3 For registration information, call Continuing Education at 619-482-6376
Continuing Education | Summer 2020 | GENERAL INFORMATION
College Continuing
Here at Southwestern College’s Continuing
Education Department, we want you to know
that we are here for you.
We are committed to empowering and
strengthening you to reach your goals.
Whether your goals are to gain new skills,
enhance your career, or for personal
growth, we oer a wide variety of new and
innovative programming, accessible services, and resources
that will meet your needs.
Due to Covid-19, Southwestern College is practicing social
distancing; therefore, we’ve converted registration, instruction
and campus services online (remote). We realize working
exclusively online may be new to you, which is why our sta
is ready to assist you in everything from applying online to
registering for classes.
From the safety of your own home or anywhere that you
may be, you can earn a Certicates of Completion for Tax
Preparation/Income Tax, Basic ESL or Customer Service
Series Completion. You may also be interested in classes such
as our Trigonometry Refresher or Algebra for Test Prep and
Course Support to prepare for math classes or the SWC
math placement test.
You may even be interested in learning how to Make Extra
Income as a Wholesale Auto Dealer from Home or become a
Child Visitation Monitor. Through Ed2go online, we oer a wide
range of highly interactive courses for lifelong learning or career
training programs for those interested in developing professional
skills. Whatever your goals are and no matter why you are here,
we look forward to serving you.
Myesha Jackson, MBA
Director of Continuing Education
Table of Contents
Noncredit Classes ................................................6
Algebra Review for Test Prep and Course Support ................ 11
Art Therapy ............................................................................. 12
Basic ESL I.............................................................................. 10
Basic ESL II ............................................................................. 10
Basic ESL III ............................................................................ 10
Basic First Aid and Adult CPR (Blended Learning Format) ...... 7
Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor
(Blended Learning Format) ................................................. 8
Body Dynamics and Aging Process ....................................... 12
Childbirth Education for Expectant Parents (Lamaze) ............ 12
Concert Choir ........................................................................ 12
CPR for the Healthcare Provider (Blended Learning Format) ... 8
Customer Service: Decision Making and Problem Solving .... 10
Customer Service: Managing Change .................................... 10
Customer Service: Mastering Communication ....................... 10
Developing High Performance Charts in Microsoft Excel ...... 11
Family Childcare Business I ..................................................... 6
Family Childcare Business II .................................................... 6
Family Childcare Business III ................................................... 6
Family Childcare Business IV .................................................. 6
Family Childcare Business V ................................................... 6
First Aid for Public Safety Personnel––Title 22
(Blended Learning Format) ................................................. 8
Gospel Choir I ......................................................................... 12
Independence, Social, and Study Strategies ........................... 9
Introduction to Computers ..................................................... 11
Introduction to Microsoft Word ............................................... 11
Pediatric Safety and CPR (Blended Learning Format) ............. 9
Success in Nursing ................................................................... 6
Tai Chi ..................................................................................... 12
Tax Preparation/Income Tax Course I ....................................... 7
Tax Preparation/Income Tax Course II ...................................... 7
Trigonometry Refresher .......................................................... 11
Fee-Based Classes ............................................. 13
Child Visitation Monitor Training Course ................................ 13
Make Extra Income as a Wholesale Auto Dealer
from Home ........................................................................ 13
Making the Most of Social Security ........................................ 13
Voice-Overs…Now is Your Time! ............................................ 13
Work at Home as a Medical Transcriptionist .......................... 13
General Information ...........................................1
Parking Information .................................................................. 5
Refunds .................................................................................... 5
Registration Information ........................................................... 3
Ed2Go Online Classes ...................................... 14
Online Career Training Programs ............16
For registration information, please visit our website at: www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Technology Loaner Program, page 8
FREE Drive-Up Wi Zone, page 6
GENERAL INFORMATION | Summer 2021 | Continuing Education
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Continuing Education | Summer 2021 | GENERAL INFORMATION
College Continuing
Continuing Education provides students with extended studies
designed to support professional advancement and personal
success. Day, evening, and weekend classes are conveniently
held in either online, remote, or hybrid format. Many are tuition-
free, while others require a nominal fee. There are no transcripts or
grades. New classes are always being added. For an up-to-date
listing of classes, visit the Continuing Education section of the
Southwestern College website: www.swccd.edu/continuinged.
Mission Statement
Southwestern Community College District is the premier public
institution of higher education in Southern San Diego County
that serves a diverse community of students by providing quality
academic programs, comprehensive student support services that
ensure equitable access and clear pathways to student success.
Southwestern Community College District promotes learning
and success to prepare students to become critical thinkers
and engaged life-long learners/global citizens. The District is
committed to continuous improvements through the use of data-
informed planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Southwestern Community College District utilizes a variety
of instructional modalities to provide educational and career
opportunities in the following areas: Associate degree and
certicate programs, transfer, professional, technical and career
advancement, foundational skills, personal enrichment, and
continuing education
Governing Board approved March 10, 2020
Governing Board of the
Southwestern Community College District
Leticia Cazares, President
Roberto Alcantar, Vice President
Griselda A. Delgado
Don Dumas
Kirin Macapugay
Melkitsedeq Jorge Hernandez, Student Trustee
August 2020–May 2021
Mark Sanchez, ED.D., Superintendent/President
published six times a year in November, January, March, April, May,
and July by oces of Publications and Continuing Education at
Southwestern College, 900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, CA 91910-
7299. Periodicals Postage Paid at Chula Vista, California. Volume
15, Issue Number 4, May 2021, Southwestern College Schedule.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Southwestern College
Schedule, 900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista CA 91910-7299.
Diversity Initiative
Southwestern Community College District seeks to foster and
engage diversity as integral to our learning community and
in educational excellence. Diversity is valued as an essential
cornerstone to civility, dignity, fairness, respect, and trust.
Non-Discrimination Statement
The Southwestern Community College District does not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin,
gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, or marital status in any
of its policies, procedures, or practices. This nondiscrimination
policy covers admission, employment, and access to all college
programs and activities. Questions about the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, Section 504, and student grievances should be directed to
the Dean of Student Services, at 619-482-6369. Title IX inquiries
should be directed to the Title IX Administrator, at 619-482-6329.
Inquiries regarding Equal Employment Opportunity and other
nondiscrimination policies and procedures should be directed to
the Vice President for Employee Services, 619-482-6329.
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
GENERAL INFORMATION | Summer 2021 | Continuing Education
Southwestern College Continuing Education
Continuing Education provides the opportunity for community residents to improve, upgrade, and learn new skills and knowledge. This
eort responds to the need for a well-trained workforce, as well as the individual need for intellectual or cultural enrichment. Continuing
Education presently includes the following three categories of instruction and services: Noncredit, Fee-Based services, and Customized
Contract Education.
Noncredit Courses (NC)
Noncredit courses are courses that meet community needs
in ten instructional areas: Parenting, Basic Skills, English as a
Second Language (ESL), Citizenship for Immigrants, courses
for the disabled, vocational courses, courses for older adults,
Home Economics, Health and Safety, and Workforce Preparation
[California Education Code, Section 84757(a) and 84760.5, and
Title 5, Section 58160.] Noncredit courses are open to the public,
are tuition-free, and are not oered for college credit.
Fee-Based Classes (Community Service)
Fee-based classes and programs are designated and authorized
under Title 5. These programs may be oered in nearly any
subject or eld. These programs are supported by a fee paid by
Customized Contract Education
High-quality customized contract training services specically
tailored to the needs of the employees of businesses and
organizations. Class participation is limited to the contract
designees. Customized Contract Education and services are paid
for by the contracting entity.
Course Description Legend
Course meeting days:
M – Monday | T – Tuesday | W – Wednesday | Th – Thursday
F – Friday | Sat – Saturday | Sun – Sunday
Example: Class meets Monday through Thursday – MTWTh
Class meets on Monday and Tuesday – MT
Continuing Education is a department of the School of Continuing
Education & Workforce Development. Your feedback, suggestions,
and comments are welcomed.
Myesha Jackson, Director of Continuing Education,
How to Read the Class Schedule
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SWC Continuing Education will be oering summer semester classes in three formats: online, remote,
and hybrid. Classes in all three formats meet the same academic rigor and requirements. When registering, pay careful attention to the
class format to ensure you choose the class most convenient for you and that will provide you with the best academic experience. You
will receive an email from the instructor prior to start of the class with instructions for accessing your online classroom.
Remote classes meet synchronously using a live video conferencing tool. They meet at the days and times listed in the class schedule.
Homework, reading and outside class assignments are still required.
Hybrid classes meet synchronously online or face-to-face for some of the time on the day(s) that the section is scheduled for. Students
must complete related work in various other ways outside of these class meetings.
Online classes are completely asynchronous. They do not require meeting specic days and times. All instruction, coursework, and
activities to be completed online.
Retirement Living
Explores a broad range of important topics for retirees and older adults, including:...
Instructor: J. Acosta, 12 hours.
NC 38-E1 Sat Jan. 2–16 9 a.m.–12:50 p.m. No Fee
Type of Class: REMOTE
Class #
Days Dates
TimeType of Class Fee
Title Course Description
Instructor name. TBA indicates
instructor was not designated
at time of printing of schedule.
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Continuing Education | Summer 2021 | REGISTRATION INFORMATION
Complete your application
Complete or update your noncredit application at
www.tinyurl.com/swcopenccc or by visiting our webpage:
Check your personal email
After you have completed or updated your noncredit
application online you will receive an email within 24-48
hours with steps to activate your MySWC Account.
Activate your account
Follow the steps in your email to activate your MySWC
account. You will have access to your student SWC email as
well as other campus links, including WebAdvisor. Once your
account is activated all SWC correspondence will be sent to
your SWC email.
Register for courses using WebAdvisor
Register for courses online using WebAdvisor. To access
WebAdvisor, login to your MySWC account, click on
Campus Apps, and select WebAdvisor on MySWC. Note:
Only select a Term and select Noncredit for the Subject. Do
NOT enter specic information about the course. Instructions
on how to navigate through WebAdvisor are also available on
our webpage.
Apply and
Register for
Need help? Contact us!
Phone: (619) 482-6376
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
REGISTRATION INFORMATION | Summer 2021 | Continuing Education
Visit our registration website
Visit our online registration website at
https://registration.xenegrade.com/swccd or by visiting
our webpage: www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Create your account
On the top right of the registration website, click on “Create
Account”. Once you create your account, you will be able to
register into courses.
Find your courses
Search for courses using the “Course Search” features
on the main landing page, or browse all fee-based courses
by clicking on the menu tab on the left hand side of the
webpage labeled “Continuing Education Fee-Based
Classes”. Course numbers for community service/feebased
classes start with “CS.”
Add courses to your cart
Once you nd the course(s) that you are interested in, add
them to your cart.
When ready, select Checkout. Answer any required
questions, and enter your payment details. Once your
checkout is complete, you will receive an email with
conrmation of your registration.
Apply and
Register for
Need help? Contact us!
Phone: (619) 482-6376
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Continuing Education | Summer 2021 | REGISTRATION INFORMATION
Sign up Early
Early registration ensures that you will have a reserved place in a
popular class. All registration is on a rst-come, rst-serve basis.
Your registration can make the dierence as to whether a class is
oered or cancelled.
Southwestern College Continuing Education
Drop Policy
Any student who is not present on the rst day of class may
be dropped from the course by the instructor. After the rst
class meeting, any student with 3 consecutive absences from a
noncredit class without prior notice (or in the event of a short-term
class, having missed 25% of courses to-date) may be ocially
dropped from the course. Nonattendance does not constitute an
automatic withdrawal. Should a student register and be unable
to attend or decide not to continue, the student must contact the
instructor or the Continuing Education oce immediately to be
withdrawn from the course.
Class Conrmation
Please mark your personal calendar when registering for any class.
If you have any questions regarding registration please contact us
at (619) 482-6376 or email at [email protected] or visit our
website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged.
Certicate of Completion
Some multi-session courses and seminars oer a Certicate of
Completion. When applicable, students must attend all classes
and meet certicate requirements as established by the college.
Class Cancellation
Every attempt is made to avoid cancelling a class. However,
sometimes it is necessary to cancel before the rst meeting when
enrollment is low. If the College has advance notice that a class
will be cancelled, Continuing Education will attempt to reach you
by email or phone. Please be sure to provide current phone and
email contact information on your application.
A full refund will be made if Continuing Education cancels a class.
If you have registered for a class and you cancel at least three
(3) business days prior to the start of the class, you will receive
a full refund of the class fee. You are not eligible for any refund
beyond the three day period. There are no registration credits or
rescheduling options available beyond the three (3) day refund
period. No-shows are not eligible for a refund. A refund may take
up to four to six weeks to process.
Registration and Materials Fee
Registration fees are required for all Fee-Based classes. A
materials fee may be required for some Fee-Based classes and
Noncredit classes. Please be prepared to pay these fees at the
time of registration. Only credit card payments are accepted.
Instructor and Class Changes
In some cases, a qualied substitute instructor may replace the
individual listed in the schedule. Class dates are also subject to
change. When feasible, students will be notied of any changes
prior to the class either by email or by phone.
Types of Classes
All classes are held in either online, remote, or hybrid format.
Please see page 2 for more information.
Parking Information
All summer class oerings will be held online and there is no need
for students to purchase a parking for the summer sessions.
However, all persons who park their vehicles on District campuses
are subject to paying for daily or visitors permit, per the District
parking policy.
Daily permits allow the purchasers to park in white-lined spaces.
Visitor permits allow the purchaser to park in short-term green-
lined spaces (1 hour maximum). Persons with valid disabled
placards and license plates may park in marked disabled parking
spaced or white-lined spaces without charge.
Vehicles found parked without permits or those parked in violation
of the District’s parking policy are subject to being cited.
While every reasonable eort is made to ensure that statements
in the schedule are accurate, the information contained herein
is subject to change or elimination without notice by the
administration of the Southwestern Community College District.
Students should consult the appropriate campus, campus/district
website or department for current information, as well as for any
special rules or requirements imposed.
Campus Student ID Cards
As a result of the campus closure due to health concerns
surrounding Covid-19, the Oce of Student Activities will not be
issuing student ID cards for summer 2021. This also applies for all
Higher Education Centers and Continuing Education.
If you require a student ID card for a specic and veriable reason,
please follow the instructions listed at https://www.swccd.edu/
These requests will be reviewed and cards will be issued on a
case-by-case basis. We thank you for your understanding, and
if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the
Oce of Student Activities at (619) 421-6700, ext. 5433.
Registration Information
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
CAREER AND JOB SKILLS | Noncredit Classes
Career and Job Skills
Noncredit Class Offerings
Earn Career Education
Certicates in Specic Industries
The FREE Drive-Up Wi Zone is available for students who do not
have access to the internet and is located right by the College Police
Building (Parking Lot D). A Southwestern College ID on the student’s
car dashboard is needed for verication OR a printed copy of the
student’s registration statement or class schedule.
For more information visit: www.swccd.edu/administration/
Did you know Southwestern College
has a FREE Drive-Up Wi Zone?
Family Childcare Business IV
Provides information and practice in helping children express
feelings of loss, separation, and anxiety. Examines community
resources for families and children in crisis as specic resources
for providers for program improvement (toy and material lending,
provider support groups, eld trips, and free/low cost materials).
Instructor: M. Galindo, 12 hours.
NC 1057-581 Jul. 12–15 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
Family Childcare Business V
Examines the concept of developmentally appropriate
practices as applied to the home learning environment.
Analyzes the basic “whole child” approach to developing a
curriculum for young children. Explores the role of a caregiver
in providing an inclusive and multicultural environment
rich in diversity and acceptance of the individual.
Instructor: M. Galindo, 12 hours.
NC 1058-581 Jul. 19–22 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
Success in Nursing
Designed to assist enrolled nursing students to be successful in the
VN and ADN programs. Included are test-taking strategies as well
as basic mathematics, reading comprehension, time management,
communication, and critical thinking as they apply to the nursing
Instructor: M. Livingston, 24 hours.
NC 1033-531 Jun. 14–Aug. 2 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
Family Childcare Business I
Examines the process of setting up an in-home childcare business.
Introduces analysis and implementation of a business plan
including enrollment of children, contracts, bookkeeping, and legal
considerations. Explores creative ways to use available space and
materials for a developmentally appropriate environment.
Instructor: E. Marquez, 12 hours.
NC 1054-581 Jun. 14–17 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
Family Childcare Business II
Identies caregivers’ responsibilities regarding health, safety,
and nutritional needs of children. Focuses on providing a safe
environment for children and procedures for dealing with illness,
medications, and reporting suspected child abuse or neglect.
Instructor: E. Marquez, 12 hours.
NC 1055-581 Jun. 21–24 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
Family Childcare Business III
Examines major theories in child development with an emphasis
on practical application for the family child care provider.
Explores guidance techniques using negotiation, problem solving
techniques, and positive reinforcement.
Instructor: E. Marquez, 12 hours.
NC 1056-581 Jun. 28–Jul 1 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Noncredit Classes | CAREER AND JOB SKILLS
Earn Health and Safety Certications
that Employers Require
For information on CPR classes listed below, please contact
Locations: HECNC – Higher Education Center-National City, 880 National City Blvd., National City, 91950
Tax Preparation/Income Tax Course I
Introduces Part I of a 60 hour program that teaches students how
to prepare their own state and federal income tax returns and
introduces them to the career eld of a registered tax preparer in
the State of California. Successful completion of Part I and Part II
enables a student to receive a Certicate of Completion. Required
textbooks: available at the Bookstore, to be purchased by the
rst day of class.
Instructor: D. Yager, 30 hours.
NC 113-60 MW Jun. 14–Jul. 7 5:30–9:35 p.m. No Fee
No Class: 7/5
Type of class: REMOTE
Basic First Aid and Adult CPR
(Blended Learning Format)
Designed to prepare individuals to recognize and treat injuries and
sudden illnesses. Meets the requirements for basic rst aid and
adult CPR in the workplace, 8 hours (5 hours LEC**, 3 hours LAB)
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 40-70 LAB Sat Jun. 19 8:30–11:20 a.m. No Fee
NC 40-70A LAB Sat Jun. 19 12:30–3:20 p.m. No Fee
Instructor: B. Burdick
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 40-71 LAB Sat Jul. 24 8:30–11:20 a.m. No Fee
NC 40-71A LAB Sat Jul. 24 12:30–3:20 p.m. No Fee
Instructor: D. Hawley
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 40-E1 LAB Th Jun. 17 8–10:50 a.m. No Fee
NC 40-E2 LAB Th Jun. 17 12–2:50 p.m. No Fee
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 40-E3 LAB Th Jul. 15 8–10:50 a.m. No Fee
NC 40-E4 LAB Th Jul. 15 12–2:50 p.m. No Fee
Instructor: D. Hawley
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
Required Online Part 1: Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED (2015)
(Available online at **https://shopcpr.heart.org/heartsaver-rst-
aid-cpr-aed-online for $30). American Heart Association (AHA)
course completion certicate is $30. Students must provide online
course completion certicates to instructor on skills day (LAB). As
per the new AHA guidelines all cards will be submitted in electronic
format, students must provide an accurate email address to obtain
course completion certications.
Tax Preparation/Income Tax Course II
Introduces Part II of a comprehensive 60 hour program that covers
everything students need to know to prepare correct tax returns.
Emphasizes how a student will learn a marketable skill that will
enable him/her to prepare taxes for other people and earn extra
income. Successful completion enables the student to receive a
Certicate of Completion that will make them eligible to become
a registered tax preparer in the State of California. Required
textbooks: available at the Bookstore, to be purchased by the
rst day of class.
Instructor: D. Yager, 30 hours.
NC 114-60 MW Jul. 12–Aug. 2 5:30–9:35 p.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Complete both NC 113 and NC 114 and receive a
Certicate of Completion—60 hours total.
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
CAREER AND JOB SKILLS | Noncredit Classes
Southwestern College CONNECTS is our Technology Loaner Program for students who do not have access
to technology at home and are in need of a loaner computer or other technology to participate in credit
or noncredit courses. Visit the SWC Cares page and complete the CONNECTS Technology Loan Request
form. Your current enrollment status will be checked and you will be contacted via your Southwestern
College email address with information on the date/time of the next distribution day.
Did you know Southwestern
College offers a technology
loaner program?
Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructor
(Blended Learning Format)
Designed to advance the Basic Life Support (BLS) provider to
the position of instructor. Teaches the instructor candidate the
components and delivery of cognitive and psychomotor skills
training used for BLS training.
Instructor: B Burdick, 16 hours (12 hours LEC**, 4 hours LAB)
Students must be approved by AHA Training Center via email at
[email protected] at least 2 weeks prior to online registration.
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 1039-70 LAB Sun Jun. 27 8:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. No Fee
NC 1039-71 LAB Sun Jun. 27 1:30–5:20 p.m. No Fee
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
CPR for the Healthcare Provider
(Blended Learning Format)
Provides the professional rescuer with the knowledge and skills
to provide Basic Life Support (BLS) to a victim in an emergency.
Necessary for anyone wishing to become a BLS instructor. Follows
the guidelines of both the American Red Cross and the American
Heart Association. 8-9 hours. (4 hours LEC**, 5 or 4 hours LAB)
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 1007-70 LAB Sat Jun. 12 8:30 a.m.–1:20 p.m. No Fee
NC 1007-70A LAB Sat Jun. 12 2–6:50 p.m. No Fee
Instructor: D. Hawley
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 1007-71 LAB Sat Jul. 17 8:30 a.m.–1:20 p.m. No Fee
NC 1007-71A LAB Sat Jul. 17 2–6:50 p.m. No Fee
Instructor: M. Smith
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 1007-72 LAB T Jun. 8 8–11:50 a.m. No Fee
NC 1007-72A LAB T Jun. 8 12:50–4:40 p.m. No Fee
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 1007-73 LAB F Jul. 9 8–11:50 a.m. No Fee
NC 1007-73A LAB F Jul. 9 12:50–4:40 p.m. No Fee
Instructor: Wm. D. Price
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
Components include one-and two-rescuer CPR and foreign
body airway obstruction (FBAO) in adults, children, and
infants. Bag-valve-mask (BVM) and Automated External
Debrillation (AED) also included. Successful completion
of a written test is required to receive course completion
certicate. Required Online Part 1: BLS HeartCode,
(available at **https://shopcpr.heart.org/heartcode-
bls for $28.50). American Heart Association (AHA) course
completion certicate is $30. Students must provide online
course completion certicates to instructor on skills day
(LAB). As per the new AHA guidelines all cards will be
submitted in electronic format, students must provide
an accurate email address to obtain course completion
certications. Follows the guidelines of the AHA.
First Aid for Public Safety Personnel––Title 22
(Blended Learning Format)
Contains rst aid skills for public safety personnel as a rst
responder to provide initial care regardless of the emergency.
Course is divided into four units: rst responder assessment,
specic injuries, muscle and bone injuries, and medical
emergencies. Meets the skill and knowledge requirements of Title
22 of the California Code. . As per the new AHA guidelines all cards
will be submitted in electronic format, students must provide an
accurate email address to obtain course completion certications.
Instructor: Wm. D. Price, 16 hours (12 hours LEC**, 4 hours
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 15-70 LAB Th June 10 5:30 p.m.–9:20 p.m. No Fee
NC 15-71 LAB F June 11 5:30 p.m.–9:20 p.m. No Fee
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Noncredit Classes | CAREER AND JOB SKILLS
Pediatric Safety and CPR
(Blended Learning Format)
Provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to
prevent, recognize, and provide basic care for respiratory, cardiac,
and rst aid emergencies in children and infants. Follows the
American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) and updated
2015 First Aid guidelines.
Instructor: J. Araiza, 8 hours (4 hours LEC**, 4 hours LAB)
**LEC to be completed via Canvas/AHA prior to the
scheduled LAB portion**
NC 1022-70 LAB Sat Jul. 10 8:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. No Fee
NC 1022-71 LAB Sat Jul. 10 1:30–5:20 p.m. No Fee
Type of class/Location: REMOTE/HECNC
Required Online Part 1: Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid
CPR AED (2015) (Available online at **https://shopcpr.heart.
org/heartsaver-pediatric-rst-aid-cpr-aed-online for $20).
Successful completion of online training with written tests
and psychomotor in-person test is required to receive course
completion certicate. Students must provide online course
completion certicates to instructor on skills day (LAB). American
Heart Association (AHA) course completion certicate is $30. As
per the new AHA guidelines all cards will be submitted in electronic
format, students must provide an accurate email address to obtain
course completion certications.
Explore Job Training
Opportunities for Those
with Disabilities
Independence, Social, and Study Strategies
Addresses the needs of college students with autism. Assists
students in developing skills and knowledge necessary to reach
their educational objectives. Emphasizes time management
strategies, information on campus resources, stress management
techniques, study skills, and eective communication strategies.
Instructor: V. Corona, 32 hours.
NC 105-01 MW Jun. 7–Aug. 2 10–11:50 a.m. No Fee
No Class: 7/5
Type of class: REMOTE
Developing High
Performance Charts in
Microsoft Excel
Introduction to Microsoft
Introduction to Computers
Pandemic-displaced workers, gain the
skills, nd thriving jobs and salary growth.
Southwestern College can help you nd and
be prepared for a pandemic-resilient career.
Customer Service:
Mastering Communication
Customer Service: Making
Customer Service:
Decision Making and
Problem Solving
For more information, please visit www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Family Daycare Business I
Family Daycare Business II
Family Daycare Business III
Family Daycare Business IV
Family Daycare Business V
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Prepare for a New Career or
to Enter College
Complete all three of the classes below and
receive a Certicate of Series Completion
from Southwestern College.
Customer Service: Decision Making and
Problem Solving
Explores techniques for making business decisions and solving
problems. Introduces decision-making styles and when each style
might be applied. Reviews how to assess a situation, prioritize the
urgency of tasks, and select the steps for successful completion.
Instructor: S. Rosas, 6 hours.
NC 1070-E2 T Jun. 15 & 22 6–8:50 p.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Customer Service: Managing Change
Explores our natural tendencies and the tendencies of our
customers to resist change in the workplace. Introduces techniques
for handling change and how to introduce change to our customers.
Provides practice of change management techniques.
Instructor: S. Rosas, 6 hours.
NC 1069-E2 T Jul. 27 & Aug 3 6–8:50 p.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Customer Service: Mastering Communication
Introduces eective and positive communication that is key to
customer service success. Focuses on the communication process
including common barriers to eective communication. Covers
verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as listening skills.
Explores and provides opportunity to practice the techniques of
eective communication.
Instructor: S. Rosas, 6 hours.
NC 1003-E2 T Jul. 13 & 20 6–8:50 p.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Connect with Others &
Learn the English Language:
Language (ESL)
Students who have completed
NC 108, NC 109 and NC 110
will receive a Certicate of Completion from
Southwestern College.
Basic ESL I
Exposes English language learners to the rst of three instructional
levels of ESL for academic and everyday purposes. Introduces
activities at a novice-low level which encourage independent
learning. Promotes control over students’ ability to learn and
engage in goal-directed behaviors. Increases English language
grammar, reading, listening, conversation, and writing competence.
Instructor: Y. Simpson, 32 hours.
NC 108-01 MTWTh Jun. 7–24 8:30–10:50 a.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Basic ESL II
Exposes English learners to the second of three instructional levels
of ESL for academic and everyday purposes. Continues activities
at a novice-mid level which encourage independent learning.
Promotes control over students’ ability to learn and engage in goal-
directed behaviors. Increases English language grammar, reading,
listening, conversation, and writing competences.
Instructor: M. Alca, 32 hours.
NC 109-01 MTWTh Jun. 28–Jul. 15 8–10:35 a.m. No Fee
No Class: 7/5
Type of class: REMOTE
Exposes English language learners to the third of three instructional
levels of ESL for academic and everyday purposes. Continues
activities at a novice-high level which encourage independent
learning. Promotes control over students’ ability to learn and
engage in goal-directed behaviors. Increases English language
grammar, reading, listening, conversation, and writing.
Instructor: O. Sukhanova, 32 hours.
NC 110-02 MTWTh Jul. 19–Aug. 5 8:30–10:50 a.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
College and Career Readiness
Possible jobs you may
qualify for with a
Customer Service Certicate
Customer Service
Average hourly earnings
$18.72 and $30.49 hourly
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Refresh Your Math Skills
Algebra Review for Test Prep and Course
Provides an individualized program of instruction to review
various topics in Algebra. Consists of adaptive computer assisted
instruction to identify student level of knowledge and refresh those
concepts identied as needed for each student. Serves students
who need just-in-time course support, and/or students who need
to prepare for the SWC Math placement test.
Instructor: K. Clie, 9 hours.
NC 146-01 TWTh Jul.13–29 3–3:50 p.m No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Trigonometry Refresher
Provides a review to students who wish to refresh their trigonometry
skills. Includes topics such as trigonometric functions; radian
measure of angles; graphs of sine, cosine, and tangent;
trigonometric equations and inverse trigonometric equations; and
law of sines and cosines. Consists of personalized computer-
assisted instruction to refresh those concepts identied as needed
for each student.
Instructor: Y. Francis, 9 hours.
NC 1104-501 Jul.13–29 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
Develop Your Computers
Skills to Begin or
Advance Your Career
Developing High-Performance Charts in
Microsoft Excel
Reviews the basics of spreadsheet use: structure, data entry,
formulas, and functions. Focuses on how to convert your data into
meaningful and high-impact charts.
Instructor: N. Bartels, 12 hours.
NC 24-501 Jul. 13–29 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
NC 24-581 Jul. 13–29 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
Introduction to Computers
Covers basic computer skills such as proper start-up and shutdown
procedures; use of mouse and keyboard commands; basic le
management; creating, saving, and printing a document using
word-processing software; e-mails; and basic Internet searches.
Instructor: N. Bartels, 6 hours.
NC 1051-581 Jun. 8–15 No Fee
Type of class: ONLINE
Introduction to Microsoft Word
Provides students with the basic skills that are
necessary to create, edit, enhance, and save
standard documents using Microsoft Word.
Instructor: N. Bartels, 12 hours.
NC 198-581 Jun. 17–Jul. 6 No Fee
No Class: 7/5
Type of class: ONLINE
Let us partner with your company in
your employees and sustainable
Customer Service
English for the Workplace
Diversity Management
Personally meet with leadership to discuss training needs
Bring training to your location and at your convenience
Contact Continuing Education at (619) 482-6376 or email
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
LIFE-LONG LEARNING | Noncredit Classes
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Strengthen Families and
Parenting Skills
Childbirth Education for Expectant Parents
Prepares expectant parents for a positive childbirth experience.
Instructs students on diverse methods of prepared childbirth,
as well as demonstration and practice of essential and helpful
exercises. Encourages childbirth partners/coaches, who are an
integral part of the process, to attend and participate.
Instructor: R. Joselevitz, 20 hours.
NC 6-60 TTh Jul. 13–Aug. 5 7–9:15 p.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Please be sure to have a mat and two pillows for class. You are
encouraged to have a partner–partners must also register for
this class.
Recommended for students who are close to their due date.
Enrich Lives of Older Adults
Art Therapy
Focuses on the use of art as a creative expression and a therapeutic
process. Utilizes a variety of art media to promote self-expression,
to develop coping skills, and to mediate emotional and physical
challenges and limitations. Designed for older adults, this course
is also appropriate for anyone who wants to enhance the quality
of their life.
Instructor: A. Bejarano, 12 hours.
NC 1053-681 F Jun. 11–Jul. 16 11:15–11:50 a.m. No Fee
NC 1053-682 W Jun. 23–Jul. 28 12:15–12:50 a.m. No Fee
Type of class: HYBRID
Concert Choir
Provides a choral ensemble for older adult music students with
aural and score analysis of choral literature from traditional classics
to the present. Emphasizes historical context, performance
practice, style, and interpretation at the beginning level. Public
performance required.
Instructor: T. Russell, 72 hours.
NC 80-60 T Jun. 8–Jul. 27 7–9:50 p.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Gospel Choir I
Underlines and denes the Spirituals and Black Gospel with
aural and historical analysis. Emphasizes and practices vocal
and performing techniques, interpretive skills, and performance
practice. Requires public performance.
Instructor: P. Lenud, 72 hours.
NC 3081-01 TTh Jun. 15–Aug. 3 1:20–5:50 p.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
Thrive with Fitness and
Body Dynamics and Aging Process
Provides instruction and conditioning for the maintenance of
physical well-being, particularly for older adults. Focuses on deep
breathing, circulation, exibility, stamina, body awareness, and
rhythmic movements. Incorporates adapted techniques suitable
for individuals of varied tness levels and physical ability.
Instructor: J. Acosta, 36 hours.
NC 34-E2 TTh Jun. 8–Aug. 3
11 a.m.–12:50 p.m.
No Fee
No Class: 6/24
Type of class: REMOTE
Tai Chi
Introduces the Chinese Tai Ji Quan (Tai Chi) traditional exercise
for body and mind. Emphasizes muscle tone, exibility, relaxation
and stress reduction, especially for older adults. Consists of slow
rhythmic movements and mediation techniques eective for
relaxation, decreasing high blood pressure, and promoting overall
wellness for all ages.
Instructor: J. Muren, 24 hours.
NC 32-E1 MTh Jun. 7–Jul. 29 2–3:20 p.m. No Fee
No Class: 7/5
Type of class: REMOTE
NC 32-E4 MTh Jun. 7–Aug. 2 8:30–9:45 a.m. No Fee
No Class: 7/5
Type of class: REMOTE
NC 32-01 TTh Jun. 8–Jul. 29 3:30–4:45 a.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
NC 32-E3 TS Jun. 8–Jul. 31 10:30–11:45 a.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
NC 32-E2 TS Jun. 8–Jul. 31 9–10:15 a.m. No Fee
Type of class: REMOTE
NC 32-80 MTh Jun. 14–Jul. 29
11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
No Fee
No Class: 7/5
Type of class: REMOTE
Life-long Learning
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Start a New Career
Child Visitation Monitor Training Course
Are you looking for a career opportunity in which you can work
within the community, gain valuable experience and make a
dierence in the lives of children and families? Consider becoming
a professional Child Visitation Monitor. A position that is always
in demand. The average starting rate for monitors is $45-$60 per
hour. The monitor’s responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-
being of the children involved. This comprehensive course satises
the State 24-hour training requirement. You will learn the California
State policies and procedures as well as your role as a monitor.
Upon completing the course, you will able to begin working as an
independent monitor which allows you to set your own schedule/
hours, select which families you want to work with and decide
what area you would like to work out of. You must be at least 21
years old and have a clean record to register for this course.
Instructor: Jazmin Mundo, 24 hours.
CS 326-50 W Jul. 7–21 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Fee: $295
Type of class: REMOTE
$60 materials fee paid at time of registration.
Make Extra Income as a Wholesale Auto
Dealer from Home
Come learn how to supplement your income by buying and selling
wholesale cars as a home-based business. You will learn how and
where to buy at wholesale price and eight selling techniques that
create prot and cash ow. Learn how to get your auto dealer
license in 15 days. Find out how and where to buy below wholesale
prices and how to sell at retail prices. You will get a free list of 400+
dealer-only auctions in the USA where automobiles are sold below
wholesale. This class is DMV approved. You will receive a DMV
certicate of completion after you complete and pass the class
exam. Benets of a dealer license include dealer plates for vehicles
that can be used for business and pleasure, auto parts and service
at wholesale prices and sales tax exempt, ability to travel and do
business in every state, import and export opportunities, and tax
Instructor: Wayne Williams, 7 hours.
CS 257-60 MT Jun. 21–22 6–9:30 p.m. Fee: $85
Type of class: REMOTE
$25 materials fee paid at the time of
Voice-Overs…Now is Your Time!
In what could be one of the most enlightening 2 hours you’ve ever
spent, this class will show you how YOU could actually begin using
your speaking voice for commercials, lms, and videos! Most
people go about it the wrong way. In this class, you will learn about
a unique, outside-of-the-box way to cash in on one of the most
lucrative full or part-time careers out there! This is a business that
you can handle on your own terms, on your own turf, in your own
time, and with practically no overhead! And NOW is the best time
to make this happen as new companies are looking for new voices
like never before. This exciting and fun class could be the game
changer you’ve been looking for!
Instructor: Justine Reiss, 2 hours.
CS 148-60 Th Jun. 17 6:30–8:30 p.m. Fee: $45
Type of class: REMOTE
Work at Home as a Medical Transcriptionist
Demand for medical transcriptionists is soaring! Join a eld that
pays well and gives you the exibility of working at home, in a
medical oce, or in a hospital. Learn proven strategies for where
best to learn medical transcription, how to market your business,
grow a client base, equipment, software, transcription machines
and electronic transfers, working for a service and much more.
Instructor: Deborah Burns, 3 hours. Deborah Burns will share
her many years of experience as a business owner in this exciting
introduction to the eld of medical transcription.
CS 51-60 T Jun. 8 6–9 p.m. Fee: $30
Type of class: REMOTE
Learn Grow and Thrive with
Personal Development
Making the Most of Social Security
One of the most important decisions that you need to make
before you retire is when to take Social Security. Whether you are
single, married or divorced, there may be ways to maximize your
Social Security. It is important to have good understanding of the
inner workings of the Social Security to be able to maximize your
Instructor: Michael Dose, 2 hours.
CS 288-50 Sat Jul. 10 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Fee: $10
Type of class: REMOTE
CS 288-51 Sat Jul. 24 10 a.m.–12 p.m. Fee: $10
Type of class: REMOTE
Fee-Based/Community Service
Class Offerings
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Requirements: All courses require Internet access, e-mail,
Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. Some courses may have
additional requirements. Please visit the course details page
for more information.
You will be able to download a letter of completion at the end
of each course. These courses do not oer college credit.
Fees are nonrefundable two weeks after the class starts.
ed2go Via the Internet
ed2go Online Classes start: June 16 and July 14
For information about these online classes or to register, go to www.ed2go.com/swc
For a demonstration of an actual course, go to www.ed2go.com/demo/
Internet and Web Design
Fee: $135 per course
Cse. No. Title
ETG-101 Creating Web Pages $135
ETG-102 Introduction to ASP.NET $135
ETG-104 Introduction to CSS3 and HTML5 $135
ETG-106 Introduction to PHP and MySQL $135
ETG-107 Introduction to Java Programming $135
ETG-108 Intermediate CSS3 and HTML5 $135
ETG-109 Intermediate JAVA Programming $135
ETG-111 Achieving Top Search Engine Positions $135
ETG-112 Advanced Web Pages $135
ETG-114 Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners $135
ETG-116 Designing Effective Websites $135
ETG-117 Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2010 $135
ETG-120 Introduction to Crystal Reports $135
ETG-124 Creating Mobile Apps with HTML5 $135
ETG-125 Creating WordPress Websites $135
Fee: $130 per course
Cse. No. Title
ETG-200 Introduction to PC Troubleshooting $130
ETG-206 Advanced Microsoft Excel 2013 $130
ETG-209 Introduction to Microsoft Word 2010 $130
ETG-213 BasicCompTIAA+CerticationPrep $130
ETG-214 IntermediateCompTIAA+CerticationPrep $130
ETG-215 AdvancedCompTIAA+CerticationPrep $130
ETG-218 Keyboarding $130
ETG-219 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010 $130
ETG-222 Introduction to PC Security $130
ETG-223 Introduction to Microsoft Project 2010 $130
ETG-224 Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer $130
ETG-225 Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2010 $130
ETG-226 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 $130
ETG-228 Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010 $130
ETG-229 Intermediate Microsoft Access 2010 $130
ETG-231 Introduction to Illustrator CS6 $130
ETG-234 Introduction to Photoshop CS5 $130
ETG 235 Introduction to InDesign CS6 $130
ETG-236 Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer II $130
ETG-239 Intermediate Photoshop CS5 $130
ETG-241 Introduction to Database Development $130
ETG-242 Introduction to Networking $130
ETG-243 Intermediate Networking $130
ETG-244 Computer Skills for the Workplace $130
ETG-245 Intermediate Microsoft Word 2010 $130
ETG-246 Introduction to SQL $130
ETG-247 Intermediate SQL $130
ETG-248 Intermediate Oracle $130
ETG-249 Introduction to C++ Programming $130
ETG-253 Wireless Networking $130
Tech Prep and Special
Fee: $130 per course
*Unless otherwise noted with asterisk
Cse. No. Title
ETG-300 Write Fiction Like A Pro $130
ETG-301 The Craft of Magazine Writing $130
ETG 302 Beginning Writer’s Workshop $130
ETG-303 Writing Effective Grant Proposals $130
ETG-304 A to Z Grant Writing $130
ETG-305 Instant Italian $130
ETG-306 GRE Preparation–Part 1 (Verbal and Analytical) $130
ETG-307 GRE Preparation–Part 2 (Quantitative) $130
ETG-308 LSAT Preparation–Part 1 $130
ETG-309 LSAT Preparation–Part 2 $130
ETG-310 Grammar Refresher $130
ETG-311 Beginning Conversational French $130
ETG-312 Writerifc:CreativityTrainingforWriters $130
ETG-314 Speed Spanish $130
ETG-315 Grammar for ESL $130
ETG-316 MedicalTerminology:AWordAssociation $130
ETG-317 Introduction to Natural Health and Healing $130
ETG-318 GMAT Preparation $130
ETG-319 Discover Digital Photography $130
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
ETG-321 Genealogy Basics $130
ETG-322 Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay $130
ETG-323 Secrets of Better Photography $130
ETG-324 Conversational Japanese $130
ETG-325 Photographing People with your Digital Camera $130
ETG-326 Speed Spanish II $130
ETG-327 Writing Essentials $130
ETG-328 Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search $130
ETG-329 Where Does All My Money Go? $130
ETG-330 Get Assertive! $130
ETG-331 Explore a Career as an Administrative Medical $130
ETG-332 Leadership $130
ETG-333 Interpersonal Communication $130
ETG-334 Personal Finance $130
ETG-335 Explore a Career in Medical Coding $130
ETG-336 Human Anatomy and Physiology $130
ETG-337 Keys to Effective Communication $130
ETG-338 Become a Veterinary Assistant $130
ETG-339 BecomeaVeterinaryAssistantII:Canine $130
ETG-340 BecomeaVeterinaryAssistantIII:PracticalSkills *$115
ETG-341 Introduction to Digital Scrapbooking $130
ETG-342 AchievingSuccesswithDifcultPeople $130
ETG-344 Solving Classroom Discipline Problems $130
ETG-345 Stocks,Bonds,andInvesting:OhMy! $130
ETG-346 Introduction to Screenwriting $130
ETG-348 Fundamentals of Technical Writing $130
ETG-349 Keys to Effective Editing $130
ETG-351 Handling Medical Emergencies $130
ETG-352 Write Your Life Story $130
ETG-353 Helping Elderly Parents $130
ETG-354 Lose Weight and Keep It Off $130
ETG-355 Become a Physical Therapy Aide $130
ETG-356 Spanish for Medical Professionals $130
ETG-357 Understanding Adolescents $130
ETG-358 Spanish in the Classroom $130
ETG-359 Creating a Classroom Web Site $130
ETG-360 TeachingPreschool:AYearofInspiringLessons $130
ETG-361 The Creative Classroom $130
ETG-362 Teaching Smarter With SMART Boards $130
ETG-363 Ready, Set, Read! $130
ETG-364 Teaching Students with ADHD $130
ETG-365 GuidedReading&Writing:Strategies $130
for Maximum Student Achievement
ETG-366 Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom $130
ETG-367 GuidedReading:StrategiesfortheDifferentiated $130
ETG-368 Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities $130
ETG-369 TeachingStudentswithAutism:Strategiesfor $130
ETG-370 ResponsetoIntervention:ReadingStrategies $130
That Work
ETG-371 SingaporeMathStrategies:ModelDrawingfor $130
Grades 1-6
ETG-372 SingaporeMath:NumberSenseand $130
Computational Strategies
ETG-373 Writing for Children $130
ETG-374 SAT/ACT Preparation – Part 1 $130
ETG-375 SAT/ACT Preparation – Part 2 $130
ETG-376 Introduction to Stock Options $130
ETG-380 Introduction to Interior Design $130
ETG-381 Start Your Own Edible Garden $130
ETG-382 Resume Writing Workshop $130
ETG-383 Enhancing Language Development in Childhood $130
Small Business
Fee: $130 per course
Cse. No. Title
ETG-400 Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business $130
ETG-401 Marketing Your Business on the Internet $130
ETG-402 StartingaNonprot $130
ETG-403 MarketingYourNonprot $130
ETG-404 Creating a Successful Business Plan $130
ETG-405 Starting a Consulting Practice $130
ETG-406 Start Your Own Small Business $130
ETG-407 Introduction to Internet Writing Markets $130
Management and
Fee: $140 per course
Cse. No. Title
ETG-625 Introduction to QuickBooks 2014 $140
ETG-628 Purchasing Fundamentals $140
ETG 629 Project Management Fundamentals $140
ETG-630 Business Finance for Non-Finance Personnel $140
ETG-631 Administrative Assistant Fundamentals $140
ETG-632 Fundamentals of Supervision and Management $140
ETG-633 Effective Business Writing $140
ETG-634 Business and Marketing Writing $140
ETG-636 Accounting Fundamentals $140
ETG-637 Accounting Fundamentals II $140
ETG-639 Real Estate Investing $140
ETG-641 Building Teams That Work $140
ETG-643 Individual Excellence $140
ETG-646 Fundamentals of Supervision and Management II $140
ETG-647 Distribution and Logistics Management $140
ETG-649 IntroductiontoNonprotManagement $140
ETG-651 Understanding the Human Resources Function $140
ETG-652 Administrative Assistant Applications $140
ETG-653 Total Quality Fundamentals $140
ETG-654 Project Management Applications $140
For registration information, visit https://careertraining.ed2go.com/swc
Online Career
Training Programs
Facilitators and mentors are available to answer
questions and help you through your studies
Career Counselors will help you prepare for the
transition from the classroom to the workplace
Programs are available in the following
Business and Professional
Healthcare and Fitness
Management and Corporate
Media and Design
Hospitality and Gaming
Skilled Trades and Industrial
IT and Software Development
Courses are all open-enrollment and self paced
All materials, workbooks, and software and
Chartered Tax Professional for California
The California Chartered Tax Professional Online
a California Tax Preparer through the California Tax
Education Council (CTEC). The California Chartered
six modules in Federal income tax preparation, plus a
California supplement. After successfully completing
program is offered in partnership with major colleges,
universities, and other accredited education providers.
Payroll Practice and Management
If you want to become a payroll specialist or update
your skills, take the Payroll Practice and Management
Online Training Program. The program will provide the
training you need, and it will also help prepare you for
program is offered in partnership with major colleges,
universities, and other accredited education providers.
Digital Arts Certicate
The Digital Arts Online Training Program will help you
develop technical skills and creative artistry in digital
imaging, traditional drawing, and digital illustration.
You’ll learn professional applications for Adobe
Photoshop and Illustrator alongside traditional materials
like pencil and charcoal. Course projects include
retouching, compositing, digital illustration, and still life
with major colleges, universities, and offer accredited
education providers.
Payment plans
are available!
Prepare for employment in some of today’s hottest careers
with a comprehensive, affordable, and self paced online
Career Training Program. You can begin these Programs
at any time and learn at your own pace. Upon successful
completion of all required coursework, you will receive a
For registration information, please visit our website at https://careertraining.ed2go.com/swc
Biofuel Production Operations
400 hours | $2,595
The Biofuel Production Operations
Online Training Program will give you
the education as a biofuel production
operator, inspecting and repairing
equipment, operating computer systems,
and handling lab equipment.
200 hours | $3,495
This course provides you with the
comprehensive training necessary for
arbitration professional.
160 hours | $2,495
Professional Online Training Program
prepares you for the credential exam
management, global marketing, supply
60 hours | $1,595
Gain the skills you’ll need to make a
green impact on global sourcing, material
management, procurement and buying,
transportation and logistics, and new
product development.
16 hours | $795
Are you a facility manager, building
wants to improve the indoor air quality of
Air Quality Manager Program is just for
32 hours | $895
Program will help you take the next step
in your career to become an indoor air
quality or green building consultant.
To better understand how to create a
healthy home or building by preventing,
diagnosing, and resolving indoor
environmental problems.
1,000 hours | $5,498
From weddings to conventions, events
need a master planner to ensure all
aspects run smoothly. If you’re serious
about an event planning career, this
for success.
(Voucher Included)
190 hours | $1,995
This online course will help you master
the skills you need to work as a physical
therapy aide. Not only will you be
prepared for the AMCA’s Physical Therapy
an externship starter kit will also walk you
through everything you need to know to
land a PT aide externship.
340 hours | $1,595
This comprehensive program provides
all the knowledge you need to work as
a professional wedding planner or start
your wedding planning business.
Grant Writing
300 hours | $2,295
Learn to write grant proposals that get
funded in this nationally recognized Grant
Writing online training program.
210 hours | $1,695
Translate your knowledge into skills
by exploring key project management
topics in depth and prepare for the
Project Management Professional (PMP®)
150 hours | $1,295
In this intermediate/advanced level
program, you’ll translate your knowledge
into skills by exploring key project
management topics in depth.
300 hours | $2,295
Examine the fundamental principles of
of directors and the management team.
400 hours | $2,595
Learn the skills you need to start work as
Pharmacy Technician (Voucher
400 hours | $2,495
Pharmacy technicians have become
indispensable to the health care
industry, and it’s a great time to join this
technician classes you’ll gain the skills
and knowledge to qualify for entry-level
positions in pharmacies and be prepared
Power Plant Operations
400 hours | $2,595
Learn the skills you need to gain entry-
level employment as a power plant
100 hours | $1,195
This program is designed for those who
are new to project management and
Associate In Project Management
110 hours | $2495
Are you prepared for an exciting career
as a leader in the green-collar economy?
By completing this premier online
course, you’ll establish yourself as a
sustainable business professional.
210 hours | $1,695
This comprehensive project
management program is designed
to create skills for today’s project
practitioners and prepare them for either
250 hours | $1,995
This is a comprehensive project
management program is designed
to create skills for today’s project
practitioners and prepare them for either
Veterinary Assistant
225 hours | $1,995
Prepare for a new career as a Veterinary
Assistant as you learn how to care for
animals and assist the veterinarian during
Online Education programs designed to provide the workforce skills necessary to
enter a new eld or advance your current career. Featuring such classes as:
Online Career Training Programs
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
GENERAL INFORMATION | Summer 2021 | Continuing Education
Construction Industries, Electricians, HVAC, Iron Workers, Carpenters
and many more.
Every effort is made to verify the accuracy of the information provided in this
announcement. Information may change, or be eliminated without notice. The
San Diego Community College District is governed by its Board of Trustees.
No oral or written agreement is binding on the San Diego Community College
District without the express approval of the Board of Trustees. SDCE Public
Information Ofce (01/2021)
grade students: Learn something new or
rene your skills in College for Kids courses!
Take on S.T.E.A.M. in Sally Ride Science courses offered in
partnership with UCSD Extension!
High School students: Explore careers through
our Career Exploration events!
Instagram: @swc_yesacademy
Contact us: (619) 421-6700 ext. 5953
Summer 2021
Courses held remotely from
June 21–July 1, 2021 & July 6–15, 2021
Registration begins Wednesday, March 24, 2021
View our full schedule
online today at
www.swccd.edu/yes or
12-week program starting March 1 OR
June 1, 2021
Monday–Friday, 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
Receive $16.00 per hour for participating in
80 hand-on hours
Internships become OSHA 10, CPR,
Apprenticeship Readiness Certies
Gain essential skills needed for the
construction industry and building trades
Assistance available for thos in need
You must meet eligibility criteria to apply:
At least 18 years old
Eligibile to work in the United States
Application steps:
1. Schedule an eligibility and orientation
2. Complete application and enrollment
3. Commit to succeed!
Space is limited. First come, rst-
served based on eligibility
Contact Willie Lang, Program
Coordinator at (619) 784-6952
For registration information, please visit our website at www.swccd.edu/continuinged
Continuing Education | Summer 2021 | GENERAL INFORMATION
It’s Time to Explore Your NEXT STEPS and
Discover the Keys to Success
The type of information covered includes topics such as:
Exploring career options and choosing life/career goals
Identifying your current skill levels—know your starting place
Making the transition to college
Becoming aware of campus services and resources available
How to pay for college–maybe you are eligible for nancial assistance
Developing an educational plan–your road map to success
Are you taking a noncredit course, or maybe enrolled in one of the
certicate programs, and you’re wondering what other educational
opportunities you can take advantage of at Southwestern College?
Eligible, enrolled Noncredit students can attend an orientation and meet with
a counselor to explore education opportunities and services available through
Southwestern College.
For more information and to schedule your NEXT STEPS appointment, please contact the
Continuing Education ofce at 619-482-6376 or email [email protected]
This service is made available through Noncredit Student Success
To register, please visit www.RNFA.org
GENERAL INFORMATION | Summer 2021 | Continuing Education
Presented by: The National Institute of First
Assisting, Inc. (NIFA) in partnership with the
Southwestern College in San Diego California.
National Standards: Registered Nurse First
Assistant (RNFA) program meets all national
AORN Standards for RN First Assistant Education
Programs (December 2013 Association of
periOperative Registered Nurses) and has been
accepted by the Competency Credentialing
Institute (CCI) since 1998. RNFA curriculum is
recognized by all 50 state nursing boards.
Nurse First
RNs: Registered Nurses who qualify for the program
must be CNO or CNOR-eligible and must:
Have a current unrestricted RN license.
Be currently working full-time or part-time in
perioperative nursing in the area of nursing
education, administration, research or clinical
Have completed a minimum of 2 years and 2,400
hours of experience in perioperative nursing,
with a minimum of 50% (1,200 hours) in the
intraoperative setting.
RNs must submit proof of CNOR certication prior
to graduating from the program.
APRNs: Board-certied or board eligible Advance
Practice Registered Nurses qualify for the program
and the CNOR experience clause is waived. APRN’s
must submit proof of national certication prior to
graduating from the program.
Area of study: Operating room nursing skills and
knowledge and Registered Nurse First Assistant scope
of practice, surgical skills and the perioperative care of
patients to achieve optimal outcomes.
Contact NIFA at 1-800-922-7747
Mon.–Thurs. 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m., Fri. 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m. | Visit www.RNFA.org or email: info@NIFA.com
Jennifer Curran RN, CNOR, CRNFA Dean Parsons RN, CNOR, RNFA
2 For registration information, call Continuing Education at 619-482-6376
GENERAL INFORMATION | Summer 2020 | Continuing Education