1. GENERAL OVERVIEW ............................................................................................. 3
2. CITI CODE OF CONDUCT ....................................................................................... 4
4. ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING (“AML”) ..................................................................... 6
5. ANTI-BRIBERY .......................................................................................................... 8
6. GIFT AND ENTERTAINMENT ................................................................................... 9
8. PROHIBITION AGAINST MODERN SLAVERY ..................................................... 11
9. FRAUD MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 13
FACILITIES OR RELATIONSHIPS ........................................................................ 15
11. WRITTEN ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS ...................................................... 16
12. POLITICAL ACTIVITIES AND CONTRIBUTIONS .................................................. 17
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 General Overview
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The purpose of the Citi Requirements for Suppliers (“Requirements”) Section I is to
facilitate Suppliers’ compliance with contractual requirements and Citi policy obligations in
the course of doing business with Citi. While the requirements Section I are applicable to
all Suppliers, there is a separate Section II of the Requirements document which includes
an applicability matrix based on types of product(s) and service(s) provided to Citi.
a. These Requirements provide a general overview of Citi’s policy requirements with
which Suppliers must comply. Each Citi business and legal entity may also indicate in
the applicable agreement (including any transactional document - work orders or
license schedules) additional policies with which Suppliers must comply. In the event
such business-specific policies differ from these Requirements regarding the same
topic, the more restrictive policy will prevail. Suppliers must take a proactive role and
consult with their primary Citi business contact (or designee) regarding any questions
they have regarding Citi policies or any related requirement changes to ensure
b. Failure to comply with the Requirements set forth in this document, Citi’s Code of
Conduct and / or the policies and procedures applicable to the Citi business and legal
entity that a Supplier is providing products and / or services may result in termination
of a Supplier’s engagement with Citi, including any and all agreements related thereto,
and / or other contractual consequences. Furthermore, violations of the Requirements
may also be violations of applicable law and may result in civil damages owed to Citi
(or third parties) or criminal penalties for the Supplier.
c. In some cases, a Supplier’s policies address a Citi requirement in an alternative way,
but one that Supplier’s management warrants is substantively and / or functionally
equivalent to the requirements of the Citi Requirements. Suppliers may not use
compliance with its own policies to substitute with the obligation to comply with any
provisions of these Requirements without Citi’s written consent. Suppliers may consult
with their primary Citi business contact (or his or her designee) regarding any
questions with respect to consent.
d. If local laws or regulations establish a higher standard than what is outlined in these
documents, Suppliers must comply with those applicable laws and regulations. If local
laws or regulations appear to conflict with these Requirements, the affected Supplier
must inform its primary Citi business contact (or his or her designee) and work in good
faith with Citi to reach a mutually agreeable resolution that ensures full compliance
with the relevant law(s) or regulation(s) and, to the extent possible, these
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Citi Code of Conduct
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Citi has adopted the 2013 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway
Commission (COSO) Internal Controls integrated framework, which assists Citi in
complying with applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, Citi has set forth internal
control guidelines, which Citi’s Suppliers who work with, or represent Citi directly or
indirectly, are subject to, as per applicable contracts.
Citi strives to earn and maintain the public’s trust by adhering to the highest ethical
standards. We ask our colleagues to ensure that their decisions pass three tests: they are
in our clients’ interests, create economic value, and are always systemically responsible.
When we do these things well, we make positive financial and social impacts in all the
communities we serve and show what a global bank can do.
Citi Code of Conduct includes topics such as:
Citi’s Value Proposition
Fostering a Respectful Work Environment
Protecting Personal, Proprietary, and Confidential Information
Doing Business Fairly and Honestly
Contributing to Our Communities
Speaking up and Escalating Ethical Concerns
Please read the Citi Code of Conduct (or “the Code”) for more information on the topics
mentioned above.
The Code has been adopted by the Board of Directors of Citigroup Inc. (“Citi”) and applies
to all directors, officers, and employees of Citigroup Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries,
including Citibank, N.A. Other persons performing services for Citi are also subject to this
Code. It is Citi’s commitment to conduct business in the highest standards of ethics
The Code is available in multiple languages on Citigroup’s Investor Relations site and has
additional information regarding topics covered in the Requirements.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Equal employment opportunity / affirmative action
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As a federal contractor to the US Government, Citi is subject to the non-discrimination
and affirmative action compliance requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended,
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and the Vietnam Era Veteran’s
Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA) of 1974, as amended. As part of our efforts to
comply with these requirements, Citi has developed an Equal Employment Opportunity
and Affirmative Action program and policies which are designed to ensure equal
employment opportunities to all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, marital status, genetic
information, disability, protected veteran status or any other reason prohibited by law.
This includes, but is not limited to, the following:
• Hiring, placement, transfer, demotion or promotion
• Recruitment, advertising or solicitation for employment
• Treatment during employment
• Rates of pay or other forms of compensation
• Selection for training, including apprenticeship
• Layoff or termination
It is the policy of Citi to comply to the fullest extent with the applicable regulations of the
Civil Rights Act and any legislation on Equal Employment Opportunity.
We request the cooperation of our subcontractors, vendors and suppliers in our equal
opportunity and affirmative action efforts and expect them to take appropriate action in
ensuring their compliance with equal opportunity, non-discrimination and affirmative
action regulations.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Anti-Money laundering (“AML”)
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Money laundering is the process of converting illegal proceeds so that funds are made to
appear legitimate and thereby enter the stream of commerce. Terrorist financing
includes the financing of terrorist acts and terrorist organizations and may involve use of
proceeds from both illegitimate and legitimate sources. Risks of money laundering or
terrorist financing may be present when a Supplier is:
Performing certain customer-related services (i.e. on-boarding, customer account
and transaction screening) or the delivery of data/metrics related to the foregoing
Acting as an intermediary with regard to cash or financial instruments (e.g.,
remote deposit capture, courier, armored car or lockbox services)
Due diligence performed on the Supplier may also surface regulatory or reputational
concerns related to money laundering or terrorist financing-related activities.
Where money laundering / terrorist financing risk is identified, AML and the party
engaging the Supplier must work together to require that the Supplier complies with
applicable AML rules and regulations and has in place reasonable and appropriate AML
program, consistent with Citi requirements and supported by appropriate policies,
procedures and training. The program may include such components as:
Reporting and escalation of suspicious activity
A “Know Your Customer” program, including a Customer Identification Program,
sanctions and name screening, customer due diligence and enhanced due diligence
Transaction monitoring
Periodic reporting/metrics, including reporting on legal and regulatory changes and
material AML program changes
Testing and controls of AML program effectiveness, including site visits
The Contract with the Supplier must appropriately addresses AML risk by clearly
defining the program to be instituted by the Supplier, including defining AML roles and
responsibilities and permitting monitoring and oversight by Citi.
Citi further requires that:
a. The Supplier will maintain and comply with policies or procedures designed to
address the requirements of applicable laws, including (i) the Gramm-Leach-Bliley
Act and the regulations promulgated thereunder; (ii) the USA PATRIOT Act and the
regulations promulgated thereunder; (iii) any law or regulation addressing money
laundering; and (iv) any law or regulation related to economic sanctions. Such
policies and procedures will address anti-money laundering roles and
responsibilities, including the requirements to promptly report any observed activity
that appears unusual or potentially unusual related to the intake of cash.
b. The Supplier will ensure that those of its Personnel providing the services receive
annual training with respect to anti-money laundering roles and responsibilities,
including the requirements to promptly report any observed activity that appears
unusual or potentially unusual related to the intake of cash.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Anti-Money laundering (“AML”)
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c. The Supplier will promptly report to Citi in writing any suspected breaches of law,
including any observed activity that appears unusual or potentially unusual related to
the intake of cash related to Citi or its customers.
d. Suppliers must ensure they comply with all applicable tax laws and regulations in the
countries where they operate. Under no circumstances should suppliers engage in
deliberate illegal tax evasion or facilitate such evasion on behalf of others, which may
include engaging in activities that would assist in evading the payment of taxes that
are due and payable or concealing information from tax authorities. As such,
Suppliers should adopt reasonable prevention procedures relating to tax evasion and
promptly report to Citi in writing any violations or suspected violations that relate to
The Supplier will certify to Citi on annual basis that it continues to maintain the policies
and procedures required by subsection a hereof, that those of its Personnel performing
the services have received the training set forth in subsection b hereof and that it has
complied with its obligations under subsection c hereof.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Anti-Bribery
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Citi has policies, procedures, and internal controls for complying with anti-bribery laws
and strictly prohibits bribery or facilitation payments in any form. Citi expects all its
Suppliers or anyone acting on Citi’s behalf, to conduct their activities in accordance with
the highest standards of business conduct, which includes compliance with all laws
prohibiting bribery, corruption, fraud and false statements, including the U.S. Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”), the U.K. Bribery Act, and any other applicable anti-
bribery or anti-corruption laws.
Under no circumstance may a Supplier, or any of its personnel, operating on Citi’s
behalf, offer, provide, or agree to provide, accept or request, “anything of value” to or
from any person, whether directly or indirectly, if doing so would be, or would be
reasonably perceived to be corrupt, inappropriate, or prohibited. “Anything of value”
includes any advantage, financial or otherwise, such as gifts, entertainment, charitable
or political contributions, or employment. Suppliers shall also maintain appropriate
policies and procedures to comply with the FCPA, the U.K. Bribery Act, and other
applicable anti-bribery laws.
For an overview of Citi’s Anti-Bribery Program, please visit Citigroup’s Investor Relations
(under Citi Policies, select Anti-Bribery Program).
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Gift and Entertainment
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Suppliers may not provide gifts or convey anything of value (including entertainment) to
Citi employees, where doing so would create an actual or apparent conflict of interest,
compromise the employee’s integrity or judgment or otherwise improperly influence the
employee’s decision-making or cause the employee to act contrary to his / her duties.
Without limiting the foregoing, cash gifts or their equivalent (e.g., gift cards or vouchers)
are not permitted under any circumstances and Suppliers must not provide non-cash
business gifts exceeding, in aggregate, U.S. $100 per person per calendar year to a Citi
employee. Any Citi employee’s acceptance of Business Gifts is subject to pre-approval
per the Citi Gifts and Entertainment Standard, and may be subject to additional limits
under specific Citi businesses, regional and / or legal entity policies.
When a Supplier provides business entertainment (e.g., an invitation to a meal, social,
sporting, cultural or other comparable event) to a Citi employee, the Supplier must be in
attendance at the event and the entertainment must be appropriate, customary and
reasonable, not lavish or excessively frequent and clearly not meant to influence Citi
Supplier may not, on behalf of Citi or purportedly on behalf of Citi, provide gifts or
entertainment, or anything of any value, to any person outside Citi.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Supply Chain Development, Inclusion, and Sustainability
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7. Supply Chain Development, Inclusion, and Sustainability
Citi encourages the utilization of Diverse Suppliers and is committed to assist Diverse
Suppliers in their growth and development on a long-term basis. In addition, Citi
encourages its Suppliers to develop and utilize Diverse Suppliers as sub-contractors,
when applicable. The Supplier, its agents, sub-contractors, employees and workers shall
remain compliant at all times with all anti-discrimination labor laws and workplace safety
regulations, and equal opportunities legislation applicable to each of its Personnel
(including disabled Personnel) and to Services and Deliverables as per Citi’s instructions
(as may be specified in any agreement or transactional documents raised thereunder).
Additional information can be found on Citi’s Supply Chain Development, Inclusion and
Sustainability website:
Citi Supplier Diversity and Sustainability Program
Our sustainable supply chain initiative is anchored by the guidelines we have set forth in
the Citi Statement of Supplier Principles. When Suppliers adopt their own codes or
statement of best practices, such requirements must include the following principles and
core elements:
Ethical Business Practices
Human Rights in the Workplace
Environmental Sustainability
Management Systems, and Implementation
Additional information is available on the site Doing Business with Citi, which describes
Citi’s additional expectations for Suppliers that may be found in:
Citi Statement of Supplier Principles
Citi Sustainable Progress Strategy
Environmental and Social Policy Framework
Citi Statement of Human Rights
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 prohibition against modern slavery
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Citi is committed to implementing systems and controls aimed at ensuring that modern
slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere within its organization or in
any of its supply chains. All of Citi’s Suppliers are expected to adhere to the principles
set out below.
Child Labor Avoidance: child labor shall not be employed. The term “child” refers to
any person under the age of 15 (or 14 where the law of the country permits), or under
the age for completing compulsory education, or under the minimum age for
employment in the country, whichever is the youngest. Subject to the overriding
prohibition on the use of child labor, if workers under the age of 18 are employed, then
particular care shall be taken as to the duties that they carry out and the conditions in
which they are required to work to ensure that they come to no physical, mental or other
harm as a direct or indirect result of their work or working conditions.
Freely Chosen Employment: workers shall not be forced, mentally or physically
coerced, bonded, indentured, or subjected to involuntary prison labor or slave trafficked
or subjected to compulsory labor in any form, including forced overtime. All work must be
carried out voluntarily. The principles set out below further support this commitment.
Contracts, Wages and Working Hours: Workers shall have their terms of
employment or engagement set out in a written document that is easily
understandable to them and which clearly sets out their rights and obligations.
This written document shall include, but not be limited to, transparent terms with
respect to wages, overtime pay, payment periods, working hours and rights in
respect of rest breaks and holiday. Such written terms shall be provided to the
worker in advance of his or her commencement of work, shall be honored by the
employer and shall meet industry standards and the minimum requirements of
applicable laws and collective agreements where the work is carried out.
Right to Freely Terminate Work: Workers must have the right to terminate their
employment freely, as appropriate following a reasonable period of notice in
accordance with applicable laws and collective agreements, and without the
imposition of any improper penalties.
Inhumane Treatment: Workers, their families and those closely associated with
them, shall not be subject to harsh or inhumane treatment, including, but not
limited to, physical punishment, physical, psychological or sexual violence or
coercion, verbal abuse, harassment or intimidation. Migrant workers, their
families and those closely associated with them, should not be subject to
discrimination in their terms or conditions of work due to their nationality.
Wages, Benefits and Working Hours: Compensation should comply with all
applicable wage laws, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime
hours and legally mandated benefits. Employees should be able to earn fair
wages, as determined by applicable local law. Work weeks should not exceed
the maximum set by local law.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 prohibition against modern slavery
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No Confiscation of Identity Documents: Workers shall not have their identity
or travel permits, passports, or other official documents or any other valuable
items confiscated or withheld as a condition of employment and the withholding
of property shall not be used, directly or indirectly, to restrict workers' freedoms or
to create workplace slavery.
No Recruitment Fees or Debt Bondage: Fees or costs associated with the
recruitment of workers (including, but not limited to, fees related to work visas,
travel costs and document processing costs) shall not be charged to workers,
whether directly or indirectly. Similarly, workers shall not be required to make
payments which have the intent or effect of creating workplace slavery, including
security payments, or be required to repay debt through work. If it is determined
that fees or costs have been charged to workers related to the recruitment
process or are incurred during the course of employment, the Supplier should
seek to have those costs reimbursed. Where it is necessary to recruit workers
who are engaged via a third party, such as an employment agency, then only
reputable employment agencies shall be engaged. Where workers are sourced
to be employed directly, only reputable recruitment agencies shall be engaged.
Freedom of Movement: Workers shall be free to move without unreasonable
restrictions and shall not be physically confined to the place of work or other
employer controlled locations (for example, accommodation blocks). There shall
be no requirement placed on workers that they take accommodation in employer-
controlled premises except where this is necessary due to the location or nature
of the work being performed.
Grievances without retaliation: Workers shall be free to file grievances to their
employers about the employer's treatment of them and workers shall not suffer
detriment, retaliation, or victimisation for having raised a grievance.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Fraud Management
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Citi is exposed to internal and external fraud risks that may cause financial loss, impact
customer experience and may result in additional legal, reputational and regulatory risks,
including changes to capital requirements.
Citi defines Fraud as an intentional act, misstatement or omission designed to deceive
others, resulting either in the victim suffering a loss or the perpetrator achieving a gain.
Fraud occurs when a person deliberately gives false information or intentionally fails to
disclose information in order to deceive an owner of assets, resources, services or
benefits. Fraud also occurs when dishonest acts are committed without personal gain
but intended to create a loss or risk of loss for another person or entity. This includes the
intentional misrepresentation of financial condition.
Fraud risks relating to Supplier relationships can include:
Processes and / or Controls operated by the Supplier being targeted by criminals to
facilitate or commit fraud against Citi or a Citi Client;
The Supplier misrepresenting, giving of false information or failing to disclose
information either at the selection and on-boarding stage or through the ongoing
lifecycle of an established relationship;
Abuse of position by the Supplier, their employees or sub-contracted service
providers to use their access to Citi data and / or processing capabilities to enable or
commit fraud.
False, inflated or duplicate invoices are submitted for work or goods provided.
Citi does not tolerate:
Fraud committed by its staff and non-compliance with regulations;
Fraudulent or deceptive actions committed by third parties, including Suppliers; and
Untimely or incomplete escalation of fraud events to Citi Senior Management.
Unreported conflict of interests between Citi Suppliers and/or Citi Employees
Citi reserves the right to investigate suspected or alleged theft, fraud or other potential
criminal activity or wrongdoing and to prosecute any fraudulent or criminal behaviour to
the fullest extent of the law.
All Suppliers, irrespective of the products or services provided, are required to:
a. Ensure timely reporting and referral of any potential fraud events to Citi. This
includes but is not limited to, attempted, suspected, alleged or actual theft, fraud
(e.g., submitting knowingly false, inaccurate or misrepresented data regarding the
Supplier, billing schemes, disappearance of funds or securities, etc.), criminal activity
or wrongdoing involving Citi, a Citi employee, a Citi Supplier or agent or a Citi non-
employee (e.g., temporary employees and contractors).
b. Permit monitoring and oversight by Citi and its representatives and support Citi and
Law Enforcement led investigations into potential fraudulent activity involving that
c. Report any conflict of interests Suppliers are made aware of timely
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Fraud Management
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Further to this, Suppliers that provide services that are inherently more exposed to fraud
risk are required to:
a. Document and follow a Fraud Risk Management Program that identifies the material
fraud risks relevant to the services they provide to Citi and the controls and
procedures in place to mitigate these risks;
b. Complete fraud awareness training (within 90 days of hire and annually thereafter)
and train staff on specific elements of fraud risk that relate to the specific services
provided to Citi;
c. Monitor instances of attempted fraud and maintain effective controls to mitigate the
risk of fraud on the services they provide to Citi, document procedures for controls
and test the effectiveness of controls on an ongoing basis, reporting any deficiencies
to the Business Activity Owner (BAO).
Suppliers with higher inherent fraud risk include, but are not limited to, those that:
a. have access to data classified as Confidential or higher (when not under Citi’s direct
control or supervision) that can be used to enable fraud such as access to internal
accounts, financial transactions, cash transactions;
b. have connectivity to Citi networks / systems;
c. provide, support, or have access to, services and capabilities which could be
targeted to commit or enable fraud, including:
1. Identification, on-boarding or processing applications from new clients;
2. Citi or Client Payment / Fund Transfer activities, and / or authentication of Citi
clients access these services;
3. Making, checking or fulfilling changes to Citi data or Citi-client (e.g.,
demographic) data;
4. Provision, servicing or authorization of transactional instruments (e.g., debit /
credit cards, eWallets, chequebooks, etc.);
5. Provision or support of operational fraud management activities to Citi, relating to
the prevention, detection or response to fraud events;
6. Providing physical access to cash, financial instruments and assets / physical
7. Unescorted or off hours access in Citi facilities;
8. Financial Statements: accounting activities, such as posting entries to the GL / SL;
9. Earning and spending Rewards for incentivized activities.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Media Interaction and Public Appearances; Use of Citi Name, Facilities
or Relationships
Page 15 of 19
Citi Global Public Affairs is the only department authorized to issue press releases or
public statements on behalf of Citi. Suppliers may not issue any press release, which
directly or indirectly identifies Citi, any Contract or arrangement between a Supplier and
Citi or any products and services procured from a Supplier by Citi. Suppliers may not
consent to or engage in any public relations activity relating to Citi with Clients, Citi
employees, other Citi Suppliers, other customers of Suppliers or any other third parties
without prior written approval from their primary Citi business contact and Citi’s Director
of Global Public Affairs.
Suppliers may not publish or post any material in written or electronic format (including
books, articles, podcasts, webcasts, blogs, website postings, photos, videos, social
media or other media), conduct or make speeches, give interviews or make public
appearances that mention Citi, Citi’s operations, Clients, products or services, without
prior written approval from their primary Citi business contact and Citi’s Director of
Global Public Affairs.
Whether or not in connection with the provision of services or products to Citi, Suppliers
may not use Citi’s proprietary indicia, trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos,
symbols or brand names, without, in each case, securing the prior written consent of Citi.
Suppliers may not use Citi’s name, logo or trademarks, facilities or relationships for
benefit or for work outside of Citi (including on letterhead or personal websites, blogs or
other social networking sites). Further, Suppliers may not make any use of Citi’s name,
facilities or relationships for charitable or pro bono purposes.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Written Electronic Communications
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11. Written Electronic Communications
When interacting with Citi personnel, or in the performance of its obligations for or on
behalf of Citi, Suppliers are permitted to use only those Electronic Communications
Equipment, Systems and Services that are provided by, sanctioned by, or approved by
Citi. The use or creation of new or revised written electronic communication functionality
must first be reviewed by a Citi Business Information Security Officer (BISO), Legal, and
Independent Compliance Risk Management, and approved in accordance with
applicable Business, Function and Technology requirements. Communicating Citi
business with Citi personnel on non-Citi approved messaging platforms, such as
WhatsApp, WeChat, and any other interactive electronic platform, is prohibited.
Additionally, Suppliers should have no expectation of privacy with respect to written
Electronic Communications created, discovered, used, accessed, downloaded, stored,
transmitted, received or deleted via Citi-provided Communications Equipment, Systems
and Services. Citi may monitor Electronic Communications Equipment, Systems and
Services, and Electronic Communications. Such Electronic Communications are owned
by Citi and may be retained in accordance with applicable record retention requirements
(subject to local law and regulation).
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Political Activities and Contributions
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A variety of laws, such as campaign finance, gifts and entertainment, legislative and
regulatory lobbying, procurement, pay-to-play, and securities, regulate political activities,
including disclosure requirements, of Citi and its Suppliers. Any political activity by
Suppliers that does not comply with relevant Citi policy or standards, law or regulation is
Political activity includes: (i) making corporate or personal political
contributions, soliciting political contributions, using company funds or resources (such
as facilities, equipment, software or personnel) or volunteering personal services during
company time on behalf of a candidate campaigning for a public office, a political party
committee or a political committee; (ii) lobbying or engaging in any outreach to public
officials, whether directly or through third parties, including attempts to influence
legislation and, depending on the jurisdiction, may include attempts to influence agency
rulemaking or the awarding of government contracts; or (iii) seeking, accepting or
holding any political office associated with a government, including any government
board, commission or other similar organization.
No political activity may be undertaken or conducted by any Supplier on behalf of (or
purportedly on behalf of) Citi without prior written authorization of Citi’s Global
Government Affairs office. Although Citi may pay a fee and/or reimburse out of pocket
costs for contracted and permissible political activity services provided by the Supplier,
such as lobbying, Citi will never reimburse a Supplier or any of its employees for
personal or corporate political contributions of any kind.
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Supplier Relationship and Contract Compliance
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A. Suppliers and potential Suppliers must cooperate with their primary Citi business
contact to ensure that a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is executed (or that an
agreement including similar confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations for the
Supplier is in place) with Citi prior to any discussions or exchange of any Citi
information classified as Confidential or higher, between Citi and Supplier.
B. Suppliers must not commence performance of any services or provide any products
to Citi unless a Contract has been fully negotiated and executed between Citi and the
Supplier or a purchase order (PO) has been issued to the Supplier by Citi.
C. Suppliers must keep their primary Citi business contact aware of any changes in the
Supplier’s key management team and / or respective contact information.
D. Suppliers must support Citi’s efforts to perform appropriate and required ongoing
Supplier management activities and cooperate as necessary, including additional due
diligence for Suppliers designated as Outsource Service Providers (OSPs). Suppliers
must provide necessary support to Citi businesses to perform such activities and
additional due diligence, when applicable.
E. Unless otherwise agreed by Citi in writing, a Supplier may not use a sub-contractor to
fulfil Supplier’s obligations to Citi. If permitted to use a sub-contractor (i) the Supplier
must ensure that the proposed sub-contractor will comply with all obligations
applicable to the Supplier; and (ii) the Supplier will remain responsible to Citi for overall
performance and any noncompliance by the sub-contractor with Supplier’s Contract
with Citi.
F. Citi’s approval of a sub-contractor must be documented in a written acknowledgement
signed by the Supplier that reaffirms the Supplier’s obligations in the preceding
paragraph (E). The exact form and text of the written Acknowledgement may be
changed based on Supplier’s agreement with Citi. Please work with the primary Citi
business contact to document approval using the appropriate Consent Form.
Acknowledgement of Supplier in Connection With Use of Subcontractor
Acknowledgement of Supplier in Connection With Use of Designated Subcontractors
G. Citi may require Suppliers to provide the most recent three (3) years audited year-end
financial statements and upon request the most recent financial interim statements.
Supplier may further be asked to provide written consent to allow Citi to provide the
Supplier’s financial statements to a third party service provider engaged by Citi for the
purpose of translation or performing a Financial Evaluation.
H. Supplier and its personnel must always ensure full compliance with all applicable laws,
rules and regulations in providing services and products to Citi. If the services and
products provided by Supplier to Citi involve or require the sharing of any technical
data, computer software or any product (or any part thereof), process or service that
is the direct product of any such technical data or computer software outside of the
United States or with any individuals who are not citizens or residents of the United
States, supplier shall provide Citi with all necessary information, and ensure
compliance with all applicable export laws. In addition, depending on the nature of the
products and services, Citi may require Suppliers to identify export classification for
Citi Requirements for Suppliers Section 1 Supplier Relationship and Contract Compliance
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such products and services. Additionally, Suppliers will comply with all applicable
export laws outside of the United States, as well as applicable local laws and
regulations and will notify Citi of any specific requirements with respect to Citi’s use of
the products and services outside of the United States. Citi may require Supplier to
procure and ensure that Suppliers’ Personnel read, acknowledge and accept their
compliance with Citi policies, including those related to security and privacy, workplace
policies and other policies, procedures and guidelines intended to ensure compliance
with applicable law or regulatory requirements. Supplier will sign and provide, and as
applicable ensure that its Personnel will sign and provide, to Citi on-boarding
documents as required by Citi before assigning Supplier Personnel.
I. Suppliers must notify Citi of any material changes in operational processes, data flows
or the handling of Citi data in a timely manner.