Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
Retirement Options Comparison OPSRP & ORP Tier Three
Explore the unique features of the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) and the Oregon Public
Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) for employees hired between 8/29/2003 and 6/30/2014.
Disclaimer Please read carefully
This Guide provides an overview of PERS/OPSRP and the ORP. The descriptions of
PERS and OPSRP in this Guide are based on Oregon Public Universities Retirement
Plans’ understanding of applicable legislation, as amended and as affected by judicial
decisions, as of the date of this guide. In addition, PERS regularly adopts administrative
rules to implement legislative and operational changes. The descriptions of OPSRP and
PERS are therefore subject to modification and/or clarification by new legislation, court
decisions, and PERS’ administrative rulemaking.
Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
This material is intended to assist in the administration of the plan, and it includes a
summary of common ORP Plan provisions. To obtain additional information contact your
campus benefits office for assistance with questions, transactions, or circumstances that
are not included in the Decision Making Guide.
In case of conflict between this Guide and the official plan documents of the ORP and
Oregon state law regulating PERS/OPSRP, the official plan documents, Oregon state law,
and federal regulations will govern. A copy of the ORP plan document is available
through your campus benefits office upon request or on the OPURP website.
Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
Retirement Option Comparison Tier Three Employees
Explore the unique features of the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) and the Oregon Public
Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP) for those employees hired on or after August 29, 2003.
The Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) and the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP)
are each intended to provide you with income during your retirement years. These plans share a
number of common attributes, but differ in important aspects. This guide provides an overview
of the key features of the ORP and OPSRP.
First, are you an OPSRP/ORP Tier Three eligible employee?
If you were hired in a qualifying position between August 29, 2003 and June 30, 2014, and have
never worked for another Oregon PERS employer, you are an OPSRP or ORP Tier Three
OPSRP is a program of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).
This document compares the OPSRP and Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) provisions that apply
to OPSRP/ORP Tier Three employees.
This material is designed for general service employees.
If you were a PERS member or enrolled in the ORP before August 29, 2003, your benefits are
described in the ‘Comparing Your Retirement Options’ brochure for Tier One and Tier Two
Employees (Guide #3). If you were first employed by the Oregon Public Universities on or after
July 1, 2014, your benefits are described in the brochure for Tier Four employees (Guide #5).
Tier One – If you were hired in a qualifying position before January 1, 1996, you are a Tier One
Tier Two – If you were hired in a qualifying position on or after January 1, 1996, you are a Tier
Two employee.
Tier FourIf you were hired on or after July 1, 2014, you are a Tier Four employee.
Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
Retirement Option Comparison Tier Three Employees
ORP Tier Three
Who’s Eligible
Academic and administrative unclassified
and classified employees of Oregon Public
Universities (including EOU, OIT, OSU,
PSU, SOU, UO, WOU) who meet both of
the following criteria:
Have completed a waiting period
of six full calendar months in a
qualifying position; AND
Hold a qualifying position with
600 or more hours of service in a
calendar year.
Academic and administrative unclassified
employees of Oregon Public Universities
(including EOU, OIT, OSU, PSU, SOU,
UO, WOU) who meet both of the following
Have completed a waiting period
of six full calendar months in a
qualifying position; AND
Hold a qualifying position, or
series of positions, that total the
equivalent of 600 hours in a year.
Qualifying positions may include:
In a twelve (12) month fixed-term
appointment of at least 0.3 full-
time equivalent (FTE);
In a nine (9) month fixed-term
appointment of at least 0.4 FTE;
In a more than nine (9) month and
less than twelve (12) month fixed-
term appointment, or in a non-
fixed-term appointment, in which
the Employee performs 50 or
more hours of service during each
of such six (6) full calendar
In the event an Employee who is not
appointed to a 9-month 0.4 FTE or a
12-month 0.3 FTE does not work a full
50 hours due to an Employer’s or a
Participating Employer’s temporary
closure, the hours that the Eligible
Employee would have worked but for
the closure are counted as time served.
First of the month following six full
calendar months of employment in a
qualifying position.
First of the month following six full
calendar months of employment in a
qualifying position.
Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
Employer Contributions made by your
university in 2020 are based on a
percentage of the first $285,000 of annual
salary (calendar year). The salary limit is
adjusted as the cost of living increases.
The Employer Contribution rate for
OPSRP members is subject to change,
based on the rates periodically established
by PERS.
Employer Contributions made by your
university in 2020 are based on a
percentage of the first $285,000 of annual
salary (calendar year). The salary limit may
be adjusted as the cost of living increases.
The Employer Contribution rate for Tier
Three members is subject to change, based
on the rates periodically established by
PERS. By law, the Employer Contribution
to the ORP equals the Employer
Contribution to PERS.
From July 1, 2019 until June 30, 2021, the
Employer Contribution rate is 9.85%.
Retirement Option Comparison Tier Three Employees
Currently, your university pays the
Employee Contribution on behalf of most
Employee Contributions are 6% of annual
salary based on the first $285,000 of annual
salary (calendar year). The salary limit may
be adjusted as the cost of living increases.
Total Employer and Employee
Contributions to the IAP may not exceed
$57,000 in a plan year.
All limits are as of the 2020 plan year, and
are indexed annually by the IRS.
Currently, your university pays the
Employee Contribution on behalf of most
Employee Contributions are 6% of annual
salary based on the first $285,000 of annual
salary (calendar year). The salary limit will
be adjusted as the cost of living increases.
The combined Employer and Employee
contributions may not exceed $57,000.
All limits are as of the 2020 plan year, and
are indexed annually by the IRS.
The Individual Account Program (IAP)
does not accept rollover contributions.
Accepts rollover contributions, subject to
fund sponsor restrictions, from:
PERS member or IAP accounts
Other employers’ qualified
retirement plans
Governmental IRC 457(b) plans,
including the OSGP
IRC 403(b) plans
Individual retirement accounts
(IRA) if funds are from a
previous employer’s qualified
Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
Plans and Plan
Two separate plans are maintained for
OPSRP members:
OPSRP Pension:
Employer Contributions fund and OPSRP
“defined benefit” pension plan.
Employee Contributions fund an Individual
Account Program (IAP) Employee Account
in a “defined contribution” plan.
Your ORP retirement account is made up
of your:
Employer Contributions
Employee Contributions
Participants invest their contributions in
mutual funds and/or annuities offered
through the Optional Retirement Plan
Employer and Employee Contributions,
plus investment returns over time, build the
retirement account balance.
All investments for the pension and IAP are
selected and managed by the Oregon
Investment Council.
You may choose from a variety of
investments through the ORP Providers
offering fixed and variable annuities and
mutual funds.
ORP Providers include Fidelity
Investments and TIAA for new
Actual investment returns are credited to
IAP accounts.
Actual investment returns are credited by
each mutual fund or annuity, which may
include a fixed annuity with guaranteed
investment returns.
When You may
Not required or permitted.
You may change your ORP Provider
once a calendar year.
You may change funds or transfer
balances among funds by contacting
your ORP Provider at any time, subject
to any restrictions or fees required by
your investment provider.
You may transfer existing account
balances among ORP Providers at any
time, subject to any restrictions or fees
required by the provider.
and Earnings
OPSRP Pension
100% vested after being an active
member in a qualifying position
(600 hours minimum) in each of
five calendar years.
100% vested on reaching normal
retirement age while an employee
100% vested after receiving contributions
in each of 5 years or if you are age 50 or
older while an Oregon Public Universities
Employee and
and Earnings
IAP Employee Account
100% vested immediately
100% vested immediately
Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
Retirement Option Comparison Tier Three Employees
How Benefits
are Determined
at Retirement
Your retirement benefit is the combination
of your Pension and your Individual
Account Program account balance.
OSPRP Pensionbenefits are provided
under a Full Formula calculation. The
benefit amount is 1.50% of your Final
Average Salary (FAS) times your years of
qualified service.
Final average monthly salary is the greater
of these amounts, divided by 36 months:
Your last 36 consecutive months
of salary, OR
Your highest three consecutive
calendar year salaries during your
career in OPSRP-covered
IAPbenefits are the total of all IAP
account balances.
Benefits are equal to the value of your
Employee Account and, if vested, the value
of your Employer Account.
Benefits are
OPSRP Pension
Normal retirement age 65
Normal retirement age 58 with 30
years qualifying service
Employee Account is available on
Termination of employment, retirement,
death, disability or plan termination.
OPSRP members may retire any time after
reaching age 55. Your benefits will be
reduced compared to Normal Retirement
Benefits become available when you leave
Oregon Public Universitiesemployment.
How Benefits
are Paid at
OPSRP Pension
A variety of payment options including life
annuity, joint and survivor option.
Account payments include lump sum
distributions and equal installments over 5,
10, 15, or 20 years.
Variety of payment options, including lump
sum payment of Employee and Employer
Accounts, subject to ORP Provider payout
Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
Retirement Option Comparison Tier Three Employees
OPSRP Pension
OPSRP members with 10 or more years of
creditable service, or with a duty-related
disability, receive 45% of salary in effect as
of the last full month of pre-disability
employment, until commencement of
normal retirement pension benefits.
IAP accounts receive investment earning
and losses until withdrawn.
100% of your Employee Account balance
and the Employer Account balance as of
the date of disability.
Generally, Internal Revenue Code requires
you to begin receiving benefits by April 1
of the year following the calendar year in
which you retire or reach age 70 ½,
whichever is later.
Generally, benefit payments begin any time
after becoming eligible, and on or before
April 1 of the calendar year following the
latter of calendar year the Participant a)
attains age 70 ½ or b) retires and terminates
Death Benefit
If You Die While
OPSRP Pension
If you are vested, 50% of what your
pension would have been is paid to your
spouse for life. For this purpose, your
spouse includes a person who is
constitutionally required to be treated as
your spouse.
Your IAP account balance is paid to your
beneficiary as a lump sum distribution.
100% of the value of your Employee
Account and Employer Account balance at
time of death is paid to your survivor(s).
Survivor Benefit
If You Die After
Benefit is determined by payment option
you selected at the time you retired.
100% of value of your Employee Account
and Employer Account balance at time of
death is paid to your beneficiary(ies).
Cost of Living
(COLA) after
Contact PERS directly for COLA
No cost of living adjustment. Accounts
receive investment returns until withdrawn.
Retirement Options OPSRP/ORP Tier Three
Revised 1/2020
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan & Optional Retirement Plan
Retirement Option Comparison Tier Three Employees
Not available
Not available
Coverage in a PERS or Public Employees’
Benefit Board (PEBB) group health and
dental insurance plan, if eligible.
PEBB-sponsored retiree health care
benefits are currently available for pre-
Medicare retirees to age 65.
Note: If you also have a PERS account
balance and are eligible to receive PERS
retirement benefits, you may be eligible for
PERS Retiree Health Care Benefits.