Contract HW####
Contract for services between Accident Compensation
Corporation and Supplier Name
Table of Contents
The Parties ................................................................................................................................. 1
The Contract ............................................................................................................................... 1
Standard Terms and Conditions ................................................................................................. 2
1. Definitions of terms used in this Contract ...................................................................... 2
2. How to interpret this Contract ....................................................................................... 7
3. Start and end date for the Contract ............................................................................... 8
4. Changes to this Contract ................................................................................................ 8
5. Scope of these standard terms and conditions .............................................................. 8
6. How each party will behave ........................................................................................... 9
7. ACC’s obligations .......................................................................................................... 10
8. Supplier’s obligations.................................................................................................... 10
9. Personal and confidential information will be kept private and secure ...................... 13
10. Charges and payment ................................................................................................... 17
11. Responsibilities of Relationship managers ................................................................... 19
12. How information will be managed and monitored ...................................................... 19
13. Evaluation of services ................................................................................................... 20
14. Improving services
........................................................................................................ 21
15. Limits on the contractual relationship.......................................................................... 22
16. How you deal with subcontractors ............................................................................... 22
17. How to cover risks ........................................................................................................ 23
18. Conflicts of interest ...................................................................................................... 23
19 Process for resolving disputes ...................................................................................... 24
20. Ending this Contract ..................................................................................................... 25
21. Rights after cancellation or expiry ................................................................................ 27
22. Suspension of Services.................................................................................................. 27
23. Notices and communication ......................................................................................... 28
24. Business continuity ....................................................................................................... 29
25. Extraordinary events .................................................................................................... 29
26. ACC property ................................................................................................................ 30
27. Organisational quality standards .................................................................................. 30
28. General ......................................................................................................................... 32
29. Multiple suppliers ......................................................................................................... 33
30. Services for injured employees of accredited employers ............................................ 33
P A G E 1
The Parties
ACCIDENT COMPENSATION CORPORATION, a statutory corporation continued by the
Accident Compensation Act 2001 (called ACC and we)
SUPPLIER NAME CAPS (called Supplier and you)
The Contract
We appoint you to deliver the Services described in each Service Schedule that forms part
of this Contract, and you accept that appointment. You will provide each Service described
in a Service Schedule for the Term described in that Service Schedule. This Contract sets
out the Parties' rights and obligations.
The documents forming this Contract are:
1. This Cover Page
2. Standard Terms and Conditions
3. Service Schedules entered into under this Contract
4. Any variations made according to this Contract.
How to read this Contract
1. Together the above documents form the whole Contract.
2. Clause numbers refer to clauses in the Standard Terms and Conditions.
3. Words defined in the Definitions section at clause 1 have the stated meaning
throughout the Contract.
In signing this Contract, each Party acknowledges that it has read and agrees to be bound
by this Contract.
For and on behalf of
Accident Compensation Corporation:
For and on behalf of
Supplier name:
Health Sector
P A G E 2
Standard Terms and Conditions
Definitions of terms used in this Contract
In this Contract, when we use the terms listed in this section, they have the meaning given
immediately below:
AC Act
The Accident Compensation Act 2001.
The purchaser of the Services. ACC is named as purchaser of the Services under the
Contract on the cover page of this Contract. Where the context requires, the term ‘ACC’
includes ACC’s employees, agents, consultants and contractors, and its successors and
assigns. ‘Accident Compensation Corporation’ has the same meaning.
Accredited Employer
An employer accredited by ACC under the Accredited Employer Programme. ‘Accredited’
means the employer and ACC have an agreement under which the employer provides
entitlements for work-related personal injuries suffered by the employer’s employees.
‘Employees’ includes any subcontractor who meets the terms of the accreditation
agreement. The Accredited Employer Programme is subject to a framework established
under section 183 of the AC Act 2001.
Business day
A day when most businesses in New Zealand are open for business. Saturday, Sunday and
public holidays are not business days. A business day starts at 8.30am and ends at 5pm.
‘Working Day’ in any Service Schedule means the same as ‘Business day’.
Business continuity
The Supplier’s capability to continue delivery of Services at acceptable levels following a
disruptive event.
The total amount payable by ACC to you, as stated in each Service Schedule. Charges are
payable when the Services under this Contract have been delivered, provided you have
submitted a valid tax invoice.
P A G E 3
Any person who ACC has accepted as eligible for cover for personal injury under the AC Act
and any other person or class of persons ACC regards as a client for the purposes of this
Contract. ‘Claimant’ in any Service Schedule means the same as ‘Client’.
Commencement date
See Start date.
Confidential information
Information that has one or more of the following characteristics:
(a) It is, by its nature, confidential
(b) It is marked by either Party as 'confidential', 'in confidence', 'restricted' or 'commercial
in confidence’.
(c) It is provided by either Party or a third party 'in confidence'.
(d) Either Party knows, or ought to know, it is confidential.
(e) It is of a sensitive nature or commercially sensitive to either Party
and includes Personal Information.
Conflict of interest
When personal or business interests or obligations conflict with obligations under this
Contract. A conflict of interest may apply to either of the Parties or to its service providers. It
may be:
(a) actual: where the conflict currently exists
(b) potential: where the conflict is about to happen or could happen
(c) perceived: where other people may reasonably think that a person is compromised.
A conflict of interest means the independence, objectivity or impartiality of a Party or
service provider can be questioned.
The legal Contract between ACC and you comprising the Cover Page, these Standard
Terms and Conditions, any Service Schedule, and any Variations made according to this
Date of expiry
See End date.
P A G E 4
End date
For any Service Schedule, the earlier of:
(a) the date the Service Schedule is due to end, as stated in that Service Schedule, or
(b) any other date agreed between the Parties as the date for Services to end.
‘Date of expiry’ in any Service Schedule means the same as ‘End date’.
Evaluations can be at a service provider, supplier, and/or Service-wide level, and methods of
evaluation may include but are not limited to:
(a) issues based review or audit, where risks and or concerns have been identified
(b) post-implementation review, to evaluate the effectiveness of a new Service
(c) service development review, to inform potential service redesign
(d) routine programmes of service-wide audits by ACC, and
(e) post-audit follow up to support ACC’s audit function and monitor progress towards
recommended actions.
Extraordinary event
An event beyond the reasonable control of the Party immediately affected by the event. If the
Party claiming could have prevented or overcome any risk or event by taking reasonable
care, it is not an extraordinary event. Examples of extraordinary events include:
(a) ‘acts of God’ such as lightning strikes, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions,
floods, storms, explosions, fires, pandemics and any natural disaster
(b) acts of war (whether declared or not) such as invasion, actions of foreign enemies,
military mobilisation, requisition or embargo
(c) acts of public enemies such as terrorism, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage,
sabotage, rebellion, insurrection, revolution or military usurped power or civil war
(d) contamination by radioactivity from nuclear substances or germ warfare or any other
such hazardous properties.
The goods and services tax payable under the New Zealand Goods and Services Tax Act
Health Information
As defined in the Health Information Privacy Code 2020.
P A G E 5
Injured employee
A person who has suffered a work related personal injury while employed by an accredited
Insolvency event
The point at which an individual or entity becomes insolvent or unable to pay debts as they
fall due. An insolvency event may be any of the following:
(a) the appointment of a receiver, or receiver and manager, or statutory manager for the
whole or part of the activity or your property
(b) you entering into, or resolving to enter into, a voluntary agreement with creditors or
any class of creditors for partial payment to fully satisfy their claims
(c) you suspending or stopping payment to your creditors generally, or ceasing to carry
on business as normal, or threatening or stating that you will do any of those things.
A formal or legal communication from one Party to the other that meets the requirements of
clause 23.
Notifiable Privacy Breach
As defined in the Privacy Act 2020.
ACC and you are each a Party to this Contract, and together are the Parties.
Personal Information
Information about an identifiable individual, in the form of either:
(a) information that by itself identifies an individual (such as a person’s name); or
(b) information that can identify an individual when combined with other reasonably
available information,
and, where relevant, includes Health Information.
Privacy Breach
As defined in the Privacy Act 2020.
All information and data necessary to manage this Contract and deliver the Services.
Records include, but are not limited to, reports, invoices, letters, emails, notes of meetings,
photographs and other media recordings. Records can be hard copies or soft copies stored
P A G E 6
Registered health professional
As defined in the AC Act.
Relationship manager
The person named in each Service Schedule as the Relationship manager for that Service.
Relationship managers’ responsibilities are listed in clause 11. The relationship manager
position may be known by a number of different titles, including supplier manager and
contract manager.
All work, tasks and deliverables that you must perform and deliver under this Contract.
Services are stated in a Service Schedule.
Service provider
A person engaged by you to provide any of the Services. You may also be a service provider
if you are an individual. Examples include: the owner of the Supplier, its directors,
employees, subcontractors, agents, external consultants, specialists, technical support and
co-opted or seconded staff.
Service Schedule
An attachment to this Contract with the title ‘Service Schedule’. Service Schedules are
added to this Contract by agreement in writing by the Parties.
Start date
The date when the term of any Service Schedule starts, as set out in that Service Schedule.
‘Commencement date’ in any Service Schedule means the same as ‘Start date’.
A person, business, company or organisation contracted by you to deliver or perform part of
your obligations under this Contract. A person engaged on a contract for Services who
performs the tasks of an employee is not considered a Subcontractor.
The person, business, company or organisation named as the Supplier on the cover page,
also referred to as ‘you’. ‘Supplier’ includes your service providers, successors, and
permitted assignees.
The period described in a Service Schedule during which you will provide the Services
described in that Service Schedule.
P A G E 7
Termination date
The date you will stop providing any or all Services.
Treatment provider
As defined in the AC Act.
A change to any aspect of this Contract that complies with clause 4.
We, us, our, and ours
Accident Compensation Corporation, also known as ACC, as named on the Cover Page.
You, your and yours
The Supplier named on the Cover Page.
How to interpret this Contract
2.1. The rules in this clause apply when interpreting this Contract, unless the context
otherwise requires.
2.2. Terms defined in this document bear that defined meaning in the whole of this
2.3. A reference to one gender includes the other.
2.4. References to schedules, sections, clauses and subclauses are references to
schedules, sections, clauses and subclauses of this Contract.
2.5. The singular includes the plural and vice versa.
2.6. Clause and other headings are ignored in interpreting this Contract.
2.7. Any obligation to not do anything includes an obligation not to let, allow or cause that
thing to be done.
2.8. References to statutes, regulations, ordinances, bylaws or other instruments include
any amendment, substitution or re-enactment.
2.9. A person includes a company or other entity. Any reference to a person applies to its
personal representatives or to its legal successor.
P A G E 8
Start and end date for the Contract
3.1. This Contract starts on the date the second Party to sign has signed the cover page.
3.2. Each Service Schedule has a start date and end date for the relevant Service.
3.3. This Contract continues while there is a Service Schedule that has not been
terminated or has not reached its end date.
Changes to this Contract
4.1. Any change to this Contract is called a Variation. Unless clause 4.2 or 4.3 or 4.4
apply, a Variation must be agreed by both Parties and recorded:
(a) in writing and signed by both Parties, or
(b) through an exchange of emails where the authors have delegated authority to
approve the Variation.
ACC may amend the Contract
4.2. At any time, after consulting with you, we may give you notice that this Contract
(excluding prices) is varied with effect from a date stated in the notice. The notice will
take effect from that date, and the Contract will be varied. We may not, under this
clause, give a notice that reduces the prices payable under this Contract.
4.3. If you can show that you will suffer additional costs as a result of the variation made
under clause 4.2, you can claim these additional costs from us. If we agree that the
variation has caused additional costs, we will be liable to pay such costs to you. If we
do not agree, either Party may require the matter to be resolved under clause 19
(Process for resolving disputes).
Variations to give effect to government policy changes
4.4. Despite clause 4.2, we may give you a notice varying this Contract if a change in
legislation or regulations or a ministerial directive under the AC Act requires this
Contract to be varied in any respect. This Contract will be varied from the date stated
in the notice. We will not be liable for any loss or additional costs incurred by you as a
result, unless we agree otherwise.
Scope of these standard terms and conditions
5.1. These Standard Terms and Conditions apply to each Service described in a Service
Schedule. Any changes to these Standard Terms and Conditions will be set out in the
relevant Service Schedule.
P A G E 9
5.2. To avoid doubt, ACC and you agree that these Standard Terms and Conditions do
not apply to any services you provide which are not described in a Service Schedule
(e.g. treatment for a non-ACC covered condition funded by another agency or by the
How each party will behave
6.1. Both Parties agree:
(a) to act in good faith and demonstrate honesty, integrity, openness and
accountability in their dealings with each other
(b) to discuss matters affecting this Contract or the delivery of the Services
(c) to notify each other immediately of any actual or anticipated issues that could
significantly impact on the Services or the charges
(d) Subject to sub clause 6.2(a) and clause 9, not to make or issue to the media
or any member of the public any oral or written statement or comment
concerning a client, the client’s treatment, ACC or the operation of this
Contract, without consulting the other Party beforehand
(e) to promptly advise the other if:
(i) required to provide information to a client, professional disciplinary
body or other person under the Official Information Act 1982, the
current Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights or
other legislation about a Client or Services provided under this
Contract, or
(ii) it is the subject of a complaint concerning a Client, the Client’s
treatment in relation to the Services or the operation of this Contract.
No adverse comments
6.2. Each Party undertakes:
(a) not to make any oral or written statement or comment to the media, a Client,
or member of the public about the operation of the Contract that criticises the
other Party or public opinion of the other Party, or that brings the other Party
into disrepute (an adverse comment)
(b) if responsible for such a statement or comment, at the request and with the
prior agreement of the other Party, to promptly make an appropriate retraction
or take such other remedial steps as are appropriate and reasonable in the
circumstances, which will be without prejudice to any other rights, remedies or
actions available to the other Party
P A G E 10
(c) not to publicly display (for example, on websites or social networking sites)
objectionable or derogatory comments about the Services, this Contract, each
other or any of its service providers, and to ensure that its service providers
do not do so.
ACC’s obligations
7.1. ACC is a Crown entity and is therefore required to act consistently with the Treaty of
Waitangi. We will take Treaty principles into account when designing, delivering, and
monitoring Services that impact on economic opportunities and social outcomes for
7.2. We must make decisions and give approvals that you reasonably require to deliver
the Services.
7.3. We must give all decisions and approvals within the timeframes in a Service
Schedule or within reasonable timeframes if a timeframe is not specified.
7.4. We must provide you with copies of any policies or procedures we expect you to
comply with.
7.5. We must pay you the Charges for the Services, as long as you have delivered
the Services and invoiced ACC according to this Contract.
7.6. We must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
7.7. Subject to all applicable law including the Privacy Act 2020, we will tell you if we are
aware of significant security and safety issues with a Client.
Supplier’s obligations
Meet all regulatory and professional standards
8.1. Your service delivery must
(a) comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the:
(i) Health and Disability Services (Safety) Act 2001
(ii) Privacy Act 2020 and Health Information Privacy Code 2020
(iii) Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003
(iv) Accident Compensation Act 2001
(v) Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
(vi) Children’s Act 2014
P A G E 11
(b) use the degree of professional skill, care and diligence expected of an
appropriately qualified person experienced in providing the same or similar
(c) meet all current clinical, ethical and professional standards and guidelines
(d) follow good practice at the level expected from a leading supplier in the
relevant profession or industry.
Meet the terms of the contract
8.2. You must deliver the Services:
(a) on time and to the required performance standards and quality, as:
(i) set out in these Standard Terms and Conditions and the relevant
Service Schedule
(ii) reasonably notified by ACC to you from time to time, provided such
notified standards are accepted by you
(b) for the amounts agreed as Charges.
Comply with ACC’s policies
8.3. Services must comply with the Code of ACC Claimants’ Rights and any reasonable
ACC policy on that Code that we provide to you (if that Code applies to the Services).
If we contact you about a complaint under that Code, you will co-operate fully with us.
8.4. Services must comply with all ACC’s policies on Service delivery. We must provide
you with a copy of these policies.
8.5. If you are at ACC's premises, you must comply with our policies and procedures,
including those relating to health and safety, and security requirements. We will tell
you what the relevant policies and procedures are, and give you a copy of them.
Make sure your personnel and equipment meet the required standard
8.6. You must make sure that your service providers have the necessary skills,
experience, training and resources to successfully deliver the Services. This includes
any specific qualifications, skills, experience, training and resources specified in a
Service Schedule and the standards in clause 8.1. You will make sure that your
service providers are aware of your obligations under this Contract, and meet all your
obligations in this Contract.
P A G E 12
8.7. You must make sure that all service providers who are registered health
professionals or treatment providers meet the requirements of their registration body
under the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, including meeting
all clinical competence, cultural competence, and ethical conduct standards set by
the registration body. You must advise us promptly if a service provider is subject to
any practising restrictions imposed by their registration professional body, and keep
us informed of any changes to those restrictions.
8.8. You must provide all equipment and resources necessary to deliver the Services.
Services must comply with the Treaty and meet cultural needs
8.9. You must recognise the Treaty of Waitangi in the way you provide Services, including
taking account of the social, economic and political values of Māori.
8.10. If the nature of the Services requires it, you will deliver Services in a manner that is
culturally appropriate including meeting the unique needs of the Māori client and that
these Services comply with any reasonable ACC policy provided to you. You will
contact the Relationship manager to discuss any issues about this clause.
8.11. If the nature of the Services requires it, you will deliver Services in a manner that is
culturally appropriate including meeting the unique needs of Pacific, Asian and other
ethnic or indigenous groups and that these Services comply with any reasonable
ACC policy provided to you. You will contact the Relationship manager to discuss
any issues about this clause.
Contract excludes regulations
8.12. If a Service to a Client is included in a Service Schedule to this Contract, you must
charge under this Contract. You cannot charge for that Service under any
Insolvency events
8.13. You agree to advise ACC of an insolvency event as soon as it happens.
High profile issues
8.14. Subject to all applicable law including the Privacy Act 2020, you will notify ACC
immediately by telling the Relationship Manager for the relevant Service Schedule if
you become aware of any issue about a Client or this Contract which may attract
interest from the media or the public.
Security issues
8.15. Subject to all applicable law including the Privacy Act 2020, you will tell us if you are
aware of significant security and safety issues with a Client.
P A G E 13
Health and Safety
8.16. Ensuring health and safety: In performing its obligations under this Contract, the
Supplier must:
(a) comply with all relevant health and safety legislation including the Health and
Safety at Work Act 2015 ("HSAWA");
(b) so far as reasonably practicable, ensure the health and safety of:
(i) ACC's and the Supplier's personnel; and
(ii) ACC Clients;
(c) take all practical steps to ensure that no act or omission gives rise to, or is
likely to give rise to, the issue of an improvement or prohibition notice,
enforcement action or a prosecution under any health and safety legislation
(including the HSAWA) against ACC or the Supplier;
(d) advise ACC in writing as soon as possible of:
(i) any hazards, risks, accidents, incidents or near misses to the
Supplier's or a subcontractor's staff arising from any ACC Client's
behaviour or condition;
(ii) all notifiable events (as defined in the HSAWA) relating to the
(iii) any contact by any regulatory agency in relation to any health, safety
or environmental matter relating to the Services (unless the Supplier is
prohibited by law from so advising ACC);
(e) comply with ACC's reasonable instructions in relation to any matter referred
to in sub clause (d).
Personal and confidential information will be kept private and
Protection of Personal Information
9.1. You will comply with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code
2020 in connection with all Personal Information relating to Clients, accredited
employers, levy payers, ACC personnel or any other individual that you obtain
under or connection with this Contract. This includes:
(a) collecting, using and disclosing Personal Information only where the
collection, use or disclosure is permitted or authorised by the Privacy Act
2020 or the Health Information Privacy Code 2020
P A G E 14
(b) having a plain English privacy notice or privacy statement for Clients that
complies with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy
Code 2020
(c) ensuring that any Personal Information that you have in your possession or
(i) is protected by reasonable security safeguards against loss or
unauthorised or unlawful access, use, modification or disclosure
(ii) is not unlawfully transmitted, transferred, exported, processed or
stored by you or a third party service provider, and
(iii) is only accessed by authorised personnel who need to see it in
connection with the Services
(d) appointing a Privacy Officer
(e) having a privacy policy which complies with the Privacy Act 2020 and the
Health Information Privacy Code 2020 that includes:
(i) measures to mitigate the occurrence of a Privacy Breach that follow
good practice at the level expected from a leading supplier in the
relevant profession or industry, and
(ii) what to do if there is an actual or suspected Privacy Breach or near
miss including procedures to notify ACC in accordance with clause
9.4 and, when required, the Privacy Commissioner and any affected
(f) acting in a manner that facilitates ACC’s compliance with the Privacy Act
2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020, and
(g) complying with any reasonable policies or directions from ACC relating to
your collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information you obtain under
or in connection with this Contract.
9.2. You agree that we may assess your compliance with this clause 9 at any time
on reasonable notice. You will cooperate with any privacy assessment,
including completing self-assessments on request. You will provide ACC with
a draft of any such privacy assessment and give ACC a reasonable
opportunity to provide feedback on the drafts before being finalised.
P A G E 15
Protection of confidential non-personal information
9.3. Each party confirms that it will not use or disclose the other Party's
Confidential Information to any person or organisation other than if:
(a) use or disclosure is necessary to provide or use the Services
(b) the other Party gives prior written approval for the use or disclosure
(c) the use or disclosure is required by law (including under the Official Information
Act 1982), Ministers or parliamentary convention
(d) information disclosed has already become public, other than through a breach of
the obligation of confidentiality by one of the Parties.
What happens if there is a Privacy Breach
9.4. If you become aware of an actual or suspected Privacy Breach or near miss involving
any Personal Information that you obtain under or connection with this Contract:
(a) you must notify ACC’s Relationship Manager by email (copying in ACC’s
Privacy Officer: privacy.o[email protected]
) and phone as soon as possible and
within 24 hours
(b) we will then work together to manage the implications and consequences,
including by:
(i) ensuring all relevant personnel are available to understand and manage
the implications for any Clients and ACC
(ii) providing all reasonable and legally permissible information about the
actual or suspected Privacy Breach or near miss
(iii) using reasonable endeavours to have prior discussions before making
any public comments, including to media
(iv) complying with ACC’s reasonable issues management procedures, and
(v) identifying and implementing reasonable procedures to prevent such
Privacy Breaches or near misses in the future
(c) ACC may take any steps we believe in good faith are necessary to protect the
security of any affected Personal Information, which may include suspending the
Services or requiring you to suspend the access that personnel have to the
Personal Information
(d) if it is a Notifiable Privacy Breach and ACC has notification obligations under the
Privacy Act 2020 because the Personal Information is deemed under the
Privacy Act 2020 to be held by ACC alone, then:
(i) ACC will be responsible for notifying the Privacy Commissioner and, if
required, the affected individuals, and
(ii) you will not make such notification on ACC's behalf without our prior
written consent
P A G E 16
(e) if it is a Notifiable Privacy Breach and you have notification obligations under the
Privacy Act (either because you are the party that holds the Personal
Information or because both parties are deemed to hold it), you will use all
reasonable endeavours to discuss your proposed notification with ACC before
notifying the Privacy Commissioner and, if required, the affected individuals.
Obligations for your personnel
9.5. You will ensure that your personnel, service providers and subcontractors:
(a) are aware of and comply with the obligations to protect Personal
Information and Confidential Information in this Contract,
(b) are aware of the character and sensitivity of Personal Information about
(c) only access Personal Information if they need to see it in connection with
the Services,
(d) do not collect, use or disclose any Confidential Information or any
Personal Information, except as allowed by this Contract, and
(e) know when and how to report a Privacy Breach, security incident or
conflict of interest that could affect the security, integrity or availability of
Personal Information that you obtain under or in connection with this
Recording of meetings by clients
9.6. If a Client records (audio or video) a meeting with a service provider, and the service
provider is aware of the recording, you will ensure that the service provider tells the
Client that the service provider may also record or document the meeting to ensure a
complete and accurate record. You will also ensure that:
(a) the service provider only collects, uses, stores and discloses such records or
documents in accordance with this clause 9, and
(b) tells the Client that the service provider or you may supply a copy of the
record or document to ACC.
Information about service providers
9.7. You understand that ACC may disclose (for example on the internet) details of
suppliers and service providers (including names, qualifications, experience and contact
details). You will ensure that:
(a) your service providers know that ACC can disclose this information; and
(b) the details provided to ACC are accurate, and tell ACC if any details change.
P A G E 17
Privacy declaration
9.8. ACC may from time to time request a declaration from you to confirm your compliance
with this clause 9. If requested to do so, you must provide ACC with a signed
declaration promptly and within the period reasonably requested by ACC.
Charges and payment
You charge us on a valid tax invoice
10.1. The Charges are the total amount payable by ACC to you for delivery of the Services.
Charges include all service item codes in a Service Schedule. If service items codes
for travel are included in a Service Schedule, you can claim for travel under ACC’s
travel policy. We will provide you with a copy of this policy.
10.2. You must provide valid tax invoices for all Charges on the dates or at the times
specified in the relevant Service Schedule. If the invoice you provide to us is not a
valid tax invoice, we have no obligation to pay the Charges set out on it. A valid tax
invoice must:
(a) be clearly marked 'Tax invoice’
(b) contain correct information about you, us, and the Contract, including:
(i) your name, address and GST number, if you are registered for GST
(ii) ACC’s name and address, and be marked for the attention of the
person or ACC office specified by ACC for that Service
(iii) the date the invoice was issued
(iv) the name of the relevant Service Schedule and a description of the
Services supplied, including the amount of time spent in the delivery of
the Services if payment is based on an hourly rate
(v) the date the Services were provided
(vi) contain ACC’s Contract reference or purchase order number, if there is
(vii) your Supplier ID (also called “Vendor ID”)
(c) contain correct financial information, including:
(i) all GST due
(ii) the Charges due, calculated correctly in New Zealand currency or
another currency agreed in writing by ACC and you
(d) be supported by GST receipts, if expenses are claimed, and any other
verifying documentation reasonably requested by ACC
P A G E 18
(e) be submitted electronically using one of ACC’s prescribed electronic methods
(available on ACC’s website) unless the Service Schedule allows manual
10.3. Unless otherwise specified in each Service Schedule, the price for each Service is
the entire amount you can charge for that Service. You must not charge any
additional amount to ACC, any Client or any other person (as co-payment or part-
charge or otherwise) for that Service.
We will pay on invoice
10.4. ACC will pay all complying invoices for Services provided according to this Contract.
Payment will be in one lodgement to the bank account you specified in the relevant
Service Schedule. If a complying invoice is received by ACC by the 10th day of the
month following the period being billed, payment will be made on or before the 20th
of the month following the period being billed. If the 20th of the month is not a
business day, payment will be made on or before the first business day following the
20th. If ACC pays an invoice and later determines that all or part of the invoice was
for Services which were not provided according to this Contract, ACC can, at its
discretion, and after consulting with you, recover the amount from you or deduct the
amount from any payments due to you.
10.5. If we cannot approve any invoice or part of an invoice for payment, we will advise
you. We will detail on the remittance advice the reasons why we cannot approve
payment, and what steps you need to take to obtain approval. After you take these
steps, we will then make payment on or before the 20th of the month following the
month that approval is given. If the 20th of the month is not a Business day, payment
will be made on or before the first business day following the 20th.
10.6. If you do not receive payment of all or part of a complying invoice, and we do not give
a reason for not making payment, you will contact ACC’s provider helpline by phone
or email and ask them to investigate and resolve the non-payment.
10.7. We will not pay for a Service where the invoice for that Service is not received within
12 months of the later date of:
(a) the date the Service was provided
(b) the date cover was granted by ACC.
We do not guarantee to refer clients
10.8. Despite anything stated or implied in this Contract, ACC does not have an obligation
to make sure that Clients are referred to you. We do not guarantee you any minimum
volume of Services or any minimum amount payable.
P A G E 19
Responsibilities of Relationship managers
11.1. Relationship managers are named in each Service Schedule. Relationship
managers are responsible for managing that Service Schedule, including:
(a) managing the relationship between the Parties
(b) managing your overall performance
(c) overseeing the effective implementation of the Service Schedule
(d) acting as a first point of contact for any issues that arise
(e) identifying potential savings and improvements
(f) co-ordinating all reporting and review meetings.
11.2. If either Party changes its Relationship manager for any Service, it must, within a
reasonable period, tell the other Party in writing the name and contact details of the
replacement. ACC can advise you by publishing the new details on its provider
How information will be managed and monitored
12.1. You must:
(a) keep and maintain records using prudent business practice and according to
all applicable laws
(b) make sure the records are easy to access, and
(c) keep the records safe.
12.2. When we make a reasonable request for information about the Services, you must
give us that information. You must provide all information in a format we can use, and
within a reasonable time.
12.3. If we need information to comply with an enquiry or our statutory, parliamentary, or
other reporting obligations, you must co-operate with us to provide information
12.4. You must make your Records available to us during the term of the Contract and for
10 years after the end date (unless you have already provided them to us).
12.5. You must make sure that records provided by ACC or created for ACC, are securely
managed. When records are disposed of, you must make sure they are securely
P A G E 20
Keeping clinical records
12.6. You must ensure that, where clinical records are required, you maintain clinical
records that are clear and accurate. Your clinical records must:
(a) meet the relevant professional standards for clinical record keeping regarding:
(i) assessment
(ii) Client discussion
(iii) care, treatment and medications provided
(iv) effectiveness of care or treatment
(v) evidence of informed consent
(b) be dated and signed and clearly attributable to the Service provider
(c) contain the ACC45 number and the National Health Index (NHI) number (if
Evaluation of services
13.1. ACC has the right to evaluate any Service under this Contract, so that we can check
compliance with organisational and Service quality requirements.
13.2. Such evaluations can consider any and all aspects of this Contract.
13.3. ACC will use any method of evaluation that we determine is appropriate based on the
perceived level of risk.
13.4. ACC can perform such evaluations itself or by using an appropriate subcontractor or
other government agency.
13.5. ACC will give you at least 10 business days’ notice of our intention to conduct an
evaluation. If we believe that delay will unnecessarily prejudice the interests of any
person, we may give you notice of our intention to carry out an evaluation within such
other time ACC considers appropriate, but on no less than 24 hours’ notice.
13.6. If ACC considers an evaluation is necessary, then subject to the requirements of
relevant law, you will allow ACC access to the information necessary for that process.
This includes your records and premises and the records and premises of any
relevant subcontractor. You, and any relevant subcontractors will provide ACC with
every reasonable facility for and assistance in obtaining access to undertake the
evaluation. The person conducting the evaluation may (subject to the rights of Clients
or other people receiving the Services) attend Services being provided, and talk with
Clients and other providers or users of Services.
P A G E 21
Who pays for an evaluation
13.7. We will not charge you and you will not charge us for any initial evaluation process.
You will pay for any further evaluations about the same performance issues if you
have not improved your Service standards to the level required by ACC within an
agreed length of time.
Improving services
Process for changes to Service performance
14.1. Reports and communications provided by you in relation to Service delivery, ACC
monitoring of data and Service delivery, and findings from evaluations (including
audits) may be used by ACC, in addition to other lawful uses, to improve Service
14.2. ACC and you will discuss reports to identify any issues and decide:
(a) if performance could be expected to change, or
(b) if there are other factors that provide a reasonable basis for the identified
14.3. If a change in performance is required, then we will work with you to develop required
action(s) by each Party and the timeframes for progress review.
14.4. If we have observed a change in performance to bring it within appropriate
parameters, we will provide feedback to you and end the performance improvement
14.5. If improvements have been evidenced, but further change in performance is required,
both Parties will agree to an extension of the performance improvement plan. This
plan will include any changes to the required action(s) by each Party and the agreed
timeframes for those actions.
14.6. If we do not observe sufficient improvement, at the end of either the initial or any
subsequent performance improvement period, or if you do not agree to a
performance improvement plan, we may issue a notice of breach of contract under
clause 20.8.
14.7. The powers or processes in this clause 14 do not limit ACC’s powers under clause
20.8 to 20.10
P A G E 22
Limits on the contractual relationship
15.1. You are an independent contractor. Nothing in this Contract constitutes a legal
relationship between the Parties of partnership, joint venture, agency, or
employment. You are responsible for your own and your service providers’ liabilities.
Such liabilities include salaries, wages, holiday or redundancy payments, and any
GST, corporate, personal and withholding taxes, ACC levies or other levies
attributable to your business or to engaging your service providers.
15.2. Neither Party has authority to bind or represent the other Party in any way or for any
Transfer of rights or obligations
15.3. Each Party may only transfer any of its rights or obligations under this Contract if it
has the other Party’s written approval. ACC may, in its sole discretion, decide
whether to give its approval. You must ask ACC for approval for any such transfer at
least 30 business days before the date of the proposed transfer.
15.4. If you transfer your rights or obligations without obtaining ACC’s written approval to
the change, then we may give you a notice of breach under clause 20.8. An example
of transferring your rights and obligations is a change in your shareholding or
ownership that alters the effective control (unless you are a company whose shares
are listed on any recognised stock exchange).
The Contract does not affect statutory obligations
15.5. Nothing in this Contract affects the statutory obligations of either Party to Clients. Nor
does the Contract bind either Party to do or refrain from doing anything in a manner
that is not consistent with the law.
How you deal with subcontractors
16.1. You must not enter into a contract with someone else to deliver any part of the
Services without ACC's written approval. If subcontracting is allowed for a Service,
that will be stated in the Service Schedule.
16.2. If you assign, transfer, subcontract or otherwise dispose of any of your liabilities or
obligations under this Contract, you continue to be responsible for those liabilities or
16.3. You are responsible for making sure that any subcontractor is suitable and has the
capability and capacity to deliver that aspect of the Services being subcontracted.
P A G E 23
16.4. You must make sure that:
(a) every Contract you sign with a subcontractor contains provisions that enable
you to comply with your obligations under this Contract
(b) the terms in any subcontract you sign are consistent with this Contract
(c) each subcontractor is fully aware of your obligations under this Contract.
16.5. You must advise ACC immediately if a subcontractor experiences an insolvency
event or a bankruptcy or liquidation.
How to cover risks
Insurance and professional indemnity
17.1. It is your responsibility to make sure your risks of doing business are adequately
covered, whether by insurance or otherwise. If a Service Schedule specifies
insurance, you must:
(a) take out the specified insurance, with a reputable insurer, and maintain that
insurance cover for the term of this Contract and for a period of three years
after the end date, and
(b) within 10 business days of a request from ACC, provide a certificate
confirming the nature of the insurance cover and proving that each policy is
17.2. You will ensure that you and your Service providers:
(a) have or retain membership with a recognised medical defence organisation (if
you or your service providers are eligible to be members), or
(b) have professional indemnity insurance to cover the period of the relevant
Service Schedule.
17.3. You will, within 10 business days of a request from ACC, provide evidence confirming
the membership or insurance referred to in clause 17.2.
Conflicts of interest
Avoiding conflicts of interest
18.1. You confirm that, as at the start date, you have no conflict of interest in providing the
Services or entering into this Contract. You must do your best to avoid situations that
may lead to a conflict of interest.
P A G E 24
18.2. If a conflict of interest arises, you must tell us immediately in writing. You and ACC
must discuss, agree and record in writing whether the conflict of interest can be
managed and, if so, how it will be managed. Each Party must pay its own costs for
managing a conflict of interest.
Refusing financial incentives
18.3. If you have a financial interest in an entity that supplies, procures or manufactures
products or services, you must obtain ACC’s written approval before using those
products or services to provide the Services described in the Service Schedules.
18.4. If you procure products or services to provide the Services, you must not accept or
receive (or permit any service providers to accept or receive) any incentive, rebate or
reward for the procurement. You may not receive any gift, voucher, cash, trip or
travel, merchandise or equipment or any discount, rebate or credit towards such
items or an incentive or reward in any other form.
18.5. You must also not accept or receive (or permit any service providers to accept or
receive) any incentive or reward for recommending any products or services.
No Collusion
18.6. You will not consult or communicate with any other supplier or potential supplier to
ACC, or enter into any arrangement or understanding with any other supplier or
potential supplier to ACC about any matter which is likely to or may have the effect of
reducing competition for the Services including:
(a) Prices for the Services; or
(b) Methods, factors or formulas used to calculate prices for the Services.
Process for resolving disputes
19.1. The Parties agree to use their best endeavours to resolve any dispute or difference
that may arise under this Contract. The following process will apply to disputes:
(a) The Party must notify the other if it considers a matter is in dispute.
(b) The Relationship managers will attempt to resolve the dispute through direct
(c) If the Relationship managers have not resolved the dispute within 10 business
days of notification or any later agreed date, they will refer it to the Parties’
senior managers for resolution.
(d) If the senior managers have not resolved the dispute within 10 business days
of it being referred to them, the Parties will refer the dispute to mediation or
some other form of alternative dispute resolution agreed by the Parties.
P A G E 25
19.2. If a dispute is referred to mediation, the mediation will be conducted:
(a) by a single mediator agreed by the Parties or, if they cannot agree, appointed
by the Chair of Resolution Institute
(b) on the terms of the Resolution Institute standard mediation contract, and
(c) at a fee to be agreed by the Parties or, if they cannot agree, at a fee
determined by the Chair of Resolution Institute.
19.3. Each Party will pay its own costs of mediation or alternative dispute resolution under
this clause 19 and half the mediator’s fee.
19.4. If there is a dispute, each Party will continue to perform its obligations under this
Contract as far as practical given the nature of the dispute.
19.5. Each party agrees not to start any court action over a dispute until it has complied
with the process described in clause 19, unless court action is necessary to preserve
a Party's rights.
Ending this Contract
By notice as of right
20.1. Either party may, without incurring any liability to the other for damages or other
compensation, at any time give to the other no less than:
(a) three calendar months’ notice of termination of this Contract and all the
Services, or
(b) three calendar months’ notice of the cancellation (or any lesser notice period
for cancellation permitted under the applicable Service Schedule) from this
Contract of a particular Service Schedule and the Service(s) described in that
Service Schedule.
20.2. The date (‘termination date’) on which this Contract and all the Services must come
to an end is the later of:
(a) three calendar months after the date on which notice under clause 20.1 is
received by you
(b) any date specified in the notice as the date on which this Contract will come to
an end.
20.3. The date (‘cancellation date’) when the Service Schedule and the Service(s)
described in that Service Schedule are removed from this Contract is the later of:
(a) three calendar months (or any lesser notice period for cancellation permitted
under the applicable Service Schedule) after the date on which notice under
clause 20.1 is received by you
P A G E 26
(b) any date specified in the notice as the date at which the Service Schedule is
to be cancelled.
Termination without notice on insolvency
20.4. The Supplier’s insolvency or liquidation is a deemed breach of Contract. This
Contract and all the Services will end immediately (without any requirement for prior
notice). This will not apply, however, if the liquidation is for the purpose of
reconstruction or amalgamation, the terms of which have been approved by ACC.
20.5. The date you are judged bankrupt or the date of appointment of a liquidator is the
‘termination date’; that is, the date on which this Contract and all the Services will
Termination with notice on insolvency
20.6. An insolvency event may be deemed to be a breach of Contract. If an insolvency
event has occurred and if, at any time after that event, ACC gives notice to you of
termination of this Contract and all of the Services, this Contract and all the Services
will end immediately.
20.7. The date a notice given by ACC under clause 20.6 is received by you is the
‘termination date’; that is, the date on which this Contract and all the Services will
Termination for breach
20.8. If either Party considers that the other has breached any provision of this Contract,
that Party may give notice to the other specifying the breach. The notice must give
the other Party 10 business days to stop or to remedy the breach (if it is capable of
remedy). ACC will consider you have breached this Contract if we consider on
reasonable grounds that you have defrauded ACC (whether or not you are
prosecuted for that fraud).
20.9. If the breach has not stopped or been remedied within 10 business days, the Party
that gave the notice may forward to the other Party a notice of termination of:
(a) this Contract and all of the Services, or
(b) any particular Service Schedule(s).
20.10. The date on which the Contract and all the Services or the relevant Service
Schedule(s) will terminate (that is, the ‘termination date’) is:
(a) the date of receipt by the other Party of the notice of termination given under
clause 20.9, or
(b) any later date specified for that purpose in the notice.
P A G E 27
Rights after cancellation or expiry
Release from cancellation date or end date
21.1. You are released from the obligation to further provide the Service(s) described in a
Service Schedule from the earlier of:
(a) the cancellation date for a particular Service Schedule,
(b) the end date of a particular Service Schedule.
21.2. ACC is released from the obligation to pay for such Service(s) provided after that
Rights after termination, cancellation, or expiry
21.3. Termination, cancellation or expiry does not affect any rights, other remedies or
obligations of either Party under this Contract or under legislation that arose before or
on the date of termination, cancellation or expiry. These rights, other remedies and
obligations continue to have effect and may be enforced after the relevant date.
21.4. Termination or cancellation does not affect any other rights or remedies of the Party
who gave the notice of termination or cancellation. If you have received money for
services that ACC did not need to pay you for because you breached this Contract,
we may deduct any amount we are entitled to from any money we owe you.
Handing over the Services
21.5. You will, within 10 business days of the end date or termination date or cancellation
date of any Service Schedule, provide all reasonable assistance and co-operation
needed for a smooth handover of the Services to ACC or any person appointed by
Suspension of Services
22.1. ACC can give you written notice that all or any of the Services are suspended if ACC
considers on reasonable grounds:
(a) that you may have breached this Contract, and
(b) for any reason it is not appropriate for you to continue to provide the Services
or any of the Services (for example while the issue is investigated).
P A G E 28
22.2. If you receive a suspension notice under clause 22.1, you will stop providing
(a) until the earlier of:
(i) the date specified in the notice, or
(ii) the date ACC and you agree the Services can begin again
(b) permanently, if the Contract or the Service Schedule for those Services is
terminated or cancelled while the suspension is in force.
22.3. ACC can give you written notice that any service provider is suspended from
providing all or any of the Services if ACC believes, on reasonable grounds that, for
any reason, it is not appropriate for the Service provider to continue (for example,
while the issue is investigated).
22.4. If you receive a suspension notice under clause 22.3, you will stop the service
provider from providing Services:
(a) until the earlier of:
(i) the date specified in the notice, or
(ii) the date ACC and you agree the service provider can start providing
Services again
(b) permanently, if you and ACC agree that the service provider will no longer
provide Services under this Contract or the Service Schedule, or the service
provider is removed in accordance with the relevant Service Schedule.
22.5. The powers in this clause 22 do not limit ACC’s powers under clause 20.8 to 20.10.
Notices and communication
23.1. All notices to a Party must be delivered by hand or sent by post, courier or email. The
address to be used for notices is the address for that Party stated in the relevant
Service Schedule.
23.2. Notices must be signed or, in the case of email, sent by the appropriate manager or
person having authority to do so.
P A G E 29
23.3. A notice will be considered to be received:
(a) if delivered by hand, on the date it is delivered
(b) if sent by post within New Zealand, on the 3rd business day after the date it
was sent
(c) if sent by post internationally, on the 7th business day after the date it was
(d) if sent by courier, on the date it is delivered
(e) if sent by email, at the time the email enters the recipient's information system
as evidenced by a delivery receipt requested by the sender provided that it is
not returned undelivered or as an error.
23.4. A notice received after 5pm on a business day or on a day that is not a business day
will be considered to be received on the next business day.
How we will provide policies
23.5. When this Contract requires us to provide a copy of policies or procedures, we may
meet the requirement by providing a paper copy, an electronic copy or a link to an
internet page.
Business continuity
24.1. You will maintain at all times adequate business continuity arrangements, taking into
account good practice. You will use all reasonable endeavours to implement such
business continuity arrangements whenever necessary. Your business continuity
arrangements will include plans for responding to incidents and business disruptions
so that you can continue to provide Services.
24.2. You will provide us with details of your after-hours contact points when we ask you to
do so.
24.3. You will provide a business continuity plan to us where one is required in a Service
Extraordinary events
25.1. Neither Party will be liable to the other for any failure to perform its obligations under
this Contract where the failure is caused by an extraordinary event.
P A G E 30
25.2. A Party who wishes to claim suspension of its obligations because of an
extraordinary event must notify the other Party as soon as reasonably possible. The
notice must state:
(a) the nature of the circumstances giving rise to the extraordinary event
(b) the extent of that Party's inability to perform under this Contract
(c) the likely duration of that non-performance, and what steps are being taken to
minimise the impact of the extraordinary event on the delivery of Services.
25.3. If ACC, acting reasonably, requires the Services to be supplied during the period
affected by an extraordinary event then, despite clause 25.1 we may terminate this
Contract immediately by giving notice.
25.4. If a Party is unable to perform any obligations under this Contract for 20 business
days or more because of an extraordinary event, the other Party may terminate this
Contract immediately by giving notice.
ACC property
26.1. If we ask, you will deliver to us all correspondence, documents, papers, digital library
and other property of any nature that may be in your possession or power belonging
to ACC. This clause applies both during and after the term of a Service Schedule or
this Contract. We will not exercise this power if it will hinder your performance of this
26.2. Clause 26.1 extends equally to any copy of all or part of the correspondence,
documents, paper, digital library or other property referred to in that clause.
26.3. All information, methods and techniques supplied by you and communicated to ACC
will remain your property.
Organisational quality standards
27.1. Where a standard refers to the requirement for a written policy, procedure,
programme, information or plan, you will provide us with a copy on request.
P A G E 31
27.2. You are required to:
(a) have written and applied protocols and policies that outline the standards for
the Services
(b) have in place, and follow, written protocols, procedures and policies for
managing the Services. This document needs to be kept up to date and made
readily available for staff to read. The document will include written
procedures on the following:
(i) receiving and responding to complaints
(ii) systems to measure customer satisfaction with the Services
(iii) collecting and storing information, and keeping it private
(iv) roles and responsibilities of those providing the Services
(v) culturally appropriate practices
(vi) rights and responsibilities of Clients
(vii) complying with relevant legislation, regulations, ethical standards and
clinical protocols.
(c) have a documented policy about dealing with vulnerable Clients which will at
a minimum be consistent with ACC’s policy which we will provide to you.
27.3. You will make sure that:
(a) all facilities used to provide Services are accessible to people with disabilities.
If a Client is unable to access your facility, you will tell ACC and negotiate with
ACC (including about any additional travel costs) to arrange an alternative
location at no additional cost to the Client.
(b) Service providers provide the Services from safe, well-maintained, hygienic
facilities that are suitably designed and equipped for the Services
(c) all equipment used in the Services is safe and maintained to comply with
safety and use standards.
Interpreting services
27.4. Where Clients require interpreting or translating services to communicate adequately
with service providers, you will ensure that such services are supplied without
additional cost to the Client.
P A G E 32
This is the entire Contract
28.1. This Contract, including any variation and any Service Schedule, records everything
agreed between the parties about the Services. It replaces any previous verbal or
written communications, negotiations, arrangements or Contracts for the Services
that the Parties had with each other before this Contract was signed.
Delaying does not waive rights
28.2. If a Party breaches this Contract and the other Party does not immediately enforce its
rights resulting from the breach that:
(a) does not mean that the Party in breach is released or excused from
performing the obligation at the time or in the future, and
(b) does not prevent the other Party from exercising its rights resulting from the
breach at a later time.
New Zealand law, currency and time
28.3. This Contract will be governed and interpreted under the laws of New Zealand.
28.4. All money is in New Zealand dollars, unless a Service Schedule specifies a different
28.5. Dates and times are New Zealand time.
Publication of information about this Contract
28.6. You may disclose the existence of this Contract. You must obtain our written
approval before making reference to ACC or this Contract, or using our logo, in your
publications, public statements, promotional material or promotional activities.
Signing the Contract
28.7. The date of execution is the date this Contract is signed. This Contract is properly
signed if each Party signs the same copy, or separate identical copies, of the cover
page. If this Contract is signed on two separate dates or separate copies are signed,
the date of execution is the later of the two dates. Where separate copies are signed,
the signed copy can be the original document, or an emailed copy.
P A G E 33
Clauses that remain in force
28.8. The clauses that, by their nature, should remain in force on expiry or ending of this
Contract do so, including:
(a) clause 1 (definitions)
(b) clause 9 (personal and confidential information will be kept private and
(c) clause 12 (how information will be managed and monitored)
(d) clause 17 (how to cover risk)
(e) clause 19 (process for resolving disputes)
(f) clause 20 (ending this Contract)
(g) clause 26 (ACC property), and
(h) clause 28 (general).
28.9. If there is any conflict or difference between the documents forming this Contract (as
stated on the cover page) then the order of precedence is:
(a) variation made in accordance with clause 4
(b) Service Schedule
(c) Standard Terms and Conditions.
Multiple suppliers
29.1. If this Contract is signed by more than one Supplier, the liability of all Suppliers under
this Contract will be joint and several.
Services for injured employees of accredited employers
Purchase of Services by accredited employers
30.1. You agree that accredited employers are permitted to purchase the Services for their
injured employees and that you will provide Services to those injured employees,
subject to the provisions of clauses 30.2 to 30.4 below.
P A G E 34
Information to accredited employers
30.2. We may release information about this Contract (including prices) to accredited
employers if the accredited employer has first agreed in writing with ACC to keep that
information confidential and to use it only for the purpose of purchasing Services.
30.3. During the term of any Service Schedule, you will provide Services to injured
employees of such accredited employers:
(a) on the same terms and prices as specified in this Contract (subject to any
minor adjustments to this Contract that may be necessary to give effect to this
clause 30, and to any changes in those terms and prices subsequently agreed
between you and accredited employer)
(b) as if ‘ACC’ in this Contract was a reference to the particular accredited
employer except that an accredited employer cannot exercise or enforce
rights which by their nature are intended to be exclusive to ACC including the
following clauses of these Standard Terms and Conditions:
(i) clauses 4.2 to 4.4
(ii) clauses 8.3 and 8.4
(iii) clause 9.6
(iv) clause 13
(v) clause 14
(vi) clauses 15.3 and 15.4
(vii) clause 22.
For the purposes of this clause, any injured employee of an accredited
employer is deemed to be a ‘Client’.
ACC not liable for purchasing by accredited employers
30.4. ACC’s role is to bring you and accredited employers together. You agree that ACC
and each accredited employer is only liable for the individual purchases made by us
or that employer, and neither of them has any joint liability (except as provided in
section 187(3) of the AC Act). All communications, invoicing and reporting about
injured employees will go to the accredited employer of the injured employee or
injured employees who receive the Services.