Commercial Real Estate Mezzanine Lending:
Current Structural Features, Loan Document
Concepts and Intercreditor Issues
Jason S. Rozes, Esq.
Matthew B. Ginsburg, Esq.
Dechert LLP
I. WHAT IS A MEZZANINE LOAN? ................................................................................. 2
II. CHARACTERISTICS OF A MEZZANINE LOAN ......................................................... 3
III. COLLATERAL FOR A MEZZANINE LOAN ................................................................ 4
IV. UNIQUE MEZZANINE LOAN DOCUMENT PROVISIONS ....................................... 8
DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 13
VI. INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT ISSUES .................................................................. 14
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
A. Generally, a mezzanine loan is a type of subordinate real estate financing that
is secured by a pledge of 100% of the equity ownership interests in the owner of
real property. The owner of the subject property will typically be a borrower
under a first mortgage financing whereby the mortgage lender will be granted a
first mortgage lien on the property. As reflected by the diagram below, the
borrower under the mezzanine loan will be the 100% owner of the mortgage
borrower/property owner:
B. To the extent a mortgage lender is willing to permit subordinate
financing, a mezzanine loan is an attractive structure for both the mortgage lender
and the mezzanine lender. As opposed to a second mortgage structure, the
mortgage lender gets comfort that the mezzanine lender does not have a second
lien on the property and the mezzanine lender is not a creditor of the mortgage
borrower. The structure is attractive to mezzanine lenders as they can indirectly
take title to the property from a foreclosure under the uniform commercial code
(“UCC”), rather than an often time-consuming and expensive real property
C. Mezzanine lenders are typically lenders looking for a higher rate of return
and who are willing to take on more risk. They can include, among others,
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
specialty finance companies, REITs, investment banks and life insurance
D. It is becoming common to structure a loan with a mezzanine loan
component at closing or to include provisions in the loan documents that allow for
mezzanine financing at a future date after closing if certain economic tests and
other conditions are met by the borrower.
A. As with other forms of subordinate financing, mezzanine loans tend to
have higher interest rates than mortgage loans. The increase in interest rate is due
to the higher risk profile of a mezzanine loan as compared to the mortgage
financing. One factor contributing to the higher rate of interest is that mezzanine
loans are not secured by the real property. Any liens recorded against the related
property, whether voluntary or involuntary, will have priority over the mezzanine
B. The mezzanine loan will have a higher loan to value ratio than the
mortgage loan. Generally, mortgage lenders will loan up to a certain percentage
of the appraised value of the property. Mezzanine loans are used by borrowers to
bridge the gap between the amount of proceeds advanced by the mortgage lender
and borrower’s equity in the property.
C. The mezzanine loan will typically mature on the same date as the related
mortgage loan.
D. The mezzanine loan will typically have the same payment date as the
related mortgage loan.
E. Mezzanine loans can have a fixed interest rate or a floating interest rate.
F. Mezzanine borrowers will typically be structured as single-purpose,
bankruptcy remote entities, in the same manner and subject to the same
requirements as the mortgage loan borrowers.
G. The mezzanine loan is serviced separately from the related mortgage loan
and will have its own servicer. For convenience, the mezzanine lender may
appoint the same servicer as the mortgage lender to process loan payments.
H. The key transaction documents for a mezzanine loan are:
1. Loan Agreement the central agreement between the mezzanine
borrower and the mezzanine lender setting forth the basic terms of the
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
2. Pledge Agreement the security agreement pursuant to which the
mezzanine borrower pledges its 100% direct equity interest in the
mortgage borrower as collateral security for the mezzanine loan.
3. Intercreditor Agreement the governing agreement between the
mortgage lender and the mezzanine lender, setting forth their respective
rights and limitations. This agreement is not usually shared with the
mortgage borrower or the mezzanine borrower as neither borrower is a
A. A mezzanine loan is secured primarily by a pledge of 100% of the direct
equity interests in the owner of the property, who is the mortgage borrower.
Typically, the mortgage borrower will be structured as a limited partnership or
limited liability company. The creation, priority, perfection and enforcement of
the mezzanine lender’s security interest in such equity interests will be governed
by the UCC.
B. The Article 9 of the UCC provides that equity interests in partnerships and
limited liability companies are defined as “general intangibles”. The only method
to perfect a security interest in a “general intangible” is to file a UCC-1 in the
state of formation of the mezzanine borrower.
C. Generally, mezzanine lenders will require that the equity pledged as
security for the mezzanine loan be converted from an Article 9 general intangible
to a “certificated security governed by Article 8 of the UCC. By requiring
Article 8 certificated securities, mezzanine lenders are able to take physical
possession of the collateral and their priority is protected against bona-fide
D. In order to effectuate the conversion into Article 8 certificated securities,
language similar to the following should be included in the mortgage borrower’s
operating agreement or limited partnership agreement, as applicable:
“Member’s limited liability company interest in the Company shall be
represented by the Shares (defined below) issued to Member by the
Company. Member's Shares represent Member's entire limited liability
company interest in the Company. Member hereby agrees that its interest
in the Company and in the Shares shall for all purposes be personal
property. Member has no interest in specific Company property.
Shares means the limited liability company interest in the Company
held by Member. The limited liability company interest in the Company
shall constitute a "security" within the meaning of, and governed by, (i)
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code (including Section 8-
102(a)(15) thereof) as in effect from time to time in the State of New York
and (ii) Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code of any other applicable
jurisdiction that now or hereafter substantially includes the 1994 revisions
to Article 8 thereof as adopted by the American Law Institute and the
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and
approved by the American Bar Association on February 14, 1995.
Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, to the
extent that any provision of this Agreement is inconsistent with any non-
waivable provision of Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code as in
effect in the State of New York (the UCC”), such provision of Article 8
of the UCC shall control.
E. Each such certificate is denominated in terms of the percentage of the
limited liability company interests in the mortgage borrower evidenced by such
certificate and must be signed by a member or an officer on behalf of the
mortgage borrower. A transfer of limited liability company interests in the
mortgage borrower is effected by the mortgage borrower's registering the transfer
upon delivery of an endorsed certificate representing the limited liability company
or limited partnership interests being transferred. At closing, the certificate
should be signed and endorsed in blank. A sample certificate is included below.
Sample Certificated Interest
_________________ LLC
Certificate Number _____ _____% of Interests
________________________ LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the
"Company"), hereby certifies that ______________________ (the "Holder") is the
registered owner of ______ % of the limited liability company interests in the Company
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
DESCRIBED IN THE AGREEMENT. By acceptance of this Certificate, and as a
condition to being entitled to any rights and/or benefits with respect to the Interests
evidenced hereby, the Holder is deemed to have agreed to comply with and be bound by
all the terms and conditions of the Agreement. The Company will furnish a copy of the
Agreement to the Holder without charge upon written request to the Company at its
principal place of business. The Company maintains books for the purpose of registering
the transfer of Interests.
Each limited liability company interest in the Company shall constitute a
"security" within the meaning of, and governed by, (i) Article 8 of the Uniform
Commercial Code (including Section 8-102(a)(15) thereof) as in effect from time to time
in the State of Delaware, and (ii) Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code of any other
applicable jurisdiction that now or hereafter substantially includes the 1994 revisions to
Article 8 thereof as adopted by the American Law Institute and the National Conference
of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and approved by the American Bar
Association on February 14, 1995.
This Certificate shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Delaware without regard to principles of conflicts of laws.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Certificate to be
executed by [__________________] as of the date set forth below.
Dated: _____________________
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and
transfers unto _____________________________________________________ (print or
typewrite name of Transferee), __________________ (insert Social Security or other
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
taxpayer identification number of Transferee), the following specified percentage of
Interests: ______________ (identify the percentage of Interests being transferred), and
irrevocably constitutes and appoints __________________________, as attorney-in-fact,
to transfer the same on the books and records of the Company, with full power of
substitution in the premises.
Dated: ______________________ Signature:_______________________
F. Mezzanine lenders should also be cognizant to include a provision in the
mortgage borrower’s operating agreement or limited partnership agreement, as
applicable, which provides that upon the foreclosure of the mezzanine lender’s
pledge of mortgage borrower’s equity, the mezzanine lender will be automatically
admitted as a member of the mortgage borrower. Without this provision, the
foreclosing mezzanine lender could be exposed to an argument that even though
the mezzanine lender owns 100% of the equity in the mortgage borrower, the
mezzanine lender would not be able to direct the actions of the mortgage
borrower without the consent of the mezzanine borrower. See below for a sample
provision which should be included:
“Upon a foreclosure, sale or other transfer of the limited liability company
interests of the LLC pursuant to that certain Pledge and Security
Agreement (the Mezzanine Pledge Agreement”), between Member and
Mezzanine Lender, the holder of such membership interests shall
automatically be admitted as the sole Member of the LLC upon such
foreclosure, sale or other transfer, with all of the rights and obligations of
all of the Members hereunder, at which time [Manager]
shall, at the
option of such sole Member, be immediately terminated and have no
further rights whatsoever with respect to the LLC or the Property. The
LLC acknowledges that the pledge of the membership interest in the LLC
made by the Member in connection with the Mezzanine Pledge Agreement
shall be a pledge not only of profits and losses of the LLC, but also a
pledge of all rights and obligations of all of the Members. Upon a
foreclosure, sale or other transfer of the membership interests of the LLC
pursuant to the Mezzanine Pledge Agreement, the successor Member may
transfer its interests in the LLC as it deems necessary or desirable. The
pledge of a membership interest in the LLC by the Member is,
notwithstanding anything contained herein, permitted hereby and shall not
cause the Member to cease to be a member of the LLC.”
In the event the mortgage borrower is “manager managed”, the foreclosing mezzanine lender should have
an explicit right to terminate the manager upon a foreclosure.
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
In connection with the origination of a mezzanine loan, the common practice is to
draft the mezzanine loan documents based closely on the related mortgage loan
documents. Many of the negotiated deal terms, including representations and
warranties, covenants, insurance provisions, events of default, and payment terms
should be the same in the mortgage and mezzanine loans, so it is efficient and
practical to base the mezzanine loan documents on the related mortgage loan
documents. In addition to reflecting the specific deal terms related to the mezzanine
loan, there are several unique provisions that should be added to the mezzanine loan
A. Representations and Warranties Relating to Mortgage Loan. In addition to
the customary representations and warranties regarding the property, the equity
collateral and the borrower parties, the mezzanine borrower should make certain
representations and warranties relating to the mortgage loan, including the
1. “All of the representations and warranties contained in the
Mortgage Loan Documents are (i) true and correct in all material respects
and (ii) hereby incorporated into this Agreement and deemed made
hereunder as and when made thereunder and shall remain incorporated
without regard to any waiver, amendment or other modification thereof by
the Mortgage Lender or to whether the related Mortgage Loan Document
has been repaid or otherwise terminated, unless otherwise consented to in
writing by Lender.”
2. “No Mortgage Loan Event of Default or an event of circumstance
has occurred which with the giving of notice or the passage of time, or
both, would constitute a Mortgage Loan Event of Default exists as of the
date hereof.”
B. Specific Covenants.
1. Liquidation Events. It is critical that the mezzanine loan
documents contain a covenant that the mezzanine borrower be obligated to
pay to Lender all amounts received by the mortgage borrower in
connection with a casualty, condemnation, foreclosure of the mortgage
loan or refinancing of the mortgage loan, net of certain approved
deductions. As a result of the subordinate nature of a mezzanine loan, the
mortgage lender will be entitled to recieve proceeds from any of the
foregoing first and prior to the mezzanine lender. In the event that there
are excess proceeds after repayment of the mortgage loan, such amounts
should be paid to the mezzanine lender rather than being distributed to the
mortgage borrower’s equity owners. Below is a sample provision:
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
“(a) In the event of (i) any Casualty, (ii) any Condemnation, (iii) a
foreclosure or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure of the property (a
Mortgage Loan Foreclosure Transfer”) or (iv) any refinancing
of the Mortgage Loan (each, a Liquidation Event”), Borrower
shall cause Mortgage Borrower to cause the related Net
Liquidation Proceeds After Debt Service to be deposited directly
into an account designated by Lender (to be treated as a
distribution by the Mortgage Borrower). On each date on which
Lender actually receives a distribution of Net Liquidation Proceeds
After Debt Service, such distribution shall be applied in the same
manner as repayments under Section [__] hereof, and such
prepayment shall include any [Short Interest] and [Breakage
Costs]. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein,
each prepayment under this Section shall be applied in inverse
order of maturity and shall not extend or postpone the due dates of
the monthly installments due under the Note or this Agreement, or
change the amounts of such installments.
(b) Borrower shall notify Lender of any Liquidation Event not
later than three (3) Business Days following the first date on which
Borrower has knowledge of such event. Borrower shall be deemed
to have knowledge of a Mortgage Loan Foreclosure Transfer on
the date notice of such Mortgage Loan Foreclosure Transfer is
given to Mortgage Borrower and a refinancing of the Mortgage
Loan on the date on which a commitment for such refinancing has
been entered into by Mortgage Borrower. The provisions of this
Section shall not be construed to contravene or modify in any
manner the restrictions and other provisions regarding refinancing
of the Mortgage Loan or Transfers set forth in this Agreement.”
Net Liquidation Proceeds After Debt Service mean with
respect to any Liquidation Event, all amounts paid to or received
by or on behalf of Mortgage Borrower in connection with such
Liquidation Event, including, without limitation, proceeds of any
sale, refinancing or other disposition or liquidation, less (i) in the
event of a Liquidation Event consisting of a Casualty or
Condemnation, Lender’s, Mortgage Borrower’s and/or Mortgage
Lender’s reasonable costs incurred in connection with the recovery
thereof, (ii) in the event of a Liquidation Event consisting of a
Casualty or Condemnation, the costs incurred by Mortgage
Borrower in connection with a Restoration in accordance with the
Mortgage Loan Documents, (iii) in the event of a Liquidation
Event consisting of a Casualty, Condemnation or Mortgage Loan
Foreclosure Transfer, amounts required or permitted to be
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
deducted therefrom and amounts paid pursuant to the Mortgage
Loan Documents to Mortgage Lender, (iv) in the event of a
Liquidation Event consisting of a Casualty or Condemnation, those
proceeds paid to Mortgage Borrower pursuant to Section [__] of
the Mortgage Loan Agreement as a surplus that remains out of the
Net Proceeds, (v) in the case of a Mortgage Loan Foreclosure
Transfer, such reasonable and customary costs and expenses of
sale or other disposition (including attorneys’ fees and brokerage
commissions), (vi) in the case of a Mortgage Loan Foreclosure
Transfer, such costs and expenses incurred by Mortgage Lender
under the Mortgage Loan Documents as Mortgage Lender shall be
entitled to receive reimbursement for under the terms of the
Mortgage Loan Documents, (vii) in the case of a refinancing of the
Mortgage Loan, such costs and expenses (including attorneys’
fees) of such refinancing, and (viii) the amount of any prepayments
required pursuant to the Mortgage Loan Documents in connection
with any such Liquidation Event.”
2. Mortgage Borrower Covenants. The mezzanine loan documents
should require the mezzanine borrower to cause the mortgage borrower to
comply with the provisions of the mortgage loan documents. This is
possible because the mezzanine borrower is the 100% owner of the
mortgage borrower and can cause the mortgage borrower to take actions
(i.e. comply with the mortgage loan documents). It is important that the
mezzanine lender require compliance with the mortgage loan documents,
because an event of default under the mortgage loan could result in a
mortgage loan foreclosure which would render the equity collateral
securing the mezzanine loan worthless. The mezzanine loan documents
should also include covenants prohibiting the amendment of the mortgage
loan or purchase of the mortgage loan without the mezzanine lender’s
consent. Examples of these covenants include the following:
“(a) Borrower shall cause Mortgage Borrower, in a timely manner,
subject to any applicable cure periods under the Mortgage Loan
Documents, to observe, perform and fulfill each and every
covenant, term and provision of each Mortgage Loan Document
whether the Mortgage Loan has been repaid or the applicable
Mortgage Loan Document has been terminated, unless otherwise
consented to in writing by Lender.”
“(b) Borrower shall not cause or permit Mortgage Borrower to (i)
enter into any document evidencing or securing the Mortgage Loan
that is not a Mortgage Loan Document on the Closing Date, (ii)
enter into any amendment, material modification, consolidation,
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
restatement, supplement, waiver or termination of any Mortgage
Loan Document (other than any such termination that is effected
pursuant to the terms of the Mortgage Loan Agreement as in effect
on the Closing Date) shall be subject to Lender’s approval, which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or conditioned.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section [__],
provided an Event of Default shall not have occurred and be
continuing, whenever Lender’s approval or consent is required
pursuant to the provisions of this Section [__], Lender shall use
good faith efforts to respond within ten (10) Business Days after
Lender’s receipt of Borrower’s or Mortgage Borrower's written
request for such approval or consent. If Lender fails to respond to
such request within ten (10) Business Days, and Borrower or
Mortgage Borrower sends a second written request containing a
legend in bold letters stating that Lender’s failure to respond within
an additional five (5) Business Days shall be deemed consent or
approval, Lender shall be deemed to have approved or consented
to the matter for which Lender’s consent or approval was sought if
Lender fails to respond to such second written request before the
expiration of such five (5) Business Day period.”
“(c) None of Borrower, Mortgage Borrower, Guarantor or any
Affiliate of any of the foregoing shall acquire or agree to acquire
the Mortgage Loan, or any portion thereof or any interest therein,
via purchase, transfer, exchange, operation of law or otherwise. If
Borrower, Mortgage Borrower, Guarantor or any Affiliate of any
of the foregoing shall have failed to comply with the foregoing,
then Borrower shall (i) immediately notify Lender of such failure
and (ii) cause any and all such Persons acquiring any interest in the
Mortgage Loan Documents (A) not to enforce the Mortgage Loan
Documents, and (B) upon the request of Lender, to the extent any
of such Persons has or have the power or authority to do so, to
promptly (1) cancel the promissory note evidencing the Mortgage
Loan, (2) reconvey and release the liens securing the Mortgage
Loan and any other collateral under the Mortgage Loan
Documents, and (3) discontinue and terminate any enforcement
proceeding(s) under the Mortgage Loan Documents.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it shall not constitute a breach of
the foregoing covenants if Guarantor acquires any subrogation
claim in respect of the Mortgage Loan solely by operation of law
as a result of a payment under the guaranty executed in connection
with the Mortgage Loan, provided that, promptly after acquiring
any such subrogation claim, Guarantor agrees in writing that it
shall not enforce the same until payment in full of the Debt.”
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
3. Prepayment of Mortgage Loan. Prepayments of the mortgage loan
and mezzanine loans are often a source of contention amongst the deal
parties. The mortgage lender would prefer that all prepayments go to the
mortgage loan first as it is senior in priority to the mezzanine loan, while
the borrower would prefer to prepay the mezzanine loan first as it accrues
at a higher interest rate. Often a comprise is reached where to the extent
there is a prepayment the mortgage loan and mezzanine loan are prepaid
simultaneously on a pro-rata basis.
4. Cross Default. The mezzanine loan documents must provide that
that the occurrence of an event of default under the mortgage loan
documents is an immediate event of default under the mezzanine loan
documents. As a foreclosure of the mortgage loan would be devastating to
the mezzanine loan (i.e., (i.e., loss of complete value of the mezzanine
loan), the cross default allows the mezzanine lender to protect its
investment by foreclosing on the equity collateral and exercising its rights
to cure the mortgage loan under the related intercreditor agreement.
Typically, a mezzanine loan foreclosure can be successfully completed in
less time than it takes to complete a mortgage loan foreclosure.
5. Irrevocable Article 8 Proxy. In addition to requiring that the
mortgage borrower governing documents contain certain language
regarding Article 8 of the UCC as previously discussed above
, the
mezzanine loan documents should also contain a voting proxy from the
mezzanine borrower relating to all of the mezzanine borrower’s rights to
vote as a member of the mortgage borrower.
“Solely with respect to Article 8 Matters (as hereinafter defined),
Pledgor hereby irrevocably grants and appoints Lender, from the
date of this Agreement until the termination of this Agreement in
accordance with its terms, as Pledgor’s true and lawful proxy, for
and in Pledgor’s name, place and stead to vote the Pledged
Securities, whether directly or indirectly, beneficially or of record,
now owned or hereafter acquired, with respect to such Article 8
Matters. The proxy granted and appointed in this Section shall
include the right to sign Pledgor’s name (as a member of Mortgage
Borrower) to any consent, certificate or other document relating to
an Article 8 Matter that applicable law may permit or require, to
cause the Pledged Securities to be voted in accordance with the
preceding sentence. Pledgor hereby represents and warrants that
there are no other proxies and powers of attorney with respect to an
Article 8 Matter that Pledgor has granted or appointed. Pledgor
This language is commonly referred to as the “Article 8 opt-in” language.
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
will not give a subsequent proxy or power of attorney or enter into
any other voting agreement with respect to the Pledged Securities
with respect to any Article 8 Matter and any attempt to do so with
respect to an Article 8 Matter shall be void and of no effect. The
proxies and powers granted by Pledgor pursuant to this Agreement
are coupled with an interest and are given to secure the
performance of Pledgor’s obligations under the Loan Documents.
As used herein, Article 8 Matter” means any action, decision,
determination or election by Mortgage Borrower or its member(s)
that its limited liability company interests be, or cease to be, a
“security” as defined in and governed by Article 8 of the Code, and
all other matters related to any such action, decision, determination
or election.”
In addition to the specific provisions discussed above which are to be included in the
mezzanine loan documents, it is also important when representing a mezzanine lender
that the mortgage loan documents are reviewed carefully to confirm that they function
properly with a mezzanine loan. The following issues should be considered:
A. Cross Default. The mortgage loan must not be cross-defaulted with the
mezzanine loan. A default under the mezzanine loan should not create a default
under the mortgage loan documents. This would allow the mortgage lender to
exercise remedies against the property while the mezzanine lender is either
foreclosing or attempting to workout the mezzanine loan and while the mortgage
loan may otherwise be performing and not suffering any independent default.
B. Pledge and Foreclosure. The mortgage loan documents must expressly
permit the pledge of any direct or indirect interest in the mortgage borrower in
connection with the mezzanine loan and the exercise of any rights or remedies
that the mezzanine lender may have under the mezzanine loan documents.
Mortgage loan document transfer restrictions typically restrict pledges and
transfers of the equity interest in the mortgage borrower. Without these
exceptions, the making of the mezzanine loan would cause a default under the
mortgage loan documents and not allow a mezzanine lender to protect its interest
by exercising its remedies under the mezzanine loan documents.
C. Recourse. The pledge of equity interest in connection with the mezzanine
loan and any foreclosure of the mezzanine loan must not be a recourse event
under the mortgage loan. Without this exception, the sponsorship of the mortgage
and mezzanine borrowers would be motivated to fight a foreclosure of the
mezzanine loan, even if the value of the property was less than the total amount of
the mortgage loan and mezzanine loan, because the transfer of 100% of the equity
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
interests in the mortgage borrower would likely result in a full recourse event
under the mortgage loan. Also, as stated above in B., mezzanine lenders insist on
this drafting point so they can successfully foreclose their mezzanine loan without
causing further financial stress and complexity to the property and the borrower.
D. Insurance/Condemnation Proceeds. In the event the mortgage borrower is
entitled to any insurance and/or condemnation proceeds after completion of
restoration, the mortgage lender should agree to provide those amounts to the
mezzanine lender. As discussed with respect to Liquidation Events above, this
provision is additional protection to the mezzanine lender to ensure that excess
proceeds are paid to the mezzanine lender rather than to the mortgage borrower’s
equity ownership.
E. Reserves. In the event the mortgage loan is repaid and the mezzanine loan
remains outstanding, the mortgage lender should agree to transfer all amounts
held in any mortgage loan reserve accounts to the mezzanine lender. This gives
the mezzanine lender the right to obtain the benefit of any additional collateral
held by the mortgage lender, rather than such amounts going back to the mortgage
borrower. Typically, a mezzanine lender will not hold reserve funds as additional
collateral for the mezzanine loan because they are being reserved for by the
mortgage lender.
A. In connection with the origination of a mezzanine loan, the related
mortgage lender will often require the mezzanine lender to enter into an
intercreditor agreement. The intercreditor agreement generally benefits both the
mortgage lender and mezzanine lender. The mortgage lender gains comfort that
(1) the mezzanine loan is subordinate in structure and payment to the mortgage
loan and (2) mezzanine loan transfers are generally restricted. The mezzanine
lender often gains the right to: obtain notice of, and the right to cure, mortgage
loan defaults, purchase the mortgage loan and foreclose on the mezzanine loan
collateral. The mortgage lender and mezzanine lender also exchange various
representations and warranties relating to the ownership and status of the
mortgage and mezzanine loans respectively.
B. In the real estate capital markets industry, most mezzanine loan
intercreditor agreements are based upon the CREFC
form intercreditor
agreement, though the market has adopted a number of modifications since it was
originally published. Also, lenders have modified the form agreement in certain
ways that are unique to their lending requirements. In short, although these
CRE Finance Council (CREFC) is a trade organization in the commercial real estate finance space. More
information can be found at
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
agreements are typically based on the same form, they can vary dramatically from
deal to deal and from lender to lender.
C. Mezzanine Lender Rights:
1. Foreclosure/Exercise of Control Rights. Generally, intercreditor
agreements provide that the mezzanine lender can realize on its separate
collateral other than equity collateral (e.g., cash reserves or accounts) at
any time. To exercise any remedies with respect to the equity collateral
certain conditions must be met:
a. The transferee taking title to the equity collateral is a
“Qualified Transferee”. This is usually a person that meets certain
eligibility requirements (i.e. meeting a specified asset test). The
mezzanine lender and its affiliates are often pre-approved in the
agreement as Qualified Transferees.
b. Within thirty days after the foreclosure, a “Qualified
Manager” is required to manage the underlying property. This is
usually a person that meets a specified experience test (i.e.
manages a certain number of properties that are similar to the
underlying property, has a certain number of years of experience
c. A party meeting specified net worth and liquidity tests
provides to the mortgage lender supplemental recourse carve-out
guaranties. It is important to the mortgage lender that a party with
assets will stand behind the replacement guaranty as it gives the
mortgage lender comfort that the replacement guarantor will be
unwilling to take bad acts and put its assets at risk.
In addition to the forgoing, some mortgage lenders require that certain
defaults under the mortgage loan be cured prior to the mezzanine lender’s
foreclosure on the equity collateral. Mortgage lenders generally fall into
three camps on this issue:
a. All mortgage loan defaults must be cured as a condition
precedent to mezzanine lender’s foreclosure on the equity
collateral (excluding those defaults that cannot be cured without
taking title to the equity collateral). This is the most difficult
scenario for the mezzanine lender. If the mortgage loan has been
accelerated, for a mezzanine lender to successfully cure all defaults
under the mortgage loan, the mortgage loan must be paid in full by
the mezzanine lender as a condition precedent to a foreclosure.
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
b. All monetary mortgage loan defaults must be cured as a
condition precedent to mezzanine lender’s foreclosure on the
equity collateral (excluding the payment of full of the loan).
c. No cure of mortgage loan defaults as condition precedent to
equity foreclosure. This is the most favorable case for the
mezzanine lender and the standard that is generally found in the
capital markets. The mortgage lender gains comfort because as a
condition precedent to foreclosure the mezzanine lender must
provide an additional recourse carve out guaranty and if the
mezzanine lender does not cure outstanding defaults after
foreclosure, the mortgage lender will have the right to foreclose on
the mortgage loan.
In nearly all cases, mortgage lenders will not require the cure of mortgage
loan defaults that are not curable by the foreclosing mezzanine lender and
do not have a material adverse affect on the use, value or operation of the
property. An example would be the failure of the mortgage borrower to
deliver to the mortgage lender financial statements of its parent. This
default is personal to the borrower and a third party mezzanine lender
would be hard pressed to be able to cure this default.
2. Cure Rights. Generally mortgage lenders grant mezzanine lenders
monetary and non-monetary cure rights under an intercreditor agreement.
Prior to exercising remedies under the mortgage loan documents, the
mortgage lender will provide the mezzanine lender with written notice of
the underlying default and provide an opportunity to cure such default.
a. Monetary Cures. In the event of a monetary event of
default, mortgage lenders will provide mezzanine lenders the right
to cure monetary defaults within five (5) to ten (10) business days
after mezzanine lender’s receipt of notice of such default.
Generally, mezzanine lenders only have a limited number of
monetary cures. They can range from as few as four (4) cures for
the life of the mortgage loan to as many as six (6) consecutive
cures. Notwithstanding the cap on cures, mezzanine lenders will
generally be able to continue curing monetary defaults so long as
they are diligently and continuously exercising remedies against
the equity collateral (i.e., foreclosing on the equity collateral under
the mezzanine loan documents).
b. Non-Monetary Cures. In the event of a non-monetary
event of default, mortgage lender will provide mezzanine lender
the right to cure such monetary default within the later of (i) the
same period the mortgage borrower has to cure such default, plus
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
ten (10) business days and (ii) 30 days after mezzanine lender’s
receipt of notice of such default. Such period is often extended for
the period necessary for mezzanine lender to effectuate such cure
for so long as the default does not materially impact the use, value
or operation of the property or the mezzanine lender is diligently
and continuously exercising remedies against the equity collateral.
Typically, a mezzanine lender’s right to cure defaults will expire
upon a bankruptcy of the mortgage borrower.
3. Purchase Option. Under the intercreditor agreement, the mortgage
lender typically grants the mezzanine lender the right to purchase the
mortgage loan upon the occurrence of certain conditions, usually the
acceleration of the mortgage loan or in the event the mortgage lender has
commenced exercising remedies. The purchase option will expire upon
the earlier of the cessation of the event that triggered the purchase option
or the foreclosure of the mortgage loan.
Generally, the mortgage lender must provide the mezzanine lender
notice of the occurrence of any of the foregoing triggers. Upon receipt of
such notice the mezzanine lender may elect to purchase the mortgage loan
by delivering a purchase election notice and closing within ten (10)
business days. The mortgage loan option purchase price is generally the
sum of the outstanding principal balance of the mortgage loan, plus
accrued interest, plus any other costs incurred by the mortgage lender
(including any workout fees or liquidation fees due to the mortgage
lender’s special servicer). Generally, default interest, exit fees,
prepayment premiums and other such fees are excluded from the purchase
price. These fees are often excluded because the mortgage lender is eager
to be paid off when the loan is in default and is willing to accept only the
outstanding principal balance of the mortgage loan, plus accrued interest,
and any costs it actually incurred.
In connection with negotiating the purchase option right, the
mezzanine lender will typically want to build deed-in-lieu protection in to
the intercreditor. A deed-in-lieu of the mortgage loan is as devastating to
the mezzanine loan as a mortgage foreclosure (i.e., loss of complete value
of the mezzanine loan), the only difference is it can happen much faster.
As a backstop to any agreement in the intercreditor agreement relating to a
deed in lieu, the mezzanine lender will want the mezzanine loan
documents to restrict the mezzanine borrower from causing the mortgage
borrower to grant a deed-in-lieu to the mortgage lender. In the event the
mortgage lender intends to take a deed-in-lieu from the mortgage borrower
it should be required to provide the mezzanine lender notice and a chance
to purchase the loan at the mortgage loan purchase price. Some
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
mezzanine lenders are able to gain further protection by having the
purchase option right continue for a period even after the mortgage lender
has taken title to the property through a deed-in-lieu. In this event, the
mezzanine lender also has to pay the costs that the mortgage lender
incurred to take title to the property through a deed-in-lieu, such as
transfer taxes.
4. Mortgage Loan Modifications. Under a typical intercreditor
agreement, mezzanine lenders are often granted consent rights over certain
mortgage loan modifications, which include:
a. increasing the interest rate, principal balance or any other
material monetary obligation;
b. obtaining any contingent interest or equity kicker or
imposing new fees;
c. extending the prepayment lockout period or increasing
prepayment fees;
d. imposing financial covenants or making existing ones more
e. shortening or extending the maturity date;
f. changing the transfer restrictions of the mezzanine loan;
g. changing the cash management provisions of the
mezzanine loan; or
h. cross-defaulting the mezzanine loan with any other debt.
Note that a mezzanine lender will lose its consent rights to many of these
modifications if the mortgage loan is in default and the mezzanine lender’s
cure period has expired. If the mezzanine lender is not curing defaults
under the mortgage loan, the mortgage lender will see this as a sign that
the mezzanine lender is not interested in protecting its investment,
therefore the mortgage lender should be free to work out the mortgage
loan as it sees fit without having to wait for the mezzanine lender’s cure
period(s) to expire.
5. Affiliated Borrower Mezzanine Lender. Intercreditor agreements
will generally restrict the mezzanine lender’s right to transfer the
mezzanine loan to the mortgage borrower, the mezzanine borrower or any
affiliate thereof. This is an important issue for mortgage lenders as
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
borrower affiliated mezzanine lenders can use their rights as mezzanine
lender as a “second bite at the apple”. For example, if the mortgage
borrower defaults in making a mortgage loan payment, the affiliated
mezzanine lender would have the right, under the intercreditor agreement,
to cure that payment, effectively granting the borrower a notice and cure
period for all defaults.
The issue is generally addressed in two ways. First, there could be an
outright prohibition on transfers of the mezzanine loan to affiliates of
borrower. The other method is to permit such transfers, but, upon such
transfer, the affiliated mezzanine lender would no longer be permitted to
exercise any rights under the intercreditor agreement (i.e. no right to
foreclose, cure, purchase the mortgage loan or have consent rights over
mortgage loan modifications).
A sample disability provision from a capital markets intercreditor
agreement is as follows:
“Section [__]. Affiliated Mezzanine Lender. Notwithstanding
anything in this Agreement to the contrary, in the event that at any
time the Mezzanine Loan (or any portion thereof or interest
therein) is held by an Affiliated Mezzanine Lender, such Person
shall have no rights under Sections 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16
hereof, may not take an Equity Collateral Enforcement Action and
may not engage in a Mezzanine Loan Modification without Senior
Lender’s prior written consent, which may be withheld in its sole
Affiliated Mezzanine Lender” shall mean an owner of all or any
portion of the Mezzanine Loan (or any interest therein) who (i)
owns, directly or indirectly, more than twenty-five percent (25%)
of the direct or indirect ownership interests in Borrower or
Mezzanine Borrower or (ii) has the power, directly or indirectly, to
direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of
Borrower or Mezzanine Borrower, whether through the ability to
exercise voting power, by contract or otherwise (but excluding any
such ability arising solely through operation of the Mezzanine
Loan Documents).”
A corollary issue often negotiated by mortgage and mezzanine lenders is
how a “borrower affiliated mezzanine lender” is defined in the
intercreditor agreement. For certain mortgage lenders, a person will not
be deemed to be a “borrower affiliated mezzanine lender” unless it owns
at least 25% of the direct or indirect interest of the mortgage borrower or
Copyright © 2013 Dechert LLP. This document is a basic summary of legal issues. It cannot and should not be relied upon as an
authoritative statement of the law. You should obtain detailed and specific legal advice from a properly licensed attorney before
taking any legal action.
controls the mortgage borrower. More conservative mortgage lenders are
often more restrictive, and will deem a person to be a “borrower affiliated
mezzanine lender” if it owns any interest in the mortgage borrower.