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A person in whose name an apartment in a condominium or
apartment ownership scheme has been registered enters into a three-
fold legal relationship: he becomes the individual owner of his apart-
ment, the co-owner of the common property of the scheme, and a
member of the association of owners to whom the management and
administration of the scheme is entrusted.
Harmony in an intensified community can only be achieved if the
scheme is managed properly, and the common parts of the building
and the common facilities are maintained adequately and regularly.
Consequently, each owner is obliged to share in the provision of
funds for the management of the scheme and the maintenance of
common parts such as the outside walls, the roof, the corridors, the
structural components, recreational facilities, and the land on which
Copyright © 2006 by van der Merwe, Muñiz-Argüelles
* Cornelius van der Merwe is a Professor of Civil Law at the University of Aberdeen and
a Research Fellow at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
** Luis Muñiz-Argüelles is a Professor of Law at the University of Puerto Rico.
1. See Mark F. Grant, et al., Ocean Trail Unit Owners Ass’n, Inc. v. Mead: Democracy or
TyrannyThe Supreme Court of Florida Properly Finds in Favor of Condominium Board, 20
NOVA L. REV. 513, 515 (1995). The authors compare the condominium community with a de-
Ideally, the system should provide for sharing of many amenities in the form of com-
mon elements which the unit owners might not be able to afford individually in ex-
change for the sha ring of common expenses. In reality, however, the microcosm of
condominium government mirrors the operation of larger-scale democracies: there are
power struggles, and the governmental representatives are challenged when they lose
touch with their constituency, exceed their authority and abuse their “taxing and
spending powers.”
Id. at 530. In the United States and especially in Latin America, many condominium schemes
are so large that they surpass many small towns both in population and land value.
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the multi-unit building is erected.
These funds are budgeted for in
the annual general meeting and then divided amongst the various
owners according to share values or participation quotas.
These val-
ues or quotas are usually calculated in accordance with the size of an
apartment or determined by the developer at the outset.
The proper
maintenance, efficient management and ultimately the success of an
apartment ownership scheme will depend on a steady flow of assess-
ment funds from the unit owners to the coffers of the condominium
association. Repeated failure to contribute to common expenses may
hinder timely maintenance and efficient management and ultimately
wreck the scheme.
In some countries like South Africa, the management associa-
tion’s lack of funds has become part of a larger socio-economic prob-
lem. In order to bring home ownership within reach of the emerging
black middle class, a high percentage of mortgage credit is supplied
by financial institutions (mostly banks) in the knowledge that, quite
frequently, employers automatically credit mortgage repayments to
the account of the mortgage creditor. Unit owners are not made
aware of their obligation to pay maintenance contributions and gen-
erally do not account for it in their financial planning. The disastrous
result is that, although mortgage repayments are up to date, the ar-
rear contributions and charges remain unpaid from the outset, and
the amount of these charges increases from month to month. Conse-
quently, management associations struggle to perform their mainte-
nance and administration functions properly, unless the non-
defaulting owners are prepared to contribute more to cover the short-
falls. This financial interdependence leads to deterioration of the
building and eventually to slum conditions, and areas where financial
institutions are no longer prepared to grant loans. It is, therefore, in
the interest of associations, contributing apartment owners, mortgage
institutions, and the community at large that bodies corporate act
2. See, e.g., Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986 s. 32(3)(c), 37(1)(a) (BSRSA 1999) (amended
1991, 1992, 1993, 1997) (S. Afr.) [hereinafter South African Sectional Titles Act]; Ley 49/1960,
de 21 de julio, sobre propiedad (B.O.E. 1960, 176) (amended 1999) (Spain) [hereinafter Spanish
Law on Horizontal Property].
3. See Cornelius G. van der Merwe, Apartment Ownership, 6 INTERNATIONAL
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COMPARATIVE LAW, ch. 5, §§ 339, 389, 406 (Athanassios N. Yiannopoulos,
ed., 1994).
4. See id. § 141.
5. See In re Body Corporate of Caroline Court 2002 (1) All SA 49 (A) at para. 7 (S. Afr.)
(quoting Roger Green and Peter Feuilherade, Lost Property, DE REBUS, June 2001, at 18, 20).
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swiftly and decisively against defaulters.
Unit owners should be
properly warned of the consequence of failure to make payments.
an owner does not pay in a timely manner, other action should be
taken to prevent the continually accruing arrear contributions from
reaching an unacceptable level.
This Article analyzes the enforcement measures or sanctions
used in various common law,
and Latin American juris-
to encourage compliance with financial obligations. All of
these statutes are recent updates or replacements of older statutes.
6. See Body Corporate of Geovy Villa v. Sheriff, Pretoria Cent. Magistrate’s Court 2003
(1) SA 69, 73-74 (TPD) (S.Afr.) (“If there are a number of defaulters, the body corporate is un-
able to maintain the building in a proper condition.”).
7. See Michael R. Fierro, Note, Condominium Association Remedies Against a Recalci-
trant Unit Owner, 73 ST. JOHNS L. REV. 247, 271-72 (1999). See also Amos B. Elberg, Note,
Remedies for Common Interest Development Rule Violations, 101 COLUM. L. REV. 1958, 1989
(2001). Elberg gives the following reasons why associations would like to enforce their rules
strictly and without discretion: “desire to maintain low enforcement costs, development of a
reputation for rigid enforcement, non-avoidance of scrutiny of complainant motivations, genu-
ine belief in the efficiency of the rule, and fear of waiver.” Id.
8. As representative of common law jurisdictions, we chose the highly developed Cana-
dian condominium statutes of British Columbia (Strata Property Act, 1998 S.B.C., ch. 43 [here-
inafter B.C. Strata Property Act]) and of Ontario (Condominium Act, 1998 S.O., ch. 19 [herein-
after Ontario Condominium Act]); the strata title statutes of Singapore (Building Maintenance
and Strata Management Act 47 of 2004 [hereinafter Singapore Strata Title Act]) and South Af-
rica (South African Sectional Titles Act, supra note 2); the progressive Uniform Common In-
terest Ownership Act [hereinafter UCIOA] (drafted in 1994 by the National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and approved by the American Bar Association on Feb-
ruary 14, 1995, adopted by at least 7 states as of October 2005,
http://www.nccusl.org/Update/uniformact_factsheets/uniformacts-fs-ucioa.asp); and the new
English Commonhold Act (Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act, 2002 c. 15 (Eng.)).
9. See Law No. 65-557 of July 10, 1965, Journal Officiel de la République Fra nçaise [J.O.],
July 11, 1965, p. 5950 (amended 1966, 1974, 1977, 1979, 1985, 1986, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000)
(Fr.) [hereinafter French Law No. 65-557]; Spanish Law on Horizontal Property, supra note 2
10. See Ley de condominios, No. 104 del 25 de junio de 1958 (codified at P.R. LAWS ANN.
tit. 31 §§ 1291-1294d (2005) [hereinafter Puerto Rican Condominium Law]; Ley de Propiedad
en Condominio de Inmuebles para el Distrito Federal [L.P.C.I.D.F.] [Law on Condomminium
Real Estate-Property for the Federal District], Diario Oficial de la Federación [D.O.], 31
diciembre de 1998 (Mex.) [hereinafter Mexican Law on Condominiums]; Ley 675 de 2001
[Colombian Law 675 of 2001], Diario Oficial [D.O.], 4 de agosto de 2001 (Colom.) [hereinafter
Colombian Law 675 of 2001].
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A. General
It is generally accepted that the inability of an association to col-
lect financial contributions from owners efficiently is the main source
of financial and personal anxiety in a condominium scheme.
function becomes more crucial in hard economic times; unfortunately,
it also becomes less successful.
To facilitate collection, legislation
and regulations contain enforcement measures to assist management
associations in performing their task efficiently. The discussion of
these measures will be divided into those, which can be used to force
an owner with sufficient resources to pay and those, which serve to
protect the association in cases where the defaulting owner does not
have the necessary resources to pay his contributions.
B. Measures which May Force the Financially Sound Owner to Pay
1. Enumeration of Measures. Apartment ownership statutes
contain several mechanisms to force the financially sound owner to
pay his contributions promptly. These measures not only apply to or-
dinary apartment owners, but specifically target non-resident, wealthy
owners who bought their apartments as investments and do not al-
ways bother to pay their monthly contributions. The primary en-
forcement measures are summary proceedings in court to effect swift
payment of any arrears. In addition, the owner is subjected to penal-
ties for late payment and is made liable for any interest accruing on
the arrears and the cost of collecting these late payments. Further
measures include denial of the right to vote at general meetings, sus-
pension of services, shame sanctions, recourse through tenants to
whom a unit is rented, and mechanisms to safeguard claims for out-
standing debts on transfer of a unit.
11. James L. Winokur, Meaner Lienor Community Associations: The “Super Priority” Lien
and Related Reforms under the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act, 27 WAKE FOREST L.
REV. 353, 357 (1992).
12. Id. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 69 provides that, unless the court directs
otherwise, the process to enforce a monetary judgement shall be a writ of execution, usually by
seizing and selling the property of the defaulting owner. In England, if the sums owed are under
£15,000, proceedings can be initiated in the county courts. CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES practice
direction 7 (Eng.).
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2. Summary Proceedings in Court. Most jurisdictions have to
resort to ordinary court procedures to enforce the payment of contri-
Some condominium statutes, the new English Common-
hold and Leasehold Reform Act and the Florida condominium stat-
ute, for example, require the directors of the association to assess the
desirability of using arbitration, conciliation or mediation procedures
instead of legal proceedings or to submit to non-binding arbitration
before seeking court action.
However, certain jurisdictions have introduced special summary
court proceedings for the recovery of late payments. The Spanish
statute introduced a summary procedure (proceso monitorio), which
must be authorized at the general meeting. Once authorized, the
debtor is notified of the amount claimed and furnished with a certifi-
cate signed by the chairman (president) and the secretary indicating
the amount of the debt. Unless the defaulting owner provides a bank
guarantee for this amount, the association is entitled to execute
against enough of the owner’s property to cover the debt.
the Mexican statute, the professional manager is forced to act swiftly,
as he is allowed only to initiate summary execution proceedings for
late payments of up to three months, together with interest and penal-
The most effective summary proceedings are found in Puerto
Rico and Singapore. The Puerto Rican statute allows the board of di-
rectors to sue the debtor in a special proceeding devised for the col-
lection of small claims for arrears of up to $5,000. The debtor must be
notified of the claim for payment at least fifteen days before the filing
13. See, e.g., Commonhold Community Statement § 4.11.11(a) in the Commonhold and
Leasehold Reform Act, 2002, sched. 3 (Eng.); Patrick J. Rohan & John P. Healey, Home Owner
Association Assessment Litigation in New YorkAn Overview, 73 ST. JOHNS L. REV. 199, 199
14. Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002, c. 15, §§ 35(3)(b), 37(2)(i); FLA. STAT.
ANN. § 718.1255 (4) (West Supp. 1993); see also Lewis A. Schiller, Limitations on the Enforce-
ability of Condominium Rules, 22 STETSON L. REV. 1133, 1168 (1993), which mentions that
comprehensive legisla tion in this area was enacted by Montgomery County, Maryland, effective
January 1, 1991. This legislation requires binding mediation or a hearing before an administra-
tive board whose decision is binding. See MONTGOMERY, MD., CODE ch. 10b (1991).
15. Spanish Law on Horizontal Property, supra note 2, arts. 21.1, 21.2, 21.5. For similar
summary execution proceedings initiated by the professional manager of the scheme for Portu-
gal, see Decreto-Lei no. 268/94 de 25 de Outubro, art. 6, Diário da República 1 Série A, Nº 247,
de 25.10.1994, 643-3; for Brazil, Lei No. 7.182, § 12.2, de 27 de marco de 1984, D.O.U. de
29.03.1984 (amending Lei No. 4.591, de 16 de dezembro de 1964).
16. Mexican Law on Condominiums, supra note 10, art. 60.3.
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of the court action.
The Building Maintenance and Strata Manage-
ment Act of Singapore authorizes the recovery of arrear contribu-
tions of up to S$20,000 in a special small claims court.
A contribu-
tion levied by the management corporation is deemed to be money
payable under a contract for the provision of services.
nately, the South African statute regulating small claims courts does
not allow such claims, mainly because they only entertain claims be-
tween natural persons.
3. Responsibility of Owner for Interest on Arrears and Cost of
Recovery. In order to persuade financially able owners to pay their
contributions regularly, most condominium statutes (or provisions of
the jurisdiction’s Code of Civil Procedure) charge interest on arrear
contributions (in most jurisdictions, this can be no higher than the le-
gal interest rate
), penalties for being in arrears,
and/or collection
costs in recovering such contributions.
Under the Spanish statute, not only all reasonable legal costs, but
also the cost of all attempts to collect contributions prior to a court
case can be claimed upon the presentation of written proof. Court
costs can also be claimed, and if the action is opposed, the general
rule as to judicial costs applies, and the total cost in using legal repre-
sentation can be claimed.
The Ontario statute specifically states that
the management association is entitled to claim all expenses con-
nected with the collection or attempted collection of arrears, includ-
ing the costs of preparing and registering a certificate of lien (to which
17. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 39 (codified at P.R. LAWS ANN.
tit. 31, § 1293c) (referring to Rule 60 of the 1958 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended).
18. Singapore Strata Title Act, supra note 8, § 40(8); Small Claims Tribunal Act, 308 Stat.
Rep. of Singapore IX (1985) § 5(3)-(4) (1985) (Sing.) (stating that claims of up to S$20,000 are
allowed and must be brought within one year from the time the cause of action arose).
19. Singapore Strata Title Act, supra note 8, § 40(8).
20. See Small Claims Court Act 61 of 1984 § 7(1) (BSRSA 1999) (S. Afr.).
21. See, e.g., Ontario Condominium Act, supra note 8, § 85(3)(c); Puerto Rican Condomin-
ium Law, supra note 10, art. 39 (codified at P.R. LAWS ANN . tit. 31, § 1293c (2005)); CÓDIGO
CIVIL [CÓD. CIV.] § 2686 (Arg.).
22. See, e.g., Mexican Law on Condominiums, supra note 10, art. 60.
23. See, e.g., Regulations in terms of Sectional Titles Act no. 95 of 1986, Annexure 8, r.
31(6), Government Notice (GN) R664 of 8 April 1988 (S. Afr) [hereinafter South African
Model Bylaws]; Spanish Law on Horizontal Property, supra note 2, arts. 21.3, 21.6 .
24. Spanish Law on Horizontal Property, supra note 2, arts. 21.3, 21.6; see also French Law
No. 65-557, supra note 9, art. 10-1.
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the corporation is entitled as soon as an owner defaults).
The South
African model by-laws include, under the heading “legal costs,” costs
between solicitor and client, collection commission, expenses and
losses incurred in the recovery of arrear levies.
In Puerto Rico, the recovery of attorney’s fees is allowed only in
cases where the debtor opposes the claim without a justifiable rea-
In procedural matters, Puerto Rico has adopted the U.S. litiga-
tion pattern, which exempts the losing party from paying attorney’s
fees, except in cases where the judge rules otherwise or where the law
provides for a fixed amount in attorney’s fees. The Puerto Rican
provision also adds that the successful party may condone the collec-
tion of sums related to costs and attorney’s feesa rule that has al-
ways existed in civil cases.
In the United States, where attorney’s fees are notoriously high,
the Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (UCIOA) authorizes
the association to impose charges for late payment of contributions,
but does not mention attorney’s fees.
This accords with the view
that each party must bear its own costs, unless the parties have agreed
otherwise or unless the conduct of one party in bringing or defending
the action is so blatantly unmeritorious as to warrant such an award.
State statutes that do allow the recovery of attorney’s fees limit these
25. Ontario Condominium Act, supra note 8, § 85(3)(c).
26. South African Model Bylaws, supra note 23. In Barnard NO v. Regspersoon van
Aminie, the Supreme Court of Appeal confirmed the decision of the Transvaal Provincial Div i-
sion in Barnard NO v. Regspersoon van Aminie 2000 1 SA 213 (TPD) that the owner is respon-
sible for the legal cost of recovering arrear contributions including contributions more than two
years in arrears. 2001 (3) SA 973, 982D, 985D (SCA). Brand A.J.A. argued, dogmatically cor-
rectly, that, like interest, legal costs incurred in recovering a debt cannot be separated from the
debt itself but form part and parcel thereof. 2001 (3) SA 973, 981H-I (SCA).
27. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 42 (codified at P.R. LAWS ANN.
tit. 31, § 1293f (2005)).
28. Id.
30. UCIOA § 3-102(a)(11) (1994).
31. See Fierro, supra note 7, at 267.
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to “reasonable attorney’s fees,”
which would not be the case when
fees are out of proportion to the fine or charges claimed.
In practice, the threat of having to pay the fees of attorneys em-
ployed by the management association forces the defaulting owner to
think twice before refusing to pay. An award of attorney’s fees is thus
an effective measure to obtain compliance.
4. Penalties for Late Payment. In order to promote timely
payment of contributions, some statutes contain stiff fines or penalties
for delays in payment. Thus, the Puerto Rican statute provides that
the by-laws of a scheme may charge a penalty of ten-percent interest
on a contribution that is more than 15 days overdue. In addition,
amounts not paid on the due date automatically generate interest at
the maximum interest rate. When more than three monthly install-
ments remain unpaid, the unpaid amount will draw an additional
penalty of one percent of the total debt, to be paid monthly.
The Singaporean Act makes an owner guilty of an offence if he
fails to pay any contribution or interest due within 14 days from the
date of service of a written demand by the management corporation.
The maximum fine is S$10,000 plus a sum not exceeding S$100 for
every day that the sum remains unpaid.
This sanction is considered
very effective, especially in the case of absentee landlords who do not
bother to pay the monthly contributions. However, it has little effect
in the case of indigent owners who simply do not have the money.
32. See, e.g., Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, COLO. REV. STAT. § 38-33.3-
302(1)(k), which includes in the association’s power of recovery “reasonable attorney’s fees and
other legal costs for collection of assessments and other actions to enforce the power of the as-
sociation, regardless of whether or not suit was initiated . . . .” (emphasis added).
33. See Bd. of Managers of 140 East 56
St. Condo. v. Hausner, 245 A.D.2d 209, 210 (N.Y.
App. Div. 1996). According to Fierro, supra note 7, at 268-69, the answer lies somewhere be-
tween the $9,000 in attorney’s fees awarded in Wehunt v. Wren’s Cross of Atlanta , 332 S.E.2d
368, 368 (Ga. Ct. App. 1985), for the colle ction of $906 in common expenses and late charges,
and the trial court award of $60,000 in the foreclosure of a $100 common assessment, which was
ultimately reversed in Ziontz v. Ocean Tra il Unit Owners Assoc’n, 663 So. 2d 1334, 1335-36 (Fla.
Dist. Ct. App. 1993).
34. See Fierro, supra note 7, at 269 (“Practically speaking, the inclusion of a provision al-
lowing the recovery of costs and attorney’s fees in the condominium documents is of utmost im-
portance to augmenting its significance and its potential enforceability.”).
35. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 39 (codified at P.R. LAWS ANN.
tit. 31, § 1293c (2005)).
36. Singapore Strata Title Act, supra note 8, art 40, §10.
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5. Deprivation of Votes. Late payment not only results in the
accrual of interest or monetary penalties but can also attract non-
financial sanctions, including the loss of the right to vote at general
meetings and a prohibition on the use of common services or of
common areas of the scheme.
The Québec Civil Code (article 1094) automatically suspends
owner’s voting rights if she falls three months behind in the payment
of common expenses.
In other jurisdictions, the suspension kicks in
after one
or two months’ default and is only operative once the sus-
pension is approved at the general meeting, and the defaulting owner
is duly notified.
In South Africa, the suspension applies only in the
case of ordinary owner resolutions and not for matters requiring a
special or unanimous resolution. Furthermore, an owner who is in ar-
rears may still attend and speak at general meetings, and the mort-
gage creditor of such owner’s unit is entitled to vote as the owner’s
According to Puerto Rican case law, the suspension of voting
rights also applies to unanimous resolutions, thus depriving the de-
faulting owner of the capacity to veto a unanimous resolution.
addition, the value of the defaulting owner’s vote will not be taken
into account for quorum purposes. The suspension is lifted only when
the whole debt is satisfied or the treasurer certifies before the meet-
ing that the owner is keeping up with rescheduled payments approved
by the board of directors.
The suspension of voting rights may be unconstitutional if not
preceded by a due process hearing.
This concern is especially real
when resolutions of the general meeting affect the property rights of
the unit owner. Therefore, the statutes that allow the defaulting unit
owner to attend and take part in the deliberations of the general
meeting seem more acceptable. In addition, a suspension of voting
rights might not yield the desired results. Many owners who do not
37. CIVIL CODE OF QUÉBEC [C.C.Q.] art 1094.
38. See, e.g., Spanish Law on Horizontal Property, supra note 2, art. 15.2.
39. See, e.g., Mexican Law on Condominiums, supra note 10, art. 36.
40. South African Model Bylaws, supra note 23, R. 64(a)-(b).
41. Asociación de Condómines, Quadrangle Medical Centre v. Ramírez Lizardi 2001 JTS
42. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 39 (codified at P.R. LAWS ANN.
tit. 31, § 1293c (2005)).
43. Fierro, supra note 7, at 262 (supporting the argument that resolutions at a general
meeting might affect the property rights of a unit owner, and that their suspension must follow
the requirements of due process).
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pay their contributions care little about the operation of the condo-
minium scheme and rarely attend general meetings. In these cases
suspension of voting rights has a minimal effect on encouraging com-
pliance. On the whole, the difficulties involved in enforcing the sus-
pension of voting rights outweigh the deterrent value of this sanc-
6. Suspension of Services. The Puerto Rican statute allows the
board of directors to suspend common services such as water, elec-
tricity, gas, and telephone services when an owner defaults on his con-
tributions for more than two months.
After the first month, the
board of directors must notify the defaulting owner of its intention to
suspend the services in the manner agreed upon at the general meet-
ing or in accordance with the by-laws of the scheme. Prior to the in-
terruption of the services, the board of directors must ensure that the
suspension would not affect the health of the owners concerned. Ser-
vices will only be restored once the outstanding debt has been paid in
The statute further provides that cable television, video, and
other services provided by common installations may be suspended if
the owner is more than three months in arrears with his payments.
Since these two articles substantially overlap, legislative amendment
is necessary to reconcile the period of default required for suspension
of services. The owner or occupier whose services have been sus-
pended may not, without the authorization of the board or the man-
ager, reconnect the services himself or with the help of a third party.
If he does so or in any other way makes illegal use of common facili-
ties of which he has been deprived, he will incur a penalty of triple the
amount due, including the principal sum plus interest. This penalty is
without prejudice to other applicable civil, administrative or criminal
This sanction may be quite effective to enforce the payment of
monthly contributions where the unit owner is solvent. Cutting off
the water or electricity of a unit might bring a solvent owner to his
44. Id.
45. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 38 (codified in § 1293b).
46. Id.
47. Id. art. 39 (codified in § 1293c).
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senses and encourage him to pay his contributions promptly.
however, that without authorization in a condominium statute or the
bylaws, such action would constitute spoliation and the association
could be ordered by the court to restore the status quo ante.
further that it is difficult to see how cutting off essential services
would not affect the health of the defaulter. It is also questionable
whether condominium associations should be given such wide pow-
ers. They are neither courts nor public service bodies and should not
be encouraged to turn to such extremes. If the owner is both sensible
and solvent yet refuses to pay, he may well have a valid reason.
Rushed action by the association might not only lead to claims for
restoration but might also ground an action for damages. If the
owner is not solvent, it might cause unnecessary hardship to an owner
who is already struggling to keep his unit from being sold at a forced
7. Loss of Locus Standi to Sue. The Puerto Rican statute adds
another sanction for owners with outstanding debts, applicable after
only one month’s default. It states that in order to challenge any
resolution of the board or the general meeting (except those relating
to maintenance and special contributions) in court or in any other
administrative tribunal, the owner must be up to date with his pay-
ment of contributions. The court or tribunal must give both sides the
opportunity to be heard and may decide in accordance with the law,
equity, and good neighborliness to validate the locus standi of the de-
faulting owner.
8. Shame Sanctions. The Spanish and the Colombian statutes
contain so-called “name and shame” sanctions to embarrass default-
ing owners into paying outstanding debts owed to the association.
The 1999 amendment to the Spanish statute requires that the notice
convening a general meeting must contain a list of the names of the
owners who are in arrears with the payment of their debts to the as-
48. See, e.g., Devis v. Leafmore Forest Condominium Assoc’n of Owners, 407 S.E.2d 76,
76-78 (Ga. Ct. App. 1991) (providing an example from the U.S. in which the court held that
condominium associations could terminate water and gas, limit access to cable television se rvice,
and limit the use of a condominium unit if the owner is in arrears with paying his contributions).
49. See, e.g., Froman v. Herbmore Timber and Hardware 1984 (3) SA (W) at 609, 609-11 (S.
Afr.). But see, e.g., Plaatje v. Olivier 1993 (2) SA (O) at 156, 156-60 (holding that a spoliation
procedure was not necessary to compel the supply of water).
50. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 42 (codified in § 1293f).
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sociation. At the start of the meeting, a warning must be given to
those owners with unsatisfied debts who are at risk of being deprived
of their vote.
In addition to including the names of defaulters in the minutes of
the general meeting, the Colombian statute authorizes the publication
of their names on a notice board in an appropriate location in the
condominium complex. In order to guarantee that the notice is for
the eyes of residents only, the notice may not be displayed in a place
frequented by visitors to the building.
While these sanctions might
seem appropriate in some jurisdictions, other jurisdictions may view
them as an unacceptable intrusion into the privacy of the individuals
9. Recourse through the Tenant. Several statutes allow some
kind of recourse for unpaid contributions through the tenant if the
unit of the defaulting owner is leased. Such recourse either takes the
form of a security right in respect of the outstanding rent, or a direct
action by the association against the tenant for rent owed on the
apartment in satisfaction of the debt or part thereof. The French
statute grants the association certain rights over the rent owed to the
defaulting owner in the case of a lease of a furnished apartment.
contrast, the Ontario Condominium statute provides that, on default,
the corporation may, by written notice, require the lessee to pay the
lesser amount of the default and the amount due under the lease.
The Puerto Rican statute is even more direct. It provides that if the
unit is let, the association can request a court order compelling the
tenant to pay all rent due directly to the management council of the
scheme for the benefit of the association until the whole debt is extin-
The Colombian statute employs a third mechanism. It
provides that the owner and the person occupying the unit, by what-
ever title, are jointly and severally liable to the association for any
51. Spanish Law on Horizontal Property, supra note 2, art. 16.
52. Colombian Law 675 of 2001, supra note 10, art. 30.
53. French Law No. 65-557, supra note 9, art. 19 (granting the association special rights to
the furniture in the apartment in the case of the lease of a furnished apartment).
54. Ontario Condominium Act, supra note 8, art. 87, paras. 1-2 (providing that the notice
may be by personal service or by sending it by prepaid mail addressed to the lessee at the ad-
dress of the unit).
55. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 39 (codified in § 1293c).
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contributions due.
This means that a tenant or other occupier can
be sued directly, whether or not the owner defaults on his or her
payments. Note that the occupier would only be liable for claims that
arise after the commencement of his occupation and would have re-
course against the owner for payments made to the association.
In practice, the agents collecting the rent on behalf of the owner
usually deduct their commission and monthly contributions from the
rent they collect before passing on what is left to the owner-landlord.
This practice should be embodied in legislation, which automatically
diverts the required portion of the rent to the association. The Co-
lombian approach of holding occupiers liable even if they do not nec-
essarily pay rent (a student living in the apartment of his father, for
example) is also sound. Since the occupier enjoys the use of the
common property and the facilities and services of the scheme, it is
only just that he may be called upon to pay for contributions that the
owner cannot pay. In fairness, such liability should be limited to six
months arrears, which would leave time for the association to resolve
the situation.
10. Mechanisms Designed to Safeguard the Claims for Out-
standing Debts on Transfer of the Unit. The statutes employ various
mechanisms to ensure that the body corporate does not suffer finan-
cially when the seller of an apartment has not cleared all his assess-
ment debts at the time of transfer. In jurisdictions that require notar-
ial documentation for transfers, special provisions are added to
procure the help of notaries in the collection process or in notifying
the purchaser of outstanding contributions. Purchasers may obvi-
ously obtain such information from the condominium association it-
self, but in obliging the notary to notify the purchaser, future conflict
is avoided with regard to collection or the purchaser’s awareness of
the outstanding debt that might encumber the apartment. Notaries
who ignore their legal obligations in this regard may be subject to dis-
ciplinary measures and civil sanctions.
Some statutes go further still,
placing an embargo on transfer unless all the contributions due have
56. Colombian Law 675 of 2001, supra note 10, art. 29 (“[E]xistirá solidaridad en su pago
entre el propietario y el tenedor a cualquier título de bienes de dominio privado . . . .”).
57. Id.
58. See Pedro A. Malavet, The Foreign Notarial Legal Services Monopoly: Why Should We
Care?, 31 J. MARSHALL L. REV. 945, 966-67 (1998) (stating that notaries in jurisdictions outside
the United States are generally subject to civil and criminal liability in the practice of their pro-
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been paid or acceptable security has been offered for payment. Fi-
nally, some statutes impose liability for payment on the incoming
purchaser, while most of these statutes combine this with joint and
several liability (in solidum) on the part of the seller and the pur-
chaser for outstanding contributions.
The Argentine Civil Code contains the general provision that
debts owed by the transferor pass to his universal and particular suc-
cessors. Particular successors, however, are liable only for amounts
up to the value of the unit transferred to them.
The Commonhold
Community Statement (model bylaws) of the new English Common-
hold statute contains a similar provision. It requires that, on transfer,
the new unit holder, following a notice procedure, must pay any out-
standing commonhold contributions and reserve fund payments and
any interest that has accrued on the default of his predecessor.
could create reluctance on the part of purchasers to purchase any unit
burdened with any significant assessment liability and could even lead
to the discharge of arrears by the selling unit holder to facilitate the
But a former unit holder has no liability under the Act for un-
paid contributions passed to the purchaser.
The furthest the English
rule goes is to deem the right of the association to enforce payment of
assessment arrears to be assigned to the new unit holder, if he
promptly clears the arrears.
The Spanish statute imposes liability on the transferee
of a unit
for contributions that remained unpaid for the current and the previ-
ous year.
It even goes so far as to create a legal hypothec on the unit
sold as security for the unpaid contributions.
In order to relieve the
burden upon incoming owners, the Spanish statute requires that the
59. CÓD. CIV. art. 3266 (Arg.).
60. Commonhold Community Statement, art. 4, paras. 4.7.3, 4.7.5. See also Commonhold
and Leasehold Reform Act, 2002, c. 15, § 16 (Eng.) (specifying the effect of the Commonhold
Community Statement on the transfer of units).
61. Commonhold Community Statement, art. 4, paras. 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.7.4 (stating that a unit
holder can require the association, within 14 days of the notice, to certify sums claimed as owed
prior to transferring the unit and that sum is the maximum the new owner must pay).
62. Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act, 2002, c. 15, §16, para. 2 (Eng.).
63. Commonhold Community Statement, art. 4, para. 4.7.7 (Eng.); Commonhold and
Leasehold Reform Act, 2002, c. 15, § 16 (Eng.) (specifying the effect of the Commonhold
Community Statement on the transfer of units).
64. The cause of the transfer, whether it be a sale, exchange, donation, inheritance, etc., is
of no importance.
65. Spanish Law on Horizontal Property, supra note 2, art. 9.
66. El piso o local estará legalmente afecto al cumplimiento de esta obligación.” Id.
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public deed transferring the unit (usually a deed of sale) must contain
a certificate signed by the secretary and countersigned by the presi-
dent, which either states that all sums due have been paid or mention
the amount still due. No transfer is possible without such certificate
unless the transferee (purchaser) expressly exempts the notary from
including the certificate in the deed of transfer.
The above provision
constitutes an effective embargo against transfer of a unit unless con-
tributions still owed by the transferor (seller) have been fully paid. If
the purchaser has exempted the notary from including the certificate
in the notarized deed of transfer, the purchaser would incur liability
for all the debts still owed by the transferor (seller) in respect of the
unit. He would, however, incur such liability with full knowledge of
the consequences of granting the above-mentioned exemption.
A final provision requires the seller to notify the secretary of the
association of the change in ownership of the unit. Without such noti-
fication, the transferor would still be liable in solidum (jointly and
severally) with the transferee for outstanding contributions in respect
of the unit. In this situation, the former owner would be left with a
right of recourse against the new owner if the association succeeded
in a claim against him.
This is standard in cases of joint and several
liability, and the converse should also apply. Nothing prevents the
management association from instituting a claim jointly and severally
against both the former and the present owner.
This provision is not
applicable where any management body had express or implied
knowledge of the change of ownership.
The Mexican statute also requires that a certificate stating that
there is no outstanding debt in respect of the unit be issued to the
purchaser as part of the preparation of a deed of sale. If no such cer-
tificate is issued in respect of the unit, the transferor and transferee
will remain liable in solidum (jointly and severally) for the debt still
The Colombian statute starts with a general statement that the
transferor (seller) and the transferee (purchaser) are liable in solidum
for any outstanding debts of the transferor.
In order to safeguard
67. Id.
68. Id.
69. Id. art. 21.
70. Id. art. 9.
71. Mexican Law on Condominiums, supra note 10, art. 61.
72. Colombian Law 675 of 2001, supra note 10, art. 29.
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the interests of the transferee, it then requires the notary who pre-
pares the transfer documents to obtain a certificate from the legal
representative of the condominium association stating the amount of
debt still owed in respect to the unit.
If no such statement is ob-
tained, this fact as well as the liability in solidum of the transferor and
transferee must be communicated to the manager of the condomin-
The Puerto Rican statute proceeds from the premise that the
claim for common expenses constitutes a burden on the unit if regis-
tered in the land register. It then draws a distinction between volun-
tary and involuntary transfers of the unit. Voluntary transfer of the
unit includes all transfers to outsiders at any price, including transfer
to a mortgage creditor who purchases the unit for a sum exceeding
the outstanding debt. Involuntary transfer of the unit is limited to a
transfer to the mortgage creditor in a judicial auction where no out-
siders offered to purchase it for a price that equals or exceeds the out-
standing debt plus interest. In the case of a voluntary transfer, the
transferor and transferee are liable in solidum for the outstanding
debts of the transferor. This includes a right of recourse for the pur-
chaser against the former owner.
In the case of an involuntary
transfer, the mortgage creditor, to whom the property is transferred,
is only liable for those unit debts that were incurred in the six months
before the acquisition of the unit.
The statute also extends this obli-
gation to financial institutions that had provided credit to purchasers
who bought units in a scheme on the basis of building plans before
the condominium building was completed.
In terms of the Québec Civil Code, the purchaser of a unit may
request a statement from the association (syndicat) detailing the
common expenses due with respect to the unit, adjusted to the last
annual budget. If the statement is not provided within fifteen days,
73. Id.; see also id. art. 51 (requiring the administrator to issue a certificate indicating the
outstanding debt in respect of the unit in every case of a change of owne rship of a unit).
74. Id. art. 29.
75. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 41 (codified in P.R. LAWS ANN.
tit. 31, § 1293e (2005)).
76. Id. arts. 39, 41 (codified in §§ 1293c, e).
77. Id. art. 41 (codified in § 1293e). Financial institutions that take over units in building
projects in a mortgage foreclosure are not equated to developers and are thus exempted from
paying debts owed in excess of six months, provided that they do not take charge of the comple-
tion of the project. Id.
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he will be under no obligation to pay the expenses.
This fits in well
with the notion of estoppel: the impression created by the silence of
the association is that there are no outstanding claims against the pre-
vious owner.
Having received the statement, the prospective pur-
chaser can presumably negotiate for a lower price. The loss suffered
on account of non-delivery of the statement must presumably be born
by the association or recovered from the official responsible for issu-
ing such a statement. The Québec Civil Code does not impose liabil-
ity in solidum on the purchaser of a unit and does not distinguish be-
tween voluntary and involuntary transfers of a unit. For example, the
Québec court has ruled that a mortgage creditor who takes over the
unit in a mortgage foreclosure is only liable for expenses arising sub-
sequent to his acquisition of the property by court order.
The French statute imposes a specific obligation on notaries in an
effort to eliminate outstanding debts in respect of the unit at the mo-
ment of transfer. It obliges the seller, on transfer of a unit, to furnish
the notary with a certificate from the manager of the building. The
certificate must specify that all debts have been paid, and it must have
been prepared within the last month. If this is impossible, the notary
must notify the manager of the building (syndic) by recorded delivery
within 15 days of the transfer of the unit that all debts have not been
paid. The syndic can then by notice oppose any transfer of funds until
assessment arrears have been paid off out of the proceeds. The no-
tice must indicate the cause and the amount of the debt and must be
served at a domicile within the jurisdiction of a court of first instance.
The embargo on disbursement to the seller is limited to the amount
mentioned in the notice. Any voluntary or judicial payments made in
contravention of the foregoing do not have any legal validity against
the syndic. An action by the syndic gives rise to a security right in
terms of article 19-1 in favor of the association (syndicat).
The Unit Ownership Act of Montana contains another example
of joint and several liability of the seller and purchaser of a unit.
This statute provides that the “consensual grantee” of a unit is liable
in solidum for the unpaid debts of the consensual grantor up to the
78. C.C.Q. art. 1069.
79. C.C.Q. art. 1062 annot. 1062/7 (citing Syndicat de la copropieté Le Château Bellevue c.
Paradis-Cotê, C.Q. St.-François, no. 450-32-004157-988, le 19 février 1999).
80. Bank Royale du Canada c. Syndicat Port Royal [1998] R.D.I. 705 (C.Q.).
81. French Law No. 65-557, supra note 9, art. 20.
82. MONT. CODE ANN. § 70-23-611 (1995).
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time of the grant or conveyance.
This is without prejudice to the
grantee’s right to recover from the grantor the amount paid by the
In the case of an involuntary transferee (for example, when
the unit is taken over by a mortgagee at a foreclosure sale), the debt
of the former transferor is divided proportionally amongst all the unit
owners, including the purchaser.
A variant on the foregoing appears in the South African Sec-
tional Titles Act.
This Act provides that the land registrar is not en-
titled to register a transfer of a unit in the land register unless fur-
nished with a conveyancer’s certificate. This certificate must confirm
that, as of the date of registration, the body corporate (management
association) has certified that all moneys due to it have been paid or
that satisfactory provision has been made for the payment thereof.
This provision places a restriction on the transfer of a unit until arrear
levies have been paid.
In the South African courts, a dispute has
raged for some time over whether this embargo can be construed as a
tacit lien in favor of the association ranking above a previously regis-
tered mortgage. The Supreme Court of Appeal decided that this re-
striction could be significant in the case of the transfer from an insol-
vent estate.
In such a case, the embargo can be accommodated as
part of the “cost of realization” within the scheme provided for by the
South African Insolvency Act.
Consequently, the debt must be paid
before the applicable conveyancer’s certificate will be issued,
would then lead to the registration of the transfer of the unit. Only
then would the mortgagee be able to exercise his security right to be
satisfied out of the proceeds of the sale. However, in cases where the
transfer was not from an insolvent estate, the Supreme Court of Ap-
83. Id.
84. Id.
85. Id. § 70-23-610. The cost of foreclosure is borne by all the unit owners as well as the
purchaser and not by the purchaser alone. Id.
86. South African Sectional Titles Act, supra note 2.
87. Id. § 15B(3)(a)(i)(aa).
88. See id.
89. See, e.g., First Rand Bank Ltd. v. Body Corporate of Geovy Villa 2004 (3) SA 362
(SCA) at para. 27 (S. Afr.).
90. Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 § 89(1) (BSRSA 2000) (S.Afr.); see also Nel NO v. Body
Corporate of the Seaways Building 1995 (1) SA 130 (C) at 136E-F (S. Afr.) aff’d, Nel NO v.
Body Corporate of the Se aways Building 1996 (1) SA 131 (SCA) (S.Afr.).
91. Nel NO v. Body Corporate of the Seaways Building 1995 (1) SA 130 (C) at 139F (S.
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peal has refused to recognize that the embargo could be construed as
a security right, which affords the association a preferential right with
respect to outstanding debts pertaining to the unit.
Ultimately, the
provision is only effective in the case of insolvency of the transferor
by virtue of the peculiar provisions of the South African Insolvency
Act. In all other situations, this measure is effective only where the
unit owner has sufficient funds to satisfy his outstanding debts so that
the unit can be transferred.
In our opinion, an embargo on transfer or disbursement of the
proceeds of the sale to the seller-transferor, is, in principle, the most
efficient way of ensuring that the association is reimbursed for as-
sessment arrears. Since the transferor is ultimately responsible for
paying the assessment debt up until transfer, it seems only fair that
the purchaser-transferee should have a right of recourse against the
seller-transferor if he is forced to pay the outstanding debts of the
former. If this right of recourse proves fruitless, the loss should still
fall on the purchaser who, by virtue of most statutes in most jurisdic-
tions, has the right to obtain a certificate from the association indicat-
ing the extent, if any, to which contributions remain unpaid.
C. Measures to Protect the Financial Position of the Management
Association where the Financial Position of the Unit Owner Is
not Sound
1. Introduction. In order to protect management associations
from financially weak owners, several statutes grant the management
association some kind of automatic security right over the most valu-
able assets of such defaulting owners, namely their movable or im-
movable property (the apartment). These assets are encumbered
automatically. Although most statutes require that the security right
be registered, the right is created without the necessity of a court or-
der. The most important question to be considered below is whether
and to what extent the association’s security right for unpaid contri-
butions has priority over previously registered mortgages that already
burden the apartment.
92. First Rand Bank Ltd v. Body Corporate of Geovy Villa 2004 (3) SA 362 (SCA) at
paras. 30-31 (S.Afr.).
93. See, e.g., Commonhold Community Statement, art. 4, para. 4.7.4; MONT. CODE ANN. §
70-23-611 (1995).
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2. Automatic Lien over Movable Property. France is the only
one of the statutes analyzed here in which a lien over the movable
property of the unit owner is used as a security mechanism. In other
countries, in order for movable property to attach, it must be seized in
an embargo procedure. The French statute extends the application of
the special privilege (lien) created in article 2102, par. 1, of the French
Civil Code to the condominium association (syndicat).
This privi-
lege (lien) gives the association a preferential claim to the furniture in
the unit when the unit has been rented out as a furnished apartment.
Further, this privilege secures all claims that are due or will become
due to the association. If the furniture is removed, the association can
retain its security by demanding restoration within 15 days.
3. Automatic Liens over the Apartment of the Defaulting
Owner. Since the apartment is usually the most valuable asset of a
defaulting owner, several statutes grant the management association
an automatic lien against the unit and its appurtenant share in the
common property. In Ontario, this security right is linked to the un-
paid amount, interest thereon, and all costs and expenses incurred in
the collection or attempted collection of the debt.
This lien expires
three months after the default occurred, unless the corporation regis-
ters a lien over the unit, having notified the owner ten days in ad-
vance. Once registered, the lien may be enforced in the same way as
a mortgage.
Also in Ontario, on prior notification, the lien has pri-
ority over existing registered and unregistered encumbrances.
ever, this priority does not extend to certain claims by the Crown and
municipal claims for taxes, charges, rates or assessments.
Under the British Columbia Strata Property Act, the manage-
ment corporation is also empowered to register a lien against an
owner’s strata unit (lot) for non-payment of strata fees or a special
levy if the owner has not responded to a two weeks’ notice for pay-
ment and has been warned that a lien would be registered in case of
94. French Law No. 65-557, supra note 9, art. 19.
95. C. CIV. art. 2102 (Fr.).
96. Ontario Condominium Act, supra note 8, § 85(1).
97. Id. §§ 85(2)-(6).
98. Id. §§ 86(1), (3), (5).
99. Id.
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On registration, the lien ranks before every other
lien or registered charge, except for certain charges in favor of the
and entitles the management corporation to apply to the
Supreme Court for an order for a forced sale of the unit (lot).
an order must provide that if the debt is not paid within the time pe-
riod required by the order, the strata corporation may sell the strata
lot at a price and on terms to be approved by the court.
able legal costs, land title and court registry fees, and other reason-
able disbursements in connection with the registration or enforce-
ment of a lien may also be added to the amount due.
The Singaporean Act creates a similar statutory charge if a con-
tribution remains unpaid for a period of 30 days after a written de-
mand for payment has been served and the charge has been regis-
If a prior mortgage or charge creditor sells the lot in exercise
of a power of sale, the Act expressly provides that the registered
charge of the management corporation shall not be defeated by the
exercise of such power of sale.
Following the procedure and pre-
cautions set out in the Act, the management corporation may finally
sell the unit affected if the levies remain unpaid.
If the lot is bur-
dened with a prior mortgage, the management corporation would, in
practice and in view of its priority in such a case, try to save the cost
of litigation and wait for the mortgage creditor to exercise its power
of sale.
Under the Spanish statute, claims of the management association
for the present and previous year take precedence over registered
mortgages and claims provisionally registered in the land register as a
result of attachments, seizures or execution of a judgment by order of
the court. However, they rank lower than tax claims, certain insur-
100. B.C. Strata Property Act, supra note 8, §§ 112, 116(1), 116(2). Section 116(1) notes that
a lien can also be registered if the money is owed as reimbursement of the cost of work under-
taken by the corporation and the strata lot’s share of the judgement debt against the strata cor-
101. Id. §§ 116(4)-(5). The lien further does not enjoy priority to the extent that the corpora-
tion’s lien is for a share of a judgment against the strata corporation.
102. Id. § 117.
103. Id.
104. Id. § 118.
105. Singapore Strata Title Act, supra note 8, § 43(1).
106. Id. § 43(2)(b).
107. Id. § 43.
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ance claims, and certain other security rights over the unit.
France, the administrator (syndic) may register a hypothec over the
unit for contributions due over the last five years.
No registration
or supplementary registration can be requested for a debt due that is
over five years old.
The Puerto Rican statute grants the management association a
lien over a defaulting owner’s unit for outstanding maintenance and
other contributions ranking above all other claims, subject to a few
exceptions. The exceptions are as follows: state and municipal claims
for property taxes for the current year and the five years prior; claims
for outstanding insurance premiums in respect of the unit and the
building for the last two years; and, most importantly, registered
If the debt is claimed in court, the association can re-
quest that a restriction be placed on the unit preventing it from being
encumbered any further. Once the embargo is decreed, it is the re-
sponsibility of the board of directors to file a certified copy of the
embargo with the public land registry to be noted in the appropriate
In summary, the security right over the unit of an apartment
owner for unpaid contributions sometimes arises automatically, but it
must ultimately be registered to obtain validity. The secured claim in
terms of the security right varies from two to five years. In some
cases, the security right is granted priority over existing mortgages,
while in other cases it is not. In what follows, we shall scrutinize the
United States practice and, in particular, the super lien granted by the
UCIOA in order to find the ideal solution.
4. U.S. Practice. In the United States, many state statutes and
condominium declarations provide for liens against units to secure
payment of contributions from the unit owner.
However, despite
common law authority to the contrary, many statutes or condomin-
ium declarations have typically ranked these assessment liens lower
108. Spanish Law on Horizontal Property, supra note 2, art. 9; CÓD. CIV. art. 1923 (Spain).
109. French Law No. 65-557, supra note 9, arts. 19, 19-1.
110. Id.
111. Puerto Rican Condominium Law, supra note 10, art. 40 (codified at P.R. LAWS ANN.
tit. 31, § 1293d (2005)).
112. Id. art. 39 (codified in § 1293c).
113. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 357.
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than mortgages recorded at an earlier date.
This placed associa-
tions in an unenviable position, since foreclosure sales rarely produce
proceeds sufficient to satisfy the unpaid contributions secured by the
association’s lien. In a weak market where the proceeds of the sale of
the unit do not even cover the outstanding debt of the first mort-
gagee, the association’s lien would be worthless.
It is generally accepted that the needs of mortgage lenders who
play a crucial role in the development of condominiums must be ad-
dressed. However, it must be pointed out that the financial strength
of an association has a strong effect on the value of the apartments in
which both lenders and residents have invested. Difficulties experi-
enced in the collection of contributions affect the lender itself, since
not only the value of the unit concerned but also the values of other
units in the condominium which he holds as security would decrease.
As a result of the economic interdependence of unit owners, the un-
collectible shares of defaulting unit owners are passed on to their pay-
ing neighbors. These increased contributions put greater pressure on
conforming owners to also default or sell their units at lower prices in
order to avoid unexpected assessment costs.
Furthermore, financially weak associations that find it hard to
justify the cost involved in pursuing the collection of unpaid contribu-
tions set contributions at an artificially low level by cutting back on
maintenance and management.
This strategy not only overburdens
upstanding owners but also hastens the decline of common facilities
and the need for major replacement of condominium assets. These
conditions are greatly exacerbated in hard economic times. Foreclo-
sures and abandonment of units severely deplete the assessment base
and property values within these condominiums. As the assessment
base dries up, associations will be left with the choice of either heavily
burdening the decreasing number of remaining solvent residents with
increased contributions or deferring necessary maintenance opera-
tions. This, in turn, will spark even higher levies as deferred mainte-
nance takes its toll. These problems will become more acute in the
future as condominium buildings become older.
The provision for
114. Id. at 357-58.
115. Id. at 358-59.
116. Id. at 359-60.
117. Id. This problem is especially acute in South Africa where more than half of the con-
dominium stock consists of old rental buildings that have been converted to condominiums. See
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reserve funds in most statutes does not solve the problem of rising re-
curring costs.
In non-condominium foreclosures, the lender will typically try to
protect his security by payment of property taxes, premiums on casu-
alty insurance, and physical maintenance of the house. The lender
should also realize that he is protecting his own interest by shoulder-
ing some of the responsibility for the payment of outstanding contri-
butions in condominium foreclosure scenarios. Furthermore, the
lender is able to protect himself against losses by a proper investiga-
tion of the borrower’s credit, by varying the size of the loan relative to
the value of the property, by requiring escrow funds to cover priority
claims, or by obtaining mortgage insurance. Being the unit owner’s
involuntary creditor, none of these safeguards are open to the con-
dominium association.
5. The Superlien of the Uniform Common Interest Ownership
Act (UCIOA). To strike an equitable balance between the need to
collect unpaid levies swiftly and the necessity to retain the continued
investment of lenders in condominiums, the UCIOA offers an ingen-
ious compromise: it grants the condominium association a super pri-
ority lien over previously registered (first) mortgages for unpaid con-
tributions for up to six months before the foreclosure action.
Computation of the amount of the lien is based on a periodically
adopted budget.
In reality, a lien with a split priority is created.
This perpetually renewable lien comes into existence once the as-
sessment or fine becomes due. As soon as a unit owner defaults on
his payments, it is transformed into a lien with super priority.
excess of the total assessment defaults and fines or costs over the six
month ceiling remains a lien on the property. The portion of the as-
sociation lien securing this excess will be junior to the first mortgage
TIME-SHARING 7-14 n.63 (1999).
118. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 360-61.
119. UCIOA §§ 3-116(a), (b), (d), (h). See Winokur, supra note 11, at 366-68 on the ques-
tion of whether a non-judicial foreclosure also qualifies as an “action.”
120. UCIOA §§ 3-116 (h), 3-103(c) (1994). See also Winokur, supra note 11, at 369, opining
that the UCIOA budget procedure strikes a good balance between insisting on methodical fi-
nancial planning by associations and allowing association boards space to govern without severe
interruption by unrepresentative, disgruntled owners.
121. UCIOA § 3-116(b)(ii) (1994). For the position of condominium associations existing
before the introduction of the super lien, see Winokur, supra note 11, at 369-74.
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on the unit, but senior to other mortgages and encumbrances not re-
corded before the declaration. Thus, although the association’s lien is
a single lien, it is split into two liens holding varying priority.
mortgage foreclosure can thus extinguish whatever portion of this lien
is not prioritized as it would any junior lien.
Subject to any contrary
language in the declaration, the UCIOA’s assessment lien covers
regular monthly dues, as well as fees, charges, fines and interest.
The lien and its statutory priority may not be waived.
To benefit from this mechanism, the association must record a
verified claim for unpaid contributions, which describes the amount
due, the name of the owner, and the common elements of the scheme.
There is no need to record the lien, since recording of the declaration
on establishment of the scheme is considered notice of any future
claim of the association and perfection of the lien.
A lender or pro-
spective lender is not kept ignorant of the outstanding amount. The
former may at any time ascertain this amount by requesting that the
unit owner obtain from the association a recordable statement indi-
cating the precise amount of any arrears.
If the unit owner fails to
pay, the association can collect the assessment by taking advantage of
122. Winokur, supra note 11, at 366 (showing that such a split priority is also encountered in
a construction loan lien securing future optional advances held partially senior and pa rtially jun-
ior to an intervening materialman’s lien, based on advances made before a materialman’s lien
attached). See id. at 374-75 for the ranking of mechanics’ liens vis-à-vis the super lien.
123. Winokur, supra note 11, at 363 (discussing the possible advantages of instalment as-
sessment obligations and providing a reference to WASH. REV. CODE § 123.1 64.34.364(1)
(1990) as an illustration).
124. UCIOA § 3-116(a) (1994). Some states expressly add attorney’s fees. See, e.g., COLO.
REV. STAT. § 38-33.3-316(1) (1991) (Supp. 1991); CONN. GEN. STAT. § 47-258(1991). See Karen
Ellert Peña, Reining in Property Owners’ Associations’ Power: Texas’s Need for a Comprehen-
sive Plan, 33 ST. MARYS L.J. 323, 350 (2002), for a discussion of § 207.125(j) of the proposed
Texas Planned Community Act, which prohibits the association from foreclosing a lien for an
assessment consisting solely of fines or attorney’s fees associated with fines.
125. UCIOA § 1-104 (1994). See generally Winokur, supra note 11, at 363-67.
126. UCIOA § 3-116(d) (1994). See generally Winokur, supra note 11, at 385-87.
127. See Robert G. Natelson, Condominiums, Reform, and the Unit Ownership Act, 58
MONT. L. REV. 495, 541-43 (1997). See also Winokur, supra note 11, at 387-89, which states that
instead of having assessment delinquencies recorded, the UCIOA § 3-116(h) allows a unit
owner to request a recordable assessment status certificate from the association indicating the
unpaid contributions charged against the owner. This certificate, which must be delivered
within ten business days, is binding on the association, the board and all the unit owners. The
certificate statement can be placed on public record and presented to other interested parties,
such as a mortgagee or potential buyer. In practice, buyers, lenders and title insurers regularly
insist on such an “estoppel statement” as proof that assessment delinquency does not encumber
the unit. Id.
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the local jurisdiction’s expedited foreclosure or holdover-tenant pro-
Alternatively the association may simply wait and use the
lien to prevent the sale of the unit until the lien is paid off. If a unit
owner resists, or brings an action to challenge the imposition of fees
or the lien, or contests foreclosure and loses, the association is enti-
tled to attorney’s fees.
An association lien may be foreclosed in a similar manner to a
mortgage on real estate or by power of sale if the declaration allows
for such an option.
The association would join the holders of any
mortgage, deeds of trust or other interests junior to the super lien as
necessary parties to a judicial foreclosure, or formally notify these
parties of the sale in non-judicial foreclosure.
Holders of junior in-
terests would have the right to receive any excess of the foreclosure
sale price over the amount of the super lien in the order of their pri-
The association’s lien on an outstanding amount exceeding
six months from the date of action would be among those junior in-
If the first mortgagee institutes foreclosure proceedings on any
the mortgage and its foreclosure would be subject to an ex-
isting super lien.
As a senior interest, the association’s super lien
could probably not be forced into the mortgage foreclosure, but if the
association participates, payment of the super lien will be necessary to
clear title for resale or for presentation of mortgage insurance.
In the past, lenders tended to delay foreclosure on their mort-
gages for extended periods until they had worked out some disposi-
tion for the property.
This delay threatened many condominium
associations in economically depressed markets when a single lender
held defaulted mortgages on a substantial number of units with either
128. UCIOA § 3-116(j) (1994).
129. UCIOA § 3-116(g) (1994). See also Elberg, supra note 7, at 1974-75.
130. UCIOA § 3-116(j) (1994). See Winokur, supra note 11, at 376-77 (discussing the posi-
tion with regard to foreclosure by power of sale).
131. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 377.
132. Id.
133. Id.
134. This could be on mortgage payment default or in terms of a provision in the mortgage
deed allowing the mortgagee to initiate action on assessment default by the mortgagor-unit
135. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 371-74.
136. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 377-78.
137. Id. at 379.
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insolvent or abandoning owners.
But now lenders are threatened
with substantial procedural delays if the association forecloses on its
super lien.
In order to retain control over foreclosure, the lender
may agree to pay delinquent contributions to the association. This
was the response envisaged by the drafters of the UCIOA.
Such payment might also seem attractive when assessment de-
fault is not accompanied by default in the mortgage payments, espe-
cially since most mortgage agreements allow a borrower’s delinquent
contributions to be added to the secured debt. Moreover, payment is
frequently realized by discounting the value of the unit by an amount
equal to the six months’ levies and adjusting the size of the loan ac-
cordingly. While still subject to the super lien being triggered on fu-
ture defaults,
with any luck those defaults will not immediately
prompt an association foreclosure. While the economy is strong, the
lender (mortgage creditor) can frequently encourage the unit owner
to cure his default and avoid future defaults even if this means provid-
ing the unit owner with some cash by raising the amount of the loan.
When the economy is weak, the lender would probably elect to re-
frain from paying contributions, obtain title to the unit in foreclosure,
and either sell or rent the unit for income to pay contributions.
the final analysis, the association has an interest in facilitating the
foreclosure: foreclosure results in a new owner for the unit, most
likely the initial lender, who will pay contributions regularly in the fu-
ture. If the lender holds multiple properties in a condominium
scheme, the resulting assessment income can be substantial.
A compelling case can be made for granting the assessment lien a
limited priority over first mortgages.
The money obtained from
unit owners is used to maintain the common property and to encour-
age efficient management and thus to protect the first mortgagee’s
(lender’s) security by maintaining or increasing the market value of
138. Id.
139. Id.
140. UCIOA § 3-116 (1994).
141. Payment by the lender does not necessarily trigger an equitable redemption of the su-
per lien due to the latter’s renewable character. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 380-84.
142. See id. at 385.
143. See id. at 377-79.
144. See generally Natelson, supra note 127, at 543; Winokur, supra note 11, at 357; Fierro,
supra note 7, at 265-66.
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his security.
Since the lender expects to spend money in other fore-
closure settings to protect his security, he should not balk at the idea
of a super priority of six months’ contributions that ranks above his
mortgage for money expended on the mortgaged property. Without
such priority, the costs of maintaining the building are diverted un-
fairly to the other unit owners who are ultimately liable for any short-
fall. Furthermore, mortgage foreclosures on units leave the associa-
tion with little remaining equity in the defaulter from which to collect
arrears; the other owners are not obliged and are often unwilling to
stand in for the shortfall whenever there is one. Over time, this lack
of money would ruin the reputation of the building and in turn the se-
curity of other lenders.
Again, where the association provides additional services in the
form of the provision of roads and garbage collection, such services
could be drastically impeded with a negative effect on the security of
lenders. In this context, the association’s lien is comparable to a local
authority’s charge on property for payment for services rendered.
Furthermore, lenders are in a much better position to protect them-
selves against default than the association. In principle, associations
are not allowed to restrict entry into a condominium scheme, whereas
lenders can choose the persons they want to do business with. In ad-
dition, lenders can obtain mortgage insurance and insist on escrow ar-
rangements (money paid into a trust account), as they already do for
taxes and insurance.
The idea behind limiting the super priority to
six months of periodic contributions levied pursuant to a budget is to
encourage associations to enforce the lien diligently and to take care
by budgeting meticulously. Since lenders are almost invariably suffi-
ciently sophisticated to have notice of the recorded condominium
declarations and can obtain a certificate indicating the outstanding
charges against a unit, they can devise an action plan to safeguard
their security.
In the United States fears have been expressed that the super
priority of the association would impair the sale of mortgages on the
145. According to most condominium statutes, a unit consists of a part icular apartment plus
an undivided share in the common elements. See, e.g., South African Sectional Titles Act, supra
note 2, § 1; MONT. CODE ANN. § 70-23-401 to 403 (1995).
146. Natelson, supra note 127, at 543.
147. The practice of furnishing such an “estoppel” certificate is well established. See, e.g.,
Uniform Ownership Act, MONT. CODE ANN. § 70-23-611 (1995).
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secondary market.
This in turn would dry up mortgage funds to
prospective unit owners and interfere with the sale of condomini-
However, the most important lending institutions
contemplate acquisition of mortgages subject to the super lien.
thermore, attorneys in states that have adopted the super lien insist
that there is no evidence that its existence impairs sales of mortgages
on the secondary market or indeed the sale of condominiums in gen-
It has also been suggested that the loss of priority would force
lenders to demand that each purchaser of a unit escrow six months of
contributions to stave off the risk of having to pay for defaulted con-
Since developers may not be shown any preference in
the allocation of assessment liability, the substantial burden placed on
them during the early life of a condominium would substantially in-
crease the development cost of condominiums, which would be
passed on to purchasers. However, the expectation that escrows
would be required was one of the reasons behind the UCIOA’s provi-
sion limiting the super lien to six months’ arrears.
While experience
with the super lien suggests that lenders do not ordinarily impose es-
crow conditions on unit purchasers,
the imposition of escrow condi-
tions should be recognized as a legitimate cost generated by the main-
tenance of the building and other services and facilities in which unit
owners share. Furthermore, the requirement for escrow funds ulti-
mately protects the interests of the non-defaulting owners whose own
contributions might otherwise increase substantially upon the default
of other owners.
The UCIOA’s super lien should be seen as a genuine attempt to
protect the financial vitality of condominium associations, which are
148. Mortgage creditors sell their negotiable mortgage bonds in the secondary mortgage
market to investors who normally require these bonds to be insured with priority claims on the
property offered as security. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 390-91.
149. For unwarranted fears expressed by title insurers see Winokur, supra note 11, at 392-
150. Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mort-
gage Corporation (Freddie Mae).
151. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 390 & n.157.
152. See id. at 390-91 & n. 158.
153. See id. at 391.
154. UCIOA, § 3-116, comment 1, 7 (1994); 7 U.L.A. at 529 (1982); Robert A. Wittie, Ori-
gins of the Community Association’s Special Lien Priority for Unpaid Assessments under the
Uniform Acts, 1 MULTIPLE OWNERSHIP ACTS SYMPOSIUM 171, 173 (1991).
155. See Winokur, supra note 11, at 392 & n.162.
156. See id. at 391-92.
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now performing many functions traditionally carried out by local au-
thorities in the United States, such as garbage collection and mainte-
nance of streets and parks. Problems with the collection of contribu-
tions would jeopardize important community services and would
place the burden of maintaining the common elements disproportion-
ately on the shoulders of the members who make timely payments.
The super lien would substantially improve the financial strength of
associations, address lender concerns by limiting the super lien to six
months’ arrear contributions and shield unit purchasers from addi-
tional payments. Furthermore, lenders have a variety of other means
of protecting themselves. Some added risk does not seem unduly bur-
densome in exchange for assuring maintenance of common property
and protecting the value of their collateral. A fair balance is thus
struck between the interests most closely involved. Again, this lien
can make sometimes enfeebled associations more aggressive vis-à-vis
other foreclosure claimants and “leaner” by compelling them to
streamline association budgeting, increase responsiveness to inquiries
and document their affairs more thoroughly.
It is clear that condominium associations must be given teeth to
enforce the payment of contributions. A quick solution is needed in
order to place associations in a position where they can manage the
scheme effectively and not procrastinate on maintenance and repairs.
What is needed is a swift, inexpensive procedure to allow the associa-
tion to gather funds in a short time. For this purpose, associations in
many countries have to fall back on ordinary recovery of debt proce-
dures, while some jurisdictions provide for a swifter summary proce-
dure in their condominium statutes.
The best solution is offered by the Singaporean statute, which al-
lows condominium associations to institute their claims for arrear
contributions in small claims courts. These courts, as elsewhere, are
157. See id. at 294-95; id. at 395 (summarizing the technical problems impeding the function-
ing of the super lien provisions of the UCIOA); Ronald B. Cox, Case Law Development: Com-
mercial Law: II. Purchase Money Mortgage Held Superior to Liens for Past Due Assessments, 47
S.C.L. REV. 26, 30-31 (1995); Peña, supra note 124, at 350, 363-64 (arguing for better protection
of the owner at a foreclosure sale and for more compassionate means of enforcing an owner’s
assessment debt). See also Natelson, supra note 127, at 546-47 (criticizing provisions that allow
the association to collect rent from the unit owner after default until eviction).
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renowned for their swift and inexpensive operation.
As in the case
of ordinary debtors, defaulters on contributions should be obliged to
pay interest on late payments as well as the cost of collection, includ-
ing reasonable attorney’s fees. Deprivation of the vote of defaulting
owners would have little deterrent value. However, if compatible
with the social mores of a country and the owner’s human rights,
the imposition of fines, the cutting off of services and use of facilities,
and the “name and shame” measures discussed above might well
make a solvent owner think twice before he falls into arrears with his
However, the crucial question is how the condominium statutes
should deal with the unit owner who has financial difficulties in keep-
ing up with his payment of contributions. Most statutes allow for the
attachment of the movable (personal) property of the defaulter and
ultimately for foreclosure on the unit itself. Alternative dispute reso-
lution procedures might be helpful to bring the defaulter, the associa-
tion and lenders (mortgage creditors) together in an effort to re-
schedule the mortgage debt and/or work out ways in which the
contribution debt can be satisfied.
The debtor may, for instance, be
able to refinance his unit with his original mortgage creditor and use
the additional amount to pay his arrear contributions.
But ultimately a quick measure is needed to replace the defaulter
with a solvent new owner who can honor his contribution payment
obligations to the association. In this regard, the super lien proposed
by the UCIOA seems to offer an ideal solution. The compromise
reached for the division of the proceeds of the foreclosure sale seems
fair and financially sound. The priority claim for six months arrears
158. See also Hadley Batchelder, Mandatory ADR in Common Interest Developments:
Oxymoronic or just Moronic, 23 T. JEFFERSON L. REV. 227, 240 (2001).
159. Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights identifies respect for private
life and the home as an important human right, which can only be infringed if such an infringe-
ment is proportionate to the offense. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fun-
damental Freedoms art. 8, opened for signature November 4, 1950, 213 U.N.T.S. 222. In princi-
ple, a condominium association as a non-public, non-governmental body would generally be in a
very weak position to justify infringing human rights on the European stage.
160. A struggling artist can, for instance, be employed to complete artwork authorized by
the general meeting in the common areas. Depending on their individual skills, other unit own-
ers can be required to provide a specific service relating to cleaning, maintenance or security in
order to “work off” their arrears. For criticism of using ADR processes to recover arrear con-
tributions, see Batchelder, supra note 158, at 236-40.
161. This is normally an option for retired unit owners who have good credit ratings but
have developed cash flow problems as a result of small pensions.
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should encourage the management association to act swiftly to get the
condominium scheme back on track by providing for a solvent new
owner prepared to regularly pay his or her contributions to common