July 1, 2021
June 30, 2023
Paragraph Page
1. Agreement 3
2. Leaves of Absence 4
3. Insurance 7
4. Retirement and Severance Benefits 9
5. Compensation Plan 11
6. Additional Salary Provisions 13
7. Grievance Procedure 15
8. Severability and Entire Agreement 18
A Addenda Positions 20
B Grievance Report Form 25
C Flex Time Record 26
Paragraph One: AGREEMENT
A. Agreement
This Agreement entered into on July 1, 2021, is by and between the Board of School Trustees of the School Town of
Munster, Lake County, Indiana, (hereinafter referred to as the "Board of School Trustees") and the Munster Teachers
Association, an affiliate of the Indiana State Teachers Association and the National Education Association (hereinafter
referred to as the "Association").
B. Term
This contract will remain in effect through June 30, 2023. Negotiations will begin as of September 15, 2023.
C. Recognition
The Board of School Trustees of the School Town of Munster hereby recognizes the Munster Teachers Association
as the exclusive representative of the following bargaining unit, to wit: All certificated employees of the School Town
of Munster as that term is defined in, IC 20-29-2-4, except for the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, Director
of Financial Operations, Director of Exceptional Needs, Principals, Assistant Principals, Director of Technology,
Director of Support Services, Athletic Director, Auditorium Director and School Psychologist.
In the event that a new position is created by the Board, representatives of the Board of School Trustees and
Association shall meet to attempt to agree upon the unit status of such position. If the parties cannot agree on the
unit status, either party to this Agreement may submit the issue for unit determination and/or clarification to the Indiana
Education Employment Relations Board for resolution.
The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives as set forth in this Agreement shall not be granted
to other "school employee organizations" as that term is defined in IC 20-29-5-1, 2, 3, et.seq.
D. Definitions
1. Association
Shall mean the Munster Teachers Association, an affiliate of the Indiana State Teachers Association and
the National Education Association, acting by and through its duly authorized representatives.
2. School Corporation
Shall mean the School Town of Munster
3. Basic Compensation
Shall mean the salary which a teacher has contracted to receive for all or a portion of the school year. Said
basic compensation shall not include any monies paid as a stipend or paid for an addendum position.
4. Daily Rate
Shall be calculated by dividing a teacher’s basic compensation by the number of days indicated on line two
(2) of the teacher’s Indiana regular teacher contract.
5. Hourly Rate
Shall be calculated by dividing a teacher’s daily rate by the hours indicated on line three of the teacher’s
Indiana regular teacher contract.
6. Benefit
A benefit, other than direct salary or compensation, received by a school employee from a school employer,
including but not limited to health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off.
7. Joint Benefits Committee
The Joint Benefits Committee consists of MTA representatives, including retired MTA members and
administrative representatives who will meet on a monthly basis with a financial advisor to determine all
benefits as determined by the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Paragraph Two
A. Paid Time Off (PTO)
1. Each teacher shall receive a total of thirteen (13) days of “Paid Time Off” (PTO) per year without the loss
of basic compensation or benefits.
2. Any teacher who has accumulated one (1) or more benefit days (personal illness, family illness, personal
business, paid time off, etc.) while employed in another school corporation of this state shall receive
credit for said benefit days at a rate of up to four (4) working days per year until the total number of
accumulated paid time off days to which the teacher was entitled in the last place of employment has
been exhausted, at which point the teacher will be notified.
3. If in any one (1) year a teacher is absent from work less than the prescribed number of paid time off days,
the remaining paid time off days may accumulate to the limits outlined below.
a. For teachers hired before June 1, 2000, who chose to remain on the severance plan outlined in
Paragraph 4, Section B(1), the PTO days will accumulate to an unlimited number. However, a
teacher described in this section can choose to receive compensation for PTO days provided in 3b
below. The teacher must submit their request in writing to the Assistant Superintendent.
b. For all other teachers, PTO days will accumulate to a maximum of ninety (90) days. For any days in
excess of ninety (90), teachers will receive eighty dollars ($80) per day. Payment will be made in
4. A teacher may not request a paid time off day for less than one-half (½) working day per occurrence.
5. A maximum of three (3) PTO days can be used consecutively without prior administrative approval or a
doctor’s verification.
6. A maximum of twenty (20) paid time off days can be used during a school year without any verification.
If the total number of days exceeds twenty (20) days per school year, a doctor’s verification or
administrative approval will be required to verify the need for additional days.
7. Summer school teachers shall be entitled to use their previous year's accumulated paid time off. For the
purpose of summer school, one-half (½) day shall be defined as three (3) hours or less.
8. Each teacher who teaches summer school shall be entitled to one paid time off day which, if unused
during the summer, will be added to the teacher’s accumulated paid time off bank at the rate of one-half
(½) day for teaching two (2) hours in summer school, and one (1) day for teaching four (4) hours in
summer school.
B. Bereavement Leave
1. Each teacher shall be entitled to be absent from work in the event of the death of the teacher's parent,
current step-parent, spouse's parent, children, spouse, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,
grandparent, spouse's grandparent, grandchildren, or member of the immediate household for a period
not to exceed five (5) work days following such death, without loss of basic compensation or benefits.
The Superintendent is authorized to grant up to two (2) additional days when in the Superintendent's
judgment they are deemed appropriate.
2. Each teacher shall be entitled to be absent from work without loss of basic compensation or benefits in
the case of death of persons other than the members of the immediate family which includes those
individuals listed in Section B. 1., of this Paragraph, for a maximum of two (2) days per year. The
Superintendent is authorized to grant up to two (2) additional days when in the Superintendent’s judgment
they are deemed appropriate
3. A request for bereavement leave shall be submitted to the school administration.
C. Absence Resulting from Assault and Battery
Any teacher who is absent from work as a result of injuries received from assault and battery while properly
performing the teacher's duties as prescribed by the School Corporation shall receive in addition to the
compensation prescribed by the Indiana Worker's Compensation Act a sum of money equal to the difference
between the teacher's basic compensation and the temporary disability Worker's Compensation benefits for
a period of not to exceed one hundred eighty-three (185) working days or for a period equal to the number
of working days the teacher is entitled to receive temporary disability Worker's Compensation benefits,
whichever is less.
Absences resulting from injuries received from an assault and battery shall not be charged against
accumulated paid time off days, and the teacher shall be entitled to reinstatement upon termination of the
absence without loss of any benefit accruing during the absence. All insurance benefits provided hereunder
shall be continued during the term of the absence at the expense of the School Corporation. Proof of eligibility
for this absence and the rights of the School Corporation under this Paragraph shall be the same as those
provided by the Indiana Worker's Compensation Act.
D. Work Injury
If a teacher is injured and said injury arises out of and within the scope of the teacher's employment, the
teacher may be absent from school the day of the injury and the next school/work day, if necessary, for
treatment of the injury. These day(s) shall not be deducted from the teacher's accumulated paid time off.
E. Jury Duty
Each teacher shall be entitled to be absent from work when called for regular jury duty by a Municipal, State
or Federal Court for whatever period of time may be necessary to properly perform his/her responsibility
without the loss of basic compensation or benefits; provided however, any money or fee which the teacher
receives for performing said duty shall be deducted from his/her basic compensation excluding mileage
F. Maternity Leave
Any teacher who is pregnant is entitled to a leave of absence anytime between the commencement of the
teacher's pregnancy and one (1) year following the birth of the child, if, except in a medical emergency, the
teacher notifies the Superintendent at least (30) calendar days before the date on which the teacher desires
to start the leave.
The teacher shall also notify the Superintendent of the expected length of this leave, including with this notice
either a physician's statement certifying the teacher's pregnancy or a copy of the birth certificate of the
newborn, whichever is applicable, unless waived by the Superintendent.
In case of a medical emergency caused by the pregnancy, the teacher shall be granted a leave as otherwise
provided in this section, immediately upon the teacher's request and certification of the emergency from an
attending physician. But, any teacher who is pregnant may continue in active employment as late into the
pregnancy as the teacher desires, if the teacher is able to fulfill the requirements of the position. Temporary
disabilities caused by the pregnancy shall be governed by the same provisions governing sickness.
All or any portion of the leave taken by a teacher because of a temporary disability caused by the pregnancy
may be charged at her discretion to the teacher's available paid time off.
If a teacher desires to use her available PTO days, the teacher must submit a written request to the payroll
G. Paternity and/or Adoption Leave
An employee who requests a paternity or adoption leave that qualifies under the Family Medical
Leave Act for up to 12 weeks of job protected leave has the option to use his or her PTO days as paid
days after the birth or adoption of the child. Upon receipt of a teacher's written request, the
Superintendent will review the request for paternity or adoption leave and will make
recommendations to the Board.
H. Professional Development Leave
The Board of School Trustees may, in its discretion, grant to any teacher upon written request a brief leave
with entitlement to basic compensation and/or other expenses for the purpose of visiting other schools or
attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature.
I. Disability Leave
1. This provision shall apply to cases where a teacher is unable to perform contractual duties due to a
disability substantial in nature or for more than three (3) weeks in length.
Such physical disability shall include, among other items, the following: disability from major surgery,
physical illness, mental illness, or severe emotional disturbance.
2. At the time that a teacher requests a major disability leave, the teacher shall submit the following
a. whether the teacher intends to return to duty
b. the anticipated date of return to duty
c. whether paid time off will be used in conjunction with the leave.
3. The Corporation shall grant a disability leave to a teacher who is disabled as set forth in this Section for
at most one (1) year. The Corporation may grant consecutive leaves.
4. If the teacher and the Board cannot agree as to the need for or length of the leave, the written statement
of the teacher's physician shall be a determining factor.
5. A teacher shall be entitled to receive pay for any unused accumulated paid time off during this period
and shall also be permitted to continue in the insurance programs at his/her own cost.
J. Association Business Leave
The Association shall have twenty (20) days each school year, including the following summer session, to
use for Association business. After the first ten (10) days are used, the School Corporation and the
Association will each pay half of the substitute teacher costs for the remaining ten (10) days. The Association
may request from the Superintendent an additional ten (10) days each school year to be used in the
Legislative Session in the Indiana General Assembly. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.
K. General Information about Leaves
Return from Leave
A teacher on leave must give tentative notice of return at the time the leave is granted in writing to the
Superintendent unless a specific date or time period is set forth for a particular leave of absence. A teacher
must give at least (30) days’ notice prior to return to duty.
In the case of a leave extending to the end of the second semester, the teacher will notify the
superintendent in writing by April 1 of that year whether or not the teacher intends to return to duty at the
start of the next school year. The School Corporation, upon reinstatement, will assign the teacher to a
comparable position he or she left. If the position the teacher left has been eliminated, the teacher will
choose from available vacant openings for which he/she is certified. A teacher returning from leave shall
be entitled to receive the same basic compensation and benefits package in effect at the time of return.
L Family and Medical Leave Act
The benefits provided in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) shall, at the employee's discretion, be in
addition to those listed in this Agreement and shall apply to all teachers. All teachers on leave shall receive
all insurance benefits in the same manner as all other employees, except as specified in this Agreement.
Intermittent or reduced schedule leaves shall be available to teachers for all the types of leave mentioned in
the FMLA. The leaves provided for by the FMLA shall be available to employees for all members of the
immediate family by blood, marriage or adoption (spouse, child, parent, brother, or sister in the immediate
household). The employee shall continue to accrue seniority for any time spent on an FMLA leave. The
twelve (12) month period for eligibility for the use of FMLA shall be counted from the last day of the twelfth
week of any prior FMLA leave that the employee has used.
Paragraph Three
A. Group Health Insurance
The Joint Benefits Committee will select the group health insurance. For each teacher who agrees to pay
the remaining costs of the total premium, and in no case less than $1 for the insurance, the School
Corporation will contribute the amounts listed below, annually, toward the total costs of the insurance plan:
For the 2021-22 school year
Employee Only Plan nine thousand four hundred ninety-three dollars ($9,493)
Employee + Children Plan twelve thousand dollars ($12,000)
Employee + Spouse Plan twelve thousand one hundred dollars ($12,100)
Family plan fourteen thousand two hundred dollars ($14,200)
For the 2022-23 school year
Employee Only Plan nine thousand eight hundred and three dollars ($9,803)
Employee + Children Plan twelve thousand five hundred ten dollars ($12,510)
Employee + Spouse Plan twelve thousand seven hundred seventy-three dollars ($12,773)
Family plan fourteen thousand nine hundred thirty-five dollars ($14,935)
The employee may opt for the standard plan or choose the high deductible plan and receive the same
corporation contribution to a maximum of the total cost of that plan less one dollar ($1).
1. Two married bargaining unit members will receive the equivalent benefit of two employee only plan
contributions applied to the plan of their choice, to a maximum of the total cost of that plan.
2. The health insurance plan to be provided hereunder shall be a comprehensive major medical plan. The
policies shall be a preferred provider option (PPO) and an HSA as determined by the joint benefits
3. Insurance benefits for current teachers will continue in effect until the beginning of the next plan year.
4. A new teacher’s insurance benefits shall take effect on his/her first contracted school day.
B. Life Insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment
The School Corporation shall provide a fifty thousand dollar ($50,000.00) life insurance policy for each full-
time teacher. The policy of life insurance provided by the School Corporation to the teachers shall contain
an accidental death and a dismemberment rider (double indemnity) to said policy.
C. Long Term Disability Insurance
The School Corporation shall provide a long term disability insurance plan that provides a benefit of two-
thirds (2/3) salary to age sixty-five (65). The coverage shall commence after a ninety (90) calendar day
elimination period with a maximum benefit of seven thousand five hundred ($7,500) per month.
D. Vision Insurance
The Board shall provide each certified teacher with a single vision insurance plan.
E. Dental Insurance
The Board shall make dental insurance available to employees.
F. Section 125 Benefits
The benefits provided to employees by Section 125 of the Revenue Act of 1978 shall be made available to
any bargaining unit member so requesting. An amount not to exceed the legal limit may be set aside by the
employee for the selection of benefits, under Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code, which are non-
taxable benefits of major medical, long term disability, short term disability, Section 79 Life, non-reimbursed
medical, and dependent care. The administration fee shall be paid by the School Corporation. It is the
intention of the parties to provide full Section 125 benefits to teachers within the limits and provisions allowed
by law. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the right of the Board of School Trustees to
select the carriers for insurances offered on a group basis through this contract.
G. Liability Insurance
The School Corporation shall provide general comprehensive liability insurance which shall insure each
teacher, who is acting within the scope of his/her employment, against liability for property damage, bodily
injury, professional liability, and other specified liabilities up to the limits and subject to the exclusions set
forth in said policy. The policy of insurance shall be available for inspection by any teacher or the Association
during regular business hours of the School Corporation at the Central Office.
Paragraph Four
A. Insurance Benefits
1. Upon ratification of this contract, teachers who are at least fifty (50) years of age and have completed
fifteen (15) or more years of employment with the School Town of Munster may continue to be a member of
the group health insurance program for up to seven (7) immediate and consecutive years, and the School
Corporation will continue to contribute the same sum of money towards the premium cost for the teacher’s
health insurance program as it was contributing at the time of the retirement. This benefit terminates when
the teacher becomes eligible for Medicare. If the teacher’s benefit is exhausted before qualifying for
Medicare, the teacher will pay his/her own premium cost to remain in the group. In addition, if the retiring
teacher is offered health insurance from a subsequent employer, the School Corporation is not required to
provide health insurance money for that former employee.
2. Upon retirement, the retiree's group life protection will continue in effect until the beginning of the next plan
year. During that period, the retiree may choose to continue the group term life insurance plan, subject to
the limitations of the policy. The retiree shall pay the entire cost of the premium.
B. Severance
1. For teachers hired before June 1, 2000.
a. Teachers who are at least fifty (50) years of age and have completed fifteen (15) or more years of
employment with the School Town of Munster are entitled to receive a supplemental contribution to be
paid yearly in equal installments into the affected teacher’s 403(b) post-separation account in January
of the year after the teacher retires.
b. The amount of the supplemental contribution for a teacher who has satisfied the aforementioned
eligibility conditions and who makes an irrevocable written election to retire shall be $400 per year of
Munster service and $50 per day of unused Paid Time Off.
c. If a teacher provides the superintendent with his or her irrevocable written election to retire prior to
eligibility for normal non-reduced Social Security benefits before May 1, that teacher will receive the
first installment in July of the year the teacher retires and each January thereafter until the earlier of (i)
the teacher’s attaining the age for non-reduced Social Security or (ii) five (5) years.
d. All teachers who retire prior to being eligible for non-reduced Social Security benefits, regardless of
age, have their supplemental contribution calculated by the following formula:
0.375 of their retirement/severance benefit times the number of years prior to eligibility for non-reduced
Social Security benefits to a maximum of five (5).
(0.375 X retirement/severance benefit X # years to full Social Security up to 5 years max.)
Base Severance = ($400 x Number of Years) + ($50 x Number of accumulated PTO days)
Bridge Amount = (Base Severance x Length of Bridge x 0.375)
Total Severance = Base Severance + Bridge Amount
The retirement/severance bridge benefit will be contributed annually in a single amount to the teacher’s
post-separation 403(b) account. The number of payments will be equal to the length of the retirement
e. All teachers who retire who are eligible for non-reduced Social Security benefits, are entitled to receive
the supplemental contribution to be paid in one lump sum into the affected teacher’s 403(b) post-
separation account. The date of the payment is governed by Paragraph 4, section B.1 (a) and (c)
f. If the amount of any annual payment would cause the teacher to exceed the annual IRS limit on
contributions to tax-qualified plans and 403(b) arrangements, any amount that cannot be contributed
because of such limits will be contributed in January of the following calendar year to the maximum
extent permitted under IRS rules and each year thereafter for the maximum period of time permitted
under IRS rules.
g. In the event a teacher in active service dies, a retirement pay benefit shall be paid in an annual lump
sum pursuant to the original schedule of payments to the teacher’s estate if the teacher would
otherwise have been eligible for the retirement pay benefits as of the date of death.
2. For any teacher hired after June 1, 2000 or any teacher hired before June 1, 2000 who opted to participate
in this severance plan will receive the following severance benefits:
a. Each year of employment two and one half percent (2.5%) of the teacher’s base salary will be
contributed to the member’s 401(a) account. This contribution will be paid prior to the beginning of the
next calendar year.
Paragraph Five
2021-22 School Year
A. Base Salary Increase
1. Salary Range
$44,000 to $78,000, not including current year increases or TRF contributions.
2. Base Salary Increases
a. General Eligibility
i. Except as provided in section ii below, a teacher who received an evaluation rating of ineffective or
improvement necessary in the prior school year is not eligible for any salary increase and remains at the
prior year salary.
ii. A teacher who is in the first two (2) full school years of instructing students who received an evaluation
rating of improvement necessary will only receive an increase of $800 in base salary based upon the
experience factor.
3. Factors and Definitions
a. Evaluation Results The teacher received a highly effective or effective evaluation rating for the prior
school year.
b. Year of Experience The teacher was employed in the corporation for at least 120 days in the prior
school year.
4. Distribution amounts to be added to the teacher’s base salary
a. If a teacher satisfies all of the factors listed in 3 above, the teacher will receive an increase of $4,000 in
base salary. If a teacher satisfied the factor in 3a above for the previous five (5) consecutive years, an
additional $1,000 will be added to the base salary.
b. If a teacher satisfies only factor 3a above, the teacher will receive an increase of $3,200 in base salary.
c. If the base salary increase causes a teacher’s salary to exceed $83,000, the amount above that
maximum salary will be paid as a stipend.
5. Redistribution
Any funds otherwise allocated for teachers who were rated ineffective or improvement necessary will be
equally redistributed to all teachers rated effective or highly effective. The redistribution will be in the form
of a stipend that will be paid at the end of the school year.
B. Stipends: This amount is in addition to any stipend provided through 4c and 5 above.
1. Amount of Stipend: $0
2. General Eligibility
3. Factors and Definitions
4. Distribution
C. New Employment Provision
The district will make an effort to hire new teachers at the base annual salary of $47,000. Individuals can be
hired at a rate different than their experience may warrant. All new teacher salaries will range between the
salaries listed in the Salary Range in A(1) above. The Association president will be provided with a list of
salaries for all newly hired teachers.
2022-23 School Year
A. Base Salary Increase
1. Salary Range
$ 47,000 to $83,000, not including current year increases or TRF contributions.
2. Base Salary Increases
a. General Eligibility
i. Except as provided in section ii below, a teacher who received an evaluation rating of ineffective or
improvement necessary in the prior school year is not eligible for any salary increase and remains at the
prior year salary.
ii. A teacher who is in the first two (2) full school years of instructing students who received an evaluation
rating of improvement necessary will only receive an increase of $800 in base salary based upon the
experience factor.
3. Factors and Definitions
a. Evaluation Results The teacher received a highly effective or effective evaluation rating for the prior
school year.
b. Year of Experience The teacher was employed in the corporation for at least 120 days in the prior
school year.
4. Distribution amounts to be added to the teacher’s base salary
a. If a teacher satisfies all of the factors listed in 3 above, the teacher will receive an increase of $4,000 in
base salary.
b. If a teacher satisfies only factor 3a above, the teacher will receive an increase of $3,200 in base salary.
c. If the base salary increase causes a teacher’s salary to exceed $87,000, the amount above that
maximum salary will be paid as a stipend.
5. Redistribution
Any funds otherwise allocated for teachers who were rated ineffective or improvement necessary will be
equally redistributed to all teachers rated effective or highly effective. The redistribution will be in the form
of a stipend that will be paid at the end of the school year.
B. Stipends: This amount is in addition to any stipend provided through 4c and 5 above.
1. Amount of Stipend: $1,000
2. General Eligibility
Only currently employed teachers who received five (5) consecutive evaluation ratings of highly effective or
effective in the previous five (5) school years are eligible for a stipend.
3. Factors and Definitions
Evaluation Results The teacher received five (5) consecutive highly effective or effective evaluation
ratings for the previous five (5) school years.
4. Distribution
The one-time stipend will be paid in two equal payments on September 2, 2022 and December 9, 2022.
C. New Employment Provision
The district will make an effort to hire new teachers at the base annual salary of $50,000. Individuals can be
hired at a rate different than their experience may warrant. All new teacher salaries will range between the
salaries listed in the Salary Range in A(1) above. The Association president will be provided with a list of
salaries for all newly hired teachers.
Paragraph Six
The School Corporation will be responsible for the teacher’s full contribution to the Indiana State Teachers
Retirement Fund.
A. Use of Automobiles in Connection with Work
1. Mileage
Any teacher who receives the prior written permission of the Superintendent to use his automobile in
connection with his assigned school duties shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred according to the
IRS mileage rate. The IRS mileage rate approved for business expense deductions in effect on July 1
of each year shall be the rate used for the duration of the school year starting that year.
B Salary Payments
Base salaries shall be paid in twenty-six (26) installments beginning August 20, 2021.
A teacher who dies or resigns and/or retires from employment during the school year will receive their
remaining pay in the pay check for the pay period immediately following the pay period in which the teacher
died or had their last paid day. Payment shall be made to the surviving spouse, or if there be no surviving
spouse, then to the teacher’s estate in accordance with Indiana law, rulings, and regulations.
C. Direct Deposit of Paychecks
The Board shall provide direct deposit of paychecks to the teacher's choice of financial institution.
D. Homebound Pay Method
Teachers shall receive their hourly rate for homebound instruction.
E. Summer School Pay Method
Elementary and middle school summer school teachers will receive summer compensation in three (3)
equal checks. High school summer school teachers will receive summer compensation in four (4) equal
Teachers shall receive their hourly rate.
F. Payment for Committee Work and Professional Development
Teachers who have completed committee work and professional development for which compensation is
given shall be paid within forty-five (45) calendar days after a duly completed claim form has been filed with
the School Corporation. The Chairman of a committee shall submit signed completed claim forms within
ten (10) calendar days of completion of the committee work. Teachers shall receive the following stipends.
All committee stipends will be negotiated prior to appointment of committee members.
Standing Committee Stipend
1. Employee Benefits $320
2. Teacher Evaluation $520
3. RtI/Data Team $625
4. School Improvement Chair $835
5. School Improvement Team Member $520
6. Strategic Planning Committee $520
Each member’s individual compensation will be based on attendance at committee meetings according to
the following criteria:
70-100% attendance rate 100% compensation
50-69% attendance rate 80% compensation
30-49% attendance rate 60% compensation
less than 30% no compensation
If fewer than three (3) meetings are held, the compensation will be 100%. The administrator facilitating
committee meetings will maintain attendance records for each meeting, and the MTA will be notified of
those members not attending.
G. Curriculum Guide Revision
Teachers who are involved in revising or writing curriculum guides or course outlines will be given a choice
of released time or cash compensation. Prior administrative approval is required. The released time will
be one (1) day released time for a one (1) semester or a nine (9) week course and two (2) days for a year-
long course. The cash compensation will be $130 for a one (1) semester or nine (9) week course and $260
for a year-long course.
H. High Ability Program Meetings
High Ability teachers will meet to discuss curriculum and program development. If these meetings occur
outside the contracted teacher day, these teachers will receive an additional stipend of $25 per hour for the
meeting attendance. Prior administrative approval is required.
I. New Teacher Orientation
Newly employed teachers shall be requested to attend a two-day new teacher orientation prior to the
beginning of school. These teachers will receive the workshop compensation of $65 for less than 4 hours a
day and $130 for more than four hours a day.
J. Response to Intervention (RtI) Meetings
Non-members of the RtI Team may be required to attend an RtI meeting outside the contracted teacher day.
If this occurs, the non-member teacher will receive an additional stipend of $25 per hour for the meeting
attendance. Prior administrative approval is required.
K. Flex Time
Upon receiving prior approval from any administrator, guidance counselors shall be able to use flex time to
arrange needed work days during the summer. The flex time will be accumulated by the counselor who will
be responsible for keeping all records of flex time accumulated during the summer. The counselor will
provide a record of the flex time accumulated to the administrator. Upon reaching a minimum of three
hours and thirty minutes, the counselor may use the flex time as ½ day flex time that may be accumulated
from year to year. This flex time should not be used to extend vacations and cannot be used more than
two (2) days at a time. Administrators must give prior approval for the counselor to work on summer days
that will be considered as flex time.
L. Workshops, Conferences, and Training Sessions
When a teacher attends a workshop, conference or training session (with prior administrative approval)
outside of the normal workday, the teacher may be compensated $65 for less than a 4hr/day at the
workshop, conference, or training session and $130 for more than a 4hr/day.
When full-time teachers are required by the School Board to attend in-service workshops during the full-
time teacher's normal workday, all part-time teachers assigned to similar assignments as those full-time
teachers who are required to attend the same in-service workshop outside their workday will be paid
twenty-five dollars ($25) per hour or their hourly work rate whichever is lower. When part-time teachers are
required to attend a corporation sponsored in-service workshop, the teachers shall receive twenty-five
($25) per hour or their hourly work rate whichever is lower for any portion of the in-service workshop which
occurs outside the teacher's normal workday.
M. Camps, Overnights, and Extended Days
Teachers who supervise students overnight will be compensated an additional $50 a night with a maximum
of $250 per activity. Teachers serving as extra-curricular sponsors or coaches are not eligible for this
additional stipend if that teacher receives a stipend listed in Appendix A for the extra-curricular activity.
Prior administrative approval is required.
N. Activity Pass
All teachers, spouses, and children will be allowed to attend all school-sponsored extra-curricular events,
excluding all IHSAA state tournament games and fundraising events, at no cost if the teacher presents his
or her current faculty I.D
Paragraph Seven
A. Definitions
The application of the following definitions shall be limited to Paragraph Seven.
1. When the term "teacher" is used in the Procedure it shall mean any teacher, group of teachers, or the
2. "Grievance" is defined as any allegation by a teacher, group of teachers, or the Association that there
has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the terms of this Agreement.
3. "Days" unless otherwise specified shall mean all days other than Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays,
and vacation days during the calendar year.
B. Three-Stage Grievance Procedure
1. Any teacher who believes that he/she has a justifiable grievance may request an informal meeting with
his/her principal for the purpose of arriving at a mutual satisfactory resolution of the grievance. In the
event a group of teachers is involved, a small representative group of such teachers may be present, if
they so desire. The principal shall schedule an informal meeting with the teacher within three (3) days
after the receipt of a request thereof. Any grievance which the parties are unable to resolve informally
shall be presented by the teacher in writing (formal grievance) to the principal. The formal grievance
shall be dated and signed by the grieving teacher.
Within five (5) days after receipt of a formal grievance by the principal, the principal shall submit his/her
decision in writing, together with the supporting reasons thereof, to the Association President for
review. Within two (2) days, the Association President will respond to the principal, and the decision
will be sent to the grievant.
2. Second Stage
If the grievance is not resolved at the First Stage of the Grievance Procedure, the teacher may file a
written request for a meeting with the Superintendent. The meeting must be requested within five (5)
days after the receipt of the decision from the principal in accordance with Stage One of the Procedure.
The Superintendent, within three (3) days of the receipt of the request for the meeting, shall notify the
teacher in writing of the date of said meeting, which date shall not be more than ten (10) days after the
receipt of said request.
Within seven (7) days after the meeting, the Superintendent shall submit his/her decision in writing,
together with the supporting reasons, to the Association President. Within two (2) days, the
Association President will respond to the superintendent, and the decision will be sent to the grievant.
3. Third Stage
If the Association is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance, or if no disposition has been
made within the period provided in Step 2, the grievance shall, upon motion of the Association be
submitted to binding arbitration before an impartial arbitrator.
The Association shall serve written notice to the Superintendent of its intent to arbitrate by submitting a
copy of its Request for Arbitration Panel from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)
within twenty (20) days after receiving the Step 2 answer.
The School Corporation recognizes the right of the Association to initiate a request for a panel
submission and that FMCS is authorized to provide such panel upon such request.
Following submission of a panel of arbitrators to each party by the FMCS, a representative of each
party shall within five (5) days of receipt of said panel cross off the names of any arbitrators who are
unacceptable and number the names of those remaining in order of preference, with one being the first
choice, two being the second choice and so on down the line. Within seven (7) days of receipt of the
panel from FMCS, the two representatives shall confer either in person or by telephone for the purpose
of selecting the arbitrator. The arbitrators whose names have been crossed out by either party shall
not be appointed. The numerical ratings of the remaining arbitrators shall be added together with the
arbitrator having the lowest total numerical rating being the arbitrator who will hear the case unless that
arbitrator disqualifies himself/herself. In the event an arbitrator disqualifies himself/herself, the
arbitrator with the next lower total numerical rating will be requested to hear the case. This procedure
shall be followed until an arbitrator is selected.
The conduct of all proceedings hereunder shall be in accord with the Code of Professional
Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes as adopted by the National Academy of
Arbitrators, the American Arbitration Association and the FMCS.
The cost of the arbitrator shall be defrayed as follows: one-half (½) by the Association and/or teacher
and one-half (½) by the School Corporation. The hearing before the arbitrator shall be conducted at
such times and in such manner as provided by the rules and regulations of the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service unless otherwise modified by this Agreement or by the mutual agreement of the
The arbitration hearing shall be a private proceeding unless otherwise mutually agreed.
The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding.
The Agreement constitutes a contract between the parties which shall be interpreted and applied by the
parties and by the arbitrator in the same manner as other collective bargaining agreements. The
function and purpose of the arbitrator is to determine disputed interpretations of terms actually found in
the Agreement, or to determine disputed facts upon which the application of the Agreement depends.
The arbitrator shall decide only those issues submitted. The arbitrator may consider what can fairly be
said to have been the intent of the parties if the arbitrator determines that the language was unclear
and/or ambiguous. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter, add to, subtract from, or modify the
terms of this Agreement. Past practices may be used in interpreting or applying the terms of the
Agreement, but may not be used to change the written terms of the Agreement. The Arbitrator does not
have the authority to reinstate a teacher to employment with the school corporation.
Whenever the parties agree to hold an arbitration hearing during school hours or whenever an
arbitrator or the American Arbitration Association mandates the holding of such hearing during school
hours, members of the bargaining unit who are scheduled to participate in such proceedings will not
suffer loss of pay or credit for days of leave.
C. General
1. A written grievance shall be filed on the form attached and it shall contain a clear and concise
statement of the grievance, the issue involved, and the specific contractual provision allegedly violated.
2. A grievance which is not filed initially in the proper stage of the Grievance Procedure or with the proper
person shall be referred by the teacher or the School Corporation to the proper stage and/or proper
3. All data and other material not readily available to the teacher which bears on the issue raised by a
grievance shall be made available by the School Corporation with any information which is relevant to
the allegations set forth in the grievance and which is requested by the school administration.
4. A grievance should be filed as soon as is practicable after knowledge of the facts giving rise to the act
or condition which is the basis of the grievance. In no event, however, shall a grievance cite as an
alleged violation an act which occurred more than thirty-five (35) days prior to the filing of the written
grievance by the teacher in the First Stage of the proceeding.
5. Failure at any stage of this Procedure to take the grievance to the next stage within the time limits
specified shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the decision at that stage of the Procedure by the
6. The time limitations set forth in this Grievance Procedure may be extended only by mutual agreement
of the parties involved.
7. A grievance may be withdrawn at any time.
8. If the parties mutually agree, the Association may file a grievance on behalf of any teacher at the
Second Stage of the Grievance Procedure and the Association may process the grievance at each
stage thereafter.
9. A teacher who is assigned to a special education position may elect to file an informal grievance with
the immediate supervisor who allegedly committed the grievance, which for the purpose of this
Agreement will be either the Director of Exceptional Needs or the building principal to which the
grievant is assigned. If the grievance is not resolved, the teacher may proceed to the Second Stage
with the Superintendent.
10. At any meeting with the principal, or at any meeting provided for in the succeeding stages of the
Grievance Procedure, the teacher shall have the right to representation by the Association and the
School Corporation shall have the right to have in attendance any person they deem necessary for a
proper discussion of the grievance.
Paragraph Eight
A. Severability
In the event any provision of this Agreement is illegal by reason of legislative enactment or held to be illegal
by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall be deleted from this Agreement; but the remaining provisions
shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the Agreement. The deleted portions shall be
renegotiated consistent with existing law.
B. Entire Agreement
The parties mutually agree that this Agreement has been executed pursuant to the provisions of IC 20-29-6
& IC 20-29-2-2 and that it contains the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties thereby
superseding all previous oral or written agreements. This Agreement may not be changed or amended
except by a written instrument signed by both parties.
The undersigned attest to the following:
1. A public hearing was held on September 13, 2021, and electronic participation from the parties and/or
public was not permitted; and
2. A public meeting was held on September 27, 2021 to discuss the tentative agreement and electronic
participation from the governing body and/or public was not permitted.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be ratified and executed this
day of October, 2021.
Print Name
Print Name
Appendix A
Addenda Positions
Addenda - Salary Provisions
Athletic Addenda - High School
Total Salary
Athletic Strength Supervisor Fall
Athletic Strength Supervisor Spring
Athletic Strength Supervisor - Winter
Boys’ Baseball, Varsity Head
Boys’ Baseball, Varsity Assistant
Boys’ Baseball, Junior Varsity
Boys’ Baseball, Ninth Grade
Boys’ Basketball, Varsity Head
Boys’ Basketball, Varsity Assistant
Boys’ Basketball, Ninth Grade Head
Boys’ Cross Country, Varsity Head
Boys’ and Girls’ Diving, Varsity Head
Boys’ Football, Varsity Head
Boys’ Football, Varsity Assistant
Boys’ Football, Ninth Grade Head
Boys’ Football, Ninth Grade Assistant
Boys’ Golf, Varsity Head
Boys’ Soccer, Varsity Head
Boys’ Soccer, Junior Varsity
Boys’ Swimming, Varsity Head
Boys’ Swimming, Assistant
Boys’ Tennis, Varsity Head
Boys’ Tennis, Varsity Assistant
Boys’ Track, Varsity Head
Boys’ Track, Assistant
Boys’ Wrestling, Varsity Head
Boys’ Wrestling, Assistant
Girls’ Basketball, Varsity Head
Girls’ Basketball, Varsity Assistant
Girls’ Basketball, Ninth Grade
Girls’ Cheerleading, Varsity Head
Girls’ Cheerleading, Junior Varsity
Girls’ Cross Country, Varsity Head
Girls’ Dance, Varsity Head
Girls’ Dance, Junior Varsity
Girls’ Golf, Varsity Head
Girls’ Soccer, Varsity Head
Girls’ Soccer, Junior Varsity
Girls’ Softball, Varsity Head
Girls’ Softball, Varsity Assistant
Girls’ Softball, Junior Varsity
Girls’ Softball, Ninth Grade
Girls’ Swimming, Varsity Head
Girls’ Swimming, Assistant
Girls’ Tennis, Varsity Head
Girls’ Tennis Varsity Assistant
Girls’ Track, Varsity Head
Girls’ Track, Assistant #1
Girls’ Volleyball, Varsity Head
Girls’ Volleyball, Junior Varsity
Girls’ Volleyball, Ninth Grade
Summer Open Gym Supervisor
Summer Weight Lifting
Unified Track Head Coach
Unified Track Assistant Coach
Nonathletic Addenda High School
Academic Competition Coach
American Sign Language Club Sponsor
Art Club Sponsor
Band, High School Director
Band, High School Assistant
Band, High School Jazz Director
Band Camp, Summer
10 days at daily
Best Buddies Sponsor
Black Culture Club Sponsor
Bowling Club Sponsor
Chairperson, English
Chairperson, Foreign Language
Chairperson, Math
Chairperson, Science
Chairperson, Social Studies
Civics Club Sponsor
Class Sponsor, Freshman
Class Sponsor, Junior
Class Sponsor, Senior
Class Sponsor, Sophomore
Color Guard Director
Creative Writing Club Sponsor
Culture Cuisine Club Sponsor
DECA Head Coach
DECA Assistant Coach
Ensembles Director
Environmental Club Sponsor
E-Sports Sponsor
E-Sports Assistant Sponsor
Film Club Sponsor
French Club Sponsor
GSA Sponsor
Jewish Culture Club Sponsor
Link Crew Sponsor
Middle Eastern Culture Club Sponsor
Musical, Music Director
National Honor Society Sponsor
Orchestra, Middle and High School Director
Percussion Director
Philosophy Club Sponsor
Ping Pong Club Sponsor
Poetry Club
Project X Sponsor
Publications Director
Read and White Club
Representative, Elective Departments
Representative, Special Education
Robotics Team, Head Coach
Robotics Team, Assistant
S.A.D.D. Sponsor
Spanish Club Sponsor
Speech and Debate, Assistant
Speech and Debate, Director
STAND sponsor
Student Government Sponsor
Vocal Music Director
We the People Coach
Athletic Addenda - Middle School
Extra-curricular Coordinator
Boys & Girls Basketball, 6th Grade
Boys’ Basketball, 7
Boys’ Basketball, 8
Boys’ Football, 8
Grade Head
Boys’ Football, 8
Grade Assistant
Boys’ Football, 7
Grade Head
Boys’ Football, 7
Grade Assistant
Boys’ Soccer, Middle School
Boys’ & Girls’ Track, Middle School Head
Boys’ Track, Middle School Assistant
Boys’ Wrestling, Middle School Head
Boys’ Wrestling, Middle School Assistant
Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country, Middle School Head Coach
Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country, Middle School Assistant,
Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis
Girls’ Basketball, 7
Girls’ Basketball, 8
Girls’ Cheerleading, Middle School
Girls’ Dance, Middle School
Girls’ Soccer, Middle School
Girls’ Track Middle School Assistant
Girls’ Volleyball, 7
Girls’ Volleyball, 8
Weight Training
Nonathletic Addenda Middle School
Academic Competition Coach
Art Club, Middle School Sponsor
Band, Middle School Director
Band Middle School Assistant
Band, Middle School Jazz Director
Book Club Sponsor
Card and Game Club Sponsor
Choir, Middle School
Computer Club Sponsor
Department Chair (English, Math, Science, Social Studies)
Drama, Middle School Director
Environmental Science Club Sponsor
Friendship Club Sponsor
GT Choir
0 Club Sponsor
Math Counts Coach
Newspaper Sponsor
Reality Store Director
Science Olympiad Coach
Student Council Sponsor
WEB Club Sponsor
Yearbook Coordinator
Addenda Elementary
Eads Leads Sponsor
Elliott Young Astronaut Club Sponsor
GT Art
GT Dance
GT Music
K-Kids, Elementary Sponsor
Robotics Coach
Math Bowl Coach
Orchestra, Elementary Director
Outdoor Science Lab, Elementary
Science Bowl Coach
Spell Bowl Coach
District Addenda
Chess Club, District Sponsor
The number of addendum positions listed above is included for reference only and is not a subject of bargaining.
The School Town of Munster shall pay the teacher's portion of the TRF on addenda pay.
Teachers may request that an addenda position be divided between two or more people and the building
principal/administrator may grant this request at his or her discretion. The salary will be divided equally.
If an addendum is filled at a time after the normal starting time for that addendum, the stipend may be prorated
by mutual agreement of the administration and the MTA.
For the sports of cross country, swimming, and track, one head coach may be hired to coach both the boys’
and girls’ teams concurrently. If a single coach is hired as both the boys’ and girls’ coach concurrently, the
following stipends will apply.
Boys’ and Girls Cross Country, Varsity Head
Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country Assistant Coach
Boys’ and Girls’ Swimming, Varsity Head
Boys’ and Girls’ Track, Varsity Head
GRIEVANT DATE FILED________________________________________
A. DATE CAUSE OF GRIEVANCE OCCURRED ________________________________________
C. PARAGRAPH OF CONTRACT VIOLATED __________________________________________
Signature of Grievant
DATE OF APPLICATION FOR FLEX TIME APPROVAL_________________________________
NAME OF ACTIVITY___________________________________________________________________
DATE OF ACTIVITY____________________________________________________________________
BEGINNING TIME OF ACTIVITY__________________________________________________________
ENDING TIME OF ACTIVITY_____________________________________________________________
TOTAL TIME SPENT IN ACTIVITY ____________________________
_____________________________ ________________________
The counselor will provide a photocopy of this record to the administrator in charge of the activity, but only
the counselor’s records will verify flex time.