Service Line Inventory Template Instructions and Requirements
These instructions will be continuously updated to further assist public water systems (PWS),
and address questions that may come up. It is recommended that you check back often to see if
there are any updates.
These instructions were last updated: 7/16/2024.
What is the Purpose of this Template?
The purpose of this template is to help water systems comply with the service line inventory
requirements of the January 15, 2021, Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). This template
supplements the US EPA document,
Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory
(2022), by providing a standardized template to submit the initial inventory and inventory updates to
Ohio EPA.
***Inventories will only be accepted in the Ohio EPA template format***
Ohio EPA now has instructions detailing how systems with existing databases can generate a
CSV file that will be an acceptable format, rather than utilizing the Excel file. Contact Zach
Anderson at Zachary.An[email protected] if you are interested in using this.
This template will help PWS track materials for each service line in their distribution system. This
template should be filled out including all service lines in the PWS distribution system, and each service
line or portion of the service line must be classified as lead, galvanized requiring replacement (GRR),
non-lead or lead status unknown. The initial service line inventory must be submitted to Ohio EPA no
later than October 16, 2024.
***Please note that the LCRR is using the terminology initial inventory. Only a few fields in the
template are required for compliance with the LCRR. In the proposed LCRI there is an updated initial
inventory called the baseline inventory (likely due in 2027) that will require connector material
(Column AH) to be on the inventory. It is recommended that PWSs complete as many recommended
fields, like connectors, as possible in their initial inventory.***
Getting Started
1. Save a copy of the template to your hard drive or network drive on your computer. For ease of
use in the future, use your PWS ID in the filename.
a. For example:
i. Inventory_OHxxxxxxx_Date_Initial/Update/etc.
2. Complete the Inventory Template by filling out at least all required fields for every service line in
your distribution system.
3. At the top of the template on the left-hand side, there is a [+] symbol that opens the PWS
Information box. Please fill out the PWS Name and PWS ID before you complete the rest of the
template. A [-] symbol will be available when the PWS information box is open, this button will
minimize that box. There is also a button titled “for detailed instructions CLICK HERE” and this
will provide a link to access these instructions.
4. DO NOT copy and paste the template into a new Excel document. Leave the examples at the top
and begin entering your data into line 16.
5. When you have finished entering at least all the required information on the inventory template
for all service lines in your distribution system, submit to Ohio EPA.
6. Non-transient, non-community systems (NTNC) or any system that owns the entire service line
are required to complete the Customer-Owned Portion of the spreadsheet (Columns Z-AG) and
the System-Owned Portion of the spreadsheet (Columns O-Y). It’s recommended to add
ownership explanation in the Comment section located on Column AS.
Inventory Worksheet
General Instructions: Each row in this worksheet represents one service line connecting the water main
to the customer’s piping. Columns with red shading are required by the LCRR; and columns with blue
shading are recommended and completion will facilitate future compliance obligations. Water systems
must fill out at least all the required fields for all service lines in their distribution system (regardless of
use). As explained in more detail below, you will either select your response from a dropdown menu or
directly enter the information.
Location Information
Column B: Unique Service Line IDAssign a unique ID to each row that represents one
service line. You can number each row starting with the number 1 and ending with the
number that equals the number of service lines included in your inventory. Some systems
may be able to utilize a customer billing ID.
Columns C: Site NameInclude a site name for the service line. For example, University of
Anytown, Anytown Hospital, Anytown School, or Grandma’s Home Daycare.
Columns D – H: Street Number, Street Name, City, Zip Code, County Enter a full street
address in Columns D-H. Note that US EPA requires the publicly accessible inventory to
include a location identifier (e.g., block, intersection, landmark, GPS coordinates, or water
meter) for lead, galvanized requiring replacement, non-lead, and unknown service lines.
Columns I and J: Latitude and LongitudeInclude the latitude and longitude for each parcel
the service line serves. Please use the decimal degrees format for your latitude and
longitude. It should be in the format of XX.XXXX, -XX.XXXX. If you have your latitude and
longitude in degrees minutes seconds, please calculate the decimal degrees using this
formula, , or by using a reputable online calculator.
Columns K – N: Asset Management InformationInclude whether the service line is in your
Asset Management Plan, the asset status and the asset start date and end date. Asset status
as inactive may be used to represent a system-owned service line that is not currently in use
(e.g., a vacant property).
System-Owned Portion
***40 CFR §141.84(a)(3) Requires the review of certain records for the initial inventory
service line material classification. ***
Review Chapters 2 and 4 of Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory.
Complete the information in Columns O Y if either (1) the system owns the entire service line, or
(2) ownership is split, where the system owns a portion, and the customer owns a portion. If the
system owns the entire service line (such as a NTNC), note that in Column AS and fill in both the
System-Owned section and the Customer-Owned section with the relevant information.
***The State of Ohio banned the use of lead service lines on September 12, 1988, if a
service line is determined to be non-lead based on an installation record, Columns Q and
V or AA and AD, as applicable, should also be completed.***
Column O: System-Owned Service Line Material ClassificationUse the dropdown menu
to select the recommended material subclassifications for the system-owned portion of the
service line. If your systems owns the entire service line, you do not need to complete
Columns Z to AG. Also, if your system-owns the entire service line and it is known to be
various materials, please indicate that in Column AS and list the highest known risk material
present. [Highest risk] Pb>Pb lined galvanized>galvanized>non-lead [Lowest risk]. If you
select “Non-Lead Other,” provide additional information in the notes section, Column AS
Column P: If Non-Lead in Column P, Was Material Ever Previously Lead? Use the
dropdown menu to select “Yes,” “No,” or “Unknown.” This information is important for
determining if a downstream/customer-owned galvanized service line requires
Column Q: Service Line Installation Date Enter the date, year, or estimated date when the
system-owned portion of the service line was installed or replaced.
Column R: Is the Service Line Metered?Indicate if the service line is metered.
Column S: Service Line UseUse the dropdown menu to select the correct use for each
service line. This could be drinking, non-drinking, or a combination of both.
Column T: Service Line SizeEnter the diameter in inches of the system-owned portion of
the service line. This information may be useful as a screening method to help identify if a
service line is lead. Most lead service lines are 2 inches or less in diameter.
Column U: Service Line LengthEnter the known or estimated length in feet of the system-
owned portion of the service line.
Column V: Basis of Material ClassificationUse the dropdown menu to select the method
used for materials classification. If the method you used is not one of the options, select
“Other” and describe the basis for materials classification in Column ASNotes.
Column W: Was the Service Line Material Field VerifiedIndicate if the system-owned
portion of the service line has been field verified.
Column X: Describe the Field Verification Method If you selected “Yes” in Column W, use
the dropdown menu to select the method used for field verification. If the method you used
is not one of the options, select “Other” and describe the field verification in Column AS
Column Y: Enter the Date of the Field VerificationEnter the date of field verification of
the system-owned portion of the service line.
Customer-Owned Portion
Complete the information in Columns Z – AG if either (1) the customer owns the entire service line, or
(2) ownership is split, where the system owns a portion, and the customer owns a portion. NTNC
systems or systems that own the entire service line are required to complete this section, just note
ownership in Column AS.
Column Z: Customer-Owned Service Line Material ClassificationUse the dropdown menu
to select the recommended material subclassifications for the customer-owned portion of
the service line. If you select “Non-Lead Other,” provide additional information in the
comments section, Column ASNotes.
Column AA: Service Line Installation Date Enter the date, year, or estimated date when
the customer-owned portion of the service line was installed or replaced.
Column AB: Service Line SizeEnter the diameter in inches of the customer-owned portion
of the service line. This information may be useful as a screening method to help identify if a
service line is lead. Most lead service lines are 2 inches or less in diameter.
Column AC: Service Line Length Enter the known or estimated length in feet of the
customer-owned portion of the service line.
Column AD: Basis of Material ClassificationUse the dropdown menu to select the method
used for materials classification. If the method you used is not one of the options, select
“Other” and describe the basis for materials classification in Column ASNotes.
Column AE: Was the Service Line Material Field VerifiedIndicate if the customer-owned
portion of the service line has been field verified.
Column AF: Describe the Field Verification Method If you selected “Yes” in Column W,
use the dropdown menu to select the method used for field verification. If the method you
used is not one of the options, select “Other” and describe the field verification in Column
Column AG: Enter the Date of the Field VerificationEnter the date of field verification of
the customer-owned portion of the service line.
Other Potential Sources of Lead
Column AH: Connector Material Type Use the dropdown menu to indicate the connector
material type.
o Replaced Leadis for a connector that was previously lead and changed out to a
different connector material type or connector was removed completely.
o This is not a required field for the initial inventory in 2024 but likely will be
required in the baseline inventory that is due in 2027 as part of the proposed LCRI.
Column AI: Is there Lead Solder in the Service Line? Use the dropdown menu to indicate if
there is lead solder in the service line.
Additional Information to Assign Tap Monitoring Tiering
***LCRR and LCRI will change the tier definitions that you are familiar with under the current
rule. This section is not required, but it is highly recommended that it is completed as it will
help you comply with future sampling requirements.***
Columns AJ through AO are for documenting additional information that is helpful in assigning a tap
sample tiering classification as follows:
Column AJ: Building Type Connected to the Service LineUse the dropdown menu to indicate
if the building type connected to the service line is a single-family structure (SFS), SFS with
school, SFS with childcare facility, multi-family residence (MFR), MFR with school, MFR with
childcare facility, non-residential building, non-residential building with school, or non-
residential building with childcare facility.
Column AK: If Column AJ Includes a School…Lowest Grade Served Select the lowest grade
school at the type of school building from Column AJ.
Column AL: Building Construction DateEnter the date in mm/dd/yyyy that the building was
Column AM: Building Plumbing Materials Use the dropdown menu to indicate the building
plumbing materials. If mixed plumbing exists, use the highest known risk material present.
[Highest risk] Pb>Cu with Pb solder>galvanized>non-lead [Lowest risk]
Column AN: Plumbing Installation/Replacement DateEnter the date in mm/dd/yyyy that the
plumbing was installed or replaced.
Column AO: Point-of-Entry or Point-of-Use Treatment PresentUse the dropdown menu to
indicate if the home or building connected to the service line has a point-of-entry or point-of-
use treatment device.
Column AP: LCR Sampling Point IDIf this location is a sampling site for lead and copper tap
monitoring, enter the sampling point ID.
Lead Service Line Replacement (LSLR)
Column AQ: Date of System-Owned LSLRIndicate the date the system-owned portion of the
lead service line was replaced, if applicable. If you have a planned replacement date, you can
enter the projected date here. Just make sure to update your inventory once replacement
Column AR: Date of Customer-Owned LSLRIndicate the date the customer-owned portion of
the lead service line was replaced, if applicable. If you have a planned replacement date, you
can enter the projected date here. Just make sure to update your inventory once replacement
Column AS: CommentsUse this column to provide any additional information, such as
additional details about the basis of material classification, additional information on the field
verification method, or documentation of previous materials classification. 1000 character limit.
Submittal Requirements
***Inventories will only be accepted in the Ohio EPA template format***
The initial service line inventory is due to Ohio EPA no later than October 16, 2024.
Complete the Service Line Inventory Submittal Form.
o Fill out all information.
o Click submit.
o You will see a confirmation page that will provide you with the email address where you
will send your inventory.
A copy of your answers will be emailed to you as a PDF.
o Make sure to email your inventory to the email address provided on the form.
***A separate Inventory Submittal Form must be submitted for each PWS ID***
All Community and NTNC water systems must make the Service Line Inventory publicly
accessible. For a PWS that serves more than 50,000 people, the inventory must also be posted
online. Starting with the 2024 CCR the instructions on how costumers can access the Service
Line Inventory must be included in the CCR. NTNCs must have it accessible on the premises.
Notification Requirements
PWS that have lead service lines, GRR, or lead status unknown service lines must provide
notification to people served by these lines within 30 days after completing the initial inventory.
o Delivery must be by mail, or another Ohio EPA approved method.
The notification must be repeated on an annual basis until the entire service connection is no
longer a lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or lead status unknown service line.
o For new customers, water systems shall also provide the notice at the time-of-service
Content of notifications:
*Ohio EPA is working on notification templates for PWS use, and they will be available on the
website as soon as they are completed*
o Persons served by a confirmed lead service line: The notice must include a statement
that the person's service line is lead, steps persons at the service connection can take to
reduce exposure to lead in drinking water, information about opportunities to replace
lead service lines as well as programs that provide financing solutions to assist property
owners with replacement of their portion of a lead service line, a statement that the
water system is required to replace its portion of a lead service line when the property
owner notifies them they are replacing their portion of the lead service line, and the
health effects of lead required language:
Exposure to lead in drinking water can cause serious health effects in all age
groups. Infants and children can have decreases in IQ and attention span. Lead
exposure can lead to new learning and behavior problems or exacerbate existing
learning and behavior problems. The children of women who are exposed to lead
before or during pregnancy can have increased risk of these adverse health
effects. Adults can have increased risks of heart disease, high blood pressure,
kidney or nervous system problems.
o Persons served by a galvanized requiring replacement service line: The notice must
include a statement that the person's service line is galvanized requiring replacement,
an explanation of the health effects of lead (see above language), steps persons at the
service connection can take to reduce exposure to lead in drinking water, and
information about opportunities for replacement of the service line.
o Persons served by a lead status unknown service line: The notice must include a
statement that the person's service line material is unknown but may be lead, an
explanation of the health effects of lead (see above language), steps persons at the
service connection can take to reduce exposure to lead in drinking water, and
information about opportunities to verify the material of the service line.
Water systems must demonstrate that they delivered the notification properly and provide a
copy of the notification and information materials to Ohio EPA annually by July 1 for the
previous calendar year. This will need to be done by January 1
, 2025, for the initial material
notifications that go out.