CFP Certification Global excellence in financial planning
FPSB Strategic Plan
April 2008
Financial Planner
Code of Ethics
and Professional
Copyright ©2011, Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev 1101-3
Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. (FPSB) benefits the clients and potential clients of financial planners by
establishing, upholding and promoting worldwide professional standards in financial planning. FPSB’s commitment
to excellence is represented by the marks of professional distinction – CFP, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER and
Copyright © 2011, Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2011, Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev 1101-3
By adhering to ethical standards, financial planning professionals agree to provide financial planning in the interests
of clients and with the highest ethical and professional standards, and agree to uphold and promote the interests of
the financial planning profession for the benefit of society.
As part of their professional commitment, financial planning professionals should provide appropriate disclosures and
agree to be bound by ethical standards when delivering financial planning to clients.
FPSB has incorporated ethical behavior and judgment, and compliance with ethical standards, into the global
standards for CFP certification. To ensure these ethical obligations are understood, FPSB Members incorporate
content on ethical standards, and their application, into territory-specific CFP certification standards. FPSB Members
further adapt and enforce FPSB’s ethical standards in their respective territories.
FPSB expects that clients of financial planning professionals will benefit from a globally accepted set of ethical
standards for financial planning professionals.
Format of the Code of Ethics Principles
FPSB’s Ethical Principles are statements expressing in general terms the ethical standards that financial planning
professionals should adhere to in their professional activities; the comments following each Principle further explain
the intent of the Principle. The Principles are aspirational and are intended to provide guidance for financial planning
professionals on appropriate and acceptable professional behavior.
Applicability of the Code of Ethics Principles
FPSB’s Ethical Principles reflect financial planning professionals’ recognition of their responsibilities to the public,
clients, colleagues and employers. The Principles guide the performance and activities of anyone involved in
the practice of financial planning; the concept and intent of these Principles are adapted and enforced on CFP
professionals by FPSB Members through territory-specific rules of professional conduct.
Copyright ©2011, Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev 1101-3
Principle 1 – Client First
Place the client’s interests first.
Placing the client’s interests first is a hallmark of professionalism, requiring the financial planning professional to act
honestly and not place personal gain or advantage before the client’s interests.
Principle 2 – Integrity
Provide professional services with integrity.
Integrity requires honesty and candor in all professional matters. Financial planning professionals are placed in
positions of trust by clients, and the ultimate source of that trust is the financial planning professional’s personal
integrity. Allowance can be made for legitimate differences of opinion, but integrity cannot co-exist with deceit or
subordination of one’s principles. Integrity requires the financial planning professional to observe both the letter and
the spirit of the Code of Ethics.
Principle 3 – Objectivity
Provide professional services objectively.
Objectivity requires intellectual honesty and impartiality. Regardless of the services delivered or the capacity in which a
financial planning professional functions, objectivity requires financial planning professionals to ensure the integrity of
their work, manage conflicts and exercise sound professional judgment.
Principle 4 – Fairness
Be fair and reasonable in all professional relationships. Disclose and manage conflicts of
Fairness requires providing clients what they are due, owed or should expect from a professional relationship, and
includes honesty and disclosure of material conflicts of interest. It involves managing one’s own feelings, prejudices
and desires to achieve a proper balance of interests. Fairness is treating others in the same manner that you would
want to be treated.
Principle 5 – Professionalism
Act in a manner that demonstrates exemplary professional conduct.
Professionalism requires behaving with dignity and showing respect and courtesy to clients, fellow professionals, and
others in business-related activities, and complying with appropriate rules, regulations and professional requirements.
Professionalism requires the financial planning professional, individually and in cooperation with peers, to enhance
and maintain the profession’s public image and its ability to serve the public interest.
Copyright ©2011, Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. All rights reserved. Rev 1101-3
Principle 6 – Competence
Maintain the abilities, skills and knowledge necessary to provide professional services
Competence requires attaining and maintaining an adequate level of abilities, skills and knowledge in the provision
of professional services. Competence also includes the wisdom to recognize one’s own limitations and when
consultation with other professionals is appropriate or referral to other professionals necessary. Competence requires
the financial planning professional to make a continuing commitment to learning and professional improvement.
Principle 7 – Confidentiality
Protect the confidentiality of all client information.
Confidentiality requires client information to be protected and maintained in such a manner that allows access
only to those who are authorized. A relationship of trust and confidence with the client can only be built on the
understanding that the client’s information will not be disclosed inappropriately.
Principle 8 – Diligence
Provide professional services diligently.
Diligence requires fulfilling professional commitments in a timely and thorough manner, and taking due care in
planning, supervising and delivering professional services.
Financial Planning Standards Board Ltd. owns the CFP, CERTIFIED
FINANCIAL PLANNER and CFP Logo marks outside the U.S. and
permits qualified individuals to use these marks to indicate that
they have met FPSB’s initial and ongoing certification requirements.
CFP Certification Global excellence in financial planning
CFP certification is the only globally recognized mark of professionalism for
financial planners. When seeking objective, expert and trusted financial planning
advice, you should always look for the CFP mark.
To achieve the best financial planning results, call a CFP professional.
For more information on finding a CFP professional near you, visit
The global symbol
of achievement
The global symbol of excellence
in financial planning