Reproduced with permission from BNA’s Banking Report, 109 BBR 1458, 10/30/2017. Copyright 2017 by The
Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033)
Acquiring Excess Servicing Fees for Mortgage Loan Servicing Rights
Is it possible for an investor to participate in the eco-
nomics of agency residential mortgage servicing rights
(MSRs) without being an approved holder of MSRs?
Acquiring excess servicing fees (ESF) is one way that
investors are exploring to accomplish this objective.
While an investor may not need to be approved as a ser-
vicer or issuer by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation (Freddie Mac), the Federal National Mort-
gage Association (Fannie Mae) or the Government Na-
tional Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) (collectively,
the Agencies) to acquire ESFs, the Agencies neverthe-
less impose various restrictions on the issuance, pur-
chase, sale, and financing of ESFs.
The focus of this article is creating and selling ESFs
from Agency servicing agreements as a method of fi-
nancing the origination and acquisition of MSRs. Cur-
rently, Agency MSRs make up a majority of the residen-
tial mortgaging servicing market as measured by out-
standing loan balance. The remaining portion of the
residential mortgage servicing market comprises the
so-called ‘‘private label’’ market, which is structured in
much the same way as Agency servicing agreements
and therefore creates a parallel opportunity for the cre-
ation of ESFs. Similarly, MSRs can be financed by loans
secured by MSRs. These secured servicing finance fa-
cilities in many ways resemble ESF transactions be-
cause, among other reasons, when Agency MSRs are
involved, the related Agency must consent to a pledge
of the MSRs in order for the lender to have a valid secu-
rity interest in the MSRs. Readers who understand the
process for creating and funding ESFs from Agency
servicing agreements will be a long way towards under-
standing private label ESFs and loans secured by
Agency MSRs even though these topics are beyond the
scope of this article.
What is an ESF?
An ESF is a portion of the contractual mortgage ser-
vicing fee that exceeds a mutually agreed-upon base
amount that is reasonably necessary to be retained by
the owner of the servicing rights to enable it to dis-
charge its servicing obligations in accordance with ap-
plicable laws, agency guidelines and prudent servicing
Before discussing the structure of an ESF, it is worth
examining the nature of mortgage servicing rights.
Mortgage servicing rights are created whenever a new
mortgage loan is originated and represent a contract
right to administer the mortgage loans or related
mortgage-backed securities on behalf of the owner of
the loan or the securities. The mortgage servicing fee
represented by a mortgage servicing right is a contrac-
tual amount of the interest rate payable by the borrower
that is earmarked as compensation to a servicer who is
servicing the related mortgage loan. Because these
mortgage servicing fees are in excess of the cost of per-
forming the servicing, the rights to service the loans
have a current value which is roughly equal to the net
present value of the difference between the contractual
Laurence E. Platt is a partner in Mayer Brown
LLP’s Financial Services Regulatory &
Enforcement practice. Based in Washington,
D.C., he can be reached at lplatt@
Jon Van Gorp is co-leader of Mayer Brown
LLP’s Structured Finance and Capital Markets
practices. Based in Chicago and New York,
he can be reached at jvangorp@
servicing fee and the cost to service over the expected
duration of a mortgage loan.
This is why mortgage servicing rights trade in the
market for a positive price and it is why they are re-
flected on the books and records of a servicer as an as-
set, the value of which is periodically updated to reflect
changes in underlying valuation assumptions, particu-
larly the duration of the related mortgage loans. For ex-
ample, when interest rates rise, so does the value of
mortgage servicing rights because mortgage loan dura-
tions extend in a rising interest rate environment. The
opposite effect is experienced by owners of mortgage
servicing rights in a declining interest rate environment
because mortgage loan durations decrease as a result of
loan refinancing activity.
Because of the way that mortgage servicing rights are
traded in the marketplace, a mortgage servicer is effec-
tively required to prepay for its right to receive servic-
ing fees over time should it perform its obligations as
servicer. This model has from time to time come under
scrutiny as it is believed to be an economic barrier to
entry for new and capable market participants.
There are few other examples in the world of vendor
service contracts where the vendor is required to effec-
tively cash-collateralize its obligation to perform. This
model faced scrutiny following the credit crisis of the
last decade when many servicers lobbied the Agencies
to adopt a pay-as-you-go model where an up-front pay-
ment would not be required to acquire mortgage servic-
ing rights. This so-called fee-for-service model was
eventually rejected after several rounds of comment
and debate in favor of the traditional approach of ser-
vicers purchasing mortgage servicing rights to acquire
the right to service for the contractual servicing fees.
The rejection of the fee-for-service model in favor of
the traditional model drove servicers to become more
creative about financing the up-front payment. The ESF
market developed as a result of those efforts. Transfer-
ring the ESF for value was a way for servicers to eco-
nomically bifurcate the financial ownership of servicing
from the platform-level components of developing and
managing a successful mortgage servicer. For many
servicers with limited capital, this was essential to their
growth and profitability because without scale and le-
verage, mortgage servicing is a challenging business.
‘‘Owning’’ an ESF does not represent an ownership
interest in the servicing agreement or in the underlying
mortgage loans. Rather, it represents an interest in the
servicing fee income as and when received by the ser-
vicer. Generally speaking, the excess servicing strip is
intended to leave enough of a base servicing fee behind
with the sponsoring servicer so that it still has a profit-
making incentive to perform its servicing obligations.
If servicing fees are not received by the servicer, such
as when a borrower does not make regularly scheduled
monthly mortgage payments, there is no excess to be
paid to a holder of ESFs. Much like the economics of an
interest-only strip, the ESF effectively evaporates if the
mortgage loan prepays and the related servicing fee is
no longer payable.
Similarly, if the investor terminates the servicing
agreement with or without cause, then the holder’s in-
terest in the servicing fees payable under the termi-
nated servicing agreement expires as well, except per-
haps for any interest in a termination fee payable by the
investor in the case of termination without cause. If the
loan is repurchased from a Ginnie Mae pool based on
the delinquency status of the loan or to modify the loan
in accordance with FHA loss mitigation rules, the re-
sulting right to Ginnie Mae excess servicing fees gener-
ally would terminate as well.
Why do the Agencies Restrict the Sale
of ESFs?
The Agencies’ treatment of interests in ESFs arose
out of their treatment of security interests in residential
mortgage servicing rights. Approximately 25 years ago,
each Agency for the first time publicly promulgated its
respective version of a master form Acknowledgment
Agreement (AA). While the problem the AA sought to
address was a simple one, the solution was perhaps less
so: under what conditions should a loan servicer be per-
mitted to grant a security interest in MSRs to a financ-
ing source?
Why the resistance? The Agencies did not want to
deal with third parties that claimed to have an interest
in an Agency-approved servicer’s MSRs. The rights of a
third party to the servicing, if and when the Agency ter-
minated the servicing rights based on the servicer’s
breach of the Agency servicing agreement, was a par-
ticular concern. They feared that the third party would
claim that the Agency did not have sufficient cause to
terminate and seek to intervene to prevent the extin-
guishment of the third party’s derivative rights to the
MSRs as collateral for its financing.
In addition, the agencies did not want to deal with
third parties for which it had no contractual privity or
relationship when the third party sought to foreclose on
its interest in the MSRs and cause the transfer of the
MSRs away from the approved servicer, particularly if
the servicer challenged the propriety of the foreclosure.
There was no room for a third party in the context of a
servicing agreement between two parties.
The first AAs issued in 1991 by Fannie Mae and Fred-
die Mac and shortly thereafter by Ginnie Mae repre-
sented the culmination of extensive negotiations with
the industry through the Mortgage Bankers Associa-
tion. While each Agency has issued variations to its re-
spective form over the years, the construct remains ba-
sically the same. They preapprove the grant of a secu-
rity interest to a third party, and then address what
happens to that interest if there is a default under either
the servicing agreement with the applicable Agency or
the loan and security agreement with the third party.
With a few tweaks, the form AA is also used by each
Agency to approve ESF arrangements.
The evolution of AAs has been a priority for the mort-
gage servicers because of the capital required to con-
tinue to aggregate mortgage servicing rights. As a re-
sult, they have continually pressed the Agencies to be
more accommodating to the comments of their financ-
ing sources and ESF buyers. They view this as an essen-
tial component to their continued economic viability
and stability.
The Agencies have an interest in achieving this result
as well. Despite not being persuaded to move to a fee-
for-service model, which was advocated by many
mortgage-servicers, the Agencies are keenly aware of
the systemic risks, the volatility and other challenges
associated with owning mortgaging-servicing rights.
Creating ways to facilitate a robust ESF market through
effective AAs not only promotes the growth and devel-
opment of mortgage servicers but it also is an effective
hedge against economic factors that may put a mort-
gage servicer out of business when it is otherwise per-
forming its loan-servicing functions at a high level.
How Do the AAs Work?
All but one of the Agencies prohibit the grant of a se-
curity interest in their MSRs or the sale of an ESF with-
out prior written approval. Failure to obtain approval
would be a violation of the related servicing guide al-
lowing the related Agency to exercise remedies up to
and including termination for servicer non-compliance.
Ginnie Mae presently does not require prior approval of
a pledge or sale of ESFs, presumably because, in its
view, the transaction does not represent the conveyance
of an interest in the servicing rights themselves. The
consequence of that, however, is that Ginnie Mae does
not recognize the interests of, and will not otherwise
deal with, the investor, unless the investor elects to ex-
ecute an AA.
Each Agency evidences approval through the execu-
tion of the master form AA, which the Agency may ex-
ecute in its sole discretion. While Ginnie Mae does not
limit the purposes for which an AA may be executed,
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac both do. Freddie Mac, for
example, limits the use of proceeds for which an AA is
required: (a) to fund servicer’s purchase of additional
mortgage servicing portfolios; (b) to provide collateral
for servicer’s warehouse lines of credit; (c) to effect ser-
vicer’s purchase of a mortgage banking company or (d)
to fund servicer’s working capital consistent with its
residential mortgage business operations. Fannie Mae
does not explicitly include working capital as a permit-
ted purpose but does permit funding-required servicing
activities, which arguably is the same thing.
Generally speaking, each form AA evidences the ap-
plicable Agency’s approval of the pledge or transfer of
MSRs or ESFs, as applicable. No Agency obligates itself
to execute an AA with a secured party or an ESF inves-
tor. Moreover, Ginnie Mae only permits a single AA to
be in effect at any one time and does not distinguish be-
tween a security interest in advances and a security in-
terest in the MSRs. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, on
the other hand, may permit more than one AA based on
discrete pools of MSRs or advances. Each Agency will
review the underlying documents as a condition to their
potential approval.
The AAs basically divide the world into halves. The
first half is what happens if there is a default under the
secured party’s loan and security agreement, and the
second half is what happens if there is a default under
the Agency servicing agreement. A key concern of the
secured party is whether it can realize on its collateral
if the servicer defaults on its contractual obligations un-
der the loan and security agreement.
What Are the Rights of the Owner
Under the AA?
While Article 9 of the applicable version of the Uni-
form Commercial Code may address how to foreclose
on a contract, which is a ‘‘general intangible’’ in UCC
parlance, the secured party’s right to replace the ser-
vicer is not self-executing. The counterparty to the ser-
vicing agreement has some say on who is the servicer.
In the case of Agency-servicing agreements, the Agency
has no other contractual relationship with the secured
party that would enable the secured party to replace the
servicer with a new servicer of its choice. The AA ad-
dresses this problem by authorizing the secured party
to seek to transfer the servicing rights to another ap-
proved servicer in accordance with standard Agency
procedures if the servicer defaults under the loan and
security agreement with the secured party and does not
cure the default.
The servicer is required under the AA to waive any
right to contest the secured party’s claim of a default
and request for transfer of the servicing. The servicer
always can contest the default as being between it and
the secured party, but the Agency will not get in the
middle of that dispute. It is authorized by the servicer
under the AA to rely on the secured party’s request for
a transfer of the servicing without any requirement to
look behind the request and determine its validity. The
foreclosing secured party, however, is required to com-
ply with the Agency’s standard procedures for servicing
This means that any such transfer cannot be done
overnight, and the Agency has to approve both the
transferee and the timing of the transfer and may im-
pose conditions on the transfer in the ordinary course.
There are not many differences among the three AAs on
this point, although Ginnie Mae provides for the op-
tional preapproval of a backup servicer.
What is the Seniority of Agencies’
Interests Under the AAs?
All of the Agencies view their interests in the MSRs
as senior to any interest and require the secured party
to acknowledge that its interest is subordinate to the se-
nior interests of such Agency. Each can terminate the
servicing agreement in accordance with its established
guidelines. The secured party agrees that it may not in-
terfere with or challenge the termination. At the point
of termination by the Agencies, the Agencies differ
somewhat as to what extent they will continue to recog-
nize any interest of the secured party to the MSRs.
Ginnie Mae is the least favorable to the secured
party. Post-termination, it gives the secured party the
right to cure a monetary default by the prior servicer,
but the secured party must elect to cure the monetary
default within one business day. For non-monetary de-
faults, there is no cure right. If the monetary default is
cured, then the secured party may cause the immediate
transfer of the servicing rights to itself if it is an ap-
proved issuer or a preapproved backup servicer. If the
monetary default is not cured, or for other defaults for
which the secured party has no cure rights, the secured
party’s security interest in the servicing rights automati-
cally is extinguished and Ginnie Mae assumes no con-
tractual obligation to pay any amounts to the secured
party, including reimbursement for subsequently col-
lected advances.
While the Ginnie Mae standard may be the least fa-
vorable of all three Agencies, it represents an improve-
ment from prior Ginnie Mae AAs, which required the
secured party to cure monetary defaults by a prior ser-
vicer. As a result, very few, if any, deals were done with
AAs from Ginnie Mae. The revised form effectively
gives secured parties a right to make this decision at the
BANKING REPORT ISSN 0891-0634 BNA 10-30-17
line of scrimmage. At the time a monetary default
arises, the secured party can ascertain the magnitude of
cure and, if it is too expensive, simply forgo its right to
cure and by doing so forfeit its rights in the related
Unlike Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae is
exempt from the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. Bankruptcy
courts have no jurisdiction to impair Ginnie Mae’s un-
fettered right to seize the servicer’s Ginnie Mae servic-
ing rights upon a voluntary or involuntary filing of the
issuer for bankruptcy, free and clear of any third-party
security interest or other purported interest, and the se-
curity interest will have no continuing property interest
in the MSRs.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac each permit the se-
cured party to cure the default and take over the MSRs
when the Agency terminates the servicer for cause and
seizes the servicing rights. They provide a longer cure
period than Ginnie Mae, but differ in the length of time
within which a cure may be elected. Following the sei-
zure of the MSRs, the two Agencies immediately trans-
fer the servicing to an interim servicer while the se-
cured party determines whether to cure the default and
the Agency decides whether to sell the servicing to an-
other approved servicer or retain the servicing for its
own account.
If the Agency decides to sell, it commits to give the
secured party the net sales proceeds up to the secured
party’s interest, after deducting amounts due from the
terminated servicer, the Agency’s costs and expenses to
sell and prepare for sale and amounts projected by the
Agency that may become due by virtue of breaches of
selling representations and warranties and covenants.
Freddie Mac qualifies this obligation to pay over net
sales proceeds to the secured party in circumstances
where it sells the servicing to a purchaser that assumes
the original selling representations and warranties and
responsibility for past servicing errors.
If the Agency decides to retain the servicing, Fannie
Mae, but not Freddie Mac, commits to give the secured
party an amount equal to the appraised market value of
the servicing up to its interest, net of comparable costs
and expenses. In either case, the secured party bears
the risks of deduction from sales proceeds of all of the
amounts due or projected to be due by the terminated
servicer to the Agency, regardless of whether the
pledged collateral represents only a portion of the ser-
vicing of the terminated servicer.
Do the AAs Treat ESFs Differently than
Security Interests?
It is easy enough in an AA to search and replace
‘‘grant of a security interest in MSRs’’ with ‘‘sale and
transfer of an ESF,’’ and by and large that is what the
Agencies have done. There are key differences, how-
ever. The first and most important difference relates to
the willingness of the Agencies to approve an ESF ar-
rangement in the first place. Because there is a concern
on the part of the Agencies that the actual sale and
transfer of an interest in the servicing fee income may
make it more likely that they will face a third-party
claim if they terminate the servicing, potential investors
should not assume that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
will approve of an ESF arrangement.
On the one hand, they understand the need for liquid-
ity that state-chartered, non-depositories have with re-
spect to their servicing asset, but Fannie Mae and Fred-
die Mac zealously protect their superior interests in the
MSRs. Furthermore, even if Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac
were to approve of an ESF arrangement, their approval
may come with conditions. For example, if the servicing
strip is too large, the Agencies may be concerned that
the retained portion of the ESF is insufficient to provide
a profit-making incentive to perform its servicing obli-
gations and avoid for-cause servicer terminations.
This is a particularly important issue in the default
servicing context where the task of servicing, particu-
larly on government insured loans, is labor-intensive
and costly. As a practical matter, this usually means
that no more than 50% of the servicing fee can be struc-
tured as an excess servicing strip. Some servicers con-
duct stress tests to determine if it will have sufficient in-
come to fund its default servicing operations with re-
duced servicing fees based on a range of default
assumptions, because regulators may question the rea-
sonableness of the approach even if there are no ex-
press regulatory limitations.
Many investors who do not want to be licensed hold-
ers of mortgage loan servicing rights have looked at
ESFs as a means of participating in the economics of
mortgage servicing without the direct expenses and po-
tential legal liabilities associated with holding servicing
rights. Given the indirect nature of the interest, though,
it is important for investors to realize what they do not
have just as much as what they do have when acquiring
an ESF.
Like the underlying servicing rights, an ESF can
evaporate as a result of prepayments or termination of
the related servicing agreement, but the holder of the
ESF is at least one step removed from the control of the
servicing asset. Yet, despite the risks involved, partner-
ing with a quality servicer can provide the classic win-
win for both sides, enhanced liquidity for the approved
servicer, and a unique alternative investment for the
ESF holder.