Randy Chugh
Maureen L. Cropper
Urvashi Narain
Working Paper 16987
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
April 2011
We thank Mark Jacobson, Rob Williams, and Hendrik Wolff for helpful suggestions and John Allen
Rogers for many useful discussions and assistance in obtaining data. We also thank seminar participants
at University of Maryland, College Park; the 2009 Western Economic Association International conference
in Vancouver, British Columbia; and the 2010 Allied Social Sciences Association meetings in Atlanta,
Georgia. This paper was funded by the World Bank’s KCP Trust Fund. The findings and conclusions
of this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank,
its affiliated organizations, the Executive Directors of the World Bank, the governments they represent,
or the National Bureau of Economic Research.
NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-
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© 2011 by Randy Chugh, Maureen L. Cropper, and Urvashi Narain. All rights reserved. Short sections
of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission provided that full
credit, including © notice, is given to the source.
The Cost of Fuel Economy in the Indian Passenger Vehicle Market
Randy Chugh, Maureen L. Cropper, and Urvashi Narain
NBER Working Paper No. 16987
April 2011
JEL No. L62,Q4
To investigate how fuel economy is valued in the Indian car market, we compute the cost to Indian
consumers of purchasing a more fuel-efficient vehicle and compare it to the benefit of lower fuel costs
over the life of the vehicle. We use hedonic price functions for four market segments (petrol hatchbacks,
diesel hatchbacks, petrol sedans, and diesel sedans) to compute 95 percent confidence intervals for
the marginal cost to the consumer of an increase in fuel economy. We find that the associated present
value of fuel savings falls within the 95 percent confidence interval for some specifications, in all market
segments, for the years 2002 through 2006. Thus, we fail to consistently reject the hypothesis that
consumers appropriately value fuel economy. When we reject the null hypothesis, the marginal cost
of additional fuel economy exceeds the present value of fuel savings, suggesting that consumers may,
in fact, be overvaluing fuel economy.
Randy Chugh
Department of Economics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Maureen L. Cropper
Department of Economics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
and NBER
Urvashi Narain
Environment Department
World Bank
Washington, DC 20433
The Cost of Fuel Economy in the Indian Passenger Vehicle Market
Randy Chugh, Maureen Cropper, and Urvashi Narain
1. Introduction
As a result of India’s economic boom, the demand for passenger vehicles has grown
swiftly over the last decade. In April 2002, passenger vehicle sales were approximately 50,000;
by April 2008, monthly sales had tripled to approximately 150,000.
With such rapid growth,
many in India are advocating for strong legislative action to avoid the many economic, security,
and environmental concerns that may accompany the expansion of the vehicle fleet.
As fuel consumption is of concern for both energy security and environmental reasons,
much of the Indian debate has centered on policies to increase vehicle fuel economy. One
argument for fuel economy standards (as opposed to higher fuel taxes) is that consumers
undervalue fuel savings; that is, they fail to buy a more fuel-efficient vehicle even though the
additional purchase price is less than the present value of fuel savings. This hypothesis has been
tested extensively in the United States. Although much of the literature suggests that consumers
undervalue fuel savings (Allcott and Wozny 2010), other studies (Sallee et al. 2010) suggest that
consumers are willing to pay an extra dollar when buying a car to reduce the present value of
fuel costs by a dollar. This paper examines how car buyers in India value fuel savings.
The approaches that have been used in the United States to determine whether consumers
undervalue fuel economy include hedonic price methods, studies of the impact of gasoline prices
on used car prices, and structural estimates of the parameters of consumers’ utility functions
(Greene 2010; Helfand and Wolverton 2010). Hedonic price methods compare what consumers
must pay for additional fuel economy in the market—as estimated by a hedonic price locus—
Chugh, Department of Economicsm University of Maryland, College Park, c[email protected]d.edu; Cropper,
Department of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, and Resources for the Future, cropper@rff.org
Narain, World Bank, unarain@worldbank.org
. We thank Mark Jacobson, Rob Williams, and Hendrik Wolff for
helpful suggestions and John Allen Rogers for many useful discussions and assistance in obtaining data. We also
thank seminar participants at University of Maryland, College Park; the 2009 Western Economic Association
International conference in Vancouver, British Columbia; and the 2010 Allied Social Sciences Association meetings
in Atlanta, Georgia. This paper was funded by the World Bank’s KCP Trust Fund. The findings and conclusions of
this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank and its affiliated
organizations, the Executive Directors of the World Bank, or the governments they represent.
To put these figures in perspective, January 2008 monthly sales were approximately 1 million in the United States
and approximately 650,000 in China.
with the associated reduction in fuel expenditures (Espey and Nair 2005).
If the two are equal,
when evaluated at chosen vehicle bundles, the null hypothesis that consumers rationally value
fuel economy cannot be rejected. The advantage of this approach is that it does not require data
on market shares; however, because estimates often rely on cross-sectional variation in vehicle
characteristics, multicollinearity can make it difficult to obtain precise estimates of the marginal
price of fuel economy, and omitted variable bias is a concern.
The hypothesis that consumers accurately value fuel economy has also been tested using
data on used car prices. Because the used car market is competitive, the prices of used cars
should adjust to reflect changes in the price of gasoline (Li et al. 2009).
Indeed, if consumers
correctly value fuel economy, prices should adjust fully to reflect the change in the present value
of fuel expenditures (Sallee et al. 2010). This can be tested by examining variation in car and
gasoline prices while holding vehicle characteristics fixed.
A third approach, used by Allcott and Wozny (2010), is to examine how consumers trade
off the present value of fuel expenditures against purchase price, holding other vehicle
characteristics constant. This requires identifying the parameters of consumers’ utility functions.
Recognizing that both the demand and supply of new vehicles respond to gasoline prices, Allcott
and Wozny use expected vehicle operating cost at the time when the vehicle was new to
instrument for the quantity of used vehicles available on the market.
Unfortunately, approaches that have been used in the United States to examine how
consumers value fuel economy are difficult to apply in India because of a lack of data (e.g., on
used car prices) and insufficient variation in the price of fuel over time. In this paper, we take a
simpler hedonic price approach to examine how Indian car buyers value fuel economy.
1.1 Our Approach
We test the hypothesis that consumers accurately value fuel economy by computing the
marginal price that consumers face for an improvement in fuel economy and comparing this to
the present value of associated fuel savings. For each of four vehicle types (petrol hatchbacks,
diesel hatchbacks, petrol sedans, and diesel sedans), we estimate hedonic price functions treating
In an oligopolistic car market, the hedonic price function represents the locus of opportunities facing car buyers,
even though it is no longer the envelope of tangencies between marginal bid and marginal offer curves.
Klier and Linn (2009) use a similar approach in the new car market. They examine whether, within a given model
year, monthly variation in gasoline prices is reflected in new car prices and market shares.
fuel economy as one of several performance characteristics. To account for the possible
correlation between fuel economy and unobserved vehicle characteristics, we instrument for the
fuel economy of, for example, petrol hatchbacks of a given make using the average fuel
economy of petrol sedans of the same make. We use these estimates to compute a 95 percent
confidence interval for the marginal price of fuel economy and ask whether the present value of
fuel savings falls within this interval.
Based on these results, we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the mean consumer
equates the marginal price of fuel economy to the present value of fuel savings in the markets for
petrol hatchbacks or petrol sedans. In the markets for diesel hatchbacks and diesel sedans,
however, we reject the null hypothesis for at least some specifications in all years. In these
markets, we find evidence that consumers are paying more for fuel economy than the present
value of fuel savings.
We also examine the trade-offs faced by buyers of twins, models that are available in
both petrol and diesel form. Diesel versions are generally more expensive than their petrol twins,
but cost less to operate because of their greater fuel economy and the fact that diesel fuel is 30
percent cheaper than petrol. The savings that buyers of diesel twins realize over the life of their
vehicles are substantial. Averaged over available models for the years 2002 to 2008, diesel
hatchback owners save the equivalent of 44 percent of the purchase price of their chosen vehicle
by selecting it over its petrol twin; diesel sedan owners save 23 percent. The percentage of twin
hatchback owners taking advantage of these savings by buying the diesel twin has risen each
year from 46 percent in 2002 to 74 percent in 2006. Similarly, 17 percent of twin sedan owners
bought the diesel twin in 2002, and this rose to 59 percent in 2006.
Does this mean that buyers of petrol twins undervalue fuel economy? Petrol car buyers
drive fewer kilometers than buyers of diesel cars, but the fuel savings from buying a diesel twin
still outweigh the additional purchase price. Petrol hatchback owners could have saved 23
percent of the purchase price of their chosen vehicle by buying a diesel; petrol sedan owners
could have saved 15 percent. Diesel cars, however, differ from their petrol twins in other
performance characteristics: they are generally heavier and less powerful. It is possible that
petrol car buyers accurately value fuel economy but are willing to forgo potential savings to buy
a more powerful car. In fact, the fuel savings forgone are a lower bound to the value rational
petrol car buyers place on these differences in characteristics as the savings they give up by
buying the petrol twin.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents stylized facts about the
Indian vehicle market. Section 3 presents our hedonic analysis, and Section 4 compares the cost
and fuel economy of petrol and diesel twins. Section 5 concludes.
2. Overview of the Indian Passenger Vehicle Market
Sales of passenger vehicles in India have been growing rapidly—from approximately
50,000 cars per month in 2002 to approximately 150,000 per month in 2008. The market is
highly concentrated, with the top five manufacturers accounting for nearly 90 percent of the
market between 2002 and 2006. Maruti Suzuki accounted for 48 percent of sales, Tata Motors 18
percent, and Hyundai 15 percent. Mahindra and Toyota each accounted for 4 percent. Figure 1
shows average market shares by body type and fuel type for the same period. The majority of
passenger vehicles sold in India are small cars: hatchbacks constitute approximately 65 percent
of the market, sedans about 17 percent, sport utility vehicles (SUVs) 12 percent, and vans 5
Averaged over the years 2002 through 2006, 73 percent of passenger vehicles ran on
petrol and 27 percent on diesel, but the fuel breakdown varied significantly by body type.
Approximately 85 percent of hatchbacks and 75 percent of sedans ran on petrol, whereas
virtually all SUVs ran on diesel (only 3 percent used petrol). Because we examine the
petrol/diesel fuel choice, the remainder of the paper focuses on hatchbacks and sedans. Figures 2
and 3 demonstrate the changing petrol and diesel composition of new vehicle sales. For
hatchbacks, diesel market share has remained constant at around 15 percent between 2002 and
2006. For sedans, a clear trend of increasing diesel market share (i.e., dieselization) has taken
place, from 11 percent in 2002 to 32 percent in 2006.
Fuel prices are set by the Indian government and vary little across cities.
In our analysis,
we use fuel prices in Delhi, which are pictured in Figure 4. An unfortunate feature of Figure 4—
from the perspective of an econometrician—is the lack of variation in fuel prices. Between 2005
and 2008, gasoline prices in the United States doubled. This provided a natural experiment that
enabled economists to examine how the used car market reacted to changes in the value of fuel
economy (Klier and Linn 2009; Li et al. 2009; Sallee et al. 2010). In India, fuel prices remained
almost flat. The gap between petrol and diesel prices does, however, provide variation in the
The remainder of the market is composed of multi-use vehicles (MUVs), wagons, and coupes.
The January 2006 price of petrol (in 2008 Rs. per liter) was 54.3 in Mumbai, 51.8 in Calcutta, and 48.1 in Delhi.
value of fuel economy between fuel types. As Figure 4 illustrates, diesel fuel is about 30 percent
cheaper than petrol, with petrol selling at 48 Rs. per liter ($4.60 per gallon) and diesel at 34 Rs.
per liter ($3.20 per gallon) in 2006.
Tables 1 and 2 describe the characteristics of petrol and diesel hatchbacks and sedans.
Table 1 describes vehicle characteristics at the model level for the period 2002 to 2006, weighted
by market share. Table 2 summarizes vehicle characteristics at the version level, not weighted by
market share, for the period 2002 through 2008.
Vehicle characteristics data, which cover the
period 2002 to 2008, come from AutoCar India and other sources. Data on market share and
average distance driven each month by the buyers of each model come from the J.D. Power
Automotive Performance, Execution, and Layout (APEAL) Survey and are available for the
years 2002 to 2006.
How do diesel and petrol cars compare in terms of fuel economy and other performance
characteristics? Diesel hatchbacks are heavier and less powerful than petrol hatchbacks (see
Table 1) but have better fuel economy in city driving.
The fact that diesel hatchbacks weigh
more reflects their larger engine size: no diesel hatchbacks are produced with engines smaller
than 1,250 cubic centimeters, which is larger than the mean petrol hatchback engine. On average,
diesel hatchbacks have more torque than petrol hatchbacks, but their ratio of torque to weight is
lower. Diesel hatchbacks have about 1 kilometer-per-liter (kpl) greater fuel economy than petrol
hatchbacks (sales weighted). The difference in fuel economy is much greater between diesel and
petrol sedans: diesel sedans have about 2.7 kpl greater fuel economy than petrol sedans. Diesel
Diesel fuel in India is priced below petrol because of its uses in the agricultural sector. The gap between the two
fuel prices has remained constant in percentage terms since around 2002, but the historic percentage gap is even
The vehicle characteristics in Table 1 are the same as those in Table 2, but have been aggregated to the model level
and then weighted by market share. Because our market share data cover the period 2002 to 2006, all averages in
Table 1 pertain to that period.
Vehicle price and characteristics data come from AutoCar India, an Indian car industry magazine, and Segment Y,
a private market research firm. Additional data on body type classification and fuel type come from Carwale, a
website that provides information for car buyers (www.Carwale.com). All market share data come from the 2002–
2006 waves of the J.D. Power Asia Pacific’s APEAL study, an annual survey of more than 5,500 new car buyers in
We use city fuel economy rather than highway fuel economy throughout the paper. Data on fuel economy
reported by respondents in the APEAL survey correlate much better with city fuel economy than highway fuel
economy, as reported in AutoCar India. A regression through the origin of buyers’ estimates of fuel economy on
published estimates of city fuel economy yields a coefficient of 0.83 (s.e. = 0.0087); when highway fuel economy is
added to the equation, the coefficient on city fuel economy equals 1.00 (s.e. = 0.10) and the coefficient on highway
fuel economy is 0.12 (s.e. = 0.078).
sedans have a horsepower-to-weight ratio that is only 70 percent of that of a petrol sedan, but
have 15 percent more torque and a 5 percent higher torque-to-weight ratio.
To put our study in perspective, we note that Indian cars are lighter and less powerful
than cars in the United States (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] 2008). Between
2002 and 2006, the average weight of an Indian petrol hatchback (sales weighted) was about
1,700 pounds; for an Indian petrol sedan it was 2,200 pounds. In the United States in 2006, the
average car weighed approximately 3,500 pounds.
The average horsepower-to-weight ratio (in
horsepower per pound) was 0.032 for the Indian petrol hatchback, 0.041 for the Indian petrol
sedan, and 0.054 for an average car in the United States. In view of their lighter weight and
lower horsepower ratio, it is not surprising that the average fuel economy of the Indian petrol
hatchback and sedan (28.3 and 22.3 miles per gallon in city driving, respectively) was greater
than that of the average U.S. car (19.4 miles per gallon).
Estimates of fuel economy technical
frontiers, which show how fuel economy varies with vehicle characteristics , suggest that Indian
cars are not necessarily as fuel efficient as U.S. cars, holding weight and horsepower constant.
3. Hedonic Price Approach
The hedonic approach to evaluating how buyers value fuel economy asks whether
consumers equate the marginal cost of buying a more fuel-efficient vehicle to the present value
of fuel savings. Such a comparison tests the null hypothesis that new car buyers are willing to
pay an extra rupee in purchase price to decrease the present value of fuel costs by a rupee.
Formally, new car buyers face a function that describes vehicle price (P) as a function of fuel
economy (kpl) and other vehicle characteristics (Z), such as weight, horsepower, and type of
transmission (automatic or manual). We assume quasilinear preferences over consumption of an
outside good (x) and vehicle subutility (u), which depends on Z and monthly driving distance
(K), but not directly on fuel economy. Each buyer chooses the (Z,K,kpl) bundle that maximizes
his utility (U)
  ,. (1)
The EPA car category is comparable to our hatchbacks and sedans, as it excludes SUVs, wagons, vans, and
pickup trucks.
The figures for the United States are the adjusted city miles per gallon as reported in EPA (2008, Table 1), rather
than laboratory results.
When a fuel economy technical frontier model estimated using Indian data is used to predict the fuel economy of
an average U.S. car, predicted fuel economy is less than 16 miles per gallon (Chugh et al. 2010).
If the buyer is sufficiently forward looking, he considers the impact of kpl on the present
value of fuel costs over the life of the vehicle, and thus faces the budget constraint
. (2)
In equation (2), y is wealth, T is the life of the vehicle, r is the buyer’s discount rate, and
(t) the (expected) price of fuel in year t. The first-order conditions for this problem imply that,
at the chosen level of fuel economy, the marginal cost of an additional unit of fuel economy must
equal the resulting reduction in fuel costs
. (3)
To test whether this condition is satisfied, we estimate hedonic price functions facing
consumers in four vehicle markets—petrol hatchbacks, diesel hatchbacks, petrol sedans, and
diesel sedans—and compute the 95 percent confidence intervals for the cost of a 1 kpl increase in
fuel economy, evaluated at the sales-weighted mean (Z,kpl) vector for each vehicle type. We
compute the associated reduction in fuel costs over the life of the vehicle using the sales-
weighted mean monthly driving distance in each market.
Because we focus on sales-weighted mean vehicle characteristics and driving distance,
ours is a test of whether car buyers choose fuel economy optimally, on average. Note also that
equation (2) treats the new car buyer as the sole owner of the vehicle. Our null hypothesis thus
assumes that both the new and used car markets operate efficiently. An alternative would be to
evaluate the rationality of new car buyers, conditional on prices in the used car market. Data on
the used car market in India are, however, not readily available.
3.1 Estimation of the Hedonic Price Function
The problems involved in estimating the marginal price of fuel economy using hedonic
price functions are well known. Correlation between fuel economy and vehicle characteristics,
such as weight and horsepower, make precise estimation of the marginal price difficult, and
omitted variable bias may render estimates inconsistent (Atkinson and Halvorsen 1984; Espey
and Nair 2005). To deal with these issues, we instrument for fuel economy and use a flexible,
semilog specification and alternate sets of vehicle characteristics to demonstrate robustness to
specification. For comparison purposes, we also present ordinary least squares (OLS) results.
We estimate the log of vehicle price as a function of subsets of vehicle characteristics
described in Table 3
. (4)
For ease of interpretation, we present results that are based on the linear (γ
= 0) version of
equation (4); additional results are presented in the appendix.
The vehicle characteristics that are most highly correlated with fuel economy, but which
are valued in their own right, are vehicle weight and engine performance. Engine performance is
usually measured by torque (or horsepower) and by engine size.
Horsepower (or torque)
relative to vehicle weight determines how much “pickup” a car has (e.g., how well it
accelerates). We use a combination of engine size, torque, and the ratio of horsepower to weight
to measure performance. We also control for a vehicle’s luxury and safety features and whether
it has an automatic transmission. The data used to estimate hedonic price functions (summarized
in Table 2) include all versions available in each market over the period 2002–2008, unweighted
by sales.
We separate the market into sedans and hatchbacks as vehicles of very different sizes and
price ranges are unlikely to be close substitutes. We also segment the market according to fuel
type as the marginal price of fuel economy is likely to differ by fuel type as a result of the diesel–
petrol price differential. Wald tests allow us to reject the null hypothesis that these market
segments should be combined.
We instrument for fuel economy because gains in fuel economy are often achieved by
sacrifices in weight, horsepower, and other desirable characteristics. Although we control for
observable characteristics in our model, failure to account for correlation between higher fuel
Results are robust to the inclusion of higher-order terms for all vehicle categories except petrol sedans. For these
vehicles, use of our instrument means that instrumental variable (IV) estimates are based on only 216 observations
compared to 411 for OLS. OLS results, however, are robust to the inclusion of higher-order terms for all vehicle
Holding engine speed constant, horsepower is a multiple of torque.
economy and unobservable attributes may bias our fuel economy coefficients downward. We
instrument for the fuel economy of petrol hatchbacks of a given make using the average fuel
economy of petrol sedans of the same make. We instrument for the fuel economy for each petrol
sedan of a given make using the average fuel economy of petrol hatchbacks of the same make.
Instruments for diesel vehicles are constructed analogously.
Our instrument reflects the fuel
economy technology available to manufacturers at the time of vehicle design. Sedan fuel
economy should be correlated with hatchback fuel economy, but not with unmeasured hatchback
design characteristics, provided manufacturers’ design decisions are made separately for each
vehicle segment.
3.2 Hedonic Price Function Results
Instrumental variable (IV) estimates of hedonic price functions for each market segment
are presented in Tables 4–7.
The models fit well (R
values range from 0.781 to 0.947), and
most coefficients are statistically significant, with expected signs. Vehicle price varies positively
with weight, horsepower-to-weight ratio, torque, engine size, luxury index, and automatic
transmission (relative to manual). For all vehicle categories, quality-adjusted prices are
approximately 20–40 percent lower in 2008 than in 2002. Holding vehicle characteristics
constant, petrol car prices have fallen more than diesel car prices.
What is the marginal cost to consumers of buying a car with greater fuel economy? Table
8 summarizes the coefficients of fuel economy from Tables 4–7 and contrasts them with the
corresponding OLS estimates. (OLS models corresponding to Tables 4–7 are presented in
Appendix Tables A.1–A.4.) IV estimates from Table 8 suggest that the cost of fuel economy
ranges from 3 to 10 percent of vehicle price. As expected, this is higher than the marginal cost in
the OLS models, suggesting that fuel economy is negatively correlated with desirable, but
Thus, the 2002 Fiat petrol hatchbacks, the Palio (which comes in 11 versions) and the Uno (which comes in 2
versions), all have the same value of the instrument, which is constructed as the average fuel economy of all 7
versions of the 2002 Fiat petrol sedan (the Siena). The 2002 Fiat Sienas (all 7 versions) share the same IV value,
which is equal to the average fuel economy of all 13 2002 Fiat petrol hatchbacks.
We do not present first-stage results for our IV estimates; however, the coefficient on our instrument is
significantly different from zero at the 0.025 level or better in all models.
unmeasured, vehicle characteristics. The marginal price of fuel economy is, in general, robust to
the inclusion of squared terms in the hedonic price function, as shown in Appendix Table A.5.
Because the fuel economy coefficient in each market varies with equation specification,
we compute 95 percent confidence intervals for a 1 kpl increase in fuel economy for a variety of
specifications. We compute confidence intervals holding all other vehicle characteristics at their
sales-weighted means for each year. Table 9 illustrates the cost of a 1 kpl increase in fuel
economy for the years 2002–2006 for each market segment based on the first model in Tables 4–
7. The marginal price of fuel economy is falling in each market between 2002 and 2005. This
reflects the fact that, holding vehicle characteristics constant, the real price of a car is falling in
each market over this period.
3.3 The Savings from Improved Fuel Economy
We compute the savings from a 1 kpl increase in fuel economy using the discrete
counterpart to equation (3)
. (5)
Savings are evaluated in each market segment based on the mean monthly driving distance by
buyers in that segment, averaged over the years 2002 through 2006. These monthly driving
distances are 1,070 kilometers (petrol hatchback owners), 1,870 kilometers (diesel hatchback
owners), 1,300 kilometers (petrol sedan owners), and 1,870 kilometers (diesel sedan owners).
Drivers of diesel cars drive more than drivers of petrol cars and therefore save more from a given
fuel economy improvement.
To calculate fuel savings, we must also make assumptions about vehicle life, interest
rates, and future fuel prices. In 2007, the median life of a car in the United States was 9.2 years
(Bureau of Transportation Statistics 2008). Cars are held for longer periods in most developing
countries, but data on vehicle life in India are scarce. Rogers (2009) suggests that median vehicle
life for new cars in India is about 11 years for hatchbacks and 12 years for sedans. Interest rates
are also higher in India than in the United States. To illustrate this, consider the official (real)
The one exception to this is the market for petrol sedans. The coefficients of fuel economy in our OLS models,
based on 411 observations, are robust to the inclusion of squared terms. However, when the OLS models are
estimated using the sample available for IV estimation (216 observations), the results are no longer robust. This is
also true for the IV models when squared terms are included.
interest rate used by the government of India, which is 12 percent, compared to 7 percent in the
United States. We use a discount rate of 15 percent for car buyers, based on interest rates
charged on new car loans in India (Shankar 2007; Carazoo n.d.; Seth 2009). Following Anderson
et al. (2010), we assume that consumers expect future fuel prices to follow a random walk. This
allows us to replace p
(t) in equation (2) with p
(0), the price of fuel at the time of vehicle
Table 9 presents point estimates of the present value of fuel savings associated with a 1
kpl increase in fuel economy (measured from its mean value) in each market. To put these
numbers in perspective, we also show the present value of fuel expenditures for each vehicle
class (evaluated at mean monthly driving distance) and the percentage decrease in these
expenditures from a 1 kpl increase in fuel economy. In 2006, for diesel hatchbacks and sedans
and petrol hatchbacks, a 1 kpl increase in fuel economy lowers lifetime fuel expenditures by
about 7.5 percent; for petrol sedans, it lowers expenditures by about 9.5 percent. Fuel savings are
increasing in absolute terms over the 2002 to 2006 period as a result of increases in the real
prices of both diesel and petrol.
3.4 Comparison of the Marginal Price of Fuel Economy and Fuel Savings
To test the null hypothesis that consumers equate the marginal price of fuel economy to
the present value of fuel savings, we subtract the fuel savings reported in Table 9 from the
marginal price of fuel economy to construct 95 percent confidence intervals of the net costs of
purchasing additional fuel economy. We do this for all models in Tables 4–7. If zero lies within
this interval, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. The tests of our null hypothesis, illustrated in
Figures 5–8, suggest that Indian consumers do not undervalue fuel economy. In the markets for
petrol hatchbacks and petrol sedans, we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the marginal cost
of fuel economy is equated to the present value of fuel savings for any model specification in any
year. In the markets for diesel hatchbacks and diesel sedans, we can reject the null hypothesis for
some models and years; however, in all cases in which the null hypothesis is rejected, the net
cost of fuel economy is positive, implying that consumers are buying too much fuel economy.
Our results thus provide little support for the argument that fuel economy standards in India are
justified because consumers undervalue fuel economy.
For each model year, we construct a sales-weighted average petrol price and a sales-weighted average diesel
price. We weight monthly fuel price by monthly vehicle sales, reported in Indiastat.com.
4. Lowering Fuel Costs by Purchasing a Diesel Vehicle
Another way in which consumers can reduce their fuel costs is to purchase a diesel car
rather than a petrol one. Diesel cars are more fuel efficient, and diesel fuel is about 30 percent
cheaper per liter than petrol. In this section, we compare the additional cost of buying a diesel
vehicle with the savings in fuel costs using data on twins—models that are available in both
diesel and petrol form. More sedans than hatchbacks are available in diesel form. Of the 34
petrol sedan models available in 2006, 12 of them had diesel twins, whereas only 2 of 11 petrol
hatchback models available in 2006 had a diesel twin. A similar pattern is reflected in market
shares: in 2002, twins accounted for 62 percent of sedan sales and 31 percent of hatchback sales.
In 2006, twins accounted for 54 percent of sedan and 19 percent of hatchback sales.
On average, diesel twins cost more, but have better fuel economy. Table 10 shows
regressions of the log of price and the log of fuel economy on a diesel dummy variable and
model-year dummy variables for the hatchback and sedan markets. On average, diesel
hatchbacks cost 9.4 percent more than their petrol twins; diesel sedans cost 7.7 percent more.
The difference in fuel economy is large: diesel hatchbacks are on average 27 percent, and diesel
sedans 30 percent, more fuel efficient than their petrol twins. On average, a diesel car travels 3
kilometers farther on a liter of fuel than its petrol twin.
4.1 The Cost Savings from Buying a Diesel Twin
The cost advantage of a diesel twin is the difference between the purchase price of the
petrol and diesel versions of the vehicle plus the present value of savings in fuel costs over the
life of the vehicle
, (6)
where the p and d subscripts refer to petrol and diesel, respectively.
The fuel savings of a diesel are substantial: the fuel cost per kilometer of a diesel car is
about half that of its petrol twin. To illustrate, a petrol sedan that achieves average fuel economy
(9 kpl) costs 5Rs. per kilometer to operate at a petrol price of 45 Rs. per liter (roughly the current
price). Its diesel twin, with a fuel economy of 12 kpl, costs only 2.5 Rs. per kilometer because
diesel fuel is one-third cheaper (30 Rs. per liter). The corresponding figures for hatchbacks are
4.5 Rs. per kilometer for petrol hatchbacks vs. 2.3 Rs. per kilometer for their petrol twins.
both cases, two-thirds of the reduction in fuel costs is due to the lower price of diesel and one-
third to the better fuel economy of diesel vehicles.
Total fuel savings from buying the diesel twin increase with driving distance. For buyers
who drive 2,000 kilometers per month, the present value of fuel savings is about 171,000 Rs.
over the life of a hatchback and 334,000 Rs. over the life of a sedan. For buyers who drive 1,000
kilometers per month, the savings are still substantial: about 85,500 Rs. for a hatchback and
167,000 for a sedan. To obtain net savings, the difference in purchase price of the diesel and
petrol vehicles (42,500 Rs. for hatchbacks and 86,600 Rs. for sedans) must be subtracted from
the fuel savings.
The average figures in the previous paragraph mask heterogeneity across models in the
net fuel savings from buying a diesel. Figures 9 and 10 plot the net fuel savings from buying a
diesel for 21 hatchback and 70 sedan models for which a twin was available over the period
2002–2006. In these computations, fuel savings are based on mean monthly driving distances for
each vehicle type. In both figures, the savings from buying a diesel vehicle are expressed as a
percentage of the price of its petrol twin.
The distribution of forgone savings for persons who bought a petrol car lies to the left of
the distribution of savings realized by diesel car buyers in both figures. This is not surprising as
petrol car buyers drive fewer kilometers per year than diesel buyers and therefore enjoy smaller
fuel savings. On average, the fuel savings realized by buyers of diesel hatchbacks were 48
percent of the price of a petrol hatchback; the corresponding figure for diesel sedan owners was
25 percent. At the same time, buyers of petrol hatchbacks gave up savings equal to 23 percent of
the price of their cars, and buyers of petrol sedans gave up savings equal to 15 percent of the
price of their cars.
The important question is: what percentage of twin buyers realized these savings? In
2006, 74 percent of hatchback twin buyers bought a diesel hatchback, and 59 percent of sedan
twin buyers bought a diesel sedan; these percentages have risen steadily since 2002. Clearly, the
majority of “twin” buyers realized significant savings. Does this mean that the buyers of petrol
This is based on 10 kpl for a petrol hatchback and 13 kpl for a diesel hatchback.
At 9 kpl, the petrol sedan would cost 30/9 = 3.33 Rs. per kilometer if petrol cost the same per liter as diesel.
Increasing fuel economy from 9 to 12 kpl reduces the cost per kilometer from 3.33 to 2.5 Rs. So 1.67 Rs. of the 2.5-
Rs. reduction in cost comes from the lower cost of diesel fuel.
twins undervalued fuel savings? As Table 11 shows, diesel and petrol twins differ noticeably in
weight and in performance: diesel twins are generally heavier and less powerful than their petrol
counterparts. It could be that buyers of petrol twins value these characteristics enough to forgo
the fuel savings from buying a diesel.
4.2 The Value Petrol Car Buyers Place on the Petrol Twin
It is straightforward to show that the fuel savings forgone by petrol car buyers (equation
[6]) is a lower bound to the money these buyers would have to receive to keep their utility
constant if they were forced to buy the diesel twin. Let x* denote the income remaining after the
petrol car buyer purchases a petrol car (Z
) and drives K* miles. Let x denote the income
remaining if he drives K* kilometers but buys the diesel twin (Z
). If the buyer is rational, he
prefers (x*,Z
,K*) to (x,Z
,K*); that is,
,K*)> U(x,Z
,K*) (7)
There is, however, some amount of money,
, that will make him as happy as with the petrol
twin, defined by
,K*) (8)
To keep his utility constant, the amount the petrol buyer would have to be given (his
compensating variation) if forced to buy a diesel car is
-x*. Because
>x, x-x* is a lower
bound to this value. From equation (2), x-x* equals the net value of fuel savings from buying a
diesel; that is, equation (6) evaluated at K*.
This implies that the lower bound to the value placed on characteristics Z
) is
approximately 100,000 Rs. for buyers of petrol hatchbacks and 150,000 Rs. for buyers of petrol
sedans. It is, of course, impossible to say whether this is rational. To judge how these car buyers
valued fuel economy requires estimating a model of the demand for vehicle characteristics (see,
e.g., Allcott and Wozny 2010).
5. Conclusion
The debate over mitigating the environmental impact of India’s rapidly expanding
vehicle fleet has centered on reducing fuel consumption. One commonly cited justification for
fuel economy standards, as opposed to higher fuel taxes, is the belief that consumers undervalue
fuel economy when making purchasing decisions. We have addressed this concern by comparing
the cost to consumers of increased fuel economy to the associated fuel savings. Based on our IV
estimates of hedonic price functions, we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the mean
consumer equates the marginal price of fuel economy to the present value of fuel savings in the
markets for petrol hatchbacks and petrol sedans. In the markets for diesel hatchbacks and diesel
sedans, however, we reject the null hypothesis for at least some specifications in all years. In the
cases for which we can reject the null hypothesis, consumers appear to be overvaluing fuel
economy and, therefore, buying too much of it rather than too little.
To further understand the trade-offs faced by consumers, we considered the choices faced
by potential buyers of twins. Diesel versions of twins are, in general, more expensive than their
petrol counterparts but have sufficiently lower operating costs as to more than offset the
difference in purchase price. Net savings from purchasing a diesel twin are substantial. By
choosing their vehicle over its petrol twin, diesel hatchback owners save the equivalent of 44
percent of the purchase price of their chosen vehicle; diesel sedan owners save 23 percent. In
2006, 74 percent of twin hatchback owners and 59 percent of twin sedan owners realized these
savings by buying the diesel twin. Because of their lower monthly driving distance, forgone
savings by owners of petrol twins are lower, but still substantial: petrol hatchback owners could
have saved (on net) 23 percent of the purchase price of their chosen vehicles, and sedan owners
15 percent, by buying a diesel. This does not mean that buyers of petrol twins were irrational;
they may have been willing to forgo these savings to drive a more powerful petrol vehicle.
There are limits to what can be said using the data on vehicle characteristics and sales
prices used in this paper. The next step in our analysis is to estimate models of vehicle demand
and miles driven using individual household data on vehicle purchases. These models can be
used to compute the welfare effects of changes in fuel taxes (e.g., the impact of equalizing the
cost of diesel and petrol) and of imposing fuel economy standards. If, for example, auto
manufacturers in India were to meet fuel economy standards by reducing vehicle weight and
horsepower, as was done in the United States (Klier and Linn 2008), this could result in a
welfare loss to Indian consumers. To justify such an intervention, these losses should be
compared to the welfare gains from reduced pollution, congestion, and dependence on foreign
oil. Such a comparison of costs and benefits cannot be accomplished without first quantifying
Alcott, H., and N. Wozny. 2010. Gasoline Prices, Fuel Economy, and the Energy Paradox.
Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research working paper 10-003.
Cambridge, MA: Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research.
Anderson, S., R. Kellogg, and J. Sallee. 2010. What Do Consumers Believe about Future
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Washington, DC: U.S. EPA.
Tables and Figures
Table 1. Sales-Weighted Model-Level Summary Statistics
Notes: Each model is available in multiple versions. For each year, and for each vehicle category, model/fuel-type
level vehicle characteristics are constructed as the unweighted average across all available versions of each model
for each fuel type. The within-year sales-weighted average of these models is calculated for each vehicle category.
The resulting year representative vehicles are averaged across years 2002 to 2006 and presented above. The
operating cost represents present discounted value of fuel expenditures over life of vehicle using a 15percent
discount rate. Hatchbacks are assumed to last 11 years, sedans 12 years. Fuel prices are held constant at average
price in the year of purchase. Source: Version-level vehicle characteristics data come from AutoCar India. Model-
level market share data come from the J.D. Power APEAL survey.
Variables Units
Pr ice 10
Rupees2008 4.09 4.63 8.76 8.62
(USD2008) (10,400) (11,800) (22,200) (21,900)
Kerbweight 1,000kg 0.773 0.976 1.04 1.13
(lbs ) (1,700) (2,150) (2,300) (2,490)
Pow err atio hp/kg 0.0707 0.0559 0.0892 0.0607
(0.0321) (0.0254) (0.0405) (0.0275)
Enginesize cc 972 1,420 1,540 1,570
Torque kgm7.89 9.00 13.0 14.9
(57.0) (65.1) (94.1) (108)
Cityfueleconomy kpl 12.1 13.0 9.60 12.3
(mpg) (28.5) (30.7) (22.6) (29.0)
Luxuryindex 2.04 2.16 4.71 4.11
Safetyindex 0.427 0.221 0.889 0.978
Autom atic 0.131 0.000 0.124 0.005
Dis tancedriven km/month 1,070 1,870 1,300 1,870
(mi l es/month) (663) (1,160) (808) (1,160)
#ofmodels 43 12 72 31
Table 2. Version-Level Summary Statistics (Standard Deviations in Parentheses)
For each vehicle category, the unweighted average across all available versions from years 2002 to 2008 is
presented above with standard deviations in parentheses.
Source: Version level vehicle characteristics data come from AutoCar India.
Table 3. Explanatory Variables
Note: Variables used in hedonic price function analysis are presented above.
Variable s Units
Price 10
Rupees2008 4.71 4.84 14.3 13.0
(1.42) (0.758) (15.8) (9.24)
Kerbweight 1,000kg 0.907 0.991 1.19 1.22
(0.155) (0.095) (0.219) (0.170)
Powerratio hp/kg 0.0749 0.0603 0.0946 0.0666
(0.00906) (0.00900) (0.0191) (0.0175)
Engi nesize cc 1,160 1,570 1,810 1,810
(244) (220) (580) (317)
Torque kgm9.81 10.8 16.1 18.4
(2.32) (2.85) (6.04) (8.47)
Cityfueleconomy kpl 11.0 13.1 8.70 11.6
(1.42) (1.12) (1.37) (1.67)
Luxuryindex 2.91 2.48 5.82 5.50
(1.73) (1.47) (2.56) (2.62)
Safetyindex 0.775 0.781 1.71 1.61
(0.727) (0.766) (1.41) (1.46)
Automatic 0.041 0.000 0.212 0.146
(0 .19 9) 0.000 (0.409) (0.354)
#ofversions 244 64 411 158
Variable Description
Price PriceofvehicleinDelhi
Kerbweight M assofvehicle
Powerratio Ratioofpowertovehiclemass;thisvariableis akeyindicatorof
vehicleperform ance
Enginesize Volumeofairandfueldisplacedinoneenginecycle;ass ociatedwith
Torque Enginetorque(a sopposedtotorqueatwheels);
ifbotharemeas uredatsameengi nespeed
Luxuryindex Thesumoftheindicatorvariablesforairconditioning,powersteering,
Safetyindex Thesumofthe
indicatorvariablesforairbag s ,rearseatbelts,antilock
Autom atic Anindicatorvariablefortransmissiontype(0manualor1automatic)
Cityfueleconomy Fueleconomyunderurbandrivingconditions
Table 4. Hedonic Price Function IV Estimation Results—Petrol Hatchback
Notes: This table presents hedonic price function IV estimation results using petrol hatchbacks for years 2002 to
2008. To analyze robustness of results, we present four different specifications.
Standard errors are in
parentheses, *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variables Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008
Cityfueleconomy 0.0316* 0.0155 0.0935*** 0.0899***
(0.0179) (0.0302) (0.0314) (0.0285)
Kerbweight 0.975*** 1.099*** 0.593*** 0.548***
(0.119) (0.102) (0.147) (0.130)
Powerratio 10.93*** 12.77***
(1.069) (1.669)
Enginesize 0.000200 0.000473
(0.000192) (0.000290)
Torque 0.0744*** 0.0274
(0.0125) (0.0229)
Luxuryindex 0.0721*** 0.0713*** 0.0852*** 0.0845***
(0.00512) (0.00505) (0.00669) (0.00646)
Safe tyindex 0.0294** 0.0296** 0.0349* 0.0286*
(0.0131) (0.0127) (0.0181) (0.0166)
Automatic 0.155*** 0.143*** 0.163*** 0.173***
(0.0361) (0.0395) (0.0501) (0.0511)
Y2003 0.0684*** 0.0759*** 0.0328 0.0293
(0.0254) (0.0257) (0.0344) (0.0336)
Y2004 0.125*** 0.132*** 0.0924** 0.0927***
(0.0265) (0.0273) (0.0366) (0.0353)
Y2005 0.208*** 0.218*** 0.174*** 0.163***
(0.0251) (0.0268) (0.0342) (0.0346)
Y2006 0.149*** 0.159*** 0.125*** 0.115***
(0.0256) (0.0280) (0.0354) (0.0363)
Y2007 0.268*** 0.273*** 0.305*** 0.278***
(0.0258) (0.0251) (0.0355) (0.0355)
Y2008 0.290*** 0.300*** 0.326*** 0.289***
(0.0246) (0.0257) (0.0331) (0.0381)
Constant 0.580* 0.410 0.868* 0.894*
(0.346) (0.462) (0.522) (0.519)
Observations 236 236 236 236
Rsquared 0.881 0.888 0.781 0.794
Table 5. Hedonic Price Function IV Estimation Results—Diesel Hatchback
Notes: This table presents hedonic price function IV estimation results using diesel hatchbacks for years 2002 to
2008. To analyze robustness of results, we present four different specifications. Standard errors are in parentheses,
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variables Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008
Cityfueleconomy 0.0734*** 0.0873*** 0.0633*** 0.0830***
(0.0182) (0.0181) (0.0192) (0.0193)
Ke rbweight 1.308*** 1.180*** 0.784*** 0.753***
(0.158) (0.189) (0.175) (0.188)
Powe rratio 6.721*** 5.412***
(1.189) (1.335)
Enginesize 0.000127** 0.000156***
(6.23e05) (5.99e05)
Torque 0.0213*** 0.0161***
(0.00407) (0.00444)
Luxuryindex 0.0376*** 0.0385*** 0.0392*** 0.0399***
(0.00688) (0.00727) (0.00671) (0.00713)
Safetyindex 0.000191 0.0131 0.000624 0.0158
(0.0141) (0.0156) (0.0139) (0.0154)
Automatic 0000
(0) (0) (0) (0)
Y2003 0.0575** 0.0651** 0.0617** 0.0700**
(0.0293) (0.0311) (0.0290) (0.0310)
Y2004 0.150*** 0.150*** 0.146*** 0.147***
(0.0291) (0.0305) (0.0286) (0.0302)
Y2005 0.0905** 0.0672* 0.0990** 0.0682*
(0.0392) (0.0404) (0.0392) (0.0408)
Y2006 0.000269 0.0391 0.0132 0.0384
(0.0432) (0.0453) (0.0432) (0.0459)
Y2007 0.144*** 0.0991** 0.156*** 0.0978**
(0.0408) (0.0437) (0.0413) (0.0445)
Y2008 0.236*** 0.169*** 0.257*** 0.168***
(0.0413) (0.0493) (0.0440) (0.0517)
Constant 1.091*** 1.281***
0.260 0.695*
(0.351) (0.353) (0.384) (0.390)
Observations 64 64 64 64
Rsquared 0.851 0.836 0.856 0.839
Table 6. Hedonic Price Function IV Estimation Results—Petrol Sedan
Notes: This table presents hedonic price function IV estimation results using petrol sedans for years 2002 to 2008.
To analyze robustness of results, we present four different specifications. Standard errors are in parentheses, ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variables Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008
Cityfueleconomy 0.0484** 0.0597*** 0.0699** 0.0843***
(0.0220) (0.0197) (0.0306) (0.0304)
Ke rbweight 1.355*** 0.914*** 0.828*** 0.742***
(0.112) (0.138) (0.138) (0.137)
Powerratio 5.984*** 3.344***
(0.863) (0.960)
Enginesize 0.000442*** 0.000461***
(6.75e05) (8.95e05)
Torque 0.0485*** 0.0176**
(0.00580) (0.00830)
Luxuryindex 0.0513*** 0.0453*** 0.0471*** 0.0437***
(0.00481) (0.00443) (0.00509) (0.00508)
Safe tyindex 0.0117 0.0159* 0.0198* 0.0264**
(0.00965) (0.00886) (0.0111) (0.0110)
Automatic 0.108*** 0.0513 0.0785 0.0614
(0.0407) (0.0397) (0.0484) (0.0479)
Y2003 0.0256 0.0192 0.0114 0.00107
(0.0292) (0.0268) (0.0335) (0.0332)
Y2004 0.149*** 0.159*** 0.147*** 0.149***
(0.0270) (0.0251) (0.0301) (0.0298)
Y2005 0.228*** 0.222*** 0.204*** 0.191***
(0.0337) (0.0309) (0.0417) (0.0413)
Y2006 0.266*** 0.261*** 0.275*** 0.258***
(0.0281) (0.0258) (0.0304) (0.0303)
Y2007 0.304*** 0.280*** 0.314*** 0.276***
(0.0269) (0.0247) (0.0290) (0.0297)
Y2008 0.391*** 0.361*** 0.407*** 0.362***
(0.0291) (0.0270) (0.0306) (0.0315)
Constant 0.450 0.512
0.176 0.529
(0.356) (0.325) (0.417) (0.418)
Observations 216 216 216 216
Rsquared 0.905 0.919 0.897 0.899
Table 7. Hedonic Price Function IV Estimation Results—Diesel Sedan
Notes: This table presents hedonic price function IV estimation results using diesel sedans for years 2002 to 2008.
To analyze robustness of results, we present four different specifications. Standard errors are in parentheses, ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variables Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008
Cityfueleconomy 0.0973** 0.0398* 0.103*** 0.0447**
(0.0383) (0.0210) (0.0272) (0.0177)
Ke rbweight 1.856*** 1.146*** 1.843*** 0.677**
(0.447) (0.271) (0.470) (0.338)
Powe rratio 1.557 7.269***
(3.573) (2.091)
Enginesize 0.000129** 0.000201***
(4.99e05) (5.24e05)
Torque 0.00350 0.0228***
(0.00759) (0.00555)
Luxuryindex 0.0367*** 0.0418*** 0.0362*** 0.0411***
(0.0104) (0.00792) (0.0101) (0.00751)
Safetyindex 0.000268 0.0208 0.000541 0.0255
(0.0240) (0.0195) (0.0237) (0.0189)
Automatic 0 0 0 0
(0) (0) (0) (0)
Y2003 0.145 0.0165 0.158* 0.0190
(0.113) (0.0727) (0.0920) (0.0672)
Y2004 0.0308 0.128* 0.0419 0.140**
(0.111) (0.0720) (0.0925) (0.0677)
Y2005 0.0848 0.126 0.102 0.128*
(0.140) (0.0843) (0.109) (0.0767)
Y2006 0.136 0.0898 0.154 0.0976
(0.149) (0.0889) (0.117) (0.0820)
Y2007 0.0714 0.161* 0.0900 0.164**
(0.152) (0.0903) (0.117) (0.0818)
Y2008 0.0119 0.230** 0.0318 0.228***
(0.162) (0.0965) (0.122) (0.0859)
Constant 1.578* 0.462 1.597** 0.0221
(0.831) (0.475) (0.799) (0.527)
Observations 42 42 42 42
Rsquared 0.914 0.943 0.909 0.947
Table 8. OLS and IV Hedonic Price Function City Fuel Economy Coefficients
Notes: This table presents OLS and IV hedonic price function city fuel economy coefficient estimates. Standard
errors in parentheses, *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Table 9. Fuel Economy Premium vs. Present Discounted Value of Fuel Savings,
in 2008 Rupees
Notes: FE,fuel economy; PDV, present discounted value. FE premium results are based on hedonic price function
specification (1). Delta method standard errors are presented in parentheses. The present discounted value of fuel
savings is calculated using a 15 percent discount rate.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
0.0144** 0.000870 0.0128 0 .00381
(0.00673) (0.00739) (0.00776) (0.00860)
0.0316* 0.0155 0.0935*** 0.0899***
(0.0179) (0.0302) (0.0314) (0.0285)
0.0358*** 0.0363*** 0.0281** 0.0292***
(0.0107) (0.0103) (0.0110) (0.0104)
0.0734*** 0.0873*** 0.0633*** 0.0830***
(0.0182) (0.0181) (0.0192) (0.0193)
0.0472*** 0.0442*** 0.0264** 0.0260**
(0.0114) (0.0114) (0.0107) (0.0106)
0.0484** 0.0597*** 0.0699** 0.0843***
(0.0220) (0.0197) (0.0306) (0.0304)
0.0137 0 .0273*** 0.00866 0.0239**
(0.0103) (0.00983) (0.0112) (0.0107)
0.0973** 0.0398* 0.103*** 0.0447**
(0.0383) (0.0210) (0.0272) (0.0177)
Petro lhatchback
Dies el hatchback
Petro lsedan
Dies el sedan
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
FEpremium 14,200 13,100 12,100 11,800 12,300
(8,240) (7,630) (6,950) (6,810) (7,130)
Fuelcost 213,000 229,000 258,000 272,000 289,000
PDVoffuelsavings 15,900 17,200 20,100 20,900 22,100
Percentageoffuelcostsaved 7.48 7.51 7.78 7.69 7.64
FEpremium 36,900 37,500 34,000 32,300 37,400
(9,150) (9,730) (8,850) (7,550) (8,610)
Fuelcost 221,000 227,000 254,000 326,000 345,000
PDVoffuelsavings 15,700 15,300 17,100 24,600 26,000
Percentageoffuelcostsaved 7.11 6.76 6.75 7.54 7.54
FEpremium 43,500 44,600 40,900 35,600 36,600
(20,400) (20,700) (19,100) (16,200) (16,900)
Fuelcost 334,000 367,000 296,000 444,000 466,000
PDVoffuelsavings 30,600 34,400 36,900 43,300 44,700
Percentageoffuelcostsaved 9.15 9.37 9.31 9.76 9.59
FEpremium 88,000 76,800 75,000 71,200 84,400
(323,800) (23,800) (24,800) (20,500) (26,600)
Fuelcost 228,000 271,000 287,000 355,000 358,000
PDVoffuelsavings 16,200 20,900 21,100 28,100 27,000
Percentageoffuelcostsaved 7.11 7.71 7.33 7.91 7.55
(1,070km /month)
(1,870km /month)
(1,300km /month)
(1,870km /month)
Table 10. Differences between Petrol and Diesel Twins in Price and Fuel Economy
This table presents regression results using all available petrol and diesel hatchback and sedan twins for
years 2002 to 2008. Standard errors in parentheses,*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Table 11. Twins-Only Version-Level Summary Statistics
Notes: The unweighted average across all available twin hatchback versions is presented above with standard
deviations in parentheses.
Version-level vehicle characteristics data come from AutoCar India.
Variables ln(Price) ln(CityFE) ln(Price) ln(CityFE)
Diesel 0.0945*** 0.271*** 0.0767*** 0.301***
(0.0210) (0.00921 ) (0.00988) (0.00853)
Constant 1.51*** 2.37*** 2.47*** 2.15***
(0.00819) (0.00361) (0.00475) (0.00390)
Observations 343 314 689 579
Rsquared 0.815 0.895 0.989 0.909
AdjRsquared 0.761 0.861 0.984 0.871
Hatchback Se dan
Variables Units
Di esel
Price 10
Rupees2008 4.61 4.84 12.0 12.7
(0.94) (0.758) (10.9) (9.35)
Kerbweight 1000kg 0.957 0.991 1.15 1.22
(0.101) (0.09 5) (0.198) (0.170)
Powerratio hp/kg 0.0761 0.0603 0.0896 0.0658
(0.00755) (0.00900) (0.0168) (0.0175)
Enginesize cc 1,280 1,570 1,680 1,800
(169) (220) (370) (320)
Torque kgm 10.70 10.8 15.0 18.0
(1.67) (2.85 ) (4.65) (8 .40)
Cityfuelec onomy kpl 10.1 13.1 8.75 11.6
(1.00) (1.12 ) (1.22) (1 .69)
Luxuryindex 2.82 2.48 5.04 5.33
(1.53) (1.47 ) (2.55) (2 .57)
Safetyindex 0.730 0.781 1.40 1.49
(0.647) (0.76 6) (1.41) (1.3 8)
Au tomatic 0.000 0.000 0.133 0.127
(0.000) (0.00 0) (0.341) (0.334)
#ofversion s 74 64 210 150
Figure 1. Market Shares by Body and Fuel Type, Averaged over 2002–2006
Source: Annual vehicle sales data come from the J.D. Power APEAL survey.
Hatchback Sedan SUV/MUV Van
Petrol Diesel
Figure 2. Hatchback Market Share by Fuel Type, 2002 to 2006
Source: Annual vehicle sales data come from the J.D. Power APEAL survey.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Shareofhatchback market
Petrol Diesel
Figure 3. Sedan Market Share by Fuel Type, 2002 to 2006
Source: Annual vehicle sales data come from the J.D. Power APEAL survey.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Shareofsedan market
Petrol Diesel
Figure 4. Average Petrol and Diesel Fuel Price in Delhi, 2002 to 2006
Notes: Annual average prices are constructed by weighting monthly prices by the fraction of annual vehicle sales
sold in each month.
Source: Monthly Delhi fuel price data come from IndiaStat.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
petrol diesel
Figure 5. 95 Percent Confidence Intervals of Fuel Economy Premium Minus Present
Discounted Value of Fuel Savings, 2002 to 2006—Petrol Hatchback
Notes: The above graph presents 95 percent confidence intervals of hedonic price function estimates of the implicit
marginal price of a 1 kpl improvement in fuel economy minus the present discounted value of fuel savings that
would accompany such an improvement. To demonstrate robustness across specifications, the results of four
hedonic price functions are presented. The series names indicated in the legend correspond to the specification
names used in Table 4.
The present discounted value of fuel savings is calculated using a 15 percent discount rate.
Monthly driving distance is assumed to be 1,070 kilometers for petrol hatchbacks. For any given year, the estimate
of the implicit marginal price of fuel economy is the only thing that changes across specifications; the present
discounted value of fuel savings is identical across all specifications.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Netfuelcos tsavings(2008Rupees)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Figure 6. 95 Percent Confidence Intervals of Fuel Economy Premium Minus Present
Discounted Value of Fuel Savings, 2002 to 2006—Diesel Hatchback
Notes: The above graph presents 95 percent confidence intervals of hedonic price function estimates of the implicit
marginal price of a 1 kpl improvement in fuel economy minus the present discounted value of fuel savings that
would accompany such an improvement. To demonstrate robustness across specifications, the results of four
hedonic price functions are presented. The series names indicated in the legend correspond to the specification
names used in Table 5. The present discounted value of fuel savings is calculated using a 15 percent discount rate.
Monthly driving distance is assumed to be 1,870 kilometers for diesel hatchbacks. For any given year, the estimate
of the implicit marginal price of fuel economy is the only thing that changes across specifications; the present
discounted value of fuel savings is identical across all specifications.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Figure 7. 95 Percent Confidence Intervals of Fuel Economy Premium Minus Present
Discounted Value of Fuel Savings, 2002 to 2006—Petrol Sedan
Notes: The above graph presents 95 percent confidence intervals of hedonic price function estimates of the implicit
marginal price of a 1 kpl improvement in fuel economy minus the present discounted value of fuel savings that
would accompany such an improvement. To demonstrate robustness across specifications, the results of four
hedonic price functions are presented. The series names indicated in the legend correspond to the specification
names used in Table 6. The present discounted value of fuel savings is calculated using a 15 percent discount rate.
Monthly driving distance is assumed to be 1,300 kilometers for petrol sedans. For any given year, the estimate of the
implicit marginal price of fuel economy is the only thing that changes across specifications; the present discounted
value of fuel savings is identical across all specifications.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Netfuelcos tsavings(2008Rupees)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Figure 8. 95 Percent Confidence Intervals of Fuel Economy Premium Minus Present
Discounted Value of Fuel Savings, 2002 to 2006—Diesel Sedan
Notes: The above graph presents 95 percent confidence intervals of hedonic price function estimates of the implicit
marginal price of a 1 kpl improvement in fuel economy minus the present discounted value of fuel savings that
would accompany such an improvement. To demonstrate robustness across specifications, the results of four
hedonic price functions are presented. The series names indicated in the legend correspond to the specification
names used in Table 7. The present discounted value of fuel savings is calculated using a 15 percent discount rate.
Monthly driving distance is assumed to be 1,870 kilometers for diesel sedans. For any given year, the estimate of the
implicit marginal price of fuel economy is the only thing that changes across specifications; the present discounted
value of fuel savings is identical across all specifications.
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Netfuelcost savings(2008Rupees)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Figure 9. Potential Savings as a Percentage of Petrol Twin Purchase Price—Hatchback
Notes: The above graph presents the frequency distribution of potential savings from buying a diesel hatchback as a
percentage of its petrol twin’s purchase price. Results for all available twin hatchbacks in years 2002 to 2008 are
represented. For owners of petrol hatchbacks, these potential savings are ultimately forgone. For owners of diesel
hatchbacks, the potential savings are ultimately realized. Potential savings is calculated as the difference in purchase
price between the petrol vehicle and its diesel twin plus the present discounted value of the difference in fuel cost
over an 11-year period. In general, this value is positive because, for almost all models available in both fuel types,
the diesel twin has a higher purchase price but operating costs low enough to more than offset the purchase price
difference. The only difference between the petrol and diesel series is in the monthly driving distance used to
calculate the present discounted value of fuel savings. The present discounted value of fuel savings is calculated
using a 15 percent discount rate. Monthly driving distance is assumed to be 1,070 kilometers for petrol hatchback
owners and 1,870 kilometers for diesel hatchback owners.
010 1020 2030 3040 40 50 5060 6070 7080
Percentageofpetroltwinpurchas eprice
Petrol Diesel
Figure 10. Potential Savings as a Percentage of Petrol Twin Purchase Price—Sedan
Notes: The above graph presents the frequency distribution of potential savings from buying a diesel sedan as a
percentage of its petrol twin’s purchase price. Results for all available twin sedans in years 2002 to 2008 are
represented. For owners of petrol sedans, these potential savings are ultimately forgone. For owners of diesel sedans,
the potential savings are ultimately realized. Potential savings is calculated as the difference in purchase price
between the petrol vehicle and its diesel twin plus the present discounted value of the difference in fuel cost over a
12-year period. In general, this value is positive because, for almost all models available in both fuel types, the
diesel twin has a higher purchase price but operating costs low enough to more than offset the purchase price
difference. The only difference between the Petrol and Diesel series is in the monthly driving distance used to
calculate the present discounted value of fuel savings. The present discounted value of fuel savings is calculated
using a 15 percent discount rate. Monthly driving distance is assumed to be 1,300 kilometers for petrol sedan owners
and 1,870 kilometers for diesel sedan owners.
<0 010 1020 2030 3040 40 50 50 60 60 70
Petrol Diesel
Table A.1. Hedonic Price Function OLS Estimation Results—Petrol Hatchback
Notes: Table presents hedonic price function OLS estimation results using petrol hatchbacks for years 2002 to 2008.
To analyze robustness of results, we present four different specifications. Standard errors are in parentheses, ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variables Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008
Ci tyfueleconomy 0.0144** 0.000870 0.0128 0.00381
(0.00673) (0.00739) (0.00776) (0.00860)
Kerbweight 0.872*** 1.161*** 0.393*** 0.379***
(0.0657) (0.0977) (0.100) (0.0992)
Powerratio 9.905*** 13.63***
(0.912) (1.301)
Enginesi ze 0.000335*** 0.000325**
(8.58e 05) (0.000140)
Torque 0.0479*** 0.0779***
(0.00713) (0.0147)
Luxuryindex 0.0724*** 0.0709*** 0.0833*** 0.0834***
(0.00506) (0.00492) (0.00547) (0.00542)
Safetyindex 0.0276** 0.0300** 0.0179 0.0178
(0.0123) (0.0120) (0.0138) (0.0136)
Automatic 0.134*** 0.129*** 0.100*** 0.0873**
(0.0338) (0.0328) (0.0377) (0.0378)
Y200 3 0.0712*** 0.0799*** 0.0466* 0.0479*
(0.0242) (0.0236) (0.0270) (0.0268)
Y200 4 0.143*** 0.144*** 0.129*** 0.126***
(0.0256) (0.0249) (0.0288) (0.0285)
Y200 5 0.221*** 0.231*** 0.198*** 0.202***
(0.0247) (0.0241) (0.0276) (0.0274)
Y200 6 0.166*** 0.172*** 0.163*** 0.169***
(0.0247) (0.0240) (0.0277) (0.0276)
Y200 7 0.277*** 0.281*** 0.297*** 0.309***
(0.0254) (0.0247) (0.0285) (0.0287)
Y200 8 0.302*** 0.312***
0.331*** 0.350***
(0.0243) (0.0237) (0.0271) (0.0281)
Constant 0.208 0.198 0.477*** 0.677***
(0.145) (0.141) (0.137) (0.161)
Observations 244 244 244 244
Rsquared 0.881 0.888 0.850 0.853
Table A.2. Hedonic Price Function OLS Estimation Results—Diesel Hatchback
Notes: Table presents hedonic price function OLS estimation results using diesel hatchbacks for years 2002 to 2008.
To analyze robustness of results, we present four different specifications. Standard errors are in parentheses, ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variables Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008
Cityfueleconomy 0.0358*** 0.0363*** 0.0281** 0.0292***
(0.0107) (0.0103) (0.0110) (0.0104)
Kerbweight 1.109*** 0.922*** 0.535*** 0.385***
(0.137) (0.161) (0.136) (0.140)
Powerratio 7.606*** 6.671***
(1.133) (1.187)
Enginesize 0.000119** 0.000145**
(5.74e 05) (5.42e05)
Torque 0.0251*** 0.0221***
(0.00374) (0.00370)
Luxuryindex 0.0427*** 0.0451*** 0.0432*** 0.0458***
(0.00657) (0.00648) (0.00655) (0.00627)
Safetyindex 0.00889 0.000693 0.00796 0.00373
(0.0136) (0.0140) (0.0136) (0.0136)
Automatic 0 0 0 0
(0) (0) (0) (0)
Y20 03 0.0691** 0.0801*** 0.0735** 0.0869***
(0.0288) (0.0284) (0.0289) (0.0278)
Y20 04 0.151*** 0.152*** 0.147*** 0.148***
(0.0290) (0.0281) (0.0290) (0.0274)
Y20 05 0.140*** 0.134*** 0.144*** 0.137***
(0.0340) (0.0330) (0.0340) (0.0323)
Y20 06 0.0590 0.0417 0.0667* 0.0449
(0.0364) (0.0362) (0.0364) (0.0354)
Y20 07 0.202*** 0.179*** 0.210*** 0.182***
(0.0338) (0.0346) (0.0340) (0.0338)
Y20 08 0.288*** 0.241*** 0.310*** 0.254***
(0.0359) (0.0414) (0.0373) (0.0411)
0.441* 0.403* 0.421* 0.350
(0.240) (0.234) (0.235) (0.224)
Observations 64 64 64 64
Rsquared 0.880 0.889 0.879 0.894
Table A.3. Hedonic Price Function OLS Estimation Results—Petrol Sedan
Notes: Table presents hedonic price function OLS estimation results using petrol sedans for years 2002 to 2008. To
analyze robustness of results, we present four different specifications. Standard errors are in parentheses, ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variables Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008
Cityfueleconomy 0.0472*** 0.0442*** 0.0264** 0.0260**
(0.0114) (0.0114) (0.0107) (0.0106)
Kerbweight 1.865*** 1.633*** 0.815*** 0.842***
(0.0899) (0.126) (0.112) (0.112)
Powerratio 8.987*** 7.404***
(0.679) (0.899)
Enginesize 0.000107*** 0.000140***
(4.04e05) (5.25e05)
Torque 0.0506*** 0.0639***
(0.00334) (0.00599)
Luxuryindex 0.0579*** 0.0605*** 0.0668*** 0.0652***
(0.00566) (0.00572) (0.00535) (0.00534)
Safetyindex 0.0188 0.0108 0.00942 0.00571
(0.0127) (0.0130) (0.0120) (0.0120)
Automatic 0.179*** 0.181*** 0.174*** 0.168***
(0.0301) (0.0300) (0.0288) (0.0287)
Y2003 0.00226 0.00733 0.0110 0.00635
(0.0367) (0.0365) (0.0350) (0.0348)
Y20 04 0.121*** 0.122*** 0.126*** 0.126***
(0.0355) (0.0352) (0.0339) (0.0336)
Y20 05 0.198*** 0.197*** 0.213*** 0.217***
(0.0377) (0.0376) (0.0362) (0.0360)
Y20 06 0.212*** 0.212*** 0.245*** 0.254***
(0.0356) (0.0353) (0.0340) (0.0339)
Y20 07 0.279*** 0.272*** 0.301*** 0.316***
(0.0355) (0.0354) (0.0340) (0.0342)
Y20 08 0.352*** 0.348*** 0.375*** 0.387***
(0.0366) (0.0364) (0.0351) (0.0351)
Constant 1.254*** 1.027*** 0.124 0.156
(0.190) (0.207) (0.171) (0.170)
Observations 412 4 11 411 411
Rsquared 0.919 0.921 0.927 0.928
Table A.4. Hedonic Price Function OLS Estimation Results—Diesel Sedan
Notes: Table presents hedonic price function OLS estimation results using petrol sedans for years 2002 to 2008. To
analyze robustness of results, we present four different specifications. Standard errors are in parentheses, ***
p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Variables Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008 Logdelhi2008
Ci tyfueleconomy 0.0137 0.0273*** 0.00866 0.0239**
(0.0103) (0.00983) (0.0112) (0.0107)
Kerbweight 1.194*** 0.858*** 0.673** 0.375
(0.203) (0.198) (0.271) (0.255)
Powerratio 7.700*** 6.884***
(1.138) (1.059)
Enginesize 0.000289*** 0.000310***
(5.55e05) (5.85e05)
Torque 0.0206*** 0.0182***
(0.00415) (0.00384)
Luxuryindex 0.0974*** 0.0839*** 0.102*** 0.0874***
(0.00800) (0.00780) (0.00840) (0.00821)
Safetyinde x 0.0194 0 .00858 0.0135 0 .0158
(0.0216) (0.0206) (0.0229) (0.0217)
Automatic 0.320*** 0.318*** 0.340*** 0.336***
(0.0487) (0.0448) (0.0514) (0.0472)
Y2003 0.0496 0.0605 0.0826 0.0907*
(0.0506) (0.0466) (0.0531) (0.0487)
Y2004 0.000737 0.00652 0.0195 0.00980
(0.0513) (0.0472) (0.0544) (0.0500)
Y200 5 0.135*** 0.135*** 0.117** 0.119**
(0.0512) (0.0472) (0.0546) (0.0502)
Y200 6 0.168*** 0.165*** 0.144*** 0.144***
(0.0521) (0.0480) (0.0552) (0.0506)
Y200 7 0.239*** 0.211*** 0.230*** 0.201***
(0.0506) (0.0469) (0.0543) (0.0502)
Y200 8 0.324*** 0.300*** 0.317*** 0.292***
(0.0507) (0.0469) (0.0550) (0.0507)
Constant 0.158 0.355 0.615* 0.314
(0.301) (0.279) (0.369) (0.343)
Observations 158 158 158 158
Rsquared 0.936 0.946 0.928 0.939
Table A.5. City Fuel Economy Coefficients with and without Squared Terms
Notes: This table presents OLS and IV hedonic price function city fuel economy coefficient estimates. OLS-sq and
IV-sq refer to OLS and IV specifications which include squared continuous variables. In these cases the first stage
includes the square of the instrumental variable. Standard errors in parentheses, *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
(1) (2) (3) (4) Observations
0.0144** 0.000870 0.0128 0.00381 244
(0.00673) (0.00739) (0.00776) (0.00860)
OLSsq 0.0168** 0.00388 0.01280 0.00600 244
(0.00767) (0.00750) (0.00860) (0.00959)
IV 0.0316* 0.0155 0.0935*** 0.0899*** 236
(0.0179) (0.0302) (0.0314) (0.0285)
IVsq 0.0381* 0.0474***0.112*** 0.0447*** 236
(0.0194) (0.00819) (0.0285) (0.00831)
OLS 0.0358*** 0.0363*** 0.0281** 0.0292*** 64
(0.0107) (0.0103) (0.0110) (0.0104)
OLSsq 0.0355*** 0.0174* 0.0294*** 0.0209** 64
(0.00981) (0.00897) (0.00879) (0.00910)
IV 0.0734*** 0.0873*** 0.0633*** 0.0830*** 64
(0.0182) (0.0181) (0.0192) (0.0193)
IVsq 0.0702*** 0.0637*** 0.0454***0.0529*** 64
(0.0157) (0.0161) (0.0127) (0.0147)
OLS 0.0472*** 0.0442*** 0.0264** 0.0260** 411
(0.0114) (0.0114) (0.0107) (0.0106)
OLSsq 0.0315*** 0.0333*** 0.0185*0.0195** 411
(0.0102) (0.0103) (0.0096) (0.0094)
IV 0.0484** 0.0597*** 0.0699** 0.0843*** 216
(0.0220) (0.0197) (0.0306) (0.0304)
IVsq 0.011900 0.021100 ‐0.0404* 0.022200 216
(0.0237) (0.0245) (0.0224) (0.0235)
OLS 0.0137 0.0273*** 0.00866 0.0239** 158
(0.0103) (0.00983) (0.0112) (0.0107)
OLSsq 0.00989 0.0209** 0.00679 0.0162 158
(0.0103) (0.0101) (0.0111) (0.0104)
IV 0.0973** 0.0398* 0.103*** 0.0447** 42
(0.0383) (0.0210) (0.0272) (0.0177)
IVsq 0.0470***‐0.00578 0.0582*** 0.0298** 42
(0.0162) (0.0279) (0.0135) (0.0145)