Testing Mixed-Strategy Equilibria When Players Are
Heterogeneous: The Case of Penalty Kicks in Soccer
The concept of mixed strategy is a fundamen-
tal component of game theory, and its norma-
tive importance is undisputed. However, its
empirical relevance has sometimes been viewed
with skepticism. The main concern over the
practical usefulness of mixed strategies relates
to the "indifference" property of a mixed-
strategy equilibrium. In order to be willing to
play a mixed strategy, an agent must be indif-
ferent between each of the pure strategies that
are played with positive probability in the
mixed strategy, as well as any combination of
those strategies. Given that the agent is indif-
ferent across these many strategies, there is no
benefit to selecting precisely the strategy that
induces the opponent to be indifferent, as re-
quired for equilibrium. Why an agent would, in
the absence of communication between players,
choose exactly one particular randomization is
not clear.1
Of course, whether agents, in real life, actu-
ally play Nash equilibrium mixed strategies is
ultimately an empirical question. The evidence
to date on this issue is based almost exclusively
on laboratory experiments (e.g., Barry O'Neill,
1987; Amnon Rapoport and Richard B. Boebel,
1992; Dilip Mookherjee and Barry Sopher,
* Chiappori: Department of Economics, University of
Chicago, 1126 East 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637; Levitt:
Department of Economics, University of Chicago; Grose-
close: Graduate School of Business, Stanford University,
518 Memorial Way, Stanford, CA 94305. The paper was
presented at Games 2000 in Bilbao and at seminars in Paris
and Chicago. We thank D. Braun, J. M. Conterno, R.
Guesnerie, D. Heller, D. Mengual, P. Reny, B. Salani6, and
especially J. L. Ettori for comments and suggestions, and M.
Mazzocco and F. Bos for excellent research assistance. Any
errors are ours.
1 The theoretical arguments given in defense of the con-
cept of mixed-strategy equilibria relate either to purification
(John C. Harsanyi, 1973), or to the minimax property of the
equilibrium strategy in zero-sum games. For recent elabo-
rations on these ideas, see Authur J. Robson (1994) and Phil
Reny and Robson (2001).
1994; Jack Ochs, 1995; Kevin A. McCabe et al.,
2000). The results of these experiments are
mixed. O'Neill (1987) concludes that his exper-
imental evidence is consistent with Nash mixed
strategies, but that conclusion was contested by
James N. Brown and Robert W. Rosenthal
(1990). With the exception of McCabe et al.
(2000), which looks at a three-person game, the
other papers generally reject the Nash mixed-
strategy equilibrium.
While much has been learned in the labora-
tory, there are inherent limitations to such stud-
ies. It is sometimes argued that behavior in the
simplified, artificial setting of games played in
such experiments need not mimic real-life be-
havior. In addition, even if individuals behave
in ways that are inconsistent with optimizing
behavior in the lab, market forces may disci-
pline such behavior in the real world. Finally,
interpretation of experiments rely on the as-
sumption that the subjects are maximizing the
monetary outcome of the game, whereas there
may be other preferences at work among sub-
jects (e.g., attempting to avoid looking foolish)
that distort the results.2
Tests of mixed strategies in nonexperimental
data are quite scarce. In real life, the games
played are typically quite complex, with large
strategy spaces that are not fully specified ex
ante. In addition, preferences of the actors may
not be perfectly known. We are aware of only
one paper in a similar spirit to our own research.
Using data from classic tennis matches, Mark
Walker and John Wooders (2001) test whether
the probability the player who serves the ball
wins the point is equal for serves to the right and
2 The ultimatum game is one instance in which experi-
mental play of subjects diverges substantially from the
predicted Nash equilibrium. Robert Slonim and Alvin E.
Roth (1998) demonstrate that raising the monetary payoffs
to experiment participants induces behavior closer to that
predicted by theory, although some disparity persists.
left portion of the service box, as would be
predicted by theory. The results for tennis
serves is consistent with equilibrium play.3
In this paper, we study penalty kicks in soc-
cer. This application is a natural one for the
study of mixed strategies. First, the structure of
the game is that of "matching pennies," thus
there is a unique mixed-strategy equilibrium.
Two players (a kicker and a goalie) participate
in a zero-sum game with a well-identified strat-
egy space (the kicker's possible actions can be
reasonably summarized as kicking to either the
right, middle, or left side of the goal; the goalie
can either jump to the right or left, or remain in
the middle). Second, there is little ambiguity to
the preferences of the participants: the kicker
wants to maximize the probability of a score
and the goalie wants to minimize scoring. Third,
enormous amounts of money are at stake, both
for the franchises and the individual partici-
pants. Fourth, data are readily available and are
being continually generated. Finally, the partic-
ipants know a great deal about the past history
of behavior on the part of opponents, as this
information is routinely tracked by soccer clubs.
We approach the question as follows. We
begin by specifying a very general game in
which each player can take one of three possible
actions {left, middle, right}. We make mild
general assumptions on the structure of the pay-
off (i.e., scoring probabilities) matrix; e.g., we
suppose that scoring is more likely when the
goalie chooses the wrong side, or that right-
footed kickers are better when kicking to the
left.4 The model is tractable, yet rich enough to
generate complex and sometimes unexpected
predictions. The empirical testing of these pre-
dictions raises very interesting aggregation
problems. Strictly speaking, the payoff matrix is
match-specific (i.e., varies depending on the
identities of the goalie and the kicker). In our
3 Much less relevant to our research is the strand of
literature that builds and estimates game-theoretic models
that sometimes involve simultaneous-move games with
mixed-strategy equilibria such as Kenneth Hendricks and
Robert Porter (1988) and Timothy F. Bresnahan and Peter
C. Reiss (1990).
4 These general assumptions were suggested by common
sense and by our discussions with professional soccer play-
ers. They are testable and supported by the data.
data, however, we rarely observe multiple ob-
servations for a given pair of players.5 This
raises a standard aggregation problem. While
the theoretical predictions hold for any particu-
lar matrix, they may not be robust to aggrega-
tion; i.e., they may fail to hold on average for an
heterogeneous population of games. We inves-
tigate this issue with some care. We show that
several implications of the model are preserved
by aggregation, hence can be directly taken to
data. However, other basic predictions (e.g.,
equality of scoring probabilities across right,
left, and center) do not survive aggregation in
the presence of heterogeneity in the most gen-
eral case. We then proceed to introduce addi-
tional assumptions into the model that provide a
greater range of testable hypotheses. Again,
these additional assumptions, motivated by the
discussions with professional soccer players,
are testable and cannot be rejected in the data.
The assumptions and predictions of the
model are tested using a data set that includes
virtually every penalty kick occurring in the
French and Italian elite leagues over a period of
three years-a total of 459 kicks. A critical
assumption of the model is that the goalie and
the kicker play simultaneously. We cannot re-
ject this assumption empirically; the direction a
goalie or kicker chooses on the current kick
does not appear to influence the action played
by the opponent. In contrast, the strategy chosen
by a goalie today does depend on a kicker' s past
history. Kickers, on the other hand, play as if all
goalies are identical. We also find that all the
theoretical predictions that are robust to aggre-
gation (hence that can be tested directly on the
total sample) are satisfied. Finally, using the
result that goalies appear to be identical, we test,
and do not reject, the null hypothesis that scor-
ing probabilities are equal for kickers across
right, left, and center. Also, subject to the lim-
itations that aggregation imposes on testing
goalie behavior, we cannot reject equal scoring
probabilities with respect to goalies jumping
right or left (goalies almost never stay in the
5 Even for a given match, the matrix of scoring proba-
bilities may moreover be affected by the circumstances of
the kick. We find, for instance, that scoring probabilities
decline toward the end of the game.
VOL. 92 NO. 4
middle). It is important to note, however, that
some of our tests have relatively low power.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. Section I develops the basic model.
Section II analyzes the complexities that arise in
testing basic hypotheses in the presence of het-
erogeneity across kickers and goalies. We note
which hypotheses are testable when the re-
searcher has only a limited number of kicks per
goalie-kicker pair, and we introduce and test
restrictions on the model that lead to a richer set
of testable hypotheses given the limitations of
the data. Section III presents the empirical tests
of the predictions of the model. Section IV
I. The Framework
A. Penalty Kicks in Soccer
According to the rule, "a penalty kick is
awarded against a team which commits one of
the ten offenses for which a direct free kick is
awarded, inside its own penalty area and while
the ball is in play."6 The maximum speed the
ball can reach exceeds 125 mph. At this speed,
the ball enters the goal about two-tenths of a
second after having been kicked. This means
that a keeper who jumps after the ball has been
kicked cannot possibly stop the shot (unless it is
aimed at him). Thus the goalkeeper must choose
the side of the jump before he knows exactly
where the kick is aimed.7 It is generally be-
lieved that the kicker must also decide on the
side of his kick before he can see the keeper
move. A goal may be scored directly from a
penalty kick, and it is actually scored in about
6 The ball is placed on the penalty mark, located 11 m
(12 yds) away from the midpoint between the goalposts.
The defending goalkeeper remains on his goal line, facing
the kicker, between the goalposts until the ball has been
kicked. The players other than the kicker and the goalie are
located outside the penalty area, at least 9.15 m (10 yds)
from the penalty mark; they cannot interfere in the kick.
7 According to a former rule, the goalkeeper was not
allowed to move before the ball was hit. This rule was never
enforced; in practice, keepers always started to move before
the kick. The rule was modified several years ago. Accord-
ing to the new rule, the keeper is not allowed to move
forward before the ball is kicked, but he is free to move
four kicks out of five.8 Given the amounts of
money at stake, the value of any factor affecting
the outcome even slightly is large.
In all first-league teams, goalkeepers are es-
pecially trained to save penalty kicks, and the
goalie's trainer keeps a record of the kicking
habits of the other teams' usual kickers. Con-
ventional wisdom suggests that a right-footed
kicker (about 85 percent of the population) will
find it easier to kick to his left (his "natural
side") than his right; and vice versa for a left-
footed kicker. The data strongly support this
claim, as will be demonstrated. Thus, through-
out the paper we focus on the distinction
between the "natural" side (i.e., left for a right-
footed player, right for a left-footed player) and
the "nonnatural" one. We adopt this convention
in the remainder. For the sake of readability,
however, we use the terms "right" and "left"
in the text, although technically these would
be reversed for (the minority of) left-footed
B. The Model
Consider a large population of goalies and
kickers. At each penalty kick, one goalie and
one kicker are randomly matched. The kicker
(respectively, the goalie) tries to maximize
(minimize) the probability of scoring. The
kicker may choose to kick to (his) right, his left,
or the center of the goal. Similarly, the goalie
may choose to jump to (the kicker's) left, right,
or to remain at the center. When the kicker and
the goalie choose the same side S (S = R, L),
the goal is scored with some probability Ps. If
the kicker chooses S (S = R, L) while the
goalie either chooses the wrong side or remains
at the center, the goal is scored with probability
7TS > PS. Here, 1 - irs can be interpreted as
the probability that the kick goes out or hits the
post or the bar; the inequality rrs > Ps reflects
the fact that when the goalie makes the correct
choice, not only can the kick go out, but in
addition it can be saved. Finally, a kick at the
8 The average number of goals scored per game slightly
exceeds two on each side. About one-half of the games end
up tied or with a one-goal difference in scores. In these
cases, the outcome of a penalty kick has a direct impact on
the final outcome.
center is scored with probability ,L when the
goalie jumps to one side, and is always saved if
the goalie stays in the middle. Technically, the
kicker and the goalie play a zero-sum game.
Each strategy space is {R, C, L}; the payoff
matrix is given by:
Correct Middle or
Kicker side wrong side
Natural side ("left") 63.6 percent 94.4 percent
Opposite side ("right") 43.7 percent 89.3 percent
PL 7L '7TL
AL 0 A
It should be stressed that, in full generality, this
matrix is match-specific. The population is
characterized by some distribution d4(PR, PL,
7TR, 7TL, ,u) of the relevant parameters. We as-
sume that the specific game matrix at stake is
known by both players before the kick; this is a
testable assumption, and we shall see it is not
rejected by the data. Finally, we assume both
players move simultaneously. Again, this as-
sumption is testable and not rejected.
We now introduce three assumptions on scor-
ing probabilities, that are satisfied by all
matches. These assumptions were suggested to
us by the professional goalkeepers we talked to,
and seem to be unanimously accepted in the
ASSUMPTION SC ("Sides and Center"):
(SC) 7TR > PL 7rL > PR
(SC') 7TR > L L L> )L.
ASSUMPTION NS ("Natural Side"):
ASSUMPTION KS ("Kicker's Side"):
(KS) 7rR-PR - 7TL -PL-
Assumption (SC) states first that, if the kicker
knew with certainty which direction the goalie
would jump, he would choose to kick to the
other direction [relation (SC)]. Also, if the
goalie jumps to the kicker's left (say), the scor-
ing probability is higher for a kick to the right
than to the center [relation (SC)]. The natural
side (NS) assumption requires that the kicker
kicks better on his natural side, whether the
keeper guesses the side correctly or not. Finally,
(KS) states that not only are kicks to the natural
side less likely to go out, but they are also less
easy to save.9
These assumptions are fully supported by the
data, as it is clear from Table 1. The scoring
probability when the goalie is mistaken varies
between 89 percent and 95 percent (depending
on the kicking foot and the side of the kick),
whereas it ranges between 43 percent and 64
percent when the goalkeeper makes the correct
choice, substantiating relation (SC). Also, the
scoring probability is always higher on the kick-
er's natural side (Assumption NS), and the dif-
ference is larger when the goalie makes the
correct choice (Assumption KS). Regarding
(SC'), our data indicate that the scoring proba-
bility, conditional on the goalie making the
wrong choice, is 92 percent for a kick to one
side versus 84 percent for a kick in the middle.10
C. Equilibrium: A First Characterization
The game belongs to the "matching penny"
family. It has no pure-strategy equilibrium, but
9 If the goalie makes the wrong choice, the kicker scores
unless the kick is out, which, for side X (X = L, R),
happens with probability 1 - 7rx. If the goalie guesses the
correct side, failing to score means either that the kick is out
(which, because of independence, occurs again with prob-
ability 1 - 7rx), or that the kick is saved. Calling sx the
latter probability, one can see that
Px = 7X - Sx
so that (KS') is equivalent to
SR 2 SL.
10 These results should however be interpreted with cau-
tion, since aggregation problems may arise (see below).
VOL. 92 NO. 4
it always admits a unique mixed-strategy equi-
librium, as stated in our first proposition.
PROPOSITION 1: There exist a unique mixed-
strategy equilibrium. If
( C ITR + T- L - PL PR
then both players randomize over [L, Rj ("re-
stricted randomization"). Otherwise both play-
ers randomize over [L, C, RI ("general
randomization ").
The proof relies on straightforward (although
tedious) calculations. The interested reader is
referred to Chiappori et al. (2000).
In a restricted randomization (RR) equilib-
rium, the kicker never chooses to kick at the
center, and the goalie never remains in the cen-
ter. An equilibrium of this type obtains when
the probability ,L of scoring when kicking at the
center is small enough. The scoring probability
is identical for both sides:
Pr(score S = L) = Pr(score|S = R)
TL + 7R - PL- PR
whereas a kick in the middle scores with strictly
smaller probability /t.11 In a generalized ran-
domization (GR) equilibrium, on the other
hand, both the goalie and the kicker choose
right, left, or in the middle with positive prob-
ability, and the equilibrium scoring probabilities
are equal.
Thus, kickers do not kick to the center unless
the scoring is large enough, whereas they al-
ways kick to the sides with positive probability.
With heterogeneous matches, this creates a se-
lection bias, with the consequence that the ag-
gregate scoring probability (i.e., proportion to
kicks actually scored) should be larger for kicks
to the center. We shall see that this pattern is
actually observed in our data.
" Also, if 1rR = 7L, the goalie and the kicker play the
same mixed strategy.
D. Properties of the Equilibrium
We now present several properties of the
equilibrium that will be crucial in defining our
empirical tests.
PROPOSITION 2: At the unique equilibrium
of the game, the following properties hold true:
1. The kicker's and the goalie's randomization
are independent.
2. The scoring probability is the same
whether the kicker kicks right, left, or cen-
ter whenever he does kick at the center
with positive probability. Similarly, the
scoring probability is the same whether the
goalie jumps right, left, or center when-
ever he does remain at the center with
positive probability.
3. Under Assumption (SC), the kicker is always
more likely to choose C than the goalie.
4. Under Assumption (SC), the kicker always
chooses his natural side less often than the
5. Under Assumptions (SC) and (NS), the
keeper chooses the kicker's natural side L
more often that the opposite side R.
6. Under Assumptions (SC) and (KS), the
kicker chooses his natural side L more often
that the opposite side R.
7. Under Assumptions (SC), (NS), and (KS), the
pattern (L, L) (i.e., the kicker chooses L and
the goalie chooses L) is more likely than
both (L, R) and (R, L), which in turn are both
more likely than (R, R).
Properties 1 and 2 are standard characteriza-
tions of a mixed-strategy equilibrium. Proper-
ties 3 and 4 are direct consequences of the form
of the matrix and of Assumption (SC), and
provide wonderful illustrations of the logic of
mixed-strategy equilibria. For instance, the
kicker's probability of kicking to the center
must make the goalie indifferent between jump-
ing or staying (and vice versa for the goalie).
Now, kicking at the center when the keeper
stays is very damaging for the kicker (the scor-
ing probability is zero), so it must be the case
that at equilibrium this situation is very rare (the
goalie should stay very rarely). Conversely,
from the goalie's perspective, kicks to the cen-
ter are not too bad, even if he jumps [they are
actually better than kicks to the opposite side by
(SC)], hence their equilibrium probability is
Finally, the same type of reasoning applies
the statements 5, 6, and 7. Assume the goalie
randomizes between R and L with equal condi-
tional probabilities. By Assumption (NS), the
kicker would then be strictly better off kicking
L, a violation of the indifference condition;
hence at equilibrium the goalie should choose L
more often. Similarly, Assumption (KS) implies
that, should the kicker randomize equally be-
tween L and R, jumping to the right would be
more effective from the goalie's viewpoint.
Again, indifference requires more frequent
kicks to the left. In all cases, the key remark is
that the kicker's scoring probabilities are rele-
vant for the keeper's strategy (and conversely),
a conclusion that is typical of mixed-strategy
equilibria, and sharply contrasts with standard
II. Heterogeneity and Aggregation
The previous propositions apply to any
particular match. However, match-specific
probabilities are not observable; only popula-
tionwide averages are. With a homogeneous
population (i.e., assuming that the game ma-
trix is identical across matches) this would
not be a problem, since populationwide aver-
ages exactly reflect probabilities. Homogene-
ity, however, is a very restrictive assumption,
that does not fit the data well (as demon-
strated below). Heterogeneity will arise if
players have varying abilities or characteris-
tics, and may even be affected by the envi-
ronment (time of the game, field condition,
stress, fatigue, etc.). Then, a natural question
is: which of the predictions above are pre-
served by aggregation, even in the presence of
some arbitrary heterogeneity?
The following result summarizes the pre-
dictions of the model that are preserved by
PROPOSITION 3: For any distribution d4(PR,
PL, 7rr, 'rL, L), the following hold true, under
Assumption (SC):
(i) The total number of kicks to the center is
larger than the total number of kicks for
which the goalie remains at the center.
(ii) The total number of kicks to the kicker's
left is smaller than the total number of
jumps to the (kicker's) left.
(iii) If Assumption (NS) is satisfied for all
matches, then the number of jumps to the
left is larger than the number of jumps to
the right.
(iv) If Assumption (KS) is satisfied for all
matches, then the number of kicks to the
left is larger than the number of kicks to
the right.
(v) If Assumptions (NS) and (KS) are satisfied
for all matches, then the pattern (L, L) (i.e.,
the kicker chooses L and the goalie
chooses L) is more frequent than both (L,
R) and (R, L), which in turn are both more
frequent than (R, R).
Other results, however, may hold for each
match but fail to be robust to aggregation. For
instance, the prediction that the scoring proba-
bility should be the same on each side does not
hold on aggregate, even when it works for each
possible match. Assume, for instance, that there
are two types of players, who differ in ability
and equilibrium side, say, the best players shoot
relatively more often to the left at equilibrium.
Then a left kick is more likely to come from a
stronger player and therefore has a higher
chance of scoring. Econometrically, this is
equivalent to stating that a selection bias arises
whenever the side of the kick is correlated with
the scoring probabilities; and theory asserts it
must be, since it is endogenously determined by
the probability matrix.
The heterogeneity problem may arise even
when the same kicker and goalie are matched
repeatedly, since scoring probabilities are
affected by various exogenous variables.12
Therefore, the equal scoring probability prop-
erty should not be tested on raw data, but
instead conditional on observables.13 However,
12 For instance, we find that the scoring probability is
larger for a penalty kick during the first 15 minutes of the
game, and smaller for the last half hour.
13 We find, however, that while scoring probabilities do
change over time during the game, the probabilities of
VOL. 92 NO. 4
conditioning on covariates is not enough.
While the total number of kicks available is
fairly large, they mostly represent different
pairings of kickers and goalies. For any given
pairing, there are at most three kicks, and
often one or two (or zero). Match-specific
predictions are thus very difficult to test. Two
solutions exist at this point. First, it is pos-
sible to test the predictions that are preserved
by aggregation. Second, specific assumptions
on the form of the distribution will allow
testing of a greater number of predictions.
Of course, it is critical that these assump-
tions be testable and not rejected by the
data. In what follows, we use the following
ASSUMPTION IG (Identical Goalkeepers):
For any match between a kicker i and a goalie
j, the parameters PR, PL, rR, TTL, and ,L do not
depend on j.
In other words, while kickers differ from
each other, goalies are essentially identi-
cal. The game matrix is kicker-specific, but it
does not depend on the goalkeeper; for a
given kicker, each kicker-goalie pair faces
the same matrix whatever the particular
goalie involved.
Note, first, that this assumption can readily be
tested; as we shall see, it is not rejected by the
data. Also, Assumption IG, if it holds true, has
various empirical consequences.
PROPOSITION 4: Under Assumption IG, for
any particular kicker i, the following hold true:
(i) The kicker's strategy does not depend on
the goalkeeper.
(ii) The goalkeeper's strategy is identical for
all goalkeepers.
(iii) The scoring probability is the same
whether the kicker kicks right or left, irre-
spective of the goalkeeper. If the kicker
kicks at the center with positive probabil-
kicking to the right or to the left are not significantly
affected. This suggests that the bias induced by aggregation
over games with different covariates may not be too severe.
ity, the corresponding scoring probability
is the same as when kicking at either side,
irrespective of the goalkeeper.
(iv) The scoring probability is the same
whether the goalkeeper jumps right or left,
irrespective of the goalkeeper. If the kicker
kicks at the center with positive probabil-
ity, the corresponding scoring probability
is the same as when kicking at either side,
irrespective of the goalkeeper.
(v) Conditional on not kicking at the center,
the kicker always chooses his natural side
less often than the goalie.
From an empirical viewpoint, Assumption
(IG) has a key consequence: all the theoretical
results, including those that are not preserved by
aggregation, can be tested kicker by kicker,
using all kicks by the same kicker as indepen-
dent draws of the same game.
III. Empirical Tests
We test the assumptions and predictions of
the model in the previous sections using a
data set of 459 penalty kicks. These kicks
encompass virtually every penalty kick taken
in the French first league over a two-year
period and in the Italian first league over a
three-year period. The data set was assembled
by watching videotape of game highlight
films. For each kick, we know the identities of
the kicker and goalie, the action taken by both
kicker and goalie (i.e., right, left, or center),
which foot the kicker used for the shot, and
information about the game situation such as
the current score, minute of the game, and the
home team. A total of 162 kickers and 88
goalies appear in the data. As a consequence
of the relatively small number of observations
in the data set, some of our estimates are
imprecise, leading our tests to have relatively
low power to discriminate between competing
hypotheses. Because the power of some of
the tests of the model increases with the num-
ber of observations per kicker, in some cases
we limit the sample to either the 41 kickers
with at least four shots (58 percent of the
total observations) or the nine kickers with
at least eight shots (22 percent of the total
A. Testing the Assumption That Kickers and
Goalies Move Simultaneously
Before examining the predictions of the
model, we first test the fundamental assumption
of the model: the kicker and goalie move simul-
taneously. Our proposed test of this assumption
is as follows. If the two players move simulta-
neously, then conditional on the player's and
the opponent's past history, the action chosen
by the opponent on this penalty kick should not
predict the other player's action on this penalty
kick. Only if one player moves first (violating
the assumption of a simultaneous-move game)
should the other player be able to tailor his
action to the opponent's actual choice on this
particular kick. We implement this test in a
linear probability regression of the following
(SM) RK = Xia + GR- + yRi- + -R- + Ei
where RK (respectively, RG) is a dummy for
whether, in observation i, the kicker shoots
(keeper jumps) right, RK (RG) is the proportion
of kicks by the kicker (of jumps by the goalie)
going right on all shots except this one,15 and X
is a vector of covariates that includes a set of
controls for the particulars of the game situation
at the time of the penalty kick: five indicators
corresponding to the minute of the game in
which the shot occurs, whether the kicker is on
the home team, controls for the score of the
game immediately prior to the penalty kick,
and interaction terms that absorb any system-
atic differences in outcomes across leagues or
across years within a league. The key param-
eter in this specification is 3, the coefficient
on whether the goalie jumps right on this
kick. In a simultaneous move game, P should
be equal to zero.
Results from the estimation of equation
(SM) are presented in Table 2. The odd-num-
bered columns include all kickers; the even
14 Probit regressions give similar results, although the
interpretation of the coefficients is less straightforward.
15 Similar tests have been run using only penalty kicks
prior to the one at stake. As in Table 2, we are unable to
reject the null hypothesis of simultaneous moves.
columns include only kickers with at least
four penalty kicks in the sample. Kickers with
few kicks may not have well-developed rep-
utations as to their choice of strategies.'6 Col-
umns 1 and 2 include only controls for the
observed kicker and goalie behaviors. Col-
umns 3 and 4 add in the full set of covariates
related to the particulars of the game situation
at the time of the penalty kick. The results in
Table 3 are consistent with the assumption
that the kicker and goalie move simulta-
neously. In none of the four columns can the
null hypothesis that 3 equals zero be rejected.
For the full sample of kickers with covariates
included, the goalie jumps in the same direc-
tion that the shooter kicks 2.7 percent more
frequently than would be expected. When
only kickers with at least four penalty kicks in
the sample are included the situation reverses,
with goalies slightly more likely to jump in
the wrong direction.17
A second observation that emerges from
Table 2 is that strategies systematically differ
across kickers: those kickers who more fre-
quently kick right in the other observations in
the data set are also more likely to kick right on
this kick.18 On the other hand, there appears to
be no relationship between the strategy that a
kicker adopts today and the behavior of the
goalie on other shots in the data. This latter
finding is consistent with results we present
later suggesting that kickers behave as if all
goalies are identical.
16 In contrast to kickers, who may really have taken
very few penalty kicks in their careers, all goalies have
presumably participated in many prior penalty kicks.
Although these penalty kicks are not part of our data set,
presumably this more detailed past history is available to
the clubs.
17 There is no particular reason for using the goalie's
action as the left-hand-side variable and the kicker's action
as a right-hand-side variable. In any case, virtually identical
coefficients on /3 are obtained when the two variables are
18 Remember that in this and all other analyses in the
paper we have reversed right and left for left-footed kickers
to reflect the fact that there is a natural side that kickers
prefer and that the natural side is reversed for left-footed
kickers. The differences in strategies across kickers emerge
much more strongly prior to the correction for left-footed
VOL. 92 NO. 4
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4)
Keeper jumps right 0.042 0.025 0.027 -0.026
(0.052) (0.062) (0.052) (0.063)
Kicker's percentage of shots to the right, 0.219 0.370 0.220 0.357
excluding this kick (0.082) (0.122) (0.082) (0.126)
Goalie's percentage of jumps to the right, -0.032 0.001 -0.012 0.001
excluding this kick (0.103) (0.131) (0.104) (0.135)
(League X year) dummies included? yes yes yes yes
Full set of covariates included? no no yes yes
Sample limited to kickers with 4+ kicks? no yes no yes
R2: 0.029 0.051 0.068 0.087
Number of observations: 373 252 373 252
Notes: The baseline sample includes all French first-league penalty kicks from 1997-1999 and
all Italian first-league kicks (1997-2000) that involve a kicker and goalie each of whom have
at least two kicks in the data set. If the kicker and goalie move simultaneously, then a goalie's
action on this kick should not predict the kicker's action. At least two kicks are required so
that the variables about goalie and kicker behavior on other penalty kicks can be constructed.
Columns 2 and 4 limit the sample to kickers with at least four kicks in the sample. Regressions
in columns 3 and 4 also include the following covariates not shown in the table: six indicator
variables corresponding to 15-minute intervals of the game, whether the kicker is on the home
team, and five indicators capturing the relative score in the game immediately prior to the
penalty kick. None of the coefficients on these covariates is statistically significant at the 5-percent
level. Standard errors are in parentheses. For shots involving left-footed kickers, the directions
have been reversed so that shooting left corresponds to the "natural" side for all kickers.
Goalie Left Middle Right Total
Left 117 48 95 260
Middle 4 3 4 11
Right 85 28 75 188
Total 206 79 174 459
Notes: The sample includes all French first-league penalty
kicks from 1997-1999 and all Italian first-league kicks
(1997-2000). For shots involving left-footed kickers, the
directions have been reversed so that shooting left corre-
sponds to the "natural" side for all kickers.
B. Testing the Predictions of the Model That
Are Robust to Aggregation
Given that the kicker and goalie appear to
move simultaneously, we shift our focus to test-
ing the predictions of the model. We begin with
those predictions of the model that are robust to
aggregation across heterogeneous players.
Perhaps the most basic prediction of the
model is that all kickers and all goalies should
play mixed strategies. Testing of this prediction
is complicated by two factors. First, since we
only observe a small number of plays for many
of the kickers and goalies, it is possible that
even if the player is employing a mixed strat-
egy, only one of the actions randomized over
will actually be observed in the data.19 On the
other hand, if players use different strategies
against different opponents, then multiple ob-
servations on a given player competing against
different opponents may suggest that the player
is using a mixed strategy, even if this is not truly
the case. With those two caveats in mind, we
first find that there are no kickers in our sample
with at least four kicks who always kick in one
direction. Only three of the 26 kickers with
exactly three penalty kicks always shoot in the
same direction. Even among kickers with ex-
actly two shots, the same strategy is played both
19 The extreme case is when we have only one observa-
tion for a player, so that there is no information as to
whether a mixed strategy is being used.
times in less than half the instances. Overall,
there are 91 kickers in our sample with at least
two kicks. Under the assumption that each of
these kickers randomizes over the three possible
strategies (left, middle, right) with the average
frequencies observed in the data for all kickers,
it is straightforward to compute the predicted
number of kickers in our sample who should be
observed always kicking the same direction,
conditional on the number of kicks we have by
kicker. We predict 14.0 (SE = 3.2) kickers
should be observed playing only one strategy.
In the actual data, this number is 16, well within
one standard deviation of our predictions. Stan-
dard tests confirm that the observed frequencies
match the theory quite well.
Results on goalies are essentially similar. The
overwhelming majority of goalies with more
than a few observations in the data play mixed
strategies. There is, however, one goalie in the
sample who jumps left on all eight kicks that he
faces (only two of eight kicks against him go to
the left, suggesting that his proclivity for jump-
ing left is not lost on the kickers). Overall, we
expect 9.9 (SE = 2.5) instances of observing
only one strategy played, whereas there are 13
cases in the data.
Finally, an additional testable prediction of
true randomizing behavior is that there should
be no serial correlation in the strategy played. In
other words, conditional on the overall proba-
bility of choosing left, right, or center, the actual
strategy played on the previous penalty kick
should not predict the strategy played this time.
Consistent with this hypothesis, in regressions
predicting the side that a kicker kicks or the
goalie jumps in which we control for the aver-
age frequency with which a player chooses a
side, the side played on the previous penalty
kick by either the kicker or the goalie is never a
statistically significant predictor of the side
played on this shot by either player. This result
is in stark contrast to past experimental studies
(e.g., Brown and Rosenthal, 1990) and also to
Walker and Wooders (2001) analysis of serves
in tennis.20
20 The absence of serial correlation in our setting is
perhaps not so surprising since the penalty kicks take place
days or weeks apart. A more compelling test would involve
Table 3 presents the matrix of actions taken
by kickers and goalies in the sample (the per-
centage of cases corresponding to each of the
cells is shown in parentheses). There are five
predictions of the model that can be tested using
the information in Table 3. First, the model
predicts that the kicker will choose to play "cen-
ter" more frequently than the goalie (this is the
content of Proposition 3(i) above). The result
emerges very clearly in the data: kickers play
"center" 79 times in the sample, compared to
only 11 times for goalies.
A second prediction of the model is that
goalies should play "left" (the kicker's natural
side) more frequently than kickers do. Indeed,
goalies play "left" 200 times (56.6 percent of
kicks), compared to 206 (44.9 percent) in-
stances for kickers. Thus, the null that goalies
play left more often that kickers cannot be
The third and fourth predictions of the model
are that under Assumptions (NS) and (KS), the
kicker and the goalie are both more likely to go
left than right. This prediction is confirmed: in
the data, 260 jumps are made to the (kicker's)
left, and only 188 to the right. The same pattern
holds for the kicker, although in a less spectac-
ular way (206 against 174). Finally, given inde-
pendence, a fifth prediction of the theory is that
the cell "left-left" should have the greatest num-
ber of observations. This prediction is con-
firmed by the data, with the kicker and goalie
both choosing left more than 25 percent of the
time. The next most common outcome (goalie
left, kicker right) appears about 20 percent of
the time. Finally, the "right-right" pattern is the
least frequent, as predicted by the model.
For completeness, Table 4 presents the ma-
trix of scoring probabilities as a function of the
actions taken by kickers and goalies. As noted
the choice of sides in World Cup tiebreakers, which involve
consecutive penalty kicks for each side.
21 Actually, testing the null of equal propensities leads to
rejection at the 10-percent level. This result is somewhat
amplified by the fact that kickers play "middle" much more
frequently than goalies. Even conditional on playing either
"right" or "left," goalies are more likely to choose "left" (58
percent for goalies versus 54 percent for kickers, although
the difference is no longer significant). However, predic-
tions about conditional probabilities are not robust to
VOL. 92 NO. 4
Goalie Left Middle Right Total
Left 63.2 81.2 89.5 76.2
Middle 100 0 100 72.7
Right 94.1 89.3 44.0 73.4
Total 76.7 81.0 70.1 74.9
Notes: The sample includes all French first-league penalty
kicks from 1997-1999 and all Italian first-league kicks
(1997-2000). For shots involving left-footed kickers, the
directions have been reversed so that shooting left corre-
sponds to the "natural" side for all kickers.
in the theory portion of this paper, with heter-
ogeneous kickers or goalies, our model has no
clear-cut predictions concerning the aggregate
likelihoods of success. If kickers and goalies
were all identical, however, then one would
expect the average success rate for kickers
should be the same across actions, and similarly
for goalies. In practice the success probabilities
across different actions are close, especially for
goalies, where the fraction of goals scored var-
ies only between 72.7 and 76.2 percent across
the three actions. Interestingly, for kickers,
playing middle has the highest average payoff,
scoring over 80 percent of the time; this is
exactly what was suggested by the "selection
bias" argument developed above (see Section I,
subsection C). Kicking right has the lowest pay-
off, averaging only 70 percent success.
C. Identical Goalkeepers
As demonstrated in the theory section of the
paper, if goalies are identical, then we are able
to generate additional predictions from our
model. The assumption that goalies are homo-
geneous is tested in Table 5 using a regression
framework. We examine four different outcome
variables: the kick is successful, the kicker
shoots right, the kicker shoots in the middle, and
the goalie jumps right. Included as explanatory
variables are the covariates describing the
game characteristics used above, as well as
goalie-fixed and kicker-fixed effects. The null
hypothesis that all goalies are homogeneous
corresponds to the goalie-fixed effects being
jointly insignificant from zero. In order to in-
crease the power of this test, we restrict the
sample to goalies with at least four penalty
kicks in the data set. The F statistic for the joint
test of the goalie-fixed effects is presented in the
top row of Table 5. The cutoff values for reject-
ing the null hypothesis at the 10- and 5-percent
level, respectively, are 1.31 and 1.42. In none
of the four cases can we reject the hypothesis
that all goalies are identical.22
If goalies are indeed homogeneous, then a
given kicker's strategy will be independent of
the goalie he is facing. This allows us to test the
hypothesis that each kicker is indifferent across
the set of actions that he plays with positive
probability. We test this hypothesis by running
linear probability models of the form
Si,t = Xi,ta + E 3iDi + E yiDiRi.t
+ E 6iDiMi,t + ?i,t
where Si,t is a dummy for whether the kick is
scored, S* is the corresponding latent variable,
Di is a dummy for kicker i, Ri,t (respectively,
Mi,t) is a dummy for whether the kick goes right
(middle), and X is the same vector of covariates
as before.
By including a fixed effect for each kicker,
we allow each kicker to have a different prob-
ability of scoring. The test of the null hypothesis
is that the vector of coefficients (,Yl ..., y,
61 ... , .n) are jointly insignificantly different
from zero. The results of this test are presented
in the top panel of Table 6. Results are shown
separately for the set of kickers with five or
more kicks in the sample (a total of 27 kickers)
and the set of kickers with eight or more kicks
in the sample (nine kickers). We report results
with and without the full set of covariates in-
cluded. If a player's strategy is a function of
observable characteristics such as the time of
22 In contrast, there is substantial evidence of heteroge-
neity across kickers. When we do not account for left-footed
and right-footed kickers having their natural sides reversed,
the homogeneity of all kickers is easily rejected. Once we
make the natural foot adjustment, an F-test that all of the
kicker-fixed effects are identical is rejected at the 10-percent
level in two of the four columns in Table 5, when the sample
is restricted to kickers with more than four kicks.
Dependent variable
Kick Kicker Kicker shoots Goalie
Independent variable successful shoots right middle jumps right
F statistic: joint significance of goalie- 0.95 0.98 0.88 1.21
fixed effects [p value listed below] [p = 0.57] [p = 0.52] [p = 0.70] [p = 0.19]
Coefficients on other covariates:
Minute 0-14 0.512 -0.220 0.113 0.134
(0.134) (0.144) (0.119) (0.150)
Minute 15-29 0.291 0.049 0.043 0.047
(0.111) (0.120) (0.099) (0.125)
Minute 30-44 0.254 0.038 0.083 0.030
(0.102) (0.110) (0.091) (0.114)
Minute 45-59 0.124 0.082 0.105 0.026
(0.107) (0.115) (0.095) (0.119)
Minute 60-74 0.105 0.014 0.098 0.003
(0.105) (0.113) (0.093) (0.117)
(League X year) dummies included? yes yes yes yes
Kicker-fixed effects included? yes yes yes yes
Goalie-fixed effects included? yes yes yes yes
R2: 0.552 0.571 0.532 0.557
Notes: The sample is limited to goalies with at least four penalty kicks in the data set. The first row presents an F test (with degrees
of freedom equal to 50, 186) of the joint significance of the goalie-fixed effects. The p value of the F statistic is given in square
brackets. If goalies are homogeneous, the F test should not reject the null hypothesis that all goalie-fixed effects are equal. All
regressions also include controls for whether the kicker is on the home team and five indicators capturing the relative score in the
game immediately prior to the penalty kick. None of the coefficients on the covariates that are not shown are statistically significant
at the 5-percent level. Coefficient values and standard errors (in parentheses) are presented for other variables in the regression. The
number of observations is 399. The omitted time category is the 75th minute of the game and beyond. For shots involving left-footed
kickers, the directions have been reversed so that shooting left corresponds to the "natural" side for all kickers.
the game or the score of the game, then in
principle these covariates should be included.23
In none of the four columns can we reject the
joint test of equality of scoring probabilities
across strategies for kickers in the sample at the
5-percent level, although when covariates are
not included the values are somewhat close to
that cutoff. For individual kickers, we can reject
equality across directions kicked at the 10-
percent level in five of 27 cases in the sample of
kickers with five or more kicks, whereas by
chance one would expect only 2.7 values that
extreme. Thus, there is evidence that a subset of
individual kickers may not be playing opti-
mally. In the sample restricted to kickers with
eight or more kicks, only in one of nine cases is
23 Note, however, that the manner in which we include
the covariates is not fully general since we do not interact
the covariates with the individual players; this is impossible
because of the limited number of kicks per player in the
an individual kicker beyond the 10-percent
level, as would be expected by chance. While
perhaps simply a statistical artifact, this result is
consistent with the idea that those who more
frequently take penalty kicks are most adapt at
the randomization.
Given that kickers are not homogeneous, a
direct test of goalie strategies along the lines
presented in the top panel of Table 6 cannot be
meaningfully interpreted. Under the maintained
assumption that goalies are homogeneous, how-
ever, we can provide a different test. Namely,
when facing a given kicker, goalies on average
should in equilibrium obtain the same expected
payoff regardless of which direction they jump.
If all goalies are identical, then they should all
play identical strategies when facing the same
kicker. The bottom panel of Table 6 presents
empirical evidence on the equality of scoring
probabilities pooled across all goalies who face
one of the kickers in our sample with at least
eight kicks. The structure of the bottom panel of
VOL. 92 NO. 4
Kickers with five Kickers with eight
or more kicks or more kicks
Statistic (1) (2) (3) (4)
A. Null hypothesis: For a given kicker, the probability of scoring is the same when kicking right, middle, or left.
P value of joint test
F statistic
Degrees of freedom (numerator;denominator)
Number of individual kickers
Number of individual kickers for whom null is
rejected at 0.10
Full set of covariates included in specification?
B. Null hypothesis: For goalies facing a given kicker, the probability of scoring is the same whether the goalie jumps
right or left
P value of joint test
F statistic
Degrees of freedom (numerator;denominator)
Number of individual kickers
Number of individual kickers for whom null is
rejected at 0.10
Full set of covariates included in specification?
(27; 146)
Notes: Statistics in the table are based on linear probability models in which the dependent variable is whether or not a goal
is scored. The table assumes heterogeneity across kickers in success rates; that is, the hypothesis tested is whether,for a given
kicker, success rates are identical when kicking right, middle, or left. No cross-kicker restrictions are imposed. The results in
the bottom panel of the table refer to goalies facing a particular kicker, under the assumption that goalies are homogeneous.
When included, the covariates are the same as those used elsewhere in the paper.
the table is identical to that of the top panel,
except that the goalie's strategy replaces the
kicker's strategy. The results are similar to that
for kickers. In none of the four columns can the
null hypothesis of equal probabilities of scoring
across strategies be rejected for goalies at the
10-percent level.
IV. Conclusion
This paper develops a game-theoretic model
of penalty kicks in soccer and tests the assump-
tions and predictions of the model using data
from two European soccer leagues. The empir-
ical results are consistent with the predictions of
the model. We cannot reject that players opti-
mally choose strategies, conditional on the op-
ponent's behavior.
The application in this paper represents one
of the first attempts to test mixed-strategy be-
havior using data generated outside of a con-
trolled experiment. Although there are clear
advantages provided by a well-conducted labo-
ratory experiment, testing game theory in the
real world may provide unique insights. The
penalty kick data we examine more closely cor-
roborates the predictions of theory than past
laboratory experiments would have led us to
The importance of taking into account heter-
ogeneity across actors plays a critical role in our
analysis, since even some of the most seem-
ingly straightforward predictions of the general
model break down in the presence of heteroge-
neity. Carefully addressing the issue of hetero-
geneity will be a necessary ingredient of any
future studies attempting to test game theory
applications in real-world data.
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