Whole Foods Market®
Supplier Guidelines
Quality Standards • Product Maintenance • Order Fulfillment
Receiving Procedures • Invoicing & Payment • Recalls
Whole Foods Market
Supplier Guidelines
These guidelines are an introduction to Whole Foods Market supplier standards;
they are not intended to be inclusive of all Whole Foods Market requirements and
processes. Individual Whole Foods Market regions may provide additional regional
supplier information, and may introduce further requirements pertaining to each
supplier’s specific commodity and distribution model.
Table of Contents
1. Quality Standards
Access To Standards
Changes To Standards
Unreviewed Ingredients
Other Requirements
Organic Products
For More Information
2. Product Maintenance
Cost File Submission
Liability Insurance
Recipe/Ingredient Changes
Packaging Changes
Certification Validation
In-Store Demonstrations
3. Order Fulfillment
Back Order Policy
Packing/Shipping Guidelines
Carton Markings
Carton Documents
4. Receiving Procedures
Arrival and Inspection at WFM Stores
Non-perishable Items
Perishable Items
Good Organics Practices
5. Invoicing & Payment
Payment Process
Invoices Must Accompany Shipments
Contacting WFM with Payment Questions
6. Recalls
Product Recall and Crisis Notification
I. Quality Standards
Whole Foods Market
(WFM) carry natural and organic products because we believe that food in its purest state —
unadulterated by artificial additives, sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives — is the best tasting and most nutritious food
available. Our business is to sell the highest quality foods we can find at the most competitive prices possible. We evaluate
quality in terms of nutrition, freshness, appearance, and taste. Our search for quality is a never-ending process involving the
careful judgment of buyers throughout the company.
In order to fulfill our mission to only sell the highest quality natural and organic products, we have established a strict set of
ingredient-based standards for products sold in our stores. This document is intended to help our suppliers evaluate their
products with regard to our standards. We consider it our suppliers’ responsibility to carefully verify that their products meet
our standards for acceptable and unacceptable ingredients.
Products from the following categories must meet the ingredient standards for that category:
• Food • Body Care / Personal Care • Dietary Supplements • Premium Body Care
The standard for each of these four categories is a list of ingredients, which are deemed as either “acceptable” or
“unacceptable.” The standard may also include additional criteria for certain ingredients. Products must only be formulated
with ingredients that have been deemed “acceptable.” Products from categories not covered by these standards may still be
evaluated for consistency with our overall quality standards by our buyers and Quality Standards team.
Access to Standards
Our ingredient standards are shared confidentially with our suppliers on our vendor portal, online at http://www. - the login is “vendor” and the password is “wholefoods”.
Changes to Standards
Our ingredient standards may change, and we will post a change log, which documents all changes to our ingredient
standards, on the vendor portal. It is each vendor’s responsibility to check that list at least quarterly and ensure their
products’ ongoing compliance with our standards.
Unreviewed Ingredients and Additives
You may find that an ingredient in your product is not listed, which indicates that it has not been reviewed by our Quality
Standards team. Unreviewed ingredients and Additives are not acceptable in our products. To initiate the review of an
unreviewed ingredient and additives, you should work with your WFM buyer.
Other Requirements
We also require that your product clearly list all ingredients on the label, and that your labels comply with all applicable
Federal, state and local regulations. Allergens must be disclosed on labels in accordance with FALCPA. For more information,
go to:
Organic Products
Any food product which uses the word “Organic” anywhere on the label, except in the “Ingredients:___” listing, must be
certified by USDA-accredited certifying agent. These products must also list the certifying agent on the label. This also applies
to products simply making a “Made with Organic ____” claim. As noted on the first page, you must attach a certificate for
all products making an “organic” label claim. For more information on USDA Organic Standards, please see the National
Organic Program website:
For More Information
Because of the large number of vendors supplying our company, our Quality Standards team is unable to accept unsolicited
inquiries from vendors. Instead, we ask that you work with your WFM buyer to answer any questions you may have.
2. Product Maintenance
Product Updates and Required Maintenance Actions
Once the fulfillment cycle begins any adjustment to an approved product requires
direct and advance communication with the relevant WFM Category Manager/
Coordinator/Buyer. In addition, all WFM Supplier Partners are required to validate
their insurance status, as well as any certifications under which they operate, such as
“certified organic”, on an annual basis. Observe the following disclosure guidelines to
ensure uninterrupted fulfillment and payment cycles for all products entering WFM:
Cost Submission for all Products
Whole Foods Market requires vendors to provide and maintain complete and accurate
records of item costs. Item cost is defined as the cost that WFM will be invoiced
after the effective date provided by the vendor. We require that all cost updates be
submitted electronically using WFM’s Vendor Internet Portal (VIP).
The Vendor Internet Portal (VIP) is WFM’s National Database that houses cost
information for all vendors who sell directly to Whole Foods Market. This is the
WFM system for updating costs in the regional ordering and receiving systems. Cost
information is submitted to VIP via an Excel spreadsheet or by manual entry into
VIP. The VIP costle contains the information we require about your products in a
spreadsheet format.
WFM requires appropriate lead time notice for cost changes. Typically, the lead time
requirement is at least 30 days for Non Perishable vendors. Perishable vendors’
lead time is determined by the Regional Coordinator. National Whole Body vendors
have a lead time requirement of 60 days. Our Data Specialists will confirm your lead
time when your account is set up. All cost increases must be submitted with the
appropriate lead time.
Submitting and maintaining cost files in the VIP is a monthly requirement since this
information is used for setting retails, for the stores to write purchase orders, and to
facilitate paying the correct cost. The cost on your invoice must match the cost you
have submitted via VIP.
Annual Validation of Liability Insurance
We request all WFM Supplier Partners to carry insurance. The type of coverage
and amount depends on a product's risk level. Please check with your WFM
contact to get specific insurance requirements. Whole Foods Market, Inc. and
its subsidiaries must be named as an additional insured by endorsement to your
insurance policy. We will request a copy of the endorsement along with your
certificate of insurance. You will be expected to provide a copy of your policy
renewal on an annual basis.
Recipe/Ingredient Changes or Adjustments
Forward any change of recipe or ingredient in a Supplier Partner’s previously
approved product or raw material to the appropriate WFM Category Buyer 60-days
in advance of the change.
Email the Category Buyer with the product’s new ingredient or recipe. Be sure to
include the entire ingredient list or recipe with the change listed, the date it will
appear in the product, and a contact phone number/email in the event that WFM
requires additional information.
Packaging Changes
Please seek approval by e-mail with your WFM Category Buyer prior to distributing products whose
original approved packaging has changed Forward product samples in new packaging 60 days in
advance of the projected fulfillment date Would recommend saying" WFM Category Buyer must
approve all changes to packaging" Provide a contact phone number/email in the event that WFM
requires additional information. Any production facility or ingredient changes that could impact
the allergen statement of the product should be reported in advance of shipping the product and
appropriate packaging changes made to disclose the impact of the change. Allergen statements
should accurately reflect the risk of allergy contamination at the place of manufacture.
Certification Validation
Remember to keep your certifications current. Forward a copy of your “certified organic” standing
or similar state/federal issued distinctions 30 days prior to their anniversary. Be sure to identify any
and all certifications you carry with your WFM Category Buyer; we may make note of it in store level
marketing efforts. All food production facilities must be registered with either the USDA or FDA,
depending on the products being produced. If a facility change occurs then the production facility
must be registered with the appropriate regulatory agency unless an exemption has been granted
due to low volumes of production.
In-Store Demonstration Guidelines
Whenever possible, Supplier Partners are encouraged to
demonstrate their products in a WFM retail environment.
In-store appearances can be coordinated with WFM
Category Buyer, store marketing representative or
equivalent. Refer to store location information available
and contact the Marketing Specialist at the store in which
the demonstration is planned. Each store’s Marketing
or Demonstration Specialist will walk Supplier Partners
through the process and be able to answer any questions
pertaining to supplies and requirements. Be certain to note
the following guidelines and ask the in-store marketing
contact for more details when necessary:
Insurance Requirements
Supplier Partners planning an in-store appearance with products may be required to carry
additional liability insurance. Contact the store Marketing Specialist or Demo Coordinator at
the location in which you are planning your demonstration for more details.
FDA/USDA Registration
All food production facilities
must be registered with
either the USDA or FDA,
depending on the products
being produced. If a facility
change occurs then the
production facility must
be registered with the
appropriate regulatory
agency unless an exemption
has been granted due to low
volumes of production.
3. Order Fulfillment
Introduction to Guidelines
WFM (WFM) uses a proprietary software application to create individual
purchase orders (PO) for product at each of its locations. A Store Team
Member generates a PO in advance of product arrival and forwards it to the
item’s supplier. Shipments risk rejection if they do not have a documented
order in place at the time of arrival. To prevent rejection, be certain to follow
the guidelines below and reach out to your store contact with any questions or
concerns prior to shipping products.
What to look for:
• Is the designated Supplier information correct?
• Is the ship to address correct?
• Note the PO Number at the upper right hand corner of the document: that
should be referenced on all vendor paperwork associated with this shipment.
• Note the item level costs; do they match the cost file you have provided
• WFM asks that you list out-of-stocks on your invoice; include them at the
line item level with a “0” indicating they were not filled.
Back Order Policy
• WFM does not accept back orders; Buyers will place a new order for the out-
of-stock product at a later time.
Cost Discrepancies
• Please revisit your VIP cost file for any PO costs received that appear
inaccurate. If costs are submitted to the Region in a format other than the
VIP, contact your Regional Buyer and submit a new cost file for review.
Transmitting the PO to Suppliers
• Suppliers may choose to receive a PO via fax, email, electronic transmission
or phone; work with your Regional and/or store Buyer to identify the method
you prefer.
• Free-fill should be supported by a Purchase Order. Samples are to be clearly
labeled and do not require a Purchase Order or invoice.
Adjusting Purchase Orders
• Refrain from including un-ordered additions in any shipment to a WFM
location without prior Buyer approval.
• Refrain from adding or subtracting quantities other than those specified on a
WFM PO without prior Buyer approval.
Carton Requirements
WFM requires that all Supplier Partners use rigid, corrugated cardboard boxes when shipping product via UPS, FedEx or other
third party carriers. In addition, note the following guidelines:
Weight Limitation
Observe a 50 LB MAXIMUM weight on all cartons.
Unless required by product, refer to standard UPS shipping carton guidelines for all cartons and refrain from shipping
products in boxes that would fall under dimensional weight classifications. UPS standard guidelines are available on their
website at
• Sealing Cartons
Use heavyweight-packing tape to seal boxes and avoid straps or staples. When sealing boxes, use a standard “H” format
on the bottom and top of boxes being certain to cover all adjoining seams with tape.
• Packing Materials
Non-biodegradable packing materials are prohibited for all Grocery and Whole Body deliveries. WFM also advocates
the use of biodegradable materials such as corn-based shock absorbent fills. If these options are unavailable, choose
recyclable shipping materials and explore other environmentally compatible options for future shipments.
Carton Markings
All cartons destined for WFM must have a highly visible and legible label. Note the following information and placement
Address Label Contents
WFM Purchase Order Number
WFM Store Name, WFM Store Number
WFM Address
WFM In-store Department (Grocery, Bulk, Coffee, Floral, etc.)
____ of ____ (number of boxes in shipment, as in “1 of 3”)
“Perishable” (if appropriate) or “Samples/Promotional/Display” (if appropriate) would further define to include whether
it is refrigerated or frozen product
Date of Shipping/Harvest
Country of Origin
Lot and/or date codes
In the upper left-hand corner of the label or on a second label placed accordingly, include the following:
• Supplier Partner Name
• Supplier Partner Address
A directory of WFM store names and addresses can be found at:
One Shipment per Purchase Order
A shipment is defined as “the number of boxes associated with one (1) purchase order number.” If multiple boxes with
different purchase orders are being shipped together, be certain to label boxes according to the PO with which they are
4. Receiving Procedures
Each store and/or Distribution Center has posted receiving hours at its Receiving dock and entrance. Make note of these
hours when planning deliveries, and look for special instructions for first time deliveries to specific locations. Deliver only to
the designated receiving dock(s). No deliveries will be accepted outside of posted receiving hours.
• If unusual circumstances prohibit delivery within specified hours, be certain to contact the designated Team Member at
the respective location.
While WFM will make every effort to accommodate unusual circumstances, be prepared to return the following day during
normal receiving hours to make your delivery.
Dock Safety and Admittance
Make use of instructions for each store regarding the approach, traffic patterns or noise restrictions associated with different
locations (these are highlighted in the directory of regional stores found at the end of this section). Enter each location
through the designated Receiving Entrance. Activate the doorbell in the event the receiving door is locked.
• Turn off engine while you are waiting for dock availability and after you have securely positioned your vehicle for the
inspection and unloading process.
• Use wheel chocks.
• Bathroom use at WFM is permitted: ask the Receiver if you must re-park your vehicle prior to using the facilities.
• If you intend to make purchases while delivering to a WFM store, complete your delivery, re-park your vehicle, and enter
the store through the customer entrance. Remember to retain the receipt for your purchases.
• Use of grade A pallets is strongly encouraged but clean, structurally sound pallets must be used.
• Suppliers entering WFM receiving area are to first check-in with store Receiving team.
• Suppliers entering areas of the store other than the Receiving dock are required to first obtain a visitors badge.
Be certain that trucks are clean and free of insect and pest infestation or malodorous scents. WFM Receivers will inspect each
truck and make note of its condition. Temperature standards for cargo space apply to all perishable deliveries: And secured at
the time of delivery to avoid tampering during shipment.
• Incoming trucks that carry perishable items including dairy, deli, meat, seafood or mixed loads that contain perishable
items, must have an ambient temperature no higher than 41° F. Recommend saying 41° F or less
• Trucks that deliver frozen goods must have an ambient temperature no
higher than 10° F. Recommend saying 10° F or less
WFM Supplier Partners should have a surrounding air temperature
thermometer available in delivery vehicles. Insufficient ambient air
temperature readings in delivery vehicles will necessitate multiple individual
product temperature evaluations and lengthen delivery time.
Non-Perishable Items
Palletized Loads
Construct pallet beginning with heaviest cartons and work up to lighter
weight pieces.
Distribute weight evenly; do not exceed 78-INCHES IN HEIGHT.
Be sure to protect glass and fragile items with outer cartons and arrange
them within the pallet for protection against shifting and collisions.
Shrink-wrap all pallets being certain to include baseboards of pallet in
wrapping to prevent load shifting.
Each pallet should be marked with the WFM STORE NAME and STORE
Non-Palletized Loads
Non-perishable, un-palletized loads should be shipped in shrink-wrapped case-packs, sealed cartons, or containers.
Opened, damaged, or compromised cartons and containers risk rejection.
• Seasonally Sensitive Items
Items that are subject to temperature limitations on a seasonal basis require special handling during periods of high
heat or extreme cold. If not delivering by climate controlled vehicle, Supplier Partners should plan to ship these items in
temperature controlled containers when weather conditions merit such precautions.
• Heat sensitive items such as chocolate, should be shipped in climate controlled containers from March through
• Cold sensitive items, or products that should not be exposed to freezing temperatures, should be shipped in
climate-controlled containers from December through February.
If there is a possibility that temperature would in any way compromise your product’s safe and saleable arrival at WFM,
special packing considerations should be implemented to protect the product’s integrity.
Perishable Items
Temperature and Packing Guidelines for Fresh and Frozen Products:
Dairy and Cheese
Products must be received at a temperature between 34° and 41° F.
Eggs must not be dirty or cracked and should be received at refrigerated temperature.
Deli and Ready to Eat
Products must be received at a temperature between 34° and 41° F. Lot Numbers (Use-by Date, Sell-by Date, etc.)"
Fresh products must be received at a temperature between 29° and 41° F.
Frozen products must be received at ≤10° F.
If palletized, organic products must be stacked above non-organic products.
All product must display Federal, State, or Provincial Inspection Legend and Country of Origin labeling information.
Lot Numbers (Kill Date, Pack Date, Sell-by Date, etc.)
Fresh products must be received at a temperature between 28° and 41° F.
Frozen products must be received at ≤10° F.
If palletized, organic products must be stacked above conventional products.
All product must display Federal, State, or Provincial Inspection Legend and Country of Origin labeling information.
Lot Numbers (Kill Date, Pack Date, Sell-by Date, etc.)
Products must be received at a temperature between 34° and 41° F.
Frozen seafood products must be received at ≤0° F.
Frozen recommend saying: "Unless specifically stated, Frozen food products must be received at 10° F or less.
Frozen products must be received at 10° F.
Ice cream may be received at 0° F.
Mixed Loads
Avoid mixing fresh and frozen products on the same pallet. Be certain to pack frozen items in climate-controlled
containers that will ensure frozen temperature requirements. ICE-PACKED PRODUCTS MUST BE LEAK-PROOF.
Likewise, avoid mixing refrigerated items together with dry goods: be prepared for temperature inspections on all
perishable items.
Good Organic Practices
Avoid mixing organic and conventional products on the same pallet. If absolutely necessary, be certain to stack organics
on the very top of the pallet such that run off or residue from conventional items cannot commingle with organic
Avoid mixing organic and conventional products on the same pallet. If absolutely necessary, be certain to stack organics
on the very top of each pallet.
Raw and Ready to Eat
Raw and ready to eat products cannot be combined on the same pallet unless RTE items are placed over raw products,
and an impermeable physical barrier between loads is provided to prevent cross-contamination.
produce must be received refrigerated as needed and not be wilted and/or dehydrated
32 to 36 degrees F
90 / 95% Humidity
Apples π Apricots π Asian Pears π Barbados Cherry π Beets, topped
Berries (except cranberries) π Cashew Apple π Cherries π Coconuts π Figs (not with apples)
Grapes (without sulfur dioxide) π Horseradish π Kohlrabi π Leeks π Longan π Loquat π Lychee
Mushrooms π Nectarines π Oranges (FL & TX) π Parsnips π Peaches π Pears π Persimmons
32 to 36 degrees F
95 / 100% Humidity
Amaranth π Anise π Artichokes π Asparagus π Bean Sprouts π Beets π Belgian Endive Berries
(except cranberries) π Bok Choy π Broccoli π Brussels Sprouts π Cabbage π Carrots
Cauliflower π Celeriac π Celery π Cherries π Corn π sweet π Diakon π Endive π Escarole
Grapes (without sulfur dioxide) π Horseradish π Jerusalem Artichoke π Kiwifruit π Kohlrabi
Leafy Greens π Leeks (not with figs or grapes) π Lettuce π Lo Bok π Mushrooms
Onions, green π Parsley π Parsnips1 π Peas π Pomegranate π Raddichio π Radishes
Rhubarb π Rutabagas π Salsify π Scorzonera π Snow Peas π Spinach π Turnips
Water Chestnuts π Watercress
32 to 36 degrees F
65 / 75% Humidity
Garlic π Onions π dry
40 degrees F
90 / 95% Humidity
Cactus Pears π Caimito π Cantaloupes π Clementine π Cranberries π Lemons π Lychees
Kumquat π Mandarin π Oranges (CA & AZ) π Pepino π Tamarillo π Tangelos π Tangerines
Ugli Fruit π Yucca Root
50 degrees F
85 / 90% Humidity
Beans π Calamondin π Chayote π Cucumber π Eggplant π Haricot Vert π Kiwano π Malanga
Okra π Olive π Peppers π Potatoes, storage π Pummelo π Squash, summer π Tamarind
Taro Roo
55 to 60 degrees F
85 / 90% Humidity
Atemoya π Avocados π Babaco π Bananas π Bitter Melon π Black Sapote π Boniato
Breadfruit π Canistel π Carambola π Cherimoya π Coconuts π Feijoa π Ginger Root
Granadilla π Grapefruit π Guava π Jaboticaba π Jackfruit π Langsat π Lemons π Limes
Mamey π Mangoes π Mangosteen π Melons (except cantaloupes) π Papayas π Passionfruit
Pineapple π Plantain π Potatoes, new π Pumpkin π Rambutan π Santol π Soursop
Sugar Apple π Squash, Winter π Tomatillos π Tomatoes, ripe
65 to 70 degrees F
85 / 90% Humidity
Jicama π Pears (for ripening) π Sweet Potatoes π Tomatoes, mature green π Watermelon
White Sapote π Yams
5. Invoicing & Payment
WFM strives to extend timely and accurate payment to our valued supplier community in compliance with negotiated
payment terms.
Invoicing Requirements
WFM requires that an invoice accompany all product shipments or services provided. Goods shipped without an
accompanying invoice risk rejection. Suppliers are asked to please refrain from forwarding invoices via fax or e-mail unless
specifically requested by WFM.
Invoice Placement
Attach invoices to the outside of the lead carton in each shipment. The “lead” carton is defined as “carton 1” in each
shipment. Shipments forwarded without an invoice attached as described above risk rejection.
Invoice Information: In order to ensure timely and accurate payment, please note the following information that must appear
on invoices and packing slips:
• PO Number
• Supplier Partner Address
• Supplier Partner Contact Number
• Remittance Address (if different from above)
• Country of Origin (with 'Farm Raised' or 'Wild Caught' designator for Seafood)"
• Invoice Number
• Lot Numbers
• Federal, State, or Provincial Inspection Number (Meat & Poultry)
• Date of Shipment
• WFM Recipient Store Name and Number
• WFM Team
• WFM Recipient Store Address
• Total Number of Cartons in Shipment
• Total Piece Count of Shipment
• Line Item Listing with Weights, Unit Cost and Extended Unit Cost
Other Invoice Standards:
• The cost of all refused and damages merchandise will be deducted from suppliers invoice where appropriate; credit
invoices will be sought as needed.
• All charges and credits must be invoiced separately, with unique invoice numbers on each individual invoice or credit
memo. Charges and credits should not appear on the same invoice.
• Free product cannot be used to provide credit for returned goods, or in lieu of freight charges.
• Each WFM Purchase Order should be supported by a separate supplier invoice. Multiple Purchase Orders should not be
combined on a single invoice.
• Suppliers should not invoice prior to delivery and should only invoice for products shipped or services provided.
• Credit memos require a Purchase Order.
• Invoices from third party freight carriers should be firmly affixed to boxes shipped.
• Suppliers are to use the ship date or the date of delivery as the invoice date (not order date).
• Monthly statements should be provided to locations receiving invoices that include aged items over negotiated payment
Electronic Invoices:
WFM is capable of receiving both XML and EDI 810 invoices and credit memos. We receive eInvoices from our vendors
via FTP. We will work directly with our vendors or through a third party integrator or VAN. We require that the eInvoice is
delivered prior to the product delivery and that the electronic version matches the paper invoice. Electronic invoicing provides
an opportunity to streamline the procurement and payment cycle benefitting both WFM and our suppliers. Please contact
[email protected] for a copy of our eInvoice standards and service level agreements.
• Payments
ELECTRONIC (ACH) PAYMENT: Funding suppliers by way of electronic payment is WFM’s preferred method of payment.
Suppliers are strongly encouraged to complete the attached electronic payment form in order to receive electronic
payment. Suppliers with extenuating circumstances may receive payment by check if approved.
PAYMENT TERMS: WFM’s standard payment terms are net45 or 2%10net30 unless otherwise negotiated. Payment
terms will be calculated using the supplier invoice date. Missed cash discounts resulting from long shipping times or
back dating of invoices may necessitate the use of other payment term dating options.
• Vendor Maintenance
REMIT-TO ADDRESS CHANGES: All remit-to address changes are to be submitted in writing to WFM (to WFM contact in
receipt of original vendor packet) with an invoice copy reflecting the newly updated remit-to address. In the event that a
company changes ownership, the new entity will be treated as a new vendor and the supplier will be required to complete
a new vendor packet.
• Accounts Payable Inquiry & Support
Suppliers wishing to research a payment discrepancy should first contact the store (Receiver and/or Store Accountant)
to which the related product or service was provided. A listing of WFM store contact information can be found at http:// Payment issues that cannot be resolved through store support will be
directed to other WFM AP contacts as needed.
6. Recalls
Product Recall and Crisis Notification Procedures
The safety and wholesomeness of WFM products is the highest priority of the WFM/Supplier Partner relationship and
a continuous commitment that we mutually extend to our customers. Compromised products are a direct threat to this
commitment. In the unlikely event that a Supplier Partner becomes aware of a safety or health hazard, ingredient inaccuracy,
or informational mistake associated with any of their products, be certain to observe the following guidelines:
1. Notify the WFM Regional office associated with the store(s) to which product(s) was shipped by e-mail within 24
hours of becoming aware of safety or health hazard.
Identify the nature of your call and ask for the Product Recall/Crisis Representative. Have the following information
available when you speak with the Regional representative:
• Team to which product was shipped at store (grocery, dairy, etc.)
• Product name and complete details regarding hazard or concern.
• Recall classification if one has already been assigned
• Lot codes corresponding to recall, if applicable
• Amount of product shipped to WFM
• Complete list of stores to which product was shipped
• Date of most recent shipment to each store
• Supplier Partner’s proposed strategy
2. Determine if a Recall Is in Order. Use the FDA’s printed guidelines to determine if the situation with your products
requires a recall. WFM Supplier Partners are required to maintain a current copy of the FDA’s recall guidelines and
have a basic structure for recall emergencies ready for immediate implementation. Visit the FDA’s website at www. for an updated recall procedure guideline.
In the event that a Supplier Partner determines that any class of recall is necessary, be certain to communicate
immediately with WFM in order to activate the WFM internal Recall/Crisis Management Team.
WFM invites its Supplier Partners to review recall and crisis guidelines with their respective Regional Coordinators
periodically throughout the fulfillment relationship.
• We sell the highest quality
natural and organic products
• We satisfy and delight our
• We support Team Member
happiness and excellence
• We create wealth through
profits and growth
• We care about our
communities and our
• We create ongoing win-win
partnerships with our suppliers
• Promoting the health of our
stakeholders through healthy
eating education