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IG Report Confirms Schiff
FISA Memo Media Praised
Was Riddled With Lies
Nearly two years later, the inspector
general's report vindicates the Nunes
memo while showing that the Schiff memo
was riddled with lies and false statements.
By Mollie Hemingway
The new inspector general report on FISA
abuse settles the debate between Republicans
and Democrats on the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence. Both groups
put out memos about the Department of
Justice’s efforts to secure a warrant to wiretap
Carter Page.
At the time of their release, the media praised
Democrat Adam Schiff and his memo and
vilified Republican Devin Nunes and his
memo. Nearly two years later, the inspector
general’s report vindicates the Nunes memo
while showing that the Schiff memo was
riddled with lies and false statements.
The memo from the Republicans on the House
Intelligence Committee reported:
1. A salacious and unverified dossier formed
an essential part of the application to
secure a warrant against a Trump
campaign affiliate named Carter Page.
This application failed to reveal that the
dossier was bought and paid for by
Hillary Clinton and the Democratic
National Committee.
2. The application cited a Yahoo News
article extensively. The story did not
corroborate the dossier, and the FBI
wrongly claimed Christopher Steele, the
author of the dossier, was not a source for
the story.
3. Nellie Ohr, the wife of a high-ranking
Justice Department official, also worked
on behalf of the Clinton campaign effort.
Her husband Bruce Ohr funneled her
research into the Department of Justice.
Although he admitted that Steele “was
desperate that Donald Trump not get
elected and was passionate about him not
being president,” this and the Ohrs’
relationship with the Clinton campaign
was concealed from the secret court that
grants surveillance warrants.
4. The dossier was “only minimally
corroborated” and unverified, according
to FBI officials.
All of these things were found to be true by the
Inspector General Michael Horowitz in his
December 9 report. In fact, Horowitz detailed
rampant abuse that went far beyond these four
The Democratic minority on the committee,
then led by Rep. Adam Schiff, put out a
response memo with competing claims:
1. FBI and DOJ officials did not omit
material information from the FISA
2. The DOJ “made only narrow use of
information from Steele’s sources about
Page’s specific activities in 2016.”
3. In subsequent FISA renewals, DOJ
provided additional information that
corroborated Steele’s reporting.
4. The Page FISA warrant allowed the FBI to
collect “valuable intelligence.”
5. “Far from ‘omitting’ material facts about
Steele, as the Majority claims, DOJ
repeatedly informed the Court about
Steele’s background, credibility, and
potential bias.”
6. The FBI conducted a “rigorous process”
to vet Steele’s allegations, and the Page
FISA application explained the FBI’s
reasonable basis for finding Steele
7. Steele’s prior reporting was used in
“criminal proceedings.”
Each of these claims were found by Horowitz
to be false.
Horowitz found that FBI and DOJ officials did
in fact omit critical material information from
the FISA warrant, including several items
exculpatory to Page. Material facts were not
just omitted but willfully hidden through
doctoring of evidence.
The warrants were based on Steele’s dossier,
which was known by January 2017 to be
ridiculously uncorroborated. The renewals did
not find information that corroborated Steele’s
reporting. The warrants clearly didn’t allow the
FBI to collect valuable intelligence. And
Steele’s prior reporting was not used in
criminal proceedings.
“We found that the FBI did not have
information corroborating the specific
allegations against Carter Page in Steele’s
reporting when it relied upon his reports in the
first FISA application or subsequent renewal
applications,” the executive summary of the
report says.
The media joined Department of Justice
bureaucrats in bitterly opposing the release of
the Nunes memo. The Justice Department
released a letter to the press saying the action
was “extraordinarily reckless,”would be
“damaging” to “national security,” and would
risk “damage to our intelligence community or
the important work it does in safeguarding the
American people.”
Then, when the report was released, the media
made a variety of contradictory claims, all of
them downplaying or dismissing the memo as
nothing whatsoever. “Why Were The
Democrats So Worried About The Nunes
Memo?” asked The New Yorker. Rachel
Maddow said that, far from destroying
national security, instead the memo delivered
a sad trombone for Trump.” “It’s a joke and a
sham,” claimed Washington Post writers.
“The memo purports to show that the process
by which the FBI and Justice Department
obtained approval from the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court to conduct
surveillance on former Trump adviser Carter
Page was deeply tainted,” the Post article says.
“It does this by straining every which way to
suggest that the basis for the warrant was the
so-called ‘Steele dossier,’ which contains
Democratic-funded research by former British
spy Christopher Steele.” (The IG confirmed
this week that the efforts to secure a warrant to
spy on Page were dropped due to lack of
evidence until Steele delivered his memos.)
On the other hand, Salon called the memo
fake news.” New York Magazine’s Jonathan
Chait, who fervently believes that Trump is a
traitor who colluded with Russia to steal the
2016 election, all evidence to the contrary,
went even further. “The Nunes Memo Is Fake
and the Russia Scandal Is Very Real,” he
claimed. “While the evidence that the DOJ has
been corrupt or even sloppy in its investigation
has disintegrated, evidence for the seriousness
of the investigation itself has grown
progressively stronger,” Chait claimed.
CNN had their good buddy James Clapper, an
Obama intelligence chief, say that the memo
was a “blatant political act.” John Brennan,
Obama’s CIA chief who was also implicated in
the spying on the Trump campaign, told
Politico that the memo was “exceptionally
partisan.” Politico claimed the memo “makes
no sense.”
“Nunes Memo Accidentally Confirms the
Legitimacy of the FBI’s Investigation,”
asserted The Intercept. “All Smoke, No Fire,”
claimed resistance member Orin Kerr in The
New York Times. “The Nunes Memo Continues
To Backfire,” declared the hyperpartisan
Washington Post editorial board.
A great example of the general media
treatment of the issue of FISA abuse was
offered up by U.S. News and World Report.
“Nail in the Coffin for Nunes Memo,” declared
the headline of an article that effusively
praised Schiff while utterly condemning
Nunes. “Nunes’ memo was a bad joke from the
start,” the author writes, going on to assert
that Page was a dangerous agent of Russia,
multiple Trump campaign operatives were
surveilled for excellent reason, and the ex-
British spy secretly hired by Hillary Clinton to
produce the dossier alleging Trump was a
secret agent of Russia was simply beyond
“If the GOP’s defense of Page is puzzling so is
its targeting of Steele, an accomplished British
former spy with an expertise in Russia and
Vladimir Putin,” claimed the U.S. News and
World Report article. Steele’s reputation with
most reporters was not based in reality and he
doesn’t even claim he verified any of the
information in his report, which a sprawling
special counsel investigation was unable to
corroborate in any of its central and major
It is unclear if the media will revisit, much less
apologize for, their false claims about the
Nunes memo or credulous support of Schiff’s
Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior
editor at The Federalist. She is Senior
Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and
a Fox News contributor. Follow her on
Twitter at @mzhemingway
Photo Face the Nation / YouTube
Adam Schi Bruce Ohr Carter Page
Christopher Steele collusion
Department of Justice Devin Nunes DOJ
House Intelligence Committee Inspector General
Media media bias Media Criticism
Michael Horowitz Nellie Ohr Nunes memo
Russiagate Russian collusion Spygate
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