Preschool for All (PFA)
Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Resources (CQIP)
Illinois State Board of Education, Early Childhood Division
November 2017
1-Staff to Child Ratio
IECAM - Illinois demographic and early childhood program data (Website)
Preschool for All program Parent Flyer (PDF)
Recruiting “Hard to Reach” families - Engaging Families Toolkit (PDF)
Preschool for All Outreach Toolkit (PDF)
PFA Implementation Manual, Page 26 (PDF)
2-Children’s Documentation/Files
PFA Implementation Manual, Pages 16-17 (PDF)
Homeless Policy/Birth Certificates
ISBE homeless policy (Website)
Locating local homeless liaisons; how to order birth certificates; preschool homeless education plan, FAQs
resources (Website)
Preschool for All Implementation Manual, Page 15
4-Screening Procedure
Preschool for All Implementation Manual, Pages 12-13
5-Screening Instrument
PFA Implementation Manual, page 13 (PDF)
Mandate to serve Priority #1 and Priority #2 at-risk children and that a minimum of 80% of enrollment
should be defined as at-risk.
6- Weighted Eligibility, Enrollment & Recruitment
PFA Implementation Manual, Pages 13-14 (PDF)
Mandate to serve Priority #1 and Priority #2 at-risk children and that 80% of enrollment should be
defined as at-risk.
IECAM - Illinois demographic and early childhood program data (Website)
Preschool for All program Parent Flyer (PDF)
Recruiting “Hard to Reach” families - Engaging Families Toolkit (PDF)
Preschool for All Outreach Toolkit (PDF)
7-Minimum Attendance Hours/Calendar
PFA Implementation Manual, Page 31 (PDF)
8-Childcare Centers DCFS Licensed (Applies Only to Childcare Centers)
DCFS-Summary of Licensing Requirement for Day Care Centers (PDF)
9-Mission Statement
Illinois Birth to 5 Program Standards, page 6
Preschool curriculum decision-making tool kit (PDF)
Preschool for All curriculum criteria (PDF)
Article No More Worksheets from Pre-K Pages (Website)
Worksheets in Preschool: Too Much, Too Soon ACEI SPEAKS (PDF)
Illinois Early Learning Project (Website)
Resources for teachers, caregivers, and parents including video examples of benchmarks for the Early
Learning Standards
Lesson Plan Resources
o Developmentally appropriate lesson planning (webinar)
o Lesson Planning FAQ (PDF)
ECDEC Lesson Plan Template
D186 Lesson Plan Template
Preschool for All (PFA)
Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Resources (CQIP)
Illinois State Board of Education, Early Childhood Division
November 2017
11-Nutritious Snack
USDA Nutrition Guidelines (PDF)
USDA Standardized Recipes (website)
Early Childhood News Article: Why Portfolio Based Assessment Works (Website)
Results Matter-Resources on authentic assessment for preschool (Website)
Documentation As A Habit (Video)
Observation: The Heart of Authentic Assessment (Website)
Portfolio Collection Sample Form (PDF)
PFA Implementation Manual (PDF)
Harvard Family Research Project-Building Worlds Interactive Case-Family Engagement in Kindergarten
PFA Implementation Manual, Section 10 (PDF)
Illinois Early Childhood Collaboration (Website)
Comprehensive information regarding establishing community collaborations, geographic locator for
agencies, tip sheets, sample collaborations, and a Resource Directory. (Website)
Head Start MOU template (PDF)
Illinois Head Start Collaboration Office (Website)
Phone (618) 583-2083
15-Staff License and Endorsements
ISBE Educator Licensure
ISBE Family Engagement Framework Guide
PFA Implementation Manual (PDF)
Harvard Family Research Project-Building Worlds Interactive Case-Family Engagement in Kindergarten
Office of Head Start National Centers-Parent , Family and Community Engagement Simulation (Website)
Center on the Social & Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (Website)
Web based resources for parents and teachers, to support children’s healthy social and emotional
development. Includes online training modules, chat sessions, scripted stories, articles, and
recommended books. Available in English and Spanish.
Illinois Early Learning Project (Website)
Parent tip sheets available in English, Spanish, and Polish (Website)
Early Childhood News Article: Supporting Families-Children are the Winners (Website)
Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse (Website)
Identifies and collects research-based and best-practice early intervention information to share with
families. (Website)
Lending Library for families and professionals involved in the EI Program (Website)
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention (Website)
17-Home Language Survey (HLS)
HLS sample - ENGLISH
HLS sample - SPANISH
Resources for preschool English Language Learners (Website)
18-English Language Proficiency Screening (Applies Only to School Districts)
ISBE - Screening for English Language Proficiency (Website)
Pre-IPT Online Overview and Training (Website)
Preschool for All (PFA)
Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Resources (CQIP)
Illinois State Board of Education, Early Childhood Division
November 2017
8 Strategies for Preschool English Learners (Website)
19-Program Annual Program Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement Plan
20-Children With IEPs
PFA Implementation Manual (PDF)
Inclusion Clarification (PDF)
Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Preschool Programs (PDF)
Professional Learning Resources
Illinois Resource Center (IRC): Early Childhood (Website)
Professional development on a variety of topics with emphasis on curriculum and assessment
Programs and teacher(s) sign up with IRC to ensure that they receive professional development catalogs,
mailings and e-mails
Programs can request specific training on specific topics
(224) 366-8525
Illinois STARNET provides a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth for those who
touch the lives of young children, ages birth through eight, with an emphasis on children with special
needs. STARNET supports family-centered, researched and effective practices in early childhood
education and care. STARNET provides support, training and technical assistance, consultation, and
resources to the early childhood community in Illinois.
Illinois StarNet Regions Main Page (Website)
Northwest & Central Regions 1 and 3 Western Illinois University (Website)
Northern Region 2 - Illinois Resource Center (Website)
Southern Region 4 St. Clair ROE (Website)
Chicago Region 5 CPS (Website)
South Suburban/East Central Region 6 (Website)
All About the ECERS-R (Book)
Preschool for All (PFA)
Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Resources (CQIP)
Illinois State Board of Education, Early Childhood Division
November 2017
ECERS-3 Resources Checklist
1-Indoor Space
Early Childhood News Article: “Creating Indoor Environments for Young Children” (Website)
Chapter 10: Play and the Learning Environment (PDF)
2-Furnishings for Care, Play, and Learning
Early Childhood News Article: “Creating Indoor Environments for Young Children” (Website)
3-Room Arrangement for Play and Learning
Early Childhood News Article: “Creating Indoor Environments for Young Children” (Website)
4-Space for Privacy
Early Childhood News Article: “Creating Indoor Environments for Young Children” (Website)
5-Child-related Display
Early Childhood News Article: “Creating Indoor Environments for Young Children” (Website)
6-Space for Gross Motor Play
Early Childhood News Article: “Creating Indoor Environments for Young Children” (Website)
7-Gross Motor Equipment
Early Childhood News Article: Creating Indoor Environments for Young Children” (Website)
NAEYC: “Promoting Physical Activity in Preschoolers (PDF)
Consumer Product Safety Commission: Public Playground Safety Handbook (PDF)
Playground Information to Use with Environmental Rating Scales (PDF)
LANGUAGE & Literacy (Items 12-16)
12-Helping Children Expand Vocabulary
Child Care Quarterly, Revisiting Bloom’s Taxonomy: Asking Better Questions (Website)
NAEYC Young Children, “Supporting Preschoolers’ Vocabulary Learning (PDF)
More Than Baby Talk, 10 Ways to Promote the Language and Communication Skills of Infants and
Toddlers” (PDF)
NAEYC Tools to Enhance Young Children’s Thinking”
13-Encouraging Children to Use Language
Child Care Quarterly, Revisiting Bloom’s Taxonomy: Asking Better Questions (Website)
Open Ended Questions (PDF)
Infant Child Research, “Enhancing Children’s Language Development in Preschool Classrooms (PDF)
Using Language During Science Activities (PDF)
National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning
Ways to Ask Children Questions (PDF)
Fostering Children’s Thinking Skills (PDF)
NAEYC Tools to Enhance Young Children’s Thinking”
14-Staff Use of Books With Children
NAEYC: Great Books to Read to Infants and Toddlers (Website)
NAEYC: Reading Aloud with Children of All Ages (PDF)
Cooperative Children’s Book Center, 50 Multicultural Books Every Child Should Know (Website)
U.S. Department of Education Helping Your Child Become a Reader (PDF)
15-Encouraging Children’s use of Books
Cooperative Children’s Book Center, 50 Multicultural Books Every Child Should Know (Website)
NAEYC: Great Books to Read to Infants and Toddlers (Website)
U.S. Department of Education Helping Your Child Become a Reader (PDF)
Preschool for All (PFA)
Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Resources (CQIP)
Illinois State Board of Education, Early Childhood Division
November 2017
16-Becoming Familiar with Print
NAEYC: Great Books to Read to Infants and Toddlers (Website)
U.S. Department of Education Helping Your Child Become a Reader (PDF)
NAEYC The Essentials of Early Literacy Instruction (PDF)
17-Fine Motor40 Fine Motor Skill Activities (Website)
Kid Source, Encouraging Creativity in Early Childhood Classrooms (Website)
19-Music and Movement
NAEYC, Inventing Music Play Centers (PDF)
NAEYC Teaching Young Children, Block Building and Make Believe for Every Child (PDF)
21-Dramatic Play
NAEYC Teaching Young Children-Assessing and Scaffolding Make-Believe Play (PDF)
NAEYC Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Resources for Early Childhood
23 Math Materials and Activities
Using Language During Science Activities (PDF)
Quick Recipe Science Unit (PDF)
NAEYC Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Resources for Early Childhood
Math Access for Teachers and Home Child Care Providers (Website)
24-Math in Daily Events
NAEYC Math Talk Every Day in Every Way (PDF)
25-Understanding Written Numbers
TECPlus Help! They Still Don’t Understand Counting (PDF)
26-Promoting Acceptance of Diversity
Diversity in Early Childhood Programs (Website)
Framing Services for English Learners Program and Structure resource to help educators best
service English Learners/ESL/Bilingual
27-Appropriate use of Technology
Supporting Appropriate Technology Integration in Early Childhood Programs (Website)
Reading Rockets for Preschooler and Childcare early reading resources for parents and providers
including video, research and book lists. (Website)
Media and Young Minds (PDF)
INTERACTION (Items 28-32)
28-Supervision of Gross Motor Activities
NAEYC-Avoiding Lapses in Supervision that leave Children at Risk
29-Individualized Teaching and Learning
Dimensions of Early Childhood “Individualizing Instruction In Preschool Classrooms” (PDF)
30-Staff-Child Interactions
What Adults Can Do to Promote Young Children’s Pro-Social Skills (PDF)
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children Learning about the
Pyramid Model
Practices for Enhancing Children’s Social-Emotional Development and Preventing Challenging Behavior
(eric file)
Preschool for All (PFA)
Continuous Quality Improvement Plan Resources (CQIP)
Illinois State Board of Education, Early Childhood Division
November 2017
31-Peer Interaction
Center on the Social & Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (Website)
o Web based resources for parents and teachers, to support children’s healthy social and
emotional development. Includes online training modules, chat sessions, scripted stories,
articles, and recommended books. Available in English and Spanish.
Social Development - Tools for Promoting Social Learning (Website)
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention (Website)
Children Who Have Serious Conflicts (PDF)
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children Learning about the
Pyramid Model
Children Who Have Serious Conflicts (PDF)
Part 1: Replacing Time Out: Using Guidance to Build an Encouraging Classroom (PDF)
Part 2: Replacing Time-Out: Using Guidance to Maintain an Encouraging Classroom (PDF)
to Work with Challenging Behaviors” (Webinar)
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children Learning about the
Pyramid Model
Early Childhood National Centers, Understanding and Eliminating Expulsion in Early Childhood Programs”
33-Transitions and Waiting Times
CSEFEL Helping Children Make Transitions Between Activities
NAEYC Journal Moving Right Along…..Planning Transitions to Prevent Challenging Behavior (PDF)
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children Learning about the
Pyramid Model
34-Free Play
Play in the Early Years: Keys to Success (PDF)
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children Learning about the
Pyramid Model
35-Whole-Group Activities for Play and Learning
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children Learning about the
Pyramid Model
Hand washing flyer (PDF)
Center for Disease Control Child Development (Website)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Caring for Our Children (PDF)
Center for Disease Control Child Development (Website)
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (website)