Save time and register your beacon
online at
Official 406 MHz EPIRB Registration
See instructions and
additional information
on separate page
EPIRB Information (Enter either 15- OR 23-Hex ID)
-Hex Beacon ID
For manufacturer’s use only
(15-digit hexadecimal ID provided by the beacon manufacturer)
23-Hex Beacon ID
(23-digit hexadecimal ID provided by the beacon manufacturer)
Checksum (CHK)
Serial No. (S/N)
EPIRB Manufacturer
Purpose of EPIRB Registration
Replacement for previously registered beacon; enter old ID no. below:
Old 15-hex ID
Old 23-hex ID
Owner/Operator Information
(Owner, operator, agent, or company name)
Name _____________________________________________________
Telephone (include area code) Home/Work/Cell
Mailing Address ____________________________________________ _________________________________
__________________________________________________________ _________________________________
State/Province City _________________________ ______ _________________________________ __________
CountryZIP (Postal) Code ______________ ______________________ _________________________________
E-mail __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Vessel Information
EPIRB Deployment Type: Category I (automatic) Category II (manual) Not Known
USAGE: Private/Non-Commercial Commercial Government/Military Government/Non-Military
Fishing Tug Cargo Tanker Pleasure Craft
TYPE: Sail: # Masts ___ Other ______________________________
Life Boat Life Raft Other ________________________
Vessel ColorVessel Name _________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Capacity (# crew & passengers)Length Overall (ft) Federal/State Registration No. ___________________ __________ _______________
Simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) equipped? Life Raft # Survival Crafts: Life Boat ____ ____
Yes No Not Known
Radio Equipment (check all that apply): VHF MF HF SSB Other __________________________________________
Cellular Vessel Phone #s: Radio Call Sign ______________________________________ _______________________________________
INMARSATAIS MMSI #Vessel MMSI # ____________________ ____ _____________________________________ ________________
StateCityHome Port Marina/Dock______________________________________ _______________________________________
Additional Data (Float Plans, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Information (Please indicate someone other than the owner)
Name of Primary 24-Hour Emergency Contact:
Name of Alternate 24-Hour Emergency Contact:
_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Telephone (include area code)
Telephone (include area code)
If you have any questions about this form or beacon registration in general, please call 1.888.212.SAVE (7283) or 301.817.4515
OMB Auth.(0648-0295) Expires: 30SEP2025
For information on the U.S. Search & Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking system (SARSAT), please visit
Rev. 09/2022
Mail or fax this form to SARSAT Beacon Registration, NOAA, NSOF, E/SPO53, 1315 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910;
Fax No. 301.817.4565
Important NoticePlease Read Before Completing Your Registration
Registration is an important facet for all Cospas-Sarsat 406 MHz emergency beacons. Not only is it required by Federal Regulations,
but the information you furnish is used by Search and Rescue (SAR) agencies in the event of beacon activation. Registration
information is an important tool used to assist the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Air Force, and other SAR agencies in locating and quickly
responding to you, your vessel, or your aircraft. Failure to register your beacon or update your registration information may delay a
rescue response. Accurate, up-to-date registration information is used to conserve resources by helping to eliminate false alert
deployments, as an inadvertent activation can be resolved with a phone call when the beacon is properly registered. There is no
charge for beacon registration. This is a service provided by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
All online registrations are entered into the National 406 MHz Beacon Registration Database on the same day of entry. Registration
forms received via postal mail, email, or fax are entered into the database by NOAA staff within 2 business days of receipt.
A confirmation letter with your completed registration information is sent to you immediately via email and a hardcopy of the
confirmation letter is sent to you via postal mail (if you have not provided an email address, you will only receive this hardcopy).
A NOAA Registration Database decal will be included on your hardcopy confirmation letter along with instructions about its
application. Upon receipt of your registration confirmation, please review all information. If updates are necessary, you can make
them online or send them to us via email, fax, or postal mail. If you have NOT RECEIVED your registration confirmation within
2 weeks, please email or call us (contact information below).
Failure to register, re-register (as required every 2 years), or to notify NOAA of any changes to the status of your 406 MHz beacon
could result in penalties and/or fines being issued under Federal Law. More importantly, failure to maintain accurate and complete
information could result in a delayed response by rescue forces.
The owner or user of a beacon is required to notify NOAA immediately of any changes to the registration information at any time.
By submitting this registration, the owner, operator, or legally authorized agent declares under penalty of law that all information in
the registration information is true, accurate, and complete. Providing information that is knowingly false or inaccurate may be
punishable under Federal Statutes. Please note that NOAA will complement or update your registration information if your
registration is outdated and credible information is provided by other sources. NOAA will also seek information from other databases
to update and/or complement the existing information for an expired beacon registration. Although the information provided will
become a matter of public record, there is no intent to circulate it beyond its intended purposeto assist SAR agencies in carrying
out their mission. False alerts remain a chief concern for SAR agencies. Please carefully refer to the beacon’s user manual for
instructions on properly operating, installing, testing, maintaining, and storing your beacon. These are important factors in reducing
the number of false alerts. Please use the utmost care at all times!
Authority: The collection of this information is authorized under 5 U.S.C. § 301, Departmental regulations, which authorizes the
operations of an executive agency, including the creation, custodianship, maintenance, and distribution of records.
Purpose: U.S. beacon owners are required by Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 47 to register all U.S.-coded 406 MHz beacons
with NOAA before installation and/or use. Registration information allows for better SAR response in distress activations and more
efficient handling of false alerts.
Routine Uses: NOAA will use this information for responding to registrants' beacon distress calls. Sharing of this information for
work-related purposes within NOAA is permitted under the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. Section 552a). Disclosure of this
information is also subject to all of the published routine uses as identified in the Privacy Act System of Records Notice Commerce/
NOAA-20, SARSAT 406 MHz Emergency Beacon Registration Database.
Disclosure: All responses to this information collection are mandatory pursuant to Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
regulations in 47 CFR 80.1061, 87.199, and 95.2993. If not provided, response time may be significantly delayed and may divert
additional resources from other distress cases. A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond
to, nor shall a person be subject to, a penalty for failure to comply with an information collection subject to the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 unless the information collection has a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
Control Number. The approved OMB Control Number for this information collection is 0648-0295. Without this approval, NOAA
cannot conduct this information collection. Public reporting for this information collection is estimated to be approximately
15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining
the data needed, and completing and reviewing the information collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:
SARSAT Beacon Registration
1315 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
NOAA SARSAT Beacon Registration Database | [email protected]
Toll-Free: 1.888.212.7283 (SAVE) | Local: 301.817.4515 | Fax: 301.817.4565
Instructions for Completing NOAA’s Emergency Beacon Registration Form
Save time and register online
Enter the beacon’s 15- or 23-hex ID, noted as a Unique Identification Number (UIN) or Hex ID on the beacon and its manufacturer-provided label,
then complete the remainder of the form. The checksum (5-digit hex), serial no., and beacon model usually appear on the manufacturer-provided
label. Please hand-write all entries with care, or if possible, save time and register your beacon online at
Most beacon information can be found on the actual beacon, its manufacturer label, or its packaging
Beacon ID This number is ON the beacon and on the manufacturer-supplied label. It can be called a "UIN" or "Hex ID" or
"15 Hex ID" or "15-digit Hex ID" or 23-Hex ID. The beacon ID is 15 or 23 characters long, consisting of the letters A-F and
numbers 0-9.
Checksum (CHK) This is a 5-digit hexadecimal identifier (consisting of the letters A-F and numbers 0-9) that may be
provided on the manufacturer’s label and is used to validate the beacon ID
Serial Number (S/N) This variable-length number may be provided on the manufacturer’s label
Beacon model This may be provided on the manufacturer’s label and usually consists of letters and/or numbers
Beacon manufacturer name This may be provided on the manufacturer’s label
Checkbox Select New/Change of Ownership or Update/Renewal
Replacement for Previously Registered Beacon If you are registering a new beacon that is replacing one you have
registered, enter the old beacon’s ID in the appropriate 15- or 23-hex line
Owner name and mailing address You will receive a hardcopy of your registration and your beacon decal at this address
after initial registration and 2-year renewal
Owner phone number Enter phone number and check its type (home, work, or cell); at least one phone number must be
entered, and you can enter up to four
E-mail address You will receive registration renewal notices at this address
Usage Checkbox (All Beacon Types): Select private/non-commercial, commercial, government military, or government
ELT: Aircraft registration (tail) number; manufacturer, model, color, and seating capacity; radio and survival equipment;
principal airport (name/code, city, state); additional data is a section in which you can enter flight plan information or
other data that can aid SAR forces in the event of an activation
EPIRB & SSAS: Deployment type (check appropriate box); vessel type (check appropriate boxes or enter information if
“other”); vessel name and color; federal/state registration number; length, capacity; number of lifeboats and/or life rafts
(enter 0 if none); checkbox related to simplified voyage data recorder; radio equipment type; communications numbers
(call sign, vessel cellular, vessel MMSI #, AIS MMSI #, INMARSAT); home port (marina/dock name, city, state); additional
data is a section in which you can enter float plans or other data that can aid SAR forces in the event of an activation
PLB: Specific usage (hiking, hunting, fishing, other); land vehicle, boat, aircraft, none, or other as applicable; vessel radio
call sign, vessel MMSI #, AIS MMSI #, or aircraft tail # if applicable; additional data is a section in which you can enter the
following: hiking/road vehicle routes if using on land, along with names/locations of the areas you frequent. If using on a
boat, provide identifying information such as federal/state registration number, vessel name (e.g., boat name is SEA
HUNT), type (e.g., fishing boat, sailboat), colors, and length/capacity. If using on a boat or plane, provide home
port/principal airport names and locations float/flight plans.
MMSI Clarification: If your EPIRB or PLB is equipped with an Automatic Identification System (AIS) or has a
manufacturer-programmed Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) that is different from your vessel's MMSI, enter it in
the AIS MMSI # field. The AIS MMSI # field should start with digits 970, 972, or 974. For more information on MMSI, go to
Enter the name and phone number(s) for at least one (Primary) and up to two (Secondary) emergency contacts.
Do NOT repeat the Owner/Operator information in this section. SAR forces may reach out to your emergency
contacts when beacon activation occurs, so please provide information for individuals who usually know your
travel plans but do not accompany you.