e-Research: A Journal of e-Research: A Journal of
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Volume 2
Number 1
Vol 2, No 1 (2011)
Article 4
September 2014
Sleep patterns in collegiate dancers Sleep patterns in collegiate dancers
Beth Nicks
Jacque Price
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Sleep Patterns in Collegiate Dancers
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Sleep patterns in collegiate dancers
Jacque Price and Beth Nicks
Key words, concepts, and names: sleep deprivation, collegiate dancers, sleep patterns, weight gain due to lack of
sleep, sleep and injuries, sleep and caffeine intake, sleep and wellness
As college dance majors, the investigators have witnessed firsthand the effects that sleep and the lack thereof can
have on the performance quality of University level dancing. It has been shown that lack of sleep can compromise
nearly every physiological process such as memory, coordination, metabolism, and new learning (Wozny 2008).
Studies on disruptions of the human circadian rhythms have shown that athletes involved in endeavors where
sleep is restricted or totally deprived have severe consequences on behavior and performance. (Edwards 2007).
However, the environment of college dance programs is different than athletics due to there being no off season.
Dancers train up to eighteen hours per week in various technique styles and then rehearse up to 12 hours per
week on top of full academic loads. Sleep many times is overlooked or limited as deadlines and performances are
fast approaching. There has not been substantial research done into the area of dancer sleep patterns and its
affect on the dancer's body.
The investigators expect to discover correlations between sleep and wellness in the college level dancer, while also
highlighting the amount and quality of sleep. Studies have shown that getting an adequate amount of sleep and
having regular sleep patterns allows the body to alternate between REM and non-REM cycling, which is necessary
for the body to be refreshed, restored, reinvigorated, and full of energy perform at the highest level every day
(Grimes 2008). After evaluating the outcome of the study the investigators hope the information will help educate
fellow college dancers about the need to pace, plan, and prepare for the semester requirements in order to
maximize the amount and quality of sleep.
Review of Literature
For most college students sleep is very low on the priority list behind schoolwork, athletics, and social activities.
Most college students are also not aware of the effects that lack of sleep has on them and how important it is to
not only get enough sleep, but have high quality sleep. According to Karlyn Grimes in Sleep Essentials, "sleep is a
necessity, not a luxury, and without it your mental and physical systems cannot operate properly or productively"
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(Grimes 2008). It is important to have an adequate amount of sleep and regular sleep patterns in order for the
body to be refreshed, restored, reinvigorated, and full of energy to perform at the highest level every day. Some
physiological effects caused by lack of sleep that Grimes discusses include restricting hormones released during
sleep that control hunger and appetite, which cause overeating and food cravings high in fat and sugar, weakening
of the immune system, suppression of concentration, creativity, productivity, and patience (which are all very
important for aspiring artists), and even increased risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes (Grimes 2008). These
can all be very detrimental to a college dance major's performance. For students who are trying to be healthy and
fit into the dancer aesthetic, they cannot afford to have increased sugar cravings. Illness can also keep dancers
from performing at their highest level in class and performances. In Sleep Secrets, Nancy Wozny also discusses that
one of sleep's major functions is consolidating short-term memory into long-term memory (Wozny 2008). It is very
important for dancers to be able to pick up choreography quickly and remember it rehearsal after rehearsal. Lack
of sleep can make it difficult for dancers to focus and retain choreography, which also inhibits their performance
There has not been an adequate amount of research done on sleep patterns and the effects of sleep deprivation
on dancers, but according to studies done on athletes and sports performance lack of sleep can have major effects
on circadian rhythms. Irregular sleep-wake cycles and disruptions of the human circadian rhythms can greatly
affect an athlete's performance and behavior. The circadian rhythm is the twenty four hour cycle in the
biochemical, physiological, and behavioral processes of living entities. Reilly Edwards states that "These
disturbances usually occur due to domestic or occupational schedules that do not permit normal sleep quotas,
rapid travel across multiple meridians, and extreme athletic and recreational endeavors where sleep is restricted
or totally deprived" (Edwards 2007). This can also relate to dancer majors who have irregular schedules involving
long days of rehearsal, training, and performances on top of their schoolwork and social activities, which can
disturb their sleeping patterns and result in lack of sleep. In this study the investigators hope to expand upon this
research they have found by studying how lack of sleep can affect dance majors specifically. We hope to find how
sleep patterns can be connected to daily performance level in order to improve the general well-being and
performance quality of university level dancers. Dancer's should be improving their health and taking advantage of
every performance opportunity at the college level in order to prepare them for a professional career, but
according to research lack of sleep can actually be inhibiting their overall health and ability to perform at their
highest level every day.
In order to best collect data for analysis the researchers distributed a performance assessment survey and a one
week sleep log. The sleep log collected data on: hours of sleep; quality of sleep; energy levels in the morning,
midday, and evening; and whether or not naps and/ or a caffeine stimulus were needed to get through the day.
The participants recorded information on a daily basis and returned the log after one week's time. The
performance assessment survey recorded the participants answered to questions regarding: current injuries;
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newly presented injuries; weight fluctuations; sugar and carbohydrate craving levels; level of performance quality
in class and during show; general heath rating; and opinions on the effect of sleep. During the spring and fall
semesters of 2010 research was conducted during four peak performance weeks on 45 Chapman University dance
All participants completed an informed consent reviewed and approved by the IRB. Once the investigators
collected the surveys and logs the information was recorded and compiled. From there the investigators were able
to analyze the data using descriptive statistics to find patterns and correlations between sleep and performance
quality, injury level, weight gain, and overall health and wellness.
Energy levels throughout the day and the overall quality of sleep was assessed on a scale of 1-5. (1= poor or low
and 5= good or high).
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The overall average of the four weeks surveyed was 7.11 hours of sleep per night. The lowest amount of sleep
reported was 0 hours and the highest amount reported was 12 hours. Of those reporting between 0 and 5 hours of
sleep per night 64% resorted to caffeine or an external stimulus to get through the day, and 32% needed to take
naps. The nights of more than 9.1 hours of sleep reported the lowest need for caffeine, external stimuli, and naps;
only around 18%. Generally subjects that showed a fluctuation greater than 3 hours from night to night showed a
greater need for both caffeine and naps. Many subjects who slept inconsistently throughout weekdays tried to
make-up sleep on their weekends. For example, subject 13 slept for only 3 and a quarter hours on Friday night and
then slept for 12 hours on Sunday night. Another example, is subject 6 who slept for 4 hours on Friday night and
then received 12 hours of sleep on Sunday. Interestingly, throughout the four observed weeks, respondents
consistently rated their performance qualities in both class and show to be 3's and 4's; regardless of quantity of
sleep or energy levels marked throughout the day.
Week one consisted of 2 days of technical rehearsals and then 5 performances.
On average respondents received 7.5 hours of sleep per night. 19% of the participants reported new injuries
throughout this week. 44% reported aggravation of old injuries this week. 75% reported an increase in sugar
cravings, which was the most significant increase in sugar cravings from any week observed. The lowest amounts
of sleep across the spectrum of this research occurred on Friday night, a performance night.
Week two consisted of 2 days of technical rehearsals and 5 performances, in addition to academic finals ongoing
throughout the week. On average dancers received about 7.1 hours of sleep per night. This was the only week in
which no new injuries were reported; however, 38% saw an increase in aggravation of old injuries. 46% saw
increased sugar cravings, and 54% saw increased carbohydrate cravings. Dancers who received between 6 and 9
hours of sleep per night consistently throughout the week were less likely to need caffeine or naps. For example
subject 5 consistently received between 6 and 9 hours of sleep; reported no new or old injury flare-ups, no
increased cravings, and no need for caffeine or a nap. Subject 10 consistently received between 6 and 8 hours of
sleep per night and also had no new or old injury flare-ups, no increased sugar cravings, and no need for caffeine
or a nap. On the contrary, dancers who had inconsistency in their sleep patterns were more likely to see adverse
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effects. For example subject 7 ranged from 3 to 8 hours of sleep and frequently reported needing both caffeine
and a nap, experienced aggravation of old injuries and increased sugar and carbohydrate cravings.
Week three was the first of a new academic semester and had two 3 hour evening auditions. Average amount of
sleep per night was 7.375 hours. The nights following auditions reported lower sleep numbers than nights not
following auditions. Nights with low amounts of sleep were often followed by days requiring caffeine, naps, or
both For example subject 20 reported less than 5 hours of sleep four days of the week, the days following these
nights of low sleep required both caffeine and naps.
Week four was the fifth week of the semester, both the technical rehearsal and the performance occurred on
Friday. The average amount of sleep was 6.45 hours, overall this week recorded the lowest sleep numbers for the
entire collection period. This week also seemed to be the most injury prone, 54% had current injuries, 29%
reported new injuries, and 54% reported aggravation of old injuries. This week marked the most significant
amounts of participants becoming sick, 33.3%. Over half the participants, found it more difficult to focus in their
academic classes than normal. The night of the performance reported the lowest overall sleep numbers from the
entire 4 week set. This week appears to have been the most stressful one for participants.
In conclusion, the investigators have discovered that lack of sleep does have an effect on the overall health and
performance quality of university level dance majors. There were positive correlations found between lack of sleep
and caffeine intake, naps taken, and sugar and carbohydrate cravings. Although it was not possible to measure
weight fluctuations within the one week time period of the surveys and sleep logs, these increases in sugar and
carbohydrate cravings may have a connection to weight gain. Dancers need to be in the best possible shape they
can be to perform at their highest level and fit into the aesthetic preferences of their choreographers. Excess
carbohydrates and sugar will not only be stored as fat in dancers bodies, but will also not fuel the dancer's bodies
with the correct nutrients for their level of physical activity. Because body image and eating disorders are an issue
in the dance world the investigators hope to educate their peers on the effect that lack of sleep has on their
weight rather than just the food that they are eating or the amount of exercise they are doing. Recent studies have
also shown that eating sugar can cause inflammation in the body, which increases the risk of injury. In their
research the investigators did find an increase in new injuries, old aggravated injuries, and illness during these high
performance periods, but there is not enough information to infer a definite correlation. During rest is when the
body heals itself, but if the dancers do not get enough rest then their bodies cannot repair itself, which leads to
increased risk of injury and aggravation of old injuries. The investigators also expected to see fluctuations in energy
levels, but there was no significant information found in this area, possibly due to error in self-reported surveys.
The problem with self reported surveys in this study is that dance majors report high performance quality and
energy levels each day because they believe they are performing to the best of their ability, but they don't realize
how much better their performance could be if they were healthier and had better sleep patterns. The
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investigators did see differences between the reports given in the daily sleep log and the survey taken at the end
of the week, in which the dance majors reported low performance quality during the week due to lack of sleep.
With this study the investigators hope to educate fellow dance majors on the effects that lack of sleep can have on
their performance quality and overall health. It is very important for dancers to not only get enough sleep, which
according to studies is about seven to eight hours a night, but have regular sleeping patterns and good quality
sleep. College dance majors are in school to prepare themselves for a professional career, but injuries or weight
gain due to sleep deprivation could greatly affect their chances of ever dancing professionally. The investigators
hope to help college dance majors be aware of the importance of managing their time to best take care of their
bodies and give it the rest that it needs. A dancer's body is their medium in this art form, and their tool to
becoming successful in the industry. To further this study the investigators would be interested in expanding their
research to many different areas, which include the effects of power naps during the day and whether they are
beneficial, the effect that weight gain due to lack of sleep has on a dancer's body image and possible links to
depression, or possibly the effects of travel across time zones on professional dancers in travelling companies.
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