© 2022 Association of American Medical Colleges
Host Application Status Glossary
This glossary contains the application statuses you may see when viewing applications in the VSLO
Application Service. Please note, some of the statuses displayed for Host Institution users are not
displayed to students.
Awaiting Host Review/Action
These statuses are waiting on a review or action from the Host institution.
Status Displayed Definition
Under Review
Completed application has been received by the Host institution and
is ready to be reviewed.
Post Decision Review Post decision Requirements completed and submitted to Host Institution
for review.
Pending Notification Application has a decision made, and a notification is waiting to be sent to
the applicant.
Waiting on Applicant Action
These statuses have had a review of applications completed and need some action by the applicant.
Status Displayed Definition
Resubmission Requested
Requirements have been requested to be resubmitted, and application is
awaiting requirements to be resubmitted.
Offer Made Applicant has been notified of Offer for application.
Conditional Offer Made
Applicant has been notified of conditional offer, and will need to Accept
Conditional Offer, and complete Post Decision Requirements.
Conditional Offer
Applicant has accepted Conditional Offer, and will still need to complete
Post Decision Requirements
Post Requirements In
Applicant has accepted a Conditional Offer and is completing the Post
Decision Requirements and has not submitted those for Host
institution review.
© 2022 Association of American Medical Colleges
Final Statuses & Student Decisions
These statuses indicate a final status in VSLO, including student
Status Displayed Definition
Offer Accepted Applicant has accepted offer and is attending a rotation.
Application Denied Application has been denied, and applicant has been notified of decision.
Student Ineligible Applicant deemed Ineligible during Eligibility review and has been notified.
Offer Revoked
Applicant has been notified that offer has been revoked after review of
Post Decision Requirements.
Offer Expired Applicant has been notified of an offer for application but did not accept or
decline within the specified timeframe, and the offer is no longer active.
Applicant withdrew application before a decision was made on the
Offer Declined (with the
Applicant has declined an offer.
Offer Dropped (with the
Applicant accepted an elective offer and is no longer able to attend
elective. Accepted offers can be dropped by applicant up to 30 days
before start of elective.
Offer Dropped (by Host
on behalf of student)
Applicant accepted an elective offer and is no longer able to attend. Host
has dropped offer on behalf of student. Offers can only be dropped
within 30 days of start of elective by the Host institution.
Elective Cancelled
Applicant has been notified that elective they have applied to/been
accepted into has been cancelled.
If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance
by calling (202) 478-9878 (8:00 am - 6:00 pm EST), or by email.