Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................... ........... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... ................... 3
General Policies............................................................................................................................... .............. 3
Jurisdiction Structure ............................................................................................................................... ..... 6
Candidate Po licies ............................................................................................................................... .......... 9
Appendix ............................................................................................................................... ...................... 20
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This manual provides Florida specific policies and procedures that work in conjunction with the GED®
Program Policy Manual Published by GED Testing Service LLC March 2016. Links to manuals are found
at: http://www.fldoe.org/academics/careeradultedu/hse/testingadmin.stml. The sections in this
Florida manual correspond to the sections in the manual published by GEDTS. Other policies and
procedures documents that must be followed in authorized GED® testing centers are provided by
Pearson VUE at the VSS website, https://vss.pearsonvue.com/:
Pearson VUE Policies and Procedures Guide
GED Testing Service® (GEDTS®) Client Guide
Florida Jurisdiction Reference Sheet
Note: Documents at the VSS website are updated often. Make sure you are using the most uptodate
General Policies
This section of The GED® Program Policy Manual covers general policies including responsibilities and
privacy of testers. All testing center staff must be made aware of the policy statements. It is best
practice to have staff sign a statement that they have read the policies.
Florida GED® Records Website
The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) manages the Florida GED® records website:
https://app4.fldoe.org/FLHSDRecordsite/Default.aspx. The website only includes data for State of
Florida High School Diplomas (high school equivalency (HSE) diplomas) earned in Florida and GED® tests
taken (or records held) in Florida. The use of the website must comply with the GEDTS® privacy policies.
All users of the website must sign an access agreement that must be submitted to the FDOE HSE Office
(GED® Testing). Users must have a signed release from the individual whose records are being accessed,
either viewed or downloaded, whether the records are being provided to someone else or not. If signed
releases are being kept on file, the release must be renewed yearly.
The access agreement can be downloaded here: http://www.fldoe.org/academics/careeradult
Note: Make sure to use the most uptodate access agreement by verifying that the document you have
printed is the most uptodate version.
All requests for individual access to this system must be submitted via email to [email protected] by
the testing center administrator or the sponsoring agency manager. The subject line for the email
should be “Access Agreement”. The submission must include the access agreement and a copy of the
current form/document used to obtain signed releases from individuals. The user may request a
password which must be between 815 characters and include at least one number, one uppercase
letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character (white space characters are not allowed). The
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User ID will be the individual’s email address. Access is limited to staff members involved in GED®
testing at the testing centers. Instructional staff members are not permitted access to this system.
A user must NOT share their user ID and password with other staff members. A request should be made
for other GED® personnel who require access to the database as part of their job duties and meet the
requirements for access. The FDOE HSE office is maintaining a list of all staff members who have been
provided access. The testing center administrator/sponsoring agency manager should maintain this
information as well. When an individual with access to this system is no longer employed or should no
longer have access, notify Diane Vaccari, diane.vacca [email protected] .
The records in the Florida GED® records website generally only go back to 19992000, although some
older records have been added from archived data. Permanent records are available in our archives
back to 1945 and are researched when necessary for issuing duplicate diplomas and transcripts. If a
testing center needs to research an older GED® record, submit the following information to
Testers full name
Date of birth
Last four digits of SSN
Approximate year of testing
Approximate location of testing
When searching for candidate records by ID number, keep in mind that some candidates do not provide
their SSN and are assigned a number by the FDOE HSE Office. For this reason, searches by name should
be conducted when the SSN doesn’t provide any results.
Important Notes:
GED® records cannot be shared with anyone, including others in your institution or agency,
unless you have a signed release on file from the tester to do so.
GED® Records from the Florida GED® Records site must not be printed.
A download is available monthly for testers at the testing center. When using the download to
enter HSE diploma and/or GED® records into a local data system, a signed release from every
individual in the download must be on file
A list of testing centers is available on the records site.
Adult Education Centers‐ Obtaining Signed Releases from Testers
Since testers have more flexibility when scheduling their tests, adult education students may choose to
take their GED® tests at locations other than their adult education center. If adult education staff needs
access to a tester’s results, the tester needs to sign a written consent that the GED® records can be
released to them. Best practice would be to have adult education students complete a signed release of
GED® test scores to staff at the adult education center when they register for adult education, and not
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at the time of GED® testing. The release must be renewed yearly and specify the release of HSE
diploma/GED® records.
A special form releasing scores to the adult education center can be used after test administration for
the following purposes:
Graduation ceremony invitation
GED® preparation opportunities
Accountability and performance reporting
The form is called Authorization for Release of GED® Test Records. The form is customizable to include
the name and logo of the adult education and/or testing center. The form can be obtained by emailing
GED Manager
Adult Education Center Access
Individuals can designate up to three adult education centers to which they give permission to share
their GED® testing information during the registration process or by editing their current profile at
. Once they give permission to share results with a particular center, staff with access to GED
Adult Education access will be able to view the individuals’ results.
There is one adult education program listing per district or college that offers adult education. Each
adult education program is allowed to submit requests for staff access equal to the number of adult
education centers it services plus one additional request. For example, if Alachua County Public Schools
Adult Education/GED has three (3) different physical locations offering adult education, they could
submit up to four (4) total requests. Requests must come from the Adult Education Director and should
be submitted via email. In order for the request to be processed, signed access agreements must be
submitted via email to [email protected]. The Adult Education Access Agreement is available
Requesting a Data Match to Adult Education Students
Instructions and requireme nts for requesting data matches can be obtained by contacting Joan
Roddenberry at the FDOE– [email protected].
Website References
Any institution that uses the GED® trademark in documentation and/or on websites must make sure to
follow the Guidelines for Proper Referential Use of the GED® Trademark by Third Parties
http://www.gedtestingservice.com/ uploads/files/bef242c53333174386ef75310538f498.pdf
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Jurisdiction Structure
This section of The GED® Program Policy Manual covers the role of the state and the state’s GED
(currently Tara Goodman) in administering the GED® program, including administration
and outreach. Test pricing and testing center information is also provided.
In addition to these manuals, the Florida Department of Education’s website for the GED® tests has
information that both you and your clients will find helpful: https://ged.fldoe.org/. The content on the
website includes:
Important Notices on Testing
Testing Center Information
Transcripts/Diplomas and Verifications
Information for Underage Test Takers and PerformanceBased Exit Options Diploma Participants
Accommodations for Testtakers with Disabilities
GED Testing Service®
Testing Center Manual/Forms
Monthly Newsletters
Computerbased Testing (CBT) Implementation Resources
If you have to communicate with GEDTS®, Pearson VUE, Parchment, or FDOE, observe the following
If you send an email, remember to provide your testing center number.
If you have submitted a help ticket, provide the ticket number in any future correspondence
concerning the ticket.
If you speak with individuals on the phone, note the name of the individual, the phone number,
date, and time of the call along with the details discussed.
When you are having difficulty with something and need further assistance from someone and you can
provide complete information, it will help to process or research your requests more efficiently.
FDOE HSE (GED® Testing) Office Contact Information
Mailing Address:
HSE/GED® Testing Office
Florida Department of Education
325 West Gaines Street, Room 634
Tallahassee, FL 323990400
Phone: 8502450449 press 0 to speak with staff or ask for someone in particular
Fax: 8502450990
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Email convention: [email protected] for example Diane Vaccari’s email is  [email protected]
Type of  Question FLGED Contact  1 FLGED Contact  2
 Accommodations Diane Vaccari Tara Goodman
Underage Exceptions Dan Richardson Diane Vaccari
Options Program Exceptions Dan  Richardson Diane Vaccari
GEDTS®/FDOE Policies and Procedures Diane Vaccari Tara Goodman
Florida GED® Records  Website Diane  Vaccari Tara  Goodman
GED® Testing Contact Lists Diane Vaccari Tara Goodman
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GED® Testing Center Support Line and Assistance Reference Sheet are found in the Appendix.
GED® Testing Contact Lists
GEDTS® uses Pearson VUE as its technology provider for the computerbased GED® tests. With this
change, there is no longer a Chief Examiner at each of the testing centers; therefore, the following
contact lists are being used by the FDOE HSE Office:
Sponsoring Agency Manager and/or District Contact‐ one per school district/college/other
Testing Center Manager one per Pearson VUE® GED® Testing Center
Individuals with Corrections GED® Manager Access
Individuals with Adult Educator GED® Manager Access
Underage Testing Contact at least one per school district
Underage Testing Signature Designees only if desired, one or more per school district
Exit Option Coordinator at least one per school district participating in the Performance Based
Exit Option Program
Accommodations Contact preferably at least one per school district/college/other agency
Supplemental Contact only if desired, one or more per school district/college /other agency
(this is for occasional general announcements)
Complete explanation of each of the lists is found in GED® Testing Contacts in the Appendix.
To change contact information on file, notify the FDOE HSE office.
Conference Calls/Webinars
Conference calls or Webinars will be scheduled with appropriate contacts as needed. Announcement of
the event will be sent via email to those individuals invited to attend.
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Annual FDOE GED® Testing Professional Meeting
The FDOE will hold an annual meeting of GED® testing professionals to review current procedures.
Attendance at the meeting is encouraged, but not required. It will be held in conjunction with the
annual ACE conference. Announcement of the meeting will be sent via email to those individuals invite d
to attend.
Test Pricing
The price of the GED® test is set in State Board of Education Rule 6A6.0201‐ State of Florida High
School Diplomas. The price for one content area is $32. The price for all four content areas is $128.
Discounts are provided for the 2
and 3
retakes on each content area (see below for more
Discounted Retake Pricing
If a candidate does not achieve the minimum score on a test module, discounts are applied for retakes
under certain conditions. Detailed information concerning the discounted retake program is found at:
In Florida, the retake price for one content area is $12 ($32 full fee minus $20 GEDTS® discount). The
rest of the fee goes to the state ($2 to cover administrative costs) and the testing center (testing
compensation fee of $5/hour as contracted with GEDTS®/Pearson VUE). The state administration fee
and testing center fees are not waived.
Testers can only schedule one discounted retake at a time and retakes must occur within 12 months of
the initial attempt.
Candidate Payment options
Payment options, including the use of vouchers, are explained on this website:
Note that there are separate vouchers for firsttime testers at the full price ($32) and for retesters at
discounted retake price ($12). If a retester eligible for the discounted price uses a full price voucher, no
refund will be made.
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Candidate Policies
This section of The GED® Program Policy Manual covers candidate eligibility, registration, and
scheduling, GED® test specifics, criteria used for credentialing, threat assessment, and accommodations.
Florida follows the eligibility guidelines outlined by GEDTS®. For clarification purposes here are some
specific eligibility situations:
Florida’s Special High School Diploma is not a standard high school diploma. Candidates holding
a special diploma can take the GED® tests.
Private high school diplomas may or may not be accredited. Usually a college will tell a
candidate that the private school diploma is not acceptable for admission and suggest they take
the GED® tests to earn a diploma. In this case, you can make the assumption that the private
school is unaccredited and allow the candidate to take the GED® tests. There is a listing of
private schools with selfreported accreditation here:
Candidates holding foreign secondary school diplomas are eligible to take the GED® tests.
Candidates are not required to have a SSN to register to test.
Candidates are not required to be Florida residents or have a Floridaissued ID to test in Florida.
Prior to testing, candidates under the age of 18 must meet the underage requirements set by
the school board in which the candidate resides or attends school. See Florida Statute
Some school districts in Florida operate a GED® Option
Program called the Performance
Based Exit Option Model in accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A6.0212 which
allows candidates currently enrolled in high school to take the GED® tests.
Verification of Identity
Florida does not require a candidate be a resident of Florida to take the GED® tests in Florida; however,
the candidate must present a valid acceptable photo ID as required by GEDTS®/Pearson VUE when they
present for testing.
As described on the Florida Jurisdiction Reference Sheet, Alternate ID can be used by testers with
significant barriers to getting a governmentissued ID who will be testing at a public Official GED Testing
. The testing center should be informed several days prior to the testing date that an alternate
ID (“face sheet”) will be used to allow for verification of the documents, if necessary. The tester must
present at each time of testing a “face sheet” or other form of ID from the government agency in which
they are in the custody of along with the Alternate ID Requirements for GED testers signed form. The
form is available from the jurisdiction office by emailing [email protected].
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Registration and Scheduling
Registration and scheduling can be done online at https://ged.com (MyGED
) or by calling 877392
6433. Registration involves completing the contact and demographics information. Scheduling involves
choosing a date, time, and location for testing and paying for the test. GEDTS® has provided an FAQ
page to help with registration and scheduling:
The Registration process could put a candidate into an exception queue:
Accommodation Exception Candidate indicates a request for accommodations due to a
disability (See Section 5. Accommodated Testing of Testtakers with Disabilities)
Age Exception Candidate is 16 or 17 years old based on the date of birth provided (See Age
Exceptions later in this section)
Options Exception (See Options Exceptions later in this section)
The exception alert(s) would need to be cleared prior to the candidate being allowed to schedule.
When working with individuals registering and scheduling, make sure that only one account is created
per individual. If an individual does create multiple accounts and needs to have accounts merged, the
individual will need to call (877) 3926433. The call center will coordinate the merge and make sure the
individual has not violated any testing rules.
Note: Exceptions alerts do not prohibit a candidate from taking the GED® Ready tests which are
accessed using the Study tab in MyGED
Rescheduling and cancellation
Rescheduling and cancellation policies are covered in the The GED® Program Policy Manual.
Florida follows the GEDTS® policy on retesting which allows testers to take a content area three times
with no wait time between testing. For attempts after the third testing attempt each retest attempt will
be preceded by a 60day waiting period.
Florida does allow for a RetestWait Period Waiver in accordance with GEDTS® policy, but requires a
minimum wait period of 30days from the next to last test administration to guarantee 30 days between
Individuals can request a rescore of the essays and short answer items on the Reasoning through
Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science tests by calling (877) 3926433. Rescore cost is $50 per
content area which will be refunded only if the score changes.
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Age Excepti ons
As specified in Florida Statute 1003.435 High school equivalency diploma program:
(4) A candidate for a high school equivalency diploma shall be at least 18 years of age on the
date of the examination, except that in extraordinary circumstances, as provided for in rules of
the district school board of the district in which the candidate resides or attends school, a
candidate may take the examination after reaching the age of 16.
Therefore, the district school board must approve testers ages 16 and 17 based on the local criteria for
underage testing.
Each local school district should review and revise the local policies that are currently in place to make
sure they are consistent with the 2014 GED® test. In particular, if one of your requirements included
minimum scores on the Official Practice Test (OPT) or the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE), you
should revisit your requirements. The official practice test for the 2014 GED® test is called the GED®
Ready test. The predictive score ranges presented to candidates who take the GED® Ready test for GED®
test prediction purposes are explained at http://www.gedtestingservice.com/educators/scorereport and
ranges are explain in detail at http://www.gedtestingservice.com/educators/pld.
Green Range Likely to Pass: 145200
Yellow Range Too Close To Call: 134144
Red Range Not Likely To Pass: 100133
If your requirements included minimum scores on the GED® Ready based on requirements prior to
March 23, 2016, when the new cut scores went into effect, you should also revisit your requirements.
The 2002 GED® Official Practice Test (OPT) is not a good predictor for the 2014 GED® test since it was
designed for the 2002 GED® Test.
Currently, TABE scores are not correlated to predict 2014 GED® test scores.
According to the
CTB/McGraw Hill Education website:
CTB is also in the process of studying the relationship between TABE 9&10 and the 2014 GED
Test and will release additional information as it becomes available.
If not already completed, school districts should review and revise their GED® underage testing
requirements for the 2014 GED® test. Keep in mind that the rules for underage testers vary widely from
district to district. Some allow any 16 or 17 year old to test with the only requirement being that the
tester must be withdrawn from school. Others require additional requirements including, but not
limited to, certain scores on a predictor test, time spent in adult education, etc.
CTB/McGraw Hill Education website, accessed August 19, 2014,
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When a candidate registers for the test and date of birth makes them 16 or 17 years of age, they are
automatically put in the age exception queue. Once in the age exception queue, candidates receive an
Age Alert which explains to the candidate what they need to do in order to clear the alert. See Screen
Shot 1.
Individuals must receive approval from the superintendent (or designee) in the school district in which
they live or go to school prior to being allowed to schedule the GED
test. Staff in the FDOE HSE office
will clear the exception once school district approval has been received. Allow up to three business days
for the alert to be cleared.
Note: If a waiver is received for a candidate not yet registered, no alert has been created and the
candidate cannot be cleared. The waiver is held and checked daily against new registrations. Once
registered, the alert will be cleared. Again, allow up to three business days for the alert to be cleared.
Underage waivers can be received only from school district personnel:
Via Fax or (850) 2450990
A list of individuals who can assist candidates locally with the underage exceptions process is found
here: http://data.fldoe.org/workforce/contacts/default.cfm?action=showList&ListID=65
Underage waiver form is found here:
The superin tendent can designate someone to sign underage waivers on his/her behalf by submitting a
letter of designation to the FDOE HSE office at [email protected]. If the designation letter
specifies a time limit, the letter will need to be updated when the letter expires. If the designee leaves
the school district or the superintendent chooses to no longer designate that person, notify the FDOE
HSE office at [email protected].
Note: If a candidate has a cleared underage exception and has an open option exception, he will not be
cleared to test. If the option exception was generated because the individual inadvertently thought they
were in the options program, and they subsequently update their profile to say they are not in the
options program, it will reset the underage exception to open. There is no way for FLDOE HSE staff to
know it has been reset, so the individual or local testing staff will need to notify
[email protected] to have the age exception cleared again.
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Options Exceptions
Florida partic ipates in the GED Options® program. The GED Options® program, also called the
Performancebased Exit Option program or Exit Option program, is outlined in Florida State Board Rule:
6A6.0212 PerformanceBased Exit Option Model and State of Florida High School PerformanceBased
The PerformanceBased Exit Option Program is administered by the FDOE Dropout Prevention office
(DirectorLynn Turner, [email protected] , (850) 2459954,
http://www.fldoe.org/schools/familycommunity/activitiesprogra ms/dropoutprevention ).
According to GEDTS® policy, GED® testers cannot be enrolled in high school unless they are participating
in the GED Options® Program.
When candidates register they are asked if they are enrolled in high school. If they answer yes, they are
asked if they are enrolled in the GED Options® program. If they answer yes, they are put in the Options
exception queue. If they answer no, they are not allowed to register. See Screen Shot 2.
Once in the Options exception queue, candidates receive an Option Program Alert. See Screen Shot 1.
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Individuals who are in the Exit Option program must receive approval from their district’s coordinator
prior to being allowed to schedule the GED® test. Staff in the FDOE HSE office will clear the exception
once school district approval has been received.
Note: If school district approval is received for a candidate not yet registered, no alert has been created
and the candidate cannot be cleared. The school district approval is held and checked daily against new
registrations. Once registered, the alert will be cleared. Again, allow up to three business days for the
alert to be cl eared.
The lis t of Options Coordinators and exit option approval form are posted at
Options Coordinators list is managed by the Dropout Prevention office,
[email protected] or 8502450845, if a district needs to update it.
Exit Options Approval Forms can only be received from school district personnel:
Via Fax (850) 2450990
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Florida GED® Credentials
The GED® tests are used to award the State of Florida High School Diploma, the state’s high school
equivalency diploma in accordance with Florida Statute 1003.435, State Board of Education Rule 6A
6.0201, and State Board of Education Rule 6A6.0212.
Florida Statute 1003.435 High School Equivalency Diploma Program:
Authorizes the State Board of Education to establish standards to administer and award high
school equivalency diploma examinations
Sets age restriction
Establishes status which allows admission into state universities or community colleges
State Board of Education Rule 6A6.0201‐ State of Florida High School Diplomas:
Establishes passing requirements on GED® tests
Sets state policies and procedures for approval of testing centers
Establishes pricing for services
State Board of Education Rule 6A6.0212‐ PerformanceBased Exit Option Model and State of Florida
High School PerformanceBased Diploma:
Establishes district requirements for participa tion in the “GED® Exit Option” program
Establishes student eligibility and completion requirements
Distribution of Initial Diplomas and Transcripts
Once a GED® tester passes all four subject area of the test, the individual will receive two separate
emails, one for the free diploma and one for transcript, providing links to the free electronic transcript
and diploma in secure PDF format. The download links are only active for a limited time, approximately
60 days, and can only be downloaded one time. Detailed instructions for accessing the electronic
transcript and diploma are found in the Appendix.
The electronic credentials are in secure PDF format that can be forwarded to employers/colleges and
include Blue Ribbon Security feature which verifies the file each time it is opened as long as an internet
connection is present. These electronic documents are very valuable as they can be forwarded to
employers/colleges that will accept the credentials that way.
The electronic transcript is called a SMART transcript as it has links embedded explaining the various
items displayed on the transcript. It includes a performance level. Performance score ranges for the
2014 GED® test:
Below Passing: 100144 (transcripts only show passing scores)
GED® Passing Score: 145164
GED® College Ready: 165174
GED® College Ready + Credit: 175200
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The State of Florida High School Diploma is a high school equivalency diploma and does not include the
additional score performance designations.
Since admissions policies vary widely in postsecondary institutions, candidates should contact the
college or university’s admissions office for details about the use of these additional performance levels.
SMART Transcript Score Levels are explained here:
A free printed diploma can also be ordered using MyGED
following the instructions found in the
Transcripts and diplomas are issued in English with the test language denoted on the transcript.
Duplicate Diplomas, Transcripts, and Verification Requests
The FDOE is the official source of GED® records and HSE credentials. Under no circumstance should any
other agency provide verification or copies of GED® records. If testers need duplicate copies of their
transcript and/or diploma, they must request an official copy from GED Credentialing
/Parchment. The
process for requesting duplicate credentials is found here: https://ged.fldoe.org. Verifications are no
longer provided; those needing verification will need to order a duplicate diploma or transcript.
Individuals are able to make credit card payments and can receive electronic credentials the same day if
there is an exact record match.
The price of each duplicate transcript/diploma is $15. Individuals will have the option of a secure PDF
document delivered electronically or a paper copy. The electronic documents are in secure PDF format
that can be forwarded to employers/colleges and include Blue Ribbon Security feature which verifies the
file each time it is opened as long as an internet connection is present. These electronic documents are
very valuable as they can be forwarded to employers/colleges that will accept the credentials that way.
If someone prints the secure PDF, it will print with a watermark; once printed, it is no longer an official
copy. If an individual needs an official printed copy, then a print copy must be ordered and mailed.
Note: Transcripts are only produced for passers. Nonpassing scores for 2014 GED® test series can be
viewed by the tester at https://ged.com. For previous test series, an unofficial nonpassing score report
can be requested by the tester by emailing [email protected] . The tester will be required to submit
a signed release to obtain the report.
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The way an individual orders duplicate credentials is dependent upon when they took the test (from
For diplomas earned on or after January 1, 2014:
Duplicate credential requests can be made by logging in to your myGED
account. Use the login
at the top right of the page. Select the My Scores tab and click the Order Duplicates button on
the Scores page.
For diplomas earned prior to January 1, 2014:
Effective February 1, 2014, you can request your credentials from GED Credentialing
If an individual does not have internet access and/or a credit card, a mail order form can be printed for
GED® Receiver can be used to request and received credentials on behalf of an individual (third party
requests require a signed release from the candidate). Instructions for GED® Receiver can be found at
the Parchment/GED Testing Service support page.
Diploma verification requests will be handled through the duplicate diploma and/or transcript request
process. The document may be delivered electronically or as a pa per copy. The electronic documents
are in secure PDF format that can be fo rwarded to employers/colleges and include Blue Ribbon Security
feature which verifies the file each time it is opened as long as an internet connection is present.
Parchment can be contacted using their support page at:
or via phone at 8889064031 Monday Friday from 8 AM5 PM MST.
Retesting Graduates with a State of Florida High School Diploma
GEDTS® allows retesting even if a candidate has already earned a passing score on a subtest.
Additionally, Florida allows for the retesting of graduates holding a State of Florida High School Diploma.
A candidate can schedule the test in the usual way; the scheduling process does not prohibit such
scheduling and does not warn the candidate when they attempt to schedule a subtest that has already
been passed.
When a candidate earns a higher score and wishes to get a transcript reflecting that increase, the
candidate will need to order the transcript at https://ged.com. The duplicate fee will be charged for the
Accommodations requests and approvals are provided by GEDTS® as described in are covered in the The
GED® Program Policy Manual.
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The GEDTS® accommodations website‐ http://www.gedtestingservice.com/testers/computer
accommodations‐ includes the following:
Explanation of accommodations
Instructions for requesting accommodations
Accommodations request forms, including forms for extension and appeal requests
Documentation guidelines
Frequently asked questions
Lowercost testing clinics
Personal items and minor modifications not requiring accommodations approval
Assistance in Making an Accommodations Request
Since the process has the requestor fax the documents directly to GEDTS® and has taken out the
requirement for both someone locally (Chief Examiner
) and at the state level (GED Administrator
) to
sign the accommodations request forms, FDOE has a list of local GED® Testing Accommodation Contacts
posted here: http://data.fldoe.org/workforce/contacts/default.cfm?action=showList&ListID=68. It is
helpful if a tester who needs accommodations can have someone at the local level help them with the
GEDTS® accommodations process.
If a local school district/college needs to update the accommodations contacts listing, the information
should be emailed to [email protected].
Those needing assistance with the accommodations process can email the GEDTS® accommodations
staff at [email protected]. Those needing assistance can also contact the FDOE
HSE office at (850) 2450449 or [email protected].
Scheduling an Accommodated GED® Test
Individuals who plan on requesting accommodations (or requesting an extension of previously approved
accommodations) need to register at https://ged.com/ indicating a need for accommodated testing
during the registration process. An alert will appear on the individual’s account until cleared by GEDTS®
accommodations staff when the individual’s accommodations have been approved. Candidates should
allow up to 30 days for GEDTS® to provide a decision. The decision will be provided via email to the
email address provided during registration. If a portion or all of the accommodations requested are
approved, the email will include instructions for scheduling an accommodated test. Accommodated
GED® tests cannot be scheduled at https://ged.com/ or (877) 3926433. The individual must call the
accommodated testing scheduling line provided to the individual via email to schedule an
accommodated test. Accommodations approvals are valid for one year from the date of approval. If the
individual wishes to extend the accommodations approval, an extension request form must be
submitted along with any required updated documentation.
How to Clear an Accommodation Alert When an Individual Decides Not to Pursue Accommodations
If during the registration process at https://ged.com/ the individual indicates a need for
accommodations and decides later not to pursue accommodations, the individual can change their
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profile at MyGED
or would need to call the call center at (877) 3926433 and explain that to the
customer service representative who can remove the alert. Once that alert is removed and no other
alerts exist, the individual would be able to schedule a nonaccommodated test.
GEDTS® Plan for Online Submission of Accommodation Requests
GEDTS® is currently working on an online submission process for accommodations requests. Once the
system is ready, their accommodations website will be updated to include it.
Threat Assessment
This section of The GED® Program Policy Manual covers the policies and procedures used to deal with
test takers that may be a danger to himself/herself or to others.
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Email [email protected] if you need these documents.
GED® Testing Center Support Line
Assistance Reference Sheet
GED® Contacts Descriptions
2014 GED® Test Passers: How to Access your Electronic Transcript and Diploma
2014 GED® Test Passers: How to Request a Testtaker’s Printed Diploma
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