1st Session of the 46th Legislature (1997)
HOUSE BILL NO. 1691 By: Coleman
An Act relating to contracts; authorizing individual
purchasers of new or used motor vehicles to cancel
contract for sale; imposing time limit for
cancellation of contract; requiring delivery of
notice to motor vehicle purchasers; prescribing
form of notice; imposing duties upon purchasers
exercising right of cancellation; providing for
liability of purchaser under certain circumstances;
imposing duties upon dealers upon exercise of right
to cancel by purchaser; prohibiting certain actions
by motor license agents; providing exception;
authorizing waiver of right to cancel contract for
sale of new or used motor vehicles; prescribing
form for waiver; providing for codification; and
providing an effective date.
SECTION 1. NEW LAW A new section of law to be codified
in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 902 of Title 15, unless there is
created a duplication in numbering, reads as follows:
Req. No. 5283 Page 2
A. The individual purchaser of any new or used passenger motor
vehicle, exclusive of manufactured homes or mobile homes, from a
dealer authorized by the provisions of Section 561 et seq. or
Section 581 et seq. of Title 47 of the Oklahoma Statutes to engage
in the sale of motor vehicles shall have the right to cancel the
contract for the sale of the motor vehicle within three (3) business
days from the date the contract is signed by the purchaser. Th e
first day of the three-day period shall be the first day following
the date upon which the contract for sale is executed by the
purchaser that the dealer is authorized to conduct sales of vehicles
and the last day of the three-day period shall be the third day that
the dealer is authorized to conduct sales of vehicles.
B. At the time a contract for the sale of a motor vehicle
subject to the provisions of this section is signed, each dealer
authorized to engage in the sale of new or used motor vehicles
pursuant to Section 561 et seq. or Section 581 et seq. of Title 47
of the Oklahoma Statutes shall deliver a notice to each purchaser
signing a contract for the sale of a new or used motor vehicle which
shall be in substantially the following form:
You have the right to cancel this contract not later than five
o'clock p.m. (5 p.m.) on the end of the third business day following
the day you signed the contract. If you cancel the contract, you
are entitled to receive a refund of any money you have paid and to
have any vehicles which you have traded to the dealer for the
vehicle you have decided not to purchase returned to you. If you
cancel the contract, you must return the vehicle you originally
decided to purchase, if you have taken delivery or possession of the
vehicle, and you are liable for any damage that may have occurred to
the vehicle while it was in your possession.
C. If a purchaser exercises the right to cancel a contract for
the sale of a new or used motor vehicle as provided by this section,
Req. No. 5283 Page 3
the purchaser shall return the vehicle, if the purchaser has taken
delivery or possession of the vehicle, to the dealer from which the
vehicle was purchased. The purchaser shall be liable for any damage
to the vehicle which occurred while the vehicle was in the
purchaser's possession. The dealer shall return any and all value
or consideration paid by the purchaser who exercises the right to
cancel and shall take such actions as may be required to return any
vehicle transferred by the purchaser to the dealer as part of the
contract for the sale of the vehicle returned by the purchaser.
D. Unless the purchaser has executed a waiver of the right to
cancel the contract as otherwise provided by this section, no motor
license agent shall allow any person to make payment of any motor
vehicle excise tax, motor vehicle registration fee, title transfer
fee or other applicable fee or charge in connection with the
transfer of title to a new or used motor vehicle subject to a right
of the purchaser to cancel as provided by this section until after
the expiration of three (3) business days from the date the contract
to purchase the vehicle is executed by the purchaser.
E. Any person may affirmatively waive the right to cancel a
contract for the purchase of a new or used motor vehicle by signing
a form, which shall be made available by the dealer of new or used
vehicles, in substantially the following form:
You may waive the right to cancel this contract by signing this
form. If you sign this form, you are giving up the right to cancel
the contract which would otherwise allow you to make the
cancellation within three (3) business days from the date you sign a
contract for purchase of the motor vehicle. If you sign thi s form,
you will NOT have any right to cancel the contract under the
Oklahoma Statute which allows you to do so. You may or may not be
able to cancel the contract for other legal reasons.
SECTION 2. This act shall become effective November 1, 1997.
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46-1-5283 MAH