Purchasing Policy
Procedures Manual
Office of the Purchasing Agent
Adopted April, 2007
Updated April, 2014
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 2
Updated: April, 2014
David Harder, CPSM, CPPB
Purchasing Agent
900 S. Polk St., Suite 604
Amarillo, Texas 79101-3412
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 3
Updated: April, 2014
Potter County Purchasing Policy and Procedures
Table of Contents
Section Title Page Adopted Date
Chapter 1
Introduction. . . . . . . . 4 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 2
Purchasing Authority and Application. . . . . 7 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 3
Potter County Purchasing Code of Ethics . . . . 9 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 4
Purchasing Agent Authority and Responsibilities . . . 12 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 5
Purchasing Process, Roles and Responsibilities . . . 14 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 6
Other General Purchasing Policies . . . . . 19 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 7
The Requisitioning Process . . . . . . 26 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 8
Open Market Purchases Under $50,000 . . . . 30 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 9
Specifications .. . . . . . . 32 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 10
Competitively Solicited Purchases Exceeding $50,000 . . 35 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 11
State Purchasing Programs . . . . . . 44 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 12
Cooperative Purchasing Agreements . . . 47 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 13
Procurement of Professional Services . . . . 49 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 14
Construction Procurement . . . . . . 60 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 15
Exemptions to the Competitive Procurement Process . . . 71 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 16
Renewal of Equipment Leases and Maintenance Contracts . . 73 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 17
Receipt of Goods . . . . . . . 75 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 18
Contract Modifications . . . . . . 77 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 19
Contract Administration . . . . . . 78 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 20
Professional Development and Certification . . . . 82 . . Apr 2007
Chapter 21
Definitions . . . . . . . . 83 . . Apr 2007
1 Potter County Procurement Card Policy and Procedures Manual. . 89 . . Apr 2007
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 4
Updated: April, 2014
Chapter 1: Introduction
This manual provides county departments enough information to
make decisions necessary to request the purchase of goods and
services needed to perform the functions of their departments
The mission of the Potter County Purchasing Department is to:
Ensure compliance with the County Purchasing Act as well as
other state and federal laws applying to county purchasing;
Provide equal access to all vendors participating through
competitive acquisition of goods and services;
Conduct the procurement process in a manner that promotes
and fosters public confidence in the integrity of the County
procurement procedures; and
Protect the interests of Potter County taxpayers without
regard to any undue influence or political pressures.
Goals of Public
Public purchasing has several goals including but not limited to:
Purchasing the proper goods and services;
Obtaining the best possible price for the goods or services
without sacrificing the quality needed;
Ensuring goods and services are available where and when
needed and there is a continuing supply available; and
Guarding against the misappropriation of assets that have
been acquired through the procurement process.
Public purchasing must also ensure:
Responsible bidders are given a fair opportunity to
compete for the County’s business. This can be
accomplished by abiding by statutory requirements regarding
competitive bids and proposals, and by the County’s
purchasing policy.
Public funds are safeguarded. Although the Purchasing
Department does not usually designate the types of
purchases to be made, it should attempt to see that the best
value is received for the public dollar.
Public spending is not used to enrich elected officials or
County employees, or to confer favors. To accomplish this,
it is necessary to adopt and implement a code of ethics and
train County employees to ensure they are aware of their
responsibilities in the purchasing area.
Potter County Commissioners Court has adopted a centralized
purchasing structure that provides many benefits:
It allows for the consolidation of smaller purchases by
individual departments into larger purchases for the entire
county, resulting in lower unit prices and savings;
Vendors and the business community have a single, central
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 5
Updated: April, 2014
link to the county procurement process to facilitate consistent
communication and understanding;
Purchasing Department personnel accumulate a solid
foundation of knowledge and experience about purchasing,
marketing trends, prices, and vendors. This expertise assists
users to define their needs in order to better save the county
money and promotes a more efficient procurement process;
Centralized expertise puts the purchasing processes on a
professional footing and inspires public confidence in the
actions of the County.
In addition to the above, the Purchasing Department
Encourages and supports compliance with Texas purchasing
Works in conjunction with the Auditor and other County
officials in the development of efficient financial processes;
Promotes local business participation in County procurement
Provides the business community with a central link to County
Proposes and administers Interlocal Purchasing Agreements
and Cooperative Purchasing Agreements;
Develops, implements, and manages a Fixed Asset
Management System;
Oversees and conducts Auctions of Surplus and Salvaged
Disposes of Seized and Abandoned Property; and
Oversees and administers risk management procedures
concerning property and equipment.
The Purchasing Department is committed to promoting effective,
professional, and consistent procurement in Potter County, as well
as championing the public perception that tax dollars are wisely
This purchasing manual is not static. Purchasing procedures in
Potter County will change as needed, evolving to incorporate
technological advances and changes mandated by legislation.
The organization chart of the Purchasing Department is attached as
Exhibit 1.
There are many terms that are used throughout this manual that
pertain to purchasing activities. Definitions of key terms are found in
Chapter 21.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Exhibit 1
Potter County Purchasing Office Organizational Chart
Potter County Purchasing Board
5 District Judges
1 County Judge
Potter County Purchasing Agent
Purchasing Agent /
Office Manager
Commodities Balance
& Receiving
Senior Buyer /
Contract Manager
Contract Preparation
and Management
> $10,000
Fixed Asset &
Inventory Specialist
< $10, 000
Purchasing Clerk
Total Staffing:
5 FTE Positions
1 PTE Position
Potter County Auditor
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 7
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Chapter 2: Purchasing Authority and Application
The Texas Legislature has enacted purchasing laws. It is the policy of
Potter County, acting through its duly appointed Purchasing Agent, to
fully comply in all aspects with these laws as they are amended from
time to time.
The Purchasing Act (Texas Local Government Code Chapter 262)
applies to all departments, all district, county, and precinct officials and
employees. The Purchasing Agent must purchase or lease all goods
and services, including maintenance and repair, for all departments. The
Purchasing Agent must perform all purchasing for all officials, County
department heads and employees.
Making separate, sequential or component purchases to avoid the
County Purchasing Act’s requirement of competitive bidding, or
otherwise violating the competitive bidding requirements of the County
Purchasing Act, may constitute a class B misdemeanor. See Texas
Local Government Code sections 262.034. Failure to comply with lawful
purchasing requirements also may subject the county to a costly lawsuit
with the end result of the purchase or contract being voided.
Effective Date
These policies and procedures are adopted by the County Purchasing
Agent and approved by the Commissioners Court under the authority of
the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 262, and supersedes any
previous policies and procedures regarding purchasing.
These policies and procedures shall become effective upon approval by
the Commissioners Court.
a. These policies and procedures shall be construed liberally to
accomplish their purpose.
b. If there is any conflict between the policies and procedures and a
State law, or a rule adopted under a State law, the stricter of the two
provisions prevails.
c. The masculine, feminine, and neuter genders shall be construed to
include the other genders as required. The singular and plural shall
be construed to include the other number as required.
d. Headings and titles at the beginning of the various sections of these
policies and procedures have been included only to make it easier to
locate the subject matter covered by that section or subsection and
are not to be used in construing these policies and procedures.
e. If any provision of these policies and procedures or the application of
them to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the validity of
the remainder of these policies and procedures and the application
of them to other persons and circumstances shall not be affected.
f. In general, the Purchasing Agent interprets these policies and
procedures but the Commissioners Court shall resolve any question
about any interpretation of these policies and procedures when there
is a conflict related to an area that is not within the statutory authority
of the Purchasing Agent.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Updated: April, 2014
g. Updates may be made to this policy and procedures manual without
Commissioners’ Court approval so as long as the general meaning
of the policy or procedure is unchanged or to comply with new State
and or Federal rules or regulations.
For additional information, the following are listed as references:
The Model Procurement Manual for Texas Cities and Counties,
March 2005, Carole Keeton Strayhorn, Texas Comptroller,
http://www.window.state.tx.us/lga/purchasing/96449. pdf
The State of Texas Contract Management Guide, Version 1.1
The American Bar Association’s 2000 Model Procurement Code
for State and Local Governments
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Updated: April, 2014
Chapter 3: Potter County Purchasing Code of Ethics
It is the policy of Potter County that the following ethical principles
govern the conduct of every employee involved, directly or indirectly,
in the County procurement process.
The following is adapted from the American Bar Association’s 2000
Model Procurement Code for State and Local Governments:
Public employment is a public trust. It is the policy of Potter
County to promote the objective of protecting government
integrity and the objective of facilitating the recruitment and
retention of personnel needed by the County. Such policy is
implemented by prescribing essential standards of ethical
conduct without unnecessary obstacles to entering public
Public employees must discharge their duties impartially so as to
assure fair competitive access to County procurement by
responsible contractors. Moreover, public employees should
conduct themselves in such a manner that fosters public
confidence in the integrity of the Potter County procurement
To achieve the purpose of this policy, it is essential that those
doing business with the Potter County Purchasing Office also
observe the ethical standards prescribed in this policy.
to County
Employees shall avoid activities that compromise or give the
perception of compromising the best interests of Potter County.
Employees shall not knowingly use confidential proprietary information
for actual or anticipated personal gain.
Conflict of
Employees shall avoid any activity that would create a conflict
between their personal interests and the interest of Potter County.
Conflicts exist in any relationship where the County's best interest
may be different from the employee’s best interests or the best
interest of someone associated with the employee. Conflicts of
interest include an employee participating in any way in any
procurement in which:
The employee or any member of the employee's family has a
financial interest in the results of the County procurement
A business or organization in which the employee, or any
member of the employee's family, has a financial interest in the
result of the County procurement process; or
Any other person, business, or organization with whom the
employee or a member of the employee's family is negotiating
for or has an arrangement concerning prospective employment.
If conflicts of interest exist, the employee shall notify the Purchasing
Agent in writing and remove him or herself from the County
Potter County Purchasing Department
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procurement process.
Employees shall avoid the appearance of unethical or compromising
practices in relationships, actions, and communications associated
with County procurement.
Employees shall not solicit or accept money, loans, gifts, favors, or
anything of value, from present or potential contractors that might
influence or appear to influence a purchasing decision. Generally,
goods or services with a value of $50 or less in the aggregate from a
vendor during a year do not violate this prohibition unless they
influence or appear to influence a specific purchasing decision. If
anyone is in doubt about whether a specific transaction complies with
this policy, the person should disclose the transaction to the
Purchasing Agent for a determination of compliance.
Employees shall keep the proprietary information of vendors
confidential. Employees shall keep County procurement information
obtained from a solicitation confidential until after contract award if the
solicitation provides for it to be kept secret.
All information in the vendor’s response is to be kept
No discussion of the proposal is to occur with anyone outside
of the proposal evaluation committee members with the
exception of the designee’s Department Head/Elected Official.
Proposal responses are not to be reproduced and should be
returned to the designated Purchasing Department staff after
evaluation is completed.
The Purchasing Department is the sole point of communication
for any questions from vendors that arise during the evaluation.
All questions and requests for information should be referred to
the Purchasing Department. There should not be any
discussions between evaluation committee members and
vendors during the evaluation and award process.
Evaluation committee members must be familiar with and read
the Potter County Purchasing Code of Ethics and agree to
comply with its requirements including reporting any potential
conflict of interest, undue influence from vendors, or attempted
communications from vendors during the evaluation process.
Compliance with the requirements outlined in the Confidentiality
Memorandum (exhibit 2) is crucial. If proprietary information of any
vendor is compromised during the procurement process, all proposals
may be rejected.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Purchasing Department
David Harder, CPSM, CPPB, Purchasing Agent
900 S. Polk, Suite 604 Amarillo, Texas 79101-3415
Phone: (806) 349-4818 Fax: (806) 349-4825
Email: pages@co.potter.tx.us
TO: Proposal Evaluation Team Member
FROM: David Harder, CPSM, CPPB
DATE: December 27, 2013
SUBJECT: Request for Proposal (RFP) # 885-06, Widgets
In accordance with the County Purchasing Act, this project was issued as a competitive proposal, and, therefore,
all information contained in the responses is to be kept CONFIDENTIAL until an award is approved by
Commissioners Court.
Until that time, and due to the confidential nature of these proposals, no discussion of these proposals shall
occur with anyone outside the Proposal Evaluation Committee members. Proposal documents may not be
reproduced for any reason and must be returned to (buyer’s name) after the evaluation is complete.
Certain information about the proposal, such as vendor name, is public information but may only be released by
the Purchasing Office. Please refer all questions or requests for information to the buyer.
Please note that if any information about these proposals is compromised, it may be cause for rejection of
all proposals.
I understand the above information and instructions and agree to not reveal any content of any proposal to
anyone outside the evaluation committee membership. I will not discuss the deliberations of the committee with
anyone outside the evaluation committee. I will report any vendor contact concerning this evaluation process or
any undue influence on my evaluation of proposals to the responsible buyer.
Additionally, I have read the attached “Potter County Purchasing Code of Ethics”, extracted from the Potter
County Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual, and agree to conduct myself in accordance with that code of
Signature of Evaluation Committee Member Date
Attached: Potter County Purchasing Code of Ethics
Exhibit 2
Example Potter County Confidentiality Memorandum
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Updated: April, 2014
Chapter 4: Purchasing Agent Authority and Responsibilities
The Potter County Commissioners Court and the District Judges have
created a Purchasing Board to implement a centralized purchasing
structure and have given the Purchasing Department that mission. The
Purchasing Board, composed of five District Judges and the County
Judge, appoints the Purchasing Agent for Potter County to a two-year
term and approves the budget for the Purchasing Department,
including the Purchasing Agent's salary.
Authority and
Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 262, Subchapter B & C
outlines the following duties for purchasing agents:
The Purchasing Agent shall purchase all goods required or
used, and contract for all repairs to property used by the County
or a department or employee, except purchases and contracts
required by law to be made on competitive bid. A person other
than the Purchasing Agent may not purchase the goods or
make the contract for repairs.
The Purchasing Agent shall supervise all purchases made on
competitive bid and shall see that all purchased goods are
delivered to the proper department in accordance with the
purchase contract.
A purchase made by the Purchasing Agent shall be paid for by
a warrant drawn by the Auditor on funds in the County treasury
in the manner provided by law. The Auditor may not draw and
the County Treasurer may not honor a warrant for a purchase
unless the purchase is made by the Purchasing Agent or on
competitive bid as provided by law.
On July 1 of each year, the Purchasing Agent shall file with the
Auditor and each member of the Purchasing Board an inventory
of all property on hand and belonging to the County and each
subdivision, officer, and employee. The Auditor shall carefully
examine the inventory and make an accounting for all property
purchased or previously inventoried and not appearing in the
Subject to Commissioners Court approval, to prevent
unnecessary purchases, the Purchasing Agent shall
recommend the transfer of County goods that are not needed or
used, from one department or employee, to another department
or employee requiring the goods or the use of the goods. The
Purchasing Agent shall furnish the Auditor a list of transferred
Subject to Commissioners Court approval, the Purchasing
Agent shall adopt the rules and procedures necessary to
implement the agent's inventory duties.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Rules and procedures adopted by the County Purchasing Agent
include rules and procedures for persons to use county
purchasing cards to pay for county purchases under the
direction and supervision of the Purchasing Agent (Appendix 1).
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Updated: April, 2014
Chapter 5: Purchasing Process, Roles and Responsibilities
The general purchasing process as outlined in Exhibit 3 contains several
stages with responsibilities that are often designated by statute. It begins
with requirements planning and identification and culminates with the
receipt of and payment for goods and services.
Exhibit 3:
Purchasing Process
Performed By:
Identify requirements and obtain budget
User Department
(Purchasing Department may
Define/finalize requirements
Department and Purchasing
Submit electronic requisition outlining requirements
to Purchasing
User Department
Solicit, advertise, and generate
Purchase Orders and Contracts from requisition
and send to vendor
Deliver good/service as outlined in contract and
submit invoice
Match packing slips and invoices to purchase
orders and verify completeness against contract
Electronically receive item in GEMS
system and submit original invoice to
Auditor’s Department
Match received amount with invoice
and audit
Submit payment claim to
Commissioners Court for approval
Approve payment of claim
Commissioners Court
Disburse payment of claim
County Treasurer
Transfer or Dispose of Assets at end of life cycle
User Do’s and
Coordination among many County departments and Offices is
necessary for the process to work smoothly. To avoid delays and
comply with County policy and state law, user departments should
remember the following:
Do not authorize the purchase of any goods or services.
Do not purchase any goods or services for your own
personal benefit.
Do not obligate the purchase of goods that are delivered
for use on a trial basis.
Do not commit to acquire goods or services without an
authorized purchase order. Anyone obligating an
expenditure of funds for goods or services before securing a
purchase order may be held personally responsible for the
Adhere to the County Purchasing Code of Ethics and
avoid activities and behaviors that are unethical or create
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Updated: April, 2014
a conflict of interest or the perception of a conflict of
interest. Examples of activities that are inappropriate include:
o Soliciting or accepting gratuities of any kind from
present or potential contractors which might influence
or appear to influence a purchasing decision;
o Failing to disclose in writing to the Purchasing Agent a
conflict of interest and not removing yourself from the
procurement process when there is a conflict; and
o Disclosing confidential proprietary information from
solicitations to other vendors or using the information
for personal gain.
Do not use purchasing strategies that violate the law to
avoid competition. A county officer or employee who
intentionally or knowingly makes or authorizes separate,
sequential, or component purchases to avoid the competitive
bidding requirements of Texas Local Government Code,
Section 262.023, is committing a Class B misdemeanor
according to Texas Local Government Code, section
262.034(a). Strategies that are prohibited by law include:
o Purchasing a series of component parts that would
normally be purchased as a whole (component
o Purchasing items in a series of separate purchases
that normally would be purchased as a single purchase
(separate purchases); and
o Purchasing over a period of time, which would
normally be done as one purchase (sequential
Do not violate or authorize the violation of the
Purchasing Act. Any person who knowingly violates or
authorizes the violation of the Purchasing Act and any county
or precinct person who fails to use the Purchasing Agent for
purchases, including an agent or employee of the County or
of a department of the County commits a criminal offense
which is a misdemeanor. Each act in violation of the law is a
separate offense.
Ensure funding is available before submitting a
requisition. The law does not allow expenditures that exceed
budgets. Purchasing does not process requisitions for which
there is not adequate funding.
Plan purchases to minimize the use of emergency and
expedited purchases. Rush purchases are generally more
expensive and they delay other requisitions already in the
system. Vendors may attempt to charge premium prices for
goods and services when there is insufficient time allowed to
explore alternative sources or options.
Plan purchases to allow sufficient time to process
purchase requests. The Purchasing Department is
committed to processing all requisitions within a reasonable
Potter County Purchasing Department
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amount of time. In general, departments should allow 23
weeks for all non-contract purchases under $50,000 and 68
weeks on all purchases requested over $50,000 that are not
covered by an existing contract. Contract requisitions are
generally processed within one day of receipt.
Ensure that purchasing policies and procedures are
understood before ordering. Departments must assure that
all employees responsible for making department purchase
requests (“purchasing liaisons”) have read and understand
the purchasing procedures in this manual. Departments
should also ensure that liaisons attend any training provided
by the Purchasing Department.
Coordinate with Purchasing on receipt of goods and
services. Since the County does not have centralized
receiving, each department is responsible for individually
receiving goods and services. Departments should contact
the individual listed as the buyer on the purchase order to
make Purchasing aware of vendor performance issues such
as shortages, late delivery, or damaged merchandise. If the
item received is a fixed asset that must be tracked and
reported, departments should contact the Fixed Asset
Manager in Purchasing to coordinate tagging.
Roles and
There are specific roles and responsibilities for both users and the
Purchasing Department during the competitive procurement
process. They protect the integrity of the process and provide fair
and equal access to all vendors seeking to do business with Potter
County. Exhibit 4 outlines the primary roles and responsibilities.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Exhibit 4
Purchasing Process Roles and Responsibilities
User Department
Purchasing Department
1. Identifies what is needed, when it
is needed, the quantity needed
and where it is needed and works
with Purchasing Department to
document need in writing a
2. Ensures funding (budget) is
available to support need.
3. Sends specification and
requisition with funding to
Purchasing Department.
4. Works with Purchasing
Department to develop evaluation
criteria/formats (as applicable).
1. Consults with User Department in
development of specification and
procurement process to be used.
2. Reviews specification to ensure
that it is descriptive and specific
but does not prevent competitive
bidding of comparable goods
3. Works with user department to
develop evaluation
criteria/formats (as applicable)
4. Prepares agenda item for
Commissioners Court (if
1. Reviews solicitation documents
before issuance to ensure
department needs are met.
2. Provides Purchasing Department
with a list of potential vendors that
can meet the solicitation
3. Provides technical clarifications to
Purchasing Department if vendor
questions arise
4. Supports pre-solicitation
conferences (as applicable)
1. Develops solicitation documents
based on specification and sends
to user department for review
before final issuance.
2. Issues solicitation to vendors on
the vendor list (and those
identified by user department).
3. Advertises solicitation in
accordance with State law.
4. Conducts pre-solicitation
conferences (as applicable).
5. Provides answers or clarifications
to vendors before solicitation
6. Receives and logs vendor
7. Prepares responses for
evaluation and sends to user
Evaluation and
Negotiation (as
1. Evaluators from Department sign
confidentiality memorandum and
send to Purchasing Department
(as applicable).
2. Evaluates response based on
established evaluation criteria and
3. Completes evaluation and
submits recommendation to
Purchasing Department.
4. Works with Purchasing
Department to develop
negotiation strategy (as
5. Participates as member of
1. Issues confidentiality
memorandum to all evaluators
before evaluation commences (as
2. Supervises evaluation process to
ensure consistent and fair
application of evaluation criteria.
3. Acts as point of contact for
evaluator requests and
communications to vendors for
additional information.
4. Compiles individual evaluation
results and works with users to
develop recommendation for
award and prepares contract
Potter County Purchasing Department
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User Department
Purchasing Department
negotiating team to negotiate Best
and Final Offers (BAFOs) (as
6. Works with Purchasing
Department to co-develop final
recommendation for award.
7. Provides information to
Purchasing Department
(memorandum) to support
contract award agenda item
preparation and drafting.
award agenda item for
Commissioners Court or
5. Works with user department to
develop negotiation strategy (as
6. Leads negotiating team to
negotiate BAFOs (if applicable).
7. Receives BAFOs and co-
develops final recommendation
for award (if applicable) and
8. Prepares contract award agenda
request for Commissioners Court.
1. Request modifications in writing to
Purchasing Department
2. Reviews draft and final
modification to ensure it meets
department needs
1. Evaluates modification request
and works with user department
to develop modifications
2. Coordinates with vendor and user
department to develop draft
3. Works with County Attorney to
review and finalize modifications
4. Obtains appropriate signatures
(vendor, attorney, etc.)
5. Purchasing Agent approves
modifications or develops
Commissioners Court agenda
item for approval depending on
type and amount of modification
1. Receives copy of contract and
monitors vendor performance and
2. Notifies Purchasing Office of non-
performance and provides written
documentation outlining details of
non-performance (dates,
description of problem, etc.)
3. Works with Purchasing Office to
develop acceptable corrective
actions (as applicable)
1. Maintains complete contract file
with supporting documentation
during term of contract
2. Works with vendor to resolve
performance issues as identified
by user department
3. Develops corrective actions and
timetables for completion to
resolve performance issues and
documents in contract file (as
4. Works with user department and
County Attorney to terminate
contract when necessary
because of non-performance
5. Prepares contract termination
agenda item for Commissioners
Court action (if required)
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Chapter 6: Other General Purchasing Policies
Owing Taxes
Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 262.0267, Potter County
Commissioner Court has adopted a policy which requires that vendors
taxes be current as of the date bids/proposals are due. Bidders with
delinquent taxes on the due date will not be eligible for award.
Whether or not a vendor’s taxes are delinquent will be determined by
an independent review of the Tax Office records. Vendors who
believe a delinquency is reflected in error must contact the Potter
County Tax Office to correct any errors or discrepancies prior to
submitting their bid in order to ensure that their bid will be considered.
Tax records are available online at the Potter Randall Appraisal District
website www.prad.org. Prior to submitting a bid, vendors are
encouraged to visit the Potter Randal Appraisal District website, set up
a portfolio of their accounts and make their own initial determination of
the status of their tax accounts. Furthermore, if during the
performance of a contract, a vendor’s taxes become delinquent, Potter
County reserves the right to provide notice to the Auditor or Treasurer
pursuant to Texas Local Government Code §154.045.
According to Texas Local Government Code, sections 113.064 and
113.065, the County Auditor shall:
Examine and approve each claim, bill and account against the
county, and
Audit and approve only those claims that have been incurred as
provided by law, including the laws governing county budgeting
and purchasing. Thus, a payment for a purchase that is not
included in the county budget, or for which funds are not
available, may be disapproved by the County Auditor.
IT Review of
The Information and Technology Department (IT) reviews all purchase
requests made by departments for software, hardware and other data
processing equipment and provides a written assessment to the
requesting department, Purchasing Department, and Commissioners
Court before court approval. This procedure is to ensure compatibility
and standardization. IT may provide the Purchasing Agent with a list of
the goods and services that have been pre-approved and need no
additional review. To purchase any other data processing goods or
services, the User Department must obtain IT approval.
When new equipment is being acquired, the Facilities Maintenance
Department provides a statement about whether adequate space and
other facilities resources necessary for the proper operation of the
equipment are available in a place accessible to the department
requesting it.
For acquisition of security equipment and during the planning stages of
security projects, the Sheriff’s Department should be consulted.
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Mailing supplies, record keeping equipment and record keeping
software should be coordinated with the Records Management
Potter County supports the purchase of recycled materials, both in
products that are reduced to raw material and remade into material
that can be used for other purposes, as well as items that can be
rebuilt or remanufactured and placed back into service for continuous
use. In an effort to support recycling, the Purchasing Agent is
authorized to purchase recycled material if the price differential
between available non-recycled material and recycled material is
within ten percent and there is an insignificant impact on the overall
The Purchasing Department shall:
Provide user departments with information to facilitate their
purchase of designated products and inform them of their
Revise minimum content standards as necessary to ensure that
designated products contain the maximum practical amount of
recovered material and are consistent with guidelines and
regulations promulgated by the United States Environmental
Protection Agency, and other Federal and State agencies; and
Ensure that environmentally preferable products are designated
whenever practicable.
Contractors performing services for County are required to comply with
all applicable waste management law. Potter County prefers that all
printed material, produced by a contractor in the performance of a
contract, should be printed on recycled paper, labeled as printed on
recycled paper with multiple pages of text printed front and back
whenever practicable.
When departments sustain loss or damage to goods or buildings, and
funding for replacement or repair is coordinated through the
Purchasing department, the actual purchase still is processed by the
Purchasing Department. Additionally, an Inventory Form is completed
by the Fixed Asset Manager when the inventory files are updated if
Vehicle accidents occurring during normal business hours M-F, 8-5,
must be reported within 4 hours to the Purchasing Agent. After normal
business hours the accident must be reported immediately on the next
business day.
Vehicle accidents occurring within the city limits must have a city
police report; accidents occurring outside of the city limits require a
Department of Public Safety or county sheriff’s department report.
Depending on location, either a city police or a DPS or sheriff’s
Potter County Purchasing Department
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department report is required for insurance consideration. Within ten
days of the accident, forward to the Purchasing Agent the following
1. Any Police, DPS or Sheriff’s Department Reports
2. Any Departmental incident reports with drivers statement
3. Photographs of vehicles and video of accident if available
After Hours
If there is a declaration of a local state of disaster, the County Judge is
the authority to approve purchases. When purchases are necessary
because any other emergency situation exists, the Purchasing Agent
must be contacted to ensure compliance with the Purchasing Act.
Emergency, as used in the Purchasing Act and this chapter, is an
urgent unforeseeable need to make a purchase that does not result
from a local state of disaster.
Departments that deal with emergency situations (e.g., Road and
Bridge, Facilities and Sheriff) must have written internal procedures for
emergency purchases less than $50,000 that occur after regular work
hours. Those procedures must be approved in advance by the
Purchasing Agent. A sample procedure is provided in exhibit #5.
The internal department procedure should require that department
employees contact their financial officer or other designated person for
approval. On the first working day after the purchase, the department
must enter a purchase requisition into the GEMS system and provide
written documentation to the Purchasing Agent. If the Purchasing
Agent has not approved procedures for emergency purchases for a
department, the department must wait until the next working day to
make the purchase.
If the amount exceeds $50,000, the Commissioners Court by order
must grant the exemption from formal competitive bidding even in an
emergency situation. Refer to page 26 for emergency requisitions.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Exhibit 5:
Sample Departmental After Hour Emergency Purchasing Procedure
Departmental Procedure for After Hour Emergency Purchases
The Purchasing Agent must purchase or lease all goods and services, including
maintenance and repair, for all departments. The Purchasing Agent must perform all
purchasing for all officials, County department heads and employees per Texas Local
Government Code, Chapter 262.
Emergency Purchase: An urgent unforeseeable need to make a purchase that does not
result from a local state of disaster.
To qualify as an emergency purchase all of the following criteria must be met:
1) The Purchasing Department is not open to issue a purchase order. The need is
immediate and can not wait for the next business day
2) Does not qualify as a purchasing card purchase or you do not have a county
purchasing card.
3) Department Head approval (optional per department)
Actions to follow the purchase:
During the first four hours of next business day-
1) Enter requisition in Gems or fax a hand written requisition to Purchasing
making a note on the requisition which justifies the emergency and note that
the purchase has already been made.
2) Call the Purchasing Department, 349-4815, to notify of the purchase.
3) Follow up on the Gems approval process to ensure the electronic requisition is
4) Send invoice to Purchasing Department with requisition number.
Consequences of non-compliance: Employee may be held personally responsible for
the expense incurred. Employee is responsible to ensure the purchase is tax exempt.
Emergency Policy approved by:
Purchasing Agent: _________________________________ Date: _________________
Department Head/Elected Official: ____________________________ Date: _________
Potter County Purchasing Department
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All interlocal agreements that involve purchase of goods, services,
repair, or maintenance agreements must be approved by the Purchasing
Agent. The Purchasing Agent will submit the agreement to
Commissioners Court for approval. Any purchase from an interlocal
agreement shall be referenced on the Purchase Order.
Bonds for construction contracts are dealt with in Chapter 14. For all
other contracts, the Purchasing Agent, with the approval of the
Commissioners Court, determines whether a bond of any sort is
Bid bonds are not required for contracts that are less than $100,000.
Bid bonds are not required from any bidder or proponent whose rates
are subject to regulation by a state agency.
Bid bonds may be requested for the construction of public works, or for
a contract exceeding $100,000. The county may require the bidder to
furnish a good and sufficient bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total
contract price. A surety company authorized to do business in Texas
must execute the bond.
Performance bonds are not usually required for contracts that are less
than $50,000, but may be required at the Purchasing Agent’s discretion,
subject to approval by the Commissioners Court. Performance Bonds
are not required from any bidder or proponent whose rates are subject to
regulation by a state agency. If the Purchasing Agent decides that a
performance bond is required for a particular contract, the solicitation
states a performance bond in the full amount of the contract price is
required and that it must be executed by a surety company authorized to
do business in Texas before the contractor commences work and within
30 days after the notice of contract award is sent to the contractor.
In a contract for the purchase of earth moving, material handling, road
maintenance or construction equipment, the Commissioners Court may
require the contractor to furnish a bond to the County to cover the
repurchase costs of the equipment.
A payment bond shall be required on all public works projects
exceeding $25,000.
on of Safety
If the RFB/RFP states that the safety record may be considered in
determining the responsibility of the bidder and includes the Safety
Record Questionnaire in its Appendix, Potter County takes into account
the bidder’s safety record in determining the responsible bidder. The
safety record includes compliance with requirements for the safety of the
environment. In relation to the safety record, bidder includes not only
the bidder; but also the firm, corporation partnership or institution
represented by the bidder; or anyone acting for such a firm, corporation,
partnership, or institution.
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The definition and criteria for determining the safety record of a bidder
are as follows:
1. If the bidder reveals more than two (2) cases in which final orders
have been entered by the Occupational Safety and Health Review
Commission (OSHRC) against the bidder for serious violations of
OSHA regulations within the past three (3) years, Potter County
will, at its discretion, determine whether to disqualify the bidder.
2. If the bidder reveals more than one (1) case in which bidder has
received a citation from an environmental protection agency for
violations within the past five (5) years, Potter County will, at its
discretion, determine whether to disqualify the bidder.
Environmental Protection Agencies include the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineer (USACOE), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and its past
associated agency, the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission (TNRCC), the Texas Department of Health, the
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), the Structural Pest
Control Board (SPCB), agencies of local governments
responsible for enforcing environmental protection laws or
regulations, and similar regulatory agencies of other states of the
United States. Citations include notice of violation, notice of
enforcement, suspension/revocations of state or federal licenses
or registrations, fines assessed pending criminal complaints,
indictments, or convictions, administrative orders, draft orders,
final orders, and judicial final judgments. Notice of Violations and
Notice of Enforcement received from TCEQ shall include those
classified as major violations and moderate violations under
TCEQ’s regulations for documentation of Compliance History, 30
Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 60.2 (c) (1) and (2).
3. If the bidder reveals that the bidder has been convicted of a
criminal offense within the past ten (10) years which resulted in
serious bodily harm or death, Potter County will determine
whether to disqualify the bidder.
Vendor List
The Purchasing Department maintains a list of vendors who have
requested that they be sent notices of advertised solicitations. The
vendor list is categorized by the commodity and sub-commodity codes
for the goods and services that the vendor has indicated it is capable of
providing. The Purchasing Department utilizes a third party vendor for
maintenance of the vendor list and publication of solicitations. Vendors
interested in participating in County solicitations may register with
As a courtesy to vendors and as a means of encouraging competition,
notification of each solicitation is provided to appropriate vendors.
Notices of solicitations are sent by a variety of methods including email
and facsimile transmission whenever the vendor has provided
Potter County Purchasing Department
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appropriate contact information. The Purchasing Department also
advertises solicitations on the County Purchasing website at
s and
Generally, prepayment is not authorized for any purchase of supplies,
materials, equipment or services. Exceptions are:
Library materials
Merchandise purchased from federal and state agencies
Realty rental
Rental fee for meeting rooms
Annual maintenance agreements
Tuition to an institution of higher education
Training and Travel expenses per budget rules
Other prepayments as authorized by the County Auditor
Card Policy
The Potter County Commissioners Court has approved the use of a
Texas Building and Procurement Commission State approved
Procurement Card program for small dollar purchases to increase
efficiencies and expedite purchases and payment. A copy of the
approved Policy and Procedures Manual is attached in Appendix 1.
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Chapter 7: The Requisitioning Process
Requisitioning is the formal request for a purchase to be made. It is the
first step after the need for goods or services is recognized.
The department's purchase requisition authorizes the Purchasing
Department to enter into a contract with a vendor to purchase goods or
services. This automated form is for internal use and cannot be used by
a department to order materials directly from a vendor.
Potter County uses an automated requisitioning system, commonly
referred to as the GEMS system. Based on pre-established budget line
items, the user department enters purchase requisitions into the GEMS
system. Adequate budget funds must be available in the departmental
line items before the Purchasing Department can purchase the
requested goods and services. Manual requisitions and purchase orders
are not acceptable, unless the Purchasing Agent has approved the
manual process in writing.
The only exceptions to automated purchase orders are the Requests of
Payment processed directly by the Auditor’s Department for the
following goods or services:
Attorney’s Voucher
Court Reporters
Court Related Expenditures
Routine Duty Travel
Long Distance Service
Telephone Trunk Lines
Telephone Related
Travel, Meals, and Lodging
Appropriations to Other
Training and Seminars
Quantum Merit
Risk Management Claims
Copier Lease
Body Transport and
Psychiatric Evaluations
Juvenile Medical
Recording Fees
Witness Reimbursement
Grand Jury Related
License and Registration
State Inspection
Purchases not required by
statute to be purchased by
the purchasing
Purchase requisitions should fully describe what to buy, when it is
required, and where the goods are to be delivered or the services that
are to be performed. For items on annual contract, the description
should include the bid number, item number, price, and exact
description stated on the bid award. Copies of the annual bid awards are
furnished to the user departments. For non-contract or “open market”
requisition, the user department needs to enter a complete description
of the items needed. Exhibit 5 identifies the information needed to
process open market requisitions expeditiously. The information should
Potter County Purchasing Department
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be researched and obtained before the user department enters a
requisition in the GEMS system.
After the Purchasing Department receives a purchase requisition, it
determines the appropriate purchasing method based on the cost of the
purchase, the goods and services to be purchased, the existing
contracts for goods and services and other relevant factors.
Specific instructions on entering purchase requisitions into the
automated GEMS system are not covered in this manual. The user
department can contact the Purchasing Department for training.
Types of
The Purchasing Department classifies purchase requisitions according
to the type of action and the time required for the purchase. There are
five types: contract, office supply, routine, expedited, and emergency.
Contract Requisitions - Normal purchases of items ordered
from existing contracts. Contract requisitions generally require
one working day to process.
Office Supply Requisitions - Routine office supplies are
ordered by individual departments using the Simple Order
System on the Intranet page or Office Depot online. These orders
are generally processed same day with next day delivery status.
Routine Normal purchases that are not under contract (i.e.
“open market” requisitions) under $50,000. These generally
require 3 to 10 working days to process.
Expedited Open market purchases where the goods or
services are needed sooner than the routine cycle time.
Expedited purchases generally do not qualify as emergency
purchases and are subject to all applicable bidding requirements.
Expedited purchase requisitions require 1 to 3 working days to
process. Expedited purchases are not emergency purchases.
They are goods or services needed quickly to prevent costly
delays, and therefore warrant the additional cost and effort
caused by the interruption of the normal work routine. They
should not be used unless absolutely required. There are two
types of expedited purchase requisitions:
o Walk Through Open market purchases for goods or
services needed within three working days to avoid work
interruption, loss of service or significant added cost of
operations. The user department should hand carry all
paperwork to the Purchasing Department immediately after
entering the purchase requisition into the GEMS system.
o Work Stoppage Open market purchases for goods or
services needed immediately to prevent work stoppage due to
unanticipated conditions. The user department should
telephone or email the Purchasing Department immediately
upon entering the purchase requisition into the GEMS system
and should also provide written documentation of the
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existence of a work stoppage for the contract file (written
comments in the requisition or email justification from
Department Head or designee are acceptable
documentation). The Purchasing Department instructs the
user department on what action to take.
Emergency Purchase of any goods or services needed because
of an emergency condition that the Commissioners Court has
ordered exempt, in compliance with the Purchasing Act (TEX. LOC.
GOVT CODE., section 262.024 (a) (1)(2)(3)). All emergency
exemption orders must be processed through the Purchasing
Department. Emergency purchases with a total cost exceeding
$50,000 must be exempted from the requirements of the Purchasing
Act by order of Commissioners Court. The Purchasing Agent submits
the order and agenda request for Commissioners Court approval for
emergency purchases exceeding $50,000. Emergency purchases
with a total cost under $50,000 are handled like an expedited
purchase requisition. The user department should immediately
contact the Purchasing Agent so that proper action can be initiated
immediately. Refer to page 21 for after-hours emergency purchases.
Note: Cycle time to process a requisition refers to the time between
when a purchase requisition is received in the Purchasing Department
and when an actual purchase order is placed with a vendor. Cycle time
does not include the time required for delivery, or the time it takes for the
Purchasing Department or the user department to make corrections to
budget line item accounts and similar actions associated with a
purchase that are not processed by the Purchasing Department.
Reminder: It is the department’s responsibility to follow their requisition
to make sure it is released from the interdepartmental approval queue
and Auditor’s approval queue. Time the requisition may spend in the
approval queue is not included in cycle time.
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Exhibit 6:
Open Market Requisition Checklist
Reference Source:
Find the desired item(s) and obtain the following
Manufacturer Name (e.g. Dell)
Model Number (e.g. Pentium series II,
Stock Number (e.g.135867)
Unit of measure (e.g. each)
Unit price, quantity, and total price
Item description (complete description with
as much detail as possible)
Vendor catalog, Internet research
Helpful hint: copy the model description
information from the source and either type it
in the requisition or forward via interoffice
mail or email to purchasing. Also, identify
where you got the information (e.g. General
Office Plus catalog p.22 or online at
www.generalofficeplus.com, item xxx)
Obtain the full description for the item(s) being
Example of full description (file
File Cabinet, Vertical, 2 Drawer, Letter Size,
Stock Number, Dimensions 27 3/4"H x 17
11/16"W x 25"D, Color: Steel Gray Shipping
Weight: 320 Lb. MFG: FireKing P/N FK25
(seen online at generalofficeplus.com)
Check the vendor name to see if the vendor
exists in the GEMS system and verify the
vendor number. If the vendor does not exist in
the GEMS system, obtain the following to enter
into requisition comments:
Vendor name
Vendor address
Vendor telephone number
Vendor point of contact (who you talked with
to get product information)
GEMS Purchasing module (requisition
Identify shipping and delivery information
Date required
Shipping (determine if it is included in price
or is a separate item)
Department point of contact to whom item
will be delivered
The “Ship to” location
Any specific delivery instructions (location,
time of day etc.)
Any special options available, but not part of
description (color, fabric, etc.)
GEMS Purchasing module (requisition
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Chapter 8: Open Market Purchase under $50,000
For open market purchases of goods and services totaling less than
$50,000, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to select the exact goods or
services to meet the requests of user departments. The Purchasing
Agent is authorized to select the vendor and to perform all actions
necessary to conclude a contract for the purchase of the goods and
services, including execution of the contract without specific approval of
the Commissioners Court. The claim for payment will be subject to audit
by the County Auditor and approval by the Commissioners Court.
In selecting the exact goods or services requested by the user
departments, the Purchasing Agent considers the following:
The stated needs of the user department and whether the selected
goods or services meet those needs;
Available information about sources and prices of the goods and
The delivery requirements of the vendor and the user department;
Any other information that a reasonable and prudent purchasing
professional would consider in all the circumstances of the
The user department submits an open market purchase requisition to the
Purchasing Department with detailed descriptions of the goods or
services required.
Based on the information in the purchase requisition, wherever
reasonable and practical the Purchasing Agent or Purchasing
Attempts to obtain at least three quotations;
Documents in writing the vendors notified and prices offered;
Selects the vendor who makes the best offer taking into account
not only price but also the urgency of the user departmental need
and the speed of delivery and the quality of the goods and
services offered; and,
Orders these goods and services from the vendor who provides
the quality, cost, and delivery schedule most consistent with the
best interest of the County.
If quality and delivery terms meet County needs, the vendor who provides
the lowest price is selected. If the vendor offering the lowest price is not
used, a notation is made in the quotation documentation to indicate the
reason another vendor is selected.
The Purchasing Agent may deviate from the policy for purchases under
$50,000 if it is in Potter County’s best interest and if it facilitates specific
County operations. A purchase of this type will be communicated to the
department head or his designee.
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Important: If cumulative purchases from a single commodity code
are anticipated to exceed $50,000 in a fiscal year, then formal
competitive bidding is required and an annual term contract is
established. Cumulative purchases include countywide purchases, and
are not limited to departmental requirements.
(e.g. fuel, tires, office supplies)
Violations and
Intentionally separating purchases or invoices to avoid the $50,000
formal competitive bidding limit is a violation of the Purchasing Act.
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Chapter 9: Specifications
A specification is a concise description of goods or services that user
departments seek to buy, and the requirements the vendor must
meet to be considered for the award. A specification may include
requirements for testing, inspection, or preparing any goods or
services for delivery, or preparing or installing them for use. The
specification is the total description of the goods and services to be
The primary purposes of any specification is to provide vendors with
firm criteria about a minimum standard acceptable for goods or
services by providing reasonable tests and inspections to determine
their acceptability and to provide purchasing personnel with clear
guidelines from which to purchase. As a result, the specification also:
Promotes competitive bidding, and
Provides a means to make an equitable award to the lowest
and best bid from a responsible bidder.
In writing specifications, user departments are encouraged to obtain
an existing specification before starting to write a new one. The
existing specification can provide ideas and examples that can be
customized for Potter County purposes. The user department should
contact the Purchasing Department for assistance in obtaining
existing specifications to facilitate the specification development
There are numerous sources for specifications. These include other
governments, professional trade associations, professional
purchasing associations and user knowledge. Some specification
libraries that are available include:
Texas Specification Library located at the Texas Building and
Procurement Commission website:
General Services Administration, Federal Supply Service
Specifications Section found at www.gsa.gov
Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specification
Index located at
Texas County Purchasing Association. Contact Purchasing for
assistance because this is available to members only.
The user department, occupant department, or an outside agency
may propose specifications. To ensure compliance with legal
purchasing requirements, the Purchasing Department has final
acceptance of the specifications, except those for construction
projects. This ensures proper quality control and avoids the
proliferation of conflicting specifications in the different County
departments. The Purchasing Department may submit any purchases
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that were not approved in the budget process to Commissioners
Court before specifications are prepared and advertised so the
Commissioners Court may determine whether to transfer funds or
amend the budget to make the purchase.
To facilitate specification development and avoid duplication of their
efforts, user departments should submit their specifications in
electronic format to the Purchasing Department.
An effective specification has the following characteristics:
Simple: Avoids unnecessary detail, but is complete enough to
ensure that purchased goods and services satisfy their
intended purpose.
o Uses terminology that is understandable to the user
department and vendors.
o Eliminates confusion by using correct spelling and
appropriate sentence structure.
o Avoids the use of jargon and “legalese”.
Accurate: Uses units of measure that are compatible with
industry standards, identifies all quantities, and describes packing
Competitive: Identifies at least two commercially available
brands, makes, or models (whenever possible) that satisfy the
intended purpose. Avoids unneeded “extras” that could reduce or
eliminate competition and increase costs.
o Avoids situations that prevent the acceptance of a
response that could offer greater performance for fewer
o Uses approximate values that are within a 10% range for
the dimensions, weight, speed, etc. (whenever possible) if
these values can satisfy the intended purpose.
The Purchasing Department uses a number of specification types:
Design - Details description of a good or service, including
details of construction or production, dimensions, chemical
composition, physical properties, materials, ingredients and all
other details needed to produce an item of minimum
acceptability. Design specifications are usually required for
construction projects, custom produced items and many
Performance - Details required performance parameters such
as required power, strength of material, test methods,
standards of acceptability, and recommended practices.
Performance specifications are usually used for capital
equipment purchases.
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Brand Name or Equal - Lists goods or services by brand
name, model, and other identifying specifics, except that
products with performance equivalent to the characteristics of
the named brand are specified as acceptable. Other
manufacturers may provide a nearly identical product under
another brand name. The Purchasing Department uses this
method only if there is sound justification. The burden of
justification rests with the user department.
Industry Standard - States an industry standard that is
identical, regardless of manufacturer that results in acquisition
of goods of uniform quality. The UL standard for electrical
products is an example of an industry standard.
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Chapter 10: Competitively Solicited Purchases Exceeding $50,000
Definition and
There are two types of solicited purchases: 1.) competitive bidding
and 2.) competitive proposals. Competitive bidding means letting
available vendors compete with each other to provide goods or
services (Exhibit 6). Texas courts define this concept as follows:
"Competitive bidding requires due advertisement, giving
opportunity to bid, and contemplates a bidding on the same
undertaking upon each of the same material items and
services covered by the contract; upon the same thing. It
requires that all bidders be placed upon the same plane of
equality and that they each bid upon the same terms and
conditions involved in all the items and services and parts of
the contract, and that the proposal specify as to all bids the
same, or substantially similar specifications.” Sterrett v. Bell,
240 S.W. 2d 516 (Tex. Civ. App.Dallas 1951, no writ).
Purpose of
Texas courts also state:
”The purpose of competitive bidding is to stimulate competition,
prevent favoritism, and secure the best work and materials at
the lowest practicable price for the best interest of the taxpayers
and property owners." Sterrett v. Bell, 240 S.W. 2d 516 (Tex.
Civ. App.Dallas 1951, no writ).
The first purpose of competitive bidding is to ensure the best possible
value is received. Competitive biddings also increase the likelihood
that public monies are spent properly, legally, and for public projects
The second purpose is to give those qualified and responsible
vendors who desire to do business with the County a fair and
equitable opportunity to do so.
Competitive Bidding: The term “Formal Competitive Bidding” used
in this manual is generally used in public purchasing when the
bidding process complies with Texas Local Government Code,
section 262.023, which requires approval by the Commissioners
“Sealed” bids are solicited through a Request for Bid (RFB) for
contracts expecting to exceed $50,000. The RFB is the document
used to solicit bids from vendors in response to the County’s
specifications and contractual terms and conditions. The Purchasing
Department along with the Official or Department Head suggest
award recommendations to the Commissioners Court. The awarded
RFB with the Notice of Contract Award letter signed by the
Purchasing Agent forms the contract between Potter County and the
vendor. Competitive bids are not negotiated. With few exceptions,
price is the sole determinant factor if the vendor’s product or services
meet the requirements of the specification.
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The RFB method is the most preferred method of procuring goods
and supplies and non-personal services such as pest-control
services. It is used when the requirement can be definitively
described, is readily available, and is an off-the-shelf kind of
Competitive proposals: The term “Formal Competitive Proposal”
used in this manual is generally used in public purchasing when the
solicitation process complies with Texas Local Government Code,
section 262.030, which requires approval by the Commissioners
Competitive proposals are solicited through a sealed Request for
Proposals (RFP) process. Vendors submit responses to the RFP for
consideration. The RFP solicits proposals from vendors in response
to the County's requirements and contractual terms and conditions. A
formal contract, reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, must be
approved by the Commissioners Court.
Formal "sealed" proposals can only be used to procure insurance,
high technology goods and services, landscape maintenance,
travel management, recycling or in the case the purchasing
agent determines that it is in the best interest of the County to
make a request for proposals for any service or good.
"High technology" goods or services mean goods or services of a
highly technical nature, including:
Data processing equipment and software and firmware used in
conjunction with data processing equipment;
Telecommunications, radio, and microwave systems;
Electronic distributed control systems, including building
energy management systems; and
Technical services related to those goods and services.
While the competitive proposal (RFP) process is similar to the
competitive bidding (RFB) process, there are notable differences.
The primary difference is that the RFP results in a negotiated
procurement. Cost is not the only determining evaluation factor;
however, its relative importance to other evaluation factors must be
specified in the RFP and considered in recommending award. Also,
the proposals are received, but are not opened publicly. Proposal
contents are not disclosed until after the contract is awarded.
Proposal contents that are trademarked or proprietary may remain
confidential pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act (Chapter
552, Texas Government Code).
In Potter County, competitive solicited procurements which call for
approval by Commissioners Court due to an expenditure in excess of
$50,000 is required to comply with the requirements of Subchapter C
Potter County Purchasing Department
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of the Purchasing Act and, with few exceptions, are accomplished by
the following process. Throughout this chapter, “bids” are vendor
responses in the RFB process and “proposals” are vendor responses
in the RFP process. Unless specifically noted, the procedures apply
to both the RFB and RFP.
Defining the
RFB: When the need for a good or service costing more than
$50,000 is identified, the user department should immediately contact
the Purchasing Department for assistance in developing the
specifications. The specification should be comprehensive and
broadly defined to allow for maximum competition.
RFP: When the need for the goods or services (greater than
$50,000) is identified, the user department should immediately
contact the Purchasing Department for assistance in defining the
requirements to be used for the solicitation. The user department is
responsible for submitting a Statement of Work (SOW) or Technical
Requirements, which functionally defines its needs and requirements.
Purchasing Department staff ensure that the SOW or Technical
Requirement is quantified and structured to:
Secure the best economic advantage utilizing best value;
State the needs clearly;
Be contractually sound;
Be unbiased toward vendors;
Encourage innovative solutions to the requirement described;
Permit free and open competition to the maximum extent
reasonably possible.
Once the Purchasing Department has finalized the specification or
requirements with the user department, the Purchasing Department
prepares the solicitation for issuance and publishes a notice of the
proposed purchase that complies with the requirements in Texas
Local Government Code, section 262.025.
According to section 262.025, notice of a proposed purchase must be
published at least once a week in a newspaper of general circulation
in the County, with the first day of publication occurring before the
day before the date of the solicitation opening. To ensure
vendors sufficient time to complete and return the solicitation,
Purchasing generally advertises for 17 days. If necessary, advertising
time can be extended. The notice must include:
The name and telephone number of the purchasing agent;
The county website address, if any;
The specifications (requirements) describing the goods and
services to be purchased, or a statement of where the
specifications (requirements) may be obtained;
The time and place for receiving and opening solicitations and
Potter County Purchasing Department
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the name and position of the employee to whom the
solicitations are sent;
Whether the vendor should use lump-sum or unit pricing;
The type of bond required of the vendor; and
The method of payment by the County.
RFB: If unit pricing is required, the County must specify approximate
quantities estimated on the best available information. The
Purchasing Agent explains how the lowest price is calculated in the
The Purchasing Department publishes a notice of the
proposed purchase unless Commissioners Court approval of
the RFP is required.
The Commissioners Court must approve advertising for any
RFP for which there is not adequate funding approved in the
budget and for which Auditor has not verified that the goods
and services sought have been approved by the
Commissioners Court in the budget process.
If the RFP is for high technology goods and services,
Information Technology must review it before it is advertised.
Record Management may also review any technology
purchases related to records management.
For all other purchases, the Commissioners Court delegates
its authority to approve the requirements to the Purchasing
Amendment of
The Commissioners Court authorizes the Purchasing Agent to extend
the proposal opening date on the notice of a solicitation if an error is
discovered, or the nature of the goods or services requires an
extension. The Purchasing Agent may amend a solicitation:
If inquiries about the meaning indicate the need for an
amendment to clarify its original intent or to correct clerical
If the changes are so insignificant that they are not likely to
matter to the vendor in determining ability to respond; and
If the amendment does not change the general scope.
There should be at least three days between the date of the
amendment and the opening date in the notice. If there are less than
three days, the opening date is extended to allow for a minimum of
three days between the date of the amendment and the opening date
in the amendment.
Texas Local Government Code, section 262.0256 allows counties to
require potential vendors to attend a mandatory pre-bid (pre-
proposal) conference to discuss contract requirements and answer
vendor questions. The Purchasing Agent works with the user
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department to determine if a pre-bid (pre-proposal) conference is
necessary and whether attendance is mandatory or optional.
Purchasing staff manages any pre-bid (pre-proposal) conference and
requests that the user department makes staff available to answer
questions at the conference.
Receipt of
To ensure the identification, security, and confidentiality of responses
to solicitations, the following procedures are adhered to:
The Purchasing Agent receives all responses as specified by
the solicitation document.
Solicitations are not received after the opening time on
the day of response opening. Should a response arrive
by mail prior to the specified time delivery will be refused.
All responses received and not refused after the opening time
are returned unopened to the vendor with a letter from the
Purchasing Agent notifying the vendor that the submitted
response was received after the due date and time.
The Purchasing Department records the time and date the
response was submitted.
After a response is received, the Purchasing Department
provides a secure place to hold it until the opening date. The
responses are only received sealed and remain sealed until
the Purchasing Department opens them in a public forum on
the advertised date and time.
On occasion, responses that are received in the mail or by other
independent carrier may be inadvertently opened. If this situation
occurs, another employee of the Purchasing Department is
immediately called to act as a witness that the details of the response
(especially the price for a bid) were not reviewed and the response is
re-sealed by that employee of the Purchasing Department, and the
incident is documented.
The above process is undertaken to preclude any perception of
favoritism, revealing prices or response information. Publicly
receiving sealed responses and recording the submission of
requested responses is intended to inhibit any perception that the
Purchasing Department is manipulating the receipt of solicitations.
Opening of
RFB: The Purchasing Agent publicly opens and documents the bids
on the date, time, and place specified in the notice. Preliminary
tabulations are provided to the public upon request.
RFP: The Purchasing Agent publicly opens and documents sealed
proposals on the date, time, and place specified in the notice. Only
the names of vendors submitting proposals are announced.
Proposals are opened to avoid disclosure of contents to competing
proposers and are kept secret during the process of negotiation. All
proposals that have been submitted are available and open for public
Potter County Purchasing Department
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inspection after the contract is awarded, except for trade secrets and
confidential proprietary information contained in them. Disclosure of
all information obtained from a vendor is subject to the provisions of
the Texas Public Information Act.
RFP: As fully described in Chapter 3 of this manual, the Purchasing
Department uses a confidentiality memorandum to ensure
compliance with the ethics policy for keeping proprietary information
confidential. Before the evaluation of confidential proposals, the
Purchasing Department sends a memorandum to evaluation
committee members for signature and certification. The
memorandum contains requirements to which the evaluation
committee member is expected to adhere during the competitive
process to keep information confidential until the Commissioners
Court approves an award. These requirements also include
disclosure of any potential conflict of interest, or any attempted
communication by the proponent to evaluation committee members
during evaluation.
RFB: The Purchasing Department evaluates all bids with assistance
from the user department and recommends the lowest responsible
bid to the Commissioners Court for award. The Purchasing
Department evaluates bids based on:
The relative price, including the cost of repair and
maintenance if heavy equipment is the subject of the bid or the
cost of delivery and hauling if road construction is involved;
The compliance of goods and services with specifications; and
The vendor’s past performance, the responsibility of the
vendor, including the vendor's financial and practical ability to
perform the contract, and the vendor's safety record if the IFB
states that it is to be considered.
The Purchasing Department forwards copies of the bids and the Bid
Tabulation Package to the Official or Department Head for
completion and signature. The user department recommendation and
other appropriate documentation from the user department are
submitted with the agenda request to justify the recommended
When the lowest priced bid is not the best bid, clear justification for
not selecting the lowest bid must be documented. Commissioners
Court either approves the recommendation or rejects all bids and
authorizes the Purchasing Agent to re-bid the goods or services.
RFP: The Purchasing Department supervises the evaluation process
performed by the user department or committee to ensure that the
evaluation is conducted fairly and consistently and that the integrity of
the process is maintained. Depending on the procurement, there may
be additional technical evaluation assistance provided by the County
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Attorney, Auditor, Information Technology, or Maintenance, if
The RFP must specify the relative importance of price and other
evaluation factors including the relative weight of each factor.
Evaluators only use these specified factors in evaluating the
proposals. Purchasing staff leads the evaluation team and is
responsible for:
Tabulating scores;
Calculating values; and
o Coordinating follow-up meetings for Best and Final
Offer negotiations and recommending an award; or
o Discontinuing the process.
After the evaluation is completed, Purchasing forwards an evaluation
summary to the Official or Department Head for concurrence with the
selection and requests that the Official or Department Head submit a
memo to the Purchasing Agent signifying their concurrence.
Purchasing makes the recommendation to Commissioners Court.
Note: For high visibility or high dollar value procurements, the
Purchasing Agent may take the recommendations to Commissioners
Court and request its approval to negotiate with top ranked firm(s)
before requesting best and final offers.
The Purchasing Agent supervises all negotiations. Any conversations
with proposers must be coordinated with the Purchasing Agent. A
member of the Purchasing Department should be present for all
discussions with proposers. Departments that contact proposers
without coordinating with the Purchasing Agent risk jeopardizing the
integrity of the County procurement process.
All proposers must be accorded fair and equitable treatment with
respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals
and submittal of a "Best and Final Offer” (BAFO).
After the negotiations are complete, the Purchasing staff requests
qualified proposers to submit a BAFO to a specified location by a
specified date. Based on the negotiations, the BAFO must allow the
proponent to:
Modify the initial offer;
Update pricing based on any changes the user department or
County has made; and
Include any added inducements to improve the overall score in
accordance with the evaluation plan of the RFP.
RFB: The Purchasing Agent recommends contract award to
Commissioners Court. The Commissioners Court either:
Awards the contract to the responsible bidder who submits the
Potter County Purchasing Department
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lowest and best bid; or
Rejects all bids and directs publication of a new notice if the
goods or services are still needed.
If two or more responsible bidders submit the lowest and best bid, the
Commissioners Court decides between the two by drawing lots in a
manner prescribed by the County Judge.
A contract may not be awarded to a bidder who is not the lowest
priced bidder meeting specifications unless, before the award, each
lower bidder is given notice of the proposed award and is given an
opportunity to appear before the Commissioners Court and present
evidence about its responsibility.
After Commissioners Court approves the contract, the Purchasing
Agent issues a Notice of Contract Award. This notice and the original
contract form the complete contract. A complete original contract is
maintained in the Purchasing Department. The other original is
furnished to the Contractor. Copies of these are furnished to the user
department, the Auditor’s Department, County Clerk, and the County
RFP: The BAFO is the basis of a recommendation of contract award.
The award of the contract is made by Commissioners Court to the
responsible proposer, whose proposal is determined to be the lowest
evaluated offer resulting from negotiation, taking into consideration
the relative importance of price and other evaluation factors in the
of Annual
The Purchasing Department monitors the expiration dates of all
contracts. Purchasing notifies user departments by memo at least
three months before contract expiration and verifies whether the
goods or services need to be re-bid or extended, if extensions are
available. Purchasing also sends the existing specification or
requirements to the user department and requests any changes
before the solicitation is reissued. The user department returns the
specifications or requirements with any additions, deletions, or
corrections. It is very important that renewable contracts be reviewed
carefully, since the Texas Constitution requires all contracts involving
the expenditure of public money be subject to termination if current
funds are unavailable to pay the contractual costs, so the County
does not incur unauthorized debt.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Exhibit 7:
Procurement Methods
Use When
(Request for
competition exists.
The product or
service is available
from more than one
Award process is
Award is made to the
lowest responsive,
responsible bidder
providing the best value
to the County.
Defined specifications
may be difficult to
Does not encourage
innovative solutions.
(Request for
Request for
When factors other
than price are
When negotiations
are desired.
Vendor is expected
to provide innovative
Allow factors other than
price to be considered.
Allows for customized
proposals suggesting
different approaches to
the same business need.
Allows for negotiations in
order to obtain the best
value for the County.
RFPs can only be used
for high technology
goods and services,
maintenance, travel
management and
recycling. Lead times
for procurement may
be greater.
Evaluations are more
complex and
Request for
There is insufficient
information to write
specifications for any
procurement method.
Provides information to
prepare a complete bid
or proposal document.
Allows the business
community to have input
into the solicitation
document based on
current industry practices
and market factors.
Informs County of any
potential problems early
in the procurement.
Lengthens the
procurement process.
Request for
[This method is
required by
statute (e.g.
Selection is made
solely on the skills
and qualifications of
the contractor. Price
is not a factor until
after a vendor is
Emphasizes the
competency of the
proposed contractors.
Contractor is selected
before price is
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Chapter 11: State Purchasing Programs
and Statutory
There are three types of purchasing programs that allow local
governments to purchase goods and services using contracts
previously entered into by the State of Texas or other governments.
The Texas Building and Procurement Commission (TBPC) manages
three of them. The fourth program allows local governments to
purchase computer technology directly from the state’s Department of
Information Resources (DIR).
State Term Contracts (authorized by sections 271.081
through 271.083 of the Texas Local Government Code). The
County may purchase from vendors on the same terms and
conditions as the State. The State has entered into term
contracts after using competitive bidding procedures. The
TBPC manages this program for the State.
Texas Multiple Award Schedule (TXMAS) (authorized by
section 2155.502 of the Texas Government Code). The County
may purchase goods and services from a schedule of multiple
award contracts developed by the TBPC. The schedule is
adapted from General Services Administration (GSA) Federal
Supply Service contracts. TXMAS contracts take advantage of
the most favored customer (MFC) pricing and under certain
circumstances; the County may negotiate a lower price for the
goods or services offered on a scheduled contract.
DIR (authorized by the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791
of the Texas Government Code). The County may purchase
computer related equipment through the DIR and its
contracted vendors.
The Purchasing Agent acts for Potter County in all matters related to
purchase of goods and services from a vendor under any contract
based on any State Purchasing program. Potter County is
responsible for making payments directly to these vendors.
The award of any purchase order contract from state term, TXMAS or
DIR contracts must be in writing, approved and signed by the
Purchasing Agent before any goods are delivered or services are
rendered. The Commissioners Court authorizes the Purchasing Agent
to execute all contracts for state contract purchases that are procured
in compliance with this chapter, including purchases in excess of
$50,000, if funding for the purchase was approved by the
Commissioners Court.
State Term Contract Purchases
Potter County participates in the purchasing program.
The Purchasing Agent either purchases directly through the State’s
web portal, Texas Smartbuy, or electronically sends purchase orders
directly to vendors. The Purchasing Agent monitors vendor's
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compliance with all the conditions of delivery and quality of the
purchased goods and services. The Purchasing Agent may sign and
deliver all necessary documents for all purchases under this program
made for the County.
To initiate this process, the user department submits a purchase
requisition. The Purchasing Department determines whether or not
the requested goods or services are available from the State
Texas Multiple Award Schedules (TXMAS)
Potter County participates in the purchasing program of the TBPC
using TXMAS contracts developed from contracts that have been
competitively awarded by the federal government or any other
governmental entity of any state.
The Purchasing Agent monitors the vendor's compliance with all the
conditions of delivery and quality of the purchased goods and
services. The Purchasing Agent may sign and deliver all necessary
documents for purchases under this program for Potter County.
To initiate this process, the user department may research goods and
services on the Texas Comptroller website to determine if the goods
or services are available from TXMAS. Based on its research, the
user department submits a purchase requisition and identifies in the
requisition comments that the good or service may be available
through TXMAS. The Purchasing Department determines whether or
not the requested goods or services are available from TXMAS and
compares prices among TXMAS vendors to obtain the best value.
The Purchasing Department works with the user department to
determine best value and then issues a purchase order with the
selected vendor providing the best value.
Computer Purchases (DIR)
The County purchases computer-related equipment from the state’s
Department of Information Resources (DIR) and its contracted
vendors. The County contracts with DIR and uses its Go DIRect
The Purchasing Agent sends purchase orders directly to DIRect
vendors. The Purchasing Agent monitors vendor's compliance with all
the conditions of delivery and quality of the purchased goods and
services. The Purchasing Agent may sign and deliver all necessary
documents for purchases under this program made on behalf of the
To initiate this process, the user department may research goods and
services on the DIR website to determine if the goods or services are
available from DIR or its contracts. Based on its research, the user
Potter County Purchasing Department
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department submits a purchase requisition and identifies in the
requisition comments that the good or service is available from DIR.
The Purchasing Department determines whether or not the requested
goods or services are available from DIR, and if available, the
Purchasing Department compares prices among DIR vendors to
obtain the best value. The Purchasing Department works with user
department to determine best value and issues a purchase order with
the selected vendor providing the best value.
If the purchase is from a vendor who is part of the Go DIRect
program, the County issues the purchase order directly to the vendor
and pays the vendor directly. If the purchase is to a vendor that is not
part of the Go DIRect program, the County issues the purchase order
to DIR, which authorizes a separate purchase order to the vendor.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Chapter 12: Cooperative Purchasing Agreements
and Statutory
The Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas
Government Code, authorizes local governments to contract directly
with other governments to increase their efficiency and effectiveness.
Texas Government Code, Section 791.025(c) states that a local
government that purchases goods and services under the Interlocal
Cooperation Act satisfies the requirement of the local government to
seek competitive bids for the purchase of goods and services. The
County must have independent authority to purchase a particular
good or service before utilizing an interlocal agreement, since the
Interlocal Cooperation Act does not expand the County’s purchasing
authority. The County has a variety of interlocal agreements.
The County participates in the purchasing programs of various local,
state, and national cooperatives such as Houston Area Council of
Governments (HGAC), Texas Association of School Boards
(BuyBoard), The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN) and U.S.
Communities. Before using any cooperative, the Purchasing Agent
researches and recommends cooperatives to the Commissioners
Court. The Commissioners Court approves an interlocal agreement
acknowledging the terms and conditions for using each cooperative,
including any fee schedules, and authorizes the Purchasing Agent to
make purchases under the terms of the interlocal agreement.
The Purchasing Agent acts for Potter County at the direction of
Commissioners Court in all matters relating to all cooperative
purchasing programs, including the purchase of goods and services
from the vendor under any contract.
The Purchasing Agent must approve all interlocal agreements
involving the purchase of goods, repair, or maintenance agreements
before the agreement is submitted to Commissioners Court for
The Purchasing Department determines whether or not the requested
goods or services are available from a specific cooperative. If
available, the Purchasing Department compares prices among
cooperative and local vendors to obtain the best value. The
Purchasing Department works with the user department to determine
best value and issues a purchase order with the selected vendor
using the purchasing method that provides the best value.
The Purchasing Agent either submits requisitions to the applicable
cooperative or electronically sends purchase orders directly to
vendors using the processes defined by the specific cooperative. The
Purchasing Agent monitors vendor compliance with all the conditions
of delivery and the quality of the purchased goods and services. The
Purchasing Agent may sign and deliver all necessary documents for
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purchases under cooperative purchasing programs made on behalf of
the County.
The Purchasing Agent may execute all contracts for interlocal
contract purchases that are procured in compliance with this chapter,
including purchases in excess of $50.000, provided funding for the
purchase has been approved by the Commissioners Court and the
interlocal agreement was approved by the Commissioners Court.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Chapter 13: Procurement of Professional Services
Background and
In procuring professional services, the County must comply with
two statutes: the Professional Services Procurement Act (Chapter
2254 of the Texas Government Code) and the County Purchasing
Act (Chapter 262 of the Texas Local Government Code). There are
two kinds of professional services:
Those professional services specifically listed in the
Professional Services Procurement Act; and,
Those "other" professional services that are not specifically
listed which must be obtained in compliance with the County
Purchasing Act. The Purchasing Agent relies on court cases
and attorney general opinions to determine what services are
included in these "other" professional services.
“Professional services” is defined in Chapter 2254 of the Texas
Government Code as:
Those within the scope of the practice of accounting,
architecture, landscape architecture, optometry, medicine, land
surveying, professional engineering, real estate appraising or
professional nursing, or
Provided in connection with the professional employment or
practice of a person who is licensed or registered as an
architect, optometrist, physician, surgeon, certified public
accountant, land surveyor, landscape architect or professional
engineer, state certified or state licensed real estate appraiser,
or registered nurse.
Contracts for the procurement of these professional services may
not be awarded on the basis of bids. Instead, services must be
awarded on the basis of demonstrated competence and
Request for
To ensure professional vendors a fair and equal opportunity to do
business with the County, and to ensure that the services of the
most qualified professional are obtained, professional services are
procured using the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process.
Departments forward a recommendation memo to the Purchasing
Agent when professional services are required. The memo
identifies the following:
Scope of work
Qualification and experience requirements
Project description and deliverables
Time frames
Budgeted amount and budget line items
Suggested professionals
Based on the information provided in the memo, applicable state
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laws, and all relevant facts, the Purchasing Agent makes a
determination about implementing a formal RFQ or an informal
procurement process.
Unless specifically exempted by the Commissioners Court, all
professional services anticipated to cost more than $50,000 are
procured using the formal RFQ process. The Purchasing Agent
submits all exemption orders to the Commissioners Court. The
Purchasing Agent requests a formal exemption from the
Commissioners Court for approval before selecting and negotiating
with any vendors. The Purchasing Agent submits the exemption
request to the Commissioners Court for approval before selecting
and negotiating with any vendors.
Either the memo submitted to the Purchasing Agent, signed by the
Official or Department Head or a direct email from the Official or
Department Head serves as the initial requisition. The memo must
include the budget line items from which the purchase is funded or
an explanation that is acceptable to the Purchasing Department
about how funding is obtained before the Purchasing Department
proceeds with the preparation of the RFQ. Requirements (scope of
work) should be attached to the memo and also forwarded
electronically to the Purchasing Department. If requirements are
not attached, Purchasing and the user department jointly develop
The user department follows up the memo request with entry of a
requisition into the GEMS system.
After development of requirements and preparation of the RFQ, a
notice of the proposed purchase is published by the Purchasing
Department unless Commissioners Court approval of the RFQ is
required. The Commissioners Court must approve advertising for
any RFQ for which there is not adequate funding in the budget or
for which the auditor has not verified that the goods and services
sought have been approved by the Commissioners Court in the
budget process.
Notice of a proposed purchase must be published at least once a
week in a newspaper of general circulation in the County, with the
first day of publication occurring before the 14
day before the date
of the solicitation opening. To ensure vendors sufficient time to
complete and return their solicitation, Purchasing generally
advertises for 17 days. If necessary, advertising time can be
extended or decreased, but must be at least 15 days.
Amendment of
The Purchasing Agent may extend the response opening date on
the notice of an RFQ if an error is discovered, or the nature of the
services requires an extension. The Purchasing Agent may amend
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an RFQ to clarify its original intent or to correct clerical errors if:
Inquiries about the meaning of the RFQ indicate the need for
an amendment;
Changes are so insignificant that they are not likely to matter to
the vendor in determining ability to respond; and
The amendment does not change the general scope of the
There must be at least three days between the date of the
amendment and the opening date specified in the notice. If less
than three days exist, the opening date should be extended to
allow for a minimum of three days between the date of the
amendment and the opening date specified in the amendment.
The Purchasing Agent works with the user department to
determine if a pre-proposal conference is necessary. Purchasing
staff manages any pre-proposal conference and requests that the
user department makes staff available to answer questions at the
Receipt of
To ensure confidentiality, the following procedures are adhered to
when receiving vendor responses:
The Purchasing Agent receives all responses as specified by
the RFQ.
All responses are stamped with the time and date received.
The "Date Stamp Clock" in the Purchasing Department serves
as the official time clock for identifying the date and time a
response is received in the Purchasing Department.
Responses are not received after the opening time on the
day of opening. All responses received after the opening time
are returned unopened to the vendor with a letter from the
Purchasing Agent notifying the vendor that the submitted
response was received after the due date and time.
After responses are received, the Purchasing Department
keeps them secured until the opening date. The responses are
to be received sealed and remain sealed until they are opened
by the Purchasing Department on the advertised date and time.
On occasion, responses that are received in the mail, or by
some other independent carrier, may be inadvertently opened.
If this situation occurs, another employee of the Purchasing
Department is immediately called to act as a witness that the
details of the response were not reviewed and the response
was sealed again by an employee, and the event is
The above process is undertaken to preclude any perception of
favoritism, and avoid revealing response information. Publicly
receiving sealed responses and recording the submission of
requested responses inhibits any perception that the Purchasing
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Department is manipulating the receipt of responses.
Opening of
Sealed responses are opened and documented by the Purchasing
Department. Only the names of vendors submitting responses are
announced. The Purchasing Agent opens the responses on the
date specified in the notice.
Proposals are opened to avoid disclosure of contents to competing
proposers and are kept secret during the process of negotiation.
All proposals that have been submitted are available and open for
public inspection after the contract is awarded, except for trade
secrets and confidential proprietary information. Disclosure of all
information obtained from a vendor is subject to the provisions of
the Texas Public Information Act.
As described in Chapter 3 of this manual, the Potter County
Purchasing Department uses a confidentiality memorandum to
ensure that proprietary information is kept confidential. Before the
evaluation of confidential proposals begins, the Purchasing
Department sends a memorandum to evaluation committee
members for signature and certification. The memorandum
contains requirements to which the evaluation committee member
is expected to adhere during the evaluation process to keep
information confidential until the Commissioners Court
approves an award. This memorandum includes disclosure of any
potential conflict of interest, or any attempted communication by
the vendor to evaluation committee members.
The Purchasing Department supervises the evaluation process
performed by the user department or committee to ensure that it is
conducted fairly and consistently and that the integrity of the
process is maintained. Depending on the procurement, there may
be additional technical evaluation assistance provided by the
Auditor or IT if applicable.
The RFQ must specify the evaluation factors to be used to
determine minimum qualifications. Price is not a factor in this type
of solicitation. Evaluators may use only the specified evaluation
factors in evaluating the responses. Purchasing staff leads the
evaluation team and is responsible for:
Tabulating scores;
Calculating values; and
o Coordinating follow-up meetings for Best and Final Offer
(BAFO) negotiations and recommending an award; or
o Discontinuing the process.
After the evaluation has been completed, Purchasing forwards an
evaluation summary to the Official or Department Head for
concurrence with the selection and requests that the Official or
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Department Head submit a memo to the Purchasing Agent with
their recommendation. Purchasing makes the recommendation to
Commissioners Court.
Note: For high visibility or high dollar value procurements, the
Purchasing Agent may take the recommendations to
Commissioners Court and request its approval to negotiate with
top ranked firm(s) before requesting best and final offers.
Negotiations and
Best Final Offer
The Purchasing Agent supervises all negotiations. All
conversations with proposers must be coordinated with the
Purchasing Agent. A member of the Purchasing Department
should be present for all discussions with proposers. Departments
that contact proposers without coordinating with the Purchasing
Agent risk jeopardizing the integrity of the County procurement
All vendors must be accorded fair and equitable treatment with
respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of responses
and submittal of a BAFO.
After the negotiations are complete, the Purchasing staff requests
qualified vendors to submit a BAFO by a specified date and to a
specified location. Based on the negotiations, the BAFO must
allow the proponent to:
Modify the initial offer;
Update the response based on any changes the user
department or the County has made; and
Include any added inducements that may improve the overall
score based on the evaluation plan of the RFQ.
for Award
The Purchasing Agent works with the Official or Department Head
to develop the recommendation for award and present it for
approval to the Commissioners Court.
Services “Pools”
If, as a result of an RFQ, County enters into contracts with more
than one qualified professional vendor a pool of these
professionals is created to provide services as needed. The user
department must ensure that an RFQ is distributed at least once
every 4 years so that newly qualified professionals may be added
to the pool.
Architectural and
When procuring architectural or engineering services, the County
follows the RFQ process described above and adds a second step.
First, vendors responding to the RFQ are evaluated. The
Purchasing Department works with the evaluation committee to
develop a rank ordering of vendors. Based on the committee’s
evaluation of responses, they identify the “most highly qualified”
vendors with whom the County wishes to negotiate. The
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Purchasing Agent recommends to Commissioners Court the most
highly qualified vendors and requests authorization to negotiate on
the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications. The
Purchasing Agent and Official or Department Head enter into
negotiations with the most highly qualified vendor for a contract at
a fair and reasonable price.
If the County is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the
most highly qualified vendor, negotiations formally end with that
vendor. The next most highly qualified vendor is then asked to
negotiate. Negotiations are continued in this sequence until a
contract is finalized.
Any contract with professional vendors based on a competitive bid
is void because it is contrary to state law.
Written Contract
Before any services are rendered, a contract for professional
services, in writing, is approved and signed by either the
Purchasing Agent if less than $50,000 or Commissioners Court if
more than $50,000. The Purchasing Agent may execute any
contracts for professional services that are procured in compliance
with the Professional Services Procurement Act and in which the
cost of services does not exceed $50,000 if the Auditor’s
Department verifies that the services sought have been approved
by the Commissioners Court and adequate funds are budgeted for
it and the County Attorney has reviewed the contract.
“Other” Services
As defined in this manual "other" personal or professional services
are those services usually referred to as a professional service, but
not specifically listed in the Professional Services Procurement
Act. Various court opinions have stated that these "other"
professional services are services requiring technical skill and
expertise; labor and skill which is predominantly mental or
intellectual, rather than physical or manual; or, a special skill and
experience. "Other" personal services have been defined as
services that must be performed by a particular person and, by the
terms of the contract, no substitutions are allowed. Examples
include computer programmers, lawyers, and facilitators.
Request for
Services (RFS)
To ensure vendors a fair and equal opportunity to do business with
County, and to ensure the services of the most qualified person or
professional, "other" personal or professional services must be
procured using the Request for Services (RFS) process unless the
contract is for less than $50,000 or the Commissioners Court
approves another procedure.
The Sheriff is authorized to negotiate and execute contracts with
independent contractors for the following services if the vendors
are selected on the basis of qualifications, the contracts are within
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budget and the County Attorney and the Purchasing Agent review
the contract.
Nursing in the corrections facilities,
Instructors for the sheriff's academy,
Chaplains for the corrections facilities, and
Prisoner detention services.
User departments forward a memo to the Purchasing Agent when
"other" personal or professional services are required. The memo
identifies the following:
Scope of work
Qualification and experience requirements
Project description and deliverables
Time frames
Budgeted amount and budget line items
Suggested persons or professionals
Selection criteria
Based on the anticipated costs, information provided in the memo,
applicable state laws and all relevant facts, the Purchasing Agent
determines whether a formal RFS or an informal procurement
process are implemented or recommended to the Commissioners
Unless specifically exempted by the Commissioners Court, all
personal or professional services anticipated to cost over $50,000
are procured using the formal RFS process. The Purchasing Agent
submits all exemption orders to the Commissioners Court. Unless
there is an urgent need for the services, the request is submitted to
the Commissioners Court for approval before selecting and
negotiating with any vendors.
Either a memo signed by the Official or Department Head and
submitted to the Purchasing Agent or a direct email from the
Official or Department Head serves as the initial requisition. The
memo must include the budget line items from which the purchase
is funded or an explanation about how funding is obtained that is
acceptable to the Purchasing Department before the Purchasing
Department prepares the RFS. Requirements (scope of work)
should be attached to the memo and also forwarded electronically
to the Purchasing Department. If requirements are not attached,
Purchasing and the user department jointly develop the
The user department follows up the memo request with entry of a
requisition into the GEMS system.
After development of requirements and RFS preparation, the
Purchasing Department usually publishes a notice of the proposed
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purchase unless Commissioners Court approval of the RFS is
The Commissioners Court must approve advertising for any RFS if
the Auditor has not verified that the services sought have been
approved by the Commissioners Court and the Court has placed
adequate funding in the budget.
Notice of a proposed purchase must be published at least once a
week in a newspaper of general circulation in the County, with the
first day of publication occurring before the 14
day before the date
of the response opening. To ensure vendors sufficient time to
complete and return responses, Purchasing generally advertises
for 17 days. If necessary, advertising time can be extended or
decreased, but must be at least 15 days.
Amendment of
The Purchasing Agent may extend the response opening date on
an RFS notice if an error is discovered, or the nature of the
services requires an extension. The Purchasing Agent may amend
an RFS to clarify its original intent or to correct clerical errors:
If inquiries about the meaning of the RFS indicate the need for
an amendment;
If the changes are so insignificant that they are not likely to
matter to the vendor in determining ability to respond; and
If the amendment does not change the general scope of the
There must be at least three days between the date of the
amendment and the opening date specified in the notice. If less
than three days exist, the opening date should be extended to
allow for three days between the date of the amendment and the
opening date specified in the amendment.
The Purchasing Agent works with the user department to
determine if a pre-proposal conference is necessary. Purchasing
staff manages any pre-proposal conference that is held and
requests that the user department make staff available to answer
questions at the conference.
Receipt of
To ensure confidentiality, the following procedures are adhered to
when receiving vendor responses:
The Purchasing Agent receives all proposals as specified by
the RFS.
All responses are stamped with the time and date received.
The "Date Stamp Clock" in the Purchasing Department serves
as the official time clock for the purpose of identifying the date
and time responses was received in the Purchasing
Responses are not received after the opening time on the
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day of opening. All responses received after the opening time
are returned unopened to the vendor with a letter from the
Purchasing Agent notifying the vendor that the submitted
response are received after the due date and time.
After responses are received, the Purchasing Department
keeps them secure until the opening date. The responses are
to be received sealed and remain sealed until the Purchasing
Department opens them on the advertised date and time.
On occasion, responses that are received in the mail or by
some other independent carrier may be inadvertently opened. If
this situation occurs, another employee of the Purchasing
Department is immediately called to act as a witness that the
details of the response were not reviewed and the response is
sealed again by that employee, and the incident is
The above process is undertaken to preclude any perception of
favoritism and avoid revealing response information. Publicly
receiving sealed responses and recording the submission of
requested responses should inhibit any perception that the
Purchasing Department is manipulating the receipt of proposals.
Opening of
Sealed proposals are opened and documented by the Purchasing
Department. Only the names of vendors submitting proposals are
announced. The Purchasing Agent opens the proposals on the
date specified in the notice. The Purchasing Agent may extend the
date specified in the notice if the original RFS needs to be
Responses are opened to avoid disclosing the contents to
competing vendors and are kept secret during the process of
negotiation. All responses that have been submitted are available
and open for public inspection after the contract is awarded, except
for trade secrets and confidential proprietary information.
Disclosure of all information obtained from a vendor is subject to
the provisions of the Texas Public Information Act.
As fully described in Chapter 3 of this manual, the Purchasing
Department uses a confidentiality memorandum to ensure
compliance with the ethics policy for keeping proprietary
information confidential. Before the evaluation of confidential
proposals, the Purchasing Department sends a memorandum to
the evaluation committee members for signature and certification.
The memorandum contains requirements to which the evaluation
committee member is expected to adhere during the course of the
evaluation process to keep information confidential until the
Commissioners Court approves an award. The memorandum
includes disclosure of any potential conflict of interest, or any
attempted communication by the vendor to evaluation committee
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members during evaluation.
The Purchasing Department supervises the evaluation process
performed by the user department or committee to ensure that it is
conducted fairly and consistently and that the integrity of the
process is maintained. Depending on the procurement, there may
be additional technical evaluation assistance provided by the
Auditor or Information Technology if applicable.
In selecting vendors to provide other personal or professional
services, a department must base its choice on demonstrated
competence, knowledge, and qualifications and on the
reasonableness of the proposed fee for the services, as specified
in the RFS.
Evaluators use only the specified evaluation factors in evaluating
the proposals. Purchasing staff leads the evaluation team and is
responsible for:
Tabulating scores;
Calculating values; and either
o Coordinating follow-up meetings for Best and Final Offer
negotiations and recommending an award; or
o Discontinuing the process.
Once the evaluation is completed, Purchasing forwards an
evaluation summary to the Elected Official/Department Head for
concurrence with the selection and requests that the Official or
Department Head submit a memo back to the Purchasing Agent
with their recommendation. Purchasing makes the
recommendation to Commissioners Court.
Note: For high visibility or high dollar value procurements, the
Purchasing Agent may take the recommendations to
Commissioners Court and request its approval to negotiate with
top ranked firm(s) before requesting best and final offers.
Negotiations and
Best and Final
Offer (BAFO)
The Purchasing Agent supervises all negotiations. All
conversations with proposers must be coordinated with the
Purchasing Agent. A member of the Purchasing Department
should be present for all discussions with vendors. Departments
that contact vendors without coordinating with the Purchasing
Agent risk jeopardizing the integrity of the County procurement
All vendors must be accorded fair and equitable treatment with
respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of responses
and submittal of a BAFO.
After the negotiations are complete, the Purchasing staff may
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request that qualified vendors submit a BAFO by a specified date
and to a specified location. Based on the negotiations, the BAFO
must allow the vendor to:
Modify the initial offer;
Update the response based on any changes the user
department or County has made; and
Include any added inducements that may improve the overall
score based on the evaluation plan of the RFS.
for Award
The Purchasing Agent works with the Elected Official or
Department Head to develop the recommendation for award and
present it for approval by Commissioners Court.
Vendor “Pools”
If, as a result of an RFS, the County enters into contracts with
more than one qualified professional to create a pool of these
professionals to provide services as needed, the user department
must ensure that an RFS is distributed at least once every 4 years
so that newly qualified professionals may be added to the pool.
Disclosure of
To be considered responsive, a person who offers to provide
personal or professional services to a user department who has
been employed by the County at any time during the two years
before making the response must disclose in the response:
The nature of the previous employment with the department;
The date the employment was terminated; and
The annual rate of compensation at the time of termination.
Written Contract
Before any services are rendered, a contract for "other" personal
or professional services shall be in writing, approved, and signed
by either the Purchasing Agent if less than $50,000 or the
Commissioners Court if more than $50,000. If less than $50,000,
the Purchasing Agent determines which person or professional is
selected based on the recommendation of the user department.
The Purchasing Agent may execute any contracts for "other"
personal or professional services that are procured in compliance
with the Purchasing Act and in which the cost of services does not
exceed $50,000.
The Purchasing Agent may execute contracts for legal
representation based on the attorney selected by the client on the
recommendation of the County Attorney if the cost does not
exceed $50,000.
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Chapter 14: Construction Procurement
Subsection 262.011 (e) of the Texas Local Government Code states
that "The County Purchasing Agent shall supervise all purchases
made on competitive bid...” Chapter 271 Subchapter C is used only
for public works projects funded by Certificates of Obligation. Chapter
2267 provisions are used when an alternative project delivery method
(other than traditional competitive bidding) is used for public works
Construction procurement is consistent with other procurement
procedures in this manual and with pertinent statutes. The Purchasing
Agent supervises all construction procurements. All competitive bids
are accomplished by the following process:
A memo submitted to the Purchasing Agent, signed by the Elected
Official/Department Head or as directed by the Commissioners Court
serves as the initial notification that a competitive bid is needed. An
electronic copy of the notification may be submitted to assist in the
development of the formal bid. Before the formal bid is released, the
Purchasing Agent and County Attorney review and approve the
Bidding and General Requirements. The Purchasing Agent reviews
the bid specifications for compliance with the Purchasing Act and the
County Attorney reviews them for legal considerations.
NOTE: Purchasing prints the document when there is only a project
manual and no plans. The user department is responsible for printing
when there are both plans and a project manual.
The user department must provide the Purchasing Department at
least thirty (30) workdays to develop the RFB, and circulate it for the
appropriate reviews. During this time, Purchasing develops a
Procurement Schedule detailing the milestones of the solicitation,
including dates and times for the pre-bid conference, bid opening, and
preconstruction conference. The Purchasing Department assigns an
RFB number to the project at this time if it has not already been
The Purchasing Department enters all construction contracts into the
GEMS system. The County uses the GEMS system to process and
track payments to the prime contractor.
Bidding Notice
The Purchasing Department publishes the advertisement for bid,
which must include the following:
Description of Work;
Location at which the bidding documents, plans, specifications, or
other data may be examined. The location at which plans and
specifications may be obtained and the amount of the deposit
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Time and place for submitting bids and time and place of bid
The method of payment. If payment is by certificate of obligation,
the advertisement must state either :
o That the bidder must accept certificates, or
o That the bidder must elect to accept certificates or assign
them to a financial institution with which county has made
an arrangement.
If the contract is to be awarded on a unit price basis, the notice must
also include the approximate quantities of the goods and services
needed that are to be bid on and the quantities must be based on the
best available information.
Notice of a proposed purchase must be published at least once a
week in a newspaper of general circulation in the County, with the first
day of publication occurring before the 14
day before the date of the
bid opening. To ensure bidders (proposers) sufficient time to complete
and return RFB’s, Purchasing generally advertises for 17 days. If
necessary, advertising time can be extended or decreased, but must
be at least 15 days.
of Safety
If the RFB states that the safety record may be considered in
determining the responsibility of the bidder and includes the Safety
Record Questionnaire in the RFB, County takes into account the
bidder’s safety record in determining the responsible bidder. The
safety record includes compliance with requirements for the safety of
the environment. In relation to the safety record, bidder includes not
only the bidder; but also the firm, corporation, partnership or institution
represented by the bidder; or anyone acting for such a firm
corporation, partnership or institution.
The definition and criteria for determining the safety record of a
1. If the bidder reveals more than two (2) cases in which final
orders have been entered by the Occupational Safety and
Health Review Commission (OSHRC) against the bidder for
serious violations of OSHA regulations within the past three (3)
years, County will, at its discretion, determine whether to
disqualify the bidder.
2. If the bidder reveals more than one (1) case in which bidder
has received a citation from an environmental protection
agency for violations within the past five (5) years, County will,
at its discretion, determine whether to disqualify the bidder.
Environmental Protection Agencies include the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineer (USACOE), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(USFWS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Texas
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Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and its past
associated agency: the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission (TNRCC), the Texas Department of Health, the
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), the Structural Pest
Control Board (SPCB), agencies of local governments responsible
for enforcing environmental protection laws or regulations, and
similar regulatory agencies of other states of the United States.
Citations include notice of violation, notice of enforcement,
suspension/revocations of state or federal licenses or
registrations, fines assessed pending criminal complaints,
indictments, or convictions, administrative orders, draft orders,
final orders, and judicial final judgments.
Notice of Violations and Notice of Enforcement received from
TCEQ shall include those classified as major violations and
moderate violations under TCEQ’s regulations for documentation
of Compliance History, 30TAC, Chapter 60.2 (c) (1) and (2).
3. If the bidder reveals that the bidder has been convicted of a
criminal offense within the past ten (10) years which resulted in
serious bodily harm or death, County will determine whether to
disqualify the bidder.
Bonds are not required for construction contracts that are less than
Bid Bonds
Bid bonds are not required from any bidder whose rates are subject to
regulation by a state agency. If the Purchasing Agent decides that a
bid bond is required for a particular contract, the RFB states that a bid
bond in the amount of 5% of the contract price is required and that it
must be executed by a surety company authorized to do business in
Letters of Credit may not be substituted for any bid bonds related to a
public works project, if the cost of the project exceeds $25,000.
For all contracts in excess of $100,000 for the construction, repair, or
alteration of a public work or the prosecution or completion of any
public work, before commencing work, the vendor must execute a
performance bond that is:
Payable to Potter County, Texas,
In the full amount of the contract,
Conditioned on faithful performance of the work in accordance
with the plans, specifications, and contract documents,
Solely for the protection of the County,
Executed by a corporate surety or sureties in accordance with the
Insurance Code, and
In a form approved by the Commissioners Court.
Any performance bond that is furnished by a contractor in attempted
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compliance with the requirements of Texas Government Code,
chapter 2253 is construed as if it conforms to that chapter in relation
to rights created, limitations on the bonds and remedies provided.
Letters of Credit may not be substituted for any performance bonds
related to a public works project if the cost of the project exceeds
For all contracts in excess of $25,000 for the construction, repair, or
alteration of a public work or the prosecution or completion of any
public work, the vendor, before commencing work, must execute a
payment bond that is:
Solely for the protection and use of payment bond beneficiaries
who have a direct contractual relationship with the prime
contractor or a subcontractor to supply labor or material for a
public work,
Payable to Potter County, Texas, In the amount of the contract,
Executed by a corporate surety or sureties in accordance with the
Insurance Code, and
In a form approved by the Commissioners Court.
Payment bonds must be effective from commencement of
performance until the end of the fourth month after all work for the
project is completed, unless releases are obtained from all
subcontractors and materialmen. Any payment bond that is furnished
by a contractor in attempted compliance with the requirements of
chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code are construed as if it
conforms with that chapter in relation to rights created, limitations on
the bond, and remedies provided.
A bond required under this section must clearly and prominently
display on the bond or on an attachment to the bond: (1) the name,
mailing address, physical address, and telephone number, including
the area code, of the surety company to which any notice of claim
should be sent; or (2) the toll-free telephone number maintained by
the Texas Department of Insurance under subchapter B, chapter 521,
Insurance Code, and a statement that the address of the surety
company to which any notice of claim should be sent may be obtained
from the Texas Department of Insurance by calling the toll-free
telephone number.
The County may not require a contractor for any public building or
other construction contract to obtain a surety bond from any specific
insurance or surety company, agent, or broker.
Letters of Credit may not be substituted for any payment bonds
related to a public works project if the cost of the project exceeds
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The Purchasing Department provides detailed information on the
bidding requirements of the RFB to ensure that purchasing
procedures are complied with and the user department provides
technical information and ensures that technical standards are
complied with. Purchasing schedules the pre-bid conference and
assists in conducting the conference as follows:
Ensuring all attendees sign the attendance roster and provide a
detailed Agenda which:
o Provides a brief introduction of the project title, magnitude, and
performance period.
o Indicates whether there has been any addendum issued, and if
so, all attendees and project document holders must receive a
o Discusses the Purchasing Department role in the procurement
and administration process.
o Establishes a “cutoff” date for questions and request for
clarifications, as well as a final date for issuance of addendum
Determining whether the project Engineer, Architect or Project
Manager have discussed the specifics of the project, including
review of the plans and specifications, and facilitating a question
and answer session.
Determining any issues discussed during the conference that
requires issuance of an addendum. The Purchasing Agent may
extend the date specified in the notice if needed. The Purchasing
Department issues the amendment only if there are at least five
(5) days between the date of the addendum and the date specified
for bid opening. If less than five days exist, the opening date
should be extended to allow for a minimum of five days between
the date of the addendum and the opening date specified in the
Assuring that the user department provided Purchasing with the
technical documents (i.e. changes or additions to the plans and or
specifications). Purchasing prepares an addendum using the
standard form and distributes the addendum to all applicable
Recording the minutes of the meeting and distributing them to all
Receipt of
The following procedures are adhered to when receiving bids:
The Purchasing Department receives all bids as specified by the
Bids are not received after the opening time on the day of bid
opening. All bids received after the opening time are returned
unopened to the bidder with a letter from the Purchasing Agent
notifying the bidder that the submitted bid was received after the
due date and time.
The Purchasing Department records the date the bid was
After bids are received, the Purchasing Department provides a
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secure place to hold the bids until the opening date. The bids are
to be received sealed and remain sealed until the Purchasing
Department opens them in a public forum on the advertised date
and time.
On occasion, bids that are received in the mail or by some other
independent carrier may be inadvertently opened. If this situation
occurs, another employee of the Purchasing Department is
immediately called to act as a witness that the details of the bid,
especially the price, were not reviewed, then the bid is sealed
again by that employee, and the incident is documented.
The above process shall be undertaken in a manner that precludes
any perception of favoritism and avoids revealing bid prices or any bid
information. Publicly receiving sealed bids and recording the
submission of requested bids inhibits the perception that the
Purchasing Department is manipulating the receipt of bids.
Opening of
The Purchasing Department publicly opens and documents sealed
bids on the date, time and place specified in the notice. Preliminary
bid tabulations are provided to the public upon request. The
Purchasing Department is responsible for creating the bid tabulation
for distribution to the user department and the general public. For
those bids that contain numerous line items, a tabulation that includes
the total bid amount, excluding individual line item amounts per
bidder, can be provided immediately after bid opening. Requests for
all-inclusive bid tabulation are honored after it is completed and may
require at least four (4) workdays.
A bid that has been opened may not be changed for the purpose of
correcting an error in the bid price. The Purchasing Agent provides a
bid tabulation to the Commissioners Court.
Evaluation of
The Purchasing Department evaluates all bids with assistance from
the user department and they jointly develop a recommendation for
award to Commissioners Court. The evaluation of bids is based on
the following factors:
The relative prices of the bids, including the cost of repair and
maintenance of heavy equipment if that is subject of the bid, or the
cost of delivery and hauling if road construction equipment is the
subject of the bids;
The compliance of goods and services offered with specifications;
The responsibility of the vendor, including the vendor’s past
performance, the vendor's financial and practical ability to perform
the contract, and the vendor’s safety record if Commissioners
Court has adopted a definition of safety that is stated in the RFB.
Purchasing forwards a complete bid tabulation and award
recommendation to the Official or Department Head for review and
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signature. The bid tabulation and award recommendation is submitted
with the agenda request to justify the award. Purchasing is
responsible for placing the item on the agenda of the Commissioners
When the lowest priced bid is not the best bid, clear justification for
not selecting the lowest bidder must be documented to the
Commissioners Court. This recommendation may be supported by
clear and concise documentation from the user department that
determines the rationale for awarding to a bidder other than the
lowest bidder. A joint review of the bid by the user department and the
Purchasing Department is required.
The Purchasing Agent and the Elected Official or Department Head
recommend contract award to Commissioners Court in session. The
Court shall:
Award the contract to the responsive and responsible bidder who
submits the lowest and best bid; or
Reject all bids and publish a new notice if the goods and services
are still needed.
Single Responses: In the event only one response is received, the
RFB/RFP will not be opened by the Purchasing Department as
specified. The single response will be presented to the next regular
meeting of the Commissioners Court for permission to open or
direction to re-bid. If the Commissioners Court elects to open the
RRB/RFP it may or may not be awarded during that court session.
If two or more responsive and responsible bidders submit the lowest
and best bid, the Commissioners Court shall decide between the two
by drawing lots in a manner prescribed by the County Judge.
A contract may not be awarded to a bidder who is not the lowest
dollar bidder meeting specifications unless, before the award, each
lower bidder is given notice of the proposed award and is given an
opportunity to appear before the Commissioners Court and present
evidence about its responsibility. After award, the County Judge signs
the contract for the County and the Purchasing Agent returns the bid
bonds of any vendor that was not awarded a contract.
A Notice-of-Award ("NOA") letter, issued by the Purchasing
Department, accompanies the contractor's copy of the contract. The
NOA letter includes the requirements for the contractor to submit
various documents, and the time period within which they must be
submitted. For example, Payment Bonds, Performance Bonds and an
Insurance Certificate must be submitted within ten (10) workdays after
contractor receipt of the NOA letter. Unless otherwise indicated, the
NOA also states that Notice-to-Proceed is not issued unless the
contractor submits the required documents within the specified time
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period. An original contract is maintained in the Purchasing
Department. Copies are furnished to the County Clerk, Auditor,
County Attorney, and user department.
Purchasing schedules the Pre-Construction Conference (also known
as the Pre-Performance Conference). The user department is
responsible for all technical presentations and the Purchasing
Department ensures that all applicable purchasing procedures are
followed. Purchasing assists in conducting the Conference by:
Having all attendees sign the attendance roster, introduce
themselves, and briefly explain their involvement in the project;
Discussing briefly the contract requirements, amount, and any
other pertinent information about the project. The user department
representative (technical representative) is responsible for
providing a thorough synopsis of contract requirements and any
County policies to which contractor must adhere;
Establishing dates for Submissions of all required documents such
as material submittals, progress reports, payrolls, (when
applicable), etc.
Receiving required documents from the contractor, i.e.,
Performance Bond, Payment Bond, Insurance Certificate;
Ensuring a complete understanding by all participants on all issues
before adjourning.
Preparing minutes of the Conference, including all technical
discussions and distributing them.
Working with the user department on the timing of the issuance of
the Notice-To-Proceed (NTP). After Purchasing receives all of the
required documents, the user department determines when the
NTP is issued. If all is in order, Purchasing issues the NTP.
Note: The NTP is not issued until all required bonds and
insurance have been received, reviewed and verified with the
appropriate agency (i.e. surety or insurance agency).
The user department is responsible for monitoring and documenting
contractor performance and compliance and provides Purchasing with
copies of this documentation, which keeps the Purchasing
Department informed about all performance and compliance issues.
Discussions that merely explain the interpretation of the specifications
may be dealt with orally by the user department.
If poor performance or noncompliance with the contract is evidenced,
the user department initiates written corrective action with the
contractor and provides Purchasing with an advance copy of any
written correspondence directing correction of a discrepancy. The
user department solicits Purchasing to initiate corrective action when
the user department cannot resolve conflict through correspondence
in consultation with the occupant department.
The user department must not provide any instructions or requests for
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changes directly to the contractor. The user department must provide
all information necessary for the contractor to meet its needs either
through the user department that is responsible for constructing the
facility or the Purchasing Department. Only the user department's
project manager or the Purchasing Agent has the authority to give any
directions directly to the contractor.
The Purchasing Agent takes all steps related to correcting non-
compliance with the contract but must consult with the County
Attorney before taking any steps toward suspension or termination of
the contract unless emergency, life safety, or property damage issues
require immediate temporary work stoppage. Before any letters,
notices or other communication related to termination or suspension
are sent to the contractor, the contents of these must be reviewed by
the County Attorney as the initial steps toward potential litigation.
Documentation of contractor performance is often overlooked and is
most important if suspension or termination is sought. To enforce
contractual terms, documentation of specific noncompliance must be
available. Specific dates, locations, examples, etc. must be
Contract administration duties are basic daily, weekly, and monthly
activities of the Purchasing staff and must take place to ensure
successful completion of the project and to ensure the County
receives the goods and services for which it has contracted. Unless
otherwise noted, the following are responsibilities of the Purchasing
Schedule and assist in conducting the preconstruction conference.
Maintain a comprehensive, neat, and orderly contract file that
includes all documentation related to the procurement process
including the pre-solicitation, solicitation, contract award, post
award, and administration phases of the project.
Monitor the continued insurance coverage and obtain updated
certificates on a timely basis
If project is federally funded, receive and review copies of
contractor payrolls to ensure payments made to contractor’s
employees comply with the prevailing wage rate classifications by
trade included in the contract.
Perform periodic visits to the construction site to perform spot
labor interviews to ensure contractor compliance with prevailing
labor laws.
Receive and review copies of contractor invoices for accuracy.
Discrepancies are reported to the contractor and user department
for resolution. The user department provides Purchasing with a
copy of the invoice immediately upon receipt from the contractor.
The Purchasing Agent verifies in writing that the invoice is
appropriate for payment before submitting it to the County Auditor
for payment.
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Maintain and monitor correspondence: The user department may
hold oral discussions with the contractor that merely explain or
interpret the specifications. All correspondence, concerning major
issues involving noncompliance, between the contractor and the
County are directed through the Purchasing Department. This
ensures that Purchasing is aware of any directives being issued to
the contractor or any potential problems that may occur in the
performance of the contract.
In emergency situations, or those regarding minor issues,
correspondence may be issued directly to the contractor through the
user department. However, Purchasing must be provided a copy
immediately. The professional judgment of the user department
representative determines what constitutes an emergency, and what
is considered to be a minor issue. If it appears that the level of
noncompliance may result in a suspension or termination of the
contract, the Purchasing Agent must seek the advice of the County
Attorney before sending a notice to show cause not to terminate or
placing the contract on the agenda for the Commissioners Court to
authorize termination.
Purchasing maintains all insurance and bond certificates. Bid bonds
may be required with all bids over $25,000 and are maintained in the
Purchasing Department. The contractor provides payment and
performance bonds within ten (10) workdays after receipt of the
Notice-of-Award letter. They are reviewed by both the user
department representative and Purchasing. Originals are maintained
in the Purchasing Department. Copies are provided to the user
department upon request. Insurance certificates are provided by the
contractor during the pre-construction conference. The certificate is
maintained in the main contract file in the Purchasing Department.
The Purchasing Agent on the recommendation of the Elected Official
or Department Head responsible for the project may approve change
orders to construction contracts.
The Purchasing Agent may modify contracts at any time, in writing, if
the changes are within the general scope of the contract including
changes to any of the following:
1. Drawings, designs, or specifications;
2. Correction of errors of a general administrative nature or other
3. Increases or decreases in the quantity of items purchased and;
4. Time extensions allowed by the contract terms and conditions.
The Commissioners Court must approve increases or decreases in
cost of $50,000 or less; however, the original contract price may not
be increased by more than 25 percent unless the change order is
necessary to comply with a federal or state statute, rule, regulation, or
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judicial decision enacted, adopted, or rendered after the contract was
made and the original contract price may not be decreased by 18
percent or more without the consent of the contractor.
Negotiations of change orders, particularly those which result in an
increase in contract price or performance period, or change the scope
of the project, require that the Purchasing Department be notified on a
timely basis so that the Purchasing Agent can seek Commissioners
Court approval. Purchasing shall be provided a copy of the proposed
change order, with available supporting documentation.
A change order shall not be issued until it is determined that the
necessary funds are budgeted and available. A statement to that
effect should be included with the back up documentation.
Close Out
The Purchasing Agent ensures that all applicable warranty certificates
are received and safe-guarded throughout the term of the warranty.
The Purchasing Department provides copies of the warranty
certificates to the user department and the occupant department.
The Purchasing Agent supervises return of bonds in cooperation with
the user department to ensure that the contract is complete in all
respects before these are returned. The release must state that the
subcontractor or materialman releases Potter County from all claims
arising from labor or materials provided for the project.
Chapter 2267 of the Texas Local Government Code applies if an
alternative project delivery method (that is, not “traditional”
competitive bidding) is being utilized. Specific procedures and
requirements are developed for each specific project using an
alternative delivery method. If an alternative project delivery method is
not being used, the provisions of Chapter 262 of the Texas Local
Government Code apply.
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Chapter 15: Exemptions to the Competitive Procurement Process
Some goods and services can be exempted from the competitive
procurement process if the Commissioners Court orders the purchase
exempt. Section 262.024 of the Texas Local Government Code lists all
the circumstances when exemptions are available for purchases made
out of current funds, bond funds, or through time warrants. The following
is a list of these circumstances:
Goods and services that must be purchased in a case of public
calamity, if it is necessary to make the purchase promptly to relieve
the necessity of the citizens or to preserve the property of the County;
Goods and services necessary to preserve or protect the public health
or safety of the residents of the County;
Goods and services necessary because of unforeseen damage to
public property;
Personal or professional services;
Work performed and paid for by the day, as the work progresses to a
maximum of 20 days within any three-month period;
Any land or right of way;
Food goods;
Personal property sold at auction by a state licensed auctioneer, in a
going out of business sale held in compliance with the Business and
Commerce Code, or by a political subdivision, state agency or federal
government entity;
Work performed under a community and economic development
contract under section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code;
Renewal of a lease or equipment maintenance agreement if the lease
was competitively bid within the last year and the extension does not
exceed one year.
In addition, section 271.056 of the Texas Local Government Code lists all
the circumstances when exemptions are available for purchases made
from funds obtained from certificates of obligation. The following is a list
of these circumstances:
Goods and services that must be purchased in a case of public
calamity, if it is necessary to make the purchase promptly to relieve
the necessity of the citizens or to preserve the property of the County;
Goods and services necessary to preserve or protect the public
health or safety of the residents of the County;
Goods and services necessary because of unforeseen damage to
public property;
Personal or professional services;
Work performed by the County's employees and paid for as the work
The purchase of any land, building, existing utility system, or right of
way for authorized needs and purposes authorized under the
certificate of obligation;
A contract paid entirely from current funds or bond funds or a contract
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for which advertising was done in compliance with Chapter 271 of the
Texas Local Government Code and certificates of obligation are
issued to provide for a deficiency in current funds or bond funds;
The sale of a public security as defined in section 1204.001 of the
Texas Government Code;
A contract that is not required to be made in accordance with
competitive bidding procedures under the County Purchasing Act.
Exemption orders must be processed through the Purchasing Agent. For
purchases exceeding $50,000, the Purchasing Agent requests the
exemption order from Commissioners Court in all cases except the
acquisition of interests in land for county purposes.
The Elected Official or Department Head submits a memo to the
Purchasing Agent requesting an exemption to the competitive
procurement process and identifying the basis for the exemption (e.g.
emergency, sole source). The memo must state specific details and
explain why an exemption from the competitive procurement process
should be requested and granted. When possible, it should also contain
the name of the vendor, goods or services covered by the order and the
expected maximum cost and other relevant programmatic information
justifying the exemption.
Emergency means circumstances where an immediate response is
required to provide for the safety of persons or property, but does not
include any situation which results in the County Judge declaring a local
state of disaster. Emergency purchases exceeding $50,000 require
an exemption order granted by the Commissioners Court before a
purchase order can be issued.
Goods and
Sole-source goods and services require a signed statement from the
Purchasing Agent about the existence of only one source, and specifically
noting which type of listed sole source good or service is being
purchased. For purchases over $50,000, the statement is submitted for
acceptance by Commissioners Court, and must be reflected in the
minutes of the meeting of the Commissioners Court. Sole-source items
Goods and services for which competition is precluded from bidding
because of the existence of patents, copyrights, secret processes, or
Films, manuscripts, or books;
Electric power, gas, water, and other utility services; and
Original equipment manufactured (OEM) replacement parts for
The Commissioners Court may purchase Real Property with or without
the assistance of the Purchasing Agent. The Commissioners Court and
the County Attorney supervise the lease of Real Property.
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Chapter 16: Renewal of Equipment Leases and Maintenance Contracts
The first renewal or extension of a lease or of an equipment maintenance
contract can be exempted from formal competitive bidding, if the
Commissioners Court orders the exemption and if:
The lease or contract has gone through formal competitive bidding
within the preceding year; and
The renewal or extension does not exceed one year.
The Purchasing Department processes the procurement of all equipment
leases and maintenance contracts and exemption orders for all renewals
or extensions. The Purchasing Agent supervises all negotiations with
vendors. Purchasing maintains the document originals and sends the
user department a copy. Purchasing monitors maintenance contracts for
expiration dates and treats their renewal as annual term contracts.
The Purchasing Agent may execute any contracts for equipment leases
and maintenance contracts that are procured in compliance with the
Purchasing Act and in which the cost does not exceed $50,000.
Commissioners Court must approve all other contracts.
The user department enters a requisition into the GEMS system
identifying the budget line item account. The requisition identifies the
purchase as either a lease or maintenance contract. The requisition
should include the serial number, model number and physical location of
equipment. The beginning and end dates of coverage should be
If the user department is processing a renewal, the original contract
number should also be identified in the requisition (either the County
contract number or the State term contract number).
If the request is for a sole source lease or maintenance contract, the user
department must follow up the requisition with a memo justifying why it is
a sole source purchase.
Note: If the lease or maintenance contract is from an authorized State
contract vendor, the user department must include the Vendor ID
number, part number, class and item number, and contact person on the
Information Technology (IT) may be involved in the analysis of whether a
maintenance contract or in-house repairs are more appropriate.
Departments should coordinate with IT on these analyses and provide a
statement from the appropriate department that the maintenance contract
sought is appropriate.
Note: An often-overlooked cost of equipment or software is on going
maintenance. All ongoing maintenance issues should be considered,
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evaluated, and priced in the initial procurement process.
Information Technology must be contacted on all software and hardware
procurements and ongoing maintenance contracts. An IT Assessment
should be submitted along with each agenda item for Commissioners
Court action for these services.
Facilities Maintenance Department must be contacted before any new
equipment is acquired so that it can determine whether there is adequate
space and other facilities resources for the proper operation of the
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Chapter 17: Receipt of Goods
Departments must notify the Purchasing Department if goods are not
received by the due date or if damaged freight is delivered.
Verify Order
Department employees receiving shipments must pay particular
attention to the delivery ticket, and whether it matches the County's
purchase order. The person receiving the goods must verify that all
goods were shipped as stated on the delivery ticket, and sign in his or
her own name (a full signature in ink) on all of the appropriate
receiving documentation, particularly the County copy.
The user department must forward the invoice or delivery ticket to
Purchasing upon receipt of goods. Timely receipt of paperwork is
critical to the processing of payments to vendors in compliance with
Texas Government Code, section 2251.021, commonly known as the
Prompt Payment Act. According to this section, payment for goods or
services received is overdue on the 31
day after the later of:
The date the County receives the good under the contract.
The date the performance of the service under the contract is
complete, or
The date the County receives an invoice for the goods or service.
The Purchasing Department will post the receipt of goods/services in
the GEMS system making necessary adjustments to the purchase
order. Invoices are then forwarded to the Auditor for payment
When a shipment arrives, the user department must inspect the
condition of all cartons. If freight is undamaged, the department
receiving the shipment should sign the freight bill. If freight is visibly
damaged, the receiving department must instruct the freight line driver
1. Note the damage on the freight bill, and;
2. Sign the freight bill.
If there is concealed damage, save the shipping cartons so that the
Purchasing Department can notify the freight line and request an
"inspection and report of concealed damage." A receiving report noting
the damage should be completed and attached to the freight bill and
packing slip.
All boxes and packing materials should be kept in the event of visibly
damaged and concealed damage freight shipments.
Damaged freight must be reported to the freight line within 15 days
after delivery. After 15 days the freight line is no longer liable for the
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All goods not received properly or not in compliance with the contract
should be documented and reported to the Purchasing Department as
soon as possible so that the vendor can be notified and instructed
about corrective action. To comply with the Prompt Payment Act, the
Purchasing Department notifies the vendor within 21 days of any
damaged goods received to avoid interest being paid to the vendor.
Damaged goods should not be returned to the freight line or the
vendor, unless specifically requested to do so and then only if a claim
has been filed or if authorization has been given by the vendor or the
Purchasing Department.
All original receiving documentation must be sent to Purchasing. User
department must make copies in order to maintain their own records.
The department should provide documentation to the Purchasing
Department regarding any disputes in receipts of goods.
Any warranty information must be copied to the Purchasing
Department. Warranty information can be tracked through the Fixed
Assets system.
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Chapter 18: Contract Modifications
During the term of a contract, it may be necessary to make changes to the
contract. These changes can be minor, administrative changes such as a
change of address or they can be substantial changes that affect the price
and delivery.
There are basically two ways to change a contract. One way is a bilateral
modification, in which both parties to the contract agree that a modification
is necessary. Both parties must sign to indicate their agreement. The
second way is a unilateral modification. In this case, terms and conditions
in the original contract set forth the situations under which the County may
exercise a right to modify the contract without the contractor’s consent.
The Purchasing Agent may modify contracts, in writing, if the changes are
within the general scope of the contract including changes to any of the
1. Drawings, designs, or specifications when the goods to be furnished
are to be specially manufactured for the County in accordance with the
drawings, designs, or specifications;
2. Method of shipment or packing;
3. Place or time of delivery;
4. Correction of errors of a general administrative nature or other
5. Increases or decreases in the quantity of items purchased;
6. Increases or decreases in cost of $25,000 or less; however, the original
contract price may not be increased by more than 25 percent unless
the change order is necessary to comply with a federal or state statute,
rule, regulation, or judicial decision enacted, adopted, or rendered after
the contract was made or decreased by 18 percent or more without the
consent of the contractor; and
7. Time extensions allowed by the contract terms and conditions.
Note: The total contract price may not be increased unless the cost of the
change can be paid from current and available funds.
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Chapter 19: Contract Administration
Contract administration and oversight includes four general
· Planning
· Monitoring Contractor Performance
· Payment Approval
· Change Management
This aspect of the procurement process is important. Written
documentation of specific noncompliance must be available to
enforce contractual terms. Documentation includes a description of
specific dates, locations, examples, etc. of nonperformance and any
contact or communication with the contractor about noncompliance.
The user department has primary responsibility for monitoring and
documenting contractor performance and compliance. The user
department must provide copies of all documentation of
noncompliance to the Purchasing Department. Copies may be sent by
email to the Purchasing Agent. The Purchasing Department maintains
all documents about events during the term of the contract including
contract performance including documentation related to clarification
of expected performance. The user department does not need to
provide copies of documentation about clarification of expected
performance standards with which the contract complied after
clarification. The user department should contact the Purchasing
Department if there is any question about what should or should not
be documented.
If the user department observes poor performance or noncompliance
with the contract, Purchasing communicates with the contractor and
initiates any corrective action. The Purchasing Agent takes all steps
related to obtaining contract compliance, but consults with the County
Attorney before taking any steps toward contract suspension or
termination. Before any letters, notices and other communication
related to termination or suspension are sent to the contractor, they
are reviewed by the County Attorney as the initial steps toward
potential litigation.
The primary objectives of contract administration are to:
Ensure the contract requirements are satisfactorily performed,
Properly discharge the responsibilities of both parties,
Verify contractor performance before payment,
Identify any material breach of contract by assessing the
difference between contract performance and material
nonperformance; and
Determine if corrective action is necessary and take that action if
A written statement of work is the guide for contract administration.
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Therefore, planning for contract administration occurs before issuance
of the solicitation. Effective contract administration minimizes or
eliminates problems and potential claims and disputes.
Proper contract management ensures that the contract requirements
are satisfied, that the good(s) and services are delivered in a timely
manner, and that the financial interests of the County are protected.
The contractor must perform and meet the requirements of the
contract. To do so, contractors sometimes need technical direction
and approval from County personnel. County personnel must provide
this technical direction and approval in a timely and effective manner.
All guidance provided to a contractor must be within the scope of the
The primary responsibilities of the contract manager are:
Participating, as necessary, in developing the solicitation and
writing the draft documents,
Monitoring the contractor’s progress and performance to ensure
goods and services conform to the contract requirements,
Managing any county property used in contract performance,
Authorizing payments consistent with the contract documents,
Exercising remedies, as appropriate, where a contractor’s
performance is deficient,
Resolving disputes in a timely manner,
Documenting significant events, and
Maintaining appropriate records.
The contract manager ensures that the contract requirements are
satisfied, that the goods and services are delivered in a timely
manner, and that the financial interests of the County are protected.
Post Award
A post award conference is a meeting with the contractor and
includes the principals responsible for administering the contract. The
conference is typically held soon after the contract is awarded. It is an
orientation for the contractor to ensure a clear and mutual
understanding of all contract terms and conditions, and the
responsibilities of all parties. The conference also serves as a tool to
clarify and resolve any potential misunderstandings early. Although
both the contractor and County personnel should be fully aware of the
contract requirements, the post award conference ensures that those
involved directly in the contract administration process understand all
requirements of contract performance. Post award conferences are
dependent upon the nature of the contract.
Monitoring the performance of a contractor is a key function of proper
contract administration. The purpose is to ensure that the contractor is
performing all duties in accordance with the contract and for the user
department to be aware of and address any developing problems or
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Monitoring by
Third Parties
In some instances the obligation to monitor the progress of a contract
is assigned to another contractor. This is known as independent
oversight. For example, in a construction contract, the architectural
firm that provided the construction plans may perform the task of
ensuring progress in accordance with the contract.
Dispute resolution is covered by statute under Texas Government
Code Chapter 2260. The goal of the resolution process is to resolve
all problems before they escalate to the next level. To avoid
escalation of problems to the next level and ensure the County has
not exacerbated potential problems, County personnel must respond
promptly to all contractor inquiries. Initial steps to be taken are:
Identify the problem what may appear to be a problem can
sometimes be resolved by providing the contractor with
information or clarification
Research facts Purchasing should obtain all the information
about the potential problem from all relevant sources, including the
project manager and the contractor.
Evaluation Purchasing should review all of the facts in conjunction
with the requirements and terms and conditions of the contract.
Purchasing determines the appropriate course of action.
Proper dispute resolution is a core skill of successful contract
management. Identifying problems early in the performance period,
effectively communicating, and formalizing the process in writing
through a cure note procedure or less formal written procedure is
essential. A contract termination is a failure by BOTH parties to a
contract. Termination is the last resort.
A termination for convenience, also known as a no-fault termination,
allows the County to terminate any contract, in whole or in part, at any
time in its sole discretion, if it is determined that the termination is in
the best interest of the County.
Purchasing provides the contractor a written notice specifying the
extent of termination and the effective date, providing as much notice
as possible.
The Contractor is generally paid for allowable costs incurred up to the
termination. The County is not liable for payment to the contractor
related to the terminated portion of the work or any work performed or
costs incurred after the effective date of the termination.
for Default
A contract may be terminated for default when the County concludes
that the contractor fails to perform, make progress, or in any way
breaches the contract.
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Termination for default should be used as the last resort and not as
punishment. The County should do everything within reason to assist
the contractor in curing any default. Factors to consider before making
a termination for default decision include:
The provisions of the contract and applicable regulations,
The specific contractual failure(s) and the explanation provided for
the failures,
The urgency of the need for the contracted supplies or services,
The availability of the supplies or services from other sources and
the time required to obtain them, and
Availability of funds or resources to repurchase if the costs cannot
be recovered from the delinquent contractor. Under a termination
for default, the County may demand re-procurement costs from
the defaulting contractor.
Contract File
Keeping one complete master contract administration file is critical.
The file provides a basis for settling claims and disputes if they arise
in administrative or court actions. Throughout the life of the contract,
the Purchasing Department contract administration file should contain
such documentation as:
An original copy of the current contract and all modifications,
A copy of all specifications, drawings or manuals incorporated into
the contract by reference,
The solicitation document, the contractor’s response, evaluation
determination, and the notice of award document,
A list of contractor submittal requirements,
A list of County furnished property or services,
A copy of the pre-award conference summary, if applicable,
A copy of all general correspondence related to the contact,
The originals of all contractor data or report submittals,
A copy of all notices to proceed, to stop work, to correct
deficiencies and change orders,
The records or minutes of all meetings, both internal and external,
including sign-in sheets and agendas,
A copy of the original bidders list, and
Any other information required by the standard contract file checklist
Purchasing Policy and Procedures Manual Professional Development
and Certification.
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Chapter 20:Professional Development and Certification
The policy of the Potter County Purchasing Department is to develop and
maintain a professional procurement staff that achieves these broad
To provide the best service possible to all county departments in a fair
and equitable manner;
To ensure an atmosphere of equality to all vendors without regard to
undue influence or political pressures; and
To protect the interest of county taxpayers in all expenditures.
Acquire goods and services of the right quality, in the right quantity, at
the right price, at the right time and from the correct source.
Within the stated purposes, the Purchasing Department strives to meet
the following key objectives:
The actions of the office must be legal, ethical, and defensible.
The office contributes to the attainment of Potter County’s
organizational goals.
The office effectively communicates with all county employees and
The office consistently provides sound management data.
The professional staff obtains the skills and training necessary to
perform their duties effectively and efficiently.
The professional staff attempts to obtain purchasing certification.
To support these purposes and objectives, the training policy of the
Purchasing Office is:
All staff must maintain an extensive knowledge of software programs
to perform effectively within each related job. They must be current on
all software applications used by the office. Training courses are
assigned depending on knowledge and position requirements of the
individual. Staff takes advantage of computer training offered by the
County before pursuing external sources.
Professional staff is required, as funding is available, to attend the
following standard seminars:
o Basic Public Purchasing
o Public Purchasing Law
o Advanced Public Purchasing
o Specification Writing
Depending on availability, these courses may be substituted for other
approved courses. The professional staff may continue their
professional education to remain current on purchasing issues through
applicable seminars as available.
All professional staff members are encouraged to participate in
relevant training to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in
performing their duties.
Professional staff is encouraged to pursue professional certification
through the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing or the
Institute of Supply Management.
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 83
Updated: April, 2014
Chapter 21: Definitions
As used in this manual, the terms below are defined as follows:
Advertisement A public notice put in a newspaper of general circulation containing
information about a solicitation in compliance with legal requirements
Alternate Delivery Method A method of procuring construction services other than
“traditional” competitive bidding. Methods may include design-build, construction
manager (either at risk or as agent), and job order.
Amendment/Addendum A document used to change the provisions of a Solicitation.
Addendum is the preferred term in the Construction Industry.
Annual Term Contract A recurring contract for goods or services, usually in effect on
a 12-month basis.
Auditor Potter County Auditor and his/her designated representatives.
Best Value The best available offer, in the county’s best interest. It is based on all
factors including software cost, hardware costs, overall life cycle cost of equipment, the
estimated cost or increased cost of employee training, employee productivity,
installation and maintenance costs.
Bid Deposit A deposit required of bidders to protect the county if a low bidder
withdraws its bid or fails to enter into a contract. Acceptable forms of bid deposits are
limited to: cashier’s check, certified check, or irrevocable letter of credit issued by a
financial institution subject to the laws of Texas and entered on a US Department of the
Treasury listing of approved sureties; a surety or blanket bond from a company
chartered or authorized to do business in Texas.
Bidder A vendor that submits a bid including anyone acting on behalf of the vendor
that submits a bid, such as agents, employees, and representatives.
Bidders List An automated list of vendors who stated in writing an interest in
submitting bids for particular categories of goods and services.
Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) A list maintained by the Texas Building
and Procurement Commission containing the names and addresses of prospective
Change Order A document used in construction contracts to change the contract by
modifying the specifications, increasing or decreasing the cost, adjusting the time for
performance or changes the goods or services to be delivered.
Commissioners Court Potter County Commissioners Court.
Commodity Code The accounting system classification of goods and services with a
unique number assigned to each description.
Competitive Bidding Process that allows available vendors to compete with each
other to provide goods or services.
Competitive Proposal Process Process that allows available vendors to compete
with each other to provide goods and services that permits flexibility in product
solicitation and negotiation in compliance with TEX. LOC. GOV'T CODE
Component Purchases A series of purchases of component parts of goods that are
normally purchased as a whole.
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Consultant A person who provides or proposes to provide advice and counsel in a
specialized area.
Contract A formal, written agreement executed by the county and a vendor
containing the terms and conditions under which goods or services are furnished to the
County which commits the County's funds.
Contractor A vendor who has been awarded a contract by Potter County.
County Potter County.
County Attorney Potter County Attorney or his/her designated representatives.
County Clerk Potter County Clerk or his/her designated representatives.
Customers The county's departments and officers
Cycle Time The time between when a purchase requisition is received in the
Purchasing Office and placement of a purchase order with a vendor. Cycle time does
not include the time required for delivery or the time it takes for the Purchasing Office to
obtain corrections to line item accounts, commodity codes, and other necessary
Department Head Any Department Head and any person authorized to act on his or
her behalf.
Design-Build Contract A single contract with a vendor for the design and
construction of a facility that includes an engineer or architect and builder qualified to
engage in building construction in Texas.
Design Criteria Package A set of documents that provides sufficient information to
permit a vendor to prepare a response to County request for qualifications and any
additional information requested, including criteria for selection.
Department All county and precinct offices as well as district offices when the
purchases are funded even partially with county funds.
Emergency Purchase A item that must be purchased in a case of public calamity if it
is necessary to make the purchase promptly to relieve the necessity of the citizens or
the preserve the property of the county
Employee Any county or precinct elected official, appointed official, or employee and
any district elected official, appointed official or employee involved in a county purchase
when the purchase is funded even partially with county funds, or anyone who acts on
behalf of any of them.
Formal Competitive Bidding The bidding process in compliance with the County
Purchasing Act which requires approval by the Commissioners Court.
GEMS Potter County Financial Management System which includes modules for
purchasing and fixed asset management.
Goods Any personal property purchased by the County, including equipment,
supplies, material, and component or repair parts.
IT Information Technology Department.
Items Less Than $50,000 Purchases of goods and services that are accounted for in
the same commodity code in the County Chart of Accounts, and purchases of goods
and services from a single vendor in a single purchase as defined in the County
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Purchasing Act, involving an expenditure of less than $50,000 if some or all of the costs
is to be paid from county funds.
Lease A contract for the use of personal property for a period of time in return for a
specified compensation.
Lowest Responsible Bid The offer from a bidder who submits the lowest and best
bid meeting all requirements of the specifications, terms, and conditions of the invitation
for bid and includes any related costs to the county in a total cost concept and who has
the financial and practical ability to perform the contract and whose past performance
indicates likely compliance with all material terms of the contract.
Modification A document used to change the provisions of a contract.
Negotiations A consensual bargaining process in which the County and vendors
attempt to reach agreement on differences in desired contract provisions or a potentially
disputed matter for the purpose of reaching a mutually-acceptable arrangement.
Occupant Department The department that ultimately uses the finished goods or
services when the purchase or construction is completed, which may be different from
the user department.
Official Any elected or appointed official and any person authorized to act on his or
her behalf.
Payment Bond A surety bond executed in connection with a contract that secures the
payment requirement of the contractor.
Performance Bond A surety bond that provides assurance of a bidder’s performance
of a certain contract.
Pre-Bid/ Proposal Conference A conference conducted by the Purchasing Office for
the benefit of those wishing to submit a response for services or supplies required by
the County which is held in order to allow vendors to ask questions about the proposed
contract and particularly about the contract specifications.
Professional Services Services directly related to professional practices as defined
by the Professional Services Procurement Act, including those services within the scope
of the practice of accounting; architecture; optometry; medicine; land surveying; and
professional engineering.
Proprietary Information Information provided in responses to solicitations to which a
vendor claims ownership or exclusive rights and which is protected from disclosure
under the Texas Public Information Act (TEX. GOVT CODE ANN., chapter 551).
Public Works Constructing, altering, or repairing a public building or carrying out or
completing any public work.
Purchase Order An order by the Purchasing Office for the purchase of goods and
services written on the county's standard Purchase Order form and which, when
accepted by the vendor without qualification within the specified time limit, becomes a
contract or an amendment to an existing contract which operates as the vendor's
authority to deliver and invoice for goods or services specified, and is the County's
commitment to accept the specified goods or services for an agreed upon price.
Purchase Requisition An automated request from a user department submitted to
the Purchasing Office that authorizes the Purchasing Office to enter into a contract with
a vendor to purchase goods or services for the County and authorizes the Auditor to
Potter County Purchasing Department
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charge the appropriate department budget and which is for internal use and cannot be
used by a department to order materials directly from a vendor.
Purchasing The acquisition of goods and services including construction and
professional services.
Purchasing Act Chapter 262, subchapter C of the Texas Local Government Code,
which governs the conduct of purchasing activity for counties.
Purchasing Agent - A person appointed by the Purchasing Board of County to make
contracts on behalf of the County for: (1) erecting or repairing a county building; (2)
supervising the erecting or repairing of a county building; or (3) any other purpose
authorized by law.
Purchasing Board A board composed of the judges of the district courts in the
county and the county judge, who are responsible for appointing the Purchasing Agent
and approving the office's budget.
Purchasing Laws The laws that govern county purchasing including the following
Purchasing Act, (TEX. LOC. GOVT CODE, ch. 262, subch. C)
Public Property Finance Act, (TEX. LOC. GOVT CODE, ch. 271, subch. B)
State Contract, (TEX. LOC. GOVT CODE, sec. 262.002, 271.0813)
State Catalog, (TEX. GOVT CODE, ch. 2157 in coordination with TEX. LOC. GOVT
CODE, sections 271.101 through 271.103
Services and Products of Severely Disabled, (TEX. HUM. RES. CODE, chapter
Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, (TEX .GOVT CODE, ch. 791)
Prompt Payment Act, (TEX. GOVT CODE, ch. 2251)
Bidders from other States and 5% Retainage, (TEX. GOVT CODE, ch. 2252)
Public Works Performance and Payment Bonds, (TEX. GOVT CODE, ch. 2253)
Professional Services Procurement Act, (TEX GOVT CODE, ch. 2254, subch. A)
Wage Rate for Construction Projects, (TEX GOVT CODE, ch. 2258)
Sales tax exemption for governmental entities (TEX. TAX CODE, 151.309)
Worker's Compensation Compliance (Workers Compensation Rule 110.110)
Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (TEX. BUS. & COM.CODE, Chapter 43
Purchasing Office Potter County Purchasing Office and its staff.
Purchasing Liaisons designated purchasing contact within each department.
Real Property Land or buildings, improvements to land or buildings, or infrastructure.
Request For Bid (RFB) Specifications and formal bidding documents requesting
pricing for a specified good or service which has been advertised for bid in a
Request for Information (RFI) A general request to contractors for information for a
potential future solicitation which is used as a research and information gathering tool
for preparation of specifications and requirements.
Request for Proposal (RFP) A document requesting an offer from vendors, which
allows for negotiations after a proposal has been received and before award of the
contract for goods and services procured in compliance with TEX. LOC. GOVT CODE,
sections 262.0295 and 262.030.
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Request for Qualifications (RFQ) A document that requests details about the
qualifications of professionals whose services must be obtained in compliance with the
Professional Services Procurement Act.
Request for Services (RFS) A document that requests information about
qualifications and details of services to be provided and costs for other professional
services that are not covered by in the Professional Services Procurement Act, but may
be exempted from competitive solicitation under the County Purchasing Act.
Responsive A vendor who has complied with all material aspects of the solicitation
document, including submission of all required documents.
Responsible A vendor who has the capability to perform fully and deliver in
accordance with the contract requirements based on consideration of past performance,
financial capabilities, and business management.
Sealed Bids Offers in response to an Invitation for Bids that is advertised in a
newspaper and submitted to the Purchasing Office in a manner that conceals the price.
Separate Purchases Acquisitions made in a series of different orders for goods and
services that in normal purchasing practices that would be purchased in a single order.
Sequential Purchases Acquisitions made over a period of time that in normal
purchasing practices would be made at one time.
Services The furnishing of labor by a contractor that does not include the delivery of a
tangible end product and includes all work or labor performed for the County on an
independent contractor basis, including maintenance, construction, manual, clerical,
personal or professional services.
Sole Source Good or Service A good or service that can be obtained from only one
source that is purchased in compliance with TEX. LOC. GOVT CODE, section 262.024.
Solicitation A document, such as an invitation for bid, request for proposal, request
for offers or request for qualifications, issued by the Purchasing Office that contains
terms and conditions for a contract and that solicits a response from vendors to provide
goods or services needed by the County in accordance with those terms and conditions.
Solicitation Conference A meeting chaired by purchasing staff, designed to help
potential vendors understand the requirements of a solicitation. Also known as a pre-bid
or pre-proposal conference.
Specifications A total description of a good or service to be purchased by the
County, and the requirements the vendor must meet to be considered for the contract
which may include requirements for testing, inspection, or preparing any good or service
for delivery, or preparing or installing it for use.
User Department The department from whose budget line item the contract is paid.
Vendor A business entity or individual that seeks to have or has a contract to provide
goods or services to the County.
Potter County Purchasing Department
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Updated: April, 2014
1 - Purchasing Card Policy
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 89
Updated: April, 2014
Date Approved: February 28, 2011
Effective Date: February 28, 2011
To establish policies and procedures for procuring goods and/or services using a
Purchasing Card. The purchasing card program is designed to streamline the purchasing
and accounts payable process by reducing the paperwork generated by small dollar, high
volume transactions, eliminating the need for purchase orders, providing immediate
access to goods and/or services, and facilitating quick payment to vendors.
This policy includes procedures for the following:
Establishing Purchasing Limits
Establishing Allowable/Prohibited Purchases
Charge Transaction Declines
Merchandise Returns
Monthly Statements and Reports
Payment Processing
Records Management
This policy applies to all Potter County departments and individual, permanent
employees. All Purchasing Cards shall be governed by this policy and used in a manner
that complies with State Law and Potter County policy regulating the procurement of
goods and services.
Employees who use the Purchasing Card to perform official County business will use the
Card as provided in this policy
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 90
Updated: April, 2014
4.1 Purchasing Card The Purchasing Card is a commercial credit card for small dollar
purchases of goods and/or services necessary for official county business. The
Purchasing Card may be issued to an individual, permanent employee for purchases
by the designated employee only.
4.2 Purchasing Card Program Administrator The County Purchasing Agent will
assign a designee in the Purchasing Department to serve as a single point of contact
between Potter County and the Bank for general oversight of the Purchasing Card
4.3 Departmental Purchasing Card Coordinator An individual or backup approved by
the Elected Official or Department Head who is responsible for administration and
control of the departmental implementation of the Purchasing Card Policies and
4.4 Purchasing Cardholders Full-time, permanent employees that have been
designated by the Elected Official or Department Head to be issued a Purchasing
Card in their name for use under these policies and procedures.
4.5 Bank The bank selected by the County to provide the Purchasing Card program.
5.1 It shall be the responsibility of the Purchasing Department to:
5.1.1 Develop policy and procedures for the use of Purchasing Cards that comply
with State Law.
5.1.2 Administer the Purchasing Card Program, to include the following
Serve as primary contact with the Bank for Purchasing Cards.
Serve as primary contact with the Departmental Purchasing Card
Approve/process applications for the issuance of Purchasing Cards for
users in compliance with the requirements as stated in the policy.
Establish guidelines and criteria for transactions and cumulative dollar
limits for Purchasing Cards.
Approve/process changes to Cardholder limits and restrictions as
authorized by Elected Officials, Department Heads or the Departmental
Purchasing Card Coordinators.
Keep a current list of Cardholders, card numbers and card limits.
Coordinate training on Purchasing Card usage and small purchase
policies and procedures. Potential cardholders must receive training
prior to receiving a Purchasing Card.
Review departmental compliance/submission of approved Monthly
Statement reconciliations.
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Cancel and suspend cards as requested by Elected Officials, Department
Heads, Departmental Purchasing Card Coordinators.
Coordinate any system updates needed to interface with the County’s
accounting system.
Review transactions for verification of small dollar purchases and price
agreement opportunities.
Cardholders are considered assistants of the Purchasing Agent for
purposes of Purchasing Card use. Therefore, final authority for usage
and control resides with the Purchasing Agent. The Purchasing Agent
may cancel a Purchasing Card at any time without cause.
Spending limits may be adjusted at the Purchasing Agent’s discretion to
accommodate emergency purchases.
Maintains and updates Purchasing Card Guidelines.
5.1.3. Provide direction for vendor enrollment.
5.2 It shall be the responsibility of the Auditor’s Department to:
5.2.1 Establish General Ledger hierarchy for Purchasing Card purchases in
conjunction with current financial software program.
5.2.2 Review Monthly Billing Statement from the Bank and supporting
documentation from the Departments ensuring timely payment of monthly
5.2.3 Process General Ledger interface for monthly County Purchasing Card
5.2.4 Review or perform necessary accounting transactions to process all
departmental charges and ensure the reconciliation account zeros out
5.2.5 Conduct random audits of Purchasing Card transactions to act as a check on
departments carrying out their responsibility for audit and compliance with
State Law and County policies.
5.2.6 Administer all Travel transactions approving in advance transactions in
excess of $500.00.
5.3 It shall be the responsibility of all Elected Officials or Department Heads to:
5.3.1 Designate which employees will receive a Purchasing Card and set limits for
each Cardholder’s account. Cardholder limits will include monthly spending
limits, number of transactions per day, number of transactions per billing
cycle, and merchant category restrictions. These limits will be based on the
Cardholder’s purchasing requirements and will not exceed the limits
established by Purchasing Card Program Administrator.
5.3.2 Approve all departmental transactions for processing by Auditor’s Office.
5.3.3 Recommend suspension or cancellation of a card to Purchasing Card
Program Administrator.
5.3.4 Notify Purchasing Card Administrator to cancel card privileges, if employee
is terminated or changes positions; collection of card from employees.
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Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 92
5.3.5 Designate Departmental Purchasing Card Coordinator (and alternate) for
each Department who will be responsible for the following:
Verify that information on Requests for Purchasing Cards is correct and
that Purchasing Cards are issued within the guidelines established by
Purchasing Card Program Administrator. (Exhibit #1)
Monitor purchases made by Cardholders.
Enforce timely compliance of submission requirements; review receipts
and Monthly Statement reconciliations for submission to the Auditor
Review Monthly Expense Report before submission for payables
Review Purchasing Card applications or changes to card controls prior
to submission.
Designate a system to maintain receipts and reconcile to the Monthly
Statement for each Cardholder reporting to him/her.
5.3.6 Designated Cardholders will be responsible for the following:
Read and sign a Purchasing Card Cardholder Agreement (Exhibit #2)
prior to being issued a Purchasing Card.
Keep the Purchasing Card in their possession, not allow anyone else to
use the Purchasing Card issued in their name.
Assume responsibility for all purchases made with the Purchasing Card,
adhering to this policy insuring that no unauthorized purchases are
made. Unauthorized purchases could be considered misappropriation of
County funds. Validate that the merchandise is received.
Maintain the Purchasing Card data in a secure location at all times.
Purchase from term contracts any items that are available on contract.
Inform merchant of tax exempt status; cardholder will be responsible for
reimbursing the tax amount to the County.
Keep receipts and post online item description and account information
upon receipt of statement. Cardholder will be held personally
responsible for items purchased without the supporting documentation.
Monthly reconciliation and printing of expense report for current month
Immediately report lost or stolen cards to the Bank toll-free number and
the Purchasing Card Program Administrator by phone and then notify
the Department Purchasing Card Coordinator on Lost/Stolen Form
(Exhibit #3) to be forwarded to the Purchasing Card Program
Make every reasonable effort to resolve disputed purchases with the
Immediately report all unresolved disputed purchases to the
Departmental Purchasing Card Coordinator using the Purchasing Card
Dispute Form (Exhibit #4).
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 93
6.1 Purchasing Limits:
6.1.1 Each Department will establish limits for individual Purchasing Cards
and aggregate limits for combined card totals. The maximum amount of
a single item purchase of supplies or materials will not exceed $500. In
all cases, a monthly maximum per card will be established by the
Elected Official or Department Head.
6.1.2 Any purchases over the established dollar limit must be approved by the
Purchasing Card Administrator. For Purchases of this nature and
purchases that cannot be obtained any other way, the Purchasing
Department will have an unlimited purchasing card.
6.1.3 Travel related purchases for airline, hotel and registrations are
acceptable. Transactions in excess of $500.00 will require 48 hour prior
approval by the Auditor.
6.1.4 The Auditor’s Department may use a designated card for the use of
paying recurring monthly expenses. These expenses are not normally
processed through the Purchasing Department.
6.2 Purchases Allowed with the Purchasing Card Purchasing Cards may be used to
purchase any item and/or service for immediate use not prohibited by law, this
policy, or other policies approved by the Commissioners Court. The total purchase
with the Purchasing Card will not exceed the limits established for that Card. All
other purchasing policies remain in effect and Purchasing Cards should not be used
to circumvent them.
6.3 Purchases Prohibited with the Purchasing Card:
Personal expenditures
Cash Advances, refunds or gift cards.
Sales tax except in cases where State law does not exempt local governments.
Purchases that exceed the County’s policy for purchases of equipment of any
Entertainment of any kind, including the purchase of alcohol or patronage of
drinking establishments.
Purchases of items /services under contract, unless purchasing from the
contracted vendor or an emergency exception is granted.
Internet purchases without prior written approval from Purchasing Department
Separate, sequential, and component purchases or transactions made with the
intent to circumvent State Law or County policy.
Purchases that are split to stay within card transaction limits.
Transaction amounts greater than Cardholder’s transaction limit.
Telephone calls/monthly service
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 94
Weapons, Firearms, Ammunition
Consulting services.
Inventoried assets
Prescription drugs or over the county medications/drugs.
Hazardous chemicals or materials
Organization Memberships, Charitable and Social Services, Associations, Civic,
Social, and Fraternal.
Purchases involving equipment trade-in.
Other purchases specifically excluded in other County policies or by law.
The items shown above are intended to guide you in which form to use for
processing payments and orders. These are not representative of all restrictions,
and may change without notice. It is recommended that you contact the Purchasing
Card Administrator to ensure the proper expenditure of funds.
6.4 Security The Cardholder is responsible for the security of the card. This card should
be treated with the same level of care as the Cardholder would use with his/her own
personal charge cards.
6.5 Supporting Documentation for Card Purchases All transactions must be supported
by receipts or credit slips. In instances where the receipt is lost, Cardholder must
obtain a copy at their own expense from the Bank or vendor. For purchases made
over the phone or on the Internet, a logging system with unique transaction
identifiers should be maintained and a faxed copy or e-mail confirmation of the
order retained as the receipt. Written authorization from Purchasing Department for
internet purchase must be attached.
6.6 Declined Transactions If a Vendor receives a “Decline” response from the Bank
after attempting to put through a Purchasing Card transaction, Cardholders may
contact the Bank’s customer service toll free number to determine the cause for
decline. It may be necessary to contact the Purchasing Card Department
Coordinator with the following information for resolution:
Account number
Business where decline occurred
Total transaction amount of the decline
Date the decline occurred
After determining the reason for the “Decline” it may be necessary for the
Purchasing Card Department Coordinator to contact the Purchasing Card
Administrator for temporary or permanent changes to the Cardholder’s control
limits to process the transaction.
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 95
6.7 Using the Card A need for an item and/or service is established when it is not
readily available through a County contract. In making a purchase, the Cardholder
must abide by the following rules:
6.7.1 The Cardholder must ensure that the item or service purchases is not
restricted under paragraph 6.3
6.7.2 In purchasing an item or service the Cardholder must ensure that sales tax is
not included in the purchase price before issuing payment with the
Purchasing Card.
6.7.3 If a supplier does not accept the Purchasing Card, the Cardholder should
forward a completed Dispute Form (Exhibit #4) to the Purchasing Card
Program Administrator marking “Non-Acceptance” as the reason for the
dispute (Exhibit #4.)
6.7.4 The Cardholder must retain the purchase receipt and attach it to the Monthly
Expense Report (Exhibit #5). After being signed by the appropriate Elected
Official or Department Head, the Monthly Expense Report, will then be
attached to the monthly bank statement and submitted to the Purchasing
6.8 Purchasing Return The Cardholder is responsible for obtaining a credit memo from
the Vendor when merchandise purchased with the Card is later returned to the
Vendor for any reason. The credit memo will be attached to the monthly log along
with the sales receipt.
6.9 Monthly Bank Statements and Reports Each department will obtain monthly
Cardholder detailed statements. When the reconciliation process is complete, the
expense report will be certified, signed by the Elected Official or Department Head
and returned to the Purchasing Department no later than the 10
day after the end
of the billing cycle. Failure to meet timely submission requirements from
Cardholders may cause suspension or cancellation of Purchasing Cards as
authorized by Commissioners Court. The Auditor’s office will reconcile all expense
reports against the monthly payment made by Automated Clearing House. The
Purchasing Card Program Administrator will review purchases to assure proper
purchasing procedures are adhered to.
6.10 Reconciliation of Card Purchases
6.10.1 Upon receipt of the Monthly Statement, the Department Purchasing Card
Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the Monthly Statement is
reconciled with the purchase receipts within 3 days of receiving the
Monthly Statement.
6.10.2 The Elected Official or Department Head is responsible for reviewing
receipts and Monthly Statement reconciliations and sending them along with
a computer generated Expense Report to the Purchasing Department no
later than the 10
day after the end of the billing cycle.
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Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 96
6.11 Records Management The Departmental Purchasing Card Program Coordinators
must maintain all original receipts in a secure location until they are reconciled to
the Monthly Statement. Departmental Purchasing Card Coordinators must maintain
the logs of Purchasing Card transactions, receipts and records of reconciliations.
Records from each billing cycle should be kept together.
6.12 Lost or Stolen Purchasing Cards When it is determined that a Purchasing Card has
addition, the Cardholder must also notify the Purchasing Card Program
Administrator of the loss by phone and then complete a Purchasing Card
Lost/Stolen Card Form (Exhibit #3) and forward it to the Cardholder’s Elected
Official or Department Head, the Departmental Coordinator and the Purchasing
Card Program Administrator.
Once a Purchasing Card is discovered lost or stolen, it is imperative to cancel the
card immediately. The County is liable for all charges until the card is reported lost
or stolen. Thus, the Cardholder may be responsible for all charges made
against the Purchasing Card from the time it is lost or stolen until the time the
Bank is notified, if the Cardholder fails to immediately notify the Bank upon
discovering the loss or fails to discover the loss within a reasonable amount of
6.13 Request for Issue of a Purchasing Card or Making Changes to Existing Accounts
To request a new Purchasing Card or to make changes to an existing Purchasing
Card account, a Purchasing Card Request/Change Form (Exhibit #1) should be
completed by the requesting employee and submitted to the appropriate Elected
Official or Department Head for approval. Following approval, the form should be
forwarded to the Purchasing Card Program Administrator.
6.14 Unauthorized Use of the Purchasing Card Any purchases that the Purchasing Card
Program Administrator deems prohibited as defined in paragraph 6.3 will be sent
back to the Cardholder for justification and/or explanation. If any prohibited
charges appear in the Cardholder’s Monthly Transaction Log or Statement Report,
the following may occur:
The Purchasing Card Program Administrator will investigate all circumstances
surrounding alleged misuse of the Purchasing Card and in cases where there is
evidence of a procedure or policy violation; refer that information to the
appropriate authority for investigations and/or disciplinary action.
Termination of employment and forfeiture of the Purchasing Card are potential
disciplinary actions for improper use of the card.
In those cases where there is evidence of negligent use of the Purchasing Card,
but no fraudulent acts have been committed, the Cardholder will be required to
surrender the Purchasing Card with all further privileges revoked.
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Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 97
Any employee having knowledge of violations to this procedure or any other
procedure or policy governing the use of the Purchasing Card must immediately
report such activity to the Purchasing Card Program Administrator.
The Purchasing Card may be suspended or terminated if a Purchasing Cardholder is
suspected of fraud, theft, or illegal drug use. Should the suspicion prove founded,
appropriate action shall be taken in accordance with existing County policies and
procedures, including but not limited to referral to the appropriate law enforcement
agency for investigation and, if warranted, prosecution.
6.15 Disputed Items Disputes, if possible, should be resolved promptly between the
Cardholder and the Vendor. Cardholders should raise disputes immediately. As
failure to do so will result in an authorized purchase that the department is
responsible for paying even though the charge is incorrect. If the dispute cannot be
resolved within 10 days, the Cardholder should submit a Dispute Form (Exhibit #4)
to the Purchasing Card Program Administrator. A charge should not be disputed on
the current statement if it was returned for credit after the billing cycle is closed.
The credit should be reported on the next statement with a notation being made on
the current statement that there is a disputed charge and expected credit.
6.16 Termination Clause The Purchasing Card is issued to an employee for the
County’s convenience and may be terminated at any time by the County Purchasing
Agent. Purchasing Card privileges may be cancelled for non-compliance with
County policies and procedures. Transfer, resignation, or terminations of
employment are grounds for cancellation of the Purchasing Card.
It is important to cancel a card immediately upon an employee’s separation from
employment. The Bank or the Credit Card Recovery Program will not cover any
charges incurred between the employee’s termination date and the date the card is
cancelled. The department will be responsible for payment of charges incurred by
an employee no longer working in that department; if a delay in canceling
privileges resulted from the department’s actions.
7.1 This policy statement of the Purchasing Agent is pursuant to Texas Local
Government Code section 262.011(l) & (o).
7.2 County Purchasing Act, Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 262, Subchapter C.
By this policy, the Potter County Commissioners Court authorizes the use of County provided
purchasing cards. The purpose of the purchasing cards is to provide the County with an efficient
and controllable method of making small dollar, high volume commodity and service purchases.
The purchasing card will be primarily used in place of small purchase orders that are issued on a
routine basis. This card policy is not intended to replace, but rather supplement existing
purchasing and other County policies.
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 98
The County Purchasing Agent will be the Purchasing Card Program Administrator and is
responsible for all activities related to the County Purchasing Card Program.
The Purchasing Card Policy and Procedures was adopted by the Potter County Commissioners
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 99
TO: David Harder, Purchasing Card Program Administrator
SUBJECT: Request for Purchasing Card
I request the following employee be issued a County Purchasing Card for the purpose of making
small-dollar purchases in the normal course of authorized Potter County business.
Full Name of Employee (print):
Employee Signature:
Employee Title:
Single Item Purchase-Supplies or Material (Not to exceed $500):
Daily Transaction Limit: # of Transactions
30-Day Limit
The card will not be used for travel related items. (i.e. airline tickets, rental cars, hotels, etc.)
Signature of Elected Official/Department Head
Signature of Purchasing Card Administrator
Copy: Designated Cardholder
Elected Official/Department Head
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 100
I, hereby agree to comply with the purchasing card policy and
procedures and the following terms and conditions regarding my use of the card. As a cardholder, I have read and understand the
Potter County Purchasing Card Policy and Procedures.
1. I understand that I am being entrusted with a valuable tool, the purchasing card. I will be making financial commitments on
behalf of Potter County. I will obtain the best value for Potter County by using the card wisely and with discretion.
2. I agree to use this card for official approved purchases only. I fully understand that misuse or abuse of the card will result in
revocation of the card and appropriate disciplinary action which may include termination of my employment. I
WITHHELD FROM MY PAYCHECK. I also agree to attend training on the use of this card as prescribed by Purchasing
Card Program Administrator.
3. Policy violations include, but are not limited to:
Expenditures for personal purposes;
Cash advances or refunds;
Expenditures for entertainment, including but not limited to the purchase of alcoholic beverages;
Purchases under contracts, unless an emergency exception is granted;
Separate, sequential, and component purchases or transactions made with intent to circumvent State Law or County
Transaction amounts greater than cardholder’s limits;
Expenditures of meals or other travel related expenses while traveling on County business;
Failure to submit proper documentation with each monthly statement, and;
Allowing the card to be used by someone else
4. I agree to return the card immediately upon request or upon termination of employment (including retirement and
resignation). Should I be transferred, qualify for extended leave or undergo an organizational change which causes my
duties to no longer necessitate the use of the card, I agree to return it immediately and arrange for issuance of a new card as
may be appropriate.
5. If the card is lost or stolen, I agree to immediately notify the Purchasing Card Program Administrator both verbally and in
I understand and agree that my use of the purchasing card is subject to the following specific purposes or restrictions:
Employee Signature Date SS No. Department
Elected Official/ Date Purchasing Card Date
Department Head Program Administrator
Transaction Limit: $ Monthly Limit: $
Submit to Purchasing Card Program Administrator for Authorization
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 101
TO: David Harder; Purchasing Card Program Administrator
Card Number
Full Name of Employee (print):
Employee Social Security Number
Employee Signature:
Employee Title:
Date of Loss
Date Stolen
Copy: Designated Cardholder
Elected Official/Department Head
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 102
I dispute the charge(s) described herein as follows: [Check Appropriate Box(es)]
I certify that the charge listed above was not made by me nor were the goods or services represented by the above
transaction received by me or by a person authorized by me.
I do not recognize the transaction as listed above. Please inform me of merchant name and description of merchandise
Although I did engage in the above transaction, I dispute all or part of the charge in the amount of $ .
I have contacted the merchant and requested a credit adjustment that I did not receive or was not satisfactory.
I have been charged twice for the same transaction. Posting dates: _______________ and _______________
A credit slip was listed as a sale on my statement.
The amount of the sales slip was increased from $ to $ . Enclosed is my
copy of the sales slip prior to alteration.
I received a price adjustment (credit slip) on the above transaction, and it has not appeared on my statement. Enclosed is a
copy of the credit memorandum.
Other, please explain completely.
I am disputing the charge because:
Designated Cardholder Signature:
Daytime Phone:
Fax Dispute Form to: David Harder
Potter County Purchasing Department
Adopted: April, 2007 Policy and Procedures Manual pg 103
Exhibit 5