CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
rIver bOaT
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Proposal Overview
Good design is good for business. This is because good design is an intricate weaving of aesthetics, function, and the
needs of users and service providers. Our rm has a long history of nding innovative new ways to design and pro-
duce familiar things, while bringing new life and vitality to them.
We’ve designed and manufactured innovative digital photo booths that transformed an old idea into a multi-million
dollar company. We’ve created an articulated folding solar array that sits atop a modular transportable building - a
product with a similar cost to the River Boats - now patented, trademarked, and deployed at over 30 locations across
the country and beyond. We’ve worked with a fortune 500 company to design and manufacture innovative new LED
street lighting by the hundreds. And, we’re a licensed architecture practice in Texas. We know what it takes to bring
large scale products from concept, through manufacturing and specialty fabrication, to completion.
Pairing complex fabrication and innovative business practices is in our DNA.
For the San Antonio River Boats, we propose a mixture of rened familiar elements accompanied by a sophisticated
level of modular design that allows for many dierent uses and congurations. We also propose the optional develop-
ment of a mobile app for the new eet to provide end-users with a better, easier experience and allow the City of San
Antonio to realize greater revenues.
The current riverboats oer the prospective market two familiar options: crowded, aordable tours and group dining.
These options exclude a large portion of the potential available market for these boats. For the individual who doesn’t
wish to rub elbows with dozens of other tourists or doesn’t have a large enough group to justify a group dinner on
board, the river boats are less desirable.
We will change the River Boat experience for the better.
Our Approach to the River Boat Design challenge began with a simple gesture, circumscribed within the City of San
Antonios iconic “Deep in the Heart logo. This simple rounded rectangle, or pill shape, creates an iconic form for the
vessels that is hydrodynamic and simple to fabricate.
The form of the boats translates clearly into an iconic logo or symbol of it’s own - clearly recognizable on the water, on
line, in smart-phone apps, on t-shirts and mugs, or on way nding signage along the river walk and at boarding loca-
tions. Perhaps, most importantly, our design looks less like a utilitarian barge and more like an elegant boat.
We rmly believe that the iconic form, brand recognition, and multi-functional modularity of our design will create
excitement unlike any since the inception of the riverboat tours in 1968. New functions and uses will translate into
new ridership as the new river boat experience aligns with an ongoing rebirth of cool on the riverwalk. The sustain-
able eciency of Torqeedo’s electric power and propulsion system will create a smooth ride and noise free experience
for both boat passengers and river walkers. The form and brand will create a new accessibility for the public, on the
river walk and online combining the simplicity of Uber with a new festive and iconic riverboat, creating a fantastic new
River Walk experience for everyone...
Functionality, Durability, and Longevity
Form follows function. We believe this. The simple and elegant form of the River Boat design is rooted in both iconog-
raphy and the exterior ergonomics of piloting the boats around tight curves in the river, and the interior ergonomics
of seating that provides maximum space and comfort. These are the functions that matter: how safely does it function
for the pilots and how comfortably does it function for the passengers? We believe our design answers these ques-
tions condently. The sections below describe durability and longevity in great detail.
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Our design proposes standard aluminum closed hull construction similar to the current river barges. Geometry is
limited to simple curves that can be easily rolled, cut, and fabricated. The stainless steel deck with integral threaded
couplings for the modular deck components will be CNC cut for accurate placement and location of the couplings so
that modular elements are guaranteed to t. Our rm has extensive experience in CNC fabrication and can supply
authored les for direct CNC cutting and fabrication with a guaranteed t.
We have coordinated carefully with Torqueedo and specied their battery and propulsion system due to their tested
experience on River Walk barges and our research conrming that they are industry leaders in this eld. The console
design will use a Torqueedo throttle with kill switch, waterproof electric switches for lighting and VHF radio, and a
hydraulic action steering wheel.
The hull of the boat will be fully welded Aluminum which we propose to be left unpainted to reduce maintenance at
and below the waterline. The hull will be reinforced with 4” and 6” aluminum channels internally. The rub-rails of the
boat are aluminum channel extensions with a 3/8” faceplate and a continuous black neoprene bumper bolted through
the faceplate. The face plate will be painted aluminum, along with the top plate below the guard rails. These will
require minimal re-painting as these surfaces will be protected by the bumper and will not be walked on.
The deck of the boat features 1/2” internal threaded couplings to mount a variety of modular components includ-
ing the hinged pilots console, seating, tables, and other future accessories. These couplings and the deck will be 304
stainless steel with a non-slip epoxy paint nish. The deck surface will be 3/16” thick, and will be supported by alu-
minum cross members as indicated above. The epoxy coating will need to be re-applied periodically due to abrasion
wear from foot trac. Longevity of this coating will depend on the nal product specication and the amount of
abrasive foot trac.
Seating will be constructed of powder coated aluminum or steel (depending on weight requirements and strength
needed), and will require no paint touchup. Long term scratching or abuse may require re-powder coating of such
components after 5-10 years.
Seating Surfaces will be comprised of marine grade plywood atop steel or aluminum plates (re: above), with heavy
duty vinyl and foam padded upholstery gathered and stapled to plywood, then captured by the powder coated steel
or aluminum plates to prevent fraying or loosening of the vinyl.
Railings will be powder coated 1/8” aluminum plates on tapered columns bolted to the deck. Like the modular seating
components described above, the powder coat nish will require no paint touchup, and will last 5-10 years or more
before needing to be re-powder coated. Generally, powder coating is considered a maintenance free coating, though
some sources recommend a light wax, similar to car wax, bi-annually to improve long term UV resistance and guard
against color fading.
The fold-down ramp railings will be made of 1/8” powder coated steel (instead of aluminum) to resist denting from
foot trac. These sections will be reinforced with additional members, and will have a perforated graphic pattern to
increase rigidity and minimize the size of holes to prevent high heels or wheels from penetrating. These sections will
also be painted with a non-slip epoxy coating on the interior surface. This coating, like the deck surface, will require
periodic re-painting due to foot trac.
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Advanced 3D Modeling: Our boat will be fabricated using advanced digital fabrication technologies to ensure preci-
sion and repeatability. We will create a parametric digital master model of the entire vessel - down to the smallest nuts
and bolts - to reveal fabrication conicts and provide timely delivery and quality assurance. This same model will be
used to generate material take os, and provide cost control for each component of the boats.
CNC Laser Cutting: The same CNC technologies will allow us to provide uniquely patterned guardrails that are laser
cut and/or punched with accuracy and eciency. Since cut les are authored by our oce, the cost for customization
is minimal, and dierent colors, patterns, names, etc. can be provided.
CNC Waterjet Cutting: The modular deck surface will allow for easy reconguration of seating, tables, railings, and
other future items like sun shading, parade oat decorations, oating stage set designs, and other events yet to be
imagined! The deck will be CNC water-jet cut in one piece by one of the largest CNC water-jet cutting machines in
North America. This will provide a seamless deck with highly accurate locations for the internally threaded couplings.
When not used, the couplings will be plugged with a ush fastener.
Spring-Hinged Access Ramp: The hinging guard rail ramp sections will allow for easy boarding and de-boarding
for all passengers. This railing section will lock upright into place at a slight outward angle to match the rest of the
guardrails. With an upward release, it will hinge outward to create a ramp to load passengers. The weight of the ramp
section will be oset by a concealed torsion spring below the deck level, at the pivot point. Our rm has successfully
designed and engineered hinging and/or articulating components on multiple mass-produced products.
Programmable LED Lighting: LED lighting will be used throughout, for their long lifespan and minimal draw on the
boats electric power system. Headlights (for navigating darker sections of the River Walk), port and starboard lighting,
and an all around light, as required by law for a boat less than 12 meters in length will be provided, along with a light-
ing glow at the water level that does not present a light source in conict with the above. The ground eect lighting
will be water proof (IP-67) rated, and will be fully programmable, with several colors and/or eects controlled by a
simple set of pushbuttons on the pilots console.
Electric Power and Propulsion: Finally, the Torqueedo electric battery and propulsion system specied below pro-
vides a highly ecient, safe, and quite ride experience for both those on the boats and those walking the River Walk.
Technical Specications
Vessel: The River Boat measures 27’-0” from bow to stern with a 9’-0” beam. The hull is aluminum with aluminum
channel reinforcing and a neoprene bumper rail.
The dry weight of the vessel will be approximately 8000 pounds, and it will draft approximately 16”, not including a 18-
24” mid-mounted aluminum keel.
A full passenger compliment will weigh approximately 6000 pounds, and will draft an additional 6-8” depending upon
the hull design and prole below water level.
Due to ADA requirements the hinged guard-rail / ramps may accommodate an 8” range of motion relative to the
passenger loading level of 17” above water level. As such the boat will be designed to have a freeboard of 21” when
empty and 13” when fully loaded. This will allow for a 1:10 slope for a 36” ramp length plus a 1/2” threshold.
The vessel will seat 43 passengers (including 2 wheelchair positions with commpainion seating on either side) com-
fortably with 21” of legroom between facing seats, 42” width for 2 person bench seats at the perimeter, and staggered
individual seats in the center row. These dimensions represent a marked improvement in personal space for all pas-
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Battery Power: We propose providing twelve (12) Torqeedo Power 26-104. These batteries are waterproof, lightweight
and will provide power for a full day of touring with the ability to charge quickly in o hours. The specications include:
deep discharge, polarity reversal, overheating and submersion
Motor Propulsion: We propose providing one (1) Torqeedo Cruise 4.0 R/T with specications as follows:
Modular Component Options
Just as this iconic form is transferable and recognizable along the river walk and beyond, the modular nature of the
form itself can be transformed to accommodate a broad range of functions. A series of coarse threaded couplings
located in the at deck surface allow for all components of the river boats to be added or removed.
Railings may be changed to t the seasons, seats may be added / removed / or recongured to t the functions of
touring, dining, commuting, and variations that have yet to be oered. Tables, shade sails, parade oat decor, thrones
for the NBA champions, and things we haven’t thought of yet, can all be attached to our multifunctional deck.
Cost Estimate
Please see the attached Control Estimate and Critical Path Timeline for both cost assurance and a high level path
toward completion of the eet by January 2017 as desired.
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsalrIver bOaT
Custom Built Hull 057,31$TBD
Motor & Batteries Torqeedo $24,189
$15,000 x 5
4kW / 8 hp equivalent, high performance lithium batteries
Deck Fabrication Campo Sheet Metal $6,750
Stainless Steel w/ threaded attachment couplings
Components Star Precision and others $8,250
Assembly 000,1$DBT
Shipping/Delivery 005$DBT
Custom Lighting 000,3$spillihP
TOTAL $57,939
Mobile Application OPTIONAL
Solar Shade Canopy OPTIONAL
0 x 4505,4$DBT
All figures reflect a per boat cost contingent on a volume order based on a projected 45 boat fleet.
Preliminary Control Estimate
Preliminary Project Schedule
Custom Built Hull 057,31$TBD
Motor & Batteries Torqeedo $24,189
4kW / 8 hp equivalent, high performance lithium batteries
Deck Fabrication Campo Sheet Metal $6,750
Stainless Steel w/ threaded attachment couplings
Components Star Precision and others $8,250
Assembly 000,1$DBT
Shipping/Delivery 005$DBT
Custom Lighting 000,3$spillihP
TOTAL $57,939
Mobile Application OPTIONAL 0 x 4505,4$DBT
All figures reflect a per boat cost contingent on a volume order based on a projected 45 boat fleet.
Preliminary Control Estimate
Preliminary Project Schedule
Commissioning S.A. River Authority
Construction Oversight
Shipping / Delivery TBD
Deck Fabrication Campo Sheet Metal
Accessory Fabrication Star Precision and others
Assembly Campo Sheet Metal
Hull Fabrication TBD
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
27’-0” lenGTH
9’-0” WIdTH
32” MIn
23” 18”
WaTer level TO dOCK
16”16” 20”
pIlOT’s COnsOle
HYdraUlIC sTeerInG
GUardraIl / enTrY raMp
baTTerY TraY COMparTMenTs
WITH deCK aCCess panels
prOGraMMable led GrOUnd
deCOraTIve 1/8” pOWder
COaTed alUMInUM GUard
raIl/seaT baCKs
1:20 seCTIOn
1:20 plan
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Superior Power Train Engineering
• ISO 9000 development environment
• CE Certication means our products have passed
rigorous testing procedures, and are insurable
 Latest brushless motor design with state-of-the-art
electronic commutation
 
 Complete and total system design
 All components are IP67 waterproof
 High performance and safe lithium battery chemistries
all eleCTrICal prOpUlsIOn
sYsTeMs are nOT CreaTed eQUal.
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
sYsTeM as prOpOsed FOr neW
san anTOnIO rIver barGe
Proven power, better runtime, and faster charging
 
 Recharge from 240 vac
 Charge time 9-10 hours
 Integrates with standard steering hardware
Single Cruise 4kW outboard
(8hp equivalent)
(12) POWER lithium batteries,
2.7kwh each
(2) Chargers 1.7kw each
Remote Throttle showing speed,
battery %, and range
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Diagram showing 2 batteries in series,
actual installation will have 5 more sets in parallel
Simple, standardized
wire connections for
both Data and Power
saMple WIrInG dIaGraM
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
What’s included with our system
 Components as purchased (motor, throttle, batteries, chargers)
 DC wiring limited to (chargers - batteries - motor)
 DC fuses and/or circuit breakers related to propulsion system
 Data wiring (motor - batteries - throttle)
What’s not included (boat builders responsibility and cost)
 240vac shorepower cordset (located at each marina slip)
 On-board 240vac power inlet
 On-board 120/240vac breaker panel*
 On-board 12vdc breaker panel
 Any non-propulsion electrical systems (lights, PA system, bilge
pumps, power inverter, DC/DC converter, etc…)
 NOTE: accessory loads may be connected to the Torqeedo
batteries if desired
 Steering system
TOrQeedO prOpUlsIOn sYsTeM
*AC breaker panel
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
eleCTrIC MOTOrs:
OUTbOard drIve vs InbOard
Poor steering response at low
speeds, requires rudder. Always
steers better in one direction.
Motor Maintenance
Boat has to be in Marina for
service, involved and time
Propeller material
or Metal
Must pull boat out of the water to
change propeller
Limited battery meter
Propeller Shaft Seal
Boat must be pulled from the
water for this involved service
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
baTTerIes: WHY lITHIUM and nOT
TradITIOnal lead aCId?
Torqeedo Outboard
Very easy to steer because of
‘directional thrust’ (existing
barges are using outboards)
Poor steering response
at low
speeds, requires rudder. Always
steers better in one direction.
Motor Maintenance
Electric Outboard can be
out on the river in less than 15
Boat has to be in Marina for
service, involved and time
Propeller material
Composite or Metal
Composite or Metal
Simply tilt up motor and
propeller in 10 mins while boat is
in the water
Must pull boat out of the water to
change propeller
% battery, speed, consumption,
and highly accurate GPS based
range calculator in throttle
Limited battery meter
Yes, fully submersible IP67
Propeller Shaft Seal
Pull motor off boat, replace seal,
reinstall: Less than 1hr
Boat must be pulled from the
water for this involved service
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Lithium Batteries are safe and reliable if they are:
• Manufactured by a top-tier cell fabrication plant
 we only use Panasonic and Sony ‘Cylindrical Safety Cells from
 and Johnson Controls cells from the US
• Are properly packaged in a true marine case
 IP67 waterproof and structurally robust
• Have an eective BMS (Battery Management System)
 preventing over charging, over discharging, and other
electrical conditions
• Conservatively charged and discharged
 less heat generated
• Proper over-current protection
Torqeedo has shipped more marine-grade lithium
batteries than any other manufacturer.
baTTerIes: lITHIUM saFeTY
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Easy to use ‘Smart Throttle
Information Display integrated into throttle, showing
 Battery percentage %
 Remaining range in miles
 
 Current power sage in watts
sYsTeM OperaTIOn
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Easy to use automatic battery chargers
• 240volt/30amp single phase service per boat will be required
 However, standard chargers will only pull about 15amps at
full load
• Standard recovery times
 5% to 100% will be about 10 hours
 20% to 100% will be about 8 hours
• Optional faster charging is possible at additional cost
• ‘Full cycling is not required, as there is no memory eect’
• Charging is an automatic process and only requires the
operator to plug the boat in to shorepower
• We recommend that the chargers be permanently installed
on-board the vessel, and that the cord set remain in the
sYsTeM OperaTIOn
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
• POWER 26-104 Lithium Batteries
 Standard 2-year limited warranty
• Extended to 4-year limited warranty for SA River Barges
• Cruise Series Motors
 Standard 6-month limited warranty for commercial use
• Extended to 2-year limited warranty for SA River Barges
Torqeedo is happy to provide additional warranty
protections for our products that are delivered as a
complete system
servICe and sUppOrT: exTended WarranTY
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Training program for Operator (or other designated party) to
become a factory-authorized service center
 Will perform repairs quickly, directly, and locally at the marina
 Locally stock spare parts and replacement units, avoiding
shipping cost and delays
 A Torqeedo Cruise motor can be swapped out in about 15 minutes
on the water
Extended hours phone support available as a premium service
Driver coaching for a smooth transition to the electric helm
 Electric boats drive a little dierently than gas powered boats
 The additional torque can be used to maneuver more accurately
 Skippers will know how to properly operate and can get the most
benet out of the system
servICe and sUppOrT
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
servICe and sUppOrT
Cradle to Grave lithium battery recycling program
 As SA purchases a new set of batteries from Torqeedo, we will take
responsibility for proper recycling of the old batteries
 In some cases, these older lithium batteries can be re-purposed to
provide grid energy storage to facilitate the integration of variable
renewable resources, such as wind and solar
Total Lifecycle Management for Lithium Batteries
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
servICe and sUppOrT: GlObal servICe neTWOrK
Service Center
Service Partner
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
• Only system that is 17-months proven on a San Antonio River
 3+ years proven on all OKC River Barges
• Outboards outperform inboards for this application
 
multiple tight turns required in the canal system
 Easier to maintain, no boat haul-outs required
• Manufactured in Germany, CE certied, sales and service oce
in US, direct executive support
• Extended warranty support, battery costs are capped
 Internationally recognized as the market leader in eciency, unit
sales, product choices
WHY torqeedo eleCTrIC prOpUlsIOn?
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Steve Trkla President, Torqeedo Inc.
Todd Sims - 
Torqeedo Inc.
171 Erick Street, Crystal Lake IL 60014
Tess Smallridge - 
Sven Kirchho – 
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Envision new possibilities for the River Boat experience with the
easy addition or removal of modular components: touring, dining,
commuting, and other variations yet to be oered. Tables, shade
sails, parade oat decor, and other accessories can be attached to
our multi-functional at deck surface with ush threaded coupling
MOdUlar COMpOnenTs
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Its a classic, but were making it better! Padded bench seating and
a staggered wavy back on the center row gives 4” more legroom
to every passenger. Curved bench seating at the bow and stern
give more options to passengers and companion seating for
wheelchairs. And our at deck and integral fold-down ramps make
access to the boats easy for everyone. No steps, no tripping, no
rIver TOUr
CITY OF san anTOnIO RIVER BaRGE dEsIGn pROpOsalrIver bOaT
dInner CrUIse
For the discerning party of 20, or the farmhouse table crowd ready
to sit and dine with their friends and their soon-to-be new friends,
the modular deck also accommodates the big long center table.
The outward leaning guardrails create an elegant ambiance while
providing more room for you (and your waiter!) to get in and out
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Formal dinner too formal? We agree. Sometimes you just want to
grab a cocktail and some chips and guac. Our modular deck allows
for dierent congurations of tables and chairs, maybe a few four-
tops, and that great corner booth that everyone wants...
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
On this tour, everyone is a captain! With benches removed, there
is ample room for this 16 person tour to seat everyone in style in
rotating captains chairs. Sure it costs a little more, but when you
can free-wheel around to see all the sights, it just might be worth it!
360 vIp TOUr
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Is that a tour boat or a taxi? Can’t tell? Neither could we. Our
integral ground eect” lighting will be yellow when it’s a taxi, red
when its a tour, blue for dinner cruises... You get the picture. Wait.
It can’t be ground eect if its water. So what is it? Its waterproof,
programmable LEDs, pointing down, as if to whistle and yell TAXI!
rIver TaxI
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Its party time! The Spurs just won, again! Now this is where the
modular deck really helps. The oat committee will grouse far
less when clearing the deck, and attaching plumes, balloons,
and thrones is made easy with our integrated ush stainless steel
threaded coupling attachment points. Integrated what!? Never
mind. It’ll be easy and fun to trick out these boats into oats.
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
Ahh, lounging on a sandy beach. In San Antonio. On the River walk.
If I was in college I would do that in a heartbeat! Why not? When
you have a modular deck you can do things on boats that nobody
has thought of before!
beaCH CrUIse
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
What? You can do yoga on a boat?! Thats what some of us said at
rst, then we Googled it. Yes you can. In fact, people do yoga on
stand up paddle boards. Google it. Youre welcome. In fact, the
stand up paddle boards look a bit like our iconic pill-shaped River
Boat forms. Bringing us full circle. Ommm....
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
We’ve got kids. We get it. Youre trying to relax and enjoy the River
Walk and something keeps nagging you. Or someone. River Boats
to the rescue! Ship the little ones o for a 45 minute tour with
guessing games and sing alongs that will leave the kids pumped,
parents relieved, and passers by saying aww! So cute!”
plaY pen
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
CITY OF san anTOnIO rIver bOaT rIver barGe desIGn prOpOsal
CITY OF san anTOnIO RIVER BaRGE dEsIGn pROpOsalrIver bOaT
OTHer COMpOnenTs
sTeel raIlInGs, COlOrs and paTTerns