Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 1
Student Handbook
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 2
Welcome to Atlanta Technical College! The faculty, staff, and administration are here to support
you in your academic journey. The Atlanta Tech Student Handbook provides you with valuable
information and policies. You have rights and responsibilities as an Atlanta Tech student.
In order to take full advantage of all of the benefits that the college may offer to your academic
and personal success, we encourage you to assert personal responsibility. To that end, please
take the time to read carefully this handbook, as well as the catalog and other information
regarding your matriculation here at the college. It is critical that you are aware of and adhere to
guidelines and deadlines.
We wish you well in your academic endeavors!
Atlanta Technical College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033, 404-679-4500, to award
associate degrees, diplomas, and technical certificates of credit.
As set forth in its student catalog, Atlanta Technical College does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or
belief, genetic information, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era, spouse of military
member, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by
law). This nondiscrimination policy encompasses the operation of all technical college
administered programs, programs financed by the federal government including any Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I financed programs, educational programs and
activities, including admissions, scholarships and loans, student life, and athletics. It also
encompasses the recruitment and employment of personnel and contracting for goods and
Atlanta Technical College shall promote the realization of equal opportunity through a positive
continuing program of specific practices designed to ensure the full realization of equal
opportunity. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the
nondiscrimination policies: Director of Student Services, Atlanta Technical College, Academic
Building, Suite C1109A (Student Success Center), 404.225.4446. Email:
To request reasonable accommodations upon enrollment (Section 504/ADA), contact Director of
Student Services, Atlanta Technical College, Academic Building, Suite C1109A,
404.225.4446. Email: Atlanta Technical College, 1560 Metropolitan Parkway,
SW, Atlanta, GA 30310.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 3
Faculty and staff with questions about equity or reasonable accommodations should contact
Georgina Dumay, Director, Human Resources, Cleveland Dennard Building, Atlanta Technical
College, 1560 Metropolitan Parkway, SW, Atlanta, GA 30310. 404.225.4612. Email:
Atlanta Technical College, a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, located in the
city of Atlanta, is an accredited institution of higher education that recognizes the
importance of global education. The college provides affordable lifelong learning
opportunities, associate degrees, diplomas, technical certificates of credit, customized
business and industry training, continuing education, and other learning services using
state-of-the-art technology. The integration of academics and applied career preparation
to enhance student learning is essential in meeting the workforce demands and economic
development needs of people, businesses, and the communities we serve.
NOTE: All students should be familiar with the contents of Atlanta Technical College’s
Student Handbook, as they are responsible for compliance with all policies. The college
reserves the right to change any policy at any time.
No student may engage in the unlawful manufacture, possession, use, or distribution of illicit
drugs or alcohol on the property of Atlanta Technical College or as part of any of its sponsored
activities. This policy has been developed in concert with the federal Drug-Free Schools and
Communities Act and incorporates the statutory mandates required under the state Drug-Free
Postsecondary Education Act of 1990.
Such unlawful activity may be considered sufficient grounds for serious punitive action,
including expulsion. Disciplinary sanctions for students convicted of a felony offense involving
alcohol or the manufacture, distribution, sale, possession or use of marijuana, controlled
substances, or other illegal or dangerous drugs shall be immediate suspension and denial of
further state and/or federal funds from the date of conviction. Specifically, in the case of a drug-
related offense, the student shall minimally be suspended for the remainder of the quarter and
forfeit all academic credits for that period.
Atlanta Technical College shall notify the appropriate state/federal funding agency within ten
days after receiving notice of the conviction. Within thirty days of notification of conviction,
Atlanta Technical College shall with respect to any student so convicted:
1. Take additional appropriate action against such student up to and including expulsion,
as it deems necessary.
2. Provide such student with a description of any drug or alcohol counseling treatment,
rehabilitation or re-entry programs that are available for such purposes by a federal,
state, or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency. A list of drug and
alcohol treatment facilities in the area is included in Appendix.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 4
The college administration is committed to implementing policies and procedures designed to
protect lives and to secure property. To this end, the college has adopted an Emergency
Response Plan. The plan details the precautionary measures the school will follow in an
emergency, including inclement weather. This plan is available from the division directors and
the Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
Disability-related complaints should be addressed to the Director of Student Services, Mattie
Goss, Atlanta Technical College, 1560 Metropolitan Parkway, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia, 30310,
404.225.4446. The procedures for filing a grievance are outlined in this handbook. A list of
facilities and services available to handicapped and disabled students is provided in Appendix.
Sexual harassment complaints, which involve another student or a staff member, should be
addressed to the Director of Student Services, Mattie Goss, Atlanta Technical College, 1560
Metropolitan Parkway, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia, 30310, 404.225.4446. Procedures for filing a
grievance are outlined in this handbook.
Sex offenses on the campus will be handled according to the guidelines of the Sexual
Harassment and Misconduct Policy and Procedure outlined int his Handbook. As required by the
Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, students are provided the following website which lists sex
Student refunds are calculated and dispensed according to the state refund policy.
If tuition and fees are collected in advance of the start date of a class and the institution cancels
the class, 100 percent of all fees paid will be refunded.
Atlanta Technical College works to help you maintain your personal safety and to protect your
property by providing security and safety services. Each year, Atlanta Technical College
publishes its crime statistics according to the guidelines of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of
Campus Security Police and Campus Crime Statistics Act. The Campus Crime Report is
available online at
In the event of a medical emergency, Atlanta Technical College will refer a student to the nearest
medical facility. As a non-residential institution, students are expected to secure medical services
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 5
through a private physician. In the event of a medical emergency, it is understood that the
student or parent will assume full responsibility for the cost of emergency care at the hospital
including ambulance charges if such service is necessary.
First aid kits are available in the security office, in the office of the Dean of Institutional
Effectiveness and Learning, and in many laboratories throughout the building. Staff is instructed
to call 911 for a potentially life-threatening emergency and then to report the incident to the
Dean of Students, Mattie Goss at 404-225-4005 or [email protected].
Atlanta Technical College acknowledges that the input of its students is a valuable resource. The
role of the student in governance is advisory and is formally accomplished through the Student
Government Association.
The framework of a democratic society is based on the concept of individual freedom and certain
inalienable rights guaranteed by the constitution. Inherent in the concept of rights is the
obligation for each individual to assume responsibility in the expression of those rights. To this
end, Atlanta Technical College has adopted written codes of conduct and laws of governance
which serve to protect the majority rights of both the student body and the college. Within these
boundaries, Atlanta Technical College guarantees the rights of students as stated below.
Graduates of certificate, diploma and degree programs shall have the right to a quality
educational program consistent with the course and program descriptions made available to them
during the admission process. This includes content, number of contact hours, credit hours and
credentials to be earned.
Students who graduate shall have the right to retraining without cost if an employer finds them
lacking in competency in the occupational field for which they were trained. Students shall have
the right to academic advisement including advisement from the faculty as to standards of
academic performance, criteria for grades, and other expectations related to the course. Any
student who believes that the student’s academic rights have been violated may seek re-dress
according to the procedures outlined on in the catalog.
Students shall have the right to due process when accused of a violation of any campus
regulation or code of conduct. The disciplinary responsibilities of institutional officials and the
disciplinary procedures shall be clearly formulated and published. In all cases students shall be
informed of the nature of the charges against them, given a fair opportunity to refute them, and
guaranteed the right of appeal.
Students shall have the right of protection against prejudiced academic evaluation and
assessment. At the same time, however, students are responsible for maintaining the standards of
academic performance established by the college and by the faculty for each course in which
they are enrolled.
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Students shall have the right to take stands on issues through the Student Government
Association (SGA), the right to examine and discuss questions of interest to them, and the right
to support causes, by orderly means, which do not disrupt the regular and essential campus
Students shall have the right to have their academic, disciplinary, and counseling records kept
confidential, and have the right of access to those records, as subject to existing institutional
policy and state and federal law. All practices and policies dealing with the acquisition and
retention of information for records shall be formulated with due regard for the student’s right to
privacy. No permanent records shall be available to unauthorized persons within or to any person
outside the institution without the express consent of the student involved except under legal
compulsion. No permanent records shall be kept which reflect any alleged political activities or
beliefs of students.
Disabled students shall have the right to and accessibility to all college programs and activities.
Please refer all questions concerning special services for the disabled to Director of Student
Services, Atlanta Technical College, Academic Building, Suite C1109A, 404.225.4446. Email:
Any student who believes that his or her rights have been violated in any way should
immediately contact the Dean of Students. This includes those violations that are the result of
discrimination or harassment based on race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender,
religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, disabled veteran,
veteran of the Vietnam Era, spouse of military member or citizenship status (except in those
special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). The institution is committed to
maintaining an atmosphere on campus which allows each individual student the unhampered
freedom to study, investigate, write, speak, and debate.
The Student-Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act is an amendment to the Higher
Education Act of 1992. The act requires colleges and universities to make graduation/completion
rates, transfer-out rates, and campus crime statistics available to enrolled students and
prospective students. This information is available in the office of the Executive Vice President
of Academic and Student Affairs and at
For security purposes, students are required to carry their college identification card whenever on
campus, or when participating in college activities. Student photo identification cards are made
throughout registration and as scheduled by Student Services. Students will be required to
present the college identification card when using the library and other campus facilities and
should be able to present it upon the request of a college official.
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Student educational records shall be maintained and disclosed according to the guidelines of the
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. These guidelines protect the privacy of
educational records; establish the right of students to inspect and review their non-privileged
educational records; and for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data. The policy applies
to students currently and formerly enrolled at Atlanta Technical College. Educational records
include any records (in handwriting, print, tape, film, computer, or other medium) maintained by
Atlanta Technical College that are directly related to a student, as specifically outlined in the
policy. The college policy for the student records is outlined in the college catalog.
The Atlanta Technical College network system provides access to a variety of technical
resources within the campus to communicate with other users within the campus community and
worldwide. Such open access is a privilege and requires that the individual user acts responsibly.
Users must respect the rights of other users, respect the integrity of the systems and related
physical resources, and observe all relevant laws, regulations, and contractual obligations related
to their use.
Acts of illegal use or misuse of computer resources and services include, but are not limited to
the following:
1. Using an invalid or unauthorized Atlanta Tech identification card or password.
2. Engaging in, directing, or having knowledge of unauthorized access or disruption of
computer services.
3. Reading, altering, or deleting electronic files or electronic mail without authorization.
4. Copying or using software in violation of copyright laws or academic integrity.
5. Transmitting electronic messages through college computers or operating systems that
contain fraudulent, harassing, unprofessional, inappropriate, or obscene information
and/or material.
6. Misrepresenting identity while using a college computer or college network.
7. Using a college computer/network in an attempt to disrupt computer facilities elsewhere
or normal operations of the college.
8. Creating, installing, or distributing a virus of any kind - whether knowingly or
9. Modifying or reconfiguring college software without expressed permission and under the
direct supervision of the college.
10. Accessing any site deemed by the college to be disruptive or obscene.
11. Using the college’s electronic resources to distribute any form of information
electronically without the expressed permission and authorization of the college,
including bulk spam.
Illegal use or misuse of computing, networking, or information resources may result in
disciplinary action, up to, and including, loss of computing privileges and legal action.
Additionally, some forms of illegal use or misuse can be prosecuted under applicable federal,
state, and municipal statutes. Complaints alleging misuse of college computer resources should
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 8
be directed to the Director of Information Technology, who will be responsible for coordinating
and recommending appropriate disciplinary action in conjunction with the Dean of Students.
Knowingly reproducing or distributing copyrighted or patented works, including but not limited
to images, text, software, or hardware, without the expressed written permission of the owner is
an infringement of federal copyright and patent law. Such action may be subject to both civil
damages and criminal penalties, including possible fines and imprisonment.
Computer hardware, software, and other equipment are the property of Atlanta Technical
College and are intended exclusively for academic and career-related purposes. College
computer resources shall not be used for personal gain or profit or for initiating or accessing
offensive or obscene material.
Misuse of computing, networking, or information resources may result in disciplinary action, up
to and including legal action or the loss of computing privileges. Additionally, misuses can be
prosecuted under applicable statutes. Complaints alleging misuse of college computer resources
are directed to the Dean of Student Affairs who is responsible for recommending appropriate
disciplinary action.
Knowing reproduction or distribution of copyrighted works, including, but not limited to images,
text, or software, without permission of the owner is an infringement of federal copyright law.
Such action is subject to civil damages and criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment.
Computer hardware, software, and other equipment are the property of Atlanta Technical
College and are intended for academic-related purposes only. College computer resources shall
not be used for personal gain or profit or to initiate or access offensive or obscene material.
Atlanta Technical College welcomes participation on our social media pages and encourages you
to interact with us often. We hope to provide a forum for dialogue among the many diverse
voices of our college and communities served, and we encourage comments about the content
you find here.
Posts containing personal attacks, profanity, nudity, hate speech, or illegal material are
prohibited. In addition, we will remove any posts violating FERPA or students’ right to
confidentiality. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to remove any post or to revoke a user's
privilege to post to our page. Please be aware that we cannot immediately review every comment
posted on the page.
Opinions expressed in posts not originated by Atlanta Technical College are not necessarily
those of the college and its employees, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of these posts.
Representation of personal opinions as being endorsed by the college or any of its organizations
is strictly prohibited. No one is authorized to use the Atlanta Technical College name to promote
any opinion, product, cause, or political candidate.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 9
Posts are to be used only for noncommercial purposes. You may not solicit funds or promote
commercial entities.
All content posted by Atlanta Technical College is the property of the college and is subject to
copyright laws. For more information, please email
Atlanta Technical College accepts personal checks with proper identification for fees, tuition,
services, books, or class supplies. When a bank refuses to honor such a personal check, the
college will charge a service fee equal to $30 plus the amount of any fee charged to the college
by the bank.
Unless otherwise permitted by technical college officials, the technical college prohibits use of
electronic devices in classrooms, labs, and other instructional, event, or affiliated facilities on
technical college Premises. Such devices include, but are not limited to cell phones, beepers,
walkie talkies, cameras, gaming devices, and other electronic devices, which may cause
unnecessary disruption to the teaching/learning process on campus. The technical college also
prohibits attaching personal electronic devices to college computers under any circumstances.
Parking decals are required for all vehicles parked on campus. These decals may be obtained
from the Business Office, which is located on the first floor of the Dennard Center.
Display and Posting of Notices
Posters, flyers, pictures, and lettering of any kind may be displayed only on designated bulletin
boards. They may not be affixed to walls, windows, or doors. Posters and flyers must be neat,
legible, and in good taste. The name of the sponsor(s) must appear on the poster. Posters or
flyers that are considered inappropriate will not be approved for display on college property and
will be removed if they are posted. Posters and flyers promoting an event must be removed
within twenty- four hours after the event.
All postings regarding student functions or programs must be approved by the Office of Student
Activities and stamped. The Office of Communications and Marketing must approve other
postings by external organizations. Student organizations wishing to display flyers and posters
must receive approval by the Office of Student Activities. Off-campus organizations and vendors
requesting to display posters and flyers on college property must seek approval from the Office
of Communications & Marketing.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 10
Job Announcements
Announcements regarding internal job postings will be posted by the Office of Human
Resources on the Atlanta Technical College website at Work- study
postings will be posted by the Office of Financial Aid. Announcements regarding external job
opportunities for students must be approved by the Office of Career Services.
Handouts in Other Buildings
The department responsible for the bulletin board(s) in a particular building is the approving
office for announcements relative to the programs housed in that building.
The only money solicitations allowed are for the drives approved by the President. The practice
of a group or class buying gifts for students or instructors is prohibited.
Student meetings or assemblies on campus must be approved by the President of Atlanta
Technical College, the Office of Student Activities, or a designee.
Textbooks and general school supplies are available from the bookstore located on the second
floor of the Academic Complex. Please check with the bookstore for hours of operation.
Because of safety and liability issues, Atlanta Technical College does not allow children in
classrooms or laboratory areas at any time. There are exceptions made for approved field trips
for children in the Atlanta Technical College Childcare Center and for those students from area
An adult must accompany children on the campus at all times. Atlanta Technical College
reserves the right to have violators of this policy removed from the ATC campus.
Vending machines are located throughout the college. Money changing machines have been
placed in some vending locations on the first floor, and a representative of the vending
company is at the school daily to service the machines. Reimbursement for lost funds should be
registered at the business office cashier window.
Student lounges are located on opposite ends of the building adjacent to the courtyards. The
lounges are only for the use of Atlanta Technical College students. Food and drinks are not
permitted in the library, classrooms, and laboratories.
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Locker fees are included in registration fees for all students enrolled in credit courses. Students
should determine the area of the building where they would like to obtain a locker and then make
a selection from those available. Lockers are obtained through the Student Life Office. Students
are urged to obtain lockers at the beginning of classes each term. Students may have only one
locker. Students must supply their own lock.
Students withdrawing or graduating from the college should clean out their lockers and notify
security that they are available. Lockers will be checked once a year by security between the
spring and summer quarters for serviceability and to update locker assignments
Campus Police handles all lost and found items. This office is located on the second floor of the
Academic Complex.
Atlanta Technical College makes a good-faith effort to distribute voter registration forms to each
student. Voter registration tables are set up during registration, and forms are made available.
Students are encouraged to complete the forms and to exercise their right to vote in local, state,
and federal elections.
Atlanta Technical College Student Code of Conduct
Academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the
development of students, and the well-being of society. Free inquiry and free expression are
indispensable to the attainment of these goals. As members of this academic community,
students are encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment and to engage in a
sustained and independent search for knowledge.
Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are inseparable facets of academic conditions in the
classroom, on the campus, other college sites, and in the community. Students are expected to
exercise their freedom with responsibility. As members of the academic community, students are
subject to the obligations which accrue to them by virtue of this membership. As members of the
larger community of which the college is a part, students are entitled to all rights and protection
accorded them by the laws of the community. Nothing in this Code of Conduct shall be
interpreted to interfere with any person’s right to free speech as provided by the First
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
By the same token, students are also subject to all laws, the enforcement of which is the
responsibility of duly constituted authorities. When students violate laws, they may incur
penalties prescribed by legal authorities. In such instances, college discipline will be initiated if
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 12
the presence of the student on campus is considered a possible threat to persons or property, or if
that person's presence may disrupt the educational process of the college. However, when a
student's violation of the law also adversely affects the college's recognized educational
objectives, or violates the college's Student Code of Conduct, the college will enforce its own
regulations. When students violate college regulations, they are subject to disciplinary action by
the college whether or not their conduct violates the law.
It is the policy of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) to provide technical and
adult education programs for the people of Georgia. Atlanta Technical College must provide
opportunities for intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth. Atlanta Technical College
students assume an obligation to act in a manner compatible with the fulfillment of the mission.
The college community recognizes its responsibility to provide an atmosphere conducive to
growth. With these principles in mind, Atlanta Technical College establishes this Student Code
of Conduct.
Generally, college jurisdiction and discipline shall be limited to conduct which occurs on college
Premises, off-campus classes, activities, or functions sponsored by the college, an examination
or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade, or which otherwise
adversely affects members of the college community and/or the pursuit of the college's
1. Faculty Member: any person hired by a TCSG technical college to conduct teaching,
service, or research activities.
2. Hearing Body: as defined in the Student Disciplinary Procedure.
3. Member of the technical college community: any person who is a student, faculty
member, contractor, technical college official or any other person/s involved with the
college, involved in the community, or employed by the college.
4. Policy: the written regulations of the college as found in, but not limited to, the Student
Code of Conduct, Student Handbook(s), Residence Hall Handbook(s), technical college
Catalog(s), the Atlanta Technical College Policy Manual, and the Policy Manual
approved by the State Board for the Technical College System of Georgia.
5. Student: all persons taking courses at the college, including full-time, part-time, dual
enrollment, joint enrollment, non-credit, and credit. Persons who are not officially
enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the technical
college are also considered "students".
6. System: The Technical College System of Georgia or TCSG.
7. Technical college official: any person employed by the college performing assigned
responsibilities on a part-time, full-time, or adjunct basis.
8. Premises: all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned,
used, or controlled by the technical college (including adjacent streets and sidewalks).
9. College: Atlanta Technical College or ATC
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Any student found to have committed any of the following types of misconduct is subject to the
disciplinary sanctions outlined in the Student Disciplinary Policy and Procedure.
Academic Misconduct Definitions
Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Aiding and Abetting Academic Misconduct: Knowingly helping, procuring,
encouraging, or otherwise assisting another person to engage in academic misconduct.
2. Cheating
a. Use and/or possession of unauthorized material or technology during an
examination, or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a
grade, such as tape cassettes, notes, tests, calculators, computer programs, cell
phones and/or smart phones, or other electronic devices.
b. Obtaining assistance with or answers to an examination or any other written or
oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade from another person with or
without that person's knowledge.
c. Furnishing assistance with or answers to an examination or any other written or
oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade to another person.
d. Possessing, using, distributing, or selling unauthorized copies of an examination,
computer program, or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation
and/or a grade.
e. Representing as one's own an examination or any other written or oral work
submitted for evaluation and/or a grade created by another person.
f. Taking an examination or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation
and/or a grade in place of another person.
g. Obtaining unauthorized access to the computer files of another person or agency
and/or altering or destroying those files.
h. Obtaining teacher edition textbooks, test banks, or other instructional materials
that are only intended to be accessed by technical college officials, college
administrator or faculty member.
3. Fabrication: The falsification of any information or citation in an examination or any
other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade.
4. Plagiarism
a. Submitting another's published or unpublished work in whole, in part or in
paraphrase, as one's own without fully and properly crediting the author with
footnotes, quotation marks, citations, or bibliographical reference.
b. Submitting as one's own original work, material obtained from an individual or
agency without reference to the person or agency as the source of the material.
c. Submitting as one's own original work material that has been produced through
unacknowledged collaboration with others without release in writing from
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Non-Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Behavior
a. Indecent Conduct: lewd or indecent conduct; or distribution of obscene or
libelous written or electronic material.
b. Violence: physical abuse of any person (including dating violence, domestic
violence, or sexual violence) on college Premises or at college-sponsored or
college-supervised functions, including physical actions which threaten or
endanger the health or safety of any such persons. This includes fighting and/or
other disruptive behavior, which includes any action or threat of violence which
endangers the peace, safety, or orderly function of the college, its facilities, or
persons engaged in the business of the college. Note: certain physical abuse may
also be considered unlawful harassment.
c. Harassment: The college prohibits unlawful conduct based on race, color, creed,
national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, genetic information,
political affirmation or belief, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era or
citizenship status addressed directly to any individual or group that has the
purpose or effect of unreasonably and objectively interfering with that individual
or group’s: (1) performance, (2) work or educational environment or (3) ability to
participate in an educational program or activity. The college also prohibits
stalking, or other behavior which objectively and unreasonably interferes with
another's legal rights or creates an objectively intimidating, hostile, or offensive
environment. (This also includes the display of or navigation to pornography and
other inappropriate websites and materials and inappropriate behavior on social
media and/or networking applications.) Impermissible harassment may include
verbal, non-verbal and/or physical conduct.
d. Disruption: prohibits activities not otherwise protected by law including the First
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, which
intentionally obstructs or interrupts teaching, research, administration,
disciplinary proceedings, or other technical college activities, including public
service functions and other duly authorized activities on college Premises or at
technical college-sponsored activity sites.
e. Failure to Comply: Failure to comply with lawful directions of technical college
officials and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when requested to do
2. Professionalism: Infractions of the dress code include, but are not limited to, the
a. Failure to wear attire appropriate for a mature learning environment:
inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to, the following: excessive skin
exposure and display of undergarments.
b. Failure to have on footwear.
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c. When instructed, failure to wear attire designated for classrooms, laboratories,
shop areas, internships, and clinical courses, according to the requirements of the
work for which the student is being trained.
d. Failure to maintain personal hygiene: cleanliness of body and clothing, etc.
e. Failure to refrain from wearing emblems, insignia, badges, symbols or attire that
contain inappropriate, lewd, vulgar messages, displays illegal substances or that
connote gang affiliation, where the effect thereof may be construed as offensive
to a reasonable person or might otherwise cause disruption of interference with
the orderly operations of the college.
3. Use of College Property
a. Theft and Damage: prohibits theft of, misuse of, or harm to technical college
property, or theft of or damage to property of a member of the college community
or a campus visitor on college Premises or at a college function.
b. Occupation or Seizure: illegal occupation or seizure in any manner of technical
college property, a college Premises, or any portion thereof for a use inconsistent
with prescribed, customary, or authorized use.
c. Presence on college Premises: prohibits unauthorized entry upon college
Premises; unauthorized entry into college Premises or a portion thereof which has
been restricted in use; unauthorized presence in college Premises after closing
hours; or furnishing false information to gain entry upon college Premises.
d. Assembly: prohibits participation in or conducting an unauthorized gathering that
objectively threatens or causes injury to person or property or that interferes with
free access to college facilities or that is unprotected by the First Amendment to
the Constitution of the United States of America and objectively harmful,
obstructive, or disruptive to the educational process or functions of the college.
e. Fire Alarms: prohibits setting off a fire alarm or using or tampering with any fire
safety equipment on college Premises or at college-sponsored activity sites,
except with reasonable belief in the need for such alarm or equipment. In the
event of a fire alarm sounding, students must evacuate the building unless
otherwise directed by a college official.
f. Obstruction: prohibits obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular
traffic on college Premises or at college sponsored or supervised functions. Refer
to the Atlanta Technical College Parking Policy and Regulations.
4. Drugs, Alcohol and Other Substances: Substances referred to under this policy include
all illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, and misused legal drugs (both prescription and
a. Alcohol: Students must comply with all state and federal laws regulating alcohol
as well as TCSG Policy II.C.6, Alcohol on Campus. Alcoholic beverages may not
be served or sold at any student sponsored function. Students being in a state of
intoxication on college Premises or at college-sponsored or supervised functions
(including off-campus functions), internships, externships, practicum, clinical
sites, co-operative or academic sponsored programs or activities or in a college
owned vehicle is prohibited.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 16
b. Controlled substances, illegal drugs, and drug paraphernalia: The college
prohibits possession, use, sale, or distribution of any controlled substance, illegal
drugs, or drug paraphernalia except as expressly permitted by law. Any influence
which may be attributed to the use of drugs or of alcoholic beverages shall not in
any way limit the responsibility of the individual for the conduct or consequences
of his/her actions.
c. Food: The college prohibits eating and/or drinking in classrooms, shops, and labs
or other unauthorized areas on college Premises, unless otherwise permitted by
college officials.
d. Smoking/Tobacco: The technical college prohibits smoking, or using other forms
of electronic, alternative smoking devices or other forms of tobacco products in
classrooms, shops, and labs or other unauthorized areas on college Premises.
Refer to the Atlanta Technical College Tobacco Policy.
5. Use of Technology
a. Damage and Destruction: Destruction of or harm to equipment, software, or data
belonging to the technical college or to others is considered unacceptable usage.
This may include altering, downloading, or installing software on college
computers, tampering with computer hardware or software configuration,
improper access to the technical college's network, and disconnection of technical
college computers or devices.
b. Electronic Devices: Unless otherwise permitted by college officials, the college
prohibits use of electronic devices in classrooms, labs, and other instructional,
event, or affiliated facilities on college Premises. Such devices include, but are
not limited to cell phones, beepers, walkie-talkies, cameras, gaming devices, and
other electronic devices, which may cause unnecessary disruption to the
teaching/learning process on campus. The college also prohibits attaching
personal electronic devices to college computers under any circumstances.
c. Harassment: The technical college prohibits the use of computer technology to
harass another student or technical college official with obscene, harassing or
intimidating messages, communications, jokes, or material.
d. Unacceptable Use: Use of computing facilities to interfere with the work of
another student, faculty member or technical college official. This includes the
unauthorized use of another individual's identification and password. Atlanta
Technical College prohibits any additional violation to the Department's
Acceptable Computer and Internet Use Policy.
6. Weapons: The Technical College System of Georgia is committed to providing all
employees, students, volunteers, visitors, vendors, and contractors a safe and secure
workplace and/or academic setting. The possession, carrying, or transportation of a
firearm, weapon, or explosive compound/material in or on college building or property
shall be governed by Georgia state law. All individuals are expected to comply with the
related laws. Failure to follow laws pertaining to weapons is considered a violation of the
Atlanta Technical College Student Code of Conduct. Relevant Georgia laws to be aware
of and compliant with include but may not be limited to:
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 17
O.C.G.A.§ 16-8-12(a)(6)(A)(iii) O.C.G.A.§ 16-7-80
O.C.G.A.§ 16-7-81
O.C.G.A.§ 16-7-85
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-121
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-125.1
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-126
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-127
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-127.1
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-129
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-130
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-133
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-135
O.C.G.A.§ 16-11-137
O.C.G.A.§ 43-38-10
7. Gambling: The Technical College System of Georgia prohibits the violation of federal,
state or local gambling laws on technical college premises or at technical college
sponsored or supervised activities.
8. Parking: The college prohibits violation of Atlanta Technical College regulations
regarding the operation and parking of motor vehicles on or around Atlanta Technical
College premises.
9. Financial Irresponsibility: The college prohibits the theft or misappropriation of any
college, student organization or other assets.
10. Violation of Technical College Policy: Violation of System or Atlanta Technical
College Policies, rules or regulations including, but not limited to, rules imposed upon
students who enroll in a particular class or program, internships, externships, practicum,
clinical sites, co-operative, or any academic sponsored programs or activities, student
organizations or students who reside in on-campus housing.
11. Aiding and Abetting: Aiding, abetting, or procuring another person to do an activity
which otherwise violates this Code of Conduct is prohibited.
12. Falsification of Documentation: Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a
student who falsifies any documentation related to the technical college either to the
technical college or to others in the community, including, but not limited to falsification
of: college transcripts; transcripts or other documentation from other institutions to obtain
credit from or admission to the college; college report cards or other grade reports;
documentation related to a student’s citizenship status; tests, homework, attendance
records; signature of any college employee in his or her official capacity; signatures of
any employee of a clinical or internship site where the student is participating in an
educational program associated with the college or records related to any clinical,
internship or other academic activity associated with the college.
13. Violation of Law
a. If a Student is convicted or pleads Nolo Contendere to an on-campus or off
campus violation of federal, state, or local law, but not has not been charged with
any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct, disciplinary action may
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 18
nevertheless be taken and sanctions imposed if the violation of federal, state or
local law is detrimental to the college's vital interests and stated mission and
b. Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a student charged with
violation of a law that is also a violation of the Student Code of Conduct if both
violations result from the same factual situation, without regard to criminal arrest
and/or prosecution. Proceedings under this Student Code of Conduct may be
carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following criminal proceedings.
c. When a student is charged by federal, state, or local authorities with a violation of
law, the technical college will not request or agree to special consideration for
that individual because of his/her status as a student. The technical college will
cooperate fully with law enforcement and other agencies in the enforcement of
criminal law on campus and in the conditions imposed by criminal courts for the
rehabilitation of student violators. Individual students, acting in their personal
capacities, remain free to interact with governmental representatives as they deem
14. Abuse of the Student Judicial Process, including but not limited to
a. Failure to obey the notification of the Dean of Students or the college president's
designee, Hearing Body, Appellate Board or Technical College Official.
b. Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information in a judicial
c. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a disciplinary proceeding.
d. Initiating a disciplinary proceeding knowingly without cause.
e. Attempting to discourage an individual's proper participation in, or use of, the
disciplinary process.
f. Attempting to influence the impartiality of a member of a Hearing Body, or
Appellate Board prior to, and/or during the course of, the disciplinary proceeding.
g. Harassment (verbal or physical) and/or intimidation of a member of a Hearing
Body, or Appellate Board prior to, during, and/or after a disciplinary proceeding.
h. Failure to comply with the sanction(s) imposed under the Student Code.
Documents shall be held for no less than three (3) years after the graduation of the student or the
date of the student’s last attendance.
Atlanta Technical College Student Disciplinary Procedure
The administration reserves the right to maintain a safe and orderly educational environment for
students and staff. Therefore, when, in the judgment of technical college officials, a student's
conduct disrupts or threatens to disrupt the technical college community, appropriate disciplinary
action will be taken to restore and protect the atmosphere of collegiality and mutual respect on
campus. This procedure is intended to provide an orderly protocol for handling student
disciplinary cases in accordance with the principles of due process and justice.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 19
1. Academic Misconduct: includes, but is not limited to, the definition found in the Atlanta
Technical College Student Code of Conduct.
2. Business days: weekdays that the college administrative offices are open.
3. Hearing Body: any person or persons authorized by the president of the college to
provide a hearing as provided in this procedure.
4. Member of the college community: any person who is a student, faculty member, college
official or any other person/s involved with the college community or employed by the
technical college.
5. Policy: the written regulations of the college as found in, but not limited to, the Student
Code of Conduct, Students Handbook(s), Atlanta Technical College Catalog(s), the
Atlanta Technical College Policy Manual, and the Policy Manual approved by the State
Board for the Technical College System of Georgia.
6. Student: all persons taking courses at the technical college full-time, part-time, dual
enrollment, joint enrollment, non-credit and credit. Persons who are not officially
enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with the technical
college are considered "students."
7. Student Organization: any number of persons who have complied with the formal
requirements for technical college recognition.
8. Technical college: any college within the Technical College System of Georgia.
9. Technical college official: any person employed by the technical college, performing
assigned administrative responsibilities on a part-time, full-time, or adjunct basis.
10. Premises: all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned,
used, or controlled by the technical college (including adjacent streets and sidewalks).
A. Filing a Complaint
1. Any person may file a complaint with the Dean of Students or the technical college
president's designee against any student for an alleged violation of the Student Code of
Conduct. The individual(s) initiating the action should complete a Student Code of
Conduct Complaint Form and provide it to the Dean of Students or the technical college
president's designee.
2. Academic Misconduct may be handled using this procedure or a separate Academic
Misconduct Procedure via the Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs
at the discretion of the technical college president.
3. Investigation and Decision
a. Within 15 business days after the Student Code of Conduct Complaint Form (the
"Complaint") is filed, the Dean of Students or the technical college president's
designee shall complete a preliminary investigation of the incident and schedule a
meeting with the student against whom the complaint was filed in order to discuss
the incident and the allegations. In the event that additional time is necessary, the
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 20
Student will be notified. After discussing the complaint with the student, the Dean
of Students or the technical college president's designee shall determine whether
the student committed the alleged conduct, and whether the alleged conduct
constitutes a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
b. The student shall have 5 business days from the date contacted by the Dean of
Students or the technical college president's designee to schedule the meeting.
This initial meeting may only be rescheduled one time. If the student fails to
respond to the Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee
within 5 business days to schedule the meeting, reschedules the meeting more
than once, or fails to appear at the meeting, the Dean of Students or the technical
college president's designee will consider the available evidence without student
input and make a determination
c. In the event that a Complaint alleges violations of the Student Code of Conduct
by more than one student, each student's disciplinary proceeding, as well as any
appeals relating to that proceeding, shall be conducted individually.
d. If the Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee determines
that the student has violated the Student Code of Conduct, he/she shall impose
one or more disciplinary sanctions consistent with those described below. If the
Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee determines that the
alleged conduct did not occur, or that the conduct was not a violation of the
Student Code of Conduct, he/she shall not impose any disciplinary sanctions on
the student and the investigation shall be closed.
B. Disciplinary Sanctions
1. Based on the severity of the incident, the Dean of Students may take one of two
i. After a determination that a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct, the
Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee may impose, without
referral to the Hearing Body, one or more of the following sanctions. Notification
shall be sent to the student and the person(s) who initially filed the complaint.
b. Restitution – A student who has committed an offense against property may be
required to reimburse the technical college or other owner for damage to or
misappropriation of such property. Any such payment in restitution shall be
limited to the actual cost of repair or replacement.
c. Reprimand A written reprimand may be given to any student. Such a
reprimand does not restrict the student in any way, but it signifies to the student
that he/she is in effect being given another chance to conduct himself/herself as a
proper member of the technical college community, and that any further violation
may result in more serious sanctions.
d. Restriction – A restriction upon a student's privileges for a period of time may be
imposed. This restriction may include but is not limited to denial of the right to
represent the technical college in any way, denial of use of facilities, alteration or
revocation of parking privileges, or restrictions from participating in
extracurricular activities.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 21
e. Disciplinary Probation – Continued enrollment of a student on probation may be
conditioned upon adherence to specified terms. Any student placed on probation
will be notified of the terms and length of probation in writing. Any conduct
determined after due process to be in violation of these terms while on probation
may result in the imposition of more serious disciplinary sanctions, as specified
by the terms of probation.
f. Failing or lowered grade In cases of Academic Misconduct, Academic Dean
or the technical college president's designee will make a recommendation to the
Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or his/her designee
who may authorize the instructor to award a failing or lowered grade in the
course, or a loss of credit on the assignment or examination.
2. After a determination that a student has violated the Student Code of conduct, the Dean
of Students or the technical college president's designee may recommend the
imposition of one of the following sanctions if appropriate. The Dean of Students’
recommendation will be forwarded to the Hearing Body, which may impose one or
more of the following sanctions, as well as those described in the section above,
following a hearing. A copy of the written recommendation shall be provided to the
student and the person filing the complaint
a. Disciplinary Suspension – If a student is suspended, he/she is separated from the
technical college for a stated period of time. Conditions of reinstatement, if any,
must be stated in the notice of suspension.
b. Disciplinary Expulsion –Removal and exclusion from the technical college,
Technical College controlled facilities, programs, events, and activities. A record
of the reason for the student's dismissal is maintained by Dean of Students or the
technical college president's designee. Students who have been dismissed from
the technical college for any reason may apply in writing to the Dean of Students
for reinstatement twelve (12) months following the expulsion. If approval for
reinstatement is granted, the student will be placed on disciplinary probation for a
specified term. The probationary status may be removed at the end of the
specified term at the discretion of the Dean of Students or the technical college
president's designee.
c. System-Wide ExpulsionWhere a student has been expelled or suspended three
times from the same or different colleges in the Technical College System of
Georgia in the past seven years, the student will not be permitted to register at any
college in the Technical College System of Georgia for a period of ten years after
the most recent expulsion/suspension.
Violation of Federal, State, or Local Law
If a student is convicted or pleads nolo contendere to an off-campus violation of federal, state, or
local law, but not with any other violation of the Student Code of Conduct, disciplinary action
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 22
may be taken, and sanctions imposed for misconduct that is detrimental to the technical college's
vital interests and stated mission and purpose.
Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a student charged with violation of a law that
is also a violation of the Student Code of Conduct if both violations result from the same factual
situation, without regard to criminal arrest and/or prosecution. Proceedings under this Student
Code of Conduct may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following criminal
When a student is charged by federal, state, or local authorities with a violation of law, the
technical college will not request or agree to special consideration for that individual because of
his/her status as a student. The technical college will cooperate fully with law enforcement and
other agencies in the enforcement of criminal law on campus and in the conditions imposed by
criminal courts for the rehabilitation of student violators. Individual students, acting in their
personal capacities, remain free to interact with governmental representatives as they deem
Interim Disciplinary Suspension
As a general rule, the status of a student accused of violations of the Student Code of Conduct
should not be altered until a final determination is made regarding the allegations against
him/her. However, interim suspension may be imposed upon a finding by the Dean of Students
or his/her designee that the continued presence of the accused student on campus constitutes a
potential or immediate threat to the safety and well-being of the accused student or any other
member of the technical college community or its guests, or that the continued presence of the
student on campus creates a risk of substantial disruption of classroom or other technical college
related activities. If an interim disciplinary suspension is imposed, the matter must be referred as
soon as possible to the Hearing Body. The student need not request an appeal.
Conditions of Disciplinary Suspension and Expulsion
A student who has been suspended or expelled from the technical college shall be denied all
privileges afforded a student and shall be required to vacate technical college Premises at a time
determined by the Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee.
In addition, after vacating the technical college Premises, a suspended or expelled Student may
not enter upon the technical college Premises at any time, for any purpose, in the absence of
written permission from the Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee. A
suspended or expelled student must contact the Vice President for Student Affairs or the
technical college president's designee for permission to enter the technical college Premises for a
limited, specified purpose.
A scheduled appeal hearing before the Hearing Body shall be understood as expressed
permission from the Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee for a student
to enter the technical college Premises for the duration of that hearing.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 23
At the discretion of the technical college president the technical college may adopt a
mediation procedure to be utilized prior to the appeals set forth herein. Mediation may never
be used in cases of alleged sexual misconduct.
Hearing/Appeals Procedure
1. A student who wishes to appeal a disciplinary decision by the Dean of Students or the
technical college president's designee regarding an assigned sanction of restitution,
reprimand, restriction, disciplinary probation, or failing or lowered grade must file a
written notice of appeal through the technical college Executive Vice President’s office
for review by the Hearing Body within five business days of notification of the decision.
The person filing the initial complaint against the student must be notified of the hearing
2. If the Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee recommended a
sanction of disciplinary suspension, disciplinary expulsion, interim disciplinary
suspension, or system-wide expulsion, the matter will be referred to the Hearing Body by
the Dean of Students. The student need not file a written notice of his or her desire to
appear before the Hearing Body. The person filing the initial complaint shall also be
given notification of the hearing.
3. The student will then have the right to appear in a hearing before a Hearing Body
assigned by the technical college president or his/her designee within 10 business days to
present evidence and/or testimony. If the student has been placed on an interim
disciplinary suspension, the hearing must be held as soon as possible, preferably within
five days. The student has the right to be assisted by any single advisor he/she chooses, at
his/her own expense. The student is responsible for presenting his/her own case and,
therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak or to participate directly in any hearing
before a Hearing Body. The Hearing Body may consist of a single person, or a group of
people drawn from the technical college community. There shall be a single official
record, such as a tape recording, of all hearings before the Hearing Body. The official
record shall be the property of the technical college. The standard of proof in all hearings
shall be a preponderance of the evidence. The chairperson of the Hearing Body shall
notify the technical college president and the Executive Vice President or Dean of
Students in writing of the Hearing Body's decision. The technical college president or
his/her designee will notify the student in writing of the Hearing Body's decision.
4. If the student appeared before the Hearing Body to appeal the Dean of Students or the
technical college president's designee's sanction of restitution, reprimand, restriction,
disciplinary probation, or failing or lowered grade, the Hearing Body's decision regarding
the appeal is final. A copy of the Hearing Body's written decision will be provided to
both the student and the person who filed the original complaint.
5. If the student appeared before the Hearing Body after the Dean of Students or the
technical college president's designee recommended disciplinary suspension, disciplinary
expulsion, interim disciplinary suspension, or system-wide expulsion, the student shall
have the opportunity to appeal directly to the technical college Executive Vice President.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 24
6. If entitles to an appeal to the technical college Executive Vice President, the student shall
have 5 business days after receiving written notification of the Hearing Body's decision
to request in writing an appeal. The student shall ensure that all relevant information is
included with this request. The person who filed the original complaint shall be notified
of the student's appeal.
7. The Executive Vice President of the technical college or his/her designee's review shall
be in writing and shall only consider evidence currently in the record, new facts not
brought up in earlier stages of the appeal shall not be considered. The technical college
Executive Vice President or his/her designee shall deliver the decision to the student and
the person who filed the original complaint within 10 business days. The decision of the
technical college Executive Vice President or his/her designee shall be final and binding.
Document Retention
The Dean of Students or the technical college president's designee shall retain a copy of all
documents concerning complaints, investigations, administrative actions, and communications in
relation to any incident that resulted in a disciplinary investigation of any kind against a student.
The Dean of Students the technical college president's designee will also retain records of any
disciplinary appeals filed by the affected student, as well as the resulting record of appeal and
decision submitted by the Hearing Body and the technical college president or his/her designee.
A record of the final decision must also be retained. All records specified in this section shall be
retained for a period of five years.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 25
Atlanta Technical College Policy and Procedure- Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination
of Students
It is the purpose of this procedure to ensure that all students within the Technical College System
of Georgia (TCSG) shall be provided an environment free of unlawful harassment, discrimination,
and retaliation.
All students and employees are expressly prohibited from engaging in any form of unlawful
harassing, discriminating, intimidating or retaliatory behavior or conduct (“prohibited conduct”)
in all interactions with each other, whether or not the interaction occurs during class or on or off
campus. Visitors to campuses also shall not engage in prohibited conduct and may be barred
from campus for such prohibited conduct. Allegations of discrimination, harassment, or
retaliation, occurring at clinical sites to which students are assigned shall be investigated in
accordance with this procedure.
Student complaints regarding sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence, dating violence,
domestic violence, sexual exploitation, or stalking will be processed in accordance with the
Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Procedure.
Any student or employee who has engaged in prohibited conduct will be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including expulsion or dismissal. Nothing in this procedure shall be interpreted
to interfere with any person’s right to free speech as provided by the First Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States of America.
All students are encouraged to report any prohibited conduct. Reports will be treated in an
expeditious and confidential manner. TCSG will not tolerate retaliation for having filed a good
faith harassment and/or discrimination complaint or for having provided any information in an
investigation. Any individual who retaliates against a complainant or witness in an investigation
will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or dismissal.
Employee complaints of unlawful harassment or discrimination shall be conducted pursuant to
the process outlined in the procedure governing Unlawful Harassment, Discrimination and
Retaliation in Employment.
State Board Policy 2.1.1. Statement of Equal Opportunity
Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Age Discrimination Act of 1975
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 26
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008
TCSG Procedure: 6.5.3p Student Grievances
All work units and technical colleges associated with the Technical College System of Georgia.
Unlawful Harassment (Other Than Sexual Harassment): unlawful verbal or physical conduct
that disparages or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of that person’s race,
color, religion, gender, national origin, age, genetic information, or disability and which:
1. Has the purpose or effect of creating an objectively and unreasonably intimidating, hostile or
offensive educational environment, or
2. Has the purpose or effect of objectively and unreasonably interfering with an individual’s
educational performance.
Unlawful harassing conduct or behavior can include, but is not limited to, epithets, slurs,
negative stereotyping, or threatening, intimidating or hostile acts that relate to race, color,
religion, gender, national origin, genetic information, age or disability. Unlawful harassing
conduct can include jokes or pranks that are hostile or demeaning with regard to race, color,
religion, gender, national origin, age or disability. Unlawful harassing conduct may also include
written or graphic material that disparages or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or
group because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability, and that is
displayed on walls, bulletin boards, computers, or other locations, or otherwise circulated in
college community in any format.
Conduct which threatens, coerces, harasses, or intimidates another person or identifiable group
of persons, in a manner that is considered unlawful under state and federal laws pertaining to
stalking or dating/domestic violence while on college premises or at college sponsored activities
may also be considered unlawful harassment under this procedure.
Unlawful Discrimination: the denial of benefits or admission to the college or to any of its
programs or activities, either academic or nonacademic, curricular, or extracurricular, because of
race, color, religion, age, gender, national origin, genetic information or disability.
Unlawful Retaliation: unfavorable action taken, unfavorable condition created, or other action
taken by a student or employee for the purpose of intimidation that is directed toward a student
because the student initiated an allegation of unlawful harassment/retaliation or participated in an
investigation of an allegation.
Technical College System of Georgia: all work units and technical colleges under the
governance of the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 27
Employees: any individual employed in a full or part time capacity in any TCSG work unit or
technical college.
Visitor: any third party (e.g., volunteer, vendor, contractor, member of the general public etc.)
who conducts business or regularly interacts with a work unit or technical college.
Clinical Site: any off-campus location to which students or faculty are assigned for completion
of program requirements including labs, internships, or practicums.
President: the chief executive officer responsible for the management and operation of the
technical college where the accused violator is currently enrolled or employed.
Human Resources Director: the highest-ranking employee responsible for the human resources
function at a technical college or TCSG work unit.
Local Investigator: the individual(s) at the technical college who is responsible for the
investigation of an unlawful harassment, discrimination and/or, retaliation complaint. Local
investigators may be assigned based upon the subject matter of the complaint or their function
within the organization.
Compliance Officer: the individual designated by the Commissioner to coordinate TCSG
compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and other state and federal
laws governing unlawful discrimination and harassment.
Section 504 Coordinator: an individual designated by the president of the college to ensure
compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities
Act of 1990 as Amended, and any other state and federal regulations governing disabilities; the
responsibilities of the 504 Coordinator will include but may not be limited to evaluating students
requesting accommodations for a disability and ensuring equal access to facilities, services and
Administration and Implementation
1. Each college president shall designate one or more officials to serve as the Title IX
Coordinator and the Section 504 Coordinator and ensure the designated officials have
received appropriate training.
2. Contact information for the Title IX and Section 504 Coordinators and the Statement of
Equal Opportunity should be permanently displayed on official bulletin boards and
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 28
included in electronic or written college publications and academic materials as described
in the TCSG Usage for Statement of Equal Opportunity.
3. Instructors/administrators must take ongoing proactive steps to ensure educational
opportunities (to include classrooms, clinics, labs, programs, etc.) and student activities
(clubs, sports, etc.) are accessible and free from any type of unlawful discrimination or
4. The Compliance Officer will conduct training programs and monitor the colleges to
ensure the correct administration and implementation of this procedure and will ensure
that proactive or corrective measures have been taken to prevent unlawful discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation.
Reporting and Management Action
1. All students are encouraged to report events of unlawful harassment, discrimination,
and/or retaliation (“prohibited conduct”) against themselves or others.
2. If a student filing a complaint requests anonymity or asks that the complaint not be
pursued, the college must inform the student that its ability to respond may be limited,
that retaliation for filing a complaint is prohibited and steps to prevent harassment and
retaliation will be taken. The college should take all reasonable steps to investigate and
respond to the complaint consistent with the request and pursue other steps to limit the
effects of the alleged harassment and prevent recurrence.
3. Colleges may weigh a request to not pursue a complaint considering the following
factors: the seriousness of the alleged conduct, the complainant’s age, whether there have
been other harassment complaints about the same individual, and the alleged harasser’s
rights to receive information about the allegations if the information is maintained as an
“education record” under FERPA. The college must inform the student if the request
cannot be ensured.
4. Reports concerning all prohibited conduct referenced in this procedure will be processed
confidentially to the extent permitted by law; communications regarding complaints will
be disseminated to others on a need-to-know basis to ensure that necessary steps are
taken to protect the community as a whole and that appropriate disciplinary measures or
corrective actions are considered and taken.
5. Allegations or suspicions of unlawful discrimination, harassment, or unlawful retaliation
may be reported to the technical college’s Dean of Students, Section 504 Coordinator, the
president, the Commissioner, or the Human Resources Director (should the complaint
involve employees). Complaints may also be emailed to unlawf[email protected].
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 29
6. Complaints under this procedure can be expressed in writing, by telephone, or in person;
individuals are, however, encouraged to express complaints in writing to ensure all
concerns are addressed.
7. If an allegation of unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation is made to an
employee not designated to receive such reports, the employee receiving the complaint
must report the allegation as provided in section 6 above.
8. Students or employees may be suspended, transferred, or reassigned in order to prevent
possible further harassment, discrimination or retaliation; to facilitate the investigation or
to implement preventive or corrective actions under this procedure.
9. Any allegation of unlawful harassment, discrimination, or retaliation against employees
must be reported to the Human Resources Director who may elect to conduct the
investigation in conjunction with other local investigators.
1. All complaints of prohibited conduct under this procedure shall be investigated by local
investigators thoroughly and expeditiously.
2. A complaining party will be notified if the complaint does not specify facts sufficient to
allege unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation and that a formal investigation
will not be conducted pursuant to this procedure. The complaining party may appeal the
decision in writing to the president within 5 business days of receiving the notice. The
president’s decision will be final.
3. Individuals designated to investigate, review, or recommend corrective actions in
response to allegations will be trained to conduct investigations in a manner that protects
the safety of victims and promotes accountability. Individuals assigned as the
investigator for a particular incident shall disclose to the president any relationship with
the parties that could call into question their ability to be objective prior to taking any
action with respect to the investigation. The president will reassign alternate individuals
if necessary.
4. Investigations will be conducted by gathering relevant information and interviewing
appropriate witnesses. Both the complaining party and the respondent (the parties) will
be given equal opportunity to identify witnesses and offer evidence in person or in
writing. Best efforts will be made to interview all witnesses identified by the parties.
Both the complaining party and the respondent may be accompanied by an advisor of his
or her choice. However, the advisor may not speak on behalf of the party.
5. The college will evaluate the information collected during the investigation and
determine whether a preponderance of the evidence substantiates that unlawful
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 30
discrimination, unlawful harassment sexual violence and/or unlawful retaliation has
6. Investigations and summary findings will be documented appropriately.
Corrective Actions
1. Colleges will take all reasonable steps to prevent unlawful retaliation against
complainants and any other individuals participating in investigations under this
2. If prohibited conduct is determined to have occurred following the investigation, the
college, through the appropriate officials, shall implement steps to prevent a recurrence
and to correct the discriminatory effects on the complaining party and others as
appropriate. Steps may include, but are not limited to, mandating training or evaluation,
disciplinary sanctions, policy implementation or reassignment of students or employees.
3. Should recommended disciplinary sanctions involve academic suspension or expulsion,
the matter must be referred to either the Dean of Students, as provided by the college’s
Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure. Sanctions for employees shall be
considered as provided by the Positive Discipline Procedure.
4. Individuals who are responsible for conducting or reviewing investigations or proposing
sanctions under this procedure should not also serve as reviewing officials or hearing
officers in the appeal of sanctions arising from an investigation.
5. Even in the absence of sufficient evidence to substantiate a finding that unlawful
discrimination, unlawful harassment, or retaliation has occurred, colleges are expected to
address any inappropriate conduct and take all reasonable steps to prevent any future
unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation.
Reviews and Dispositions
1. Any of the parties to a complaint under this procedure may request a review of the
investigative findings within 5 business days of receiving notice of the investigative
results by submitting a written request to the president.
2. The president shall review all investigations conducted under this procedure and ensure
that the appropriate corrective actions have been implemented.
3. Within 10 business days of receiving a request for a review of the investigative findings,
the president of the college will notify the parties in writing of his/her final
determination, including any change in the result of the findings. The notice will inform
the parties they have a right to appeal the determination to the Technical College System
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 31
of Georgia’s Legal Services Office by submitting a written request within 3 business
days by regular mail or email to one of the following:
Technical College System of Georgia
Office of Legal Services
1800 Century Place, N.E. Suite 400
Atlanta, Georgia 30345
4. The Office of Legal Services will convene a panel of at least 3 individuals not employed
by the requestor’s college to review the investigative findings. The panel’s decision is
final and will conclude the processing of the complaint. Both parties will be notified in
writing simultaneously of the results of the review and any changes in the results of the
investigative findings under appeal.
Documents relating to formal complaints including investigations, dispositions and the complaint
itself shall be held for 5 years after the graduation of the student or the date of the student’s last
attendance. Confidential Documents shall be held in a secure location under the custody and
control of the Dean of Students or the President’s designee. Documents pertaining to employees
that are maintained by the Office of Human Resources shall be maintained in a secure location
and in accordance with the Georgia Secretary of State’s records retention schedule.
As set forth in its student catalog, Atlanta Technical College does not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sex, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or
belief, genetic information, disabled veteran, veteran of the Vietnam Era, spouse of military
member, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by
law). This nondiscrimination policy encompasses the operation of all technical college
administered programs, programs financed by the federal government including any Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I financed programs, educational programs and
activities, including admissions, scholarships and loans, student life, and athletics. It also
encompasses the recruitment and employment of personnel and contracting for goods and
Atlanta Technical College shall promote the realization of equal opportunity through a positive
continuing program of specific practices designed to ensure the full realization of equal
opportunity. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the
nondiscrimination policies: Mattie Goss Dean of Students, Atlanta Technical College,
Academic Building, Suite C11098G (Student Success Center), 404.225.4005. Email:
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 32
To request reasonable accommodations upon enrollment (Section 504/ADA), contact Director of
Student Services, Atlanta Technical College, Academic Building, Suite C1109A,
404.225.4446. Email: Atlanta Technical College, 1560 Metropolitan Parkway,
SW, Atlanta, GA 30310.
Atlanta Technical College Policy and Procedure- Sexual Harassment and Misconduct
Title IX Compliance
Atlanta Technical College complies with the rules and regulations concerning sex discrimination
in education as set for by the federal government under Title IX.
Procedures for reporting, investigating and resolving all Title IX complaints can be found in the
TCSG Policy Manual: Procedure 6.1.2p-Sexual Harassment and Misconduct.
Any questions regarding Title IX should be directed to the appropriate Title IX Coordinator
listed below.
Mattie Goss
Dean of Students
Faculty and Staff
Georgina Dumay
Director of Human Resources
Atlanta Technical College Student
It is the policy of the Technical College System of Georgia to maintain a grievance process
available to all students that provides an open and meaningful forum for their grievances, the
resolution of these grievances, and is subject to clear guidelines. This procedure does not address
grievances related to the unlawful harassment, discrimination and/or retaliation for reporting
harassment/discrimination against students. Those complaints are handled by the Unlawful
Harassment and Discrimination of Students Procedure.
A. Grievance issues: Issues arising from the application of a policy/procedure to the
student's specific case is always grievable. Specifically, grievable are issues related to
student advisement, improper disclosure of grades, unfair testing procedures and poor
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 33
treatment of students; this is a representative list and is not meant to be exhaustive. B.
Non-grievable issues: Issues which have a separate process for resolution (i.e.
disciplinary sanctions, FERPA, financial aid, academic grades, discrimination,
harassment etc.) are not grievable and a student must take advantage of the process in
C. Business days: Weekdays that the college administrative offices are open.
D. Dean of Students: The staff member in charge of the student services division at the
E. Retaliation: Unfavorable action taken, condition created, or other action taken by a
student/employee for the purpose of intimidation directed toward a student because the
student initiated a grievance or participated in an investigation of a grievance. F.
Grievant: the student who is making the complaint.
A. For all timelines established herein, if a student will need additional time, an extension
may be granted at the Dean of Students’ discretion.
B. Informal Grievance Procedure: Students with grievable issues should resolve those
issues, if possible, on an informal basis without the filing of a formal grievance.
1. A student has 10 business days from the date of the incident being grieved to
resolve the matter informally by approaching their instructor, department chair or
any other staff or faculty member directly involved in the grieved incident.
2. Where this process does not result in a resolution of the grievable issue, the
student may proceed to the formal grievance procedure below.
C. Formal Grievance Procedure: where a student cannot resolve their grievance informally,
he or she may use this formal grievance procedure.
1. Within 15 business days of the incident being grieved, the student must file a
formal grievance in the office of the Dean of Students or the technical college
president's designee with the following information:
a. Name,
c. Brief description of incident being grieved,
d.Remedy requested
e. Signed, and
f. Informal remedy attempted by student and outcome
2. If the grievance is against the Dean of Students, the student shall file the
grievance with the Executive Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.
3. The Dean of Students, or the technical college president's designee, will
investigate the matter and supply a written response to the student within 15
business days.
4. If the grieved incident involves possible unlawful harassment, discrimination, or
retaliation for reporting unlawful harassment/discrimination, the investigation
will be handled pursuant to the Procedure: Unlawful Harassment and
Discrimination of Students.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 34
5. If the grieved incident is closely related to an incident being processed through
the harassment/discrimination or disciplinary procedures, the proceedings under
the Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination of Student's procedure will take
precedence, then the disciplinary procedure and then the student's grievance will
be addressed. The grievance will not be processed until after the other procedures
have run their course.
6. The Dean of Students, or the technical college president's designee, shall be
granted an additional 15 business days to investigate the grievance upon notice to
the grieving student.
D. Appeal: The student may appeal the decision from the Dean of Students or the technical
college president's designee to the technical college Executive Vice President. Only the
student has the right to appeal.
1. A student shall file a written appeal to the technical college Executive Vice
President within 5 business days of receiving the response referenced above.
2. The appeal will be decided based entirely on documents provided by the student
and the administration; therefore, the student must ensure that he or she has
provided all relevant documents with his or her appeal.
3. At the sole discretion of the technical college president, grievance appeals at their
institution may be held in one of the following two ways:
a. The technical college president or designee may review the information
provided by the student and administration and make the final decision; or
b.The technical college president or designee may appoint a cross-functional
committee to make the final decision.
c. The decision of the technical college president or designee shall be made
within 10 business days of receipt of the appeal.
4. The decision of the grievance appeal is final.
E. Retaliation against a student for filing a grievance is strictly prohibited.
Documents related to formal grievances including investigations, dispositions and the grievance
itself shall be held for 5 years after the graduation of the student or the date of the student’s last
COVID-19 and Public Health-Informed Campus Policies
Atlanta Technical College intends to perform its educational mission while protecting the health
and safety of its students, faculty and staff, and minimizing the potential spread of the novel
coronavirus, COVID-19, within the community.
Risks of COVID-19
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 35
In order to understand the risks that you face by returning to campus, you must understand that
COVID-19 is a highly infectious, life-threatening disease declared by the World Health
Organization to be a global pandemic. There is no vaccine for COVID-19 at this time.
COVID19’s highly contagious nature means that contact with others or contact with surfaces that
have been exposed to the virus, may lead to infection. Additionally, individuals who may have
been infected with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic for a period of time or may never exhibit
symptoms at all.
Because of its highly contagious and sometimes “hidden” nature, it is very difficult to control the
spread of COVID-19 on campus or to determine whether, where, or how a specific individual
may have been exposed to the disease. Atlanta Technical College is taking steps recommended
by public health authorities to minimize the risk of spreading this disease on our campus.
Atlanta Technical College cannot and does not guarantee a COVID-19-free environment, and
there remains a risk that you may contract COVID-19 if you come onto campus to live and/or
attend classes. We are providing you with the following notice as well regarding the risk of
contracting COVID-19 when you enter upon our campus:
Under Georgia law, there is no liability for an injury or death of an individual entering these
premises if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19.
You are assuming this risk by entering these premises.
In order to minimize the risks associated with COVID-19, the policies and guidelines below are
incorporated into the Atlanta Technical College Student Code of Conduct and are applicable to
all students.
Your compliance with these requirements is essential to assisting the college in minimizing the
risks to you and other members of the community.
General Principles:
You are subject to all guidelines for individuals related to the COVID-19 pandemic established
by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
In addition, the State of Georgia has issued guidelines for personal behavior during the
COVID-19 pandemic, and you must comply with such guidelines at all times. You understand
that both sets of these guidelines may change, and it is your responsibility to ensure that you
understand and comply with these guidelines at all times.
From time to time the College may implement additional requirements restricting your
behavior and you agree to comply with such requirements.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 36
You understand that these conditions and limitations on your personal behavior are
necessary in order to reduce the risk of transmitting and/or being infected by the COVID-
19 virus and that your failure to comply with these responsibilities may jeopardize your
health and safety, as well as the health and safety of others in the campus community,
potentially causing severe illness and death.
Students will comply with governmental, state, and campus directives concerning
maintaining required physical distancing (six feet) between themselves and other individuals
on campus.
Students will use a face covering of their choosing that conforms to CDC guidelines anytime
that they are in an indoor space where the College deems that social distancing is not practical,
including but not limited to academic spaces and dining areas (except while eating) unless given
different instructions by authorized college personnel;
Students will engage in frequent hand-washing and follow proper sneeze and cough
etiquette, as recommended by the CDC;
Students understand and agree that they may be subject to regular testing for the COVID-19
virus and contact tracing, if testing and contact tracing is available, and they agree to submit to
this testing and tracing, and the confidential reporting of the results to the College, without
If students develop any symptom of COVID-19 as described by the CDC, they will immediately:
Inform the College by notifying appropriate personnel;
If living on campus, stay in their dorm room until given further instructions by the College;
Remain off campus if not currently residing on campus;
If required by the College, agree to remain in self-quarantine for a time period determined by the
College, in consultation with public health authorities, and/or move to a different room in order
to receive medical care and/or self-quarantine.
The above conditions may change, and students agree to follow all college directives relating to
COVID-19 and public health requirements.
Any failure to adhere to any of the above directives is a violation of the Code of Conduct that
may result in sanctions, including but not limited to suspension or dismissal from the College.
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 37
Drug and Alcohol Counseling and treatment Centers
Al-Anon Family Groups
828 West Peachtree Street NW
Decatur, Georgia 30030-1512
404.687.0466 404.687.0467
2312 Peachford Road Suite D
Atlanta, Georgia 30338
3130 Peachtree Park Drive NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30309 24-HOUR
CHARTER TREATMENT CENTER (Dekalb Rape Crisis Center)
204 Church Street
Decatur, Georgia 30030
24-Hour Hotline
Central Office Information and Calls for Help
127 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
DEKALB MEDICAL CENTER (Devereux Treatment Network)
2701 N Decatur Road
Decatur, Georgia 30033-5995
P O Box 501608
Atlanta, Georgia 30342
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 38
1000 Thornton Road
Lithia Springs, Georgia 30122
ANIXIETY CONTROL CENTER (Family Behavioral Health)
800 Kennesaw Avenue
Building 100, Suite 130
Marietta, Georgia 30060
770-420-2048 (not set up for incoming calls)
2470 Windy Hill Road
Marietta, Georgia 30067
275 Carpenter Drive, Suite 101
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
1449 Field Park Circle
Marietta, Georgia 30066
2459 N Decatur Road
Decatur, Georgia 30033
1866 Eastfield Street
Decatur, Georgia 30032
3995 S. Cobb Drive SE
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 39
640 Spring Street SE
Gainesville, Georgia 30501
Post Office Box 1000
Warm Springs, Georgia 31830
3535 Ashton Woods Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30319
1155 Mt. Vernon Highway
Suite 900
Atlanta, Georgia
(no number listed)
3830 S Cobb Drive Suite 125
Smyrna, Georgia 30080
202 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30309
1440 Dutch Valley Place NE
Suite A
Atlanta, Georgia 30324
1500 Farmers Road
Conyers, Georgia 30207
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 40
1942 Clairmont Road
Decatur, Georgia 30033
Grady Rape Crisis Center…………………...……………………404.616.4861
(City of Atlanta & Fulton Counties)
Southern Crescent Sexual Assault Center……….…………….770.477.2177
(Clayton County)
National Sexual Assault Hotline……………………..1.800.656.HOPE (4673) National Teen
Dating Abuse Helpline…………………………1.866.331.9474
National Domestic Violence Hotline………….………1.800.799.SAFE (7233)
1.800.787.3224 [TTY]
Domestic Violence Centers
Promise Place……………………………………………..……….770.460.1604
Jennifer Ann’s Group……………………………………………...404.555.1212
Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence………..404.688.9436
Men Stopping Violence…………………………………..……….404.270.9894
Protective Orders: Police/Sheriff Departments
Fulton County Sheriff’s Department…………………………..…404.612.5100
Clayton County Sheriff’s Department……………………….…..770.471.1122
Atlanta Police Department…………………….…………….……404.614.6544
Legal Services
Atlanta Legal Aid Society………………………………………....404.524.5811
Atlanta Bar Association…………………………………………...404.521.0777 Clayton
County Pro Bono Project……………………………….404.669.0233
Adult Behavioral Health Services
(City of Atlanta, Fulton County)………………………………… 404.762.4042
Clayton County Mental Health Services………………………..770.471.4617
Unlawful Harassment and Sexual Prevention Training Cameron
and Associates, Inc.
Brent Keeney……………………………………………………...404.843.3399
Https://“Understanding Sexual Assault
Student Handbook rev. 12/15/2021 41
Atlanta Medical Center (South Campus)
777 Cleveland Avenue, S.W. #406
East Point, GA 30315
Grady Health Systems
80 Jesse Hill Jr. Atlanta, GA 30303
Southern Regional Hospital
11 Upper Riverdale Road
Riverdale, GA 30274
Student Handbook rev. 08/13/2020 42
A Aviation Building
B Dennard Conference Center
C Academic Complex
D – Bio-science, EMT and Continuing Education Wing
E Childcare Center
F New Connections Building
G Library and Testing Center
H Brenda Watt Jones Allied Health and Technology Complex
I Atlanta Technical College Institute for Males Building
M Mobile complex