Vol. 43, No. 25 Pages 941-970June 20, 2024
Kansas Register
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
In this issue … Page
Register Oce:
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
Published by
Sco Schwab
Secretary of State
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
120 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612-1594
The Kansas Register is an ocial
publication of the state of Kansas,
published by authority of K.S.A.
75-430. The Kansas Register is pub-
lished weekly and a cumulative
index is published annually by the
Kansas Secretary of State.
© Kansas Secretary of State 2024.
Reproduction of the publication in
its entirety or for commercial pur-
poses is prohibited without prior
permission. Ocial enactments of
the Kansas Legislature and pro-
posed and adopted administrative
regulations of state agencies may
be reproduced in any form without
Current and back issues of the Kan-
sas Register (HTML and PDF Format)
can be found at hps://www.sos.
Table of Contents
Legislative Branch
Legislative Administrative Services
Interim Commiee Schedule for June 17 – July 5, 2024.....................................................943
Pooled Money Investment Board
Notice of Investment Rates Eective June 17 – June 23, 2024 ...........................................943
Kansas Secretary of State
Notice of Code Mortgage Rate for June 2024 ...................................................................... 943
City of Paola, Kansas
Request for Bids for Lake Miola Dam Rehabilitation Project ...........................................943
Kansas Department of Transportation
Request for Comments on STIP Amendment .....................................................................944
Notice to Contractors for July Leing Information............................................................944
Kansas State Board of Regents Universities
Notice to Bidders for University Purchases ........................................................................945
Kansas Department of Administration – Oce of Procurement and Contracts
Notice to Bidders for State Purchases ..................................................................................946
Wichita State University
Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property ...............................................................................946
Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property ...............................................................................947
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Notice of Proposed Kansas Air Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal
for Ebert Construction Company, Inc. ..............................................................................947
Notice of Proposed Kansas Air Quality Construction Permit for
Advantage Metals Recycling, LLC ....................................................................................948
Notice of Proposed Kansas/Federal Water Pollution Control Permits
and Applications ..................................................................................................................949
Kansas Department of Administration – Oce of Facilities and Property Management
Notice of Hearing for University of Kansas Design-Build Alternate
Project Delivery Method .....................................................................................................950
Notice of Requested On-Call Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing Engineering
Services for the Kansas Commission on Veterans Aairs Oce ..................................951
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks
Notice of Requested On-Call Civil-Structural Engineering Services ..............................951
Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
Kansas Department of Health and Environment – Division of Health Care Finance
Notice of Final Nursing Facility Medicaid Rates for State Fiscal
Year 2025 (Revised) .............................................................................................................. 952
Kansas Department of Health and Environment – Division of Health Care Finance
Notice of Amendment to the Kansas Medicaid State Plan ...............................................964
Executive Branch
Kansas Secretary of State
Notice of Business Forfeiture for May 2024 ........................................................................965
Kansas Development Finance Authority
Notice of Hearing on Proposed Revenue Bonds ................................................................965
Kansas Department of Education
Permanent Administrative Regulation ................................................................................966
Index to administrative regulations .............................................................................967
Cover Artwork: Wheat Ready to Harvest
Photo by Todd Caywood
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Legislative Branch/Rates/Notices
State of Kansas
Pooled Money Investment Board
Notice of Investment Rates
The following rates are published in accordance with
K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are dened in
K.S.A. 12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g).
Eective 6-17-24 through 6-23-24
Term Rate
1-89 days 5.33%
3 months 5.33%
6 months 5.29%
12 months 5.08%
18 months 4.91%
2 years 4.72%
Joel Oliver
Executive Director
Chief Investment Ocer
Pooled Money Investment Board
Doc. No. 052225
State of Kansas
Secretary of State
Notice of Code Mortgage Rate for June 2024
Pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 16a-1-301, Section
11, the code mortgage rate during the period of June 1-30,
2024, is 12 percent. The reference rate referred to in the
denition of “code mortgage rate” set forth in K.S.A. 16a-
1-301(11)(b)(i) is discontinued, has become impractical to
use, and/or is otherwise not readily ascertainable from
the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation.
Sco Schwab
Secretary of State
Doc. No. 052226
(Published in the Kansas Register June 20, 2024.)
City of Paola, Kansas
Request for Bids
Separate sealed Bids for the construction of Lake Miola
Dam Rehabilitation (Rebid) will be received by the city
of Paola, Kansas until 10:00 a.m. July 23, 2024, at the City
Clerk’s oce, City Hall, 19 E. Peoria St., Paola, KS 66071.
Copies of the contract documents will be available by
June 20, 2024, and may be examined at Kaw Valley Engi-
neering, Inc., 2319 N. Jackson St., Junction City, KS 66441.
Contract documents may be obtained for free by email or
in paper upon payment of $60 (non-refundable) for each
set. For more information, please contact Barbara Thede
at 785-762-5040 or [email protected].
The owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids,
and to waive any formalities in any bid.
Barbara Thede
Administrative Assistant II
Kaw Valley Engineering
Doc. No. 052238
State of Kansas
Legislative Administrative Services
Interim Commiee Schedule
The Legislative Research Department gives notice that the following legislative commiees plan to meet on the dates
listed below based on current information and subject to change. Requests for accommodation to participate in commit-
tee meetings should be made at least two working days in advance of the meeting by contacting Legislative Administra-
tive Services at 785-296-2391 or TTY 711, or email [email protected].
June 17 through July 5, 2024
Date Room Time Commiee Agenda
June 18 546-S 10:30 a.m. Legislative Post Audit Commiee hps://www.kslpa.org/wp-content/
June 20 582-N 9:00 a.m. Joint Commiee on Administrative
Rules and Regulations
June 24 112-N 9:00 a.m. Robert G. (Bob) Bethell Joint Commiee
on Home and Community Based
Services and KanCare Oversight
Agenda Not Available
June 26 112-N 10:00 a.m. Joint Commiee on Child Welfare
System Oversight
Agenda Not Available
Tom Day
Legislative Administrative Services
Doc. No. 052237
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
State of Kansas
Department of Transportation
Request for Comments
The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)
requests comments on the amendment of the Statewide
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) FY 24-27.
The comprehensive list of project(s) being amended to
the STIP may be viewed online at hp://www.ksdot.org/
bureaus/burProgProjMgmt/stip/stip.asp. The project list
includes projects for counties, cities, and projects on the
state highway system.
The amendment of the STIP requires a public com-
ment period of 14 days. To make comment on this STIP
amendment, contact KDOT’s Division of Program and
Project Management, 2nd Floor Tower, 700 SW Harrison,
Topeka, KS 66603-3754; phone 785-296-3254.
This information is available in alternative accessible
formats. To obtain an alternative format, contact the
KDOT Oce of Public Aairs at 785-296-3585 (Voice/
Hearing Impaired–711).
The comment period regarding the STIP amendment
for these projects will conclude July 3, 2024.
Calvin Reed
Department of Transportation
Doc. No. 052231
State of Kansas
Department of Transportation
Notice to Contractors
Electronic copies of the leing proposals and plans are
available on the Kansas Department of Transportation
(KDOT) website at hps://kdotapp.ksdot.org/Proposal/
Proposal.aspx. The website will allow the contractor to
request approval from KDOT to bid as a prime contrac-
tor and be included on the “Bid Holders List,” or to be
included on the “Non-Bid Holders List” as a subcon-
tractor/supplier. KDOT’s approval is required to bid as
a prime contractor. To bid as a prime contractor, KDOT
needs to be notied of the intent to bid no later than the
close of business on the Monday preceding the sched-
uled leing date. Failure to obtain prior approval to bid
as a prime contractor on any projects listed below will
be reason to reject your bid. The Secretary reserves the
right to reject bids that do not comply with all require-
ments for preparing a bidding proposal as specied in
the 2015 edition of the Kansas Department of Transpor-
tation Standard Specications for State Road and Bridge
KDOT will only accept electronic internet proposals
using the Bid Express website at hps://bidx.com/ks/
main until 1:00 p.m. (Central Time) on leing day. The
KDOT bid leing will be conducted remotely by audio
broadcast ONLY at 3:00 p.m. (Central Time) on leing
day. For the conference call information see hps://www.
ksdot.org/bureaus/burconsmain/leinginfo.asp. KDOT
has tested the process, but in the event of an unforeseen
issue, KDOT will provide updates.
Each bidder shall certify that such person, rm, associ-
ation, or corporation has not, either directly or indirect-
ly, entered into any agreement, participated in any col-
lusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free
competitive bidding in connection with the submied
bid. This certication shall be in the form of a required
contract provision provided by the state to each prospec-
tive bidder. Failure to complete the required contract
provision and certify the completeness of the preceding
statement when electronically signing the proposal will
make the bid nonresponsive and not eligible for award
Projects for the July 17, 2024 Leing
District One – Northeast
Atchison: 59-3 KA-7381-01 – US-59, from the Atchison/
Jeerson County line northeast to the south city limits of
Atchison, crack repair, 13.7 miles. (State Funds)
Brown: 7 C-5217-01 – Bridge, over unnamed stream lo-
cated 1.0 miles south of Fairview, bridge replacement, 0.1
mile. (Federal Funds)
Lyon: 56 C-5188-01 RS 412, from the north city lim-
its of Americus to US-56, grading, 10.0 miles. (Federal
Wyandoe: 169-105 KA-6960-01 – US-169, bridge #287
over the Kansas River, railroad yard, and 3 local roads
located 0.55 mile north of I-35 in Kansas City, bridge re-
pair. (State Funds)
Statewide: 24-106 KA-7345-01 US-24: in Douglas
County, beginning at the US-24/K-32 junction east to the
Douglas/Leavenworth County line; and in Leavenworth
County, beginning at the Douglas/Leavenworth County
line northeast to 0.18 mile west of the US-24/142nd Street
intersection, crack repair, 19.8 miles. (State Funds)
Statewide: 106 KA-7448-01 Various locations in
Douglas, Wyandoe, Johnson, and Shawnee counties,
mudjacking. (State Funds)
Statewide: 106 KA-7447-01 – Various locations in Mar-
shall, Poawatomie, Riley, Jackson, Lyon, Doniphan,
Brown, and Nemaha counties, mudjacking. (State Funds)
District Two – North Central
Republic: 81-79 KA-7374-01 US-81, beginning 3.16
miles north of the US-36/US-81 junction north to north-
east state line, surface recycle, 10.4 miles. (State Funds)
Republic: 36-79 KA-7382-01 US-36, from the Jewell/
Republic County line east to 0.36 mile east of the US-36/
US-81 junction, milling and overlay, 16.0 miles. (State
Statewide: 15-106 KA-7364-01 – K-15: in Dickinson
County, beginning at the K-15/K-18 east junction north
to the Dickinson/Clay County line; and in Clay County,
beginning at the Clay/Dickinson County line north to the
south city limits of Clay Center, crack repair, 23.1 miles.
(State Funds)
Statewide: 106 KA-7368-01 – US-77: in Morris County,
beginning at the US-77/K-209 junction northeast to the
Morris/Dickinson County line; east Morris/Dickinson
County line north to the Morris/Geary County line; in
Dickinson County, beginning at the south Morris/Dick-
inson County line northeast to the east Morris/Dickinson
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
County line; and in Geary County beginning at the Mor-
ris/Geary County line north to end of hot mix asphalt at
Industrial Street, milling and overlay, 15.0 miles. (State
Statewide: 81-106 KA-7361-01 – US-81: in Cloud Coun-
ty, beginning 0.12 mile north of Union Road north to the
Cloud/Republic County line; and in Republic County,
beginning at the Cloud/Republic County line north 1.43
miles, pavement patching, 4.3 miles. (State Funds)
Statewide: 106 KA-7385-01 US-36 in Republic County,
from the east city limits of Belleville east to the Republic/
Washington County line; US-36 in Washington County,
from the Republic/Washington County line east to the
K-22/US-36 junction; and entire K-139 route by the city of
Cuba in Republic County, sealing, 18.7 miles. (State Funds)
District Three – Northwest
Ellis: 26 C-5221-01 – Bridge, over Big Creek located 6.0
miles south and 1.0 mile west of Walker, bridge replace-
ment, 0.2 mile. (Federal Funds)
District Four – Southeast
Cherokee: 166-11 KA-7383-01 US-166, from the US-
36/US-400/K-26 junction east to the Kansas/Missouri
state line, milling and overlay, 1.9 miles. (State Funds)
Crawford: 69-19 KA-7352-01 US-69, beginning 0.03
mile south of the US-400/K-171 junction north to 0.03
mile north of the US-160/US-69 north junction, pavement
marking, 9.8 miles. (Federal Funds)
Franklin: 35-30 KA-6367-02 I-35, from 8.468 miles
north of the I-35/ US-59 south junction northeast to the
Franklin/Miami County line, guard fence, 7.5 miles.
(State Funds)
Franklin: 35-30 KA-6076-02 I-35, beginning at the
Osage/Franklin County line north 11.048 miles, guard
fence, 12.1 miles. (State Funds)
Miami: 35-61 KA-6366-02 – I-35, from the Franklin/Mi-
ami county line northeast to the Miami/Johnson County
line, guard fence, 2.8 miles. (State Funds)
Montgomery: 166-63 KA-6465-01 US-166, at two
locations beginning 0.71 mile east of the Chautauqua/
Montgomery County line east to 0.07 mile east of US-75,
guard fence, 4.5 miles. (State Funds)
Osage: 35-70 KA-6075-02 I-35, from the Rock Creek
bridge located 4.8 miles south of the Osage/Franklin
County line north to the Osage/Franklin County line,
guard fence, 4.8 miles. (State Funds)
Statewide: 106 KA-7390-01 Various locations in
Bourbon, Crawford, Anderson, Coey, Elk, Cherokee,
Labee, Franklin, and Miami counties, milling. (State
District Five – South Central
Butler: 254-8 KA-7367-01 K-254, from the K-254/
Shumway Road junction, east to the K-254/South Boyer
Road junction in Butler County, crack repair, 3.0 miles.
(State Funds)
Comanche: 160-17 KA-7389-01 US-160, from the Co-
manche/Clark County line east and north to the US-183/
US-160 north junction, crack repair, 18.0 miles. (State
Comanche: 1-17 KA-7377-01 K-1, from the Oklaho-
ma/Kansas state line north to the US-160/US-183 junc-
tion, crack repair, 13.4 miles. (State Funds)
Harper: 2-39 KA-7332-01 – K-2, from the north city lim-
its of Anthony north to the K-2/K-14/US-160 junction in
the city of Harper, crack repair, 8.0 miles. (State Funds)
Harper: 160-39 KA-7329-01 – US-160, from the Barber/
Harper County line east to the US-160/K-2 junction, crack
repair, 17.6 miles. (State Funds)
Kiowa: 183-49 KA-6945-01 US-183, bridge #018 over
the South Branch Ralesnake Creek located 3.74 miles
north of US-54; and bridge #019 over Ralesnake Creek
located 6.01 miles north of US-54, bridge repair. (Federal
Pra: 281-76 KA-6895-01 US-281 pavement resto-
ration in Pra from 10th Street to 8th Street, grading and
surfacing, 0.2 mile. (Federal Funds)
Rice: 56-80 KA-7331-01 – US-56, from the east city
limits of Lyons east to the Rice/McPherson County line,
crack repair, 14.5 miles. (State Funds)
Rush: 183-83 KA-7330-01 US-183, from the Pawnee/
Rush County line north to the south city limits of La-
Crosse, crack repair, 12.0 miles. (State Funds)
Sedgwick: 135-87 KA-6978-01 – I-135, bridge #046 locat-
ed 4.46 miles north of I-235, bridge paint. (Federal Funds)
Sedgwick: 87 N-0693-01 – Intersection, Oliver Avenue/
Kechi Road in Kechi, intersection improvement, 0.5 mile.
(Federal Funds)
District Six – Southwest
Finney: 28 C-5201-01 RS 1401, from Maple Street to
US-50, grading and surfacing, 2.7 miles. (Federal Funds)
Ness: 68 C-5126-01 RS 312, from RS 280 to K-96, guard
fence, 9.0 miles. (Federal Funds)
Calvin Reed
Department of Transportation
Doc. No. 052228
State of Kansas
Board of Regents Universities
Notice to Bidders
The universities of the Kansas Board of Regents encour-
age interested vendors to visit the various universities’
purchasing oces’ websites for a listing of all transactions,
including construction projects, for which the universities’
purchasing oces, or one of the consortia commonly uti-
lized by the universities, are seeking information, com-
petitive bids, or proposals. The referenced construction
projects may include project delivery construction pro-
curement act projects pursuant to K.S.A. 76-7,125 et seq.
Emporia State University Bid postings: hps://www.
oce/purchasing. Additional contact info: phone: 620-
341-5137, email: [email protected]. Mailing
address: Emporia State University Purchasing, Campus
Box 4021, 1 Kellogg Cir., Emporia, KS 66801.
Fort Hays State University Electronic bid post-
ings: hp://www.su.edu/purchasing/bids. Additional
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
contact info: phone: 785- 628-4251, email: purchasing@
su.edu. Mailing address: Fort Hays State University
Purchasing Oce, 601 Park St., Sheridan Hall 318, Hays,
KS 67601.
Kansas State University Bid postings: hps://
bidportal.ksu.edu. Eective August 1, 2023, all bids,
quotes, or proposals must be submied via the Kansas
State University Bid Portal at hps://bidportal.ksu.edu.
Division of Financial Services/Purchasing, 2323 Ander-
son Ave., Kansas State University, Manhaan, KS 66506.
Additional contact information, phone: 785-532- 6214,
Pisburg State University Bid postings: hps://
www.pistate.edu/oce/purchasing. Additional contact
info: phone: 620-235-4167, email: swburke@pistate.edu.
Mailing address: Pisburg State University, Purchasing
Oce, 1701 S. Broadway, Pisburg, KS 66762.
University of KansasElectronic bid postings: hp://
www.procurement.ku.edu/. The University of Kansas
exclusively uses the online eBid tool and will no lon-
ger accept paper responses unless otherwise specied
in a solicitation. Additional contact information, email:
[email protected]. Mailing address: University of Kan-
sas, Procurement Department, 1246 W. Campus Road
Room 20, Lawrence, KS 66045.
University of Kansas Medical CenterElectronic bid
postings: hps://www.kumc.edu/nance/supply-chain/
bid-opportunities.html. Additional contact information,
phone: 913-588-1117, email: [email protected].
The University of Kansas Medical Center accepts only
electronic bids.
Wichita State University – Bid postings: hps://www.
Documents.php. Additional contact information, phone:
316-978-3080, fax: 316-978-3738, email: purchasing.oce@
wichita.edu. Mailing address: Wichita State University,
Oce of Purchasing, 1845 Fairmount Ave., Campus Box
38, Wichita, KS 67260-0038.
Chris Robinson
Purchasing and Contract Services
Kansas State University
Doc. No. 051386
State of Kansas
Department of Administration
Oce of Procurement and Contracts
Notice to Bidders
Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Of-
ce of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the
date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376.
All bids are to be submied via email only to
[email protected]. For more information, please visit
There are No Bids Under this
Website Closing in this Week’s Ad
The above referenced bid documents can be down-
loaded at the following website:
Additional les may be located at the following web-
site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for
any changes/addenda):
07/09/2024 A-014981 Industrial Building #1 – Topeka
Correctional Facility
07/16/2024 A-015096 Replace Chiller & Condenser;
Pleasant View – Kansas
Neurological Institute
Information regarding prequalication, projects, and
bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or hp://
Todd Herman
Oce of Procurement and Contracts
Department of Administration
Doc. No. 052240
State of Kansas
Wichita State University
Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property
Public notice is hereby given that Wichita State Uni-
versity (WSU), directly or through its aliate corpora-
tion Wichita State Innovation Alliance, Inc., intends to
lease, subject to all required state approvals, up to 1.22
acres of real property located on the northwest corner
of the intersection of Fountain Avenue and 21st Street
North, directly adjacent to the Wichita State Universi-
ty campus. This location would be designated for pri-
vate development commied to supporting broadband
infrastructure and Internet exchanges. The university
is interested in leasing such ground to any individual,
organization, or entity whose presence would advance
WSU’s vision or its mission as an educational, cultural,
and economic driver for Kansas and the greater public
good. WSU intends to lease such space for a mutually
agreeable period of time, but extended terms and re-
newal options would be considered. Interested tenants
must be willing to be a good t with WSU’s education-
al mission and identify anticipated benets to the uni-
versity, its students, and the surrounding community
(i.e. applied learning, joint research, faculty start-up,
WSU curriculum or program support, community ben-
et commitments, etc.), and must agree to the essential
ground lease terms and restrictive covenants. Interested
tenants will be evaluated on: proposal terms, demon-
strated benet to WSU and the surrounding community,
design concepts, nancial stability, and proposed use.
Interested tenants will be responsible for all costs asso-
ciated with the development and ongoing maintenance
costs of any improvements. Rental rate shall be based
on fair market value and negotiable based on term of
lease, purpose/use of the improvement, and benet to
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
WSU. WSU will consider serious oers and inquiries
from any nancially qualied individual, group, orga-
nization. If interested, please contact Property Manag-
er Crystal Stegeman at [email protected].
This publication is being published pursuant to K.S.A.
75-430a(d), to the extent applicable.
Crystal Stegeman
University Property Manager
Oce of the Vice President for
Administration and Finance
Wichita State University
Doc. No. 052106
State of Kansas
Wichita State University
Notice of Intent to Lease Real Property
Public notice is hereby given that Wichita State Univer-
sity (WSU), directly or through its aliate corporation
Wichita State Innovation Alliance, Inc., intends to lease,
subject to all required state approvals, up to four acres
of real property located on the Wichita State Universi-
ty’s campus designated as the “Innovation Campus,”
for the private development and operation of a partner-
ship building or buildings. The university is interested
in leasing such ground to any individual, organization,
or entity whose presence on campus would advance the
university’s applied learning vision or its mission as an
educational, cultural, and economic driver for Kansas
and the greater public good. The university intends to
lease such space for a mutually agreeable period of time
up to sixty years, but extended terms and renewal op-
tions would be considered. Interested tenants must be
willing to be a good t with the university’s educational
mission and identify anticipated benets to the univer-
sity, its students, and the WSU community (i.e. applied
learning, joint research, faculty start-up, WSU curric-
ulum or program support, etc.), and must agree to the
essential ground lease terms and restrictive covenants.
Interested tenants will be evaluated on: proposal terms,
demonstrated benet to WSU, design concepts, nan-
cial stability, and proposed use. Interested tenants will
be required to construct adjacent and adequate surface
parking that will not be included in the leased ground.
Rental rate shall be based on fair market value and nego-
tiable based on term of lease, purpose/use of building im-
provement, and benet to the university. The university
will consider serious oers and inquiries with detailed
proposal terms from any nancially qualied individu-
al, group, organization. If interested, please contact Se-
nior Vice President for Industry and Defense Programs,
Dr. John Tomblin at [email protected] or Prop-
erty Manager Crystal Stegeman at crystal.stegeman@
wichita.edu. This publication is being published pursu-
ant to K.S.A. 75-430a(d), to the extent applicable.
Crystal Stegeman
University Property Manager
Oce of the Vice President for
Administration and Finance
Wichita State University
Doc. No. 052107
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas Air
Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal
Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments
regarding a proposed air quality operating permit. Ebert
Construction Company, Inc. has applied for a Class I op-
erating permit renewal in accordance with the provisions
of K.A.R. 28-19-510 et al. The purpose of a Class I permit
is to identify the sources and types of regulated air pol-
lutants emied from the facility; the emission limitations,
standards, and requirements applicable to each source;
and the monitoring, record keeping, and reporting re-
quirements applicable to each source as of the eective
date of permit issuance.
Ebert Construction Company, Inc., 103 W. Valley St.,
Wamego, KS 66547, owns and operates a portable air cur-
tain incinerator that will be used to burn only tree trim-
mings, yard waste, and clean untreated lumber located
at 103 W. Valley St., Wamego, Poawatomie County, KS
66547 and can be relocated to various locations in Kansas.
A copy of the proposed permit, permit application,
all supporting documentation, and all information re-
lied upon during the permit application review process
are available for public review during normal business
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the KDHE, Bureau of
Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-
1366 and at the Northeast District Oce, 800 W. 24th St.,
Lawrence, KS 66046. To obtain or review the proposed
permit and supporting documentation, contact Oliver
Schul at the central oce of KDHE at 785-296-1713 or
Wendi Kessler at the Northeast District Oce at 785-330-
4600. The standard departmental cost will be assessed
for any copies requested. The proposed permit, accom-
panied with supporting information, is available, free of
charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice website at hp://
Please direct wrien comments or questions regarding
the proposed permit to Oliver Schul, KDHE, BOA, 1000
SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In order
to be considered in formulating a nal permit decision,
wrien comments must be received no later than 12:00
p.m. Monday, July 22, 2024.
A person may request a public hearing be held on the
proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall
be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The
wrien request must be submied to Oliver Schul,
KDHE BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS
66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, July 22,
2024, in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-
ment to consider the request.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a
45-day review period, which will start concurrently with
the public comment period, within which to object to the
proposed permit. If the EPA has not objected in writing
to the issuance of the permit within the 45-day review
period, any person may petition the administrator of the
EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-
riod will directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Interested parties may contact KDHE to determine if the
EPA’s 45-day review period has been waived.
Any such petition shall be based only on objections to
the permit that were raised with reasonable specicity
during the public comment period provided for in this
notice, unless the petitioner demonstrates that it was im-
practicable to raise such objections within such period,
or unless the grounds for such objection arose after such
period. Contact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA, Region 7, Air
Permiing and Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd.,
Lenexa, KS 66219, phone 913-551-7960, to determine
when the 45-day EPA review period ends and the 60-day
petition period commences.
The preceding notice refers to the air permit for Ebert
Construction Company, Inc. located at 103 W. Valley St.,
Wamego, Poawatomie County, KS 66547 and can be re-
located to various locations in Kansas. If you want more
information or you have other questions, please contact
the KDHE Non-Discrimination coordinator and call 785-
296-5156 or send an email to: KDHE.NonDiscrimination@
ks.gov. [El aviso anterior se reere al permiso de aire para
Ebert Construction Company, Inc. ubicado en 103 W. Val-
ley St., Wamego, Poawatomie County, KS 66547 and can
be relocated to various locations in Kansas. Si desea obten-
er más información en español o tiene otras preguntas, por
favor, comuníquese con el Coordinador de No Discrimi-
nación de KDHE y llame al 785-296-5156 o envíe un correo
electrónico a: [email protected].]
Janet Stanek
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052236
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas
Air Quality Construction Permit
Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments
regarding a proposed air quality construction permit.
Advantage Metals Recycling, LLC has applied for an air
quality construction permit in accordance with the pro-
visions of K.A.R. 28-19-300. Emissions of volatile organic
compounds (VOC), particulate maer (PM), particulate
maer with less than or equal to 10 microns in aerody-
namic diameter (PM
), particulate maer with less than
or equal to 2.5 microns in aerodynamic diameter (PM
and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) were evaluated
during the permit review process.
Advantage Metals Recycling, LLC, 510 Walnut St.,
Suite 300, Kansas City, MO 64106 owns and operates a
metal recycling facility located at 1153 S. 12th St., Kansas
City, Wyandoe County, KS 66105, at which a replace-
ment metal shredder and facility wide VOC limit is to be
installed and established.
A copy of the proposed permit, permit application, all
supporting documentation, and all information relied
upon during the permit application review process are
available for public review from the date of publication
during normal business hours at the KDHE, Bureau of
Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-
1366 and at the Wyandoe County Division of Air Qual-
ity, 619 Ann Ave,, Kansas City, KS 66101. To obtain or
review the proposed permit and supporting documen-
tation, contact Mahew Reynolds, at the central oce
of KDHE at 785-296-1719 or Jennifer Stewart at the Wy-
andoe County Division of Air Quality at 913-573-6700.
The standard departmental cost will be assessed for any
copies requested. The proposed permit, accompanied
with supporting information, is available, free of charge,
at the KDHE BOA Public Notice website at hp://www.
A public comment period has been established to al-
low citizens the opportunity to express any concerns they
may have about this proposed permiing action. The
public comment period is to begin on Thursday, June 20,
2024, and end at 12:00 p.m. Monday, July 22, 2024. Please
direct wrien comments or questions regarding the pro-
posed permit to Mahew Reynolds, KDHE, BOA, 1000
SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In order
to be considered in formulating a nal permit decision,
wrien comments must be received no later than 12:00
p.m. Monday, July 22, 2024.
A person may request a public hearing be held on the
proposed permit. The request for a public hearing shall
be in writing and set forth the basis for the request. The
wrien request must be submied to Mahew Reyn-
olds, KDHE, BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka,
KS 66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, July
22, 2024, in order for the Secretary of Health and Envi-
ronment to consider the request. If a request is received,
a public hearing is tentatively scheduled for 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 25, 2024, at the Wyandoe County Pub-
lic Health Department, Auditorium Room 336, 619 Ann
Ave., Kansas City, KS 66101, and will continue until
audience members have an opportunity to submit com-
ments. If no requests to hold the public hearing are re-
ceived by 12:00 p.m. Monday, July 22, 2024, the public
hearing will be cancelled. A notice of the cancellation will
be posted at the KDHE website at hp://www.kdheks.
If a hearing is conducted, all interested parties will be
given a reasonable opportunity to present their views
orally or by submission of wrien materials during
the public hearing. In order to give all parties an op-
portunity to present their views, it may be necessary to
limit oral presentations to a specic time limit. Any in-
dividual with a disability may request accommodation
in order to participate in the public hearing and may
request the proposed materials in an accessible format.
Requests for accommodation must be made no later
than Tuesday, July 16, 2024, by contacting the Bureau of
Air at 785-296-5231.
The preceding notice refers to the air permit for Ad-
vantage Metals Recycling, LLC located at 1153 S. 12th
St., Kansas City, Wyandoe County, KS 66105. If you
want more information or you have other questions,
please contact the KDHE Non-Discrimination coordi-
nator and call 785-296-5156 or send an email to: KDHE.
[email protected]. [El aviso anterior se reere
al permiso de aire para Advantage Metals Recycling,
LLC ubicado en 1153 S. 12th St., Kansas City, Wyan-
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
doe County, KS 66105. Si desea obtener más infor-
mación en español o tiene otras preguntas, por favor,
comuníquese con el Coordinador de No Discriminación
de KDHE y llame al 785-296-5156 o envíe un correo elec-
trónico a: [email protected].]
Janet Stanek
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052232
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Notice of Proposed Kansas/Federal Water
Pollution Control Permits and Applications
In accordance with Kansas Administrative Regula-
tions 28-16-57a through 63, 28-18-1 through 17, 28-18a-1
through 31 and 33, 28-16-150 through 154, 28-46-7, and
the authority vested with the state by the administrator
of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, various
draft water pollution control documents (permits, notic-
es to revoke and reissue, notices to terminate) have been
prepared and/or permit applications have been received
for discharges to waters of the United States and the state
of Kansas for the class of discharges described below.
The proposed actions concerning the draft documents
are based on sta review, applying the appropriate stan-
dards, regulations, and euent limitations of the state
of Kansas and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The nal action will result in a Federal National Pollut-
ant Discharge Elimination System Authorization and/or
a Kansas Water Pollution Control permit being issued,
subject to certain conditions, revocation, and reissuance
of the designated permit or termination of the designat-
ed permit.
Las acciones propuestas con respecto a los documen-
tos preliminares se basan en la revisión del personal,
aplicando los estándares, regulaciones y limitaciones
de euentes apropiados del estado de Kansas y de la
Agencia de Protección Ambiental de Estados Unidos.
La acción nal resultará en la emisión de una Autor-
ización Federal del Sistema Nacional de Eliminación de
Descargas de Contaminantes y un permiso de Control
de Contaminación del Agua de Kansas, sujeto a ciertas
condiciones, revocación y reemisión del permiso des-
ignado o terminación del permiso designado. Si desea
obtener más información en español o tiene otras pre-
guntas, por favor, comuníquese con el Coordinador
de No Discriminación al 785-296-5156 o en: KDHE.
Public Notice No. KS-AG-24-167/169
Pending Permits for Conned Feeding Facilities
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Edwin F. Welch
Trust #1
387 20th Rd.
Haddam, KS 66944
SE/4 of Section 21
T02S, R01E
Washington County
Big Blue River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-BBWS-B002
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 600 head (600 animal units) of cale weighing more than
700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permied
number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an
approved Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Ward Feed Yard, Inc. -
Grower Yard
PO Box H
Larned, KS 67550
SW/4 of Section 25
T21S, R16W
Pawnee County
Upper Arkansas
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-UAPN-B006
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 990 head (990 animal units) of cale weighing more than
700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permied
number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an
approved Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Legal Description Receiving Water
Dalbom, Inc.
1061 W. 119th St.
Conway Springs, KS
NW/4 of Section 04
T30S, R03W
Sumner County
Lower Arkansas
River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-ARSU-M007
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
facility for 200 head (280 animal units) of mature dairy cale, 30 head
(15 animal units) of cale 700 pounds or less, and 40 head (40 animal
units) of cale more than 700 pounds, for a total of 335 animal units.
There will be no change in the operation or permied number of
animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an approved
Waste Management Plan on le with KDHE.
Public Notice No. KS-Q-24-116/118
The requirements of the draft permit public noticed
below are pursuant to the Kansas Surface Water Quali-
ty Standards, K.A.R. 28-16-28(b-g), and Federal Surface
Water Criteria.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Receiving Stream Type of Discharge
Lone Star Services,
Larry Romme
PO Box 499
Liberal, KS 67905
Treated Domestic
Permit No. C-CI10-NO01
Federal Permit No. KSJ000218
Legal Description: SW¼, NW¼, NW¼, Section 13, Township 35S,
Range 34W, Seward County, Kansas
Location: 37.008053, -100.975835
The proposed action is to reissue an existing permit. Two cell waste-
water lagoon facility with only one cell in use. This permit contains
as schedule of compliance to address an oversized facility and inad-
equate treatment. This permit contains generic language to protect
water quality.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Receiving Stream Type of Discharge
Native Stone
7820 SW 10th St.
Topeka, KS 66615
Maris des
Cygnes River
via Hill Creek
via Unnamed
Process Wastewater
Permit No. I-MC09-PO03
Federal Permit No. KS0100579
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Legal Description: SW¼ of Section 25, Township 13S, Range 11E, Wa-
baunsee County, Kansas
Location: 38.88799, -96.14233
The proposed action consists of reissuing the NPDES permit for this
facility. No signicant changes were made to the permit. This facility
strip mines slab rock used in landscaping lawns, retaining walls and
for other purposes. Outfall 001A consists of storm-water runo. This
permit contains generic language to protect water quality.
Name and Address
of Applicant
Receiving Stream Type of Discharge
Koch – Glitsch LP
4111 E. 37th St N.
Wichita, KS 67220
Arkansas River
via East Fork
Chisholm Creek
via Unnamed
Process Wastewater
Permit No. I-AR94-PO06
Federal Permit No. KS0099805
Legal Description: SW¼ Section 35, Township 26S, Range 1E, Sedgwick
County, Kansas
Location: 37.74474, -97.29529
The proposed action consists reissuance of a Kansas/NPDES Water
Pollution Control Permit for an existing groundwater contamination
remediation treatment system. This is a groundwater remediation
and plume control project. Contaminated groundwater from six ex-
traction wells is treated by pumping into a holding tank and then
re-pumped into two bag lters in series, and two carbon lters in
series. Discharge from the treatment system can either be directly
discharged to the unnamed tributary or routed to an onsite storm-
water retention pond to maintain pond levels and to provide treated
wastewater/stormwater storage for facility site irrigation. The to-
tal proposed design discharge from the treatment system is about
86,400 gallons/day. This permit contains limits for Trichloroethylene,
and pH. The permit contains monitoring for Flow – MGD, Chloride,
Total Phosphorus, Trichloroethylene, and Carbon Tetrachloride.
Persons wishing to comment on or object to the draft
documents and/or permit applications must submit their
comments in writing to the Kansas Department of Health
and Environment (KDHE) if they wish to have the com-
ments or objections considered in the decision-making
process. All wrien comments regarding the draft doc-
uments, application or registration notices received on
or before July 20, 2024, will be considered in the formu-
lation of the nal determination regarding this public
notice. Please refer to the appropriate Kansas document
number (KS-AG-24-167/169, KS-Q-24-116/118) and name
of the applicant/permiee when preparing comments.
All comments received will be responded to at the
time the Secretary of Health and Environment issues a
determination regarding nal agency action on each
draft document/application. If response to any draft doc-
ument/application indicates signicant public interest, a
public hearing may be held in conformance with K.A.R.
28-16-61 (28-46-21 for UIC). A request for public hearing
must be submied in writing and shall state the nature
of the issues proposed to be raised during the hearing.
Comments or objections for agricultural related draft
documents, permit applications, registrations or actions
should be submied to the aention of Casey Guccione,
Livestock Waste Management Section at the KDHE, Bu-
reau of Environmental Field Services (BEFS), 1000 SW
Jackson, Suite 430, Topeka, KS 66612. Comments or ob-
jections for all other proposed permits or actions should
be sent to Andrew Bowman at the KDHE, Bureau of Wa-
ter, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite 420, Topeka, KS 66612.
All draft documents/applications and the support-
ing information including any comments received are
on le and may be inspected at the oces of the KDHE.
For agricultural related draft documents or applications
an appointment can be scheduled, or copies requested
by contacting Jada Martin at 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite
430, Topeka, KS 66612, telephone 785-296-0076 or email at
[email protected]. Las preguntas o comentarios por
escrito deben dirigirse a Erich Glave, Director, Bureau of
Environmental Field Services en KDHE: 1000 SW Jackson
St., Suite 430, Topeka, KS 66612-1367; por correo electróni-
co: [email protected]; por teléfono: 785-296-6432. For
all other proposed permits or actions an appointment
can be scheduled, or copies requested by contacting Ja-
mie Packard, Bureau of Water, 1000 SW Jackson St., Suite
420, Topeka, KS 66612, telephone 785-296-4148 or email
at Jamie.P[email protected]. These documents are available
upon request at the copying cost assessed by KDHE. Ap-
plication information and components of plans and spec-
ications for all new and expanding swine facilities are
available at hp://www.kdhe.ks.gov/livestock. Division of
Environment oces are open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Janet Stanek
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052230
State of Kansas
Department of Administration
Oce of Facilities and Property Management
Notice of Hearing
Pursuant to K.S.A. 75-37,143(d), the State Building Ad-
visory Commission will conduct a public hearing at 9:00
a.m. July 10, 2024, in Suite 1200, 12th Floor, Eisenhower
State Oce Building, 700 SW Harrison St., Topeka, Kan-
sas. Check in at the front desk with security is required.
The purpose of the hearing is for the public to have an
opportunity to comment on a request from University of
Kansas to utilize design-build alternate project delivery
method for the KLETC Development Phase 1 Improve-
ments in Hutchinson, Kansas.
The phase 1 improvement building should include a
professional development area and should provide for
eight 1,500 square foot classrooms. Class sections serve
24 students per section. Classrooms require technology
and furnishings that support learning and interaction in
small groups. Administration facility for executive ad-
ministration including oces, conference and meeting
rooms, and associated spaces. Housing associated with
professional development where the upper story(s) of
the building shall be professional development program
housing and should provide up to 60 beds in single-
occupancy rooms, each with a private bathroom.
Construction costs are estimated at $15,000,000.
Barbara Schilling
Deputy Director-DCC
Oce of Facilities and Property Management
Department of Administration
Doc. No. 052229
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
State of Kansas
Department of Administration
Oce of Facilities and Property Management
Notice of Requested On-Call Engineering Services
Notice is hereby given of the commencement of the
selection process for on-call mechanical-electrical-
plumbing engineering services for Kansas Commis-
sion on Veterans Aairs Oce. Services are required
for restricted (small) projects with a project budget of
$1,500,000 or less. One or more rms will be selected.
The contracts will be for three years with two one-year
renewal options.
For more information, contact Rob Leicht at Rob.
[email protected] or 785-296-7765. Firms interested in
providing these services should be familiar with the
requirements which can be found in Part B-Chapter 4
of the Building Design and Construction Manual at the
website below.
To be considered, one (1) PDF le of the following
should be provided: State of Kansas Professional Quali-
cations DCC Forms 051-054, inclusive, and information
regarding similar projects. These forms may be found at
ments. State of Kansas Professional Qualications DCC
Form 050 for each rm and consultant should be provid-
ed at the end of each proposal. Please include your rm
name, agency abbreviation, and an abbreviated project
name in the title of the PDF document. Proposals should
be less than 5 Mb and follow the current State Building
Advisory Commission guidelines which can be found in
Part B Chapter 2 of the Building Design and Construction
Manual at hps://admin.ks.gov/oces/facilities-proper-
ing-design-and-construction-manual-bdcm. Paper cop-
ies and ash drives containing copies of the proposals
are not required.
Proposals should be sent to professional.qualications@
ks.gov. Proposals received after the date and time noted
below will not be forwarded to the State Building Advi-
sory Commission for review. If you have questions about
the proposal submissions, please contact Randy Riveland
at [email protected] or call 785-296-0749. The PDF
proposal submissions shall be delivered to the aention
of State Building Advisory Commission by 2:00 p.m. on or
before July 5, 2024.
The State of Kansas, as a maer of public policy, en-
courages anyone doing business with the State of Kan-
sas to take steps to discourage human tracking. If pro-
spective bidders/vendors/contractors have any policies
or participate in any initiatives that discourage human
tracking, then the prospective bidder/vendor/contrac-
tor is encouraged to submit same as part of their bid
Barbara Schilling
Deputy Director-DCC
Oce of Facilities and Property Management
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052242
State of Kansas
Department of Wildlife and Parks
Notice of Requested On-Call Engineering Services
Notice is hereby given of the commencement of the
selection process for on-call civil-structural engineer-
ing services for the Kansas Department of Wildlife
and Parks. Services are required for the improvements
and upgrade of the Flint Hills Trail State Park within
the counties of Miami, Franklin, Osage, Lyon, Morris,
and Dickinson. The contract will be for three years with
the ability to extend for ve additional one-year peri-
ods. The project will also encompass trail development
in the cities of Council Grove, Herington, and Wilsey
and will include design and plan preparation for trail-
heads within these three towns. Additionally, RAISE
grant administration, bid document preparation and
bid evaluation, construction engineering and manage-
ment, and closeout of project will be within this on-call.
The project is estimated to have a construction cost, in
all phases, in excess of $25,000,000. For more informa-
tion, contact Bre Blackburn at bre[email protected]
or 785-296-8404.
Respondents should demonstrate their capacity for
success on projects involving civil-structural engineering
projects in Kansas and/or surrounding states. Vendors
shall have a strong understanding and success in the
application of the underlying principles of civil-structur-
al engineering using a combination of engineering best
management practices and techniques with 10 or more
veriable years experience (15 or more preferred). The
respondents will also have experience in project devel-
opment following the Kansas Department of Transporta-
tion LPA Project Development Manual.
Preferred qualications for licensed civil-structural en-
gineering consultant include but may not be limited to:
Experience in design of roadway improvements,
storm sewer, pavement markings/signing, utility
line alignment and improvements.
Licensed survey and topographical design, includ-
ing property research and easement descriptions.
Trail development design and management, includ-
ing availability of full-time experienced inspectors.
An understanding of Kansas Department of Health
and Environment, and other regulatory agency’s
regulations/statutes concerning stormwater man-
agement, regulation, permiing, and compliance.
Prociency in the analysis, design, construc-
tion, and maintenance of load bearing structures
that reinforce or counteract loads in dams, bridges,
buildings, and other structures.
Prociency in the analysis, design, construc-
tion, and maintenance of AASHTO compliant stan-
dards for bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
Experience providing eective presentation of proj-
ect related information to the public or other stake-
Prociency specifying, examining, and inspecting
materials to be used for the construction of complex
structures including, dams, bridges, pre-manufac-
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
tured restrooms, shelters, shower buildings, cabins,
and other load bearing structures.
Familiarity with the requirements which can be
found in the Building Design and Construction
Manual at hp://admin.ks.gov/oces/ofpm/dcc/f-
and-d, as well as Kansas Department of Adminis-
tration Oce of Facilities and Property Manage-
ment submission procedures.
Experience working with FEMA, USACE, DWR,
KDHE and other regulatory agencies to obtain per-
miing/approval for applicable projects (including
NPDES, SWPPP, etc.).
Bridge inspection and design.
Earthen dam safety inspections, slide mitigation
(including RSS slope stabilization), and dam/spill-
way improvement design (including tower, inlet/
outlet, spillway, valve, etc.).
Inundation mapping review, hydrologic and hy-
draulic analysis/modeling for lake/dam study,
FEMA grant submission knowledge, and other
dam/lake related management functions.
Pond/dike design, modication and repair and
working knowledge of pumps, pumphouses, in-
cluding design of transfer systems in wildlife and
low water areas.
Concrete, asphalt, and aggregate parking lot, road-
way, and path design and maintenance.
Experience developing conceptual, construc-
tion-ready and as-built designs for projects (e.g.
including appropriately “stamped” drawings as
Successful preparation of federal and state permit
applications and associated plans for related projects.
Ability and willingness to build upon previously
developed assessments, adjust design concepts, and
work with local, federal and state ocials to meet
project goals.
Ability to perform/provide proper topographical
surveys and related information.
Experienced in providing, hiring, or collaborating
work product with qualied geotechnical profes-
sionals or landscape architects as needed for design,
analysis, and project completion.
Experience working with multiple stakeholders
including landowners, state and local agencies/
boards, and project administrators related to report-
ing site specic project details before, during and
after construction.
Successful preparation of bid documents and
demonstrated eectiveness facilitating pre-bid
meetings, site visits, and all related correspondence.
Construction oversight of contractors implement-
ing plans, design specications, and meeting permit
conditions for related projects.
A demonstrated ability to meet project goals within
the projected timeline and budget.
Ability to respond timely to solicitation from agen-
cy and timely initiate consultation/design and proj-
ect needs.
Respondent must show proof of registration and or
certication with the Kansas State Board of Techni-
cal Professions for applicable work classications.
10 or more years of veriable experience in licensed
civil-structural engineering (15 or more preferred).
Must have at least 5 years experience designing and
managing complex trail construction projects.
Proposals should include a PDF of the following:
Statement of professional qualications (similar to State
of Kansas DCC Forms 050,052,054), and information re-
garding similar work experience. Include rm name, ad-
dress, contact phone number and email.
To be considered, proposals should be via email along
with a transmial to bre[email protected]. It is the pro-
poser’s responsibility to ensure proposals are received by
the closing date and time. Delays in email delivery or any
other means of transmial shall not excuse late proposal
submissions. Proposals received after the date and time
noted below will not be considered. The PDF proposal
submissions shall be delivered to the aention of bre.
[email protected] later than 5:00 p.m. on or before Fri-
day, July 5, 2024.
The State of Kansas, as a maer of public policy, en-
courages anyone doing business with the State of Kan-
sas to take steps to discourage human tracking. If pro-
spective bidders/vendors/contractors have any policies
or participate in any initiatives that discourage human
tracking, the prospective bidder/vendor/contractor is
encouraged to submit same as part of their bid response.
Selected Firms will have to ll out a State of Kansas Tax
Clearance Form, State of Kansas form “Policy Regarding
Sexual Harassment” and State of Kansas form Regarding
Non-Boyco of Israel. COC forms, and other applicable
forms as required by the state of Kansas.
Christopher Kennedy
Department of Wildlife and Parks
Doc. No. 052239
State of Kansas
Department for Aging and Disability Services
Department of Health and Environment
Division of Health Care Finance
Revised Notice of Final Nursing Facility
Medicaid Rates for State Fiscal Year 2025;
Methodology for Calculating Rates,
and Rate Justications;
Response to Wrien Comments;
Notice of Intent to Amend the Medicaid State Plan
The Notice of Final Nursing Facility Medicaid Rate for
State Fiscal Year 2025 is being revised to include correct-
ed case mix index (CMI) data. The CMI data that was
used in the nal notice published June 13, 2024 did not
include updates to the January 1, 2024 Medicaid CMI
data. Those updates included payer source revisions
submied by providers to Myers and Stauer as well as
any assessment updates submied through the CMS sys-
tem during the preliminary listings review period. The
methodology used to calculate the Medicaid rates has
not been changed but for the sake of clarity it has been
repeated in this revised notice. The Medicaid rate list has
been updated to reect the corrected Medicaid CMI and
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
corresponding Medicaid rate for each facility. The justi-
cations statistics have also been updated to reect the
revised rates.
Under the Medicaid program, 42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.,
the State of Kansas pays nursing facilities, nursing facil-
ities for mental health, and hospital long-term care units
(hereafter collectively referred to as nursing facilities) a
daily rate for care provided to residents who are eligible
for Medicaid benets. The Secretary of Aging and Dis-
ability Services administers the nursing facility program,
which includes hospital long-term care units, and the
nursing facility for mental health program. The Secretary
acts on behalf of the Kansas Department of Health and
Environment Division of Health Care Finance (DHCF),
the single state Medicaid agency.
As required by 42 U.S.C. 1396a(a)(13), as amended by
Section 4711 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, P.L.
No. 105-33, 101 Stat. 251, 507-08 (August 5, 1997), the
Secretary of the Kansas Department for Aging and Dis-
ability Services (KDADS) is publishing the revised nal
Medicaid per diem rates for Medicaid-certied nurs-
ing facilities for State Fiscal Year 2025, the methodolo-
gy underlying the establishment of the nursing facility
rates, and the justications for those rates. KDADS and
DHCF are also providing notice of the state’s intent to
submit amendments to the Medicaid State Plan to the U.
S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on or before
September 30, 2024.
I. Methodology Used to Calculate Medicaid Per Diem
Rates for Nursing Facilities
In general, the state uses a prospective, cost-based, fa-
cility-specic rate-seing methodology to calculate nurs-
ing facility Medicaid per diem rates, including the rates
listed in this notice. The state’s rate-seing methodology
is contained primarily in the following described docu-
ments and authorities and in the exhibits, aachments,
regulations, or other authorities referenced in them:
A. The following portions of the Kansas Medicaid
State Plan maintained by DHCF are being revised:
1. Aachment 4.19D, Part I, Subpart C, Exhibit C-1,
2. Medicaid Add-On
3. Rapid Response Stang Grant Adjustment
The text of the portions of the Medicaid State Plan
identied above in section IA.1, but not the documents,
authorities and the materials incorporated therein by
reference, is reprinted in this notice. The Medicaid
State Plan provisions set out in this notice appears in
the version which the state currently intends to submit
to CMS on or before September 30, 2024. The Medicaid
State Plan amendment that the state ultimately submits
to CMS may dier from the version contained in this
Copies of the documents and authorities containing
the state’s rate-seing methodology are available upon
wrien request. A request for copies will be treated as
a request for public records under the Kansas Open Re-
cords Act, K.S.A. 45-215 et seq. The state may charge a
fee for copies, in accordance with Executive Order 18-05.
Wrien requests for copies should be sent to:
Secretary of Aging and Disability Services
New England Building, Second Floor
503 S. Kansas Ave.
Topeka, KS 66603-3404
Fax: 785-296-0767
A.1 Aachment 4.19D, Part I, Subpart C, Exhibit C-1:
Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment
Rates for Nursing Facilities
Under the Medicaid program, the State of Kansas
pays nursing facilities (NF), nursing facilities for men-
tal health (NFMH), and hospital long-term care units
(hereafter collectively referred to as nursing facilities) a
daily rate for care provided to residents who are eligible
for Medicaid benets. The narrative explanation of the
nursing facility reimbursement formula is divided into
11 sections. The sections are: Cost Reports, Rate Deter-
mination, Quarterly Case Mix Index Calculation, Res-
ident Days, Ination Factors, Upper Payment Limits,
Quarterly Case Mix Rate Adjustment, Real and Personal
Property Fee, Incentive Factors, Rate Eective Date, and
Retroactive Rate Adjustments.
1. Cost Reports
The Nursing Facility Financial and Statistical Report
(MS2004) is the uniform cost report. It is included in
Kansas Administrative Regulation (K.A.R.) 129-10-17. It
organizes the commonly incurred business expenses of
providers into three reimbursable cost centers (operat-
ing, indirect health care, and direct health care). Own-
ership costs (i.e., mortgage interest, depreciation, lease,
and amortization of leasehold improvements) are report-
ed but reimbursed through the real and personal proper-
ty fee. There is a non-reimbursable/non-resident related
cost center so that total operating expenses can be recon-
ciled to the providers’ accounting records.
All cost reports are desk reviewed by agency auditors.
Adjustments are made, when necessary, to the reported
costs in arriving at the allowable historic costs for the rate
Calendar Year End Cost Reports
All providers that have operated a facility for 12 or
more months on December 31 shall le a calendar year
cost report. The requirements for ling the calendar year
cost report are found in K.A.R. 129-10-17.
When a non-arms length or related party change of
provider takes place or an owner of the real estate as-
sumes the operations from a lessee, the facility will be
treated as an ongoing operation. In this situation, the re-
lated provider or owner shall be required to le the cal-
endar year end cost report. The new operator or owner
is responsible for obtaining the cost report information
from the prior operator for the months during the cal-
endar year in which the new operator was not involved
in running the facility. The cost report information from
the old and new operators shall be combined to prepare
a 12-month calendar year end cost report.
Projected Cost Reports
The ling of projected cost reports are limited to: 1)
newly constructed facilities; 2) existing facilities new to
the Medicaid program; or 3) a provider re-entering the
Medicaid program that has not actively participated or
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
billed services for 24 months or more. The requirements
are found in K.A.R. 129-10-17.
2. Rate Determination
Rates for Existing Nursing Facilities
Medicaid rates for Kansas NFs are determined using a
prospective, facility-specic rate-seing system. The rate
is determined from the base cost data submied by the
provider. The current base cost data is the combined cal-
endar year cost data from each available report submit-
ted by the current provider during 2021, 2022, and 2023.
If the current provider has not submied a calendar year
report during the base cost data period, the cost data sub-
mied by the previous provider for that same period will
be used as the base cost data. Once the provider completes
their rst 24 months in the program, their rst calendar
year cost report will become the provider’s base cost data.
The allowable expenses are divided into three cost cen-
ters. The cost centers are Operating, Indirect Health Care
and Direct Health Care. They are dened in K.A.R. 129-
The allowable historic per diem cost is determined by
dividing the allowable resident related expenses in each
cost center by resident days. Before determining the per
diem cost, each year’s cost data is adjusted from the mid-
point of that year to December 31, 2024. The resident days
and ination factors used in the rate determination will
be explained in greater detail in the following sections.
The inated allowable historic per diem cost for each
cost center is then compared to the cost center upper pay-
ment limit. The allowable per diem rate is the lesser of
the inated allowable historic per diem cost in each cost
center or the cost center upper payment limit. Each cost
center has a separate upper payment limit. If each cost
center upper payment limit is exceeded, the allowable
per diem rate is the sum of the three cost center upper
payment limits. There is also a separate upper payment
limit for owner, related party, administrator, and co-ad-
ministrator compensation. The upper payment limits
will be explained in more detail in a separate section.
The case mix of the residents adjusts the Direct Health
Care cost center. The reasoning behind a case mix pay-
ment system is that the characteristics of the residents in
a facility should be considered in determining the pay-
ment rate. The idea is that certain resident characteristics
can be used to predict future costs to care for residents
with those same characteristics. For these reasons, it is
desirable to use the case mix classication for each facili-
ty in adjusting provider rates.
There are add-ons to the allowable per diem rate. The
add-ons consist of the incentive factor, the real and per-
sonal property fee, and per diems to cover costs not in-
cluded in the cost report data. The incentive factor and
real and personal property fee are explained in separate
sections of this exhibit. The rate components are ex-
plained in separate subparts of Aachment 4.19D of the
State Plan. The add-ons plus the allowable per diem rate
equal the total per diem rate.
Rates for New Construction and New Facilities
(New Enrollment Status)
The per diem rate for newly constructed nursing facil-
ities, or new facilities to the Kansas Medical Assistance
program shall be based on a projected cost report sub-
mied in accordance with K.A.R. 129-10-17.
The cost information from the projected cost report and
the rst historic cost report covering the projected cost re-
port period shall be adjusted to December 31, 2024. This
adjustment will be based on the S&P Global Insight, Na-
tional Skilled Nursing Facility Market Basket Without
Capital Index (S&P Index). The S&P indices listed in the
latest available quarterly publication will be used to adjust
the reported cost data from the midpoint of the cost report
period to December 31, 2024. The provider shall remain
in new enrollment status until the base data period is re-
established. During this time, the adjusted cost data shall
be used to determine all rates for the provider. Any ad-
ditional factor for ination that is applied to cost data for
established providers shall be applied to the adjusted cost
data for each provider in new enrollment status.
Rates for Facilities Recognized as a Change of Provider
(Change of Provider Status)
The payment rate for the rst 24 months of operation
shall be based on the base cost data of the previous own-
er or provider. This base cost data shall include data from
each calendar year cost report that was led by the pre-
vious provider from 2021-2023. If base cost data is not
available, the most recent calendar year data for the pre-
vious provider shall be used. Beginning with the rst day
of the 25th month of operation the payment rate shall be
based on the historical cost data for the rst calendar year
submied by the new provider.
All data used to set rates for facilities recognized as
a change-of-provider shall be adjusted to December 31,
2024. This adjustment will be based on the S&P Index.
The S&P indices listed in the latest available quarterly
publication will be used to adjust the reported cost data
from the midpoint of the cost report period to Decem-
ber 31, 2024. The provider shall remain in change-of-pro-
vider status until the base data period is reestablished.
During this time, the adjusted cost data shall be used to
determine all rates for the provider. Any additional fac-
tor for ination that is applied to cost data for established
providers shall be applied to the adjusted cost data for
each provider in change of provider status.
Rates for Facilities Re-entering the Program
(Reenrollment Status)
The per diem rate for each provider reentering the
Medicaid program shall be determined from a projected
cost report if the provider has not actively participated in
the program by the submission of any current resident
service billings to the program for 24 months or more.
The per diem rate for all other providers reentering the
program shall be determined from the base cost data
led with the agency or the most recent cost report led
preceding the base cost data period.
All cost data used to set rates for facilities reentering
the program shall be adjusted to December 31, 2024. This
adjustment will be based on the S&P Global Index. The
S&P Global indices listed in the latest available quarterly
publication will be used to adjust the reported cost data
from the midpoint of the cost report period to Decem-
ber 31, 2024. The provider shall remain in reenrollment
status until the base data period is reestablished. During
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
this time, the adjusted cost data shall be used to deter-
mine all rates for the provider. Any additional factor for
ination that is applied to cost data for established pro-
viders shall be applied to the adjusted cost data for each
provider in reenrollment status.
3. Quarterly Case Mix Index Calculation
Providers are required to submit to the agency the
uniform assessment instrument, which is the Minimum
Data Set (MDS), for each resident in the facility. The MDS
assessments are maintained in a computer database.
Eective July 1, 2024 the Patient Driven Payment Mod-
el (PDPM) Nursing component classication is used as
the resident classication system to determine all case-
mix indices, using data from the MDS submied by each
facility. The 25 PDPM case mix groups (CMG) and corre-
sponding case mix indices (CMI) (developed by the Cen-
ters for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and im-
plemented as of October 1, 2019) are used to determine
facility average CMIs and to adjust the Direct Health
Care costs in the determination of upper payment limits
and rate calculation. Resident assessments that cannot be
classied will be assigned the lowest CMI for the state.
Each resident in the facility on the rst day of each cal-
endar quarter with a completed and submied assess-
ment shall be assigned a PDPM nursing CMG calculated
on the resident’s most current assessment available on
the rst day of each calendar quarter. This PDPM nurs-
ing CMG shall be translated to the corresponding CMI
based on the PDPM weights eective October 1, 2019.
From the individual resident case mix indices, average
case mix indices for all residents and for each payment
source type (Medicaid, Medicare and Other) are calcu-
lated for each Medicaid nursing facility four times per
year based on the assessment information available on
the rst day of each calendar quarter.
The facility-wide average CMI is the simple average,
carried to four decimal places, of all resident case mix
indices. The Medicaid-average CMI is the simple av-
erage, carried to four decimal places, of all indices for
residents, including those receiving hospice services,
where Medicaid is known to be a per diem payer source
on the rst day of the calendar quarter or at any time
during the preceding quarter. The private-pay/other av-
erage CMI is the simple average, carried to four decimal
places, of all indices for residents where neither Med-
icaid nor Medicare were known to be the payer source
on the rst day of the calendar quarter or at any time
during the preceding quarter. Case mix indices for ven-
tilator-dependent residents for whom additional reim-
bursement has been determined shall be excluded from
the average CMI calculations.
Rates will be adjusted for case mix twice annually us-
ing case mix data from the two quarters preceding the
rate eective date. The case mix averages used for the
rate adjustments will be the simple average of the case
mix averages for each quarter. The resident listing cut-o
for calculating the average CMIs for each quarter will be
the rst day of the quarter. The following are the dates
for the resident listings and the rate periods in which the
average Medicaid CMIs will be used in the semi-annual
rate-seing process.
Rate Eective Date Cut-O Dates for Quarterly CMI
July 1 January 1 and April 1
January 1 July 1 and October 1
The resident listings will be distributed to providers pri-
or to the dates the semi-annual case mix adjusted rates are
determined. This will allow the providers time to review
the resident listings and make corrections before they are
notied of new rates. The cut o schedule may need to be
modied in the event accurate resident listings and Medic-
aid CMI scores cannot be obtained from the MDS database.
4. Resident Days
Facilities with 60 beds or less
For facilities with 60 beds or less, the allowable historic
per diem costs for all cost centers are determined by di-
viding the allowable resident related expenses by the ac-
tual resident days during the cost report period(s) used
to establish the base cost data.
Facilities with more than 60 beds
For facilities with more than 60 beds, the allowable his-
toric per diem costs for the Direct Health Care cost center
and for food and utilities in the Indirect Health Care cost
center are determined by dividing the allowable resident
related expenses by the actual resident days during the
cost report period(s) used to establish the base cost data.
The allowable historic per diem cost for the Operating
and Indirect Health Care Cost Centers less food and util-
ities is subject to an 85% minimum occupancy rule. For
these providers, the greater of the actual resident days
for the cost report period(s) used to establish the base
cost data or the 85% minimum occupancy based on the
number of licensed bed days during the cost report peri-
od(s) used to establish the base cost data is used as the
total resident days in the rate calculation for the Operat-
ing cost center and the Indirect Health Care cost center
less food and utilities. All licensed beds are required to
be certied to participate in the Medicaid program.
There are two exceptions to the 85% minimum occu-
pancy rule for facilities with more than 60 beds. The rst
is that it does not apply to a provider who is allowed to
le a projected cost report for an interim rate. Both the
rates determined from the projected cost report and the
historic cost report covering the projected cost report pe-
riod are based on the actual resident days for the period.
The second exception is for the rst cost report led
by a new provider who assumes the rate of the previ-
ous provider. If the 85% minimum occupancy rule was
applied to the previous provider’s rate, it is also applied
when the rate is assigned to the new provider. However,
when the new provider les a historic cost report for any
part of the rst 12 months of operation, the rate deter-
mined from the cost report will be based on actual days
and not be subject to the 85% minimum occupancy rule
for the months in the rst year of operation. The 85%
minimum occupancy rule is then reapplied to the rate
when the new provider reports resident days and costs
for the 13th month of operation and after.
5. Ination Factors
Ination will be applied to the allowable reported costs
from the calendar year cost report(s) used to determine
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
the base cost data from the midpoint of each cost report
period to December 31, 2024. The ination will be based
on the S&P Global, CMS Nursing Home without Capital
Market Basket index.
The S&P Global, CMS Nursing Home without Capital
Market Basket Indices listed in the latest available quar-
terly publication will be used to determine the ination
tables for the payment schedules processed during the
payment rate period. This may require the use of fore-
casted factors in the ination table. The ination tables
will not be revised until the next payment rate period.
The ination factor will not be applied to the following
1. Owner/Related Party Compensation
2. Interest Expense
3. Real and Personal Property Taxes
6. Upper Payment Limits
There are three types of upper payment limits that will
be described. One is the owner/related party/administra-
tor/co-administrator limit. The second is the real and per-
sonal property fee limit. The last type of limit is an upper
payment limit for each cost center. The upper payment
limits are in eect during the payment rate period unless
otherwise specied by a State Plan amendment.
Owner/Related Party/Administrator/Co-Administrator
Since salaries and other compensation of owners are
not subject to the usual market constraints, specic lim-
its are placed on the amounts reported. First, amounts
paid to non-working owners and directors are not an
allowable cost. Second, owners and related parties who
perform resident related services are limited to a salary
chart based on the Kansas Civil Service classications
and wages for comparable positions. Owners and related
parties who provide resident related services on less than
a full-time basis have their compensation limited by the
percent of their total work time to a standard work week.
A standard work week is dened as 40 hours. The own-
ers and related parties must be professionally qualied to
perform services which require licensure or certication.
The compensation paid to owners and related parties
shall be allocated to the appropriate cost center for the
type of service performed. Each cost center has an ex-
pense line for owner/related party compensation. There
is also a cost report schedule titled, “Statement of Own-
ers and Related Parties.” This schedule requires infor-
mation concerning the percent of ownership (if over ve
percent), the time spent in the function, the compensa-
tion, and a description of the work performed for each
owner and/or related party. Any salaries reported in
excess of the Kansas Civil Service based salary chart are
transferred to the Operating cost center where the excess
is subject to the Owner/Related Party/Administrator/
Co-Administrator per diem compensation limit.
Schedule C is an array of non-owner administrator and
co-administrator salaries. The schedule includes the cal-
endar year 2023 historic cost reports in the database from
all active nursing facility providers. The salary informa-
tion in the array is not adjusted for ination. The per diem
data is calculated using an 85% minimum occupancy level
for those providers in operation for more than 12 months
with more than 60 beds. Schedule C for the owner/related
party/administrator/co-administrator per diem compen-
sation limit is the rst schedule run during the rate seing.
Schedule C is used to set the per diem limitation for all
non-owner administrator and co-administrator salaries
and owner/related party compensation in excess of the civil
service based salary limitation schedule. The per diem lim-
it for a 50-bed or larger home is set at the 90th percentile
on all salaries reported for non-owner administrators and
co-administrators. A limitation table is then established for
facilities with less than 50 beds. This table begins with a rea-
sonable salary per diem for an administrator of a 15-bed or
less facility. The per diem limit for a 15-bed or less facility
is inated based on the State of Kansas annual cost of liv-
ing allowance for classied employees for the rate period.
A linear relationship is then established between the com-
pensation of the administrator of the 15-bed facility and the
compensation of the administrator of a 50-bed facility. The
linear relationship determines the per diem limit for the fa-
cilities between 15 and 50 beds.
The per diem limits apply to the non-owner adminis-
trators and co-administrators and the compensation paid
to owners and related parties who perform an admin-
istrative function or consultant type of service. The per
diem limit also applies to the salaries in excess of the civil
service-based salary chart in other cost centers that are
transferred to the operating cost center.
Real and Personal Property Fee Limit
The property component of the reimbursement meth-
odology consists of the real and personal property fee
that is explained in more detail in a later section. The
upper payment limit is 105% of the median determined
from a total resident day-weighted array of the property
fees in eect April 1, 2024.
Cost Center Upper Payment Limits
Schedule B is an array of all per diem costs for each
of the three cost centers-Operating, Indirect Health Care,
and Direct Health Care. The schedule includes a per
diem determined from the base cost data from all active
nursing facility providers. Projected cost reports are ex-
cluded when calculating the limit.
The per diem expenses for the Operating cost center
and the Indirect Health Care cost center less food and
utilities are subject to the 85% minimum occupancy for
facilities over 60 beds. All previous desk review and eld
audit adjustments are considered in the per diem ex-
pense calculations. The costs are adjusted by the owner/
related party/administrator/co-administrator limit.
Prior to the Schedule B arrays, the cost data on certain
expense lines is adjusted from the midpoint of the cost
report period to December 31, 2024. This will bring the
costs reported by the providers to a common point in
time for comparisons. The ination will be based on the
S&P Global, CMS Nursing Home Without Capital Mar-
ket Basket Index.
Certain costs are exempt from the ination application
when seing the upper payment limits. They include
owner/related party compensation, interest expense, and
real and personal property taxes.
Schedule B is the median compilations. These compi-
lations are needed for seing the upper payment limit
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
for each cost center. The median for each cost center is
weighted based on total resident days. The upper pay-
ment limits will be set using the following:
Operating 110% of the median
Indirect Health Care 115% of the median
Direct Health Care 130% of the median
Direct Health Care Cost Center Limit
The Kansas reimbursement methodology has a com-
ponent for a case mix payment adjustment. The Direct
Health Care cost center rate component and upper pay-
ment limit are adjusted by the facility average CMI.
For the purpose of seing the upper payment limit in
the Direct Health Care cost center, the facility cost report
period CMI and the statewide average CMI will be cal-
culated. The facility cost report period CMI is the resi-
dent day-weighted average of the quarterly facility-wide
average case mix indices, carried to four decimal places.
The quarters used in this average will be the quarters that
most closely coincide with the nancial and statistical re-
porting period. For example, a 01/01/20XX-12/31/20XX
nancial and statistical reporting period would use the
facility-wide average case mix indices for quarters be-
ginning 04/01/XX, 07/01/XX, 10/01/XX and 01/01/XY. The
statewide average CMI is the resident day-weighted av-
erage, carried to four decimal places of the facility cost
report period case mix indices for all Medicaid facilities.
The statewide average CMI and facility cost report pe-
riod CMI are used to set the upper payment limit for the
Direct Health Care cost center. The limit is based on all fa-
cilities with a historic cost report in the database. There are
three steps in establishing the base upper payment limit.
The rst step is to normalize each facility’s inated Di-
rect Health Care costs to the statewide average CMI. This
is done by dividing the statewide average CMI for the
cost report year by the facility’s cost report period CMI,
then multiplying this answer by the facility’s inated
costs. This step is repeated for each cost report year for
which data is included in the base cost data.
The second step is to determine per diem costs and ar-
ray them to determine the median. The per diem cost is
determined by dividing the total of each provider’s in-
ated case mix adjusted base direct health care costs by
the total days provided during the base cost data period.
The median is located using a day-weighted methodolo-
gy. That is, the median cost is the per diem cost for the
facility in the array at which point the cumulative total of
all resident days rst equals or exceeds half the number
of the total resident days for all providers. The facility
with the median resident day in the array sets the medi-
an inated direct health care cost. For example, if there
are eight million resident days, the facility in the array
with the 4 millionth day would set the median.
The nal step in calculating the base Direct Health Care
upper payment limit is to apply the percentage factor to
the median cost. For example, if the median cost is $150
and the upper payment limit is based on 130% of the me-
dian, then the upper payment limit for the statewide av-
erage CMI would be $195 (D=130% x $150).
7. Quarterly Case Mix Rate Adjustment
The allowance for the Direct Health Care cost compo-
nent will be based on the average Medicaid CMI in the
facility. The rst step in calculating the allowance is to
determine the Allowable Direct Health Care Per Diem
Cost. This is the lesser of the facility’s per diem cost from
the base cost data period or the Direct Health Care up-
per payment limit. Because the direct health care costs
were previously adjusted for the statewide average CMI,
the Allowable Direct Health Care Per Diem Cost corre-
sponds to the statewide average CMI.
The next step is to determine the Medicaid acuity ad-
justed allowable Direct Health Care cost. The facility’s
Medicaid CMI is determined by averaging the facility
average Medicaid CMI from the two quarters preced-
ing the rate eective date. The facility’s Medicaid CMI is
then divided by the statewide average CMI for the cost
data period. Finally, this result, is then multiplied by the
Allowable Direct Health Care per diem cost. The result is
referred to as the Medicaid Acuity Adjustment.
The Medicaid Acuity Adjustment is calculated semi-an-
nually to account for changes in the Medicaid CMI. To il-
lustrate this calculation, take the following situation: The
facility’s direct health care per diem cost is $120.00, the
Direct Health Care per diem limit is $195.00, and these are
both tied to a statewide average CMI of 1.000, and the fa-
cility’s current Medicaid CMI is 0.9000. Since the per diem
costs are less than the limit the Allowable Direct Heath
Care Cost is $120.00, and this is matched with the state-
wide average CMI of 1.0000. To calculate the Medicaid
Acuity Adjustment, rst divide the Medicaid CMI by the
statewide average CMI, then multiply the result by the Al-
lowable Direct Health Care Cost. In this case that would
result in $108.00 (0.9000/1.0000 x $120.00). Because the fa-
cility’s current Medicaid CMI is less than the statewide av-
erage CMI the Medicaid Acuity Adjustment moves the di-
rect health care per diem down proportionally. In contrast,
if the Medicaid CMI for the next semi-annual adjustment
rose to 1.1000, the Medicaid Acuity Adjustment would be
$132.00 (1.1000/1.0000 x $120.00). Again the Medicaid Acu-
ity Adjustment changes the Allowable Direct Health Care
Per Diem Cost to match the current Medicaid CMI.
8. Real and Personal Property Fee
The property component of the reimbursement meth-
odology consists of the real and personal property fee
(property fee). The property fee is paid in lieu of an al-
lowable cost of mortgage interest, depreciation, lease ex-
pense and/or amortization of leasehold improvements.
The fee is facility specic and does not change as a result
of a change of ownership, change in lease, or with re-en-
rollment in the Medicaid program. The original property
fee was comprised of two components, a property allow-
ance and a property value factor. The dierentiation of
the fee into these components was eliminated eective
July 1, 2002. At that time each facility’s fee was re-estab-
lished based on the sum of the property allowance and
value factor. The providers receive the lower of the in-
ated property fee or the upper payment limit.
For providers re-enrolling in the Kansas Medical As-
sistance program or providers enrolling for the rst time
but operating in a facility that was previously enrolled in
the program, the property fee shall be the sum of the last
eective property allowance and the last eective value
factor for that facility. The property fee will be inated to
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
12/31/08 and then compared to the upper payment limit.
The property fee will be the lower of the facility-specic
inated property fee or the upper payment limit.
Providers entering the Kansas Medical Assistance
program for the rst time, who are operating in a build-
ing for which a fee has not previously been established,
shall have a property fee calculated from the ownership
costs reported on the cost report. This fee shall include
appropriate components for rent or lease expense, in-
terest expense on real estate mortgage, amortization of
leasehold improvements, and depreciation on buildings
and equipment. The process for calculating the property
fee for providers entering the Kansas Medical Assistance
program for the rst time is explained in greater detail in
K.A.R. 129-10-25.
There is a provision for changing the property fee. This
is for a rebasing when capital expenditure thresholds are
met ($25,000 for homes under 51 beds and $50,000 for
homes over 50 beds). The original property fee remains
constant but the additional factor for the rebasing is add-
ed. The property fee rebasing is explained in greater de-
tail in K.A.R. 129-10-25. The rebased property fee is sub-
ject to the upper payment limit.
9. Incentive Factors
An incentive factor will be awarded to both NF and
NF-MH providers that meet certain outcome measures
criteria. The criteria for NF and NF-MH providers will be
determined separately based on arrays of outcome mea-
sures for each provider group.
Nursing Facility Quality and Eciency Incentive Factor
The Nursing Facility Incentive Factor is a per diem
amount determined by four per diem add-ons providers
can earn for various outcomes measures. Providers that
maintain a case mix adjusted stang ratio at or above
the 75th percentile will earn a $3.00 per diem add-on.
Providers that fall below the 75th percentile stang ratio
but improve their stang ratio by 10% or more will earn
a $0.50 per diem add-on. Providers that achieve a sta
retention rate at or above the 75th percentile will earn a
$2.50 per diem add-on as long as contracted labor costs
do not exceed 10% of the provider’s total direct health
care labor costs. Providers that have a sta retention rate
lower than the 75th percentile but that increase their sta
retention rate by 10% or more will receive a per diem
add-on of $0.50 as long as contracted labor costs do not
exceed 10% of the provider’s total direct health care la-
bor costs. Providers that have a Medicaid occupancy per-
centage of 65% or more will receive a $0.75 per diem add-
on. Finally, providers that maintain quality measures at
or above the 75th percentile will earn a $1.25 per diem
add-on. The total of all the per diem add-ons a provider
qualies for will be their incentive factor.
The table below summarizes the incentive factor out-
comes and per diem add-ons:
Incentive Outcome
CMI adjusted stang ratio ≥ 75th percentile (5.36), or $3.00
CMI adjusted stang < 75th percentile but improved ≥ 10% $0.50
Sta retention rate ≥ 75th percentile, 71%
Contracted labor < 10% of total direct health care labor costs or $2.50
Sta retention rate < 75th percentile but increased ≥ 10%
Contracted labor < 10% of total direct health care labor costs $0.50
Medicaid occupancy ≥ 65% $0.75
Quality Measures ≥ 75th percentile (580) $1.25
Total Incentive Add-on Available $7.50
The Culture Change/Person-Centered Care Incentive
The Culture Change/Person-Centered Care Incentive
Program (PEAK 2.0) includes nine dierent incentive
levels to recognize homes that are either pursuing cul-
ture change, have made major achievements in the pur-
suit of culture change, have met minimum competencies
in person-centered care, have sustained person-centered
care, or are mentoring others in person-centered care.
Each incentive level has a specic pay-for-performance
incentive per diem aached to it that homes can earn by
meeting dened outcomes. The rst six levels (Level 0
Level 5) are intended to encourage quality improvement
for homes that have not yet met the minimum competen-
cy requirements for a person-centered care home.
Level 6 recognizes those homes that have aained a
minimum level of core competency in person-centered
care. Level 7 and Level 8 are reserved for those homes
that have demonstrated sustained person-centered care
for multiple years and have gone on to mentor other
homes in their pursuit of person-centered care. The table
below provides a brief overview of each of the levels.
Level &
Per Diem
Summary of Required
Nursing Home Action Incentive Duration
Level 0:
$0.50 Per
Per Day
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool according to
the enrollment instructions.
Home participates in all
required activities noted in
the Foundation timeline and
Workbook. Homes that do not
complete the requirements
at this level must sit out for
the remainder of the program
year. At successful completion
of the Foundation level,
homes move to Level 1.
Available beginning
July 1 of the
enrollment year.
Incentive granted
for one full scal
year, provided the
home participates in
program activities.
Homes’ incentive
may be dropped
mid-year for
Receipt of incentive
also based on
survey eligibility.
Level 1:
0-2 Cores
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool (annually).
Home submits an action
plan addressing at least 2 of
the total 12 PEAK cores. A
home can turn in additional
action plans mid-year at
their discretion. Homes are
eligible for level 1 incentive by
passing the Foundation level
and/or sustaining practices
in 1-2 cores. Level 1 homes
undergo an in-person or Zoom
evaluation with the PEAK
team. 20-25 homes are selected
for a random site visit. Homes
must participate in the random
site visit, if selected, to continue
incentive payment. Action
planned cores are evaluated
within the same scal year.
Previously passed cores will be
re-evaluated every 2 years for
sustainability. Level is adjusted
based on the evaluation results
and KDADS’ guidance.
Available beginning
July 1 of the
enrollment year.
Incentive granted
for one full scal
year. Receipt of
incentive also based
on survey eligibility.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Level &
Per Diem
Summary of Required
Nursing Home Action Incentive Duration
Level 2:
3-4 Cores
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool (annually).
Home submits an action
plan addressing at least 2 of
the total 12 PEAK cores. A
home can turn in additional
action plans mid-year at their
discretion. Homes are eligible
for level 2 incentive by passing
and/or sustaining 3-4 cores.
Level 2 homes undergo an
in-person or Zoom evaluation
with the PEAK team. 20-
25 homes are selected for a
random site visit. Homes must
participate in the random site
visit, if selected, to continue
incentive payment. Action
planned cores are evaluated
within the same scal year.
Previously passed cores will be
re-evaluated every 2 years for
sustainability. Level is adjusted
based on the evaluation results
and KDADS’ guidance.
Available beginning
July 1 of the
enrollment year.
Incentive granted
for one full scal
year. Receipt of
incentive also based
on survey eligibility.
Level 3:
5-6 Cores
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool (annually).
Home submits an action
plan addressing at least 2 of
the total 12 PEAK cores. A
home can turn in additional
action plans mid-year at their
discretion. Homes are eligible
for level 3 incentive by passing
and/or sustaining 5-6 cores.
Level 3 homes undergo an
in-person or Zoom evaluation
with the PEAK team. 20-
25 homes are selected for a
random site visit. Homes must
participate in the random site
visit, if selected, to continue
incentive payment. Action
planned cores are evaluated
within the same scal year.
Previously passed cores will be
re-evaluated every 2 years for
sustainability. Level is adjusted
based on the evaluation results
and KDADS’ guidance.
Available beginning
July 1 of the
enrollment year.
Incentive granted
for one full scal
year. Receipt of
incentive also based
on survey eligibility.
Level 4:
7-8 Cores
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool (annually).
Home submits an action
plan addressing at least 2 of
the total 12 PEAK cores. A
home can turn in additional
action plans mid-year at their
discretion. Homes are eligible
for level 4 incentive by passing
and/or sustaining 7-8 cores.
Level 4 homes undergo an
in-person or Zoom evaluation
with the PEAK team. 20-
25 homes are selected for a
random site visit. Homes must
participate in the random site
visit, if selected, to continue
incentive payment. Action
planned cores are evaluated
within the same scal year.
Previously passed cores will be
re-evaluated every 2 years for
sustainability. Level is adjusted
based on the evaluation results
and KDADS’ guidance.
Available beginning
July 1 of the
enrollment year.
Incentive granted
for one full scal
year. Receipt of
incentive also based
on survey eligibility.
Level 5:
9-11 Cores
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool (annually).
Home submits an action
plan addressing at least 2 of
the total 12 PEAK cores. A
home can turn in additional
action plans mid-year at their
discretion. Homes are eligible
for level 5 incentive by passing
and/or sustaining 9-11 cores.
Level 5 homes undergo an
in-person or Zoom evaluation
with the PEAK team. 20-
25 homes are selected for a
random site visit. Homes must
participate in the random site
visit, if selected, to continue
incentive payment. Action
planned cores are evaluated
within the same scal year.
Previously passed cores will be
re-evaluated every 2 years for
sustainability. Level is adjusted
based on the evaluation results
and KDADS’ guidance.
Available beginning
July 1 of the
enrollment year.
Incentive granted
for one full scal
year. Receipt of
incentive also based
on survey eligibility.
Level 6:
12 Cores
Care Home
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool (annually).
Homes are eligible for level 6
by demonstrating minimum
competency as a person-
centered care home (passes
all 12 core areas or 90% of the
PEAK practices). The home
does this by passing a full
on-site visit to evaluate all
12 PEAK core areas. KDADS
and KSU will facilitate a
full on-site visit to evaluate
PEAK practices. KDADS will
make nal determination
of movement to level 6.
Available beginning
July 1 following
conrmed minimum
competency of
practice. Incentive is
granted for one full
scal year. Receipt of
incentive also based
on survey eligibility.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Level 7:
12 Cores
Care Home
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool (annually).
Homes are eligible for level 7
by demonstrating minimum
competency as a person-
centered care home (passes
all 12 core areas or 90% of
the PEAK practices) two
consecutive years. The home
does this by passing a full
on-site visit to evaluate all
12 PEAK core areas. KDADS
and KSU will facilitate a
full on-site visit to evaluate
PEAK practices. KDADS will
make nal determination
of movement to level 7.
Available beginning
July 1 following
conrmation of the
upkeep of minimum
person-centered care
competencies in all
12 PEAK cores for the
second consecutive
year. Incentive is
granted for two scal
years. Renewable
biannually. Receipt of
incentive also based
on survey eligibility.
Level 8:
12 Cores
Home completes a self-
evaluation tool (annually).
Homes are eligible for level 8
by demonstrating minimum
competency as a person-
centered care home (passes
all 12 core areas or 90% of
the PEAK practices) two
consecutive years and meeting
the minimum mentoring
activities, as directed in the
mentoring log. The home does
this by passing a full on-site
visit to evaluate all 12 PEAK
core areas. KDADS and KSU
will facilitate a full on-site visit
to evaluate PEAK practices
bi-annually and turning in
a mentor log. KDADS will
make nal determination
of movement to level 8.
Available beginning
July 1 following
conrmation of
mentor home
standards (upkeep of
minimum person-
centered care
competencies in all
12 PEAK cores and
mentoring points).
Incentive is granted
for two scal years.
Renewable bi-
annually. Receipt of
incentive also based
on survey eligibility.
Nursing Facility for Mental Health Quality and
Eciency Incentive Factor
The Quality and Eciency Incentive plan for Nursing
Facilities for Mental Health (NFMH) will be established
separately from nursing facilities. Nursing Facilities for
Mental Health serve people who often do not need the
NF level of care on a long-term basis. There is a desire to
provide incentive for NFMHs to work cooperatively and
in coordination with Community Mental Health Centers
to facilitate the return of persons to the community.
The Quality and Eciency Incentive Factor is a per
diem add-on ranging from zero to seven dollars and fty
cents. It is designed to encourage quality care, eciency
and cooperation with discharge planning. The incentive
factor is determined by ve outcome measures: case-mix
adjusted nurse stang ratio; operating expense; sta
turnover rate; sta retention rate; and occupancy rate.
Each provider is awarded points based on their out-
comes measures and the total points for each provider
determine the per diem incentive factor included in the
provider’s rate calculation.
Providers may earn up to two incentive points for their
case mix adjusted nurse stang ratio. They will receive
two points if their case-mix adjusted stang ratio equals
or exceeds 3.41, which is 120% of the statewide NFMH
median of 2.84. They will receive one point if the ratio
is less than 120% of the NFMH median but greater than
or equal to 3.12, which is 110% of the statewide NFMH
median. Providers with stang ratios below 110% of the
NFMH median will receive no points for this incentive
NFMH providers may earn one point for low occupan-
cy outcomes measures. If they have total occupancy less
than 90% they will earn a point.
NFMH providers may earn one point for low operat-
ing expense outcomes measures. The provider will earn
one point if the per diem operating expenses are below
$35.73, or 90% of the statewide median of $39.70.
NFMH providers may earn up to two points for the
turnover rate outcomes measure. Providers with di-
rect health care sta turnover equal to or below 63%,
the 75th percentile statewide, will earn two points as
long as contracted labor costs do not exceed 10% of the
provider’s total direct health care labor costs. Providers
with direct health care sta turnover greater than 63%
but equal to or below 68%, the 50th percentile statewide,
will earn one point as long as contracted labor costs do
not exceed 10% of the provider’s total direct health care
labor costs.
Finally, NFMH providers may earn up to two points
for the retention rate outcomes measure. Providers with
sta retention rates at or above 59%, the 75th percentile
statewide will earn two points. Providers with sta re-
tention rates below 59% but at or above 45%, the 50th
percentile statewide, will earn one point.
The table below summarizes the incentive factor out-
comes and points:
Quality/Eciency Outcome
CMI adjusted stang ratio ≥ 120% (3.41) of NF-MH median
(2.84), or 2, or
CMI adjusted stang ratio between 110% (3.12) and 120% 1
Total occupancy ≤ 90% 1
Operating expenses < $35.73, 90% of NF-MH median, $39.70 1
Sta turnover rate ≤ 75th percentile, 63% 2, or
Sta turnover rate ≤ 50th percentile, 68% 1
Contracted labor < 10% of total direct health care labor costs
Sta retention ≥ 75th percentile, 59% 2, or
Sta retention ≥ 50th percentile, 45% 1
Total Incentive Points Available 8
Schedule E is an array containing the incentive points
awarded to each NFMH provider for each quality and ef-
ciency incentive outcome. The total of these points will
be used to determine each provider’s incentive factor
based on the following table.
Total Incentive Points Incentive Factor Per Diem
Tier 1: 6-8 points $7.50
Tier 2: 5 points $5.00
Tier 3: 4 points $2.50
Tier 4: 0-3 points $0.00
The survey and certication performance of each NF
and NFMH provider will be reviewed quarterly to deter-
mine each provider’s eligibility for incentive factor pay-
ments. In order to qualify for an incentive, factor a home
must not have received any health care survey decien-
cy of scope and severity level “H” or higher during the
survey review period. Homes that receive “G” level de-
ciencies, but no “H” level or higher deciencies, and that
correct the “G” level deciencies within 30 days of the
survey, will be eligible to receive 50% of the calculated
incentive factor. Homes that receive no deciencies high-
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
er than scope and severity level “F” will be eligible to
receive 100% of the calculated incentive factor. The sur-
vey and certication review period will be the 12-month
period ending one quarter prior to the incentive eligibil-
ity review date. The following table lists the incentive el-
igibility review dates and corresponding review period
end dates.
Incentive Eligibility Eective Date Review Period End Date
July 1 March 31st
October 1 June 30th
January 1 September 30th
April 1 December 31st
10. Rate Eective Date
Rate eective dates are determined in accordance with
K.A.R. 129-10-19. The rate may be revised for an add-on
reimbursement factor (i.e., rebased property fee), desk
review adjustment or eld audit adjustment.
11. Retroactive Rate Adjustments
Retroactive adjustments, as in a retrospective system,
are made for the following three conditions:
A retroactive rate adjustment and direct cash sele-
ment is made if the agency determines that the base year
cost report data used to determine the prospective pay-
ment rate was in error. The prospective payment rate pe-
riod is adjusted for the corrections.
If a projected cost report is approved to determine an
interim rate, a selement is also made after a historic cost
report is led for the same period.
All selements are subject to upper payment limits. A
provider is considered to be in projection status if they
are operating on a projected rate and they are subject to
the retroactive rate adjustment.
A.2 Medicaid Add-On
To compensate and incentivize providers with high
Medicaid participation a per diem add-on has been de-
termined and will be paid to each Medicaid provider in
SFY25. The per diem will be added to the nursing facility
Medicaid per diem rate.
1. Qualifying Providers
All providers currently enrolled in the Medicaid pro-
gram will be eligible for the add-on.
2. Medicaid Add-On Calculation
Funds allocated for the add-on were divided by Med-
icaid bed days reported in CY23 nursing facility cost re-
ports which resulted in a at rate of $15.18 per Medicaid
resident day. Each facility’s Medicaid rate will be deter-
mined by adding $15.18 to the facility’s base SFY25 per
diem rate.
A.3 Rapid Response Stang Grant Adjustment
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment
began partnering with KFMC Health Improvement
Partners (KFMC) in 2022 to assist long-term care fa-
cilities impacted by COVID-19 with emergency tem-
porary stang services through the Rapid Response
Stang Support Center Grant program. This program
provides qualifying nursing facilities with short-term
(up to two weeks) emergency stang services. The
costs of the emergency stang services provided to
each facility are covered entirely by the program with
no expenditures from the facility. Therefore this ad-
ditional stang and the costs related to it are not re-
ected in the Medicaid cost reports. To account for
grant program expenditures made on behalf of each
Medicaid nursing facility, a Rapid Response Stang
Grant Adjustment will be added to each participating
facility’s total reported Direct Health Care Costs for
each applicable year in the base cost data period. The
Rapid Response Stang Grant Adjustment will reect
the amount of grant funds expended in a given cost
report year to provide emergency stang services to
the facility. This amount will be combined with the
total reported costs and cost report adjustments to de-
termine the total adjusted costs for Direct Health Care
for each cost report year included in the base data peri-
od. The grant expenditures will be subject to ination
and case mix adjustments applied to the Direct Health
Care costs for each year. The grant expenditures will
then ow through the rate calculation as part of the
Direct Health Care costs subject to the cost center lim-
itation and Medicaid acuity adjustment to determine
the Direct Health Care per diem rate component.
1. Qualifying Providers
All providers identied by KFMC as receiving emer-
gency temporary stang services through the Rapid Re-
sponse Stang Support Center Grant program.
2. Rapid Response Stang Grant Adjustment
The annual grant expenditure amount made on behalf
of each facility will be added to the Direct Health Care
costs prior to adjusting for ination and case mix.
II. Medicaid Per Diem Rates for Kansas Nursing Facilities
A. Cost Center Limitations
The state establishes the following cost center limita-
tions which are used in seing rates eective July 1, 2024.
Cost Center Limit Formula Per Day Limit
Operating 110% of the Median Cost $57.16
Indirect Health Care 115% of the Median Cost $70.24
Direct Health Care 130% of the Median Cost $192.96
Real and Personal Property Fee 105% of the Median Fee $10.51
These amounts were determined according to the “Re-
imbursement Limitations” section. The Direct Health-
care Limit is calculated based on a CMI of 1.2906, which
is the statewide average for the three-year base cost data
B. Case Mix Index
These revised nal rates are based upon each nursing
facility’s Medicaid CMI calculated as the average of the
quarterly Medicaid CMI averages with a cuto dates of
January 1, 2024 and April 1, 2024. The CMI calculations
use PDPM Nursing component CMI values implement-
ed by CMS eective October 1, 2019. In Section II.C be-
low, each nursing facility’s Medicaid average CMI is list-
ed beside its per diem rate.
C. Rates
The following list includes the calculated Medicaid
rate for each nursing facility provider currently enrolled
in the Medicaid program and the Medicaid case mix in-
dex used to determine each rate.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Facility Name City
Life Care Center of Andover Andover 228.51 1.3429
Anthony Community Care Center Anthony 266.25 1.1992
Medicalodges Health Care Ctr Arkansas Arkansas City 268.52 1.3839
Arkansas City Presbyterian Manor Arkansas City 287.54 1.1335
Arma Operator, LLC Arma 292.31 1.8789
Medicalodges Atchison Atchison 276.24 1.1979
Atchison Senior Village Rehab & NC Atchison 326.67 1.2823
Dooley Center Atchison 296.74 0.8717
Aica Long Term Care Aica 325.34 1.1108
Good Samaritan Society-Atwood Atwood 317.23 1.2245
Lake Point Nursing Center Augusta 272.35 1.4055
Baldwin Healthcare & Rehab Center Baldwin City 298.23 1.6065
Quaker Hill Manor Baxter Springs 264.03 1.2279
Catholic Care Center Inc. Bel Aire 350.31 1.4003
Belleville Healthcare and Rehab Ctr Belleville 291.64 1.4050
Mitchell County Hospital LTCU Beloit 332.75 1.1664
Hilltop Lodge Health and Rehab Beloit 279.44 1.3430
Advena Living of Bonner Springs Bonner Springs 283.19 1.3064
Hill Top House Bucklin 336.87 1.4225
Buhler Sunshine Home, Inc. Buhler 303.12 1.1383
Life Care Center of Burlington Burlington 322.19 1.5155
Eastridge Nursing Home Centralia 398.63 1.6000
Heritage Health Care Center Chanute 231.59 1.3096
Diversicare of Chanute Chanute 257.29 1.2598
Chapman Valley Manor Chapman 294.99 1.3450
Cheney Golden Age Home Inc. Cheney 285.50 1.1925
Advena Living of Cherryvale Cherryvale 241.96 1.2843
The Shepherd's Center Cimarron 296.83 1.1961
Advena Living of Clay Center Clay Center 276.07 1.3608
Clay Center Presbyterian Manor Clay Center 314.42 1.1343
Advena Living of Clearwater Clearwater 276.05 1.2677
Park Villa Nursing Home Clyde 272.28 1.1909
Medicalodges Coeyville on Midland Coeyville 304.84 1.3258
Medicalodges Iola Coeyville 297.92 1.1390
Colby Operator, LLC Colby 366.19 1.7403
Prairie Senior Living Complex Colby 359.15 1.4563
Pioneer Lodge Coldwater 300.00 1.3010
Medicalodges Columbus Columbus 317.64 1.3837
Sunset Home, Inc. Concordia 289.01 1.4458
Spring View Manor Healthcare & Rehab Conway Springs 299.78 1.5608
Chase County Care and Rehab Coonwood Falls 402.60 1.7456
Diversicare of Council Grove Council Grove 241.28 1.1886
Hilltop Manor Nursing Center Cunningham 246.48 1.2869
Westview of Derby Rehab & Health Derby 228.67 1.2270
Derby Health and Rehabilitation Derby 346.27 1.4374
Hillside Village DeSoto 283.26 1.4779
Trinity Manor Dodge City 271.41 1.1643
Sunporch of Dodge City Dodge City 296.68 1.1084
Manor of the Plains Dodge City 374.36 1.4562
Downs Care and Rehab Downs 326.90 1.6380
Anew Healthcare Easton Easton 273.99 1.3953
Parkway Care and Rehab Edwardsville 258.88 1.4365
Kaw River Care and Rehab Edwardsville 307.91 1.4365
Edwardsville Care and Rehab Edwardsville 203.06 1.0402
Lakepoint Nursing Center-El Dorado El Dorado 260.62 1.1738
El Dorado Care and Rehab El Dorado 352.44 1.7334
Good Samaritan Society-Ellis Ellis 273.56 1.2352
Good Sam Society-Ellsworth Village Ellsworth 321.03 1.3567
Emporia Presbyterian Manor Emporia 289.66 1.0818
Holiday Resort Emporia 297.91 1.3893
Flint Hills Care and Rehab Center Emporia 239.59 1.2038
Enterprise Estates Nursing Center, I Enterprise 263.35 1.3210
Eskridge Care and Rehab Eskridge 238.95 1.1206
Medicalodges Eudora Eudora 296.28 1.3471
Eureka Nursing Center Eureka 255.55 1.4081
Kansas Soldiers' Home Fort Dodge 332.93 1.2531
Medicalodges Fort Sco Fort Sco 245.04 1.2326
Fowler Residential Care Fowler 307.01 1.0093
Facility Name City
Frankfort Community Care Home, Inc. Frankfort 296.76 1.0422
Medicalodges Frontenac Frontenac 261.39 1.4011
Galena Nursing Home Galena 242.30 1.1599
Garden Valley Retirement Village Garden City 227.08 1.2985
Recover Care Meadowbrook Rehab,LLC Gardner 363.57 1.3987
Anderson County Hospital Garne 352.38 1.3140
Parkview Heights Nursing and Rehab Garne 362.29 1.4957
The Nicol Home, Inc. Glasco 303.23 1.6545
Medicalodges Goddard Goddard 299.13 1.5018
Bethesda Home Goessel 319.12 1.1336
Topside Manor, Inc Goodland 287.16 1.1047
Medicalodges Great Bend Great Bend 351.91 1.4585
Azria Health Great Bend Great Bend 277.63 1.5606
Haviland Operator, LLC Haviland 193.53 0.9650
Good Samaritan Society-Hays Hays 266.83 1.1888
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Hays 331.94 1.2140
Diversicare of Haysville Haysville 234.96 1.5212
Legacy at Herington Herington 293.50 1.2404
Schowalter Villa Hesston 340.99 1.1607
Anew Healthcare and Rehab Hiawatha Hiawatha 245.67 1.2248
Dawson Place, Inc. Hill City 263.59 1.2433
Salem Home Hillsboro 285.84 1.2906
Parkside Homes, Inc. Hillsboro 306.34 1.1680
Medicalodges Jackson County Holton 294.08 1.2022
Sheridan County Hospital Hoxie 322.98 1.1455
Pioneer Manor Hugoton 329.27 1.1231
Diversicare of Hutchinson Hutchinson 279.98 1.1226
Good Sam Society-Hutchinson Village Hutchinson 289.34 1.1329
Hutchinson Operator, LLC Hutchinson 302.76
Wesley Towers Hutchinson 293.36 1.1827
Medicalodges Independence Independence 247.47 1.2530
Montgomery Place Nursing Center,LLC Independence 253.53 1.3181
Pleasant View Home Inman 328.89 1.2372
Stanton County Hospital- LTCU Johnson 328.79 1.1789
Valley View Senior Life Junction City 277.88 1.2733
Medicalodges Post Acute Care Center Kansas City 275.29 1.0944
Riverbend Post Acute Rehabilitation Kansas City 303.90 1.5462
Lifecare Center of Kansas City Kansas City 263.62 1.0524
Providence Place LTCU Kansas City 361.15 1.4758
Ignite Med Resort Rainbow Blvd, LLC Kansas City 328.91 1.6348
The Healthcare Resort of Kansas City Kansas City 366.58 1.4751
The Wheatlands Kingman 241.27 1.1378
Medicalodges Kinsley Kinsley 366.30 1.7613
Kiowa District Manor Kiowa 324.38 1.1796
Locust Grove Village Lacrosse 267.16 1.0862
High Plains Retirement Village Lakin 342.56 1.3274
Lansing Care and Rehab Lansing 322.78 1.4926
Diversicare of Larned Larned 223.61 1.1119
Lawrence Presbyterian Manor Lawrence 358.63 1.3380
Medicalodges Leavenworth Leavenworth 309.40 1.3653
The Healthcare Resort of Leawood Leawood 390.27 1.7454
Delmar Gardens of Lenexa Lenexa 245.50 1.2605
Lakeview Village Lenexa 330.79 1.1774
Westchester Village of Lenexa Lenexa 331.74 1.1700
Leonardville Nursing Home Leonardville 303.99 1.1785
Wichita County Health Center Leoti 251.45 0.6600
Good Samaritan Society-Liberal Liberal 325.86 1.5459
Wheatridge Park Care Center Liberal 281.47 1.3198
Lincoln Park Manor, Inc. Lincoln 280.95 1.2265
Bethany Home Association Lindsborg 334.00 1.1737
Linn Community Nursing Home Linn 269.97 1.3992
Sandstone Heights Nursing Home Lile River 332.73 1.2724
Logan Manor Community Health Service Logan 283.82 1.2715
Louisburg Healthcare and Rehab Center Louisburg 292.51 1.4089
Meadowlark Hills Retirement CommunityManhaan 320.69 1.1795
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Manhaan 296.77 1.1856
St. Luke Living Center Marion 292.22 1.1990
Riverview Estates, Inc. Marquee 298.15 1.1984
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Facility Name City
Cambridge Place Marysville 267.75 1.2896
McPherson Operator, LLC McPherson 364.11 2.0153
The Cedars, Inc. McPherson 331.99 1.2572
Meade District Hospital, LTCU Meade 315.00 1.0450
Merriam Gardens Healthcare & Rehab Merriam 275.38 1.4027
Minneapolis Healthcare and Rehab Minneapolis 268.40 1.3397
Minneola District Hospital-LTCU Minneola 323.98 1.1541
Bethel Home, Inc. Montezuma 304.89 1.1697
Moran Manor Moran 240.64 1.1515
Pine Village Moundridge 287.41 1.1688
Moundridge Manor, Inc. Moundridge 301.04 1.1157
Villa Maria, Inc. Mulvane 292.31 1.2304
Neodesha Care and Rehab Neodesha 300.25 1.6264
Ness County Hospital Dist.#2 Ness City 317.23 1.0511
Paramount Community Living and Rehab Newton 324.45 1.4243
Kansas Christian Home Newton 296.02 1.2669
Newton Presbyterian Manor Newton 324.84 1.1379
Bethel Care Center North Newton 334.77 1.2116
Andbe Home, Inc. Norton 237.53 1.0592
Anew Healthcare Nortonville 242.38 1.2081
Logan County Senior Living Oakley 331.29 1.2113
Good Samaritan Society-Decatur Co. Oberlin 301.97 1.0685
Villa St. Francis Catholic Care Ctr. Olathe 356.30 1.5443
Azria Health at Olathe Olathe 289.08 1.3287
Good Samaritan Society-Olathe Olathe 351.92 1.4182
Evergreen Community of Johnson Count Olathe 349.55 1.2900
Aberdeen Village, Inc. Olathe 358.58 1.3297
Noingham Health & Rehab Olathe 341.28 1.2083
The Healthcare Resort of Olathe Olathe 352.97 1.6103
Onaga Operator, LLC Onaga 322.63 1.5402
Osage Nursing & Rehab Center Osage City 259.33 1.2589
Life Care Center of Osawatomie Osawatomie 318.34 1.3293
Parkview Health and Rehab LLC Osborne 266.10 1.6977
Heritage Gardens Health and Rehab Oskaloosa 317.04 1.3472
Oswego Operator, LLC Oswego 300.29 1.7689
Rock Creek of Oawa Oawa 290.25 1.5155
Brookside Manor Overbrook 248.46 1.0935
Brookdale Overland Park Overland Park 361.97 1.2922
Garden Terrace at Overland Park Overland Park 290.03 1.1683
KPC Promise Hospital of Overland Par Overland Park 374.28 2.6436
Excel Healthcare and Rehab OP Overland Park 301.96 1.1960
Villa Saint Joseph Overland Park 335.09 1.2663
Delmar Gardens of Overland Park Overland Park 308.14 1.3475
Prairie Ridge Health & Rehab LLC Overland Park 306.25 1.2792
Village Shalom, Inc. Overland Park 343.38 1.2533
Tallgrass Creek, Inc. Overland Park 356.15 1.3425
Shawnee Post Acute Rehab Center Overland Park 362.07 1.6333
Stratford Commons Rehab & HCC Overland Park 397.72 1.7143
Colonial Village Overland Park 357.64 1.4300
Anew Healthcare - Oxford Oxford 270.71 1.2830
Medicalodges Paola Paola 167.88 0.9405
North Point Skilled Nursing Center Paola 240.24 1.3455
Elmhaven East Parsons 247.38 1.2695
Parsons Presbyterian Manor Parsons 317.63 1.1488
Good Samaritan Society-Parsons Parsons 266.12 1.0468
Peabody Operator, LLC Peabody 229.74 1.2528
Access Mental Health Peabody 174.05 0.9646
Phillips County Retirement Center Phillipsburg 264.37 1.1740
Medicalodges Pisburg South Pisburg 316.58 1.3744
Pisburg Care and Rehab Pisburg 236.22 1.3232
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Pisburg 300.76 1.2673
Rooks County Senior Services, Inc. Plainville 316.56 1.3226
The Village at Mission Prairie Village 393.46 1.5707
Grand Plains - Skilled Nursing Pra 286.41 1.3029
Pra Operator, LLC Pra 282.02 1.7059
Prairie Sunset Manor Prey Prairie 301.79 1.4793
Protection Valley Manor Protection 232.64 0.9413
Richmond Healthcare and Rehab Center Richmond 292.18 1.6400
Facility Name City
Advena Living at Fountainview Rose Hill 238.63 1.0971
Rossville Healthcare and Rehab Center Rossville 278.77 1.3858
Wheatland Nursing & Rehab Center Russell 226.87 1.1172
Russell Regional Hospital Russell 260.03 0.6600
Sabetha Nursing Center Sabetha 258.06 1.1998
Apostolic Christian Home Sabetha 296.76 1.2700
Smoky Hill Rehabilitation Center Salina 240.79 1.3599
Kenwood View Health and Rehab Center Salina 281.88 1.5791
Salina Windsor SNF OPCO, LLC Salina 243.91 1.1613
Pinnacle Park Nursing and Rehabilitation Salina 276.23 1.3787
Salina Presbyterian Manor Salina 320.37 1.2380
Satanta Dist. Hosp. LTCU Satanta 353.20 1.3356
Park Lane Nursing Home Sco City 325.55 1.2770
Pleasant Valley Manor Sedan 226.37 1.2404
Diversicare of Sedgwick Sedgwick 306.11 1.3006
Crestview Nursing & Residential Living Seneca 282.96 1.5419
Life Care Center of Seneca Seneca 261.17 1.4382
Shawnee Gardens Healthcare and Rehab Shawnee 292.59 1.3713
Sharon Lane Health and Rehabilitation Shawnee 259.40 1.2159
Brookdale Rosehill Shawnee 398.00 1.5582
Smith Center Operator, LLC Smith Center 301.78 2.0436
Sunporch of Smith County Smith Center 285.07 1.0505
Mennonite Friendship Manor, Inc. South Hutchinson 352.29 1.3855
Southwinds at Spearville Spearville 325.30 1.2396
Spring Hill Care and Rehab Spring Hill 316.33 1.6510
Cheyenne County Village,Inc. St. Francis 334.39 1.3093
Community Hospital of Onaga, LTCU St. Mary's 328.64 1.1097
Prairie Mission Retirement Village St. Paul 253.39 1.1505
Leisure Homestead at Staord Staord 267.58
Sterling Village Sterling 317.12 1.1448
Solomon Valley Manor Stockton 262.26 1.2297
Tonganoxie Opco LLC Tonganoxie 286.30 1.2875
Brewster Health Center Topeka 335.58 1.2550
Topeka Presbyterian Manor Inc. Topeka 343.90 1.2499
Legacy on 10th Ave. Topeka 245.71 1.1245
Halstead Health and Rehab Center Topeka 249.98 1.2500
McCrite Plaza Health Center Topeka 340.66 1.5416
Rolling Hills Health Center Topeka 248.00 1.2895
Excel Healthcare and Rehab Topeka Topeka 278.37 1.4537
Stoneybrook Retirement Community Topeka 265.99 1.3295
Valley Health Care Center Topeka 207.81 0.8607
Tanglewood Nursing and Rehabilitation Topeka 239.92 1.2511
Brighton Place West Health Center Topeka 211.07 1.2523
Countryside Health Center Topeka 133.16 0.9049
Providence OpCo LLC Topeka 210.19 1.0898
Brighton Place North Topeka 129.65 1.0506
The Gardens at Aldersgate Topeka 343.43 1.9109
Recover-Care Plaza West Care Center Topeka 267.46 1.4947
Holiday Resort of Salina Topeka 266.97 1.2074
Lexington Park Nursing and Post Acute Topeka 299.07 1.3104
Pioneer Ridge Retirement Community Topeka 243.47 1.2808
Western Prairie Senior Living Topeka 282.73 1.3311
Twin Oaks Health & Rehab Topeka 287.95 1.3135
The Healthcare Resort of Topeka Topeka 331.95 1.8901
Ranch House Senior Living Topeka 259.07 1.2630
Greeley County Hospital, LTCU Tribune 282.31 1.2292
Trego Co. Lemke Memorial LTCU Wakeeney 326.74 1.1569
Wakeeld Care and Rehab Wakeeld 317.93 1.5956
Good Samaritan Society-Valley Vista Wamego 308.92 1.3988
Wathena Healthcare and Rehab Center Wathena 323.88 1.7408
Botkin Care and Rehab Wellington 258.47 1.3561
Sumner Operator, LLC Wellington 280.11 1.3371
Wellsville Manor Wellsville 286.76 1.5818
Westy Community Care Home Westmoreland 260.13 1.0522
Wheat State Manor Whitewater 303.16 1.3415
Medicalodges Wichita Wichita 292.97 1.1478
Meridian Rehab and Health Care Center Wichita 228.76 1.2413
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Facility Name City
Homestead Health Center, Inc. Wichita 310.43 1.2494
Advena Living on Woodlawn Wichita 250.72 1.3238
Wichita Presbyterian Manor Wichita 335.72 1.4330
Sandpiper Healthcare and Rehab Center Wichita 240.50 1.4228
Lakepoint Wichita LLC Wichita 300.59 1.3731
Excel Healthcare and Rehab Wichita Wichita 289.79 1.3989
Legacy at College Hill Wichita 262.75 1.3284
Seville Operator, LLC Wichita 356.76 1.5949
Lincoln Care and Rehab Wichita 302.54 1.3942
The Health Care Center at Larkseld Pl Wichita 329.23 1.2382
Life Care Center of Wichita Wichita 293.11 1.2262
Family Health & Rehabilitation Center Wichita 338.85 1.3419
Caritas Center Wichita 321.13 1.1073
Regent Park Rehab and Healthcare Wichita 325.78 1.2285
Avita Health & Rehab of Reeds Cove Wichita 314.53 1.3463
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Wichita 325.00 1.3133
Ascension Living Via Christi Village Wichita 317.90 1.2780
Mount St Mary Wichita 330.63 1.2075
Azria Health Wichita Wichita 330.95 1.3739
Wilson Care and Rehab Wilson 352.96 1.7875
F W Huston Medical Center Winchester 197.04 1.1007
Wineld Senior Living Community Wineld 278.75 1.7305
Cumbernauld Village, Inc. Wineld 335.54 1.4260
Wineld Rest Haven II LLC Wineld 318.83 1.1557
Kansas Veterans' Home Wineld 326.72 1.2080
Yates Operator, LLC Yates Center 258.22 1.3299
Wineld Senior Living Community Wineld 278.26 1.7233
Cumbernauld Village, Inc. Wineld 336.30 1.4271
Wineld Rest Haven II LLC Wineld 320.43 1.1681
Kansas Veterans’ Home Wineld 325.90 1.2025
Yates Operator, LLC Yates Center 259.92 1.3520
III. Justications for the Rates
1. The revised nal rates are calculated according to
the rate-seing methodology in the Kansas Medic-
aid State Plan and pending amendments thereto.
2. The revised nal rates are calculated according to
a methodology which satises the requirements
of K.S.A. 39-708c(x) and the DHCF regulations in
K.A.R. Article 129-10 implementing that statute and
applicable federal law.
3. The State’s analyses project that the rates:
a. Would result in payment, in the aggregate of
104.49% of the Medicaid day weighted average
inated allowable nursing facility costs state-
wide; and
b. Would result in a maximum allowable rate of
$330.87 (for a CMI of 1.2906); with the total aver-
age allowable cost being $282.01.
c. Average Payment rate July 1, 2024 - $288.27
d. Average payment rate July 1, 2023 - $276.36
Amount of change - $11.91
Percent of change - 4.31%
4. Estimated annual aggregate expenditures in the
Medicaid nursing facility services payment pro-
gram will increase approximately $42.2 million.*
5. The state estimates that the rates will continue to
make quality care and services available under the
Medicaid State Plan at least to the extent that care
and services are available to the general population
in the geographic area. The state’s analyses indicate:
a. Service providers operating a total of 298 nursing
facilities and hospital-based long-term care units
(representing 96.75% of all the licensed nursing
facilities and long-term care units in Kansas)
participate in the Medicaid program;
b. There is at least one Medicaid-certied nursing
facility and/or nursing facility for mental health,
or Medicaid-certied hospital-based long-term
care unit in 96 of the 105 counties in Kansas;
c. The statewide average occupancy rate for nurs-
ing facilities participating in Medicaid is 79.32%;
d. The statewide average Medicaid occupancy rate
for participating facilities is 60.27%; and
e. The rates would cover 104.51%** of the estimat-
ed Medicaid direct health care costs incurred by
participating nursing facilities statewide.
6. Federal Medicaid regulations at 42 C.F.R. 447.272
impose an aggregate upper payment limit that states
may pay for Medicaid nursing facility services. The
state’s analysis indicates that the methodology will
result in compliance with the federal regulation.
*Includes Medicaid Add-On; see A.2.
**Includes Long Term Care Rapid Response Stang
Support Center grant.
7. The Federal scal impact for Fee for Service is as
Service Only
Estimated Federal
Financial Participation
FFY 2024 (July-Sept 2024 $189,790
FFY 2025 (Oct-June) $571,494
IV. Response to Comments Received
The state received formal comments from Kansas
Health Care Association to its Proposed Nursing Facility
rates published on April 11, 2024 in the Kansas Register.
The comments were taken into consideration during the
rate seing process. The review of this revised nal no-
tice of the Nursing Facility rates ends on July 20, 2024.
V. Notice of Intent to Amend the Medicaid State Plan
The state intends to submit Medicaid State Plan amend-
ments to CMS on or before September 30, 2024.
Laura Howard
Department for Aging and Disability Services
Christine Osterlund
Medicaid Director
Deputy Secretary for Agency Integration and Medicaid
Division of Health Care Finance
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052235
State of Kansas
Department of Health and Environment
Division of Health Care Finance
Public Notice
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment,
Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) is
amending the Kansas Medicaid State Plan. The applied
behavioral analysis service reimbursement rate for Inten-
sive Individual Supports will be increased.
The proposed eective date for the State Plan Amend-
ment (SPA) is July 1, 2024.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Notices/Executive Branch/Bonds
Service Only
Estimated Federal
Financial Participation
FFY 2024 $0
FFY 2025 $0
To request a copy of the proposed SPA, to submit a
comment, or to review comments, please contact Wil-
liam C. Stelzner by email at [email protected], or
by mail at:
William C. Stelzner
Division of Health Care Finance
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
900 SW Jackson, Room 900N
Topeka, KS 66612
The last day for public comment is July 22, 2024.
Christine Osterlund
Medicaid Director
Deputy Secretary of Agency Integration and Medicaid
Division of Health Care Finance
Department of Health and Environment
Doc. No. 052233
State of Kansas
Secretary of State
Notice of Forfeiture
In accordance with Kansas statutes, the following busi-
ness entities organized under the laws of Kansas and the
foreign business entities authorized to do business in
Kansas were forfeited during the month of May 2024 for
failure to timely le an annual report and pay the annual
report fee.
Please Note: The following list represents business
entities forfeited in May. Any business entity listed may
have led for reinstatement and be considered in good
standing. To check the status of a business entity, go to the
Kansas Business Center’s Business Entity Search Station at
(select Business Entity Database) or contact the Business
Services Division at 785-296-4564.
Domestic Business Entities
3 K Holstein Farm, Inc., Garden Plain, KS
Agoldenworld, Inc., Overland Park, KS
Arrow Renovation & Construction, LLC, Olathe, KS
Bethel Music Ministry, Inc., Overland Park, KS
Big Dog Lile Dog, Inc., Kansas City, KS
Bird City Area on Aging, Inc., Bird City, KS
Brown’s Tree Service, L.C., Topeka, KS
Clay Legvcy C.A.R.E.S, Inc., Wichita, KS
Creative-Coldsnow Artist Materials and Framing, LLC,
Overland Park, KS
Derby Swim Club, Derby, KS
Don Karst Well Service, Inc., Russell, KS
Douglas Market Development, LLC, Wichita, KS
Faith Academy of Wichita Association, Wichita, KS
Fralick Farm, Inc., Dodge City, KS
HE of Andover, LLC, Park City, KS
Healy Biodiesel, Inc., Clearwater, KS
Holstein Supply Kansas, Inc., Syracuse, KS
Hy-Plains Cale Company, L.L.C., Montezuma, KS
Ice Cold Elite Basketball, Inc., Topeka, KS
Insite, Inc., Goddard, KS
J and P Family Farms, Inc., Inman, KS
JBP, Inc., Goodland, KS
Jerry D. Guess Holdings, L.L.C., Olathe, KS
K O Ranch, LLC, Alton, KS
Kansas Basketball Academy Foundation, Wichita, KS
Kansas City Outdoor Club, Inc., Mission, KS
KC Warriors Baseball Club, Kansas City, KS
Kim H Corp., Colby, KS
Kinsey Farms, Inc., Troy, KS
Kiy Care Club, Marysville, KS
LFK Holdings, L.L.C., Lawrence, KS
Liberal Oce Machines Company, Liberal, KS
Mecca, LLC, Kansas City, KS
Mobile Products, Inc., Longview, TX
Mr. Aka’s Private Umbrella, LLC, Wichita, KS
Mr. Aka’s Black History Day’s, LLC, Wichita, KS
Muslet, L.L.C., Kansas City, KS
North Pointe Townhome Home Owners Association, Manhaan, KS
Patchen Electric and Industrial Supply, Inc., Lawrence, KS
Patriot’s Produce, LLC, Lebo, KS
Pelton Ag, Inc., Burde, KS
Pilotrade Supply Chain Service Company Limited, Denver, CO
Rent Wichita, LLC, Wichita, KS
Rush County Insurance Services, Inc., La Crosse, KS
Saba, LLC, Kansas City, KS
Scoeld Farms, Inc., Belleville, KS
Six Figure Capital, Inc., Manhaan, KS
Society of Successors Elite, Wichita, KS
Star Contracting Service, Inc., Lone Jack, MO
Surviving Suicide Foundation, Great Bend, KS
T Corp, Inc., Colby, KS
Three Bowl House 168, Inc., Lawrence, KS
Thunder Roustabout, Inc., Russell, KS
Toll Farms, Inc., Lindsborg, KS
Topeka Grizzlies Baseball Club, Topeka, KS
Tre El Tas, Inc., Topeka, KS
Twisted Oak Farms, Inc., Newton, KS
University of Kansas Robotics Organization, Lawrence, KS
Wichita R V, Inc., Andover, KS
Wiechman Feedyard, L.P., Sco City, KS
Foreign Business Entities
ABM Building Solutions, LLC, Sugar Land, TX
ABM Emobility USA, LLC, Sugar Land, TX
American Cancer Society, Inc., Kennesaw, GA,
Beaver River Auction, Inc., Norman, OK
Carey Johnson Oil Company, Inc., Lawton, OK
Cleveland Chiropractic College Alumni Association, Blue Springs, MO
Denver Commercial Builders, Inc., Denver, CO
Design 1 Group, LLC, Bristol, TN
Edge Fire Protection, Inc., Pelham, AL
Enhanced Recovery Company, LLC, Jacksonville, FL
Fair Environmental Services, LLC, Hockley, TX
GDP Drilling, LLC, Wichita, KS
Green Energy Tech, LLC, Stanberry, MO
Irvinbilt Constructors, Inc., Chillicothe, MO
L.E. Bell Construction Company, Inc., Hein, AL
R & R Pipeline Construction and Repair, Inc., Houston, TX
Rev Ambulance Group Orlando, Inc., Winter Park, FL
Signet Service Plans, Inc., Akron, OH
Tempo Medical, P.A., New York, NY
Wescon Plastics, LLC, Wichita, KS
Sco Schwab
Secretary of State
Doc. No. 052227
State of Kansas
Kansas Development Finance Authority
Notice of Hearing
A public hearing will be held at 9:00 a.m. June 27, 2024,
in the conference room of Kansas Development Finance
Authority (the “Authority”), 534 S. Kansas Ave., Suite
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
800, Topeka, Kansas, on the proposed issuance, or reis-
suance, by the Authority in one or more series of tax-ex-
empt facility revenue bonds (the “Reissued Bonds”) in a
principal amount of not to exceed $4,470,000 to refund
and reissue the Authority’s Multifamily Housing Reve-
nue Bonds (Davidson’s Landing Apartment Homes Proj-
ect) Series 2021E-2 (the “Refunded Bonds”), which were
originally issued as qualied residential project bonds
under Section 142 of the Internal Revenue Code. The pro-
ceeds of the Refunded Bonds were applied to nance a
portion of the costs of the construction and equipping of
an approximately 115-unit multifamily housing develop-
ment for persons of low and moderate income located at
or about 651 N. 65th St., Kansas City, Kansas, and known
as Davidson’s Landing Apartments (the “Project”). The
Project was initially, and is currently, owned and oper-
ated by Davidson’s Landing WHP, LP, a Kansas limited
partnership (the “Borrower”).
The Reissued Bonds will be limited obligations of the
Authority, payable solely from revenues pledged by the
Borrower, and will not constitute a general obligation or
indebtedness of the State of Kansas or any political sub-
division thereof, nor will the Reissued Bonds constitute
an indebtedness for which the faith and credit and taxing
powers of the State of Kansas are pledged, but the Reis-
sued Bonds will be payable solely and only from reve-
nues pledged by the Borrower in amounts sucient to
pay the principal of, interest and redemption premium,
if any, on the Reissued Bonds.
Interested individuals may participate in the public
hearing in person or via conference call. Please call toll
free 844-621-3956 and use access code 145 880 8929 fol-
lowed by # to join the conference.
At the time and place xed for the hearing, all indi-
viduals who appear will be given an opportunity to ex-
press their views for or against the proposal to issue any
specic Reissued Bonds, and all wrien comments previ-
ously sent to the Authority at its above-referenced oces
will be considered. Additional information regarding the
Project may be obtained by contacting the Authority at
the address of its oces shown above.
Rebecca E. Floyd
Kansas Development Finance Authority
Doc. No. 052234
State of Kansas
Department of Education
Permanent Administrative Regulation
91-31-35. Graduation requirements. (a) Each gov-
erning body shall adopt a wrien policy specifying that
pupils are eligible for graduation only after completion
of at least the following graduation requirements as es-
tablished by the state board:
(1) Four units of English language arts, which shall in-
clude reading, writing, literature, grammar, and at least
one-half unit of communication. The chief administrative
ocer may waive up to one unit of this requirement if
the chief administrative ocer determines that a pupil
will benet more by taking another subject;
(2) three units of history and government, which shall
include world history; United States history; United States
government, including the Constitution of the United
States; concepts of economics and geography; and, except
as otherwise provided in K.A.R. 91-31-35 (e), a course of
instruction in Kansas history and government;
(3) three units of science, which shall include phys-
ical, biological, and earth and space science concepts
and which shall include at least one unit as a laboratory
(4) three units of mathematics, including algebraic and
geometric concepts;
(5) one-half unit of physical education. This require-
ment shall be waived if the school district is provided
with a statement by a licensed physician that a pupil is
mentally or physically incapable of participating in a reg-
ular or modied physical education program;
(6) one-half unit of health education which may in-
clude safety, rst aid, or physiology. This requirement
shall be waived if the school district is provided with a
statement, signed by a lawful custodian of the pupil, in-
dicating that the requirement is contrary to the religious
teachings of the pupil;
(7) one-half unit of nancial literacy;
(8) one unit of ne arts, which may include art, music,
dance, theatre, forensics, and other similar studies select-
ed by the governing body;
(9) one unit of advanced science, technology, engineer-
ing, advanced math or other similar studies selected by
the governing body;
(10) four and one-half units of elective courses;
(11) two or more accomplishments approved by the
State Board that demonstrate the pupil will be a success-
ful Kansas high school graduate;
(12) One of the following lings, unless exempted by
the chief administrative ocer;
(A) A free application for federal student aid with the
United States department of education, or;
(B) On a form created by the state board, le a waiv-
er with the governing body indicating that a parent or
guardian or, if the pupil is at least 18 years of age or le-
gally emancipated, the pupil understands what the free
application for federal student aid is and has chosen not
to le an application.
(b) At least 21 units of credit shall be required for grad-
(c) A unit may only satisfy one graduation requirement
at a time.
(d) Any governing body may increase the number of
units of credit required for graduation. Any additional
requirements of the governing body that increase the
number of units of credit required for graduation shall
apply to those students who will enter the ninth grade in
the school year following the eective date of the addi-
tional requirement.
(e) The governing body shall waive the requirement for
a course of instruction in Kansas history and government
required in K.A.R. 91-31-35(a)(2) for any student who
transfers into the district at a grade level above that in
which the course is taught.
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024 © Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Regulations/Index to Regulations
(f) Unless more stringent requirements are specied
by existing local policy, the graduation requirements
specied in this regulation shall apply to those stu-
dents who enter the ninth grade in the school year fol-
lowing the eective date of this regulation and to each
subsequent class of students. (Authorized by and im-
plementing Article 6, Section 2(a) of the Kansas Consti-
tution, K.S.A. 72-3235, and K.S.A. 2023 Supp. 72-5170;
eective July 1, 2005; amended Oct. 8, 2021; amended
July 5, 2024.)
Dr. Randy Watson
Department of Education
Doc. No. 052241
This index lists in numerical order the
new, amended, and revoked administra-
tive regulations with a future eective
date and the Kansas Register issue in which
the regulation can be found. A complete
listing and the complete text of all cur-
rently eective regulations required to
be published in the Kansas Administrative
Regulations can be found at hps://www.
Reg. No. Action Register
26-52-1 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-1 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-2 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-2 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-3 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-3 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-4 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-4 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-5 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-5 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-6 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-6 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-7 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-7 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-8 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-8 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-9 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-9 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-10 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-10 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-11 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-11 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-12 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-12 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-13 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-13 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-14 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-14 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-15 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-15 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-16 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-16 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-17 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-17 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-18 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-18 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-19 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-19 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-20 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-20 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-21 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-21 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-22 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-22 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-23 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-23 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-24 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-24 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-25 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-25 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-26 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-26 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-27 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-27 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-28 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-28 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-29 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-29 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-30 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-30 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-31 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-31 New V. 43, Issue 24
26-52-32 New (T) V. 43, Issue 9
26-52-32 New V. 43, Issue 24
Reg. No. Action Register
102-2-6 Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-3-3a Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-4-3a Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-5-3 Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-5-7b Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-5-10 Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-7-3 Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-7-4 Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-7-5 Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-7-7 Amended V. 43, Issue 23
102-7-8 Amended V. 43, Issue 23
A complete index listing all regulations
led by the Kansas Loery from 1988 through
2000 can be found in the Vol. 19, No. 52, De-
cember 28, 2000 Kansas Register. A list of reg-
ulations led from 2001 through 2003 can be
found in the Vol. 22, No. 52, December 25,
2003 Kansas Register. A list of regulations led
from 2004 through 2005 can be found in the
Vol. 24, No. 52, December 29, 2005 Kansas
Register. A list of regulations led from 2006
through 2007 can be found in the Vol. 26, No.
52, December 27, 2007 Kansas Register. A list
of regulations led from 2008 through No-
vember 2009 can be found in the Vol. 28, No.
53, December 31, 2009 Kansas Register. A list
of regulations led from December 1, 2009,
through December 21, 2011, can be found in
the Vol. 30, No. 52, December 29, 2011 Kansas
Register. A list of regulations led from De-
cember 22, 2011, through November 6, 2013,
can be found in the Vol. 32, No. 52, December
26, 2013 Kansas Register. A list of regulations
led from November 7, 2013, through Decem-
ber 31, 2015, can be found in the Vol. 34, No.
53, December 31, 2015 Kansas Register. A list
of regulations led from 2016 through 2017,
can be found in the Vol. 36, No. 52, December
28, 2017 Kansas Register. A list of regulations
led from 2018 through 2019, can be found in
the Vol. 38, No. 52, December 26, 2019 Kansas
Register. A list of regulations led from 2020
through 2021, can be found in the Vol. 40, No.
52, December 30, 2021 Kansas Register. A list of
regulations led from 2022 through 2023 can
be found in the Vol. 42, No. 52, December 28,
2023 Kansas Register.
Reg. No. Action Register
111-4-3771 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-4-3772 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-4-3773 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-4-3774 New V. 43, Issue 14
111-9-233 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-9-234 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-18-5 Amended V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-169 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-19-170 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-171 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-172 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-173 New V. 43, Issue 12
111-19-174 New V. 43, Issue 14
111-19-175 New V. 43, Issue 14
111-19-176 New V. 43, Issue 14
111-20-1 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-2 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-3 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-4 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-5 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-6 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-7 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-8 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-9 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-10 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-11 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-12 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-13 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-14 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-15 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-16 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-17 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-18 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-19 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-20 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-21 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-22 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-20-23 New V. 43, Issue 5
111-21-1 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-2 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-3 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-4 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-5 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-6 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-7 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-8 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-9 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-21-10 New V. 43, Issue 11
111-501-113 Amended V. 43, Issue 11
111-501-155 Amended V. 43, Issue 11
Kansas Register
Vol. 43, No. 25, June 20, 2024© Kansas Secretary of State 2024
Index to Regulations
Reg. No. Action Register
112-201-1 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-2 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-3 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-4 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-5 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-6 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-7 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-8 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-9 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-10 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-11 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-12 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-13 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-14 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-15 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-16 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-17 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-18 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-19 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-20 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-21 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-22 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-201-23 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-202-1 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-202-2 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-1 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-2 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-3 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-4 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-5 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-6 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-7 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-203-8 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-1 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-2 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-3 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-4 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-5 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-6 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
112-204-7 New (T) V. 42, Issue 44
Kansas Register
Secretary of State
1st Floor, Memorial Hall
120 SW 10th Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612-1594