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Trend Micro, the Trend Micro t-ball logo, Deep Security, Control Server Plug-in, Damage Cleanup Services, eServer Plug-in, InterScan,
Network VirusWall, ScanMail, ServerProtect, and TrendLabs are trademarks or registered trademarks of Trend Micro, Incorporated. All
other product or company names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their owners.
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*0( )/last updated: January 19, 2017
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
About This Document...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
About Deep Security ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
What's New ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
System Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 19
What You Will Need (VMware NSX) ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Database Considerations ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Installation ................................................................................................................................ 25
Installing the Deep Security Manager .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent..................................................................................................................................... 33
Installing and Configuring a Relay-enabled Agent.............................................................................................................................. 44
Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment...................................................................................................................... 45
Installing the Deep Security Notifier ................................................................................................................................................ 58
Automated Policy Management in NSX Environments ........................................................................................................................ 60
Upgrading ................................................................................................................................. 64
Upgrading to Deep Security 9.6 SP1 in an NSX Environment .............................................................................................................. 65
Upgrading from a pre-9.6 vShield to a 9.6 SP1 NSX Environment........................................................................................................ 68
Appendices ................................................................................................................................ 72
Silent Install of Deep Security Manager ........................................................................................................................................... 73
Deep Security Manager Settings Properties File ................................................................................................................................ 75
Deep Security Manager Memory Usage ............................................................................................................................................ 81
Deep Security Virtual Appliance Memory Usage ................................................................................................................................ 82
Deep Security Manager Performance Features .................................................................................................................................. 84
Creating an SSL Authentication Certificate ....................................................................................................................................... 85
Minimum VMware Privileges for DSVA Deployment (NSX) .................................................................................................................. 88
Installing a vSphere Distributed Switch ........................................................................................................................................... 89
Preparing ESXi servers .................................................................................................................................................................. 90
Installing the Guest Introspection Service ........................................................................................................................................ 91
Creating NSX Security Groups ........................................................................................................................................................ 93
Enable Multi-Tenancy .................................................................................................................................................................... 95
Multi-Tenancy (Advanced) ........................................................................................................................................................... 103
Installing a Database for Deep Security (Multi-Tenancy Requirements) .............................................................................................. 105
Uninstalling Deep Security from your NSX Environment ................................................................................................................... 109
About This Document
Deep Security Installation Guide (VMware NSX)
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Intended Audience
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) About This Document
Other Deep Security Documentation
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) About This Document
About Deep Security
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) About Deep Security
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Deep Security Components
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Deep Security Manager
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) About Deep Security
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Built-in Security
*' ;.   .. ''*2. (0'/$+' ($)$./-/*-. @. -.A7 # 2$/# $!! - )/ . /. *!  .. ) $/$)" -$"#/.7 /* $/ ) (*)$/*- $!! - )/
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Deep Security Virtual Appliance
#  +  0-$/4 $-/0' ++'$) -0). . 2- 1$-/0' (#$) ) +-*/ /. /# */# - 1$-/0' (#$) . *) /# .( $  -1 -7 #
2$/#$/.*2)$)$1$0'. 0-$/4+*'$4:
Deep Security Agent
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Deep Security Notifier
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- $.+'4 :
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) About Deep Security
What's New
Deep Security 9.6 SP1
Increased NSX Policy Integration
? * ''*2 !*-   -/$Z$/$*)7  +  0-$/4 )" - ) )*2 *)Z$"0-  /* .4)#-*)$5 $/. +*'$$ . 2$/# : #$. - / .
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Multi-factor Authentication with Google Authenticator
*0))*2 )' (0'/$;!/*-0/# )/$/$*)2# )'*""$)"$)/* + 0-$/4)" -:
Windows 10 Support
#  + 0-$/4" )/)+-*/ /*(+0/ -./#/- -0))$)"$-*.*!/$)*2.LK:
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Real-Time Anti-Malware Support for Amazon Linux
 ';/$( )/$;'2- .0++*-/$.)*21$'' *)(5*)$)03:
Terms and Conditions
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Report Classifications
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) What's New
Security Module Usage Cumulative Report
) 2 < 0-$/4 *0' ." 0(0'/$1 = - +*-/ 3/ ). /# 0-- )/  0-$/4 *0' ." - +*-/: # ) 2 - +*-/ +-*1$ . 0(0'/$1
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Deep Security 9.6
VMware vSphere 6 Support
?  + 0-$/4T:Q)*2.0++*-/.1+# - Q:
? Q:L:O0++*-/))/ "-/$*)9
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SAP Protection For Linux
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IBM QRadar Support
 + 0-$/4))*2*0/+0/.4.'*"( .." .$)*"1 )/3/ ) *-(/@M:KA!*-$)/ "-/$*)2$/#-:
Real-Time Anti-Malware for CloudLinux
 ';/$( )/$;'2- $.1$'' *)'*0$)03R:
Additional Platform Support
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? )/ -+-$. $)03LM
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) What's New
Deep Security Database Support for Oracle 12c
 + 0-$/4)" -)*2.0++*-/.-' LM!*-$/.&; )/. :
Active Directory Synchronization on Login
 20. -.- / $)/$1 $- /*-4))*2'*"$)/* + 0-$/4)" - !*- /# /$1 $- /*-44)/.&#. )-0):
Deep Security Relay Downloads from Trend Micro Download Center
) .$/0/$*). 2# - /#  +  0-$/4  '4 ))*/ $- /'4  .. /#  +  0-$/4 )" -7 /#  '4 ) )*2 *2)'* 0+/ . !-*( - )
$-**2)'* )/ -:
Minor Report Enhancements
#  0-$/4*0' 0." - +*-/)*2#.*'0().!*-/# *(+0/ --*0+)/# )./) 4+ @!*-2*-&'*.A:
Automatic Updates of Online Help
#  + 0-$/4*)'$) # '+))*2 0+/ . (' ..'4$) + 0-$/4)" -/#-*0"#) 2)'$)  '++&" :
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) What's New
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) System Requirements
System Requirements
Deep Security Manager
Minimum Memory: 8GB, which includes:
4GB heap memory
1.5GB JVM overhead
2GB operating system overhead
Minimum Disk Space: 1.5GB (5GB recommended)
Operating System:
Windows Server 2012 (64-bit), Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) with latest service pack or
Windows Server 2008 (64-bit), Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) with latest service pack or
Windows 2003 Server R2 SP2 (64-bit) with latest service pack or patch
Red Hat Linux 5/6/7 (64-bit)
If you are installing the AWS Marketplace version of Deep Security Manager, it must be installed
on an AWS Linux instance.
Oracle Database 12c
Oracle Database 11g, Oracle Database 11g Express
Microsoft SQL Server 2014, Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express
Microsoft SQL Server 2012, Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express
Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express
SQL Server Express is not recommended for production systems, especially in multi-tenant
Azure SQL Database is not supported for use with a Deep Security Manager software installation. It is
only supported with the Deep Security Manager VM for Azure Marketplace.
Web Browser: Firefox 38+, Internet Explorer 9.x, Internet Explorer 10.x, Internet Explorer 11.x, Chrome 43+, Safari 6+.
(Cookies enabled.)
Monitor: 1024 x 768 resolution at 256 colors or higher
Deep Security Agent
Minimum Memory:
with Anti-Malware protection: 512MB
without Anti-Malware protection: 128MB
Minimum Disk Space:
with Anti-Malware protection: 1GB
without Anti-Malware protection: 500MB
with Relay functionality enabled: 8GB
Windows Server 2012 (64-bit), Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) - Full Server or Server Core with latest service pack
or patch
Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
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Upgrading a Deep Security Agent system to Windows 10
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) System Requirements
? +"- /#  +  0-$/4 " )/ /* 1 -.$*) T:Q L  !*- 0+"-$)" /# *+ -/$)" .4./ (: -'$ - 1 -.$*). *! /#  +  0-$/4
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Deep Security Virtual Appliance
? Minimum &(+26 O@ (*-4- ,0$- ( )/.)1-4 + )$)"*)/# )0( -*!. $)"+-*/ / A:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) System Requirements
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ESXi Requirements for the Deep Security Virtual Appliance
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Deep Security Notifier System Requirements
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) System Requirements
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) System Requirements
What You Will Need (VMware NSX)
Deep Security Software Packages
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) What You Will Need (VMware NSX)
SMTP Server
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Network Communication
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) What You Will Need (VMware NSX)
Reliable Time Stamps
'' *(+0/ -. *) 2#$#  +  0-$/4 *!/2- $. -0))$)" .#*0' .4)#-*)$5  2$/# - '$' /$( .*0- : *- 3(+' 7 - "0'-'4
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Performance Recommendations
"&#%* ##!# %&#$ /"950:
Deep Security Manager and Database Hardware
)4  +  0-$/4 )" - *+ -/$*). @.0# . +/ . )  *(( )/$*) ).A - ,0$- #$"#  )  (*-4 - .*0- .: - ) $-*
- *(( )./#/ #)" -)* #1 !*0-*- .).0!Z$$ )/$)#$"#.'  )1$-*)( )/.:
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*-(*- $)!*-(/$*)7. %$! $#%! $ /"340:
Dedicated Servers
#  +  0-$/4 )" - ) /# /. ) $)./''  *) /# .( *(+0/ - $! 4*0- Z$)'  +'*4( )/ $. )*/ 3+ /  /* 3  LKKK
*(+0/ -. @- ' *- 1$-/0'A: ! 4*0 /#$)& 4*0 (4 3  LKKK *(+0/ -.7 /#  +  0-$/4 )" - ) /# /. .#*0' $)./'' 
*)  $/  . -1 -.: / $. '.* $(+*-/)/ /#/ /# /. ) /#  +  0-$/4 )" - *;'*/  *) /# .( ) /2*-& 2$/# L
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High Availability Environments
! 4*0 0. 2- H. $"# 1$'$'$/4 @A ! /0- .7 (& .0- /#/ /#  )1$-*)( )/ $. ./'$.#   !*- 4*0  "$) $)./''$)"  +  0-$/4:
 +  0-$/4 (0./  +'*4  *) '' $ #4+ -1$.*-. @$)'0$)" /# *) . 0.  !*- - *1 -4 *+ -/$*).A:  +'*4$)"  +  0-$/4 *) ''
#4+ -1$.*-.2$'' ).0- /#/+-*/ /$*)- ($).$) !! /!/ -- *1 -4*+ -/$*):
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) What You Will Need (VMware NSX)
Database Considerations
 ! - /* 4*0- /. +-*1$ -H. *0( )//$*) !*- $)./-0/$*). *) /. $)./''/$*) )  +'*4( )/ 0/ & + /# !*''*2$)"
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Install before Deep Security
*0 (0./ $)./'' /# /. .*!/2- 7 - / /. $)./) !*-  +  0-$/4 @$! 4*0 - )*/ 0.$)" /#  !0'/ $)./) A7 ) - /
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*)) /$*).- )*/- *(( ) :A
Dedicated Server
# /. .#*0' $)./'' *). +-/  $/ (#$) :
Microsoft SQL Server
? )' I (*/ *)) /$*).I:@ #//+9>>(.):($-*.*!/:*(> );0.>'$--4>TKTRLM@1W1.:TKA:.+3A
? # /. *0)/0. 4/#  + 0-$/4)" -(0./#1 ?(0'+ -$"#/.:
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Oracle Database
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Transport Protocol
# - *(( ) /-).+*-/+-*/**'$. :
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Database Considerations
Connection Settings Used During Deep Security Manager Installation.
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Avoid special Characters for the database user name (Oracle)
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Keep the database Name Short (SQL Server)
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Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters) Support
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High Availability
#  +  0-$/4 /. $. *(+/$' 2$/# /. !$'*1 - +-*/ /$*) .* '*)" . )* '/ -/$*). - ( /* /# /. .# (: *-
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Database Considerations
Installing the Deep Security Manager
Before You Begin
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Co-Located Relay-enabled Agent
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Proxy Server Information
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Multi-Node Manager
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Manager
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Download the the Installer Package
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Install the Deep Security Manager for Windows
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Manager
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Manager
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Manager
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Manager
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Installing the Deep Security Manager for Linux
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Starting Deep Security Manager
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Manually Importing Additional Deep Security Software
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Manager
M: ) /#  +  0-$/4 )" -7 "* /* &"'",-+-"(' N )-, N (-0+ N (% ) '$& &)(+-777 $) /# /**'- /* $.+'4 /#
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Manager
Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
#$.. /$*) .-$ .#*2/*$)./'')/$1/  + 0-$/4" )/.)#*2/* )'  '4!0)/$*)'$/4@$!- ,0$- A:
Importing Agent Software
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
N: 1 /# " )/$)./'' -/*'*'!*' -:
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Installing the Windows Agent
L: *+4 /# " )/ $)./'' - Z$' /* /# /-" / (#$) ) *0' ;'$& /# $)./''/$*) Z$' /* -0) /# $)./'' - +&" : / /# '*(
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' "'(0, +/+ B@AB B +/+ (+4 2(. &.,- %.'! -! "',-%%+ .,"' -!", (&&'5 msiexec /i Agent-
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 +&'- )'$& 1-:
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
N: ,-"'-"('(%+6  ' //# '*/$*)2# - 4*02*0''$&  + 0-$/4" )//* $)./'' )'$& 1-:
O: 2-("',-%%+'"+().+"-2 '-6 '$& ',-%% /*+-* 2$/#/# $)./''/$*):
P: (&)%-6 2# )/# $)./''/$*)#.*(+' / .0 ..!0''47'$& "'",!:
#  + 0-$/4" )/$.)*2$)./'' )-0))$)"*)/#$.*(+0/ -7)2$''./-/ 1 -4/$( /# (#$) **/.:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
Installing the Red Hat, SUSE, Oracle Linux, or Cloud Linux Agent
(.&.,-%( (',>+((->-("',-%%-! '-6%-+'-"/%242(.'.,>,.(>6
L: *+4/# $)./''/$*)Z$' /*/# /-" /(#$) :
M: . I-+(;$I/*$)./''/# .G" )/+&" 9
# rpm -i <package name>
Preparing... ########################################## [100%]
1:ds_agent ########################################## [100%]
Loading ds_filter_im module version ELx.x [ OK ]
Starting ds_agent: [ OK ]
@. I-+(;I/*0+"- !-*(+- 1$*0.$)./'':#$.++-*#2$''+- . -1 4*0-+-*Z$' . //$)".A
N: #  + 0-$/4" )/2$''./-/0/*(/$''40+*)$)./''/$*):
Installing the Ubuntu or Debian Agent
*''*2 /# $)./-0/$*). 0) - I(+*-/$)" " )/ *!/2- I @*1 A /* $(+*-/ /# ++-*+-$/ 0)/0 *-  $) " )/ .*!/2- +&" !-*(
/# *2)'* )/ -/* + 0-$/4)" -)/# ) 3+*-//# $)./'' -@: Z$' A:
*$)./''*)0)/0*- $)7*+4/# $)./'' -Z$' @: A/*/# /-" /(#$) )0. /# !*''*2$)"*(()9
sudo dpkg -i <installer file>
Starting, stopping and resetting the Agent on Linux:
Command-line options:
*./-//# " )/9
/etc/init.d/ds_agent start
*./*+/# " )/9
/etc/init.d/ds_agent stop
*- . //# " )/9
/etc/init.d/ds_agent reset
*- ./-//# " )/9
/etc/init.d/ds_agent restart
Installing the Solaris Agent
? '$$*)1L:LL*- // -
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
? +Z$'G*'-$.G3:+&"
? " )/;*'-$.GP:T;T:K:K;3333:.+-:+&":"5
? " )/;*'-$.GP:LKGR;T:K:K;3333:3SQGQO:+&":"5
? " )/;*'-$.GP:LKGP;T:K:K;3333:3SQGQO:+&":"5
? " )/;*'-$.GP:LL;T:K:K;3333:$NSQ:+P+:"5
? " )/;*'-$.GP:LL;T:K:K;3333:.+-:+P+:"5
To install the Solaris 11 Agent:
L: *+4/# $)./''/$*)Z$' /*/# /-" /(#$)
M: )./''/# " )/9
gunzip Agent-Solaris_5.x_sparc-9.x.x-xxxx.sparc.p5p.gz
pkg install -g Agent*p5p ds-agent
svcadm enable ds_agent
To install the Solaris 10 Agent:
L: *+4/# $)./''/$*)Z$' /*/# /-" /(#$)
M: )./''/# " )/9
gunzip Agent-Solaris_5.10_U7-9.x.x-xxxx.x86_64.pkg.gz
pkgadd -d Agent-Solaris_5.10_U7-9.x.x-xxxx.x86_64.pkg all
To install the Solaris Sparc 9 Agent:
L: ,0$- ''*!/# - ,0$- +&" .@. *1 A
M: *+4/# $)./''/$*)Z$' /*/# /-" /(#$)
N: )./'''$$*)1;L:S;.*'3;.+-:"59
gunzip libiconv-1.8-solx-sparc.gz
pkgadd -d libiconv-1.8-solx-sparc all
O: )./'''$";N:O:Q;.*'3;.+-:"59
gunzip libgcc-3.4.6-solx-sparc.gz
pkgadd -d libgcc-3.4.6-solx-sparc all
P: )./''+Z$'9
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
pkgadd -d pfil_Solaris_x.pkg all
Q: 0.#/# +Z$'./- ((*0' $)/*/# ) /2*-&$)/ -! 9
ifconfig <interface> modinsert pfil@2
)L"% ,!(.% ( +" !- -+ ") "' -! '-0(+$ "'-+ ,-+&6 ( -+&"' 0!+ ") ",4 )+(+&5 "('L" J"'-+K
&(%",-'',.+-!--!'.&+.,('-!&("',+-",('!" !+-!'-!'.&+(")"'-!&(%",-6
)L"% &.,-   -( -! '-0(+$ ,-$ (+ ! ( -! "'-+, -!  '- 0"%%  )+(--"' -(.! 9-9")6(' 9-9
"'"-69)L"%,-+-:(+&(+"'(+&-"('4,>(-,('',-%%"' ('(%+",:H'I)+;(,->4%(06;
R: )./''/# " )/9
gunzip Agent-Solaris_5.x_sparc-9.x.x-xxxx.sparc.pkg.gz
pkgadd -d Agent-Solaris_5.x_sparc-9.x.x-xxxx.sparc.pkg all
To start, stop and reset the Agent on Solaris 10 and 11
? svcadm enable ds_agent ;./-/./# " )/
? svcadm disable ds_agent ;./*+./# " )/
? /opt/ds_agent/dsa_control -r ;- . /./# " )/
? svcadm restart ds_agent ;- ./-/./# " )/
? svcs –a | grep ds_agent ;$.+'4." )/.//0.
To start, stop and reset the Agent on Solaris 9:
? /etc/init.d/ds_agent start ;./-/./# " )/
? /etc/init.d/ds_agent stop ;./*+./# " )/
? /opt/ds_agent/dsa_control -r ;- . /./# " )/
? /etc/init.d/ds_agent restart ;- ./-/./# " )/
(--!--!L"%-+"' -"/"-2%( L"%,+"'9/+9%( 9,< '-
Notes on Installing PFIL on a Solaris (8 and 9 Sparc) Host
# *'-$. " )/ 0. . /#   Z$'/ - *(+*) )/  1 '*+  4 -- )  :  +  0-$/4 0-- )/'4 .0++*-/. 1 -.$*) M:L:LL: #1 0$'/
/#$..*0- * )+-*1$ +&" *)/# - )$-**2)'* )/ -7#//+9>>*2)'* )/ -:/- )($-*:*(:
0-/# -$)!*-(/$*)) !*0)/9#//+9>>**(.:)0: 0:0>E1'*):@*-*+4*!/# .*0- * 7*)//4*0-.0++*-/+-*1$ -:A
Notes on pfil
@# !*''*2$)"..0( .4*0-$)/ -! $.#( A
!4*0*I$!*)Z$"(*'$./I74*02$''. '$./*!(*0' .+0.# *)/*/# $)/ -! '$& /#$.@!*-#( KA9
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
0 arp
1 ip
2 hme
*0) /*$). -/+Z$' /2 )$+)#( 9
ifconfig hme0 modinsert pfil@2
# &$)"/# '$./74*0.#*0'. 9
0 arp
1 ip
2 pfil
3 hme
**)Z$"0- /# +Z$'/- (.(*0' /* 0/*(/$''4+0.# 2# )/#  1$ $.*+ ) 9
autopush -f /etc/opt/pfil/iu.ap
strconf < /dev/hme
.#*0'- /0-)9
'.*7 modinfo .#*0'.#*29
# modinfo | grep pfil
110 102d392c 6383 24 1 pfil (pfil Streams module 2.1.11)
110 102d392c 6383 216 1 pfil (pfil Streams driver 2.1.11)
Installing the HP-UX Agent
L: *"$).**/
M: *+4/# $)./''/$*)Z$' /*/# /-" /(#$)
N: *+4/# +&" /*/ (+*--4!*' -@I>/(+IA
O: )5$+/# +&" 0.$)""0)5$+9
/tmp> gunzip Agent-HPUX_xx.xx-x.x.x-xxxx.ia64.depot.gz
P: )./''/# " )/9@*/ /#//# +&" $.- ! - ) 0.$)"/# !0''+/#: '/$1 +/#.2$'')*/  +/ :A
/tmp> swinstall –s /tmp/Agent-HPUX_xx.xx-x.x.x-xxxx.ia64.depot ds_agent
*./-/)./*+/# " )/*);7 )/ -*) *!/# !*''*2$)"9
? /sbin/init.d/ds_agent start
? /sbin/init.d/ds_agent stop
Installing the AIX Agent
L: *"$).**/
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
M: *+4/# $)./''/$*)Z$' /*/# /-" /(#$)
N: *+4/# +&" /*/ (+*--4!*' -@I>/(+IA
O: )5$+/# +&" 0.$)""0)5$+9
/tmp> gunzip Agent-AIX_x.x-x.x.x-xxxx.powerpc.bff.gz
P: )./''/# " )/9
/tmp> installp –a –d /tmp/Agent-AIX_x.x-x.x.x-xxxx.powerpc.bff ds_agent
*./-//# " )/*)9
# startsrc -s ds_agent
*./*+/# " )/*)9
# stopsrc -s ds_agent
*'*/# -$1 -*)9
# /opt/ds_agent/ds_fctrl load
*0)'*/# -$1 -*)9
# /opt/ds_agent/ds_fctrl unload
Using Deployment Scripts to Install Agents
$)" *(+0/ - /* 4*0- '$./ *! +-*/ /  - .*0- . $)  +  0-$/4 ) $(+' ( )/$)" +-*/ /$*) $. (0'/$;./ + +-* ..: *./ *! /# . ./ +.
) + -!*-(  '*''4 !-*( /# *(() '$) *) /# *(+0/ - ) ) /# - !*- .-$+/ : #  +  0-$/4 )" -H.  +'*4( )/
-$+/" ) -/*-)  .. !-*(/# )" -H.0++*-/( )0:
!'"',-%%"' -! '-('"'(0,B@AB+/+(+4-!(-"L"+0"%%'(-"'%.6
( '+-)%(2&'-,+")-6
L: /-/ /#  +'*4( )/ -$+/ " ) -/*- 4 '$&$)" )%(2&'- +")-,777 !-*( /#  +  0-$/4 )" -H. 0+*-/ ( )0 @/ /#
/*+-$"#/*!/#  + 0-$/4)" -2$)*2A:
M:  ' //# +'/!*-(/*2#$#4*0-  +'*4$)"/# .*!/2- :
%-(+&, %",- "' -! +()7(0' &'. 0"%% (++,)(' -( -! ,(-0+ -!- 2(. !/ "&)(+- "'-( -! ) .+"-2
' +6
N:  ' / -"/-  '- .-(&-"%%2 -+ "',-%%-"(': @+/$*)'7 0/ " )/. (0./ /$1/  4 /#  +  0-$/4 )" -
 !*- +-*/ /$*)*'$4) $(+' ( )/ :A
O:  ' //# *'$44*02$.#/*$(+' ( )/*)/# *(+0/ -@*+/$*)'A
P:  ' //# *(+0/ --*0+@*+/$*)'A
Q:  ' //#  '4-*0+
. 4*0 (& /# *1 . ' /$*).7 /#  +'*4( )/ -$+/  ) -/*- 2$'' " ) -/ .-$+/ 2#$# 4*0 ) $(+*-/ $)/* 4*0-  +'*4( )/ /**' *!
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) 6
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
! )%(2&'- ,+")-, '+- 2 ) .+"-2 ' + (+ "'(0,  '-, &.,-  +.' "' "'(0, (0+!%% /+,"(' B6@
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Set-ExcecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
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Iptables on Linux
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Activating the Agent
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
N: # 2$5-2$''*)Z$-(/#/$/2$''/$1/ /# " )/*)/# *(+0/ -)++'4 0-$/4*'$4@$!*) 2.. ' / A:
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Enabling Relay Functionality
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-"%, $/*-2$)*2:
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
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Considerations for Windows 2012 Server Core
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Manually Installing the Deep Security Agent
Installing and Configuring a Relay-enabled Agent
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Install and Activate a Deep Security Agent
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O: *- (%"27. ' /)++-*+-$/ +*'$4:
P: *- (0'%(.+"-2)-,+(&7' 1 /#  !0'/. //$)"@ !0'/ '4-*0+A:
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Enable Relay Functionality on a Deep Security Agent
('%%2.'-"('%"-2(''"',-%%).+"-2 '-6
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing and Configuring a Relay-enabled Agent
Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
Deep Security Requirements
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VMware Requirements
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Add the vCenter to Deep Security Manager
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
Synchronize Deep Security Policies with NSX
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Install the Deep Security service
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Create an NSX Security Policy
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Apply the NSX Security Policy to the NSX Security Group
*0(0./)*2++'4/#  0-$/4*'$4/*/#  0-$/4-*0+*)/$)$)"/# .4*02)//*+-*/ /:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Adding Additional ESXi Servers to Your NSX Cluster After Deep Security
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Apply Deep Security Protection to Your VMs
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VMware NSX Security Tags
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
Anti-Malware NSX Security tags
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Intrusion Prevention NSX Security Tags
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deploying Agentless Protection in an NSX Environment
Installing the Deep Security Notifier
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Copy the Installation Package
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Installing the Deep Security Notifier for Windows
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Notifier
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Deep Security Notifier
Automated Policy Management in NSX Environments
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"NSX Security Group Change" Event-Based Task
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Automated Policy Management in NSX Environments
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Conditions Under Which to Perform Tasks
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Actions Available
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Automated Policy Management in NSX Environments
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Event-Based Tasks Created When Adding a vCenter to Deep Security Manager
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Automated Policy Management in NSX Environments
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Removal of a vCenter from Deep Security Manager
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Automated Policy Management in NSX Environments
Upgrading to Deep Security 9.6 SP1 in an NSX Environment
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Upgrade to Deep Security Manager 9.6 SP1
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Import 9.6 SP1 versions of your Deep Security software
L: )  +  0-$/4 )" -7 "* /* &"'",-+-"(' N )-, N (-0+ N (0'%( '-+: # (0'%( '-+ +" $.+'4.
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Upgrading to Deep Security 9.6 SP1 in an NSX Environment
I6@).+"-2%2,0"%%.) +-().+"-2I6FA%27'% '-,6
O: # )/# .*!/2- #.Z$)$.# *2)'*$)"7"- )# &(-&2$''++ -$)/# &)(+- *'0()!*-/#/+&" :
Upgrade to a version 9.6 SP1 Relay-enabled Agent
Upgrade your 9.5 SP1 Relay-enabled Agent
) .+"-2  '-, ' %2, &.,-  ( -! ,& /+,"(' (+ %,, -!' -! ) .+"-2 ' + "' ., -( &'  "-6 !
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M: $)/# *(+0/ -*)2#$#4*02)//*0+"- /#  '4; )' " )/:
N: $"#/;'$&/#  + 0-$/4 '4)'$& -"(',N) + '-(-0+7
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Upgrade your 9.0 Deep Security Relay
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L: +"-  + 0-$/4)" -/*1 -.$*)T:QL:
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Upgrading to Deep Security 9.6 SP1 in an NSX Environment
M: (+*-/ Agent-platform-9.6.build.zip $)/* + 0-$/4)" -:
N:  /$1/ /#  '4/#/4*02)//*0+"- :
O:  ' / /#  '4!-*( + 0-$/4)" -:
P: )$)./''/#  '4:
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Upgrade your Deep Security Virtual Appliance
*0- + 0-$/4$-/0'++'$) 0. ./# QO;$/ /)/ -+-$. $)03Q" )/.- .*0- !*-0+"- .:
(.) +2(.+"+-.%))%"'6
L: ) /#  +  0-$/4 )" -7 "* /* &"'",-+-"(' N )-, N (-0+ N (0'%( '-+ ) '*/ /# '/ ./ 0$' *! /#
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Upgrade your NSX environment
! 4*0 2)/ /* 0+"- 4*0-  )1$-*)( )/ / /# .( /$( . 4*0-  +  0-$/4 0+"- 7 !*''*2 /# . ./ +.:  ! - /* 4*0- 2-
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P: +"- /# $*.//*Q:K:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Upgrading to Deep Security 9.6 SP1 in an NSX Environment
Upgrading from a pre-9.6 vShield to a 9.6 SP1 NSX Environment
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Upgrade to Deep Security Manager 9.6 SP1
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Import 9.6 SP1 versions of your Deep Security software
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Upgrading from a pre-9.6 vShield to a 9.6 SP1 NSX Environment
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Upgrade to a version 9.6 SP1 Relay-enabled Agent
Upgrade your 9.5 or 9.5 SP1 Relay-enabled Agent
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Upgrade your 9.0 Deep Security Relay
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Upgrading from a pre-9.6 vShield to a 9.6 SP1 NSX Environment
P: /$1/ /# " )/:
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P: )$)./''/#  '4:
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Remove Deep Security 9.5 from the vShield vCenter
L: -"/- -! .,- ,9 ) /#  +  0-$/4 )" -7 "* /* /# *(+0/ -. +" ) . ' / /# +-*/ /  "0 ./ 1$-/0' (#$) .
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N: '$&/# /!"% /
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P: &(/ -! "%-+ +"/+6 ' -! ) .+"-2 ' +4 . ' / # $ #*./ $) /# 1 )/ - 4*0 - "*$)" /* 0+"- 7 -$"#/;'$&
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Upgrade your vShield Manager to the new NSX Manager
' . *).0'/4*0-2- *0( )//$*)!*-1 )/ -0+"- $)./-0/$*).:
Remove the old vShield Manager from Deep Security and add the new NSX
L: ) /#  +  0-$/4 )" -7 "* /* /# (&).-+, .- ) ) -$"#/;'$& /# 1 )/ - ) . ' / +()+-", /* $.+'4 $/.
+()+-", 2$)*2:
M: ) /# 1#$ ' )" - /7 $) /# 1#$ ' )" - - 7 '$& &(/ ' +: #$. 2$'' - (*1 /# 1#$ ' )" - -  )/$'.
@)- /$/' /# /!"%' + //* /!"%9' +:A
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O: '$&  /*'*. /# -*+ -/$ .2$)*2:
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Upgrading from a pre-9.6 vShield to a 9.6 SP1 NSX Environment
Upgrade Your Deep Security Agents
) .+"-2  '-, &.,-  ( -! ,& /+,"(' (+ %,, -!' -! ) .+"-2 ' + "' ., -( &'  -!&6 ! )
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M: $)/# *(+0/ -*)2#$#4*02)//*0+"- /# " )/:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Upgrading from a pre-9.6 vShield to a 9.6 SP1 NSX Environment
Silent Install of Deep Security Manager
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Manager-Linux-<Version>.x64.sh [-q] [-console] [-Dinstall4j.language=<ISO code>] [-varfile
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Sample Properties File
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Silent Install of Deep Security Manager
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Silent Install of Deep Security Manager
Deep Security Manager Settings Properties File
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Required Settings
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Optional Settings
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Manager Settings Properties File
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Manager Settings Properties File
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Sample Properties Files
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Manager Settings Properties File
Installation Output
# !*''*2$)" $. .(+' *0/+0/ !-*( .0 ..!0' $)./''7 !*''*2  4 ) 3(+' *0/+0/ !-*( !$'  $)./'' @$)1'$ '$ ). A: # B--*-C /"
$)/# /- $)$/ .!$'0- :
Successful Install
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+"-  -$Z$/$*)- ). //$)". +/ :::
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$ ). - ). //$)". +/ :::
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*)Z$"0-$)" '4*-)./'':::
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Manager Settings Properties File
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 *-$)")./''/$*):::
' -$)" ..$*).:::
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/-/$)" + 0-$/4)" -:::
Failed Install
#$. 3(+' .#*2./# *0/+0/" ) -/ 2# )/# +-*+ -/$ .Z$' *)/$) )$)1'$'$ ). ./-$)"9
/*++$)"- )$-* + 0-$/4)" - -1$ :::
 / /$)"+- 1$*0.1 -.$*).*!- )$-* + 0-$/4)" -:::
+"-  -$Z$/$*)- ). //$)". +/ :::
/. - ). //$)". +/ :::
/. +/$*).- ). //$)". +/ :::
BC# '$ ). * 4*0#1  )/ - $.$)1'$:
BC$ ). - ). //$)".- % / :::
*''$)"&#)" .:::
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Manager Settings Properties File
Deep Security Manager Memory Usage
Configuring the Installer's Maximum Memory Usage
# $)./'' - $. *)Z$"0-  /* 0. L *! *)/$"0*0. ( (*-4 4  !0'/: ! /# $)./'' - !$'. /* -0) 4*0 ) /-4 *)Z$"0-$)" /# $)./'' - /* 0.
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L: */*/# $- /*-42# - /# $)./'' -$.'*/ :
M: - / ) 2 / 3/ Z$' ''  I)" -;$)*2.;T:Q:3333:3QO:1(*+/$*).I *- I)" -;$)03;T:Q:3333:3QO:1(*+/$*).I7  + )$)"
*)4*0-$)./''/$*)+'/!*-(@2# - I3333I$./# 0$')0( -*!/# $)./'' -A:
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O: 1 /# Z$' )'0)#/# $)./'' -:
Configuring the Deep Security Manager's Maximum Memory Usage
#  + 0-$/4)" - !0'/. //$)"!*-# +( (*-40." $.O:/$.+*..$' /*#)" /#$.. //$)":
(('O" .+-!&(.'-(/"%%-(-!).+"-2' +6
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"'.16 I.(G.:1(*+/$*).I:
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P: *0 ) 1 -$!4 /# ) 2 . //$)" 4 "*$)" /* &"'",-+-"(' N 2,-& '(+&-"(' ) $) /# 4./ (  /$'. - 7 3+) ' +
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Manager Memory Usage
Deep Security Virtual Appliance Memory Usage
For information on minimum recommended Deep Security Virtual Appliance memory allocation based on the number of VMs being
protected, see the Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Best Practice Guide:
#  !0'/ *)Z$"0-/$*) *! /#  $. /* 0. O *! : ! 4*0 3+ / /* )  (*- /#) /#  !0'/ O7 4*0 2$'' )  /* (*$!4 /# H.
*)Z$"0-/$*)4*0-. '!:# - - /2**+/$*).9
? *$!4 /# *)Z$"0-/$*) *! /# $-/0' ++'$) +-$*- /*  $)" $(+*-/  /*  +  0-$/4 )" - ) /# ) /* /# 1 )/ -7
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? *$!4 /# ( (*-4 ''*/$*) *! /# $-/0' ++'$) *) . . 4 . .$. !/ - $/ #.  ) $(+*-/  /* /# 1 )/ - )
 +'*4 .. -1$ *)$:
Configuring the DSVA's Memory Allocation (pre-deployment)
* #)" /#  +  0-$/4 $-/0' ++'$) H.  !0'/ ( (*-4 ''*/$*)7 4*0 (0./ $/ /# ''*/$*) . //$)". $) /# ++'$) H.  Z$'
 !*- $/" /.$(+*-/ /*/# 1 )/ -:
(('O" .+-!&&(+2%%(-"('().+"-2"+-.%))%"')+"(+-()%(2&'--(-!/'-+9
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M: + ) ,/7(/ $)/ 3/ $/*-:
N: $/ /# !*''*2$)" . /$*) /* (*$!4 /#  !0'/ ( (*-4 ''*/$*) *! OKTQ  /* .0$/ 4*0- )1$-*)( )/ @IOKTQI *0-. $) /#-
<rasd:AllocationUnits>byte * 2^20</rasd:AllocationUnits>
<rasd:Description>Memory Size</rasd:Description>
<rasd:ElementName xmlns:rasd="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/
CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData">4096 MB of memory</rasd:ElementName>
<rasd:InstanceID xmlns:rasd="http://schemas.dmtf.org/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/
O: 1 /# *1!Z$' )- /0-)$//*/# 5$++&" :
P: (+*-/ /# $-/0' ++'$) 5$+ +&" /* /#  +  0-$/4 )" - !-*( /# &"'",-+-"(' N )-, (-0+ N (%
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Configuring the DSVA's Memory Allocation (post-deployment)
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Virtual Appliance Memory Usage
L: )4*0-2- 1+# -  '$ )/7-$"#/;'$&*)/# ). ' / (0+N!.-(0'.,-:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Virtual Appliance Memory Usage
Deep Security Manager Performance Features
Performance Profiles
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Low Disk Space Alerts
Low Disk Space on the Database Host
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Low Disk Space on the Manager Host
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*+ -/$)":
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Deep Security Manager Performance Features
Creating an SSL Authentication Certificate
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C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\jre\bin>keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -
keyalg RSA -dname cn=dsmserver
5 -  ", -! (&&(' '& ( -! +-"L"- 2(.+  0"%% ," '6 (& , +*."+ ,)"L" '& -( ," ' -!
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C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\jre\bin>keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -
alias tomcat -file certrequest.csr
T:  ) /# +-+*.,-7,+ /* 4*0-  /* .$"): ) - /0-) 4*0 2$'' " / /2* Z$' .: ) $. I -/$Z$/ - +'4I @!*- 3(+' 7
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C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\jre\bin>keytool -import -alias root -
trustcacerts -file cacert.crt -keystore "C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\
LM: 0)/# !*''*2$)"*(()/*$(+*-//#  -/$Z$/ $)4*0-& 4./*- 9
C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\jre\bin>keytool -import -alias root -
trustcacerts -file cacert.crt
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Creating an SSL Authentication Certificate
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C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\jre\bin>keytool -import -alias tomcat -
file certreply.txt
LO: 0)/# !*''*2$)"*(()/*1$ 2/#  -/$Z$/ #$)$)4*0& 4./*- 9
C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Manager\jre\bin>keytool -list -v
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serviceName= Trend Micro Deep Security Manager
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M: *+4 7$2,-(+ ) ('O" .+-"('7)+()+-", /*/# ) 2'4- / !*' - $.)$2,-(+:
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O: 0)/# !*''*2$)"*(()72#$#2$''- / . '!;.$")  -/$Z$/ 9
opt/dsm/jre/bin# keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -dname cn=dsmserver
5 -  ", -! (&&(' '& ( -! +-"L"- 2(.+  0"%% ," '6 (& , +*."+ ,)"L" '& -( ," ' -!
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7$2,-(+ Z$' 0) - 79+((-9
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Creating an SSL Authentication Certificate
!/# Z$' $.#$ )70. /# !*''*2$)"*(()9 O"'8-2)8"'&A7$2,-(+A8%,
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opt/dsm/jre/bin# keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file certrequest.csr
!4*0. I2-((%.'+( '"3()-"('@8$2% @I70. H8," % H$)./ :
T:  ) /# +-+*.,-7,+ /* 4*0-  /* .$"): ) - /0-) 4*0 2$'' " / /2* Z$' .: ) $. I -/$Z$/ - +'4I ) /# . *) $. /# 
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LK: 0)/# !*''*2$)"*(()/*$(+*-//#  -/$)/*/# 1/-0./ & 4./*- 9
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LN: 0)/# !*''*2$)"*(()/*1$ 2/#  -/$Z$/ #$)$)4*0& 4./*- 9
opt/dsm/jre/bin# keytool -list -v
LO: *+4/# :& 4./*- Z$' !-*(4*0-#*( $- /*-4 /* 9()-9,&9
LP: + )/# ()-9,&9('O" .+-"('7)+()+-", Z$' :/2$'''**&.*( /#$)"'$& 9
keystoreFile= opt/dsm/.keystore
serviceName= Trend Micro Deep Security Manager
LQ:  +' /# +..2*-$)/# !*''*2$)"./-$)"9
2# - I1111A $./# +..2*-4*0.0++'$ $)./ +Z$1
LR: 1 )'*. /# Z$' :
LS:  ./-//#  + 0-$/4)" -. -1$ :
LT: *)) //*/#  + 0-$/4)" -2$/#4*0--*2. -)4*02$'')*/$ /#//# ) 2 -/$Z$/ $..$") 44*0-:
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Creating an SSL Authentication Certificate
Minimum VMware Privileges for DSVA Deployment (NSX)
Account for NSX: admin
Account for vCenter: Administrator of vCenter or a member of vCenter Administrators
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Minimum VMware Privileges for DSVA Deployment (NSX)
Installing a vSphere Distributed Switch
*0.  + 0-$/4$)2- 1$-/0') /2*-& )1$-*)( )/74*0-1 )/ - -1 -(0./ 0.$)"1+# - $./-$0/ 2$/#@1A:
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M: $"#/;'$&*)/# / )/ -). ' / 0/)!+",-+".-0"-! /*$.+'4/# 0",-+".-0"-! 2$5-:
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Q: 2-((&)%-6  ' / .-(&-"%%2+-.%-)(+- +(.)7*)Z$-(4*0-. //$)".7)'$& "'",!:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing a vSphere Distributed Switch
Preparing ESXi servers
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Preparing ESXi servers
Installing the Guest Introspection Service
*+-*/ /4*0-.2$/# + 0-$/474*0(0./$)./''/# 0 ./)/-*.+ /$*). -1$ *)/# '0./ -/#/*)/$).4*0-$. -1 -.:
*$)./''/# 0 ./)/-*.+ /$*). -1$ 9
L: ) 4*0- 1+# - '$ )/7 "* /* /# +/" )%(2&'-, / *) /# (& N -0(+$"' 4 .+"-2 N ',-%%-"(' +" )
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M: %-,+/",4,!.%6  ' / .,-'-+(,)-"('9
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Guest Introspection Service
O: %- ,-(+  ' ' &'- -0(+$6  ' / /# /./*- 7 /# $./-$0/  +*-/ "-*0+ 0.  4 4*0-  '0./ -7 ) 
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing the Guest Introspection Service
Creating NSX Security Groups
*0-- .*0- .(0./ *-")$5 $)/* 0-$/4-*0+ !*- 1+# -  0-$/4*'$4) ..$") /*/# (:
L: ) 4*0- 1+# - '$ )/7 "* /* /# .+"-2 +(.), / *) /# (& N -0(+$"' 4 .+"-2 N +/" (&)(,+ +" )
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-$/ -$# - :
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Creating NSX Security Groups
O: # - - ()4 24. /* $)'0 *- 3'0 *% /. $)   0-$/4 -*0+7 0/ !*- /#$. 3(+' 7 2 2$'' .$(+'4 $)'0 /# 
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P: '$& "'",! /*- / /# ) 2 0-$/4-*0+)- /0-)/*/# .+"-2+(.), //*. /# ) 2'4'$./  0-$/4-*0+9
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Creating NSX Security Groups
Enable Multi-Tenancy
L: ) /#  +  0-$/4 )" -7 "* /* &"'",-+-"(' N 2,-& --"' , N /' ) '$& '% .%-"8''- ( $) /#
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Managing Tenants
) 0'/$; ))/(* $. )' 7 ))/.) ()" !-*(/# ''-, +" /#/)*2++ -.$)/# &"'",-+-"(' . /$*):
Creating Tenants
L: */*/# &"'",-+-"('N''-, +" )'$& 0 /*$.+'4/# 0''- 2$5-:
M: )/ - ))/*0)/( :# *0)/)( ) )4)(  3 +/I-$(-4I2#$#$.- . -1 !*-/# -$(-4 ))/:
N: )/ - ) ($' - ..: # ($' - .. $. - ,0$-  $) *- - /* #1 *)// +*$)/ + - ))/: / $. '.* 0.  !*- /2* *! /# /#-
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O:  ' //# *' :# *'  / -($) ./# ')"0" *!/#  + 0-$/4)" -0. -$)/ -! !*-/#/ ))/:
P:  ' /$( *) :'' ))/;- '/ 1 )/.2$'' .#*2)/*/#  ))/. -.$)/# /$( 5*) *!/#  ))/*0)/:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Enable Multi-Tenancy
R: )/ -. -)( !*-/# Z$-./. -*!/# ) 2 ))/*0)/:
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Examples of messages sent to Tenants
Email Confirmation Link: Account Confirmation Request
Welcome to Deep Security! To begin using your account, click the following confirmation URL. You can
then access the console using your chosen password.
Account Name: AnyCo
Username: admin
Click the following URL to activate your account:
Email Generated Password: Account and Username Notification
Welcome to Deep Security! A new account has been created for you. Your password will be generated and
provided in a separate email.
Account Name: AnyCo
Username: admin
You can access the Deep Security management console using the following URL:
Email Generated Password: Password Notification
This is the automatically generated password for your Deep Security account. Your Account Name,
Username, and a link to access the Deep Security management console will follow in a separate email.
Password: z3IgRUQ0jaFi
Managing Tenants
# ''-, +" @&"'",-+-"('N''-,A$.+'4./# '$./*!'' ))/.: ))/) $))4*!/# !*''*2$)" --,9
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Enable Multi-Tenancy
? +-6 )/# +-*"- ..*! $)"- / 0/)*/4 //$1
? ('O"+&-"(' *."+6 - / 7 0/ /# /$1/$*) '$)& $) /# *)Z$-(/$*) ($' . )/ /* /# ))/ . - #. )*/ 4 /  ) '$& :
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Tenant Properties
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#4+ -'$)&:
Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Enable Multi-Tenancy
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Enable Multi-Tenancy
Agent Activation
# " )/ /$1/$*) / $.+'4. *(();'$) $)./-0/$*): /#/ ) -0) !-*( /# " )/ $)./'' $- /*-4 *! /#$. ))/H. *(+0/ -.
2#$# 2$'' /$1/ /# " )/ *) /# *(+0/ - .* /#/ /# ))/ ) ..$") *'$$ . ) + -!*-( */# - *)Z$"0-/$*) +-* 0- . !-*( /#  +
 0-$/4)" -:
Primary Contact
Relay-enabled Agents
#  +  0-$/4 )" - (0./ #1  .. /* / ' ./ *)  '4; )'  " )/7 ) /#$. $)'0 . /# ))/. $) 0'/$; ))4  +
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The Tenant Account User's View of Deep Security
The Tenant "User experience"
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Enable Multi-Tenancy
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Tenant Diagnostics
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Usage Monitoring
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Enable Multi-Tenancy
Multi-Tenant Dashboard/Reporting
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Enable Multi-Tenancy
Multi-Tenancy (Advanced)
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Supporting Tenants
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Multi-Tenancy (Advanced)
Load Balancers
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Multi-Tenancy (Advanced)
Installing a Database for Deep Security (Multi-Tenancy
Configuring Database User Accounts
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SQL Server
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing a Database for Deep Security (Multi-Tenancy Requirements)
! .$- 7-$"#/.(4 !0-/# -- Z$) /*$)'0 *)'4/# $'$/4/*(*$!4/# .# () ../# /:
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing a Database for Deep Security (Multi-Tenancy Requirements)
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Oracle Database
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing a Database for Deep Security (Multi-Tenancy Requirements)
*- . *)-4 -' /. . -1 -.7 /# Z$-./ 0. - *0)/ @ **/./-+ 0. - *0)/A (0./ - / : #$. 0. - 2$'' #1 ) .. )/$''4
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Installing a Database for Deep Security (Multi-Tenancy Requirements)
Uninstalling Deep Security from your NSX Environment
Delete the Deep Security Service Deployment
( %- -! ) .+"-2 ,+/" )%(2&'-5 $) /# 1+# - '$ )/7 "* /* (& N -0(+$"' ' .+"-2 N ',-%%-"(' N
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Delete All "Deep Security" Security Policies
( %- %% A) .+"-2A .+"-2 (%"",5 "* /* (& N -0(+$"' ' .+"-2 N +/" (&)(,+ N .+"-2 (%"", )
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Remove the vCenter from the Deep Security Manager
( +&(/ -! /'-+ +(& -! ) .+"-2 ' +5 $) /#  +  0-$/4 )" -7 "* /# (&).-+, +" 7 -$"#/;'$& /# 1 )/ - $)
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Uninstalling Deep Security from your NSX Environment
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Deep Security 9.6 SP1 Installation Guide (VMware NSX) Uninstalling Deep Security from your NSX Environment