2024 - 2025
111 South Street
New Providence, NJ 07974
(908) 464-8156
”We, the family of Our Lady of Peace, are God in the
faithful, transformed into the faithful of God,
to bring the heavens to the earth,
to elevate the earth to the Heavens!”
At Baptism, parents accept the responsibility of training their children in the
practice of the faith, teaching them to keep God’s commandments as taught
by Jesus and to love God and their neighbor.
A child’s remote preparation for these sacraments begins by observing his
or her parents’ or guardians’ behavior and priorities, and by coming to Sunday
Mass and experiencing time for prayer and growing in relationship with God.
Children learn by observing how the significant adult in their life responds to
their own Baptismal call. No classroom textbook can provide this.
All families and students registered in the Family Faith Formation of Our Lady
of Peace are responsible for knowing and following the policies and procedures
as outlined in this handbook.
For Every Family
Tuition Schedule
Registration ending on June 30, 2024
Tuition from July 1, 2024, to October 15, 2024
Allergies and Epi-Pen Policies
Archdiocese Epi-Pen Policy
Attendance and Family Participation
Attendance for CYO Program
Cell phones and Electronic Devices
Emergency Closings
Our religious education program doesn't go by the age of the child but
instead by where they are in their faith formation. Our program is a family
catechesis-based program,
Family Faith Formation, in which both the child
and the parents walk and grow in faith together
. It consists of both at-home
and in-parish sessions.
Besides the overall catechetical grade appropriate faith formation curriculum,
there are some benchmark prayers and/or core teachings of the church that
are required to be known by each student at each different grade level. They
First Grade
Sign of the Cross
Hail Mary
Prayer Before Meals
Bedtime Prayer
Second Grade
Our Father
Act of Contrition
Third Grade
Glory Be
Apostle’s Creed
Fourth Grade
The Nicene Creed
The Beatitudes
The Works of Mercy
Fifth Grade
Holy Days of Obligation
The Ten Commandments
Fatima Prayer
Sixth Grade
The Names of the
Pray the Rosary
Seventh Grade
The Stations of the Cross
Hail Holy Queen
Eighth Grade
The Seven Gifts of the
Holy Spirit
The Fruits of the Holy
Families are expected to:
Make weekly attendance at Mass
with their children a priority. Mass
is the highest form of worship and
is central to who we are as
Catholic Christians.
Participate in the Family Faith
Formation sessions to better
prepare and therefore provide
each child with a well-rounded
foundation in the faith.
Commit to attend all sessions
September through April.
Sign their family in at the beginning of each session. Catechist will also
take attendance in the classroom after the family portion.
Commit to volunteer service to our program. See the registration form
for options. Volunteer for hall monitor duty at least once per year.
Be registered members of our parish community.
NEW THIS YEAR: You will need to provide your parishioner number at
the time of registration. (This is your giving number which can be
found under your profile in the database.)
Support the parish financially as able with weekly envelopes or online
Work on the Family Faith Formation at-home portion of the program.
This will be explained in full detail during an orientation meeting.
Frequently asked questions
How is the Program run: Sessions are once to twice a month. Parents
and children gather at OLP Gym to learn about the topic of the Faith.
During the other weeks of the month, the catechetical office will offer
content for parents and children to use at home.
How many sessions and how are they split: There are a total of 23
sessions a year with an average of one session at home and two in-parish
sessions per month.
In-Parish Sessions: Sessions are held in the gym and start and end with
parent and child joined activities. In the middle of the session parents
remain in the gym for an adult level session, while children go to
classrooms for a session (on the theme) with the catechists.
Parent volunteer program: Each parent must volunteer at least five hours
service for the in-parish events. We ask that families volunteer for hall
monitor duty at least twice per year. Some additional volunteer
opportunities are needed, but not limited to co-catechists, substitute
catechists, hall monitor, hospitality, donate refreshments, or even
teaching a class itself.
Dates of Meetings: Families will be provided with a calendar of events.
All communication from the Catechetical Office is sent via email beginning in
August. Please add ca[email protected] into your contacts. Please, inform us
immediately if you realize you are not receiving email communications, or if
your email address changes.
The online registration process begins in the spring of each year.
For New Parishioners of OLP - Welcome!
For All:
In the event that you have not registered as parishioners of Our Lady of
Peace, please register before registering for Religious Education as you will
need your giving number.
At the time of registration, you will be asked to submit your parishioner
number. This number is your envelope number or giving number.
If you have questions about our program, contact the Parish Catechetical
Office before submitting your registration and non-refundable tuition
If you are transferring, submit a letter, report card, or attendance record
from your previous Religious Education Program or Catholic school
indicating program participation and level completed.
Submit copies of sacrament certificates: Baptism, First Reconciliation and
First Eucharist for whichever sacrament your child has received.
Required volunteer service from each family helps to minimize the cost of
the Religious Education Program. If you choose not to volunteer, you may
opt out by paying an additional fee of $200.
For children or siblings new to the program, submit a baptismal certificate
unless baptized at OLP.
Tuition defrays the cost of the Religious Education Program. The remaining
costs are funded by the parish. Therefore, all families must be registered
parishioners of Our Lady of Peace and support the parish to the best of their
ability through weekly offerings with the use of envelopes at Mass or on-line
giving. Never allow financial concerns to prevent you from registering for
religious education. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, contact our
Tuition schedule
To be able to plan and order books and materials for the new year, the regular
registration period will end June 30, 2024.
A late registration fee will be added to all those registering after July 1, 2024,
and beyond.
Please understand that registration will close October 15, 2024.
Registration (Ending on June 30, 2024)
Grades 1 8
One Child
Two Children
Three or more
Tuition With $200 Opt-Out Fee
Tuition starting on July 1, 2024 to October 15, 2024.
Grades 1 8
One Child
Two Children
Three or more
Tuition With $150 Opt-Out Fee
Sacramental Fees
There are additional fees to support the 2-year sacramental programs.
Please see page 10.
The following resources are supplied by the catechetical office.
Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries, Pathways Formation Suite.
Sacrament preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, uses
Pflaum Together in Jesus.
Sacrament preparation for Confirmation uses activities and lessons
provided by the catechetical program.
Students are presented with a Bible during their First Reconciliation and First
Communion sacrament preparation year. The Bible is to be used by the child
and their family throughout their religious education years. As the child gets
older, each family must acquire an age-appropriate bible. All children must
have a bible.
Our Lady of Peace has a social media account that is run by the parish. This
is a space where we share photos and videos of our activities, functions,
messages from the pastor, and sacraments. Parents must sign an
acknowledgment during registration indicating they have read and agree to
the policies expressed in the handbook. Participation in parish activities will
not be permitted without a signed acknowledgement.
Our parish will, at different times, post our bulletins, website and social media
pictures of the catechetical program, teachers, and students. These pictures
will only be used on our social media platforms and bulletins. In the event
that a parent wishes for their child not to be shown, please send an email to
the catechetical office asking to not be used. But please be aware that for
those children not participating in these pictures, they will be asked to step
aside while the pictures are being taken.
Allergies/Epi-Pen Policy
Our parish hall and gym host many parish-wide events and we are unable to
guarantee the safety of children with life-threatening food allergies. Therefore,
parents of children requiring an Epi-Pen should read and consent to the
Archdiocesan Epi-Pen Policy as provided by the Parish Catechetical Office.
Archdiocesan Epi-Pen Policy
Pursuant to the Archdiocese of Newark’s policy regarding the administration of
epinephrine by means of an auto-injector mechanism (Epi-Pen Policy), the
parent or guardian of children participating in the Family Faith Formation
Program is responsible for providing and administering an Epi-Pen in an
emergency situation.
If a child requires an Epi-Pen, parents are required to let the catechetical staff
know so the proper forms can be completed and returned to the Catechetical
Office. All forms must be on file prior to their child’s participation in the Family
Faith Formation program.
1. Complete the Epinephrine Administration Consent Form, Option C,
Administration by Parent/Guardian of the child
2. Epinephrine Administration Physician Form
3. FARE - Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan
Attendance and Family Participation
At orientation, each family will be given a Faith and Family Formation parent
book which must be brought to each session. Faithful attendance is expected
September through May. If a family is absent more than four (4) times in a
year, the child’s ability to move on to the next grade for the following year is
put into jeopardy. If a child is absent more than three (3) times, the Parish
Catechetical Leader will check in with parents. A parent will sign in for their
family at the beginning of each session. Attendance will also be taken by each
catechist in the classrooms. At least one parent must be present in the gym
during the entire session. NOTE: We will not be accepting waivers this year as
parents are to be taking part in the sessions
Attendance for CYO Program
Faithful attendance in our Religious Education Program is expected from
September through May.
If a family is absent three times, the child’s ability to participate in CYO is
in jeopardy.
If the absences reach fine (5) sessions, the child will no longer be able to
participate in CYO during the present year.
If seven (7) or more absences happen in a given year, the child will not be
able to participate in CYO for the following year.
Appropriate behavior and common courtesy are presumed and expected from
our families. We encourage families to work in a cooperative and respectful
manner in the shared space. If a warning to the child about behavior does not
work, a parent must sit in on the next lesson. If the inappropriate behavior
continues, the parent must remain in the classroom, or the child may have to
be removed from the program.
Cell Phones and Electronic Items
The use of electronic devices and cell phones (including text messaging, photo
taking and video recording) are not permitted during sessions. Please silence
your devices and put them completely away. Catechists may choose to keep
the phones in a designated area in the classroom. For the students that do not
put the phone away or choose to use them during the session, the phone will
be put in a basket and given back at the end of the session.
Emergency Closings
In the case of cancellation, we notify parents by email. You may call the Parish
Catechetical Office at (908)464-8156 to listen to the message to hear about
cancellations. In addition, check the parish website,, for
Never allow children to run or play in the parking lot.
For the safety of our children, everyone must enter and exit the building
through the Parish Hall doors only.
Families and volunteers (students and adults) are required to sign in upon
entering the building using the Parish Hall entrance.
There will be no waivers this year. All parents must sign their family in.
No one should open any outside doors of the building except for
Always observe the 10 mph speed limit in the parking lot.
Consistent with Archdiocesan policy and local legal code, the Parish
Catechetical Office staff and volunteers have a moral and legal obligation to
report all suspected child abuse to authorities to ensure the welfare of a child.
All staff, catechists, and monthly dedicated volunteers are required to:
Acknowledge receipt of and compliance with the Archdiocesan Policy
Regarding Conduct with Minors.
Provide satisfactory results of a criminal background check.
Participate in the “Protecting God’s Children” training program.
In an ongoing effort to assist in the monumental mission of protecting young
people, the Archdiocese of Newark has developed the Empowering God's
Children Program in which parents present a safety lesson to their children
that includes a grade-appropriate video component along with a hands-on
activity. The material is designed to better equip children to know their rights,
recognize their boundaries, and empower them to protect themselves when
safe adults are not immediately availableand ultimately be safer from people
who might want to harm them.
We are required by the Archdiocese of Newark to receive a response for each
student registered in our programs. Parents who complete the program will
sign the Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement or the Parent/Guardian Selection
if they choose not to participate.
” We, the family of Our Lady of Peace, are God in the
faithful, transformed into the faithful of God,
to bring the heavens to the earth,
to elevate the earth to the Heavens!”
Following our parish mission statement, sacrament preparation is designed to
help each child and their family to grow in relationship with Jesus, prepare
young learners' hearts and minds for the graces received in the sacraments
and become actively involved in the life of the parish.
The sacrament policies of the Archdiocese of Newark state that:
Your family should be registered in the parish in which your child receives
the sacraments.
The immediate preparation period of catechesis for sacraments should be
parish-based; it should involve both Catholic school and public school
students in a coordinated and unified fashion.
Sacrament preparation takes place in conjunction with your child’s grade-
level faith formation in the parish Religious Education Program or Catholic
school. (See “Sacramental Preparation” section below for more details)
The Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation are
celebrations of the OLP parish community. Sacrament preparation is
coordinated and administered by the Catechetical Office in collaboration with
parents, catechists, the Academy of OLP teachers, and our Youth Ministry.
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Our First Reconciliation and First Eucharist program is a two-year program that
works hand in hand with our regular catechetical program.
A sacramental preparation fee of $150 will be due during Sacramental
Registration in the fall to defray the cost of materials and retreats. (This is
separate from the Family Faith Formation registration fees.)
A candidate must have experienced ongoing religious education in grades one
through eight either in a Catholic school or parish religious education program.
If formal religious education has lapsed, the student must demonstrate grade-
specific knowledge of the Catholic faith. Families new to the parish should
contact the Parish Catechetical Office.
In recognition of an adolescent’s faith maturity, the preparation for the
sacrament of Confirmation generally begins in eighth grade (Level I) and takes
place over two years, within the student’s community of peers, and is led by
Catechetical Office and our Youth Ministry staff. The Rite of Confirmation
typically takes place during the Easter Season of the second preparation year
(Level II).
Information regarding our two-year Confirmation program is given during a
meeting held in the fall prior to the start of Confirmation Level I.
A sacramental fee of $175 will be due when registering for Confirmation
Level I in early fall to defray the cost of materials and retreat.