Ilkogretim Online - Elementary Education Online, 2021; Vol 20 (Issue 6): pp. 2432-2440
doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.06.223
2432 Bhaswatee Boruah Impact Of No Detention Policy On Quality
Education Of Elementary Education Of Assam
Impact Of No Detention Policy On Quality Education Of
Elementary Education Of Assam
Bhaswatee Boruah Alumni, Department of Education Dibrugarh University.
Section 16 of the Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009,
stipulates that “No child admitted to a school shall be held back in any class or expelled
from school till the completion of elementary education i.e. up to class VIII”. Many
research found that after the implementation of the No detention policy in many states
the quality of education deteriorated. The objective of this paper is to analyze the
perception of teachers about no detention policy (NDP) on quality education of
elementary education. The study was carried out among teachers of different schools of
Lakhimpur district of Assam, India. Descriptive survey method is used in this study. For
collection of data, researcher used a self structure closed ended questionnaire. Pie
diagram was used to analyze the data. Result shows that maximum teachers are not
happy with no detention policy. According to the teachers NDP decreases the quality in
elementary education.
Keywords: NDP, Quality Education, Students, Teachers.
I. Introduction
The Indian constitution came into force in 1950. By 1960, within a period of ten years,
The Indian constitution proposed to achieve universal elementary education. But the
goal has not yet been achieved, not even present time. Many plan and programmes have
been undertaken to achieve it. Among them, one of the most significant act the Right to
Education Act 2009 was enacted that came into force on 1st April, 2010. The act
introduced a revolutionary system i.e. no detention up to class VIII. It was proposed to
achieve the goal of universalization of elementary education and also decreases the rate
of dropouts. The no pass-fail system increase retention of children in schools. The
policy states that no child can be detained in the same class for consecutive years or
expelled from the class. Irrespective of students’ performance in different examinations
of school, all students promoted automatically to the upper class with or without giving
examination. The policy was designed to reduce school dropout rates and create stress
free environment for students by removing the fear of being detained. Undoubtedly, it
decreases the rate of dropout in elementary education i.e. class I to VIII but the students
face tough challenges when they reach class IX.
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Education Of Elementary Education Of Assam
After the implementation of the No detention policy, in many states, it was felt
that the quality of education deteriorated. Kumar & Ashok [1] found that after
implementation of NDP, a big share of students was not able to read and write a simple
sentence and calculates simple addition and subtraction of arithmetical operations,
especially in rural government schools. Therefore, after passing Class VIII, a high
proportion of students failed in Class IX and X. They also found that because of NDP,
students did not have any incentive or pressure to pass the examination and did not
take the learning activities seriously. They went to school for the mid-day meal and
came back home without any learning. Sabharwal [2] reveals that the policy has
produced quantity of students in schools and deteriorated the quality of students. The
basic concepts arent clear. In fact, they are not suitable for the class they are studying
in. Undoubtedly, students have cleared till class VIII but they face challenges when they
enter class IX. Overall, the outcome of the NDP policy has been worse than expected.
According to Ghosh [3] after implementation of NDP, students’ enrolment has
increased remarkably but the improvement in their academic standard is hardly seen.
Majority of the teachers are of the opinion that the “no pass-fail” system has encouraged
a clear negligence and reluctance of children to study. Ahmad, Behara & Nisa [4] found
that the number of repeating students in class ninth is on the increase. In Delhi ,the
number of failing students as a percentage of total students enrolled in class ninth rose
from2.8% in 2010 to a startling 13.4% in 2014. In Chandigarh 27% of class ninth
students studying in government schools have failed their exams in 2016.
From the reviews it can be say that the policy proposes to ensure quality
education but the real scenario is very different. The review has also revealed that many
studies were conducted on implementation of non detention policy in many states of
India. But no direct study on No detention policy in Assam is available. No studies have
shown a clear picture whether NDP had impacted the quality education of elementary
education of Assam. As per above studies it is still very unclear whether this policy is
good or bad. Thus the paper tries to see the impact of NDP on quality education of
elementary education through the opinion of different teachers of Lakhimpur district of
Aim of the study
The main aim of the study is to see the impact of No detention policy on quality
education of elementary education through teachers’ perception.
Delimitation of the study
The study was limited to see the impact of No detention policy on quality education of
elementary education of Lakhimpur district of Assam only.
II. Methodology
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Education Of Elementary Education Of Assam
Descriptive survey method is used in this study. The study was conducted among
different school teachers in Lakhimpur District of India. The data required for the study
has been collected from the primary sources. The researcher used a self structured
closed ended questionnaire having with five-point Likert scale with responses Strongly
Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree and Strongly Agree. The data were collected from 60
participant teachers. The researcher used simple random sampling method in this
III. Results and Discussion
The demographic details of teachers were collected to know their backgrounds like age,
gender and teaching experiences. The following table explains the demographic
background of the respondents.
Table 1: Demographic profile of the respondents
Divisions of
20 to 40 years
41 to 60 years
Teaching Experiences
12 years and more
Less than 12 years
Source: Field Survey, 2020
Table 1 indicates the demographic profile of the respondents, which shows that the
numbers of respondents are divided in ages, i.e. from 20 to 40 years (45%) and 41 to 60
years (55%). The majority of the respondents are male teacher (58.33%) and 41.67%
respondents are female teacher. The table also shows that 66.67% respondent teachers
had more than 12 years teaching experiences and only 33.33% had less than 12 years
teaching experiences.
Irregularity in attendance due to NDP
With the fear of failing absent in the class, students are not serious anymore towards
their studies. The do not come to school regularly. Sometimes they work outside to
support their family financially and enroll in the school only for the various benefits like
free books, meal, uniforms, scholarships and grants, bicycles etc. Due to the long
absences in classes, teaching learning process is hampered and the students learn
almost nothing.
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Fig 1, Source: Field survey, 2020
From fig 1, 35% respondents agreed that NDP increases irregularity in students’
attendance and 18% respondents found to disagree with that. On the other hand, 14%
respondents were found to be neutral. 18% respondents strongly agreed and 15%
respondents strongly disagreed with this statement. Regarding this statement, total
53% respondents agreed that NDP increases irregularity in students’ attendance where
total 33% respondents disagreed. The result indicates that regarding the statement on
NDP increases irregularity in students’ attendance, most of the respondents (53%)
agreed the statement in comparison to its disagreed respondents (33%).
Difficulty in maintaining discipline due to NDP
The no detention policy has greatly affected the teaching-learning process. Many
students studying in a particular class do not have the required educational
competence, knowledge and skill to understand the lessons properly. Because they have
not studied in the previous classes seriously. Hence they find no interest and motivation
in the class. They disturbed the class and vitiate the atmosphere of the school.
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Fig 2, Source: Field survey, 2020
From fig 2, 40% respondents agreed that NDP creates difficulty in maintaining
discipline in school and 20% respondents found to disagree with that. On the other
hand, 12% respondents were found to be neutral. 11% respondents strongly agreed
and 17% respondents strongly disagreed with this statement. Regarding this statement,
total 51% respondents agreed that NDP creates difficulty in maintaining discipline in
school where total 37% respondents disagreed. The result indicates that regarding the
statement on NDP creates difficulty in maintaining discipline in school most of the
respondents (51%) agreed the statement in comparison to its disagreed respondents
Non-serious attitude of teachers due to NDP
Many teachers developed a non serious attitude due to no detention policy. Like
students, teachers also well aware that whether teachers teach properly or not in the
class does not matter much because all students will promote to the upper classes
automatically. Again many teachers lose their motivation to teach when they realize
that all the students even the one who did not know anything will go to the higher class.
In a class where students have not any desire to study well, the teachers cannot do
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Education Of Elementary Education Of Assam
Fig 3, Source: Field survey, 2020
From fig 3, 15% respondents agreed that NDP develops a non-serious attitude
among teachers regarding teaching and 22% respondents found to disagree with that.
On the other hand, 25% respondents were found to be neutral. 6% respondents
strongly agreed and 32% respondents strongly disagreed with this statement.
Regarding this statement, total 21% respondents agreed that NDP develops a non-
serious attitude among teachers regarding teaching where total 54% respondents
disagreed. The result indicates that regarding the statement on NDP develops a non-
serious attitude among teachers regarding teaching, most of the respondents (54%)
disagreed the statement in comparison to its agreed respondents (21%).
Irresponsible attitude of parents due to NDP
Barring some conscious and educated parents, the no detention policy has been a
welcome one for some parents. They are happy because their children will not be failed
in any class at least to class-VIII without thinking that this would certainly affect the
quality of education. Some irresponsible poor parents are now to engage their children
to household chores. Some parents engage their children in child labor as well. They are
contented as long as their children are enrolled in the school and enjoying the various
student-supporting schemes.
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Fig 4, Source: Field survey, 2020
From fig 4, 30% respondents agreed that NDP develops a irresponsible attitude
among parents and 18% respondents found to disagree with that. On the other hand,
14% respondents were found to be neutral. 28% respondents strongly agreed and 10%
respondents strongly disagree with this statement. Regarding this statement, total 58%
respondents agreed that NDP develops a irresponsible attitude among parents where
total 33% respondents disagreed. The result indicates that regarding the statement on
NDP develops a irresponsible attitude among parents, most of the respondents (58%)
agreed the statement in comparison to its disagreeing respondents (28%).
Casual attitude of students due to NDP
Due to NDP, students developed a lackadaisical attitude towards teaching and learning,
duty and discipline, examinations and school attendance. Students are aware that they
have no risk of detaining which demean the efforts of hard working students. The policy
makes no distinction between efficient and inefficient students.
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Education Of Elementary Education Of Assam
Fig 5, Source: Field survey, 2020
From fig 5, 27% respondents agreed that NDP develops a casual attitude of
students and 17% respondents found to disagree with that. On the other hand, 6%
respondents were found to be neutral. 35% respondents strongly agreed and 15%
respondents strongly disagreed with this statement. Regarding this statement, total
62% respondents agreed that NDP develops a casual attitude of students where total
32% respondents disagreed. The result indicates that regarding the statement on NDP
develops a casual attitude of students, most of the respondents (62%) agreed the
statement in comparison to its disagreed respondents (32%).
IV. Conclusion
On the basis of the above result and discussion, it can be concluded that the No-
Detention Policy aims to achieve universal elementary education. No doubt, it decreases
the rate of dropouts but has certainly affected the quality of Education up to class VIII.
To improve the education system and save the future of the country, some
modifications are required in the policy. Thus the study is to place this issue for
discussion to ensure quality in education and a relook at Non Detention Policy (NDP).
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