WHEREAS, the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency (the "Agency")
is authorized, pursuant to California Government Code Section 66484.3(f) and California Streets
and Highways Code Section 31121, to fix the rate of tolls and other charges to be collected from
users of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, designated State Route 73 (the "Corridor")
and to do such acts as are necessary or desirable in connection with the duties and powers conferred
on it, including the establishment of penalties for violations of the toll requirements; and
WHEREAS, Section 23302.5 of the California Vehicle Code (“Code”) provides
that it is unlawful for a person to evade or attempt to evade the payment of tolls or other charges
on any vehicular crossing or toll highway, and provides that such acts are subject to civil penalties;
WHEREAS. subpart (d) of Section 23302 of the Code provides that for toll
highways where the issuing agency, as defined in Section 40250, permits pay-by-plate payment of
tolls and other charges in accordance with the policies adopted by the issuing agency, and where
electronic toll collection is the only other method of paying tolls or other charges, it is prima facie
evidence of a violation of Section 23302 for a driver to drive a vehicle onto the toll highway
without either a transponder or other electronic toll payment device associated with a valid
Automatic Vehicle Identification Account with a balance sufficient to pay those tolls or valid
vehicle license plates properly attached to the vehicle, and pursuant to subpart (e) of Section 23302
of the Code, “pay-by-plate toll payment” means an issuing agency’s use of on-road vehicle license
plate identification policies adopted by the issuing agency; and
WHEREAS, Sections 40250, et seq. of Chapter 1 of Division 17 of the Code
provide for enforcement of civil penalties for violation of a statute, regulation, or ordinance
governing the evasion of tolls under the Code, including Code Section 23302.5 and under a federal
or state statute or regulation, and under an ordinance enacted by a local authority including a joint
powers authority in accordance with administrative procedures set forth in Article 4 of Chapter 1
of Division 17 of the Code; and
WHEREAS, on May 9, 1996 the Agency adopted ordinance S96-04 making the
passing through a Corridor toll collection facility without payment of the proper toll a civil
violation, and establishing Penalties for such violation and the procedures for issuance of violation
notices and enforcement to be consistent with the new provisions of the code; and
WHEREAS, the Agency’s Toll Enforcement Ordinance was subsequently
amended by the adoption of Ordinance SJH2013-01 to adjust Agency’s policies and procedures
for administration of tolls along with the Toll Evasion Penalty and the Delinquent Toll Evasion
Penalty in the Schedule of Penalties, Schedule A; and
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WHEREAS, the availability of new technologies and the institution of nationwide
toll interoperability standards made it necessary and desirable for the Agency to amend
Ordinance SJH2013-01 to reflect the Agency’s deployment of such new and improved
technologies and business practices; and
WHEREAS, the enactment of AB 2594 (2022) introduced changes to Chapter 13
of Division 11 and Chapter 1 of Division 17, modifying procedures for toll evasion violations
starting July 1, 2024, making it necessary and desirable for the Agency to amend Ordinance
FE2018-01 to maintain its alignment with the Code; and
REPLACED IN ITS ENTIRETY ON JUNE 30, 2024 at 11:59 the following:
Section 1. Definitions. The following terms shall have the meanings as set forth below:
(a) “Account” shall mean an Automatic Vehicle Identification Account
established with Agency.
(b) "Agency" shall mean the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor
(c) “Automatic Vehicle Identification Account” shall mean an account for the
electronic payment of tolls incurred by vehicles registered to this account
and automatically identified by the Agency’ electronic toll collection
system, that is established by the patron with Agency, or that is established
by the patron with another operator of a toll facility who has an agreement
with Agency for the interoperable processing of tolls incurred by their
customers with registered accounts for the payment of tolls.
(d) “Code” shall mean the California Vehicle Code.
(e) "Corridor" shall mean the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor.
(f) “Department” shall mean the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
(g) “Electronic Toll collection” shall mean the collection of tolls through the
use of valid Automatic Vehicle Identification account or an online toll pre-
payment or post-payment, as provided in Section 2, below.
(h) "Motorist" shall mean the registered owner, rentee, lessee and/or driver of
a Vehicle.
(i) “Notice of Violation” shall mean the notice of toll evasion Violation issued
by Agency if a Violation is detected by any means (including automated
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device, video image, visual observation, or otherwise) and the subject
Vehicle is not stopped.
(j) "Toll Enforcement Officer" shall mean any member of the California
Highway Patrol or any employee or contractor of Agency whose duty is to
enforce the payment of tolls.
(k) "Vehicle" shall mean any vehicle as defined in California Vehicle Code
Section 670.
(l) Violation" means the commission of an activity proscribed in Section 3(a)
(m) “Toll Evasion Penalty” or “Penalty” shall have the same meaning as set
forth in Vehicle Code Section 40252 subdivision (b).
(n) “Toll Payment Procedures” means the written procedures for implementing
Electronic Toll Collection issued by the Agency’s Chief Toll Operations
Officer as set forth in the Agency’s Business Rules and/or Standard
Operating Procedures.
Section 2. Electronic Toll Collection. The Chief Toll Operations Officer is authorized to issue
written procedures for implementing the system for Electronic Toll Collection for the payment of
Corridor tolls consistent with this Ordinance and such Board direction as may be given from time
to time. The Toll Payment Procedures shall establish the methods by which Corridor toll payment
can be made automatically via a valid Automatic Vehicle Identification Account, including the
types of registered electronic toll payment accounts and options available to Motorists through the
Additionally, Motorists may make toll pre-payments or post-payments in order to avoid receiving
a Notice of Violation pursuant to Section 4(c) of this Ordinance.
(a) FasTrak Account. To establish an Account with Agency, a Motorist must
register for a FasTrak Account prior to traveling the Corridor or within the
grace period afforded for toll post-payments pursuant to the Toll Payment
Procedures. An applicant for an Account shall execute an application and
License Agreement providing for the terms and conditions of use of the
Account and establishing a FasTrak Account with the Agency. The
Account holder will be supplied a sticker tag/transponder and must properly
mount the sticker tag/transponder on the Vehicle in order for tolls to be
deducted from the Account when passing through a toll point. Account
holders will have the option to purchase a switchable transponder for use in
declaring occupancy counts on applicable facilities.
(b) Account Payment Types. FasTrak Accounts include the following three
methods of toll payment:
(i) Prepaid Payment Method. The Prepaid Account customer must
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make a credit card, cash or check payment to open and replenish the
Prepaid Account. The payment and replenishment rules for such
accounts, including opening balance, replenishment threshold and
replenishment amount shall be set forth in the Toll Payment
(ii) Charge Payment Method. The Charge Account customer is not
required to have a prepaid balance but is required to maintain a valid
credit card or bank account number on file with the Agency. The
Agency will regularly charge the credit card account or debit the
bank account as toll trips are taken in accordance with the Toll
Payment Procedures.
(iii) Invoice Account Method. The Invoice Account customer is not
required to have prepaid balance nor a credit card or bank account
on file with the Agency. The Agency will invoice the holder of an
Invoice Account periodically for all tolls incurred during the invoice
period. Invoices are due immediately upon receipt and are past due
if not paid within the time period set forth in the Toll Payment
(c) Toll Pre-payment – Post-payment. A customer who enters the Corridor
without a valid Automatic Vehicle Identification Account may avoid a
Violation by making pre-payment of the toll amount in accordance with the Toll
Payment Procedures up to five days before incurring the toll. A customer who
enters the Corridor without a valid Automatic Vehicle Identification Account
may cure a Violation by making payment within a five-day grace period
after incurring a toll by contacting the Agency and making a payment, in
accordance with the Toll Payment Procedures. Establishment of a
Automatic Vehicle Identification Account is not required to make pre-
payment or post- payments.
Section 3. Liability for Failure to Pay Toll.
(a) No person shall cause a Vehicle to pass through or attempt to pass through
a Corridor toll collection facility without payment of the proper toll for the
(b) If the payment method for a toll incurred by an Account holder fails (cash
balance is overdrawn, credit card declines, bank account debit is not
honored, or invoice is past-due), the Account shall be suspended and
outstanding transactions will, at the Agency’s discretion, escalate to
Violations. Subsequent transactions after the Account is suspended will
immediately escalate to Violations. If an invoice issued to an Invoice
Account holder is past-due, all transactions billed on the past-due invoice
may be identified in a single Violation Notice, with each separate
transaction carrying its own Violation penalty pursuant to Section 4 of this
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(c) Except as provided herein, the registered owner(s) and the driver, rentee or
lessee of a Vehicle which is the subject of any Violation shall be jointly and
severally liable for the Penalties imposed under this Ordinance, unless the
registered owner can demonstrate, as provided in Section 5 hereof, that the
Vehicle was used without the express or implied consent of the registered
owner. A registered owner who pays any Penalty pursuant to this Ordinance
shall have the right to recover the same from the driver, rentee or lessee.
(d) A Motorist who is not the owner of the Vehicle may contest the Notice of
Violation in accordance with this Ordinance.
(e) Any Motorist assessed a Penalty for a Violation shall be deemed to be
charged with a non-criminal civil violation.
Section 4. Penalties and Enforcement of Violations.
(a) The Penalties for a Violation of this Ordinance shall be the amounts set forth
in the Schedule of Penalties, attached hereto as Schedule A and incorporated
by reference herein. The Schedule of Penalties may, in the discretion of the
Agency's Chief Executive Officer, be amended, from time to time by the
Agency, but may not be greater than the amounts established under Code
Section 40258 as the maximum Penalties for civil toll evasion violations.
Subject to the limitations stated above, the Agency's Board of Directors may
establish late payment Penalties and other related charges for Violations,
except in the event the driver is arrested pursuant to Article 1 (commencing
with Section 40300) of Chapter 2 of the Code, in which case the civil
procedure for enforcement of violations that is established by this
Ordinance shall not apply. Penalties assessed and paid pursuant to this
subsection shall be remitted to the Agency.
(b) The Agency may designate certain of its employees or contractors as Toll
Enforcement Officers. Training and qualifications of the employees or
contractors for such designation shall be determined by the Agency.
Designation as a Toll Enforcement Officer does not provide the Toll
Enforcement Officer with the power of arrest. Any member of the
California Highway Patrol patrolling the Corridor shall be deemed to be a
Toll Enforcement Officer for purposes of enforcing the payment of tolls.
(c) If a Violation is detected by any means (including automated device, video
image, visual observation, or otherwise) and the subject Vehicle is not
stopped, a notice of toll violation shall be forwarded to the registered
owner within 21 days, unless accurate information concerning the identity
and address of the registered owner is not available within 21 days or the
registered owner is a “repeat violator” as that term is defined in Section
40254(a) of the Code. If accurate information concerning the identity and
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address of the registered owner is not available within 21 days of the
violation, the Agency shall have up to 66 days to forward the notice of toll
violation. If the registered owner is a repeat violator, the Agency shall
have up to 90 days to forward the notice of toll violation.
(d) In the case of joint ownership of a Vehicle, the Notice of Violation shall be
issued to the first name appearing in the registration. If a Notice of
Violation is issued in person to the driver of a Vehicle, the driver of the
Vehicle shall be deemed the agent of the registered owner for purposes of
delivery of the Notice of Violation. The Notice of Violation shall contain:
(i) The date and time of issuance.
(ii) The name and address of the person to whom the Notice of Violation
is issued.
(iii) The date, time and location of the alleged Violation.
(iv) The alphanumeric designation of the license plate on the Vehicle
that was used in the alleged Violation(s) and, if applicable, the
registration expiration date and the make of the Vehicle.
(v) The Section of the California Vehicle Code alleged to have been
(vi) The procedure and deadline for the Motorist to follow in order to
pay the penalty or to contest the Notice of Violation (and to appeal
an adverse decision), including the time and place for appearance by
the registered owner.
(vii) The amount of the applicable Penalty for the Violation and the
further Penalty to be paid in the event the Penalty imposed with the
Notice of Violation is not paid timely.
(viii) A statement that there will be additional costs and fees incurred by
the Motorist according to the local jurisdiction rules if collection is
pursued through court action.
Additional information may be included in the Notice of Violation in the
discretion of the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency.
(e) If the description of the Vehicle in the Notice of Violation does not match
the corresponding information on the registration card for that Vehicle, the
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Agency may, on written request of the Motorist, cancel the Notice of
Violation without the necessity of appearance by that person.
(f) If after a copy of the Notice of Violation has been sent to the Motorist, the
Agency determines that, in the interest of justice, the Notice of Violation
should be dismissed, the Agency shall dismiss the charges and so notify the
(g) If the full amount of the Penalty is received by the person authorized to
receive the deposit of the Penalty and there is no contest as to that
Violation, proceedings under this Ordinance shall terminate.
Section 5. Failure to Pay Toll Evasion Penalties.
(a) If the payment of a Penalty is not received by the Agency as specified in the
Notice of Violation by the time and date fixed on the Notice of Violation
under Section 4, above the Agency shall deliver by personal service or first-
class mail to the registered owner of the Vehicle a Notice of Delinquent
(b) The Agency shall establish a procedure for providing, upon request, a photo
static copy of the original Notice of Violation or an electronically produced
facsimile of the original Notice of Violation. The Agency may charge a fee
sufficient to recover the actual cost of providing the copy, to be established
by the Chief Executive Officer, not to exceed two dollars ($2).
(c) The Notice of Delinquent Violation shall contain the information required
to be contained in the original Notice of Violation and, additionally shall
contain a notice to the registered owner that, unless the registered owner
pays the Penalties or contests the citation pursuant to the procedure set forth
in the Notice of Violation within 30 days after mailing of the Notice of
Delinquent Toll Violation, or completes and files an Affidavit of Non-
liability in compliance with this Section and Section 4(d), the Violation
shall be considered to be a debt due and owing the Agency, and the Agency
may seek recovery in any lawful manner, including non-renewal action
against the Vehicle's registration.
(d) The Notice of Delinquent Violation shall contain, or be accompanied with,
an Affidavit of Non-liability and information regarding what constitutes
non-liability, information as to the effect of executing the Affidavit, and
instructions for returning the Affidavit to the Agency. If the Affidavit of
Non-liability is returned to the Agency within 30 days of the mailing of the
Notice of Violation or Notice of Delinquent Toll Violation together with
proof that either (i) the driver at the time of the Violation did not possess
express or implied authority to drive the Vehicle, or (ii) the registered owner
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served has made a bona fide sale or transfer of the Vehicle and has delivered
possession thereof to the purchaser prior to the date of the alleged Violation
in compliance with Section 5602 of the Code, and the Agency is satisfied
with such proof, the Agency may terminate proceedings against the
originally served Motorist and proceed against the unauthorized driver at
the time of the Violation, or the new owner of the Vehicle. To establish the
defense enumerated in clause (i), above, the registered owner may provide
a stolen vehicle police report or other evidence which the Agency will
evaluate and in its discretion determine whether the defense has been
Section 6. Payment After Notice of Delinquent Violation.
(a) If a Motorist, or agent of a Motorist who was served with a Notice of
Delinquent Violation pursuant to Section 5, deposits the demanded
Penalties with the Agency, after the Notice of Delinquent Violation is issued
for delivery, the Agency shall follow the procedures set forth in Section
40266 of the Code.
Section 7. Contest of Notice of Violation or Delinquent Violation.
(a) Any Motorist who wishes to contest a Notice of Violation or Notice of
Delinquent Violation may do so without having to deposit the toll or
Penalty. If a Motorist timely contests a Notice of Violation or Notice of
Delinquent Violation, the Agency shall conduct an administrative
investigation, which shall consist of reviewing the evidence on which the
alleged violation was based, including any photographs of the alleged
violation, reviewing the Department’s registered owner information, and
confirming that a full and complete payment was not timely made. The
results of the administrative investigation shall be mailed or emailed to the
(b) The Agency shall establish a fair and impartial administrative review
procedure for any Motorist who wishes to timely contest a Notice of
Violation or a Notice of Delinquent Violation after receiving the results of
an administrative investigation. Such procedure shall be in accordance
with Section 40255 of the Code and shall be implemented by the Agency's
Chief Executive Officer who shall have the authority to update and revise
such procedure from time to time as the Chief Executive Officer deems
(c) Any Motorist who wishes to contest a Notice of Violation or Notice of
Delinquent Violation shall be provided with a copy of the administrative
review procedure and invited to request a hearing. A properly requested
hearing shall be held within 90 calendar days following the receipt of a
request for administrative hearing, excluding any time tolled pursuant to
Article 4 of Chapter 1 of Division 17 of the Code. In the event a hold has
been placed on the renewal of a Motorist’s Vehicle registration under
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Section 4770 of the Code, then the hearing shall be held within 30 days
following a proper request, provided the Motorist requesting the hearing
cooperates in its scheduling. Prior to filing any request to intercept monies
due to the Motorist from the Franchise Tax Board in accordance with
Government Code Sections 12419.5 et seq. the Agency shall provide 45
days’ advance written notice, and the hearing on the review shall be
scheduled prior to the filing of the request to intercept.
Section 8. Payment Plans. The Agency’s Chief Toll Operations Officer shall establish a
payment plan policy for offering payment plans to qualified Motorists for purposes of resolving
Penalties. The policy shall comply with the requirements set forth in Section 40269.5 of the
Code. The Agency’s Chief Toll Operations officer may also authorize payment plans on terms
that the officer deems reasonable even if the Motorist does not qualify under Section 40269.5 of
the Code.
Section 9. Collection of Unpaid Penalties. Except as otherwise provided in Sections 40268 and
40269 of the Code, the Agency shall be authorized to proceed under one or more of the following
options for the collection of unpaid Penalties:
(a) The Agency may file an itemization of unpaid Penalties (including
administrative and service fees) with the Department for collection with the
registration of the Vehicle pursuant to Section 4770.
(b) If more than four hundred dollars ($400) in unpaid Penalties and other
charges have been accrued by any Motorist or registered owner, the Agency
may file proof of that fact with the court with the same effect as a civil
judgment. Execution may be levied, and other measures may be taken for
the collection of the judgment as are authorized for the collection of any
unpaid civil judgment entered against a defendant in an action on a debtor.
The court may assess costs against a judgment debtor to be paid upon
satisfaction of the judgment. Prior to seeking entry of judgment, the Agency
shall send a notice by first-class mail (and by e-mail, if known) to the
Motorist or registered owner indicating that a judgment shall be entered for
the unpaid Penalties and that after 30 days from the date of the mailing of
the notice, the judgment shall have the same effect as an entry of judgment
against a judgment debtor. The notice shall include all information required
by Section 40267 of the Code and shall also advise the Motorist of the
Motorist’s right to request an administrative review. The filing fee and any
costs of collection shall be added to the judgment amount.
(c) If the registration of the Vehicle has not been renewed for 60 days beyond
the renewal date, and the notice has not been collected by the Department
pursuant to Section 4770 of the Code, the Agency may file proof of unpaid
Penalties with the court with the same effect as a civil judgment as provided
in subdivision (b), except that if the amount of the unpaid Penalties is not
more than four hundred dollars ($400), the filing fee shall be collectible by
the court from the debtor.
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Schedule "A"
Schedule of Penalties
Toll Evasion Penalty
Delinquent Toll Evasion Penalty