Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90
The Sanford Lorraine Cross Award for medical innovaon: Advancing a
rigorous and repeatable method for recognizing translaonal research
leaders who today are bringing emerging transformave innovaons to
Mitchell Horowitz
, Joseph Simkins
2 ¶
, David A. Pearce
TEConomy Partners, LLC, Bethesda, Maryland,
TEConomy Partners, LLC, Dublin, Ohio,
Sanford Health, Sioux Falls,
Pediatrics and Rare
Diseases Group, Sanford Research, Sioux Falls,
Department of Pediatrics, Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota, Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, United States of America
These authors contributed equally to this work
Medical innovation awards stand out as an important means to focus public attention on what matters in
medical advancement. Traditional awards typically focus on celebrating medical innovators with either
a track record of proven successes in new treatments or promising basic science breakthroughs still
years away from reaching patients. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges for medical innovation that is
not suciently addressed by these traditional awards is celebrating translational research eorts on the
cusp of major advancements where medical innovators are demonstrating success in bringing emerging
transformative medical innovations to patients. As a part of its award process, the Sanford Lorraine Cross
Award has developed a unique method to ll this gap in the landscape of medical innovation awards
for ongoing translational research eorts by identifying promising medical innovations within a narrow
spectrum of the research pipeline on the verge of having transformative impact for patients in the near
term. The Sanford Lorraine Cross Award addresses the challenges of identifying emerging transformative
medical innovations making their way through development by deploying a rigorous, analytically-
based “early signals analysis” to identify emerging transformative medical innovations in its selection
process independent of the medical innovators who are succeeding in bringing them forward. It also
stands apart from traditional medical innovation awards in focusing on identifying award candidates that
have signicant roles in bringing the emerging transformative medical innovation across the nish line
to patients, and their eorts in overcoming challenges, forging collaborations, and ensuring a successful
outcome. The data-driven award selection process used for the Lorraine Cross award ultimately inverts
the standard medical award selection paradigm – truly innovative areas of discovery and breakthrough
science are identied independently of candidates and used to then focus candidate selection on the areas
with the most promising transformative potential for patients. This article sets out the details of how the
Sanford Award makes use of leading tools and methods in identifying transformative innovations currently
in translational research to provide another important focus of what matters in medical innovation.
Relevance for Patients: The Sanford Lorraine Cross Award identies the most successful
application of translational research that ultimately expedited the development of a treatment or
cure of a disease.
Journal of Clinical and Translational Research
Journal homepage: http://www.jctres.com/en/home
Article history:
Received: October 07, 2019
Revised: November 21, 2019
Accepted: December 13, 2019
Published online: January 28, 2020
research awards
medical innovation
translational research
*Corresponding author:
David A. Pearce
Sanford Health, 2301 E. 60
St. North, Sioux Falls,
SD 57104, (605) 312-6004, United States.
Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90 81
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
1. Introduction
Medical research awards garner signicant attention and
prestige in recognizing research excellence and contributions
to making a dierence in advancing medical innovation. For
instance, the NIH Almanac touts that “The National Institutes
of Health (NIH) has a long, rich tradition of support for
award-winning, cutting-edge research. Many of the world’s most
distinguished investigators have been honored with medicine’s
top prizes, including the Nobel Prize and awards from the Albert
and Mary Lasker Foundation – ‘America’s Nobels’ – honoring
groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of the human
disease” [1]. This past September, the Journal of the American
Medical Association featured a section on the recipients of the
2019 Lasker Awards [2].
These traditional medical innovation awards either celebrate
those medical researchers and innovators with proven successes
or transformative basic science breakthroughs still years away
from reaching patients. Among the examples of major awards
for proven successes are the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine with an emphasis on “discoveries that have changed
the scientic paradigm and are of great benet for mankind” [3]
and the Lasker Award recognizing “contributions of scientists,
physicians, and public servants who have made major advances in
the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human
disease” [4]. On the other extreme, recent basic science advances
that have not yet advanced to reach patients are the Breakthrough
Prize in Life Sciences focused on “transformative advances toward
understanding living systems and extending human life” [5].
While these traditional medical research awards are a critical
component of celebrating foundational scientic research, there
is not currently a focus on celebrating those medical researchers
and innovators closing the translational research gap for emerging
transformative medical innovations today as opposed to the past or in
a distant future. Advancing current translational research is perhaps
the most pressing challenge of today’s age in medical research in terms
of providing new health-care solutions to patient populations. As the
groundbreaking Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report on the
Challenges and Opportunity on the Critical Path to New Medical
Products (commonly referred to as the Critical Path Report) brought
to public attention that “at a time when basic biomedical knowledge
is increasing exponentially, the gap between bench discovery and
bedside application appears to be expanding” [6].
The need to recognize and incentivize medical researchers
and innovators having success in addressing today’s translational
research challenges calls for a new type of medical innovation
award backed by an analytical process that leverages the holistic
body of highly descriptive but unstructured data on medical
research activities. The importance of translational research
requires a new paradigm that incorporates means to assess the
emerging transformative medical innovations that are making
their way through the development process to reach patients.
A medical innovation award process that embraces the context of
translational research also needs to be able to identify the medical
researchers and innovators making signicant contributions in
advancing these emerging transformative medical innovations
by demonstrating ingenuity, perseverance, and commitment to its
success in reaching patients.
Developing a rigorous and repeatable method for creating an
award for translational research is the vision and focus of the
Sanford Lorraine Cross Award, which celebrated its inaugural
award in emerging transformative medical innovations in
December 2018 and is now preparing for its second award process
for December 2020.
This award is agnostic to individuals at outset. As depicted in
Figure 1, the goal of the award is to identify promising medical
innovations within a narrow spectrum of the research pipeline
on the cusp of having transformative impact for patients and
can benet from concerted research support to reach signicant
treatment milestones in the near term.
Another unique aspect of the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award is
the criteria used to select the award winners. Rather than primarily
focusing on the signicance of the contribution of a researcher or
clinician, the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award is concerned about
the role that the award candidate has played in bringing a new
emerging transformative medical innovation across the nish line
to patients, and their eorts in overcoming challenges, forging
collaborations, and ensuring a successful outcome.
A nal distinguishing aspect of the Sanford Lorrain Cross Award
is the “rigor” it brings in focusing on emerging transformative
medical innovations in its selection process independently of the
pioneers who are succeeding in bringing them forward. In particular,
the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award stands out in the development of
an “early signals analysis,” which applies a data-driven approach
using advanced analytical techniques to capture the vision of the
Sanford Lorraine Cross Award in targeting emerging transformative
medical innovations. As explained in further detail below, the early
signals analysis relies on machine learning approaches to enable
Sanford to cast a wide net across an expansive portfolio of high-
impact translational research activity indicators and identify those
innovations that are on the cusp of realizing transformative impacts
in bringing new treatments to patients.
2. Methods
The early signal analysis functions as the rst step in a four-
step selection process for the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award, as
Figure 1. The unique award focus of the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award.
82 Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
depicted in Figure 2. Once identied by the early signal analysis,
the leading medical innovation areas were further validated and
rened by a panel of scientic experts to help systemically evaluate
the “transformative value” of the innovations. A multi-attribute
survey approach that integrated the assessment by the scientic
experts of each medical innovation area in respect to its
signicance in advancing the state of medical science, improving
clinical practice, driving signicant impacts on patient health,
and addressing broader public health issues was used to help
assess medical innovation areas in an unbiased review process
that considered the full scope of potential transformative impacts.
A multi-day review session was convened with the scientic
experts, who used the multi-attribute assessment as a starting
point for their discussions and guidance on which emerging
medical innovations stood out as transformative and poised to
make a dierence in patient’s lives.
Following the selection of the most promising emerging
transformative medical innovation areas, the focus then shifted to
identifying specic candidates who are advancing science in those
areas and embody the spirit of the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award.
Potential candidates were identied based on peer-reviewed
sources detailing the research history and current status of those
selected emerging transformative medical innovation areas, and
data mining of recent online activity in medical innovation news
and press releases related to those areas. Further, due diligence
was carried out by Sanford Health, including discussions and in-
depth background analysis of candidates to identify the top three
candidates for consideration.
The ultimate selection among the three nal candidates, each
of which was well-qualied, is the responsibility of the Sanford
International Board to ensure the focus on a medical pioneer
who has demonstrated ingenuity, perseverance, and commitment
to bringing an emerging transformative medical innovation to
fruition. The Sanford International Board oers both a strong
patient-orientation along with a passion for supporting the
improvement of the human condition through transformative
medical treatments and care, and brings their expertise and life
experiences as entrepreneurs, health-care leaders, business
executives, and world-class competitive athletes to bear. This
advisory group helps oversee Sanford’s World Clinics, with
current locations in Canada, China, Germany, Ghana, and the U.S.
These Sanford World Clinics provide care to children, families,
and underserved populations along with oering innovative
approaches in areas as primary care services, regenerative
medicine and diabetes, to improve the health and well-being
tailored to the needs of each community it serves, using methods
that surpass current practices of health-care delivery.
2.1. Early signal analysis approach
This rigorous early signals analysis stands in contrast to other
major medical innovation awards, which generally rely on the
subjective vetting of a small set of highly accomplished and
recognized scientic leaders (Table 1) and reects the goal of
bringing forward unheralded pioneers and supporting their eorts
in reaching patients.
The approach of using early signals to identify trends in
innovation is rooted in the scientic literature of how innovations
evolve over time and the “bursts” in innovative activity that typify
emerging innovations. One way of describing trends in innovation
is using the analogy of a cascade, shown visually in Figure 3,
where initial innovative activity seeds ideas for downstream
innovations to then generate subsequent innovations in a cyclical
pattern. In their work on identifying transformative scientic
research, Huang et al. explained that when disruptive innovation
Figure 2. Four-step process to Sanford Lorraine Cross Award.
Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90 83
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
occurs in this cascade of innovative development, it disrupts the
existing paradigm and begins a new innovative cascade of ideas
generated by the disruptive idea [7]. These disruptive ideas are
indicative of the types of innovative leaps the selection process
seeks to identify among the vast body of ongoing research and
scientic discovery activities occurring at any given point in time.
Analyses of this type of disruption rely on the linkages between
ideas, and for this reason, the forward citation patterns, or citing
of past work by future work, of research publications, and patents
are often used to study shifts in patterns that indicate the onset of
a disruptive idea. Other work on identifying and characterizing
high-impact and transformative science metrics also relies on the
idea that transformative ideas will rapidly generate various types
of measurable recognition and forward citation activity as radical
and high-impact ideas disrupt previously established citation
patterns and generate new concepts [5].
The concept of using the patterns related to short-term bursts
of innovation activity that occurs just after a transformative or
disruptive idea is introduced to characterize high impact areas
through forward citation analysis is reected in various ways
using several dierent approaches and metrics through the work
of a number of other researchers, and is particularly applicable to
the biomedical innovation space [8-10].
2.2. Identication of early signal measures
Since the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award is intended to recognize
emerging transformative medical innovations making their way
through development with a clear path to reaching patients, only
signals that occur at the later stages of basic research up until just
before product introduction to market are included to spotlight
developing areas where the award can help propel emerging ideas
to completion.
The identication of early signals consistent with the focus
of the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award requires tracking activities
that take place across translational research. Translational
research is the pathway in which basic research discoveries are
advanced and developed into new innovative medical products to
serve patients, and it reects the critical interface of “bench and
bedside” relationships which drives medical innovations forward.
The U.S. NIH explains that: “Information ow at this interface
is bi-directional, requiring close interaction between clinical
and bench scientists” [11]. Translational research is a complex
continuum across which industry-academic collaborations occurs
with a high degree of bi-directional interaction between basic,
applied, and clinical sciences. A 2015 study by the Tufts Center
for the Study of Drug Development found that nearly 80% of the
most transformative new drug innovations over the past 25 years
resulted from collaborations between industry and academic
research [12].
Table 1. Nominating and selection process of major medical innovation
Other major medical innovation awards use nominating processes and review
committees and panels to select candidates
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine invites over 3,000 persons who hold
positions suggesting they are competent and qualied to nominate candidates
each year, with self-nominations not considered and the list of nominees not
made public for 50 years. The nominees are then reviewed by a committee
of six comprised ve members elected from the 50 member Nobel Assembly
and the secretary of the Nobel Assembly, which can solicit evaluation reports
from experts to prepare evaluation reports of the nominated candidates.
Recommendations are made by the committee to the full Nobel Assembly,
which votes to select the award winner [3]
Lasker awards have an open, online nominating process and then uses dierent
juries of experts to select from the nominees for its dierent awards [4]
Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences uses an open, online nominating process
with self-selection not permitted. Past recipients of the prizes are invited to
serve on the Selection Committee to select recipients of future prizes [5]
Figure 3. Cascading patterns of innovation and “bursts” in activity after introduction of disruptive ideas.
84 Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
The nature of translational research and the many steps
involved in advancing bioscience innovation makes it dicult to
establish a single metric intrinsically tied to its development. The
early signals data sources considered in an analysis of innovative
potential should represent a variety of milestones on the timeline
of translational research as medical innovations go from initial
discovery to market delivery to ensure maximum coverage, as
transformative applications can occur at various points in the
process of developing an initial breakthrough discovery into a
market-ready product.
For this reason, a mix of seven early signals was identied for
the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award to consider, including:
NIH transformative research grants
High impact scholarly activities
High impact patent activities
High potential venture-backed companies
High potential NIH small business innovation research grants
FDA expedited review
Trending social media topics in medical innovation
Table 2 explains the rationale for the inclusion of each early
signal and its limitations.
2.3. Approach to measuring and dening the content of the early
From the scientic literature, a critical way to identify those
high impact innovations reecting a “burst” of activity is through
various measures of forward citation patterns. To the extent
possible, this focus on forward citations patterns as an early signal
of high volume, compressed innovation activity is used to process
signals data (such as for publications and patents). However, this
is not possible for all measures due to limitations in the underlying
data. When forward citations are not available for identifying
high potential innovation activities taking place in specic early
signal measures, then the early signal measure itself is dened in
a manner that reects only highly innovative activities, such as
only selecting innovations going through clinical trials approved
for expedited reviews.
Table 2. Sources of early signals data documenting potentially transformative medical innovations.
Early Signals Data Source 2 Rationale for Inclusion Limitations Current Data Sources
Trends in Online News/
Announcement Activity
Can potentially identify brand new
innovations that have not appeared in
any of the other more formal signal
metrics and do not rely on any review
or publishing process that might induce
bias toward certain types of innovative
No way to attach measures of risk or importance
to innovations that appear in these signals, so
very high uncertainty in the eventual success of
innovations described unless corroborated by
other early signals areas
Web Scraping of Research/
Innovation-Related Posts from
Selected Websites
High Impact Research Publications Publication in peer-reviewed sources
shows legitimacy to value of new
research in medical elds that can identify
promising discoveries in advance of the
commercialization process
Potential bias exists in journal publications
towards less risky/radical innovations that
do not deviate signicantly from the current
scientic consensus
Thomson Reuters/Clarivate
Analytics Web of Science Research
Publications Database
NIH Transformative Research
Can capture promising innovative
concepts in their earlier stages of testing
and validation that are backed by leading
academic and clinical researchers
Not all promising medical technologies will rely
on grant award funding, so this signal may be
biased toward current NIH research agenda and
award trends
NIH RePORT Database
High Impact Patents Can serve as one of the rst public-facing
signals of promising developments in
new technology areas, with detailed
technology proles available documenting
innovative development
Dynamics of patenting trends sometimes make
it dicult to denitively identify specic
patents which had a transformative impact until
many years later
USPTO Database via Thomson
Innovation/Clarivate Analytics
SBIR Awards Can identify very early stage companies
with potentially transformative
technologies just after the proof of
concept stage with some indication of the
commercialization validity of initial ideas
Often is not possible to distinguish the impact of
innovations developed through SBIR awards
US Small Business Administration
SBIR/STTR Awards Database
Early Stage Venture Capital
Early stage backing by private venture
capital sources can serve as an
indicator that startups are based around
technologies that are perceived to have
high potential for market applications
The signicant startup failure rate is usually
built into investment decisions at early stages
so less certainty around the eventual success of
Thomson One Venture Capital
Investment Database
FDA Expedited Review Programs Special designation by FDA expert
reviewers is a clear indicator of the
transformative potential of medical
Can only spotlight innovations just before or at
approval for use on the market, meaning metric
is biased more toward proven technologies and
does not capture riskier upstream research eorts
RePORT: Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools, USPTO: US Patent and Trademark Oce, CDER: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, CDRH: Center for Devices and Radiological
Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90 85
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
Table 3 shows the specic criteria used for each of the early
signal areas. Where forward citation information is available, such
as research publications and patents, citations data detailing the
downstream activity linked to innovations over the past 5 years
were used to identify records in each year, which were outliers in
terms of high forward citations activity that had especially high
potential to be involved in bursts of innovation. Where citation
information was not available, the early signals data included
were based on selection criteria that targeted characteristics or
programs that indicate a particular focus on transformative impacts
or emphasize translational research outcomes demonstrating
progress toward a path to market.
Once ltered, the unstructured text content present in the early
signals data describing the applications of each innovation is
pooled for further analysis of the innovative technology platform
themes present across the breadth of the various early signals
measures. This unstructured text data takes the form of descriptive
metadata attached to each record documenting an innovation and
includes information such as patent and publication abstracts,
grant award descriptions, early stage company descriptions, and
social media posts describing innovative discoveries. The various
early signals records are pooled without any weighting attached to
individual records since later steps in the early signals validation
process incorporate subject matter expert judgment and feedback
in weighting the validity of dierent concepts. The complete
process of selecting, ltering, and combining the early signals
data for use in subsequent analysis phases (Figure 4).
2.4. Methodology for early signals clustering and validation
There are a wide variety of dierent quantitative approaches
that are possible for analyzing the thematic makeup of early
signals data, each of them with advantages and limitations.
A comprehensive review by Cozzens et al. of quantitative
methodologies for identifying emerging technologies indicates
that the two most commonly used types of analysis for
characterizing the information structure of data rely on patterns
formed by either keywords or citations [13]. The methodology
used here for identifying potentially transformative innovations
through a signals analysis approach represents a hybrid of these
two approaches that attempts to rst narrow the eld of potential
innovations to those that display high potential for generating
transformative innovation and then categorizes the descriptive
text content of the records documenting those innovations into
innovation theme areas that can be evaluated by scientic experts
to determine their value.
To analyze the overarching themes present in the rened pool
of early signals innovation data, a machine learning technique
known as unsupervised latent topic modeling analysis is used to
build out “vocabularies” based on the unstructured text content
and then use them to identify distinct topics present across the data
present in the descriptions. A text processing algorithm is used to
clean the text data and then identify frequently appearing terms
and multiword phrases through techniques such as word stemming
Table 3. Key selection criteria used to lter early signals data sources for innovations with high transformative potential.
Early signals data source Key selection criteria
Trends in Online News/Announcement Activity Include only web surveillance on innovation from set of biomedical-focused science and technology blogs and social
media accounts with track record of recognizing innovative discoveries as selected by Sanford and other medical experts
High Impact Research Publications Include articles from key journal set that has record of publishing research related to medical innovation, as
identied by journal index measures
Identify articles in key journals over past 5 years which have within-journal, within-year forward citation levels
three standard deviations or higher above-average levels
NIH Transformative Research Awards Only include research project awards (R01 equivalents, cooperative agreements, and other project grants) over the
past 5 years
Only consider grants funded through Oce of the Director/Oce of Strategic Coordination, which is key source for
NIH transformative research awards, NIH Common Fund research areas (cross-center collaborative research in high
priority areas), and other high priority/expedited research funding sources
High Impact Patents Identify provisional patent applications over the past 5 years in patent classes that are focused around biomedical
technologies using detailed patent class denitions related to diagnostic, therapeutic, and medical device applications
Identify patents which have within-detailed patent class, within-year forward citation levels three standard deviations
or higher above-average levels
SBIR Awards • Include only Phase 2 awards that demonstrate progress on validating concepts which received initial Phase 1 awards
Only consider awards from NIH in major disease areas to limit the scope of company applications to potentially
transformative biomedical areas
Early Stage Venture Capital Investment • Only consider companies in biomedical and biotech industry classications
Identify companies receiving greater than $10M in funding in early rounds (seed/early stage) over the past 5 years as
an indicator of high transformative potential
FDA Expedited Review Programs Approvals data from key fast track and innovation programs at CDRH and CDER over the past 5 years:
• CDER New Molecular Entity/New Therapeutic Biologic Designation
• CDER Breakthrough Therapy Designation
• CDER Accelerated Approval Designation
• CDRH Device Pre-Market Approval Expedited Review
86 Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
and stop-word removal which are commonly used in natural
language processing methods, which turn text content into data for
analysis. Once key terms are identied for each record, weighted
term frequency methods are used to assess the importance of each
term or keyword phrase in describing the content held within an
individual text record. The key terms identied for each body
of unstructured text are then used as inputs to an unsupervised
clustering technique known as latent topic modeling to identify
key underlying concepts present in the text data based on the
process of building out “vocabularies” of terms that are identied
by the algorithm and evaluating their presence across the data. As
opposed to more basic clustering algorithms which evaluate text
content at the overall record level and then assign a unique theme to
a data record, latent topic modeling estimates the mixture of topics
present in an individual record to better approximate the structure
of real-life text content which often contains multiple themes
within a single record. In addition to identifying the underlying
topic structure present across the body of text data, the algorithm
also enables calculation of a measure of similarity, or “distance,”
between dierent text records documenting innovations so that all
records in the rened pool of early signals data can be compared
to one another to identify records that contain similar ideas and
concepts. The steps for processing the early signals data for the next
stage of review by scientic expert panels are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 4. Selection process for initial pool of candidate transformative medical innovations.
Figure 5. Process for thematic clustering analysis of rened pool of medical innovations from early signals data.
Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90 87
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
Even after identication of an initial set of topic clusters by the
clustering algorithm, it is still necessary to evaluate the cluster
groupings to determine cohesiveness and critical mass around a
single relevant subject based on analysis of key terms appearing
in cluster records. These validation steps lter out clusters that
are not focused or are not relevant to the innovation areas that the
Sanford Lorraine Cross Award process is designed to target.
A total of 20,290 records were generated from the sources
for the early signal analysis. This included 9218 records from
standardized databases that document more formal stages of
innovation involving: Publications, NIH grants, patents, early
stage venture capital, SBIR Phase 2 awards, and FDA special
approvals. Another 11,072 records came from web surveillance
data across medical innovation and research news aggregators
that oer insights on informally recognized areas of medical
innovation that has new and exciting developments.
The latent topic model identied approximately 100 underlying
topics present in the body of early signals data. These initial
topics were then interpreted through expert review validation and
categorized as relevant or “artifact” topics based on how highly
focused their themes were on biomedical innovation topics versus
other subjects. This step identied 72 highly focused biomedical
innovation topics for review by Sanford stakeholders to assess
their relevance to the specic vision of the Lorraine Cross Award
with respect to the maturity and ongoing research activity in
the innovation area. From this grouping, a total of 57 medical
innovation topics from the text records were identied and then
underwent subsequent review steps with a group of internal
Sanford scientic experts who identied a nal set of 14 medical
innovations to consider in the validation exercise with the external
scientic expert panel.
2.5. Engaging scientic experts to nalize the identication of
emerging transformative medical innovations
In selecting among potential emerging medical innovations for
those that stand out as having the highest transformative potential,
there is no substitute for the inclusion of expert judgment in
evaluating the transformative potential of medical innovation.
As Huang et al. note in their work outlining processes by which
transformative research can be identied that there are many
cultural and cognitive biases that can need to be considered.
Further complicating the identication of medical innovations is
a wide range of dierent attributes to innovations that must be
considered and weighed, such as potential for impacts on scientic
discovery, patients, clinical practice, and public health.
There is an existing literature on retrospective analyses of
transformative innovations in the medical space, which includes
a variety of techniques that utilize subject matter experts to either
critique or rank order sets of medical innovations based on present-
day recognition of the innovative value of a set of innovations. For
example, Kesselheim et al. [14] use a method of repeated surveys
(known as a Delphi survey protocol) of a large group of physicians
to distill a listing of the top transformative drugs of the past
25 years, while Fuchs and Sox [15] ask a group of physicians to
rank a group of 30 major medical innovations using their implied
relative importance to treatment of patients. Both of these examples
highlight the importance of accurately capturing tradeos in key
benets of medical innovations across a variety of potential disease
areas and applications as well as utilizing methods to account for
the biases of respondents in reaching a consensus among expert
respondents on the transformative value of dierent innovations.
For the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award, the dierence from
retrospective studies is providing a rigorous approach to
conducting the due diligence on emerging innovations identied
through the early signals analysis that accounts for the role
of uncertainty and the implied preferences of respondents in
a forward-looking way. One way to do this is to use a decision
theory framework known as multi-attribute utility modeling to
capture expert opinions across the various dening characteristics
of a particular innovation. Utility modeling techniques are used
to assign preference rankings to choices across a set of uncertain
outcomes, in this case, represented by the uncertain outcome of
the ultimate future transformative impact for a group of candidate
medical innovation applications areas.
Table 4. Attributes of transformative medical innovations used to evaluate candidate innovation areas in the selection process.
Impact area Attributes of transformative medical innovations
Displays novel mechanism of action or radically original approach to treatment
Has the high potential to create downstream innovation and follow-on discoveries
Displays a breadth of potential applications across multiple disease areas
Clinical practice Allows clinicians to provide signicantly improved diagnostic insights for patients
Has signicant potential to improve clinical eciency or delivery of treatment
Has signicant potential to impact the practice eld and treatment guidelines in one or more disease areas
Patient health Displays improvement in treatment ecacy versus current practices
Has signicant potential to improve individual morbidity burden and patient quality of life or empower greater patient knowledge about their condition
Has signicant potential to reduce side eects or improve the safety of treatment
Public health Has signicant potential to impact a disease area with signicant incidence rate and large aected population
Has signicant potential to reduce the indirect costs and burdens of disease on society
Has a high potential impact on at-risk or underserved patient populations
Has a high likelihood of being easily adopted and integrated into existing health care delivery systems
88 Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
Multi-attribute modeling relies on two key pieces of information
gathered from a survey process and a utility function to determine
the “utility” of each medical innovation in the eyes of scientic
expert evaluators with respect to its ability to cause transformative
impacts. The information provided by expert survey respondents
is comprised attributes or descriptive properties or characteristics
of medical innovations that are measured or scored, and
weights, or the importance of each attribute to the respondent in
determining the transformative potential of a medical innovation.
The combination of attribute scores and weights using a utility
function produces a measure of the transformative potential of a
given medical innovation, which can then be used to comparatively
rank medical innovations on a consistent basis to determine the
top candidate innovation areas to consider in identifying candidate
inventors for award consideration. For this analysis, the utility
function used to combine attributes and weights takes the form of
a simple weighted average:
U wA
U = the overall utility measure for a particular candidate medical
n = the number of attributes used to describe medical innovations
w = the importance weights of dierent attributes
A = the scores for dierent attributes
While other utility function forms are possible, this particular
form of multi-attribute analysis is commonly used across a variety
of technology areas to assess the market potential for products
and services.
A review of the literature describing the proles of the past
transformative medical innovations was used to outline a set of
attributes describing a set of characteristics of transformative
medical innovations. Attributes were identied within the context
of four broad areas that describe the transformative impact of
innovations on applications of medical science and rened with
guidance from a scientic expert group composed of Sanford
researchers and clinicians to validate their eectiveness in
capturing the dimensions of what it means to have transformative
eects. The nal listing of broad impact areas that contain detailed
attributes across which survey respondents were asked to evaluate
candidate medical innovations is shown in Table 4.
An accomplished and broad-based panel of scientic leaders
was organized by Sanford Health to participate in the multi-
attribute survey process and came together as a group to consider
the results and to help guide the focus of what emerging medical
innovation areas held the highest transformative potential from
which to consider candidates. The members of the Sanford
Lorraine Cross Scientic Advisory Board are shown in Table 5.
Since transformative medical innovations identied in early
signals data do not necessarily yet have a track record of creating
impacts, the attribute evaluations relied on the expert judgment
of transformative potential through relative scoring rather than
measured outcomes criteria. A survey instrument was created and
Table 5. Members of the Sanford Lorraine Cross Scientic Advisory
Mark A. Atkinson, Ph.D., University of Florida, Jerey Keene Family
Professor, Departments of Pathology and Pediatrics; American Diabetes
Association Eminent Scholar for Diabetes Research
Michelle L. Baack, M.D., Sanford Health, Boekelheide NICU, Neonatologist;
University of South Dakota-Sanford School of Medicine, Department of
Pediatrics, Division of Neonatology, Associate Professor of Pediatrics;
Physician-Scientist, Environmental Inuences on Health and Disease Group
Kym M. Boycott, M.D., Ph.D., Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario,
Clinical Geneticist; CHEO Research Institute, Senior Scientist and Investigator;
University of Ottawa, Department of Pediatrics, Associate Professor
Marilyn K. Glassberg Csete, M.D., University of Miami, Professor of
Medicine, Surgery, and Pediatrics; Interstitial Lung Disease Program, Director;
Pulmonary Diseases at Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute, Director; Vice-
Chairman of Medicine for Diversity and Innovation
Deborah J. Fowell, Ph.D., University of Rochester Medical Center, Dean’s
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Alison G. Freifeld, M.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center, Professor,
Internal Medicine Division of Infectious Disease
William J. Pearce, Ph.D., Loma Lida University School of Medicine,
Professor of Physiology; Center for Perinatal Biology, Associate Director
Susan R. Rheingold, M.D., Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Perelman
School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Medical Director of the
Outpatient Oncology Program, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
David A. Sinclair Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, Professor, Department of
Genetics; Co-Director of Paul F. Green Center for Biological Mechanisms of
Clive N. Svendsen, Ph.D., Cedars-Sinai, Kerry and Simone Vickar Family
Foundation Distinguished Chair in Regenerative Medicine, Regenerative
Medicine Institute; Professor in Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Joshua Wynne, M.D. MBA, MPH, University of North Dakota School of
Medicine and Health Sciences, Dean, and Vice President for Health Aairs
tested to validate this approach using the following process in two
sequential steps:
Scientic experts were rst asked to weight their preferences
toward the attributes shown above with respect to their relative
importance in determining the transformative potential of any
new medical innovation in the marketplace. To accomplish
this, a “budgeting” survey design was used to elicit implied
preferences for the importance of certain areas through
having respondents assign point values across the entire
set of attributes shown above from a limited budget of total
points. For this evaluation, a 100-point budget across the 13
attributes was used to determine importance weightings.
Scientic experts were then asked to review a rened list of
medical innovations identied from the early signals analysis
using a Likert scale survey design to elicit measures for how
they viewed the potential transformative impact of a given
innovation in each attribute area. This took the form of a
0-5 rating system, where a score of 0 represents a predicted
outcome of no transformative change relative to the current
state of medical science and treatment, a score of 1 indicates
a very insignicant transformative impact relative to current
conditions in medical science and treatment, and a score of
5 indicates a very signicant transformative impact relative
to current conditions in medical science and treatment. In
the survey, respondents are given the opportunity to include
Horowitz et al. | Journal of Clinical and Translational Research 2019; 5(2): 80-90 89
Distributed under creative commons license 4.0 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18053/jctres.05.201902.004
any additional attribute areas they feel are important to
transformative impact in the medical space that is not present
in the evaluation set provided as well as the opportunity to
score the medical innovations along with those attributes.
The results from the assessment of the early signal analysis
by the Scientic Advisory Committee on which of the emerging
medical innovations held the highest potential for transformative
impacts set the stage for considering candidates for the Sanford
Lorraine Cross Award. In doing so, we now have an award
focused on the key issues of our time – celebrating transformative
medical innovations of today and the researchers and clinicians
playing a key role in overcoming scientic challenges, forging
collaborations and ensuring that the emerging transformative
medical innovation crosses the nish line to improving the lives
of patients.
3. Conclusions
To address the need for a new type of medical innovation
award that celebrates those medical researchers and innovators
demonstrating the determination and success in advancing
translational research for emerging transformative medical
innovations, the Sanford Lorraine Cross Award has developed
a unique data-driven methodology that inverts the traditional
medical award selection paradigm – truly innovative areas of
discovery and breakthrough science are identied independently
of candidates and used to then focus candidate selection on
the areas with the most promising transformative potential for
patients. This unique approach allows identication of medical
innovations on the cusp of achieving breakthrough outcomes for
patients and allows the award to target individuals leading those
emerging transformative development eorts.
For the inaugural award process, a robust set of dierent medical
innovation areas were identied that are actively contributing to
cutting edge science across a variety of medical disciplines. The
area of emerging transformative medical innovation ultimately
selected for the inaugural award from this grouping that had
the highest potential for near term breakthroughs was centered
around gene therapy applications. Alongside key advancements
in the development of modied viral delivery vectors such as
tailored adeno-associated viruses, recent activity in this space
has addressed issues with the delivery of fragile DNA molecules
without degradation or potentially dangerous immune responses.
The pioneering innovators identied within this space leading
activities that are having clinical impacts today that was considered
as nalists for the Lorraine Cross award were as follows:
Jean Bennett, M.D., Ph.D., and Katherine A. High, M.D.,
whose work with the RPE65 mutation has reversed an inherited
form of blindness. Bennett and High pioneered gene therapy,
took it to clinical trials, and then received FDA-approval for
the treatment, the rst FDA approval of a gene therapy for a
genetic disease. High also cofounded Spark Therapeutics, a
fully integrated, commercial gene therapy company working
to accelerate the timeline for bringing new gene therapies
to market. Bennett is a professor of ophthalmology at the
University of Pennsylvania, and high is president and head of
research and development at Spark Therapeutics.
Brian Kaspar, Ph.D., whose lab discovered a gene
replacement therapy approach that seeks to change the
course of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) by addressing its
genetic cause. SMA is a devastating disease that robs babies
of basic muscle functions, like breathing and swallowing, and
in its most severe form (Type 1), usually leads to death by
age 2 years. An initial clinical trial using the AAV9 vector to
treat SMA Type 1 demonstrated a dramatic survival benet
and rapid improvement in motor milestones. Kaspar is the
scientic founder and chief scientic ocer of AveXis, a gene
therapy company that was acquired by Novartis in 2018.
James M. Wilson, M.D., Ph.D., whose work helped dene the
scientic and ethical standards for advancing gene therapies
through FDA-approved clinical trials. He is the director of
the Gene Therapy Program, the Rose H. Weiss Professor and
Director of the Orphan Disease Center, and a professor of
Medicine and Pediatrics in the Perelman School of Medicine
at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2008, Wilson and the
University of Pennsylvania cofounded REGENXBIO, Inc.,
a clinical-stage biotech company designing gene therapy
After intensive consultation, the winner selected by the Sanford
International Board of the rst Sanford Lorraine Cross Award
was Jean Bennett and Katherine High. The inaugural winner
and other nalists exemplify the criteria outlined in the vision of
the award and help to validate the methodology used to identify
areas of innovation activity that is well-positioned within the
translational research pipeline to have signicant near-term
patient impacts.
Additional areas of potentially transformative medical
innovation identied by the early signals process will be monitored
for ongoing developments and can be included alongside an
updated set of early signals data at later times to re-evaluate
transformative potential relative to future activities. In addition
to allowing the most relevant areas and individuals to be selected
dynamically as research focuses and the state of medical science
changes, this approach helps control for any bias toward certain
areas of established science over time within the selection process.
The authors would like to thank Sarah E. Hague and Dr. Chun-
Hung Chan for their assistance in preparing this manuscript. The
inspiration for this award came from Kelby K. Krabbenhoft.
Disclosure Statement
The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest for
this work with any funding body or commercial entity.
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