, in writing, that the proposal contains trade secrets and
confidential information. All confidential information in the proposal must be clearly
A. Although intended to be functional in nature, the requirements outlined in
this request for proposal represents the Township's desired specifications and
performance level. Respondents are invited to take exception to any of the
specifications; however, these must be noted and supported with written
documentation. When exceptions are taken, the Respondents are encouraged
to offer alternative solutions and/or additional features in their proposals.
B. The Township invites proposals from any qualified Respondent to ensure the
Township the best available products and system.
If requested by the Township, the Respondent shall provide a complete set of operational
instructions and descriptive literature for proper evaluation of the product proposed.
In the event that special tools are required to operate or maintain the equipment installed, the
successful Respondent shall furnish these tools at no cost to the Township.
Each Respondent shall submit a complete breakdown of any warranties or guarantees
provided by the manufacturer or Respondent with the quote submitted.
The successful Respondent shall provide on-site (or classroom, if applicable) instruction to
designated Township employees as required to operate the equipment purchased. The
Township will determine the appropriate amount and time of training needed.
Questions related to this RFP must be made in writing and directed to:
Susan L. Welbes
Department of Human Resources
The Woodlands Township
2801 Technology Forest Drive
The Woodlands, Texas 77381
Telephone #: 281-210-3821
A purchase order may be generated by the Township to the successful Respondent to initiate
Payroll/HR software conversion/implementation project. If so, the purchase order number
must appear on all billing documents.
The successful Respondent will be selected on a rational basis. Evaluation factors outlined
below shall be applied to all eligible, responsive Respondents in comparing proposals and
selecting the successful Respondent. Award of a contract may be made without discussion
with Respondents after responses are received. Proposals should, therefore, be submitted on
the most favorable terms. The Township reserves the right to void the purchase order if the
successful Respondent has not performed within the date specified by the Respondent's
Proposal evaluation factors include:
A. 40% Features, operating speed, quality of construction, warranty,
compatibility, flexibility, and durability of the proposed product,
including responsiveness to the attached questionnaire, completeness
and thoroughness of the software and supporting technology.
B. 20% Demonstrated Respondent's experience and technical support,
including repair staff, with the type of Payroll/HR software and
peripherals offered.
C. 20% Total evaluated cost.
D. 10% Proposed product recommendations from third parties. (References)
E. 10% Meeting the Township’s required deadline to go live with the project.
A response to this RFP will be reviewed and evaluated by Township staff from the
following departments:
Human Resources
Information Technology
The Township reserves the right to require additional technical and pricing information and
negotiate all elements which comprise the Vendor's proposal to ensure that the best possible
consideration be afforded to all concerned.
*** The Township reserves the right to accept all or part of any proposal, to reject any or
all proposals, and to re-solicit for proposals. ***
Only the name of the Respondents responding to this proposal shall be released after the
proposal deadline. Other information submitted by the Respondent shall not be released by
the Township during the proposal evaluation process or prior to contract award.
Payment to the successful Respondent will be as a lump sum payment after satisfactory
installation, as determined by the Township, and receipt of invoice or other billing
instrument used by the successful bidder.
Should the Township accept the Respondent's maintenance offer, an agreement will be
negotiated at that time.
The Woodlands Township has determined that the manufacturer's brand, if any, listed in the
specifications meets these specifications. This manufacturer's reference is not intended to be
restrictive, but descriptive of the type and quality the Township desires to purchase. Quotes
for similar manufactured equipment of like quality will be considered if the proposal is fully
noted with the manufacturer's brand name and model. The Township reserves the right to
determine products of equal value. Respondents will not be allowed to make unauthorized
substitutions after award is made.
The proposal must show the number of days required to convert existing data, train
employees and go live with the software at the Township's designated locations under
normal conditions.
The Township requests one (1) original and five (5) copies of your proposal. Your proposal
may be mailed or hand delivered to the address list on cover page of this Request for
Proposal. Proposals will not be accepted or considered if delivered via email.
All proposals must include a statement that they are valid for a minimum period of one
hundred eighty (180) days from the RFP closing date.
The successful Respondent will be awarded a twelve (12) month contract effective the date
of award. All pricing must not increase throughout this twelve (12) month period. At the
Township's option, the contract may be renewed for up to four (4) additional twelve (12)
month periods. The service purchased under this agreement may be subject to price increase
at the time of each annual renewal based on the current Employment Cost Index for your
industry category as published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Any adjustment in pricing must be presented to the Township at least 60 days before the
expiration of the current agreement.
The Township may terminate the contract by giving the Respondent written notice. Upon
delivery of such notice by the Township to the Respondent, the Respondent shall
discontinue all services in connection with the performance of this agreement and shall
proceed to cancel promptly all existing orders and contracts insofar as such orders or
contracts are chargeable to this agreement. As soon as practicable after receipt of notice of
termination, the Respondent shall submit a statement, showing in detail the goods
satisfactorily delivered and accepted by the Township under this agreement to the date of
termination. Any data stored off-site with the Respondent shall be returned in the most
efficient means possible for the Township. The Township shall then pay the Respondent
that portion of the prescribed charges.
No bonds are required for this proposal.
The successful bidder shall meet the minimum Texas State
Financial Responsibility Act requirements for the operation
of vehicle(s) used in the delivery of the item(s) purchased by
the Township. Specific requirements are outlined on Attachment II.
Respondent agrees to defend, indemnify and hold The Woodlands
Township, its employees, officers, and elected representatives,
whole and harmless against any and all claims for damages, costs
and expenses of persons or property that may arise out of, or be
occasioned by, or from any negligent act, or omission of Respondent,
or any agent, servant or employee of Respondent in the execution of
performance of this contract, without regard to whether such
persons are under the direction of Township agents or employees.
This section should contain: The name and address of the proposing firm and the names
and telephone numbers of the individuals authorized to answer technical, price, and/or
contract questions. The cover letter must also be signed by an officer authorized to bind the
Describe, in this letter, the technical experience level and certifications earned by the staff that
will be providing the Township's HR/Payroll software conversion/implementation service.
Include a summary which gives in brief, concise terms, and overview of your proposal.
This section should state:
The full name and address of the respondents’ organization and identify the parent
company if the respondent is a subsidiary. Specify the branch office or other
subordinate element which will perform, or assist in performing this work. Indicate
whether the respondent operates as a corporation, partnership, or individual. Include
the State in which the respondent is incorporated and/or licensed to operate, the date
of incorporation or licensing.
Provide a listing of the principal officers of the company to include name, title, and
length of experience with the respondent organization. Provide prior year financial
statements, if available. Provide the same information for an entity which will
participate in this project through a joint venture or subcontract arrangement.
This section should also:
Describe the proposed project organization and the position that the project
personnel will occupy within the organization. It should identify project personnel
by name and provide a detailed resume outlining his/her appropriate experience on
other similar projects. The respondent must supply resumes for all staff to be
assigned to the project. The Township reserves the right to terminate the contract
due to the removal of any key project staff which the Township believes would
negatively impact the successful completion of the project.
This section shall be used by the respondent to list a minimum of five (5) references using
the equipment proposed. The respondent should include the following minimum
information for each reference (“Attachment I” may be used for this purpose):
Name of the company;
Contact individual & telephone number;
Major differences between the service provided the reference and the
service proposed to The Woodlands Township; and
Length of time your firm has provided service to the reference.
This section shall be used by the respondent to list a minimum of three (3) reference
sites. At least one (1) of the reference sites should be a site at which the respondent has
provided software and related support services and is currently operational. The respondent
should include the following minimum information for each reference:
- Using Agency
- Contact Individual
- System Description
- Major differences between operational system and proposed system
- Date of System installation
The Woodlands Township may, at its option, visit operating sites to observe the software
and systems in day to day use.
This section shall contain any Respondent elaboration regarding software philosophy,
hardware architecture, or other items of information which the Respondent feels important
to a clear understanding of the proposed system and services and/or the Respondent's
The Respondent shall provide specific descriptions of the warranties and of the remedies
available to the Township and the circumstances under which the warranties and remedies
shall be available.
The Respondent shall outline intended testing procedures (addressing Township
participation) and terms for acceptance.
The cost proposal will be laid out in distinct and separate sections. If Respondent offers
alternatives to purchasing the software, i.e. outsourcing, please lay out the cost proposal for
each option.
A. The cost of the software products proposed.
B. Hourly Rates for Labor during normal working hours and rates
for services rendered week-ends and after-hours.
C. Travel time charges (if any) and travel mileage rate.
D. Any Hardware Costs, if applicable.
E. Approximate Training Time.
G. Annual Support and Maintenance costs.
H. Time Frame for Implementation.
I. As examples of pricing, give estimates of cost involved for items
A - D for the following projects:
Installing hardware, if applicable.
Installing software, ensuring compatibility with all relevant
Converting existing data.
Training personnel to run systems.
Completing successful “dry-run” of systems.
“Going live” with systems.
Unless otherwise stated, all specifications listed are minimum requirements.
The Woodlands Township is currently seeking proposals for Payroll/Human Resources software
services. The Woodlands Township is the governmental service provider of approximately 97,000
citizens, with 350 employees, plus an additional 390 seasonal employees. The Township has used
its current software since 2001. The Township is looking at other options for the payroll and human
resources software functions.
When we began this process, we asked ourselves:
What does The Woodlands Township want to accomplish with the Payroll/HR software?
Answer The Township wants to provide efficient and effective services with the
Payroll/HR software, making the best use of staff’s time. The Township
wishes to print requested reports, make time-sensitive changes, manipulate
employee data as effortlessly as possible, track employees’ time, and allow
managers and employees to use the software for self-service. An effective
Payroll/HR software will free personnel from task-oriented, manual efforts,
and provide time to proactively support employees and managers as they
perform their duties.
Where does The Woodlands Township see technology going in this area?
Answer From what’s been examined on the internet, in news and magazine articles,
and “word of mouth,” technology is changing almost daily with the
objective being faster and smoother in less time and with less effort, and the
Township wishes to be a part of the revolution in technology.
What can The Woodlands Township afford to have? What can the Township afford NOT to have?
Answer The Township understands that the services will not be free, but in this era
of “more for less” the Township MUST make better use of existing and
future technological advances.
Please complete the request for proposal:
Answer each element in as much detail as necessary to deepen our understanding of the services provided. To
eliminate misunderstandings, use complete sentences and avoid “understood” subjects and objects.
I. General Requirements
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
The software provides for 10 concurrent users.
Respondent is a stable company with 8-10 years experience
in HR/Payroll software and services.
Software provides automated transaction processing based
on effective date and user rules.
Software provides rules-based system logic.
Software provides real-time paycheck generation for
manual checks.
Software will support document scanning.
The software workflow design will be event-triggered or
date specific, or rules based.
II. Software Vendor Information
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
Provide vendor contact
(Name, title, address, phone, tax, email address).
Provide the company website.
Provide a Revenue/Income statement.
Employees (# US, # Southern region, # Texas)
Who are your target customers?
List your municipal and government customers.
(List agency, contact person, phone #, email)
Provide other company highlights.
(Awards, highlights, outstanding accomplishments, etc.)
III. Security and Back-Up
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
The software will provide flexible user-defined security
down to the field level, or at a minimum to the module and
screen level.
The software will have 10 year data retention.
(Keep 5 years
current on system), and 5-year retention of System Rules
history showing the rules applicable at the time a particular
payroll was run and logic behind them for audit purposes.
The software will provide real time updating of data with
audit trail (user maintained documentation) without being
locked out if other transactions are occurring (i.e. payroll
being processed).
Software will provide validation edits for required
input fields.
Software will provide user-definable archive/purge
IV. Technology
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
Provide information regarding your software’s
recommended or required platform: Township is currently
Provide information regarding your Internet Browser
Is your system an “open architecture?”
Application must be SaaS.
Software will provide Windows-format context will be
Internet Explorer.
Discuss remote access strategy which applies business and
security rules to users.
Software will provide real-time processing and reporting as
well as batch (flexibility to have either process as
requested by user).
Software system will provide Township staff the ability for
security administrators to see attempted breaches of
security via report or online alert to console operator.
The software will be ODBC Compliant
The vendor will offer turnkey Installation software will
be furnished and supported.
Software will feature “drill down” in all modules.
Township would prefer directly from the application rather
than through 3
System and software will allow download and import
capabilities to (existing) other modules, or systems.
VI. Modules to Include:
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
Software will have many reports built into system and
provide for additional easy report writing.
Reports will include: EEO, Affirmative Action, Worker’s
Comp, Employee Development, Training Administration,
Position Control, Leave and Vacation Tracking etc.
Software will include a Compensation module.
Software will be set for payroll run on bi-weekly basis.
Modules will include Benefits Administration. (Cobra,
Retirement, others)
Modules will include Off time accruals.
Modules will include a Report Writer (preferably one built
into the system)
Software system will allow Township staff the ability to
run a trial payroll by individual, group, or entire employee
VI. Modules to Include (continued)
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
Software system will provide Township staff the ability to
run an employee inquiry search by alpha-numeric
character, SSN, ID number, location, division, department,
Software system will allow Township staff the ability to
run deduction ceilings based on dollar amount, maximum
limit, fixed percentages, or effective dating with user-
defined rules per employee.
Software will support flexible wage calculations including
shift differentials, upgrade pay, step-up pay, etc.
Software will support multiple overtime rules; this, in
addition to the standard overtime rule of hours worked
more than 40 in a week are eligible for overtime.
Software system will allow the ability to deduct and send
child support and/or other payroll deduction information to
the appropriate agency.
Software system will provide for retirement plan
calculations including 457(b) and 401(a) plans, by
effective dates, percent of participation by location, special
deferral before
retirement, including minimum and
maximum amounts, and maximum participation.
Software system will allow Township staff the ability to
have deductions or pay increases automatically applied
based on starting and ending dates rather than pay period.
Software system will allow Township staff the ability to
handle base units, i.e. for each hour worked; get a
simultaneously supporting incremental amount added to
base pay.
Software system will allow Township staff the ability to
handle standard Employee and Township paid deductions
with ceilings on retirement plans, catch-up contributions,
Section 125, and other areas.
Software system will have the capability to track special
executive benefits, auto allowance, etc.
Software will allow pre or post-tax wage earnings or
Software system will allow Township staff automatic pay
processing for selected employees of earning types.
Software system will allow ACH deductions for a
minimum of ten accounts.
Software will be flexible enough to allow overrides on
scheduled deductions, taxes, earnings, at employee or pay
group levels.
VII. Human Resources Management
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
Enable HR to generate multiple varied
reports easily
within the system, and provide the ability to easily create
custom reports using description fields and previews.
Software will maintain data on employee status, such as re-
hire, new hire, and whether position is a replacement,
newly created position, and indicate if position was created
by organizational change
System will provide unlimited optional fields for future
System will provide position control, position requisition
tracking and job code tracking.
System will provide applicant tracking; track applicants by
requisition number, print batch reject letters, sort by
education/skills, etc.
System will provide Organizational Charting by
department, division and company.
System will maintain employee education background,
education level completed, schools attended, degrees
received, certification, etc.
System will record drug testing information and history;
test dates, results, dates of suspension, return to work, date
of termination, etc., with secured access.
System will support a merit increase program based on
category of performance rating.
System will set up different non-productive time
algorithms and provide the ability to track accrual, usage,
and balance of leave allotments.
System will provide FMLA leave eligibility and use
tracking with related reporting; will have the ability to
track intermittent leave as well as blocks of time.
System will provide Township staff the ability to flag
employees by leave type (i.e. unpaid time off, or FMLA
eligibility) for reporting and audit.
System will provide EEO/AA information, planning,
tracking and reporting.
VIII. Compensation
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
System will provide salary
planning tool capable of
running scenarios for budget forecasting.
System will provide salary analysis and provide the ability
to review salaried employees by projected hours for salary
System will provide salary analysis and provide the ability
to review salaried employees by projected hours for salary
VIII. Compensation (continued):
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
System will provide salary analysis and provide the
ability to review salaried employees by projected
hours for salary survey.
System will provide compensation structure support
and report salaries by position, grade, and quartiles
for each employee.
System will support a merit increase program based
on category of performance rating.
System will provide Township staff the ability to
enter multiple increases on a date with different
reasons coded and maintain history.
System will provide Township staff the ability to
track changes in job code and title, identify reasons
for merit and promotional pay increases, identify
demotions due to economic adjustments (salary
reductions), and voluntary personnel requests for
lower grade/step job classifications.
IX. Benefits Administration
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
System will support the following benefits:
1. Basic Life
2. Accidential Dealth and Dismemberment
3. Paid Time Off (including vacation, sick, jury,
bereavement, and military).
4. Flexible Spending Account (FSA) – health and
dependent care.
5. Medical Plan
6. Dental Plan
7. Cobra Administration
8. HIPPA Administration (Cert of Coverage)
9. Retirement Plans (457b and 401a)
10. Vision Plan
11. Voluntary Life Insurance
12. Voluntary AD&D Insurance
13. Short Term Disability
14. Long Term Disability
15. Dependent Group Life Insurance
16. Tuition Reimbursement
System will provide user-defined rules tables to
establish plan parameters, eligible plan and particular
System will provide flexible reporting on all aspects
of employee benefits and status; retirement, disabled
employee benefits, length of benefit/time used,
reason, return to work dates, cause for separation, etc.
IX. Benefits Administration (continued):
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
System will provide employee leave tracking, reporting by
leave type (vacation, sick, jury duty, FMLA, Military
leave, bereavement, etc.)
System will provide ability to produce a monthly letter to
each employee (system-generated) showing previous leave
balance, time accrued, time used and new balance for
vacation and sick leave or other balances.
System will provide Township staff the ability to generate
benefits statements.
System will provide worker’s compensation tracking.
System will provide Township staff the ability to track
dependents and dependent coverage eligibility.
System will provide Township staff the tools to facilitate
bill reconciliation with the insurance carriers.
System will provide Township staff the ability to
electronically report eligibility to third party administrators
and carriers.
System will allow Township staff the ability to track and
administer COBRA.
X. Self-Service Module
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
The system will allow employees and managers to
access certain information without approval from
Human Resources.
The system will allow managers to run departmental
The system will allow employees to change their
address, tax withholding, direct deposit, and other
demographic information.
The system will allow employees to model their
paycheck based on changing tax status, salary, benefits,
The Self Service Module will be integrated into the
HR/Payroll software (same log-in, different security)
The module will allow employees to access their W-2
information online.
XI. Timekeeping
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
The system will be user-friendly and allow employees to
easily track their work-time and off-
time, and allow
managers to approve their timesheets easily.
The system will be web-based and fully integrated into the
HR/Payroll software. (same log-in, different security)
The system will be highly adaptable support web
clocking and time clocks, support different time off
accruals, etc.
The system will have reporting capabilities that can be
exported into Excel
for example, managers should be
able to run reports showing when their employees are
scheduled off for a given month.
The system will be able to support a multitude of flexible
schedules and easily allow modifications to employee
The system will allow employees to track time by duration,
by exception, and by actual time in/out.
The system will allow several levels of supervisors to
access employee timesheets: (example Supervisor,
Manager and Director)
XII. Report Writer
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
The report writer will be a user intuitive tool with
import/export capabilities to Excel or Word documents.
The report writer will use description fields and allow
previews of reports.
The writer will allow Township staff the ability to run
reports either online or batch mode. Staff will be able
to schedule batch reports based on date and time
The report writer should be fully integrated into the
HR/Payroll system.
The report writer needs to accommodate varying skill
levels of end-users.
The writer will have a large number of standard
reports (which are customizable) within the built-in
report writer.
The writer will have “ad-hoc” query capabilities by
field, such as department, employee status, EEO code,
or workman’s compensation code.
The writer will allow for custom written report
templates to be shared among users.
XI. Implementation Vendor
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
The vendor will assign experienced Project Management
and consultants to the client.
Transfer of knowledge to client throughout the process is a
basic tenet (and requirement) of the vendor.
Vendor must be able to tailor methodology to meet
client’s audit requirements.
Vendor will provide knowledge transfer on an
ongoing basis.
Vendor will be experienced with doing integration to
legacy systems.
Vendor will provide in-house training support.
XII. Miscellaneous
(Provide information or affirmative or negative and optionally discuss.)
Will Vendor provide a dedicated service
representative to The Township?
What is the service call response? Township requires
a response time of two (2) hours.
In reference to upgrades, improvements, etc., what
can we expect in the next year?
In reference to upgrades, improvements, etc. what can
we expect in the next 3-5 years?
How many hours of training are needed to implement
I agree to meet the stated minimum requirements as set forth in theses specifications and any
documents attached for the total price listed.
If you have multiple service options available, please outline and price each option.
o Materials (software, hardware, peripherals, etc.)
Please attach itemized price list and Identify any payment options, if any:
Approximate number of hours of training needed: ______________________________________
Labor per Hour:
8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday thru Friday: ______________________________________
Evenings, Nights & Weekends: ______________________________________
Mileage Costs: ______________________________________
Travel Time Cost: ______________________________________
Installation, Implementation and Training Costs: ______________________________________
Annual Support and Maintenance Costs: ______________________________________
Other Relevant Expenses: ______________________________________
Estimated Time Frame for Implementation: ______________________________________
Respondent/Company Name:
Authorized Representative:
Title: ___________________________________________________________________________
Please provide the following:
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City, State & Zip: _________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________________________________
Fax Number: _____________________________________________________________________
Est. Response Time After Receipt of Order: ___________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________________
Warranty, if applicable: (Please describe):
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone Number: ( )
Products/services Purchased by Reference:
Differences in Reference (product/service) and that Proposed to the Township:
Date Purchased: __
Company Name:
Contact Person:
Telephone Number: ( )
Products/services Purchased by Reference:
Differences in Reference (product/service) and that Proposed to the Township:
Date Purchased: __
Prior to the approval of this contract by the Township, the successful Respondent shall furnish a
completed Insurance Certificate to the Township, which shall be completed by an agent authorized
to bind the named underwriter(s) to the coverages, limits, and termination provisions shown
thereon, and which shall furnish and contain all required information referenced or indicated
The Township reserves the right to review the insurance requirements of this section during the
effective period of the contract and to require adjustment of insurance coverages and their limits
when deemed necessary and prudent by the Township based upon changes in statutory law, court
decisions, or the claims history of the industry as well as the Respondent.
Subject to the Respondent's right to maintain reasonable deductibles in such amounts as are
approved by the Township, the Respondent shall obtain and maintain in full force and effect for the
duration of this contract, and any extension hereof, at the successful Respondent's sole expense,
insurance coverage written by companies approved by the State of Texas and acceptable to the
Township, in the following type(s) and amount(s):
Worker's Compensation Statutory
Employers Liability $100,000/500,000/100,000
NOTE: For building or construction projects, the successful Respondent shall meet the
minimum requirements defined in the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission
Rule 28 TAC §110.110 which follows this insurance attachment.
Commercial General (public) Combined single limit for bodily
Liability insurance including Injury and property damage of
coverage for: $500,000 per occurrence or its
3. Comprehensive Automobile Combined single limit for bodily injury
Liability insurance, including and property damage of $500,000 per
coverage for loading and occurrence or its equivalent.
unloading hazards, for:
Owned/leased vehicles
Non-owned vehicles
Hired vehicles
The Township shall be entitled, upon request, and without expense, to receive copies of the policies
and all endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable request for deletion, revision, or
modification of particular policy terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions (except where policy
provisions are established by law or regulation binding upon either of the parties hereto or the
underwriter of any of such policies). Upon such request by the Township, the Respondent shall
exercise reasonable efforts to accomplish such changes in policy coverages, and shall pay the cost
The successful Respondent agrees that with respect to the above required (Comprehensive General
Liability and Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance) insurance contracts and certificate(s)
of insurance will contain and state, in writing, on the certificate or its attachment, the following
required provisions:
Name the Township and its officers, employees, and elected representatives as additional
insured, (as the interest of each insured may appear) as to all applicable coverage;
Provide for 30 days notice to the Township for cancellation, non-renewal, or material
change; 10 days notice for workers' compensation coverage.
All copies of the certificates of insurance shall reference the project name or bid number for
which the insurance is being supplied.
The Respondent agrees to waive subrogation against the Township, its officers, employees,
and elected representatives for injuries, including death, property damage, or any loss to the
extent same may be covered by the proceeds of insurance;
Provide that all provisions of this agreement concerning liability, duty, and standard of care
together with the indemnification provision, shall be underwritten by contractual liability
coverage sufficient to include such obligations within applicable policies.
Provide for notice to the Township at the two addresses shown below by registered mail;
For coverages that are only available with claims made policies, the required period of
coverage will be determined by the following formula: Continuous coverage for the life of
the contract, plus one year (to provide coverage for the warranty period) and an extended
discovery period for a minimum of 5 years which shall begin at the end of the warranty
The Respondent shall notify the Township in the event of any change in coverage and shall give
such notices not less than 30 days prior to the change, which notice must be accompanied by a
All notices shall be given to the Township at the following two addresses:
Susan Welbes
The Woodlands Township
2801 Technology Forest Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77381
Monique Sharp
The Woodlands Township
2801 Technology Forest Drive
The Woodlands, TX 77381
Approval, disapproval, or failure to act by the Township regarding any insurance supplied by the
Respondent shall not relieve the Respondent of full responsibility or liability for damages and
accidents as set forth in the contract documents. Neither shall the bankruptcy, insolvency, or denial
of liability by the insurance company exonerate the Respondent from liability.
General Information
The Township’s evaluation/implementation team will consist of employees from the Human
Resources, Payroll, Information Technology and Purchasing departments. We anticipate
that there will be approximately three (3) users of the payroll system, five (5) users of the
benefits area, and six (6) users of the HR system. The Township is a non-union
The Township’s federal identification number is 75-6000588. Since we are a municipality,
we report taxes for one State (Texas) and one locality. Our fiscal year runs from January 1
through December 31
st o
f each year. The Township currently runs twenty-six (26) pay
periods. Between 550 - 600 checks are processed bi-weekly (this number grows to 950
1000 during the summer months), and approximately 1000 1500 W-2 forms are generated
each year.
The Township has leave policies for Paid Time Off, vacation, and sick time, which should
be calculated automatically when an employee begins or terminates employment. Paid
Time Off is allowed to be taken prior to being earned, while vacation and sick time must be
earned before being taken. The current system also reduces vacation and sick time
automatically from the regular hours.
The Township allows direct deposit options for 1) net checking; 2) partial checking; 3) net
savings; and 4) partial savings. The Township runs bi-weekly time and attendance, 941
report, and ACH to banks. The Township runs monthly check reconciliation, Flex Plan, and
Work Force survey information. The Township runs quarterly reports for Texas Workforce
Commission (TWC), Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as well as the C3 report.
The following is a list of taxable earnings for the Township:
Regular Pay
No Pay
Paid Time Off
Unpaid Time Off
Holiday OT
Floating Holiday
Vacation OT
Double Time
Rideup Pay
Rideup OT
Prior Year PTO
Shift Differential
Exempt Differential
Employee Referral
Severance Pay
Retro Pay
Other Pay
The following is a list of deductions for the Township:
Bankruptcy Garnishments
Child Support
Earned Income Credit
Federal Taxes
Loan Payments
Social Security
Tax Garnishments
United Way
The Township has a comprehensive benefits system. The Township is self-insured.
Employees are eligible for benefits on the first of the month following employment.
Pre-tax benefit deductions consist of the following:
Dependent Group
457b Contributions
401a Contributions (Township match)
Critical Illness
Long Term Disability
Tax Garnishments
FSADependent Care Reimbursement
Life/Accidental Death and Dismemberment
Voluntary AD&D
(Employee, Spouse, Child, Family)
United Way
FSA – Health Care Reimbursement
Short Term Disability
Voluntary Life
(Employee, Spouse, Child, Family)
Finally, the Township provides certain employees the following:
Auto Allowance
Short Term Disability Reimbursement
Long Term Disability Reimbursement