Presented by the NYSED High School (HSE) Equivalency Office
November 2021
GED® Examinee Registration
Examinees will be responsible for creating their own accounts by registering with
GED Testing Services (GEDTS) at:
An examinee’s account requires an email address and password.
This log-in information will be needed when an examinee wants to schedule an
exam or check on GED scores.
The full name and DOB must reflect what is found on the examinee’s valid (non-
expired) official government ID, such as a drivers license or passport.
The ID will need to be presented when arriving to test and - for identify
confirmation purposes - a digital photo will be taken, and a digital signature
This equipment must be purchased by CBT test centers, and will be explained in
the WebEx, Becoming a Computer Based Test Center.
Registration-Demographic Questions
Examinees will be asked a series of demographic questions including, full
name, DOB, address, educational background, prep program information,
and testing history.
This information must be completed accurately. HSE Preparation Programs
are encouraged to assist students with registration prior to the end of a
prep class.
It is very important that examinees understand the process and enter their
own information into their account, to avoid unnecessary data entry
The address provided on the GED® account will be used to mail all official
NYSED documents (transcripts and diplomas). For most testing
environments, the HSE Office will no longer be verifying this information
against student signature cards, as was done with the TASC.
Maximum Compulsory School Attendance Age (MCSSA)
and Age Eligibility to Test
Students under age 19 must have reached MCSAA and provide verification of their Age Eligibility (AE) to test when registering for
the GED®.
MCSAA is reached on July 1st of the school year immediately following the year during which a student is legally permitted to
withdraw (age 16 or 17 depending on the school district). The school year is July 1 June 30.
All registrants under the age of 19 based on DOB entered will automatically be placed in an age exception” queue in the GEDTS
The registrant will receive an alert upon completing their account registration that they cannot move forward with scheduling an
exam until their Age Eligibility to test is established/confirmed.
AE will be established/confirmed differently depending on whether a student is currently enrolled in an approved Alternative High
School Equivalency (AHSEP) Program or is applying to test using alternative AE criteria.
All non-AHSEP students will mail their completed Age Eligibility form to the NYSED HSE Office. Instructions for submitting the Age
Eligibility form to the HSE Office will be found on the GEDTS system, within the AE alert examinees receive.
The instructions for completing the Age Eligibility form will remain the same. Examinees must: 1) complete the top portion of AE
form; 2) submit it to the appropriate official to complete (depending on AE criteria selected); 3) obtain the completed document
from the certifying official, after they attest to AE criteria having been met; and 4) mail to the NYSED HSE Office, as indicated on the
form. Examinees should always maintain a copy of all documents submitted.
Once the HSE Office receives the AE form and verifies that age eligibility has been met, the HSE staff will release that individual from
the age exception” queue and the examinee can proceed with scheduling an exam.
Since eligibility to test is verified at the time of registration, test centers will not be required to verify age eligibility at the time of
Examinees should expect approximately 3 weeks from the time their form is mailed, to account for mailing and processing time.
Age Eligibility-AHSEP Program Enrollment
AHSEP programs will be encouraged to work closely with their students to assist with GE registration prior
to exiting class.
Examinees under 19 will be asked if they are enrolled in an Alternative High School Equivalency Preparation
Program (Option Program).
If the response is “yes” they will be prompted to provide their AHSEP program, which will appear with the 5-
digit T-TAF prep code. This will be a type-ahead entry and will autofill to assist the registrant.
The AHSEP Program Coordinator will need to regularly check GED Manager to view pending registrants in
their program. GED Manager is the online web-based system that GEDTS uses, and which NYS will begin
using. GEDTS will provide trainings on GED Manager for AHSEP program managers.
AHSEP program coordinators/administrators who have been given permission to use GED Manager will need
to take two steps for their students: 1) approve AHSEP enrollment in their program and 2) approve the
student has met age eligibility.
Examinees will not be able to move past the AE Alert to schedule their exam until AE is confirmed by the
AHSEP program. The AHSEP Coordinator will verify that age eligibility has been met and release that
individual from the age exception” queue and the examinee can proceed with scheduling an exam.
Adult Education Preparation Program
Many examinees prepare for the HSE exam in an adult education preparation program.
Previously, a T-TAF form (name of prep program form) was submitted to the test center when a person wanted to
take the exam. The 5-digit T-TAF code was included in the application to test.
The process for associating a student with a prep program is different with GEDTS. Paper T-TAFS will no longer be
collected by the HSE Office.
When an examinee completes the registration to obtain a GED® account, they will be asked if they are interested or
currently working with a preparation program. They will then be able to select a preparation program (name and 5-
digit code) based on their geographic location.
Preparation program administrators will be given access to GED® Manager, an online system for viewing registrations
and other testing information.
Once a student indicates interest in a preparation program, the program administrator will then be able to confirm
student enrollment. Preparation program administrators will do this by changing any registrants who have indicated
“interest” in their program to an “enrolled” status.
It is up to an HSE preparation program to assist their students in the registration process and maintain their own
enrolled student caseload. HSE testing records will be tied to a 5-digit prep program code only if an examinee
chooses this program, and the program selects this examinee as “enrolled” in their GED manager account.
Testing Accommodations
Examinees in need of accommodations must apply to GED Testing Services (GEDTS) during the registration
All accommodations must be approved by GEDTS.
Accommodation approvals for the TASC Test do not carry over from the Data Recognition Corporation
(DRC) system.
There is technology available to test centers for a wide range of accommodation needs.
Talking calculators will no longer be requested through the NYSED HSE Office but are available through the
GEDTS accommodations services.
Most testing that requires accommodations will be scheduled by the examinee through the public online
GED scheduling system (for example extra time).
If an examinee has been approved for extra time, the GED system will automatically provide the additional
time during the scheduling process. Test centers will take note of the additional time allotted. This
information is especially important for test centers receiving reimbursement for test administration.
Approved accommodations that require 1:1 environments or specific accommodations equipment will have
a separate scheduling process. The examinee will be prompted to phone GEDTS and is then assisted in
identifying a test center that can accommodate their special needs. This process will be explained by GEDTS.
An accommodations presentation will be provided in January 2022, to fully explain the GEDTS process.
Scheduling Computer Based Testing (CBT) for GED® Subtests
When an examinee is ready to schedule their subtest(s), they will do so through their GED® account.
Any alerts that have been placed on their account, such as Age Eligibility, must be cleared before an
examinee can schedule.
Scheduling for all CBT will be completed online, where all public GED® test centers will have publicly
posted their testing schedules. Examinees will select a testing location, date, and time to test.
Examinees are responsible for knowing which subtests they need to take. Examinees are not required to
schedule and sit for the full battery of needed subtests in one test session.
Before scheduling options are provided, examinees must agree to all admissions and cancellation policies.
An examinee is responsible for canceling or rescheduling any scheduled subtests - at least 24 hours ahead
of testing or they will be required to wait 60 days before they are permitted to reschedule that subtest.
Information about subtest credit that can be earned through Regent's exams, prior passing GED scores
(from 2002) or passing TASC scores will not be found on GED® accounts. Examinees should contact the HSE
office for assistance to confirm which subtests are needed to obtain a GED®.
The GED® combines writing and reading into the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA). If an examinee
has only previsouly passed either the writing or the reading, but not both, the RLA must be taken.
Scheduling Paper Based Testing (PBT) for GED® Subtests
PBT will continue to be scheduled directly by the testing center.
Examinees will be able to locate a list of testing centers that offer paper-based
testing through their GED® account and will need to contact test centers directly to
inquire about availability. Account registration is required.
Once an examinee locates a PBT testing site, they will be instructed to apply directly
to the Test Center by email, and include their name, 16-digit GED account number,
and the sub-tests they are seeking to schedule.
Test centers that administer PBT will adhere to GED® timeframe requirements for the
scheduling, delivery, and returning of test materials. More information about PBT
Testing can be found on the recorded WebEx, Becoming a Paper Based Test Center.
Please note that PBT testing on the GED will be extremely limited, except for
incarcerated settings which will continue to fully utilize PBT. Permission to administer
PBT will be determined on an individual test center basis by the NYSED HSE Office.
Upon request, a questionnaire will be provided to test centers expressing an interest
in administering PBT. Please convey interest in PBT by sending an email to
No Shows and Cancellation Policy
As previously noted, examinees must cancel or reschedule any scheduled CBT subtests at least 24
hours prior to the start time.
If an examinee does not cancel or reschedule and does not show up to test, they will be required to
wait 60 days before being permitted to reschedule that same subtest.
For example, an examinee needs both science and math to earn their HSE diploma, but only
schedules science. If the examinee does not cancel or reschedule the science subtest through their
GED® account, they will be considered a No Show and will not be able to reschedule the science
subtest for 60 days. The examinee is not prevented from scheduling their math subtest.
Transition from TASC to GED®
What is the same?
NYSED HSE Regulations will continue to be followed:
Examinees under the age of 19 must demonstrate age eligibility to test.
Examinees must wait 60 days between exam attempts.
Examinees can test up to 3 times (per subject) in one calendar year.
A Spanish language exam is available for both CBT and PBT.
Examinees must continue to show a valid official government identification which confirms their identity and their NYS residency.
Accommodations must be applied for and approved through the new HSE test vendor, which is now GED.
Test Centers must continue to provide any approved testing accommodations.
What is different?
Testing regulations are tied to individual subtests, not to a test session.
Examinees must wait 60 days between each SUBTEST, not each test session.
Examinees can take each subtest up to 3 times in one calendar year.
The GED® test requires 4 subtests, not 5. The RLA subtest (Reasoning Through Language Arts) will replace the TASC Reading and
Writing subtests.
Extra time testing accommodations will automatically be applied to the time allocated for a CBT subtest, when examinees receive
accommodations approval for additional time.
Age Eligibility must be verified upon registration, and before any subtests can be scheduled.
Examinees will be subject to a NO SHOW policy, which requires that they wait 60 days before being permitted to reschedule the
subtest that they did not cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours ahead of time.
Examinees can find their GED® test results on their GED® accounts. Official results will only be mailed by the NYSED HSE Office
when a diploma is earned. The HSE Office will not mail official scores when a diploma has not yet been earned.
Anticipated Questions from Examinees
Q. Can I still use my passing subtest scores?
A. Yes, GED® subtest scores earned since 2002 and TASC subtest scores earned between 2013-2021 will continue to
be grandfathered towards HSE subtest requirements.
Q. I passed the TASC Reading subtest but not Writing, what subtests do I need to take?
A. GED® RLA (Reasoning through Language Arts) meets the NYSED HSE qualifications for both the Reading and
Writing subtests. If only one of the two has been grandfathered in as a passing score, a passing RLA score will be
required to pass the RLA subtest. If an examinee has passed both the Reading and Writing HSE subtests they will not
be required to take the GED RLA subtest.
Q. I don’t remember what TASC tests I passed, so how do I know which subtests to schedule?
A. The DRC portal will not be available after January 31, 2022. Examinees should be directed to their HSE transcripts,
received as a result of testing. HSE staff cannot verify diplomas or scores over the phones but can verify what
subtests have been passed. Examinees can also apply for a duplicate transcript using Application H - to obtain an
official document of their scores.
Q. Can I still use passing Regents scores towards my HSE subtests?
A. Yes, the Regents-HSE pathway is still an approved HSE pathway. Candidates must pass at least one HSE subtest to
earn their HSE diploma through the Regents-HSE pathway. For more information about this pathway
Q. I passed all 4 GED® subjects/subtests, when will I receive my diploma?
A. The GED® test is scored by GEDTS. All records are received and verified through the NYSED HSE Office. If a NYS
HSE diploma has been earned as the result of testing, an official transcript and diploma will be mailed 8-10 weeks
from time of testing. Results will be mailed to the address provided on a candidates GED® account. Official
transcripts will not be issued for scores that do not result in a diploma. Scores can be confirmed through an
examinees GED® account. Examinees can also request copies of their official scores through the H application
Next Steps and Contacting the NYSED HSE Office
Review each of the NYSED HSE Office WebEx presentations, and the GEDTS NYS presentations, posted
under Announcements, on the HSE website:
A questionnaire will be posted shortly, also under Announcements, soliciting any questions not addressed
by the presentations.
A live WebEx (recorded) Q&A session will be conducted as soon as possible after receipt of the
questionnaires. 
You will have the opportunity to register for the Q&A session through the questionnaire to be posted. If
you are unable to attend the Q&A session it will be recorded and posted to the announcements page.
Test Center Staff:
General Public (students/examinees):
HSE Call Center: (518) 474-5906 (Tues. Wed. and Thurs. 10 am 12 pm)
Duplicate document requests(Application H):
R application (Regents-HSE pathway) status or questions: